Feminists have long complained about the unrealistic proportions of Barbie dolls, and Lammily was introduced to offer girls a realistic doll to play with. Now Lammily doll owners can make their feminist dolls even uglier, with Lammily Marks:
Cellulite, Stretch marks, Freckles, Acne, Glasses, Blushing, Adhesive bandages, Moles, Temporary Tattoo, Stitches, Scrapes & Scratches, Bruises, Cast, Scars, Mosquito Bites, Grass and Dirt Stains
See the Huffington Post write up on the topic, including pictures. My personal favorite is the last picture, where Lammily is dressed in a flannel shirt and sensible shoes. Add a prominent scar, a tramp stamp, stretch marks, cellulite, a few moles, acne, and some stitches and she is every little girl’s dream doll.
So which one is selling better? If the government doesn’t interfere, the market will determine which one young girls like better and that one will succeed. I remember something like this coming out in the 80’s. Where is that doll now . . . dustbin of history.
Is the child in blue supposed to be a girl or a boy?
Sounds like one extreme to another to me. We don’t want children to be influenced by stick thin models so we’ll have them aspire to being a complete chav instead?
Having seen some “Wal-Mart shoppers” recently, the doll is way too thin to be the average American young lady. The doll needs collops of fat that jiggle as the doll is moved.
Imagine some alpha jerk playing dolls with his sister and her friends They have the real barbies all haremed up with Ken with the chubbie Barbie with the stretch marks off to herself with the real barbies talking trash about her appearance. “only pretty girls get to hang with Ken, skank”
Why don’t they include Tramp Stamps, herpes stickers and a Walk of Shame dress wardrobe? I thought she was supposed to be a modern woman?
Look on the bright side, trailer-trash barbie hit the market just in time for Christmas… 🙂
remember the garbage pail kids
I’m looking forward to superhero movies, where Iron man has a beer gut. Hulk is flabby, captain America is 5″ nothing.
Don’t be silly, Ras. Only girls and women have issues.
Huh. Little girls don’t get body image issues from playing with Barbies. By the time we start caring what our bodies look like, we’ve long since stopped playing with them. While I’m all for making sure a girl understands that she doesn’t need to be ashamed of the fact that she doesn’t have DD sized breasts while her waist is a size zero (which, for those with such a tiny waist, every other body part is more than likely to also be tiny, unless the genetic lottery was hit. Trust me, as a size 3-4 -depending on the brand- I know how that goes), I would say it’s completely pointless to do it by messing with Barbie. And taking it way too far by adding in the tramp stamps and all that other nonsense is gonna do more harm than good (if any kid actually wants to play with it, which I highly doubt). I predict this stupid doll will be a flop.
Pingback: The ugly feminist alternative to Barbie. | Manosphere.com
I’m deeply disappointed that Lammily Marks don’t contain self-harm transfers to go halfway up her arm. How mentalist is that?
@Ras Al Ghul
Of course. Indeed Captain America should be the story of how a strapping six foot Chris Evans is transformed by heroic female scientists into a 5 ft 2 spirited but sensitive house husband.
Or you could just run the movie in reverse.
Little girls don’t get body image issues from playing with Barbies.
True. This is for adult women (mothers and aunts).
StrongAndIndependent Girl accessories sold separately.
Then there’s computer engineer Barbie:
Be glad there is not yet “the ugly feminist alternative to Ken”. Does the adjective “ugly” not modify “feminist”?
Be glad there is not yet “the ugly feminist alternative to Ken”.
I grew up with a sister. I’ve seen Ken. He’s a feminist right out of the box…
“The average 19-year-old woman was modeled using these measurements, as described by the CDC:
64.29″ height
33.62″ waist
14.09″ upper arm length
14.45″ upper leg length
20″ head circumference
15″ neck circumference
150 lb weight”
All I can say is… what a porker. Seriously, 34″ waist??? At 19??? Heck I considered myself fat in my teens, and was a willowy 27″ waist and 120 lbs…
The bruises and cast are from her abusive boyfriend she refuses to leave.
Children don’t ruin women’s careers — husbands do, Harvard study finds
What’s funny about this sort of stuff is that it could be avoided altogether if we just switched back to the traditional toy of young girls everywhere: a baby doll. Its looks don’t matter, because its whole point is to be taken care of, not to be an egotistical fantasy of accessorizing, which is all Barbie is. Indeed, the shift to Barbie is a great feminist move: stop caring about baby and focus on your career, possessions, and maybe Ken if you decide to get a man as yet another accessory.
