It gets better.

In my last post I pointed out the irony of feminist Jessica Wakeman wanting her nieces to play pediatric oncologist Barbie when she herself worked for a gossip site.  Why constantly try to steer her nieces away from focusing on hair, beauty, fashion, and relationships (like the blog she wrote for) and towards career choices she wasn’t interested in enough to follow herself?

It turns out that Wakeman has recently left her post at The Frisky, and moved instead to

I don’t think that blogging about hair and skin care and beauty will be be easy by any means, but I’m pretty sure it won’t make me cry!

This entry was posted in Fantasy vs Reality, Feminists. Bookmark the permalink.

30 Responses to It gets better.

  1. Brian says:

    Being a feminist means never having to worry about self-awareness.

  2. feeriker says:

    I don’t think that blogging about hair and skin care and beauty will be be easy by any means …

    Please, PLEASE tell me that this was extracted from The Onion.

  3. I’m pretty sure it wont make her cry, either.

    Oh I’ll just leave this here.

  4. Pingback: It gets better. |

  5. feeriker says:

    Since most women who write fluff cannot pass the Turing Test, this type of software program could eliminate the paychecks of all these ‘feminists’.

    True, but then, being unemployed, they’d just find some way to extort money from men in the form of unemployment compensation, welfare, or civil lawsuits. At least while they’re “writing” this superficial trash their paychecks originate from people who willingly and voluntarily pay for their output and/or sponsoring products.

  6. an observer says:

    people who willingly and voluntarily pay for their output and/or sponsoring products

    Other women doing their own make-work jobs. Part time of course, so they have work life balance.

  7. Anonymous Reader says:

    Almost every article written by these ‘feminist’ bloggers and journalists (including by the shirtgate harpies) is so repetitive that a software program could easily put all of them out of their jobs.

    It was done in the 1990’s back in the newsgroups, although there may have been some human interaction.

    I was flamed by Serdar Argic and did not even get a T-shirt. The database of stock phrases was probably well under a gig, based on a similar joke ‘bot I know of in a different newsgroup. The rule based logic in C would be relatively small. Nowadays one could install the basic ‘bot on a memory stick, write the logic in Java for portablity…

    An interesting black knight opportunity exists, provided a convincing female beard is used; obtain freelance writer status at one of these sites but let a ‘bot do the writing. See how long the ‘bot gets to write for the site before discovery. When discovered, admit everything especially the fact that minimal human intervention is/was required to produce such articles.

    “Stranger than Naked”…

  8. MarcusD says:

    Almost every article written by these ‘feminist’ bloggers and journalists (including by the shirtgate harpies) is so repetitive that a software program could easily put all of them out of their jobs.

    There’s a software package to do just that, seen in action here:

    If you wanted to take the time, you could probably make an auto-generated women’s gossip magazine.

  9. JDG says:

    MarcusD says:
    November 21, 2014 at 8:58 pm

    The essay you have just seen is completely meaningless and was randomly generated by… [insert name of feminist writer here].

    It’s funny, yet it’s also sad.

  10. Fracture says:

    So now even when a job makes a woman unhaaaaapy she’s ready to go up and running?

  11. MarcusD says:

    Wife’s Relationship with Mother-In-Law

    Marital Sexuality–Article Explaining the Catholic View

    health care and abortion?

  12. MarcusD says:

    One comment:

    White Ribbon is the world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls, promote gender equity, healthy relationships and a new vision of masculinity.

    Our vision is for a masculinity that embodies the best qualities of being human. We believe that men are part of the solution and part of a future that is safe and equitable for all people.

    Through education, awareness-raising, outreach, technical assistance, capacity building, partnerships and creative campaigns, White Ribbon is helping create tools, strategies and models that challenge negative, outdated concepts of manhood and inspire men to understand and embrace the incredible potential they have to be a part of positive change.

  13. earl says:

    Don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do….rinse and repeat.

  14. Our vision is for a masculinity that embodies the best qualities of being human. We believe that men are part of the solution and part of a future that is safe and equitable for all people.

    Through education, awareness-raising, outreach, technical assistance, capacity building, partnerships and creative campaigns, White Ribbon is helping create tools, strategies and models that challenge negative, outdated concepts of manhood and inspire men to understand and embrace the incredible potential they have to be a part of positive change.

    Useless drivel. Sucked it out their ass, they did. Be a man, screw the world and then die a man.

