He didn’t know it was her turn.

We can get an idea of where feminists want to take converging domestice violence and rape laws from two recent articles about laws in Sweden*.  Celia Farber at observer.com explains that a husband “nagging” his wife for sex is now considered rape:

Sweden has both the most expansive rape laws (which extend all the way to marital bed nagging), as well as the highest number of reported rapes in the world.

This fits with the new concept of rape that feminists are advancing in the US, where the definition of consent now means desire.  Even if a woman consents to sex, if she didn’t do it out of sexual desire feminists are calling this rape.  Women who trade sex for food and lodging are under this new standard said to have been raped because they felt pressured to offer sex in order to continue receiving benefits from the man.

You can see a similar logic in the Daily Mail article Man is reported to police in Sweden for doing a ‘revenge fart’ after woman denied him sex.  The Mail article explains that while the man and woman had “previously discussed having sex”, the woman told the man she didn’t want to have sex right then.  This is what lead to the man’s act of criminal flatulence:

This disappointed the man who farted – and left the flat, writes Hallandsposten.The was allegedly of such a nature that it ‘disturbed the woman’s piece of mind’.

‘It smelled very bad in my flat,’ she wrote in her report to police.

This new concept of rape is tied in to our new definition of sexual morality, which in itself is tied to our reordering the moral relationship between sex, romantic love, and marriage.  It is also needed to facilitate maximum promiscuity by women by freeing them up to have sex with men they don’t know, men who aren’t invested in them.  In order to remove women’s fear of doing risky, foolish, and immoral things, the laws must be changed so that men are perpetually in fear of being brought up on charges by women.  Feminist Ezra Klein at Vox explains:

”No Means No” has created a world where women are afraid. To work, “Yes Means Yes” needs to create a world where men are afraid.

While it is radical feminists who dream up laws like this, ultimately it will be conservatives who pass them.  Conservatives have a profound blind spot when it comes to sin by women, and therefore will see laws feminists propose in order to encourage women’s promiscuity as a chance to punish the boorish cads and brutish oafs the promiscuous women are chasing.  Then of course, women will finally be free to seek out the nice guy conservatives they have always desired.

*I don’t have any way to confirm the laws in Sweden or how they are applied.  However, either way these articles give us an idea of where feminists hope to take them.

This entry was posted in Daily Mail, Domestic Violence, New Morality, Traditional Conservatives, Turning a blind eye, Ugly Feminists, vox.com, Yes Means Yes, You can't make this stuff up. Bookmark the permalink.

123 Responses to He didn’t know it was her turn.

  1. Pingback: He didn’t know it was her turn. | Neoreactive

  2. Pingback: He didn’t know it was her turn. – Manosphere.org

  3. This fits with the new concept of rape that feminists are advancing in the US, where the definition of consent now means desire.

    Been hammering on this for years now: Legislating rape based on women’s sexual desire is raising Hypergamy above all legal processes. This is exactly why I say we presently live in a Hypergamous social order.

  4. Trust says:

    Under this logic, a woman she nags a man into spending money is a thief. A woman who nags her husband into building a fence is guilty of enslaving him. A woman nags her husband into staying home when he wants to golf is guilty of false imprisonment. And, of course, a woman who doesn’t take no for an answer in the bedroom has raped husband who pleases her when he is too tired.

    I know, no one believes that, but why they (lie and pretend to) believe the opposite is simply a power and control play.

  5. Congratulations churchy wives, marital duty sex obligations now make you entitled to a rape conviction if your husband presses you into it.

    Still waiting for someone to explain to me what could possibly attract new men to the modern church, especially in light of shit like this.

  6. innocentbystanderboston says:

    Marriage 1.0 made things so easy for sex and consent for it. So easy.

  7. Spawny Get says:

    This suits Sweden and all countries that have imported a rape-rape problem, or an FGM one. By expanding the definition of ‘rape’ to everything…they get to hide the rising rates of real rape-rape.

    In the UK the NHS has decided that genital mutilation be re-defined to include piercing*

    These are win-win for fembots and SJWs. They get to shriek about rising numbers (because everything is now ‘rape’ / mutilation)…*ker-ching* for funding. At the same time they get to obfuscate the identities of the perpetrators of the true, real crimes.

    These people make me sick. They’ll sacrifice anybody and everybody for their hateful dogma.

    * These links are not to right wing sites. The BBC is lefty, the Independant leans that way too.

  8. Damn Crackers says:

    It’s why I believe prostitution is more moral than modern marriage. You can create a contract that indicates consent with a prostitute. You can’t do that in modern, even modern Christian marriage.

  9. Wilson says:

    Actually they’d classify scenarios of men withholding something as abuse, which again should be criminally punishable. Women simply see nothing wrong with benefiting themselves at men’s expense

  10. DrTorch says:

    Rape by immigrants goes unpunished, while this gets headlines.

    God is truly humiliating those countries who knew Him and then rejected Him.

  11. Pedat Ebediyah says:

    And again I (well Paul) says:
    “Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from a wife? Do not seek a wife. But if you do marry, you have not sinned.”

    Imagine this…another new study…well who knew? *sigh*

  12. Trust says:

    This you tube video is a hilarrious illustrtion why feelings should not be codified into law. https://youtu.be/hbeEuYAZFL4

    Which one is the criminal? Which one is more likely to be accused of stalking and harassment?

  13. Trust says:

    Aside from white knights, “traditional”** women are also a problem. Even women who openly oppose this vocally will support it covertly because of the empowerment that comes with it. Even if for no other reason to threaten with it.

    My wife of 12 years and mother of my children is a conservative Christian woman, but has “joked” that she has it made with alimony and child support if I stray. No doubt a reminder of who has the hammer should push come to shove.

    **traditional means he is demonstrate the timeless chivalry of paying for everything and taking care of her, even as she works full time for money to spend on herself.

  14. rugby11 says:

    Sometimes i wanna go in the ocean and just let the waves take me away from all the rules of inter gender human sexuality.

  15. SJB says:

    . . . it ‘disturbed the woman’s piece of mind’ . . .
    Ha, ha! There it is: small brains flap in the wind.

  16. Feminist Hater says:

    Women will push, push and push. There’s the door honey, don’t ever come back!

  17. Feminist Hater says:

    Sweden deserves everything coming her way.

  18. Jeff says:


    You promote hypergamy by promoting marriage game.

    Trust on,

    My wife use to joke about that too. I am a physician. She no longer koes about it after I told her I would gladly spend time in jail to get away from her nagging. I would give it away and go to jail. Jail? No practice, no license, no money…. I’ ll wash windows for cash and live in a trailer home before she got a penny….

    Do not let her even THINK she has leverage.

  19. innocentbystanderboston says:

    Dalrock, I spent the weekend visiting a friend of mine about a month ago. I started giving him some red pills over breakfast somewhere. I asked him point blank if he thought it was possible for a man to rape his wife? He said, yes of course he can! What a foolish statement that is. Well, is it no surprise to you that our marriage rate in the US among people over the age of 18 has dropped to just 48%? He just looked at me with a stone cold sober look, shrugged his shoulders is a “so what” manner. I then told him, “…look men marry to have sex. That is one of the main reasons perhaps the single biggest reason why a man asks a woman to be his wife. He wants her to submit her body to him, to have sex pretty much on demand. Because the secular law of government says a wife can say no to her husband anytime she wants, that the law says it is possible that her husband could in fact rape her, is it any surprise that so few people are getting married?” His response was more of the same, a “so what” attitude and “…what if she has a headache?” I told him the headache excuse, that could go on for years and young men who are NOT married are clued into that. And yet another reason why men aren’t asking women to marry them. Again, he saw no problem here.