But if we shift back to the baby doll, all hell will break loose, because it means encouraging the maternal impulse of young girls.
Welcome to the world the feminists made for themselves, where they will never be happy.
The Real Peterman says:
“Don’t be silly, Ras. Only girls and women have issues.”
Perhaps I was to subtle. My point RP was that no one wants to be reminded of real life when they play, they want to imagine their idealized selves or what they ideally want to be some day if they’re a child.
Telling every little boy that they should play accountants and tax evaders, or office clerk and lawn care dude would be the equivalent of these dolls.
Don’t imagine you’re astronaut, or surfer or whatever Barbie.
Imagine yourself fat, tatted up with scars in sloppy clothes.
Yeah, that will improve yourself image!
So when are men going to realise this doll wasnt created by feminism
It was created by puritan women … using the myth of purity to cover up their uselessness to society
Of course women having to excel & compete, is a threat to a womans mating strategy of extracting huge amounts of cash & a free house & the beta bux for free, from hapless retarded men
While claiming purity & virginity to cover up the massive theft from men
Ironically if men cut off the massive transferrence of cash to women, women would be a hundred times more sane & normal, then the batshit insane stayathome mom or housewife we have today …
Learn to excel & compete without the crutches men give you, women
That is a good point.
But these dolls are not beautiful. Beautiful is superior—why do they deny that??
Because of envy and resentment.
Strive for what is good, beautiful and true. Period.
Nice post!
A man went to the toy store & asked about Barbies for his daughter. The clerk said “We have several models: Work Out, Shopping, Beach, Disco, & Skater Barbie for $19.95 each and we have Divorced Barbie for $265.95.”
The man said “What in the hell is a Divorced Barbie for $265.95?, That’s crazy! I must have misunderstood.”
The clerk said “Sir…, Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken’s Car, Ken’s House, Ken’s Boat, Ken’s Furniture, Ken’s Computer, and one of Ken’s Friends.”
This seems relevant.
Do I file for divorce?
My Wife is Struggling . . .
Is your spouse the most important person in your life? Should this be?
I was expecting your link to be utterly horrible, but this closing paragraph is actually good :
Take a look at the current crop of female CEOs: A lot of them have husbands who don’t work. Xerox CEO Ursula Burns took a page out of Hirshman’s book and joked at a 2013 conference, “The secret [to success] is to marry someone 20 years older.” Her husband retired as she was hitting her career stride, allowing him to take primary responsibility for their kids. If becoming a CEO and having a family is what you desire, you might want to take that advice.
Hey, that is not bad advice. 20 years apart means their career peaks are at different times, and their marriage is at equitable SMV value as per Rollo’s chart.
The article is from Slate, so it can be assumed to be (mostly?) terrible.
As for the closing paragraph – well, there are a lot of details missing (e.g. if they get married at 35 and 55). If it was 18 and 38 (give or take), things could work just fine (the wife has, let’s say, 15 years to get a degree and maybe shift to part-time work). It avoids some of the usual pitfalls (e.g. major causes of divorce: wife making more than husband, wife having higher SES, etc). The husband is usually at peak SES at around 40 (and his sexual drive will be more in line with his wife). The major downside is the husband having to wait until 40 to get married.
Mattell needs to get serious with appropriately gendered role model dolls.
I suggest a nicely flabby John Scalzi doll for boys.
An aging Jenny Erikson doll for girls.
TFH seems to be going Feminist – his obsession with forty-year old career bitches with trophy chlidren; that apart from his obsession with Rotherham. I had a word with my Bangla neighbour – we are both fluent, though sadly, in different languages – and I was keen to ask his opinion (careful as I was to hide away my copy of The Satanic Verses) but thought the better of it, as I have so far failed to observe even one white-slut-teenager come up the stairs, though I did once catch sight of his aged mother – off to Friday prayers at the Mosque – whom he clearly cares for. Model neighbours it has to be said and infinitely preferable to the part-time MILF prostitute with a liking for young men who formerly occupied the apartment.
It’ll soon be Panto season (which i know you don’t have) but I cannot quite see Cinderella being kitted out with Stretch-marks, Tats and Cellulite – that must surely be reserved entirely to the two ugly sisters. Boys like to take things to pieces to see how they work; girls like to emulate, at least so far as I can observe; so I doubt that the Lammily dolls will be a great success. Still, we will doubtless learn later that they have been a great success in their class. Whatever happened to Hula-hoops – girls used to enjoy that, and I to watch – Bouncy balls and Rubic’s Cubes?
