In women’s online race to acquire beta orbiters and ensure that the maximum number of men know that their bodies are sexy, it is tough for a woman to stand out while still pretending to not be seeking sexual attention. One Tennessee coed has succeeded using a clever ploy that no one, especially thirsty beta orbiters, will ever suspect.
Related: Broadcasting what they bring to the table.
H/T Instapundit.
Yet another female seeking massive amounts of attention by whoring her body. “It’s always about ME!”
The fawning makes me sick.
Lots of this out there today. My favorites are women going topless as protesters. A google search for topless protesters returns 400 thousand hits. Most recently, at Bill Cosby’s trial.
A google search for topless charity returns 8.8 million hits.
Scientists are considering calling this the Anthropocene epoch. If so, that should be subdivided, with this as the “Operam Meretrix” age. The age when Attention Whores came to dominate society at all levels, from junior high classes to mass media.
She has a ton of fakeup on.
Honestly not the worst strategy for getting herself on the radar screen for a Lauren Southern-type career launch — aka the “conservababe” circuit which caters to the more WK rightist crowd. She has the looks, the politics and soon the degree (communications) to go with it, so I kind of get the stunt.
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Well duh!
It is the literal ‘playbook’ these whores go by. Lauren Southern is a sexually active women who plays off on conservatism and civil nationalism with her looks and sexuality. For all intents and purposes, these women are second wave feminists through and through.
Tennessee is a curious blend of liberal people with conservative values. She seems to fit right in.
a clever ploy that no one, especially thirsty beta orbiters, will ever suspect.
Immediately verified by dozens of fan boy commenters following the article. “Marry me”. “My kind of woman!”. Etc.
She’ll be in Nashville soon enough with a bunch of bridesmaids and brides to be over the next few years having a “girls on the loose” parties (bachelortte) and wondering why no man “has stepped up” to take her on. A woman like this, no man will be good enough. He will have to look like he works on a farm, wears a suit to work, makes good money, can handle a firearm, is amazing with children, is a leader in church and work, is smarter than her (communications majors are the most pretentious people to talk with….they are experts on everything), will be a true gentleman, will have a naughty streak that she can claim she “tamed” and should have “down home conservative values” unless it upsets / stops her career, attention from other men, and her posing midrift on the iNternet
note what the photo insinuates. It’s
“I carry a gun and know how to use it. I’m from the South. These establish my conservative/family values cred. I am wearing a pro-Trump shirt. This establishes my dissident right/independent thinker/antifeminist cred.
“I am hot and pose willingly showing my toned midriff. These establish my sexual availability and sex positivity (but only to hot guys).
“In this way I am inoculated from criticism. No one is allowed to criticize me. I have something to please everyone. I’m a conservative Christian, but I’m sexually liberal and I’ll sleep with you if you’re hot enough. I’m nonfrump and I’m proTrump. I carry a gun but I’m a feminine traditional Southern belle.”
Saw that pro-abortion Fox chick pull this same routine a couple weeks ago; except she wore black tights instead of white elastic jeans. Tradthot copycat!
She and Sarah Palin span a large age and life range of what the churches admires as an ideal woman. Combine that with the love for Dobson and other effeminate men, and you get a perverse contrast in what the church is incentivizing.
The actual, real world consequences of this are pretty scary too.
I have one, and I keep it with me especially when I am out with the kids, and no Scott.
I recently had a confrontation with a road-raging man who actually got out of his car and was standing right next to my window screaming at me. I had my gun under my leg and put my hand on it, but I was frozen with fear. I am pretty sure I would have failed to put any “shots on target” as Scott puts it, if it escalated.
And this is because I am a girl. I just don’t have the killer instinct.
I have seen Scott shoot at chicken hawks flying low around our coop, foxes, etc and I have no idea how he isn’t violently shaking right as he pulls the trigger. He says that it is unpleasant to walk up to something you just killed but it has to be done, so he does it. I just can’t see past it.
And yes, AWALT.
Attention whores are still whores in their minds and intentions.
They are just self decieving about it.
That’s what happens when you carry your handgun in your waistband instead of a holster… you might accidentally turn yourself into a woman.
It was the realisation that there are still so many brainwashed ignoramuses that pander to these self-obsessed princesses that made me turn stone cold. I no longer care. They will not be convinced one way or the other, they just get far too many compliments from random strangers on the internet that makes their heads so large with ego that they simply cannot hear you. The constant build up throughout their teenage years and into their twenties of ‘you go grrril!’ and ‘you’re so hot’ and ‘you’re so smart’ and ‘you’re so special and spectacular’ and on and on and on, until the day they’re merely a worn-out vajayjay no one wants, means they are lost until they are useless. I’m not going to play Cappy Saveahoe.
These whores heads are so large and full of self-importance they could never build a family from the ground up, they would expect you to come with everything prepared. Well on their way to being 30 and not married, still looking and expecting for Mr Wight but not saving herself for that same man. It’s laughable!
These conservabimboes just advertise their wears in a different way. They like to be the sexy but demure slut instead of the fat and loud one. In the end, they’re all sluts.
Had I a handgun, I would:
1. Not put it down my trousers* for fearing of blowing-off my man-hood.
2. Use it frequently enough so as to have a reasonably respectable body-count. No one now – at least – would blame me for blowing-away The Westminster Bridge Terrorist when once threatened by him in the Chip** shop. It would have saved lives later-on. I can’t understand how restrained most gun-carrying Americans – which I understand is pretty much all of you past infancy – are. A gun is, I suppose, a form of rather immediate Communication and thus perhaps the practical as opposed to her courses theory.
* Pants
**French Fries
One thing Europeans and liberals have in common is they always say stuff like that.
“If I had a gun I would go off on everyone and shoot them to pieces.”
For those who feel that way, please, do not buy a gun.
If you grew up around them, they are just an object. Like a hammer or a blender.
Zero doubt the girl is showing off her body. Zero doubt it’s a nice body too.
But it looks altogether minor, and if there’s a problem, it’s not with her – it’s with the beta orbiters.
What about the guys who use her as propaganda? Is that good or bad?
Ha! Or pliers, files, scissors, or screwdrivers…
I deny that I am either a Liberal or a European – but Dalrock is there before me and as London now has more murders per capita than New York the plan to curb knife-crime is to abolish kitchen knives (!?) – as a teen I always carried a pocket knife – just in case – but it was safer then and my knife was never used. In 1960 the number of murders committed in GB (pop 50,000,000) had come down since 1900 though not much (I went out of my way once to find the figures) to just two hundred a year. We are now doing that just in London in about four months. When I most recently trotted that figure of 200 out on the net the explanation given for the subsequent ten-fold rise or more was the abolition after 1960 of capital punishment, soft prisons and the like. Maybe.
That there pistol is a prop in her little YouGoChurchGRRRL drama, in my opinion. We can probably all agree on that.
I can understand your emotions at that moment. On the other hand, if that man had attempted to open the vehicle doors adjacent to your children, you might find something deep inside along the lines of Kipling’s poem “The Female of the Species”, too. A few years back in a suburb of Dallas some punk tried a daylight breakin on the wrong house, and ended up getting wounded then held at gunpoint for the cops by a 97 year old woman who had taken an instant dislike to him.
I have seen Scott shoot at chicken hawks flying low around our coop, foxes, etc and I have no idea how he isn’t violently shaking right as he pulls the trigger. He says that it is unpleasant to walk up to something you just killed but it has to be done, so he does it. I just can’t see past it.
Every person is a little bit different, and the overlap in personalities can be interesting and strange. You’re a compassionate woman and that’s a good thing for your children and for Scott.
And yes, AWALT.
Well, maybe. Maybe not. Gun culture of of the coasts is different from parts of flyover. Back in the 90’s I was in a deeply flyover gun store when an older woman in jeans, boots, Western blouse, etc. came in to buy some “shells”. The clerk and owner were very deferential to her. She wanted a box of 32-20 and a box of 25-20, and no chitchat needed. Those are not common calibers, but the store kept a couple of boxes in stock along with some other antique loadings, that’s why she came in, to get those old calibers.
She lived on some rural property way out near an even smaller town, probably alone. Apparently she’d been coming to that store for a few years. Once a year she’d drive in to buy ammo for her “coyote gun” and her “chicken-hawk gun”. It was obvious the men of the gun store were wasting their time to try and buy those antique, collectors item Winchester rifles from her. All that deferential politeness was wasted, because “Daddy’s guns ain’t for sale”. I’m sure Daddy’s little girl had no qualms about killing any varmint. Old school…
I would rather look at her than most of the other female photos today….