    My friend was very blue pill, very feminist. He just couldn’t give up the ship on this matter. In his mind, of course a man could rape his wife and that is the end of it. The fact that marriage is disappearing from our country and maybe some of that has to do with the concept of sex in marriage (or lack-there-of) isn’t relevant in his mind. In his mind maybe we shouldn’t even have marriage anymore, because our nation has so much wealth and resources that we have evolved past the need for marriage. So in that sense, this “he didn’t know it was her turn” concept makes perfect sense to him. He doesn’t see any value in marriage partially because he sees no further purpose in it. It comes as no surprise to me that we are dealing with these shenanigans now on the entire concept of consent.

    On the ride home from breakfast we started talking about consent and property rights. At one time, a man’s wife was considered his “property” and you can’t possible rape your own “property.” He told me that thank goodness we had evolved past that. And I told him, in our evolution, again, another reason why men don’t want to get married. Men have pride of ownership and they want to have a wife that is their property who will submit. He just smiled and said that is not the way it works anymore and yet another reason why we shouldn’t even have marriage. There are no property rights even within marriage. And of course, either party has full rights to end that meaningless marriage “at will.”

    I guess the point I’m getting to is that God is letting us (of our own free will) destroy ourselves by destroying that which He created. Marriage was sacred and precious to Him. That was a gift given by Him to us. And we have destroyed it. So this is where we are today, men fearful and miserable, and women lonely, unprotected, and miserable. Europe is our future. We are headed that way full steam ahead, I see nothing stopping us.

  20. Per Desteen says:

    Withdraw male protection from women that will not submit. They can turn to the state, but the state is vastly overreaching and will inevitably collapse. There will be no security for women at that point.

    This is where white knights will be made to pay. Men will increasingly see white knighting as hazardous as diversity and proximity make themselves known, and white knights get increasingly bloodied or killed, and will not see any sex out of the women that they protect.

    Successful rising subgroups will require submission of women for protection, and will cast out women who refuse to submit and weak men who will play their games.

    Men who will fight the invasion by immigration will be hardened alt-righters, and will not allow women to ruin everything, again. Women who can think of their long-term interests, reinforced through harsh and immediate direct action against non-submission, will force compliance among themselves.


  21. the woman told the man she didn’t want to have sex right then. This is what lead to the man’s act of criminal flatulence:

    There is after all more room out than in….wait….in….out….oh no

  22. Coloradomtnman says:

    @Jeff It’s very cute – the nice boundary about living in a trailer and washing cars. Obviously you’ve never been in a Divorce courtroom. I lived in a 30 foot travel trailer for five months while she was living in the 7k/sf home. The court didn’t care what I was ‘making’ – they ordered me to pay based on what I had been making. Don’t delude yourself into thinking it would be otherwise for you. In good old Colorado your decisions will land you in the County jail until you see the light.

  23. feeriker says:

    “If women didn’t have c***ts there would be a bounty on them.”

    Even with c***ts they’ve become too dangerous, destructive, feral, and useless. The liability now outweighs any potential short-term benefit. Let open season begin, with no limits.

  24. Hawk&Rock says:

    In the current western legal/social climate, I think that it is an absolute miracle that ANY man, no matter how clueless, beta and beaten down he is, is STILL making the decision to marry.

    The power of social convention, I guess?…

  25. Cane Caldo says:

    Bibliographic footnote.

  26. Bike Bubba says:

    If breaking wind was grounds for throwing someone in jail, my wife could lock me up and throw away the key…..

    But seriously, what kind of guy has enough gas stored up so he can break wind at will? And what kind of girl is too stupid to figure out how to open the window and let the smell out? Don’t throw either one in jail, but give the guy a vasectomy and the girl a tubal. We obviously do not want these people to breed!

  27. In all the years I worked in …. let’s call it the legal industry…and all the insane things I saw, including prostitution for kool-aid, I never imagined someone could be up on charges for “revenge farting.” If I still worked there, I would start a betting pool on how long until we got one like that.

    it ‘disturbed the woman’s piece of mind’.

    These so-called “journalists” can’t even tell which word to use anymore. Although I’m sure the woman’s little piece of a mind was terribly disturbed.

  28. Opus says:

    It is very cold in Sweden; you would not want to open the windows. The only time it is not cold is in the summer (which goes on 24/7 for about six months). At that time all Swedes don their swimming costumes and go swimming. I know this is true because I have seen all Ingmar Bergman’s movies and that happens in all of them. Swedes are very gloomy and the men have all had testarectomies. All Swedish women are blond.

    You cannot rape your wife any more than you can be a married bachelor, though with Gay Marriage I suppose the latter is now possible. In England we are not allowed to mention the name of Elton John’s husband.

  29. How’d she even know her piece of mind was disturbed. It fell out of her purse in a cab the prior weekend.

  30. Sometimes i wanna go in the ocean and just let the waves take me away from all the rules of inter gender human sexuality.

    Fart in the Jersey shore water…. a tsunami hits Cornwall

  31. Morgan says:

    Feminists think all men are rapists. And they won’t stop changing the definition until legally we are.

    @ innocentbystanderboston Ask your friend if a man can rape his wife, can a woman steal her husband’s money? Legally, she cannot. What’s his is hers, and what’s hers is hers. This is backed up by marriage law.

  32. We’re going to look back at this as the golden era of the Red Pill awareness. Hypergamy isn’t that bad. Right now some men measure up to sharing space with some women. In the future with our current trend line we’re approaching something even “higher” than hypergamy. Over -the-rainbow-gamy? What does it look like when no man can scratch any woman’s itch? International castration day? Watch Sweden and find out..

  33. Coining a phrase for past hypergamy?

    Xenogamy? (alien, other)
    Ultragamy? (beyond)

  34. Pingback: He didn’t know it was her turn. | Reaction Times

  35. Vektor says:

    So essentially… ‘I was raped because I “feel” like I was raped’ and ‘If you were a “real man”, you wouldn’t be accused of rape.”

    …and the definition of “real man” is: whatever a given women decides it is at a given time, and it is subject to change without notice.

    Basically from now on every association with a female, at whatever stage (ONS, dating, marriage, etc.), is slavery in some form. That is: your freedom, your wealth, your property, your children, etc., are at all times dependent on the will and whims of the female you associate with.

    PUA: well just learn Game and be Alpha…
    So first I had to learn Game to get laid, then I had to keep gaming to keep my wife interested enough to not destroy our family, now I need to practice Game to avoid prison?

    Feminist: It’s fair because men used to own women as chattel and stuff…bla bla…
    Wrong. Nobody ‘owned’ anybody. Divorce is as old as marriage, the difference is women didn’t used to get paid for it. Men had as much or more responsibility/obligation to their wives as their wives had to them.

    Collectively women are shit-testing men just to get men to react, and collectively men keep failing. There will be reactions though.

  36. c0l0nelp0pc0rn says:

    Equilibrium will be reached, it just might be incredibly painful and violent for all parties involved.

  37. PuffyJacket says:

    It was an old joke of the Manosphere that the laws of Western Civilization had become so misandric that merely “farting in the wrong direction” could land you in jail.

    As it turns out, this was not hyperbole at all.

  38. PuffyJacket says:


    The analogy of our current state of affairs to a feminist “shit-test” isn’t quite right.

    A woman presenting such a test secretly hopes the man will pass it. But feminists do not want beta males to have even basic human rights, as that just gets in the way of their AF-BB.

  39. Tarl says:

    That farting guy is awesome.

