Lori Alexander quoted my post as well as many of the replies in her recent post What Men Thought of My Viral Post. One woman responded to this most recent post by explaining that since she deserves salvation even though she is a sinner, she likewise deserves the husband she desires regardless of how she has (or has not) prepared to become a wife (emphasis mine):
Whether I have or have not gone to college, had sex before marriage, aquired debt, gotten a tattoo, etc. does not make me any less worthy of the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ, so what right does any earthly man (or woman) have to call me less than worthy to simply be his wife due to the same criteria?! Christ > humanity. Be careful that you preach Christ and not your own ideals.
I had never put this together before. The modern Christian women who threw fits in response to Lori Alexander’s original post feel entitled to a husband because they see this as their birthright. They are daughters of the King most high. Consider how Wendy Griffith recounts her reaction to a man politely declining her romantic advance in her popular book You Are a Prize to be Won!: Don’t Settle for Less Than God’s Best
He was my age, handsome and a single Christian like I was, and after a whirl-wind day of interviews and a few laughs, I rationalized that it would be fine to ask him to have dinner with me instead of dining alone. His response was not what I had been expecting: “I have to go to the gym.”
I felt sick! It was as if someone had punched me in the stomach… Discouraged and a little mad at myself, I drove back to the hotel alone, when suddenly I heard the unmistakable voice of the Lord in my spirit. He whispered so clearly to me, Wendy, you are a prize to be won!
I knew the Lord’s voice, and I knew that He was speaking to me about my value. I didn’t need to be the one pursuing in a relationship or running around like a chicken with my head cut off, looking for love in all the wrong places. God has my man, and that man is going to recognize me as his prize! And the same goes for you.
Unfortunately, I have had to learn this lesson the hard way.
Pearl of Great Price
Ladies, the Lord wants you to know that you are a pearl of great price, a treasure worth pursuing and protecting. You are worth fighting for and, like the pearl in the parable at the head of this chapter, worth everything it might cost a guy to obtain you. You are worth someone sacrificing his time, his routine, his comfort, his money, his whatever in order to have you. You are worth it! You are a prize to be won. Don’t settle for Crumbs.
Griffith’s and millions of other modern Christian women’s outrageous sense of entitlement stems from their fundamental misunderstanding of our relationship to Christ and the very nature of His sacrifice. We don’t deserve the sacrifice He made for us. We are utterly unworthy. If we deserved forgiveness for our sins Christ’s sacrifice would not have been needed. Nor would we have reason to forever thank and praise Him for what He has done for us, since He would have merely been treating us as we deserved.
It would be nice if a lot of these Christian women saw Jesus as their Savior and not a boyfriend/vending machine who lets them do whatever they want.
Pingback: If she can’t demand a husband then how do we expect her to demand salvation? | @the_arv
In a previous comment stream I noted that for many women going after Lori Alexander the claim boils down to:
If Jesus can love her just the way she is, why can’t you? [1]
Plus I wondered if this wasn’t a result of standard female solipsism plus feminization of churches plus the constant dribbling of “Jesus is my Besty BFF Boyfriend” music.
But I did not read further and realize that these Daughters of the King deserve a husband because they just do. That’s the extra little cherry on top of the solipsism Sundae.
Good work, Dalrock. Your vision keeps getting sharper and clearer.
[1] “Jesus as Mr. Rogers” theological implications left for someone else to discuss…
When people say they “deserve” something, it is always a bad sign and usually used as a whitewash of bad behavior.
Its one of my fundamental problems with modern christianity. Forgiveness and mercy is handed out like candy. If you are automatically forgiven, thats not mercy thats God being a sucker.
One should hope for Gods mercy and forgiveness, knowing it is not guaranteed and that you dont deserve it.
What do these women expect but total freedom from consequences? We all make choices that impact the way people view us and treat us; this is especially true in romantic relationships, due to the intimacy/intensity of them. Feminism, for all its declared lofty ideals, does little more than perpetuate the concept that women possess no agency. If you cannot be held to account for your actions, how can you have any responsibility for your own life? It’s shameful.
While I agree with the underlying sentiment that, as a woman, you should not be involved with a man who does not respect you, the idea that a man must respect you regardless of anything you’ve done is absurd. And what does these women believe, that God will deliver a man to the front door of their apartment one day with a bouquet of flowers and a ring? Like anything else worth having in life, you have to work on finding and keeping a good relationship.
@ earl
True, but at least their behavior tells Christian men which women to avoid.
You Are a Prize to be Won!: Don’t Settle for Less Than God’s Best.
I thought this was a joke but the link to Amazon shows it’s a real book with a 100 reviews by women with almost a solid 5 stars! Hahahaha! Women really are that idiotic. And these are the Christian women? One woman review said she gave it to her granddaughters to show them they have value! Hahaha… hahahaha! Just forget about saving Western Civilization. There is nothing worth saving at this point. Hilarious.
This is exactly right. We don’t deserve salvation, it is a gift from God to sinners who are unworthy of it.
“fundamental misunderstanding of our relationship to Christ and the very nature of His sacrifice. We don’t deserve the sacrifice He made for us. We are utterly unworthy. If we deserved forgiveness for our sins Christ’s sacrifice would not have been needed.”
Fantastic. God is not “lucky to have” us.
I don’t know why I’m shocked to read about Christian wimminz, who expect their God to be a supernatural tinder account.
These woman are committing the sins of the Pharisees. The latter thought they deserved salvation because they were descendants of Abraham. They were already perfect because God had made them perfect.
John the Baptist corrected them, saying that God can take stones and make of them descendants of Abraham. Nothing special about being born a Jew.