She posts the picture for exactly that reason. She’s an attention whore. She really couldn’t care about gun rights, it’s just an excuse for her to flaunt and to get attention. Women see what men value and then imitate what looks to be a genuine interest to garner attention. It’s not altogether minor because her ego is now validated and no man can compare to the thousands of beta-orbiters who worship her every move.
It is a problem. On the one hand, we all have to pretend that she is really serious; and on the other hand we all know that the only reason anyone pays her attention at all, is because she is young and attractive. This will continue until she is no longer young and attractive, thus removing most of her ability to both pair bound with what would have been her husband and to have healthy and functional children.
It’s just a microcosm of the female led worship of the greater human sphere.
Lol Opus……you have not lived until you get smacked and whipped up by a piece of a “Hot Wheels” racetrack. “Hot Wheels” is / was a small diecast car replica of current and classic models of cars. I had a bunch of them as a boy (the 1968 Plymouth RoadRunner was my fav one by them). Back in the 1970’s they made thin plastic strips for you to “race” your car on. Each section was about two feet long, and maybe two inches wide. It was flexible, you could make loops and the like. You would put the die cast car in the plunger / gate. Pull it back. Release, and your car would whip around on the track.
What all of us boys growing up back then learned QUICKLY was that a “hot wheels” racetrack piece was a pretty awesome weapon. If you slapped and whipped someone with that piece of track, it would cause a welt and a sting. It literaly “snapped” and “cracked” the air and it would really HURT if you got attacked by this. Really hurt. HURT.
You have not lived until you get slapped and whipped up by a piece of “hot wheels” racetrack. I guess “hot wheels” pulled this product off the market because there were even stories back then of people robbing a corner store, and whipping the clerk up with a piece of “hot wheels” racetrack.
Banning knives in London, girls with guns in their panty-piece, and Hot Wheels never told us the real story about why they discontinued their racetracks……
Yeah, I got slapped up by one of these tracks once back then. It took a week for the welt it caused to HEAL
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We dont caarr bout yer political posturin…show us yer tits!
On Twitter, where Spencer’s profile states that “political correctness offends me,” she posted the provocative photo with the caption “I don’t take normal college graduation photos …”
Heh. “I don’t take normal graduation photos.” Could she say that again, maybe a little louder this time? Because I was sure that what I heard was, “I’m a good girl, unlike those sluts.”
Apropos of nothing, but I was updating my church’s info on Google and discovered that “woman-led” is a pre-approved attribute that one could highlight along with wheelchair accessibility, coat check, and good for kids…
Sorry for the giant photo above. (WordPress seems to have auto-embedded it.) Please feel free to remove/edit that as needed.
@Ryder is “Witchcraft-Welcoming” another option under Highlights, or would that be redundant?
Ha! Or pliers, files, scissors, or screwdrivers…
Now that every craftsman, repairman, and working man in London is to have his tools confiscated; he will have to learn the miracle of duct tape to keep the city running. WD-40 would also be a great help, but that stuff sprays right out of the can so probably soon to be banned as well.
Next to go – cricket bats? Balls too. Those things are rock hard. Deadly when launched by a skilled bowler.
Dalrock, have you read Wilson’s post from last year where he says that one of the beautiful things the puritans did was to enshrine Chivalry in marriage?
From the post:
” This was the origin of the romantic and chivalric ideal of a knight and his lady fair.
What the Puritans did was to take this ideal, keep the romantic and chivalric aspects of it, and then combine it all with faithful and monogamous marriage.”
Given your past articles about chivalry, Wilson’s take is interesting, because he knows what it was, but thinks that our adoption of it in marriage is a good thing.
Heres the link:
@ Cane Caldo says:
April 10, 2018 at 1:59 pm
“Saw that pro-abortion Fox chick pull this same routine a couple weeks ago; except she wore black tights instead of white elastic jeans. Tradthot copycat!”
It’s a winning routine. The question is; for how much longer?
Cricket bats are good for whacking zombies……we all learned that from “Shaun of The Dead”
I’m going to go a little off the reservation here and argue that yes, she’s doing it for sexual attention from men, but also yes, in a world less contaminated by feminism, that’s not merely ok but actively good.
If you’re a young woman, you’re best off if you put your best foot (or what have you) forward, declare what you’re after in a man (Christianity, conservatism, comfort with guns, whatever), and subsequently marry and settle down with the best such guy you can reel in. Physical attraction has a place in that (cf., Dalrock’s “Rutting Lion” post.)
So if that’s what she’s trying to use the attention to do, great, more power to her. Maybe a little more modestly, ideally. If she’s using the attention to ride the carousel, well, not so great. But attracting attention is not in and of itself the problem. A woman who want to live a godly life with a godly husband does need to actually get down to finding one and not wait around until eat pray cats.
Obviously with modern women one presumes the worst, Ms. Lahren-style. But in the absence of evidence, I’m at least willing to entertain the possibility that this girl is trying to do the right thing the best she knows how.
Lost Patrol
Have you seen the banned items in most public schools?
No bats, balls, monkey bars, skip ropes…
Near me they actually cut down all the trees so the kids could’nt climb them.
And banned snowballs!!!
I know it’s chick logic….but the conceal carry yoga pants made me laugh.
Are yoga pants meant to conceal anything?
It certainly wouldn’t surprise me if we see some story where a tradthot shot herself while posing with her handgun in her pants.
Yeah I don’t know why guys need a pretty lady holding a gun to go gaga over them.
I hold back my ‘fan boy’ comments for women who pretty themselves and take photos of the delicious meal they just made. Knowing how to make me salivate does more than seeing her with a gun.
Besides it’s not like they are the first ones to do it…this gal has been performing that combo for years.
I’d walk up and say “that’s a cute toy you have there” as I whipped out a .44 Magnum Smith & Wesson Model 29 saying “this is a gun designed for a MAN.”
Yeah I don’t know why guys need a pretty lady holding a gun to go gaga over them.
It’s too bad that one person can’t do a “virtual ignore” in cyberspace that will have any impact. It is gratifying, however, to imagine her posting that photo and not getting a single male response or comment. That might actually drive her to use the pistol in an act of desperate suicide. Women like her cannot bear indifference from men.
I’ve always found women holding guns to be profoundly unfeminine. Perhaps conservatives are enthusiastic about this because women are above criticism and thus conservatives are leaning on women to push their talking points. That’s a form of cowardice methinks.
Fanboys from anywhere are reliable dupes and sellouts. She could have tobacco juice stains on those white pants and flyover country fanboys would want to know if she dipped Copenhagen or Skoal. Embodying truth and spirit is just a gag in America.
Give her ten years and she’ll say the (male) photographer forced her pose like that.
Opus says: “When I most recently trotted that figure of 200 out on the net the explanation given for the subsequent ten-fold rise or more was the abolition after 1960 of capital punishment, soft prisons and the like. Maybe.”
oh come on, have you checked the mug shots of those involved ? seems to be almost confined (barring innocent bystanders) to a particular type of individual that has a preponderance for settling scores that way, one that didnt exist in london till the 1060’s.
trying to be as delicate as I can with this issue, but we are seeing such a change in the UK’s make up, its not settling well at all.
ha – 1960’s not 1060’s, that as well would have involved a very different type of crime.
The lady on the photo y’all are referencing did have a belly band holster or at least that what I’m reading here and there. She just lifted the gun up for a better shot
Frankly I think concerns about pretty girls seeking attention is much ado about nothing. If you wanted a girl that wouldn’t do that you’d have to marry a Muslim girl in a Burkha via arranged marriage and I’d bet you money she;d show a little ankle from time to time if she could get away with it
Heck even FLDS girls in those 19th century getups try to look attractive
Women posing with guns are related to those kick-ass women in movies, which men here often say they hate.
We can certainly compare it to women holding other things.
Regarding your pic: Brian thinks Tomi has a nice package. You can’t make this crap up.
…Oscar, not Opus.
“Have you seen the banned items in most public schools?”
Now that makes no sense. They’re taking away all the very things that a boy uses during preparation for manhood. It’s as though they don’t want him to get there…
@ squid_hunt
I can’t tell if that’s deliberately ironic, or not.
Off Topic – My church is going to an Iron Sharpens Iron conference soon. Anyone have an opinion?
“One woman, Victoria Silva, alerted the police in an apparent attempt to have Spencer arrested.”
One woman, Victoria Silva, should be slapped.
