I promised Opus a post on how the status of marriage (or lack thereof) changes for women as they age*. I hope to write that up this weekend, but in the interim this should lighten things up and fill the gap.
My wife found an article on the Daily Mail about Cher’s new girl-power anthem. My first thought was at 67 it is really a golden girl-power anthem, but when I watched the video I realized it is funnier than anything I could possibly write about it. See the Daily Mail page for the exclusive and hilarious video featuring Cher’s fantasy of aging, overweight and/or unattractive women banking on the sexual power of young thin and pretty women.
When looking in vain for the video on youtube I found that I wasn’t the first one to think of the Golden Girls regarding this song. This video was uploaded by a fan of both the Golden Girls and Cher.
I’ve always been a big Cher fan and when I heard her new single, I knew I had to do this!
*I wrote this post in preparation for the one I promised Opus.
Wow, I know some 70 year-olds who exhibit more flexibility and movement. Was she strapped to a pole because she can’t stand for long periods?
Looking forward to the article.
Just watched the video……..Spinster Anthem is certainly correctly titled.
What crap! A 67 year old woman heavily caked in makeup & outfits…..and HEAVILY re-touched in the F/X department, singing this utter nonsense.
Unfortunately, it currently is a ‘woman’s world’. So long as everyone else around them (men) has to pay the freight for this ridiculous venture, they will continue to try to ‘have it all’.
This underlying message is REBEL….REBEL…..REBEL.
Choice addiction……..where all choices made by women are BAD ones; and women screw everyone over with their terrible choices (including themselves).
You want to see someone with so much make-up she unrecognizable? Try Jodie Foster in “Elysium.”
I think Hinkley would be having second and third thoughts.
@ Bob Wallace
Regarding Jodie Foster in “Elysium.” She probably was unrecognizable because that role was originally written for a man. That’s her new strategy to get movie roles where she isn’t always playing someone’s wife, mother or grandmother. I just found out about this yesterday, but women have been complaining and writing articles in New York Times and NPR about the lack of women playing main roles in summer films. So they praise Foster for doing this, saying there’s no harm in switching roles written for men to women. See this article for more info http://msmagazine.com/blog/2013/08/19/gender-flipping-in-hollywood/.
Yep. Cause in real life, men just cannot get enough of the Bea Arthur mannish grandma types, dontcha know.
Gawd, I just watched the official Cher video. You know, if that’s how “ladies” act in a woman’s world, can we go back to this, please:
From Cher’s song:
“All the women in the women in the world, stand up and come together now!”
No thanks, Cher. Same old, same old Team Woman; I think I’ll stick with Team Her Man.
Christ almighty that song. . .it has become clear to be that women are utterly insane and will not submit to a decent man under their own free will. The only way they ever submitted was when it was part of the law and husbands could legally beat the shit out of them for getting out of line.
Haha, something tells me I should count my blessings.
Cher with her rebellious puppet song…produced by a record label no doubt run by evil elitist types that want to continue peddling these products. Rockefeller and his ilk continues the feminist mantra.
I’d rather fight the actual peddlers of this garbage…than the side effects.
Fishing for a new alpha by exposing that near vajayjay tat! Hitting the wall can be such an empowering thing!
What we need is more feminism, more Cher! Give us moar!
The women in that video…it’s like they have no dignity.
It’s odd how under a system such as patriarchy, which was supposedly so degrading to women, that women acted as if they had pride in their femininity and saw themselves as worthy human beings beyond just their sexuality.
Feminism appears to cause women to degrade and objectify themselves.
Hm, I can’t say I am a fan of this song…it is brash and ever so slightly grating actually (but this is only my personal opinion).
And…I am pretty sure there are many young women who really wouldn’t go for this attitude portrayed in the song.
This is increasingly becoming an isolated case, Dalrock!
Feminism is slowly dying…
Patriarchy required that people, men and women, had standards that were not broken. Feminism has all but removed any standards from women and released their inner feral beast.
Women have to now prove, by their own accord, that they understand their natures and choose to dismiss such nature and submit to her man instead. It’s great, I can sit back on the sides and watch the show, for that ain’t going to happen! Haha.
Absolutely. The song has the reek of desperation. I can’t imagine attractive women wanting to be associated with it in any way.
That was unfairly disturbing. Not cool Dalrock. Not cool.
Absolutely. The song has the reek of desperation. I can’t imagine attractive women wanting to be associated with it in any way.