But most Jews didn’t listen. They thought they were already good enough, just because they bore the label “Jew.” And these “Christian” women think they are already good enough, just because they bear the label “Christian.”
A rough analogy. But I think it fits. Both are examples of pride, to the point that you think God’s accomplishments are your own, that God’s gifts are proof of your own merit, and thus the world should cater to your desires.
“So you also, when you have done everything you were told to do, should say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.'”
Luke 17:10, NIV (Sorry Jed)
So, these womyn believe they are actually worthy of Christ’s sacrifice. That is, they are worthy (deserving) of having God take on human form, live as one of us, be humiliated, mocked, beaten and crucified. These womyn believe it was Christ’s obligation to do this for them, and no sin they commit, however wicked, disqualifies their entitlement.
Now tell me, how then are any of the rest of us men going to be able to fulfill that sense of entitlement?
Of course, proclaiming herself worthy of Christ’s sacrifice is both blasphemy and heresy, but this is a problem with many sola denominations today. Although they proclaim “sola scriptura”, their membership by and large (and especially large women) have no idea what’s between the covers of their Bibles. It’s turned into sola pathos.
So if one of these ladies is raped or has one of her kids murdered, and the murderer finds Christ, would she be willing to absolve him of his earthly punishment and see him freed from prison or cleared of the death penalty? After all, we must preach Christ and not humanity! His sins are forgiven! He is no less worthy of the sacrificial love of Christ, and who would she be to put earthly weight to his past?
Also, the “pearl of great price” gospel is extremely destructive to Christian women. Face it, when you are told and believe that God has pre-planned a man out there for you somewhere it removes the impetus to be anything of value. Why should you work on yourself when God has said he already has someone selected for you who will love you “as you are”? Love handles, wrinkles, saggy lady bits and all!
Wendy Griffith’s creepiness is compounded by her “God told me” bit. That’s a dangerous mode of rationalization that pervades the church today.
And isn’t she still single?
You are not the pearl of great price. I am not the pearl of great price. This is a total inversion of the parable.Salvation (or the kingdom) is the pearl for which we are supposed to sell everything we have- that is to put it in first place, above all worldly possessions and goals.
That’s basic hermeneutics.
Guess they’d really feel insulted and demeaned if they had to sing “O sacred head, now wounded”
“Discouraged and a little mad at myself, I drove back to the hotel alone, when suddenly I heard the unmistakable voice of the Lord in my spirit. He whispered so clearly to me, Wendy, you are a prize to be won!”
I just took another step towards being a Cessationist.
Wendy Griffith, 55, never married, no kids, lecturing other womynz on how to land a man. I think I’ll start a show/write a book about how to be a top NFL quarterback. Except I just can’t make myself write down that God told me I’m going to be a #1 draft pick no matter what anyone else says.
The large college debt so many of these “daughters of the king” has functions like the old fashioned bride price.
Wow. You are running hot lately. This is amazing! Scary, too.
SnapperTrx: the “pearl of great price” gospel is extremely destructive to Christian women. Face it, when you are told and believe that God has pre-planned a man out there for you somewhere it removes the impetus to be anything of value. Why should you work on yourself when God has said he already has someone selected for you who will love you “as you are”?
It’s destructive in two ways. One, it discourages women from improving themselves. But also, it encourages them to raise their expectations for a man.
A tattooed, land whale, single mom Pearl of Great Price is entitled to a 6’4″ millionaire body builder, romantic but with a hint of danger, equally at home in jeans or a tux, and ready to love and provide for her bastard children by three other men, and treat her to luxury foreign travel and a mansion with a pool.
Her expectations are not unrealistic. Lifetime and Hallmark movies are full of single moms being courted by handsome, exciting Alpha millionaires who love these women’s bastard children.
Griffith’s and millions of other modern Christian women’s outrageous sense of entitlement stems from their fundamental misunderstanding of our relationship to Christ and the very nature of His sacrifice. We don’t deserve the sacrifice He made for us. We are utterly unworthy. If we deserved forgiveness for our sins Christ’s sacrifice would not have been needed. Nor would we have reason to forever thank and praise Him for what He has done for us, since He would have merely been treating us as we deserved.
Since most modern western women are self-centered, entitled, demanding harpies in every other aspect of life towards everyone and everything around them, why would any reasonable person suspect that they’re capable of behaving in any other way towards God?
Why should you work on yourself when God has said he already has someone selected for you who will love you “as you are”? Love handles, wrinkles, saggy lady bits and all!
Speaking only for myself, I’d say that “[l]ove handles, wrinkles, [and] saggy lady bits” are minuses that most men could learn to overlook or live with, all other qualities being positive. It’s the bitchiness, contentiousness, disrespect, and entitlement, to say nothing of unrepentence for past sluttiness, that are intolerable poison.
I saw this on Facebook re: Lori’s article and the satire response by the Federalist…written by a married woman. I was impressed:
“You don’t understand. Women are supposed to have standards, but they’re the only ones who are allowed to have standards. Women are goddesses and get to choose among the men. Men are supposed to put up with whatever they get and have no opinion except to worship the woman. If the tattooed ex-slut with $50,000 in debt for a worthless degree deigns to marry him, he should be happy to get her. If he has a six-figure job, kept himself in shape, and avoids porn, those are just his reasonable contributions to attempt to be worthy of her. She’s always worthy, of course, because she’s a woman.”
A tattooed, land whale, single mom Pearl of Great Price is entitled to a 6’4″ millionaire body builder, romantic but with a hint of danger, equally at home in jeans or a tux, and ready to love and provide for her bastard children by three other men, and treat her to luxury foreign travel and a mansion with a pool.