With regard to the subject at hand, I admire the young lady. The androids on the Left who are spreading her photo are less concerned about safety than they are doxxing. Maybe she’ll get to use the gun.
You admire a woman for posting suggestive pictures, with a gun down her crotch looking for attention that she knew she would get and then got?
Hot Wheels track is still on Amazon today. Get your weapons now!
Learn not to compliment them at all. They shouldn’t be posting on social media looking for attention. It’s all social whoring, all of it.
Many who wear them SHOULD conceal quite a bit more.
Yeah, she ain’t doing that. Don’t be so delusional. She could easily find a aka ‘real man’ if she put her head down and looked for him, instead of parading herself out to a bunch of beta orbiters she has no plans on settling down with.
She’s posting sexually suggestive pictures with guns and gets exactly the response she wanted. None of those men who post or like her pictures will ever marry her, yet they will all add to the image she has now created of herself as some sort of ‘hot shot’ in the conservative sphere where only the best of the best will do.
Novaseeker has the right of it, these ladies are not looking for a mate, at least not yet, they are looking to springboard their careers into conservababe stardom, racking in all that beta orbiter cash. It’s great work if you can get it.
“You admire a woman for posting suggestive pictures, with a gun down her crotch looking for attention that she knew she would get and then got?”
I admire her for affirming her 2nd Amendment rights, and her bravery for doing so in the current political climate.
Let me advise you guys on something. I live in a dangerous country. If you’re truly worried about your safety, you do not bring attention to yourself. If you’re packing heat, you don’t let anyone know, ever. If you’re wealthy, you don’t let anyone know besides your most closest family, you buy a second hand car, you don’t dress in fancy clothes, you keep to yourself.
The best way to not to get into trouble is to avoid it. This attention whore is the opposite and will be the one complaining when she gets in trouble, brought about by exactly the actions she took to bring attention to herself. Mark my words.
I like mine. No gun.
She can do that without all the sexually suggestive pictures, like a normal person. Oh…. but then you wouldn’t have noticed her, would you? You and the thousand other beta orbiters defending her…
OT: I am so confused.
” Drag queens banned from performing at Free Pride Glasgow event over fears acts will offend trans people.”
Laurence Auster on the subject- “Headless Bodies in Topless March”, “The conservative Peter Hitchens’s kneejerk liberal comment on women’s dress”, “A Theory of Viagra”.
‘Learn not to compliment them at all.’
Nope there’s a time and place to do it. When the fear the Lord and fulfill their God given role.
Sticking a gun down their pants for attention is meh.
That would require that they weren’t posting it on social media. Compliment the woman who is your wife when she does well and is holy. The others are not to be complimented for their social media whoring.
Why do you find it necessary to compliment random women on the interwebs?
” Drag queens banned from performing at Free Pride Glasgow event over fears acts will offend trans people.”
Trans people performing at a Trans Event will be banned as they may offend trans people.
The stupid is strong.
Opus, from the article:
Free Pride Glasgow said: “It was felt that it [drag performance] would make some of those who were transgender or questioning their gender uncomfortable. It was felt by the group within the Trans/Non Binary Caucus that some drag performance, particularly cis drag, hinges on the social view of gender and making it into a joke, however transgender individuals do not feel as though their gender identity is a joke.”
I keep wondering how long before Monty Python is considered Alt Right hate speech.
“Let me advise you guys on something. I live in a dangerous country. If you’re truly worried about your safety, you do not bring attention to yourself. If you’re packing heat, you don’t let anyone know, ever. If you’re wealthy, you don’t let anyone know besides your most closest family, you buy a second hand car, you don’t dress in fancy clothes, you keep to yourself. The best way to not to get into trouble is to avoid it.”
^ Your practical wisdom will not be appropriated by this generation’s manifold hypergamous attention whores who trample over such pearls, but those who do value wisdom thank you for sharing it.
Its an amazing testament to female sexual power that this low grade stuff has any power at all. The internet is full of porn: hard core, soft core, fitness models, bikini models, hot girls in t-shirts, whatever your fancy. And yet, people are all excited by some girl just because she is reasonably good looking and claims to hold similar beliefs. I can understand settling for reality over digital fantasy, but how does she compete in the digital world just by spousing some slightly right sided views.
The fact this gets attention suggests you could do good business by setting up websites to cater to political fetishes just like other fetishes. Hey guys – here are some hot girls that believe in guns, or smaller national debt, or Trump. And for the other side – some girls that support higher minimum wage, stronger patient protections in Obamacare. Apparently even in an ocean of sex, sex still sells. We are doomed.
‘Why do you find it necessary to compliment random women on the interwebs?’
I don’t.
“The fact this gets attention suggests you could do good business by setting up websites to cater to political fetishes just like other fetishes.”
^ Fact.
Chaste and discrete go together. Not saying you can’t dress attractively; but posting your pic up for millions to droll over just makes you a whore.
‘Chaste and discrete go together.’
Quite….she attracts that way and the body is secondary.
feministhater says:
April 11, 2018 at 9:23 am
Pure gold. Unfortunately, your advice falls under the category of “common sense,” which, as we here are all well aware, is anythinh but common these days.
OT, but of interest:
feministhater @ April 10, 2018 at 4:29 pm:
“It’s not altogether minor because her ego is now validated and no man can compare to the thousands of beta-orbiters who worship her every move.”
I still have trouble believing this happens. Look & drool at a pretty girl, okay, but why would a man go out of his way to provide online attention & validation? She’s never going to personally respond. ROI is zero, like writing a paper letter to one’s Clowngressman.
The genius of Facebook must be quantifying that attention whether it’s intentionally expressed or not.
I know, right? I believe it has something to do with all these men still searching for that unicorn. Porn provides a sexual release, it caters to fetishes and all sorts but it does not provide release from the search for the one woman who ‘gets it’ and is loyal to her death.
In order to find just a sliver of this mythical creature, men will discard all reason. You see, this cupcake both looks good, if you don’t mind that she does put far too much make-up on, and, supposedly, shares some beliefs with the gents looking to mate with her. That’s a double whammy! They will look right past the slutiness in her attitude and provocative pictures ;and straight towards the hook she provides that she might share something in common with them and be hot.
The sexual pictures are the bait and the second amendment ‘support’ is the hook she uses to attract and keep her beta orbiters in check and supplying her with attention and, eventually, even money. She doesn’t even need to sleep with them.. it’s truly A-grade type stuff and it flies right under the radar because these men are simply that desperate to find that unicorn that they will believe anything.
That, and to them, it’s a breath of fresh air to at least see a woman who isn’t a rabid, pink haired, hairy feminist, foaming at the mouth ready to turn their member into a shriveled twig and grapes. And she agrees with them on something..
I get the allure, I really do, I suffered from it for what seemed an age…
I nominally am in favor of Tradthots, because anything that drains resources from cuckservatives (or manginas) should be supported. They are the weak leg of the stool, and their eradication is essential.
The genius of Fakebook was to turn attention and attention whoring into a financial unit of currency and to market itself as a social medium that validates a person’s existence.
Fair enough. I was under the impression that you complimented women who share their culinary skills on social media, which could be random or ones you know, I fully accept that you might keep this to women you know.
“You and the thousand other beta orbiters defending her…”
I’m actually asexual, so I don’t make it a habit of “orbiting” anyone.
@ Kevin says:
April 11, 2018 at 10:15 am
“The fact this gets attention suggests you could do good business by setting up websites to cater to political fetishes just like other fetishes.”
According to the rules of the Internet, they already exist.
Some fellas learn the hard way, but not too many of them host seminars about it afterwards lol:
I don’t have direct experience with an “Iron Sharpens Iron” conference, but when I have been to similar things in the past no one ever brought any iron, figuratively speaking. They always came across to me as “how to be a more womanly man”, so I gave them up years ago.
Surely a future Dalrock post will open the door for you to tell us what it was like. I’m definitely in the market to be shown that this conference is a useful thing for actual men. There must be one somewhere.
@ feeriker says:
April 11, 2018 at 10:41 am
“OT, but of interest: ”
The author (Bill Sardi) writes:
“This topic is up front and personal for me now because my almost 14-year old son’s mother, who has recently gained more than 90% child custody, is telling my son when he reaches age 18, and she will be 65 years of age, that he has to go get a job to support her. How will my son ever get his own life started?”
Boy, that sure seems like a great reason to not make a baby with a 47-year-old woman.
“The math tutor was the only one who was successfully able to teach my learning-handicapped son.”
