NY Magazine’s The Cut has a new article out on a topic which is rapidly making the rounds: Meet the SWUGs of Yale: Women ‘Washed Up’ at 21
The striking feature image shows a coed with the tell-tale dead in the eyes look. According to the article, SWUG (Senior Washed Up Girl) is a new term which originated in Cornell and appeared at Yale in 2010. Yale student Greg Kelley defines the term as:
…a girl who has been through the meat grinder. A seasoned veteran who knows the ropes.
However, even with a dead in the eyes look, at 21 a reasonably fit young woman is still going to pull a great deal of sexual attention. Only on a rare and closed social scene is a 21 year old woman too old and jaded to attract the attention of men, as the article points out:
Of course, the SWUGs aren’t actually washed up. Three months from now, they will be the bright-eyed newcomers in New York or Los Angeles, the 22-year-olds dancing on banquettes in nightclubs, who still drink too much and still flirt with boys. They’ll go from envying freshmen girls to being the envy of older women.
The real challenge for these women is the way their male peers are starting to see them, and thinking of them dancing on banquettes in nightclubs doesn’t help. This is just another crack in a slowly crumbling narrative. This is especially risky for UMC women because their marriage prospects are limited. While I would bet that the vast majority of Yale and Cornell men graduating today will ultimately go on to marry, if an additional 5-10% of UMC men decide not to marry this would be a catastrophe for UMC women.
UMC women are a bit of a paradox because they are the ones who lead the delay in marriage, yet they need marriage more than women of other classes. Having children out of wedlock is still highly frowned upon in UMC culture, and marriage is still an important status marker in itself. By delaying marriage and riding the carousel they are giving the men of the UMC an ultimatum; accept a debased form of marriage or none at all. We can only wait to see how this bet turns out for the current graduating class, but already there are signs this might not end as they are expecting.
I liked this SWUG’s comment from the article: ““Whatever empowerment we’re supposed to be deriving from this version of the feminist moment is looking pretty thin on the ground,” she explains.
UMC women are a bit of a paradox because they are the ones who lead the delay in marriage, yet they need marriage more than women of other classes
And women are supposed to “marry up”, so goofing around does not help
Isn’t this just another, different attempt to fish for sympathy? They are jaded why, because while they were all getting the attention of men one or two years prior, they no longer have exclusive rights to the spotlight? What about all the young men who were never, and still aren’t, being noticed by the opposite gender? No one hears them complain.
My still very present initial beta instincts would be to run to the poor, hurt girls, and reassure them that “everything is going to be alright”. And that’s how I know what this is about. Their appearance alone isn’t working anymore, so it’s time to play the damsel in distress. I just hope that with the expansion of the manosphere, most young men will see right through it and get rid of the civility that prevents them from treating these women as what they really are: damaged goods, good for a day rental but not a purchase.
one part of my full of apathy, the other smug and sadistic glee at watching the entitlement monkey die its fitting death not with a bang but a whimper.
How does it feel to be empowered?
“While I would bet that the vast majority of Yale and Cornell men graduating today will ultimately go on to marry, if an additional 5-10% of UMC men decide not to marry this would be a catastrophe for UMC women.”
More to the point, assuming Yale and Cornell male graduates and UMC men generally continue to marry, will they continue to select SWUGs and UMC women as wives? I certainly didn’t, and wouldn’t advise anyone to do so. Too much cost, not enough utility.
As Dalrock has astutely pointed out, over the last couple of decades men have been willing to “man up and marry” sluts and serial monogamists, but I just don’t see that happening as much in the future unless she is willing to lower her standards quite a bit.
“It means acknowledging that while younger girls may get all the attention, senior year can still be the best year. Because there’s a certain freedom in just not caring.”
You’d think they’d learn that this is an exact microcosm of the larger SMP once they graduate. They are given the most perfect example they could possibly ask for, yet they still refuse to see it.
So these SWUGs are carousel riding 4s through 6s (maybe add two points to this for youth after graduation) who can’t find anybody because the younger student men, proles in New Haven, and hipster grad students don’t meet the needs of their Hypergamy.
Basically they have priced themselves out of a date for a decent guy, but at the same time they are lowering their own SMP value by not taking care of themselves.
Maybe this phenomenon (if real, not all media reports on these phenomena are real) is an attempt by the new generation to shame carousel riders. And a good thing.
Women better hurry up and fool men into marrying them before they reach the point of realizing life is better without them in it full time.
What is a UMC?
[D: Sorry. Upper Middle Class]
Women created the hookup culture; enjoy its fruits, ladies.
Because there’s a certain freedom in just not caring.
Kind of sound like MGTOWs.
Excellent point. However, this is an issue of perception, and media like this shapes perception as much as it “reports” it.
media like this shapes perception as much as it “reports” it.
First World Problems and their media enablers.
“SWUG” is a handy abbreviation for “naïve, nubile carousel-rider ready to serve as throwaway entertainment for any 30-50 year old man with game.” These skanks will serve as object lessons for the following generation, so they do have a valuable role to play.
Target-rich environment, gents.
But I thought UMC women, if they want to do things Smartly, ought not to marry until their later twenties? So confusing.
At some point, the potential cost to a UMC man from Yale, Cornell, Columbia, etc. marrying a typical woman from one of those schools will become too high. Then those men will widen their net, and start considering bright women from lesser schools, maybe even public uni’s. When and if that happens, I expect the usual media outlets (“New Yorker”, “Atlantic”, etc. etc. ) will go basically insane.
One of the things that can be tracked is the spread of antibiotic resistant gonorrhea. This particular disease (“veneral” or “STD” as you prefer) can be asymptomatic in up to 50% of women, and will cause infertility in a plurality (40% according to one source) as well as a number of other serious health problems, including early death. If this strain becomes as wide spread as normal gonorrhea, promiscuity will be associated with a high cost, and a cost that arrives soon enough in time to affect behavior at least in the UMC.
Disease reporting is more reliable than social trends. I do not have a threshold estimation, however. I can’t even speculate what percentage of the 18-30 age group will have to become infected with an incurable STD in order to induce social trend change. I’m pretty sure that there is one, though.
Washed-up at 21. Wow, that’s depressing. The girl in the picture looks closer to 31 than 21, too.
The article still tries to do them a favor by whitewashing their behavior, saying “ill-advised sexual flirtations” when they really mean “stumbling home at 3am with semen in their hair.” If all they did was flirt, even with the heavy drinking, you wouldn’t get that dead-eyed look and the “to hell with it” attitude.
This, right here, is what you get for your six-figures when you send your daughter off to an elite college, folks. A person who can spout total nonsense but wrap it up in literary references so it sounds smart.
How interesting. They are in effect admitting that Susan Patton’s letter ito the Daily Princetonian is true:
So confusing
It should not be so confusing SSM. After all, I made you an honorary man for the day.
This article basically convinces me not to send my kids to college. Nonexportable skilled trades, my sons, and do NOT date college women.
Sad. because I have a STEM PhD. But college is a losing proposition now.. financially and romantically.
It takes an expensive education to make living like a wino and prostitute sound like an empowering lifestyle choice.
This article basically convinces me not to send my kids to college
Is there any learning going on in the Ivy League?
@zykos –
“My still very present initial beta instincts would be to run to the poor, hurt girls, and reassure them that “everything is going to be alright”. And that’s how I know what this is about. Their appearance alone isn’t working anymore, so it’s time to play the damsel in distress.”
A common theme in the manosphere is “Men are Starting to Wise Up”. Hopefully, with articles like this, women will also. As you point out, part of that process is not rushing in to fix things for them. Until there are consequences, and a clear line from behavior to consequences, the behavior will not change.
Exhibit 1: “Whatever empowerment we’re supposed to be deriving from this version of the feminist moment (sic) is looking pretty thin on the ground,”
It takes an expensive education to make living like a wino and prostitute sound like an empowering lifestyle choice.
Empowered by dad’s money and/or student loans.
And yet, I get a look of surprise upon telling someone that I plan on teaching my girls to be good wives and hoping my son learns a trade.
True, but just as with MGTOWs, you’re only free if you truly don’t care. When a guy says he’s going his own way but he still gripes a lot about women, often you can tell he does still care and he comes off as a whiner. Likewise, these women clearly still care, or they wouldn’t need to numb their emptiness and fear with so much alcohol. There’s a whole lot of doth protest too much in those quotes about how carefree they claim to be.
No, here what it really boils down to. Here locally the media is all about how much money the college pumps into the economy. 30 million from the students alone and about 240 million total. It’s a liberal arts university. That it’s valedictorian last year (a female) graduated in fluff and who’s only goal was to be a DJ on weekends on the local public radio station in which she described as her dream job is indicative of what college is really all about. And it’s not about learning.
Farm Boy
Ah yes, thank you for that Farm Boy. Of course, I personally was never confused on this issue, which is probably why I married at 22, despite the feminist indoctrination machine at our dear alma mater. What kind of dumb bunny believes that men who wouldn’t commit to her when she was 20 will suddenly want to commit to her when she is 29.5?
You have a bunch of sons. I have a bunch of daughters whom we have no plans to send away to college and whom we wish to see married off early. Maybe we could work something out here, anon.
This is a joke, right?
I’ve tried to read the linked articles several times and they’re still incoherent to me. Maybe I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around the idea that women have become so narcissistic that they expect the world to sympathize over their horrific plight of having to share the spotlight in sexual attraction.
Are they serious?
The rigid, religious belief in core feminist principles is the keystone holding together the arch that supports this particular suite of female behaviors.
When young women finally decide that sexual liberation “doesn’t work”, there will be no reason to defend any of the other elements of the feminist platform.
I consider myself a MGTOW, but I don’t like the idea of being so dead inside that I become wholly apathetic, because it’s tends to be generally all encompassing. It wouldn’t be merely not giving a flying leap about women (and relationship/marriage) anymore, but about ANYTHING. I’m willing retain bitterness if that’s the only way I can stay human and continue to feel. It vexes me, but not so much that I can’t enjoy my life as a single doing my own thing.
Or, a local reputable enough LOCAL college where you can pay the loans off fairly quickly, and the kids continue to stay home. College degrees are yesterday’s high school diplomas unfortunately, but they are particularly needed if you want to break into a federal job at a GS-7 entry level. And at the rate we’re going government jobs are going to be the only thing left to compete for.
Why would a man suddenly want to marry an aging whore who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in useless college education, whilst hooking up with frat boys and dancing on tables, who then expects him to work off her debt while she stays home and raises their single child before going all EPL on his arse?
Here’s me counting the ways I give a shit about their plight…
News flash to the oh-so intelligent UMC wimmenz. Hook ups debase your ‘power’, free sex does not empower you, it degrades you and puts a mark on your honour.
Farmboy@11:45a – Empowered by dad’s money and/or student loans.
In other words, dad’s money, or Uncle Dad’s money.
Uncle Sam’s money. Which is just another way of saying Dad’s money…
Or perhaps Bernanke’s Dollars would be a better fit? Where you wager your entire future happiness for a couple moments in the spotlight today.
Bernanke Dollars: Printing misery since 1913!
It is perfectly rational. She wants to “marry up” but is an elite. If she rides the carousel, she will be like a bunch of jeans that have seen multiple trips through the charity resale stores, thereby lowering her value. The realization might be catastrophic, but more can afford a rusty BMW or Mercedes that the repair history indicates has been submerged, than a new Chevy or Ford.
This is a double tragedy. I can only think of images of emaciated drug abusers. Feminists are “pushers” in the fully demonic evil connotation of that word. They are sex-slaves without a pimp.
I forgot an old comparison that I’ve used before: Smoking. If you watch the SyFy Twilight Zone marathon, Rod Serling is holding a cigarette. The old I Love Lucy had a commercial about how healthy (their sponsor’s brand – IIRC Micronite/Asbestos filter) cigarettes were. Winston had a Flintstone (yes, Fred and Wilma and Barney and Betty!) ad. You don’t have to search for the smoke signals, they are as hard to avoid as profanity and pornography on contemporary television.
Today, smokers are shamed and shunned, but sluts are celebrated. Rachel in Genesis said “give me children or I will Die!”. Sandra Fluke said “give me contraception or I will Die!”. Apparently Obamacare won’t cover treatment for nymphomania, perhaps it is considered “normal” like SSA.
The Virginia Slims ad tagline perhaps puts it best and most ironically, “You’ve come a long way, baby!”. It does not say in what direction.
Someone else “Gets it”…. http://www.slate.com/articles/double_x/doublex/2013/04/i_married_young_what_are_the_rest_of_you_waiting_for.html
Damn, I forgot the blockquotes. Here I go again.
You’d think they’d learn that this is an exact microcosm of the larger SMP once they graduate. They are given the most perfect example they could possibly ask for, yet they still refuse to see it.
Yes, it’s exactly my view as well.
Both HS and college are forced microcosms, because most people don’t socialize outside the boundaries of them (some do, but not most) until college graduation. So what you see is a microcosm of what happens later, namely:
Freshman — huge advantage to women, men worthless and mostly drink and party about not getting laid at all while freshman women fuck alpha upperclassmen, who are getting laid like tile. Like tile. (Post-college parallel: 22-24)
Sophomoer — getting a bit better for men, best ones can snag some freshmen women, and some peers, but still advantage women. (Post-college parallel: 25-27)
Junior — Better for men, more men getting laid, some of the others getting GFs more regularly, women feeling increasingly jaded, cynical and used. (Post-college parallel: 28-30)
Senior — Alpha men getting laid like tile, other men having it easier with women than at any time during the past three years, women are largely jaded, cynical and disheartened at the prospects if they are not in multi-year relationships by then. (Post-college parallel: 31+)
This is how it is. Because colleges are an artificially constrained environment, they replicate this same pattern that we experience in life, post-college, in a much more compressed fashion.
Cautiously Pessimistic – ”More to the point, assuming Yale and Cornell male graduates and UMC men generally continue to marry, will they continue to select SWUGs and UMC women as wives? I certainly didn’t, and wouldn’t advise anyone to do so. Too much cost, not enough utility.”