We cross posted. This is a good point. Bette Midler for example avoided this because when she came “back” with that chick flick that escapes me right now it worked on generic emotional themes and not an attempt at raw sexuality/grrrl power. Cher’s got a decent voice she should really try that.
As most songs nowadays, about ten words to the lyrics, then repeat, repeat, repeat.
I think God took Sonny Bono when he did so he wouldn’t have to see this. That tree was a mercy.
Beyonce called, she wants her meme back,…
In a woman’s world…we’d still be in the caves.
Feminism doesn’t simply cause women to degrade and objectify themselves… it was designed to degrade and objectify women. Remember, the purpose of feminism was to remove all social and legal constraints that have been placed on women over the course of civilization. Self-objectification and degradation is part of base female nature. All of this was the goal, not an unintended side effect.
I’m going to have to disagree with that. I think feminism had two goals:
Goal #1) Empower ugly women because if you are woman and you are ugly, without feminism who are pretty much screwed in this lifetime. Without feminism, ugly women have no power.
Goal #2) Socialism in a Dress. Expand government. Expand government! The larger and more government safety net, the more freedoms women have, the easier it is in life to get by without men.
I’d say it spun from those two core principles. Beautiful women may have become feminists, but they do not need feminism. They already had the power.
New Cher song: “If I could autotune time.”
Doctor Helen’s book gets reviewed in the National Review:
At the age of 67, Cher is part of the leading edge of the baby boom. Bill Clinton and George Bush are only a couple of years older, I believe. Whenever I read another article on “grey divorce”, I look for the demographic link – the boomers have been divorcing each other since the 70’s – and guess what? It’s never there. Nah, grey divorce is something that “just happens”, it couldn’t be the final marital act of the generation Disneyland was originally built to entertain.
Maybe Cher and Jane Fonda could have yet another sex manual ghost written & put their names on it. Titles, anyone? Or is that idea, pace GKC, too disturbing??
(If we can’t laugh at these people, how will we ever make them go away?)
Would anyone care (by way of helpful comparison) to link that song her grandmother – or perhaps it was her mother – used to sing: you know the one: ‘They say we’re young, but we don’t know, won’t find out until we grow -ow -ow … babe… [cue oboe]’ I liked that.
Beaches was her comeback, no?
Is this the song?
No, that’s her mother, so it’s not that one. A duet from 1965 is what I have in mind.
ugh autotuning, i remember when people actually had to learn how to sing to be a musician. (i know cher could sing when she was younger) the funny thing is that it was only 15yrs ago that auto tuning became a part of the music business. cher’s last hit “life after love” was the first true use of auto tuning and was cutting edge when it happened. “life after love” was the tipping point that changed the music business in relation to singers. now, nearly everything u hear is autotuned.
America is a freak show.
67 years old and still can’t hang on to a man. Better make another sour-grapes Hamster video.
There’s always been terrible music sold in stores, but I don’t remember it being this popular. You could torture me like I was a terrorist by playing that song over and over again, and I’d probably tell you anything you want to know.
Ok First off … here are the facts …. one percent of one percent of one percent of one percent of 67 year old women have Cher’s DNA let alone the plastic surgery, fitness dedication, personal trainers , Nutritionists, the most expensive supplements known to exist and that’s BEFORE video production takes place with digital animation (photo shop) customized costumes lighting and angles that further distract from the dancers real ages.
I’m not saying she is not attractive. She looks DAMN GOOD for 67. Almost a marvel. No doubt about that. But Cher is the ultimate exception to the rule.
And still seeing ladies that age singing and dancing around like that made me laugh out loud.
Always thought she was an unbelievable torch singer.
Zippy, she could hang on to a man, if SHE wanted too!
So-oo-oo … lessee, that’s subtract seven .. and then double …
Nah. I don’t think ole Cher is in the market for a hundred-and-twenty-year-old guy??
Whatever happened to Esther & Abi Ofarim? Now that is how “irritating” should be done. Kids today .. burble …
Why does Cher look better to me in the old grainy black and white video vs. the ultra advanced 2013 video? I can “feel” her hotness and youth. I can’t say I “feel” the same hotness and youth looking at the 2013 video.
Dalrock, O/T – thought you might be interested in this.
PS – maybe set up a tip and note page that we can put these kinda things on?
