Pictures of chivalry.

Rollo and Fabius Maximus both have new posts up with disturbing images.  Check out Rollo’s post Unconscious Contempt, and Fabius Maximus’ post Women are driving America into the future.  As you click over and view these disturbing images, keep in mind the chivalrous role the men are playing.  To be abused and humiliated by a woman is a great honor to the chivalrous man.  As Roger Boase explained (summarizing Gaston Paris, the man who coined the term courtly love, emphasis mine):

…the lover continually fears lest he should, by some misfortune, displease his mistress or cease to be worthy of her; the lover’s position is one of inferiority; even the hardened warrior trembles in his lady’s presence; she, on her part, makes her suitor acutely aware of his insecurity by deliberately acting in a capricious and haughty manner; love is a source of courage and refinement; the lady’s apparent cruelty serves to test her lover’s valour

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67 Responses to Pictures of chivalry.

  1. Dalrock has often shown how the values of chivalry have become the norm in our society. The frequency of women physically abusing their boyfriends and husbands is an extreme example of this. It’s fourth-wave feminism: the quest for supremacy.

    See the GIFs from TV shows in my post. From long-running hit TV shows – TV romances – each seen by tens of millions of people. I could not find a single comment on the internet expressing discomfort, let alone outrage, at these scenes.

    Apply the gender-reversal test used by second- and third-wave feminists. Imagine the reaction to TV shows with women being physically abused in public by men – shown as humor. Heads would roll in Hollywood.

    In a fourth-wave world, this is just grrl-power. Nobody, men or women, blinks twice at it.

  2. Jonadab-the-Rechabite says:

    A shit-test by any other name would not be so sweet…

  3. Sure. It’s very sad to see, but then you ask yourself “what can be done about it?”
    The vast majority of men are not SMV 7s to 10s.
    If they are redpill aware, then they will endeavor to improve themselves signifcantly, improve their value, compete with other men, adopt an abundance mindset and not accept such treatment.
    If they are not aware, then they will attempt to negotiate for access to sex and intimacy and endure all kinds of indignity, ridicule and humiliation for even the worst females society has to offer, and for mere scraps of female acceptance and approval.

    This is nothing new. It has been going on for decades.
    Online social media, iphone snapshots and videos have only succeeded in revealing to us all just how pervasive and prevalent this behavior is.

    Such men are the fruits yielded from decades of fatherless homes, vilification of masculinity and empowering women socially, financially, legally and politically at the expense of men. The Christian Church has done nothing but fortify this behavior of women, insisting that men are sinful, incompetent buffons, far from God and needing rescue by the feminine, while women are without sin and closer to God than men, and are actually the valiant ones living life in spite of a shortage of “good men”.

    Remember also that these women are the daughters of men. Somehow and somewhere along the line these women actually LEARNED that it is appropriate and acceptable to harbor such contempt and humiliate their own boyfriends, fiances and husbands in this manner.

    Once you are married to such a woman, for example, you can break it off and divorce her certainly.
    That is a remedy for the man.
    He can leave her.
    But because of men, by doing so he will be financially, legally and emotionally annihilated in the process of freeing himself from such contempt.

    Imagine now how many men we all know who are leading lives associated with such women because they have emotional investments and children with them, and don’t know any better.

  4. With all due respect, I don’t see why I should be disturbed by images from a fictional television show that I’ve never watched a complete episode of.

  5. Lexet Blog says:

    I was thinking about this the other day. I’m not sure If shit test is the proper term to describe the behavior.

    In military terms It’s either a reconnaissance probe for weakness/boundaries or an all out assault.

    Shit test should only be used to describe trivial behavior/indiscretions.

  6. Lexet Blog says:

    That’s what culture wants to view, and what is being pushed onto society

  7. Enough diagnosis! Do we need more examples showing what is happening, foretelling what lies ahead? Let’s look for inspiration to find the strength and will to act. Here is one such voice raised in a far darker time, in a struggle with much worse odds.


    For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. …Sir, we have done everything that could be done, to avert the storm which is now coming on. …There is no longer any room for hope. …

    They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? … Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

    Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. …The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, …it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! …Gentlemen may cry, “Peace, Peace” but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! … I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

    — Patrick Henry speaking at the Second Virginia Convention on 23 March 1775, meeting in what is now called St. John’s Church in Richmond VA.

