From the Daily Mail: Woman who accused Donald Trump of trying to rape her and turn her into his ‘sex slave’ says she would now vote for him
Ms Harth told Law Newz, which obtained the dropped 12-page lawsuit against Trump, that voting for the man she once accused of raping her was simply ‘supporting a friend’.
‘I saw him recently, and he said I looked good,’ she said. ‘I have nothing but good things to say about Donald.’
Also from the Daily Mail, a reminder that (contrary to modern Christian theology) alpha does not mean virtue:
Pingback: I’ll take this as confirmation that Trump is alpha. –
Woman who accused Donald Trump of trying to rape her and turn her into his ‘sex slave’ says she would now vote for him
You can’t make this up..
Women are officially incompatible with the laws and rights of any modern, prosperous society, and should not have the authority to file lawsuits, press charges, or vote.
The more women I meet, the more I am convinced the Saudis are on to something.
It’s stories like this that cause hamsters to spin so fast trying to rationalize her behavior that they fall out of the wheel.
Off topic, but I figured some of you might find this article interesting.
This woman is out of her mind.
So the Donald is a date rapist, not a rapey rapist. lol
Morning after bad feelz rape!
This gal certainly helps your argument.
More evidence of the Trumpening. Matt Walsh threw his little fit about Trump a few days ago:
lol @ Matt “Cuck” Walsh
deti, unlike some others I have never been impressed by Matt Walsh. Heck, or a while I wondered if he was $usan Wal$h’s offspring…remember, he’s the Big Expert on marriage, because he’s been married for 4 whole years, just ask him. But don’t expect an answer if you do ask him, well, pretty much anything serious about marriage and family life.
The tirade you link to is interesting for two reasons: First, he’s insulting many of his own readers, i.e. he’s attacking his own base, a poor business decision; second, the whole column is pretty much a mass of “mah FEELZ! MAH FEEWINGS!” that comes across as, well, rather effeminate. Cutting off his nose to spite his face while staring in the mirror screaming “I HATE YOU!” is…not a good look.
Now, I have no idea if Trump will win the GOP nomination, no idea if he can win the election, no idea what sort of President he would be…but for sheer entertainment value, for sheer “What? What? Another total melt down by a member of the press? Oooh..kay… Where’s my popcorn?!” amusement, Donald Trump has brought the party to this election year.
When a self-proclaimed Profeshunul Speshul Snoflake Trooth Teller melts down in public like an overly sensitive, dejected, emo teenager of undetermined, unspecified “gender” ranting on Facebook, that’s worth taking note of. Years from now, Matt Walsh will probably still not want to talk at all about this essay. All the more reason to save it…
I don’t follow the Blaze but I clicked on the link and read Matt’s article. I do know several of their “contributing” writers are very anti-Trump, and that’s their right. I don’t care. It’s a free country. But I did get a kick out of his childish rant. Give a mangina a keyboard and internet access and they can save the world, at least in their eyes. I guess it’s Mattie’s time of the month. Maybe he should take an aspirin or something to relieve his “cramps”.
Speaking of Trump, here’s a recent conversation I had.
Closet feminist: Why do all these young girls flock to Trump? It’s so disgusting!
Me: Every woman adores a fascist.
Closet feminist: That’s so sexist!
Me: I was quoting Sylvia Plath’s poem “Daddy.”
Closet feminist:…….well, I guess it’s different when a woman says it.
Me: I guess, which is why a misogynist is just a man who dislike women as much as they do each other.
Closet feminist: Please tell me that wasn’t said by another woman.
Me: Ok, I won’t. 🙂
Eventually told her it was a quote was by H.L. Mencken.
“Woman who accused Donald Trump of trying to rape her and turn her into his ‘sex slave’ says she would now vote for him.”
You can’t make this up..
She probably did… The rape allegation at least. Maybe the sex slave part too. I hear that happens a lot with the rich and famous. /sarc
Courtesy of Cappy Cap.
As Megyn Kelly approaches President Trump’s election to the White House

The funny thing about Trump is, we still do not know what his real agenda is.
If he really wants to do what he says, then yes, he is the best Presidential prospect in a generation. He is not afraid of the media, like cuckservatives are. He can win over quite a few Hispanics, Blacks, Women, and Jews. Plus, as an alpha male, a lot of manginas will have vein-popping strokes during his Presidency, which is alone reason enough to have him in the WH.
But the possibility still remains that he is a shill for the Clintons, and is just doing what will be mutually beneficial to both.
We just do not know. But manginas will have vein-popping strokes in either case, so that is good.
“But the possibility still remains that he is a shill for the Clintons, and is just doing what will be mutually beneficial to both.”
I won’t rule it out, but I fail to see how that is the case considering what he is doing. Controlled opposition or fifth columnists don’t rally people they way he has. He has completely shifted the Overton Window to the right on a lot of issues. He has gotten people out to vote who wouldn’t normally. A plant would create division and demoralize and push the window to the Left. He has caused significant damage to the Left that would not have occurred had it just been the usual suspects running for president. If anything, he is an opportunist businessman who saw an untapped market in the political realm and is supplying unmet demand. Most importantly, the bought-and-paid for media would be touting him as the ideal Republican candidate if he were a shill. They are genuinely terrified of him because having no funders to control him, he answers to no one except himself.
But we’ll see.