Hollyweird has loved the gender-bending thing for a long time. An unusual example of it going in the other direction was the Robin Williams film “One Hour Photo”. The prime part was obviously written for an envious spinster, but the obvious and sinister Fatal Attraction overtones meant they couldn’t get a top woman actress to touch it.
So, voilà, they salvage the project by flipping it around to be a creepy beta schlub nobody improbably longing for a shiny suburban family. Bizarre. And a missed opportunity.
Try Jodie Foster in “Elysium.”
Why just 20 years ago Nell was standing nude on that dock saying, “chickabay, swaingin in the breeze”
This is simultaneously funny and sad. Great find. I also second the sentiments about Sonny. He has a messed up kid (no gaybashing here, just the truth) and a very deranged ex, making a fool of herself at 70 years old. Perhaps he’s happier not seeing all the nonsense that would otherwise surround him.
@ donalgraeme
“All of this was the goal, not an unintended side effect.”
After playing the clip linked by Carnivore (the correct entry – so Dalrock will be sending a virtual prize) I saw that You Tube were inviting me to check out some more Cher videos so I looked at the video of ‘If I could turn back time’, which has to be the most phallic video ever and where it looks as if Cher is going to gang-bang the all the men (and probably the officers as well) of one of your Iowas. So, in the three videos she has gone from loving-couple to uber-slut to rationalising-hamster.
But what about the voice? I just do not believe that any sixty-seven year old female (or male) has a voice unblemished by time – and Cher is famous for having her vocal modified. She is only a year or so younger than Sylvie Vartan, yet Vartan (surely the greatest singer of her generation, which were she American every one would agree upon that proposition) no longer has any voice – nor, dare I say, of a woman whose full-length photograph used cover my teenage-bedroom wall – not much body either. In more serious mode I heard Nilsson sing Elektra (opposite Gwyneth Jones as Clytemnestra) when she was sixty – still as the height of her powers – yet she retired by her mid-sixties. This new Cher song is neither real not believable.
“This new Cher song is neither real not believable.”
And in the prior generation sorta reminds me when I’d visit mom (RIP) and she’d be watching the Lawrence Welk Reunion show – the “Champagne Lady” Norma Zimmer would sing a solo with a powerful and crystal clear voice. By some googling, I see Zimmer was in her late 70’s at the time. Of course, the singing was all lip synched to material that had been recorded decades earlier.
It says she died 2 years ago at 87. The important difference to note between Cher and Norma, is that Norma was married to her husband for 60 years and left behind children and grandchildren.
Regarding the motives of the original feminists, I put them into three categories. Some wanted to put us back in the Stone Age, others wanted to merely reap the personal benefits of more “freedom” themselves, yet others really thought they were doing the right thing.
Part of our problem is that when we were doing things better, we weren’t particularly good at makings sure that everybody knew that it was better AND why it was better. The Baby Boomers grew up in unprecedented prosperity, and when you’re spoiled, it’s hard to even conceive of the possibility that you might run out of food, water, etc. Likewise, if you see your “sisters” feeling stifled by their marriages, it’s hard to comprehend how tearing away at marriage could cause its own set of problems.
Regardless, the motives of an individual feminist only matter if you’re trying to change that particular person’s mind. For the most part, well-intentioned or evil, they’ve got to be defeated either way.
At 67, she sings, I’m strong enough to rise above. This is a woman’s world. This is a woman’s world.
Sounds like, From hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee.
The entertainment industry is a world of illusion. I think everyone knows people on t.v., videos and in magazines have quite a bit of help with professional make-up, lighting and photoshopping, to create the illusion of perfection. If Cher can still create an illusion at 67 more power to her — Harrison Ford played Indiana Jones at 77 — how many 22 year old stunt men did he need to create the illusion. Did it really matter — no, people were there to see a movie not analyze whether Harrison Ford could actually perform death defying acrobatics at 77. But since it’s a woman — let make a big deal out of it — must be nice to have so much time on your hands.
Off Topic :
Fat shaming works, so why cant it work for shaming batshit crazy, shit testing chicks …
Fat shaming & batshit shaming, is an integral part of girl game, it obviously gets real results, like this chick …
Teenager’s weight plunges after being mocked by trolls
The Baby Boomers grew up in unprecedented prosperity, and when you’re spoiled, it’s hard to even conceive of the possibility that you might run out of food, water, etc.