    How can we apply these words today? Here are a few suggestions, building on the small steps that men have taken so far.

  8. Anonymous Reader says:

    I was thinking about this the other day. I’m not sure If shit test is the proper term to describe the behavior.

    In military terms It’s either a reconnaissance probe for weakness/boundaries or an all out assault.

    Don’t confuse deliberate, conscious behavior with unconscious behavior. Women generally resort to deliberate, conscious behavior only after their unconscious behavior has gone unchallenged.

  9. 7817 says:

    Do you think acceptance of abuse from an adored woman is strictly because of chivalry, or is it something deeper in man?

    I don’t think that some of the men I see receiving this abuse actually see it as a great honor, I think some are just honestly beta and don’t know how to deal with it.

    Chivalry codifies this behaviour, but does the behaviour pre exist the chivalry? If so, it would not redeem chivalry anyway.

  10. Could you bucktards do me a favor and use the word sex for biology and save gender for linguistics? To use the enemy’s language is to capitulate. “Respect my gender, pretty please: I have feeewingz!” Save the capitulation show for work. That’s actual winning.

  11. BTW, men don’t capitulate to women and act that it’s funny, Men capitulate to the police, da man. This is not fear of women. This is fear of men and of fighting.

  12. Anonymous Reader says:


    LOL!. Sure, put on that tricorn hat and parade around. Worked great for the TEA party, didn’t it?
    LARPing won’t solve anything, but you go on ahead and double down on it. Maybe you can get a guest interview with Dennis Prager!

    Meanwhile, in the real world, men should read Rollo’s “Unconscious Contempt” article, but don’t get fixated on the issue of vasectomy. That’s just a symptom of the contempt, contempt that grows out of men who live in their wive’s Frame of reference, rather than bring her into theirs.

    Deep Strength puts this a different way in his book, but the essence is the same.

    The contempt is everywhere, we swim in a sewer of feminism. Know the times, know yourself. Know your enemy.

  13. Lexit,

    “In military terms It’s either a reconnaissance probe for weakness/boundaries or an all out assault.”

    That’s a brilliant point! I believe that military analogies are the among the best ways to describe the gender wars. Fourth-wave feminism is the pursuit phase of battle: consolidating their victory and pursuing the remnants of a broken foe.

    Wars have been won after such defeats. But it won’t be easy or fast.

  14. Anonymous Reader says:

    Chivalry codifies this behaviour, but does the behaviour pre exist the chivalry? If so, it would not redeem chivalry anyway.

    Suppose that you were to encounter one of the men from Rollo’s essay face to face, and ask him in a calm way “Why are you doing this? Why do you live this way? Why do you put up with this?” what do you suppose his answer would be? IMO he would just shrug, because he does not know why he’s acting that way, it’s just “normal”. Dig deeper and eventually you’d hit the vein of chivalry, though.

    As Dalrock has amply documented, chivalry has been part of Western European culture for something like 1,000 years. It’s deeply embedded in the culture, and so men submitting to women is normal, normative, expected. Add in the K – 12 system, boys raised by frivorcess, betaized fathers – it is all that such men have ever seen.

    It is easier to solve a problem when you are certain that a solution exists. If there’s uncertainty or doubt, then it can be much more difficult to work on a solution.

  15. Lexet Blog says:

    That’s why I distinguished from trivial actions. All under the same umbrella (I think)

  16. Dalrock says:

    @‘Reality’ Doug

    BTW, men don’t capitulate to women and act that it’s funny, Men capitulate to the police, da man. This is not fear of women. This is fear of men and of fighting.

    Look at the man proudly tweeting about his humiliation on Rollo’s post. He didn’t do so out of fear of the police. He is proud to be bravely enduring her cruelty, and wants the whole world to know.