Her expectations are not unrealistic. Lifetime and Hallmark movies are full of single moms being courted by handsome, exciting Alpha millionaires who love these women’s bastard children.
The fact aside that only a freezer-temperature-IQ moronette takes Hallmark or Lifetime movie plots seriously (in which case any man who wifes her up is also a moron equally deserving of being burdened with her), I wonder if any of the loser broads who mainline that crap have ever noticed that NONE of the single mothers romanced by the hunky rich handymen are fugly middle-aged landwhales (like they mostly are), but slender, beautiful young model types?
“Wendy, you are a prize to be won!”
How does that saying go? “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes?”
I wonder whose “stupid prize” Wendy will turn out to be…
There are some men who think that about women as a result too.
“Supernatural Tinder Account” ROFL
Pingback: If she can’t demand a husband then how do we expect her to demand salvation? | Reaction Times
Especially since the pearl of great price parable was about the Kingdom of Heaven…not about Wendy’s delusion of grandeur about herself.
“cynthia says:
July 29, 2018 at 1:58 pm
… And what do these women believe, that God will deliver a man to the front door of their apartment one day with a bouquet of flowers and a ring?”
Actually, yes — pretty much so.
Women like these have been throwing tantrums for at least the last ten to fifteen years because men have been deciding to instead live their own lives for themselves as they see fit (i.e., ‘Go Their Own Way’), instead of doing what these women expect them to do: namely, fall out of the sky on bent knee with a ring, just as milady Carousel Rider decides to leave The Carousel.
Once saved always saved, dispensationalism and most of the modern heresies have this connection. God cannot reject us. Doctrines of the Harlot.
Also, did you catch to the part where this raving hellion declared itself to be worthy of the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ? Yeah, no.
Hey, aren’t I a pearl of price too? Why should I expect the crumbs of a debauched woman who is set on giving me the scrap end of herself? What about God’s best for men?
We haven’t reached PEAK melt-down season yet. But it’s coming.
WE (us, not just God fearing, men) HAVE been saying it for a long time now. “Th Wimminz” feel entitled to a wedding day and a husband to control and frivorce on her terms. And not just any man either. HER terms are the only ones that matter. Nothing new. THESE WIMMINZ have been pushing and getting their demands met with zero push-back for years. How dare you grow a spine now! The men of the past failed this sh!t-test and we are just along for the ride now.
This rebellion of GOD and husband (and men thru competition at work and even forced by law) has been allowed to sow the seeds of this back-lash. The #metoo movement has also marked a changing point in our future cultural norms. They’re all entitled lil brats (PERIOD). They don’t hear NO enough and rarely pay any penality for their choices. And when they do they rarely put it altogether. It’s not called a Ham-stur for no reason. Especial when Mr. White Knight rides in to save the lil brat.
So now they (da wimminz) have “jumped the shark.” Why is this different?
Because now the interia of past decades, men marrying these sluts up (aka White Knight Cucks), has slowed due to men finally becoming educated of what their futures look like with these broads .. and this has only hit a small portion of these lil brats. Wait till that group grows just another 5%.
Meanwhile I’m buying cat food stock(s).
My favorite is when I’m told by one of these lil brats ..
HER: YOU can’t judge me! Only God can judge me!
ME: Yes I can. You’ve been thru miles and miles of p3nis .. and I judge you unworthy of my resources.
At my age IDGAF.
There’s Christ, and there are earthly, human husbands. They are separate, distinct different personalities. What is good for one is not good for the other. Jesus Himself said, ”There is no marriage in Heaven.”
It is only modern women who conflate the two. And the modern church.
I conflated the two and really, married someone with the same (bad) attitude. While my marriage is stable, it took me literally years of hard work to iron out the problems.
This comment is meant as a colorful comment vented by one of our lil brats demanding you shut-up and serve her and her desires or else ..
“How dare you grow a spine now!”
I should’ve made this comment not sound like my comment .. but a retort of these lil brats toward our demands.
Pingback: Superman Jesus Saves Female Privilege | ‘Reality’ Doug
Hey, aren’t I a pearl of price too? Why should I expect the crumbs of a debauched woman who is set on giving me the scrap end of herself? What about God’s best for men?
[SARC]You’re a MAN, asshole. Don’t you know that that makes you a lower form of being than a demon? Of course you’re not a Pearl of Great Price. How blasphemous of you to even think that such a thing is possible for somebody with a penis and testicles! The only way that you can even remotely hope to get even a few crumbs of redemption is to bow down, grovel, and BEG one of the REAL Pearls of Great Price to marry you. And you had better be damned grateful that she’s chosen to let you share her body fat, tats, piercings, STDs, debt, and mental illness. YOU DON’T EVEN BEGIN TO DESERVE THAT KIND OF BLESSING, YOU ABUSIVE AGENT OF THE PATRIARCH, YOU!!! [/SARC]
feeriker: I wonder if any of the loser broads who mainline that crap have ever noticed that NONE of the single mothers romanced by the hunky rich handymen are fugly middle-aged landwhales (like they mostly are), but slender, beautiful young model types?
True. The actresses who star in these movies are often in their 40s, yet they’re in the top tier of women in that age range. Plus, they benefit from professional Hollywood trainers, nutritionists, makeup artists, plastic surgeons, and lighting technicians who help these 40ish actresses look their best on camera.
The church is failing women by treating them like children. They deserve everything and no one can expect anything of them.
(By the same token, we men all deserve 18-year-old bikini models because God loves us.)
I’m at a crossroads at my church. Even though the head pastor says he wants a church you can being your testicle to (his words), he increasingly falls into bouts of man-bashing:
– Blames men for single mommyhood as if the women were innocent bystanders.
