Rules for dating a Daughter of the King.

I don’t recall what I was searching for, but the other day I stumbled upon a reproduction of Rules for Dating a Drill Instructor’s Daughter at The Gospel Coalition: Daddy’s Rules for Dating His Daughters.

How long should you date a Daughter of the King?  Until she’s done with you!

Rule Six:

I have no doubt you are a popular fellow, with many opportunities to date other girls. This is fine with me as long as it is okay with my daughter. Otherwise, once you have gone out with my little girl, you will continue to date no one but her until she is finished with you. If you make her cry, I will make you cry.

And remember, the cartoonish face in the window is his:

Rule Ten:

Be afraid. Be very afraid. It takes very little for me to mistake the sound of your car in the driveway for a chopper coming in over a rice paddy near Hanoi. When my Agent Orange starts acting up, the voices in my head frequently tell me to clean the guns as I wait for you to bring my daughter home. As soon as you pull into the driveways you should exit the car with both hands in plain sight. Speak the perimeter password, announce in a clear voice that you have brought my daughter home safely and early, then return to your car – there is no need for you to come inside. The camouflaged face at the window is mine.

See Also:

This entry was posted in Cartoonish Chivalry, Complementarian, The Gospel Coalition, Turning a blind eye. Bookmark the permalink.

217 Responses to Rules for dating a Daughter of the King.

  1. The Question says:

    “Otherwise, once you have gone out with my little girl, you will continue to date no one but her until she is finished with you.”

    I’m not sure what he means by “gone out,” but if it means you’ve merely taken them out on a date, this line explains a lot of the problems in the Christian community when it comes to dating. It’s almost as bad if he meant “in an exclusive relationship,” because he’s saying you can’t break it off with her.

    This is why a lot of Christian men are reluctant to ask the girls out on a date.

  2. Lex et iustitia says:

    Lol. Gospel coalition nonsense. None of them would have the balls to actually threaten harm, or do it, to anyone courting their girls. This is betacuck fantasy where they pretend to be men.

    Also, it’s nonsense, because 1- women do not lead the relationship. Or set its terms. The father does. The father should take an active role in vetting suitors, etc.

    Did the father did half his job, there is no need to threaten a man. And if the father is threatened by the man, why is he allowing him to go alone with his daughter?

  3. Pingback: Rules for dating a Daughter of the King. | @the_arv

  4. earl says:

    ‘Rules for dating a Daughter of the Delusional Tyrant


  5. earl says:

    This is betacuck fantasy where they pretend to be men.

    Yes instead of actually being a father to his daughter…he’s trying to be AMOG with her dates. It’s kind of creepy actually. Does he want to date her or something?

  6. Scott says:


  7. Wayne says:

    And who is watching out for the sons who take the risks of serious dating with intentions of marriage, in this Feminazi age?

  8. Damn Crackers says:

    These shotgun wedding father wannabes are as absurd as men fantasizing about stoning the adulterous woman. They are also the same men who send them off to all-women’s colleges and Spring Break.

  9. Boxer says:

    Yes instead of actually being a father to his daughter…he’s trying to be AMOG with her dates. It’s kind of creepy actually. Does he want to date her or something?

    It’s a version of the Freud/Jung electra complex, where the father and daughter enter protected, intimate, emotional space.* Most fathers are driven to this by being severely neglected by their wives, by the way.

    It’s unhealthy all around. Psychoanalytic literature is replete with examples.



    *Note that the electra complex precludes actual, physical sex between father and daughter. The libidinal urges which are rechanneled from husband/wife to father/daughter are entirely sublimated. This doesn’t mean it’s really any better or healthier than if father and daughter had sex, it’s just a different variety of neurotic dysfunction at play.

  10. thedeti says:

    These are supposed to be funny. We’re all supposed to laugh and go haw haw haw, look at the silly, overprotective but obviously not serious about it, father. He’s just kiddin ya. It ain’t no big thing.

    But there’s a huge element of seriousness and “truth” to it. This sets out the largely unspoken attitude of many fathers in the 1980 and 90s when I was dating, as well as the women I dated, and fathers now.

    Women can do no wrong. Girls are pure as the driven snow. Men and boys are evil, their sex drives are evil and criminal, and we have to control and restrain them. We don’t ever have to control or restrain girls, because we all know girls don’t do anything wrong. Girls and women don’t lie, they don’t sin, and they don’t have sex before marriage unless bad boys or bad, immoral men trick them into it.

    It was also an unwritten rule, drilled into my head, that I was to be an open book to any girl who took an interest in me. I was required to be 100% honest and above board to any girl I interacted with. During a first date or “hangout”, I was required to disclose my dating history and whether I was dating anyone else. If a girl went on a date with me, I was required to not date anyone else and to immediately stop any interest in anyone else.

    If I wouldn’t talk about my past or present history, I was dropped like a hot potato. If I said “this is a first date and I might or might not be dating other women”, the date was over, IMMEDIATELY. I was interrogated mercilessly more than once about my past, ON FIRST DATES. I was told “I am not going to date you if you’re dating other girls”, over and over again.

    The converse was not true – I was not permitted to ask her anything about her past or to demand that she not date other men. I was sharply, severely discouraged from questioning anything about a girl. I was chastised and severely reprimanded for having any standards for her or her conduct toward me. I was told point blank that any expectations of a girl were sexist and mean and presumptuous, and that I wasn’t to have any. I was to be grateful that any such creature deigned to be seen in public with me.

    I suppose this might have been a function of my own attractiveness level and the AIDS crisis of the mid to late 80s. But that was the attitude of a lot of women in the Midwest and the small university I attended.

  11. squid_hunt says:


    Lol. Gospel coalition nonsense. None of them would have the balls to actually threaten harm, or do it, to anyone courting their girls. This is betacuck fantasy where they pretend to be men.

    Most of the preachers I’ve seen like to do the womanly thing and get up in the pulpit where it’s safe and make half-veiled allusions and accusations of inappropriate behavior out of dogs…

  12. BJ says:

    Are we really surprised? Thabiti Anyabwile has totally discredited himself as a full on cultural Marxist. He is not even worth reading, except where he still has strong ties to TGC.

    Here is the money quote.

    “My white neighbors and Christian brethren can start by at least saying their parents and grandparents and this country are complicit in murdering a man who only preached love and justice.”

  13. thedeti says:


    I read the article. Translation:

    I’m not really saying that all white people killed King, but yes, I really am saying that. I’m just going to take 10 paragraphs to dance around the issue and not say what I really want to say and what I am dogwhistling here, which is: All white people are coconspirators before and after the fact in King’s murder. I’m waiting for white people to grovel to me and beg my forgiveness for murdering Martin Luther King.

  14. SnapperTrx says:

    “You are expendable. You will always be expendable. Even if you marry my daughter and she totally screws you over, you will be the expendable party. You are accepted into our family so long as my daughter accepts you, but once you have outlived your usefulness to her you will be ostracized, derided and forgotten. Now man up and marry her.”

  15. earl says:

    Women in this society don’t scare me…it’s these legions of white knights from comical fathers to the state/courts who want to make up for their lack of masculinity by taking other men down.

  16. Jason says:

    Why would anybody want to date a woman who has a PTSD addled, armed, and potentially psychotic father who is breathing thinly veiled death threats at them? I’d be like “call me back after you get your own apartment”.

  17. feeriker says:

    “My white neighbors and Christian brethren can start by at least saying their parents and grandparents and this country are complicit in murdering a man who only preached love and justice.”

    If he’s referring to Mr. Michael Luther King, Jr., then he either knows nothing about the man and what a lecherous, deceitful fraud he was, or, more lkely, he’s lying through his teeth. Either way, he comes across as a dishonest, racist fraud himself.

  18. feeriker says:

    Why would anybody want to date a woman who has a PTSD addled, armed, and potentially psychotic father who is breathing thinly veiled death threats at them?

    I’d be tempted to do it once just to call the dickhead’s bluff and prove what a loudmouthed, empty bitch he is.

  19. earl says:

    Why would anybody want to date a woman who has a PTSD addled, armed, and potentially psychotic father who is breathing thinly veiled death threats at them?

    Especially if she’s daddy’s little princess…she’s bound to pick up some of those traits.

  20. patriarchal landmine says:

    no girl, I will not be meeting your dad. put on your big girl panties and suck it up.

  21. Anon says:

    Part of the reason arranged marriage systems worked in the old days was because the system nullified the cartoonish father.

  22. Anon says:

    Why would anybody want to date a woman who has a PTSD addled, armed, and potentially psychotic father who is breathing thinly veiled death threats at them?

    The Onion should do a tremendous article about how “father’s 20-year campaign to ensure daughter never leaves him is a success”, or something to that effect.

    I mean, the Onion already did an article titled “Woman’s fear of getting pregnant swiftly replaced by fear of not getting pregnant”.

    The same cartoonish father will start behaving like Tom/Asdgamer when his daughter is over 30 and he thinks he can coerce/threaten/shame men into marrying them.

  23. bruce says:

    Most Vietnam vets I know are in their 70’s. How old is the dating daughter supposed to be?

  24. opus vitae says:

    On a related note, how does one respond to this IRL? My initial thought is to calmly explain that this display is emasculating to the suitor, insults his intelligence, and casts aspersions on his character, but that does not seem useful when dealing with one of these types. Alternatively, one could reframe it to insulting the daughter: questions her judgment, brains, and method of being raised. Anyway, the opinions of wiser men would be appreciated.

  25. Joe says:

    I have a 24 year old daughter that is beautiful, tall, talented and funny. She’s never been asked out. She says that she’s fine with it and doesn’t care.
    Honestly, what a prize she would be for the right guy.

    But it seems these days that boy-girl relationships are discouraged in the Church as something that should not be paid attention to, and that there are better things to be doing.

    It’s like… if you seek out relationships of the opposite sex, then you are shallow and selfish and don’t want to serve God. Sometimes it’s subtle, but I’ve seen how opposite sex relationships are sort of frowned upon in many Churches.

    Score another one for feminism lite.

  26. Joe says:

    I want to add… my wife’s dad died when she was 9 in an accident. I never got to experience a relationship with wife’s dad.
    I wonder sometimes what I missed out on.

  27. Darwinian Arminian says:

    This is why a lot of Christian men are reluctant to ask the girls out on a date.

    And the wonderful irony there is that Church, Inc. will pound the young men who are guilty of that “sin” almost as mercilessly as they do the ones who had the audacity to initiate a romance with their daughters. From Thabiti’s Gospel Coalition colleague Al Mohler comes this:

    “Singleness is not a sin, but deliberate singleness on the part of those who know they have not been given the gift of celibacy is, at best, a neglect of a Christian responsibility. The problem may be simple sloth, personal immaturity, a fear of commitment, or an unbalanced priority given to work and profession. On the part of men, it may also take the shape of a refusal to grow up and take the lead in courtship. There are countless Christian women who are prayerfully waiting for Christian men to grow up and take the lead. What are these guys waiting for?

    . . . . Almost all of the women who have written me in response to this article have indicated their grief and frustration that they are not yet married. Not one has indicated in her message that she has intended from the beginning to be single and to remain single. To the contrary, each writer has affirmed her own commitment to marriage and to be married, and each has spoken of her personal frustration that her hopes have not been yet fulfilled. Given this commitment and hope as articulated by these thoughtful young women, it should be clear that when I spoke of a pattern of sin in the delay of marriage, I was certainly not attributing that sin to them. To the contrary, as one who believes wholeheartedly in the biblical pattern of complementarity and in the male responsibility to lead, I charge young men with far greater responsibility for this failure. The extension of a “boy culture” into the 20s and 30s, along with a sense of uncertainty about the true nature of male leadership, has led many young men to focus on career, friends, sports, and any number of other satisfactions when they should be preparing themselves for marriage and taking responsibility to grow up, be the man, and show God’s glory as husband and father.”

    You can’t win in the church if you are a single man. You can only die.

    Al Mohler’s quote can be found here:

  28. imnobody00 says:

    Yes, there is something creepy in the American family. The wife is the mother of the husband and, hence, the daughter is the sweetheart of the father.

    Carl Jung saw this 100 years ago:¨

  29. Dalrock says:

    @opus vitae

    On a related note, how does one respond to this IRL? My initial thought is to calmly explain that this display is emasculating to the suitor, insults his intelligence, and casts aspersions on his character, but that does not seem useful when dealing with one of these types. Alternatively, one could reframe it to insulting the daughter: questions her judgment, brains, and method of being raised. Anyway, the opinions of wiser men would be appreciated.

    I’d go with something along the line of “I’m too old fashioned to focus on making sure my daughter enjoys dating. I want to help her find a husband instead.”

  30. Damn Crackers says:

    @Joe – I really wish you and your family all the luck in the world. I’ll pray for you and your daughter. Maybe I mistook your words and thoughts in another post, but I am curious. If you don’t mind me asking, what type of church does your family attend?

    Also, it is a shame that some of the posters here looking for good Christian women can’t meet up with the daughters.

  31. Anon says:

    Most Vietnam vets I know are in their 70’s. How old is the dating daughter supposed to be?


    Assume he was at the very end, and was 18 in 1973, so 63 now.

    Imagine if this cartoonish father is behaving this way for a daughter who is 32-35!

  32. Anon says:

    And who is watching out for the sons who take the risks of serious dating with intentions of marriage, in this Feminazi age?