  15. Kate Minter says:

    @Dalrock: Something you may want to write about:

    (Pastors are calling for a separation of the civil and Biblical marriage ceremonies. They wish to disavow their authority to preside over civil marriage.)

  16. slumlord says:

    The whole Philae-Shirt saga is a case in point. The landing of a probe on a comet from billions of miles away is an amazing human achievement and all the feminists can say is “look at the shirt the guy is wearing”.

    And I’m supposed to take them seriously.

  17. Ras al Ghul says:

    “@Dalrock: Something you may want to write about:

    (Pastors are calling for a separation of the civil and Biblical marriage ceremonies. They wish to disavow their authority to preside over civil marriage.)”

    Assuming that the churches actually embraced this (and when the gay couples start suing to be married in various churches they might), and the catholic church being one of them, they would have to at some point give up their tax exempt status (this is going to be a necessary thing for the churches to do if they want to in any way stay alive.)

    That exempt status gives the government the ability to tell them what they can and cannot do (its the in they’ve used for all sorts of regulating).

    Since the churches have caved on pretty much everything else I doubt this is the bright line that they will refuse. Francis seems keen on changing the attitude inclusiveness and the protestants are for the most part feel gooders.

    Taking a 30% hit on their revenue is going to be hard for the churches to swallow.

  18. Anonymous Reader says:

    slumlord, the shirtstorm is merely another data point. That’s what we get when we as men decide that the most important thing a civilization can do is pedestalize women and make sure they are haaaaapy. You might consider bearing this fact in mind. Especially when writing about women, or men, or marriage, or civilization.

  19. Virtue says:

    Thanks Dalrock. You always crack me up!

  20. atahualpa says:

    That was funny, I literally laughed out loud.

    I almost, almost feel bad for her. She must have some awareness. But this is also so typical. From my observation it is a fact that women are on average less ambitious than men, I think it must be some kind of hard wired mating fitness thing – their reproductive success has never been based on their professional achievements, though their social status may be impacted by it. People like this author want to have the status and esteem of a pediatric oncologist, they just don’t have the interest in the material, or the drive to make it happen. But they still like the idea of it, think that it sounds cool, and because feminism, they think other women should do it because women should be doing cool sounding things. Of course if she really thought it was a good idea, she could get started down that long path herself, at anytime. It’s never too late.

  21. Isa says:

    @Ras al Ghul
    Churches are generally tax exempt worldwide correct? Perhaps not where they are supported by a federal tax on the congregation (i.e. Italy)…

    I’ve always thought it was sensible to separate the two, the state can do whatever it wants with “marriage” but people who want to be Really married trot down to the local church. That is the attitude of many of my friends, do whatever you want civilly, but church marriage is forever, so do it at your own peril. As in, state sponsored boyfriends v.s. actual marriage.

  22. People like to challenge my assertion of solipsism being an inherent part of women’s psychological firmware. Then I read something like this and I realize how utterly oblivious women are to it. There literally is no thought of introspection whatsoever.

  23. Earl says:

    The church cannot give up its tax exempt status. It is granted by the Constitution and the back of the 501c3 says that churches do not need to file.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Off-topic, but not much… modern Feminism divorce porn addiction horror story:

    “My husband was no match for the fantasy hunk in my erotic novels… so I’ve ditched him, says bestselling writer of steamy fiction,” by Angella Johnson and Amy Oliver, The Daily Mail (UK), 22 Nov 2014

    You go girl! (Putting the “fun” in dysfunctional, eh?) Shows how sick Britain’s getting, too– apparently, she’s got custody. ‘Gina tingles make right, no matter that it’s about pron.

  25. JDG says:

    Off-topic, but not much… modern Feminism divorce porn addiction horror story:

    “My husband was no match for the fantasy hunk in my erotic novels… so I’ve ditched him, …

    she’s got custody.

    Paging Mavis! Paging Mavis.

    I would like to hear her take on how feminism is all about giving women equal opportunities in this scenario.

  26. Dear Mr Dalrock

    A colleague recommended your feminism posts to me, and I read them with interest.

    For several years I have been writing on similar themes, and so I would appreciate it if you could spare the time to have a look at my blog:

    I would be most interested to learn what you think of it.

    Yours sincerely

    Demetri Marchessini

  27. Spike says:

    Dalrock: A thing you must look into:

    The extreme end of the feminist movement, Femen, is downright anti-Christian. This we know. However, the state will spare them when it comes to prosecuting them and prosecuting the same acts against Islam.

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