Feminist Hater – ”Why would a man suddenly want to marry an aging whore who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in useless college education”
Even more so than the consideration of the women being used up sluts, the pragmatic financial considerations are what I believe will lead to fewer and fewer educated men marrying equally educated women.
Back when I married (1985), I was completely reasonable to assume that a woman who also had her degree would be a family financial asset. Thus, in a world where dual-income households were becoming the norm, marrying a college educated women seemed to be a good bet (MAndrospere Red Pill realities then unknown).
But, as the cost of obtaining a degree increases, especially as much as it has for many women (who, thanks to generous loans, did not have to live a fiscally austere life-style to be able to “afford” college), that pragmatic consideration begins to unravel.
Adding to the matter of how much debt she will drag into a marriage, her life-style expectations vs. the decreasing probability that she will be able to find high-pay employment, will tend to make her seem more of a liability than an asset for any man thinking of marrying her.
If red Pill knowledge of the soul-destroying, pair-bonding reduction, increase likelihood of STD infection effects of carousel-riding female promiscuity become more widely understood, a SWUG’s Marital Market Value will fall even further.
Marriage does remain a valid social measure within the UMC, but marrying a debt-ridden slut with an unmarketable degree and expensive tastes, can quickly reduce a man with solid UMC potential to a virtual-poverty level of living, with crushing debt – even before the probable divorce-rape.
SSM: You have a bunch of sons. I have a bunch of daughters whom we have no plans to send away to college and whom we wish to see married off early. Maybe we could work something out here, anon. /kidding
No need to joke about it. I consider it a serious prospect.
Dalrock — you redacted one of my posts. Is there a guidline I don’t know about, or did you just decide it was too darned long? If there’s rules, I’m all ears — it’s never my desire to make trouble, at least not THAT kind of trouble.
[D: I had a copyright concern about the extended quote. Links are ideal for that sort of thing.]
Sarah Palin weighs in on getting a practical job vs liberals arts degree:
Uncle Sam’s money. Which is just another way of saying Dad’s money…
No. Daddy’s money may come with some strings attached, but ultimately if she doesn’t pay Daddy back, it won’t be a big deal in most cases. She will pay Sam back, no matter what. Sam’s debt never goes away. It cannot be discharged via bankruptcy. If need by, Sam will garnish Social Security checks to get that money back.
A lot of people graduate from high school, and even college, with minimal skills in algebra. Not calculus, algebra. A single-variable equation bothers them, and two variables blows their mind. There are business majors who can’t calculate a markup without a calculator, and some can’t do it at all. They can’t figure out sales tax. So forget more complex issues like Return On Investment. Maybe this is not true in the Ivy’s, but I see people in state uni’s on a regular basis that are basket cases when it comes to pretty straight forward math. Not in STEM, I note, but in business; hospitality & tourism, general business, management, etc.
ROI is a major consideration in contemplating college. Even the less expensive places cost $50,000 for four years without too many exceptions. What is the return on that investment? Not to mention the opportunity costs…
@Cail Corishev
It takes an expensive education to make living like a wino and prostitute sound like an empowering lifestyle choice.
This should be the quote of the week!
However, I still recommend education, especially in STEM subjects.
Anyone catch this comment over there?
SWUGS have always existed. As a 60+ something male ex-banker, I remember how delighted I was each fall, crisp and clear in New York, when those newly-graduated young things, dripping in ennui, entered the workforce. Think about it. Tired of clumsy undergraduate boys and yearning for some experienced male companionship, they were delicious grist for the corporate sexual mill. Nothing new here. As usual. And the more beautiful, sexually rapacious of them were truly somethng to behold as they advanced into middle management. Sexy, confident, they were–and are–wonderful.
In the time before birth control and promiscuity normalization, a 21 year old woman would have been married and raising three kids.
Now they’re just grist for the corporate sexual mill aka Bernakified, desouled butthexters ready to transfer assets from men to the State .
We’ll know that point has been reached when the word ‘dowry’ re-enters the vocabulary.
A big dowry that’s forfeit upon divorce, now that’s a serious pledge of commitment to the marriage.
In the time before birth control and promiscuity normalization, a 21 year old woman would have been married and raising three kids.
Now they’re just grist for the corporate sexual mill aka Bernakified, desouled butthexters ready to transfer assets from men to the State .
Now,now, KG. That’s “empowerment”, not “grist”.
SWUG, HA! My definition is SUPSRFPND! Senior Used Up Slag Ripe For Pump ‘n Dumps!
Not so SWUG are we now Sistas! Fucking pathetic!
Yep Yep, empowered right up their bung holes.
We’ll know that point has been reached when the word ‘dowry’ re-enters the vocabulary.
Don’t hold your breath….
Now,now, KG. That’s “empowerment”, not “grist”.
What would we ever do without all they empowermed womynz to fill out the ranks of middle management?
Girls have two choices to make in life:
The first path that they may take is one of partying, drinking and fornicating during their prime years.
The second path involves the girl making a conscious decision at 15-16 years of age to raise her marriage-market value (learning how to cook, keep legs closed) and finding a good husband in her prime years.
Most girls have chosen to follow the former path. They are the damaged goods in this world. Yes, they may be forgiven, but that does not mean they get to bypass the temporal consequences of their sins. No good man should give them the time of day for the rest of their days, lest they are sadistic.
I have already settled on a strategy. I am currently a 23 year old man. If I ever do get married, it will be in my early thirties to a teenage girl (who has chosen the second option) with sound parents. If this is not possible, I will NOT marry.
To any feminists out there, answer me this: Why should I give the prime years of my life (my thirties) to a girl who never gave me the prime years of her life (17 to 23) exclusively to ME?
AR, that’s why University was always meant to be a place of further learning or research. It was never meant to be a place to acquire education to get a job. There’s the fundamental difference. You cannot really appreciate or readily quantify the ROI on a university education unless it is in a STEM like subject, because the ROI was meant to be the acquisition of knowledge, not the ability to get work.
Now, of course, your opportunity cost for going to university is both the money lost in trying to further yourself, which could have been better spent in a Trade School or starting your own business, and the time lost in the time sink of 3 or more years to get a degree. There are other opportunity costs to going to University, such as loss of youth, internalising their ideals rather than your own, but those differ from person to person.
The biggest one being that of spending yourself into servitude… that’s a biggy.
Also, why spend time in an Institution that simply teaches ideology? I don’t need to be taught what to think. As a person who values his university education, I wanted to be taught how to think. That means how I apply my mind to problems, not how to sprout useless slogans to protest stupid ideals…
Universities have become indoctrination mills, not places where one learns to discern truth or to engage reason.
We can already put a dollar figure on that cost – it’s well into the six figures, the cost of an IVF regime requiring multiple aggressive attempts to gain a pregnancy.
Fellas, just look around you. Somebody’s blowing her man’s earnings on keeping those fertility clinics open.
I believe we’ve already reached that percentage, but few people realize it yet. When women’s-interest magazines and TV programs begin telling 50-year old mothers, “The reason you are not and never will be a grandmother…”, then the secret will be out. And then the long-delayed social change will be underway. I figure it will take about 20 years to play out. But there’s no reason for today’s wise young man (and his parents) to overlook the smart play and get ahead of the curve.
Now that our eyes have been opened to just how commonplace the ravaged-by-disease slut-turned-born-again-virgin is, the idea of the UMC young man demanding a quarter-million dollar dowry (minimum) starts to sound downright commonsensical. Or maybe a genuine virgin lacking an expensive women’s studies indoctrination at the pricey boutique liberal arts
collegefinishing school – and lacking the debt that comes with it – is beginning to appear the wise young man’s preferred choice, yes?what is amazing is that they will observe this phenomenon happening to themselves at 21
but will still press on with the same behavior after college, knowing that the wall is coming fast.
Like, truly no foresight at all. No awareness. No planning. Just wheeeeeeeeee………..
and no one around can tell them no.
truly sad.
women didn’t get liberated.
They got discounted.
“SWUG” is a handy abbreviation for “naïve, nubile carousel-rider ready to serve as throwaway entertainment for any 30-50 year old man with game.”
So true… Gotta love the young ones… So easy to manipulate into doing pretty much whatever you want… Love the college cuties…. Fortunately, there is a never ending supply of them…
It will be interesting to see if these women actually have trouble marrying later. Most college educated women have no problem getting married when they want to, even if they wait until thirty or so to do it.
Finally the thousand cock stare has been caught on film for the manospheres enjoyment. That ain’t no 21yr old.
zykos—same feeling. When I pull myself out of reveling in the schadenfreude like the tool I am, I have moments of pity for these girls. But I still don’t plan on throwing myself under the bus for them.
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!”
AR, that’s why University was always meant to be a place of further learning or research. It was never meant to be a place to acquire education to get a job. There’s the fundamental difference. You cannot really appreciate or readily quantify the ROI on a university education unless it is in a STEM like subject, because the ROI was meant to be the acquisition of knowledge, not the ability to get work.
This arguably was true in the US prior to WWII to some extent, but afterwards it was not.The managerial revolution of the 1940’s and 1950’s made it possible for someone with a college degree – pretty much any degree – to get a start at a big corporation. In the US, a supreme court decision in the early 1970’s essentially outlawed the use of written IQ tests as a job screening tool. That’s when the “get a Bachelor’s degree, get a job” train really pulled out of the station.
Fast forward 40 years, and the market is glutted with BA’s in “nothing much”. But the high school guidance counselors still are urging the best, the brightest, the not so best, the not so bright, and down to the C students to go to college. The pipeline is still stuffed full, for the most part, due to the idea that “college degree of any sort -> good job and career”.
I know what the classic humanities education looks like, and even knew a few people who had one. They are or were all old people…
You are wise for your years.
From a 39yr old divorced guy
Aww, c’mon Dal, lighten up. Without SWUGs who’d be reading HUS? I’m sure some verrrry accommodating ‘New Betas’ will be overjoyed to show off their hard-learned feminized Game skills to make them haaaapy, for years to come.
I recently entered the UMC, economically that is. Them people is clueless on most topics, especially education. ROI is a foreign to them as Latin is to me. Perhaps they are the most clueless regarding money.
It matters not what they do. It seems there are still plenty of betas to swoon at their feet:
I’m 36 and this is basically my answer whenever someone tries to match me up with a single mom or divorcee or some other woman who went cray cray playing the slut (even if she is a repentant slut now.) If I haven’t waited myself, I might be more agreeable to that, but I HAVE waited, and I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think I deserve someone who did too.
Given your youth, you may be in for a long, hard road, but no matter what, DO NOT SETTLE. No matter how tempting it is to start lowering your expectations, DO. NOT. SETTLE.
It’s been a lonely existence for me, but I’d rather be lonely and single than lonely and trapped in a loveless marriage (or paying God only knows unfathomable sums of alimony and child support as a divorcee.)
You know Dalrock if all it takes is a 5 to 10 percent drop in UMC men marrying then maybe I should start pushing for more feminism in schools. Instead of 60 percent of colleges being female make it 75 percent and realy emasculate the ones that are there. Looks like I’m going to have to start posting on aunt giggles site and manboobs and show off my feminine imperative
This book does a good job describing who should go to college and what they should learn,
Without SWUGs who’d be reading HUS?
Is reading HUS a virtue?
I’m with you Rollo
I still don’t have any empathy towards women in general. The smug sense of entitlement has been adopted by all age groups. Men are expected to drop under the bus, throw their cloak over a puddle, fund their epl moments through coercive taxation.
Here is a link to two sources. One is a PBS article basing the growing income inequality due to family or lack of it. He states is goes beyond money to the family being the real incubator of human capital. Society has reached a level where education is available in a way never before, yet it seems those in families, two parents, mom and dad, are best able from a genetic, economic, and social aspect to capitalize on the opportunity. Basically he puts a economic and academic dressing on what we have been saying.
The PBS writer that runs The Business Desk had toss a spin on it in a “pre” article comment, a foreword to the piece.
“He sent us a post that I don’t buy in full. And others may find his emphasis on the influence of “assortative mating” on increasing inequality unappealing, if not downright objectionable.”
Assortative mating is the idea of two peers in educational and economic attainment forming a couple, that as both rise through the economic levels, then the affect on the family is doubled. I had this belief upon leaving college. That two could carry the heavier log than 1 could alone. Neither the PBS nor Muller, the author of the piece mention hypergamy.
My opinion is that women would commit to assortative mating, the Dalrock blog would have very few readers because most of the audience is exactly the sort of men from women should naturally chose their “assortative mate”.
The second link is that famous letter from a female ’73 grad of Princeton telling women to find their husband at Princeton because they never will be in such a concentration of men that are their academic equal. She warns that men will settle for “less erudite” women and judge on the basis of looks and that a Princeton woman could not (should not) settle for a man that is not as smart as she is. She even warns the Freshman that every year their odds of finding this man reduce as the graduating class removes more men from her possible pool. Of course some in comments ridiculed her either as an “old crackpot” or “elitist” meaning she is telling the women to go for money and power now. Of course, we know exactly what she was saying to the young women.
So, while last weekend we sort of had to deal with the possibility that “members’ of the manosphere might have trouble going mainstream, the reality is that either the ideas are going there or at least the symptoms we both recognize and cause are gaining traction and attention.
But it will go down hard. Intellectual investment doesn’t let someone walk away from beliefs rapidly. I am reading Thus Spake Zarathrustra right now. He has just spoken to the “crowd” after coming down from the mountain. He was rebuked by them, reviled, and jeered and chased out of town..
” Herdsmen, I say, but they call themselves the good and just. Herdsmen, I say, but they call themselves the believers in the orthodox belief.
Behold the good and just! Whom do they hate most? Him who breaketh up their tables of values, the breaker, the lawbreaker:—he, however, is the creator. “
Girls, if you’re going to college for any reason other than to find a husband, you are insane.
Anyone catch this comment over there?
SWUGS have always existed. As a 60+ something male ex-banker, I remember how delighted I was each fall, crisp and clear in New York, when those newly-graduated young things, dripping in ennui, entered the workforce. Think about it. Tired of clumsy undergraduate boys and yearning for some experienced male companionship, they were delicious grist for the corporate sexual mill. Nothing new here. As usual. And the more beautiful, sexually rapacious of them were truly somethng to behold as they advanced into middle management. Sexy, confident, they were–and are–wonderful.
