There is a rumor going around that Trump is considering Iowa freshman Senator Joni Ernst for the VP slot. People magazine writes: Who is Joni Ernst? 5 Things to Know About the Hog-Castrating Senator Rising in Trump’s V.P. Candidate Ranks
The Daily Mail writes: Pig-castrating Senator Joni Ernst also in the running to be Donald Trump’s veep
For those who aren’t already familiar with her background, conservatives fell in love with Ernst once they found out she had a penchant for castration. In 2014 The Washington Post explained How Joni Ernst’s ad about ‘castrating hogs’ transformed Iowa’s U.S. Senate race:
She was a relative unknown in a crowded field led by a wealthy businessman. Then she started talking about castrating hogs.
Ernst spent just $9,000 to air her first television ad, but her testimonial — “I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm” — and her promise to apply those pork-cutting skills to “make ’em squeal” in Washington transformed her candidacy.
At a time when voters tune out many political messages, the ad was a vivid reminder of the enduring power of a single image. In the first three days, her 30-second spot was viewed nearly 400,000 times on YouTube and became the talk of cable news, catapulting the state senator from rural Red Oak into the top tier.
Ernst knew conservatives love a ball busting feminist more than anything, and she had everything they were dreaming of. She was more than a tough talking ball slicer with a butch haircut. She was the perfect woman:
Ernst, a lieutenant colonel in the Iowa Army National Guard who says she proudly carries a pistol in her purse, followed up last week with her second ad, in which she steps off her Harley-Davidson and, wearing a black leather jacket, fires multiple shots with expert precision at a shooting-range target.
While she had them at castration, this follow up ad sealed the deal as conservatives everywhere swooned. Finally, a ball buster conservatives could call their very own.
Ernst spent just $9,000 to air her first television ad, but her testimonial — “I grew up castrating hogs on an Iowa farm” — and her promise to apply those pork-cutting skills to “make ’em squeal” in Washington transformed her candidacy.
At a time when voters tune out many political messages, the ad was a vivid reminder of the enduring power of a single image. In the first three days, her 30-second spot was viewed nearly 400,000 times on YouTube and became the talk of cable news, catapulting the state senator from rural Red Oak into the top tier.
If anyone ever doubted that cuckservatives were brainless, juvenile rubes with an insatiable penchant for psychopathic violence, then this should dispel once and for all any remaining doubts.
I dunno, though, about her getting the VP slot on The Donald’s ticket. She seems like too much of a contentious bitch. I cannot imagine Trump putting up with anyone in his own camp with a sharper tongue, louder mouth, and more belligerent attitude them his. She would, however, be the PERFECT Veep running mate for any of the other gonad-less cucks the GOP would have put up on offer had The Donald not come along and pissed in their party’s punch bowl. She would have them on a dog leash within 24 hours of the selection. Frankly, I don’t think she’d be happy as The Donald’s veep; a SIW like that would HAVE to be in charge to be happy.
She might be a good VP for Trump too; remember that the most important function of the #2 person, especially for Trump, is to serve as assassination insurance.
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Cucks don’t mind all that castration talk because they all come pre-castrated and you can’t take away what they’ve already lost.
So a ‘feminist’ with short hair who loves castration, AND has only one child, a daughter.
I thought cuckservatives, if nothing else, wanted candidates who had a lot of kids.
Then again, I doubt Trump will choose her. She is merely who cuckservatives want.
Gotta wonder…
I’ve been reading that she has already been fiscally compromised and is now part of the “system”. She would be a poor choice for VP.
What kind of a man gets off on some bitch talking shit about cutting off balls. I’m not impressed in the slightest by women like that. Like momma grizzly crap Sarah Palin came up with. “You go girl” comes off better that false macho feminism.
There has really only ever been ONE female head of state who was any good at all. Just one. She was not superb, mind you, just ‘pretty good’.
And even she became good partly due to Reagan showing her how its done…
What kind of a man gets off on some bitch talking shit about cutting off balls.