  17. Lexet Blog says:

    That’s why we need to ensure they self destruct by not interfering in the

    Trans bathroom debate and
    Trans athlete debate

    They chose feminism, they suffer the consequences


    Lexet is exactly correct. I cheer everytime a male wins a female sport or disrupts their access to toilets even in schools. I make that point clearly especially at the conservative, yet gynocentric, Church I go to. There’s much gloom posted by Dalrock, but few solutions. The counterpoint is someone like Dr Turley who puts forth the more hopeful effects. The feminist, gynocentric and white knight culture is ultimately suicidal. Best is to pray that God allows you to carve a small pocket of sanity where and as Napoleon said, not interfere as your enemies destroy one another. Since modern Churchianity has lost all saltiness, I will watch the cancer of feminism get the chemotherapy of trans insanity and Islam as I await my third grandchild from another daughter and husband who HATE feminism.

  19. Anon says:

    Look at the man proudly tweeting about his humiliation on Rollo’s post. He didn’t do so out of fear of the police. He is proud to be bravely enduring her cruelty, and wants the whole world to know.Look at the man proudly tweeting about his humiliation on Rollo’s post. He didn’t do so out of fear of the police. He is proud to be bravely enduring her cruelty, and wants the whole world to know.

    At least 15 years of basic Game advice on the web for free*, and men still think this is somehow a beneficial way to behave.

    *Some would say longer, but accessibility has risen over time.

  20. Damn Crackers says:

    As I slowly die alone in a government run old age warehouse without family, it will be nice to know that the Filipino or Jamaican nurse who slowly steals my last dimes while she wipes my ass will provide me better care than these harridan wives.

  21. Expat Philo says:

    Chivalry or courtly love is simply the most recent version of this rot. We have records of Roman diplomats discussing the living conditions of men and women in Celtic lands, Northern Italy, Germany, France, Britain, parts of Iberia, Anatolia, and the Balkans. The celts had a social order where men were basically chosen by the women of the tribe for sex, some celtic diplomats even expressing shock that roman women would agree to have sex in the arrangement of marriage with men who are not the “best”.

    Now, the Celts were wildly successful before Rome for unknown reasons, but I would hazard a guess that it was principally a consequence of their mastery of Bronze. Would women really be the makers and users of bronze? No. Early celtic men innovated, spread through Europe by conquest, and achieved a high level of wealth for the time. Hm, a group of highly successful, innovative men being brought low by their women. Where have we heard that before?

    I would hasten to add that this may be a result of celtic bloodlines being generally pretty competent in comparison to others, see the history of material achievement and the relative prevalence of actually useful female rulers in the West vis a vis the rest of the world. In other words, celtic women are more intellectually manly than other subgroups. A vague hypothesis, but one that bears some semblance of sense as far as I can see.

  22. Anonymous Reader says:

    At least 15 years of basic Game advice on the web for free*, and men still think this is somehow a beneficial way to behave.

    Doubt that much or any thought is involved. “Make Mommy happy” is an emotive state.
    The manosphere in general is still a niche within the larger internet, too.

  23. 7817 says:

    Dig deeper and eventually you’d hit the vein of chivalry, though.

    As Dalrock has amply documented, chivalry has been part of Western European culture for something like 1,000 years.

    Chivalry is not a good thing, but history is older than 1,000 years. The problem must go deeper than Chivalry, in my view.

  24. Pingback: Pictures of chivalry. | Reaction Times

  25. Spike says:

    That guy with the vasectomy is going to get divorced.
    If your wife gets you to have a vasectomy, you have demonstrated to her that you worship sex with her, and she will weaponize that against you.
    Don’t get me wrong: If a man wants a vasectomy, for whatever reason – usually he has had enough children and that’s his call – he should get one. But it’s HIS body and therefore HIS call. Not hers.
    Half of all the problems “Beta” men have with marriage – and that includes me – is that we have a sex drive and expect it to be fulfilled in marriage. That in turn, means wives will weaponize sex against us.
    It is only when you are prepared to lose everything, as I was, when the (literal) “power of the pussy” is broken.

  26. Cane Caldo says:

    @Larry Kummer & Anonymous Reader

    Let’s look for inspiration to find the strength and will to act. Here is one such voice raised in a far darker time, in a struggle with much worse odds.


    LOL!. Sure, put on that tricorn hat and parade around. Worked great for the TEA party, didn’t it?

