As I’ve noted before, Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems.
H/T Twitchy
See Also: “I have always depended on the sexual kindness of strangers.”
As I’ve noted before, Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems.
H/T Twitchy
See Also: “I have always depended on the sexual kindness of strangers.”
Why would any male manager be stupid enough to mentor any female outside of a direct relative is beyond me. #askingforit
Pingback: Sisters aren’t about to do it for themselves. | @the_arv
“3x as many male managers are now uncomfortable mentoring women in the wake of #MeToo.”
No matter who made the bed, we all have to lie in it. The situation will only improve if the rules are changed for the better.
Arianna Huffington Post. “We need more men…(to do what we tell them to do)…”
Make sure to mentor her…but make sure to not mansplain.
Sun rises in the east.
Water is wet.
Women want fried ice.
Arianna Huffington, going against the Feminist Red Tide? Is that a horse I see in the sky?
The comments on that tweet are glorious!
I remember something aboot fish and bicycles……
One commenter says,
Men, treat your female coworkers/employees like you would treat the males. Before saying something to a woman ask if you’d say it to a man.
If you treat them like a man would treat a woman, that’s harassment.
If you treat them like a man would treat a man, that’s mansplaining.
If you treat them like a woman would treat a man, that’s abuse.
The only thing left is to treat them like a woman would treat a woman, and women can’t work together. See Samantha Brick.
The biggest perk of mentoring is the daily blowjobs.
I’ve always said women love to sex the Boss because he has power,unlike her husband.
So let the fellatio begin. (again)
Decriminalize women’s natural behaviors!
No justice,no peace!
F. Scott Fitzgerald said, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”, but he left off, “rationally”.
My answer to her – NOPE!
I have told my wife this #MeToo will backfire in a big way, and will certainly hurt our daughter down the line. Many men in the future will not teach, mentor, or hire woman, especially young woman….they will have to rely on other woman to hire them if mostly to all woman companies. And, of course, the issue with that is, as my wife says on more than one occasion, “woman bosses are worst to other woman than male bosses – always bitching and will not help the younger woman get ahead”. She has seen this countless times, and experienced it herself first hand
Of course, the complete irony in this situation is that the only way to get rid of this backlash is for woman themselves to counter it…..but that letter from 100 French woman went over like a lead P#$^$y Hat to the feminist hive. A terrible vicious circle that will never end…
The Sisters can’t do it for themselves.
Americans may not be as familiar with Mrs Huffington as those of us on the other side of the pond. She may, now, be the former wife of bisexual Congressman Michael HuffPo but when she was better known as Miss Stasinopoulou she was herself mentored – that is to say #metoo’d – by the late (((Bernard Levin))), a Times columnist, opera afficianado – I sometimes saw him at the Garden – and Kiwi te Kanawa groupie (I’ve met her; Levin obviously had a thing for unpronouncable last names) whom she (Ariana) met across the studio floor when she an immigrant to Great Britain of just five years and an affirmative-action student at Cambridge University appeared and only because she was a girl and good-looking and not English on that dreadful BBC television music-quiz Face the Music – a show which was unfunny, uninformative and in equal measure to its pretentious banality. ‘Opus number, Robin’, ‘Dummy Keyboard’ and ‘one opera played to the film of another’ – I almost laughed – were its dire dumbed-down level in addition to helping the weeks musically ignorant guest to the right answer. Awful, just awful, don’t get me going as to just how much and why. She in true don’t-you-want-me-baby fashion quickly moved on and Stasinopoulou being Greek then wrote a book about Callas. (Isn’t that a bit, erm, waaycist – I mean, for a Greek). She has (if memory serves) been sued successfully for plagiarism – colour me shocked. You are welcome (along with local-girl Louise Mensch) to her.
Men, mentor women.
Don’t worry about the risks. Just do whatever she wants, be smart enough to figure out what she wants without being told, and you’ll probably be safe unless she changes her mind.
The poor wimmenz, who will think of the poor wimmenz!?
Pure freaking schizophrenia.
“Anything men can do, we can do better. Except when we can’t, in which case you sorry-ass men had better step up.”
As Trudeau might say, we should use the term “peopletorher” rather than the old term “mentor”, to be more inclusive.
Wow. If there ever were a need to memorialize the modern western woman’s abject failure to comprehend cause and effect, then Ms. Huffington’s Twitter post would have to be Exhibit A.
They did it to themselves. Again.
Opus — “She may, now, be the former wife of bisexual Congressman Michael HuffPo but when she was better known as Miss Stasinopoulou she was herself mentored – that is to say #metoo’d – by the late (((Bernard Levin))).
Why is this person’s name in triple parentheses? Does it denote — as it does at Teddy Beale’s site — that the person is thus identified as a Jew? Do you place the names of Greeks or Somalis or Buddhists that offend you in parentheses? If not, why not?
I find it hypocritical that a person like Teddy, who trumpets his Christianity, places the names of Jews in special brackets. Can anyone explain why a Christian would initiate such a practice, and then popularize it amongst his clique?
This is not Scriptural; indeed, it is anti-Scriptural.
Interesting how they can’t do it for themselves. Men should not mentor women who are not relatives. Huffington talking about this is like Kim Il talking about life, liberty and happiness.
You call me to task for tacitly identifying Bernard Levin as Jew, yet you do not call me to task for identifying Ariana Stasinipoulos as Greek nor for that matter identifying Dalrockians as being American or myself otherwise. Double standards methinks.
FWIW I do not identify myself as Christian (save in a cultural Anglican sense).
Completely predictable reaction and counter reaction, given the comletely one-sided nature of the #MeeToo warlock hunt and the fact that the “trial” in every case happened in some branch of media. Really just an extended version of a Facebook clique or pack of Tumblrinas all having a hate session, but with real consequences for the man in question.
Invoking a version of the Pence / Billy Graham rule of “never alone with any woman except my wife” naturally arouses the ire of career women, who are both ambitious and hypergamous. How can they compete not just for a top job but for the top man that they surely deserve, if there’s no way to ever be alone with such a mentor? How can a girl sleep her way to the top if she never has any opportunity to sleep with the right men? Plus how can a girl be taken seriously if men insist on treating her like a man, rather than man or women depending on which gives her the biggest advantage?
Nationwide stamping of feet in high heels! Take us seriously! And don’t get between us and the Alpha we so desire, either!
Once again we see what the feminist “blank slate” equalism leads to: mandatory cognitive dissonance on a national scale.