– says 90% of our problems just go away if men would just ‘pull our heads out of our asses’ .
– has accountability bracelets for men but nothing for women. …showing all to clearly that women are unnaccountable in the Church.
It’s actually worse than thinking women are sinless angels. The church is treating them like spoiled children who can’t be challenged lest they fall apart – or retelaliate.
Damn, i’ve been going there with my kids for 6 years. But if he doesn’t respond to my request to meet and fix this problem, i’m going to have to find a new home.
And what do these women believe, that God will deliver a man to the front door of their apartment one day with a bouquet of flowers and a ring?”
Again, that’s how it is in the movies.
In the romcom Maid in Manhattan, Jennifer Lopez plays a single mom who is a maid in a hotel. One day a millionaire senate candidate stays at the hotel, spots Lopez, and is immediately smitten.
In the Hallmark romcom, Crazy for Christmas, Andrea Roth plays a single mom who works as a chauffeur. One day a millionaire customer turns out to be her secret father, who is dying and wants to leave his fortune to her. Meanwhile, a hunky reporter fall in love with Roth and her son.
In both these film, the single mom begs the natural father to stay in his son’s life, but the natural father prefers to selfishly chase bimbos.
There are too many other films with this core plot – noble single mom pursued by hunky millionaire – to list. (Although Crazy for Christmas has two men pursing Roth; her millionaire father with money, and the hunky reporter with romance).
The trailers accurately portray the silliness of these films. Yet I knew a woman who loved this crap. She was visibly, emotionally moved whenever she saw some silly romcom. I mean, she had tears in her eyes, and was choked with emotion.
This is just…terrible.
I guess Slate is right, though–it is good to talk about abortion stories! We should be reminded just how awful it is to kill your baby because it was inconveniencing you.
“Again, that’s how it is in the movies. In the romcom Maid in Manhattan, Jennifer Lopez plays a single mom who is a maid in a hotel. One day a millionaire senate candidate stays at the hotel, spots Lopez, and is immediately smitten.”
Or even worse, Pretty Woman, where the prostitute has a heart of gold and cries at her first opera. Sickening movie, yet I’ve heard several pastors rave about it. Of course, Julia Roberts and Jennifer Lopez would have a much better chance (even as a hooker or maid) than all these women who are angry at Lori…they have the physical attractiveness part covered.
Pingback: Are men allowed to have preferences about which women are best for marriage? | WINTERY KNIGHT
I don’t let this one slip by into the male subconscious:
“Feminism, for all its declared lofty ideals, does little more than perpetuate the concept that women possess no agency.”
Feminism is all about female agency to do, control, achieve, take, destroy. The truth is that feminism perpetuates the concept that women with options are too good for responsibility, which is why women are subjugated in any healthy society.
What is missing in all of these discussions is the key word, REPENTANCE. Most churches talk about Jesus and salvation, but never mention repentance. There is no salvation unless one first repents. You can go to a church for years and hear invitations to accept Christ, but never hear the necessary, first step, repentance.
The Westminster Confession of Faith biblically states in Chapter 15, Repentance:
“II. By it (repentance), a sinner, out of the sight and sense not only of the danger, but also of the filthiness and odiousness of his sins, as contrary to the holy nature, and righteous law of God; and upon the apprehension of His mercy in Christ to such as are penitent, so grieves for, and hates his sins, as to turn from them all unto God, purposing and endeavoring to walk with Him in all the ways of His commandments.
III. Although repentance is not to be rested in, as any satisfaction for sin, or any cause of the pardon thereof, which is the act of God’s free grace in Christ, yet it is of such necessity to all sinners, that none may expect pardon without it.”
Do any of the articles, blogs, books, or sermons in most churches ever mention repentance. No, they teach another gospel, a cheap grace, which does not save. I fear most of these women, and most men, in our churches today have never repented, and are not saved.
“make me any less WORTHY of ….”
Therein lies the rub. She thinks she DESERVES His dying on the cross for her. She’s somehow EARNED it.
We have ALL earned eternal damnation.
Went out for Vietnamese today after church. Not a pho’-house, but an actual Viet bistro with cloth napkins,
I was by myself, food was excellent. The coffee after the meal? I could feel my face breaking out as I drank it.
Anyway……the table next to me was a mixed family…..husband and wife early thirties………she was Viet and he was as white as I am. Six children from about age ten down to a baby. In the section of the restaurant it was them and me.
The children you could tell were raised with manners to be a place like this. When the baby started to cry, mom was getting up to comfort the child and take him in the lobby, and I looked over said……”no, no, sometimes babies do that…..it’s not disturbing me….please enjoy your meal. I would like to say to you that you have beautiful children and they are very well behaved.”
They thanked me, the dad said “At home sometimes its a different story but in a restuaranrt at mass, in school we expect nothing less.”
We spoke for a few. Attractive AMer-asian children. The wife very pretty and a happy family. It was good to see. By their age, and that of the children….they probably met while in their early twenties and married.
SHe didn’t have any tattoos…….and for six children. She kept herself up nicely.
Jason sez ..
SHe didn’t have any tattoos…….and for six children. She kept herself up nicely.
So .. he DISCRIMINATED wisely .. 👍
And that’s really the rub. Th Wimminz want to remove your ability to discriminate.
PS ..
Jason .. glad you asked her not to bother and chatted’em up .. wonderful thing to do.
All of this Jesus of my BFF or Boyfriend is the result of Bridal Mysticism:
”While I agree with the underlying sentiment that, as a woman, you should not be involved with a man who does not respect you”
Dignity befitting an Imago Dei is inherent all people should be treated with dignity. Respect however is earned.