  40. Tom C says:

    Maybe we should have “yes means yes” laws for passing gas. “Honey, can I fart now? Can I continue to fart?”

  41. So first I had to learn Game to get laid, then I had to keep gaming to keep my wife interested enough to not destroy our family, now I need to practice Game to avoid prison?

    Yes, that seems to be the best case scenario for a Christian husband as well as other husbands. We must realize that women are craving leadership which can be self-hewn using game.

  42. feeriker says:

    So have we yet reached the point in any legal jurisdiction where men are being categorically excluded from rape trial juries?

    This is the next logical step, as it is becoming more and more impossible for any man with even a single functioning brain cell or a milligram of common sense or self-respect to believe any woman who claims to have been raped. I’m truly beginning to understand why, back in the “bad old days of the Patriarchy,” women’s claims to having been raped were at best usually taken with a fistful of salt or, just as often, contemptuously dismissed altogether.

  43. Don’t you know Emp that if we ape the Beast nature it is the solution to all our problems?

  44. Spike says:

    When I was young – not too long ago – Sweden was an awesome country. It boasted a host of multinational companies: Volvo, Saab-Scania, Ericsson, Astra, Pharmacia,Electrolux , Asko. Massive investment in the welfare state meant that the Swedish population was being maintained at precisely 2.3 children per woman. Health, education, transportation were free. Electricity was cheap due to nuclear power.
    Enter the Social Justice Leftards. The first thing they destroyed was the family compact, causing massive disincentives for men (the rape laws described are the tail end of this). Abolish nuclear power, progressively tax their own multinationals out of business, and demonstrate to the world you are a “human rights superpower” by importing vast numbers of aggressive, unassimilatable and lazy, welfare soaking Third Worlders.
    Sweden has gone, in 15 years from being the worlds 7th largest economy to the worlds 15th. In another 15 years, it will be 40th – behind Libya and Cuba.
    Take a bow, feminists and Leftists. This was your doing. You should be proud.
    What exactly will Swedish feminists do when ethnic Swedish men will no longer protect them, when vast numbers of angry Muslim men who don’t share their sentiments will do the obvious?

  45. God is Laughing – In the future with our current trend line we’re approaching something even “higher” than hypergamy. Over -the-rainbow-gamy? What does it look like when no man can scratch any woman’s itch? International castration day? Watch Sweden and find out…

    The Event Her-izon approaches.

    Coining a phrase for past hypergamy?

    Xenogamy? (alien, other)
    Ultragamy? (beyond)

    “Nuthin’ yet.”

  46. Vektor says:


    The war of the sexes is a war for power. Game is not about power. Roosh said himself that Game was about ‘playing the clown’ long enough to get in her pants. Being a court jester is not an empowering position.

    Court jester…..no…this isn’t funny at all. Having your children taken away isn’t funny at all.

  47. Gunner Q says:

    “Conservatives have a profound blind spot when it comes to sin by women, and therefore will see laws feminists propose in order to encourage women’s promiscuity as a chance to punish the boorish cads and brutish oafs the promiscuous women are chasing.”

    That isn’t their only blind spot. Like gammas, most conservatives seem to hate high-SMV men but never notice average-SMV men. They hand women every weapon they need to “tame the bad boy” without pausing a moment to consider the consequences for men who don’t have celebrity/millionaire defenses or a Dark Triad’s instinctive appeal. Even when confronted with the inevitable legal abuses, they care much less about the fate of Ernie Engineer than seeing Christian Grey punished with a rape conviction for accepting Princess’ virginity.

  48. Novaseeker says:

    @IBB —

    In his mind maybe we shouldn’t even have marriage anymore, because our nation has so much wealth and resources that we have evolved past the need for marriage.

    Not really, because it is the upper middle and above who still marry, recognizing its resource and income accretive properties. It isn’t that we are too rich for marriage, because the rich still marry, unlike the lowers.

    Europe is our future. We are headed that way full steam ahead, I see nothing stopping us.

    No. Europe’s future is Eurabia. Our future is Brasil Norte — small largely Euro elite running the place, rest of country brown, poor and with poor prospects. Would that it were our future was Europe 1960-2000, alas.

  49. J1J2 says:

    For anyone who needs a reminder what rape really is, the recent rape (and murder) at UT Austin should help. Rape = Battery/Assualt + Sex. Pretty simple. Even a feminist can understand it.

  50. They Call Me Tom says:

    Find me a church where they tell women they shouldn’t require any nagging on a weekly basis, and I’ll start tithing. The laws would be fine if our societal vendors of morality were willing to tell women, “Ladies, just because you can legally get away with being a terrible wife, it doesn’t mean God appreciates your being a terrible wife.”

  51. They Call Me Tom says:

    @J1J2- That’s the definition I’ve always had physical violence, plus sexual intercourse = rape. Beer goggles not so much. Walk of shame regrets not so much. Having people disagree with you (the whole ‘mental rape’ line from SJW’s of late) not so much.

  52. ray says:

    ‘Maybe we should have “yes means yes” laws for passing gas. “Honey, can I fart now? Can I continue to fart?”’

    I’d be against that law. On grounds it takes the romance out of farting.

  53. ray says:

    “The Event Her-izon approaches.”

    That’s pretty good!

    Ironically, there are connections between the splitting of the atom and the splitting of the Godly compact between male and female. Both were accomplished by artifice.

    Even ironically-er, Japan’s really been shakeytown lately. Better to be on the solid ground.

  54. Jim says:

    Celia Farber at observer.com explains that a husband “nagging” his wife for sex is now considered rape:

    Oh for fuck sake! Sweden just needs to sink into the Baltic Sea already.

    While it is radical feminists who dream up laws like this, ultimately it will be conservatives who pass them. Conservatives have a profound blind spot when it comes to sin by women

    Yup. That’s why I keep pounding on the point that feminism isn’t the problem. It’s just a symptom. The real problem is gynocentrism. When these worthless pussy boys give cunts an inch and they will take 5000 miles. It’s why I just don’t feel sorry for these dumb ass Swedish boys (not men) or the cunts who suffer violence from these migrants. They’re doing this to themselves. Period!

    How can the Swedish men not see this by now? Are they THAT stupid?

  55. mrteebs says:

    The goalposts are being systematically moved / removed so that Team Woman needs to gain no yardage to enjoy perpetual first downs and score at will, while the men’s goalpost has been torn from the field entirely. There is no longer an end zone for men to pursue. Once on the field, they cannot leave. And if the trends continue, Team Woman will begin insisting on conscription for those who declare they have no intention of playing and never set foot on the field.

    They will patiently explain to you that this is both necessary and just because one team has jerseys labelled “Oppressors” and the other “Victims”.

    SJWs have decided that they alone determine who wears which jersey. Any evidence one might compile — no matter how damning, how statistically overwhelming, or how factual — that the wrong jersey was assigned to a class or an individual is immaterial. That one team completely reverses the roles and becomes oppressive is likewise immaterial because what matters is only the jersey one wears – not one’s actual actions.

  56. Mistral says:

    “To work, “Yes Means Yes” needs to create a world where men are afraid.”

    Ezra Klein is an asshat. Will no one rid us of this troublesome SJW?

  57. feeriker says:

    “Ladies, just because you can legally get away with being a terrible wife, it doesn’t mean God appreciates your being a terrible wife.”

    As if they care what “God” thinks. Most of them don’t even really believe in Him anyway. As far as they’re concerned, since He hasn’t reached down out of the heavens and collectively bitchslapped them for being rebellious harridans, He either doesn’t care, doesn’t consider their rebellion to be sinful, or doesn’t exist. Any way they look at it, there are no immediate negative consequences for their behavior that are ascribable to anything supernatural, so they see no reason whatsoever to change it.