Are you denying that this country has been on a Leftward march since its inception? It’s the curse of republicanism – it only goes one way. Before the Baby Boom, it was F.D.R.s “New Deal”, before that it was the statism of the Civil War, before that it was “All Men Are Created Equal” in the founding.
Honest to God………this ‘Girrrllll Power’ meme is harming so many people; men & women alike.
Cher is peddling feminist dope like candy out of a Pez dispenser.
Impressionable young women will see this video and believe they can defer men, marriage, & children indefinitely. Utter bullshit; unless you like the idea of spinsterhood.
I met with friends over the summer, and the wife declared her dismay at all the unattached (read divorced) women & men in their 50’s. She couldn’t understand WHY these people do not get together; although there was some acknowledgement on her part that the MEN were the ones holding back.
Go figure……….Men in their 50’s have figured it out; but only after having their ass handed to them in divorce court.
As younger & younger men figure out this scam, fewer & fewer will be willing to sign up for the risk. That is exactly what it is…….RISK; what with a 50/50 chance of being financially raped by a woman, courtesy of the White Knights.
What was most galling about this exchange was her dismay as to why these people didn’t simply get together. As if associative mating should suddenly come back into fashion……..now that the women view it as favourable.
Ladies…..drop the feminist ‘How To’ guide, and ask yourself what YOU truly want (not what the Feminist Movement wants). If you want a family & children………you would be well advised to make THAT a priority.
Not so much a woman’s world as a woman’s legal system. Unfortunately for them, and indirectly for the rest of us, that system is failing before our eyes. I hope that Cher’s genetics are for long life as well as looking young, so that she can see the wheels come off the wagon she’s ridden for so very long. Of course with her money she won’t suffer, it will be the other 98% who pay the price.
@ Uncle Fred
Hard times do indeed make the correct path suddenly become ‘clear’.
The obfuscation of the feminist movement will die a quick death when hard times come the way of the western countries.
This is all but assured, being as a currency crisis & radically lowered standard of living are ‘in the mail.’
I will be surprised to see President Obama make it through his 2nd term without having the spectre of a currency crisis unfold during his watch.
The lyrics of the song don’t emotionally grab me, but I’m still impressed she made a video at 67. Not many female artists do, it seems. Too bad the video was too airbrushed. I like old people’s singing voices (think Johhny Cash), they sound authentic and there is no reason a musical career (if it’s based on talent) should end at a young age.
@ Miserman
“At 67, she sings, I’m strong enough to rise above. This is a woman’s world. This is a woman’s world.”
– I see Cher making allot of money from this. There are allot of spinsters out there. But I can’t imagine here not being made fun of. Paris Hilton had a music video where she talks about “at the club with my bitches” acting like she is 18 years old when she is 32 years old. And was poked fun at. She is younger and better looking then Cher.
Harrison Ford played Indiana Jones at age 66 (not 77) in Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. He’s 71 now. That doesn’t invalidate what you’re saying though.
@Tom at 8:53 pm
Did age him 10 years — should have looked it up before posting it — thanks for acknowledging my point though.
“”I think God took Sonny Bono when he did so he wouldn’t have to see this. That tree was a mercy””
LOL!…..good call!…..There are a few songs that Cher does that I like.As I was saying to you on the previous thread that most of the Femi-Nazi leaders are Jewish women….well Cher is a Jew. I have no problem in telling people that I avoid Jewish women like the plague.As a Jew I should be courting them….not running from them!….L*
Oh yes!……..I just got home from the office about an hour ago.Turned on the TV in the kitchen just to flip through the channels….and I come across the stupidest TV program that I have ever seen…”Extreme Cougar Wives”…..WTF?……….when you get a chance watch some of it…..I cannot believe that people(women) actually watch this garbage……so pathetic!
“”67 years old and still can’t hang on to a man. Better make another sour-grapes Hamster video””
Cher has had more pricks than a pin cushion.The thing I like most about Cher is her daughter….err now a son…L*……she must be really proud of “it”….ugh!……L*
“”I will be surprised to see President Obama make it through his 2nd term without having the spectre of a currency crisis unfold during his watch””
This is what I am betting on.I will be “shorting” US dollars by the tens of millions!
“”She looks DAMN GOOD for 67. Almost a marvel. No doubt about that. But Cher is the ultimate exception to the rule.””