Immediately caught my eye, and I too, thought of GBFM who posted this poem over at Roissy’s the other day:
(btw, I think the poem is hauntingly tragic, seriously.)
“da professional womenz ode”
alpha fucks and beta bucks
dat is how we roll
da butthexting cockass we fucks and sucks
and in our anuthes it doth deosul
alpha fucks and beta bucks
it is da way of da fed
to transfer assetss to dose who butthext
cuckold dose who pay for our bread
beta bucks and alpha fucks
it’s what day teach us we;’re entitled too
da assetts from betas we plucks
after da alphas desol us through our hole for poo
cuckold da betas cockhold da alphas
datsz what day taught us in mba grad school
as da feiisnsits see no truth nor justice in their laws
and say da great books for menz was all fools.
yes, yes, i did very good on my gmats
dey bernenakifed my soul away, left me with cats
Burned out from the meatgrinder =”desouled”
O my prophetic soul!!
YEs thanks slumlord!!!
somebody fianlly notcied that the poem tells of a TRAGEDY!!!!
see the universe is fundamentally moral symmtry symmetric morallly symmetric.
the poem also sympathizes with womenz, while laughing at them and tehir silly GMAT Scorezz
and the peom tell sthe truthz about who is behind the deousling (litterally behind it as they butehxt the souls awasyzyz zlzozoozozoz)
someone needs to send the girl in the artilece this shirt:
zlzozoozozozozo she can wear it out as a 22 year old in NYC looking to get ebenrnenkiified bernankifeid by some tuckrrz max rhyes with godamn goldman sax butthexter lzlzlzozoz
“da professional womenz ode”
alpha fucks and beta bucks
dat is how we roll
da butthexting cockass we fucks and sucks
and in our anuthes it doth deosul
alpha fucks and beta bucks
it is da way of da fed
to transfer assetss to dose who butthext
cuckold dose who pay for our bread
beta bucks and alpha fucks
it’s what day teach us we;’re entitled too
da assetts from betas we plucks
after da alphas desol us through our hole for poo
cuckold da betas cockhold da alphas
datsz what day taught us in mba grad school
as da feiisnsits see no truth nor justice in their laws
and say da great books for menz was all fools.
yes, yes, i did very good on my gmats
dey bernenakifed my soul away, left me with cats
“Why should I give the prime years of my life (my thirties) to a girl who never gave me the prime years of her life (17 to 23) exclusively to ME?”
Simple answer: you should not.
The slightly more complex answer involves background checking, legal advice on prenups and family trusts.
Dude, that poem is pure genius– and I’m not kissing your arse here. It really is that good.
It needs to be one of the canonical posts of the manosphere.
Thanks for the professional womens ode. The feminist workplace has a terrible effect on women.
It’s interesting to me how the equate intelligence with education. I think income is a more practical indicator.
lzlozozzoo da GBFM hs has the colsutionz!!! lzozool solutionz!!! lzlzozozo
as usual the humble superhero GBFM has the soluton to
1) the marriage crises
2) the SWUG crises
da solution is. . . wait fo r it
wait for it…..
Bring Back Prima Noctes! Braveheart: “Grant them prima noctes. First night, when any common girl inhabiting their lands is married, our nobles shall have sexual rights to her on the night of her wedding.” lolzlz!
“Longshanks: Nobles. Nobles are the key to the door of Scotland. Grant our nobles lands in the north. Give their nobles estates here in England, and make them too greedy to oppose us.
Advisor: But sire, our nobles will be reluctant to uproot. New lands mean new taxes, and they are already taxed for the war in France.
Longshanks: Are they? Are they? The trouble with Scotland is that it’s full of Scots. Perhaps the time has come to reinstitute an old custom. Grant them prima noctes. First night, when any common girl inhabiting their lands is married, our nobles (a central banker) shall have buttsexual rights to her on the night of her wedding. If we can’t get them out, we breed them out. That should fetch just the kind of lords we want to Scotland, taxes or no taxes.
Advisor: A most excellent idea, sire.
Longshanks: Is it? “
–From Braveheart
I wish they would bring Prima Noctes back!!
Imagine just one other man having rights to your wife, for one night, before you got her.
That would rock!!
Today the master fiat class gives the first rights of your wife to an endless array of douchetards, starting in elementary school, commanding her to see lying, peacocking, manipulative, girly beta males as alphas, while seeing manly alphas as betas; as her mother exiled her true father long ago, under command of the fiat masters.
From an early age they teach her that her ginatingles rule the world, not Jesus, nor Thor, nor Zeus, nor Moses. When she gets knocked up in a lower class, they reward her with fiat dollars which Ben Benanke hand delivers in his helicopter. When she gets knocked up in an upper class, they send an apahce helicocpeter into the womb to abort da fetursus lzozozo
Today, when she kisses those kids and sends them off to school, she leaves traces of dozens of other men on their cheeks.
Make no mistake–she is working for the Fed, and if you question any of this she will take your children away and the feminist police will search your home to determine how many assets of yours she will get. For again, all the Fed can do is create debt, and to convert this debt into physical wealth, they need men, like you, to work and labor for it. lozlzlzl!
You know you tasted it when you kissed her a couple times on those early dates–that salty prima nocta form those Yaleies who violated her orfices a few minutes before when she was a frshamn, sophomore, and junior, before she took a break her senior year drinking wine with firends, before heading abck back onto dancing on bartops in NYC when she hist 21 to compelete the bernakknification and desoulment zlzozozo. And now she pwns u, the kids, and the home! And you have to pay 4 ur own cuckolding as she has become addicted addicked to weekly ebernifiactionz and is enttled to themz as a liebetrtee dowmenz!!
Interesting, now we have a more PC term for the 1,000 cock stare. Anyway, something I think has been missing from the comments is how pre-university life goes these days. The idea that young and nubile women are deprived of their naiveté, thanks to an endless supply of buttsex and wine-filled pickle jars, I’m not sure is accurate.
Given the early (and aggressive) sexualization of girls we see nowadays, I’m sure many of these girls come into University with a few years worth of carouseling under their belts. The only reason we don’t see SWUGs in high school is because access to alcohol is harder when underage (notice I didn’t say impossible – it wouldn’t surprise me if we start seeing them in a few more years as society declines even further).
So when the article says:
I believe that is inaccurate. Sure, three months from now they will be bright-eyed newcomers in New York and Los Angeles, intoxicated by their own fabulousness and sophistication; two years from now they will be back to square one – because a change of scenery won’t change who they are, or rather, who they have made themselves to be. The few that manage to snatch a man who will fulfill their hypergamy will try to fill the void with an increasingly out of control spending habit with hubby’s money, the rest will just amp up the pretantiousness, the anger, and the rate at which they chip away at their souls – with 14% by Vol. metaphorical hammers – one pickle glass jar at a time.
Thnks thanks slumlord!!!
“slumlord says:
April 11, 2013 at 6:08 pm
Dude, that poem is pure genius– and I’m not kissing your arse here. It really is that good.
It needs to be one of the canonical posts of the manosphere.”
Yah! I hope to have it incldudied in the NORTON ANTHOLOGY OF POETRIESZZ so dat the young yale ladies have more classical content to deconstruct in-between their bernankifiactionsz in da butthzolzziizlzozzo.
hey dalrockz!!
the chick in the article:

would look much better in dais dis t-shirt:
@Rollo, @Dalrock
You guys are probably on speaking terms with Suz from HUS. Do me a favor next time you talk to her. Ask her if that photo in her avatar on HUS is her “good” photo, OK? Because if it is, I couldn’t imagine her advising anyone on anything about Hooking Up, at least anything that would require any actual experience. If hook up partners were chosen like dodge ball teams, she surely would be the last one taken. “FIne, we’ll take Suz, but she’s going way in the outfield.”
hey mark
“hooking up smart” means violating the Law of Moses and Jesus in a “smart” manner.
how “smart” is it to go to hell and suffer etenral damnationzz? zlzoozoz
and if we were playing dodge ball i would choose her first– to dodge my ballzlzozozozzl
@Frank: You are right that it is a lonely existence. I guess that I am lucky in that I enjoy reading, and yes, playing video games. I have also waited, and it’s a difficult thing to do. I have worked my ass off, saved money, invested it and have lived frugally. I am quite red pill aware so therefore any prospective wife MUST be of the highest calibre – This is not, as you mentioned, an unreasonable expectation.
@An Observer: I suppose I better get acquainted with Facebook… For some reason your good suggestions about background checks reminded me about Roosh’s post on how girls with smartphones have lost the ability to love/feel anything.
The sad thing is these SWUGS will be the future opinion makers.
I wouldn’t be surprised if rules pertaining to marriage were to be extended to casual hook ups. If someone as well versed in game as Susan views Dalrock (whose writing is devoid of vitriol and highly exemplary) as inflammatory then what will the opinion of these jaded women be (and their fathers) in 10 years time?
Dear Johnycomelately,
It is already happening! The feminist movement presents the fallacious myth that men have oppressed women for millenia, and uses the myth to persecute living men. Women are “entitled” to your assets, and the bankers get a cut, which is why the bernankeszerz created feminism, and sent forth armies of desouled, buttoccked women to create the rulesz and cease assets from men, and hand them to ben beenrkee lzozlzo
how da university works: feminism = debt & debauchery & divorce & Desecration machine/army lzozlzlzlzlzlgh weo
univeristies are at the tip (tit lzozlzlzoz) of our debt empire
over the past thirty years or so univeristies desouled women in prima noctae assocking sessins (some of tehm secretly taped iwthout thei girls conthent as the neocons like it best) and they sent the army forth to 1) transfer assetts form menz, 2) destory the family, 3) murder 50,000,000 unborn innocent souls, 4) hype and sell sub prime loans while wearing short skirts lzozlzlzlzllzlzlz 5) lure men into marriage iwth their coconpirators the ministers who front the legal system that does what no pimp would wever do–charge men for past use of a pussy lzolsoslslslslslslslslsls
the fembot army;s main corporate state job is to create debt debauchery destiutution debt divorce deconstruction and devastation lzozlzlzlz
and they have succeeded!! lzozlzlzlzlzlzl
today our debt deficit will be greater than the gnp!!!!1
the feminsimt movement cooinnded with the largest greatest increase of debt ever known to namankinds lzozlzlzlzl this is because womenz who stamp their little feet and bitch and complain and tranfer and destory welath and say “me me m em e more material welath for me me me me for my gina!!!! it’s for the children (even though women aborted/killed/vacuumed 50,000,000 fetuss by their choice alone) lzozlzlz it takes a village–fund my village where we get to bang alphas and the betas pay for it whether we cuckold them in tehir homes or via the welfare state zlozlzozlzzlzl” and they bitch and complain and talk about handbags and butthex and twilight vampires and enocurage girls to long for and lust after undead bloodsucking vampire twilight monsters and butthexing douchebags and otehr things which make their bginas tingle repalced menz at univeristies menz who built invent iengineer buuikld invent reason truth write great books read great bookz think lzozlzl eb=engineer lzozlzlzozlzl replaced exaltation eand greatness with bdebt debuachery destitution lzozlz
short beta men rose fast in teh unievristy as they were handed fiat bernanke cash fronm helicopter ben and they used it to surrpound themselves with syocphantic harems of womenze as all teh betas love honor worship tucker max their ultimate master because he rhymes with goldman sax and also he butthexes girls and films it woithout teh girlths ocnthent and the weekly stanadrd neocns repeat his lies lzozlzlzlzzl that he is six foot tall zlozzlzllzlzlzlzl honoring their #1 butthexual hero lzozlzlzl
so anyeways teh fiat masters trianed owmen in the arts of divorce debuachery deseefxation destruction lozlzolzlzlz and abortion and debt creation, and as womenze rose to power on teh ffront lines of the epreemptive wars against teh unborn they murdered 50,000,000 since rose vs. wade they deconstructed and debuached tehc ulture on campuses as when yhou put womenze in charge it soons becomes all butthex all the time as priscilia paintion woemnze editor in chief of simon and schuster is publishing tucker max’s next book zlzolslssslslsoslsoslzozlzlzlzlz c hecks che-=checks it out peoples are saying and speaking out about the way womenze are debucahing defiling and butthexing the culture lozlzlzlzlzl:
read the rest here:
@Rollo, @Dalrock
You guys are probably on speaking terms with Suz from HUS.
HAHAHAHAHA *wipes eyes* Oh, gees, Mark, you kill me.
Women who lovingly finger their iphones in public earn demerit smp points, imho. Thats why i called the phone a mobile affirmation device.
Background checks are essential. Women will post the most amazing stuff online.
TMG says:
April 11, 2013 at 11:02 am
As Dalrock has astutely pointed out, over the last couple of decades men have been willing to “man up and marry” sluts and serial monogamists, but I just don’t see that happening as much in the future unless she is willing to lower her standards quite a bit.
You forgot to add that the men she will be interested in will have to lower their standards also.
My niece will soon be 32 and looks younger than that woman in the article. Most college girls have been ridden more than a NYC taxi cab.
Women will post the most amazing stuff online.
Time to repost this link.
I like this from the story, the Yale interpretation of the SMV curve.
““Have you heard of the X-graph of desirability?” I ask, crossing my arms in an X-shape to illustrate the popular theory I outlined for Wexler. As boys age, their desirability rises; as girls age, theirs goes down. “Is that a thing?””
Leakage, man, leakage. Soon, the SWUGs will asked “Have you heard the Cock Carousel theory?” And do get to call the others, after college, after that “intersection in the X” , …
Keoni’s take on the mobile phone was priceless:
“Anyone catch this comment over there?
SWUGS have always existed. As a 60+ something male ex-banker…”
I caught it. 20 years ago R.Don Steele wrote about this exact phenomenon in “How to Date Young Women for Men Over 35”. He strongly advised pursuing women age 23-27 because they are ready for a “man”.
Online, most women market their dreary, cubicle lives as fabulous, fulfulling fantasies of strong, empowered women.
