As I explained in A long term commitment to selling divorce, the media has been selling “gray divorce” as empowerment to boomer women for nearly a decade, using a highly misleading narrative. Fortunately few women (statistically) are actually taken in by this message; despite the hype late life divorce is statistically rare, as most women intuitively understand the reality of Rollo’s Chart.
But limited success hasn’t discouraged those who are selling gray divorce, and even limited success still can translate to large numbers of men, women, and children being harmed. For an example of the constant barrage selling gray divorce to boomer women, see the 2010 article in the Denver Post Women getting feet under them after “gray divorce”. As the title suggests, the article is about the empowerment late life divorce offers to women. The poster child for the article is then 52 year old Mandy Walker, who is shown standing confidently next to a step-stool, the very picture of divorce empowerment.
Not surprisingly, the text of the article is selling the same message as the headline and the image. Older women are ditching their boring loyal dudes and opting for an empowering new life! This is an exciting new trend!
Women in long-standing marriages tend to want to move on more…
Unlike their mothers and grandmothers, who may have stayed married out of economic dependency, boomer wives are more likely to be financially independent, having carved out successful careers.
…when boomer women aren’t happy in a relationship, they seek change for fulfillment…
More so than men, women begin to look back on their lives and think about what their interests and passions were before marriage…
The article then quotes Mandy Walker, the confident woman with the step-stool:
The biggest thing was knowing I was approaching 50 and thinking I didn’t want to live the rest of my life married to someone I no longer loved…
Over the years, you give up a part of your life for your children, a part for your husband and a part for your work…
You are left wondering, ‘Where is the part that’s left for me?’
The article explains that divorce empowered Walker to follow her dream of being a writer. Walker went back to school to get a masters degree in journalism. Now Walker writes… about divorce.
Given that seven years have passed since Walker posed as the poster child for gray divorce, I thought I would see what living the dream looks like. While her short stint writing about divorce for Huffington Post seems to have ended in 2013, Walker still hosts a blog called Since My Divorce where she continues to write about divorce. The blog is heavily monitized* with advertisements and guest posts from divorce related service providers and links to the full range of divorce related services Walker herself sells.
My goal is to support you through the end of your relationship and beyond, with compassion and without judgment, while sharing tons of valuable insights and practical guidance.
One of her offerings is a free course to help women decide if they should divorce their husbands, titled Is Divorce The Answer?
Every marriage has its ups and downs, right?
So how do you know when you’ve crossed that invisible line, when you’ve reached the point of no return, when your relationship is truly beyond repair?
If after taking her free course you decide that divorce is the answer, Walker will then assist you with paid coaching time, or for those on a budget My Divorce Pal, an online self paced program Walker sells for $167.
But what about after the divorce? What does Walker offer divorcées who have completed their empowering gray (or otherwise) divorce and have come out on the other side? Walker has them covered on her site as well, with articles like the current guest post, How To Overcome Unfairness In Divorce:
It happens to the best of us. We navigate divorce, trying our hardest to be logical and rise about the drama and pettiness of our former partners, but every once in a while, the feeling hits.
Fairness. Unfairness. The feeling like we’ve been screwed over during divorce.
The guest post is written by fellow Divorce Coach Martha Bodyfelt who, like Walker, has her own website and offers her own services:
Martha Bodyfelt is a CDC Certified Divorce Coach® whose website “Surviving Your Split” helps readers gain clarity and get their confidence back so they can move on with their lives. For your free Divorce Goddess Recovery guide, stop by or say hello at
Bodyfelt elaborates, knowing precisely what her audience has experienced after the intoxicating promise of empowerment has faded and reality has finally set in:
You know exactly what I’m talking about. Do any of the following sound like things you have said or thought?
“It’s not fair that my ex has already moved on and I’m stuck here with nothing.”
“It’s not fair that he’s out having a great time with his new girlfriend while I’m here heartbroken.”
“It’s not fair that my adult children are going to be in my ex’s wedding, and they don’t understand what I’m going through.
“It’s not fair that they’re taking the kids to Disneyland and I don’t even have money for a haircut.”
“It’s not fair that I will have to work for another 10 years instead of retiring next year.”
Many of us have stewed in the injustice of it all, thinking that our ex should be punished…
See Also:
*The blog also appears to be a ghost town, with almost no reader comments on recent articles. For the articles I found that did have reader comments, roughly half of the comments were made by the author or host.