I think this demonstrates that being an alpha does not make one good, rather it may increase the temptation to evil. Alpha’s can easily slip into autonomous idolatry, or they can be a giant for righteousness. One can use their Alpha-ness for good or evil.
For my part I fear Trump’s combination of alpha and evil at least as much as I loath the establishment republican’s wimpy-ness. Hitler, Castro, Mao, and Stalin were also alpha’s.
@ Jonadab-the-Rechabite
These women will overlook the flaws of an alpha before they’ll tolerate the weakness of beta. This is why we keep reading about “rape victims” who continue to date their rapists after the fact, or refuse to testify against Harley McBadboy who beats her up and gets arrested. These same women will turn around and ruthlessly divorce a dedicated, faithful but weak beta and come up with the most fantastic rationalizations for why. And the Church just keeps eating it up because, as Dalrock says, they confuse attraction with virtue.
@Bdawg16 – If you want to see/hear an epic meltdown, listen to Glenn Beck’s show. He has already mentioned the Trump=Hitler comparison, and he also compared himself to Pastor Niemoller.
“@Bdawg16 – If you want to see/hear an epic meltdown, listen to Glenn Beck’s show. He has already mentioned the Trump=Hitler comparison, and he also compared himself to Pastor Niemoller”
Thanks Damn Crackers, but I’ll pass. I divorced myself entirely from even acknowledging Glenn Beck exists 5 or 6 years ago. I’ll refrain, against my hateful, male nature, to describe my true thoughts of Mr. Beck (or is it Ms), ooops, there goes that mean side again. Sorry.
My son and I were watching the Nevada caucus results the other night and when Glenn Beck appeared at the Cruz rally, I muted it and explained to my son why. He doesn’t think much of Beck either.
Honestly, I try to avoid hearing, seeing or experiencing the onslaught of mangina theology as much as possible. It’s in our face but we can pick and choose what we subject ourselves to. As far as Walsh, I’ve heard and read a lot about him and was curious about his article. Now, I wish I had not even give that “beeyatch” the time of my day reading his article. I learned my lesson.
Just seeing headlines of recent Beck quotes gives me diarrhea. Yeh that was crass but I’m not kidding. It’s sickening and to think so called “Conservatives” look at people like Beck as some kind of “Conservative voice” in the wilderness. I’m an American, and a sinner saved by grace. I don’t like labels.
Yup. And people wonder why I think they should probably be property like children are to their parents. Give them a nanometer and they will take a kilometer.
The Question,
If anything, he is an opportunist businessman who saw an untapped market in the political realm and is supplying unmet demand.
If this is the case, that is the best possible news. America needs more, not less, of this.
But the question remains, why is he doing so much better than he did in 2012?
I wonder if he initially really did start as a Clinton crony, with the plan of breaking from the GOP and running as an Indie. But since he is doing better than even he expected, he now has broken the arrangement, and is really trying to win (if Trump wins, the Clintons will be mitigated through some other kickback arrangement under the table).
Trump will win BECAUSE he is Alpha. Cuck-servative Betas like Romney and McCain could not stand up to the Democrat machine even though they delighted in tearing into other Betas and White Knighting every time they open their mouths about the “war on women.” Shit test failed. Women will not and did not vote for them.
Trump just scoffs and ignores the ridiculous claims of the Democraps. When they cry “war on women” he rolls his eyes and laughs at them and calls them whiney little girls. Shit test passed. Women will vote for him in droves.
Trump 2016: Who is going to pay for the wall? Mexico!
A couple other observations about Trump, manginas, and Men’s Rights.
Trump has said exactly nothing about Men’s Rights or against feminism. Nothing. The only thing he ever said is that people should have pre-nups.
Yet, the cuckservatives and manginas still have said, a couple of times, that Trump’s base is ‘the Men’s Rights Crowd’. Putting aside the fact that the Men’s Rights Crowd is about 10,000 times smaller than a political voter base has to be, the deep-seated paranoia about Men’s Rights is just below the surface.
Much like how you hear even the most prominent misandrists (Amanda Marcotte, Anita Sarkeesian) whine about MRAs, even though there is virtually zero activism being done by the hundred or so MRAs in existence.
I think this demonstrates that being an alpha does not make one good, rather it may increase the temptation to evil.
So you are pointing out that alpha men are … human?
@Anonymous 11:12.
Let’s see, she’s a Canadian woman impastor in the United Church of Canada. How many more checkmarks do you require?
One might already say she was an atheist without actually requiring her “coming out” party. The United Church has nothing to do with Christ’s Bride. Which is good considering Christ has nothing to do with/in/around the UCC.
So you are pointing out that alpha men are … human?
I’m pointing out that some the alpha worship in the christian corner of the manosphere is more humanism than Christian. The classical masculine pursuits of truth, beauty and justice have been substituted for whatever the chicks really dig. Alpha worship on sites like this are sometimes another flavor of “man-up” shaming, “be a real man like me” peacocking and “a$$ hole game”.
That’s how the Alpha half lives. It isn’t even the money. Yesterday I watched a smelly homeless bum lounge in a deli watching his not-too-ugly girl buy him lunch. Small wonder the Red Pill can choke a man.
The second linked article is the depressing kind of thing that encourages evil. Aggressive, cold-hearted, forcibly dominant narcissists do NOT make high-quality fathers but saying so would criticize women for following their tingles. There’s no greater divide between Christians and evolutionists than whether we should embrace or deny our natural instincts.
bluepillprofessor @ 1:39 pm:
“Trump will win BECAUSE he is Alpha.”
