Listen to the whispers.

Sharon Pope writes about the whispers at My Marriage, My Affair And My Hard Learned Lessons:

Our souls are always whispering to us. The whispers of our lives tell us there’s more. The whispers of our souls speak of and point us toward the desires of our hearts. The whispers of our hearts appear all the time in our marriages. But we don’t always listen, do we?

The whispers were telling her to exchange her boring loyal dude husband for a sexy badboy.

Michael was tall, broad-shouldered, strong, and confident. He had money, a career, and a personality that was magnetic, a little dangerous, and more than a little narcissistic.

It didn’t last, as the sexy badboy quickly dumped her.  But Pope learned her lesson.  She explains that she didn’t learn not to blow up a marriage to a perfectly good man, nor did she learn not to cheat.  What she learned was to listen to, trust, and embrace her whispers:

The lesson is that we need to pay attention to our longings, to the whispers on our hearts. When we have a longing for more…more connection…more meaning…more love, it’s time to wake-up and pay attention. Our lives are talking to us. We didn’t place those desires on our hearts so we’re not going to be able to get rid of them either; maybe it’s time to begin embracing them.

Pope is now a professional whisperer, who (for a fee) coaches women on whether they should remain married:


You will have clarity about your most important relationship and if you’re struggling to know whether you should stay or go; you will have your answer for your life and your heart.


This entry was posted in Can't keep a man, Divorce, Feral Females, Professional Divorcee, selling divorce, Sharon Pope, Ugly Feminists, Whispers. Bookmark the permalink.

93 Responses to Listen to the whispers.

  1. I have a desire to dump mud all over Sharon and make her march through town with a scarlet S on her shirt. What a lousy person she is.

  2. Pingback: Listen to the whispers. | Dalrock - Top

  3. Eidolon says:

    Maybe it’s time to start embracing that urge, Real Peterman. Somebody should.

  4. Pingback: Listen to the whispers. | @the_arv

  5. SnapperTrx says:

    “Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.”

  6. Frank K says:

    “Michael was tall, broad-shouldered, strong, and confident. He had money, a career, and a personality that was magnetic, a little dangerous”

    A little dangerous … let me guess … her “whispers” never tell her “stick with with the dependable, but boring guy”. She wanted the bad boy and rationalized it, and even though he dumped her she claims to have no regrets, which makes me think of the old “Joe Isuzu” commercials, where a caption tells viewers, after Joe makes an outlandish claim about Isuzu cars, that “He’s lying”:

    And now, for a fee, she’s going to coach other women into cheating and frivorcing their loyal husbands.

  7. Lost Patrol says:

    We didn’t place those desires on our hearts

    It’s not her fault men. We all know that by now. What can a girl do other than turn herself into a $ divorce $ coach $ ?

    This is a proven 8-step process that I have used successfully with hundreds of women just like you: — to turn them into alpha widows just like me.

    Meanwhile back at the ranch, what happened to loyal provider, golf course man? We don’t know because no one cares.

  8. Listen to your heart whispers? What could go wrong?

    Matthew 15:19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander.

    Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?

  9. feministhater says:

    This is almost exactly what I went through when I left my safe husband 4 years ago; complete with narcissist and all – exactly as you described it. My narc was abusive in every way. Thank you for your story.

    Haha! Safe Hubby was boring you see. He followed everything the Churches told him to and she ran into the arms of a rugged narcissist because she cannot control her desires.

    These are horrible women. The sigh of relief knowing you will never have to go through this is immense.

  10. Mandy says:

    She mentions that she married at 27 then goes on to say ” …at that tender age…”

    Reminds me of a woman explaining why she shouldn’t be held to account for an abortion she had at 23 because she was “a very young 23.” As opposed to the rest of us who were old hags then, I suppose.

    It’s as if they never become adults.

  11. feministhater says:

    These women cannot see that they are promoting the abuse of women. The men who cause them the most harm get the bounty. Who wants to be loyal hubby? I hope she enjoys the cats.

  12. Jim says:

    Our souls are always whispering to us. The whispers of our lives tell us there’s more. The whispers of our souls speak of and point us toward the desires of our hearts. The whispers of our hearts appear all the time in our marriages. But we don’t always listen, do we?

    The whispers were telling her to blow up her children’s home and exchange her boring loyal dude husband for a sexy badboy.