    Anyone who showboats about being a Veteran has been trained to see himself as expendable.

    Hence, he sees his sons as expendable too.

    The military (barring the few red-pilled guys here) is really about training men to be whiteknights.

  33. Boxer says:

    Imagine if this cartoonish father is behaving this way for a daughter who is 32-35!

    I have a photograph of him on my web page. It’s worse than you could possibly imagine.

  34. earl says:

    Also, it is a shame that some of the posters here looking for good Christian women can’t meet up with the daughters.

    As a person who has gone up and asked good, Christian women out on dates…I can tell you the only real difference between them and every other woman out there is they have the same faith as me. They can still espouse traits of feminism.

    Besides it doesn’t matter how much of a prize she is…she still bases everything off what she feels about the guy. Not whether he’s marriage material or not.

  35. Boxer says:

    Yes, there is something creepy in the American family. The wife is the mother of the husband and, hence, the daughter is the sweetheart of the father.

    Carl Jung saw this 100 years ago:¨

    Thanks brother!

  36. Damn Crackers says:

    @Darwinian Arminian – “Singleness is not a sin, but deliberate singleness on the part of those who know they have not been given the gift of celibacy is, at best, a neglect of a Christian responsibility. The problem may be simple sloth, personal immaturity, a fear of commitment, or an unbalanced priority given to work and profession.”

    Or, modern and/or Christian women don’t want these men. This conundrum is precisely the problem that Churchianity can’t answer. If you don’t have the gift of celibacy AND you can’t find a woman to marry you – what gives?

  37. Pingback: Christian Fathers & The Electra Complex –

  38. The Question says:

    It’s hard to downplay the utter confusion this kind of thinking, even if said in jest, has on young single Christians, chiefly due to the fact that there are no biblical guidelines for the period between a man and woman meet for the first time and when they get married.

    How are they supposed to behave? Should a young man ask out a girl, or ask her father’s permission? When you ask out a girl, how do effectively communicate that you are looking for a wife without also implying there are additional expectations beyond the date? How do young men come off as serious about marriage without sounding awkward and dorky? How many dates before there is any talk about becoming exclusive, or should single Christians even be exclusive outside of marriage? Should the man initiate all these decisions, or should he wait for the girl?

    Normally societal and cultural institutions, and most importantly the church, would make that transition clear and offer counsel on what to do at each step. Young people have no guidance or leadership that is in anyway helpful and is in fact worse than useless in many cases.

  39. opus vitae says:

    Forgive me for not being clear: as the suitor, how does one respond? It would be trivial to make a big scene out of it, but that’s…trashy, in a word.

    To answer Jason, one would put up with it because it is the water we swim In. It is possible to probable that the cartoonish father has never even thought of it from the perspective of the suitor. Basically, extend the benefit of the doubt, but try to determine more concretely from where the chivalry comes. It’s all really a portion of the vetting process.

  40. squid_hunt says:

    @Darwinian Arminian @Damn Crackers

    There’s no such thing as a Christian responsibility to get married. It doesn’t matter what your reason is. If you stay single and don’t fornicate, it is not a sin. All the rest of it is cultural conservative crap.

  41. Lex et iustitia says:

    His claims contradict the gospel and OT principles that the son doesn’t pay for the fathers sins. They are creating new sins to repent of. Tgc is promoting this, meaning they share his sin of creating a new gospel. He is a heretic and false teacher. TGC needs to be rebuked as such as well. No one who allies with them, including Mark Dever, can be considered a sound teacher at this point.

  42. squid_hunt says:

    @Opus Vitae

    I’m totally ok with a little pressure on a young guy in friendly jest about dating your daughter. I think that’s natural comraderie for guys to mess with each other’s heads. If I man threatened me outright or waved guns around, I think it would annoy me enough that if I didn’t walk out, that would be the last date with specific reasons given to her. You don’t need that crap and I don’t think it’s prevalent enough to be tolerated.

    We had a boob at our church talking about laying out all his guns and thumping his chest the other day when some guy knocks on the door. I explained that I kinda expect my daughters to get married and get out of my house. I’m not looking to feed them the rest of their lives and I’ve got things I want to do. This behavior is ridiculous and unbelievable.

  43. The current thing going around is the courtship process which will end in a marriage 95+% of the time. You cannot just date. You get to know the girls through joint meetings of the two families. Then when you feel called by God to marry you will approach the girl’s parents/father and ask permission to court the daughter with the intent to get married. You may already be friends but the next step of romance is between the young man and her parents. The girl does have some say when the young man asks her to marry him. But by that time the marriage all but certain. Also note that the girl is taught from her mother from day one that her primary goal in life is to be a wife and mother. She helps her mother wiht all of the household tasks so she will one day knwo how to do everything from cleaning to cooking. And as a part of the courtship is the heavy instruction is that sex is an important part of the relationship and once you say I do sex is expected for both the man and the woman. Without sex you as a couple will not be blessed with children which is part of the command to God’s creation – be fruitful and multiply.

  44. Boxer says:

    Also note that the girl is taught from her mother from day one that her primary goal in life is to be a wife and mother. She helps her mother wiht all of the household tasks so she will one day knwo how to do everything from cleaning to cooking. And as a part of the courtship is the heavy instruction is that sex is an important part of the relationship and once you say I do sex is expected for both the man and the woman. Without sex you as a couple will not be blessed with children which is part of the command to God’s creation – be fruitful and multiply.

    I don’t know where this is being practiced, but if you’re doing it, then you’re doing your kids a huge favor. Solid advice that circumvents both Cruxtoids and Feminists.

  45. Joe says:

    @Damn Crackers

    I went to a large non-denominational Church for 25 years. Met my wife there. We in the last few years switched to a smaller Church. Baptist, although I don’t call myself one. I just read the Bible and do that. I don’t follow denominational rules. Like some Baptists thoughts about drinking. They say it’s bad. I disagree. Jesus first documented miracle and all that… But I don’t get drunk.
    My daughter is a good kid. Incredibly smart and has lots of common sense. She is one of the leaders of her Churches community group leaders and does mediation when disputes and disagreements arise between members. She REALLY knows her Bible. She wants to serve in central america, and does once a year in the summer, on her own. Her goal is to come back here to minister to Hispanic women, that is not give them handouts, but lead them to Christ.
    I have a son as well. He is 27, 100% debt free and semi retired. Yeah, really. Also single. And a hell of an alpha, but with a conscience. Currently in Taiwan helping a friend run his business, just for the fun and adventure of it. He may eventually live there.
    Both of my kids are very good with money, and yet material things don’t mean much to them.
    I and the wife made a pretty cool family.

  46. earl says:

    This conundrum is precisely the problem that Churchianity can’t answer. If you don’t have the gift of celibacy AND you can’t find a woman to marry you – what gives?

    The conundrum Churchianity always runs into is they can’t blame women for anything. Sin is always a man’s fault.

  47. thedeti says:

    @The Question:

    The only real biblical guidelines for men and women who aren’t married to each other is “no fornication”. There are no other guidelines. There’s no “dating”, no “courtship”. There were “periods of engagement” (i.e. Joseph and Mary betrothed to each other), but it’s not clear what the time period was unless it’s set out in the Mosaic Law. And it might be set out there.

    And the “no fornication” rule has brought forth chivalry, courtly love as “adultery”, “nice guys” and “NiceGuys(TM)” and “The Rules”. And Game, as Dalrock as so effectively shown, is the antithesis of chivalry and the direct response to feminism, the unregulated SMP, and uncontrolled female sexuality/hypergamy.

    Confusion results because men and boys are being told to do and not do more and more things, more rules and restraints are put on boys, while girls are given no rules and are allowed to do and say anything they want. Boys have to submit to interrogation and intimidation. It’s a toxic environment.

  48. feeriker says:

    Normally societal and cultural institutions, and most importantly the church, would make that transition clear and offer counsel on what to do at each step. Young people have no guidance or leadership that is in anyway helpful and is in fact worse than useless in many cases.

    More than one person hereabouts has remarked in the past that it’s not the church’s role to be a matchmaker, which tells me that the formation of stable Christian families and the birth of new generations of Christian children raised in two-parent Christian homes isn’t a priority of the church. I suppose that the “Christian” divorce rate of a “mere” 38 percent, the handwringing and teethgnashing over all the neglected, single daughters of the king; and the fact that the typical church performs more funerals/memorial services than weddings each year would bear that observation out.

    And they wonder why the pews grow emptier with each passing year …

  49. earl says:

    @ Joe

    Sounds like you have a good daughter. Does she want to be married and a mother?

    I ask because I’ve also ran into a lot of ‘good Christian women’…who either flat out don’t (but they won’t be religious either) or say they do but their actions prove they don’t.

  50. Gunner Q says:

    opus vitae says:
    April 26, 2018 at 12:50 pm
    “Forgive me for not being clear: as the suitor, how does one respond? It would be trivial to make a big scene out of it, but that’s…trashy, in a word.”

    Quit her immediately. You don’t need a father-in-law who greeted you with demands and death threats.

    “To answer Jason, one would put up with it because it is the water we swim In. It is possible to probable that the cartoonish father has never even thought of it from the perspective of the suitor.”

    No, no, NO. Do not tolerate threats. Do NOT assume he was joking when he threatened to kill you. “It hurts my feelings when you talk about setting an ambush for me”? Facepalm.

    You need to have more respect for yourself.

  51. da GBFM zlzoolzlzzlzozlzloozozo says:

    Feminism was
    created to transfer the wealth of women
    from men
    to the central bank/state/corporation
    And its brilliance is that it
    enlisted men
    to defend the defilement and debasement
    of their women
    as the churchian men read Crhonicles of Narnia
    saw that Jesus was actually a beasty Lion partying with baccahuz
    and teh churchian men
    set out to hate and destroy
    the actual Jesus Christ
    so as to make way for
    the triumph of chivalry and feminism
    and as the world decilned
    the churchian men beat their chests
    with their copies of chronicles of narnia
    and shouted that they were the only men in the room!
    as they saw to it that
    the true Jesus was denied
    and feminism triumphed

  52. opus vitae says:

    Squid Hunt, that would be fine if (a) the father and suitor had a closer relationship than strangers, which is usually when this chest thumpery occurs, and (b) it was done man to man in private away from the prying eyes and ears of the daughter/mother. As it happens, this public display plants the seeds of doubt and discord for reasons that I should not need to cover.

    The problem is finding some way to establish and maintain manly credibility for the ladies as to avoid divorce and other less flashy unpleasantness without giving offense to the father, while simultaneously exploring the means by which the daughter was raised and behaves towrds the more familiar men in her life.

  53. Boxer says:

    Quit her immediately. You don’t need a father-in-law who greeted you with demands and death threats.


    Another reason to ditch the whole family with prejudice is the motivation behind the demands and threats, namely, a weird, dysfunctional constellation of relationships within the mother-father-daughter triad. You don’t need any of that brand of crazy in your life.

    I gave credit to Dalrock and imnobody00 in the footnotes for these excellent references. Just say no to any girl with such a fucked-up tie to daddy.


  54. feeriker says:

    We had a boob at our church talking about laying out all his guns and thumping his chest the other day when some guy knocks on the door.

    One wonders if guys like this were cucked by their wives and are direccting their rage at “soft” targets. Seriously.

  55. earl says:

    I explained that I kinda expect my daughters to get married and get out of my house. I’m not looking to feed them the rest of their lives and I’ve got things I want to do. This behavior is ridiculous and unbelievable.

    That’s called normal father behavior.

    If they want to finance their princess into their 40s and work until they are dead…more power to them I guess.

  56. thedeti says:


    I suppose that the “Christian” divorce rate of a “mere” 38 percent, the handwringing and teethgnashing over all the neglected, single daughters of the king; and the fact that the typical church performs more funerals/memorial services than weddings each year would bear that observation out.

    But feeriker, that’s not the Church’s fault. That’s men’s fault. Doug Wilson said so in his blog post, .”The EConomics of Sexual Purity (April 23, 2018). After listing out all the problems and ills of todays’ youth who just can’t seem to make their relationships work, he ends with:

    So if you are an unmarried young man, out on your own with a legitimate job, then you need to seriously contemplate joining the resistance. Find out her name, and ask.

    Translation: It’s MEN’S fault women aren’t getting married. It’s men’s fault women aren’t getting what they want. The birth dearth, the divorce rate, marital problems, premarital sex, fornication, adultery, all of it, all would come screeching to a halt and all would be fixed if young beta men with jobs and some money would just start asking out these young girls they’ve been attending church with. If these young men would just risk getting nuked, risk getting blown out of the water, getting laughed at, getting hauled into the pastor’s office for “sexual harassment”, getting held up for public ridicule and pastoral “discipline”, why, all would be well!”

    Nothing about how women need to change. Nothing about how women need to be earnest and eager in their dating, and gracious in their declining requests. Nothing about how women need to learn skills and actually, you know, offer something and make it worth a man’s while.

  57. Darwinian Arminian says:

    @Damn Crackers
    Or, modern and/or Christian women don’t want these men. This conundrum is precisely the problem that Churchianity can’t answer. If you don’t have the gift of celibacy AND you can’t find a woman to marry you – what gives?

    Be careful there. You’re getting dangerously close to suggesting that women’s singleness might have something to do with women’s behavior! Modern church doctrine is clear: When there are troubles in any romantic situation involving Christians, it can always be attributed to foolishness or malice on the part of the man.