  58. feeriker says:

    Oh for fuck sake! Sweden just needs to sink into the Baltic Sea already.

    I would not for a second doubt that the reason that the Russians decided not to overrun Sweden back in the “bad old days” of the Cold War is that they foresaw what’s happening there now and decided that 1) they weren’t about to risk infecting thrmselves and 2) Sweden would do a better job of destroying/neutralizing itself than Russia could ever do.

  59. Opus says:

    Spike makes some excellent points about Sweden, though inexplicably he omits two of their greatest industries, Ikea and Abba. Sweden was, in the days of Christina, the European superpower. Obviously, that would not last, but even so. Let us not forget that only a few decades ago the then Swedish Prime Minister was murdered when one night he went for a stroll in Stockholm unaccompanied other than by his wife. Sweden was very peaceful and its men became docile thus it is hard to grasp that they were once the feared Vikings. Verdi wrote an opera with a Swedish setting – Un Ballo in Mascera, (A Masked Ball) but that proved too much for the censor and so it was reset in Boston, Mass. Let’s hope that the fate of Sweden does not likewise move to New England.

  60. Moses says:

    This behavior is a natural extension of what Rational Male calls “The Female Imperative.”

    Heartiste said something similar:

    “The goal of feminism is to dissolve all constraints on female sexuality from while maximally constraining male sexuality.”

    Feminism ain’t done yet. It will get so anything — anything at all — can be classified as rape. Looking at a woman funny. Complementing her hair. Anything.

    Feminism will not be satisfied until all men cower in fear at the power of the state. And even they they won’t be satisfied. But they won’t know why.

  61. Roger says:

    Trust writes: “No doubt a reminder of who has the hammer should push come to shove.”
    Very true. One of the (many) feminists where both my wife and I work once commented snarkily about the difference between my pay grade and my wife’s, my rank and my wife’s. I responded by pointing out what should have been obvious: I have a higher degree/training than she does, and my job is full-time, hers is part-time. But I could also have pointed out a few other things: though I may make more money, my wife controls the money that I make; if our marriage (of 32 years) were to end, she could clean me out; if she wanted to, with a mere phone call she could have me put in a pen (fortunately, I don’t think she would do that, but she COULD); etc. etc.
    Hence, I cannot stomach feminist yammering about “men have all the power.” If men appear to be in the driver’s seat, all they need to do is look around and they’ll find that they’re “driving Miss Daisy.” Feminist pleas of victimhood are really nothing more than naked assertions of power.

  62. @Vektor

    Roosh said himself that Game was about ‘playing the clown’ long enough to get in her pants. Being a court jester is not an empowering position.

    An appeal to authority?

    No matter, I wasn’t trolling for game debates

  63. LawDog says:

    A question for Dalrock’s readers: Is there any denomination of Christian Church out there that is not infested with thought like this? I would like to find, attend, and ultimately join a non-cucked branch of the Church, but can’t find any. As background, I grew up in the Episcopal Church, which has been destroyed by SJWs. I’m curious what everyone here has experienced. Any thoughts?

  64. Robin Munn says:

    @LawDog –

    One thing you might consider is finding a congregation that describes itself as Anglican — which usually means “We split from the Episcopal Church over its lack of respect for Biblical authority”. I can’t speak to any individual congregation, but you’ll have at least SOME non-SJW types in a denomination like that. For example, while I lived in Wheaton, IL, I attended Church of the Resurrection (part of ACNA, the Anglican Church of North America) up there — and I happened to be back visiting Wheaton and attending at Resurrection the Sunday after the Supreme Court handed down the “same-sex marriage” ruling. The ACNA bishop for the region, who used to be the main rector at Resurrection, stood up and read out a statement to the congregation that the ACNA leaders had prepared. It was phrased in barely-polite language, and essentially said, “We will never perform a marriage ceremony for two men or two women in this denomination, because that’s contrary to the teachings of the Bible. And we’re willing to go to jail for this stance, if and when that becomes necessary.”

    In addition to ACNA, there’s also AMIA (Anglican Mission in the Americas). I can’t tell you as much about them; I attended a rather good AMIA church about fifteen years ago, but I have no recent experience. But they too split from the Episcopal Church over matters of Biblical authority, so I’d figure there’s a decent chance of finding some non-SJW types there, too.

    Both ACNA and AMIA have websites where you can locate a congregation near you, so you can go check them out for yourself.

  65. Robin Munn says:

    The other suggestion I’d have is to look for good, SMALL, independent Bible-believing churches. Anything with “(location) Bible Church” or “(location) Bible Fellowship” is likely to have decent teaching. No guarantees that they won’t be sunk in blue-pill thinking, but better odds there than elsewhere. And I emphasized SMALL because the more faithful they are to the Word, the less likely they are to have grown by tickling the ears of the congregation.

    I’m not sure I want to mention individual congregations publicly, but if you’re anywhere near Irving, TX, feel free to email me at (my first name) dot (my last name), courtesy of Gmail, and I’d be willing to recommend a couple of churches in Irving that you might try. I also know of one church near Houston that seems likely to be pretty good, and one near Stephenville, TX. For other locations, though, I’m afraid I couldn’t be of much help.

  66. Johnycomelately says:

    This is the end result of trashing metaphysics for reductionist materialism, the smallest quantum of observable physical experience (feels) becomes a law unto itself.

    There is no truth and there is no good, only the observable and that means experiential feels.

    Of course positive feels of agency (masculine state of acting upon ) are trumped by the passive feels (feminine) of being acted upon.

    In postmodern parlance, the mover oppresses the moved.

    The state of being the mover implies a status of potentiality, the implication being that all males are latent oppressors.

    If you can wrap your mind around that poppycock you’ll begin to understand where they’re coming from.

  67. glad2meetyou says:


    “Still waiting for someone to explain to me what could possibly attract new men to the modern church, especially in light of shit like this.”

    The Bible can attract new men to the modern church. The fundamentals are supported by scripture, while modern heresies are supported only by the modern trends the sphere documents. A man who takes, for example, the apostles’ instructions to wives into a churchian young adult group discussion on marriage and sticks to them is a man who will win the arguments. The fundamentalist, dialectical tack is effective in that context. Others listen. It’s an exercise of courage and wisdom to defend scripture against the churchians. Moreover the contrast in a lot of churches between scripture and practice is so sharp that a man can get wild west cowboy gunslinger status for simply sticking to scripture and arguing it. Such a man can join a virtuous, counter-cultural struggle that gives his life meaning and purpose and challenge and all that other man stuff.

  68. greyghost says:

    This behavior is a natural extension of what Rational Male calls “The Female Imperative.”

    Heartiste said something similar:

    “The goal of feminism is to dissolve all constraints on female sexuality from while maximally constraining male sexuality.”

    Feminism ain’t done yet. It will get so anything — anything at all — can be classified as rape. Looking at a woman funny. Complementing her hair. Anything.

    Feminism will not be satisfied until all men cower in fear at the power of the state. And even they they won’t be satisfied. But they won’t know why.

    Moses has it right and there is no rational end. This will continue until all male children are aborted or what ever the hypergamy persuit of female happiness takes us. This shit is based on female “happiness”. The laws of misandry are pure hypergamy driven. Women today will get an abortion, as we have just discussed it here. This is not going to end with out massive amounts of death. For you biblical types don’t forget Eve was in the garden of Eden and that wasn’t good enough. You are not going to out do God.
    I like that quote from the Bible someone posted about Jesus telling a fella about selling some of his stuff and getting a sword. Based on the past and what we see today that sounds like a good idea.