    Michael was tall, broad-shouldered, strong, and confident. He had money, a career, and a personality that was magnetic, a little dangerous, and more than a little narcissistic.

    So IOW, the dumb cunt learned absolutely nothing. Got it. *smfh*

    Meanwhile back at the ranch, what happened to loyal provider, golf course man? We don’t know because no one cares.

    Of course. He’s a man. Who gives a shit? Only women matter.

    The sigh of relief knowing you will never have to go through this is immense.

    Tell em about it. Yeah I know people, NAWALT. Yes and I hope to win the lottery too. Maybe if I buy enough tickets the one in a 50 million chance will happen?

  13. Emperor Constantine says:

    Matthew 18:6

    “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of things that cause sin! Such things must come, but woe to the one through whom they come!”

  14. Frank K says:

    “Who wants to be loyal hubby? I hope she enjoys the cats.”

    Cue the “Where have all the good men gone?” articles that shame young men for avoiding the disaster that is modern marriage.

  15. Mitch says:

    Don’t hate on Sharon. It’s women like her that remind us why we need Dalrock. She defines the scope and extent of the mission of the Christian manosphere. Reflect deeply on her true awfulness, of course. But then resolve to make sure no such nonsense ever creeps into the minds of our wives. We must remain ever vigilant to fight the Sharon Pope’s of the world, wherever and whenever they emerge from their dark and depraved hamster hole.

  16. PokeSalad says:

    Haha! Safe Hubby was boring you see. He followed everything the Churches told him to and she ran into the arms of a rugged narcissist because she cannot control her desires.

    At which point, if he goes to his cuckchurch for spiritual guidance in this grave crisis, will be told it was all HIS fault because he didn’t man-up and ‘serve’ her well enough.

  17. RPC says:

    This is a case study on why 1 Timothy 2:11-15 means exactly what it says. This same attitude runs rampant in women’s bible studies, conferences, and other settings where women teach women. The only difference is the churchian veneer. At least when women try to teach men the students have the ability to see through the solipsism. When women teach women the error and sin are compounded.

  18. David says:

    Exactly what is the difference between these ‘whispers’ and gina tingles?

  19. DrTorch says:

    Most men want a Prov 31 woman, Sharon’s a Prov 5 woman.

  20. Rproman774 says:

    Isn’t whispering what the devil is doing when he leads us into temptation? Do you think the serpent was speaking for all to hear in the garden? If you pay attention a major cause of strife in the world today is lead by eve.

  21. Boxer says:

    Dear David:

    Exactly what is the difference between these ‘whispers’ and gina tingles?

    Dalrock should correct me if I’m wrong. I believe ‘the whispers’ refer to general discontent, spread by one woman to the next. Such sentiments are usually not sexual. For example:

    Your husband Joe just got a promotion. Good for him, dear! I guess eventually he’ll be able to buy you a new car…


    Did you see Sarah Jane’s new fur coat? Since her divorce she’s had the freedom to really take care of herself. Isn’t it wonderful?

    Women are constantly needling each other in these petty, pathetic ways, and for our part, we usually don’t pay it any mind. We should, though; because women judge themselves by the standards of other women, and envy will often cause a woman to want to wreck her sister’s relationships, simply out of spite.


  22. Oleaginous Outrager says:

    When we have a longing for more…more connection…more meaning…more love, it’s time to wake-up and pay attention

    Yes, pay attention, because what you’re experiencing is best described as “emotional avarice”, and it’s the way infants and toddlers view the world

  23. Hawk&Rock says:

    Who can blame any of them?

    Every incentive is there — economic standing improves, drama/attention quotient improves, tingles improve.

    There literally is no downside for a woman. Especially if she has kids because then she also instantly becomes a brave, heroic single mom.

    Sure sure….In the fevered revenge fantasies of divorced-raped ex husbands (like me), these women end up fat and alone but that is not reality. It just isn’t. If you are attractive enough to have the opportunity to have an affair, you are attractive enough to eventually snag a thirsty beta. Most eventually end up doing just that.

    Kids? Ex husband? They usually suffer life long trauma in some form but who really gives a f*ck about them? It’s being true to the whispers that matters.

    Behavior that is subsidized will increase. Simple as that. The economic and emotional subsidies provided by our society for women divorcing are huge. The real marvel is that any of them stay married.