You’re a cuck ray. Stop policing your own ”’side”’ and save some of that vitriol for the enemy. Perhaps if we had more warm bodies on the field facing against the left America wouldn’t be stuck in the cycle where satanic progressives push more degeneracy and open borders while ‘concerned with gentlemanly rules’ people like you make sure that the progressives keep their gains because you handcuff anyone who would want to fight back.
Well, it was just a matter of time before the backlash kicked in… you knew you should be careful for what you wish for, you might be cursed with the desire of your heart.
#MeToo/#TimesUp: Men are sick, evil, perverted sexual harassers and they need to be eradicated from work, school, employment, government, entertainment, and all of public life.
Men: “OK. Bye.”
#MT/TU: Men need to spend more time helping/mentoring women at work, school, employment, government, entertainment, and all of public life.

Once again :
‘Feminism’, far from helping women, has instead exposed the full extent of female inferiority (moral, intellectual, civic, spousal, parental, economic, spiritual) far more visibly than was ever possible before ‘feminism’.
Traditional society was far better for women, as they were kept out of situations where their inferiority would become visible.
#BelieveHer or #MentorHer
Take your pick, but you can’t have both.
The inferiority comes by making ridiculous claims like ‘I don’t need a man’.
I’m all for them finally seeing what life is like without a man.
Pingback: MeToo discovers that there is always a counterrevolution
It’s time for women to face a male wall of silence. They want a ‘conversation’ only to the extent that it’s only among themselves, and as to what men “have to” do next. It still comes down to what they can extract from us.
“Look, I don’t want any trouble, and I certainly don’t want to cause anyone else trouble. Until this is resolved with legal and HR I have to maintain some distance. I’m sure it will be clarified quickly.”
Simple. Done. You know very well this will never be resolved so your mentorship duties can taper off. Go play golf instead, or start a consulting gig on the side. The “New Normal” needs to die.
‘Feminism’, far from helping women, has instead exposed the full extent of female inferiority (moral, intellectual, civic, spousal, parental, economic, spiritual) far more visibly than was ever possible before ‘feminism’.
It has also shown the ‘average’ man, in 100 foot letters on a stadium JumboTron, what the ‘average’ woman really, truly thinks of him when she believes there will be no consequences for showing it.
True colours, shining through. An age-old lesson being relearned.
As a former resident of NZ, I was rather amused by your reference to “Kiwi te Kanawa”. I presume you meant to write “Kiri Te Kanawa” but you had a brain fartand replaced Kiri with Kiwi.
Hilarious! #metoo the gift that keeps on giving. Moar please! #Timesup Indeed! Haha!
The next logical step is to make it equally as dangerous for a man NOT to meet privately with a woman for fear of workplace discrimination as it is for him to meet with her privately and get accused of sexual harassment in the workplace. In short, a situation where the man has no boundaries or safe position from which he can protect himself.
Enjoy the decline.
Pingback: Sisters aren’t about to do it for themselves. | Reaction Times
Sheryl Sandberg says #meeToo hasn’t gone far enough.
Apparently there’s no need for due process in cases of false accusation, though. Guess that doesn’t matter. Let’s all remember that Sandberg is an outspoken proponent of women riding the cock carousel until they are ready for their beta to step up…
“Can anyone explain why a Christian would initiate such a practice, and then popularize it amongst his clique?”
It’s done by three kinds of people: racist assholes, edgy teenagers, and people who ignorantly copy whatever prevailing trend they see.
“Double standards methinks”
LOL. You’re a fool.
At the risk of devolving into silliness and distraction, I’d like to see your work on this one.
We need more men to #MentorHer
As the sage once said: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice … We won’t be fooled again. But seriously, explain one more time what’s the upside? I can see the future liability just fine.
We should also not forget that this harridan’s unfortunate husband, Dave Goldberg, died under sudden, and very mysterious circumstances, in a foreign country.
Being married to that woman must have been Hell. However it happened, I’m sure Dave Goldberg is glad to finally be resting at peace, away from her nagging.
Being a (((Jew))) does not mean one is a Biblical Jew. It means someone uses that to destroy Christian society, kind of part of the Synagogue of Satan Paul speaks of. Many of these are not even observant Jews, just hedonistic ones who want to destroy things I hold dear.
I am not one of those who believe Replacement Theology, just someone who wants my civilization to continue. I see no problem opposing anyone who seeks to destroy it. That is completely Scriptural, whatever your claims.
Keep in mind that John the Baptist said that God could raise up Jews from rocks. That doesn’t negate God’s promises, but clearly shows that hiding behind lineage is not sufficient nor smart.
Opus – a Greek is “of the nation of Greece”; an American is “of the nations of the America’s”; a Swede is “of the nation of Sweden”, and so on. A Jew is “of the nation of … what?”
There are Greek Jews, American Jews, Swedish Jews, Iranian Jews – especially Iranian Jews. And so on. I’m sure you are aware of this.
Identifying someone as being a Jew tells us nothing about their nationality.
Your response compared apples to oranges – a complete non-response to ray.
Just in case you were wondering.
You women want an end to sexual harassment? Get out of men’s spaces. Get out of the work place. Get back into the kitchen where you belong. And learn to make sammiches. Then you won’t have to imagine someone is goggling at you inappropriately. You won’t mistake complements for being hit on. And your feelings won’t get hurt because you weren’t pampered to your satisfaction (as if that were even possible).
Ray – you say you do not believe Replacement Theology. I take that to mean you believe that God’s promise was to Abraham and his seed only, and God’s promise remains only to them. I’m curious whether you have thought through the implications of that reasoning for all who are not of Abraham’s seed.
I’m not asking what your thoughts are. I’m just curious (in a yes / no sense) of whether you’ve thought through the implications of your position.
Sorry – my comment should have been addressed to BillyS
JDG – it is not that women belong only in the kitchen. It is that they don’t belong in a position of taking over what men have built. Women are welcome to go build their own businesses. Then they can have control and be as powerful as they want to be. In places that they have built themselves. Not in places that they have not built, but want to control anyway.
Yup. This isn’t hard. It’s not rocket science.
Then you won’t have to imagine someone is goggling at you inappropriately. You won’t mistake complements for being hit on. And your feelings won’t get hurt because you weren’t pampered to your satisfaction (as if that were even possible).
But think of all the drama deh wimminz would miss out on if they went back home to their God-given roles and behaved themselves. It would be slow death for the vast majority of them. Remember that drama is the fourth element of existence that women need, along with food, oxygen, and water.