That’s exactly what worries some of us. History is full of charismatic tyrants ruling matriarchal societies. Now that America is at Peak Feminism, an Apex Alpha wants to take charge? Methinks such a dominant guy isn’t going to reimpose American-style limited government.
The Constitution Party’s nominating convention is in a month but whoever they pick, I can at least trust the guy will be motivated by ideology not money or ego.
I’m pointing out that some the alpha worship in the christian corner of the manosphere is more humanism than Christian.
Are you asserting that Dalrock or anyone else here worships Trump?
The classical masculine pursuits of truth, beauty and justice have been substituted for whatever the chicks really dig. Alpha worship on sites like this are sometimes another flavor of “man-up” shaming, “be a real man like me” peacocking and “a$$ hole game”.
Can you provide examples of this?
Question: David (of “David and Bathsheba”), was he an Alpha?
This stuff is dumb. We have a model that works, we just aren’t using it. There is no reason to jettison Christianity for an Islamic approach.
There’s no greater divide between Christians and evolutionists than whether we should embrace or deny our natural instincts.
Hmmm….I don’t see that. Really don’t see it very much at all. The biggest issue I see is the large number of churchgoing men, especially preachers / priests, who deny that natural instincts even exist, or when they acknowledge natural instincts they insist “only men are that way”. Compare and contrast the treatment of single men vs. single women in most churches for an easy example. PUA’s are not welcome for obvious reasons, but babymommas, even those with multiple illegitimate children by multiple absent fathers? Come right on in!
Some natural instincts are more embraceable than other natural instincts, it appears.
Just as many evolutionists deny that men and women are different beyond the “can has baby” level. Feminist dogma trumps science. Especially for the airheads who “luv science” but who can’t see why women don’t do well in Infantry…
The cognitive dissonance, or perhaps in the churches it’s “Biblical dissonance*”, it’s quite striking once you learn to recognize it. Look around at churches. Men are counseled to always restrain their anger, no matter what, right? Women get to have their “holy tantrums” from time to time, and woe to any man who gets in the way. What the Bible says about anger is … irrelevant.
*Did I just coin a new term? Or am I merely a blind pig that found an acorn?
Let’s see, she’s a Canadian woman impastor in the United Church of Canada. How many more checkmarks do you require?
The local United Church of Canuckistan where I live is having a meeting of male and female homosexuals. These people call themselves “Christian”. We know who the real leader of that “church” is.
Pingback: I’ll take this as confirmation that Trump is alpha. | Reaction Times
It isn’t even the money.
When I point out that Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Sergey Brin all married average-looking women even after they were already billionaires and famous, blue-pill beta males point out ‘but those men are not good-looking’. When you point out to the same morons that Donald Trump married a much younger, hotter woman, they are quick to say ‘he has money’ (even though he technically has less than Gates/Zuck/Brin). They just cannot reconcile the elephant in the room (which gets even worse when you point out a non-famous/non-wealthy man with a better-looking gf than what Gates/Zuck are married to).
Years and years of Internet resources, and these idiots still can’t do the research.
Perhaps females are too nurturing and touchy feely to be entrusted with much power over life and death, war and peace, etc? I find most men (not pussified men) are strategic, tactical, Machiavellian, or even nice at various times according tactical needs of the moment. They have the capability of being kind or ruthless as the needs dictate. My landlord mother is an example of not switching between nice person and not so nice narcissist/psychopath when it is necessary. She gets taken advantage off by others who are users. They never seem to dare try that BS with me because they have some vague idea what I am capable of doing to make their lives miserable. This is another proof that males are better than females at War and Peace, Life and Death, or National Security and National Chaos.
If you can’t say “Amen!”, y’all just say “Ouch!”
Back in 2008 I was making a joke off-line (well, it was supposed to be a joke) which went like this: “You can be certain of two things about the upcoming American Presidential election: one, the winner will be an American , and two, the winner will be a Christian.” How wrong I was, and so with some trepidation I would like to say that whoever wins the present contest it will make absolutely no difference to the rest of the world although I would say it is unlikely that the next American President will be quite so openly anti-British as the present incumbent who is I must tell you not much liked over here.
Good luck with all your Caucuses and Primaries – whatever they may be.
Opus, Obama is a neo-anticolonialist. He opposes all nations which were colonial powers in the past, including the U.S. Obama aims to reduce the power and influence of colonial powers, including the U.S. Obama has been very successful in doing so. He is an aberration among American presidents.
No less dumb than your approach. Who says it’s “Islamic”? Ever read Sharia Law? It’s oppressive to men too. We just don’t hear about that because it’s not on the so-called news.
The biggest issue I see is the large number of churchgoing men, especially preachers / priests, who deny that natural instincts even exist, or when they acknowledge natural instincts they insist “only men are that way”. Compare and contrast the treatment of single men vs. single women in most churches for an easy example. PUA’s are not welcome for obvious reasons, but babymommas, even those with multiple illegitimate children by multiple absent fathers? Come right on in!