Ever looked at the relationship between the mother’s age at birth and cognitive disabilities in children? See page 7.
feministhater, maybe I missed it, but in what dangerous country do you live?
I see your point there…but I think the bigger story is how a single mother or divorced mother who makes the father’s life a living hell when he tries to be in his son’s life is the bigger issue. It handicaps their son’s potential to become their own man and basically turn their son into the de facto husband. And that doesn’t matter if she has the kid at 17 or 47.
From the article:
‘How did I get pushed out of my son’s life? My son’s mother contrived up a bunch of charges against me to gain full legal and greater than 90% physical custody of my son. She is waiting for me to fall into another of her traps and gain complete custody.
My son is devastated. The family court did not give him due process. His rights under the family code were swept under the rug by derelict attorneys. He wanted a dad and a mom. He got an every-once-in-a-while dad. My son is begging me to do something.’
Yup…the protection a good father provides can’t be underestimated.
All about her and her selfishness…kids be damned.
Look I don’t have kids…but I would know it would be hard as hell if I was a single dad to raise a child just as in a father role. I wouldn’t ever say that’s just as good a situation as the child having both parents. Plus there are things a mother can do that I can’t.
my almost 14-year old son’s mother, who has recently gained more than 90% child custody, is telling my son when he reaches age 18, and she will be 65 years of age, that he has to go get a job to support her.
I’m guessing that when her son reaches age 18, the child support payments (which actually support mom) will end. So this strong, independent, empowered single mom will need a new source of income.
Supposedly the numbers show that if you’re only going to have one parent, you’re much better off with a dad than a mom.
Sad article. You know, children can do perfectly well if you amputate one of their legs–indeed, some can become excellent athletes!–but no one would say that having one leg is preferable to having two, or that amputating a leg should be anything but a drastic treatment for some dreadful condition. Women who kick their husbands out, especially those who do it often seem to be doing the equivalent of amputating the leg because it has a rash or some bruising.
True…but to this point I’ve never heard a father say that it’s just as good as a two parent system or to even be so arrogant as to say it’s better for the kid. Raising a child is not easy even in the best of circumstances.
The delusion of single mothers is beyond my comprehension.
Sorry, that should be “those who do it to end familial strife,”
@ earl says:
April 11, 2018 at 1:17 pm
“I see your point there…but I think the bigger story is how a single mother or divorced mother who makes the father’s life a living hell when he tries to be in his son’s life is the bigger issue.”
Agreed. But if we’re going to learn from others’ mistakes, we first have to identify them.
earl: The delusion of single mothers is beyond my comprehension.
I think, in the pit of their stomachs, they know that they’re failures. They’re broken. They’ve done something selfish and destructive in denying their child a father.
That’s why single mothers are so belligerent in extolling their “mothering skills,” and so insistent that their children are doing great without a dad. It’s to quell their inner awareness that they are seriously damaged.
It’s the same with homos and trannies. They know they’re broken. That’s why they’re always so loud about their “pride,” and so shrilly insistent that everyone celebrate them.
I’d agree with that. You ask a child what they think about being in a divorced or single mother household and you’ll often get a different answer on the ‘mothering skills’ than from what the deluded mother thinks of herself.
And to even bring up the idea a western woman might be ‘damaged’ in some way certainly pops the narrative they can do no wrong no matter what they do.
Re: “Iron Sharpens Iron”.
Quick search turned up this site.
Any of the speakers familiar?
There’s a lot of links showing a lot of details, plus stuff for sale.
it is open to male humans 13 and older.
My son’s mother contrived up a bunch of charges against me to gain full legal and greater than 90% physical custody of my son. She is waiting for me to fall into another of her traps and gain complete custody.
Well, the thing is that even before #metoo, most people would think that even though the W may have embellished, the H probably was a jackass to begin with, so in some sense rough justice was done. Almost no-one had any time to listen to a dad talk about “contrived up charges”, even before #metoo. After #metoo, however, a woman’s word is law, and cannot be questioned by anyone, so basically this kind of complaint from a father will cause him to be universally reviled in this climate. Need a better angle.
Young girls seeking a father substitute fall for older men or boys who seek a father-figure fall victim to predatory men.
Yeah, not quite. The girls, yes — that’s the classic “daddy issues” girl, and quite a few of the most promiscuous of girls — whether with older men or not so older men — are daddy issues types. For boys, it isn’t that they “fall victim to predatory men” (does the author really think this leads to boys becoming gay or something??), but that they either (1) become pajama boys or (2) adopt more exaggerated, often cartoonish, expressions of masculinity due to a lack of bio dad to be a masculine role model. It’s not so much that they fall prey to predatory men as that they adopt personae, on either end, that are either thoroughly unmasculine or exaggeratedly so.
I don’t know if the author does but I’ve read many stories from gay men where their relationship with their father was bad or nonexistant and they were looking for a male role model. It’s not THE reason it happens…but it can certainly be one of many causes. Similar to the reason why kids get into gangs…they are looking for a male role model somewhere because they don’t have it at home.
I definitely agree with this.
“And so it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for conquering man; and if she takes an interest in anything else it is simulated – a mere roundabout way of gaining her ends by coquetry and feigning what she does not feel.” – Arthur Schopenhauer, On Women.
Anonymous Reader: I went to the speakers list. There are a couple good speakers with the biggest name being Vodie Baucham. He is solid on doctrine and spells it out of men being real men and women being wive’s and mothers. He teaches men how to be the leaders in the house and to stand for what is right. He is one of the few pastors that speaks out against sexless marriages.
@ earl says:
April 11, 2018 at 2:30 pm
“Similar to the reason why kids get into gangs…they are looking for a male role model somewhere because they don’t have it at home.”
Which would also fall into the category of “predatory men”. It’s just a different form of depredation.
prefers women dancing to soul music or posing with vinyl…………………..or both 😉
And this is why I’ve criticized the hordes of alt right men backing up Ann Coulter.
Back on topic: If you call it “solidarity”, it’s okay.
Be sure to read some of the responses.
“Women who kick their husbands out, especially those who do it often seem to be doing the equivalent of amputating the leg because it has a rash or some bruising.”
Or HER OWN leg is rashed or bruised and that’s the reason behind misusing the government to force a father out of his home.
Women at all “all womens” college don’t want to be called “women” anymore…..
By their behavior today I really can’t blame them, I wouldn’t call them women either. My undergrad was once a womens’ college as well (went coed in the late 1980’s).
Why do we have “women only” colleges still in the USA? I thought “everybody was equal” and all the mens’ colleges / unis were *forced* by point of a gun so-to-speak to go coed or lose federal student loan money….ie would not issue student loans to a student who went to one
I like to show them this when they ask me why I’m MGTOW:
“I see your point there…but I think the bigger story is how a single mother or divorced mother who makes the father’s life a living hell when he tries to be in his son’s life is the bigger issue. It handicaps their son’s potential to become their own man and basically turn their son into the de facto husband.”
That last sentence caught my attention. It so happens that in our town the local Parks and Recreation department is promoting a “Mom and Son” dance. Maybe I do have a filthy mind, but I always thought father-daughter dances, to include purity balls, were a tad creepy, but I can’t imagine how bad a mother-son dance is. And your analogy of a woman turning her son into a de facto husband reinforces it.
When betas in the alt right see this woman in yellow, they see Muh Aryan Princess. When I saw that picture all I did was sharing my shoulders and go “Meh, not bad tits on that broad.”
I meant shrug my shoulders.
It seems that our lady friend with the gun isn’t fooling anyone.
I can’t help but be cynical about women who claim that they share my (our) values and beliefs. After a lifetime of disappointments, from sister to friends to romantic interest to wife to female boss, I have set my bar so low that I simply don’t expect anything from a woman anymore.
Red Pill Wisdom says two things:
-Never listen to what a woman claims she believes. Look at her actions.
-A “Red Pill Woman” is one who pretends to agree with you, until something better comes along.
Thus, Tomi Lahren saying she has conservative Christian values, up until she goes on The View and tells everyone she’s ”pro choice”, tells you she has Elastobrain, just like her lesbo-liberal sisters. She’s conservative when it suits her. I don’t know about Lauren Southern who is still in her early 20s and claims to be Christian, yet seems to be putting husband and marriage low on the list of priorities.And Dana Loesch tells us to ”stop being nice” (conceded, she has a point) and start defending our culture, knowing full well that if we go to the fight with Islam and the Regressive Left, she won’t have to lift a finger because.. she’s just a little girl in pigtails….