Jason, you were looking at a very successful brood parasite, a human equivalent of cuckoos, whydahs, and magpies. She has children. He does not. (Think of a manufacturing plant that produces ammunition in a country in wartime, whose production gets used by the other side.) THAT’S what you saw. Blood will out. W + NW = NW. Whatever you genuinely witnessed of the children being raised in our religion, culture, and language (and those are large), I would caution you thusly against joy in what you saw. Those children will likely use those learned patterns to be more adaptive in helping change us from the America of the Founding Fathers to a colder, nastier Brazil. Or they (and especially THEIR offspring) will likely revert, regressing to the mean, as is so usual among the offspring of legitimately bright, peaceful, meritorious black M.D.s/pharmacists/engineers (the ones that didn’t get their positions unearned by affirmative action).
Oh, and Eurasian sons (if not daughters) commonly find they are at the absolute BOTTOM of the SMV, no matter their accomplishments and virtues, a horrible thing to inflict upon one’s children.
For those reasons, I am genuinely saddened to hear about what you witnessed.
MKT says:
July 29, 2018 at 7:58 pm
“Again, that’s how it is in the movies. In the romcom Maid in Manhattan, Jennifer Lopez plays a single mom who is a maid in a hotel. One day a millionaire senate candidate stays at the hotel, spots Lopez, and is immediately smitten.”
Or even worse, Pretty Woman, where the prostitute has a heart of gold and cries at her first opera. Sickening movie, yet I’ve heard several pastors rave about it. Of course, Julia Roberts and Jennifer Lopez would have a much better chance (even as a hooker or maid) than all these women who are angry at Lori…they have the physical attractiveness part covered.
Well, they DID have the phys att part covered. Roberts is old now, which cancels out her long hair, relative gracefulness of movement, and nonobesity. Her angularity of features (nose of a “3” IMO) and underbreastedness are no longer easily passed over IMO. Lopez? Her body type being prone to gain weight barring only constant extreme fitness training, she’s one 3-month bout of depression from doing what Kirstie Alley, Michelle Trachtenberg, and Natasha Henstridge did, which is to blimp up to the point she loses 4+ points, as they did.
@Boxer says: “I don’t know why I’m shocked to read about Christian wimminz, who expect their God to be a supernatural tinder account.” lol – and hopefully a large bank account to go with of course.
He has a plan only for her perfection, never to be applied to her intended who has just put up with any old shit really and yesterdays dogs dinner.
“Well, they DID have the phys att part covered. Roberts is old now, which cancels out her long hair, relative gracefulness of movement, and nonobesity. Her angularity of features (nose of a “3” IMO) and underbreastedness are no longer easily passed over IMO. Lopez? Her body type being prone to gain weight barring only constant extreme fitness training, she’s one 3-month bout of depression from doing what Kirstie Alley, Michelle Trachtenberg, and Natasha Henstridge did, which is to blimp up to the point she loses 4+ points, as they did.”
My point is they were much more attractive than the average U.S. woman when the movies were made. There’s never a guarantee they’ll age well and we can always micro-critique their features. Having a woman who’s somewhere between an 8.5 to a 10 playing a hooker or maid helps sell those kind of movies (and brings more male viewers), but the messages are still completely deceptive and ridiculous.
Luke….with polite respect to you…….
I witnessed something that a part of me wished I had. Children. A wife. They were a family dining in a restaurant….and it wasn’t McDonalds or some roadside greasy tacqueria……….the kids were polite. The older ones were helping and showing the younger ones items on the menu. The dad wasn’t aloof….while waiting for the meal, the one four year old girl said something to him, he picked her right up and gave her a kiss on the cheek…you could tell it was a special meal…..something that didn’t do weekly or daily. Having that many kids is expensive and I don’t know about his career….I do live in an more upscale area of California now but not everyone is high tech millionaire. Having six children and being married has been a rarity in this country since 1965. Let alone California where most professionals have one……maybe two tops. The millionaires in Fresno wore cowboy boots with worn heels and had dried mud on them (farming / orchards / ranching / dairy)
The mom didn’t look haggard. The dad didn’t looked whipped.
I mean, okay….maybe its a facade…and at home the parents argue non-stop. Maybe she’s seeing the mailman on the side while hubby is at work. I don’t know. A snapshot of what I saw just made me feel okay………..I could tell there was manners and general respect being taught at home.
Religious or not.
I could tell THEY had respect for other people in a place like this. That baby started to cry. Mom just didn’t want the child crying ‘right now’ and the basic respect of “hey, there is someone else here…..let me comfort the baby for a minute so he doesn’t disturb other patrons”
Most Californians with kids will let their kids run wild. I liked what I saw.
I’ve only dated a couple of Asian women, and those exceptions were remarkably un-ordinary (i.e. tall, had an actual ass.) I’m as racist as Luke, if you get down to it, because I just don’t give them a chance.
Every man has his own taste in females, even if he doesn’t know as much consciously. Luke likes white women, and this guy likes Asian women. I like mediterranean looking “dark whites” (Italian, Greek, Turkish, Jewish) and black chicks. I have no idea why. I like the way they look. I like the way they smell. One of my best friends mainly dates redheads. He probably doesn’t even make the connection. They’re just the women he approaches, because they hit some trigger in his brain stem.
Point is that Luke is allowed his thing, and I’m allowed my thing, and every other man is allowed his thing. We are attracted to certain types, and those physical types make up the vast majority of our approaches. A few of them we might bond or “fall in love” with, and occasionally one of these women might be worth marrying. Choosing the best possible mother for your children is an important decision, and every man gets to make that choice. If we believe in patriarchy, then we should respect these choices, despite the fact that their choices aren’t ours.