  69. One of our moderators on Married Red Pill who is also an Endorsed Senior Contributor on The Red Pill has written about this in a piece I would argue is largely from the woman’s perspective:

    Every Unhappy Wife is a Rape Victim:


  70. feeriker says:

    The Bible can attract new men to the modern church.

    No, the Bible will attract a man to the one true church, the church based on the Scriptures. This is the polar opposite of the “modern” church, which clesrly isn’t Christian at all (and thus the locus of so many problems and strife).

    I will even go so far as to assert that the words “modern” and “Christian church” are mutually exclusive.

  71. anonymous_ng says:

    @LawDog says:
    “April 16, 2016 at 8:21 am

    A question for Dalrock’s readers: Is there any denomination of Christian Church out there that is not infested with thought like this? I would like to find, attend, and ultimately join a non-cucked branch of the Church, but can’t find any. As background, I grew up in the Episcopal Church, which has been destroyed by SJWs. I’m curious what everyone here has experienced. Any thoughts?”
    I can only speak for my local parish. I am a member of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian church, that is Orthodox Christian, ultimately under the Patriach in Damascus. I’ve heard it said that generally, the Antiochians are more welcoming to converts than some of the more ethnically identified Orthodox churches.

    I was baptised as a child into the Roman Catholic Church, but grew up in the Disciples of Christ, was married in the Roman Catholic Church, but as an adult mostly attended non-denominational/evangelical churches until having been corrupted/had my eyes opened to red-pill truths, I couldn’t stand being there any longer.

    I had become aware of Orthodox Christianity from a couple of sources including a few people that comment here.

    I’m in the beginning of my fourth year in the Orthodox Church. It isn’t perfect, and there are doctrinal issues I’m not sure are correct, but it’s the best I’ve found so far.

    There are a few reasons I think that Orthodox Christianity is less likely to become infected with modern thought.

    Being as there is no singular head of Orthodox Christianity, changes require much more universal agreement in order to come about. This is by no means perfect. A look here shows that there has been and still is conflict about who has departed from the true way etc. – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orthodox_Church_organization

    Orthodox churches are also not personality driven. It’s certainly true that priests differ in their charisma and personality, but the Church exists independently of any particular priest.

    I can’t really explain why the ascetic practice of Orthodoxy is different from the regular activities of the evangelical churches of my past, but it seemed before I left the evangelical world that despite the bible studies and small groups and mission trips, that their Christianity was more of a coat put on for the moment, and then hung back in the closet until it was time to wear it again.

    For myself, I find that the regular ascetic practices(fasting, and prayer, and the standing during the liturgy) have focuced my mind and my heart toward God more than all the emotionally moving evangelical services.

    Lastly, it isn’t that Orthodoxy is unaware of the outside world and the cares and concerns of people, but the place for that is not in the Liturgy.

    Let me be clear, I’m under no illusions that Orthodoxy is perfect. I remember a comment someone made on another blog some years ago that it appeared that their local priest was removed from his position(perhaps transferred) after telling the women of the congregation to dress more modestly, and to quit flashing their tits at the priests when they came for the eucharist.

    So, you might look into Orthodoxy.

  72. Chris says:

    “Rape by immigrants goes unpunished, while this gets headlines.”

    Silly rabbit. It’s only rape if one of us no-good, evil cisgender Caucasian males does it. Muslims and the three thugs who raped Cytherea don’t count.

  73. Gunner Q says:

    LawDog @ 8:21 am:
    “A question for Dalrock’s readers: Is there any denomination of Christian Church out there that is not infested with thought like this?”

    Orthodox Presbyterian and Missouri-Synod Lutheran were not feminized last I checked, but still disengaged from society and going through the empty motions of worship.

    Here are some red flags for church hunters that I learned from my wanderings across the Protestant world. Women dancing on stage as part of worship, especially if they just wave streamers & flags in lieu of any actual skill. Many elders and deacons; they don’t practice discipleship. Sermons that don’t address current events, Bible study topics with no real-world application. “Separation of Church and State” written into church bylaws. Equating evangelism with family-oriented special events. Pastors who never delegate authority.

    Green flags. Debates and layman guest speakers/small group leaders. Followup calls after your first visit or when you stop attending. Dress codes for women. Apologetics. A pastor who opens himself to scrutiny and occasionally asks for help (real help, not warm bodies for the damn slide projector!).

    When I decide to try again, I’ll probably look to the charismatic world. Those churches have the worst offenders, making apostasy easy to avoid, and their willingness to be… countercultural… will likewise make the loyal churches ground zero for the recovery. It isn’t as if I have anything to learn from another Bible study anyway and honestly, I’d rather have a weirdo pastor who speaks his mind over yet another empty-suited professional glowing with seminary polish.

  74. Anonymous Reader says:

    A pastor who opens himself to scrutiny and occasionally asks for help (real help, not warm bodies for the damn slide projector!).

    Warm bodies for that what projector? Man, it has been a while for you.

    Look, if it ain’t got a multimedia presentation with umpty-million watts of reverb-pumped, hand-mixed sound hammering out of multiple subwoofers, a light show and maybe a smoke machine, why, it just ain’t a real church experience in a lot of places. Not every place, sure. But lot of places.

  75. BubbaCluck says:

    We usually get a smoke machine as part of the show when the slide projector overheats….

  76. The Question says:

    I think we’re nearing the point where the gig is up. The next time there is an economic collapse the Piper is going to demand his payment. It’s then the social Keynesian experiment we’ve been doing for decades will come to an end.

    This entire charade has been propped up by the government through debt, low interest rates and quantitative easing. They have used up all possible market manipulations for the next collapse.

    The main thing for Red Pill men will be to stay alive and stay free. We must become as Jack Donovan says the new barbarians and sever all loyalties to the state, culture, society, even the church. We did not reject them or forsake them. They betrayed us. If a person has not explicitly shown or offered loyalty to me, I owe none to them.

    Watching the political scene right now all I can is that attitudes and behavior can alter very quickly. With the proper circumstances, the Overton Window can shift dramatically without warning. All it will take is a few anti-fragile men willing to speak power to truth and other men will follow, especially if there is an economic collapse. Men will then no longer have any incentive to keep their mouths shut for the sake of their financial security or wealth.

  77. Anonymous Reader says:

    While it is radical feminists who dream up laws like this, ultimately it will be conservatives who pass them.…and enforce them.

    Selectively, of course. Just as the US Domestic Violence laws are enforced selectively.

    Rollo has been out in front of Open Hypergamy for a while, and it should be clear by now that this is all about the 80/20 feature of women’s attracton triggers. A man who looked alpha enough when she first left the Carousel, who becomes more betaized after the first child is born, might just not be The One anymore, and needs to be kept in line – controlled – for the good of her and her children * because that’s all that matters.

    Selective enforcement because Alpha’s get to break rules without penalty. Because they can.

    In the longer run, this is a trainwreck happening. Millennial men I listen to are often very aware of the divorce industry – nearly half of them watched their mothers frivorce their fathers, remember. They are already a bit careful around women, too careful IMO. Making any unwanted sexual advance, even in marriage, into raype just further poisons the well.

    If This Goes On, to paraphrase a famous science fiction writer, then men will be guilty of some crime just for breathing. History tells me when men feel that they are cornered, that they have zero viable options, that they are going to be crushed no matter what they do, then some will decide they have nothing left to lose. What comes after that sometimes gets ugly. Sometimes very ugly.