  24. Emperor Constantine says:

    Hawk&Rock says:
    June 28, 2017 at 2:37 pm

    “Every incentive is there [for women to divorce] — economic standing improves, drama/attention quotient improves, tingles improve.”

    Short-term yes, long-term definitely not (in general). But long-term thinking and planning is not a female strength.

  25. elspeth says:

    Why is a woman whose marriage produced no children posting her story on “”?

  26. Pingback: Listen to the whispers. | Reaction Times

  27. Oscar says:

    Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

  28. gunner451 says:


    Generally true, but I think that you underestimate the bounce back ability of most men. They eventually recover (especially after the kids reach 18) and if they are dumb enough to remarry end up in the same situation again (and again). Bill pill betas never learn and will repeat their mistakes, most likely raising the kids of some other poor bill pill sap after the mom gets dumped by the badboy she left her blue pill sap for. Might as well just join a wife swapping club as it has the same effect as what is going on most of the time.

    I’ve seen this more than a few times with friends I know, the red pill ones figure it out and give up on marriage (and are much happier) whereas the bill pill ones start looking to marry again right away and end up miserable again.

  29. Darwinian Arminian says:

    Good Lord. Reading that dreck reminded me of a retweet I once saw on Roissy’s now-defunct Twitter feed. It claimed that pretty much every piece written by a woman for a mainstream publication on the subject of what she’d learned from her “mistakes” could be summarized in just two sentences:

    1) Here’s how I f**ked up my life.
    2) Here’s why that’s not a problem.

    Whoever said it, they weren’t wrong.

  30. Hawk&Rock says:

    One sentence — Here’s why everything that might appear sh*tty in my life actually TOTALLY ROCKS!!!

  31. Lost Patrol says:

    Why is a woman whose marriage produced no children posting her story on “”?

    Ha, didn’t even notice that. Yeah, let’s suck some moms into this scheme, can’t make enough money or help cause enough chaos just working the professional career women.

  32. Joe Ego says:

    Exactly what is the difference between these ‘whispers’ and gina tingles?
    To the extent that tingles are pulled heart strings are whispers are thoughts/fantasies in their heads there is no difference. Rollo has written about how much of this is unconscious behavior, in which case the whispers are post hoc rationalizations.

    I am amused at the juxtaposition with the old joke about men having a second brain (or their only brain) in their pants. Also at the thought that the guys who are “a little dangerous, and more than a little narcissistic” are the ones most likely to fit that joke.

    But, hey. Keep listening to those whispers, ladies. I’m sure they come from a place that is pure.

  33. Frank K says:

    “Yeah, let’s suck some moms into this scheme, can’t make enough money or help cause enough chaos just working the professional career women.”

    I wonder how much Sharon charges for her “services” and if she makes a good living doing it. If you think about it, there isn’t much difference between her and a “psychic/palm reader/tarot card reader”. They’re all charlatans who tell their customers what they want to hear. Except that in Sharon’s case, her “wisdom” is predictably toxic and damaging.

  34. American says:

    The adulteress, who’s only regret appears to be there were uncomfortable relational consequences with respect to the family she discarded, might take a lesson from the prophet Jeremiah who pointed out that among other things, a heart such as hers (e.g. hal-lêḇ [feelings, will, and even intellect]) is deceitful.

    Obviously, an adulteress should not be “whispering” her deceit to others much less taking money for doing so. Read Proverbs 7 to learn more about her.

  35. Mark says:

    Sharon pope is herself a sad case. She knows not what she is doing.

    Having gone through a case of narcissistic adulterous wife, I feel so sad that so many of our wives have been deceived. As husbands we have been distracted by jobs or providing for our families, to realise the truth before it was too late.

    Pray for your wives if you are still married.
    Pray for sharon pope that our Lord will speak to her and change her – remember PAUL? Nothing is impossible for our Lord.

  36. Snowy says:

    Pope obviously knows nothing of the division of soul and spirit. And her spirit probably isn’t one spirit wth the Spirit of Christ.

  37. CSI says:

    I think her story there was embellished a bit to make it more romantic.

    “Michael was tall, broad-shouldered, strong, and confident. He had money, a career, and a personality that was magnetic, a little dangerous, and more than a little narcissistic. He was also younger than me and very used to getting his way.”

    Like the hero of a pulp romance book.

    “I went through a dark period where I lost my confidence. I lost a lot of weight, I barely slept”

    So she *lost* weight in the midst of her dramas. Sure she did.