Answer: the typical blue-pill mangina/white knight/pedestalizing/kitchen bitch American cuck who has been raised since infancy to think that a disgusting creature like this is the epitome of a “real” woman.
What kind of a man gets off on some bitch talking shit about cutting off balls.
The same kind of man that supports Trump!
As if Sarah Palin wasn’t enough as exhibit A.
As if Sarah Palin wasn’t enough as exhibit A.
Is Ernst in the same double-digit IQ bracket as Palin?
“She was the perfect woman:”
Of your cold sweat nightmare…
John Piper swooned.
She would be good fit for Cruz. He should have announced that she would be his running mate a few months ago. Cruz whined just like a hog who had his balls chopped off.
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@Anon: “a ‘feminist’ with short hair who loves castration
Read her Wiki page. This woman is no feminist. She wears her hair short because she is career military. She was a company commander in Iraq. She has said all the right words on immigration, on taxes, on environmental regulation, on Obamacare, on Obama. I can’t find a single non-conservative position that she holds. The contrast between her and Clinton would be ridiculous.
Her long time husband is a Sgt. Major and an Army Ranger- not exactly the profile of a mousy beta. In fact:
Where he calls Hillary an “Old Hag” and Janet Napoletino a “Traiterous Skank” (though he apologized and begged forgiveness from the media).
Besides being a military officer he was a bank manager and and now runs a major airport- all with an undergraduate degree.
I prefer Newt as Veep but this chick solves a lot of problems for the Donald and would likely bring him more votes. With her he could go after hostile votes because she would solidify the conservative base AND pull a ton of liberal women who don’t like how old Hillary looks and who tingle for Trump.
I disagree strongly that Trump doesn’t want loud mouthed advisers. I bet he prefers them to whiny yes men. Trump has never surrounded himself with yes men.
@Feereeker: “Is Ernst in the same double-digit IQ bracket as Palin?”
She was validictorian of her High School class and went to upper middle tier Iowa State and then upper middle tier Columbus College for her Master’s of Public Administration. Her speaking cadence irritates me, but I suspect the yougogirllls will absolutely love her.
Men who like these kinds of women are usually closeted homosexualists.
Most evangelical men are married to some less astute variation of this woman.
If I ever ran for national office, my primary campaign promise would be to never cease mocking all of those fools in D.C. every opportunity I received. I’d vote to send anyone to do the same to the miscreants in D.C.
That said, it’s more of an argument to send her to congress than to send her as vice president.
By the way…Ms eat, pray, love didn’t stick the landing. They are divorcing. I guess she got a new book offer.
Imagine a man talking about the joy he takes in removing ovaries from animals. He’d be considered a creepy woman hater. There would be no women urging him to run for public office.
This Ernst broad is a beta cuck pick. I’ll be devastated if Trump selects her or any woman.
All these cuckservative fathers raise their daughters as overly macho faux-sons and urge them to fritter away their fertile years in phd programs in pursuit of high-powered careerdom. They would viciously choke on the idea that instead their daughter should instead marry a promising young man at around 20 and have kids.
Her message was about not spending more money than you have, plus the idea that in Washington there are politicians that do not abide by this sound fiscal policy. It was a kind of shock method to get her point across.
All these cuckservative fathers raise their daughters as overly macho faux-sons and urge them to fritter away their fertile years in phd programs in pursuit of high-powered careerdom. They would viciously choke on the idea that instead their daughter should instead marry a promising young man at around 20 and have kids.
One could write a doctoral dissertation in psychology on the cuckservative father and his proto-incestuous obsession with his SIW daughter.
I actually know such a pathetic specimen, a walking, breathing case study, a template from which all others of the species can be copied. Key attributes:
1. Grew up in a home with a weak or altogether absent father.
2. Raised by a domineering, ball-busting mother.
3. Siblings were either all sisters, or mostly sisters with one (even weaker than he was) younger brother.
4. An unpopular loner as a child, frequently bullied by his male peers.
5. Unsuccessful in relationships with women through most of his young adulthood.
6. Married late in life, to a woman his exact age or slightly older.
7. Careerist wife is a carbon copy of his domineering, ball-busting mother.
8. Has just one child, a daughter, who will be his only child, ever.
9. Has few or no close male friends.
10. Is bullied at work like he was bullied in high school (and probably in college too). Has no male peers he’s close to.