    * I’ve been paying attention for the last year or longer to how women talk about children, listening in my “grey man” mode where I am not visible to them. “My kids” is common. Not “Our kids”, nope, “My kids”. Doesn’t matter if they are churchgoing or not, it’s really common. Bonus tell: watch the way a “my kids” woman treats her till-death-do-us-part man, even in public there may well be some little gestures of contempt. Of course as we all know, public respect need not map to respect in private…

  78. Vektor says:


    No. Not an appeal to authority. Pure sarcasm. I couldn’t practice Game if I wanted to and it wouldn’t have helped me if I could. That’s all.

  79. Cane Caldo says:

    @Anonymous Reader

    a light show and maybe a smoke machine

    We have a candlelight show every Sunday, but we only break out the smoke machine on significant holy days. It’s got a chain.

  80. @Jeff: The Secret to a long marriage; “I told her I would gladly spend time in jail to get away from her nagging. I would give it away and go to jail. Jail? No practice, no license, no money…. I’ ll wash windows for cash and live in a trailer home before she got a penny”

    Cosigned. The key is you really have to be willing to serve time. They can’t hold you forever and it’s 3 hots and a cot without a nagging wife standing over you. Some guys call it paradise. You can watch TV and play ping pong and read quietly almost all day.

    >>>What exactly will Swedish feminists do when ethnic Swedish men will no longer protect them, when vast numbers of angry Muslim men who don’t share their sentiments will do the obvious?

    They will submit- and probably be happier than they ever were before.

    @Gunner: “conservatives seem to hate high-SMV men but never notice average-SMV men. They hand women every weapon they need to “tame the bad boy” without pausing a moment to consider the consequences for men who don’t have celebrity/millionaire defenses or a Dark Triad’s instinctive appeal.”

    And…boom goes the dynamite! Empower women to overcome the 10% of bad boys and the 90% of “good guys” get eaten alive and spit out for breakfast.

    >>>@Roger: “Feminist pleas of victimhood are really nothing more than naked assertions of power.”

    Roger that! I was at an academic interview a while ago and there SIX post-wall white women on the committee. This department had 10 out of 12 women professors. The school has over 62% female students. They asked ME about diversity and I gagged.

  81. Damn Crackers says:

    OT – But here is an example of the behavior of recent divorcees:


  82. Anonymous Reader says:

    Crackers, nice find re: Coachella. I understand it will be geezer city there this year, Paul McCartney, Guns ‘n Roses, maybe the Strolling Bones? All that on a field in Indio. I wonder if the Egyptian mosquito, the one that carries ZIka, has arrived there yet?

    From the article:

    The single mom paid $8,000 to have fat removed from her stomach and inner thighs earlier this week before she heads to Coachella next weekend (the festival takes place, with the same lineup, over two weekends). She also dyed her hair, got fake eyelashes and plumped up her lips at the dermatologist.

    If that pic is “after”, she did not get her money’s worth.

    But Mirmelli says she’s not intimidated by millennial music lovers.

    “I have the confidence that they don’t have,” she says. “They’re younger and they don’t have careers. They act all entitled, but they don’t have anything to back it up.”

    Excellent example. Projecting female attractor of “career” onto men, like it matters, with a helping of implied hypergamy on the side. Classic.

  83. ray says:

    “A question for Dalrock’s readers: Is there any denomination of Christian Church out there that is not infested with thought like this? I would like to find, attend, and ultimately join a non-cucked branch of the Church, but can’t find any.”

    You’re asking the church why it is you can’t find the church. Is that your question? :O)

  84. ray says:

    “All that on a field in Indio. I wonder if the Egyptian mosquito, the one that carries ZIka, has arrived there yet?”

    Apparently, judging by the article photos. I think it’s called the Botox Zika variant.

    Great article, illustrating where the wealth of the nation has gone the past forty years. What a horror.

    Hey maybe Bruce will show up at Indio and announce his marriage to the fetching Ms. Jenner?

  85. jeff says:


    I live in CO.

    Alpha man gets tamed, turns into Beta. Accidentally finds balz in wife’s purse. Turns Married Alpha. Either she submits or you get frivorced. Either way you win. No nagging wife. Get to lift weights and try not to get raped, but when you think about it, your wife has been raping you for years.

    Living in a trailer and working for cash? Man you cut the strings and are living off grid. That is… after jail time. I have lived in some very harsh conditions. My wife use to scare me, I realized I was living in a nightmare. I could easily, easily go back to harsh conditions off the grid. Let a judge try to find out how much if any money I make. Look at all the illegals in our state. I see a lot of them. They pay me cash. If you are frugal, you could live ok on a little cash.

  86. The Tingler says:

    This is why I laugh when I hear about Sweden’s rape epidemic.

    Carry on, Sweden.

  87. enrique says:

    Enter John Kasich, a man who is about to feel the full throttled hammer of the feminine imperative, a man who believes that sensible boundaries are a natural, logical, and reasonable solution to certain problems in life (like wearing expensive jewelry while strutting down a dark alley), a man who has not yet entered, the Twilight Zone that is our common culture in 2016….


  88. They Call Me Tom says:

    “Look, if it ain’t got a multimedia presentation with umpty-million watts of reverb-pumped, hand-mixed sound hammering out of multiple subwoofers, a light show and maybe a smoke machine, why, it just ain’t a real church experience in a lot of places. Not every place, sure. But lot of places.”

    And the thing is, most of these churches would say they’re doing it to bring people in… they seem to be oblivious to how many people get turned off by shallow showmanship when it comes to religion.

  89. Anon says:

    The narrative is so pervasive that one can scarcely keep track.

    I had no interest in watching the new ‘Batman vs. Superman’ film, or the earlier ‘Man of Steel’. Now it is even less after learning that Lois Lane (Amy Adams) is played by an actress 9 years older than Superman (Henry Cavill).

    I can imagine no version of Superman where Lois Lane was 9 years older than Superman.

    Yeah, just like the Bond ‘girl’ older than Bond himself. This weirdness is everywhere…

  90. Anon says:

    Here is a clip of children being polled about why ‘Women earn less than men for the same job’.

    Despite the feminist setup and femtard audience, more than half of the kids actually gave correct reasons for the ‘pay gap’, indicating that women get what they deserve :

    Most kids know the right thing early on, and are later brainwashed into the narrative.

    Note how men become more advance, morally, as they mature from boys to men, while women go backwards as they age from girls to women.

    In terms of having a basic sense of logic and justice :

    Men > boys/girls > women.

  91. Spike says:

    Opus says April 16, 2016 at 4:25 am

    Ikea and Abba! – point well and truly taken, Opus!
    Sweden also had an empire for about 150 years, but dismantled it voluntarily because they realised that they were constantly at war because of it.
    It is a beautiful country with beautiful people and culture. Unfortunately its people have fallen prey to those whose ugly ideologies will destroy them.

  92. greyghost says:

    If This Goes On, to paraphrase a famous science fiction writer, then men will be guilty of some crime just for breathing. History tells me when men feel that they are cornered, that they have zero viable options, that they are going to be crushed no matter what they do, then some will decide they have nothing left to lose. What comes after that sometimes gets ugly. Sometimes very ugly.

    This is why I stopped being an MRA and went with MGTOW prepper mindset. Life is not fair and that is especially true for men. The Swedish men think they are being kind to their women there and now the country is dying with suffering for all as it should be. With the burden of survival placed on the headship of the women there death is the end game. As it should be. America’s “Christian” men has shown by Dalrock are on the same path as Europe’s men and will sooner or later meet their doom. Red pill truth is the secular path to scripture. Be prepared to do battle for prayers for somebody to do something isn’t going to cut it.