I am well aware that most of it is flaky tittilation. It reveals a lot about the writer.
For example, a single female acquaintance in her forties posts increasingly bizarre causes, funny cat pictures and links i never click on.
@Anonymous Reader,
The pipeline is still stuffed full, for the most part, due to the idea that “college degree of any sort -> good job and career”.
And because it is a stuffed pipe sooooooo many of them are TERRIBLE at their major. They picked it to make money and have not a clue what they are doing. Sorry, had to rant.
@An Observer,
It matters not what they do. It seems there are still plenty of betas to swoon at their feet
Sad for both of them. That being said I hope they are the 1/1000 shot.
It’s interesting to me how the equate intelligence with education. I think income is a more practical indicator.
Neither is a practical indicator. Both can directly relate to familial status. I’ve known some amazingly brilliant men in my time who for whatever reason lack the ability to make money. I feel for them, because some of them make me look like a dribbling idiot, but they just don’t “get” money.
Over in Britain another WUG feigns regret of the booze and bangs lifestyle: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/woman/real_life/4880488/student-sold-sex-to-pay-for-alcohol.html
You’re off to a good start. The most important thing is to stay debt free. I have a lot of disposable income partly as a result of no debt, which I use to fund my personal travels and sightseeing. I’m actually staying at a cabin rental later this month deep in the mountains of Colorado. The isolation from the world while relaxing in front of a warm fire can unwind a man’s nerves better than anything else. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to have a Surface Pro to game on either. All things that would not have been possible if I had gotten married (especially to the wrong woman.) When you discover just how much you can dote on yourself it will alleviate the pain of being alone to an enormous degree.
“Of course, the SWUGs aren’t actually washed up. Three months from now, they will be the bright-eyed newcomers in New York or Los Angeles, the 22-year-olds dancing on banquettes in nightclubs, who still drink too much and still flirt with boys. . . .”
–As a teenage boy, I instinctively loathed building up the confidence of pseudo-intellectual girls drawn to pretentious scenesterism (goths and the like), who always imagined themselves much smarter, in their disaffected way, than the prim valedictorian hopefuls Some of these girls gave mild IOIs, but I kept my standards. They were, of course, just fat jealous flakes, already abandoned to dissipation; while the grade-grubbing girls were golden, America’s clear-eyed, SADD-burdened future, pillars of knowledge and dedication upon which to rear a better, more just tomorrow.
But the ease with which our Best and Brightest Girls decline from grinding for the SAT to grinding atop banquettes confirms my incoherent adolescent suspicion all along that those bright intellectual eyes were harboring some deep dark hankering for what the pornographers would call ‘bimboification’, a masochistic dagger of Stupid aimed at the heart of all those great expectations. Or what one wise man has another, B-something or other, word for lolzlozlzol
Anyway, today’s Ivy grads and the go-go girls probably read the same books and snort the same pills, so they should get along fabulously atop the banquettes.
The age limits are too close in this article. 19 is party fresh but 21 is now washed up? Makes no sense. Sounds like some insular niche label assigned by the guys. But will your average “SWUG” learn something from this? Will she seek marriage and a good husband when she lands in New York or Los Angeles for her first job? Nope. A fool repeats his her folly like a dog returns to it’s…
So the average “SWUG” in this article will continue in the same sexual activities and parties she participated in during college. Most of them won’t learn anything until it’s too late.
P.S. I was hit on my another Spinster yesterday. A poorly aging late 30’s with those legging things and a long jacket posing like she’s still ‘got it going on’. No wedding ring of course (of course). I checked as I always do.
I’m blown away at how these aging spinsters have no problem cold approaching guys. They must be approaching several in a week in order for me to get approached by as many as I do.
I took pleasure in ever moment of our interaction. My calculated snide responses to her flirtatiously laced inquiries and deafening silence sent her an unmistakable message: YOU’RE INVALID. As I left she stood standing alone in shock, rejected, head down, with that ‘sucking it up look’. Yet another qualifying man has left her ignored and standing in the dust.
@ Steven
I could not agree with you more. But try to do everything you can to get money and lock in a young marriage material girl now it doesn’t matter if shes had a few partners unless your strictly hard core religious you won’t get a virgin and that’s a fact.
Just make sure you play it right and get material possessions and a high income. You need your material worth to increase. I’m at the point I’m considering going to Russia I’m an attorney and my high income affords me the OPTION as all else has now failed:
By the way if anyone wants to play video games my PS3 username is invisible310.
“But try to do everything you can to get money and lock in a young marriage material girl now it doesn’t matter if shes had a few partners unless your strictly hard core religious you won’t get a virgin and that’s a fact.”
All it takes is one man to ruin a woman.
Steve, an observer
I’m not sure you need background checks. Just slip in a question to her, in a provocative sounding tone, about the most outrageous or embarassing or unusual thing she’s ever done. Women are rather shameless (as well as clueless) and will almost boast like sailors just back from leave about the shit they’ve done. You just need to come across as a co-conspirator rather than an interrogator.
I remember one, who I hadn’t even met yet, tell me 10-15 mins into a first phone call about her time with the swingers group. They don’t let single guys in, so I was curious for a firsthand account. I couldn’t believe she was telling me this. There was no guilt or regret, like it was just one more thing that had happened to her.
You can learn a lot just by casually asking. They don’t think they have anything to hide because most of ’em barely have a conscience.
Frank, where are you going?
If you see a car while you’re here with a bumper sticker which says “Why is it called tourist season if we’re not allowed to shoot at ’em?!” – that would be me!
This topic was briefly brought up in the comments. Food for thought.
This post brings together a happy moment in history, and a horrific Supreme Court decision:
The happy moment, made my day, did everyone notice that Sunshine Mary is BACK!!!!
And the horrific Supreme Court decision from 1971 which requires employers to use a college degree as a proxy for an IQ test. In an entire society built on lies, there have been few moments worse than this:
i read about this and rolled my eyes. i know a woman in a similar situation. she flirted with me in her mid 20’s but it never went anywhere. started dating a different girl and then said girl was all over me.
ran into her on FB when she was 30 and she suggested we “get together”. she has her MBA, and thought i would jump at the chance to be “her’s”. i el-oh-el’d.
these SWUG’s are nothing new. some of them were actually washed up by freshman year.
“They’ll go from envying freshmen girls to being the envy of older women.”
best line of the entire article. and it’ll flash by them before they know it. then THEY’LL be envying the newly graduated seniors.
rinse, repeat.
great post.
It’s not a question of whether or not 5- 10% of UMC men will marry. It’s whether they will marry UMC of roughly the same age. If I were an Ivy League graduate and my choice was between marrying an Ivy League graduate cock-hopper or waiting 5 to 10 years and marrying the cute 18 year-old girl behind the counter at McDonald’s (who has presumably done far less carousel-riding), I know what my choice would be.
And, yes, I’m aware UMC Ivy League men don’t frequent McD’s (far too prole). Their loss. Everyone knows all the best girls run cash registers. It’s where I get all mine!
SWUGs is the new woman topic du jour – a quick search showed everyone from MSN to Redbook to HuffPo to Jezebel to the Daily Beast and Business Insider have pieces on it.
Can the rest of the Ivys match PrinceTown’s and now Yale’s efforts? lolzz
Slightly off-topic: this should, of course, be blatantly obvious to any Red Pill man but I recently realized that probably the most common way for a woman to reveal herself to be a jaded, used-up carousel-rider is to grab any opportunity to complain about men, even when nobody even asked her to talk about anything related to her experiences with men.
One example:
What does “UMC” stand for?
The most notable thing about the article isn’t the SWUGs themselves but the fact that their male contemporaries identified them as such.
While boomers and gen Xs played to a script that didn’t exist, Millennials are being brought up full well knowing the score and how the game is played.
With social media and telephone happy snaps (guys share pictures) these kids are under no illusions as to the nature of their contemporaries and they will treat them accordingly.
I actually don’t see non-obese white women who are still young enough to have children having any problem getting married when they want to. They seem to get snapped up in their 20s and 30s pretty regularly where I work. They might not get the alpha of their dreams but they can get a decent enough guy. If they already have children or if they are too old to have them, then it is a different story.
Hollen: Is there anything more pathetic than an attractive woman complaining about men? At least ugly women have a reason to complain; they don’t. They just don’t want to take responsibility for their choices. I remember dating this really bitter Greek woman when i was living in Athens–she was 23, i was 27 at the time–who was easily 2 points above me in looks, and she used to tell me i was the only really decent guy she had been with, yet i never would have got her if i hadn’t unknowingly applied game-like techniques–i was still a blue pill man then, but i was deflecting all the shit tests etc–and when i softened up a little too much, she would turn on and get bitchy–behaviour that was only comprehensible to me later after swallowing the red pill–and then wonder why i would start being mean to her. It was unbelievable. The hamster was in overdrive mode. But it was an instructive experience. I think it was the beginning of the red pill era of my life for me; the tipping point.
Re:UMC women. In my experience, they tend to get married by their late 20’s/early 30’s, at least the ones i know did anyway. But for some of them it was very much a game of tag; they married men they probably wouldn’t have dated in their early to mid 20’s.
That’s exactly how they do it: she reframes everything in the passive voice, so it’s not something she did, but something that “happened to her.” She was either victim or bystander, but never the responsible actor, so no guilt necessary.
A long time ago in a land far far away I thought women understood cause and effect.
Now I know it’s another concept that is foreign to them and men must use their strengths to protect women from themselves. Congrats on the idiots that thought giving them a vote was a good idea…they’ll support any destructive law and then blame men on it.
I insist on a young virgin bride, no matter the odds. As I mentioned earlier, if she does anything with other men, then it is obvious that she does not take life seriously at all.
@Martian Bachelor
That’s a good point. Although it seems obvious now, pretending to be a fellow ‘co-conspirator’ would probably not have entered my mind until it was too late because I am quite stoical.
It’s also quite true that most do not have a conscience – as well as no father.
Is it me, or is college education (at least the dorming room type) starting to turn into a negative for marriage rather than a positive?
You actually reinforced my pondering GK.
I was thinking in terms of intelligence signifying good breeding genes/ potential survival for mother and child. With money/ wealth as a more practical tool for survival, and easier to judge then intelligence. How many types of smarts are there? I’ve meet all kinds of smart men over the years with all manners of brain power. Some men being good with math, others with words, or organizing or music or mechanical or… more then I care to list. And how many different type of degrees are there? Requiring how many different levels of intelligence and determination to acquire? From how many different kinds of colleges. Although I imagine a degree from an ivy league school, or a place like Duke makes things easier to judge.
As I understand things, what folks find attractive speaks to our monkey/ lizard brain regarding offspring and survival. Even family status seems easier to judge and a more practical indicator of breeding genes and survival then something as mutable as intelligence
Not that I have family status, or a formal education and I only recently started making “big” money. Not that the lack has hurt me none, but it’s puzzling. To me
Yes, except for the word “starting.” I don’t know that it was ever a positive for women, and it’s been a negative for quite a while. At this point, I’m not sure it’s even a positive for most men anymore. It doesn’t mess men up as badly as it does women, but they still get a steady dose of liberal/feminist indoctrination. All of our political leaders, as well as the CEOs and market experts and lobbyists who brought us the dot-com bubble and the housing bubble and the current Great Recession were highly college educated — usually at the “best” schools in the country. That ought to tell us something — by their fruits you shall know them, after all.
(Unnecessary disclaimer: Obviously I’m not talking there about the guy who goes to a small tech/engineering school and gets a STEM degree and gets on with life doing something productive.)
@ Cail
That doesn’t even include the ridiculous amount of debt college brings in. Money is a big factor in marriages too.
Now that I think about it, there is a level of bullshit involved in everything a woman says she wants in a man, most especially intelligence. Leastwise when in comes to sexual attraction. I have over the last 7 years dated a general practitioner doctor, a pediatrician, a lady with a Phd in behavioral physiology and most recently a pharmacist and a girl working on her Phd in music something or another.
The head-shrinker was up front about it being a physical attraction but she went out of her way to complement my smarts… really she was reassuring herself about my smarts and not me
I see 4 obvious reasons not to choose a girl in a dorm style school for marriage.
1. Parental mitigation- a girl is more likely to have an orgy at a frat house than her parents basement
2. Debt- dorm schools cost moreover than non dorm schools
3. Family- you will meet the mother more often which reflects upon the daughter (cooking/cleaning, etc)
4. Locality- you might be investing in a girl attending NYU who has every intention heading back home when she is done with college. If you want to marry this girl, you have to relocate, give up friends, find a job, etc.
@SMM: I got married at 22, too. And arranged marriage is nothing to scoff at. I’ve made a couple attemts in that area for my daughter already
Da University
Exists to train women to serve the fiat dollar
debt based dollar
over man god family children
the beranke lecturererz bernake professors
stand at the front o fthe of the clas and say
“we will give you all the buttcockingsz your butt tinglzoozlz for
in exchange we get your soul
and your husbandz future assetz
and your children to either
or raise in our
corproater state daycare/school/lzozoz/etc.
so long story short
you give us your butt in college
to buttccock
aongside your bank acocunt
as we enslave you in debt
you give us your ass
and then we will help you
seize your hsuband’s assetz
and bring them
ben beernkake
as poor ben can only create debt-based ldodlarz and he
needz womenz
convert those debt-based dollarz
ito physcial property and power
over chidlren
to trian them
to become buttcockers and the buttcocked
in our debt-based fiat empirez lzlzlzozozozoz”
Oh dear,
I too have trouble believing that the girl in the first photo is indeed 21.
To convince me, I will need a passport signed by two Notaries
For reference, THIS is what a 21 year old woman should look like.
OK, this is from 1965…but still.
Charmian Carr was actually 21 when she played 16 year old Liesl, the eldest of the von Trapp children in ‘The Sound of music’.
Whilst I personally think she was too…um… well-developed…to play a 16 year old, somehow she still could pull it off with respect to her face.
The girl in the photo cannot be 21…perhaps it’s an ‘archive’ photo of a much older woman used erroneously in this article??