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How do you become a “CDC Certified Divorce Coach®?” Can I do that online at Fortis or University of Phoenix? Maybe like Saul Goodman, online from the Univ of American Somoa?
I bet there is a market for a “Christian” CDC Certified Divorce Coach.
So, hey weren’t happy when married to their exes, and they’re not happy being divorced.
I’m going out on a limb here…… maybe they are incapable of being happy. That’s the result of having unrealistic expectations of how life is supposed to bend to your whims.
I’ll wager the ex husbands are very happy in comparison.
You’re really racking them up lately Dalrock.
The quotes you’ve used are of course classics of the genre. Each reinforces the concept that the questioning woman is the center of all known human activity. Yes the universe is untold billions of light years across encompassing innumerable cosmic bodies and phenomena, and that the earth itself is home to billions of human beings — but “What About Me?!”
It all raises a question in my mind about the Mental Point of Origin (MPO). This is a well known staple of Rollo’s work and is associated with success. If I’ve understood it correctly, in dealings with women a man should have himself as his own MPO. This keeps him from operating within the woman’s frame, which if he falls into that leads to her loss of interest in him as a ‘Real Man’ possibility.
The gray women of your latest posts have clearly mastered this MPO concept. Indeed there seems to be little room for anything else in their consciousness but themselves as shown by their own writings, comments, and divorce kits at reasonable prices. No one can stride boldly forth with themselves as Mental Point of Origin like a female. Yet the success that ought to accrue to that status seems to elude them.
Oh well, it’s probably just confirmation bias on my part. If I spent some time in the Women’s Sphere I’d be sure to find endless stories of women rocketing to success in ever aspect of life specifically because she is her own MPO. Like the Brawny Paper Towel model that built a construction empire.
Reblogged this on A White Woman's Perspective.
Because, as we all know, it’s inconvenient to go to graduate school while your husband is working away at his job to support you in the pursuit. So much easier to go as a broke 50-something. You get to enjoy the ramen-noodle dinners and nights on the futon, just like the kids in your classes.
The book “The Art of Thinking Clearly” (which is really a book on thinking errors) calls this: survivorship bias.
The focus on success stories makes success seem likely, even if it is an area where success is rare.
Professional athlete, rock star, famous actress, all have minisclue success rates, yet thousands of people yearly set off to chase a goal where they gave a 1% chance of reaching their goal.
The author recommends “visiting graveyards”–a metaphor for spending time focusing on those who have failed to get a more realistic perspective.
Personally, I don’t think we can disused women of this grass-is-always-greener thinking. It is simply baked in their psyche.
Oh the irony of it all. Men having being jailed for non payment of alimony or child support, losing their children and being driven to suicide though, well. that’s fair of course..
Most men have to work their entire lives, many more in future will have to work until the die, but special snowflakes who caused the damage and thought divorce was the answer think it’s unfair that their husband moved on and she is a dead broke, unwanted spinster.
Welcome to the real world. It’s good that they are all feeding off of each other, draining the limited supply of money these spinsters have. They deserve nothing and they will get nothing!
As anon often points out, we have evolved into a situation where most of the cost of female irresponsibility is borne by females, cucks and manginas. This is not a bad thing, and we should encourage the feedback loop where we can.
Wow. “My life isn’t going how I want it to, so I’m mad at my ex-husband, who has nothing to do with this.” These people may be “grey” but mentally they are children.
@Dalrock minor proofreading error at the end of the 4th paragraph:
“…an online self self paced program…”
[D: Thanks!]
“Walker went back to school to get a masters degree in journalism.”
Awesome, maybe she can do a whole series on “gray student debt”.
As I’ve said elsewhere, a degree in “journalism” is more of a joke than one in Art History (which at least requires gaining some knowledge), and chasing a master’s degree in it is just wasting your life. It would take maybe 4-6 weeks, for a couple hours a day, to train anyone to be a competent journalist (integrity and morals aside).
When I’d said I was monitoring this, it was websites like Lady Writer’s* and the Bodyslam article I had in mind. Being a mellow-music embearded SNAG-boy entering this dangerous demographic, it is reassuring to be informed that, statistically, the longer one goes without landing the sale the less likely the sale becomes. But the purveyors’ pitch is out there, and one must remain vigilant that that seed may find no purchase.