12. Prefers the company of female peers or his wife’s girlfriends to male companionship (“hos before bros”).
13. Zealously over-protective of his daughter, even more than of his wife.
14. Brags to anyone within earshot about his daughters accomplishments, especially if they’re “boycomplishments.” (“My daughter made the wrestling team! She’s gonna kick ASS!”)
15. Flies into a livid rage at the thought that a boy would approach his daughter without HIS permission, since no boys in his daughter’s peer group are even remotely good enough for her.
16. Frequently fantasizes out loud about committing acts of violence against boys of inadequate pedigree who dare express unauthorized interest in his daughter.
17. Compels his daughter to play contact sports whether she wants to or not or whether she is any good at them or not. Any injury she sustains has dad screaming “lawsuit!”
18. Compels his daughter to take advanced college prep courses in STEM subjects whether she wants to or not or whether she has any aptitude for them or not. Hires a tutor for her if she’s struggling, even making her attend special weekend classes.
19. Refuses to let his daughter do “girl things.”
20. Whines and screams in indignation at the top of his lungs to anyone within earshot when he thinks his precious daughter is being “discriminated against” because she is a girl.
These are the Top 20 attributes of the Cuckservative Dad Who Worships His Daughter. Whenever you meet a guy like this, you pray for his daughter and her future because you know that, short of divine intervention, her long-term future consists of a cat-filled studio apartment, prozac, and a dresser drawer full of dildoes.
Barack Obama’s grand legacy will be passed down to future generations through the oral traditions of low-I.Q., matriarchal savages, inspiring them with stories of this wonderful thing from the past called Civilization. Of course the part of the story they won’t hear is that Muslim bastard’s part in tearing it all down.
Cuckservatives can barely keep it together when presented with the opportunity to embarrass themselves.
bluepillprofessor said, ” This woman is no feminist. She wears her hair short because she is career military. She was a company commander in Iraq… Her long time husband is a Sgt. Major and an Army Ranger- not exactly the profile of a mousy beta. In fact”
Any woman in the military is a feminist and a slut. If I’ve offended anyone and that person could provide verifiable documentation and witness testimony to the contrary, then congratulations, you’ve found the only one that isn’t.
Also, the most beta men around are military. Alphas in the military are the exception, not the rule. It’s amazing to see such powerful men who are genuine badasses laid low by a woman half his size.
I called it for Chris Christie back in January when he took down Marco Rubio in that fateful “Obama knows exactly what he’s doing….” debate. Still calling it for him. Christie and Trump go way back, all the casinos in Atlantic City that are bankrupt. It’s either the governor of New Jersey or the former Senator from Massachusetts, Scott Brown. It wont be Newt and forget Ernst.
If you are to have a ball buster in the halls of power, why settle for a VP when you could just cut to the chase and vote Hilary in?
Good. Make them live their conservatism and make them live their Christianity. The wink-wink castration talk recalls the wink-wink of American pastors when explaining who is really in charge in marriages.
The ‘prophets’ of Baal, that served Jezebel? They were mostly conservative guys too. Traditionalists . . . kept their heads down, discharged the duties of their respective offices and appointments. Had pretty fat IRAs that they didn’t get to spend.
The right is cucked and the left never had anything to cuck. Who is looking out for the little boys? They’re the nation’s future, there will be no future without them. Forty percent without dads, but that’s OK, we’ve got hardcharging, buttkicking Colonel Ernst to guide our course. To make our laws. And the people who are supposed to counter the progs think the Colonel is cool. And that the pork will go on forever.
bluepill professor — “Where he calls Hillary an “Old Hag” and Janet Napoletino a “Traiterous Skank” (though he apologized and begged forgiveness from the media).”
Colonel Joni called hubby’s statement ‘inappropriate’ and said ‘I’m appalled by my husband’s remarks’. Whose side is she on? Her husbands? Or the Sisterhood of the Travelling Gavel?