    I wonder if the Confederates used to tell each other to read Patrick Henry quotes before they marched out and lost. Maybe I just don’t get it because to me the 1770s don’t seem dark at all. In fact we see that America was a power growing from strength to strength. Britain was too, but things in America were excellent, England was a long ways away, and there was the hope that we could tempt the French to come to our aid. Besides that there was always the frontier. That is gone. All the Earth is full.

    You’re dreaming, Larry. The situations are not in the slightest similar. You, being an infidel, are of no help. This is fundamentally a religious war and you are unequipped to battle unless and until you sign up and suit up.

    Meanwhile, in the real world, men should read Rollo’s “Unconscious Contempt” article, but don’t get fixated on the issue of vasectomy.

    Rollo said basically the same in his post, and I think y’all are wrong. For the man who would retain (or regain) headship there is no substitute for embodiment and so necessarily a “fixation” on reality: Do not get your balls cut off. The reality is that the difference between a man who’s had a vasectomy, an eunuch, and a “transgender woman”, is one of degrees.

  27. Frank K says:

    That guy with the vasectomy is going to get divorced.
    If your wife gets you to have a vasectomy, you have demonstrated to her that you worship sex with her, and she will weaponize that against you.

    That happened to a close friend. Not only did she divorce him, she cheated on him, twice.

    When he told me what he was going to do, I tried to talk him out of it. But he was doing it for her, he told me. Her infidelity and divorce almost drove him to suicide. He never remarried. He dated, but was haunted by what had happened, and it never went beyond that. Eventually he stopped dating.

  28. Anonymous Reader says:

    Chivalry is not a good thing, but history is older than 1,000 years. The problem must go deeper than Chivalry, in my view.

    Well, sure, there’s two different factors at work. The inherent nature of women, and the cult of courtly love. Note that the root of the word “culture” is “cult.

    Male humans form hierarchies, it is literally in our DNA. Therefore betaization is always a possibility. Women’s fitness testing is inherent in their DNA. Both are as old as humanity, for whatever time period preferred. Human nature is what it is. Note that “contentious woman” is mentioned in Proverbs multiple times, this is not an accident, and therefore the contentious woman is not a product solely of the modern world. It’s not just Facebook. It’s not just running water. It’s they way they are.

    Courtly love is a cultural artifact built on top of human nature. Women will be contentious and rebellious in any culture, it is how they are. Men do not have to cater to their whims, however, and surely need not celebrate their own denigration – as the men in Rollo’s article are visibly doing.

    Modern Western culture can be traced back 1,000 years. Much bad stuff has been done in the last 50, but the roots of that weed can be found centuries ago. USA’n culture has a huge influence around the world, so to some degree that cult of courlly love has infiltrated right along.

  29. @Dalrock, you underestimate the power of propaganda, neurosis, and the subconscious. Do this simple thought experiment. If wives were de facto property of their husbands, and if husbands could hit wives to chasten them, what man would do that? Social norms of self-denigration begin with a lesson in fear. You don’t know what lurks in your own subconscious I think. By intuition, things can bubble up, and do. A cuck is a winner by framing it that way. Does not wisdom begin with the fear of G-d? Certainly, conformity begins with fear of something terrible and persistent, and the police of muh police state are that. How fast could the cuck be jailed for rape, paying alimony he can’t afford, facing prison for debt? You write it off, but it’s a ‘wisdom’ informing us. A fish does not know what water is until he is out of it.

  30. Splashman says:


    Chivalry is not a good thing, but history is older than 1,000 years. The problem must go deeper than Chivalry, in my view.

    Eve’s sin was desiring to be equal to God (her authority). Adam’s sin was caring more for Eve’s approval than God’s.

    There is nothing new under the sun.

  31. locustsplease says:

    For all the problems my ex had she never said anything about me or us online that could b viewed as insulting. While living in a blue pill world i never take garbage like this before i was red pill. I would throw all that crap away eat the candy i liked and not say a word.

    I wouldnt pose for that photo for $1,000.

