Reviewing the data on child support and the discussion which followed has me thinking we need an image to break through the frame that child support is only fair and for the children. Child support at its core is about placing a cash bounty on the removal of fathers from the home of their children. With this in mind, I’d love to have an old west style wanted poster, something to the effect of:
It would be crucial that the entire work be new and free of copyright by someone else. This rules out the easy to generate ones on the web. If anyone is interested in helping with this, let me know and I’ll email you at the address you include when you submit your post (don’t include your email address in the plain text of your post).
I’ll offer my services.
I’m not quite as much of a master of pickup as Heartiste/Roissy…
but I’m pretty sure I can match his mad skills in Microsoft Paint.

I’m not a graphic artist either, more like a hobbyist with a few tools and some skills at hand. Is this what you had in mind?
[D: Outstanding! Is it encumbered by copyright (other than yours)?]
The concept of child support has become so ingrained into peoples mind that they simply cannot comprehend doing away with it. It sounds cruel to them and they ask what about the children. However both child support and marriage are concepts to help raise and support families and just as two objects can’t coexist in the same time and space neither can marriage and child support. If the space is filled by one object or concept then there’s no room for the other.
Child support allows a woman to have children without having to give up her desire for hypergamy.Its end result is single mother households with fatherhood reduced to nothing but a paycheck. Without child support women must give up their hypergamous desires and find a good man to marry and to be the father of her children. Its end result is children growing up in a two parent home with the father an integral part of the child’s life.
Marriage and traditional families or child support and single mother’s, we can only have one or the other.
Can you contact me via email?
[D: Done.]
I sent you a pic via email. If it was combined with the theme in the second comment pic, it would go real well.
Greenlander, that pic is hilarious
“Each father” and “his”, not “their.” It’s some rule of correct English.
Good catch Continental Op.
Yes, Ace, truly excellent. I hope it gets to be a pictorial meme.
very nice!
target the child support industry, though (you know 3 dollars of federal dollars for the state for each 1 dollar of collected child support), not division of assets in divorce, feminist governance is a much better target
Here’s some old war posters that have been retrofitted in the antipeonage site.Good stuff, old posters should be public domain,just find them and write a custom caption.
Off-topic: hilarious complaint of a divorced woman that she didn’t get enough booty.
A good tall infographic could go viral, once people saw graphs of the odds of woman-initiated divorce (70%), the odds of divorce when you marry a young woman, the odds of filing for divorced based on custody, the odds of filing being increased based on who gets custody of the kids, the odds of the woman getting custody of the kids (around 90%), etc.
I wonder if there are any statistics on the amount of divorce porn directed toward women.
@Suz, David Collard & poester99,,
Thank you all for the kind words.
I’m much obliged.
It used to be part of Catholic practice that the innocent spouse was supposed
to have the children in a divorce. That was abandoned long a ago and now, I think much more often but not always, the father becomes the dearly departed’s personal ATM card, via judicial review.
Child support is grossly unjust when, as in our case, my adulterous spouse got our five children and I got the cross to bear, which never ends. Without
assessing “blame” and addressing it justly, presuming their were promises of
perpetuity and fidelity, this system is a tool for destruction! I do not want to get into a rant or a pity party.
I would not have agreed to marriage if divorce was an option, nor would I have agreed to having children, only to have them raised by a pair of unrepentant adulterers who had both the support of the state(state or fed is little different) and the Catholic Church. It is a little piece of Hell on earth, for
a non-custodial, abandoned, innocent(not perfect) spouse. It is so far from
fair that only an idiot would support it, or a person with no morals or ethics that make sense to me.
Well done Ace!
Thanks, Dalrock.
I’m pleased you enjoyed it.
I’ve been commenting for a couple years (admittedly very infrequently) in the manosphere and it just hit me:
You are the first person to ever use the special character.
So, I’m not sure if you read my post “Pro-tip” or not but, either way, it was cool to see.
Dalrock, you’ll want to read:
Off-topic, but graphic art nonetheless:
‘Men, don’t trust whores, they can drown you in their cunt!’
More gender realism by Russian criminals:
‘a whore’s dreams’
‘Death to whores!’
‘Now, bitch, tell me how you were unfaithful to your husband!’
I’m guessing you’ve seen this:
If not, enjoy.
– A♠
Yep, that’s an excellent documentary.
@ Höllenhund,
And I must admit:
When they were interviewing in the women’s prison I couldn’t help but think of R. Tomassi/the Rational Male articles discussing female sexual fluidity.
I made one for you.