If Army Ranger hubby apologized for speaking plainly and truly, then why should we put hope and trust in such persons? Likewise, why are persons who identify as conservatives, and often as Christians, placing their own wives and daughters in power over the sons of other men? Yep that’s a rhetorical question.
Colonel Joni’s unit ran convoys in Kuwait. We are led to assume that Colonel Joni ran convoys too, but somehow I don’t picture Colonel Joni in a poptop, canvassing neighborshoods with her automatic.
feeriker, there are way more cuckservative fathers — probably the vast majority of middle-class and over American men — than there are men who fit your narrow profile of a cuckservative father.
Most middle-class and over fathers expect their daughters to attend college, and graduate school too if financially affordable, and to work at careers, and not to marry until their late 20s at the earliest. It’s the American middle-class norm.
@Anon, “There has really only ever been ONE female head of state who was any good at all. Just one. She was not superb, mind you, just ‘pretty good’.
And even she became good partly due to Reagan showing her how its done…”
For as much as I admire Reagan, he wasn’t without his moments of stupidity. He was the 1st governor to make ‘No Fault’ Divorce the law of any US state. He had some other mistakes as well but in many ways he never had it as tough as Thatcher’s challenges in Britain and the Falklands War. Still, he along with Thatcher and several other leaders at the time were the right people in the right place at the right time in defeating the Soviet Union. Thatcher was one of the good ones.
As for judging other women as head’s of state you’ve forgotten the more important detail that helped the majority of women become the leaders of their nations- their powerfully political husbands and families, not so much through their own ambition and hard work. No, really. that’s how most of these women have become leaders of their nations.
Park Gyen-Hee of South Korea is the daughter of the 3rd President of South Korea, Park Chung-hee who was assassinated by the director of South Korea’s CIA. The 11th President of the Philippines, Corazon Aquino became the leader of her party after her husband was assassinated, and subsequently elected as 11th President of the Philippines. Gloria Arroyo, the 14th Philippines president was the daughter of the 9th president, Diosdado Macapagal. Diosdado, actually died in peace, even though the man who defeated him to become president of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos would eventually have to flee the country after stealing so much along with his wife. Don’t worry about their kids, Imme is the governor of Illocos Norte and Bongbong is a senator. Megawati Sukarnoputri(literally ‘Daughter of Sukarno’), the former president of Indonesia was the daughter of Indonesia’s 1st president Sukarno who was killed in a Islamic-Nationalist coup that saw about 1 million ethnic Chinese slaughtered in 1965. In Thailand, Yingluck Shinwatra was the 28th Prime Minister before she was removed in a military coup in 2014. Her father was a MP for Chiang Mai and her brother in-law became Thailand’s Prime Minister for a few months in 2008 after her brother, Thaksin was thrown out of office by the Thai military in 2006.
Oh, the hilarity doesn’t stop there.
In Myanmar, the current State Counsellor and darling of Western Liberals, Aung San Suu Kyi, is the daughter of the 5th Premier of Myanmar, Aung San who is considered by Burmese as the father of their nation who was assassinated in 1947. In Bangladesh, Khaleda Zia, the former prime minister is the wife of Ziaur Rahman who was assassinated by the Bangladeshi military. The current Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina is the daughter of the 1st president who was also assassinated in a military coup. In Sri Lanka, Sirima Bandaranaike became Prime Minister after her husband was assassinated by a part-time Buddhist monk hired to kill her husband by another Buddhist monk, who was having an affair with a female health minister in the Bandaranaike cabinet who is the aunt of the current PM of Sri Lanka. Sirima’s daughter, Chandra Kumaratunga later became Prime Minister in 1994.