  32. TheWanderer says:

    FWIW: Years ago (2008) I completely lost interest in mainstream network ‘Television Programming’ and just never got cable, dish, or any service, just movies I want to watch, mostly avoiding ‘shows’ and any content out of Hollywood. So needless to say it wasn’t easy dating back then, women would freak out, like I was a luddite or something. Made a great ‘shit test’ of my own, and weeded out many shallow women. Just too damn boring enjoying peace, reading, not being tied to a tube. Fast forward – been in a long term relationship since 2012 to date. To see these images and scenes is a bit surprising, and from the perspective of someone that has never seen any of those shows, those don’t even look like women, they look like defective men. After seeing these, Explains a lot of strange people we know lol

    It has taken me seven years, but slowly it is possible to open a woman’s eyes to this Clown World (gynocentric) sexual dynamic inversion (social engineering) and reveal it for what it is. But it takes a rare breed of woman to have experienced it first hand to really get it. In my case her mother divorce raped her father, so the issue has a bit of personal sting every time she see’s an anti-feminist meme discussing that, or just the stench of the feminine imperative – simply due to the fact she would stick around and listen to me rant and preach how shitty women tend to be – when God forbid I got on my high horse over something she did that pissed me off. I would tell her she is better than that. Don’t give up hope, just be aware of this crap – and the pathology needed to rise ABOVE it all, and focus on being faithful, with a goal of marriage when you know for certain you both are on the same page.

  33. Chris says:

    Women are encouraged to be bitchy, rude and abrasive to men. Many even think this is a positive thing men enjoy. If you look at OLD profiles you’ll see many women advertising that they are “sassy” or “sarcastic” etc. The whole purpose of this what Rollo calls “maximizing hypergamy”. Its to select for alphas. They really don’t want men to buckle under this abuse, they want them to resist, to “hold frame”.

    This bitchiness drives off average, beta, men who might stick around long term, and selects for exciting, alpha, men who will only stick around short term. Perhaps, for all their complaining about unreliable men, this is what they really want.

  34. white says:


    Gynocentrism is easily observed among non-human mammals as well. “Chivalry” is simply gynocentrism turned into a religion.

    If gynocentrism is a result of the Fall, then it must have spilt into the animal kingdom.

  35. Oscar says:

    @ Lexet Blog

    That’s why we need to ensure they self destruct by not interfering in the

    Trans bathroom debate and
    Trans athlete debate

    They chose feminism, they suffer the consequences

    If a woman wants equality, I say give it to her. Good and hard.

    Meanwhile, we need to protect the women that belong to us; wife, daughters, mom, etc.

    And, you know what? That saddens me. The rest of the world is like that. Men in the less-civilized parts of the world care only for their own women. Other men’s women are ignored at best, or fair game at worst.

    As a young man, I stopped and helped ladies (usually much older ladies, so it wasn’t for their looks) change flat tires on multiple occasions. That kind of thing used to be common in the US. I’m not so sure that’s a good idea anymore. Who knows when you’ll run into some feminist harpy who’ll drop a false accusation on your head?

    Clearly, a lot of men have reached that same conclusion. Consequently, we’re headed in the direction of those uncivilized places. And feminism is the reason.

  36. American says:

    @White: God personally formed both man and woman in His image as the only creatures thus distinguished before elevating humans by placing them in charge of the entire planet. Humanity differs from animals in radical ways. Unique human qualities and traits set humanity apart from the animals by kind, not just degree. It is humanity that has the ability to self-examine and exercise will to change their behavior toward alignment with the Creator’s will and original design for humanity even when it goes against their survival interest in a particular environment. In contrast, animals do not engage in self-aware thoughtful moral reflection. They are creatures of instinct that change behavior to environment or human training.

    These differences get blurred in the anti-Christian ontological naturalistic oriented worldview that now dominates academia and the domains academia influences. That said, certainly it’s logical a creator of a material environment adhering to physical laws would reuse useful biological designs for biological creatures in a universe constructed as ours is. It’s also logical that some experimentation with that design might be present (e.g. hominids). But that reuse of useful design is exactly that, as is evidence of experimentation, and not “incontrovertible proof” that humanity speciated from lower animals. In other words, don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.

  37. white says:


    I’m just pointing out that our struggle with chivalry might be more than just a cultural one.

  38. American says:

    @White: Acknowledged. I just felt like pontificating. Happy Thanksgiving.

