Vice has a post up* on the hashtag #giveyourmoneytowomen. At first glance I thought it was a parody, but Poe’s Law notwithstanding, it seems to be serious (emphasis mine).
Women were banding together to demand payment for all the emotional work we do that goes completely unpaid—the exhausting work of being a tolerant, gentle, nurturing, listening woman in our relationships with men, at all times. Women put up with a lot of bullshit, and we have a science-backed term for it: Emotional labor. And as with any kind of labor, women are now ready and eager to get paid.
To understand this requires an understanding of the mindset of the miser. To the miser, even the smallest gift is unbearably extravagant. Feminists are misers with love, so while they only give the absolute bare minimum, to them it feels like an unbearable sacrifice.
*H/T Steve Heller
They are about to hit their zenith, too little oxygen to allow combustion, feminist flameout in 3, 2, 1.
I agree that this is a nationwide shit test and manginas are NEVER going to pass.
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the exhausting work of being a tolerant, gentle, nurturing, listening woman in our relationships with men, at all times.
Faking what you aren’t at heart is a tough slog, no doubt.
I smell a Gender Studies degree.
I tallied to total for the nurturing and empathy and deducted for nagging, sexual needs shaming, and compelling me to watch Gray’s Anatomy marathons.
She owes me $2.3 million.
@Pokesalad, that and the constant projection. Daily having to tell yourself the 567,345 lies that are required to keep a straight face has got to be taxing. The further they bend away from reality the easier it is for us to see what we’ve got on our hands and the harder it is for them to cover it up. More and more the mask is slipping as they head for their civilization wide psychotic break.
Sure, let’s cash in our respective gender contributions, now, what price do men out on civilisation itself?
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Why not just give your money to women? With the horde of white knights in the world they’ve managed to outlaw all forms of bargaining for what men want from women at this point, so the only option left is to just throw money at women and hope to get what you want in return.
Prostitution is illegal.
Sex inside of marriage is illegal if she doesn’t want it.
Sex outside of marriage is illegal if she decides it wasn’t good enough.
Women have painted themselves into a corner, since they can’t be bargained with, or reasoned with, and absolutely will not stop until romance is dead… the only option left is simply to surrender to the FI, which is where this hashtag comes from.
LOL. My husband does give all his money to a woman. Me. 😀 Unlike feminists, though, I don’t feel put upon and used, which is strange, considering how much more “emotional labor” I most certainly do every day. They are misers, yes. And what a stupid hashtag.
LOL @ the Vice picture of the two women who started the hashtag. #giveyourattentiontotarts is more like it.
The more Open Hypergamy is embraced and exposed the more necessary it will be to legislate and enforce men’s participation in women’s sexual strategies.
…and the more comfort women will have in blatantly demanding men participate in it.
Nice avatar, Nic.
In looking through her feed, she appears to be an actual prostitute, not just a wannabe like Ms. Chief Elk.
So the main proponents of this hashtag are tarts and literal whores. Think about why that might be, folks.
Well, it actually appears just to be tarts and prostitutes demanding it in this article. If you actually read it, you’ll notice that she’s pretty down on most (normal) women for not supporting this. She complains that too many women don’t embrace a “wife bonus”, too. She’s a real winner.
There is no parody anymore.
It’s not the intent, but what it implies to the whole:
Hah, hilarious. “I think we’ve established what you are. Right now, we’re just haggling over price.”
When a woman sees a man and deigns to talk to the wretch, on his knees he should beg for the chance to uplift her spirt with a regular monthly bequeathing of at minimum 10% of his take home. God, the patriarchal cis-gendered deity of the misogynistic Old Testament asked for 10%, is a goddess not worthy of more?
This would have been hilarious if not utterly tragic and sad. Really sad that a whole generation of people could be so brainwashed to this degree. It is unbelievably sad.
Has any of these emotional vampires ever once been tolerant and understanding with anybody?
That is brilliant.
The feminist tithe is more than what is suggested for God’s work on earth.
Men support their women. They buy them clothes – utilities – houses – cars – insurance – food – vacations – public services (through payroll taxes) – etc. I’ll consider giving some money to women (but only if the’re REALLY good in bed) as soon as they reimburse men for all the money we already spend on them….
Well, I suppose it beats panhandling out by the interstate on-ramp (that men built).
Let’s keep in mind when women use terms like “heteropatriarchy,” they’re likely playing for the other team and have a whole nudder agenda.
If men didn’t go to work tomorrow, women would find in about one hour what “exhausting” really means.
Frankly it should be a reason to change your habits about talking to women.