Nearby in India, Indira Ghandi became Prime Minister of India in 1980, 16 years after her father, Jawajarlal Nehru died of a heart attack. Amazingly, he survived at least 4 assassination attempts. Indira’s son, Sanjay died in a plane crash while her other son Rajiv was assassinated in 1991 after which his Italian air stewardess wife, Sonia became president of the Indian National Congress. In Pakistan, Nusrat Bhutto became leader of the PPP-Pakistani People’s Party after her husband, Ali Bhutto was executed in the Islamist military coup in 1979. Her daughter, Benazir soon became Prime Minister in 1988 while her brother, Murtaza Bhutto formed his own party, then was assassinated(on the orders of his sister), and the party leadership taken over by his wife, Ghinwa. Her other brother Shahnawaz Bhutto was probably poisoned while living in Paris. There are other female leaders who share similar stories. Former Turkey PM, Tansu Ciller was the daughter of a provincial governor near Constantinople…Oh, I mean Istanbul…Christina Kirchner was the widow of former Argentine President, Nestor. Ellen Sirleaf of Liberia is the granddaughter of a Gola chief and daughter of a Gola member of the Liberian legislature. I can go on listing the clannish political links of these women leaders.
So, as you can read, Scandinavia it ain’t. Then again, thanks to Muslim immigration, Scandinavia ain’t Scandinavia anymore…
Sorry about the lengthy post Dalrock, but it really needs to be pointed out that what keeps women from achieving political success around the world is a lack of assassinations…
ugh…I need to pray and drink more after thinking about this kind of stuff.
Women can be very capable of running systems built by Men. Female heads of state, even in Muslim countries, happens because one of the daughters is simply the best System Runner. Though the system is normally in terrible shape afterwards, as they’re almost never capable of forward thinking on the level needed.
Women can be very capable of running systems built by Men. Female heads of state, even in Muslim countries, happens because one of the daughters is simply the best System Runner. Though the system is normally in terrible shape afterwards, as they’re almost never capable of forward thinking on the level needed.
Putting it another way, women have proven that, as heads of state/government, they can be just as expertly corrupt, criminal, incompetent, murderous, and amoral as the worst of any men holding the same position.
You go, grrrrrrrrrrrrrls!
Just A Regular Guy says:
“Any woman in the military is a feminist and a slut. If I’ve offended anyone and that person could provide verifiable documentation and witness testimony to the contrary, then congratulations, you’ve found the only one that isn’t.
Also, the most beta men around are military. Alphas in the military are the exception, not the rule. It’s amazing to see such powerful men who are genuine badasses laid low by a woman half his size.”
Much – lamentable – truth – here.
I have to agree that any woman in the military is most emphatically a feminist. I’m not as confident that every single one of them is a slut (because I just really don’t know). But feminist speaks for itself. The military was a man’s world for millennia, and in no way a natural fit for women – a statement that could be made for many other fields of endeavor. As Dalrock has repeatedly indicated, the whole point is to crash those “barriers” to SIWs and be a poor facsimile of an actual man. Joni has done it.
You can see the beta badasses being laid low every day of the week now. Women will be made infantrypersons, various forms of commandos, and star wearing commanders of thousands whatever it takes to make that happen. I mean whatever that takes. The bill can be paid later.
@Lost patrol
Seriously how feminine is a woman barking orders? None I see.
Great, we now have two Hillary Clintons.
I don’t see Donald Trump hiring a ballbuster, unless he thinks she’ll be completely on board with everything he wants. He’s more likely to run with a savvy insider who has played the game — and that person will likely be from the American South or Southwest. I’m betting on Sessions, but Chris Christie and Jan Brewer are also possibilities IMO.
@ innocentbystanderboston says:
July 6, 2016 at 1:02 am
“I called it for Chris Christie back in January when he took down Marco Rubio in that fateful ‘Obama knows exactly what he’s doing….’ debate. Still calling it for him.”
I predict Christie gets Attorney General. We’ll see.
@ The Other Jim says:
July 6, 2016 at 4:45 am
“ugh…I need to pray and drink more after thinking about this kind of stuff.”
Remember to eat and love while you’re praying and drinking.