Last woman who claimed to be Red Pill – a friend – is now preggers to a guy that she’s known for 3 – count them – 3 – months. Hey, what could possibly go wrong?
Off topic Dalrock, but I came across an interesting phenomenon when I went overseas. In Australia, you hear two dimwits – a man and a woman – fight ”the war between the sexes”. If you go to Asia**, you hear two dimwits – a man and a woman – fight ”the war between the sexes”. Then, in England, the radio has…two dimwits – a man and a woman – fight ”the war between the sexes”. On to Germany*, and in a long taxi ride I hear two dimwits, a man and a woman – fight ”the war between the sexes”. All of them seem to have the same arguments, same vocal inflections and argue about the same things.
But surely, it’s only Christians who are ”brainwashed robots”, Right?
* I got this from my friendly taxi driver, since my German isn’t quite good enough to follow the conversation.
**My Asian Mother-in -Law translated for me.
lol Spike… Aunt is from Thailand (married to my dad’s brother….they have been married for 48 years). I was talking to her once on the phone a few years back…….and “Ellen” from that TV talk show came up. All my Aunt said was “oh, Elllen, on the TV. She a lady who want to be a man.”
All of you who call this young woman a whore should be ashamed of yourself. It also makes you sound like a bunch of pathetic losers.
Yup. At least we have the reason WHY there is a war between the sexes rather than just continuing to bicker that it exists.
“All of you who call this young woman a whore should be ashamed of yourself. It also makes you sound like a bunch of pathetic losers.”
Care to elaborate?
Women at all “all womens” college don’t want to be called “women” anymore…..
“Woman/women” is a purely biologically descriptive term used to identify homo sapiens estrogen vessels. It is also just about the only polite term one can apply to western human females today. I’m sure they would also object to being called “ladies,” so it’s a good thing that no sane, self-respecting man would ever even dream of doing so (indeed, any man who profanes the word “lady” by using it to address one of these odious creaures deserves to have his tongue ripped out with a pair of vice grips).
All of you who call this young woman a whore should be ashamed of yourself. It also makes you sound like a bunch of pathetic losers.
She’s not ever going to give you the time of day either, pal, so you might as well stop the white knighting. She’s not seeing it and it’s just making you look lke the pathetic loser here that you’re projecting onto everyone else.
(NOTE: if you tell us that you just forgot to put [SARCASM][/SARCASM] tags around that last post, I’ll take back what I just said.
While I have no problem with young women bilking pathetic cuckservatives out of money (these women are neither fat nor bluehaired)……
I must point out that a Male Feminist is always a creepy predator/rapist in disguise. It seems Yggdrasil wants to remind us of that.
Haha! Good one! Always invigorating to have a pick-me-up at some point. Thank you.
Make no mistake, this one is a social media whore. She’s banking on her beta orbiters to come to her aid where ever her name be besmirched!
To arms! Whiteknights! To arms!
Like the girl, the gun is too small to be of much use in stopping a threat. Shoot an attacker with it, and they will likely continue to injure you before they die. That picture screams, “Lookout! I’ve got a gun and have no idea how to use it.”
Are yoga pants meant to conceal anything?
“Spandex is a privilege, not a right.”
RE: the picture, perhaps Springfield Armory has found its new spokeshuman?
Looks like some guys cannot be pleased.
These women with guns are pleasant to the eyes, and they are trying, in the most subtle of ways, to get male attention (which is healthy for normal women, by the way. Normal men try to get female attention too, but in different ways).
Imagine if most of the fat, smelly and poorly dressed liberal women were this pleasant to look at. Wouldn’t we be more inclined to help them get over their wrong ideologies? Wouldn’t such effort be considered well spent, if only one of them were to recognize and correct the error of her ways?
Methinks we should stop beating up on these attractive, gun-loving women. It shows they are listening, and they are at least willing to adapt to the tastes of their (prospective) men.
Though, on a personal level, I’d prefer that my woman poses with our babies, or make videos about her culinary skills, or teach younger women how to be great wives and moms.
Only in the age of dick pics and swiping right could this be considered subtle.
in the most subtle of ways, to get male attention
As in “point your ‘gun’ at my pussy, loverboy” subtle? Excuse me? Slutty is as slutty does.
This does remind me of olden days when G. Gordan Liddy had his Stacked and Packed calendars. He had no problem getting photos for each of the months. The women would provide photos taken by their husbands/boyfriends all the way to professional photo shoots. The women would submit them on their own with much joy or with a bit of encouragement from their husbands. The husbands loved it as a show and tell. So I will agree with Dave a bit. This is a way for the young women to attract certain type of men and then later be used by those men as exhibition of see what I have back home. And for a few young men they can show it to their girlfriend or potential girlfriends and show them what they want from the girlfriend/future wife and if she is submissive she will get herself fit and trim and learn how to use a gun.
Nope, the berating will continue until modesty returns.
Whiteknighting becomes you.
Lol! You think that posting sexually suggestive pictures with a gun down your crotch on social media for all the world to see is subtle???!!?!!!! Lol! You’re a joke, mate! A fucking joke!
I’m sorry. Posting sexually suggestive pictures with guns is not modest. It is exhibitionism, the type of stuff whores do. They are selling their wears. Christian women shouldn’t be posting sexual pictures online for the world to see.
This is a cut and dried case. If that offends you, fuck off.
There are almost limitless ways young women can attract beta orbiters. Will they get what they want by doing this? Will getting what they want turn into a disaster in the end?
I was thinking of the benefits of arranged marriages, especially for women from wealthy families, historically they would often have impossible expectations and wind up childless, arranged marriages solved this problem. Indulging the madness of romantic love generally turns out bad in the end, this is contrary to the Hollywood memes that feed personal vice and hubris.
If you go back 100 years makeup was the exclusive domain of prostitutes. Actresses and prostitutes were essentially the same thing.
Questioning female roles, actions and there ramifications is very long overdue.
I saw a couple of episodes of the Expanse TV series. I was feeling queasy watching it, the constant men are garbage women are superior message, it reminded me why I have not watched TV for the last 20 years, is it wrong for feeling bad for being treated badly? It might be a good idea to avoid that.
OT: The site is down now.
I think most men would agree. Women posing with guns is really a meh statement at best and a sexually suggestive statement at worse. Guys will comment on her beauty whether she’s packing a firearm or not.
I’m sorry. Posting sexually suggestive pictures with guns is not modest. It is exhibitionism, the type of stuff whores do. They are selling their wears. Christian women shouldn’t be posting sexual pictures online for the world to see.
Look around you. Western society is not exactly as it used to be, mostly because the men have abdicated their leadership roles in the home and in society. When western men begin to demand more of their women (thankfully some are doing so of late), those women will have no choice but to respond in kind.
These gun-wielding women are merely trying desperately to get the attention of what they consider as good, manly men in their society. It’s the men who will guide them further into where they should be.
It will be an aberration for a typical American women to be truly modest, chaste and feminine, considering the negative roles of society, the loud and unending misinformation of the media, the cowardice of the preachers, and the near total absence of the men in leadership roles.
The entire feminist movement is a giant shit test, which the western men failed on a monumental scale (the men in other societies don’t tolerate such nonsense). Unfortunately, shit tests are pretty addictive; the more successful the shit testers get, the more shit tests they come up with, at great costs to society….until the whole edifice comes crumbling down.
But to expect the women in a given society to act right, and look right, especially in sexual matters, without the men providing strong leadership in those areas, and reigning them in as necessary, is to live in fantasyland. If a people deserve the leaders that they get, a society certainly deserves the women that they get.
Then the first thing men should do is ban contraception.
For something that was supposed to be about ‘control’…the results it’s shown is that sexual matters have got way out of control.
Yeah. It’s my fault the wommenz act the way they do. All the wommenz. Everywhere. Society is to blame. Let’s put the system on trial!
You’re a caricature of a caricature.
It’s the chicken or egg setup.
Which came first…men gave up leadership or women became widely promiscuous?
I’d make the argument the promiscuity came first and men gave into it with all the terrible laws set up.
“Women have neither agency nor responsibility. Everything they do is in response to men, and men’s failures.”
—CUT … And … that’s a wrap everyone!
Dave, that was the whole point of this post. Just start saying ‘no’ to women when they attention whore themselves out. Eventually, it might even catch on; and instead of using their sexuality to garner attention, they might actually learn to use their femininity and demureness to do so, with class rather than by being crass.