Another movie I found extremely sexist (but still funny) was Groundhog Day, where Bill Murray has to live the same day over and over again until he wins Andie MacDowell’s love. With practice, he saves lives, memorizes everyone’s names and life histories, masters several musical instruments and art forms, etc., whereas she is worthy of him merely because she is a woman. And not a young woman; MacDowell turned 34 during the shooting.
Margot Kidder got Superman despite being a 29-year-old chain-smoker. Hollywood producers personally prefer fresh pubescent girls, but they know that middle-aged women have more disposable income to spend on movies and the products placed therein.
I don’t think Dean Cain and Keanu Reeves are at the bottom of the SMV.
I do think that biracial people have a harder time identifying with a specific culture or language; and, that can cause issues in identity development. I don’t think being biracial is inherently worse than growing up as I did, with a skank-ho divorcée as a mother, and no permanent father-figure to stabilize your childhood. That’s a much larger and more serious problem in contemporary North America, than intact families with varied racial backgrounds.
I told guys at work to invest in cat food stock and wineries.
They all laughed because they knew what I was hinting at.
I like womem with blue eyes but its not a dealbreaker………Boxer, Lukes assement that W+NW=NW
Thus leading to the continued downfall of the country or western culture at large is because of this intermixing…..yet I hear enough on this blog about men “gotta go to Asia to find a wife” or “eastern europe” or “south America”
and the usual……..Darlock has plenty of info on how to vett out a potential wife. Sorry to say to you all…….there just are not enough women to vett to begin with.
Many of the Viets I have met and known in California are devout Catholics. Many make the ones here look backslidden……..
Dang you were right about Michelle Trachtenberg. She hit the wall head on there.
Yeah, many of those Russian mail-order wimminz are white, OK. Many are also former prostitutes. They’ll also dump your ass and take your money, within 24h of getting that иммиграционный орган in the mail. They may also whine to their feminist sisters about human trafficking and sex slavery, once they decide to file the papers. Good luck with that.
I think if a young brother is open to finding a wife among the exotic racial types, he ought to marry a first generation immigrant, who was raised in a hardcore patriarchal household. Otherwise, you’re probably better off immigrating yourself, to her country. Follow the rules (don’t be the equivalent of a scumbag border jumper here) and vet her entire family carefully.
The restaurant. Will def go again. Gunner……come up north and I’ll take you out here.
…You are worth someone sacrificing his time, his routine, his comfort, his money, his whatever in order to have you. You are worth it! You are a prize to be won. Don’t settle for Crumbs…
Absolutely. And the guy is worth someone keeping herself in good shape, learning how to cook and clean, remaining chaste, being supportive instead of a distraction, sacrificing her comfort to ensure that he is well. He is worth it! He is a prize to be won. He certainly should not settle for sluts.
That to me is more important than what skin color she has. It’s another if you choose a wimminz based off the fact she has the same skin pigment as you…and she predictably treats you like the common man eater she is.
seventiesjason: Went out for Vietnamese today after church. Not a pho’-house, but an actual Viet bistro with cloth napkins, I was by myself,
I avoid doing that. Eating alone in a fine restaurant. I’m too self-conscious and embarrassed to do so.
When I travel, I often order room service, and eat alone in my hotel room. Or I’ll go to some diner or cafeteria, where being alone is no big deal.
Ever see this scene from Steve Martin’s excellent comedy, The Lonely Guy:
That’s how I feel.
RPL…….hey bro…..sorry about that. It doesn’t really bother me…….and I don’t eat out at higher end places a lot. It also wasn’t “prime time” on a Friday night (date night in California or San Francisco when I lived there). This Viet place was not a collar and tie kind of place but it wasn’t a shorts and flip-flops place either.
I have been in that situation like Steve Martin……and when I was younger…..painful.
As an older guy now “so what” is more my mentality. Diner culture is more friendly this way……like when I dine at Denny’s or an indy place like that, I just sit at the counter.
Hey ol’ unknow soul brother feels ya….Ray Pollard from 1966…..
Eurasian sons (if not daughters) commonly find they are at the absolute BOTTOM of the SMV, no matter their accomplishments and virtues, a horrible thing to inflict upon one’s children.
Boxer: I don’t think Dean Cain and Keanu Reeves are at the bottom of the SMV.
You can’t apply the SMV of movie and rock stars to the general population. Rod Stewart is reported to be 5’7″ (which means he might be shorter), yet he has no problems dating and marrying supermodels, despite his short stature.
Rod “the mod” Stewart….dirty Scotsman 😉
Yes, Jason, I suppose it does get easier as one ages.
A young man, alone, is a loser. A creep. Why isn’t he with someone? Young women look and judge.
But an older man gets the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he’s divorced, or his kids are grown and living in another city. Not so creepy. Plus, older men are usually invisible to young women.
Dave: Margot Kidder got Superman despite being a 29-year-old chain-smoker. Hollywood producers personally prefer fresh pubescent girls, but they know that middle-aged women have more disposable income to spend on movies and the products placed therein.
Plus, casting older actresses allows producers to claim the coveted status of Male Feminist.
Someone got the message of the Book of Hosea exactly backwards.
Actually, they got the message of the entire Bible exactly backwards.
Talking of prizes, I found one!
THIS young man!
The video appears on Chateau Heartiste’s blog and it made me and my husband laugh out loud. My husband, when I showed it to him said (german expletive!) I wish I was like that kid at that age…lol.
I do hope the aggressive girl learns the lesson that you don’t get something by pushing another person out of the way like that…least of all a man.