I make it a point never to discuss philosophy, religious principle, politics, economics, or any theory based subject with my wife. I talk about our plans for our farm, life, and kids, but I don’t go into the theory behind them. I accept input on those plans, and alter them accordingly for good ideas.
I also don’t tell her about my problems and issues at work or anywhere else. I don’t unburden myself with my fears to her. This has made our marriage relatively conflict free, and maintaining frame makes my wife happier.
I only speak with my buddies about these things. They are all men, and can handle it.
It is often said in the Manosphere “don’t get married”. For those of us that do, be a rock. Don’t open your yap except to your buddies. Maintain conversational frame.
I’ll send ’em a bill for their bitchiness, which requires my emotional laborlolzlolzlolz
Big Daddy Government is no more immune to women’s hypergamous impulses than the lowliest man. And when it ceases to supply women with what they want, it will face the same fate.
Rather reminds me of the itemised bill that a client unexpectedly received from his Attorney, viz:
To: Crossing the road to consult with you $100.00
To: Crossing back on realising that it was not you $100.00
Total $200.00
Tax $35.00
Grand total $235.00
Compensated dating is NOT prostitution.
You know, there’s actually a positive to this. Liberalism is the playground of elite whites who see the majority of their own race as their primary competition, and so have constructed a system designed to destroy the power and cohesiveness of that group by swamping it with foreigners led by that upper-crust of whites.
From Minneapolis to Calais, the are starting to realize that once the barbarians have the numbers, they are not at all interested in keeping white liberals in positions of power, or supporting gay pride parades, green energy, or anything else that gives a liberal’s life meaning.
And so while there are those who will double down to maintain their power – a lot of the useful idiots are starting to realize that they’re next up to go under the bus.
So let’s take a look at this #giveyourmoneytowomen nonsense. The part where the rhetoric takes a nasty turn into ‘well, white women have gotten a lot of second-hand priveledge, so really you need to give your money to colored women.” is a delight to see. It’s one thing for a middle-class girl to set her sights on moving from rural America to Sodom-on-Hudson and then attribute the inevitable ennui of a liberal arts degree into proof that men are hurting her life, even while unseen an army of men are doing everything from building her ipod to changing her oil… it’s another to be told that really, she’s part of the problem keeping feminists down as well.
#giveyourmoneytowomen, as long as they are going to denounce white women and the traditional western/christian family structure that accounts for it, ought to be given a megaphone. They are not going to convert; they are just going to continue to preach to those who want us dead anyway, and might accidentally do some good when some of the crowd realizes they too are slated for the post-revolution ditch.
I saw this hashtag awhile ago and thought exactly the same thing, in reference to your previous posts about feminist miserliness. I told someone recently that even using the phrase “emotional labor” nullifies the underlying value, if any, of the thing it refers to. What they fail to realize is that the “labor” they’re complaining about not being compensated for is simply “being a decent person,” and is compensated by the desire of other people to associate with them in the first place.
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So now we have radical feminists calling on all women to become emotional prostitutes. 2015: the year satire became redundant.
Joe you beat me to it!
they don’t realize men pay “for them to leave”
I think ‘misers’ is the wrong word for it. ‘Emotional cripples’ sounds more fitting.
Let them try and demand payment. It’s pretty much trying to squeeze water from a stone at this point.
Articles like this are exactly why we need to agree and amplify. Every time a man lifts an item for a woman or opens a door, he must write them a bill. It would be so much fun.
Even better. A woman walked up to me at the shop today and started ranting off about the products. Instead of just nodding my head and eventually walking off after she finished, I should have drawn up a bill for 30 minutes of work and given it to her.
@The Tingler says:
No no no, emotional independent contractors, get it right.
This is nothing more than women crying out, “Someone owes me a living.” Men know better. And if you’re going to compensate women for being women, will women compensate men for being men? It’s a ridiculous argument.
This is what logically happens in a world where people equate human value with economic value. And where women are constantly grasping for “equality” with men. It is the natural progression from “let’s make sure we are both doing precisely equal amounts of housework”.
I feel only pity for these feminists. They don’t understand that their basic human dignity comes from being made in God’s image (something given to them, not “acheived” by them), rather than how much they are paid. And until they get that, they will never understand the joy of serving others wholeheartedly, with open hands.
Lettuce be real tea, tho. At least 90% of the women out there would write these chicks off as bitter losers, just like we do. A further 5%, say the HuffPo crowd, would read this article and say, “Yeah, they’re nutjobs, but they push the conversation further in our favor, so let’s support ’em.” But they’d still take for granted that they’re losers.
Anyone can tell these chicks probably got sexually abused as children and now they’re trying to make a gender identity movement out of their bitterness. There’s no need to extrapolate from this to all women.
