Usually when you see divorce rates broken out by race and ethnicity, the results look like the chart below, created with data from an NCFMR report on 2010 divorce rates:
Hispanic divorce rates look slightly higher than white divorce rates, and far lower than black divorce rates, where marriage has all but collapsed. But this presentation overlooks the fact that something terrible is happening to the Hispanic family following the first generation. When the NCFMR revisited the same subject with data from 2012 they broke out Hispanics into two separate groups, foreign born and native born:
When they broke the data out in this way, they found that in 2012 foreign born Hispanics had a lower divorce rate than whites, and native born Hispanics had the highest divorce rate of all races, even higher than the divorce rate for blacks!
One thing that stands out between the two charts is the fact that while white and Asian divorce rates remained nearly unchanged between 2010 and 2012, the 2012 data showed black divorce rates as having dropped substantially, from 30.4 to 25.4. Since the NCFMR was crunching American Community Survey (ACS) data to calculate these statistics, there is reason to suspect that the change in black divorce rates was due not to an actual change, but variation due to small sample sizes.
Fortunately earlier this year the NCFMR crunched the ACS data for 2014:
In this latest data set it looks like native born Hispanics have a slightly lower divorce rate than blacks. Also note that the black divorce rate came in at almost exactly the same figure in 2014 as it was for 2012 (25.8 vs 25.4). Based on this I would assume the 2010 value of 30.4 overstated the real black divorce rate, and that over the last six years black divorce rates have been somewhere around 25.
In the same report they show that overall US divorce rates dropped slightly between 2012 and 2014, which fits with the drops observed for Asians, whites, and foreign born Hispanics during the same period:
Given the variation we are seeing in the native born Hispanic divorce rate between 2012 and 2014 I think the best guess is that native born Hispanics have roughly the same divorce rates as blacks, at something around 25 divorces per 1,000 married women. Whether native born Hispanics have a slightly higher or lower divorce rate than American blacks, either way it is clear that we are witnessing something truly tragic occurring when Hispanic families come into contact with American family values and the legal expression of these values via the family courts.
No one sees this because usually all Hispanics are lumped together, hiding the demographic time bomb quietly ticking away. Moreover, all of our elites are highly invested in the current no fault + cash and prizes system. Liberals are busy telling us that the only problem with divorce is that we see it as failure. Instead we should embrace divorce as a heroic act of feminist empowerment, and if we do so families will be just fine. Conservatives on the other hand are telling us that while broken homes really are bad, our current system is working just fine, and the problem is that people mistakenly believe it leads to high levels of divorce. Those conservatives who do see high divorce rates as a problem merely shrug their shoulders and suggest that since our new system seems to work fine for our elites, all we need is for everyone to become like the elite. On the surface it appears that liberals and conservatives have very different takes on divorce, but both are focused on explaining away the very real suffering and devastation our new family model is causing.
Pingback: America is destroying the Hispanic family. | Aus-Alt-Right
Is it possible to separate native and foreign born black divorce rates? I suspect the foreign born divorce rate would be lower, as well. (My prediction: the divorce rate is lower for foreign born Asians, blacks, and Hispanics, but higher for foreign born whites.)
Actually immigrants from Africa are pretty rare, so I’m not sure there would be enough of a data set to matter. (Well, of the Black variety. Arab immigrants from North Africa might be about as common.)
What I think what both liberals and conservatives want (particularly cuckservatives with daughters whom think that no man is good enough for his daughter) but can’t ask for (and will never get) is unilateral divorce option for the woman only. Both liberals and conservatives really like the nuclear option that threat point gives women to keep their a5sh0le husbands in check, keep me happy or I’ll take the house, the kids, and half your earnings forever. What they most certainly do NOT like is that husbands also have the power to unilaterally blow up the marriage. They don’t like that. They do not want men to have the power to press the plunger and blow it to pieces. They want only the woman to have that right. That said, both liberals and conservatives agree that they will never be able to get what they want because that kind of legislation at the state level would never pass in legislature or referendums. So, both sides (if they want threat point to exist, and they do) simply tolerate the fact that men can also invoke it.
I did a speech on our declining marriage rate in my toastmasters meeting a few months ago. I showed the marriage rate and how it dropped to 48.9% of all people 18 and older in 2015 from 72% in 1976. I had half the people in the room with their mouths wide open in utter disbelief, the two ladies with tear pouring out of the eyes. They were genuinely horrified with the data, the data that NO ONE is talking about, NO ONE. And yet, it is all there, right out in the open. I didn’t get into threat point as the reason why our marriage rate has dropped almost 24% (to less than half of all adults) in just 4 decades, that will be my next speech.
And they have way more kids, too. At least I think they do, data on birth rates by race in US is hard to find. But Mexico and Honduras have higher birth rates than US. So all else being equal, Hispanic divorces will result in more children without fathers than White divorces.
This Steve Sailer post is relevant:
“Hispanic divorces will result in more children without fathers than White divorces.”
The percentage of births for unmarried hispanic women is very high (around 41 percent now, 18 back in the early eighties). Illegitimacy seems to have become the ipso facto “new normal”. Differs by group though. Mexican-Americans seem to have higher illegitimacy rates than Puerto Ricans and Cubans. This is anecdotal, but I’ve lived in some pretty hispanic-heavy areas. And we are a hispanic family.
” Illegitimacy seems to have become the ipso facto “new normal””
Not only that, but there are some who claim that having a father at home is harmful to children (contrary to all evidence, of course).
“And they have way more kids, too. ”
Birth rates in Mexico aren’t what they used to be. for many reasons.
This is interesting: blacks and native-born Hispanics are about 2/3 more likely to divorce than whites are, but since they only constitute somewhere around 20% of the population, white men cannot draw much solace from that with regard to their own chances… the elevated propensity to divorce among the “diversity demographic” is too small to push up the overall percentage more than a few points. Even white men are still betting their families, their livelihoods, their freedom, and maybe their lives on a coin-flip.
Also, does anyone know about how mixed-race marriages are counted in the charts? My parents are of different races according to how the US categorizes people (white father – Hispanic mother), which makes me a half-breed (I check “two or more races” when that option is available on forms I fill out)… and if my wife was any whiter she’d be an apparition.
Societal tolerance of negative behaviors produces a behavioral race to the bottom.
The ostracization of shame is to blame.
Good. Maybe this will get their illegal alien asses to stay in Mexico.
As a white nationalist it pains me to say this, but it seems the best bet for a stable marriage, for white men, is marrying an Asian lady. White women seem hellbent on destroying thier civilisation.
Pingback: America is destroying the Hispanic family. | Reaction Times
White women seem hellbent on destroying their civilisation.
And White men seem perfectly fine with allowing them to do so.
Hey Lyn87,
Check these documents out. They may help you.
A Path Toward Interracial Marriage: Women’s First Partners and Husbands Across Racial Lines
“But Will It Last?”: Marital Instability Among Interracial and Same‐Race Couples*
The .pdfs are available. For some of their other material, you have to pay.