Damn right on this. I’d only add that the churches won’t be making any distinctions with the single men. You don’t need to be a PUA, just a single, red-blooded Christian man who might like to find a woman, and the church body and leadership will be ready to give you holy hell for being “a wolf who comes only to prey on God’s daughters.” But bring in some single mommies who already broke the same commands they screen and monitor you for, and they’ll suddenly be telling them that their sin actually qualifies them for a higher standing with Christ. Matt Chandler once more provides us all with a visual aid:
This makes zero sense as a practical approach, let alone a scriptural one. The single men who are looking for women may or may not be practicing fornication, and those in the church doing the accusing aren’t even likely to have any real confirmation if so. The baby mommas, on the other hand, already did and have the proof with them when they walk in the front door of the church. And yet the pastorate chooses to berate and scold the former while lionizing and encouraging the latter. It’s as if they’re admitting that the only way the church can call out sin is pre-emptively. When there are only suspicions that the sin is happening — with the single men — then they’ll stoke those suspicions and call down curses on those who could be doing the sin. But when the sin’s actually been done — by the single women –they’ll shrug and say that there’s nothing that can be done now but to help make them comfortable with it.
ha ha ha ha Nice post Dalrock. I was wondering when you were going to get to him. I’m voting for Trump.
Donald Trump is what he is. He has been around long enough for people to understand him, flaws and all. I don’t believe he will be able to implement everything he says he will: making a fortune in New York real estate means he will certainly be tainted by Jewish money, the great unspoken elephant in the room of US politics.
Trump and other mavericks like him have become popular because “liberal” democracies produce policy puppets. This is due to the fact that business elites buy both political sides.
Regarding his Alpha-ness, that woman is a psycho, with complete dissonance between what she has done and her present state. And while Matt Walsh is entitled to his opinions, they are about as important to the general electorate as a flea is to an elephant rump.
My question to Mr Walsh: You elected a smooth talker, someone who is “nice” to women to the Oval Office. How is that working for you?
“We have a model that works, we just aren’t using it.”
Not trying to be facetious here, but does it? Does it work in practice? Look around and witness the wreckage. “Churchianity.” Rationality displaced by “tingles” and “feelz.” Continuity and stability tossed for arbitrary postmodern “justice” and “morality.”
From a utilitarian perspective, the old model seems to have failed everywhere it was implemented. (Except, perhaps, for some moribund ultra-insular groups like the Amish.)
Meanwhile, the Saracens are quietly reconquering Europe. How dumb is that?
Furthermore, how is Sharia worse than the emergent anti-human Western anti-tradition vis a vis Christian impotence? I don’t think it’s dumb for young men to question these things. It’s startling, but not dumb. It seems to me that rudderless, head-in-the-sand churchian cuckservatism is what’s dumb… probably fatally.
Back on topic, why is anyone taking this woman’s statements at face value? Bearing false witness about this shit is so common and tolerated, if not encouraged, now, the media have even dug up a friendly euphemism for it: “fantasism.” Haven Monahan, part two, politician, bombastic real estate guru.
How the cucks languish at the thought of an alpha in a position of power. It rips at their souls and crushes their very loins. Why a petulant wilting quisling, reeking of the pegging solution leaking from select orifices, (someone to whom they can relate) is not chosen is beyond the pale of their nightmares.
That said I prefer that the shrill harridan, Hillary Clinton, emerge victorious. Our shell of a nation could not long stand her mismanagement, and with her the collapse would no doubt be hastened. Welcome the coming darkness.
PUA Alpha characteristics have very little to do with masculine alpha leadership of men. There were never any stories of W being a womanizer, but he was quite willing to assume command.
We are about due for a Hoover/Carter level disaster, someone who fails at the basic competence of the job. Trump certainly has characteristics that could make him that bad. My guess is in the business world he likes to cut and run from his bad deals, pretend they didn’t happen, and in politics that approach really doesn’t work. Political decisions tend to linger.
entropyismygod – Trump is as petulant as they come. His skin is tissue paper thin.
@ Striver
PUA Alpha characteristics have very little to do with masculine alpha leadership of men.
I’m a Natural. I didn’t have to study Game to arouse women. I just “get it”. I met a guy who is also a Natural and has slept with a lot more women than I have, but he lacks something important–self-respect. The best PUA Alphas have self-respect, just like alpha leaders of men. PUAs always need to be calibrating women and alpha leaders of men need to be calibrating the group.
Why so serious? Does his success cause you butt hurt? Will you cry for the illegals forced to frog back to whence they came?
We are about due for a Hoover/Carter level disaster, someone who fails at the basic competence of the job.
Um…. perhaps you have not noticed the last 7 years. Obama was certainly worse than Carter.
@Striver: “My guess is in the business world he likes to cut and run from his bad deals, pretend they didn’t happen, and in politics that approach really doesn’t work. Political decisions tend to linger.”
You can already see a noticeable change in Trump as he realizes the gravity of the office he is about to win. He is calmer, fewer tweets, more measured words. Do you not think Trump is well aware of his weaknesses and strengths? Also, I don’t think political deals are all that different than business deals. You are just dealing with borrowed money in the former and taxpayer monopoly money in the latter.
Two things: if Donald Trump wanted to rape that woman and turn her into a sex slave, he damn sure would have gotten the job done; and if the adjectives “good” and “strong” mean prolific, when it comes to being a father, then yes, men with dark triad traits are the best fathers of all — even if they never meet any of their three-dozen offspring.
‘I saw him recently, and he said I looked good,’ she said. ‘I have nothing but good things to say about Donald.’
While focusing on what she did, we miss s what he did.