But, as many on Chateau Heartiste concluded – the sad reality is that in 20-30 years she will be wondering ‘where did all the nice/good men go?’ failing to understand that THIS boy *was* a nice guy, she was just not a nice girl to him (or anyone else for that matter).
I admire the way the first little girl just shrugs and leaves the scene when she is pushed out. THAT is female dignity. An unattached lady never ‘fights’ for a man in public. (In private is another matter, lol).
But the boy, oh la la! what a class act. Makes me laugh how he so elegantly dances away from rude girl. And that (hands on hips) gesture he makes on first encountering her – it looks vaguely familiar. Is that from a cartoon or something?
He is being incredibly mature. That is the only way to deal with a rude person. Admonish, then ignore, ignore, ignore.
I love the gentle way he danced with the first little girl. I get the feeling it could be his little sister, or at least a girl he knows. He clearly wanted to dance alone. He is a very good dancer and he wanted to dance. But he was interrupted by the first girl. No problem, he indulged her. The second one? Go away, rude girl!
For one so young, he really is amazing. That’s an alpha right there…
I hope that as he grows into a man he keeps this attitude.
Like this, he will become Lord of his own home/family. King of his own Castle (as it should be).
For any woman he marries will be schooled in *his* partriarchal ways, and she will be pleased to be under his wing. This is the kind of confidence a normal woman wants. Indeed craves.
(And there is something about the music which is so apt for this scene, lol).
Bravo, young man. You make Auntie (and Uncle!) Spacetraveller proud.
… all people should be treated with dignity. Respect however is earned.
No, no, no, Objection!
Some respect might be imagined to be earned, but mostly it is just due. The obligation comes with the job, the rank, the image of God, the badge, the behavior, the character, Etc.
I should be respected as a husband, as God commands. I do not depend on my wife saying whether or not I’ve earned any. Entitled bitches won’t give credit where it is due. Part of my wife apparently thinks I’m not ever worthy of respect just because I’m a man.(her mom taught her that) And she tells me how she would respect me if I was just her little servant and did as I was told by her, but when I tried that it never resulted in even an ounce of good will, she just disrespected me further, and claimed I was still not ever doing enough to appease her whims. Sorry, but respect is bestowed. The object of the respect/disrespect cannot make itself be treated appropriately. Jesus surely deserved more respect than any man ever, but he was mocked, beaten, and murdered. Perhaps it is only because I can be an asshole when disrespected, that I get as much of it as I do. It isn’t that I earn it, and store it at the respect bank. It is that I constantly demand I be given at least some of the respect that is due to me. You’ve got to pay the piper. If you want anything out of me, that I don’t owe you, and you can’t force from me, you’d better be respectful in accordance with my expectations, or you likely won’t get it.
Don’t let women play that, “You have to earn my respect” game, they never let you win it. That’s the game. Like Lucy Van Pelt holding the football for Charlie Brown, it always ends with them whipping the prized respect away at the last second. You’ll never earn the respect of an insolent ingrate, they chose not to bestow it, and chose to live miserly in regard to paying that due.
If your wife says you have to earn her respect, tell her “No, I don’t! You can bestow my due respect on me any time you’re ready to have a happy home.” Then laugh at her foolishness. But unfortunately you’re in a bad spot (a small hop from divorce) if she already thinks you don’t yet deserve her respect. Don’t ask me how I know.
Boxer says: I like Mediterranean looking “dark whites” (Italian, Greek, Turkish, Jewish) and black chicks. I have no idea why.
Good deal, then you won’t be as likely to be soiling the snow white pasty ones that I like. I have no idea why either. Once a hot aerobics instructor a couple years older than I, that taught my mom aerobics at church, asked my mom about setting her up with me. She was totally built, fit, yet with womanly curves. But I told my mom “No way, she’s too olive skinned”. She probably would have been a better match than the one I eventually married 15 years later. I don’t think she knew me well, I just think she was just very physically attracted to me.(a good sign) Partly I don’t think I was ready to even think about marrying then, I was 18. And the church and society was training us to all be very blue pill, and to put off marriage until late, putting all sorts of other things ahead of marriage.
I have often wondered as to how Andie MacDowell was so often the female lead in so many romantic comedies. She is just not that appealing – Zellweger is much more winning as Bridget Jones – or perhaps it is just American accents that grate although that can hardly be the case as I intend seeing Mission Impossible in 3D at the IMAX this week. MacDowell even marries confirmed bachelor Hugh Grant in Four Weddings and a Funeral (or was it Love Actually) – and I am a sucker for any movie with no less than five English churches and lots of soft-focus London scenes but to me his falling for MacDowell stretched credibility so much it put me off the film (although I have to say that I did watch it on the settee with my then girlfriend who had tears in hers eyes at the end and was more or less begging me to put a ring on it – so embarrassing. Had it been ET she would have been begging me to adopt one).
These absurd romances are however nothing new and I am reminded of them every time I hand over one of the new £10 notes for there are women on both sides and one of them is Jane Austen. Reminded of them because I am the world’s expert on Persuasion. In Persuasion at the age of twenty a privileged white woman turns down a young naval Lieutenant because he is not good enough. Ten years later he now more or less an Admiral, and flush with cash and other booty re-emerges but by that time she has hit the wall. Reader he married her.
At least Eliz Windsor (on the other side of the £10 note) has never subjected us to that sort of literary nonsense.
Most men learn to deal with rejection, because they have to. Most women don’t because they don’t have to.
This woman’s narcissistic ego was such that it as inconceivable to her that a man might turn her down. When it did happen, she rationalized it that she was actually the ‘chosen one’ and was too good for mere mortal men.