Actually your answer would be for a white man to marry a black woman.
“White husband/NH Black wife couples were 44% less likely to divorce than White/White couples, and White husband/NH Asian wife couples were only 4% more likely to divorce by Year 10.”
…from the first link I provided above.
And White men seem perfectly fine with allowing them to do so.
Aha! Finally, yet another person sees why race-nationalism never works unless you completely strip woman of all power, because women are always total sellouts.
I suppose in this sense the Conservative Inc. belief in the magic dirt theory is true: When people come to America they do embrace our values and become “Americanized” as we are. The problem is they adopt the worst of our values but reject everything that made this country free and prosperous.
Stefan Molyneux had a video a while back showing American-born Hispanics have a higher welfare use rate than their immigrant parents. The divorce stats you bring up seems to help explain this.
The only culture that will survive the Empire of Nothing’s influence is the one which regards state institutions such as divorce to be illegitimate and shuns anyone who uses it.
When you are dealing with the left hand side of the bell curve in terms of education (high school dropouts) and earnings, you are going to see more divorce because of cash and prizes from the government.
Wealthy women who get divorced don’t have to alter their lifestyles much, although losing a successful husband can cause a loss of social status. In middle-income families, the divorced wife is definitely going to have to go back to work even if the children are young, and even if she gets the house as part of the divorce settlement, she often loses it within a year or two. But for the bottom quintile of the population, getting divorced can mean a higher standard of living than they had while married. If the husband is a drinker, with periodic drunk driving arrests, jail time, and hefty fines, or a womanizer or a gambler, the wife is going to toss him out and trot down to the welfare office. This goes double if the husband does not have a steady income.
A wealthy or middle-class woman might experience a great deal of ambivalence about ending a marriage because they never know for certain what they’ll end up with in terms of custody, property and support, but the safety net for the poor means that divorce brings a decent standard of living from the government, and Uncle Sugar always pays on time, which means planning ahead is easier, and Medicaid brings peace of mind, etc. To be married to someone who is counted among the “working poor” generally means that the household is in a perpetual state of insolvency, with endless quarrels about allocating the limited money available. Getting divorced typically improves the financial fortunes of these women, at least in the short term.
To stabilize the marriages of the working poor, the government needs to ensure that there is a financial advantage to getting married and staying married, but for the past 50 years it has been just the opposite.
Most first-generation Hispanics are probably in the bottom two or three income quintiles. A housekeeper that I had in the 1980s was trying to save up money, but spent every weekend living with a group of siblings and cousins who all shared a house together. According to her, the male cousins were forcing her to “loan” them her earnings, and the loans were never repaid. For an immigrant woman living in a flophouse, having a legal husband would at least mean that only ONE male is taking her earnings. It could be that the difference in divorce rates between the immigrants and the later generations is that the later generations are entitled to generous benefits that make divorce seem relatively appealing, while the immigrant woman has only her own earnings, and the earnings of her husband. If illegal immigrants divorce, child support and alimony will probably not be collectible if the husband works off the books doing construction, etc. He can always disappear, establish a new identity by buying another social security card, and pay the ex-wife nothing.
The recent economic changes which have caused the working poor to need to work multiple minimum wage jobs with endlessly rotating shifts are certain to be making married life harder than it has been in the past. Unbelievable childcare issues combined with a low, fluctuating income is going to create tremendous stress.
mmaier2112 said :
Good. Maybe this will get their illegal alien asses to stay in Mexico.
Making America worse than Mexico, which ‘feminism’ is well on the path to doing, is hardly the way to ‘preserve America’…
I suspect you would be among the first to beg Mexico to let you in, if your stated desired outcome were to come to pass..
I suspect you would be among the first to beg Mexico to let you in, if your stated desired outcome were to come to pass..
Watching desperate gringos trying to beg their way into Mexico (in English, of course, as the thought of learning Spanish is even more repulsive than the thought of being sodomized)? THAT I would pay good money to see!
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Ive been wondering about this. I had seen those hispanic divorce numbers and thought they looked dubious as well.
Excuse the interruption.
The Mexicans knew marriage was broken in America before they hopped the border. Can’t blame US for this one… shoulda stayed in Mexico.
“The Mexicans knew marriage was broken in America before they hopped the border”
From what I have been reading, it’s broken in Mexico too, Single motherhood is on the rise along with its cousins, promiscuity and the carousel. What is interesting is that it’s on the rise even though they don’t get the kind of free cheese that they get in the states. Divorce is also on the rise south of the border. So maybe they’re coming here for the public assistance.
@ ayatollah1988 says:
November 19, 2016 at 4:33 pm
“And they have way more kids, too. At least I think they do… ”
Well, I have nine, so….
Okay, okay, I cheated. But yes, it’s true that Hispanics in the US have more kids than whites. You just have to spend time in a town that has lots of both to see that it’s true.
Watching desperate gringos trying to beg their way into Mexico (in English, of course, as the thought of learning Spanish is even more repulsive than the thought of being sodomized)? THAT I would pay good money to see!
Yes, especially since they are manginas (as race-nationalists always are).
Either way, blaming America is wrong.
I’ve long observed the multifacited degeneracy that America seems to cultivate in the children of Hispanic immigrants. I’ve lived most of my life in areas with a majority Hispanic population. The first generation folks/recent immigrants are usually very hardworking, decent to good folks, with traditional patriarchal family values.
Sadly, a lot of their kids are raised by the public schools, TV/pop culture. Many grow up to be thugs, tramps, entitled/welfare type people, with th a chip on their shoulder, and a bad attitude.
(The ones with quality intentional parents generally grow up VERY WELL indeed.)
Something about this culture seems to corrupt the children of immigrants. African and Caribbean immigrants also seem better than their children, as do Asian, and European immigrants.
American culture really has become a cesspool, defiling many who come into contact with it.
I did not read the whole essay nor the comments yet, but my first reaction to this essay is that there is an area of value numinous value as Otto put it that is important. Secularized society is bad for marriages.
As a survivor of the first wave of frivorce (1987) I can attest that it breeds a simmering resentment. Men are loyal to their fathers, not the mother and her family, and when asked to choose, her family will lose.
Here’s what I developed as a method of healing children of divorce. No sugar-coating, lies, loyalty-test.
A simple demand that the parents EITHER confess or compensate.
Race nationalism makes absolutely no sense. If I were to accept it, I’d be compelled to side with slutty white divorcées, over all the non-white fathers, who are down with patriarchy, that comment here. Of these two theoretical sets of characters, with which one do I have more in common?
I respect serious white nationalists who criticize feminism, but I think they have mixed up priorities. Someday, when feminism is completely destroyed, we will have the luxury of fighting with one another over what shade we are. Those days are a long way off.
Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses longing to be free.
And we’ll give them an STD.
That comment from Lovekraft is a classic and a very powerful idea
Something about this culture seems to corrupt the children of immigrants. African and Caribbean immigrants also seem better than their children, as do Asian, and European immigrants.