Marriage is bad for women, don’t do it ladies! I beg of you! Save yourselves! Think of the children!
Far better to focus on that career, perhaps fuck the boss in between meetings to improve your pay. You never know, you might just become his number one mistress. At least until you’re 30, then you might actually have to think of another plan..
Who knew, men standing in the way of women, shirts and all, why feminism would be such an awesome success if it wasn’t for men making women feel so uncomfortable. Something must be done about this, pronto! Hitlary Cliton for president!
Children and husbands don’t ruin women…Harvard studies, the serpent, and envious women do.
The feminist campaign against beauty is just one front in Cultural Marxism’s war on traditional society.
As for the closing paragraph – well, there are a lot of details missing (e.g. if they get married at 35 and 55). If it was 18 and 38 (give or take), things could work just fine (the wife has, let’s say, 15 years to get a degree and maybe shift to part-time work). It avoids some of the usual pitfalls (e.g. major causes of divorce: wife making more than husband, wife having higher SES, etc). The husband is usually at peak SES at around 40 (and his sexual drive will be more in line with his wife). The major downside is the husband having to wait until 40 to get married.
True, but it’s a more likely scenario, really, than the Hirshman idea of women marrying peer-age men who are “below” them. There are a handful of women who will sign up for that (natural dominatrix type personas, of whom there are few among women), but most won’t because not attracted to that in a man. Marrying the much older man who is “done with his career”, or close to it, does not violate hypergamy in the same way, and will be more attractive to more women than marrying down will be. However, it’s still a limited pool. In sexual terms, most women are really not that attracted to men who are that much older than they are (see OKC results), and so most will prefer peer-age (roughly) marriages to similarly credentialed men — which, as it happens, is *exactly* what we see the most of. And these marriages are either egalitarian (a minority of them are truly egalitarian, but I have seen them, and it retards both careers due to limits placed on both spouses), or they decide to emphasize one career over the other, to “min/max” their lives, so to speak. The latter is more common than the former overall when there is more money on the table to be had, although I’ve known quite a few of the former as well. Both are much more common than either the marrying peer age but “down” in terms of career/money or the marrying a guy close to being done with his career.
Bottom line: women have choices to make here, and they don’t like the choices. Well, that’s life. The most successful ones accept that there are tradeoffs and accept the tradeoffs. I am sure that the woman marrying a man who is +20 is more sexually attracted to men her own age and younger, but she trades that off for the ability to mix career success and kids in a way that marrying a peer age man would make unlikely. She doesn’t seem bitter about it, because she accepts that she can’t have it all. The women who are bitter are the ones who don’t accept the trade-offs and are angry that they can’t have it all. In a way, they are angry at themselves and their own preferences and how their attraction works as much as they are about anything extrinsic.
“In a way, they are angry at themselves and their own preferences and how their attraction works as much as they are about anything extrinsic.”
No, I think at this point they are angry at outdated societal norms still being enforced by solipsistic Boomers that don’t accord them the proper social standing for making what is for the majority of women the optimal choice: to pair off with a promising young man in her early twenties and work together with him to build up his career and their family life together.
Perfect. Now all she needs is an STD from the many men she’s been with and a wad of cash in her hand from her ex-husbands alimony payments…
I don’t think the Lammily (wtf do they get a name like that?) doll goes far enough.
We need body piercing, full-body tats, skrillez / purple mohawk hairdo and slut-walk clothing fashion options for Lammily.
If I could, I would give this post +1
We need body piercing, full-body tats, skrillez / purple mohawk hairdo and slut-walk clothing fashion options for Lammily.
Also, she seems way too cis/het still. i think the designers need to check their privilege.
She also needs at least one bi racial child to show how enlightened she is.
Lame-ily is an appropiate name. Her creator is a textbook mangina. But she is too thin for the average American woman.
Isa says:
November 19, 2014 at 9:15 pm
“The average 19-year-old woman was modeled using these measurements, as described by the CDC:
64.29″ height
33.62″ waist… ”
A 34″ waist isn’t healthy on a 19-year-old girl who is 5’4″ tall. Hell, I have a 32″ waist and I’m a 6’0″, 195 lb, 39-year-old man!