    This guy knows how to do it:

    Thank God we have such shining examples of righteousness and biblical fidelity to lead our churches!

  58. da GBFM zlzoolzlzzlzozlzloozozo says:

    Hey Dalrcok & all! You’ll like this guy and all his books!


  59. Scott says:

    opus vitae-

    Dalrock has the right of it. If you encounter this, it should be an automatic next. It is a fantastic screening tool for seriousness/lack of seriousness.

    This is not likely a woman who has ever interacted with herself. Her own shortcomings, her own sin, her place in the fall. And her family is trash.

  60. Damn Crackers says:

    “And the “no fornication” rule has brought forth chivalry, courtly love as “adultery”, “nice guys” and “NiceGuys(TM)” and “The Rules”. And Game, as Dalrock as so effectively shown, is the antithesis of chivalry and the direct response to feminism, the unregulated SMP, and uncontrolled female sexuality/hypergamy.”

    Dante put sexual sinners in only the first circle of hell. I think history shows there are many other sins much worse. “If you do away with harlots, the whole world will be convulsed by lust.”

    Oddly enough since no woman can be called a harlot anymore, the whole Western world is convulsed by lust.

  61. squid_hunt says:

    I don’t see any reason you can’t rib a guy coming to date your daughter. He’s going to be a little nervous. Every guy has gone through that stage. If he’s going to be a part of the family one day (Which is how I look at it.) he has to be willing to be part of the family. I don’t want a guy that takes himself so seriously or takes me so unseriously that he thinks he can get grumpy, come pounding up to my door like King Kong and take off with my daughter without looking back. Respect is a two way street and either side can violate that.


    I genuinely think it’s mostly bluster. His daughter is tall and large and while a sweet girl, is very awkward. But as has been said before, you’re basically challenging the guys you really don’t want around your daughter, that don’t have respect for you anyway to come and take her and running off the few guys that would both be interested and would treat her right.

  62. earl says:

    Nothing about how women need to change. Nothing about how women need to be earnest and eager in their dating, and gracious in their declining requests. Nothing about how women need to learn skills and actually, you know, offer something and make it worth a man’s while.

    It’s almost as if these white knight pastors forget that relationships are a two way street. A man can only do so much…if the other party is unwilling, uninterested, corrupt, or flat out hates you…what more can a man do?

  63. thedeti says:

    Re: Perry Noble

    “It is YOUR job to find a wife. It is YOUR job to pursue her in a righteous and Godly way.”

    I think Cane Caldo had the better of it. It is the man’s job to pursue excellence in himself. Find his mission and pursue excellence in it. And then he should let interested girls chase him. And among those who chase him, pursue him, try to get on his radar, he selects one he’s sexually attracted to, is chaste, has common interests with, and with whom he shares core values.

  64. Scott says:


    The father is a retarded white knighting buffoon who knows damn good and well he is not going to shoot anyone with his stupid shotgun.

    I have 4 kids, and I intend to be included in the process that leads to their marrying. I write about it all the time. I am already involved with my step-sons choice in this matter and we love the girl. But you don’t see me staring out the window like a lunatic trying to scare suiters off.

  65. earl says:

    “It is YOUR job to find a wife. It is YOUR job to pursue her in a righteous and Godly way.”

    Does he ever mention what her job is in this whole matter? Is she just the bump on the log who rejects men left and right because they don’t trigger the correct feels in her?

  66. Damn Crackers says:

    @Joe – Your children should do well. They sound amazing.

    Your reply made me think about Christianity and the Temperance movement. I wonder how many parallels there are about Churches taking up the Temperance (abstaining from all alcohol) movement and Churches now taking up the mantle of feminism.

    It’s as if Churchianity didn’t start this century!

  67. Hipster Racist says:


    I was to be grateful that any such creature deigned to be seen in public with me.

    This is really the crux of this entire issue, and it belies the oft-told lie about “equality” as well. It became obvious by middle school that some people were attractive and desirable and some were not, boys and girls. In middle school, boys didn’t have any interest in girls at all, but girls were divvying up the boys amongst each other (the boys didn’t even have to know anything about it, it was merely girls laying “claim” on boys, their property rights to be respected by other girls.)

    It was really only after puberty, when boys started approaching girls, not the other way around, that the “power” kind of flipped. And the power flipped precisely because boys wanted *sex* from the girls. Sure, the *sex* may have not been actual intercourse, it may have been just a little bit of making out, but it was *sexual*.

    But let’s be blunt, the pseudo-Christian “Evangelical” subculture in America has a kind of fetish of desexualizing normal and natural sexual attraction, so everyone has to hypocritically pretend that it’s not *sex* (eros) these young people are interested in, but some sort of “romance” or even worse some sort of “non-sexual pure love” – a bizarre and frankly kinky fetish.

    Just because of the difference between boys and girls sexual natures, it’s quite easy to denounce the boy’s sexuality as “lust” while the girl’s sexuality is “romantic.” Although as far as I can tell, 99% of the Evangelical pseudo-Christians were just simply lying, because when I was in that subculture the girls were *sexually aggressive* – sometimes MORE so than they boys, because we had the fear of God put on us, while girls sexuality was just written off as “romance” and “cute.”

    So if these pseudo-Christian Evangelical daughters acted like this, it seems obvious to me that their mothers acted like that at their age, and that their fathers were perfectly aware of this typical behavior as well.

    I suggest that American Evangelical pseudo-Christianity is a kind of matriarchy where the Church ladies run everything and the pastor is a kind of cross dresser, a man acting like a woman, the mother hen just wearing pants instead of a dress.

    It seems obvious to me that if anyone were serious about promoting a non-sinful life and encouraging healthy, Biblical marriages, they were be frank about *sex* – as in doing it – and the natural sexual urges, and serious “courtship” or whatever you want to call it would be front and center of the whole affair.

    But American Evangelicalism is not “Christian” in any traditional sense, it’s a very bizarre cult, like Mormonism, that just happens to have some Christian window-dressing.

    The Bible itself is quite forthright about sexuality, yet Evangelicalism goes out of their way to downplay it.

    You have teenagers who are horny – boys getting erections and girls getting lubricated by just being near each other. You find a boy and a girl who are obvious attracted to each other, you get their family’s approval, you allow them some more or less supervised time together to get to know each other, make sure there aren’t any deal-breakers, and then they get married, penis goes into vagina, and nine months later a baby is born. Rinse, repeat, that is how families are made.

    But if healthy, even Biblical, sex and marriage were promoted in American churches, how would pastors make any money, considering that guilt and psychological manipulation are the entire purpose of the Evangelical cult? (It’s a defining feature of cults that the cult leader interferes with natural family formation.)

    P.S. – the first girl that I ever had an overtly sexual experience with had a father exactly like the one in this article – a full time military officer, overprotective, a total disciplinarian hard ass, a political conservative, and outwardly at least, a very submissive wife and two dutiful daughters. Didn’t stop his oldest daughter, at 15, from outright sexually seducing the first boy that gave her attention. So yeah, these fathers are jokes. In fact, I wonder if all the “overprotective” stuff is really just them trying to trick boys into thinking the daughters are more valuable than they really are, you know, if you have to work for something you tend to value it more.

    Of course religious cultists, i.e., American Evangelicals, would take something normal, natural, fun, and even mandated by God and turn it into something bizarre.

  68. Scott says:

    In fact, the next time I see a dad wearing one of these t-shirts I may pull out my phone and talk to him about and post it on my site.

  69. DrTorch says:

    Quit her immediately. You don’t need a father-in-law who greeted you with demands and death threats.*

    EXACTLY. Demonstrate what a leader in the home looks like. You are leading your own home. And you won’t put up w/ such nonsense now, portending interference in the future.

    Many years ago (obviously) I heard Dobson tell a tale of a suitor who proclaimed he would NOT do dishes, that was a wife’s job. So one fine Sunday they invited him over and fed him well, and then showed him the sink of dishes and an apron. Since he was nearly kin and not a guest, he was obliged to contribute to the meal.

    Har har har. Dobson laughed at that anecdote and warned men not to be so dogmatic, that they’d have to pitch in around the house.

    I never liked that story, but couldn’t figure out why. Now of course I know, there are several reasons that it’s a disgusting tale of dishonor and betrayal:
    -The young man was deceived at the dinner invitation (at least as I can recall)
    -The family conspired against the young man’s efforts to lead
    -The family encouraged the young lady’s rebellion

    Yet this was exactly what FotF was teaching Christian men they should be prepared, not just to encounter, but to embrace!

    *My guess is your value in her eyes skyrockets, and suddenly she turns against Daddy for being such a rude jerk. Daddy then invites you for a coffee or beer to apologize. Not because he’s man enough to own his stupidity, but rather he’s still trying to make it up to Princess.

  70. Anonymous Reader says:

    Hey, I thought we already had this in the dissection tray over a year ago and left it in pieces.
    Let me pile on with the other posters who can do aritmetic: this should be entitled Rules for dating my <b<granddaughter.

    At the very least, some White Knight ought to update that whole bogus “choppers in the rice paddy outside Hanoi” to something like “T-72 engines in the desert of Kuwait”, so that cartoon carnival commando Dad is a vet of Gulf War 1.0 circa 1991 and therefore closer to 45 – 50 years old.

    Of course it is still utter bunkum, and merely indicates how too many aging Boomer church writers stopped learning anything at around the age of 30 or so. The self-delusion of church writers appears to have no upper limit.

    The other day I was listening to a conversation between two earnest, middle aged women who go to the same church. They were clucking over some social media picture one had gotten from her son – a Spring Break pic. Girls in skipy wimwear, no doubt brewskies, who knows what else. Not a foam cannon pic…anyway, one was happy that her darling boy was now back from that week and therefore safe from Those Girls in the pic. I just said nothing, shaking my head.

    Those Girls are in his classes, they are right down the hall in the dorm…and maybe even in church on Sunday.

  71. Pingback: Rules for dating a Daughter of the King. | Reaction Times

  72. Joe says:

    “earl says:
    April 26, 2018 at 1:18 pm
    @ Joe
    Sounds like you have a good daughter. Does she want to be married and a mother?
    I ask because I’ve also ran into a lot of ‘good Christian women’…who either flat out don’t (but they won’t be religious either) or say they do but their actions prove they don’t.”

    I think she may, I think, it’s just not on her radar. She is very busy getting set up to either go to Central America long term (2 years or so) or working for her Church. Things are kind of up in the air.
    Its hard to imagine her being married. She had a bit of a hard exterior and isn’t vulnerable. She’s always been that way. She may have the gift of singleness. At times I think that she thinks that dating and marriage is what “other girls” do, just not her.

    But I hope not. But I told my wife 10 years ago “you know she’s going to be a missionary in Central America don’t you”. It was jut a feeling I had not based on anything. But that’s what she’s setting up for. I also “feel” that she will not get married.

    Hope I’m wrong. But I have a pretty well developed intuition. I want grandkids one day, but I don’t think that will happen, with my boy or my girl.

  73. I had a college history professor (before the PC crowd took over) blamed the whole temperance movement on women in the churches. He looked at where the temperance movement began and who started it. The large majority was women who had more free time due to moder conveniences such as vacuum cleaners, washing machines, etc. These women found themselves with free time. They then met with the local pastors to study the Bible and help their neighbor’s who were less fortunate. Then came out the busy bodies. This also was at the same time that the sufferage movement began. They saw all of these lazy men spending away the family income on booze and beating up their poor wives and children. They saw these drunk men as the cause of all of the problems in society and if we only got the men to be less drunk we would not have to spend this money on doing good (sub conscience – we women could find better ways to spend our husband’s hard earned money). The pastors taught the tea totaling theology similar to the way we some of the theology o f”happy wife, happy life”. Interesting start of a potential study with paper/book.

  74. “Why are the only men who date my daughter antisocial losers who are comfortable with danger?!?”

  75. opus vitae says:

    I could be, and probably am being, a touch naive. However, I fail to see how this in a vacuum is necessarily disqualifying. As an indication of other problems, it is certainly valuable, but by itself, it is both expectable and probably useable to the advantage of the suitor.

  76. Anonymous Reader says:

    Dalrock, didn’t we already put this cartoon into the dissection tray and reduce it to parts?

    Whatever, let me join with the other comments by people who can do arithmetic: this should be entitled Rules for dating my granddaughter. At the very least one of these White Knight tradcons should update the text a bit. Lose the whole bogus “choppers in the rice paddies outside Hanoi” nonsense and put in “T-72 tanks in the desert of Kuwait” nonsense, so that Cartoon Commando Dad is a vet of the first Gulf War (1991) and therefore pushing 50 rather than pushing 70.

    In the larger sense this just shows how self-blinkered TradCons tend to be. One has to be extremely stupid, and ignorant, and self-delusional, to regard this as any sort of advice. Yet this kind of nonsense makes the rounds.

    But it is common, this sort of ignorance. The other day I overheard a couple of earnest middle aged women who apparently go to the same church. They were clucking over a social media link that one of them had gotten from her college student son. I didn’t see it, but from context there were young men with beers and young women wearing almost nothing on some beach. The mother of the student was glad her son was back from that place, and so he was now safe from Those Girls.

    Well, I’m not going to be the man to break the news to some nice churchlady, but: Those Girls are in her son’s class, they are sharing meals in the cafeteria, they are right down the hall in the dorm…and maybe even in their church on Sunday.