You covered most of it: the causes are the media and public schools, and what come through those avenues. It is interesting to note that the Amish and the Mennonite youths still resist the corruption of America’s culture. Part of their strategy was to cut out both the media and the public schools.
“As a white nationalist it pains me to say this, but it seems the best bet for a stable marriage, for white men, is marrying an Asian lady. White women seem hellbent on destroying thier civilisation.”
Art summed it up nicely a few posts above. Female immigrants who would otherwise hold fast to things like faith and the traditional family unit are infected with the 3WF (Third-Wave Feminism) virus, and the rest is history.
Subsequently, many Feminists began crying foul when it was made known that Western men were looking abroad for long-term companionship. Yeah – they know.
Asian chicks have the reputation for being submissive and respectful, but in my opinion it’s largely undeserved. I’ve dated all types. Here’s the breakdown, in my experience:
White: “Honey I’m short this month, can you pay my gym membership, car insurance and electricity?”
Black: “Nigga I don’t have enough to get my nails done. Can you help me out with 200 dollars?”
Asian: “I made you dinner… Can you come over” (so that I can rifle through your wallet while you’re cleaning up in the bathroom? I’ll also try to hack your phone while you’re in there…)
There are superficial racial differences, but in my experience the one thing that all women have in common is the desire to live at your expense. Maybe in a patriarchal society, with strong marriage laws, a man would break even this way; but, these days? Forget it.
Totally OT:
Battle-hardened militants were far from the most terrifying thing for many women living under their harsh rule in the ISIS-conquered city of Mosul.
“I was much more afraid of women,” said Umm Fatma, referring to female members of the terror organization’s morality police, known as the Hisbah.
“The women would beat you for the smallest thing — how you looked or how you wore your headscarf, ” the 28-year-old mother of three who arrived at the Khazer Camp last week told NBC News. “They used whips and metal sticks.”
Race nationalism makes absolutely no sense
What do you propose to build nations out of? Relative N counts?
Dear God Is Laughing:
Nations aren’t “built” — that’s a neocon fallacy that contends with Marxist economics as one of the most well refuted ideas of the 20th century.
Art @ 2:11 am:
“I’ve long observed the multifacited degeneracy that America seems to cultivate in the children of Hispanic immigrants. I’ve lived most of my life in areas with a majority Hispanic population. The first generation folks/recent immigrants are usually very hardworking, decent to good folks, with traditional patriarchal family values.”
Agreed. Southern California has always had a significant number of Hispanics because we got the land during the Mexican-American War. The ones who stayed here Americanized well enough and even many of today’s illegals are willing enough to do hard agricultural labor.
Now that the social pressure is to NOT Americanize, is anybody surprised that Cinco de Mayo is a bigger holiday than the 4th of July and their local churches even celebrate Day of the Dead? Hispanics have the ability to belong here but no fathers and the welfare swamp hurts them even more than us.
God is Laughing @ 1:19 pm:
“Race nationalism makes absolutely no sense
What do you propose to build nations out of? Relative N counts?”
Laws that aspire to Christian morality. North Korea is ruled by a North Korean, that means they don’t have government-created problems and the people are happy, right? I don’t mind Latinos in the neighborhood so long as they talk and act American–and no, I don’t mean “act white”. Barrio, ghetto and trailer trash cultures are all unacceptable.
Dear Gunner:
I’ve long suspected that many (not all) White nationalists obsession with race is driven by ego defense. The vast majority (again, there are exceptions) of them live a lifestyle that is almost precisely similar to the ghetto negroes that they constantly complain about. What differences there are appear entirely superficial: doing meth rather than crack, holding the pistol upright instead of to the side as they rob, etc. For these people, being white is what they cling to, because it’s the only thing that appears to differentiate them from other populations of scum.
I’m convinced that the answer to criminality is reducing fatherlessness; but that’s outside the scope of the current conversation. Would be interested in getting other points of view on this, also.
I’ve long suspected that many (not all) White nationalists obsession with race is driven by ego defense. The vast majority (again, there are exceptions) of them live a lifestyle that is almost precisely similar to the ghetto negroes that they constantly complain about.
Yes, this is true. The least achieving members of any group will certainly want intra-group resource-sharing to be mandated, and that group to be the primary marker of identity.
Successful whites have no time for white nationalists. In fact, the reason that whites are so successful is because they do a better job of marginalizing their kooks and ne’er do wells, than other groups.
If I were to accept it, I’d be compelled to side with slutty white divorcées, over all the non-white fathers, who are down with patriarchy, that comment here.
Which is why race nationalism is just another form of ‘feminism’. They openly say that cuckolding is ok if it produces a white baby. Such people are no friend of the white man (or white children)..
Boxer asks:
Ask and you shall receive.
Daniel Amneus: The Garbage Generation
@ Boxer
I think most people these days agree that reducing fatherlessness would greatly reduce many societal ills (including criminality). Even most “liberals” would probably agree. The evidence is too overwhelming to ignore.
The disagreement lies in how to reduce fatherlessness. Unfortunately, few people see the perverse incentives created by the welfare state and the divorce industry. Or, even if they do see those moral hazards, they’re too invested in those systems to support dismantling them. Additionally, criticizing women is anathema these days. Consequently, the only “solutions” are exclusively one-side rants that amount to “man up and marry those sluts”.
Agreed. Southern California has always had a significant number of Hispanics because we got the land during the Mexican-American War.
Actuallly there weren’t that many people living in California in 1844. Southern California, Arizona and Texas received a lot of Mexicans during the last Mexican civil war (1910 – 1922 or so) as refugees. Search the web and you can find images of large refugee tent cities all along the border circa 1912 or so. The notion that any number of Mexican Americans are descended from families present in 1844 is a myth that political groups use.
The ones who stayed here Americanized well enough and even many of today’s illegals are willing enough to do hard agricultural labor.
They also tend to have a lot of children outside of marriage, not just in the lower class but in the middle class. That’s the subject of this posting. We need Anonymous Aged 70-something to chime in from Mexico right about now.
This thread is turning into a thread about Race. I hate the French; the Scots and Welsh hate me; and I only regret that of all the Irish who emigrated far too many came to England. All these people are white, but do not imagine that I have any love for the English – they are my people and so I understand them and they me but they are duplicitous and will shaft you even as they smile in your face.
Wealthy people able to insulate themselves from Johnny Foreigner are always those who virtue signal as to how compassionate and non-judgemental they are whilst ensuring that they live in white-flight land and it is always the more liberal who are like that – the hypocrites. Most people (including myself) are poor and do not want in life the added difficulty of having to second guess (as I have to with my neighbour) what he means, and how he will act. As a result I preen over him with special favour as if he were an honoured guest; I do this because anything less might persuade him to go Allahu Akbar – the only murder in my short road in the time I have been here was of a young Xtian lad by a Muslim from Turkey – so my fears, and I am fearful, are not without some foundation. America in failing to deal with its Negro problem and then compounding that in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries has built itself a problem which I very much doubt even the President-elect will be able to do more than partially resolve.