A girl whose waist is already that big at such a young age is on her way to obesity, so if that’s average, I guess that explains a lot.
The irony is Barbie has has been one of the main tools of the feminists’ “girls can have it all” message.
* Barbie is a career girl (doctor, soldier, teacher)
* Barbie has a nice home
* Barbie drives a cool car
* Barbie has a hot boyfriend
* Barbie parties (at the beach, night clubs, and high society)
* Barbie is a celebrity/princess
* Barbie has lots of friends, but of course Barbie is the center of everything
What’s missing from the Barbie’s world? A husband and children. Barbie is neither a wife or mother.
new anon
Can you imagine how worthless and self centered “Barbie” would be as a wife in todays world. She is for showing pictures of her on your phone to your party buddies as the booty call you are hittin
@ an observer: “Mattell needs to get serious with appropriately gendered role model dolls. I suggest a nicely flabby John Scalzi doll for boys. An aging Jenny Erikson doll for girls.”
My thoughts exactly. What little boy has any chance of growing up to be Batman or Captain America? We should make action figures with pot-bellies and glasses, maybe dressed up as accountants or janitors. We’ll stop holding boys to such unachievable gender stereotypes, and I’m sure they’d sell like hotcakes!
(for any gender egalitarians reading this, I didn’t really mean that–don’t get any ideas)
And speaking of Jenny Erikson, she’s stopped blogging: http://www.jennyerikson.com/
For curiousity only, I looked it up.
Creator is a guy, Nickolay Lamm.
He’s finally a girl.
Can you imagine how worthless and self centered “Barbie” would be as a wife in todays world.
Having run into a few married “Barbies” who unfortunately were allowed to breed, I have to say that the terms “worthless” and “self-centered” are far too kind as descriptors for these vapid sluts. While I do feel a fleeting tinge of pity for their husbands, my more pragmatic side soon convinces me that most of these guys deserve to be “enjoying” the fruits of letting their dicks make their life’s most important choices for them.
A comment on the comment someone posted about women preferring men their own age.
In older times, affluent families did not view their children as educated until they lived in a totally different culture for at least a couple years. 100 years ago, it might be Germany, or France and Germany with trips to the other Germanic nations. This was because people do not understand their own culture until they learn in another culture which parts of their own culture are unique to their own culture, and not universally true.
In the USA, much of relations between men and women are unique to our own culture, heh, heh.
One of the most important things I learned about Mexican culture, thus about USA culture, in recent years was that in Mexico they respect old men. Once I understood this, I also understood that in the USA, we HATE old men. Even old men in the USA hate old men.
I once told my wife’s best friend that in the USA they call old men, “old farts.” She looked like she wanted to vomit. If one of her children referred to an old man as an old fart, he would probably suffer serious injuries.
When women are raised in a society which respects old men, a higher percentage of young women have little problem marrying older men.
When I first moved to this village, the First Wave as I called them, were the low life gold diggers we find so common everywhere. I paid them no attention at all.
When I was 64, a 14 year old family friend fell head over heels in love with me. Scared me half to death. I talked to my best friend, an educated woman in her late 50’s. She told me this was not uncommon; in fact she had done the same thing at the same age. Older men who are vigorous and not too obese, and educated, and who treat women with respect (a rarity in much of Mexico) are actually very attractive to young women. She told me just treat her as you always have, and she will outgrow it, but she will never forget you. And, she has learned what sort of man she wants to marry, instead of an alpha bum. Well, she is engaged to a man with a degree…
Since then, I have been hit on by several Early Twenties whom I knew well enough to know it was not gold-digging. I have a routine. I act stupid like I don’t know what they are saying, and eventually they go away. Heh, heh.
I don’t know what percentage of young women actually PREFER older men, as opposed to “will in desperation accept an older mate.” In my village I believe it to be around 5%, more or less. I can only guess, since this is the only other culture I have ever lived in, that this 5% may be a norm among women everywhere. If it is not, then the actual percentage is more likely to be higher rather than lower.
Though your cultural conditioning prevents you from seeing this, the nature of hypergamy is such that vigorous, healthy older men of education and affluence are the peak of hypergamy unless women are conditioned differently as they are in the USA.
A reminder that there are two expressions of hypergamy. Most of us think of gold-diggers, of course. But there are also many women who actually find an affluent man much more attractive then he is. Women who say how handsome Donald Trump is are what I am talking about. Which is probably where the young women who hit on me are found.