    They all saw Frozen, too…

  77. opus vitae says:

    DrTorch, your anecdote is useful, and a reasonable example of what I’m trying (and failing to ask about). Thank you.

  78. Oscar says:

    Perfect place for this tweet.

  79. “Why would anybody want to date a woman who has a PTSD addled, armed, and potentially psychotic father who is breathing thinly veiled death threats at them? ”

    Exactly. This isn’t the Garden of Eden. There are millions of other women available.

  80. Anonymous Reader says:

    She is very busy getting set up to either go to Central America long term (2 years or so) or working for her Church.

    That’s the churchgoing version of the standard American career track. It just substitutes church internships for career internships; in both cases it puts “woman’s career” as her highest goal.

    It is one way for a woman to wind up unmarried in her 30’s. Because they put their career, whatever it may be, ahead of anything else. This has a name, it is called “pretending to be a man”.

    Most women don’t do a very good job at pretending to be a man. Those women that quit trying to be men before they turn 30 have a better chance of marrying.

  81. Anonymous Reader says:

    Sorry for double commenting, Dalrock, there was a data link problem as I hit “post” on the first one, so impatiently I repeated myself.

  82. Joe says:

    @Anonymous Reader
    “She is very busy getting set up to either go to Central America long term (2 years or so) or working for her Church.
    That’s the churchgoing version of the standard American career track. It just substitutes church internships for career internships; in both cases it puts “woman’s career” as her highest goal.”

    I agree, and have thought of that. If she is going to serve anywhere, it should be with her husband, helping him. But it does happen the other way too. I know a really neat couple serving in a country I can’t name. They both were on track to go there. They met and married as it was all coming together. Now, he works with the men, and she with the women.

    But yeah, It’s her “career track” (after college). And if for some reason you have walls up against relationship with men, its a good way to avoid that. Because you’re too busy serving for that nonsense. So she may tell herself.

    Imagine all the great Christian homes and families created if the Church made THAT their “mission field” and focus. But hopefully not breed to many women worshiping men submitting to their wives. They’d have to have a good red-pill leader.
    Our Church just hired a family pastor. Not a red pill guy. I was excited to meet him. I was hoping for a manly leader. Who I met however was a very beta guy. Beta body language, beta mannerisms, beta voice. A pretty underwhelming guy in his late 30’s. Married a single mother (don’t know if she is a widow or what, but they are not talking about it). I’m not hopeful for any red pilling coming from him.
    I’m not giving up though.

  83. opus vitae says:

    The Real Peterman, not a single mortal soul ever made is perfect, Adam and Eve included. Expecting and demanding perfection is ridiculous and is useless advice besides. Finding a means by which to differentiate those who will try to improve themselves and work in tandem with others doing the same from those who won’t is arguably the ultimate purpose of Christian Game. I happen to think that a chivalrous episode like this can be used to make that judgment.

  84. Oscar says:

    @ Joe says:
    April 26, 2018 at 2:12 pm

    “I think she may, I think, it’s just not on her radar.”

    That’s a bad sign.

    “Its hard to imagine her being married. She had a bit of a hard exterior and isn’t vulnerable. She’s always been that way.”

    That’s a REALLY bad sign.

  85. Damn Crackers says:

    @Opus vitae – One of the positives of being born with original sin is, as you say, “not a single mortal soul ever made is perfect, Adam and Eve included. Expecting and demanding perfection is ridiculous and is useless advice besides.”

    The heresy of Pelagianism hinged on the fact that man could, by his own effort, become sinless without grace. You don’t need to be a Christian to see how fallacious that idea is. The perfect is the enemy of the good.

  86. Dalrock says:


    Then came out the busy bodies. This also was at the same time that the sufferage movement began. They saw all of these lazy men spending away the family income on booze and beating up their poor wives and children. They saw these drunk men as the cause of all of the problems in society and if we only got the men to be less drunk we would not have to spend this money on doing good (sub conscience – we women could find better ways to spend our husband’s hard earned money). The pastors taught the tea totaling theology similar to the way we some of the theology o f”happy wife, happy life”. Interesting start of a potential study with paper/book.

    Some time back I wrote about the book “The Death of Christian Britain”. The author (an atheist, I believe) argues that the belief that industrialization destroyed Christianity in Britain is incorrect. He says there was a narrative in place from 1800 that women were “angels of the house”, and it fits right in with the way you describe men being seen in the 20s. I have another post in the works revisiting this and tying it back to chivalry. But in the meantime you might want to check out the old post and perhaps pick up a copy of the book.

  87. Joe says:

    Oscar says:
    April 26, 2018 at 3:14 pm
    @ Joe says:
    April 26, 2018 at 2:12 pm

    “I think she may, I think, it’s just not on her radar.”

    That’s a bad sign.

    I agree. If you want to get married, (or anything for that matter) you have to seek it out and put thought and effort in to it. It doesn’t just “happen”.

    I wanted to get married someday. So I sought out pretty girls, and married one of them.

  88. Paul says:

    @imnobody00: “The wife is the mother of the husband”

    This is quite universal to the point I’ve heard countless men call their own wife ‘mother’. There is probably a slight overlap with addressing their wives in their role as mother, however I’ve heard it say about wives whose children long left the household.

  89. Lost Patrol says:

    @ opus vitae

    probably useable to the advantage of the suitor.

    It’s probably not though opus. For the grown men reading here yes, they may find a way to turn this to advantage, but we’re basically talking about hardened veterans. Remember the old us. How many of us in our teens and 20s had enough knowledge or experience to know how to react to such a gambit? How many had a savvy mentor that could explain it? A few, but not many.

    @ Darwinian Arminian

    That video was too much. I actually could not watch it long due to rapidly escalating feelings of “let’s me and you fight” that I had for that guy. They just don’t care about the young men at all. They won’t engage with them aside, ask them how things are, try to see from their point of view. They are unwilling to learn. The position of safety and comfort is to placate women’s feelings, and they will not leave it. This is why we grow to despise them.

    Someone pointed it out up thread. The young men are but to do, and die.

  90. Darwinian Arminian says:

    It’s hard to downplay the utter confusion this kind of thinking, even if said in jest, has on young single Christians, chiefly due to the fact that there are no biblical guidelines for the period between a man and woman meet for the first time and when they get married.

    I agree with this, but only halfway. There are most certainly guidelines given by the church for what happens between a first meeting and the wedding day . . . . for the men. For the men, there will in fact be so many guidelines that one might notice that they often contradict each other; Just witness the pastors who scold their single men for having too strong a drive towards sex and for having no interest in approaching a woman for a date. But these contradictions are not an accident. They exist because of what will be given on the women’s side: Not guidelines, but grace. Both the women who can’t find a man to marry them and the single mothers with multiple children from as many fathers will be able to count on the unconditional mercy of the church, because in the woman’s moments of crisis the modern pastorate will want to emphasize forgiveness and tolerance. Judgement and consequences can be postponed for the occasions when the man falls morally.

    I can’t quite remember when I saw this, but Rollo Tomassi once had a tweet where he said that the folly of feminism is in believing that you can solve all the problems of both men and women by fixing the behavior of just one gender. That pretty much describes modern church standards on sexual relations to a T. Just the name of this post right here provides a great demonstration of it. All of us who’ve been in the church have heard pastors refer to women (and women refer to themselves) as “The Daughters of the King,” a sort of rhetorical shorthand to remind us that they are to be properly respected. So now ask yourself: When’s the last time you’ve ever heard any preacher refer to even the men of their own church as “The Sons of God?”

    Never? Well, we wouldn’t want their heads getting too big anyway. Remember, pride is a sin!

  91. DrTorch says:

    Imagine all the great Christian homes and families created if the Church made THAT their “mission field” and focus.

    FotF and FLT did just that. They’ve arguably done far more harm than good.

    I suspect that if the Church leaders focused on their roles and responsibilities, and stuck w/ the Bible, we’d see what you later mention. But when those corrupted by psychology and counseling enter the fray, they the wolves we’re warned about in Matthew.

  92. mike says:

    Don’t worry Dad, your princess is already on tinder having sex behind your back. Young men don’t show up to parents’ house anymore, save the homeschool, courtship high-school families. What’s he think she’s going to do in college. lmfao. These dads have no clue

  93. Anonymous Reader says:

    @Darwinian Arminian

    Lost Patrol
    @ Darwinian Arminian

    That video was too much. I actually could not watch it long due to rapidly escalating feelings of “let’s me and you fight” that I had for that guy.

    “Only real man in the room” preaching can be quite annoying to other men. But girls often lap it up. Perhaps that is why it is popular among preachers.

    Perry Noble has had an issue with “worry”, possibly depression.

    Self-medication with alcohol did not help.

    In 2016 he was removed as pastor of the church he founded.
    In November 2017 Perry Noble and his wife divorced.

    Not necessarily the go-to man for advice on marriage…not right now, anyway.

  94. Farmer says:

    “Be afraid. Be very afraid. It takes very little for me to mistake the sound of your car in the driveway for a chopper coming in over a rice paddy near Hanoi. When my Agent Orange starts acting up, the voices in my head frequently tell me to clean the guns as I wait for you to bring my daughter home. As soon as you pull into the driveways you should exit the car with both hands in plain sight. Speak the perimeter password, announce in a clear voice that you have brought my daughter home safely and early, then return to your car – there is no need for you to come inside. The camouflaged face at the window is mine.”

    Cool story, grandpa. I slung lead in Sangin, and I bet the TBI’s in my head are a lot more unpredictable than the phony Agent Orange in yours. Lastly, I’d wager my combat muscle memory is a lot fresher than yours is. By the way, your daughter needs a bikini wax. Get on it.

  95. It helps to remember that a lot of this is just BOOMER s**t

  96. Otto Lamp says:

    “Forgive me for not being clear: as the suitor, how does one respond?”

    “I understand your position, and I hope you understand I will not live under the threat of violence. If that’s what dating your daughter means, then it better we end this now.” And then leave.

  97. thedeti says:

    “Don’t worry Dad, your princess is already on tinder having sex behind your back. Young men don’t show up to parents’ house anymore, save the homeschool, courtship high-school families. What’s he think she’s going to do in college. lmfao. These dads have no clue”

    That’s about right, Mike. Sorry to say, but most of these girls have already had sex. They had it with a prior “boyfriend”, or they are currently.

  98. Reluctant Neo says:

    Yeah.. look at the picture up above with dad, daughter, and date. Look at the way daughter is dressed. What message are we trying to get across here? “If you give my daughter what she clearly wants, I’ll shoot you in the head!” Instead of teaching women to be responsible, and taking the time to possibly mentor a young man, this is what we get.

  99. earl says:

    I also “feel” that she will not get married.

    I get she’s your daughter and you think she would be a prize for a suitor. However I asked those questions to point out that no matter how much of a prize she is if she thinks that way then it’ll be a tough time for any suitor.

    There was a lady I dated I felt was a good Christian woman and I told her upfront I was in this to see if marriage was in the future. Well she didn’t…and after hearing some things she said down the road, I’m not sure if she really wants to be married and have kids. It sounded more like her mother was pressuring her into it.

  100. Lost Patrol says:

    Not necessarily the go-to man for advice on marriage…not right now, anyway.

    Wasn’t ready for that one. Mega church pastor admonishes single men to, and-I-quote, “grow a set” and “it is your job to find a wife” (Bible reference for that available?) – later turns to drink, gets divorced.

    It’s a dangerous job, telling other men how to live when you are nothing more than a man yourself.

  101. Gage says:

    @Anonymous Reader
    “That’s the churchgoing version of the standard American career track. It just substitutes church internships for career internships; in both cases it puts “woman’s career” as her highest goal.”

    This is a topic that pisses me off greatly. While in college, my younger sister got heavily involved in Student Mobilization (STUMO). STUMO pushes the message of getting students involved in overseas ministry to its young, idealistic followers. While this is not a bad message in and of itself, they encourage these young students, my sister being one, to do it as a single person so as to “not take the focus off the Lord” or some crap like that. This message is reinforced by all the single people in the field who discourage people from continuing relationships they are either currently in or that they have the audacity to enter once in the field.

    My sister bought into this idealistic BS and right out of college spent two years taking part in some ministry that kept her on the road traveling around to college campuses spreading the “good news” of international missions. Not exactly a relationship conducive “job”. After her two year commitment was up, she chose to go do missions in France indefinitely. A week before she left, she met an incredible guy. He was young, handsome, and a very solid Christian guy. And more importantly, he saw in my sister, his future spouse. So what does my sister do? She leaves for France and for months is surrounded by the cult of singleness and all her single girl friends daily encouraging her to dump this guy so she can focus on her job “sharing the Gospel”. This guy, goes over to France to see her and while there is told by my sister that she is too focused on her ministry to have a relationship and she sends him packin. Later, i found out that she didnt want to give up her dream of living in France because marrying this guy would require her to come back to the States and follow her husbands career.

    So now, my sister is closing in on 30 and has zero prospects in her life. She moans and complains about being single and lonely, but somehow fails to realize that her buying into the lies of feminism, albiet with a churchian flavor, is directly responsible for her missing out on getting married and having kids while she is young enough to do so. Watching how this perverted doctrine is peddled to young, naive, christian girls by these so called ministries, has left a bitter taste in my mouth. On one hand, the church lambasts men for not stepping up and on the other, they encourage good female candidates to stay single “for the Lord.”