I suppose the above must offend just about everybody reading here.
“Instead we should embrace divorce as a heroic act of feminist empowerment.”
Divorce is the brainchild of feminism and feminism is tied to two primary factors: Wealth and the Christian church. Note: that is primarily western culture and the good old US of A has lead the charge in both. The USA has then contaminated other nations and cultures and eventually those cultures arriving here. Even, as someone noted, marrying an Asian wife will eventually get you in trouble as she becomes empowered in the feminist culture.
Spare yourselves, everyone: it is spreading to all countries. It must be attacked at the most basic level: the church and women, both of which are substantially at odds with God.
Let me be abundantly clear: Pastors and women are the root of all blasphemy of God.
Can you check out this article:
What do you think?
“Can you check out this article:
What do you think?”
That is some heavy duty Pastorbating. I can’t wait for this guy to come back and say that husbands are actually supposed their wives (if he hasn’t already)
Can you check out this article:
What do you think?
That is some heavy duty Pastorbating.
Indeed. My eyes ached just glancing over the long paragraphs of obvious verbal vomitus. I’ll leave it to a better man than I (i.e., one with a higher bullshit tolerance threshold) to slog through it.
Nations aren’t “built” — that’s a neocon fallacy that contends with Marxist economics as one of the most well refuted ideas of the 20th century.
No kidding. What do you call trying to have a nation built of 3 races and 5 sects? Besides Iraq?
In fact, the reason that whites are so successful is because they do a better job of marginalizing their kooks and ne’er do wells, than other groups.
Otherwise known as white flight and realizing they need to stay in their gated communities and avoid the no go zones that keep expanding in the west.
They’re running out of room though.
Off topic but this should interest you guys:
Otherwise known as white flight
Completely wrong. Rather, the successful whites ensure that ‘white nationalists’ don’t ever gain any importance, for ‘white nationalists’ just want to mooch off of the fruits of successful whites. That is an entirely different thing than white flight.
Divorce is the brainchild of feminism and feminism is tied to two primary factors: Wealth and the Christian church.
SIr Glubb agrees with the first half of your statement. His historical analysis from the 1970’s is still relevant.
Off topic but this should interest you guys:
Textbook example of the tragic “beta factory” output of today’s churches. Worse still is the horrible, toxic advice that the women respondants are giving him. Let’s hope he has the good sense to not follow any of it.
That is an entirely different thing than white flight.
What are the whites fleeing from and where are they fleeing to? White nationalism is a result of pathological diversity as is white flight. You may need to revise your understanding to match what’s going on in the world current year.
“For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.”
(Mar 13:8)
The word for nation in the Greek is “ethnos”. Anyone here think that “ethnos” is not race? Or that what Jesus is describing is only going to occur among the wing nuts? Ethnic identity is going to drive conflict, the Bible describes it and it’s readily observable. And the Grima Wormtongues are out suggesting that the orcs don’t exist.
Most nations were historically based on race, except for the ones where a colonial power drew the lines on the map for their own reasons — and those nations tend to have the biggest internal problems. The exception is America*, where for a long time the melting pot DID work, and in some cases still does. Plenty of Americans consider themselves Americans first, and (insert ethnicity here) second, despite the Democratic Party’s best (worst) attempts to stir up ethnic division for political power. But the longer American schools teach kids that the “melting pot” concept is racist, and that they should consider themselves (insert ethnicity here) first and Americans last, the closer we get to balkanization and all the problems that are going to come along with that.
* And, possibly, Canada: I don’t have much experience with Canada, but the Canadians I’ve met of varying ethnicities seemed to consider themselves Canadian first, and (ethnicity) second. But that’s a limited sample size, so I don’t know how it works out in practice.
A shame that such a man is really solid on so many things like the giving of the commandments as part of a king to vassal treaty a form of pledging allegience to the new king who is God.
And resolving the moral dilemma I had with OT genocides ordered by God. Also explaining the nature of holiness ,the role of ritual purity in Israel and the sacrifical system.
And somehow he is totally pozzed in regards to this one issue. In regards to women.
I did not understand the comment of Opus nor infowarrior. Opus referred to some incident but I did not get it. inforwarrior said some about the OT that I also did nit get.
Referring to the author of the article that I linked to that did alot of other good work.
Thanks I see.
@ God is Laughing says:
November 20, 2016 at 10:44 pm
“What do you call trying to have a nation built of 3 races and 5 sects? Besides Iraq?”
You do realize that by the currently accepted definition of the word “race” in American vernacular, Iraq really only has one race, right?
@ God is Laughing says:
November 21, 2016 at 12:04 am
“The word for nation in the Greek is “ethnos”. Anyone here think that ‘ethnos’ is not race?”
Sure. I think it doesn’t refer to “race”. The Bible doesn’t refer to “races”. From the Old Testament to the New, the Bible refers to individuals, families, clans, tribes and nations. Nations, in this context, aren’t “races” as we understand them today because the modern concept of “race” didn’t exist at the time. People in Christ’s day did not divide humanity into Negroids, Mongoloids and Caucasoids. That’s a fairly new concept.
Would you like further evidence that – Biblically speaking – nations are not “races”? Here you go.
1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
To whom did the Apostle Peter refer as “a holy nation”?
Nation states are predominately determined by the ethnicity that inhabits them. I’m sick of the shaming tactics used to destroy the idea of the Nation State. It isn’t the geography that is important, it is the strict understanding of the genetics, language, culture and history of that group of people that bind them together.
God himself spread the nations of humans apart. Go take your squabbling to him. This in no way means that we all cannot be Christians. After this life on Earth, it is not important but until then, each to their own.
This wouldn’t even be an issue if we could accept our differences and live in peace. The problem comes from the very idea to destroy the different groups God created to achieve some sort of non-racial future, not going to happen. Even if the genocidal maniacs on this forum got their way with the disappearance of the many different white nations of this Earth, they would still be squabbling over the kitchen scraps..
@ Feminist Hater says:
November 21, 2016 at 8:42 am
“God himself spread the nations of humans apart. Go take your squabbling to him.”
Didn’t you once say that you’re a white South African?
I am. So what of it?
@ Feminist Hater says:
November 21, 2016 at 8:56 am
“I am. So what of it?”
So, if the races should remain separate, shouldn’t you be in The Netherlands, or Germany, or the UK?
Iraq is populated almost entirely by Caucasians.
White nationalism is absolutely revolting garbage. We don’t need neo-nazi aholes here.
The USA has always been home to Americans of different races. A black man was one of the militiamen who fought at the first battle against the redcoats. Americans of all races need to stick together and build their patriotic American identity.
One of the most horrifying things the democratic party has been doing is trying to pit the races against each other.
Oh, this stuff. As if we haven’t heard this before… read the above.. it’s not geography that is important, but the genetic, linguistic and cultural components that make a nation group.