Unlikely it’s Christie. He adds nothing at all of political value to a Trump ticket in terms of key demographics he needs to win if he has any shred of hope in the general. He will go for someone he thinks can get a historic white guy turnout (probably his best chance of winning), or someone who can score him votes among weak spots — Christie is useful in neither way, so I don’t see him being picked as VP. AG is much more likely. Trump, however, is mercurial and hard to predict, and therefore anything really is possible in terms of VP picks at this point.
The fact that she’s quite feminist won’t really disqualify her in Trump’s eyes, I think. It isn’t like Trump is some kind of anti-feminist.
Your compliments of Enrst are nuts. Even if everything you say is true, she is as wholly unnecessary as any other transexual, and a very bad example of the sort of woman to elevate before the female eyes of a nation.
Besides: I simply will not cotton to a possible female president. No sir.
>Your compliments of Enrst are nuts.
Maybe but extraordinary measures are needed to stop Hillary. With apologies to Churchill, if Hillary were campaigning in Hell against the “establishment” I should feel obligated to at least make a favorable reference to the Devil in my writings.
I cannot take listening to her screech for 4-8 more years. I saw her today complementing Obama and whining/screeching/commanding the American people to recognize all the trouble our poor President had to endure and all the abuse. This President and his Wooki “wife” are so arrogant and entitled it takes my breath away. They don’t need to waterboard. Just play her cackling and screaming on a loop and the hardest ISIS member will break within minutes.
I worked 27 years in DC, and retired to my home ground. Iowa.
Ernst is a cuckservative like most of you are operational IC.
Farm girls don’t use the vocabulary of suburban white guys who praise Jesus. We make jokes about this stuff at Sunday school. Farm girls know more about this stuff at age 10 than your average female understands at 70. Also, she has bad hair, some genius noted. Well. Midwestern middle-aged women usually have bad hair. That’s the level of insight here. ‘Iowa women have bad hair.’.
Is Joni ready to be VP? Nah. But do any of you know what you’re talking about?
You think she would compromise SAP data?
I wonder if Ernst is actually advertising herself to Trump with her little campaign. It would be the Hypergamous Dream for her to be picked, on the level of Bathsheba whoring up to King’s Mommy. She’d get the feminist merit badge of “First Female Veep” AND have direct access to America’s #1 Apex Alpha.
In the unlikely event Trump picks her, Ernst’s husband better flee to a country without extradition.
Looks like she just took herself out of the running:
For my money, he’ll probably pick Gingrich. I’m no fan of Hillary, but the two of them don’t have a prayer against Clinton. Such are the times we live in.
If Trump chooses a woman or a minority his campaign will tank, which is, of course, what the political class want.
If America is to be America again, men – yes, white men – need to once again lead the country to greatness, secure the borders for “us and for our children”, and deport the parasites devouring our country, so that our children will once again have a future.
@ Cane Caldo says:
July 6, 2016 at 12:08 pm
“Your compliments of Enrst are nuts.”
Thus, Ernst will dispatch them forthwith.
[D: Hilarious.]
Well, there are really only two possibilities.
1) The election is rigged, and so Hillary will win no matter if Trump performs perfectly. There are many ways it could be rigged. It is possible.
2) The election is not rigged, and Trump will win unless he does something stupid. Picking a man for VP is not stupid. Picking a woman is.
Newt is the best choice for a whole host of reasons; not the least of which is that Trump has already wholly adopted Newt’s Center for Health Transformation medical plan. He shores up Trump’s weak spot weaknesses perfectly: accomplished in politics (i.e. is owed favors); knows Washington trickery; superb speaker; wrecks journalist’s agendas, etc. And it would also be fitting for Newt as he got screwed by the Republicans before. They ballyhooed him for having twice divorced. Well now they got Trump; also twice divorced and not a serious, well-spoken conservative to boot. …Not that I mind. The time for
wankerywonkery is over. Eat it, Republicans.@Dragnet
Limbaugh thinks that was the plan with the staged scene with Slick Willie and Lynch. I believe him.
Not that you are running out of material out there to write about, but thought I’d drop this here.
She’s got the standard Joyce Myers thing working:

Besides: I simply will not cotton to a possible female president. No sir.