Women are welcome to go build their own businesses. Then they can have control and be as powerful as they want to be. In places that they have built themselves. Not in places that they have not built, but want to control anyway.
Very few of them can build or sustain a business, and of those few that can, almost no women want to work for them. No matter how much she hates men, a woman hates working for another woman even more.
Long before I got into red pill, I had already observed that there are two kinds of Jews in our country: there are the ones who run the big banks, who run Hollywood, who want the illegals here, who hate Christianity, who sit on the Supreme Court, who wrote apologia for the Soviet Union, etc. These are the ones who are out to destroy our culture; they need to be pointed out; people need to understand their motives aren’t the same as ours.
Then there are the other kind: these are the more conservative and observant ones who pay more than lip service to their Judaism, who are usually not as anti-Christian. They’re not as well known, likely not as numerous as the former, but they do exist.
for twenty-five plus years, I have been hearing “girls rock” and “don’t need a man” and we all know that the “round-house kicking girls” are so empowered and “girls rule, boys drool” mantra….
Now I am supposed to “mentor” a woman in Faith, at a skill, out and about? In a job????
I thought they knew it all already? They certainly don’t need my help. This whole “me too” and “times up” and other actions over the decades have clearly shown me that I am not needed by them. They have the courts, federal and state agencies. They have whole departements in colleges / universities. They have support groups, activist groups and organizations to help them.
This whole thing of late has made me realize that I am glad I made the choices I did years ago……
Sexual harassment complaints have been around at least since the 80’s and they had the same ruinous effect on a man’s career regardless of legitimacy. I remember sexual harassment training videos, etc., in the 90’s. So this is nothing new, only the consequences, which were bad enough then, are now even worse.
@stickdude90 “#BelieveHer or #MentorHer” sure hit that one out of the park. Best TL;DR comment in the thread.
As I’ve noted before, Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems.
Not only that, it’s also a religion. That line works perfectly as a one sentence sermon for the holy cause of woman’s rights. It’s how you say “You are a sinner, repent and be saved!” in the Feminese language.
Though on second thought, it would make more sense to drop the “be saved” part. Feminism offers men no salvation, just the option of postponing Judgement Day until the next time the goddess is in the mood for apocalypse.
They just don’t want a husband and kids. It’s not like family life or being obedient isn’t devoid of its dramas either. Rebellion is just sold as ‘thrills/fun all the time’…but it eventually ends up in boredom and being alone.
Opus — “You call me to task for tacitly identifying Bernard Levin as Jew, yet you do not call me to task for identifying Ariana Stasinipoulos as Greek nor for that matter identifying Dalrockians as being American or myself otherwise. Double standards methinks.”
The only double standard — and confusion — is in your own spirit. Don’t blame that on me, nor hold me responsible for your own statements. Your hatreds are your own.
You did not place the name of Ariana Stasinipoulos, nor the names of Dalrockians, in triple parentheses. Like your pal Teddy, you placed the name of the Jew in parentheses — so we’d all know, wink wink, who the ‘enemy’ is, and why.
Let me assure you that I know exactly who the enemy is. And anybody who hates ‘the Jews’ for being Jews is right near the top of the list. So, there are two enemies of Christ identified in my response. Anyone furthering the purposes or publicity of those enemies is complicit as an anti-christ.
RichardP says:
February 7, 2018 at 4:09 pm
JDG – it is not that women belong only in the kitchen. It is that they don’t belong in a position of taking over what men have built.
Nope! Sammich making for a husband is more important for women than building their own businesses, and they need to be in the kitchen to make sammiches (Titus 2:3-6 and 1st Cor 11:9).
Special brackets?! The nerve of that Nazi!
Never again!
Hey Arianna Huffington: What do us men get for #mentorher-ing you? We get:
-Ignored by you, because you already know everything, like Mary Sue from Star Wars
-Strife off you, since we ”mansplain”
-Betrayed by you, with #metoo and #times up
-Life destroyed by you with affairs, divorce, ”whoops” pregnancies
-Replaced by you
-Have our history re-written by you, with us air-brushed out of it.
I’m not on social media, but if I were, I would be replying to you with a picture of a middle finger salute.
@Random Angleno
You may not have seen this little bit of humor yet.
IMO, careerist/feminist women oppose men following the Billy Graham/Mike Pence rule about no alone time with women not his wife for the exact same primary reason. It’s the same reason why they have grand mals when they find one of those Red-Pilled geeks who record every second of their time in the workplace (to prevent harassment accusations). And, no, it’s NOT losing potential romantic access to an Alpha.
It’s removal of either threatpoint (where they can pressure men, especially those who are hierarchially above them for favors or doing their work for them), or the actual ability to get fired (or worse, e.g., blackballed/fined/imprisoned) if they dislike anything a man does or says, or even just if they’re bored or find him unattractive. THOSE are why careerist/feminist women hate hate hate the Graham/Pence rule.
Those in ((( ))) are the antichrists unless they become Christian. I’m guessing you are a dispensationalist who thinks that they are still God’s “chosen people” ? Those who are born of God, the Christians – and Christians alone – are God’s people.
“Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.” 1 John 2:22 ESV
I mentor a woman. My wife.
I mentor a woman. My wife.
His own wife and daughter(s) are the ONLY women any man should mentor, and then not in anything “professional.”
So how will the feminists solve this growing conundrum?
My guess is they will demand some new punitive confiscatory policy. Any man who refuses to mentor women or put himself in situations in which sexual misconduct allegations would not be readily refutable will be immediately fired and replaced with a woman. And any business interests of his will be appropriated to the feminist commissars.
Every time I see the Huffington Post mentioned, I think about the role Andrew Breitbart had in creating it. He wanted America to see the unvarnished stupidity of the left by bypassing the filter of the MSM.
Random Angeleno: Then there are the other kind: these are the more conservative and observant ones who pay more than lip service to their Judaism, who are usually not as anti-Christian.
Ultra-Orthodox Jews are among the least tolerant people around. Do some searches on YouTube. In Israel, it’s the Ultra-Orthodox (not the secular) Jews who practice hate crimes against Christians and Messianic Jews, from spitting, to punching, to church desecrations.
I sometimes hear American conservatives praising Ultra-Orthodox Jews for their piety. But the Pharisees were the Ultra-Orthodox of Jesus’ day, and what did Jesus say of their piety?
“Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spice — mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law — justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.
You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel.
Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence.”