Anyway, the Western Cape, the region the Dutch settled here in the Cape was largely unsettled before we arrived. Mostly groups of Hottentots and Khoi roaming in small bands living off the land before promptly moving away due to the changes in weather or through over use. Furthermore, South Africa is over 80 to 90% semi-arid desert, unsuitable for habitation without irrigation and the ability to dam water or pump out borehole water through hand pumps or wind pumps, both of which were brought over with knowledge from us Dutch. These were the lands settled by my ancestors and turned into farming land fit to service not only my people but all the other tribes in the land turning us into a bread basket of Africa and not a basket case.
If you seem to suggest that no one should ever move or settle in other areas other than that exact patch of land they started on you’re being delusional. Every single nation has moved before. In each and every case, the natives did have a right to fight and defend themselves from encroaching forces when they arrived. Here in South Africa they did it with the Portuguese, the Dutch and the English, same with the Native Americans when the English, French and Spanish arrived, all had the right to self-defense. Give white nations that same right to self-defense and our little squabble becomes meaningless.
I prefer peace though and as us white South Africans more than willingly gave every single African tribe their own homelands, the very lands they settled themselves. Those same lands included the vast majority of that same 10 to 20% arable land South Africa had to offer, including mineral and energy deposits that dispelling the myth that white South Africans kept the best land for ourselves.
We have asked for the same. Still waiting. Even little small Orania causes such consternation amongst our ANC benefactors.. Seems whites are far fairer to other groups but cannot get the same respect in return.
White Nationalism is not what I support. Never have. I’m an Ethno-Nationalist and believe it is the most peaceful solution we have to a problem that cannot be fixed through forceful integration. I’ve said that time and time again. The multicultural malaise we find ourselves in is far worse than Apartheid, more death, more destruction, less peace and less progress. I’m sorry, it’s been found wanting, I will not support it.
@ Feminist Hater says:
November 21, 2016 at 9:19 am
“read the above.. it’s not geography that is important, but the genetic, linguistic and cultural components that make a nation group.”
I did read the above. Here’s what you wrote.
@ Feminist Hater says:
November 21, 2016 at 8:42 am
“God himself spread the nations of humans apart. Go take your squabbling to him.”
If “God himself spread the nations of humans apart”, and nations are races, then why bring two races that God separated by 8,300 miles (13,400 KM) together?
“If you seem to suggest that no one should ever move or settle in other areas other than that exact patch of land they started on you’re being delusional.”
I would never suggest any such thing. I’m an immigrant, remember? A reasonable man applies his philosophy to himself.
“Give white nations that same right to self-defense and our little squabble becomes meaningless.”
Just as I’ve never stated that people shouldn’t immigrate, I’ve also never stated that nations have no right to defend themselves. You seem to be arguing against a figment of your imagination.
You do realize that by the currently accepted definition of the word “race” in American vernacular, Iraq really only has one race, right?
So, I guess they should all be getting along then, right? Because Kurds and Yazidis are the same as the the Chechens, Suadis and Iranians? According to “American vernacular”?
<b.Nations, in this context, aren’t “races” as we understand them today because the modern concept of “race” didn’t exist at the time.
Obfuscation. Importing millions of Middle Easterners and Central Americans into predominately European regions is creating ethnic conflict. Whether those are races or ethnicities. It’s just our imagination.
a holy nation,
Born into the new creation with Jesus Christ as our head, making us children of Abraham. Which is anther point of dispute.
So, if the races should remain separate, shouldn’t you be in The Netherlands, or Germany, or the UK?
Going to those places is doesn’t remotely guarantee separation. You also go from saying no ethnic groups exist to trying to pin them all to their traditional places on the map.
It isn’t white nationalism that is causing nationalism it’s globalism forcing diverse people into close proximity. Seems this thread is infected with globalists, stirring hate and discontent and then badmouthing Europeans for being “Nazi’s”. How original.
@ God is Laughing says:
November 21, 2016 at 9:47 am
“So, I guess they should all be getting along then, right? Because Kurds and Yazidis are the same as the the Chechens, Suadis and Iranians? According to ‘American vernacular’?”
Thank you for making my point for me. They are the same RACE. They are NOT the same NATION. Those are two different things.
“You also go from saying no ethnic groups exist to trying to pin them all to their traditional places on the map.”
You too argue against figments of your imagination. I made no such statements, as I explained to FH above.
Oscar’s contemporaneous commentary at Pizarro’s landing in Peru: “We’ll I’m sure these diverse people will be culturally enriching each other for generations to come. Oh damn, the Inca aren’t being appropriately welcoming at all, damn Incan nationalists. They ruint it. Can’t we all just get along?”
@ GiL
You keep inventing straw men to argue against instead of arguing against the arguments I’m actually making. The only reason a debater invents straw men is because they know they can’t argue against their opponent’s actual arguments.
Thank you for making my point for me. They are the same RACE. They are NOT the same NATION. Those are two different things.
A distinction without a difference. It doesn’t change my argument. It doesn’t change yours. Unless you can think of a way of separating ethnicities without separating races. Need a Venn diagram?
You haven’t made an argument.
@ God is Laughing says:
November 21, 2016 at 10:04 am
“You haven’t made an argument.”
According to this guy, I have.
@ God is Laughing says:
November 21, 2016 at 10:02 am
“It doesn’t change my argument. It doesn’t change yours.”
Arguing ≠ making an argument.
You are incoherent. Your narrative doesn’t encompass either what is described in reality, nor the Bible. And it resolves on nothing more than word quibbling, legalese and the vague notion that you somehow occupy the high ground.
So what precisely do you suggest to avert “nation against nation” violence? Or does the prospect trouble you not in the least?
Dear Oscar, 23, et. al.:
God Is Laughing sez:
What do you propose to build nations out of? Relative N counts?
Then Boxer sez:
Nations aren’t “built” — that’s a neocon fallacy that contends with Marxist economics as one of the most well refuted ideas of the 20th century.
Then God Is Laughing sez:
Nobody is this stupid. You guys are being trolled.
Hey Boxer. If you had a brain you’d be dangerous.
There is this word, “trying”. Maybe you’ve read it once?
@ God is Laughing says:
November 21, 2016 at 10:21 am
“Arguing ≠ making an argument.”
They why did you state that I made an argument?
@ God is Laughing says:
November 21, 2016 at 10:02 am
“It doesn’t change my argument. It doesn’t change yours.”
“You are incoherent. Your narrative doesn’t encompass either what is described in reality, nor the Bible. And it resolves on nothing more than word quibbling, legalese and the vague notion that you somehow occupy the high ground.”
You keep proving that you have no clue what I’ve said.
“So what precisely do you suggest to avert ‘nation against nation’ violence? Or does the prospect trouble you not in the least?”
Is there some point in history in which there has been no “nation against nation violence”? Does humanity have any historical record of preventing “nation against nation violence”? Is there some method by which one can prevent Biblical prophecy from being fulfilled of which I’m not aware?
Those are not rhetorical questions, by the way.