She files a 125 million dollar lawsuit against the man accusing him of multiple sex assaults and declarations of love that made her vomit, drops the case weeks later when The Donald settles his lawsuit with her ex, Donald ‘ s lawyer calls the claims nonsensical and simply moves on. A compliment years later and now they are friends and she will vote for him.
If he really said that to her, he is stone cold alpha and possibly the anti christ.
Glenn Beck is a pathetic excuse for a man. FROM HIS OWN LIPS, he changed his relationship to GOD to get his wife.
That is not a thing a man does. Ever.
This stuff is dumb. We have a model that works, we just aren’t using it. There is no reason to jettison Christianity for an Islamic approach.
Except “property” is how women themselves think OF themselves. When they slip up and admit it, anyway.
Plus, Christian woman are “under their father’s roof” until married are they not?
The reason why Trump is doing better now is because in 2012 he focused on his whole Birther thing and now he’s focusing on immigration, which is a big winner. He read Ann Coulter’s new book (he actually requested an advanced copy) and realized he should force the 2016 race to be about immigration. He was always an immigration patriot, but he realized things were even worse than he thought when he read Ann’s book.
No chance Trump gets in, it’s just a ploy to get a Latino president.
I said that Obama was not popular on my side of the pond. The last American President to be popular in Britain was William Jefferson Clinton – hard not to warm to him, I find – and so it seems that he might be back, much as Mr Putin and Mr Medvedev keep swapping positions – but we know who is really in charge, don’t we.
The most extraordinary thing in my life-time has been the decline in admiration for the American President and the almost total admiration (in which I naively concur) for the present Russian President (formerly the position known as General Secretary). My Russian friend says he is as popular at home as he is abroad.
When in 2009 dour Scot, Gordon Brown, then British Prime Minister, went to D.C. to meet Obama, gifts were exchanged. Brown received a boxed set of twenty-four Hollywood Blockbusters – which as gifts go strikes me as about as close to an insult as one can get. Not to be outdone in mutual dislike the British gift was an objet-d’art (I forget what) made from the boards of a British ship that had enforced our unilateral ban on the trade in slaves. Now, frankly, had I been the P.M. I would have avoided all possible reference to colour or Africans. Given that his Kenyan forbears had (down to 1961) been British subjects and given that Obama’s relatives had not been slaves, the racial (“this is you”) subtext could hardly have been clearer – at least that is how I read it.
Heroes and Villains can however change almost over-night and in the world of politics little is perhaps what it seems. God provided Britain with a mote and high cliffs to keep out foreigners. Good luck (you’ll need it) with your wall.
The Obama Administration has been amateur hour from the get go. The man is, as he has been his whole life, wholly incompetent to ever see anything through. He always jumps ship before he has to take any responsibility. But he’s a perfect cipher. I know plenty of people that, at the end of it all, really wanted to vote for a Black Man so they wouldn’t be racist. (That we all could be raised by two rich Whites in Hawaii, attending all of the best schools.)
Trump is a lot easier to figure out than most people want to admit. He is a cut & dry opportunist. And he saw the biggest one ever. Unless you’re big on history, most don’t realize all of those “Carnegie Mellon” schools/Institutes are named for Andrew Carnegie. Or that the “Getty Museum” is for J. Paul Getty. What’s the biggest accomplishment that Trump could actually pull off? Well, President, that’s what.
I do actually think the Clintons called to see if Trump would run as a 3rd party candidate to try to get Hillary over the line. I think Trump took a close look at the environment, realized the opportunity, then went after it. Politicians aren’t do hard to figure out if you abstract and study their actions. (Sound familiar?) You can predict what they’ll do and how they’ll react to most things. Trump has his natural inclinations and he’ll take any opportunity that he can find. And if he gets immigration under control, he’ll be a hell of a lot better of a President than Obama.
Also, people are already forgetting the economy blew up in 2008, during the election cycle. We probably aren’t getting to September this time. Expect a blood bath again in the Markets from August on.
When I point out that Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Sergey Brin all married average-looking women even after they were already billionaires and famous, blue-pill beta males point out ‘but those men are not good-looking’. When you point out to the same morons that Donald Trump married a much younger, hotter woman, they are quick to say ‘he has money’ (even though he technically has less than Gates/Zuck/Brin). They just cannot reconcile the elephant in the room (which gets even worse when you point out a non-famous/non-wealthy man with a better-looking gf than what Gates/Zuck are married to).
Years and years of Internet resources, and these idiots still can’t do the research.
Is the elephant that game trumps (no pun actually intended) money or that money trumps game, or were you referring to something else entirely? Personally, I’m not much of a believer in game. I’ve never successfully been able to use any amount of intentional tactics to make a woman (or girl in my youth) attracted to me. They just were, or they weren’t. In the cases where women were attracted to me, no amount of game was necessary, although I guess game might be necessary in order to keep a woman around. Maybe Trump could have used some help there, considering the number of times he’s been married and divorced, although as I recall, he was the dumper in one or more of those cases, so maybe he actually just needed to learn some contentment.
Anyway, I’ve been reading some of those Internet resources you mentioned since about 2002, starting with Doc Love and David Deangelo, and I’d say that being challenging and funny are pretty easy to do for the average guy, and those tactics are supposed to be the things that make attractive to women, according to their theories, anyway, but attracting women or at least a certain caliber of women is still not as easy as simply being challenging, funny, confident, or whatever. I’ve practically come to the unsettling conclusion that short of some miracle from God, our ability to attract women is largely determined before we’re born. Even in the cases in which I see a really good looking, probably chaste Christian young lady with a geeky or even ugly guy in terms of facial features, the guy is still usually tall, and height, as we know, is a genetic feature for the most part.