  39. American says:

    The upcoming 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo is going to be especially entertaining. Read why here:

    But the real-time epic clash between feminists and trannys as trannys sweep up Women’s medals will be overshadowed by the impending arrests, indictments, and prosecutions of senior member cabinet officials of the Clinton and Obama administrations… toward the arrest, indictment and prosecution of the Clintons and Obama themselves down the road. Less certain is whether or not a massive firing of deep state bureaucrats will also accompany this. Yes, it’s going to be a very entertaining Summer. Enjoy. 🍿🍿

  40. cynthia says:

    @The Real Peterman

    I hear this a lot. I don’t watch TV so why should it bother me? In fact, my husband tells me the same thing from time to time.

    The answer is that it’s not about you. It’s about society at large. It’s about what the average, typical viewer acquires while watching that show.

    Most little girls, thanks to no-fault divorce, grow up without men in their lives. No father, no relationship between their parents that gives them a foundation to understand how to deal with men in a healthy way. Media replaces that foundation. It’s a constant drumbeat in the background, dripping little by little into your awareness. Your brain soaks it in without even realizing it. And thus do boys learn to hate themselves and girls learn to hit them because it’s funny and harmless, right?

    It’s not just kids either. Fabius cites Pacific Rim as a movie where they wrote the romance out; it’s one of the first movies they really did that with. Who cares, right? But that had some pretty serious impact, in its own way. I was on Tumblr back in 2013, and watched that train wreck happen in live action. The fanbase seized on it as a perfect shining example of progressive filmmaking, to the point where they bullied the writer of the movie off social media for not confessing his white privilege over making the female lead Japanese and therefore “wankoff material” for himself. It was really bizarre. Nothing is ever enough though, and that’s the problem. Every time things move a little to the left, they are inevitably going to move a lot more. Pacific Rim was a sign of things that have come since. Increasingly, it’s bigotry to let the female lead have a love interest. And we’ve gotten there through little changes, little cuts.

    It might not matter to you, but it does have real world consequences. Like drag queens reading books to toddlers at the local library, it is a problem.

  41. JRob says:

    Catechize your children before the culture does.

  42. JRob says:

    From the linked Fabius Maximus post:

    But the GOP’s interests are those of the 1%: cutting taxes for the rich, breaking unions, deregulating corporations from environmental and workers’ protection laws (and allowing them to form cartels), and subsidies (e.g., for defense contractors).

    Do the Marxist and Libertarian interests lie with the other 99% in their fight against chivalry or what have you? Asking imaginary friend.

  43. Pingback: Women are driving America into the future - Fabius Maximus website

  44. Scott says:

    Women are encouraged to be bitchy, rude and abrasive to men. Many even think this is a positive thing men enjoy. If you look at OLD profiles you’ll see many women advertising that they are “sassy” or “sarcastic” etc. The whole purpose of this what Rollo calls “maximizing hypergamy”. Its to select for alphas. They really don’t want men to buckle under this abuse, they want them to resist, to “hold frame”.

    I met Mychael online. And I had a few really simple rules.

    First, any woman’s profile that had descriptors of herself as “sassy” or “strong and independent” or any other variation of these themes were nexted, immediately.

    Next, I looked for phrases like “I’m ready for the drama to stop” and other passive agressive digs at exes. If they wanted the drama to stop, they would have stopped it a long time ago.

    I looked for someone with around the same education (or less) than me. And in the same regard, they had to have a portable career because mine was already set in motion to take me to active duty as an army medical provider, and I was not going to change that course for anyone.

    i was Ok with single moms (obviously) because, at the time, I figured I wanted to hear the story of how that happened. I could just easily have been a single dad, but for luck really. What I didn’t want was baby daddy drama.

    I never made first contact. I waited for interest to come from them. I knew that even the average women were getting 100s of emails a day from guys, so I figured I would be different and not so desperate.

    Beyond that, I was looking at women around the same age, or a little younger and I “dated” according to circa late 80s/early 90s rules.

  45. Scott says:

    Note: all of the above was pre “red pill”

    I would probably use different criteria now.

  46. Oscar says:

    Off Topic: the Commie Pope demands Japan commit suicide.

    Pope Francis met with young people at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Tokyo on Monday, where he called on the country to “open your arms and welcome those who come, often after great suffering, to seek refuge in your country”, said Caritas Japan.