  102. earl says:

    It’s a dangerous job, telling other men how to live when you are nothing more than a man yourself.

    Men seem to do funny things to compensate.

  103. earl says:

    A week before she left, she met an incredible guy. He was young, handsome, and a very solid Christian guy. And more importantly, he saw in my sister, his future spouse. So what does my sister do? She leaves for France and for months is surrounded by the cult of singleness and all her single girl friends daily encouraging her to dump this guy so she can focus on her job “sharing the Gospel”. This guy, goes over to France to see her and while there is told by my sister that she is too focused on her ministry to have a relationship and she sends him packin.

    Yup this is similiar to what I have run into quite a bit. There are very few marriage minded women until their ovaries start crying because they are down to 3 eggs.

  104. earl says:

    And also the friends that I know that got married young (early 20s)…every story told to me was the woman REALLY wanted marriage. It’s not rocket science here.

  105. feeriker says:

    Mega church pastor admonishes single men to, and-I-quote, “grow a set” and “it is your job to find a wife” (Bible reference for that available?) – later turns to drink, gets divorced.

    It’s a dangerous job, telling other men how to live when you are nothing more than a man yourself.

    Noble would gain my full and unwavering respect if he were to pick himself up, dust himself off, and use himself and his painful, destructive, and disastrous past experiences as an example of how NOT to go about approaching Christian marriage and family.

    In other words, imagine the power and impact of a recently red-pilled former Christian pastor who is not afraid to use his past to teach young men (and women too, for that matter) how to avoid his fate by doing things God’s way (which of course would be offensive/anathema to the feminist progs that dominate today’s church).

  106. Opus says:


    France: Is this a country where the Gospels have yet to be preached?

  107. feeriker says:

    So now, my sister is closing in on 30 and has zero prospects in her life. She moans and complains about being single and lonely, but somehow fails to realize that her buying into the lies of feminism, albiet with a churchian flavor, is directly responsible for her missing out on getting married and having kids while she is young enough to do so.

    Like all women, your sister is incapable of connecting cause and effect.

    Watching how this perverted doctrine is peddled to young, naive, christian girls by these so called ministries, has left a bitter taste in my mouth. On one hand, the church lambasts men for not stepping up and on the other, they encourage good female candidates to stay single “for the Lord.”

    Pussy-begging, mangina white knight pastors and lay leaders don’t do cause and effect, either. They also appear to be immune to cogdis.

    Not to pile on your sister, but have you ever asked her how many souls she led to Christ while in France and if it was worth a future as a cat lady? No doubt too that the guy she gave the brush to found someone else in very short order and is now happily married with kids.

  108. freebird says:

    Well hi dad, since we’re airing violent fantasies here’s my purely hypothetical fantasy.
    Dad runs mouth making threats.
    Out comes the Taser of the Son of God,tasering the satan right out of old daddy.
    Next up handcuffs,we don’t want any sudden repercussions.
    Then comes the hedge clippers.Yes hedge clippers.
    First with the toes. One digit removed,then cauterized with a propane torch and treated with iodine
    All ten toes, one by one.
    Then the fingers.
    About then old daddy is gonna need a saline solution for shock,we don’t want him expiring just yet.
    Again with the toes,wire brush the stubs, then torching,iodine.
    After the fingers the hedge clippers go to the penis,just around, not clipping.
    “Ok dad,are you SURE you wanted to have this conversation?”

    (Children learn so quickly from example,some excel)

    Note: No animals were harmed in the making of this purely hypothetical violent fantasy

  109. feeriker says:

    freebird says:
    April 26, 2018 at 5:42 pm

    “Hi, Mr. [Surname]. Did you give this same list of rules/threats to the guy who porked Mrs. [Surname]?”

  110. Wraithburn says:


    Your daughter sounds like a nice woman. I have gone to Baptist churches and follow the Bible, not their customs, as you. She’s in my age range. That said, I would not date your daughter.

    In my experience, a woman who wants to go on mission trips has failed the very first job of being a wife. She’s not planning to help my mission, she has picked out her own and is leading her own charge. This is doubly backed up to me by your statement that she leads a church group. A woman correcting men and judging disputes. Does it even extend to pronouncements on Scripture? I do not know. All I know is a woman like that won’t follow. She is too used to picking her own path.

  111. earl says:

    If women really want to lead others to Christ and serve the church…just join a religious vocation or a convent. I got nothing against that. At least they made a decision with their life.

    It’s the ones who do missionary trips and are pseudo nuns that do themselves no favors. Do they want to be married or be in the religious life?

  112. freebird says:

    I was just a child when military intelligence took out Mr. King.
    Because he was advocating and causing violence.
    James Earl Ray was found innocent and released around ’99
    I sure won’t be threatened by anybody,certainly not and “non violent” King supporters.
    If that happens first:
    Out comes the Taser of The Son of God……….

  113. Lost Patrol says:

    @ Wraithburn

    I know perhaps a dozen such young (and older) women as you describe (know who they are). Their church strongly supports them in these pursuits, and gives them an occasional platform and money. The younger ones maintain lists of qualifications for a future husband. Literally lists. You can be sure the idea is that he will help them in their mission. The men their age have not yet signed on for that. Yet.

    A trio of them have aged out by my estimation (late 40s, maybe 50 something?), but at least two still have in mind the husband that God yet has for them. I have heard and seen things to that effect. And of course there is a very kind, meek, and mild mannered widower there that is actively considering marrying one of them and going along on her mission. Never say die, eh what?

    Earl, I think, has the right of it. If that is your calling then do it. These church women seem to expect some kind of deluxe package that answers all the mail.

  114. Anonymous Reader says:

    Lost Patrol
    Wasn’t ready for that one. Mega church pastor…

    Neither was I, but it is sort of similar to what happened to Mark Driscoll, another “only real man in the room”. There are risks to the mega-church, clearly.

  115. earl says:

    “it is your job to find a wife”

    They shouldn’t make it as hard as trying to find gold in a dirty river bed or a needle in a haystack.

  116. Wraithburn says:

    They shouldn’t make it as hard as trying to find gold in a dirty river bed or a needle in a haystack.

    But how will that let the young men prove their worthiness by completing a perilous quest, slaying a dragon, and proving their mettle for the kingdom?

  117. da GBFM zlzoolzlzzlzozlzloozozo says:

    Dear Dalrock,

    This esteemed professor (Smiling Through the Cultural Catastrophe: Toward the Revival of Higher Education) cites C.S. Lewis on AMOR & The Allegory of Love and states that Dante saw Beatrice as Christ–you’ll enjoy the few pages here:

    Yes! Write an essay on Dante as he seems to have trumped all the poets/troubadors in Exalting the Religion of Love. And too, Dante’s Inferno, at the same time, is a Christian Epic!

    Please do reflect on all this! 🙂

  118. Bee says:

    Oscar, Reluctant Neo,

    These tough guy acts with the guns show misplaced priorities. Instead of keeping his daughter out of a dress with a low cut top, and from wearing a long, dangling necklace pointed right in between her breasts he is focused on the gun in his hand.

    Maybe these fathers are taking the easy path; instead of confronting their strong willed daughters they brag about their gun instead.

  119. Sharkly says:

    earl Says: Yup this is similar to what I have run into quite a bit. There are very few marriage minded women until their ovaries start crying because they are down to 3 eggs.
    My older brother once told me that those last three eggs are named Moe, Larry, & Curly. LOL

    They shouldn’t make it as hard as trying to find gold in a dirty river bed or a needle in a haystack.
    If you find a good wife, it is like striking gold, or finding a ruby in the rubble. Not that I would know though. LOL

  120. earl says:

    Finding a good wife is hard…just finding a wife in general is hard for the many reasons I pointed out plus others.

  121. Scotty says:

    I don’t listen to stuff like Family Life Today or FOTF, but are the Christian betacucks still pushing this stuff? This reminds me of the women who casually mention and laugh about how they “know better” about something, because of what “even their grandma knew” (like putting Tylenol between the knees as birth control), those old chestnuts that I hear women joke about, that they would MURDER a guy for saying in the CURRENT YEAR or if they thought the guy was serious (like a father telling a group of women at a church that he gave his daughter this advice).

    Re: Rollo Tomassi’s “Old set of books/New Set of Books”, it isn’t JUST that most men are still operating under the old books (rules), it’s that they read the old set of books like someone would read a Shakespearean play, un-ironically LARPING with a wink and a nod that it’s all just for fun (like these guys projecting this fake tough guy attitude).

    Are these Evangies still peddling this crap?

  122. Scotty says:

    Earl: “This is betacuck fantasy where they pretend to be men.”
    *Yes instead of actually being a father to his daughter…he’s trying to be AMOG with her dates. It’s kind of creepy actually. Does he want to date her or something?*

    I think many of these men can ONLY feel slightly dominate around 15-18 year old boys/young men. It’s one of the few male encounters they will (possibly) have in which they may be granted the slightest amount of respect or fear–of even more likely, any young man will show deference simply to keep things cool as he advances his game against the guy’s daughter.

    These are the same men that get thrashed by their wives all day (like the Pink Floyd song), and beat up at work–sometimes by 20-something women that routinely talk down and around them. They go full Gamma when they feel they have the slightest bit of power–even if it is against basically a boy.

  123. Oscar says:

    @ Bee

    The funny thing is that the dress that girl is wearing is pretty tame by current standards.

  124. Paul says:

    On single women postponing marriage: many people know of the phenomenon of ‘baby fever’; the almost feral primal urge of woman to conceive, it’s actually frightening if you experience it. There is some doubt on the precise mechanism, but there are some strong indicators that it is hormone driven ( It is probably coupled to the menstrual cycle, especially centered around ovulation, with testosterone playing an important role (the libido hormone),

    Given that most women are on birth control, they won’t ovulate. Therefore their hormonal cycle will not experience the same hormonal interplay with testosterone (low-libido is a side-effect of birth control, hence disrupted testosterone). This could explain why more and more women are delaying their choice to seek marriage, as they don’t experience such strong cravings to get pregnant. Only if the biological clock almost strikes 12 o’clock,rational desperation drives some head over heels into pregnancy, which will often fail. Lately it has become fashionable for women to get pregnant without marriage, or to freeze their eggs to postpone pregnancy.

    If this is true, the promotion of birth control by feminism has literally led to destruction of families by significantly reducing overall birth rates due to less women eventually getting pregnant. It makes you wonder how many ‘chaste and virtuous’ church girls are on birth control.

  125. earl says:

    It makes you wonder how many ‘chaste and virtuous’ church girls are on birth control.

    Probably at least 90%.

    It’s really been the catalyst that has ruined a lot of things. I suspect it is also the reason why men have lower T than previous generations.

  126. Paul says:


    Lower testosterone might be caused by an increase in estrogenes in drinking water. Ironically the increase of estrogenes is caused by women on birth control and animals on growth hormones.

  127. Dota says:

    I would simply tell the dad – “Got it sir. Now you better get back inside, the dishes await.”

  128. Gary Eden says:

    If he actually wanted to protect his daughter he wouldn’t let her go out unchaperoned with young men. This is all just empty bloviating to make himself feel like he’s doing something. Because in this, like all other interactions with the women in his life, he is completely powerless.

    So all he’s doing is advertising how pathetic he is.

  129. okrahead says:

    I’ve been thinking about this from the other side, as the father of a son. Suppose some fellow presented this list to my son, including the open threat of murder. I might take take that seriously. I might decide to see just what the fellow who feels so confident about threatening to murder my child is really made of. If he can white knight for his daughter like this, I suppose I can black knight for my son. Seriously, what kind of father puts up with a pathetic fat loser like this threatening to kill his son with a shotgun?

  130. feeriker says:

    Seriously, what kind of father puts up with a pathetic fat loser like this threatening to kill his son with a shotgun?

    The fat loser probably doesn’t even know which end of the shotgun the shells discharge from.

  131. Dave says:

    Did anyone notice that the father inadvertently proved that he had no control over his own daughter? He obviously wanted his daughter and her date to observe a certain code of behavior. But instead of telling his daughter what he expected of her, he focused exclusively on the young man.

    If he had raised his daughter the right way, she would have known how to relate appropriately with the opposite sex, and how far to go with them on dates. She is not married to any of these men and she is not obligated to submit to them.

    A word or two to the young man to “take good care of my daughter while she’s with you, and see that your relationship honors God at all times” should have been sufficient.

  132. freebird says:

    (puts on trouble glasses)
    Yes now we see here the gun is a metaphor for the father’s penis.
    He wants to sex his daughter and is frustrated thus he challenges the young suite to a penis measuring contest masquerading as a physical contest.
    Having failed to over ride his base desires by violating his moral code he desires now to use this firearm extension of the penis on the would be male suitor in a homosexual act and also to cover this immoral act under pretense of preserving his daughter’s chastity. (honor)

    Having failed to copulate with the young man or his daughter the male must now make amends by scraping and bowing before the lesbian priests of his faith.
    Thus he completes his own emasculation,he hates himself and all around him.
    He is a happy Christian Man,Yes?
    {Holidays with the family will be awkward.Son says “remember the whole gun thing?” with suspicion}

  133. Luke says:

    Paul says:
    April 26, 2018 at 9:43 pm
    “On single women postponing marriage: many people know of the phenomenon of ‘baby fever’; the almost feral primal urge of woman to conceive, it’s actually frightening if you experience it. There is some doubt on the precise mechanism, but there are some strong indicators that it is hormone driven ( It is probably coupled to the menstrual cycle, especially centered around ovulation, with testosterone playing an important role (the libido hormone),

    Given that most women are on birth control, they won’t ovulate. Therefore their hormonal cycle will not experience the same hormonal interplay with testosterone (low-libido is a side-effect of birth control, hence disrupted testosterone). This could explain why more and more women are delaying their choice to seek marriage, as they don’t experience such strong cravings to get pregnant. Only if the biological clock almost strikes 12 o’clock,rational desperation drives some head over heels into pregnancy, which will often fail. Lately it has become fashionable for women to get pregnant without marriage, or to freeze their eggs to postpone pregnancy.