Creating an immigration policy biased towards women would be easy. It would just take enough politically correct spin.
75% of H1B visa’s should be reserved for women to balance out the dominance of men in tech.
Only male illegal immigrants should be deported, because (1) they commit the majority of crimes, (2) they take jobs away from female undocumented workers, and (3) many women come here to escape male domination in their home country, but their male countrymen follow them here to continue the domination, thus the only way to break the cycle of male domination is to deport the males.
IMHO, you could easily change the immigration ratio to 60/40 favoring women with a few steps. We did it with college degrees, we could do it with immigration. Whether America would be a better or worse country is up for debate, but it could be done–and the political left/center/GOP/churchians would be 100% behind it.
One broad has mistreated me. I plan to ask for a bottle of 46 and a ribeye as a sign of her genuine remorse. Seems quite reasonable to me. I’ll share them with her, of course.
Not exactly a bill for bitchiness, but it seems somehow relevant.
Are they demanding payment, or are they demanding “tribute”?
Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s.
I guess for feminists, this means treating them like shit.
Are they demanding payment, or are they demanding “tribute”?
Perhaps neither one? Restating the hashtag can make it clearer:
I feel only pity for these feminists. They don’t understand that their basic human dignity comes from being made in God’s image (something given to them, not “acheived” by them), rather than how much they are paid. And until they get that, they will never understand the joy of serving others wholeheartedly, with open hands.
Feminists, by virtue of their ideology, don’t believe in God (even if some claim that they do), so it’s really a moot point. Since the secular humanism upon which their ideology is based is a nonsensical jumble that at one extreme consists of “me, Me, ME!!!!” and at the other of collectivist utilitarianism, the very concepts of altruism, sacrifice, and selflessness are utterly alien to them. It’s akin to expecting cows to lay eggs.
“You know, there’s actually a positive to this. Liberalism is the playground of elite whites who see the majority of their own race as their primary competition, and so have constructed a system designed to destroy the power and cohesiveness of that group by swamping it with foreigners led by that upper-crust of whites.”
I like the cut of your jib. If you have a blog, I’d like to know about it.
Yeah, the women in my life are so gentle and nurturing. I tell them I’m feeling blue and they snarl at me “oh stop crying and something about it!”.
Isn’t that hashtag just announcing you aren’t qualified to get a (any) job, no one wants you for a wife, and no one would pay to have sex with you?
We all start out with a measure of GOD’s love in our hearts and as the cares and sorrows of life happen this goes away. Particularly angry creatures find that, given no other source for this, they must zealously guard what tiny little piece of it they still find in their shrunken hearts. Feminists are miserly with love because they have cut themselves off from its source and thus have no way to refill themselves. Hell is a place where the last vestiges of GODs gift are viciously fought over, coveted, connived, stolen, and demanded. Demons fighting for a larger piece of an every shrinking pie. I see feminists the same way – sad stupid creatures that they are.
How about they #makesammichesformen first. Then we’ll talk about money for women.
So, what the article is saying is that women should be paid for… interacting with men. Wow. Thta’s a surprise, coming from feminists.
Meanwhile, in Australia – the runner up for Land of the Mangina (the title having already gone to Sweden) – feminist Clementine Ford is telling Mark Zuckerberg how to “Make Facebook Safe for Women”.
I’m not posting the link, since I’m hoping that if she is starved of clicks, her employers will fire her. Meanwhile I’m sure Mr Zuckerberg is going to bend over backwards to accommodate her latest whim.
… feminist Clementine Ford is telling Mark Zuckerberg how to “Make Facebook Safe for Women”…
I’m lol. Perhaps they could ban men from Facebook. That should do the trick. I’m not sure how much of a difference that would make though.
Congress to Consider Due Process for Accused Students
I think Rollo is right. They are openly DEMANDING tribute. This is not about payment anymore they already have that locked down if they get married and through daddygobiment if all else fails. This is about total victory for the FI. They are going for the jugular of manginas everywhere. They don’t just want open hypergamy. They want to openly mock and tease and torture the men. They want revenge for all the years of patriarchy. This video explains it better:
They want revenge for all the years of patriarchy.
They should be thankful for all those years of patriarchy. It protected them from themselves. Now we’re all screwed.
As TFH has oft opined, it is fitting that manginas, conservatives, and male feminists are compelled to pay the costs of this foolishness. Let’s work to get more and more tribute money extorted from the Alan Alda and Phil Donahue types, while we carefully engineer our lives to take advantage of the situation in whatever ways we find expedient.