Now, if you’d like to discuss how to reduce criminality and violence within the United States (the place I care about most, since that’s where I live), I certainly have some ideas.
@ Boxer says:
November 21, 2016 at 10:21 am
“Nobody is this stupid.”
Are we sure?
two ways (especially in the U.S.)
A) stop government enforced desegregation.
B) get everyone into the body of Christ.
Jamming people together and giving them human tools to resolve their differences will result in war. Globalism is going to bring about a global conflagration. It is trying to nation build in the way that Boxer has argued is impossible.
Wagging your fingers at unregenerate European people for not being appropriately tolerant is beyond stupid and more than a few people here have done that very thing.
@ God is Laughing says:
November 21, 2016 at 10:47 am
“two ways (especially in the U.S.)”
The U.S. is the only nation whose internal policies I care about. Everyone else can do whatever they want internally. I only observe them to learn from them.
“A) stop government enforced desegregation.
B) get everyone into the body of Christ.”
Sounds good to me. Unfortunately, B) is impossible (although we should evangelize as much as possible), so let’s talk about A). If you don’t want to live next door to me because I’m an Hispanic immigrant who married a white American woman and together adopted five Ethiopian kids, that’s no skin off my nose. People have the right to freedom of association, and I’d rather be around those who want to be around me. I have no issue with that.
I would add, however, that as Boxer rightly pointed out, fatherlessness is the one factor that correlates most strongly with a wide range of social pathologies. So, how do we discourage fatherlessness?
One method would be to end the welfare state. If women can’t rely on sugar daddy government to support them, they may return to relying on men directly (as opposed to indirectly through government).
Another method would be to end no fault divorce.
By the way, those two actions would also increase church membership (at least), if not actual faith, because without government “caring for the poor”, that responsibility would once again fall where it belongs – with the Church. That might support B).
We can also discuss which criteria the U.S. should employ when considering which immigrants to let in, or even if it should let any in at all.
“Wagging your fingers at unregenerate European people for not being appropriately tolerant is beyond stupid and more than a few people here have done that very thing.”
Sigh…. you were doing so well… there you again with the straw men.
God is Laughing @ 10:47 am:
“Jamming people together and giving them human tools to resolve their differences will result in war. Globalism is going to bring about a global conflagration.”
The driving force behind modern immigration is the extermination of the Christian West, not misplaced altruism. We could purge North America Wonder-Bread White and 80% of the monsters who created this situation would still be in power. They would only find a different way to destroy Carthage.
Europe can manage “your ethnicity is your address” thinking because on account of its geography, that was actually true for a good chunk of their history. In the United States, however, our common bond was Protestant Christianity. That worked, too; Christ can give us good relations between ethnicities; but with the death of Protestantism and calculated hatred of America taught by America’s own leaders, people are reverting to gutter-level tribalism to fill the social vacuum. That thinking must be opposed as well as our leaders who push it.
As Dalrock has just shown, globalism isn’t doing the illegal immigrants any favors, either.
Infogalactic offers some bad info:
While research has shown that marriage rates have dropped for African Americans, the birth rate has not.
This is false, and easily revealed as such with even a cursory amount of research. It’s virtually a headline that the birth rate among black women has tanked significantly over the past 20 years:
[quote]Lyn87 says:
November 20, 2016 at 4:24 pm
Boxer asks:
I’m convinced that the answer to criminality is reducing fatherlessness; but that’s outside the scope of the current conversation. Would be interested in getting other points of view on this, also.
Ask and you shall receive.
Daniel Amneus: The Garbage Generation[/quote]
This booklet has been gold.
“There is a striking difference in the behavior of males in civilized and in
primitive societies–the difference between motivated, productive, stable males in the
former and disruptive or idle or macho or narcissistic drones, or at best hunters and
warriors, in the latter. However the most essential difference between the two
societies is one less conspicuous but more pivotal: In the civilized society the
females accept the regulation of their sexuality on the basis of the Sexual
Constitution–monogamous marriage, the Legitimacy Principle, the double standard
and female loyalty and chastity; in the primitive society the females reject sexual
regulation and embrace the Promiscuity Principle, a woman’s right to control her own
sexuality. The female behavior is more basic, since it determines whether the males
can be motivated to accept a stable and productive lifestyle. The key issue is not, as
Gilder imagines, whether men can be induced to accept the Sexual Constitution
which he imagines women try to impose, but whether women themselves can be
induced to accept it. What causes women in civilized society to accept it is the
knowledge that the economic and status rewards bestowed by patriarchal civilization
can be obtained in no other way.”
muh hatred for white nationalism…
This is speculation on my part, but I believe there is a strong correlation between the attempted destruction of the family and the attempted destruction of the ethnos. The destruction of the family is instrumental in the destruction of all else (for the benefit of an anti-Christ global governance).
I think God is designed and is allowing ethnic conflict precisely to force us to the end of human solutions and cause us to turn to Him.
@Gunnar Q, yes, extermination of the Christian West. Chasing them into the last gated community refuge whilst calling them hateful racists.
We got the (((Borg))) trying to ply us with “altruism” armed with Critical Theory and Liberation Theology.
Dear Oscar:
Well, he’s using a computer, yet “God is Laughing” can’t keep track of what he’s said, from one post to the next, contradicts himself constantly, doesn’t know the definitions of common English words he uses, etc.
It can be fun to waste people’s time by playing the fool, and I’m confident that’s what s/he is doing. I don’t generally indulge such people here (I think it distracts from the purpose of the blog) but don’t fault any of the rest of you guys for having some fun with s/h/it.
@Boxer, your lack of reading comprehension isn’t my fault. That you don’t understand the word “trying” is a perfect example of this.
Maybe we should get back to discussing your experience with the subject via your various dating exploits?
Better known as PUAs guide to rebuilding Western civilization.
Pingback: And call it not oppression [Ps 127] | Dark Brightness
White nationalism is absolutely revolting garbage. We don’t need neo-nazi aholes here.
Yep. Remember that they say cuckolding is OK if it produces a white baby. Any ‘man’ who supports this is a) an enemy of fathers and children, especially those of their own race, and b) revealing themselves to be extremely unsuccessful with women of even their own race, which is why they support something like this – they don’t have sex with women at all, so are untroubled by taking a pro-cuckolding position.
Ethno-nationalism has somewhat stronger of a logical case than ‘race nationalism’, but still gives far too much power to women…
God is laughing (at him) still cannot grasp that the rejection of ‘white nationalism’ by successful whites is not the same thing as ‘white flight’, and is in fact nearly the opposite.
the very real suffering and devastation our new family model is causing.
The above statistics is why I tell men who look for a wife overseas to keep her there. NEVER bring a woman to the US or you are setting yourself up for disaster. Don’t get me wrong – American women are a lot of fun – especially when they are young, but never make the mistake of thinking anything will last. I understand how easy it is to believe NAWALT, but given the same incentives, all women will behave the same – so the only solution is to deny women those incentives – keep foreign women in their own countries and stay there with them – if you can.