Look, I am willing to admit that what this girl did was ‘tip of the iceberg’ stuff when it comes to being sexually provocative but the point has been that society doesn’t have any means by which it monitors women’s antics, by which it tells them ‘enough is enough’. You do get that by this girl posting herself out like this, that all girls will do the same and then it spirals out of control. It starts with sexually suggestive pictures and because each girl has to top the next girl in order to get the same amount of attention, it quickly gets out of hand and you end up with the society you just explained. One where no one dare speak out against women when they do unruly things or dress in provocative manners that are way beyond the pale for fear of being called a ‘sexist’. I’m a sexist, I simply don’t care not to be anymore. I want to be one.
Quite clearly you are the only one who still believes this here. They don’t look desperate to me. They clearly were getting attention before and after the pictures were posted. When women do these sorts of things, they are being attention whores. It’s better to just admit it and move on. They’re not brave, they’re not modest, they are selling their wears to the public. They don’t care about gun rights, they care about the attention that pretending to care brings. And they bring that attention to themselves by being sexually suggestive on social media.
It’s beautiful, isn’t it!?
.Look around you. Western society is not exactly as it used to be,
Really? Gosh, no one had noticed that before! You’re so smart and observant!
mostly because the men have abdicated their leadership roles in the home and in society.
What decade are you commenting from? 1970’s is my guess. Because since then a lot of men have learned the difference between “adbicating a role” and “being pushed out of the role”.
When western men begin to demand more of their women (thankfully some are doing so of late), those women will have no choice but to respond in kind.
No choice, eh? What planet are you commenting from, again?
These gun-wielding women are merely trying desperately to get the attention of what they consider as good, manly men in their society. I
Yes, we know, that’s what “attention whoring” is all about.
Dave, do women have agency? Just asking.
Adam and Eve, Ahab and Jezebel, Samson and Delilah, Solomon and his 700 wives….away from God, away from God, away from God, away from God.
It’s a matter of realizing what our downfall as men are…and we keep doing it.
Ray Manta,
OT: The site is down now.
The inactive site seems back up.
That said, I worry that something tragic happened to PM/AFT in real life. He was posting frequently, and tweeting frequently, and then stopped cold turkey 18 months ago. He never responded to emails I sent. When a blogger stops blogging, there is a very gradual decline in frequency of articles, and still a comment or two along the way to assure everyone that he is ok.
In PM/AFT’s case, a complete halt of posting from what was a brisk pace, combined with no evidence that he is still alive, does lead one to think something tragic happened (for all we know, a car accident). As we don’t know his real name, we can’t search for any obituaries in the DC area where he lived. We may never know unless he actually comes back.
Women rebelled, as they are wont to do (see Genesis chapter 3). Men abdicated, for various reasons. Some, to placate women. Some, to ingratiate themselves to the women. Some did so maliciously. All of that happened so long ago that almost none of the men who read this blog grew up in a culture where men actually lead women.
So, yes, men who abdicated leadership bear responsibility for whatever leadership they abdicated. Their abdication makes things a lot harder for those of us who are trying to lead.
However, women bear responsibility for rebelling in the first place. And laying their responsibility at men’s feet makes matters worse.
Looks like guys are putting me on trial here, hehe. Well, you all are barking at the wrong tree.
My whole point is that, western women have become feral because their men allowed them to do so. Women are women everywhere, and all women have similar tendencies. The fact that most other societies do not have as toxic women as what obtains in America and other western nations, is a testament to how much (or how little) the men in those societies will put up with.
As far as I know, there is no other society where the women are so horribly insufferable as in the west. Unfortunately, this western cancer is slowly seeping into the mainstream of other societies, to the detriment of us all. But to absolve the western men of ALL blame while complaining about how bad the western women have become, is, again, to live in fantasyland.
Sure, women have agency. Like all fallen humans, they also have an incurable tendency to act in their self interests, and they will continue to take advantage of society as long as the men allow them to do so.
It is ironically the very male abdication that got us into this mess. Cowardly men fear calling out women, so they call other men cowards instead. Rinse, lather, repeat.
You are falling into the trap of blaming women’s rebellion on men. Look at the fall of man again and tell me who tempted Eve to be disobedient against God and her husband and get back to me.
Dalrock: Not only do those who abdicated, call other men cowards, they say loudly, “shut up and sit down, you are rocking the boat” to the men who do question and demand women to repent. These men do not want to be held up for ridicule because they found their gravy train of their type of women. Look at the situation out in Hollywood and creeping into other areas. Men who espoused that they were in the fight for the women and their rights, used their power to get women and women that loved the power they saw and were willing participants. When men called out these actions we were told to shut up follow the line and be good little men do as we say not as we do. Now the damn is starting to break and people are seeing the truth. These men said what was needed to woo the hot babe into the bed. The woman whored herself out to get that bit part and show off her body more and climb up the ladder to better parts in movies.
Stop putting Dave on trial and shut up, Tim!
Anon said:
The inactive site seems back up.
My mistake – it seems the proxy server I was accessing doesn’t let it through.Once I switched it off, I was able to access the site.
Looks like guys are putting me on trial here, hehe. Well, you all are barking at the wrong tree.
Ok, what’s your action plan? Lay it out in plain text right here.
Dave. I abdicated nothing. I was just deemed as: creepy, loser, nice, chump, lacking in looks, or whatever excuse was used at the moment…….
For the men who were not any of the above mentioned………I am noticing more and more, that they indeed are the ones fueling this behavior in women. They are the ones behaving like a trained court jester to get female attention…………
I had a forced hand in this matter,and frankly it isn’t fair….but I suppose griping about it is foolish… the same time………I don’t know inside or outside of church of a woman who just want to be a wife and have a real unexpected journey with a man…..and my age……I have to accpet that the moorings have been cut or the ship at least is getting ready to disembark out to sea…….
I am rightfully sad at times. I am at times still curious as to excatly “why” I was left out of all of this (I was too *nice* but the drug dealer was *deemed* proper father material……….makes me wonder on any level of female character and discernment….this includes college educated women)
It’s not one issue. It’s a jigsaw puzzle of various pieces that slowly over timer have given us this picture. Right or wrong. It is what we have.
With that said
I will carry ZERO blame in this. I didn’t rape. Use. Have sex with. Play games of the heart with. Hurt. Cheat on. Lie to ANY woman concerning the matters of dating / mating. Ever.
I was here. Not perfect. She declined, and declined, and declined…………..and now????? Who is getting the blame inside the church???
Men like me. Not the user. Not the liar. Not the thug. Not the *hot* guy. Not cheater. I have to endure constantly about what *I* did wrong, and I did nothing. The supposed “alphas” will always escape condemnation…….the blame falls on to me like me by the culture.
I refuse to take it….and I really see zero repentance or even a mild interest by women about marriage. They want an illusion, and get mad at men like me when their choices don’t pan out…and the illusion is just what it is. This is mental illness. It’s crazy and no one. No one dares call them out? Why???? Because most alphas and men are so thirsty for sex…they’ll lap up ANY excuse she gives.
Stop putting Dave on trial and shut up, Tim!
Thank you for that show of support. It always feels good to have someone in your corner-;)
Ok, what’s your action plan? Lay it out in plain text right here.
I’ve said this times without number: not all American women are bad (several men on this site are married to good women).
There are still very good and feminine women here, especially in rural America. I see them every time my job takes me to the small towns of Kentucky, etc. Not trying to suggest that they are angels; but they are decent as prospective wives.
Those looking for a wife may want to leave the big cities, and look for marriageable women on the farms or hospitals (many work as nurses) in small towns. The down side is, these women often marry at very young ages (many of those I saw were already married in their early 20s on average).
And for others, it is good to remember that American women constitute a mere 2-4% of all women on earth. Those who want good wives, and who are unable to find them here may want to look elsewhere.
I will carry ZERO blame in this. I didn’t rape. Use. Have sex with. Play games of the heart with. Hurt. Cheat on. Lie to ANY woman concerning the matters of dating / mating. Ever.
When I said men were not blameless, I didn’t mean YOU, personally, were not blameless.
Which came first…men gave up leadership or women became widely promiscuous?
What happened was that the most powerful ONE PERCENT OF MEN, for their own selfish, Satanic purposes, stripped the bottom 99 percent of men of their authority over not only their families, but their own lives as well. They found, and continue to find, armies of eager useful idiots (e.g., women, progressives of both sexes, armed psychotic thugs wearing military and police uniforms and carrying government-issued guns; and other brainless, naive simpletons from all walks of life) to carry out their destructive agenda. Luckily for this powerful One Percent, most of the remaining 99 percent is hopelessly, congenitally stupid and naive, unable to see the wider picture, and thus unable to anticipate their own destruction. Thus the eternal chaos we’re in the won’t ever end until the Second Coming).