*song title for those so inclined: Dire Straits’ second single, 1978 or so
There is a profit model for every phase of women’s maturity:

Mandy Walker is a textbook example of a woman entering her Redevelopment / Reinsurance phase of her life. Read this part of Preventive Medicine, you’ll see what I mean:
Good marketeers instinctively understand this SMV timeline and play to the insecurities of women as each stage. Furthermore, these marketeers (no matter what they sell) are aided by various phase-specific social conventions that also convince women that their value is perpetual and evergreen. These in tandem are used to sell women on a variety of security products, even when that product is an ideology.
Ah, the “It’s not fair.” bleat.
My three children can cogently, and articulately explain why they prefer not to spend much time with their mom. Yet, she is oblivious to her faults and to the effect they’re having on her relationship with the kids. I’m told that she bitches about how I spend my money and about how hard her life is, but has no awareness that she chose poorly, and that her current life is the logical result of her decision.
It’s just not fair.
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Oh no, not “coaching.” This is the biggest racket these days among a certain set of upper middle class women. What seems to happen is this: One women gets the idea to start some kind of coaching service, then gets others to pay for “training,” countless “seminars” (online and off) and so on.
I know women who are doing this and, believe me, they’re not qualified to coach a little league softball team much less other women’s lives. One is on so much medication for her mental state it actually costs more per year than what I used to earn as a starting journalist. This is who you want advising your wife on major life decisions?
Because I’m a nice guy, I won’t give away the names of these pseudo-Ponzi Schemes. But they’re easy enough to find. Search on Google for women’s “circles” or “coaching” and they come up. They use the word “goddess” a lot.
I also can’t stand the ridiculous language these women use. It’s like women’s studies, where they think creating word salad can make up for lack of intellectual substance. “Deep joy;” “blocked around her own intuition;” ” rediscover the best versions of themselves.” Gag.
Real Peterman
“My life isn’t going how I want it to, so I’m mad at my ex-husband, who has nothing to do with this.” These people may be “grey” but mentally they are children.
“Oldest teenager in the house” has been denounced for generations as misogyny but it has truth.
The whole divorce industry labels itself with noble slogans about “caring for women”, but if they really cared for women they’d send them back to their husbands with instructions on how to build up a marriage rather than tear it down (with her own hands). If they really cared for women they’d be teaching Game (or, ok, “Xtian Husband Leadership”, whatever) to men as well.
So rhetorical question time, for whom does the divorce industry actually care?
Days of Broken Arrows
(Good to see you again btw)
Oh no, not “coaching.”
Properly pronounced something like “ko-CHING!” with the accent on the second syllable.
Like the sound of an old fashioned cash register ringing…
I am sure my ex-wife feels that, since she got half the monthly amount her lawyer promised her at the start, almost certainly for a shorter time as well. Ironically, she still expects to get paid even when I am between jobs.
The last time I spoke with her she said I owed what I pay her because she “gave me almost 30 years” ignoring the fact that she took all those years from me when I could have instead built something for life with someone who truly believed that divorce was not an option.
I would note that she was only sold the last little bit of the divorce. She had been building the direction our entire marriage. That is only somewhat clear in retrospect, but the signs were there. Thus the sales effort has been over several decades and the fact she started connecting with other divorced women and a close friend got her own divorce for dubious reasons.
and the fact she started connecting with other divorced women and a close friend got her own divorce for dubious reasons
Yes that’s very commonly the case. Divorce tends to be “catching” among women, because they are so easily influenced by the behavior of their peers in so many ways in their lives. Once peers start to divorce, if she remains in the peer group with the divorcees, trouble is often coming not terribly far down the Pike.
Exactly. Being happy is an internal state. Outside forces can help, but it is ultimately a choice of the individual’s will.
While I still don’t like my current single state, it is much better than the strife that was coming up near the end of the marriage.
It’s kinda like what Kathy Griffin pulled the other day. She takes a picture with a decapitated bloody head of Trump. She gets torched for it rightly then pretends she is the real victim. Same thing never their fault for anything no matter what.
because they are so easily influenced by the behavior of their peers in so many ways in their lives.