That’s not to say, however, that every guy is going to use his natural gifts or self-made status. My 6’2″, good looking, yet socially awkward friend certainly didn’t use his gifts the way I would have, considering he married an overweight, unattractive woman who in my opinion has a bad attitude. The whole “Shallow Hal, unattractive women are sweet” concept didn’t apply there. Likewise, Gates and those other men could have married much more beautiful women if they’d wanted, too, so game might have helped all of those guys, but they were all starting from positions of advantage to begin with before they got married. This is of course ignoring for a moment the fact that these guys likely simply married women they loved, and when you love someone, they are beautiful to you, regardless. I’m just hoping I can get a certain kind of woman to fall for me like that, because apparently, like Luke Wilson in Idiocracy, I’m completely average.
Obama has great rhetoric and a voice not otherwise found outside of Morgan Freeman (who to my amazement I see that I saw on stage when in D.C.).
I was thinking about your immigration problem. Again, when I was in D.C., I briefly worked in a house where on the top floor lived hidden – Anne Frank style – a family originally from El Salvador; he had been a Doctor but in D.C. cooked; they had two small children and I have the photos to prove it – no secrecy there. If I knew where to find illegal immigrants (for such they were) then I can only suppose that the State (I said D.C., but this was actually in Virginia) are surely turning a blind-eye.
We are no better: the now wife of a friend of mine came to England on a student visa from ********stan but was soon offered work – cleaning – by the local Council. Her English (she had originally taught it) is perfect but the accent and facial appearance gives her away. There are laws and then there is the enforcement thereof and not being identical there is thus a two-tier system: laws to be enforced and laws to be ignored.
It really can’t get any simpler….medium is the message.
@ Hank Wilson
Have you read Mystery Method (a book)? Have you read Heartiste’s blogs? Or Nick Krauser’s? Or even mine, basic and spergy as they are?
Deangelo and Doc Love are charlatans. Their stuff doesn’t work. I wouldn’t want to step in their stuff. Ughh!
Go read the people I suggested. And try to understand women by reading The Rational Male.
My Game works very well for relationships. I’ve been running it for a couple of years. It’s field-tested.
Likewise, Gates and those other men could have married much more beautiful women if they’d wanted
Isn’t there a catapult in Mordor that is unmanned, er, untrolled? Shouldn’t you be getting back to it?
Total bullshit, lol. Gates has no Game for girls. Socially awkward, no self respect, no self-confidence, boring, spergy.
Back when I was single, Mrs. Gamer was being pursued by lots of men, including a doctor who was charismatic (he had Game) and a hospital administrator (he had money and movie-star good looks). I was an unemployed student and a Natural (someone who has some inherent Game). Mrs. Gamer wanted me and we married. I don’t have money or movie-star good looks. I have self-respect and self-confidence. I ask people to do stuff for me and expect them to do it. I reek of status. Girls tingle for status. I’m not particularly funny or glib, but girls seem to like me and want to please me. And I’m autistic, too. Go figure.
Trump is chemotherapy for stage four cancer. Most likely, the cancer will be lethal. If not, it’s likely the chemo will be lethal. However, there’s a nonzero chance the chemo will kill the cancer before it kills us.
Darwinian Arminian, I don’t think Matt is excusing or lessening that woman’s sins so much as he’s aknowledging the brokenness that those sins have caused. And instead of leading such people to Jesus, the preacher he mentioned was one of those modern-day Origens who hates his own God-given sexuality and wants others to hate theirs as well.
theasdgamer, the catapult comment (or question) was actually pretty funny. I laughed a little bit on that one. Anyway, I know Gates and them are awkward, but do we honestly believe that having billions of dollars doesn’t more than make up for that at least with some women? I know not every woman would be attracted to Bill Gates or even that many, but having money and being a CEO of a company, particularly of one of that size, is kind of like being the equivalent of a modern-day king.
I’ve read some of Heartiste and Rollo’s blogs over the years. While I know of Mystery and Nick Krauser, I’ve never read their stuff, but once you start scouring the web, particularly youtube for pick-up artistry and the like, you quickly see that there’s no end to “experts” on the subject. I guess one could argue I haven’t tried hard enough, but nevertheless, my experience with women and the experiences of those I’ve observed is that women are either attracted to you or they’re not. By the way, it’s Hank Flanders, not Wilson, but thanks, anyway.
@Anonymous Reader,
Valid points. Perhaps I should have a third option of “fix human nature” along with “accept” or “restrain”.
None @ February 25, 2016 at 6:58 pm:
““We have a model that works, we just aren’t using it.”
Not trying to be facetious here, but does it? Does it work in practice? Look around and witness the wreckage.”
Do you believe limited government, private property and Christianity are bad ideas? That there’s no point in trying harder than mud huts and “I got mine” because wicked men will eventually undo our good works? That we’d be better off with African-style tribalism than attempting another constitutional republic?
“Meanwhile, the Saracens are quietly reconquering Europe. How dumb is that?”
They aren’t reconquering Europe. Elites like Merkel are using them. When the German gov’t buses in 1,000,000 Muslim men, turns them loose upon the German people to rape & pillage and protects them from their victims, it isn’t really the Muslims who are calling the shots now is it?