I’ve said this times without number:
You lie.
not all American women are bad (several men on this site are married to good women).
NAWALT is not an action plan. Neither is “Only Real Man In The Room”. Both are just hot air.
Right. Troll.
@Anonymous Reader:
You lie.
Clearly, you have not been that long on this site….or you have not been paying attention.
Right. Troll.
I am no troll.
Please come up with better arguments. In my book, name calling doesn’t get much respect.
You know, it becomes pretty old pretty fast, when guys keep lamenting, and endlessly complaining, that women are bad, and that they couldn’t find good women to marry. And, at the same time, they wouldn’t leave these bad women alone in their “badness”. They quickly attack anyone who dares tells them that good women still exist, even as they resist taking any sensible steps to find these women.
I think those who hold that all women are bad ought to stop being bothered about women. Leave them in their rot. Focus on your individual lives.
“Just marry a good one” is worse than useless. Because no man who reads a site like this is going to go look for a “bad one” to marry, obviously. All the frivorced men I have ever known married a “good one”.
Every frivorced man married a “good one”.
So that obviously isn’t the solution.
“Just marry a nice small town girl” may have worked in the 1970’s, although the increase in divorces that began then suggests otherwise. Maybe that worked for you, back in 1988 or whenever. But the fact is, while the nature of women hasn’t changed in thousands of years as both Proverbs and the Iliad clearly teach, the external social structures are radically different now from 40 years ago.
If you’ve actually read this site, you are familiar with Dalrock’s two articles on marriage, especially vetting a wife. That’s an action plan with regard to marriage.
There are also action plans that men have created to help men regain success in an existing relationship.
But all you’ve offered is “It’s that other guys, they screwed up”! Ok, name some names. Go back as far as you want – we can blame all sorts of men, most of them dead, and then what’s left? Hot air.
There’s no obvious solution at the social or national level. There’s not even an obvious solution at the church level, office level or neighborhood level. But there are things an individual man can do within his own house. There is a lot more to that than just “Marry uh gud one”, though.
What happened was that the most powerful ONE PERCENT OF MEN, for their own selfish, Satanic purposes, stripped the bottom 99 percent of men of their authority over not only their families, but their own lives as well…..
A most sensible explanation so far, though it doesn’t cover all the bases. For instance, Eve chose to rebel, not because any man tempted her. Jezebel was a one percenter herself; no man made her do it. We could even see a hint of Sarah’s character in the boldfaced lie he told before the angel, when the latter promised her and her husband a son within a year. She even went so far to argue with the angel!
Moreover, these “one per cent of men” have always existed, and their goals have always been to strip the bottom 99% of their dignity; feminism started in earnest less than a hundred years ago.
@Dave, I have been here almost since the site came into existence. Show me where you have posted your brain dead comment here and other places, and I shall count each of them…
I’ve said this times without number:
…then we shall have the number of times you have said that. It won’t be without number. It is elementary that no matter how many times you’ve burped up this stupid advice, it is not uncountable, it is not without number.
It is provable in the logical and mathematical sense of the word: you lie.
You know what has become old? This strawman. NAWALT is not an action plan. “Just marry a small town girl” is not a sensible step towards anything, not in the real world.
Hey, Dave, you want to get rich, to Make Money Fast? Just go out to the right place and dig up a few kilograms of gold. You know, out there in the countryside. No, I won’t tell you where or how to prospect. That’s up to you. This is an analogy, by the way…
Every frivorced man married a “good one”.
Not true at all. Probably less than 20% of marrying men married a “good wife” by today’s red-pill standards. Many men who subsequently got roasted in divorce courts married as betas, because redpill knowledge was so uncommon in those days. Yes, they probably married used up, partially reformed hos who were about hitting the wall, or have just hit it.
How many men who got divorced married chaste, feminine, modest, and godly wives?
Very few I’d argue. That’s the more reason to look in the right places. Admittedly, it is far more difficult to find a good woman today, compared to the past, but that doesn’t mean such women do not exist.
Even in bible days, virtuous women were hard to come by (“Who can find a virtuous woman?”, asked a man with 1000 wives/mistresses).
@Anonymous Reader:
I have been here almost since the site came into existence. Show me where you have posted your brain dead comment here and other places, and I shall count each of them…
Seriously? Literally count how many times I have posted this before? Are you for real?
Ever heard of Hyperbole as a figure of speech? Please stop being facetious.
But if you must count them, you will have to dig them up yourself; I won’t get into such a fruitless exercise with you.
And, frankly, I don’t think this is going anywhere, so I won’t respond to you anymore.
You know what has become old? This strawman. NAWALT is not an action plan. “Just marry a small town girl” is not a sensible step towards anything, not in the real world.
Well, if you have a better idea, kindly bring it forward. I’m sure there are guys who will be eternally grateful to learn from your wisdom. And if all you want to do is endlessly complain about how bad all the women are, I think we may have to leave it at that.
Every frivorced man married a “good one”.
Not true at all.
True. Some of them even married girls from small-town Kentucky, I have no doubt.
Probably less than 20% of marrying men married a “good wife” by today’s red-pill standards.
Moving the goalposts so soon? Your “advice” consisted of “marry a good one” with no mention of the red pill. Now you add that in to save face.
Many men who subsequently got roasted in divorce courts married as betas, because redpill knowledge was so uncommon in those days.
We know that. Nice of you to admit it. But that’s not what you said earlier in the thread, is it? Nope.
Yes, they probably married used up, partially reformed hos who were about hitting the wall, or have just hit it.
Two friends of mine were virgins or nearly so when they married. That did not stop her from frivorcing him about 5 years later for “reasons”.
Keep on backtracking. You might accidentally stumble over some truth. But moving the goalposts is just pathetic.
That Jordan Peterson clip is an eye-opener. The Japanese chap is clueless in his laid-back non-comprehending arrogance.
Not sure why Dave is getting so much stick.
Well, if you have a better idea, kindly bring it forward.
Already done upthread; for a start, Dalrock’s two-article set on “interviewing a prospective wife” was mentioned. Vetting is a first step, and now it would be prudent to vet not just a woman but her entire social circle because of “The Whispers”. Churchgoing men must pay attention to her religion and her family.
Beyond that is the concept of a man making his mission, whatever it is, the center of his life rather than any woman; for churchgoing / religous men that has a slightly different focus. Maintaining clear Glasses, keeping physically in shape to keep T at an appropriate level, knowing enough Game / leadership / headship / whatever you want to call it to lead her effectively. The original Male Action Plan that Athol Kay wrote is a good start, but there are other options.
But as really long time reader who just popped up in this thread, you surely know all of this. You just “forgot” to mention it in your NAWALT trolling, right?
And if all you want to do is endlessly complain about how bad all the women are,
Troll / lie harder. This bait is lame.
Already done upthread; for a start, Dalrock’s two-article set on “interviewing a prospective wife” was mentioned. Vetting is a first step, and now it would be prudent to vet not just a woman but her entire social circle because of “The Whispers”. Churchgoing men must pay attention to her religion and her family….
Great ideas, so I’ll bite.
You’re addressing a different part of the spouse hunting problem though. Your ideas actually confirmed my arguments, rather than invalidating them. I addressed the initial challenges; you focused on the subsequent steps.
I believe you will need to locate a prospect before you can begin to interview her. I suggested small towns or other countries.
But more importantly, you will have to believe that, indeed, there are still good women out there, before you start looking for one.
So, clearly, our arguments are actually complimentary rather than being antagonistic.
Yeah, this is such a major problem today! We must take a stand! Too many attractive women taking advantage of such causes that we are flooded with such images! /sarc
I guess I can only watch cooking videos where a man is doing the cooking or the woman is ugly too!
It is almost impossible to ensure a woman is a “good one” these days. You do need to open your eyes to that. I can clearly see many problems in my exwife before we married now, but hindsight is always 20/20 as they say. I thought I married a woman who put God first, regardless of anything else, but it turned out that she fits God into her box after all, it just took many years to expose that.
I have no idea what the solution is. I personally want a solid wife even now, but I see no way to achieve that at this point, and it is really disgusting in many ways.
I remain a civilizationist, and thus still will do what I can to encourage positive marriages, but it is a VERY difficult path to achieve today. I hope to personally write some material in the future, if I can get over my lack of motivation in many areas. That is much harder than I would have expected, but we definitely need more people who will speak up.