In the US, the hatred for old men is so blatant that even if a young woman were interested in an older man, she knows it will be absolute Hell if she makes a move. So, we seldom ever see it at all. Thus falsely assuming no woman likes older educated men who treat them well.
Remember when a regular here said if an older man, even one thirty or forty years younger than I am, came around his daughter, he would shoot him? I have developed enough prejudice against our “it takes one to know one” bozo that I assume it was him. But, clearly, that may be wrong. In any case, that is what I am talking about.
In any case, an aggressive, hard driving career woman isn’t being harmed that much by marrying a successful twenty years older man, whether when she is 18 or 28. It is all in your imagination as a victim of AW insanity.
Would these married Barbies be the Real Housewives of New Jersey?
We in the manosphere keep saying that we don’t want the wives to let themselves go, to stay thin and pretty, to work out, to do whatever. But that doesn’t mean we want to be married to Barbie. We are not interested in women whose sole focus is their looks and their materialism. We want to marry a pretty wife who is focused on being a great mom. We want to marry Ann Duncan from Good Luck Charlie, not Barbie.
We in the manosphere keep saying that we don’t want the wives to let themselves go, to stay thin and pretty, to work out, to do whatever. But that doesn’t mean we want to be married to Barbie. We are not interested in women whose sole focus is their looks and their materialism.
Yes, and that was the point I was trying to make with my last comment. While Barbie looks and a Barbie figure are all well and good, if that’s ALL a woman has going for her, then any man who wifes her up is going to find her to be more of a millstone around his neck than a mate who is a helpmeet. This usually becomes obvious well before the word “marriage” is even a consideration, but many men deliberately and knowingly ognore the “WARNING: SELFISH BIMBITCH ALERT!” red flags.
imho, Barbie is the typical modern American woman.
She certainly has checked off all the feminist check boxes:
Exciting career-check (notice there’s no salesgirl Barbie).
Has avoided marriage and motherhood–check.
Has a guy for fun but not commitment–check.
No influence of God in her life–check.
Can do anything a man can do–check (soldier, astronaut, fireman).
You can make the argument that Barbie has contributed as much to “you go girl” as anything, and has influenced countless young girls to forgo marriage and family to pursue their dream.
Barbie is the pre-wall American woman.
Wait 5 years and the doll will come with a Wal-Mart battery powered rascal scooter accessory (EBT and menthols sold separately).
Barbie is the pre-wall American woman.
I can’t wait for “Post-Wall Barbie.” Or would the doll in the OP qualify?
I would like to reinforce the idea in the link above about how the biggest problem is stupid adults bring their own delusions and hang-ups into childrens worlds. Children don’t care about any of this stuff – only adults do. It is the same thing with the Harry Potter books and the author announcing that Dumbledore was gay. Who gives a %$(# about the sexual preferences of anyone in that book? She introduced sexuality into a children book to get social millage from her peers. Modern adults really suck and just cannot leave well enough alone and let children worry about children stuff.
Lammily looks retarded, and her proportions are all wrong. She may be average but she is average and athletic – like a softball player. The average 19 yr old looks more flabby and way worse than that.
Can you imagine having a parent so hateful and ideological that they gave you a doll like that? Kids don’t care, they would be oblivious until the hour long lecture in which mom tries to convince you of her moral superiority for picking a doll. Then you would truly hate your parents.
feeriker says:
November 20, 2014 at 12:26 pm
“This usually becomes obvious well before the word “marriage” is even a consideration, but many men deliberately and knowingly ognore the “WARNING: SELFISH BIMBITCH ALERT!” red flags.”
Interestingly, whey I made that exact same point, many here accused me of blaming men for women’s bad behavior.
Can you imagine having a parent so hateful and ideological that they gave you a doll like that?
Sadly, yes. I absolutely can.
She also needs at least one bi racial child to show how enlightened she is.
Lesbians prefer white children:
I don’t understand why conservatives, and Christian conservatives in particular, don’t campaign against sperm banks.
They help promote choices that are undermining society: lesbian mothers, single mothers, out of wedlock births.
I can’t think of any justification from a Biblical standpoint for any man to contribute to a sperm bank. Yet, I can’t think of a single instance where I’ve heard a Christian denounce their use, much less someone for contributing to one.