Agreed, and I’ll raise you one. I’ll not vote for ANY female in public office, not even if she makes sammiches for all the living males in her entire family tree everyday for the length of her entire term served (though admittedly that would be tempting).
“Besides: I simply will not cotton to a possible female president. No sir.”
+1. I’ve voted Democrat when the only other candidate was a female Republican. The Bible doesn’t prohibit Democrats from holding authority over men.
“Yeah! I love a tough, no nonsense woman because she shows that women can do everything a man can do! Finally a woman to show all those boys what’s what!”
“Punish women who get abortions? But women are just silly little girls! They don’t know what they’re doing!”
FYI: the latest from the managing editor of Christianity Today:
The Bible doesn’t prohibit Democrats from holding authority over men.
Hah! Trying telling that to Evangelical cuckservatives…
Try telling that…
Besides: I simply will not cotton to a possible female president. No sir.
Agreed, and I’ll raise you one. I’ll not vote for ANY female in public office, not even if she makes sammiches for all the living males in her entire family tree everyday for the length of her entire term served (though admittedly that would be tempting).
Pretty much my philosophy too, although I’m now to the point where it seems that political office has become so thoroughly corrupted and so disreputable and ineffective that not only could a woman not make it any worse, but that the very worst of them DESERVE to wallow in the slimy filth that characterizes such a position.
Neguy says:
July 6, 2016 at 7:24 pm
FYI: the latest from the managing editor of Christianity Today:
Every time I think I’m finally looking at the bottom of this pit, someone is able to bring forth a deeper level to prove I ain’t seen nothing yet.
Buy this poor woman a cat.
@Gunner Q
If a Republic no female president. In a Kingdom no female monarch.
From the link on “abuse.”
>>> I felt like a mistreated family dog who did not know whether it was going to get a kick or a pat on the head. But like the loyal dog, I was so starved for affection that I would endure the “kicks” in the hope that my husband would finally love me.
And THAT is “abuse” guys. Husband withdraws affection. Wife FEEEEELELELELELELELLSS that she is starved for affection. Therefore, husband is an abuser. OK, sure he is. Oh, and he blames her when something goes wrong! Oh No! Who could do that?
Anybody want to guess about the source of the “lack of affection.” I will bet anybody $1,000.00 that she was playing the sexual denial and sexual diffidence game. She was shit testing him every time he tried to make a weak sauce, pathetic move. Then he backed off because…he wanted to be a good Christian husband, loving her like Christ love the church- when he should have grabbed her by the hair, spun her around and bent her over the couch.
Take note guys. A woman will NOT claim you are an abuser if you do things like smack her around or even if you more or less semi-violently rape her. She WILL claim “abuse” if you basically give up trying to seduce her or your game is not enough to satisfy her hypergamy.
How do I know this is the case?
>>>he said staying married to me would be a slow emotional death, and he needed to be free to be himself.
Men ALSO FEEL. MEN feel that constant sexual denial and a bitchy, entitled, non-giving attitude about sex is slow emotional death.
>>>>Even after the divorce, there were other avenues to get back at me through the children such as refusing to give permission for health care and trying to minimize child support.
And, I am SURE she NEVER denied visitation a single time. He went to court to “minimize child support” and that is “part of the abuse.” She opposed his visitation to “minimize his time with his children” but THAT is not abuse.
We got it. I would bet her entire description of her husband is 100% projection. Let’s see if she at least TRIED to be sweet and submissive to her husband:
>>>I have heard stories of women who were told to go back and submit no matter what their husbands did, while still maintaining a reverential attitude toward their abusers……They were told to stop being so emotional and exaggerating their situations especially if there weren’t any bruises as evidence. They were told that God was for their marriages so they needed to pray harder. And wasn’t she as much of a sinner as her abusive husband?
