WWE (pro wrestling) Studios has entered the Christian movie business with The Resurrection Of Gavin Stone. Based on the preview packed with Christian manosphere cliches, it appears that WWE Studios has thoroughly researched their target audience. As Scott Heisel at UPROXX explains in Shawn Michaels Loves Single Moms In New ‘The Resurrection Of Gavin Stone’ Trailer:
…Shawn Michaels plays Doug, a former biker who has found Jesus and is now a mechanic with a good samaritan program called Cars For Single Moms. (If this was Attitude Era Shawn Michaels, “Cars For Single Moms” would have a whole different meaning.) He is opposite Brett Dalton playing the film’s title character, who pretends to be a devout Christian in order to woo the pastor’s daughter.
They even got the leading lady’s age right in casting. The pastor’s strong independent (and severe) daughter is played by 34 year old Anjelah Johnson-Reyes. However, perhaps because it was created by outsiders to Christian culture, there doesn’t appear to be the ritual tearing down of married Christian fathers.
Note how Gavin Stone could be a GQ model. That always helps the ladies find God…
Another movie to add to the do not watch list
It should be noted that in real life, Shawn Michaels is a born-again Christian. Apparently, he made the conversion after a long battle with coke and pills.
It’s sad that the movie premiere of his faith has to be a white knight circle jerk for single Moms. Sad but, of course, predictable..
Hail Hydra!
They even got the leading lady’s age right in casting. The pastor’s strong independent (and severe) daughter is played by 34 year old Anjelah Johnson-Reyes.
Type casting?
“Anjelah Nicole Johnson also known as Anjelah Johnson-Reyes (born May 14, 1982) is an American actress, comedian, and former NFL cheerleader. Johnson is most notable as a cast member on the series MADtv during its 13th season.”
“Johnson was born and raised in San Jose, California, in a devout Christian family.”
“Johnson married Group 1 Crew member Manwell Reyes on June 11, 2011 in Half Moon Bay, California.[11] She says the couple does not want children. They enjoy spending time with their nieces and nephews.[12]”
Pingback: Bad boys, single moms, and the love of a strong independent woman. | @the_arv
“Johnson married Group 1 Crew member Manwell Reyes…”
Really? Color me shocked!
It would be hard to think of more clear evidence that the world believes that the overwhelming majority of American Christians are ripe for the fleecing.
You’re gonna love this one!
“What are the harpies (almost all of them women, I should note) so freaked out about? They’re upset that their daughters are being encouraged to act ‘lady-like’ on a date and told that they shouldn’t use vulgar language or flirt with other guys.”
“It would be hard to think of more clear evidence that the world believes that the overwhelming majority of American Christians are ripe for the fleecing.”
The sad thing bout it is that it’s true.
There were two (2) different lists of suggestions, one for the girls and one for the boys.
Its seems that only the boys’ suggestion list received any kind of scrutiny.
Somehow the boys’ list was perceived by a lot of commenters as “girls being forced” to do something.
Knee-jerk responses like these inform us just where womens’ heads are at, and why the reading comprehension skills of millions of Americans must be called into serious question.
Fake in the ring and fake outside of it. Perfect cliche for Churchianity.
Women or girls telling men or boys what to do is all the rage. Men or buys having mere suggestions for women or girls… that’s sexism, homophobia and Patriarchal norm creating, ghoulish behaviour!
She says the couple does not want children
Serious churchian red flag, this is.
Fake in the ring and fake outside of it. Perfect cliche for Churchianity.
Amen. And a hearty third to Cane’s observation as well. This movie will probably be praised from the pulpits with more fervor than any selection from the Bible Itself.
@ constrainedlocus says:
January 16, 2017 at 1:29 pm
Exactly. Men and boys must prove themselves to women and girls, but women and girls are all Marry Poppins – practically perfect in every way – no matter how they behave.
I see what you did there.
She says the couple does not want children.
“Manwell (seriously? Manwell?) could not be reached for comment.”
He is opposite Brett Dalton playing the film’s title character, who pretends to be a devout Christian in order to woo the pastor’s daughter.
Is she sitting on a huge trust fund? Why would a man with options put in such an effort to “win the hand” of a moderately attractive yet excessively demanding over-30 woman?
Pingback: Bad boys, single moms, and the love of a strong independent woman. | Reaction Times
Is this the inverse of the born again virgin – the born again bad boy?
Hail Hydra indeed.
I cannot believe the WWF wants this market? But I like the lead actor and if I was ever going tom watch this sort of thing would consider it. I buy him way more than I buy the female lead- she seems most out of place.