What is unpaid emotional labor? And who needs to pay who in order for that person to be made whole?
Maybe after they take a page from the Slutwalk book and start organizing Bumwalks the patriarchy can hit them with aggressive panhandling statutes.
That’s an excellent summary of feminism.
It is never too late for satire. Think of it, instead, as a target rich environment.
In the real world, women have to work hard for their money, not as hard as men, but hard enough. Feminism is a luxury commodity for the UMC chick who thinks her useless BA from Harvard means she is thinks she is the mistress of the universe, instead of realizing that even Roosh won’t touch her with a barge pole.
Comments are interesting…
70-80% of all government spending is a transfer from men to women, and yet women still cry that they don’t have enough. It reminds me of the tale of the fisherman who catches a magical fish that grants his wife’s wishes. The wife keeps wishing and wishing for better houses and more power, until she finally wishes to be God Himself. The fish then takes back everything he’s given her because he realizes she’ll never be satisfied no matter what he does. If only today’s manginas were as wise as that fish!
Perhaps they could ban men from Facebook. That should do the trick. I’m not sure how much of a difference that would make though.
Haven’t most men already banned themselves from Facebook (more appropriately named Chickbook)?
I tried to read the linked article but couldn’t make it very far.
“Women put up with a lot of bulls**t, and we have a science-backed term for it: Emotional labor. And as with any kind of labor, women are now ready and eager to get paid.”
Considering a lot of the women I know create their own drama, this sounds a lot like the broken window fallacy.
When you’ve lost the Southern Baptists, I’m not sure who’s left:
“What is this but the brutal patriarchy of a Bronze Age warlord? All of these things empower men to pursue a Darwinian fantasy of the predatory alpha-male in search of nothing but power, prestige, and the next orgasm.”
@ Damncrackers says:
August 4, 2015 at 9:24 am
The author doesn’t seem to understand that Mr. Moore is not his (her?) ideological ally.
@Brass Cat: Panhandlers. Exactamundo.
“Women put up with a lot of bullshit, and we have a science-backed term* for it: Emotional labor. And as with any kind of labor, women are now ready and eager to get paid.”
I read this**, and thought of the surly windscreen wash-bottle bandits at the stoplight. No chance, pal. Don’t you touch my fucking car with that grit-filled greasy rag ( .. on with the central locking, reach behind passenger seat ..).
* er, exactly which ‘science’ would this be?
** I also suspected Godfrey-Elfwick-level trolling, but disappointingly it appears completely sincere and slightly subnormal in the true Dunning-Kruger style.
Interesting link Damncrackers. It is hard to tell with stories like this, because the narrator can’t be trusted. Still, based on what is shared, it sounds like Moore is indicting American Cultural Christianity, and this strikes me as similar to the “Churchian” charge.
Again, just going from the article, it sounds like he has accurately diagnosed the condition but is misunderstanding the cause. He seems to think that men are tricking women into going feral, instead of pursuing the lifelong marriages they naturally crave. This is the standard (but still breathtaking) denial that feminism and feminist rebellion exists. Men are failing, but we are failing by not calling out the feminist rebellion. To the extent that The Atlantic is presenting his argument correctly, is would seem that Moore is failing in this same way:
Very telling in the Moore quote:
Looking at Big Chief Elk’s ruminations, it hardly differs from the age-old “Wages for Housework” stuff. (Unconstructively)IdleWhiteLadies, viciously resentful they can’t afford skivvies like Grandma had.
Cool beans. By all means GiveYourMoneyToWomen, that way they can #PayTheirOwnMortage. (And Utilities/CityTaxes etc.), leaving us chaps with MoarBeerMoney.
@ Tam
I like #MoreBourbonMoney and #YouCanTaxItIfYouCanFindIt . Also #HowTaDisappearOffDaGrid.
In what meaningful sense is ‘the culture’- what ever that may mean – unsafe for women, either as opposed to, for men, or generally. I don’t wish to make some absurd and unsubstantiated assertion about Mediaeval Europe or Ancient Greece or otherwise, but do we not live in a First World where so far as is humanly possible every obstacle to female safety and protection has been removed and female ease has been promoted and secured.
Why would they expect to get paid for being a decent human being, which is something no one even asked them to do? Remember that time she let you sit next to her on the subway? She didn’t show it because she’s a strong, tolerant, gentle, nurturing, listening woman, but she was actually terrified you were going to rape her and that’ll be $250, please. Just think about all the legal fees she saved you by not accusing you of rape and pay up. /s
Ah, I think I get it. She is charging for not farting on the subway, then.