That is why I have been establishing businesses in various Asian countries – yes, there are issues, but those are much smaller than the problems bringing a woman to the US gives rise to. Plus as an added incentive, many Asian countries have no problems with your having multiple women – it is expected if you are successful.
I have great hope for Trump and what he can do with the power given to him, but realistically he is just a pause to the inevitable destruction at the end of the path the US is presently on. There are too many effeminate men, and too many women gaining power with no checks on their collective insanity.
Daniel Amneus is a national treasure. I’ve read his book on the folly of doing away with default father custody and “The Garbage Generation” before. A few weeks ago I was on a long flight and had finished the book I was reading, and I had “The Garbage Generation” on my laptop as a pdf file, so I read it again.
That stuff never gets old. The cause-and-effect of what he calls the “Sexual Constitution” is so obviously correct and so clearly demonstrated by history with no exceptions, that every school that teaches “Sex Education” would do well to burn its curriculum and replace it with that book.
Anon says:
November 19, 2016 at 10:22 pm
mmaier2112 said :
Good. Maybe this will get their illegal alien asses to stay in Mexico.
Making America worse than Mexico, which ‘feminism’ is well on the path to doing, is hardly the way to ‘preserve America’…
I suspect you would be among the first to beg Mexico to let you in, if your stated desired outcome were to come to pass..
I doubt you could be more idiotic if you tried.
“Okay with being cucked so long as the baby’s white” is just about the most moronic thing I’ve ever read.
But keep your idiot delusions up, Tard Boy.
‘white nationalism’ by successful whites is not the same thing as ‘white flight’, and is in fact nearly the opposite.
White flight is the elitists way of combating the problem, then they mock the people who are stuck with the mess that limousine liberals created while being called “racists”. People that want to gut my neighborhood and give it to this years apple picker and next years welfare recipient aren’t going to get my respect. Maybe if we’re really lucky they’ll send their kids to college so they can get a degree in Marxism/Hispanic/Women’s/African American studies. That will be awesome!
Also, exporting every working class job while importing wave after wave of cheap labor and putting the resulting mess on welfare isn’t helping the family. Everyone that comes here serves to drive down the would be patriarchs wages while drawing his family away from him with government largess. Dalrock’s numbers bear this out. There is a whole lot of whistling past the graveyard going on here for being “red-pilled”.
@ God is Laughing says:
November 21, 2016 at 10:02 pm
“People that want to gut my neighborhood and give it to this years apple picker and next years welfare recipient aren’t going to get my respect. Maybe if we’re really lucky they’ll send their kids to college so they can get a degree in Marxism/Hispanic/Women’s/African American studies. That will be awesome!”
What if 1989’s apple picker (literally) became 1993’s enlisted Soldier, then 1998’s American citizen, then 1999’s mechanical engineering student, then 2003’s Army Engineer Corps Officer, then 2004-5’s combat engineer platoon leader (in combat), then 2007-8’s battalion battalion battle captain (in combat), then 2009’s master’s in geological engineering student, then 2012’s Engineer company commander (in combat), then 2014’s oil well facility construction manager, then 2016’s aerospace project engineer? Would that “be awesome”? Or does none of that count because he started out as a legal resident alien apple picker?
Pastor Doug Wilson recently wrote a post that hits this topic bulls eye.
“If you assume that secular society is an actual possibility, which is a big suppose, one of the first things you have to do is ignore the outliers. In other words, diversity is great, and will continue to be great, just so long as nobody leans too far to the right or left in our wobbly societal canoe. In other words, secular diversity works great so long as we manage to keep the diversity to a minimum.
This is just another way of saying that any culture, in order to be a functional culture at all, has to operate around shared values. If the values are not shared, if people cannot quietly assume them in their disputes with members of a rival party within that culture, with the rival party assuming the same values, then we do not have a culture at all. What we have is a cultural civil war.
And that is what we currently have.”
Read the whole thing.
Whatever one may say about diversity, this much has proved to be true:
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. – John Adams And he was quite clear that the religion he was referring to was Christianity, and the moral code that derives from it.
John Adams was correct.
Hey Oscar,
Second generation Hispanic’s are being eaten by our government. They have a higher rate of divorce than African American’s. That’s your recipe for success?
You’re an in the flesh Wormtongue.
Also Oscar, what was that bit you said about ignoring outliers?
Because that is the example you gave as if it made any kind of point. I know many successful Hispanics, some I’m related to and even though I’m more acquainted with the upwardly mobile variety doesn’t mean that I don’t know a great many more who are deadbeats, thugs and felons. Coming into the country illegally, I’m sure, greatly increases the numbers among the latter.
And I saw the literal apple pickers and their kin turn my rural neighborhood into a barrio. The parts of those counties that didn’t go that route got gentrified with second homes out of Chicongo. Wanna guess how many Hispanics are making it into those places?
then 2016’s aerospace project engineer
Sounds like we deprived some Central American nation of a space program.
@ GiL
First, I’ll note that you completely failed to address my response to you on November 21, 2016 at 11:28 am. No surprise there.
Second, you completely failed to answer my questions on November 21, 2016 at 10:34 pm. Again, no surprise.
The example I provided is my own. I’m a literal former apple picker. I also picked cherries, plums and grapes, and worked plenty of other farm jobs while in high school.
So, here’s the question that gets to the heart of the issue. Does a man’s character matter more than his race, or does his race matter more than his character?
@ God is Laughing says:
November 21, 2016 at 11:30 pm
“Sounds like we deprived some Central American nation of a space program.”
Apparently you’re unaware of the “aero” part of “aerospace”. Either that or I’m more skilled in your native language than you are.
A man’s character matters more than his race. A man’s race still matters, wouldn’t you agree?
Being told that European races/nations (either in aggregate or individually) make absolutely no sense is going to elicit a reaction. They are being mocked and being systematically deprived of their family and heritage. Being targeted as a group has this tendency to start making people sit up and take notice. That doesn’t make them ignorant nor “racist”.
If I told you that Mexican/Honduran/Colombian (or your) culture that was the establishing point for their respective families was idiotic and worthless would you agree with me? Or would you fight? Not fighting would say something about your character. Suggesting that people are evil/stupid for defending their culture is going to get you a fight. It might get you a war. Is that what you want?
I’m not unaware of the term “aerospace”, I worked with an McDonald-Douglas airframe specialist for several years.
@ God is Laughing says:
November 22, 2016 at 12:09 am
“A man’s character matters more than his race.”
Then we agree. Good. How about we craft immigration policy in such a way that we filter people based on skills, competence and character? It wouldn’t be that difficult. Just as life is an IQ test, life is also a test of character. A person who can’t establish a track record that indicates marketable skills, competence and character doesn’t get in. Would that work?
“A man’s race still matters, wouldn’t you agree?”
That depends. Matters in what way?
As for everything else you wrote; you should address that to someone else, because it bears zero semblance to anything I’ve said. How about, when addressing me, you address statements I’ve actually made, as opposed to foisting on me other people’s words?