The simple fact of the matter is that women have been sold a fantasy by the feminist movement:
1) That they can have it ALL.
2) They can have it ALL…….ALL of the time.
While the first may be possible; the second definitely is not.
You cannot do it ALL, all the time and expect to be successful at those very things. This is why women generally feel they are failing at EVERYTHING when compared against the feminist claptrap message of “YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL!”
Sheryl Sandberg is making the book tour circuit these days by pimping her new book “Lean In”.
Unfortunately, what she hasn’t told her audience is that they are standing on the edge of a cliff, and the advice “Lean In” assures self-destruction.
There are precious few opportunities for anyone (male of female) to be COO of a large public company. Ms Sandberg has the luxury of hiring out her domestic duties to hired help. The bulk of the female populace earning an average wage cannot.
Ms Sandberg looks at the corporate hierarchy around her, and states “Why are there not more women? Clearly this must be discrimination!”
I find Ms Sandberg to be presumptuous, as she never asked the question “What do women WANT to do?” Not every woman faced with the decision to sacrifice her children or her career will choose as she has chosen.
I can here the shrill cries already. “But it shouldn’t have to BE that way!!”.
That doesn’t change the fact that it IS that way.
I know of which I speak. My loving wife died when our son was 2 years old. She had been diagnosed with terminal cancer when he was but 3 months old.
We were both professional accountants, with aspirations to climb the corporate ladder.
Her sickness, and resulting lost battle with cancer changed my career direction.
My company was gracious enough to grant me a reduced work week (4 days) after her death. I did this so I could better attend to my young child’s needs.
I can also attest to the need for 2 parent families, as the loss of my wife left a tragic, gaping hole in the tapestry of our family.
I did not/do not expect my employer to catapult me to a place in my career where I WOULD have been if life had proceeded normally & uninterupted. I WAS NOT THERE TO ACQUIRE THE REQUISITE KNOWLEGE TO GAIN PROMOTION DURING THAT TIME.
I am grateful that my employer was accommodating at a point in my life when it was most needed/appreciated.
The message of “Lean In” is that women leaving the workforce to have a family should not interrupt their career trajectory. Further, the movement means to bring pressure on employers to start ‘placing’ (read ‘quota’) women into higher corporate roles.
This is tantamount to placing potentially unqualified people into positions they have not earned. Yet women will protest that if they are not given preferential treatment that this would somehow be discrimination.
We all have choices to make, and choosing to do the best job as a father, mother & parent to a child is PRICELESS & important work. Ms Sandberg may not get it, but I & others do. The corporate ladder will always be there, and my trajectory (although delayed) is now back on course.
Doing 10 things really well is more noble than doing 100 things half-assed.
is anyone here aware that feminism was created to destroy christianity? it always amazes me how much energy chucrchians devote to attacking da GBFM and dalrock, while never, ever, ever crictizing the communists and central bankerz who hath destroyed the family
Hollywood producer, filmmaker, activist and truth seeker Aaron Russo reveals some of the REAL reasons for feminism which was funded and pushed by the Rockefellers and the CIA for very nefarious reasons, which includes being part of their central banking worldwide takeover to help set up the New World Order
How the Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women
“How the Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women
February 1, 2007
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
“Feminism is an excellent example of how the Rockefeller mega cartel uses the awesome power of the mass media (i.e. propaganda.) to control society.
In 40 short years, many women have lost touch with their natural loving instincts. Consequently, the family is in disarray, sexual depravity is rampant and birth rates have plummeted.
I will expand on the Rockefeller’s role, but first we need to remember that for a woman, love is an instinctive act of self-sacrifice.
She gives herself to her husband and children and is fulfilled by seeing them thrive and receiving their love, respect and gratitude.”
– See more at: http://www.savethemales.ca/001904.html#sthash.DAaGy0qz.dpuf“
I can’t say about the featured image in the NY Mag article, but the cover image from Yale Daily News appears to be of the author herself (Raisa Bruner). Here is another picture of her I found for reference.
I’m sorry for your loss, Casey.
I’m not sure if this _Forbes_ article has been discussed at Dalrock’s before now, but it could fit here: Why Are So Many Professional Millennial Women Unable To Find Dateable Men?
“it’s not as if we are holding out for Jake Gyllenhaal”
Yeah right!! hahahah.
Damn the red pill tastes good right now
dear gdgm,
when modern women hit thirty, they invariably ask two questions:
1. where have all the good men gone lzozooz?
2. why is my butt sore lzozoz?
this inspired both the heartiste cartoon (NSFW):
http://heartiste.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/2.jpg?w=771&h=584 (NSFW!)
and the thong in the upper right:
Robert: ” .. the cute 18 year-old girl behind the counter at McDonald’s (who has presumably done far less carousel-riding) .. “
does not exist.
In my country anyway. All British females are renowned for their child-frightening qualities, as I’m sure you all know, but the lumpenprole orcs at the checkout truly are the crusty bits at the bottom of the set lardbucket of insular life. Wombats, dugongs, battle-toads and goblins to a, a, er, person.
Generations of assortative endogamy has assure that one only dares start removing the brown paper bags at UMC and above.
And all of them begin their booze-sodden trajectory from public housing to the street with their first alcopop and muffin-top at age 13 or earlier, along with their first tramp-stamp and dose of chlamydia (one, and sometimes both, a birthday present from the uni-parent and current S.O.).
They live to hump, go on the lash, and trough.
Viz comics’ “”The Fat Slags” is a po-faced sociological report, not a misogynistic hate-piece.
There are no ‘clean-limbed farm-girls’ or ‘comely dairymaids’ any more. As as soon as the mail-coach was invented, the even vaguely HBs hopped on it to the Big City and the life of Clelands Fanny Hill, leaving behind only the direst bristly grunters (who would probably have been burned or drowned as the devil’s work by the townsfolk) for the continuation of the rustic labour pool.
If you want to see some genuinely alarming female Object Lessons in the perils of a reduced gene-pool, go to the countryside here.
On the outer islands it’s even more pronounced. Gargantuan three-week-old boiled potatoes complete with dodgy grey-green patches, on matchstick limbs, and the face of a haddock. And they’re man-hungry like you wouldn’t believe for Outsider, exotic, mainland male meat. Mrs Doyle in heat.
Terrifying places, especially as their (fairly rugged, and therefore not at all bad-looking, but penniless and dimwitted) menfolk assume you’re there with the specific aim of stealing ‘their’ women, and are doubly enraged and insulted when you tell them the truth, i.e. ” .. not with yours, mate. I’d rather stick it in a halibut”.
South Indian girls are fine, so are *some* Mediterraneans or non-insane EE girls (if such a creature exists). But then you end up with the whole blasted family in your lap, nagging you to show them how to fill in the byzantine benefit forms or introduce them to the board of Glaxo. Hey-ho. Such is life, archy.
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@Tam the Bam …best comment ever…I salute you sir…I’m not British but the parallels on this side of the pond are readily apparent…
“Mrs Doyle in heat.”
oh boy, your imagery is fantastic. now I just need to go get my mind bleached and eyeballs scrubbed inside and out.
twenty five years ago I remember reading the fat slags as a comi-horror story, it seems to be more of a documentary nowadays. those wimminz be empowered alright. they deserve a Sid the sexist P&D
it’s not as if we are holding out for Jake Gyllenhaal…
… of Brokeback Mountain fame…. ’nuff ced..
but we do have certain non-negotiable expectations for potential mates that include college degrees and white-collar jobs
Okay I have college degrees, including a STEM PhD. A white labcoat has a white collar… But even though I’m on the “right” side of the above equation, it sounds unbearably snobby to me. I’ve known plenty of good men who did blue collar work, highly skilled tradesmen who COULD get STEM PhDs if they wanted to… but they have better things to do. Women are foolish to categorically reject such men.
Wow, I really enjoyed my time with the British girls in Kandahar, all were pretty and feminine, which is rare in american army chicks
” I’ve known plenty of good men who did blue collar work, highly skilled tradesmen who COULD get STEM PhDs if they wanted to…”
C’mon, a blue collar guy that can get a PHD in anything is an outlier. I’ve met some of them–hell i’m a well educated guy that is seriously thinking of becoming an electrician at 35–but they are in a minority.
However, the rest of your post is on point. Why should it matter? Especially it’s just a business degree. Who wants to sit around discussing finance all day?
I’m not sure how it is in the U.S, but in Australia, tradesmen are quite popular with ladies now because they make a lot of money.
At first, women just wanted admission to the wonderful male world of work, a chance, an opportunity. Or so they said circa 1970. It all began with the axiom that marriage (1.0) was the institution which most oppressed women, the culprit being financial dependence, the remedy being women earning their own money so they could be independent of men and marriage.
But as soon as they got there, they started ordering for all the furniture to be rearranged, and for all the walls to be painted lavender — that everyone go to whatever lengths necessary to accommodate them and the many requirements on their have-it-all wish lists..
The new workplace commune and femi-communist system is supposed to function for women pretty much like the old patriarchal family, which it replaces (except without any of the former obligations on them), in supplying all their needs.
Ultimately, it’s one or the other. Only in this interim transition period we’re in now will “both” (to some degree or another) be an option for some of them, such as a Sandberg.
@ Kios
In the US it isn’t about the money, but the status. For UMC women, a man without a college degree wouldn’t be considered high enough status for them, even though he made a lot of money. The only except might be a star in sports or entertainment.
So, the girl who turned to prostitution to support her alcohol habit has nabbed herself a good-looking beta male IT guy. It really makes you wonder what goes through his mind at times. Is he just glad to be getting some action from a woman that’s not a land whale, or something else, except that I can’t think of something else.
What’s the Vegas line on them living happily ever after?
Yes. That’s all, that’s the whole explanation, nothing more complicated than that. Just, yes.
Ton; Case in point.
Army has flogged the lard off them if they ever had it, and (in relative terms for a XX-chromosome Britette) made them go cold turkey on the alcohol. They’re the ones not on a checkout, or back in the boonies. They’ve done what any half-way attractive Britette does, and lit right out. Solid gone.
They’re the ones with something about them, and crucially .. they’re not in bloody Blighty!
And will be unlikely to return, except for leave and subject to the usual security cordon (thanks, PIRA). Not until they’re older and more scuffed-up than my boots.
Brits are like coalminers. Once they get the sun on their back, they never go back there again if they can help it.
“tradesmen are quite popular with ladies now because they make a lot of money.”
And there’s a good clue. Any chick whose interest lights up at his money isn’t worth it.
Beta male it guy does not compute.
She’s still young enough to get alpha action. Probably on the side while she drains his resources… Just not the way he might have hoped for.
“blue collar guy that can get a PHD in anything is an outlier…”
No, sorry. Getting one only requires persistence, and basic intelligence. Helps in filling in the grant applications.
Friend of mine with a phd used to be a chef. Not brilliant, but street smart. Got his phd and went os to earn some good $$$$s.
Its not that hard, but academia is an annoyingly leftist industry.
@Tam the Bam: you are totally right in your comments. For all the hard-partying, carousel hopping ways of the UMC women in the USA and other English-speaking countries, at least most of them 1) grew up in two-parent homes, 2) have above-average IQs, 3) don’t subsist off of welfare, 4) don’t have bastard children by age 20, 5) get land-whale obese at a young age. For all of the 18 year old girls who eschew university in favour of working at McDonalds, most of them are even worse than the UMC girls because they generally come from single-parent households, have two digit IQs (this is bad if you want your future wife to birth you intelligent children), succumb to welfare usage, and have illegitimate babies. This is true, even of the pretty, non-fat ones. It is still better to bet on educated, UMC women. You just have to be careful. Some indicators of decency in UMC women include:
1. being born/raised in a non-Western, conservative, non-feminist country. America is so diverse that it shouldn’t be hard to find immigrant girls who fit this criterion.
2. being born/raised in a nuclear family. from common observation, girls who have dads are less slutty than girls who don’t.
3. having a STEM degree. women who have STEM degrees are rare but at least they weren’t subjected to nearly as much feminist/marxist/liberal/PC bullshit that arts and humanities majors had to go through.
4. being politically conservative. again, it’s hard to find a woman in the 18-24 age group who is a political conservative but at least these women can a) think for thenselves and b) generally don’t think that Big Daddy Guvment should provide welfare for everybody.
5. being introverted and/or conscientious. at least among the people I went to university with, I started to notice that the least promiscouus people just happened to also be the msot introverted and conscientious. I found this to be true for men as well as women. the introvert loner girl who would rather spend Friday night reading/drawing than going to parties? probably not a slut. the ‘boring’ bookworm who spends all her time trying for a perfect 4.0 GPA? probably not a slut.
@ Steven and @ Donalgraeme
Unless she’s under 21 and part of an ultra conservative/hardcore religious group such as Mormonism you can kiss your fantasy of marrying your virgin bride to be goodbye.
Never. Gonna. Happen.
The only women I’ve ever seen remain virgins until marriage were ultra religious at their core. They knew exactly what they wanted and they were going to wait until hell freezes over. Unless your a part of that group and willing to date and wait indefinitely, sometimes up to 3+ years your wife will not be a virgin.
It’s too much to ask in this day and age. This is coming from a guy who grew up int he church. Yes I want a virgin too. But there is this little thing out there you may have heard of called reality.
What I’m saying is there is nothing wrong with a young girl who has made a few mistakes or had her heart in the right place in a few long term relationships in which the guy deserted her from marriage or otherwise ended it. My issue is with the women who consciously decide to have their cake and eat it too racking up sexual partners.
If I could find a young wife who wanted nothing more than marriage and had even 5 guys on her resume – I would consider myself extremely lucky. Because I believe most young attractive white women are going through anywhere from 20-50 guys during the prime of their youth.
You guys are living in a dreamland or you’re simply not aware of the reality of young attractive women today if you think you can find a virgin. It’s hard enough just to find a virgin in church.
@ An observer
“Any chick whose interest lights up at his money isn’t worth it.”
Should a women’s interest light up when a guy tells her he works at Best Buy or Jiffy Lube?
Why should any women be interested in a man who does not have education, capacity, tenacity, insight, navigation skills, intelligence, risk taking, foresight and just plain luck? Men are responsible for providing resources and security to raise a family.