I correct myself, for now I recall that women are placed in considerable danger when they walk in the worst areas, wearing little but a thong a micro-pelmet and a figure hugging top. We must teach men not to mistake the most blatant of female provocation for the most blatant of female provocation and blame men to the full force of the law for freely acted upon female behaviour – unless of course the man is sexually desirable, in which case none of the above applies.
If you lot will contribute to me thru Patreon I promise to not post a pic of myself in a thong.
I would pay up because the charges are true – I do go around harassing women and taking advantage of the nurturing and tolerant natures and controlling them wherever I can find them on behalf of the Patriarchy (if you’re reading this, your Oppressiveness, your recent work regarding air conditioners is exactly the diabolical genius that convinced me to work for you in the first place!)
However, jackhammers and sirens are expensive. I can’t pay the costs of your constant oppression and the necessary equipment to ensure you can never catch me on camera. You think maintaining a leash on half the population across every culture and country since the advent of civilization is cheap? Not hardly!
“70-80% of all government spending is a transfer from men to women”
I’m assuming this is an exaggeration but it sounds plausible enough. If true, consider my mind blown. Do you have a source?
“She didn’t show it because she’s a strong, tolerant, gentle, nurturing, listening woman, but she was actually terrified you were going to rape her and that’ll be $250, please.”
“Fair enough. My fee for being an ordinary, decent man and not raping you is $500.”
Haven’t most men already banned themselves from Facebook (more appropriately named Chickbook)?
Yeah, that was supposed to be my point. I tend to forget at times that other folks can’t read my mind.
“Women put up with a lot of bulls**t, and we have a science-backed term for it: Emotional labor. And as with any kind of labor, women are now ready and eager to get paid.”
Considering a lot of the women I know create their own drama, this sounds a lot like the broken window fallacy.
Not to mention, it completely omits the fact that men endure enormous quantities of bulls**t from women. What form shall our compensation take? I know it won’t be in dollars. Perhaps women can repay us with sammiches. That would take a lot of sammiches though.
When you’ve lost the Southern Baptists, I’m not sure who’s left:
Although they did a pretty good job of fighting off “liberalism” and remaining conservative, the culture they sought to conserve was already “left” of the Bible in terms of husband / wife relations and women / sin relations. In this regard I’m not sure we ever “had them”.
The culture war appears to be lost even among evangelicals. Most everyone today is feminist by just about any standard that was held before 1950. The further back we look, the more feminist we appear in comparison.
I continue to be stunned that you are willing to eat something these femtrolls’ hands touched. Remember, they don’t even wash their hands after going to the bathroom. That too, assuming they know how to make a sammich.
You sure know how to take the pleasantness out of looking forward to a sammich.
Perhaps they can be supervised and required to wear plastic gloves. Even if I dare not eat the sammiches, I consider sammich making to be anti-hamster therapy for the strong, independent, and thoroughly indoctrinated woman (ie: the female feminist).
Planned Parenthood – Bekah Merkle
The first thing that jumps out at me is that this entire horror show is run by women. It’s startling actually. The abortion doctors, the nurses, the baby-part-wholesalers, the corporate bureaucracy, and obviously every mother who turns up at a Planned Parenthood chop shop to have her own baby executed and sold for parts. Clearly, the entire situation is built on the premise of men’s sin . . . but the fact remains that this grisly, depraved, monstrous assault on human dignity is being conducted by women. I’ve seen a lot of “this is a war on women” and “women betrayed” kind of language lately . . . and it’s completely true. But the thing I continue to find odd is that it’s a war on women which is being conducted by women. Everyone (rightly) keeps noticing parallels between America’s abortion mills and Nazi Germany, but I think there’s another similarity besides the gruesome nature of the problem and the massive body count.
Ah, I think I get it. She is charging for not farting on the subway, then.
I charge $200 for not manspreading….
If emotional labor were ever compensated, most feminists would be even further in debt than they already are. Truly nurturing women are rare these days, and they’re never feminist.
I guess one could say that the feminist is the anti-nurturer.
#giveyourmoneytowomen = pay me because vagina.
doesn’t this fall under soliciting of prostitution?
Well, you also could look at it from the bright side. Feminism is evolving from a radical leftist ideology to an ideology with strong capitalistic characteristics.
In olden times Christians were supposed to tithe 10% of our incomes (not so hard, in those pre-income-tax times) to the Church.
In the new feminist dystopia we will do the same, only to what has replaced God: Womanhood.
Not so different, really. If you can get an entire society to worship you as the new god.
With today’s RINOs, hold onto your wallets…

@ Dalrock
I happened upon this article, and thought it would surprise even you (or maybe it wouldn’t…). It sure weirded me out…