Hank Flanders @ 10:50 am:
“I guess one could argue I haven’t tried hard enough, but nevertheless, my experience with women and the experiences of those I’ve observed is that women are either attracted to you or they’re not.”
If women were binary like that then a man’s attractiveness wouldn’t change with time and circumstance. Game doesn’t work for me, either, but I have yet to see a better model of female behavior. It could be some of us guys need a cost-prohibitive amount of effort to employ it through no fault of our own.
Back when I was single, Mrs. Gamer was being pursued by lots of men, including a doctor who was charismatic (he had Game) and a hospital administrator (he had money and movie-star good looks). I was an unemployed student and a Natural (someone who has some inherent Game). Mrs. Gamer wanted me and we married. I don’t have money or movie-star good looks. I have self-respect and self-confidence. I ask people to do stuff for me and expect them to do it. I reek of status. Girls tingle for status. I’m not particularly funny or glib, but girls seem to like me and want to please me. And I’m autistic, too. Go figure.
If your daughters in their 30s, and you had them with you current wife, then you’ve probably been married since the late 70s or maybe early 80s. That also probably means you had girlfriends as early as the 60s where you gained your confidence. From speaking with relatives and older friends, as well as from what I’ve read online, the dating market has changed dramatically since then both in terms of the quality of women you’re likely to encounter as well as their expectations. My mentor, who’s in his 60s isn’t aware of the Red Pill or MGTOW, but even said he wouldn’t want to be a single man looking for a wife in today’s dating and marriage market. He said if he were single, he’d probably just stay that way. I think his implication was that this included even if he were young again.
I’ve read some of Heartiste and Rollo’s blogs over the years. While I know of Mystery and Nick Krauser, I’ve never read their stuff, but once you start scouring the web, particularly youtube for pick-up artistry and the like, you quickly see that there’s no end to “experts” on the subject.
Lol, anyone who has been around for a while knows that Mystery is the Godfather of pickup. The fact that you haven’t and you don’t recognize him as an expert shows that you’re insincere. Trollololol
@ Gunner
If women were binary like that then a man’s attractiveness wouldn’t change with time and circumstance
Funny thing, I was doing pickup ’70-’74 and girls liked me then when I was a short stick of a boy. Now I’m an old fart and 20-somethings still like me. I don’t think looks have much to do with whether women are attracted or not except for some special cases. Some women won’t like me, for sure, but lots of others do. And some will pretend not to like me or will find some reason to not like me on the surface even if they have a feral desire. Some of ’em, I get ’em face to face, then their facial expression changes to a delighted smile from a frown, they giggle, etc.
The key thing men need is self-respect. Own your shit. Take responsibility for your part in having believed the Blue Pill lies about women, for supplicating to women, for pedestalizing pussy, for Oneitis, etc. Then examine and own your masculinity. Then you have a basis for self-respect. Then you will know how to deal with women in the most essential ways. Read the Song of Solomon with understanding if you want to improve your Game. Mystery will also help with that.
Lol, anyone who has been around for a while knows that Mystery is the Godfather of pickup. The fact that you haven’t and you don’t recognize him as an expert shows that you’re insincere. Trollololol
I guess I wasn’t clear. I’m aware of Neil Strauss’ place in the pickup artist community, because I’ve watched videos and read articles about him, what he’s written, and who he is (or was, since he’s now married with a family and is apparently no longer a PUA). My point about “experts” wasn’t about Strauss but was just commentary on how many people have tried to copy-cat people like him in the last several years.
The troll comment was funny the first time, and I guess you can keep saying it if you want, but I don’t see that it adds anything to the discussion at this point.
Lol @ Hank
Strauss isn’t Mystery. Eric von Markovic is Mystery. (And he’s nothing like me.)
Last weekend I went into a bar in Denver as an out of towner and quickly made friends and was chatting people up and dancing with girls. I didn’t really think about it–everything just flowed. I wrote about my experience on my blog and one of my readers really liked my story. “My excellent Mile High adventure”
Darwinian Arminian, I don’t think Matt is excusing or lessening that woman’s sins so much as he’s aknowledging the brokenness that those sins have caused.
Not buying it. Chandler started by saying that when confronted with a woman who’d sinned sexually, his response will be to welcome her and serve her. Okay, that’s a Christian response. She doesn’t change, just upgrades to even better sins, like launching an affair with a married man. No problem for Matt, who by his own indication said nothing. Now he’ll just help facilitate and enable her in her new sins — by recruiting his friends to help him babysit her kids while she’s out fornicating. It’s all good! He only finds himself brought to anger when she visits his church, and a pastor who’s unaware of what she’s been doing gives a message that might possibly push her towards possibly feeling guilty over what she’s done.
Seriously? I’d kind of thought calling out sin like that was one of the things the pastor did? I’m pretty sure that I could do an impressive amount of damage in any church if they were giving me that much of a credit line on grace. I already know that I won’t have that opportunity, because Pastor Matt admits himself he monitors the men differently. From his book on marriage:
That gospel he offers the women sound appealing! Too bad the Village Church makes it available only to them. For the ladies, there will be grace. For the men, there must be penance.
Strauss isn’t Mystery. Eric von Markovic is Mystery. (And he’s nothing like me.)