Ahh the feminist mom ruining everything for her daughter with her rage. Those boys should at least be able to identify the women they want no part of. In Utah there are a lot of Mormons, but in SLC there are a lot of SJWs feminists trying to take over Utah. This may be a clash between them, or a clash between the very modern and ugly Mormon feminist (male and female) who all want their daughters to be doctors and are working as hard as they can to destroy the Mormon faith and Mormons who have a more historical view of roles.
@ Kevin
“I cannot believe the WWF wants this market?”
Money’s worth the same regardless of the source, and as Cane pointed out, “the overwhelming majority of American Christians are ripe for the fleecing”.
“In Utah there are a lot of Mormons, but in SLC there are a lot of SJWs feminists trying to take over Utah.”
Paging Mr. Boxer. Your commentary is required in the Mormon department.
If any Red-Pilled masochist watches this movie, I’d be curious if there are any references or obvious parallels to the Hulk Hogan scandal. Hogan won big against Gawker in March 2016 over a leaked sex tape… not impossible that a movie like this would be some highly-placed Gamma’s idea of payback.
Kevin @ 4:20 pm:
“I cannot believe the WWF wants this market?”
I cannot believe they didn’t embrace the Mexican Wrestling market instead. It would have been an easier demographic shift.
If most single moms looked as good as Anjelah Johnson, they’d not be single for long.
This is supposed to be a Christian movie? In what alternative (hellish) universe would that be? I find it blasphemic and offensive, and I am not even Christian (anymore). Phew.
This film gives yet another meaning to the term cross-dressing: The star of a Hollywood movie dresses up like Christ and also is depicted hanging on a cross and making snippy remarks.
If this is what passes for Christianity in the US I am happy not to call myself a Christian.
Dear Fellas:
I’m a Southern Alberta Mormon, not a Salt Lake City one. Even so, the comment seems legit. Salt Lake City is probably full of SJW fags and assorted losers. No reason it should be any different than Calgary or Denver in that regard.
“cars for single moms”!
Maybe the co-branded bible study for this film will inspire this fake charity to become real, with chapters in all 50 states.
“Captain Save-a-ho-lot of $ on car expenses”
If would appear it was done as a Christian/Faith-based film and the WWE just grabbed the distribution deal. Probably because of Shawn Michaels.
Actually, from a business perspective, this makes a lot of sense. While I’ve come to view professional wrestling in a much better light over the years (it’s more honest art than what you get out of Hollywood), there’s a large overlap between their female fan base and the target audience for what these “Faith-based” films target. Or at least the wives of the Husbands that watch pro-wrestling.
20% of Utah recently voted for an Egg McMuffin. A 40-year old, unmarried former CIA operative who’s “mothers” were Lesbians. So 20% of Utah was clearly willing to vote for a homosexual. I’d need to find the county-level data to see where they all were.
Good evening gents.
Reblogged this on Afro Futurism.
“I cannot believe the WWF wants this market?”
You can’t be serious.
The typical Christian feminist film costs $2M to make but does $40M at the box office. Those are stunning numbers by any standard of any film project anywhere in the world.
Our entire society transfer wealth from men to women. Hence, the easiest money to be made in America today is selling overpriced crap to women.
We should carry placards that say :
“I need Feminism because I am in the business of selling overpriced crap to gullible women. Hence, I profit from Feminism.”
Just the preview was stomach churning enough. No thanks.Nope.
When I was a child, I thought I scored points in Heaven by watching Davey and Goliath cartoons and other religious TV shows. Then I grew up and knew better.
But I’m sure there are adult women who feel that they’re made holier, sanctified, when they watch any “Christian” film or TV show. That it’s a sanctifying, religious act, like going to church or reading the Bible.
But I’m sure there are adult women who feel that they’re made holier, sanctified, when they watch any “Christian” film or TV show. That it’s a sanctifying, religious act, like going to church or reading the Bible.
They’re not fooling anybody but themselves (except maybe also their mangina pastors). They certainly aren’t fooling God. Not, of course, that they ever give Him any thought or concern…
m11nine, white knight churches want to do that. I’ve seen churches have charity events where they provide free car service for single mothers. The only reason why these churches don’t just give cars to them is because they don’t have the money for it.
You get more of what you subsidize and less of what you penalize. It’s a really simple concept that everyone understands instinctively, but ignores when it comes to people who are “exceptional” to the person making the assessment.
Exceptional has the same root word as exception.
A lot of parents do it for their children. Churchians and feminists do it for women.