Why should a women not be attracted to that?
— I’ve known plenty of good men who did blue collar work, highly skilled tradesmen who COULD get STEM PhDs if they wanted to…”
— C’mon, a blue collar guy that can get a PHD in anything is an outlier. I’ve met some of them––but they are in a minority.
I don’t doubt that they are statistical outliers. They are my friends, and friendship groups tend to cognitiveily partition. So high IQ people – especially those with shared religion and politics — tend to hang out together, and it really doesn’t matter who is a scientist, doctor, machinist, carpenter, pro musician, high school coach, whatever. .
One friend in particular — one of the machinists — has only a high-school diploma. But he probably has 2 or 3 BSc degree’s worth of self taught knowledge of metallurgical chemistry and mechanical engineering. He is a guy who could have kicked ass at college, but, he thought it a waste of time.
I don’t know where to start.
The model you refer to is no longer applicable. Them wymmins are strong, empowered and liberated gals now. The pill, jobs for the girls and nofault divorce makes the ‘man as provider’ obsolete.
The era of a man with a pulse and job attracting a wife is long gone. Womenfolk have attuned to the feminist rant, which says dont settle. Translation: stay single, ride the carousel as long as you can, marry later, initiate the divorce and claim the cash and prizes in mid to late thirties.
Good church girls are not exempt. They too embrace the feminist lies that all men are scum and are not to be trusted, girls must have a career (usually in some soft field like media or hr), the 20s are for ‘having fun’ and that long term relationships are to be postponed until the late 20s and early 30s.
Pastor Mark Driscoll is on record for boasting of the evangelical divorce rate being ‘only’ 38% whilst the mainstream stands at 48%.
There is also the attraction paradox, where women are attracted to a small per cent of men, whilst most men are attracted to a much larger per centage of women. This is why the washed up single woman with a high n count,stands amongst a forest of beta men, and loudly proclaims: where have all the good men gone? She is not attracted to them, cannot acknowledge them (the empathy deficit) and would have trouble pair bonding to them anyway.
This is why so many women divorce, they only git married after hard riding the carousel, were dumpwd when the alpha they lusted for dumped them off, and married a beta to subsidise their college debt and the persistent alarm in their ovaries.
Add the final ingredient of women being attracted by ‘dark triad’ traits (google it), and we have marriage 2.0.
“education, capacity, tenacity, insight, navigation skills, intelligence, risk taking, foresight and just plain luck?”
With the exception of luck, these ar all good goala. But they should be pursued because the man wants to. Life is HIS adventure. Seeking them to attract a female changes the frame to suit her imperative.
Finally, a man that relies on his job or career to impress women is misled. Women are not impressed. They are resource seeking opportunists. Peacocking simply attracts the most resource hungry and voracious wealth consumimg women.
And that is what has previously been discussed. The definition of a man as a net wealth producer. Whereas the typical woman is a net wealth consumer.
In an era when the job of government is to rediatribute resources from men to women, there is les incentive to be the kind of man you deacribe. Hence, more men going galt, and enjoying the decline.
Dalrock has covered most of these topics in depth. I highly (and kindly) recommend more reading.
A girl is not allowed to make “mistakes” in this situation – none. I really don’t give a damn where a girl’s heart is. I care about the brain. Poor future-time orientation is a red flag.
As I said in an earlier comment: Why should I give the prime years of my life (my thirties) to a girl who never gave me the prime years of her life (17 to 23) exclusively to ME?
The reality of which I am acquainted is one in which bad decisions are met with just consequences.
“If I could find a young wife who wanted nothing more than marriage and had even 5 guys on her resume – I would consider myself extremely lucky.”
How many guys after the marriage before you would divorce her?
@ Michael
I don’t even know where to begin.
“Unless she’s under 21 and part of an ultra conservative/hardcore religious group such as Mormonism you can kiss your fantasy of marrying your virgin bride to be goodbye.
Never. Gonna. Happen.
The only women I’ve ever seen remain virgins until marriage were ultra religious at their core. They knew exactly what they wanted and they were going to wait until hell freezes over. Unless your a part of that group and willing to date and wait indefinitely, sometimes up to 3+ years your wife will not be a virgin.
It’s too much to ask in this day and age. This is coming from a guy who grew up int he church. Yes I want a virgin too. But there is this little thing out there you may have heard of called reality. ”
Too much to ask for? No. Not at all. A woman wants the best years of my life? Then she gives me the best years of hers. She wants me to risk my material well-being, my health and my sanity on her? In this legal and cultural climate? Then she has to be the minimum risk possible. That means a young virgin.
You asked the wrong question. It is not a matter of too much to ask for. The real question is whether it is too much to expect in this day and age. That may well be so. Finding a woman who is good wife material is a daunting task. I never doubted that. Honestly, I think I will have to look overseas. Probably should start learning Polish and Filipino.
“What I’m saying is there is nothing wrong with a young girl who has made a few mistakes or had her heart in the right place in a few long term relationships in which the guy deserted her from marriage or otherwise ended it. My issue is with the women who consciously decide to have their cake and eat it too racking up sexual partners. ”
Your usage of the word mistake is highly revealing. What you are describing is not a mistake. Here is the Merriam-Webster definition:
A mistake is calling the wrong phone number. A mistake is locking your keys in your car. You don’t intend to achieve the results of a mistake. The right word is error.
These women have chosen poorly They erred when they slept with men, when they gave away their virtue to men who would give them nothing in return. Your language about their heart being in the right place? You clearly spit out the Red Pill when you first took it. That is the kind of language I would expect from a White Knight/Feminist. Not from someone who realizes that the woman is simply living a serial monogamous lifestyle. Its the same as carousel rider, but in slow motion. And blaming the men, and not the woman’s poor choices? Priceless.
“If I could find a young wife who wanted nothing more than marriage and had even 5 guys on her resume – I would consider myself extremely lucky. Because I believe most young attractive white women are going through anywhere from 20-50 guys during the prime of their youth. ”
At five men the odds of the marriage making it has sunk dramatically. She is probably already an Alpha Widow, and thus incapable of loving her husband as she should. You are delusional if you think that 5 is a great improvement over 15. Not to mention a fool for trusting her with giving you an accurate number. You should ask Deti how that worked out for him.
“You guys are living in a dreamland or you’re simply not aware of the reality of young attractive women today if you think you can find a virgin. It’s hard enough just to find a virgin in church.”
I am fully aware of the reality, thank you very much. I have firsthand experience of seeing women throw themselves onto the carousel. I am making a fully rational choice to only marry a virgin bride. If that means I don’t ever marry, so be it. I will suffer as must, bear my cross, because I care more about God than I care for the World.
I too liked the use of the word ‘mistake’.
Gbfm put it succintly: women want aloha fucks and beta bucks.
Too many women overrate their sexual market value, and stupidly think that an exchange of body fluids translates to a permanent status increase.
Young,attractive nonobese women are the rock stars of the sexual market place. Peaking early, instead of securing a mate, they jump from one dude to the next, until their smp declines. Here:
Young men have much less incentive to become the skill endowed civilisation builders of tomorrow. Sure, many still do. But with women loudly proclaiming fish and bicycles, why should a man marry? Shes 48% likely to divorce him, and 70% likely to inititate proceedings.
She gets the house, child support and is free to seek another sucker.
The mistake was the belief that equal rights was a social good. It was not. Women vote for what is best for them, which is more of other peoples money.
The saddest thing is that too many men now think the same thing. As a recently departed once said, eventually you run out of other peoples money to spend.
Five minutes of alpha ruins many good church girls, that obeyed their tingles.
Even in my blue pill days, i was open to girls with ‘mistakes’ or single mommies.
Their five minutes of alpha ruined them for normal relationships. They constantly overvalued their own attractiveness and desirability.
Their loss.
Yup, I remember that Forbes column. It’s simply hilarious. These broads are declaring that they’ll only agree to enter a relationship if the man they accept is “really amazing”. I’m convinced it’s not just hypergamy we can see on display here but also mental illness. You have to be psychologically screwed up woman when only “really amazing” men are capable of providing the balance you need in your life and basically saving you from your self-destructive pathologies that’s otherwise guarantee your path to childlessness and spinsterhood. It’s not very surprising – just look at any typical Western woman and you’ll see that she’s a mental basket case with emotional baggage and unresolved psychological issues.
As a recently departed once said, eventually you run out of other peoples money to spend
It is so sad she is gone. I liked her more than Reagan.
They constantly overvalued their own attractiveness and desirability.
Fortunately guys with enough brains to make money largely avoid them. At least that part works out OK.
Perhaps that should be part of an IQ test.
” the attraction paradox, where women are attracted to a small per cent of men, whilst most men are attracted to a much larger per centage of women. This is why the washed up single woman with a high n count,stands amongst a forest of beta men, and loudly proclaims: where have all the good men gone?”
So true.
Nothing like a churchian telling you to man up and marry a bunged slut because there’s nothing better out there…
Lol, how far the mighty church has fallen eh?
It really is as simply as marry a virgin or don’t marry at all.
@donalgraeme you write, “If that means I don’t ever marry, so be it. I will suffer as must, bear my cross, because I care more about God than I care for the World.”
One small quibble. You are concluding a superb argument for your own dignity and self-interest. Would that …ohhh would that men, of any value, in mass, had your attitude and surety. But then the care about God tie-in? No – you are doing what is right for you, and would be right for most men, and for society on a whole if we are to have an iota of hope of dads beating back the cads.
One only need sit 2 hours with a soda on a park bench in Disneyland and stare at the partner choices all of the women parade buy. Men like you, everywhere, should be saying exactly what you are saying: you made your choices babes, live with them. It’s fine if your religious identity informs your views, but the self-interest and social interest are universal and you made the case for it sufficiently. God’s wishes in the matter seem superfluous.
@ Bluedog
I was less than clear, so your quibble was appropriate. The general point of my argument came across well: I won’t marry a woman who doesn’t meet certain basic standards, again out of my own dignity and self-interest. The finishing line was a poor reference to the other way to go with life: the Roissy route, a life of hedonistic pleasure where I will bed but not wed women. It is a throw-away line that hints that there are really two ways to go if marriage to a good woman is not possible: Player or MGTOW.
21 year old’s are nubile, hot & perky …
The author looks like a dumpster diving 40 yr old tramp
She basically looks like a carousel riding slut on crack
Her vagina has no dignity, & probably springs a leak several times a day from all the plunger action …
Should a woman light up when he works at a steady but boring accountant or file clerk? Ie programmer or techie lol
Women, even in broke ass, donkey infested 3rd world countries want a hot stud
Men not making money is never the problem, as women love loosers, & low life’s, & bar rats, bums, etc
Its all about the drama, women are forward brain rewarding responders
Whatever feels good or pleasurable or derives the most emotions, women will always go for that course of action, regardless of the consequences
Women are the problem
Men have to hold women responsible & force women to face the consequences of their actions
Women are sluts & whores precisely because NOBODY holds them responsible for staying a virgin
Protecting women always destroys families
Precisely because women have no ability to protect a family
We need to protect men, as ONE man has more drive & ambition then 100’s of women
This is WHY whiteknight’s & marginas are so dangerous, they attack the precious commodity of man
Expect when listening to my former pastor and either Christian experts, I’ve never put lighting up a woman as much of a priority. Earning the respect of peers, subordinates, superiors in my profession and hobbies always mattered more. And had payoffs. Everything I did to make things better with the ex was a sacrifice in time, effort and dignity with only negative results. In the marriage and for myself/ the inner man. The point being to all that; it’s never paid off to exert maximum effort for women.
@ Steven and @ Donalgraeme @ (possibly) An Observer:
I suggest you join the most Hasidic versions of ultra orthodox religious church groups you can find. Southern Baptist, Russian Orthodox, and Mormonism are the first three to come to mind. Good luck finding a virgin in random society. If you find ten randomly young attractive females to date and one is a virgin waiting until marriage – you just got hit the MGM jackpot and should probably be buying lottery tickets while your at it.
Otherwise you would be lucky just to find a girl with a few partners. If you are not willing to join the church groups mentioned above I suggest you get off your high horses. Assuming you could find a loving, sweet, kind semi-innocent young women in her physical prime, you would be lucky to find one with only 5 guys on her resume. If you can find one with 3 that’s definite keeper. This is 2013 United States of America. Not Puritan New Hampshire. You need to be realistic guys.
I’ve seen even girls from more liberal churches who managed to hold out until 21 can’t hold out any longer. If guys they dated weren’t willing propose, they will eventually give it up and get pounded by a few different guys.
In that case her heart was in a the right place. She just made a few mistakes. Guys put pressure on her by not proposing. I’ve seen it myself. Men put pressure on her. Yet you expect her to hold out for you, while her window of opportunity is slowly closing. Come on man.
I notice you didn’t even both responding to my actual points Michael. Not surprising. Take your Blue Pill advice elsewhere.
@ donalgraeme
I will try as best I can to elaborate on your points:
“A woman wants the best years of my life? Then she gives me the best years of hers. She wants me to risk my material well-being, my health and my sanity on her? In this legal and cultural climate? Then she has to be the minimum risk possible. That means a young virgin.”
-If your standards are a young virgin you will need to join the most ultra orthodox religious church groups you can find. Even a co-ed Bible study group will do. Better get on it quick. You need to attend 2-3 at a time. If a man does not work he will not eat. You have a make an effort.
You mention the best years of her life. I agree. However in my opinion she is still giving you the best years of her life. She is still young. So what you’re getting a Ferrari with a small dent. I deserve sparkling showroom floor new. Oh cry me a river.
“Your usage of the word mistake is highly revealing. What you are describing is not a mistake. Here is the Merriam-Webster definition: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mistake
A mistake is calling the wrong phone number. A mistake is locking your keys in your car. You don’t intend to achieve the results of a mistake. The right word is error.
-Yes you’re correct. She erred.
“These women have chosen poorly They erred when they slept with men, when they gave away their virtue to men who would give them nothing in return.”