Last weekend I went into a bar in Denver as an out of towner and quickly made friends and was chatting people up and dancing with girls. I didn’t really think about it–everything just flowed. I wrote about my experience on my blog and one of my readers really liked my story. “My excellent Mile High adventure”
Oh, yeah, I got their monikers confused. I haven’t read up on them in a while. Strauss is Style. Mystery wears the big hat.
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Why haven’t you read Mystery Method yet?
Well, for one thing, I’m never been interested in picking girls up (AKA being promiscous). For another, as you know, I’d previously foolishly spent money on attraction books like The Dating Dictionary and Double Your Dating, as well as maybe one or two other lesser known ebooks, so by the time subsequent attraction resources made popular by the Internet came around, I’d pretty much determined that I was done spending money on anything else like that and would only read what was freely available online.
Thinking back, I used to read other forums like SoSuave and AskMen. In fact, those were probably where I’d first heard about Doc Love (AKA Tom Hodges) and David Deangelo. Also, I think I first heard of Neil Strauss through one of Deangelo’s tapes that were included with the Double Your Dating ebook.
“Do you believe limited government, private property and Christianity are bad ideas? That there’s no point in trying harder than mud huts and “I got mine” because wicked men will eventually undo our good works? That we’d be better off with African-style tribalism than attempting another constitutional republic?”
Limited government no longer exists in the West. And private property is simply an expression of your ruler’s foresight and largess.
When it comes down to it, good luck getting the post-millennial body politic to ask for your consent before defiling and mortgaging off your “property.” Feel the Bern, baby!
My point is, with women and eunuchs at the helm, the remnant Western virtues you love are going to be corrupted and extirpated precisely because they are “patriarchal.”
Bake me a cake, Christian, or I shall have big sister prosecute and re-educate you into oblivion.
Or just pay the Jizya. What’s the difference, really, at that point?
Europe’s present demographic course suggests they won’t have a choice in the matter.
Quite honestly, the future fills me with trepidation. I am generally a positive person, but I am increasingly getting quite concerned about the West going the way of Rome.
What is likely to happen to the world? Will there be another Superpower right away, or countries will compete for this position for many years, until one of them emerges as “the last man standing”? Or the title will be shared among several countries? Where is a Superpower likely to emerge from? Will the replacement of America by another Superpower be accompanied with worldwide upheavals? Can the decline of a Superpower be reversed?
Despite it’s many faults, the United States has played, and continues to play, an extremely important role in the affairs of mankind. It would be a shame if, say, China were to replace the US, and we were all forced to learn the Chinese languages.
Darwinian Arminian – Matt and his friends had probably been ministering to her between the time she met them and the time Matt brought her to the church, anticipating that the minister would give unsaved members of the audience the chance to accept Christ as Savior. And after the harsh, genophobic tone of his “sermon,” she may have very well left there feeling even more alienated from God than she was before.
Did someone tell Matt Walsh that his comments made them angry? How did they know about the article if it hadn’t been written yet? What is that forensic technique called? The one where the writer imagines the reaction of a reader that is also a figment of imagination, then the writer reacts to the imaginary reaction of the imaginary reader. Its very cool to use rhetorical time travel.
And will have 0% chance of winning.
A huge flaw I see in all the anti-Trump rhetoric completely ignores the alternatives. Hillary or Bernie? Yeah, they would be better, right? Another milqtoast Republican? Or maybe one who will greatly expand government too (Bush II)?
We don’t have a perfect choice and have to live with what is there. Democracy has more than failed, but Trump is appealing because he upsets the apple cart, not because of any other reason. We would have Clinton vs. Bush Round 2 if not for him. He may suck, but Bush and Obama have not lived up to expectations either.
You can’t deal with sin without dealing with it. Many have decided that it is more comfortable to make those content in their sin than to challenge it. Why was he helping out a single mother who was in an adulteress relationship? That is completely inane.
You can only minister forgiveness when someone is repentant. No sign of that in his story. The rose example is very accurate. You won’t scare people out of sin, but noting the consequences must be a part of the process if we want to be effective.
More proof Matt Walsh is an idiot.
I don’t love all the forceful preachers, but they have something he is missing. He is emotional, not forceful.
It is called projection.
@ theasdgamer says:
February 25, 2016 at 4:51 pm
“Opus, Obama is a neo-anticolonialist. He opposes all nations which were colonial powers in the past, including the U.S.”
False. Russia, China, Turkey and Iran were all colonial powers in the past. China and Russia still are. Obama does not oppose them.
@Bill Smith, Just because evil is likely to win is no excuse for helping evil to win. Don’t make the mistake of believing God’s plans depend upon human effort and worldly power.
Man: “If I had not done this evil then somebody else would have done a worse evil.”
God: “Then I would condemn somebody else to Hell instead of you.”
Iran a ‘Colonial’ power? Tell that to Mohammad Reza Pahlavi who was put in place by a real colonial power (US & UK) and overthrown by a colonial power.(US) I would hardly call the Turks a colonial power, the armistice of WWI addressed that clearly.
@ Coloradomtnman says:
February 28, 2016 at 1:30 pm
Apparently, past tense escapes you.
I knew a Macedonian man here in Australia, a physically fit, relatively muscular, handsome fellow of about 6 foot in height. He married an Indonesian woman whom he himself said was ugly. To me she wasn’t butt-ugly, but very plain, and certainly not super-attractive. He said he chose her because there would be less chance of other men targeting her, and she would be less prone to roam. Last I knew they’d had one child and things were working out well for them.
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