Herd instinct from the “stereotypes are there for a reason” dept. Danger away from the herd. Any day of the week I see 50 or more cattle in wide open pastures of 40 acres and larger. Generally, they are standing or laying down in one heap, literally in continuous physical contact with each other. The potential for predation is virtually nil. That’s just how they roll.
“She says cutting the grass was on her husband’s to-do list”
I am a rare commenter but I’d put my 2 cents.
The Rolo’s SMV chart does make sense only in a monogamous or a (factually) moderately polygynous society. This used to be a case up to very recently but not any more. At least in some countries. “Feminized SMV” from: actually fits better (if we reduce male SMV peak from 10 to 6).
For example this statistical publication, page 303, illustrates the transition:
The charts for 2005 and 2015 explicitly show the transition. In 2005, there was a moderately polygynous society (already, with the exception of Germany, the highest disparity of childless men to women). To 2015 the unmarried men to women ratio has altered even more in favour of women up to their forties. My guess it within 20 years we end up in something like 80:20 ratio (Pareto principle) for men and women in reproductive age.
End game will be something like Mosuo and collapse.
MC227 said:
“Same thing never their fault for anything no matter what.”
That’s the feeling I got when I read the phrase “Divorce Goddess”. Something tells me the “Goddess” term is an extreme manifestation of the belief in one’s own moral infallibility. Everything that possibly goes wrong is someone else’s fault. “It’s not fair that he’s out having a great time with his new girlfriend while I’m here heartbroken.” Never mind that you initiated the split, essentially forcing him to move on with someone else. No, he’s the one who should be punished.
We are dealing with straight-up, textbook insanity. These women are literally living under assumptions about life that do not ring true when compared to the real world. And no wonder, because only such women can really get duped to go this far. But it is still an incredibly sad state of affairs.
A sister bought into this line and divorced her long-suffering husband. He’s happy now – has a nice girlfriend, nice place and is enjoying life again. She got the house, was foreclosed on and is now renting an old trailer in the bad part of town. She’s fat, over 60 and out of people to mooch from. She drained my parents dry and they wrote her out of the will before they died. I’m the only sibling that will talk to her (but I’m not giving ‘the black hole of need’ any more money).
By the way, everything is HIS fault. Not that she kept changing her story and demanding more and more during the divorce until the judge blew up and gave her the minimum, oh no. Well, there’s some fault thrown my way for not providing sufficient emotional and financial support during her tribulations, and I’ll agree that I wasn’t in her corner like a ‘true brother’ should have been. Of course, I would have had to be a millionaire to provide sufficient financial support, and my statement that ‘you sit and eat chocolate all day, your house is trashed, you don’t cook, what are YOU bringing to this partnership’ was tremendously hurtful and I should have immediately apologized and placed my bank account at her disposal.
“You are left wondering, ‘Where is the part that’s left for me?”
The level of entitlement, lack of awareness and conceit by these women for the sacrifices made by others to provide and protect for her reality never ceases to astound.
The answer is that it WAS all left for you.
Over and over again.
It’s not the rest of the world’s fault when women lack the common sense, human decency, morality and benevolence to recognize and appreciate it. This goes back to the failure of parenting.. The baby boomers are certifiably the most selfish and conceited generation ever.
“Days of Broken Arrows says:
June 5, 2017 at 12:53 pm
…I also can’t stand the ridiculous language these women use. It’s like women’s studies, where they think creating word salad can make up for lack of intellectual substance. “Deep joy;” “blocked around her own intuition;” ” rediscover the best versions of themselves.” Gag.”
I read that and an old Italian proverb came to mind: “Men have facts; women have words.”
Broken Arrow, women’s twitter pages, New Age Journals, radio psychobabblers — they’re all so full of mindless nonsense. They post their vapid bromides taken from greeting cards, then marvel at their own deep insights.
A terrorist massacres a crowd of people, and a female celebrity posts: “The world needs LOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVELOVE. Another posts a greeting card sentiment about how “The heart is bottomless love. If we tap into it, we can achieve anything.”
Then all her twitter fans (mostly young women and teenage girls) reply with worshipful posts like Why are you so good!, like puppies seeking approval for having given approval. Women are so insecure (even when they’re rich and famous) they create self-worshiping echo chambers for themselves, in which all the “haters” who offer “negativity” are banned.