-The question is: how many men? If the number is low it’s not unreasonable. Things are so bad today it shows restraint. I want a virgin too. But years of pain have proven I’m not going to get what I want. It’s best to consider going to the next best thing.
“At five men the odds of the marriage making it has sunk dramatically. She is probably already an Alpha Widow, and thus incapable of loving her husband as she should. You are delusional if you think that 5 is a great improvement over 15. Not to mention a fool for trusting her with giving you an accurate number. You should ask Deti how that worked out for him.”
-Do you have any statistical estimations to support this? Your the man. Your supposed to be her rock. It will be an issue if you make it an issue. 5 is a drastically good improvement over 15 because it’s a low number given the situation today. Trusting the women’s number is another discussion. I will to anything I can even a lie detector test to get it. If they don’t agree there is only one reason why.
“I am making a fully rational choice to only marry a virgin bride. If that means I don’t ever marry, so be it. I will suffer as must, bear my cross, because I care more about God than I care for the World.”
-I understand. I encourage you to do this. I “erred” by not doing this because I felt it was too forced and trusted things would work out. As a result I just hoped things would work out. In retrospect I should have taken the bull by the horns. That and Gods grace is the only reason I succeed in my career so far. If you wanna be a so strict that’s fine however I would suggest you join those groups. Hope I’ve addressed your points.
@ Dalrock
Please erase my previous comment? Your site does not offer an edit option and I made some quotation mistakes.
@ donalgraeme
I will try as best I can to elaborate on your points:
“A woman wants the best years of my life? Then she gives me the best years of hers. She wants me to risk my material well-being, my health and my sanity on her? In this legal and cultural climate? Then she has to be the minimum risk possible. That means a young virgin.”
-If your standards are a young virgin you will need to join the most ultra orthodox religious church groups you can find. Even a co-ed Bible study group will do. Better get on it quick. You need to attend 2-3 at a time. If a man does not work he will not eat. You have to make an effort.
Also you mention the best years of her life. I agree. However in my opinion she is still giving you the best years of her life. She is still young. So what? You’re getting a Ferrari with a small dent. You deserve a sparkling showroom floor new Ferrari. Oh cry me a river.
“Your usage of the word mistake is highly revealing. What you are describing is not a mistake. Here is the Merriam-Webster definition: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mistake
A mistake is calling the wrong phone number. A mistake is locking your keys in your car. You don’t intend to achieve the results of a mistake. The right word is error.
-Yes you’re correct. She erred.
“These women have chosen poorly They erred when they slept with men, when they gave away their virtue to men who would give them nothing in return.”
-The question is: how many men? If the number is low it’s not unreasonable. Things are so bad today it shows restraint. I want a virgin too. But years of pain have proven I’m not going to get what I want. It’s best to consider going to the next best thing.
“At five men the odds of the marriage making it has sunk dramatically. She is probably already an Alpha Widow, and thus incapable of loving her husband as she should. You are delusional if you think that 5 is a great improvement over 15. Not to mention a fool for trusting her with giving you an accurate number. You should ask Deti how that worked out for him.”
-Do you have any statistical estimations to support this? Your the man. Your supposed to be her rock. It will be an issue if you make it an issue. 5 is a drastically good improvement over 15 because it’s a low number given the situation today. Trusting the women’s number is another discussion. I will to anything I can even a lie detector test to get it. If they don’t agree there is only one reason why.
“I am making a fully rational choice to only marry a virgin bride. If that means I don’t ever marry, so be it. I will suffer as must, bear my cross, because I care more about God than I care for the World.”
-I understand. I encourage you to do this. I “erred” by not doing this because I felt it was too forced and trusted things would work out. As a result I just hoped things would work out. In retrospect I should have taken the bull by the horns. That and Gods grace is the only reason I succeed in my career so far. If you wanna be a so strict that’s fine however I would suggest you join those groups. Hope I’ve addressed your points.
@ donalgraeme
“I am making a fully rational choice to only marry a virgin bride. If that means I don’t ever marry, so be it. I will suffer as must, bear my cross, because I care more about God than I care for the World.”
-I just want to clarify I understand/agree within the context of actively joining others who feel the same exact way to the same extreme such as the most orthodox groups Bible study girls etc.
@ Dalrock if you would erase the redundant responses please. Thank you.
Michael, read this:
Even just one man can ruin a woman. Now, its possible that she was uniquely vulnerable to this. But the therapist mentioned in the piece seems to indicate otherwise.
Also see this:
You are correct that things are bad here. But I haven’t given up. If it doesn’t work in the US, I will go overseas. Eastern Europe (starting with Poland) and SE Asia (starting with the Philippines) will be my primary focus. In some respects, I am glad to be a man. Time is on my side in a way it wouldn’t be for a woman. If it takes me a few years to find a wife, that’s Ok. My SMV value will be higher then anyway.
In regards to the word ‘mistake’, one guy that’s not a husband is a mistake. Perhaps two. After that, it’s simply a decision to validate the mistake by repeating it. A person with a history of making lots of mistakes, is going to have to walk more miles in the end to convince someone that they’re not likely to make as many going forward… don’t you think?
A lot of tooth-grinding about finding virgin bride and whether it’s still possible.
It is. Just buy a plane ticket. I’m 40 and not looking to marry or for virgins, but they’re thick on the ground in my current location and I could choose from half a dozen pretty virgins 18-24 right now if I wished. Speak English, university educated if you prefer, some of them of the Christian religion. It’s a big world out there folks.
@ kitcheninsights
Ha Ha Ha. Sure. I’ll believe it when I see it. Where might I ask is your current location? A Nunnery?
Michael, I’m in a lesser-visited South East Asian country. On average girls lose their virginity around 20, and they are also commonly getting married at that age, so a virgin bride is no big deal. As a foreigner you have lots of value, so scoring a pretty, educated one is not difficult if you are under 45, presentable and solvent. There are other places to discuss this kind of thing, but I just wanted to say that the US perspective is not the only one. You will have a different view in other places, and many North American frustrations (fat entitled women everywhere!) just don’t exist in some of them. Good luck.
Michael, here’s one way to find a virgin bride: Write down the median age at which girls in your area lose their virginity. Subtract one from this number. Presto, plenty of virgins at that age. Marry one, wait a year, and then she gets deflowered by her husband instead of some dirtbag stepdad, perverted uncle, or high-school athlete.
If this would be illegal, wait for the law to change, which it will when the government is broke and single mothers and their kids are starving. Look at Mexico — age of consent is 12, 14, or “puberty”, depending on the state. It has to be low because Mayan girls age very quickly and there’s no EBT to fall back on if they fail to snag a husband.
The idiot who keeps saying there are almost no virgins and that “5 men” is no big deal doesn’t understand that it’s better not to marry than to marry a girl who can’t be faithful. And a woman who has played the harlot with five men is a bad bet. Get off the high horse? No, those sluts can forget about awakened men marrying them. And so can their stupid parents.
It’s very interesting that the “threshold” for being a pervert in modern society is wanting a girl young enough to be a likely virgin. A man is considered a pervert in this society for wanting to marry an 18 year old virgin. At the same time, these “good girls who’ve only been with five men” want to go to fag “weddings,”
Marriage prospects damaged ? How about job prospects. A future employer only has to look at facebook and social media to see you dancing on bar tables topless to form an opinion about your judgement or lack of it. Who wants to risk employing someone who has shown a lack of judgement, restraint and decorum ? With women particularly since these are the ones most likely to cry sexual harrasment. And these women want to be taken seriously ? And be judged by the content of their character and intellectual abilities ? Talk about feminism being totally schizo.
I suspect that men’s social media ar more severely scrutinised than women’s.
Women are naturally good, remember. Whereas men are evil.
@ kitcheninsights
I believe you. I’m not personally attracted to the general physical features of Asian or especially South East Asian women. Everyone has different tastes and that’s fine. Allot of straight edge white guys have bragged to me about their wife being Filipino. I have no idea why.
If you’re a straight white male in Los Angeles all you need is a pulse to date a South East Asian women. You only have to be decent looking. I want my future wife/kids to be White, Slavic, Caucasian or any derivative thereof.
Hold on. There is a knock at my door. It’s the media. I see torches and pitchforks. I have to go. Have a nice day.
@micheal – Opinions like that risks bringing on the zombie apocalypse!
Pingback: Lightning Round – 2013/04/17 | Free Northerner
Finding a virgin bride is difficult, but can be done.
My suggestion: half your age plus seven is the maximum age you should date.
As keoni said elsewhere, any woman who disses a man for virtue does him a favour.
@an observer
Half your age plus seven is some sort of meme that is doing the rounds, but I say date whatever age you fancy.
Reblogged this on oogenhand and commented:
Again, this silliness would be prevented by a law that if a woman isn’t a virgin at the wedding, but the man is, the right to alimony is forfeited.
I don’t know y men think all men r good.
Just because some men offer to buy women drinks, take them to dinner, treat them with respect so that he can date her doesn’t mean that every man does it every woman.
Most women who have men on their knees r the HOT women. Ugly women DO NOT get that luxury.
Wat u men r saying is that the “SWUGs” r the hot babes that fuck the alphas and by the time they reach the age of 40 with no hubby or kids they’ll realise that men r wonderful ppl and its their fault and feminists fault for ignoring the hard working betas”
Maybe if the hard working betas stopped chasing the hot “bitches” and went for the ugly, fat ones then articles likeese won’t exist.
So y is it OK for men to chase a womenan because she’s hot, get rejected by her and then stereotype women by saying all women want the alpha cock but if a woman says “men r nothing” guys get upset and assume that she ONLY chased the alphas?
It’s OK for men to bitch about women dating alpha males but its not OK for women to bitch about men who only date hot babes. Sometimes they both have negative outcomes. Some hot women cheat on their husbands and some alpha men treat their women like shit.
So I’ve come to the conclusion that men r not bitching about women in general. They’re bitching about the beautiful women that won’t give them the time of day…..even though they themselves would NEVER give an ugly, fat fatty the time of day either.
That’s OK though
Ugly women DO NOT get the luxury that hot women do.
Every man is not loving, caring, nurturing and respectable towards every woman and any man that thinks all men r good and women r evil r either ignoring reality or refuse to believe it.
If u see or hear any man talking about women in a kind way make sure u LOOK at the women they r talking about. Is she hot? Is she fat? Ugly?
If a man is really caring and sweet to a woman its ONLY because shes hot. It has nothing to do with his personality because if he really is nice and caring then he would treat ugly woman the same way he treats hot women. So if he’s not mean for treating ugly “bitches” like shit then he shouldn’t be considered nice for treating hot women with respect.
If she wasn’t hot he would NOT be as sweet and caring. He wouldn’t be near her.
That’s OK though
Julia, you’re forgetting several crucial things here.
1) Even the 2s and 3s have often been with multiple guys, enough that they commonly get relatively alpha-imprinted so that they think wrongly that they’re 6s and 7s who thus deserve 8s to marry or even date, and/or can’t bond to an average man (let alone the 3 or 4 MMV man that is all they can reasonably aspire to marrying.
2) Even if it’s sub-4 men those fuglies slept with outside of marriage, those women are still in the running for PID-caused infertility, acquiring a bastard or two (that will still be around til the fertile phase of her life is forever past), etc.
3) Being fat is a choice. That choice indicates poor judgment and certain eventual poor health as well as being unattractive.
4) If a guy absolutely cannot get it up with a sub-4 even when she is still young and at her peak (well, least bad) attractiveness, why date (let alone marry her)? Its as incomprehensible as a woman marrying a man who absolutely refuses to hold down a job, panhandling/mooching/ stealing to get by as his life plan.
@ Julia”If she wasn’t hot he would NOT be as sweet and caring.”
They would be friends / acquaintances. Is there anything the matter with that ?
I think you might have a thing against men liking beautiful women.
Insightful article…
I do not care if men have not been stealing money, have them jailed, impoverished or exterminated ugly women. But they have been ignoring, disrespecting, treating them like shit,fighting ugly bitches all the time.
If I don’t know how women think because I am one and its the opposite then that mean I know how men think. So if I go on and on about how men think about ducking hot bitches all day long then I’d be wrong for it no?
Ugly women can get dick from men who r looking to get their dicks wet. That has nothing to do with relationships. U say they think they can marry men that r 8’s but they can’t right? That’s wat the fuck I’m saying. Men do not want ugly bitches. Even men say ugly women make men miserable and here u r talking shit about those women getting dick?
Being fat is a choice. So y do fat men expect ANY HOT BABE to walk into his life? I don’t care if u don’t agree with those types of men wanting to date hot women and I don’t care if u think he should lose weight to get the hot women….the point is…..fat men WANT hot women and they sometimes get it. I’ve seen it and you’ve seen it too whether he has money or not.
Y would a man want a sub-4 woman? That’s not want men like or want. They want the 8’s and the 9’s and 10’s and if they CAN’T get those women then they’ll SETTLE for a 4 or 5. Settle!!
I don’t care about that link. Rooshv is a known anti-feminists and you’re probably one too. So how would u like it if I linked feminist articles to u? Exactly, u wouldn’t.
I don’t have a problem with men liking beautiful womoblem comes wen men treat ugly women like shit but a hot woman treats a man like shit every man gets up in arms and claim ALL women r like that wen all those men only approached the hot women. Men r nothing but hypocrites. U can stereotype women but women can’t stereotype men without men claiming that ALL women want alpha assholes but u men can chase the hot babes and ignore the 1-5 looking women.
I don’t know wat u mean by hot women being friends with men. I thought men coulsnt be friends with women they found attractive without wanting to fuck her? Many men say that and I’d u don’t like that then take it up with your fellow men.
It is MEN, not women, that say men like hot women….they want to make love to hor women…they hate ugly women, ignore ugly women, ugly women make men miserable.
So if u don’t like ur men stereotyping other men since u claim men date ugly women then I suggest u tell them…NOT ME.
I meant to say fucking hot women not ducking.
I dont see ugly women murdering men, raping men, kidnapping and then torturing them..so wats ur poin
My point is that men like hot women and then u men come and say stupid shit knowing full well that YOU would NEVER give and ugly, fat woman a chance but just because a FEW men(right? Because most men aren’t alphas, they’re beta who love women) want a moist pussy u think every man wants a woman that looks like a 1-5 wen they, in fact, DON’T.