— Matthew 23:23-25
Judaism is an ethnoreligion by their own declaration. A nation is an ethnos, not a political boundary. So your question essentially answers itself. The Jews have always been a nation in exile outside of their traditional borders.
Would Ariana and Sheryl Sandberg confront the main reason men are reluctant to mentor women – fear of false or frivolous sexual harassment claims? No, of course not. These problems are urban myths as far as these ladies are concerned. And if a man dares to suggest these problems, they won’t even try and sympathize with his concerns, they’ll berate him as a misogynist.
So if feminists are completely unwilling to sympathize with men, and only deign to tell them what to do, why should men cooperate with feminists?
Oh dear – what have I done!
A long time ago and in a now defunct blog far far away I made what I thought an innocuous comment which I certainly did not see as in any way derogatory to the Red Sea pedestrians – in fact the very reverse – but the proverbial hit the fan; many clearly agreed with me but kept their heads down, but those who took greatest exception to my comment I observed were the strong Christians. I know Christians are supposed to love everyone but really that looked to me like batting for the opposition or perhaps there is a moral superiority or signaling of virtue in treating certain classes as people as an endangered species in need of ones paternalistic protection.
So far as Bernard Levin is concerned (he was if memory serves correctly, agnostic) author of a twice weekly column for The Times and on those days I would always on opening my copy turn first to his article for he was a great stylist much as I when clicking on Takimag always turn straight to Theodore Dalrymple who is another ((())). I also notice that among my small collection of popular music I have discs by female singers (perhaps not much known to Americans) surnamed Cogan, Shapiro, Collins and Brooks; all ((())). Strangely despite the large number of ((())) in classical music I can not think of any operatic or lieder sopranos or mezzos who are also ((())). Mendelssohn and Meyerbeer were superb composers (Wagner is guilty of the very thing of which he accused Meyerbeer); Mahler, Schoenberg and Bernstein (east) I can only take in very small doses – far too much over-the-top angst.
America is however a hyphenated country and as I have said before every American seems (unless they claim that their ancestor sailed on The Mayflower) to have allegiance other than to their country, hence Irish American, Italian American and the like. This is not really known where I come from – one either is or one isn’t; we are. As most of the immigrants are Empire they can and do claim to be British without adding (say) Jamaican or Trinidadian. Aussies and Kiwis and the returning white-wogs of Africa being indistinguishable are treated as natives. Indians are treated as long-lost cousins (lost in 1947). All Americans seem to me the same whatever the prefix. America is obsessed with Roots, Britain less so for we know we were always here and thus who we are and who we are not and what we are not is French (that is the main thing) and thus the term French Britain would be as absurd as Fried Ice.
For the last year or so I have been contemplating what it means to be almost a perfect half breed of which you speak. One side is old-stock, pre-revolutionary war and the other is of course, Serbian immigrant only 11 years before I was born. The best I can figure is this-
It will take another 20 generations of people living on this continent for there to develop a true “American” ethnicity. And if it does it happen it will be the result of many different things including the continued accelerated evolutionary ladder and environmental pressures (that we have not even conceived yet) in order to make it happen.
On topic–
I’m not sure where the disconnect is, but I actually went to the site and they are claiming, based on survey monkey data that twice as many male engineers say they are uncomfortable mentoring women in the wake of #metoo. But then Huffington tweets the article and claims “3x as many men.”
I’ve noticed this happens a lot as statistics cited to “prove” some point or another change by degree like that (always in the direction of strengthening the case being made) over time.
Is is twice as many engineers or three times as many men?
And more importantly. the thought policing is thick here. To challenge the “feelings” of men (uncomfortable is subjective) as if they are “wrong” is straight out of what our feminized mental health zeitgeist tells us. That feelings are NEVER wrong.
What’s important about that is THEY created a world where you are supposed to communicate and talk about your feelings as if they exist in a logic/rationale free vacuum. And if you cannot come together and reconcile with the other party, go your separate ways.
Some feelings are wrong, because they are based on faulty reasoning. Some of them are right for the exact opposite reason.
Off T, but maybe I’m not the only one.
I thought I possessed login credentials by virtue of being able to comment on wordpress blogs like Dalrock, but said credentials are being rejected at American Dad though I am being asked for the very same email I use here, etc.
Please advise.
Not going against the tide: just against the logic of her own premises.
In other words, more of her standard Leftist bilge, trying to force the world to sing in Marxist harmony…
You must have had to read Kate Chaupin too! Or just seen it happen…
I hated “The Awakening” in college. But at least suicide was a believable ending.
My Bible tells me repeatedly to be aware of the (((concision))). Can someone point me to the place where Jesus tells us to ignore the teaching of the Pharisees?
Nowhere does Jesus tell me to be aware of the Dutch or the Somalis. Jesus must have been a racist.
Are you jew-haters going to put the name (((Jesus))) in parenthesis with the rest of his relatives?
@ 9767
“Before Abraham was, I am.” John 8:58
Apparently being obedient to Jesus Christ and being aware of Jewish influence is “anti-Semitic” and “hatred”. What a quandary. Will I sick up to Antichrist or will I try to be obedient to my Savior…..
When John the Baptist (yes a “Jew”) and Jesus called (((them))) a generation (family) of vipers were they Jew-haters?
“May his blood be upon (((us))).”
Galatians 3:28 “there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male or female, for you are all one in Christ.”
There is one salvation in Christ for all who believe. I take also this to mean no ones behavior is above scrutiny or criticism. Not men’s, not women’s, not jew’s (the ones who killed him).
OT: Jordan Peterson, the aftermath:
To reject Christ is to be godless by definition. That’s boilerplate Christianity. Being a Jew does not change that. There is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. He is the way, the truth, and the life.
It takes a special type of stupid Christian to yoke up with God-hating Jews and rub their own ethnicity out of existence. The disconnects are legion.
Oh, yes. Jew haters. I’ll add that to my list of words to be used to dilute rational arguments. Right up there with racist and misogynist. Ignore the Bible, right? They have been tossed into the street to be trampled by men. Does that mean I should trample them? No. That’s God’s business and he took short shrift with those he used to judge Israel for their part in it. But let’s not pretend they’re something they’re not.
No Bible evidence for your “anti-biblical” claim yet, huh? I’m sure you’re working on it.
@Embracing reality. Paul wrote Galatians 3:28.
He also wrote Philippians 3:3-6: “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.”
The critical part of Galatians 3:28 that many refuse to see is “in Christ”. And some that see it refuse to understand it.