  93. The boy that got flummoxed by the follow up question responded by saying that one job a woman can do better is to follow what her heart tells her…..If he doesn’t live with a divorced mom I’ll personally go get lip injections for Coachella.

  94. Casey says:

    @ Damn Crackers

    Good find re: Coachella

    Here we have middle-aged women being celebrated for spending thousands to re-live the last vestiges of their youth, to engage in all manner of debauchery & sex at a concert.

    This, somehow, is empowerment for women.

    Alternatively, a man buying a motorcycle in his 40’s & dating a 25 year old is having a mid-life crisis and in serious need of Rx medication to dull those pangs of a regretful life.

    It is criminal that men are so totally & completely severed of their opinion, of their birthright, of their manhood, of their sexuality, of their logically centered foresight, and of their humanity……….all at the insistence of ugly, miserly feminists.

  95. Looking Glass says:


    It just dawned on me, since I hadn’t thought about it, but a Man having a “mid-life crisis” was always projection by post-Wall Women that no longer get attention from Alphas. I always thought the concept was mostly BS (though there’s always weird exceptions), but I hadn’t thought about the concept in such a long time that I hadn’t put it in a Red Pill context.

  96. Mad Kalak says:

    Anan, I had no idea that Lois Lane in Batman Vs. Superman is 9 years older. If she is, she caries it well, because I didn’t see it. She was always the experienced reporter while Clark was the new kid on the block in the comics. She made it a goal to teach Clark how to be a good reporter.

    The movie is pretty good too. I know some critics despise it, but I thought it was great. Even Afleck as Batman, I think he pulled it off. Wonder Woman was thrown in there for the $$$ of attracting a female audience, but her role is minor.

    p.s. Nice to meet another Robert Jordan fan.

  97. BillyS says:

    AR, I will have to listen to myself more, but I think I frequently say “my” as well.

    I completely agree on the lack of respect, though I would argue more of it is that women often treat their husbands like their children. We may overlook the negative aspect with kids, but notice it with hisbands. It is definitely a lack of respect, but normal “mom” activity.

  98. Feminist Hater says:

    The boy that got flummoxed by the follow up question responded by saying that one job a woman can do better is to follow what her heart tells her…..If he doesn’t live with a divorced mom I’ll personally go get lip injections for Coachella.

    Notice how the audience, no doubt full of bitter femcunts, applauds everytime he spoke the unquestioned narrative that women are paid less because they are not respected enough or that women can do jobs men can’t do, even though he cannot point one out…

    For anyone thinking women, by and large, don’t fall for this crap and are thus deceived so easily as to be criminal, you need to have your eyes and ears checked.

  99. Feminist Hater says:

    Stupid block quotes…. please would you mind fixing the above Dalrock. Thank you.

  100. They Call Me Tom says:

    On Coachella… kind of disturbing, kind of inevitable.

    A woman who only had beauty and open legs to offer in her youth, will be hard pressed to offer anything interesting after the beauty’s gone. Under ‘The Patriarchy’, they got married, had kids and traded youthful beauty for motherly nobility (Look and see how often mothers were chosen as leaders in Constantinople after they tired of the latest King by Assassination to get an idea of how revered motherhood was under ‘The Patriarchy’). Under ‘The Matriarchy’ they spend their youthful beauty acquiring what assets they can in exchange while the party lasts and then when the party is over, they burn all those assets on trying to get that youthful beauty back in the hope that they can party again.

  101. BubbaCluck says:

    “The boy that got flummoxed by the follow up question responded by saying that one job a woman can do better is to follow what her heart tells her…..If he doesn’t live with a divorced mom I’ll personally go get lip injections for Coachella.”

    At that age there is no way those are his own thoughts. He’s been programmed to say those things…and the largely female audience ate it up.

  102. The Tingler says:

    “Let me be clear, I’m under no illusions that Orthodoxy is perfect. I remember a comment someone made on another blog some years ago that it appeared that their local priest was removed from his position(perhaps transferred) after telling the women of the congregation to dress more modestly, and to quit flashing their tits at the priests when they came for the eucharist.”

    I’m not a Christian anymore but I used to be Orthodox. I can confirm, I’ve seen this happen at two different churches, one Antiochian and one OCA.
    At the OCA church, there were some scantily clad teens and the priest dressed them down so to speak in front of the entire church at the end of the service. Good man. At the OCA church, it was a porn star-looking Russian sex bomb with giant knockers, a tight, low-cut shirt and a ton of makeup. The priest didn’t specify her in his call-out but everyone knew who he was talking about. Never saw her there again. Good man.

    The Orthodox Church is your best bet if you like your Christianity manly, traditional, intelligent and classy. But yeah, they have plenty of problems.

  103. Opus says:

    It is as They call me Tom says: in the eastern empire (Byzantium) there were indeed a fair number of Empresses – as Psellus and Procopius record – and the empire lasted until 1453.

    When I was in Sweden I was being told that England was finished and that equalist Sweden (which generally had a higher standard of living) was the future. I have to say that that was one of the most premature political misjudgements I was ever serenaded with – Sweden was and remains a European backwater: England had the big bang. The seeds of Swedish disintegration were however there even then: betaized men perhaps bred by a little too much Lutheranism – Bergman, again, has his movies populated by them – try Winter Light. I have not returned to the land of one thousand lakes. For me the big puzzle is: why is it that Sweden the powerhouse of the Scandinavian countries (unless you include Stenhammer whose stock is indeed rising) has never produced a great composer. Finland has Sibelius; Norway, Grieg, Denmark, Nielsen and little Iceland the great Jon Leifs, but Sweden no instantly recognisable name.

  104. feeriker says:

    Finland has Sibelius;

    Sibelius was actually a Swedish Finn. Matter o’ fact, ironically, most of the famous Finns I can name off the top.of my head were/are of Swedish origin: Sibelius, Marshal Gustav Mannerheim, Frederik Idestam (founder of Nokia), and Linus Torvalds, to name just four.

  105. Opus says:

    You are right Feeriker: Sibelius not only spoke Swedish at home but did not become a Finn until age fifty-two Finland gained independence, which independence they have now given away by joining the EUSSR – Brexit for Finland. I find Finn’s very gloomy yet recently they have produced a lot of much thought-of composers: Lindberg, Aho, Salonen and Saariaho come to mind as well as Sandstrom with his somewhat notorious Motorbike Concerto (for Trombone) and then there is Segerstem with what is probably a world record for having written two hundred and seventy Symphonies, – as of 2013 – and the only piece of his I have heard live – (the composer conducting – I was in Germany) was not one of them! Salonen is also Principal Conductor of London’s Philharmonia Orchestra and thus I get to see him quite a lot. My own first Pianoforte teacher sent a copy of his own (first?) Symphony to Sibelius in I suppose about 1950 – a specifically Masonic Symphony both my teacher and Sibelius being Masons.

    I fear I am drifting far too off-topic for this blog – but it is Sunday night here.

  106. Kevin says:

    Great post. One quibble – you claim conservatives will pass these laws and I think in regards to marriage they generally support feminists. But in the real world many of the yes means yes laws have been proposed and even passed but only in very liberal states and colleges. This has been discussed nationally and I don’t see a clamor for such laws in Alabama or TX. I think conservative always take the woman’s side in marriage laws and general structure but yes means yes and some other laws violate basic principles of natural law and so (so far) outside the lefty fever swamps they don’t seem popular.

    Amy Adams is ridiculous as Lois Lane. But superman is a Boy Scout who probably looks beyond looks. Now if Batman we’re going for someone so old and average looking – that would be absurd. But unless you are big fan Zach Snyder is the worst storyteller ever. Just awful.