A woman that I saw about a year ago on TV doing an interview…she is 71…I could not believe it…..She looked AWESOME for her age…Raquel Welch.Thought my father was going to have a heart attack when he saw her!
Mark, what are you going long in? I’m having a hard time finding stuff that isn’t dollar denominated. My bonds are taking a beating, I have no faith in the stocks, paper metal has been squeezing the bullion (and I think the bullion will be squeezing the shorts before long). About the only things I can think of are undeveloped properties and firearms and ammunition. I need to move some big money around and I’m getting kind of twitchy about it. I think our pensions are going to get toasted in a very national way very soon.
Oh, yeah. I’ll be shocked if the currency crisis doesn’t occur within a month of announcing a new Fed head. With Detroit kicking the crap out of the muni’s I think it’s safe to bet that there will be a shocking cascade of defaults as the managers try to reassess the financial risk. What are cities going to do when the bond rates start going up? Hell, what is the Federal Gubmint going to do, buy out the bond holders ala Chrysler? Fat chance.
I guess I could get another pile of maple-leaves and bury them somewhere.
@ Casey
That’s correct. Other women will see this video and think they can continue indefinitely. Delaying marrige. Just like those whores from Sex In The City. I just want to see these types of women end up alone with nothing. As bad as it sounds there has to be consequences for bad behavior so others will learn. I almost cringe when I hear about some never married reformed slut turning 40 and getting married. Most of the time it’s some loser who probably couldn’t do any better. But still it’s annoying. Like a compulsive debtor who’s lived the high life on crdit cards no doc loans and other people’s money win the lottery or something.
I wonder if there are any public celebrity marriages where she is in her late 40s/early 50s marrying for the first time to a 26 year old man you just looks good (no money?) In otherwords, he is the trophy boy marrying her for HER money.
Do we have any of those? I can’t think of any.
Paris Hilton is effing err dating a 21 year old but she is 32. He is a male model and has his own money though. Only a few mill though. I can’t think of anyone no. Madonna AKA whore Babylon maybe? I think she was “dating” someone younger in his twenties. Other than those two I can’t think of any.
@I Art Laughing
As far as going “long”…..I do no see much myself.I have been accumulating silver and platinum(not paper metal)….gold will be going back up very soon as increasing US debt and a weak dollar will drive it upwards.Another one I have been investing in is Iridium…which goes into cell phone batteries etc……this will be on the rise also. When gold starts to increase in price and you start to buy make sure that you couple those gold purchases with the purchase of Swiss Francs as the Franc always increases relative to gold(the only currency linked to gold).
Keep your eyes peeled for “Municipal Bonds”(Munis)…I missed shorting Stockton CA Munis…but,I made up for it on Detroit Munis. There are lots of places that will be following in Detroit’s footsteps …..believe me!….and that f**k-tard Obama is accelerating the process! What a tool!
Undeveloped properties are good…..if you want to get dirty.Properties in the US that is….I do not see property prices rising in the US.Prices have stabilized but,we need a good economy or some good inflation to increase the value.Here in Canada I am waiting for the “Real Estate Crash” as properties are way over priced and they have no where to go but down. When this happens we will be scooping up some serious properties such as malls,apartment & condo towers etc etc.
I have been dealing with some good ETF’s lately…….but,I have no confidence in the stock market at this point…in fact,I was going over earnings all day today of the “retail giants” and they do not look good. But,to answer your question as far as going “long”……my best advice and what I have been looking into are “start-ups”….someone has to go into business…..but,you have to sift through alot of them.I find if you invest in 10…..3 will pay out….1 will be a huge payout with strong earnings and high dividends.
Pensions!………ahh yes! These will be a thing of the past(gov’t anyways) within 3 to 5 years….I guarantee it! My father has been preaching to me about the “pension crisis” for the last 10 years…it is now setting in! There are going to be a lot of lazy gov’t jag offs without a pot to piss in…..and over 60% will be women!…..Watch!
Firearms?………sure……from what I see people are buying them like crazy.
Let you in on a little inside info my friend.We are due for another oil spike soon.My father guarantees it and he is correct 100% of the time when it comes to oil.Just make sure that when you start to accumulate oil contracts that you unload them before the peak!
Also,look into resource based companies(for going long).A good example is in Alberta Canada and the tar sands area….and the Canadian dollar is safer than the US dollar at this point.Canada is going to boom “resource wise” as other economies like China are trying to secure resources for their own economies and the Chinese are betting and investing big bucks in our resource based companies. I hope this has been some help to you.Good Luck!