  38. Pariah says:

    Frank K said ‘Except that in Sharon’s case, her “wisdom” is predictably toxic and damaging.’

    Would a psychic/palm reader/tarot card reader not be toxic and damaging?

    Leviticus 20:27 “A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.”

    Plenty of other warnings in the Bible against such things.

  39. Frank K says:

    I did say “predictably”. A “psychic’s” advice could be simply inane, telling you that “yes, you will eventually find a boyfriend/new job.etc.”, as they are usually frauds. Sharon, though, will tell her clients to frivorce and nuke their families”.

    But I agree, the Bible warns us to stay away from anyone who claims to practice magic. Because if they really do, they are indeed dangerous. The frauds will take our money and tell us what want to hear. Either way they are best avoided,

  40. Frank K says:

    “So she *lost* weight in the midst of her dramas. Sure she did.”

    As far as I know, eating whole tubs of ice cream in a single sitting is not conducive to weight loss.

  41. Gary Eden says:

    “You will have clarity about your most important relationship and if you’re struggling to know whether you should stay or go; you will have your answer for your life and your heart.”

    That is eight “you”s in one sentence. Selfishness is at the root of this approach. A Godly women realizes she was created by God for her husband, not for herself. There is no ‘you’, only ‘him’.

    But good luck finding a women willing to not just admit but actively pursue living for her husband.

  42. Patchasaurus says:

    Possibly the most disheartening message I have read. This is a terrible evil monster. What a dark age for women. God help them.

  43. Patchasaurus says:

    On the lighter side, we Irish have another meaning for “the whispers” and it applies aptly here. Something smells in Dublin, says I.

  44. Patchasaurus says:

    Why Sharon lass, ye’ve got the whispers, by jez

  45. CSI says:

    “This is almost exactly what I went through when I left my safe husband 4 years ago; complete with narcissist and all – exactly as you described it. My narc was abusive in every way. Thank you for your story. ”

    This reminds me of a comment I read on Susan Walsh’s site Hooking Up Smart. The commentor said with men if you make a wild claim you have to be prepared to back it up or you will earn disapproval. With women, all you have to do is be convincing, and you will earn their approval whether its true or not. And Susan, who is a mild feminist, agreed.

    With women, many of the common sense rules men rule interacting with other men are thrown out the window. Act like a lying narcissist around other men, you’re likely to get yourself in trouble. Do the same around women, you’re likely to earn their approval.

  46. “Possibly the most disheartening message I have read. This is a terrible evil monster. What a dark age for women. God help them.”

    So true.

  47. mmaier2112 says:

    “So she *lost* weight in the midst of her dramas. Sure she did.”

    I lost four inches off my waist after getting dumped. But I’m a dude.

    These days, I’d just drink straight whiskey, gin or vodka instead of eating. But after over 20 years of witnessing female BS, I cannot imagine I’d ever have a broken heart again.

  48. patriarchal landmine says:

    how do these things still have the right to vote?

  49. Kaminsky says:

    “I began noticing other couples that had a natural affection between them, the kind where a hand lands on a leg or a head gently rests on a shoulder. I would notice couples for whom conversation flowed easily and their eyes never left the other.”

    So she hung out at high school dances? I don’t see that kind of behavior in couples very much at all. More like ‘the kind where a hand lands on a drumstick or a head gently rests on the edge of a bucket of Haagen-Dazs.’

    The ‘whispers of my heart’ are telling me to move to Prague and date skinny, 5’11” 19 year old blondes. Perhaps I should listen to the ‘whispers of my heart’? I think I could have some fun with these whispers. The hamster just won the lottery with heart whispers if the idea spreads. Basically, women can now do ANYTHING as long as it was a ‘whisper of the heart’.

  50. Boxer says:

    The ‘whispers of my heart’ are telling me to move to Prague and date skinny, 5’11” 19 year old blondes. Perhaps I should listen to the ‘whispers of my heart’?

    Yeah, that’s the thing. I bet lots of men got some “whispers” about banging their wife’s best friend, or about taking the family vacation money and buying a 1964 Mustang, or about divorcing the old bat and retiring early. If this “whispers” nonsense takes off, a lot of men would likely be a lot happier. Thanks Sharon!

  51. CSI says:

    Why Sharon lass, ye’ve got the whispers, by jez

    If you mean she’s crazy, the she certainly has the whispers.