  107. Speaking of finding the Church, my wife and I have been going to a (new to us) church gathering in the new town for two weeks. Male eldership, good but basic teaching, rock band “worship” group (you listen to our guitars drown you out while we sing). Earplugs a necessity. Small group meetings throughout the week.

    This week they hand out a card and announce that the first 10% of their offerings goes to “Acts29”.

    I’m really hoping God is not calling me to this group.

  108. ACThinker says:

    For Sweden, the recent years have seen a statistical increase in rapes, A significant one. One thing that is left out is the nationality of these rapists – when viewed by nationality, of the perpetrators or their parents, we find that the increase of Swedish men is about what it has been for years, very low. But the massive spike, making Sweden “the rape capitol of Europe” all come from foreign born men, or men of foreign born parents, Not Blond Blue eyed Swedes.

  109. Morgan says:

    @Mad Kalak, Louis Lane was a stab at the know it all moxy filled women coming into the workforce with more attitude than wisdom. The joke was that she had the nerve to tell Superman how to do his job because she thought he was just a bumbling Beta. Feminist media decided to remove the superman part of their male characters and just leave the bumbling Clark as someone know it all women could boss around. The man is supposed to find that cute and endearing and get in line. I think a lot of movies are about putting the worst kind of woman with the worst kind of man and then rolling the credits before the inevitable breakup.

  110. innocentbystanderboston says:

    One thing that is left out is the nationality of these rapists – when viewed by nationality, of the perpetrators or their parents, we find that the increase of Swedish men is about what it has been for years, very low.

    It doesn’t matter if its Europe or the United States. It is not politically correct for the media and for government to call out 3rd world immigrant peasants for their 3rd world criminal behavior when they live among the 1st world.

  111. BillyS says:

    God is Laughing,

    I did some research a few weeks ago and found that many Christians want to be drowned out in worship. They do not want to hear anyone else so they can focus on God alone, or so they say.

    I fail to see why they come to a corporate worship time to be alone, but that explains why so many churches crank the volume so much. Even modest ones are far too loud these days for the most part.

    I just disengage when in such a service, but that is not good overall and makes me wonder (at times at least) why to bother going at all.

    This trend does not bode well for the future, especially when connected with “Jesus is my boyfriend” songs, and a heavy focus on the emotional. Many churches have confused the latter for being spiritual, but that is another topic.

  112. BubbaCluck says:

    It was explained to me by a pastor regarding worship music volume…one can sing as loud as one wants to without worrying about anyone else hearing you sing off key or out of tune. It was to ameliorate a self-conscious condition, at least regarding worship.

  113. Anonymous Reader says:

    It was explained to me by a pastor regarding worship music volume…one can sing as loud as one wants to without worrying about anyone else hearing you sing off key or out of tune.

    That’s interesting. For centuries people were able to learn how to sing, but now they can’t? Or they won’t? The self-conscious part makes sense, in an “It’s All About ME” sort of way. Because, after all, church is supposed to be “all about ME”, right?

    What else could it possibly be about?

  114. BillyS says:

    I remember cracking up as a kid when I heard how bad both my dad and I were singing in a church service once, but drowning everyone out because of that is just a continuation of the me-first culture we live in now.

  115. Beast of Jekyll Island says:

    I leave this here and there, in hopes that this catches on: the Swedes were not fucking Vikings. They were and continue to act like the dirt farmers they’ve always been. The Vikings were from Denmark and Norway, which had year-round access to the Atlantic.

  116. Bob Chick says:

    The ultimate Feminazi (and their white knight enabling manginas) goal is to make ALL sexual encounters between a man and a woman….RAPE.
    The default position is: IF sex occurred then she WAS raped…unless she decides (based on whatever mood she is AT THAT POINT IN TIME) that it was not….but she of course has the RIGHT to change her mind (it was/was not rape) at ANY TIME during her lifetime….
    No evidence on HER part is necessary to re-classify a sexual encounter of any kind (including consensual sex) as rape….and in the case of Universities HIS evidence of consensual sex would in fact be irrelevant, inadmissible and down right misogynistic and micro-aggressive.
    The kink in this plan is of course if guys start recording her enthusiastic consent BEFORE sex…..but this of course can be legislated against if necessary.

  117. feeriker says:

    Bob Chick says:
    April 21, 2016 at 6:44 am

    I wonder if any of these demented c***ts have ever stopped to consider that if they succeed in getting “rape” redefined as anything a woman wants it to mean and also succeed in getting the law changed to where accusation = guilt that this will result in more REAL rape of women? After all, if a guy is going to be railroaded into prison on a woman’s whim and have his life destroyed, why not go out with a bang (pun intended)? In for a dime, in for a dollar, right?

  118. cptnemo2013 says:

    Reblogged this on MGTOW 2.0.

  119. @Anon:

    The most amazing thing about the video is not the answers. Every kid is a genius! A child that age can learn 8 languages at a time. Can you? Nope!

    The most amazing thing is the demonstration of the brainwashing all of us experience. Listen to the answers. EVERY TIME the answers agreed with the feminine imperative there were LOUD female cheers.

    The little boy at 1 minute was already a trained white knight. It was obvious he was parroting the words for female approval. And the women cheered LOUDLY whenever he answered. You can even observe him looking around, probably at his single mom, for approval.

    Boys learn that women LOOOOOOOVVVVVEEE White Knights who put women on a pedestal. Boys are trained FROM BIRTH like this and it is CONTINUALLY reinforced over and over and over again drilled and pounded and sanded and then repeated until that is all you know.

    That little boy doesn’t have a chance. I was that little boy. Girls AS A GROUP will tell him they want a nice, kind, sweet, thoughtful guy who is polite and waits for the girl to make a move and should not be sexually aggressive because that is creepy. They will NEVER tell him that he needs to TAKE what he wants and to be unapologetic and confident. Sure girls LOOOOVE guys like that little White Knight bastard. They just won’t f-ck them. Well, in the year before the wedding they will but that’s it. Then it is /r/Deadbedrooms for you little boy. Dammit. Somebody should write a book on how to turn that around. Oh right, I did……


  120. ihavenomouthandimustscream says:

    In regards to expanding the rape definition – The ruling Swedish parties are currently pushing for a law of consent which means someone saying “No”, or claiming to have done so, automatically puts the other person open for rape-charges – http://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/regeringens-utredare-foreslar-samtyckeslag.
    The reason for this they claim is because “The word våldtäkt (Swedish word for rape roughly meaning “violently taken) is inaccurate since most våldtäkter does not include any violence at all”.
    How giving every single female a free “Get into jail” rape-card to play whenever they desire or simply loom over the head of men will turn out I rather not think of.

    Combined with the fact the Swedish government just approved for free insemination to single women (http://www.svt.se/nyheter/lokalt/stockholm/ny-lag-ger-ensamstaende-ratt-till-insemination) meaning they can start a family without involving a man at all Swedish and instead being provided for by the generous welfare system it seems Sweden for whatever reason is hell bent on making men completely irrelevant for anything but taxation.

  121. nokry says:


    no, they’re as determinedly stupid as the #BLM crowd who doesn’t realize that by declaring every white man a racist for breathing air that rightly belongs to a black man, they’re driving people into the alt-right’s open arms

  122. sipcode says:

    Denying sex is simply adultery. Christian women commit adultery all the time. It breaks the relationship because of an idol outside the marriage. Test it with our marriage to the Lamb: if He is calling us for a relationship with Him and we say no it is because of an idol in our life; something before Him. Scripture is very clear this is adultery.

    But, in the end times good will be portrayed as bad and vice versa.

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