I can’t think of any.
I think the main reason for this is not so much that young male gold-diggers don’t exist (I’m sure they do) nor is it that wealthier women in the 40s and 50s wouldn’t go for a great looking 20-something with nothing, but instead because I think so many of the more wealthier women have spent it all. If a man of great means and earning power spends it all to zero, there is still massive shame involved there. For women? Not so much. I think that is because society EXPECTS that the women will simply spend it all and have nothing (no matter how much money they earn.)
Thanks Mark.
Kitco has been selling Rhodium bars, I’m thinking those might be on the rise if ever we get serious about catalytic converters and elements again. Clean coal and all….
Sorry for turning your blog into investor talk Dalrock, I’ll cease and desist now.
Wasn’t Demi Moore married to Ashton Kutcher for awhile? Well anyone coulda figured out that was not going to last.
It always seemed an odd pairing.
She dumps longtime husband Bruce Willis and hooks up with young stud (15 years her junior) Kutcher. You have to wonder how many women in real life were “inspired” by Demi Moore to blow up their families and chase a younger man (which is exactly what Moore did).
I know the Moore/Kutcher relationship was constantly held up of an example of how an older woman is appealing to younger men. Yea, if you’re a rich woman that can afford live in child-care, plastic surgery, and personal fitness trainers. For women in the real world, reality is not to kind.
I suppose the Bible’s admonition to “let no one deal treacherously against the wife of his youth” doesn’t apply here, since it is the wife dealing treacherously against her husband.
Why did you listen to her words so intently? L.O.L.
“Not so much a woman’s world as a woman’s legal system.”
This is where white knightery really hurts men. Most of the laws in the legal system are implemented by sackless men…who cave into any little complaint a woman has.
You see this is why I place the blame of a lot of stuff on men. Women can only yell, complain, or sing bad songs. Men are the ones that actually change stuff for the better…or in the case of today, the worse.
as many of you migt hve heard the sad sad news, da gbfm was fired form fromz his dream job of working as a baristsatst baristasz at a starabucckasta starfcucckz zlzozlzozozlzoozo
whata happenedz is dat 4 every shot of sespresso esproos i served a customerz, i took one myslefe to shar ein the joy and community and bortherhoodsz artististic broteherhodosz of da corporate cocfefe shops as i saw all da customers as fmailyz zlzlzozzlzlzozozo
so anywheoz da GBFM got firedz and had to enrollz in da local community colleegz (student debt hedge fund) so as to build up his skillz for his seocnd two career choices:
1. film directorz
2. collegez professor of lietrtaurez englsizh and shisztizn zlzozo
well in my online filmz class for which ben bernnake gave me twens thousnads of colleg loansz, our assignmengt was
“Film a short piece capurturing the zeitgeistz–da Spirit of Americasz”
well tcucker max rhemeys with goldman sax already shot da academy award oscarz scertive tapings of buttehxt which da dnecoctoncths womenz at da weekly stanatdard so love and ar eentrhalled iwthz
so da gbfmz went out and bougt a camerasz to shootz an epic story of love and heorismz, but then surf was up so
da gbfm went surfingzz
and then and tehrez da GBFM had good GBFM lucksz as tehre was check out what i saw!! in da water i spied sawz matt kingz KING MATTHEWZ king matthew and otehr churchianz commentersz from dalrock’s blog white knighztingz it up and tryinzg to win dem sa grilflriendz!
so i turned the cameraz on and fulfilled my community colllege (student debt hedge fund) assignmnetz of cpaturing da spirit and ZEITGIEST the SPIRIT OF AMERICA:
How dare you film my buttcrax!
But on the flip side I can add saving a whale to my resume.
Cher looks mentally retarded.
People are stupid, quit laughing and adjusting your clothing and STROLLING up the beach, If the wave sucked them off the dry beach what hell do they think is going to happen when they are 20 ft. out? Those people don’t realize that they are playing in a dangerous place. Like I commonly say of tourists, “people looking for a place to die”.
*Click click “Okay honey if you would just go ahead and put your arm around the cute little bear cub”. *Munch munch.
Yes but that really doesn’t apply in the context of what we were discussing. It doesn’t apply because Ashton Kutcher had and was already making millions of dollars. What we are talking about is an older woman hooking up with a much younger man (which does apply in the Moore-Kutcher situation) where the younger man doesn’t have a pot to piss in….