  52. @Pariah:

    One of the hardest lessons coming from a decadent period is learning all of those “horrible” rules that the Old Testament weren’t horrible but necessary. We get a daily affirmation about why they were there.

    As to the original post, while we, as Christians, understand giving into temptation, doesn’t in a non-Christian context just mean she’s hearing voices? She’s saying all Women are paranoid schizophrenic. Someone should see that she gets professional help.

  53. Jack Russell says:

    Sharon would respond to this article by saying “You are all jealous cause the voices only talk to me.” 🙂

  54. Anon says:

    I have little to no problem with women ripping off other women in this way. It is a necessary step in the correction process.

  55. I think Sharon must of have deleted like 50 or more posts on her page. The only one who was sympathetic was the gold-digging c-nt that divorced her sugar daddy after 4 years. If anyone gives this woman a dime. that would be too much.

  56. Spike says:

    Let me get this straight: Sharon Pope was married at 27. She had a nice house in a good neighbourhood, nice cars, careers, pension plans and a husband who was kind and good.

    And she blew it up. Why?

    Whispers, Ms Pope? Just a hint: It isn’t your soul that’s whispering in your ear. It’s the Taker of Souls.
    And she sold her soul for the opportunity to make money through misery.
    The Devil of old isn’t a red ugly guy with a pitchfork and barbed tail. he’s still beautiful, seductive, and evil beyond belief. He’s in charge of the world in which he prowls, “looking for souls to devour” (1Peter 5:8).

  57. Boxer says:

    Dear Fellas:

    I think Sharon must of have deleted like 50 or more posts on her page.

    This is why everyone here should have their own free wordpress blogs. You can post responses on your own blog, with a link back to the article, and these dishonest whores can’t do anything about it.

    Another interesting factoid: If you link to worthwhile blogs like Dalrock, their ratings on google go up.

    I have little to no problem with women ripping off other women in this way. It is a necessary step in the correction process.

    What we may be seeing now is a sort of natural selection taking place. Idiot women who are divorcing good men are ruining themselves. They will likely have fewer descendants as a result. Culling the genes that allow for female stupidity can’t be a bad thing, though this society won’t last long enough to do a thorough job of it (I’d imagine the process would need several hundred years to be effective). Maybe a biologist could critique this theory.

    In the mean time, each such stupid woman who voluntarily relinquishes the honorable title of ‘wife,’ after listening to the worthless “advice” of Mizz Pope, takes her rightful place at the bottom of the social heirarchy, as a used up ho’. Such women are useful, as ugly gameless nerds and smelly slackers need a sexual outlet too. Provided they give good value to the men they serve, I have no problem with them. Their husbands are freed up to pursue better relationships with more worthy women. Seems like winning all around to me.


  58. Mark says:

    Nice post Mister “D”. A “divorce coach” for wimminz?…..That is a good one.She probably tells women that they need to divorce like she did.Afterall,misery enjoys company.I would like to speak to the ex-husband. I am willing to bet that he is glad she is gone and out of his life.The sad thing is the number of women that will be actually taking her advice.I have also read a few blogs,written by women,on how to have a pre-nup overturned.These entitlement cunts are the ones that really piss me off.I know a few that have made off like bandits.When I do have a conversation with one and they remark that “they obtained their wealth thru divorce”….I remind them that they should be very careful as they might encounter someone like myself who would rather send them to their funeral than divorce court.They shut up and back pedal rather quickly!


    “”Why is a woman whose marriage produced no children posting her story on “”?””

    Great Point!!!!

  59. Frank K says:

    “Another interesting factoid”

    Just a nit. The suffix “oid” means false. So, for example, an ovoid is a shape that resembles an oval, but isn’t a true oval, hence it’s a false oval. A “humanoid” would be a creature that looks human (like all those aliens in Star Trek) but isn’t human, thus it is a “false human”.

    A factoid would be something that appears to be a fact, but is in fact false. Yes, I know, it’s common usage. A term I have heard suggested (and which will never be used) would be a “factlet”, meaning a small or trivial fact.

    Getting off soapbox now. 🙂

  60. Adam says:

    “And now, for a fee, she’s going to coach other women into cheating and frivorcing their loyal husbands.”

    A teenage girl who has been lured into prostitution will do her utmost to rope in her girlfriends as well. Women feel much better about their bad decisions if all of their friends have made the same bad decision too.