One thing to note is that no Sadducee (the worldly Jews) is directly noted as coming to Jesus. Many Pharisees did, including the notable example of the Apostle Paul.
Of course I have. Though your characterization is wrong. I do not believe God’s promise was only to the Jews. I just find no evidence that the Church has replaced them. The Church has a different role that is currently the focus. Many promises to Israel remain to be fulfilled, including those made to Mary before Jesus was born. Nothing turns against that, contrary to the claims of some and even Paul noted the Jews would return to their Messiah at some point.
I would highly recommend you not try to pigeonhole me however. I believe what is written, not the traditions of men, whatever they are. (That is one reasons I do bump heads with my original RCC roots and the Orthodox church, though I try to minimize that here.)
I find Replacement Theology to be completely idiotic and against what is written. The arguments used for it are incomplete, at best.
How can a man mentor a woman without mansplaining?
RichardP, Abraham’s seed is addressed in Galatians 3:16. They’re the only people that are going to make it. There is no replacing them, you are either in Christ by faith or you are making yourself a refuge of lies.
@BillyS: “I would highly recommend you not try to pigeonhole me however.”
Not trying to pigeonhole you. That is why I asked my question. Wanted a little more detail about what you were saying. You provided that. Thanks
The concepts of nationality, ethnicity, and regligious beliefs can be pulled together into a coherent whole, but that is not being done in this thread.
The nation of Israel is still struggling to define “what is a Jew” – even as we speak. The best they have come up with so far is that there are many different kinds of Jew. That is probably the best anyone will ever be able to do.
So – which one of the many kinds of “jew” is being referenced in the ((insert name here)) meme? (rhetorical – to point out the uselessness of that designation)
– Sammy Davis Jr. was a jew. Was he also the seed of Abraham?
– Ishmael’s offspring are the seed of Abraham. Are they also jews?
One can get caught up in a conversation of nonsense if they are not careful about the terms that they use.
Those ‘in Christ’ (without needing to specify who they are) is probably the most useful phrase.
If Jesus truely is the only way we can now get to God, then only those who now come to Jesus will be allowed to step through the door to God.
Those who refuse to come to Jesus (without specifying who they are) can no longer come to God. That requirement was not in place under the Old Covenant / Testament. It is now in place under the New Testament / Covenant.
Something got replaced. Call it what you will. But if there is now a requirement to go through Jesus to get to God, a requirement that didn’t use to exist, then something did indeed get replaced. It doesn’t matter what you call it. A new requirement exists.
Again – those ‘in Christ’ (without needing to specify who they are) is probably the most useful phrase (grafting into the vine and all that).
squid — “At the risk of devolving into silliness and distraction, I’d like to see your work on this one.”
I’d like a pony.
I am waiting.
Exactly. Thank you for your honesty.
Women have become predatory parasites living off the labor of the host until it is destroyed; so one can’t really blame the prey for not wanting to be lunch.
Mike T,
I seem to recall a state named Israel exists today in the Middle East….
@ Ray: I think the problem with the parenthesis meme is that some people know that it means those who are actively working against westerners’ interests, but that others do not understand this nuance, come out full alt-retard and tarnish every conversation.
So I agree with you and avoid using them myself but, as I am fully able to understand my own ‘tribe’ has a lot of miscreants that need correction, I have no problem extending this critical eye to any and all groups.
@ Ray cont’d: not that I think anyone will care what I think, but my approach has been to lay off the criticism of this group and instead argue that we ourselves should do one of two things with regards to them: adopt their tactics or methods that bring them success, and analyze and reject the things they do that instill animosity.
Billy S —
“Being a (((Jew))) does not mean one is a Biblical Jew. It means someone uses that to destroy Christian society, kind of part of the Synagogue of Satan Paul speaks of. Many of these are not even observant Jews, just hedonistic ones who want to destroy things I hold dear.”
I see. So I am to rely on yourself, Ted Beale, and his LePen friends to ascertain for me — and for the world — who is a Jew and who isn’t? By placing ‘bad Jews’ in parentheses for easy identification, etc.? Appreciate that, but I think I will continue to rely on the Bible instead of on the word and motivations of somebody calling himself The Dark Lord.
Before you were born, I was studying Scripture and loving the very word ‘israel’. Reading internet comments sometimes makes me wonder why I bothered.
Paul never references the synagogue of satan which, indeed, concerns the false practice of Judaism and the false identification of Jews. Paul defines a REAL Jew in Romans 2:28-29, and it has nothing to do with who somebody’s mammy was.
It is JESHUA (your ACTUAL Lord) who calls out the synagogue of satan, in the Book of Revelation, which you might consider browsing sometime, seeing’s how you are presently living through it.
Christ promises his inner-church that He will remove them prior to the tribulation, and promises them that a time will come when false Jews (such as ‘reformed’ Jews and other fakes) are brought before His Philadelphian church, to be identified, humiliated publically, and presumably further punished, though this last part is inferred.
BTW, King Jeshua loves this particular church — and singles it out for special treatment and reward — because its members practice Brotherly Love in a world ruled by the hater of brotherhood and fatherhood, satan. These individuals stand up and look out for their brothers; they are their brother’s keepers.
People like Ted Beale attempt to divide the members of this church, one from another, not to mention attempting to degrade and persecute Jews, while pretending to do a service for Christianity and humanity. Ted and those following along with him are enemies of the Philadelphian Church, and enemies of Christ. Anybody wants to support, aid, or ride along with that, go right ahead, it’s your ass and your eternity. Just don’t pretend it is ‘Christianity’ or that it isn’t plain old anti-Semitism. Of a distinctly European flavor, in the instant case.
Good luck. I’m thinking you’ll need it. Next time you refute me with Scripture, read the book first. It’ll save us both time, maybe more.
Yes, but he still won’t get salvation unless he followed Jesus, and that measurement is not necessarily public (although it should be in the best case).
Not in the sense of the promises to Abraham. The Scriptures are clear that it is through the son of Sarah that got the goods due to heritage.
Do keep in mind that God gave many promises to the Jews in the Prophets, even in the middle of judgments that noted many would never obtain those promises. The only salvation is through Jesus. The Jews will eventually realize this and return, but it is going to be a very costly thing for them. (Yes I believe in a true future tribulation period, but I have no plans to be here then and I have no idea exactly when it will be.)
Only one way to God, or Jesus was ignored in His prayer in the garden. He had to suffer and be raised from the dead. We have to accept that and give Him control of our lives (imperfectly, which is why so many still fail).