Nope. Yes dear, Scripture commands you to at least try it. Try to stop being so emotional and exaggerating. Stop blaming your husband for YOUR refusal to be a pleasant person to be around. Most of all, STOP telling other women to be rebellious. This is not “abuse” you describe. YOU are the abuser and someday before the throne you will answer for your sins. Saying my husband refused to submit to me is not going to cut it sweetheart. Claiming the mantle of “abused” when the man never lifted a finger against you is what we call “a lie.” Listing all the techniques women use to gain control (emotional abuse, destroying your self worth) and projecting them on your husband is almost certainly a lie. Omitting the FACT that you regularly denied your husband sex while he grew ever colder and more angry with you is also a lie.
Joni? This is Bill Clinton. Bill? This is Joni… I’ll just step over here so Billy-boy’s screaming doesn’t bother me…
” I will bet anybody $1,000.00 that she was playing the sexual denial and sexual diffidence game.”
I think you pointed out the discrepancies in her story well. I couldn’t help but notice she doesn’t discuss physical intimacy in the entire thing. Not even a glancing remark about how it was fine or not an issue. It’s as though sex had nothing to do with the marriage because it was nonexistent aside from having kids.
I think we’ve suffered enough from mannish women and womanly men. If Trump nominates her, it will cause more destruction in the long run than anything Obama has done, because that will advance the immorality already gripping the nation. We can always get more money, we can even repair the military, but deep rooted foolishness is harder to change.
Just think of the male property damage potential if Joni Ernst and Tim Tebow would ever join forces.
Scott or someone who knows: Is “Morally Contextualized Romance” really gone, or is there just a bug?
Huh, I just responded to a comment there a little while ago.
Which isn’t the first time I’ve posted the last comment on a blog that was deleted.
I just tried the link, and it shows deleted. I’m sure he has a good reason for pulling it down. I appreciate the work he has done, and respect his judgment as he decides how to navigate a culture profoundly hostile to Christian truth.
“conservatives fell in love with Ernst once they found out she had a penchant for castration.”
Well, people go with what they know.
In the news, turns out that women are no longer as happy as they were:
Sorry – misread. Women are happier, but no longer that much happier than men.
@Just A Regular Guy
‘Any woman in the military is a feminist and a slut. If I’ve offended anyone and that person could provide verifiable documentation and witness testimony to the contrary, then congratulations, you’ve found the only one that isn’t.’
Angry much? I’m not military but you’re totally off the reservation with shit like this. Ad hominem attacks speak to your character and your lack of class.
Ah that abused christian housewife article was revolting.
“Abuse is primarily about power and control.”
That’s the key issue there. If the wife has the power its normal hunky dory. If the husband has the power, abuse!
Which means, per 1 Cor 11, a true Christian marriage is by definition abusive. So to hell with them, take control gents.
@ Oscar, “Remember to eat and love while you’re praying and drinking.”
No way, that would be ‘Cougin’ it’. Big time. I leave snatching defeat from the jaws of victory to you and your fellow Cougs.
@ The Other Jim says:
July 7, 2016 at 5:06 pm
“No way, that would be ‘Cougin’ it’. Big time. I leave snatching defeat from the jaws of victory to you and your fellow Cougs.”
Sadly, I can’t deny that one.
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I would say to such ballcutting women this: “No matter how many balls you cut, you will still never have your own pair.”
I belive castration-fetish is just the most prufund manifestation of a women’s penis-envy. (Wich she will deny to her last breath but we all know they have it.) Just like the most profund manifestation of envy is destroying what you can’t have. As such, reminding them to the fact that whatever they do, they will never have the object of their envy will frustrate the shit out of them.
I have an anecdote about frustrating people similarly. In medieval times in some European countries hanging a criminal from a high place counted as an extra humiliation added to the death penality.* (Probably that’s where the saying “Hang ’em high!” originates from.) One time, when a notorius bandit was caught, and sentenced to death, he told the judges, with contempt: “You can’t hang me higher than the gallows!”. This made them so mad, that they built an extra high gallows for this bandit to hang from. (And he was still right, they couldn’t hang him higher than the gallows.)
*A curious thing is, that in later times, in other countries, the very low gallows counted as extra humiliation. For example when in 1849 9 generals of the Hungarian revolution were sentenced to hanging, the gallows used were so low, the condemneds’s feet almost touched the ground.
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