  61. feeriker says:

    Pope is now a professional whisperer, who (for a fee) coaches women on whether they should remain married:

    Notice how the “new” professions dominated by women are either useless or destructive.

    Let us hope and pray that this bitch doesn’t make a dime off of this crime racket.

  62. feeriker says:

    Why is a woman whose marriage produced no children posting her story on “”?

    To evangelize the joy of destroying your children’s lives too when you decide to cheat on their daddy and kick him to the curb.

    I wonder if Sharon charges extra for ruining the kids?

  63. Ron says:


    Same thought, I think her article would have been more accurate if she was talking about a hiss than a whisper.

  64. Pingback: Bad decisions. – Adam Piggott

  65. greyghost says:

    It has been a while and the whispers have returned bigger and badder than ever. Those ‘whispers’ are fueled by his loyalty and security and that glock 22 on the hip of local law enforcement and a family court that thinks she is a goddess deserving of worship and praise. HE gains custody of the children keeps his pension (401k) stays in the house and she is shamed as an adulterous whore. Those whispers turn to praise of a good man. Not out of love and sincere appreciation but out of fear of losing her security. In the end she is loved for good behavior and praised for her loyalty. with not a lick of virtue. This is woman and it is good enough for strong marriage and families and ironically for her on physical well being. Thank you sir for being a reliable boring dude civilization loves and appreciates you even if she doesn’t. .

  66. “The whispers of our hearts appear all the time in our marriages”
    Human females are masters of the euphemism and context for very good reason.
    Thank God for women and their nicer way of saying unpleasant and unflattering things.
    Feminine sensibilities and hypocricies must never be confronted or challenged.

    “Whispers of our hearts”?
    Yeah, right.
    More like “Thundering howl of our clitorises”

  67. Boxer says:

    “Another interesting factoid”

    Just a nit. The suffix “oid” means false. So, for example, an ovoid is a shape that resembles an oval, but isn’t a true oval, hence it’s a false oval. A “humanoid” would be a creature that looks human (like all those aliens in Star Trek) but isn’t human, thus it is a “false human”.

    Not even close.

    -oid comes from the same PIE root that gave us εἶδος. In Aristotle it’s translated “of the species…” and in Plato it’s translated “derivative of the form of…”

    A factoid would be something that appears to be a fact, but is in fact false. Yes, I know, it’s common usage. A term I have heard suggested (and which will never be used) would be a “factlet”, meaning a small or trivial fact.

    Getting off soapbox now. 🙂



  68. Boxer says:

    “Another interesting factoid”

    Just a nit. The suffix “oid” means false. So, for example, an ovoid is a shape that resembles an oval, but isn’t a true oval, hence it’s a false oval. A “humanoid” would be a creature that looks human (like all those aliens in Star Trek) but isn’t human, thus it is a “false human”.

    Not even close.

    -oid comes from the same PIE root that gave us εἶδος. In Aristotle it’s translated “of the species…” and in Plato it’s translated “derivative of the form of…”

    A factoid would be something that appears to be a fact, but is in fact false. Yes, I know, it’s common usage. A term I have heard suggested (and which will never be used) would be a “factlet”, meaning a small or trivial fact.

    Getting off soapbox now. 🙂



  69. I keep listening to my whispers, but they always say the same thing: “…ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn. Tikeli-li, tikeli-li.”

  70. Jack Russell says:

    The Bad Company song from 1976 “Do Right By Your Woman” made sense for the most part back then but today the meaning doesn’t.

  71. Frank K says:



    Forgive me for annoying you, your highness,

  72. Frank K says:

    And by the way, the definition/translation I have seen is “in the image of”. In other words, it looks like the genuine item, but it’s not. An ovoid is NOT an oval, it resembles an oval, but it’s not a true oval.

  73. Boxer says:

    Frank K writes:

    Forgive me for annoying you, your highness,

    Then later, he writes:

    And by the way, the definition/translation I have seen is “in the image of”. In other words, it looks like the genuine item, but it’s not. An ovoid is NOT an oval, it resembles an oval, but it’s not a true oval.

    Do you want to talk about this, or do you not? Make up your mind.

    Your revision is a little closer, but you’re still wrong. An asteroid doesn’t resemble an aster, for example… an opoid doesn’t resemble an op, either…


  74. Gunner Q says:

    Adam @ 1:07 am:
    “And now, for a fee, she’s going to coach other women into cheating and frivorcing their loyal husbands.”