Julia, a fat rich/famous man is still rich and/or famous. A rich fat woman is just a fat woman.
Unfair? Perhaps. True? Absolutely.
I’m not Indian or Pakistani. I chose to write “ur” instead of “your” or “you’re”.
@TFC or watever ur name is…
But I don’t know if u rememer but women were EXCLUDED from pretty much anything educational except for reading and writing so don’t fucking gloat about great male writers and scientists wen u and other men know damn well ur gender excluded half the other gender.
Just like whites didn’t want blacks learning how to read. I bet u remember that?
Just because you’re “men” you think you’re outdebating me? U think im afraid cause you’re a man? Ha. I bet if u went to a feminist website and 3 women attacked u u wouldn’t think it was fair. And no I’m not going to an anti feminist site to read about women….that’s like u going to a feminists site to read about men. U wouldn’t like it very much.
I do not care if men as a group don’t do it. They still do it and have been doing it since the beginning of time and WILL keep doing it.
Women as a group, by law, camand child support from a man, which in turn can probably lead him to be homeless and all other things. That is the law.
Wat isn’t a law is men going around murdering and raping ANYONE. I bet if it were legal men as a group would do it none stop. Just look at saudi Arabia….its illegal for women to drive and we’re in the year 2013. If there was a law in America that said men can do watever they want men would do it.
And as for dressing up….y would I do that? Y would I dress up for men who don’t talk or even respect me? That’s stupid. I shouldn’t have to dress a certain way to get RESPECT or TALKED to for that matter. Y would I like ppl who don’t like me? Guess wat…I don’t. Just as men don’t like feminism….feminism does not like men (at least that’s wat u men say).
Oh and wait how come men as a group dont murder and rape but men as a group built buildings and invented and discovered things? That’s wat u men like to gloat about.
And as for out debating me….not even close. All I said was men like beautiful women and then u guys started saying something unrelated to it. Oh well
It is unfair. That’s wat men want, that’s wat they get. Just like a white man and a black one. One is a man and the other is a black man. Same shit
How about u and TFC debate on the fact that u men like your women looking HOT and not about women doing shit and men e innocent, lovable people
It is not in your purview to re-write the English language or how it is correctly spelt. It would help enormously if your next comment were written when you are entirely sober, for insobriety is what I am assuming is causing the poor writing, spelling, and general incoherence.
Don’t fret Opus, that’s just her ebonics kicking in. Native chatter as it were.
I write however I wanna write. U don’t like it? To bad.
I am not here to reprimand you, merely to attempt to make you achieve clarity of thought – from which we may all benefit. Dalrock’s essay posits that time at college and the goings-on there are not aiding UMC women (of which one must presume you are in that class of person – given your interest in this thread) in their ultimate goal of finding a husband. Perhaps you have a view thereon, but a rant against men generally is hardly an adequate response, and can only lead the sceptical enquirer to assume that Dalrock is correct in his diagnosis.
Whatever “language” your verbal vomitus was scrawled in, it’s absolutely incomprehensible. Suggestion (and share it with your fellow femtrolls who are considering coming here): before you start spewing nonsense here, learn to write in something resembling coherent English if you hope to have someone respond to you.
FH said inre Julia: Don’t fret Opus, that’s just her ebonics kicking in.
No, I’m fluent in ebonics (I use it to communicate with the in-laws) and that definitely isn’t it. This is just bad English written by a third grade dropout.
@ Julia:
I have never raped or abused a woman in any way. I take issue by being lumped into the category of being a predator based on my gender. In fact, I was emotionally abused by a woman. When I come in contact with a fat, or unattractive woman I am pleasant and respectful as my nature is one of being a “White Knight”. I belive men who overdo the White Knight stuff are in reality doing women a disservice by enabling women to further their pathological belief in the female imperative. When I come in contact with a woman that I find attractive I act the same respectful way, but I also smile more and talk more. That I cannot help as that is normal human behavior. It is not fair to non-attractive women, but that is reality. This world is not fair.
Your dialogue suggests that you are extremely angry. This world is so messed up, and consequently there are many angry folks out there. Perhaps you can find a Christian to befriend. The only viable answer for any of us is faith in Jesus Christ. Having hope in Him has defused much of my anger and hurt. I invite you to pray to Him.
@ Julia
Men don’t have to go to a feminist website to be attacked. Everytime we turn on the TV, open a magazine, or visit a college campus….we are vilified.
But, let’s assume we did visit a feminist website ‘TWAT.COM’. We would most assuredly be attacked by MORE than 3 feminists. Try 3,000.
You are probably the most incoherent, nonsensical, insufferable woman who has posted on this site thus far.
You could no sooner command a debate than you could command (camand to you) the english language.
Why don’t you saddle up on your broomstick, and fly off into the sunset.
Incoherent and nonsensical I could agree with. Although, most femcunts who post here, are by their very natures, nonsensical. However, as for being the most insufferable, there are femcunts far more worthy of that illustrious title. There’s the infamous ‘to a T’ T and then Dubious Harlot aka ‘sluttart,’ who has an open marriage with impotent hubby. These women were insufferable in the extreme.
Yes I want a good looking woman. She only has three roles in life, procreational sex, recreational sex and domestic chores. All.three are more fun the better she looks.
I don’t understand y u men take issue with my English. I write like this because it is easier not because I’m a 3rd grade drop out.
I never said I was a feminist so I don’t know where u get that shit from.
I don’t care if u take issue with being lumped in with other men that rape and murder. Feminists, other women and minorities don’t like to be stereotyped either. But they do. Blacks, Asians, Hispanics and women deal with it on a daily basis.
I also don’t care if YOU treat gly women well. Other men don’t and thats wat I was saying.
This article is talking about wen who fuck so many men that by the time they’re 21 men want nothing to do with them. Wat I was saying is that they’re talkig about hot women….not the ugly fat bitches because that’s NOT wat men want. Any article that talks shit about women or anything good about women or how a man can get a woman is usually talking about HOT women. That’s all I’m saying and then u men come out and start talking shit.
No one here is a feminist. Im not gonna write properly because u supposedly can’t understand even though you’re writing back.
And another thing about u treating fugly women well…..u just called yourself a white knight. A name that ur fellow men make fun of.
I don’t care if other white knights go over board. They’re still white knights and manginas to the men u associate urself with.
Most producers, writers, directors, presidents, ceo’s and other major corporations and countries have male leaders/run by men.
If u have a problem with the way men r portrayed on t.v or treated in their own country I suggest u stand up to other men and NOT feminism or women.
Unless you’re a pussy who can ONLY stand up to women but NEVER to other men.
I bet you’ve never stood up to another man in ur life and have had no problem with standing up to a woman. Unless he was a white knight or mangina then that would be different since they’re basically women in men’s bodies so it’ll be easier to imagine a weak, fragile, petite woman in ur mind rather than a REAL MAN.
the point is…men like hot babes….not fugly ones.
That IS wat this article is talking about and any other article that talks about women.
The HOT women of course.
“I don’t understand y u men take issue with my English. I write like this because it is easier not because I’m a 3rd grade drop out.”
okay, but be aware that when we read your speshul ritin’ we assign to your views the value that we accord to the views of third grade drop outs. You have the right to write as you please, we have the right to judge you for how you write. And to never, ever hire you for a job above shelf stacker in a supermarket (night staff at that).
I’m sure that in your (seemingly brief) educational career you were told that everyone is special and of equal worth. That’s what lefty ideologues demand be true. But it isn’t. You seem to have worked it out regards ‘HOT’ness, you just need to recognise that it applies in all fields.
You seem very angry, but I have to tell you that you came to the wrong place if you were looking for men that cared about that. Shaming language is just a waste of time here. Angry women, in the real world, rarely have productive relationships with the men that they want.
We tend to judge peoples ability by their performance – we have nothing else to judge them on. Reverting to childishness in your writing , combined with the entirely predictable attempts at shaming, merely encourage us to laugh at you. If you think Dalrock is wrong, explain why. If you are puzzled by his views, enquire of us for explication. We don’t bite.
Dalrock’s article is not about Hot babes or Hot women; he merely uses as his 21 year old standard ‘a reasonably fit young woman’ which bar too much chocolate most twenty one year olds are. That is to say he is referring to an average woman, and it stands to reason that, in the marriage stakes, as most women are average that this will be good enough for the average man. I won’t attempt to paraphrase, but may I suggest you re-read the final two paragraph’s of Dalrocks essay where he spells out what he sees as the problem (he describes it as a catastrophe) that my be facing a certain percentage of UMC women in the years to come. Having done so, then if you feel he is mistaken, please let us know why.
Try and stay on topic.
@Julia” I don’t care if u take issue with being lumped in with other men that rape and murder.”
Then I suggest that women who oppose Islamic / Sharia do so on their own.
Edward Bruke wrote “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’. Then good men will not protect feminized women – they will simply stand by and let the two go at it.
I was staying on topic. It was u and the other men that started calling me a femcunt, saying I was a “3rd grad drop out” and a whole mess of shit.
I’m not saying this article is wrong. Wen I first responded I didn’t even address that the articles was wrong. Maybe ur reading comprehension is off. All I was saying was that this article is referri to hot women who fucked the alphas and is now paying for it.
Most women r average ill admit but that’s wat men have to SETTLE for I’df they want to spread their seeds. That’s the males biological purpose. To fuck as many women as possible so u men can not afford to be picky wen it comes to women. But men will always want the hot babe over the fugly one.
Wat shaming language r u talking about? If u call me a femcunt then ill call u watever I please.
I’m not angry. At wat? Because men don’t find me attractive? If u treat me like shit, I’ll treat u like shit…if u don’t like me, I won’t like u. So wats the problem?
Who cares about other areas of life that prefer beautiful things. That’s not wat I’m talking about. I’m ONLY talking about hot women.
Who cares if “good” men won’t protect women. Most women have fathers, have brothers, have uncles and male cousins that will ALWAYS be there for them. And once u get ur wish that men won’t protect women anymore, there will always be a man that’s different , women will see that and ask y her male relatives or friends aren’t like that, then she’ll get angry and flock to him. Is that wat u want? For ur future daughter to ask wats wrong with her dad, y hes not protecting her like he should. And wat r u gonna do? Blame feminism? That’s gonna get old pretty soon.
Maybe u want all women to turn against feminism. It’s not gonna work.
I thought all men were different? So how do u men imagine a world where men and women will turn against feminists? If men as a group don’t murder and rape then y would men as a group not protect women? Then y would men as a group go against feminism? Y would u think that would work?
I can judge u too. You’re mostly likely an anti-feminist. U most likely have a wife and daughter that don’t know you’re anti-feminist. Orrrr…..you’re a misogynist. Orrr…you’re a fag. A white knight….a mangina.
See I can judge too and where do u get this “looking for a man” from?
I don’t think this article is wrong. I’ve never been to Yale and I’ve never heard anything on “SWUGs” so I cannot comment on this article.
Only the fact that the article Dalrock referred to is talking about hot women being washed up.
Because like i said…..men prefer beautiful women and I think in my first post I said nothing is wrong with that. But I bet u men missed it
Y don’t u address wat I’m saying?
U communicated before.
Wat is so illogical about my point?
I hope u know that wen u said that a woman can swim in an ocean and yada yada yada….you’re also talking about ur mother. And ur sister (if u have one) and other female relatives that u have.
If u don’t care then that’s ur problem.
The way I chose to write on a website and not how I write anywhere else is bothering u? To bad.
I wonder wat the male equivalent of a “SWUG” is?
I was recently banned from a website I otherwise very much enjoyed because the author started buying into this narrative. Calling him out on it and stating truisms like “you are less attractive as you get older” got ridicule and pouncing, and ultimately a closing of the thread.
-This- is the problem. 90% of what Christian leaders say is great, but on this topic, they screw up so utterly by falsely attributing the sources of problems that they hurt far more than they help. They need to be held accountable.
Link to the post where the above occurred:
R u talking about women? Or r u talking about ppl in general get less attractive as they get older?
I’m just curious
*yawn* Typical responses. Plenty of fallacies (can you say “strawman”?). Plenty of ad hominems (“you’re wrong because you’re prideful”).
Think of it this way: if they say virginity doesn’t matter, who’s going to complain? The virgins? There aren’t many of them. You appeal to the majority. That’s basic marketing (and politics, etc).
Good grief!! Did you really link Dalrock on blog like that?? They’re all living in a Driscoll fantasyland (just ignore the shunning).
A good link, nonetheless (it’s a teachable moment, as they say).
@MarcusD: It seemed teachable enough. It was painful, frustrating, and stupid. What was frustrating was that I previously enjoyed the blog. I never got a straight answer. If I would ask “who would you rather marry: this obvious slut or this obvious godly woman” the answer was “the godly woman is prideful, and you’re unchristian for choosing women like that”.
Why not just declare that immoral behavior is better because it makes God’s work that much more powerful? We aren’t even a full step away from that by the time we get to this drivel!
@julia: Everyone does. I’d argue that, on average, men age more gracefully than women, but ultimately age catches up with everyone. And as an average, it means implicitly that there are exceptions.
Yea we all age and it’ll catch up to us.
But society accepts old, fat men more than women.
Women r suppose to look good.
Oh well as an ugly woman myself I could care less if men don’t like me. I’ll return the same hate as I receive.
Oh and u should check out this website called Bodybuilding.com.
If u read the one blog called “I hate fat girl” you’ll see many men who talk badly about fat women and a couple who admit they hate women in general.
Then maybe u won’t think the male gender is so wonderful and evil feminist r to be blamed for everything.
Just sayin
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Republican and conservative women may seem like a good choice but in my experience they are worse than usual, the absolute worst. The College Republican chicks are crazy slutty as hell. I married a liberal, she talks a big liberal game but is conservative in day to day life. The conservatives talk the talk but they don’t walk the walk. I also worked for a married female conservative politician that slept with just about everyone she could, I also heard she did gang bangs in college.
21? holy shit, I know women who look better at age 30 than this hag.