Coming back to this blog, women are not the direction/holders of salvation either. All must come through Christ. All the teaching that performs spiritual crossdressing, as Dalrock notes, works against that and is thus VERY heretical. It is one of the strong reasons so many have trouble with God as Father. We have neutered the head and made the head one who must follow the follower, both in marriage and our Christian relationships.
Many admit this (indirectly) in marriage, but would deny it in Church, yet it is the reality today.
This is why I still disagree with Dalrock and Cane about bringing up the issue of how many times Jesus washed feet. It is not an ongoing role of leaders and claiming it is clouds the water falsely and feeds the idiocy I note here (putting Christ subject to the Church).
She cries out in pain as she strikes you.
Given the relentless self-focus of poorly socialized women, this sort of mentality is to be expected.
“I feel I want it, therefore it is good. Gimme. No? Wait, what do you mean, no? Fuck you, misogynist. Fix it now! Equity for me and me! (Also, her. And my pet coolie, too.) I hope that guy over there beats you up. How long will the repair take? I don’t have all day…”
Bullying, antisocial women. Passive, supplicating men.
Poor outcomes are inevitable. #werescrewed
I am sorry, I should defer to your wonderful thinking and lack of evidence…. /sarc
Get a life and realize you are not God.
Believe whatever idiocy you want. I will believe all of what is written, not your cherry picking.
You noticed that, too, huh?
squid —
“Exactly. Thank you for your honesty.”
Still waiting on that pony. Got a pasture right next to me.
You meet my request, I’ll meet yours. Until then, shut up.
Billy S. — “Being a (((Jew))) does not mean one is a Biblical Jew. It means someone uses that to destroy Christian society, kind of part of the Synagogue of Satan Paul speaks of.”
“I am sorry, I should defer to your wonderful thinking and lack of evidence…. /sarc”
You stated above that Paul speaks of the Synagogue of Satan. I pointed out that Paul makes no such statement, and that the statement about that ‘synagogue’ comes from Christ.
Upon being told you are wrong, and corrected, your response is to insult me, accuse that I wish to be God, and claim ‘lack of evidence’, despite the observable fact that the evidence of your error is present before you. So the problem is me pointing out your error, not your error.
Hate the truth, then, and embrace your resentment of me. The opinions of the people reading here are ever so much more important.
This reminds me of something I saw at a tech conference.
“We’re hosting a training session for those of you who want to learn how to program (technology x). this is open ONLY to women and those who identify as women.
We also need knowledgeable volunteers willing to train people. Men are welcome for this!”
OT: Possible blog post response here:
I understand you’ve got nothing. Throwing out a statement like “anti-biblical” requires supporting evidence. Evidence that should be easy to demonstrate with all your biblical experience. I’ve even given you a little nibble to focus on. Or will you continue to deflect with name calling and defending arguments no one is challenging?
Ray said: “This is not Scriptural; indeed, it is anti-Scriptural.”
1. anti-scriptural, not anti-biblical
2. To what does “anti-scriptural” refer in the original comment??
I don’t know how ray would answer Point 2. To me, it seems that placing someone’s name in parenthesis as a means of identifying someone in a negative fashion is not consistent with scriptural commands to “turn the other cheek”, “heap coals of fire”, “vengence is mine; I (not you) will repay”, etc. Surely you are informed enough to think of these and other examples on your own.
My comments about Sammy Davis Jr and the descendants of Ishmael were meant to be rhetorical – offered as evidence for why the conversation would necessarily be confusing unless the writers here were very specific about the definition of the words they were using. My apologies for not making that more clear.
Ray: “Paul defines a REAL Jew in Romans 2:28-29, and it has nothing to do with who somebody’s mammy was.”
And yet to Jews, (even the not so religious ones) that mammy stuff seems to matter quite a lot. I find your type amusing, derailing the topic simply because someone dare use some parenthesis or brackets. Clearly it is all a scam by tempermental teddy! While I’ll never be known as a Biblical or scriptural scholar I know when I’m being sold a bill of goods and demonized for daring to state the obvious. Whether it is feminism, racism, or ethnic tribalism.
Christian women should read about St. Monica (the mother of St. Augustine)
“So gently did she put up with his marital infidelities that no quarrel ever broke out between them on this score, for she looked to you to show him mercy, knowing that once he came to believe he would become chaste.
Although he was outstandingly generous, he was also hot-tempered, but she learned to offer him no resistance, by deed or even by word, when he was angry; she would wait for a favorable moment, when she saw that his mood had changed and he was calm again, and then explain her action, in case he had given way to wrath without due consideration.
There were plenty of women married to husbands of gentler temper whose faces were badly disfigured by traces of blows, who while gossiping together would complain about their husbands’ behavior; but she checked their talk, reminding them in what seemed to be a joking vein but with serious import that from the time they had heard their marriage contracts read out they had been in duty bound to consider these as legal documents which made slaves of them. In consequence they ought to keep their subservient status in mind and not defy their masters.
These other wives knew what a violent husband she had to put up with, and were amazed that there had never been any rumor of Patricius striking his wife, nor the least evidence of its happening, nor even a day’s domestic strife between the two of them; and in friendly talk they sought an explanation. My mother would then instruct them in this plan of hers that I have outlined. Those who followed it found out its worth and were happy; those who did not continued to be bullied and battered.”
-St. Augustine
Jesus was not a Jew. He was a Judean, member of an old people, the Biblical Israel, which doesn’t exist anymore.
After the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, the traditional religion of this people, recorded in the Old Testament, was not possible anymore, because this religion was centered on the Temple.
The followers of Jesus were prepared for that because they have replaced the Temple with Jesus as the means of forgiving sins. This new religion is recorded in the New Testament (the Old Testament was invalidated but preserved as long as it didn’t conflict with the New Testament)
The converts to this new religion are called Christians.
The Phariseans that didn’t want to accept Jesus developed a new religion in the centuries after the destruction of the Temple, based not on a Temple on extending and studying the Book. The Book is the Talmud (compiled abaut 400 AD I think), which records this new religion. The Old Testament was invalidated but preserved.
The converts to this new religion (and their descendants) are called Jews.
For example, Judeans transmitted by father line but Jews transmit by mother line
It’s stupid when people consider Abraham o Jesus a Jew, when this thing didn’t exist back then, only because the name is similar
In defence of VoxDay and to counter ray’s smear, I am going to leave this link here. VD is taking on the churchians, lest you think otherwise.
Well, the way I see it …
The True Faith is the religion that runs through Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses, David, Jesus, the Apostles, and their heirs. (Which, I think, is the Catholic Church.)