    “A teenage girl who has been lured into prostitution will do her utmost to rope in her girlfriends as well. Women feel much better about their bad decisions if all of their friends have made the same bad decision too.”

    This explains a lot.

  75. Darwinian Arminian says:

    As depressing as it is to read a piece like the one Sharon Pope wrote, there’s something that’s even worse — the response of “the church” to those who share her point of view. Not only will they refuse to call her out on her sin or her selfishness, they’ll also take action against anyone who even has the nerve to suggest that she might have done something wrong. Against my better judgement, I was listening to a podcast from The Gospel Coalition last week and they made a great demonstration of this. Good old Russell Moore was one of the participants in a panel discussion on politics and the Bible, and partway through he stopped to make a statement that reminded everyone of why the modern church is so completely worthless:

    “. . . I was dealing, not too long ago with three different people who were trying to have a Christian understanding of the minimum wage in their community . . . one of those people was saying, ‘We’ve got single moms in our community and they can’t feed their children. We need to raise the minimum wage!’ Another one of these guys is saying, ‘We’ve got single moms in our communities and I think if we raise the minimum wage businesses are going to cut the hours of those single moms and they’re not going to be able to feed their kids.’ Those two guys I don’t worry about. They have the same Christian motive of concern for the poor, different application, that isn’t about the poor, it’s about an understanding of economics. But then there’s a third guy who has an Ayn Rand sort of view that the single moms are themselves the problem, that the fact that they are poor is a demonstration that they’re not virtuous, that they’re takers, and they have this social Darwinist view of reality . . . . that’s a guy I’m going to rebuke and say, ‘You’re not walking in a way that’s consistent with the gospel of Jesus Christ!’ ”

    Anyone who devotes either their time or their money to the church today is wasting both. Today’s church isn’t about Christ, it’s not about repentance, it’s not about salvation from sin. It’s about doing damage control for lawbreakers so that when their day of reckoning finally comes, it won’t be so bad for them and so that afterwards they’ll be able to go on with their normal life as if nothing happened. The catch to this is that only certain kinds of sinners will be able to expect this kind of treatment; I somehow suspect that if even Russell Moore were to run into the man who’d gotten all those single mothers pregnant then he’d be more than happy to tell him in person that he was a taker, that he was a problem, and that his way of living was a demonstration that he wasn’t virtuous. And it would never even occur to him that the man was only doing the same things those single mothers were doing (and that Moore had refused to condemn them for).

    What can you say? Moore’s a Calvinist, so I guess he can just shrug and mutter, “Some people just aren’t the ones that Christ died for.”

    Link to the podcast is here, Russ pipes in at about 36:30:

  76. Casey says:

    I’d like to get a look at the % split in her ‘stay’ / ‘go’ recommendations to her clients.

    Misery loves company, so I expect she three-quarters of the time recommends ‘GO’ to the fool who hired this woman.

    I don’t believe I would accept weight coaching from a blue-haired fat-ass……… why in the hell would I accept marriage coaching from a divorced woman who blew up her marriage?

  77. feeriker says:

    I don’t believe I would accept weight coaching from a blue-haired fat-ass……… why in the hell would I accept marriage coaching from a divorced woman who blew up her marriage?

    Somebody wanting to delude themselves into thinking that they’re losing weight while continuing to stuff their gullet with Twinkies woud hire a blue-haired lardass if she told them what they wanted to hear. Similarly, a woman itching to frivorce her boring husband while wanting to outwardly pretending to want to save her marriage wouldn”t hesitate to hire the likes of Sharon Pope, who is sure to tell her what she wants to hear.

  78. Casey says:

    @ feeriker

    You are dead right.
    Sales/Marketing 101

    You’ll never go broke pandering to people (women) by telling them what they want to hear.

  79. Interestingly elsewhere on that site is the counter argument from a married mom of three exalting to acknowledge but Not listen to the whispers.

    And not one comment since published in April.
    Hmmm. Not staying on message for the target demographic.

  80. mmaier2112 says:
    June 28, 2017 at 9:25 pm
    “So she *lost* weight in the midst of her dramas. Sure she did.”

    I lost four inches off my waist after getting dumped. But I’m a dude.

    These days, I’d just drink straight whiskey, gin or vodka instead of eating. But after over 20 years of witnessing female BS, I cannot imagine I’d ever have a broken heart again.”