My personal favorite thing about this is the similarity in facial features between the creator and the doll, have a look at the pictures on the linked page (https://lammily.com/about/). This doll is modeled after the gender ambiguous picture at the bottom. I was going to leave that famous quote about how feminist activity almost always a cry for, come the revolution, the feminist herself to be percieved as hotter, and point out that it’s really just the creator trying to be idealized by young girls, but then I noticed that it is a guy. This adds a whole new level of weirdness to the situation.
Its probably because a sperm bank (in and of itself) offers nothing other than pro-creation. Christian conservatives have more than enough to campaign against (like what the President will be doing by executive order tonight) than to campaign against sperm banks.
new anon says:
November 20, 2014 at 1:55 pm
“I don’t understand why conservatives, and Christian conservatives in particular, don’t campaign against sperm banks.”
What do you mean by “campaign against”? Are you referring to an effort to make sperm banks illegal?
At least make an effort to influence people not to participate in them.
At least make an effort to explain the morality (or lack of) of sperm banks.
@new anon
You need to talk to TFH about this.
i blogged about that waste of plastic too!
I like the comment about how we should go back to giving little girls baby dolls to play with instead of Barbies. If I’m fortunate enough to have daughters, that’s what they’re getting. I had plenty of both when I was a kid, but liked the baby dolls better, and only played with the Barbies when playing with cousins, who preferred the Barbies.
@ innocentbystanderboston
What’s the president doing by executive order tonight? The way you talk about how we should be against whatever it is makes it sound really bad. I mean I’m not surprised, but I’m a bit concerned now. And yes I know, I live under a rock.
This one will go the way of “Old fashioned”, Dalrock: Here today, gone tomorrow.
(Unless the government intervenes and gives young girls “Lammily” as a monopoly. then you know you are living in a resurrected East Germany.
What’s the president doing by executive order tonight?
Executive amnesty of some sort. Your say in your own country will be diluted with millions of illegal aliens who do not have an American culture.
Mama June from Honey Boo-Boo Barbie compared to regular Barbie…

Oh. Ugh. I never felt like I had any say in anything before anyway, but still, that doesn’t sound good. Illegal immigrants only take from the system and give nothing back, so government handouts will likely increase quite a bit more because of that. (Note: I’m not referring to legal immigrants that follow the rules and do things the correct way and actually contribute to society)
Said Faux news tell-a-vision.
Apparently your only source of ideas,and the master of your origin of thought process.
Be sure to tune it at 5,6,7Pm for MORE NEWS.
Stay informed,don;t be DUMB.
(Non-conformist with original thoughts)
Damn you TV re-speakers incite me.
Not a thought in your pretty little head?
It’s safe to say that any regular reader of this blog has no friend in the USA, its laws, or its government.
The USA is the place that radical feminism, and the hatred of men, was incubated and spread throughout the world. In no other country are so many men routinely stripped of all their possessions, without trial, forced to pay the kidnappers of their children at gunpoint and to live as slaves. (Name me a European country that jails poor men for falling behind in overly-generous alimony payments… That’s right, you can’t).
Best thing I could suggest to men (specifically you religious family men) is to ignore whatever President Doofus says, and continue to build up your own families and local communities (by that I mean, other solid people who live nearby). You should consider yourselves aliens in a hostile country, rather than citizens who want to “conserve” the feminist structure that is now in place. It’s your enemy, not your friend.
Borders don’t mean anything anyway. Men should start looking at moving to places where they get more respect, and colonize these other areas, taking their money and labor power with them.
“Harvard’s policy was written by people who think sexual assault is so heinous a crime that even innocence is not a defense.”
— Alan Dershowitz
Men know what is “hot” and respond to it – and fat, with cellulite, isn’t hot… Just the opposite – it’ll make a guy throw-up a little in his mouth. So you can give girls fat dolls all you want – they will still be trying to lose weight and get into those size 0 jeans. Wanna know why? They want to be f**ked till they can’t walk by the hot guys. So if it makes you feel good to give them fat dolls, be my guest. I’ll still be nailing the hot chicks – and the reason is simple. Those are the ones that turn me on…
Well, duh. Why on earth would a man marry a ball-busting careerist, if not for the opportunity to stay home watching sports all day? What other benefit could there be?
Boxer says:
November 20, 2014 at 6:59 pm
IMHO very well said. It’s as though you were reading my mind.