Then these same prophets of LOVE — celebrities and followers — all spout hate against Trump and other conservative politicians.
Back in the 1980s, I flipped through New Age journals, laughing at their bromides. I thought, what a silly subculture. But now social media has shown that this subculture has over-whelmed the once Christian west. It’s how most women “think.”
”Divorce Coaches” are the types of women who I occasionally see in the inbox of my email account.
Frequently infestors of inner cities, they have additional interests such as the various schools of vegetarianism and crystal healing. For exercise they pursue yoga and eclectic ”martial” arts (not real martial arts: it’s too traumatic for them). Should you have the misfortune of talking to one, you will find that they were married, but had ”evolved past their husbands spiritually”.
On occasion I get a picture of one, with her arms outstretched in a ”come hither” pose. I can’t find the ”delete” button on my keyboard quickly enough.
Awesome, maybe she can do a whole series on “gray student debt”.
Given how little justice there is in this world, she probably doesn’t have any such debt. She probably suckered some family court judge into strong-arming the ex-schlubby into paying for her worthless graduate degree.
Martha Bodyfelt is a CDC Certified Divorce Coach®
Maybe it’s already happened and I’m just unaware of it, but I await the day when some grey-haired suckerette sues on of these charlatans for malpractice or fraud.
MC227 says:
June 5, 2017 at 1:21 pm
It’s kinda like what Kathy Griffin pulled the other day. She takes a picture with a decapitated bloody head of Trump. She gets torched for it rightly then pretends she is the real victim. Same thing never their fault for anything no matter what.
How true. The US govt. has to start paying visits to these people. 30 years ago, she would have been in jail. I can’t believe she is 56. My mother who lived to 83 looked younger and my sister who is 63 looks way younger than her. I am surprised she didn’t use a Putin head since Russia seems to be the bad guy since they started attacking ISIS. I guess the left has never forgiven Russia for getting rid of the old Soviet Union
The baby boomers are certifiably the most selfish and conceited generation ever.
No. The same problem exists outside the US, and the Female Imperative (FI) is in all cultures and all centuries.
Those who think ‘feminism’ would not have happened if not for some 1858 meeting in Seneca Falls, or some 20th century historical event the US faced, or a group that is just 2% of the population, truly don’t understand how deep the hardwiring is for all humans, and that female-centrism is inherent to human nature (for reasons that used to make sense before modern times). Mythology from all cultures, from thousands of years ago, is full of examples of entire armies of men dying to rescue *one* woman.
Assuming that ‘feminism’ is just a recent, superficial thing also makes one prone to thinking that Republicans are somehow against ‘feminism’, and that Republicans winning elections somehow defeats ‘feminism’. That is completely wrong.
As anon often points out, we have evolved into a situation where most of the cost of female irresponsibility is borne by females, cucks and manginas. This is not a bad thing, and we should encourage the feedback loop where we can.
Yes. That is actually fair, and perhaps the process that nature wants to manifest.
Women ripping off other women is not a problem for us at all. It is true that three steps back, the money originated from men, but this transaction is women ripping off other women.
So it is virtually identical to a Nigerian romance scam..
You would think that women would get wiser as they get older… then again, these (childish) women are the minority among their like-aged peers, so not all bad news I guess.
You would think that women would get wiser as they get older…
One can observe and fairly conclude that adult women are less moral than 9 year old girls (or boys).
A 9 year old girl, being pre-maturity, will in fact reciprocate respectable treatment, and will not be repelled by polite cooperation. An adult woman, on the other hand, is precisely wired to oppose any and all foundations that civilization is built on.
Hell, even a dog reciprocates good treatment, and is favorably disposed to a master in proportion to the way in which the dog is treated.
I used to be taken aback when some in the sphere said that in terms of morality and basic reciprocity :
Men > Children > Animals > Woman.
Sadly, this no longer seems so exaggerated.
“Otto Lamp says:
June 5, 2017 at 10:26 am
The book “The Art of Thinking Clearly” (which is really a book on thinking errors) calls this: survivorship bias.
The focus on success stories makes success seem likely, even if it is an area where success is rare.
Professional athlete, rock star, famous actress, all have miniscule success rates, yet thousands of people yearly set off to chase a goal where they gave a 1% chance of reaching their goal.