There were many apostates that fell away from the True Faith. Some fell away while in the wilderness with Moses. Some fell away during the period of Kings. Some fell away in the first century A.D. when they rejected Jesus. These are False Faiths.
The groups that stayed with the True Faith are the Remnant.
It doesn’t matter what name you call these groups by. The names for both groups have changed over the years. Today, the True Faith, the Remnant, is called Christianity. That which is today called Judaism is one of the many False Faiths.
Yes, Jesus called himself a Jew. But his sect of Judaism incorporated His claim of being the Son of God. That sect is today called Christianity. Hence, Christianity is the Judaism of Jesus. That which is today called Judaism is not the Judaism of Jesus.
Ray, you’re doing a lot of whistling past the graveyard. Jesus and Paul both repeatedly warned us about Pharisee’s, Jews, the “concision” and false Jews. John and Peter warned us against Jewish fables. Not Teddy Beale. I want a pony too, not the contents of one coming outta your keyboard.
“Why is self righteous Ray being such a pompous ass and hijacking on this thread?” A question everyone is asking.
SkylerWurden says:
February 8, 2018 at 4:57 pm
Today’s churchian women would either summarily dismiss Saint Monica as a “doormat,” or would dismiss her son’s description of her plight as a pack of medieval lies.
Exodus 4:22 “And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the Lord , Israel is my son, even my firstborn:”
Romans 9:12-13 “It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.”
Which is terribly sad because she very much exemplified the rare virtue of ‘turning the other cheek’ and also engaged in what Paul called for, a kind of ‘marital evanglization’. Her husband was inarguably wrong in being intemperate and sinned greviously, but unlike so many would-be ‘Christians’ she didn’t see that as an excuse to break her vows. She didn’t even argue back, so as to raise his ire further and potentially lead him into greater sin.
Obviously what she did is incredibly selfless and required much Grace on the part of God, but even if women struggle to live up to her high standard, at least they could see her as a role-model and a standard at all. Sadly, I think you are right and they would only see her as ‘what not to be.’
It is funny too how women who suffered far, far, far greater abuse than even the average ‘abused’ wife of today, with none of the social support systems and no real legal recourse, had far more forgiving and gentle attitudes toward their husbands than the spoiled women of today.
Good thing about being blue collar and your own boss. No mentoring. Hard work doesn’t attract women that need mentoring. Men in business that EVER mentored women ought to have been fired given the ship-sinking qualities of women in business.
As it happens I got asked to mentor a young woman in my STEM field today….no is not an answer. She’s not hard on the eyes, I’ll have to balance not noticing with being an actual human. YOLO and so forth.
Which is terribly sad because she very much exemplified the rare virtue of ‘turning the other cheek’ and also engaged in what Paul called for, a kind of ‘marital evanglization’. Her husband was inarguably wrong in being intemperate and sinned greviously, but unlike so many would-be ‘Christians’ she didn’t see that as an excuse to break her vows. She didn’t even argue back, so as to raise his ire further and potentially lead him into greater sin.
Indeed. This woman suffered under a truly abusive husband the likes of which almost no modern woman has ever experienced, and yet not only did she not separate from him, but steadfastly followed Paul’s exhortation to win him over by her submission and by living out her faith. She was almost certainly also an exemplar of the “Titus 2 wife.”
When you stop to think about it, spoiled and indulged churchian women today who scream “abuuuuuuuuuuuse!!!!!!!” over their loving husbands’ simplest attempts to keep their families from going over a cliff are mocking and insulting the memory of this courageous and faithful woman, a real Christian who lived her Christian faith under circumstances these modern women couldn’t imagine. It really shows how little real faith there is today.
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No kidding…modern women today think getting their feelings hurt is abuse. Talk about weak.
No kidding…modern women today think getting their feelings hurt is abuse. Talk about weak.
See my comment above at exactly 12 Noon, Feb 7.
It really shows how little real faith there is today.
Remember that it is noteworthy only when a man exhibits a complete lack of genuine faith. Such a man is a mangina, pastorbator, cuckservative, etc.
It is not noteworthy when a woman lacks genuine faith. It is natural, since women are far less capable of spiritual enlightenment. It is simply a part of female inferiority, nothing more.
1. Being pedantic doesn’t really solve anything.
2. Ray wants to talk like a big boy, but as I said, all he can do is throw out name calling and inane arguments. Asking for some support for his arguments is not unreasonable.
3. You’re going to have to try really hard to explain how putting parentheses around someone’s name to identify their cultural background violates turning the other cheek.
It’s been my observation that Jews are very clannish, tribal, cultish, whatever you want to say. That they love to claim their Jewishness as their identity. The problem is they don’t want the extent of their influence to be identified. When that influence is used politically (And it is. You can scream anti-semite all you like, that doesn’t change the fact.) of course they wouldn’t want that identified.
Now I’m not going to pretend those doing so have no malicious intent, but shrieking, tearing your clothes, and melting down every time someone identifies a Jew just makes you look ridiculous.
Orthodox Jews, liberal Jews, I don’t care which flavor are opposed to Christianity in principle and in practice. They have to be. Would they use a bunch of goofy, mind numbed, Fox news watching Christians politically? I’m sure. The end goal, though, is to ameliorate the influence of Christianity and the spread of the gospel of Christ.
A lot of Jews literally believe their messiah will come when they bring the entire world to peace and all gentiles under the influence of a Jewish government. This sounds vaguely familiar to me if I’m reading my book of Revelation correctly. (Peace! Peace!)
Weird new trend among tradcons who seem disappointed in teenagers and college students who don’t have sex:
Opus. As a half ex-pat from those mystical isles soaked and steeped in a rich history…………..
My mother became a naturalized citizen of the USA in 1974. She was Welsh, but my dad told me “when we were first married in 1965, people would ask where she was from…..or ask her if she was ‘english’ and she would reply ‘I am a British subject'”
After her naturalization, she would say (and I remember this as a boy, and teenager) “I’m from the United Kingdom, but I’m a American CItizen”
She believed that Wales is part of the wide swath of the tapestry of British culture. She believed that that the language should be spoken, and taught…….in the home. Near her death she was annoyed that the taxpayers of Britain were subsidising ‘welsh only language schools’
She told me “I taught you the language of our fathers with no formal degree. No formal training and in fact in a foreign country that has very little concept of the Welsh Kingdom before subordination under England. If our people are too lazy to teach their heritage and culture in the home, well it desrves to die. Expecting taxpayers in Wessex, Kent or good heavens in Scotland, or by the dirty orange Irish………its reflection of a very sorry state of the people of Wales. Chest thumping of how proud they are, yet expecting special treatment. Sorry state of the Welsh.”