Great ideas, so I’ll bite.
You’re addressing a different part of the spouse hunting problem though.
It is a process.
Your ideas actually confirmed my arguments, rather than invalidating them.
Your “argument” consisted of NAWALT and “small town Kentucky”. That’s not an argument, that’s a couple of cliches. Cliches that are worn out after years of mindless repetition.
I addressed the initial challenges;
You burped up a cliche that has been seen many times.
I believe you will need to locate a prospect before you can begin to interview her. I suggested small towns or other countries.
Initially you suggested “small town Kentucky”. Later you mentioned other countries. Nothing new, and nothing actionable.
But more importantly, you will have to believe that, indeed, there are still good women out there, before you start looking for one.
If that is directed at me specifically, I repeat: troll / lie harder, this bait is stale.
So, clearly, our arguments are actually complimentary rather than being antagonistic.
You don’t have an argument, you have a couple of old cliches. For a “long time reader” around here you sure don’t seem to have actually read anything here over the last 7+ years. Kind of odd.
By the way, how many years over 40 are you?
There are still very good and feminine women here [in America]
Sure, Dave. There are also albinos in the Congo. And four-leaf clovers in the bogs and fields of Ireland. And pure -black pandas in China. But what are the odds of eve finding one, even after years –decades– of searching?
Unless a man has an unhealthy fixation on the esoteric, or has nothing else in life going for him, quests for such things are a complete and foolish waste of his time and energy.
Just skimming Dave’s comments, he still thinks only the man is obligated to do any heavy lifting, and women simply cannot do wrong.
In other words, he is just another cuckservative like Brad WIlcucks and Jim Gay-ratty.
For a “long time reader” around here you sure don’t seem to have actually read anything here over the last 7+ years. Kind of odd.
It is amazing that someone can be immersed in an ocean of knowledge for so long, and still emerge completely dry. Dave has said nothing outside of boilerplate cuckservatism.
I my opinion much of main stream media consistently indulges female vice. Many common female habits today were the exclusive domain of prostitutes a century ago. Women are consistently encouraged feed there vice, the 7 deadly sins is a Catholic notion that was inherited from the Greeks. Self destructive female attitudes are actively & consistently encouraged by mainstream media
Gluttony: Fat acceptance
Lust/fornication: Women behaving in action and materially like prostitutes, no shame for hypergamy
Avarice/greed: Women encouraged to feel no shame in “having it all”
Pride/hubris: Women are never wrong, men/boys are always bumbling idiots
Sorrow/despair/despondency: Victim Olympics, resentment studies in college
Wrath anger: The celebrated typical SJW social justice warrior
Excessive vanity: Mainstream culture is soaked in the ego pumping female vanity
Sloth/laziness: This is something that is not so much directly taught but its more by omission focusing on resentment of the industriousness of others, especially men.
The idea of you might need protection and guidance against your impulsive long term self destructive nature is rejected by modern feminism. With the typical family formation catastrophically failing over 50% of the time and continuing to rise is not a bug but a feature of feminism.
Some women are attempting to shift away from this with this gun photo meme, its an attempt to reject the mainstream narrative. True it’s very rare to see women on the front line in battle, even in a modern military like the IDF, yet they can participate in defense against invading hordes.
Dear Dave:
I thought you weren’t going to respond to Anonymous Reader any more? Meaningless ad-hom nonsense like “By the way, how many years over 40 are you?” are all s/he has to contribute anyway, so you should probably follow your own sage advice. As an aside, it’s hard for me to believe you’ve read here for any length of time (as you argue) and still take him seriously.
In any case… You wrote:
I don’t disagree with you. Lots of men here have married good women. Even more impressive, many more men here have boasted of marrying disgusting skank-ho whore wimminz, and have successfully changed these filthy wimminz into good wives. How they have managed this remains a mystery to me.
The one thing I am sure of: women are excellent liars, and thus I can not discern the filthy wimminz from the decent women. So perhaps we could start there. How do I tell a nice woman who will make a good wife, from a filthy skank-ho wimminz who are playacting at being decent?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Telling the difference as a typical independent man, such as ypu are Boxer is hard. I’m in a typical church, and it helps the odds slightly, but not enough, because it’s too much a social club.
I think the advice of going to the hills is taking advantage of the benefits of an actual community, and being part of a real community increases the as much as can be dpne. So if you are gping yo remain a modern man and not immerse yourself in a small community, then I guess raiding such a community may help.
I met good women, the best were from good families or from overseas and in some type of ministry such as teaching english.
I trusted the church with my decision and am burning for that, but my lesson from that is God and Mammon don’t mix well, and being a modern independent man makes choosing a spouse riskier than it ever was.
The fact that conservatives believe that a woman acting like a man is more feminine and attractive than a woman acting like a woman tells me everything I need to know about their ideology.
These cuckservatives are just Leftists of 20 or so years ago. They’re totally useless. Hell, they’re worse than an idiot libtard since they appear as a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
The comments here are a big circle-jerk of hatred and despair.
Men were sold on the idea that they’d get more sex if society structured itself along the lines of r-selection instead of K-selection, where humanity has spent most of history, and this temptation offered to feed man’s desire for physical satisfaction, which I think we can all agree is very strong.
So men denied their intellect to suit their instincts.
Women were sold on the idea that they’d get more control if society structured itself along the lines of r-selection instead of K-selection, because they “wouldn’t need a man”, and this fed the sinful desire to become more like gods, despite them having to take on burdens God did not equip them for.
So women denied their instincts to suit their intellect.
The “problem” is that it’s a lot easier to change your mind than to change your instincts, and abortion, birth control, and alternative sexuality prevented the generations of r-selected females from being born, that would have the “right instincts” desired to support r-selection across the board.
So do we do now?
r-strategists are breeding themselves out of existence. They’re ending their own genetic lines, and are now grasping for control over the children of K-strategists to try and recondition those children towards an r-strategy because they weren’t born with the necessary instincts to support it naturally.
This is also why the mad power grabs are happening now, because if they can’t control everything, they want to destroy it. Just look at Pharaoh pursuing Israel even after they’d pillaged Egypt due to Egypt’s stubbornness. The heart of rebellion, of hatred, against God, and the people of God, still beats strong.
Oh sure, they’re attempting to shift away from vanity by posting a gun down their crotches, creating ‘look at me’ photographs with sexual connotations. Desperate to find that unicorn are you. These girls are merely part of the other narrative, the conservative one. They’re merely liberals from 20 years ago trying to ‘conserve’ that which they are accustomed to.
These girls are not brave, they are not clever; the girl in question is a communications major and is on a quest to launch herself into the same position as many of the other conservabimboes of the past: Leggy blondes on national television speaking bullshit through a camera.
You guys are desperate to find the mythical creatures.
Swanny River
I’m in a typical church, and it helps the odds slightly, but not enough, because it’s too much a social club.
That’s always a problem. “Are these people serious or just social-clubbing?”.
For men who belong to a particular denomination it can be very difficult, because there may be only one “Church of XYZ” in town, and if it’s basically a social club, well, heck.
Here is an opportunity for BJ, the man who commented on the Wilson thread: a red-pill church. That would likely attract a small but dedicated congregation.
I think the advice of going to the hills is taking advantage of the benefits of an actual community, and being part of a real community increases the as much as can be dpne.
Have you ever lived in a small town of a few hundred people? It can take a lot of work to move fro the status of “tolerated visitor” to some degree of acceptance in terms of social circles, based on my own limited experience of living in a small town for about 4 years. That was in the last century, though, in a place where the “internet” consisted of a 5600 baud dialup modem. Most people in that town now have access to Dish or some other video quality connnection. People way out in the countryside are watching the same Netflix shows as city dwellers.
More importantly, social media is everywhere. The dinkiest village in coal country West Virginia or Utah or anywhere else has an Internet feed now, so every girl has access to Facebook / Tumbler / Pinterest / etc. if she wants it. Therefore her social network is bigger, and chances of The Whispers are much greater than they used to be. It’s foolish to expect miss Smalltown to be less prone to bad behavior than her city cousin when they are sharing gossip via Facebook all day.
It’s been routine for over 15 years for employers to use Google searches as part of interviewing employees. Any man interviewing a prospective wife should take great care to search her on social media, including using things like Wayback. This applies regardless of geography.
Fishing in the right pond makes a difference. Men under 20 who are regular churchgoers would likely be better off spending time with campus religous groups, even if they are not in college, because of the pool of women likely to be there.
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