The author recommends “visiting graveyards”–a metaphor for spending time focusing on those who have failed to get a more realistic perspective.
Personally, I don’t think we can disused women of this grass-is-always-greener thinking. It is simply baked in their psyche.”
As the old testament says, ‘The wise dwell in the house of mourning.’ Being aware of misfortune and the unfortunate is one way at better avoiding it yourself, and is also a way to better preservere should misfortune come upon you.
Perhaps that is the difficulty for modern women… women in general. Because they are valued as potential mothers, and because fathers and brothers make such efforts to preserve daughters and sisters from coming to face the ills of the outside world, daughters and sisters don’t get the chance early on to develop that insight into the human condition. Perhaps good women, sincerely compassionate women are those who have seen what it’s like to experience hardship, or at least witness among their family, friends, or even themselves that success isn’t an automatic.
Makes sense that this applies to harder days of humanity’s presence on the Earth. Perhaps it makes sense these days to. What do the quotas and double standards and patronizing accomplish? Entitlement and a continued unfamiliarity with what it is to trip and fall face first into the mud. Likewise, it leaves them in general with an unfamiliarity with getting up, wiping the mud away, and having a good laugh at themselves rather than finding someone to blame for the clouds, the rain, for not putting a coat down to let them cross the puddle.
Anon: I used to be taken aback when some in the sphere said that in terms of morality and basic reciprocity :
Men > Children > Animals > Woman.
It’s because of women’s sense of entitlement. Children and animals have a sense of self-interest but not of entitlement. But women have become convinced that they are so awesome and amazing that they deserve the best.
If you treat a dog well (or even a cat), it’ll understand that you serve its self-interest, and it will reciprocate. But in many women’s minds, if you treat her well, you’re only giving her what she deserves. Why should she be grateful for being given her due?
I knew Kathy Griffin for a period in the early 1990s, here in Los Angeles. We were never friends, but we talked briefly on occasion.
She was the same as now. Mouthy, abrasive, opinionated. Even back then, she wasn’t very good looking.
I did know a guy who confessed to having a crush on Griffin. But she was seeing someone else, and so he never did anything about it.
RedPillLatecomer: “If you treat a dog well (or even a cat), it’ll understand that you serve its self-interest, and it will reciprocate. But in many women’s minds, if you treat her well, you’re only giving her what she deserves. Why should she be grateful for being given her due?”
One thing I learned the hard way as a teenager was that if you do things to help women, not only don’t they appreciate it, but they see it as “weak” and you as “soft.” The one error I will NEVER forget is getting my shy, sweet 16-year-old girlfriend a job. We’d been dating a year and had lost our virginity together.
I worked part-time doing deliveries for my father’s CPA firm and hooked her up with a job at a restaurant to which I delivered tax forms, etc. At the end of the summer, I went on a short vacation with my family. When I came back, she broke up with me, saying thanks to all the new friends she had at the job she realized “she no longer needed me” when she went to a party.
We got back together a few months later after reports of me being seen with a cheerleader at Wendy’s got her dander up, but it was never the same. But did I learn my lesson about being Mr. Nice Guy Helper? No. That would take about two decades more.
Pingback: Being divorced is their essence, but don’t label them. | Dalrock
— You would think that women would get wiser as they get older
I’ve come to see wisdom as entirely a male property. Women who are wise, such as older ones who pass good pointers and advice to younger ones, are transmitting the wisdom of the line of men in their lives. All women who sever their connection to patriarchy regress to pre-human mammalian instincts.
Lower class such women become fat mudshark singe moms. Higher class ones rationalize their behavior with new agey glitter or they volunteer to work in migrant camps.
“The last time I spoke with her she said I owed what I pay her because she “gave me almost 30 years” ignoring the fact that she took all those years from me when I could have instead built something for life with someone who truly believed that divorce was not an option.”
Because the years of a man’s life are worthless, compared to a woman? This is stark misandry, and this attitude is as pervasive as the air we breath.
Wait….wait! WAIT!!! The article begins that “boomer women” have great careers, raised kids, did all the amazing things and what’s all this “unfairness” thing about money?????
what’s all this “unfairness” thing about money?????
Why should they have to spend their own money on mundane things like rent, food, utilities, etc.? That’s what a man’s income is for; their money is for ADVENTURE!!!!!!!