    If this is true, the promotion of birth control by feminism has literally led to destruction of families by significantly reducing overall birth rates due to less women eventually getting pregnant. It makes you wonder how many ‘chaste and virtuous’ church girls are on birth control.”

    What’s major-league tragicomedy about careerist skank broads freezing ova is that:
    1) 95% of the time they’ve waited until mid-30s-plus to even think about doing this, when their eggs ALREADY are a rotten mess, and
    2) even if they do freeze ova before their ovaries age out of even marginal fertility, they’ll be trying to get a fatherhood-inclined man to wife up a menopausal chick as his Plan A for marriage and family. Let’s see, way-post-Wall looks, check, dusty uterus with cobwebs of steel that NFW can gestate a fetus, check, older ova that are considerably more likely to yield an LD/unhealthy kid, check. Come on; that’s one hard sell over intentional lifelong bachelor childlessness. That’s Belgium-declaring-war-on-and-invading-Germany level of poor strategy.

  134. American says:

    Rule 11: Both you and your daughter can go pound sand. When I want to spend time with someone, I’ll do it with reasonable socialized grownups.

    I don’t need a personality disordered “princess” in my life to start with, much less some armed personality disordered nut job marching around screeching murderous threats at me. Both of you stay far away from me, forever.

  135. Joe says:

    “Wraithburn says:
    April 26, 2018 at 5:49 pm

    Your daughter sounds like a nice woman. I have gone to Baptist churches and follow the Bible, not their customs, as you. She’s in my age range. That said, I would not date your daughter.

    In my experience, a woman who wants to go on mission trips has failed the very first job of being a wife. She’s not planning to help my mission, she has picked out her own and is leading her own charge. This is doubly backed up to me by your statement that she leads a church group. A woman correcting men and judging disputes. Does it even extend to pronouncements on Scripture? I do not know. All I know is a woman like that won’t follow. She is too used to picking her own path.”

    She does not lead or teach men. She only works with colledge age women. Her Church does not ask her to do that. They are pretty strict on those roles. Her Church has actually been panned in local media because they defend traditional roles.

  136. BillyS says:


    Your daughter is in danger of becoming a babies rabies woman in a few years. It seems young in our age, but each year she waits lowers what she could get in marriage.

  137. Spike says:

    Dalrock: the last time you put out a post on cartoonish chivalry, complete with an interview of a stupid father who was proud of his daughter’s promiscuity (”Her boyfriends can’t keep up with her…”), Scott replied by saying that when his daughter was of age, he would help her find a husband, with good advice and good judgement – the godly thing to do.
    I asked my male friends who have daughters what they think. Most of them put their hands over their ears, others hadn’t thought about it, others said that he didn’t want to regulate his daughter’s sexuality ”because I’d be a hypocrite”.
    NONE had resolved to do the godly thing and help their daughter to find a good husband.
    I’m all for exposing the excesses of feminism, the excesses of women and the gynocentrism of the State. Yet when men with daughters become their daughter’s pimp and turn the blind eye, the sin is their sin – that of refusing to repent of their own vacuous fornications.
    It should not be that way in the Church of Jesus Christ.

  138. Opus says:

    Is it really true that women have a maternal instinct? If so, how is it that birth rates in the west have in recent decades tanked such that (I have done the arithmetic) with a birth rate of one (1.0) a population of fifty million would fall in three generations to just six and a quarter million. Women have never been happier free of male control as one may observe from their smiling photos on Facebook and often in far away places like La Belle France. They would be happier still had the good Lord given them the physical strength of men, for otherwise that there is no difference between men and women. Mission work by young women is a thinly veiled excuse for meeting exotic males. Small families and late marriage will exacerbate the tendency of fathers to pedestalise their only daughter. Step Fathers, there being no Incest barrier, may of course act out their desires which is where one sees the rise in sexual activity with females under the age of [insert age of consent in your state].

    Boxer refers to the Elektra complex and I would like to say that I once saw Birgit Nilsson sing Elektra opposite Gwyneth Jones as Clytemnestra.

  139. info says:

    Teens who do end up dating. Need to take it seriously. In fact all such dates are to be taken seriously.

    Because who knows. The sweetheart of those years may be their future spouses. This sort of thing is what people cannot afford to screw around with.

  140. Paul says:

    @Opus: “Is it really true that women have a maternal instinct?”

    See the article referenced in the link I posted: “infant characteristics, such as facial cues, that positively influence cuteness perceptions and trigger caregiving and protective behaviors in adults [..] was more rewarding when women’s salivary testosterone levels were high [..] revealing a new route through which testosterone shapes selective allocation of parental resources.”

    @O: “If so, how is it that birth rates in the west have in recent decades tanked”

    As I suggested, this might be influenced by a reduced lack of hormonal desire to get pregnant, CAUSED by female hormonal birth control.

    In the past (100 years ago) the RCC stimulated offspring and families of 15 children were not unheard of. And currently Mohammedans DO have increased birth rates, to the point that Europe will have already have more than 10% Mohammedans by 2050, with some countries peaking into 30% (Sweden, Cyprus) ( That’s reaching a critical democratic threshold that currently puts a brake on introduction of sharia laws (although e.g. the UK and Sweden seem to be already now past this point).

  141. Nick Mgtow says:

    Dear Dalrock! This video might help you to make a topic on feminist’s and empowered women’s gratitude.

  142. Paul says:

    Found this interesting collection of links to the effects of testosterone:

    Some quotes

    “men in committed, romantic relationships (whether married or just with boyfriends/girlfriends) had 21% less testosterone than those not in them”
    “At the high testosterone end were actors, football players, construction workers, and unemployed men on the street (whom Dabbs conjectured were not really unemployed but unable or unwilling to stay at one job for very long). Blue-collar workers were higher in testosterone than white-collar workers. Managers were 46 percent higher in testosterone than computer programmers, salespeople 24 percent higher than teachers, and construction workers 24 percent higher than lawyers, though male trial lawyers were higher than all other legal types. At the low end of measured testosterone were ministers, farmers, and academics.”


    “If gender discrimination is cited as a major reason for why 13 percent of women make up the Association of Trial Lawyers of America membership when hormonal explanations are sufficient to explain causality, gender bias/harassment/etc could still be a factor, but it might mean that when corrected, the difference in male:female might change by only 5-10%, and that no matter how much you push for equality, you will never get it to 50:50 unless you literally start giving women testosterone injections.”

    The interesting question is on cause-and-effect here! Testosterone levels are influenced by behavior. A better sex life and physical activity might actually be INCREASING testosterone levels (

  143. Paul says:

    Only wanted to provide a link, not include a full article, how did that happen?

  144. Darwinian Arminian says:

    So now, my sister is closing in on 30 and has zero prospects in her life. She moans and complains about being single and lonely, but somehow fails to realize that her buying into the lies of feminism, albiet with a churchian flavor, is directly responsible for her missing out on getting married and having kids while she is young enough to do so. Watching how this perverted doctrine is peddled to young, naive, christian girls by these so called ministries, has left a bitter taste in my mouth. On one hand, the church lambasts men for not stepping up and on the other, they encourage good female candidates to stay single “for the Lord.”

    No, no, that’s all wrong. When Christian girls like your sister find themselves alone and lonely after their “ministry years” are done it’s not because they practiced a churchian feminism. The true blame belongs to the men in their lives. If those men had truly been serving God then they would have been right there beside those women in their Christian work, following in their fine example. Except that they would have been there first, since Godly male leadership requires that men do what exactly what the women would want to do, just before they do it themselves.

    There’s really just one explanation can exist for why Christian men weren’t joining these godly Christian women on their mission field: Video Games. Or maybe porn. David Platt knows what’s going on:

  145. earl says:

    others said that he didn’t want to regulate his daughter’s sexuality ”because I’d be a hypocrite”.

    1) They’re the father
    2) Male and female sexuality is different
    3) Talk about weak

  146. Pingback: Friday hawt chicks & links – The King’s Day edition. – Adam Piggott

  147. freebird says:

    Just keep voting in incumbent judges and prosecutors and nothing will change.
    The father has ZERO say in the household,see above.
    Really, he ought to be looking down the business end while he “cleans” his “gun.”

  148. Bee says:


    “A week before she left, she met an incredible guy. He was young, handsome, and a very solid Christian guy. And more importantly, he saw in my sister, his future spouse. So what does my sister do? She leaves for France and for months is surrounded by the cult of singleness and all her single girl friends daily encouraging her to dump this guy so she can focus on her job “sharing the Gospel”.”

    Exact same thing happened to me. The girl went to Europe as a missionary on her own.

    In searching for a wife, I met other Christian women who were too focused on travel or career to get married at a young age.

    Christian pastors who blame young men for the dearth of marriages ignore the women delaying and forgoing.

  149. bdash 77 says:

    I am surprised he did not add
    “support her goals”
    ” agree to be her house husband to support her career”
    “make her lunch”
    “cook her dinner”

    after all this is what men must do to live and adapt to this new world…

  150. earl says:

    Christian pastors who blame young men for the dearth of marriages ignore the women delaying and forgoing.

    The first commandment of Churchianity.

    It’s never the woman’s fault.

  151. Swanny River says:

    Spike at 1:42 am. Amen to your conclusion. I meet with a group of guys with young kids, they care greatly about increasing minority ( ie, black) and female participation but they never talk about heartaches or desires for their kid’s chasity and finding a good spouse. One fool bragged about his son’s great girlfriend at a distant campus.
    They are Christian enough to see and value God higher than a comfortable life, but comfortable enough to not put themselves out of that life for God. Yes, their kids will go to a Christian college instead, but they will be fornicating the same.

  152. earl says:

    I’d rather be single and do my mission than to pervert how God created the sexes and be a helpmate to a wife.

  153. bdash 77 says:

    yeah but most younger men are being taught that this is the new way
    in the secular world it is taught at university to be a house husband
    at church it is taught as the noble path

    John Piper actually took a controversial stand
    most complementarians hated him for this

  154. Wraithburn says:


    That’s good to hear. I have seen places where the “she is only leading the women” line is the nose of the camel. I would need to examine the situation more closely before I could know which side your daughter falls on for that. It does not address the first concern though, which is the more fundamental one. She has picked who her “husband” will be, and it’s this career.

  155. Dave says:

    Is it really true that women have a maternal instinct? If so, how is it that birth rates in the west have in recent decades tanked such that (I have done the arithmetic) with a birth rate of one (1.0) a population of fifty million would fall in three generations to just six and a quarter million.

    I believe it may have to do with the widespread use of contraceptive pills.
    Most western women have decades of exposure to these artificial hormones which probably messed with their natural desires to have families or to even bond with a man. Even men wouldn’t have sexual desires without testosterone (that explains why slaves who served queens in those days were castrated to make them eunuchs).
    I once had a 24-year-old female patient who told me she had been on the pill since age 12. It was an eye opening information for me at the time. Much later, I realized that most of these teenagers take the pill like candy.

  156. Heidi says:

    @Dave: You may be right about the effects of hormonal birth control; but note that infanticide has been fairly common throughout world history. I would guess that many–maybe most–women have a maternal instinct at some point in their lives, but this instinct is perfectly capable of coexisting with the woman’s desire to get rid of inconvenient offspring.

  157. Paul says:

    @Dave: “I believe it may have to do with the widespread use of contraceptive pills.”

    A little bit above your post I postulated a possible explanation.

  158. Gary Eden says:

    Being the alpha head of your marriage has nothing to do with who works outside the home. It’s about who is in control, who makes the decisions, who is serving whom. Widespread outside employment (of either sex) is a novelty of industrial and post-industrial civilization.

    Your average churchian father isn’t the head of his house simply because he works; he’s just slaving away so she can enjoy the easy life at home.

  159. Opus says:

    It is just that I am somewhat surprised that America is sending missionaries to Europe. I know Americans are famously supposed to be poor at Geography but even so… I understand why the Mormons send out people like young Boxer to teach us of a Further Testament of Jesus Christ but as for regular Christians I have never seen a missionary – we received the Gospels some two thousand years ago or thereabouts courtesy of St Augustine and have remained faithful ever since so not I think a profitable market or furrow to plough for those looking for converts. Girls just wanna have fun and I always think that Christians girls are the easiest because they raise the bar so high. Their metaphorical purity girdles are thus easily removed. I had these two Mormon birds back to my place a few years ago. I was looking forward to a consensual threesome but unfortunately they showed up with their minder – an older English male Mormon. A further from the two visit produced another and younger male – English and a graduate of Cambridge University. I did not realise there were any English Mormons; how wrong I was. The girls invited me to visit their Church on Sunday holding out to me the possibility of a further meeting with them – the minxes, but I know when I am being given the run around and declined their offer.