    It said that due to the country’s restrictive laws, only 42 people obtained refugee status in 2018.

    To be fair, Japan is already committing demographic suicide, but this is like asking a dying person to start shooting heroin.

  47. Lost Patrol says:

    Archeology dudes fail chivalry test.

    “A young Cambridge University academic, given an award for researching sexual harassment during fieldwork, says she was laughed at for her work by a ‘large group of older men.’ ”

    Spoiler alert: she cries.

  48. Lost Patrol says:

    What you want is warrior women that don’t need no chivalry. We’re so woke now that we can run join the military adverts that feature women exclusively.

    OK, I’ll stop now.

  49. What would be recommended for somebody interested in reading the original texts and stories of chivalry? Dalrock where did you start going down this road.

  50. Oscar says:

    @ LP

    Not woke enough. The woke will not rest until the commercials feature a fabulous cast of kick-ass drag queens.

  51. Anonymous Reader says:

    Note: all of the above was pre “red pill”

    Much of your online search would be a good template for any man, and is “red pill”.
    Especially this part:

    I looked for someone with around the same education (or less) than me. And in the same regard, they had to have a portable career because mine was already set in motion to take me to active duty as an army medical provider, and I was not going to change that course for anyone.

    A friend of mine years ago upended his career to move to another state in order to further her education. About 3 years later I helped him move back, after the breakup. Just one anecdote.
    Postscript: she really did become a medical doctor. As far as I know she never married and has no children. Feminist winning!

  52. Opus says:

    @Lost Patrol

    Somehow and probably wrongly I imagine that Archaeology is not much of a thing in America, as nothing goes back beyond 1603 but equally I am surprised that archaeology is still a thing in England as surely by now everything especially around Cambridge that could be dug-up has been dugged.

    We had what I found a very interesting T.V. series which ran for a couple of decades entitled Time Team. The format was that the archaeologists had three days to dig and come to a fascinating conclusion eked out with an artists visual impressions of how it would have been at the time of The Romans/Saxons/Normans. The programme however also functioned as a sit-com as the three main archaeologists all unattractive and slightly eccentric men of middle age spent a lot the time bantering and bickering with each other. I found it fascinating both as archaeology and as sit-com.

    In the last year or two of the programme a young female archeologist was introduced not that she did much and frankly got in the way but she was female and for added bonus points an Indian. I tend to think that when women start entering something the writing is for the subject in question very much on the wall.

  53. Scott says:


    I’m no social justice warrior or revisionist historian but I’m pretty sure the Mayan civilization here in the Western Hemisphere dates from about the 700s BC so there is plenty for archaeologists to dig up.

  54. Anonymous Reader says:

    Somehow and probably wrongly I imagine that Archaeology is not much of a thing in America, as nothing goes back beyond 1603

    Well, nah, at least to 1285 or 500 or, hmm, something something BC. The structures in the cliff alcoves are still there to a degree . The hand / foot hold cutouts in the clifside are too shallow for tourists, though.

    Or maybe quite a bit earlier. In this case we probably will never know.

  55. Anonymous Reader says:

    In the last year or two of the programme a young female archeologist was introduced not that she did much and frankly got in the way but she was female and for added bonus points an Indian.

    Which nation? Blackfoot? Sioux? New England Casino? Enquiring mind wants to know.

  56. Frank K says:

    Perhaps, for all their complaining about unreliable men, this is what they really want.

    It’s definitely what they like, what they desire, though I think they don’t see the unreliable part, until it bites them on the butt. Then they go and cry on their beta orbiters’ shoulders and say “why can’t Chad McBadBoy be more like you?” before running off with the next thug. It is what it is.

  57. Opus says:

    I had completely forgotten (such is my anglo-centrism) about what I suppose one calls Native Americans (as opposed to you paper ones). On my side of the pond we have no Mayans or anything like that – but then you have no Romans, Vikings or Monastery’s to dig – and really, Mayan’s do not seem very interesting. If they ever find a wheel it will be a fraud although I am told you might have dinosaurs which also seems pretty fraudulent. What you need is Piltdown man (just a few miles down the road from where I am) the entire hoax dreamed up by a local attorney – never trust a lawyer.