…that is very different. I know of know situations where this happens. I know of many-MANY situations where the reverse happens.
Lmao. I had a woman on the askwomen subreddit challenge my SMV chart by using Cher and this vid as an example of an exception to my SMV estimation for women, heheh,..
Apex fallacy much?
“people looking for a place to die”.
Culling the herd.
That’s a pretty funny story 🙂
Women can only yell, complain, or sing bad songs.
Redundant, earl. Very redundant. 😉
@IBB, your point is well taken. Spinster sex tours in the Caribbean? Africa?
@GBFM, that was hilarious. All those white knights for a land whale.
I think that if she didn’t have 5 men shoving her up the beach she would have died “composing herself” (aka covering up her rolls of fat) and giggling.
I think it’s an apt description of feminism, they don’t realize that they are being swept out to sea and that their mass only serves to make their rescue impossible. They are trying to stretch to little fabric over too much body not realizing that their aren’t enough white knights left in the world to keep them from washing out to sea. They are still giggling and pretending as those waves that are starting to hit them are changing the geography. Go out a little farther and they are going to be shocked that the sand is washing out from under their feet.
*aren’t changing their geography
Demi Moore did not “leave” Bruce Willis for Ashton Kutcher. They were already divorced in 2000 and she did not even begin dating Kutcher until 2003 and married in 2005. Actress Juliet Mills has been married to Maxwell Caufield since 1980 she is 18 years older and now is 71 years old and they are still together. I personally know a couple he is about 42 and she is 65 — they have been together now about 18 years. It does happen — though an exception to the rule. There are not that many older men marrying substantially younger women either — look at marriage records in the newspaper if you don’t believe me — the male typically a few years older — young 20s marry other 20 year old. The most age spread will be 40s men marrying women in their 30s. Typically 50s men are marrying late 40s and older women. Of course there are exceptions but I am talking majority of marriages. Hollywood marriages would be an exception of older men marrying substanially younger women — 10-15 years younger would probably be the majority in Hollywood and in a few even more of age difference.
The Beached Whale. I had only previously come across them on dry land, clogging up the bars with their layers of blubber demanding drinks and attention. Shocked to see the White Knights mistaking said Whale for a Mermaid.
Seeing a 67 year old woman who looks like a 30 year old scares the hell out of me. It is like looking at an unnatural being from a televisioin series known as the Twilight Zone.
Its like Meryl Streep or Goldie Hawn in Death Becomes Her or Helen Mirren invoking the Charm of Making (ala Excalabir.)
Opus, would you watch her drown? I’ve saved people from drowning who were far less deserving than her. The first thing I would have done is inspired her to move her lard ass (verbally) and assess the problem from there. I won’t go in after someone if I think there is even a small chance I can’t save them without dying myself. Saving lard-butt would have been relatively simple if she had shown a bit more alacrity and personal responsibility.
If I were 20 years older, I’d watch her drown.
i can show you the way, neo, but you must be the one to open the doorzllzo.
take da red pill and you will see the butthetx fiat matrix for what it is:

Dear GBFM:
Brawwwwwhhhhh! That was hilarious. I don’t know where you find this stuff.
Perhaps you have all seen it – you know, that Japanese horror film where the man goes to bed with the beautiful young woman, yet when he awakes he realises that the woman is… a corpse – that is how it is with Cher Sarkeesian.
Interesting to compare Agnetha Faltskog (Abba) and her recent interview (available on YouTube) where Agnetha (65) looks every inch her age – and she was always way more cute than Cher. AAaaagggggggh.
@I art laughing
There was no way that whale was going to drown. Can you imagine that a slim young woman would have required the assistance of half a dozen males, all being encouraged to manhandle her? It was just an opportunity to get half a dozen men who should have known better, to raise her SMV by implying that she was sufficiently desirable such as to be rescued – pretty much like fat birds imply that they are so desirable as is proven by the fact that the entire Lacrosse team fucked her, or as some women think that going dogging [Americans will have to look that up] proves their desirability. We, of course, are not fooled by such amateur-dramatics and merely gawp in awe at this maritime disaster – much as we might a cruise-ship sinking in shallow water.
Men. Don’t underestimate the power of women to influence discourse:
In Rome. The attempt to limit Feminine extravagance ends in failure.