  160. Oscar says:

    “At the low end of measured testosterone were ministers, farmers, and academics.”

    Farmers? That’s surprising.

  161. Oscar says:

    “we received the Gospels some two thousand years ago or thereabouts courtesy of St Augustine and have remained faithful ever since”

    You must be joking.

    If you were talking about Eastern Europe, you might be right (depending on the country), but secularism is the dominant religion of Western Europe, and Islam is well on its way to replacing it.

  162. Joe says:

    Know what else increases testosterone for guys?
    Driving a sports car!

    I KNEW it!
    I knew there was a reason I bought mine.
    I gotta say though when she drives it, she looks pretty sexy. See, my testosterone goes up when SHE drives it too!

  163. Gage says:


    “France: Is this a country where the Gospels have yet to be preached?”

    That was what i asked her when she came to me asking me to support her trip. I refused because going to France for a mission trip seemed like an extended vacation someone else is paying for. It’s just an opportunity for my sister to finally live abroad, not have a real job, and have other people pay for it all. Not that she would ever see it that way…


    “Not to pile on your sister, but have you ever asked her how many souls she led to Christ while in France and if it was worth a future as a cat lady? No doubt too that the guy she gave the brush to found someone else in very short order and is now happily married with kids.”

    i am pretty sure the answer is zero to the first question. And yes, the guy she brushed off returned to the states and found another girl. Naturally, when my sister found this out, she got upset about it. Because after all, how dare he not wait for her. She is my sister so I dearly love her, and there are few things more painful than watching someone you care about make really bad decisions that you know will have life long consequences.

  164. Opus says:

    Britannia was part of the Roman Empire from 41 A.D. until 409 A.D. (when we first declared Brexit) and told the Romans to Ejut Domus. Caeser’s Veni Vedi Vici of 55 B.C. is self serving rubbish. He lost and got thrown out by our brave British lads. After 55 A.D. however the Druids were suppressed in favour of the new kid on the block, Christianity. All the Anglo Saxon kings were Christians which is why they are revered as Saints; saints such as Saint Edmund who died in about A.D. 870. There are many churches which predate the Norman Conquest (1066 A.D.). King Arthur (circa 500 A.D.) was Christian, for he was a Romano Briton and the Romans were Christian from the time of Constantine.

    I speak as the founder and presently only member of the ASLF (the Anglo-Saxon Liberation Front). As Dalrock noticed and somewhat to his surprise I observed we are still even in our courts of law subject to the invading Normans with their Honi Soit qui Mal y Pense – just to rub it in when you are up before the bench on some charge of political incorrectness. All the land was assigned to William’s favourites after the Conquest which is why Doomsday is more than just a book as it is the root of title for much land – the same bastards own it now as did their ancestors had in 1066; people like the Duke of Westminster who says he wants back the land confiscated in Delaware and New Jersey from his ancestor following the regrettable events of the 1770s. At least you Americans do not have to endure the oppression of living under a foreign tyranny; Congress shall make no law for the speaking or writing of French (except in Louisiana) I seem to recall but if Mr Trump wishes to have a mutual love-in with Monsieur Macron [spit] that is up to him.

    Nobody in Great Briton is religious, we are all C of E.

  165. squid_hunt says:


    That was what i asked her when she came to me asking me to support her trip. I refused because going to France for a mission trip seemed like an extended vacation someone else is paying for. It’s just an opportunity for my sister to finally live abroad, not have a real job, and have other people pay for it all.

    I’ve had two young teen girls try to get money out of me to go on “mission trips”. The one was my sister. I asked both of them to tell me about when they got saved, because I like to check up on my missionaries. They both explained they weren’t comfortable talking about that and I asked how they expected to tell people about Jesus with strangers when they wouldn’t even talk about being saved.

    In my sister’s case, all the nitwit women in my family got mad at me for being mean to her. Whatever. She’s proven since that time that I was right and she’s not even saved, doesn’t believe in God. But atleast she got a vacation in…Venezuela…

  166. Gary Eden says:

    “there are few things more painful than watching someone you care about make really bad decisions that you know will have life long consequences.”

    We need to come to grips with the fact that women on average aren’t capable of making wise long term decisions. It was not for nothing that Eve was tempted, the OT gave woman’s decision making authority to her father and then her husband, and Paul said they were easily deceived.

  167. OKRickety says:


    “I did not realise there were any English Mormons; how wrong I was.”

    Per Wikipedia:
    – Heber C. Kimball, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, received a revelation to go to England, and a group of six went in 1837.
    – The Quorum of the Twelve went to the UK on a mission in 1840.
    – In 1877 half of the 140,000 Mormons in Utah were of a British origin.
    – By 1892 the church membership still in the British Isles had fallen to only 2,604, despite around 111,330 baptisms occurring between 1837 and 1900. In a similar period of time at least 52,000 and up to 100,000 members had emigrated to the United States.
    – In 2011, there were 145,294 LDS in England.

    In short, the UK was an early location for LDS missions, but most of the early British LDS members went to the USA and into Utah. Today, 145,000 is a small percentage of 65 million so it’s likely unusual to notice one in daily life.

  168. earl says:

    ‘Know what else increases testosterone for guys?
    Driving a sports car!’

    Thus they determined that the feeling of power and speed is what causes the testosterone increase, not the availability of women.

    I look at it as embracing challenges is what increases T. Sports cars and handling fast speed would be an example.

    Scientists have also determined wearing red boosts testosterone, and thus sports teams wearing red uniforms have a slight advantage because of boosted hormones.

    Bulls seem to charge when they see the red cape. Perhaps there is something in the color red that brings out conflict or something.

  169. anonymous_ng says:

    @Oscar, nice picture to illustrate the point. I’m sure I shared this story the last time we diacussed this, but it deserves repeating.

    When I was a Lt in the USAF, a Col/LtCol greeted his daughter’s date for the prom, an enlisted man’s son with a handgun in hand and the abbreviated version of the rules.

    Well, it didn’t go so well for the senior officer. I wasn’t privy to all the details, and I don’t know that he was charged civilly for brandishing, but the fact that everyone on the base heard about it made it clear he was hauled in front of his bosses etc. I expect that it basically ended his career.

    So, let Mr. betacuckPTSD drag out his guns and brandish them and see how dim a view society as a whole takes on that behavior.

    @Joe & @gage, I would be willing to date your daughter/sister respectively. Since I just turned 50 and my youngest only has a couple years left in high school, I’m willing to risk more than I recommend to my son.

    Of course, beyong the age, and the ex-wife and kids, I would opine that since I hang around these parts, in attitude, and temperment, I’m not marriage material for most American women.

  170. Otto Lamp says:

    @feerike saidr:

    Noble would gain my full and unwavering respect if he were to pick himself up, dust himself off, and use himself and his painful, destructive, and disastrous past experiences as an example of how NOT to go about approaching Christian marriage and family.

    In other words, imagine the power and impact of a recently red-pilled former Christian pastor who is not afraid to use his past to teach young men (and women too, for that matter) how to avoid his fate by doing things God’s way (which of course would be offensive/anathema to the feminist progs that dominate today’s church).

    The problem with Perry Noble is he is all but biblically illiterate. And no, I’m not being sarcastic or using hyperbole. A quick search on Noble will find such things as:

    * A church is a business
    * The person that always screams “I want to go deeper” is the jackass in the church (his response to people who want to delve into scripture, rather than just take Noble’s word).
    * There is no Hebrew word for commandment
    * Perry Noble Twists Scripture to Defend Driscoll
    * President of South Carolina Baptist Convention calls for Perry Noble and NewSpring to correct ‘problematic positions and statements’ (how bad does it have to be for a PUBLIC rebuke?).

    Noble may know the words, he may know how to sound knowledgable, but he doesn’t understand the meaning. He’s a perfect example of why so many evangelical mega-churches are a mess.

    Noble has no business teaching anything at all.

  171. truth_teller says:

    What would you guys say about a wife who hides money all the time? I am very disciplined and save and spend frugally but she doesn’t. If we get a windfall I spend about 15% and she spends the rest. She hid 60K from me she got from a relative who passed away and later I found about it, she blew it all of course. Then lately AGAIN she got another inheritance and is hiding that one too. I am thinking I shouldn’t bother with it since it comes from her relatives though but I wouldn’t do that if it were me.

  172. Otto Lamp says:

    “But atleast she got a vacation in…Venezuela…”

    Venezuela: 70% Catholic, 29% Protestant.

    Why in hades do churches sponsor mission trips to predominantly Christian countries.

    If they were serious, they would send them to India or Taiwan.

  173. squid_hunt says:

    @truth teller

    The Bible is clear that women are allowed to own and manage their own money and property. However, a quick test to see what’s really going on is for you to start setting up a separate account and witholding money. Make it public knowledge. You have every right to do this and it will be a good way to demonstrate her expected hypocrisy.

    I agree that it’s not worth arguing over, because you have no legal standing and she’s got someone else coaching her to act this way. But it’s really easy to turn the tables and show the real problem is control. Take it away from her, turn the tables on her, and she’ll probably be a little more reasonable in the future.

  174. squid_hunt says:

    @Otto Lamp

    It’s the equivalent of a high school field trip is all it is. It’s a way for evangelical churches to entertain the kids while still pretending to be spiritual.

  175. truth_teller says:

    Thanks for the reply squid_hunt
    I’ll set up a separate account(s).

  176. BillyS says:


    I think she may, I think, it’s just not on her radar. She is very busy getting set up to either go to Central America long term (2 years or so) or working for her Church. Things are kind of up in the air.

    That is a big red flag for me. My exwife was like that before we married. She worked full time, but did a lot of ministry and spent her 3 week vacation on a major missions trip. I came along and interrupted that, but that interruption only lasted 30 years. She is now just following her own way, not any specific ministry, but she is back to her own ways. That is one of the huge red flags I should have seen early on.

    Hopefully your daughter is explicitly aiming at being single, but I suspect she is just falling into it. She may get more passionate about things when she nears or hits the wall, long after her best years have been used pursuing things that really won’t matter for eternity.

    Much “ministry” done in the 20s by woman is fruitless in the long run. The problem is the opportunity cost of delaying marriage. It is no different than taking the same time to build a career, though it sounds more holy of course.

    You are free to do as you wish with your daughter of course, as is she at this point, but at least be aware that things are not as rosy as they would seem. She sounds a lot like my exwife and I know how that one worked out.

  177. squid_hunt says:

    @truth teller

    Get ready for war. She’s going to kick and scream. You have to stay calm and not let her goad you. Just let all the anger blow over until she wears herself out. Do NOT lose control of your temper or she wins.

  178. BillyS says:


    Sorry that my comment is so late and seems to repeat what others have said, but it sounds a LOT like my own situation, except that my ex father-in-law was not a Christian. He ended up funding the divorce years later, since his little lazy princess decided she was done with being “abused” and put down so much.

    The problem is the core foundation. I would seek to have conversations with your daughter about what she is planning for the future. It is likely to really bite her later if she is not firmly committed to being single for life and ministry.

    The hard edge also rang a bell with me and is quite disconcerting.

  179. BillyS says:


    Her Church has actually been panned in local media because they defend traditional roles.

    A side note to repeat for all: A church may claim to be “men run,” but the wives of those in leadership, especially the pastor’s wife, are often the ones who run things, especially in the area of male-female relations.

    My last pastor’s wife thought telling my wife to stay safe from me was more important than telling her that filing divorce was wrong, completely missing the final chance to turn her from her unbiblical path.

    Such churches are often filled with blue pilled cucks who end up undermining the very things they claim to support.

  180. feeriker says:

    I refused because going to France for a mission trip seemed like an extended vacation someone else is paying for. It’s just an opportunity for my sister to finally live abroad, not have a real job, and have other people pay for it all. Not that she would ever see it that way…

    Yup. Will S over at Patriactionary addressed this a while back:

    At a church I attended a few years back, the pastor’s wife was exhorting people to support a youth “mission trip” to Brazil. I approached her after the service and said “there’s a mission field right here: the neighborhood surrounding this church. Is there some reason we’re not sending missionaries there and have been ignoring it all these years?”

    The stupid, deer-in-the-headlights stare followed by a disgusted scowl was both revealing and priceless to behold.

  181. feeriker says:

    I would opine that since I hang around these parts, in attitude, and temperment, I’m not marriage material for most American women.

    No, brother, YOU ARE marriage material. It’s American women who are not.

  182. BillyS says:


    @Joe & @gage, I would be willing to date your daughter/sister respectively. Since I just turned 50 and my youngest only has a couple years left in high school, I’m willing to risk more than I recommend to my son.

    I have children older than her, so that would be odd, even though I am in your general age range as well. It also would put you at risk for frivorce in the future, especially to raid any retirement funds you have to support children you might have.

    I wonder how often such relationships ever work today, when they do happen.

    Though I would prefer her to most of the ones my same age or older that seem to find me appealing.

  183. anonymous_ng says:

    @feeriker, thanks for the vote of confidence. Since becoming Orthodox, having only three kids makes me the outlier. I don’t suppose I’d mind being married again, and not having kids, but I wouldn’t mind raising another batch of rug rats.

    @BillyS, I’m unwilling to date anyone younger than my eldest, and in truth, I’d probably not look back past the 20 years younger mark. However, while frivorce is always a possibility, the only thing you absolutely can’t protect against is child support. You can keep all your assets outside the US, and thus for the most part out of reach of US court judgements. Add to that mix permanent residency in at least one other country, and the willingness to expat, and you’re about as protected as you can be.