“Cars for Single Moms” sounds like the kind of charity that George Costanza would make up on “Seinfeld” to get one over on people. We’ve now reached the point where reality and satire have blended. How can anyone hear that phrase and not laugh? And what about what it implies: “Cars for Single Moms — Nada for Married Ones! No cars for you!”
@ Days of Broken Arrows
Don’t you know? Single moms are the new widows.
Here’s the arc. The actual cars in Cars for Single Moms need lots of repairs before and after they are bestowed upon a lass. The church forms a bolt on charity called Thug Wrenches for Moms (why let single moms have all the fun).
Sorry Deti I had to leave McBad(fillintheblank) out for lack of initiative on my to create one for this.
before you know it, the yuuuuge numbers of new single moms overwhelms the charity and the founders have to let it all slide onto the shoulders of government.
Who says initiatives that combine faith based institutions and government cannot plow new ground.
Move over Pilgrim’s Progress! We have a new Christian allegory to add to the archives.
“I cannot believe they didn’t embrace the Mexican Wrestling market instead. It would have been an easier demographic shift.”
Plus the masks are cool! Viva El Santo! Viva Blue Demon!
For Dalrock & others always going on about how nowadays it’s believed that true love purifies sex, not marriage, I present exhibit A:
(I regret nothing!)
Saw this on my Facebook feed.
“I would tell her that the world has been waiting for her since the beginning of time. I would tell her that she is 1,000 bouquets of roses and a million adventure novels wrapped up into one. I would sit her in front of the bathroom mirror, like my mother did for me, and make her repeat over and over the things that she loves about herself, even if she didn’t necessarily believe them at the time. She needs to hear that vocally and I’m going to make sure she does.
After our talk, I would hug her tight and say, “The world is yours. Go get it. I’ll be right behind you the whole time.””
I would add to my above post that the woman starts off the article with “I don’t really want kids. I’ve never really been into the idea of having kids. (My mother disagrees with me.) But if I were to have a child…particularly a daughter…(Jesus take the wheel)”
@The Question,
So, anti-Yiayias are a thing. How the heck are we supposed to get these women back into a sane sexual lifestyle without resorting to slavery? Wait, she doesn’t want to reproduce anyway. Problem solved.
Our falling demographics are a feature not a bug. Anytime I hear somebody complain the birth rate is too low, I think they want to pressure women like this to breed… and what a bad idea that would be.
Her name is Taylor. And she’s coming to a church near you.
The Church: A Place for Feminism!
Link: http://ncunortherner.com/2017/01/church-place-feminism/
Feminism, gender equality and, like OMG, a clergy pay gap based on…..*gasp*…..gender discrimination!
Taylor Kropelin writes:
“In America, there is a prominent wage gap where men are paid more than women for equal work. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, in 2015, female full-time workers made only 80 cents for every dollar earned by men. This is a 20 percent wage gap. It is calculated that if change continues to occur at the same slow pace as it has the last few years, it will take about 44 years — until 2059 — for women and men to be paid equally.
What about the church? Are male and female clergy being paid equally? Unfortunately not. The church is actually doing worse than the nation as a whole. The Bureau of Labor Statistics calculated in 2014 that nationally women clergy earn 76 cents for each dollar earned by male clergy.”
Church of the future is going to be packed to the rafters with Taylors, and is going to be, like OMG, so much fun, you guys!!!
“Her name is Taylor. And she’s coming to a church near you.”
I don’t recall Jesus preaching the good news of equal pay.
Feminist churches? To see what the end point is for such churches just step into an Anglican church in England on a Sunday. A lesbian “Vicar” preaching the good news of feminism and empty pews as far as the eye can see.
Feminist churches?
That’s almost becoming a pleonasm.
I don’t recall Jesus preaching the good news of equal pay.
He didn’t, which is why Taylor and her feminist sestren (even those who pretend to be Christians) pay no attention to Him.
@ Frank K says:
January 17, 2017 at 3:13 pm
“I don’t recall Jesus preaching the good news of equal pay.”
He did the exact opposite in the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30).
“Salt Lake City is probably full of SJW fags and assorted losers. No reason it should be any different than Calgary or Denver in that regard.”
It is. Every six months during the LDS General Conference’s priesthood (male only) session, feminist Mormon women line up at the tabernacle doors and attempt to get in. When they are turned away, they go and cry for the waiting cameras of the Salt Lake Tribune.
Further south in Utah Valley, Mormon women are more traditional.
Meanwhile, Tarik and Christina Al Moussa (of Flip or Flop fame on HGTV) show how it really goes today:

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