    Anonymous Reader jests with me for he knows we only have Curry Indians. I should have added though perhaps it was clear that within a year or two of the Curry archaeologist joining the show it was cancelled. If women join something, it whatever it is, it is on its last legs.

  58. Anonymous Reader says:

    @Frank K
    The late Sam Kinnison coined the term:

  59. Anonymous Reader says:

    On my side of the pond we have no Mayans or anything like that – but then you have no Romans, Vikings or Monastery’s to dig

    Not Roman, but…probably all the Viking sites on Vineland have been excavated, although there are still a few on Greenland that are mostly under glacial ice.

  60. info says:

    So this is how through chivalry men marry women who screw them over and destroys their life.

    Against the advice of Solomon about the contentious woman.

  61. scientivore says:

    I am effectively (not dogmatically) MGTOW precisely because I reject the contempt of women for regular guys like me. And I have nothing but contempt for the guys that put up with it.

    LIterally, my last girlfriend was asexual. I didn’t know that when I started courting her; but she was so sweet! Actually pleasant. And when she realized that I thought we were dating and told me, I took about 3 seconds to decide and propose platonic dating.

    And I expect that PUAs would have contempt for me for not even trying to get laid. But at least she showed me admiration and respect.I

    The end of the story is that eventually we drifted apart, because sex is the glue that ho!ds people together when things get inconvenient. But it was fun while it lasted.

  62. Oscar says:

    Off Topic: this Chick-Fil-A stuff goes from bad to worse.

    Chick-fil-A, once under fire for donating to “anti-LGBT” Christian organizations, has now taken flack for funding seemingly pro-LGBT charities. In a truly shocking development, the fast-food chain even funded the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), which is notorious for slandering conservative and Christian organizations by calling them “hate groups” on par with the Ku Klux Klan. While conservative Christians have been defending Chick-fil-A from criticism, the fast-food chain donated to one of their worst enemies.
    “It’s time for Christians to find a fast-food alternative to Chick-fil-A,” Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council (FRC) said in a statement.
    After the original boycott [of Chick-Fil-A], a deranged man named Floyd Corkins targeted FRC for a terrorist attack. He stormed the headquarters with a nine-millimeter handgun and a bag of Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches. Thanks to the bravery of security guard Leo Johnson, Corkins failed to carry out his planned massacre, but he did seriously wound Johnson. He later told the FBI he targeted FRC because of the SPLC’s “hate group” accusation. He also revealed his plan to smear the chicken sandwiches into the faces of FRC staff after he had killed them.
    “This certainly shows how rapid their descent has been. It makes no sense that the Christian community rallied to support Chick-fil-A, sending their sales through the roof, and Chick-fil-A responds by funding the anti-Christian Southern Poverty Law Center, the group linked to the shooter who stormed our headquarters,” Perkins said.

    I don’t understand what makes people think they can betray the people who supported them, and keep them, while also winning over the people who hate them, and wish to destroy them.

  63. John38 says:

    At work I sit across from a married 27-year old woman who brought in a book titled “What do we need men for.” This book was written by an old feminist and of course it’s all men-bashing and she thinks it’s great. Young women have such open contempt and hatred for men and yet so many young men have so little self-respect that they will ask out and even marry these horrible women. There is much in life beyond your control but you can live with dignity and self-respect which is something in short supply among many men.

  64. Opus says:

    Alright, I grant you The Mayans, and Messa Verde and Kennewick Man, and Vineland (well of course, Vineland) but apart from the Mayans, Messa Verde, Kennewick Man and Vineland, what did The Americans ever have to do with archaeology? [oops here come the Romans]

  65. Lost Patrol says:

    what did The Americans ever have to do with archaeology?

    Apparently we are the only ones perceptive and bold enough to shed light on its inherent injustices.

    So you’re saying we get no credit at all for sending our girl over to point out that archaeology is misogynistic?

  66. Jim Christian says:

    Hilarious this. Precisely because women aren’t funny. Female comedians, that is. They used to play up Fields, Diller and Rivers, but I see their stuff, it ain’t even smile inducing.

  67. Anonymous Reader says:

    Only one Fields matters.

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