    That last sentence is what will kill feminism and women’s prospects.

    ” But after over 20 years of witnessing female BS, I cannot imagine I’d ever have a broken heart again.”

    Now imagine it not said by a forty year old divorced man …
    ……..but as a 22 year old son of a divorcee mother.

    Who is going to tell him, “oh do it anyway, not ALL women are like that.”
    Without a blue pill father, SJW coach or even a good natured male teacher in his life to counter argue how does he not believe what he has lived himself.

  81. Swanny River says:

    I fought the urges to visit the gospel coalition over a year ago and it is easier now, though I still have the want, because the good articles were rewarding. It just wasn’t worth the spiritual anger though, so your experience reminds to keep up the necessary (for me) habit of not going there. That being said, your pain was to my enrichment. That is an unbelievable quore from Moore. Maybe this is a smidgen of what families felt in the civil war.
    FYI, your rub against Calvinists is unnecessary, because it is provocative but not the place to defend Calvinism, or Catholic vs Protestant or any of the other distractions. I will add a small rebuttal, we Calvinists don’t wave people off as lost because they are Ayn Rand fan. You threw a flaming arrow in bad faith. No biggie, its just not fitting an excellent blog like this one.

  82. earl says:

    ‘Pray for your wives if you are still married.’

    Wise advice. The devil is constantly on the prowl…this particular site and forum has more than enough examples of that.

  83. earl says:

    “Michael was tall, broad-shouldered, strong, and confident. He had money, a career, and a personality that was magnetic, a little dangerous, and more than a little narcissistic. He was also younger than me and very used to getting his way.”

    Anyone else’s BS meter go up? I think this woman has been reading too many erotic novels…it’s usually never actually the reality of the situation.

  84. BillyS says:

    I would somewhat fit that description, though I am definitely not a pure alpha, as most define it. I was a slight bit younger than my wife and very strong-willed. My wife definitely resented that, and blamed it (among other things) for our divorce, so what she says may be partially accurate Earl. That would fit what women do today of course.

  85. earl says:

    ‘Obviously, an adulteress should not be “whispering” her deceit to others much less taking money for doing so. Read Proverbs 7 to learn more about her.’

    Sure we learn about their tactics…the most important lesson everyone should take to heart:

    ‘With her many persuasions she entices him;
    With her flattering lips she seduces him.
    Suddenly he follows her
    As an ox goes to the slaughter,
    Or as one in fetters to the discipline of a fool,
    Until an arrow pierces through his liver;
    As a bird hastens to the snare,
    So he does not know that it will cost him his life.’

    Basically they = death.

  86. gman10858 says:

    To me, she represents Jezebel and all that entails. “You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.”

  87. SirHamster says:

    @ Frank K,

    I appreciated your comment on -oid words. Dictionary definition confirms it:

    1: an invented fact believed to be true because it appears in print

    Printed words carry greater weight than spoken ones, but the factoid only seems to be a fact from being printed; it is not.

    Speaking of factoids, these are examples of such:

    Your revision is a little closer, but you’re still wrong. An asteroid doesn’t resemble an aster, for example… an opoid doesn’t resemble an op, either…

    Dictionary on asteroid.

    Origin and Etymology of asteroid
    Greek asteroeidēs starlike, from aster-, astēr

    Infogalactic on opioids

    … opioid refers to both natural and synthetic compounds with an opium-like effect.

  88. Just Saying says:

    coaches women on whether they should remain married:

    So let me get this straight – she’s old, alone, screwed up her entire life by her choices… And now she feels qualified to tell other women what they should do? Sounds about right… Old, bitter, and alone wanted to get others to join the club…

  89. feeriker says:

    Sounds about right… Old, bitter, and alone wanted to get others to join the club…

    And what does it tell us about both the character and cerebral “wattage” of the target audience that, despite the obvious and clearly unenticing consequences of “joining” this “club” that so many of them do it anyway?

  90. W.B.Kotter says:

    Well thank God they didn’t have kids! I see no point in staying in a lifeless, loveless, sexless marriage if you don’t have kids. Kids are really the glue that keeps a marriage together and they are its purpose. Attraction has to be worked at, especially years in. She should have told her husband what she finds attractive and he may have tried to become that and maybe their marriage could have been saved. But we don’t get his side of the story here. Maybe he was already done with her and ready to move on.

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