So, how do we discourage fatherlessness?
Stop exporting jobs and importing cheap labor. Make it so families can live on one income instead of pimping the whole country out to bankers and consumerism.
Ending welfare and making the family dependent on the patriarchs reasonable salary would also help.
Another method would be to end no fault divorce.
Women would be getting divorces if they were dependent on the patriarch. Get rid of alimony and take a harsh look at child support while you are at it.
Is there some point in history in which there has been no “nation against nation violence”?
Drawing boundaries around diverse people has proven to have a drastically adverse affect on nation against nation violence.
Does humanity have any historical record of preventing “nation against nation violence”?
We have a long record of engaging in this type of violence.
Is there some method by which one can prevent Biblical prophecy from being fulfilled of which I’m not aware?
Are we to throw our hands in the air and start rebuilding Babylon again whilst chucking God the bird? Apparently you are unaware of opposing evil in the form of globalism/Babylon, repentance and intercessory prayer.
Given the makeup of your family I understand your argument better. I have close love ones on all sides of the ethnic divides that are going to get hurt badly with what is coming and I am going to get hurt protecting them. That doesn’t change the fact that we are living on fault lines and that we are warned that an earthquake is coming. Seeing the factions being trolled and spun up for a pit fight gives me a sense of urgency. Telling one side to lay down and take it is not the winning solution.
As for everything else you wrote; you should address that to someone else, because it bears zero semblance to anything I’ve said. How about, when addressing me, you address statements I’ve actually made, as opposed to foisting on me other people’s words?
Will do.
Why do we need immigrants?
That depends. Matters in what way?
Your immigrating to this nation and bringing your culture contributes to the diversity of the nation that you moved into no matter how good your character is. You created ethnic friction by the act of immigration as much as my families caused friction when many of them immigrated. People were displaced, dispossessed, diluted through intermarriage and killed. If I immigrated I would create even more friction. This is due to race and culture. It matters in that way.
Ethnicity and culture.
In that case how would you explain Lebensborn?
Thinking on it. ” Liberals are busy telling us that the only problem with divorce is that we see it as failure. ” Makes perfect sense from their POV, especially if the ideas of r/K phsycology are correct. Liberals want easy access to sex. Where as Not Liberals want to have a successful future.(I’m lacking a term as conservatives are just yesterdays liberals)
Generally these 2 items are in conflict, as free sex is irresponsible and successful future generally requires responsiblity.
That said. Having all of it now only works as long as there is somewhere to get the all from. When there is no more stuff to get free or at lease easily, people will be forced to plan for the future and see divorce negatively, even those who currently see it as a good thing. It is all about motivations.
Pingback: The rational response to high divorce rates. | Dalrock
Exfernal says:
November 22, 2016 at 6:08 am
In that case how would you explain Lebensborn?
Yes, let’s go from one moron to the Nazis and extrapolate that to the entire population. You guys are imbeciles.
Further, the “cuck” link didn’t even talk about “cucking” it was about using pregnancy to trap men into fathering children and marrying the kids’ mothers. Can’t you retards even read?
it was about using pregnancy to trap men into fathering children and marrying the kids’ mothers. Can’t you retards even read?
So you ARE saying that is a good thing?
Once again, a ‘white nationalist’ is no friend of white men (or white children). It is merely another form of ‘feminism’, and an omega-heavy version of it at that.
@ GiL
Hey, man, I sincerely apologize for taking so long to get back to the discussion. I had many family Thanksgiving responsibilities, then lots of work to catch up on. You know how it goes. I doubt you’ll see this, but just in case, I’ll try and respond to each of your points above.
“Stop exporting jobs and importing cheap labor. Make it so families can live on one income instead of pimping the whole country out to bankers and consumerism.
Ending welfare and making the family dependent on the patriarchs reasonable salary would also help.”
“Women would be getting divorces if they were dependent on the patriarch. Get rid of alimony and take a harsh look at child support while you are at it.”
Agreed (I think you meant “would NOT be getting divorces”).
“Drawing boundaries around diverse people has proven to have a drastically adverse affect on nation against nation violence.”
True, but we’re not talking about new boundaries. The boundaries of the US have been set for decades.
“Are we to throw our hands in the air and start rebuilding Babylon again whilst chucking God the bird? Apparently you are unaware of opposing evil in the form of globalism/Babylon, repentance and intercessory prayer.”
I don’t think so. I think we’re (meaning we Christians) to do what Jeremiah told the Jews exiled in Babylon to do. In 1 Peter 2, the Apostle calls us Christians “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God” (v. 9-10). Then, in verse 11, he calls us “foreigners and exiles”. Clearly, he’s using language that evokes the Babylonian exile of the Jews. Therefore, I believe Jeremiah 29 applies to us.
Jer 29:4 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: 5 “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. 6 Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. 7 Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
So, then the question is; how do we seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which we’ve been carried into exile? Your suggestions above are a good start, but there’s more, and I’ll get to that.
“Your immigrating to this nation and bringing your culture contributes to the diversity of the nation that you moved into no matter how good your character is. You created ethnic friction by the act of immigration as much as my families caused friction when many of them immigrated. People were displaced, dispossessed, diluted through intermarriage and killed. If I immigrated I would create even more friction. This is due to race and culture. It matters in that way.”
Again, I agree, to a point. My family’s immigration DID create friction, but no one was “displaced, dispossessed [or] killed”. “Diluted”? Sure. My brother and I both married white women and my sister married a white man (my best friend since high school). Was anyone harmed by that? None of our families (the only people that matter) think so.
Still, I agree that the friction caused by immigration is a challenge. So, how do we minimize it? We do so by limiting immigration (maybe even a temporary freeze), and by admitting people who are most likely to assimilate.
Why does assimilation matter? Because it reduces friction. If I’d never told you I was an immigrant, you’d never guess on your own, even if you met me.
By the way, friction is far more a function of culture than ethnicity. A Chechen Muslim is as Caucasian as it’s possible to be, but he would cause a lot more friction by immigrating to the US than a black Canadian Baptist would. Why? Culture.
So, if we were to admit people who are most likely to assimilate, most of them would be white Europeans. There’s nothing wrong with that.
Who else is likely to assimilate? More intelligent people (my dad was a civil engineer), younger people (two years after we moved to the States, I’d lost my Spanish accent and was reading English at 8th grade level while in 5th grade), people with a long history of working for a living (my dad held the same job for 20 years), etc.
So, that brings me to your most important question.
“Why do we need immigrants?”
Because human capital is a nation’s most important natural resource. But, in order for an immigrant to qualify as human capital, we need to do what Ann Coulter says and only admit immigrants who are “better than us”. They should be more productive and more law abiding than the average white American. That’s the key. And that’s what the US got when they admitted my family; law abiding, highly productive citizens.
Finally, I hope you understand that I’m not your enemy. If I understand you correctly, we are brother’s in Christ. As I wrote in another post, we need to lock shields and point our spears outwards, not towards each other.
I’m not your enemy. Don’t make me into one.
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