Reading the article more closely, it is amazing how much this tradcon romanticizes the “college boyfriend”:
“One recent study of college women by the sociologists Jessie Ford and Paula England found that women reported more orgasms in committed relationships than in hookups, and that the gender gap in orgasms between college men and women was smaller in committed relationships than in hookups.”
It’s almost like Wilcox is turned on by thinking about his wife having all those orgasms with her college boyfriend.
I said: “Surely you are informed enough to think of these and other examples on your own.”
Squid said: “Asking for some support for his arguments is not unreasonable.”
Then Squid said: “Now I’m not going to pretend those doing so have no malicious intent …:
Then I said: Squid, your own words betray you. You ARE informed enough to think of … other examples on your own. You don’t need ray after all.
I think most folks who know the Scriptures would agree that “malicious intent” in anti-Scriptural. Even you know this.
Silly man.
But, but, isn’t mentoring women “mansplaining”?
Men mentor and have mentors. Women on the other hand, will cut each others’ THROATS, they’d NEVER mentor or groom someone up-and-coming. From sailing warships to the corporate office to Capitol Hill, the worst, toxic, horrible places to work for everyone, including the women, are environments dominated by women in any way.
And one more thing. #metoo is about women getting PAID. Until Federal Law is amended to make rape as charged a crime against the state that cannot be bought off with a check and a Non-Disclosure Agreement, this will go on forever. Lawyers don’t want that by the way, because they get a piece of the action. Allowing charges to be bought off in actual effect, monetized rape. Rape became a commodity, a multiple-hit proposition and even better for the lawyers and ‘victims’, you can now go back for a second bite of the apple. If the well runs dry or the accused flips you the bird, go to the press of the cops THEN. NDA? They violate it. Hilarious. Looking for honor in women? Don’t.
@Squid Hunt, there is a repeating theme of what you describe in the OT. First you have Joseph greatly expanding the power of the State and installing his clan into the prime district of Egypt. Then you have the Hebrews under Moses carrying off the gold and silver of Egypt. Then you have Daniel wielding power in the Babylonian and Persian empires. Later we see a clannish despoiling of the enemies of Esther’s people at the end of that book. Jacob did some weird crap with Laban as well. I see a theme. I think the (((clan))) has seen it as well based on their behavior and their clear statements of Chosen Ones entitlement.
Right. You have nothing. Ray has nothing. This is about cultural dominance and nothing more. It has nothing to do with the Bible. If Jews can defend their culture by attacking others, they should expect others to do the same.
@God is Laughing
I have no problem with the concept of God’s chosen people, the apple of his eye and all of that. However, he is not a Jew that is one outwardly. And the United States is not the church and Israel is a sovereign nation.
This is pure ressentiment on your part, probably motivated by deep feelings of inferiority.
You’re also a mangina, who seeks to shift the blame for the misbehavior of your white goddesses to men (of the Hebrew variety). It’s pathetic.
The reality is that Jewish men in Israel have less freedom and less social power than American men do. That was hard even for me to believe, but it’s illustrated here:
That’s because your mother doesn’t realise how a language can be destroyed. It’s as simple as not allowing it to be spoken in school, whilst indoctrinating the children against their own mother tongue within that school and within one generation, that language will be on its last legs. I have no problem with Welsh only schools, as I have no problem with German only schools or English or French or whatever language you can think of, as long as they pay for it themselves.
I’ve never understood the white loathing your mother’s generation had. Hatred of who you are is not healthy.
Today, a female entered a workplace I was at looking for assistance to improve her position in the organization. The other women were not helpful, as women often are to each other. Then she looked at me. Recognizing her as an economic competitor, I simply walked away without a word. No “white knighting” here. It’s everyone for themselves in the modern competitive workplace which already favors females over males. There are winners and losers. I like winning. Give them brutal equality. They have to win by themselves, or they lose, just like you have to.
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Good luck getting men to help now.
Take Vice President Mike Pence, I bet he learned to be very cautious from the 1980’s sex harassing shakedowns. For years there has been a steady stream of social justice sexist take-downs for seemingly trivial things. Long before the #MeToo hysteria got going most guys were already pretty cautious. I really question the “3x as many male managers” as actually being true, there is just not enough guys left who are not already wise to sex harassing shakedowns, I call BS.
Notice “male manager” and not male colleagues or piers was listed. I read this as give me a free ride to the top of the organization on the sole merit of being a woman or poor helpless oppressed woman need even more special treatment/privileges. Rehash of more female sexist entitlements. I will agree that the #MeToo hysteria was a good enforcer of what guys already knew.
If you look at those #MentorHer web sites, none of them allow comments of any kind. This is just another example of puffed up arrogant moral virtue, what an insult to your potential mentors. Under the current social rules, I see zero chance for any kind change in the near term, women bring a very high risk of ruin. Unfortunately women will have to go over and above to prove themselves worthy and sadly they will more often than not get taken advantage of, just like men do. The loud and vocal social justice sorts bring nothing but destruction, they should be vigorously shunned.
I agree with DR Smith says,
Women are going to get more segregated in the coming decades. The new normal will be the wicked female boss who will oppress, disadvantage and torment younger women under her charge. And all-female organizations tend to become stagnate, minimally-functional and nihilistic. Like certain NGO’s or obscure government departments where bankruptcy cannot intervene and stop the misery. #MeToo threw napalm on a house that was already on fire.
An SJW virtue signaling circa 1972.
The drift to the political left is likely going to end, the Homeland Generation is the most conservative since WW2, they are fundamentally different on many levels,
Collapse of culture – when something ends something new will replace it,
And Trump who has many similarities to Teddy Roosevelt. It’s sort of like we are in the phase like the late 19th early 20th century. What could drastically redefine things is war, like an H-bomb on Commiefornia. A trigger for a Great War could be a North Korean collapse and reunification. The mainstream media will say war is impossible now. The problem is a self-isolated, belligerent, overconfident China made more resentful by this. China, mindlessly acting on an unknown seemingly insignificant impulsive miscalculation is causes to engage in war, which no one thinks will amount to much of anything. Progressively this drags more players into an all-out world war. This may be for the Trump era’s successor. After this war things will be completely different socially, almost unrecognizable.
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