>>> There are not that many older men marrying substantially younger women either — look at marriage records in the newspaper if you don’t believe me — the male typically a few years older — young 20s marry other 20 year old. The most age spread will be 40s men marrying women in their 30s. Typically 50s men are marrying late 40s and older women.
Relative to…. what? Try visiting Cebu city. Waves upon waves upon waves of 60-80 year old men shacked up with 22 year olds.
And visibly HAPPIER in life than you.
“Cher looks mentally retarded.
Botox is a poison.
Well, at least it isn’t just the spinsters who are going for the low ho vibe. Check out this classy bride if you are in need of a Friday laugh:
One of the parts that bothered me the most about the above video was the image of the father on the right hand side trying to keep his young and impressionable son from seeing what a fool the bride was making of herself. To think that there would be some people in the audience who would NOT have enough sense to realize that what they were witnessing was not appropriate, shocks me.
Eliezer Ben-Yehuda
Relative to … ? How do you know I’m not happy? I was speaking of American marriages — and shacking up is not marrying. Look in your local paper — and I didn’t say there wasn’t any older man/younger woman marriages or shack-ups if you prefer. I just said that wasn’t the TYPICAL marriage in America. I doubt those young foreign woman are thrilled about being with an 80 year old any more than a man would be thrilled being married to a 80 year old woman. They are NOT physically attracted to them, at most they are enjoying their wallet. Your old wrinkling gut is no more attractive to us than ours is to you. I am HAPPILY MARRIED in fact.
Clearly the white dress has a whole lot of meaning for the lovely bride.
Carnivore says:
August 23, 2013 at 4:08 pm
“Clearly the white dress has a whole lot of meaning for the lovely bride.”
An alternative and lightly humorous explanation is given by this SFW picture:
Innocentbystanderboston said
…….Beautiful women may have become feminists, but they do not need feminism. They already had the power.
That is extremely worrying. Not sure which is more worrying…..beautiful but selfish, narcissistic, introspective, solipistic women who control men, or men stupid enough to be controlled by these beautiful but selfish, narcissistic, solipistic women.
Hey guys, if you want a better class of women, you had better be prepared to play your part by not giving in to dumb or badly behaved women, just because they are beautiful. You will pay…you will pay….
Worrying either way. But that is the edge that beautiful women have over ugly women. And that edge meant that (so long as so many women were beautiful) they didn’t need feminism. Alas, the ugly women(instead of working on their looks, maybe for some there is NOTHING they can do) have formed a sort of solidarity to gain access to the mainstream not at the expense of beautiful women, but at the expense of men. That “ism” is called feminism.
Now because looks upon women have become so bi-polar (for whatever reason, a lot of it might be free on-line porn) its even worse for women who are ugly. They think need feminism all the more.
I’ve been there.
It’s a 3rd world shithole that just happens to have young and pretty girls who speak passable English and are willing to sex up the old farts in exchange for provision to their families. Most of whom live in abject poverty, the likes of which we don’t see here. In short, a situation that rarely exists in the 1st world.
This is *not* to say there’s anything wrong with chasing young women in 3rd world countries, but one has to look at the total picture. Don’t forget there is a lot of risk to bringing one of these pretties back to your homeland. Which implies one had better be prepared to live out his life in the 3rd world if he wants the young girl(s) badly enough.
Last word: it’s been my take after observing many of these relationships that if the guy had his own issues that contributed to the breakup of his 1st world marriage and he didn’t resolve them and he isn’t acquainted with the red pill, he is sure as shit going to bring them with him to his new relationship. Those 3rd world girls will have a higher tolerance for this, bless them, but it often only goes so far. Women are women all over the world: no substitute in any world for being the leader in the home, not the nice guy. You’d be surprised how quickly many 3rd world girls can adjust to their new reality and then get spoiled by it and then start pushing back because that’s what you were in your first marriage: someone who could be pushed back against.
The red pill still applies …
“fakeemail says:
The only way they ever submitted was when it was part of the law and husbands could legally beat the shit out of them for getting out of line.”
So how is your Gender Studies degree coming along?
Most of whom live in abject poverty, the likes of which we don’t see here. In short, a situation that rarely exists in the 1st world.
Of course it does. In America it consists of the family abandoning their daughter when she turns 18.
Amen. That in itself is a whole nother topic of the dissolution of the family.
we laughed, we thought it was a joke.