The American culture has become a toxic cesspool of immorality, and those in power are indeed pushing secular evils into other parts of the world in the name of feminism and other types of “humanities”. Not that those people were without evils of their own, but the wickedness being promoted now is literally anti-male and family destroying. The founding fathers would not even recognize this country were they to return for a brief visit. It’s been said that they would start another revolution. I wonder what would be said of the despotism of the petticoat after witnessing a typical family court proceeding.
God have mercy on us, because we, as a nation, have brought this upon ourselves.
What other benefit could there be?
Kitchen b!tch? Oh wait, benefit for him. No I think you covered it, unless he’s into gardening.
CC I have one of those ball busting careerist lawyer types and the main benefit is the European and Asian vacations. If I think of anything else I will let you know.
new anon,
“I don’t understand why conservatives, and Christian conservatives in particular, don’t campaign against sperm banks.”
Their OODA loop has been compromised.
“Well, duh. Why on earth would a man marry a ball-busting careerist, if not for the opportunity to stay home watching sports all day? What other benefit could there be?”
Not all of them are ball-busting. Mine loves the opportunity to be feminine for a change when she gets home. Obv, that takes a man willing to be masculine, which she had trouble finding.
I really don’t think there is any benefit to being married to one of those chicks. I used to think it would be cool but it doesn’t add up it never will.
new anon says:
November 20, 2014 at 3:26 pm
“At least make an effort to influence people not to participate in them.
At least make an effort to explain the morality (or lack of) of sperm banks.”
You make a good point, but considering that the vast majority of out-of-wedlock births happen the old fashioned way, it may be wiser to expend ones resources on that target.
Speaking of Barbie:
Computer Engineer Barbie Needs Men To Write Code, Can’t Reboot Computer
Mattel released a Totally Stylin’ Tattoos Barbie several years ago. It included 40 tattoo stickers of hearts, flowers, stars, rabbits, butterflies and so on. One tattoo was a heart with Ken’s name in it with the obligatory “arse antlers” extending off on either side of it, perfectly sized for a tramp stamp.
There was also a Teen Pregnancy Barbie but that one was a hoax, not a real Barbie released by Mattel. The copy on the package read “Barbie can’t wait to have her baby! She’s so happy she didn’t listen to the grumpy old nurse at the clinic. She’s had so much fun shopping for cool baby stuff with her girlfriends. She found a really trendy diaper bag…”
Dunno if you’re joking. Either way I just laughed out loud.
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Speaking of Barbie:
Computer Engineer Barbie Needs Men To Write Code, Can’t Reboot Computer
Given hiring quotas and the obsession with ‘diversity,’ the fact that Computer Engineer Barbie can’t actually do anything (or, much) a computer engineer is able to do is actually quite realistic.
Tragically awesome. Gotta remember that one. 🙂
Who actually buys these products out of curiosity? Is there some booming market I’m missing? I would assume this would be a loss for the makers.
In general, conservatives are putting off marriage just like everyone else (if not more so), so they’re going to need the assistance of the baby-manufacturing industry when they hit 35+ and can’t get their seed to fall on fertile soil.
Congrats to Dalrock: this blog has now gone over the Ten Million hits.
Pingback: Confusing make-believe with reality; why feminists obsess over Barbie. | Dalrock
She needs more tats, a muffin-top, the top of the cut-offs isn’t low enough and the cut-off portion needs to be high enough to expose the lower part of her butt cheeks.
Ah, Lammily must be Alabama Man’s new girlfriend.
She will fit well with the whole ghetto/white trash Barbie theme.
@Cail Corishev
”In general, conservatives are putting off marriage just like everyone else (if not more so), so they’re going to need the assistance of the baby-manufacturing industry when they hit 35+ and can’t get their seed to fall on fertile soil.”
Looks like conservatives got dragged along the delaying of childbirth syndrome abandoning their former practice of marrying and having children young.
@Cail Corishev
Conservatism in Anglo-countries is a euphemism of Less-Left. A honeycomb to down the poison easier as they moderate or slow down the entropy making it bearable.
@Cail Corishev, infowarrior1
I created some charts using the GSS:
The “Extremely Conservative” group is quite stable (it’s been around 21.5 for the last 30 years, give or take a year).
I looked at the pictures…and I laughed and laughed and laughed.
Yes. I dug through the charts myself (which also include men and adults). It was… quite disturbing. Now I know why Asians insist my family can’t be from X place or Y place because we aren’t fat and thus must be from Germany. Sad.
Pingback: I don’t like the “Average Barbie “
I love lammily dolls