    At least that’s the conclusion I came to post divorce.

  184. Robin Munn says:

    I just found this discussion thread and saw Opus’s question about France from a couple of days ago. I actually grew up in France as the son of American missionaries, so I can tell you from personal experience that yes, France badly needs more people preaching the Gospel. The Catholic church in France is falling down on the job: most people in France will call themselves Catholic or Christians on surveys but will follow that up with a phrase like “mais je ne practique pas ma religion” (“but I don’t practice my religion”). In other words, they are Catholic/Christian In Name Only. On Christmas and Easter the church pews will look full, but the rest of the year it’s pretty empty. The best estimate I would give of people who actually attend church regularly and really believe is somewhere between 2% and 5%, and that’s lumping ALL denominations together (including both Protestant and Catholic), not to mention how many of those people have really uninformed ideas about various parts of Christian doctrine, since they grew up in families that never read the Bible. (A big part of my parents’ work in France is teaching Bible classes.)

    So while it’s always possible that some people, especially younger ones, going to France as missionaries are more attracted by the beautiful countryside than by the work of the Gospel… nevertheless there’s a genuine need for more missionaries in France as well.

  185. Robin Munn says:

    As for short-term mission trips, the attitude of ALL the long-term missionaries I’ve ever met (myself included) towards those trips is, “Well, they’re not going to do enough good to be worth the cost. BUT… sometimes one of those who comes on the trip catches the vision for the work and comes back long-term, and even those who don’t come back long-term will usually have their horizons broadened and be more interested in praying for missionaries because now they know what it’s like living here. So we probably shouldn’t discourage them too much, because some good does come out of it.” I.e., it’s a pretty useful recruiting tool, though it’s usually impossible to predict how much good it will do. But catch a long-term missionary at a time when he’s feeling particularly blunt and unwilling to dress up the truth in nice palatable words, and ask him about short-term missions trips, and watch his eyes roll.

  186. Robin Munn says:

    I should note one or two exceptions to the short-term missions trips: sometimes they do a lot of good. For example, the mission I’m working with recently had its yearly regional conference, with a bit over a hundred people attending. One church in America sent over a team of a dozen short-term volunteers to do child care for the conference, so that both parents could attend workshops rather than one of them having to stay with the kids at all times. They’ve done this for us before, there’s an established relationship, and the children often talk about how much they’re looking forward to conference and how they with conference could last for a month! THAT is a short-term trip that actually is worth the money invested in it, and pays dividends for the Kingdom work.

    So not all short-term trips are useless; I realized after I posted my previous comment that I may have laid it on too thick in that direction. Some are quite good, but there needs to be a specific, pre-existing need that you’re going over there to fill. The short-term trips that AREN’T worth the Kingdom money being spent on them are the ones with a vague purpose like “doing evangelism”. But if you’re sending a team over there to help the Christian school build a new building, or do child care for the conference so that the parents can get the most benefit out of it, or whatever… those are usually not a waste of Kingdom funds.

  187. BillyS says:


    I am not sure I would head to the expat stage, but that is one way to think about it. I am not sure I have enough pull to catch someone that young, so it is likely not relevant for me. Though I already married one like that (she was a bit older when I met her and later married her), so I would also be more skittish there.

    Any woman that young that would marry me is likely not a good match, for better or worse.

  188. Paul says:


    And not only does it increase testosteron in men, it does so in women too, look around the 1:50 mark, you will be surprised

  189. bdash 77 says:

    @Gary Eden
    running the home is the support system….
    of course just because you work does not make you the leader
    but you running the household like the P31 woman while your wife goes and works in the world, establishes herself and deals with other men is
    Not seen anywhere in the bible
    Not an example of men leading…..

    but yes you are correct
    so many male breadwinners are controlled by their wives.
    India is an example of that

  190. bdash 77 says:

    beta male house husbands / serve lead by being domestic claiming to be the leaders
    sound no different to this guy

    the next level of Chivalry….

  191. Paul says:

    @Oscar: “At the low end of measured testosterone were ministers, farmers, and academics.” Farmers? That’s surprising.

    Surprised me too. Might be due to all kind of chemicals involved. Lots of estrogens are present in cow manure (as these ladies are always pregnant), this might be an influence.

  192. Boxer says:

    What would you guys say about a wife who hides money all the time? I am very disciplined and save and spend frugally but she doesn’t. If we get a windfall I spend about 15% and she spends the rest. She hid 60K from me she got from a relative who passed away and later I found about it, she blew it all of course. Then lately AGAIN she got another inheritance and is hiding that one too. I am thinking I shouldn’t bother with it since it comes from her relatives though but I wouldn’t do that if it were me.

    You sure she’s blowing it? She might just be telling you as much, so she can send it to her made-up Nigerian boyfriend (he’s a prince, you know? He’s got a 2 billion dollar inheritance… he just needs 20k to prime the pump and all) or to save a huge parachute when she divorces you.

    Funny, I thought a marriage was a partnership. The feminists are always using that word. There’s another word, that describes one partner stealing from the company pot. It’s called embezzlement.



  193. Paul says:

    @earl: Bulls seem to charge when they see the red cape.

    Bulls are red-green color blind. It’s the movements. See e.g. Mythbusters (

  194. Kevin says:

    The adult male in a females life should be the alpha watching out over her. The sentiment is these threats is good and appropriate. What’s really broken is that they cannot be enforced and so sound silly, not the correct and natural impulse of men to threaten other men if they sexually pursue their daughters. That impulse has no modern outlet but it’s the right idea. It’s needs to be turned to trainignthe daughter and learning how to talk and get to know the young men.

  195. Disillusioned says:

    A week ago I was at my church. In front of me was a man with his family. His pretty daughter might’ve been around 15. The man was closer to his daughter than his wife. You can tell she was his pride and joy. He would put his hand around her and on her back. It would slide down and rest over her butt. That is when I noticed something wasn’t quite right. She finally made a move to get the hand away from there. Yet, it seemed like she was comfortable and used to it but didn’t want to be seen in public like that. The mother didn’t seem at all interested in what was happening. This is probably the kind of guy described in this article.

  196. Luke says:

    Otto Lamp says:
    April 27, 2018 at 10:11 am
    ‘@feerike said:

    Noble would gain my full and unwavering respect if he were to pick himself up, dust himself off, and use himself and his painful, destructive, and disastrous past experiences as an example of how NOT to go about approaching Christian marriage and family.

    In other words, imagine the power and impact of a recently red-pilled former Christian pastor who is not afraid to use his past to teach young men (and women too, for that matter) how to avoid his fate by doing things God’s way (which of course would be offensive/anathema to the feminist progs that dominate today’s church).

    The problem with Perry Noble is he is all but biblically illiterate. And no, I’m not being sarcastic or using hyperbole. A quick search on Noble will find such things as:

    There is no Hebrew word for commandment

    What the heck do the Jews then call the Ten articles on the tablets Moses carried down from the mountain? (Mt. Sinai in the Book of Exodus, Mt. Horeb according to the Book of Deuternomy)

  197. MichaelC says:

    @Joe “I have a 24 year old daughter that is beautiful, tall, talented and funny. She’s never been asked out.”

    She hasn’t been instructed in the way things REALLY work. When she notices a guy who interests her, she should INDICATE INTEREST in him, whether verbally or non-verbally. Smile at him when he looks at her. Say hi. Laugh at his attempts at humor. Etc. This is her way of giving the green light for his approach.

  198. MichaelC says:

    Alternately, she IS going out, but just is not interested in keeping you informed about her love life.

  199. Joe says:

    Tust me. She’s not.
    Daughter is just very focused on getting into full time ministry with colledge age girls and hispanic women. She also has a minor in Biblical studies (from DBU) and another minor in spanish in addition to her major in early childhood education. She is very aware of the God>Man>Women hierarchy.
    I’ve seen some women that I really respect for thier ministries with women, then meet a guy who’s ministring to men, then get married and follow him.
    In that example, the guy is a perfect example of a Christian Alpha, just like Christ was. He’s kind and tender hearted when he needs to be, and kicks a$$ when that’s needed as well. I really respect the guy, and the girl too for following him across the globe to a dangerous country (for Christians) to support him in saving the lost and starting home Churches. As an aside, I think the Churches that he starts with the new believers are more on target with scripture than most in the US. They’re doing it right.

    Perhaps that is what will happen with my daughter. We’ll see. She would be a great helper for some Chrsitan Alpha.

  200. Joe says:


    And not only does it increase testosteron in men, it does so in women too, look around the 1:50 mark, you will be surprised.

    Actually I’m not. When my wife is with me in my car and I catch her offguard and floor it, wife reacts in a similer fasion. She holds on for dear life and screams my name LOL.
    Sharp turns are even more fun.

  201. Paul says:


    Well, the girl’s actually shouting something else indicating increase in libido possibly caused by increase in testosterone…

  202. Tell “The King” that no one is interested in dating your daughter.

  203. Joe says:

    I just found this. What a coincidence.
    The banned commercial.
    Yes. This is what I drive. It’s FUN.

  204. Show me any father with a long list of rules for the young men who want to date his daughter, and I will show you a father who has a daughter that isn’t dated. She is just used for hook ups and fux. That is why he has to go and create rules. Because his own daughter is incapable of being with anyone who actually wants to date her.

  205. info says:

    ”Show me any father with a long list of rules for the young men who want to date his daughter, and I will show you a father who has a daughter that isn’t dated. ”

    Not very old fashioned it seems. A traditional father would be just as interested in helping his daughter find a good husband as much as keeping bad men away from their daughter.

  206. bdash 77 says:

    how does being a Christian man work when no woman wants to submit to or support him?
    Women are just not raised like that anymore
    they are raised to believe they can do everything a man can

    I am now even seeing more and more men even Harvard educated men going and working for their wives.
    Their wife is literally their boss….

    so weird..

  207. bdash 77 says:

    I found this

    none of the women are willing to give their husband a % of the company…
    if this were reverse people would be screaming….

    what kind of men are these
    they want to go and work for their wife?

    maybe they are already submissive in the home

  208. ray says:

    It is for the King to decide who is His daughter and who is His son. Which things He will make known worldwide at time appropriate.

    Taking such titles upon oneself is vanity and hubris, indeed the accelerated solipsism and presumption defining many supposed Christians. He will be sorting out who’s a Christian, too.

    Instead of bleating about it, wearing it like a new handbag, they should try acting like daughters and sons of the King.

  209. feeriker says:

    He will be sorting out who’s a Christian, too.

    In the end that’s going to be a very, very tiny list.

  210. bdash 77 says:

    haha ” never have to do laundry again”
    not if you marry a Christian wifw

  211. Hmm says:

    I was all set to respond to GBFM, but looks like most of his comments have been deleted.

    Here’s my challenge to him: Don’t wait for Dalrock. Tell us what Dante’s pedestalizing of Beatrice in The Divine Comedy and in real life has to teach us here.

  212. Hmm says:

    Sorry – sad, unclosed tag.

  213. Ron says:

    It’s actually just selfishness. He only wants his daughter to be seeded by a proper psycopath, or failing that, to become a lesbian. This is because a normal man simply won’t cut it for his massive, overwhelming ego. Also, he’s a total coward. He knows that God gave him everything, and wants this world to be populated, so on the one hand he has zero gratitude for anything God has done for his worthless mangy hide, and on the other hand he doesn’t have the balls to admit it, therefore he does this little end run around it, in effect giving smirking and giving God the finger.

    When the Greeks first got their ships together to sack Troy, God had pity on them and calmed the winds, in effect giving all of them a very good excuse to pack it up and go home. Instead, those arrogant and disgusting people decided to go to one of their worthless priests who told them that Dionysius, “god” of orgies and alcoholism, was pissed off for some stupid reason, and would only relent if Agamnenon would murder his own daughter as a “sacrifice”. Which he did. Trust a beta to kill a good woman for a bad one.

    At that point, God was probably so utterly disgusted, He said “@#$# all of you worthless murderous @#$@#$#. You want to go and get yourselves killed over that worthless @#$#?! Go right ahead. Here’s a wind, in fact, here’s two winds mother@#$#ers.” And the morons rejoiced and gave praise to Dionysius, “god” of orgies and alcoholism, for providing them with the means to get gutted on the battlefield, so Meneleus, the worlds greatest Gamma male, could at the end, spare that worthless whore Helen when she got buck naked in front of him.

    Same thing with these clowns. God is gives morons every opportunity to figure it out, but they insist on their own selfishness clownishness, then their daughters become a nightmare, and they can’t stop whining and crying about how “mean” God was to them.

  214. Rollory says:

    re: Forgive me for not being clear: as the suitor, how does one respond?

    “Okay, hang on, lemme just get something clear here: who’s fucking her, me or you?”


    “You, then. Got it.”

    re: Death of Christian Britain:

    Dalrock, you should read Corelli Barnett’s “Collapse of British Power”. About one fifth of it is focused on British religion and morals from about 1840 to 1940. The conclusion I draw from the evidence he presents is not that Christianity collapsed in the 1960s, or in the early 1800s, but rather that it mutated into liberal Christian progressivism in the mid-1800s and still looked Christian on the outside until the core of religious belief and custom had completely rotted away, at which point the shell suddenly fell apart leaving nothing behind.

    And that the same process is at work in the USA with about a century’s worth of lag.

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