That’s quite a hamster.
Sorry honey, a pearl of great price is not something that one grinds to dust on kilometers of cocks.
If this little voice came to ole Wendy after she was rejected….makes me wonder what she did to the guys who thought she was a ‘pearl of great price’. Since she’s decent looking and high profile you know there had to be some guys like that in her background.
For anyone still interested in this topic.
I have trouble believing her at all. There is no voice speaking to her and if there is one, it is not God. She is being delusional. God doesn’t have her man, no man God could create would be good enough for her. If there was ever such a man, she passed over him without a second thought. Her expectations are off the charts and she is now old and haggard. At this point, it’s crying over spilled milk.
Do you really need to wonder though? In whatever way, none of them met her standards. They either didn’t earn enough, weren’t good looking enough, didn’t have a long enough penis, didn’t have the right status, weren’t spiritual enough or a endless list of reasons she needed to make up to next them so she could continue to search for the perfect one that did not exist.
Do the ‘Daughters of the King’ not realize that all men are ‘Sons of the King’ and thus it all cancels out? You are no more deserving of anything than the homeless man you spit on, on your way to work. Marry him.
Oh gosh! Wouldn’t that be a laugh!? Christian women dumpster diving to find their husbands? All the news reports of how these women are bringing these lowly, out-of-luck nobodies to Christ! For once in their lives actually doing something for someone else? It would be amazing!
Of the things I would love to see happen but never will… oh well!
Earl sez ..
Since she’s decent looking and high profile you know there had to be some guys like that in her background.
Though I can’t speak to Wendy’s case with direct knowledge .. I can talk to th wimminz that I know.
I work with some of these (career) wimminz. The smart ones do marry (before the devaluation of their SMV and MMV). They tend to marry cucks. The Alpha is to smart to entangle their lives with them. And, they (Alpha and Higher Beta men) are hitting their stride by the time these wimminz have started thinking of yielding on her high standards. The cross-over is a very quick timeframe / transition. Most of these wimminz never recognize it and miss the opportunity to land a higher beta before the transition occurs or finishes. They end up with a lower beta or worse .. I have theory’s but .. in the end I don’t care anymore to analyze these wimminz.
They would deny any thought of it being their problem and not that the right guy hasn’t come along.
The fact is that the right guy was there the entire time. They just can’t come to grips with what kinda guy that truly is and that they failed to entertain them. It can never be their fault.
And, most importantly .. when they realize that Mr. Big isn’t a possibility they must 1) accept it or 2) deny it.
Wendy lives in camp #2. Where most hamster go to die a death of contempt. In her mind she’s a warrior for the cause. I use her as perfect case against careerism / credentialism.
“You are no more deserving of anything than the homeless man you spit on, on your way to work. Marry him.”
Someone listened to you… and did just that…
May I present to you Exhibit A…
“If someone had told me 12 years ago that I was going to end up marrying a homeless alcoholic, I would have presumed they were mad. But that’s what happened.”
“Griffith’s and millions of other modern Christian women’s outrageous sense of entitlement stems from their fundamental misunderstanding of our relationship to Christ and the very nature of His sacrifice. We don’t deserve the sacrifice He made for us. We are utterly unworthy.”
This fundamental misunderstanding is probably the result of their starting position (but is at least not corrected by the church teachings they receive): women are the pinnacle of creation, both Christ and men are here to serve and adore them.
Even if men were not pedestalizing women, they would do the job themselves.
Remember that it was Eve who was told : “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
“When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it.”
The apostle Paul sees this as a pattern applicable to ALL women, hence:
“I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. […] And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.”
Wendy Griffiths………no man was ever good enough for her. He had to be smarter, make more money, have a better education, from a better credentialed college or uni, had to better looking than all her gal-pals boyfriends / husbands. He had to be able to fix a car, build a house, be able to sing, play an instrument, have the details and know how to be on the board of the chuch she decided they would attend, be able to bring her to climax by just looking at her, could climb mountains and throw on a tux and take her to the ballet, be able to cook, clean, lead, be sensitive and rival the pastor at the chuch she decided upon……
No man was ever good enough for her, and this is what she teaches christian women……..
I liked your story. It reminded me of raising my adopted kids. We got complements in restaraunts and such because I pushed them to be well behaved. Unfortunately it only lasted until the teen years, when things blew up, but my oldest son did seem to get some of that integrated into him that comes out now at least.
Handling many children is tough.
I can’t figure out what Luke and Boxer are talking about. (W + NW? – West + Not West?)
Opus: Andie MacDowell. I thought that movie was actually kind-of funny…..but even guys who watched it back then thought…..dude, Hugh Grant……………british accent, polished a bit, and like Jude Law……..could pretty much have any woman with a toe-seperator in any country……….and the directors cast Andie MacDowell. She was in “St. Elmo’s Fire” (1986) as well in a minor role…..and of course had Estevez falling all over her……she also was frequently on make-up commercials in the early 1990’s.
She had that urbane, New England college look going…….Annie Hall type of thing……she was not ugly or unattractive but just average looking and her personality really wasn’t anything to write home about. In all her roles in movies and TV…..she’s this woman that guys just “fall in love with” without knowing her.
I personally believe its the Hollywood thing, marketing……we’ll take this woman, Andie MacDowell for the lead because many women CAN relate to her. Average looking, zero personality, easy, and entitled.
Look at the “Fifty Shades of Gray” movie…..the lead female was hopelessly avaerage, this miulti-gazillionaire, good looking and every talent in the world who could have anyone…..takes her!
It’s Hollywood. That’s what they do. Even back then when “Four Weddings” was realeased (1993 I think…..I was in college) women were paying the bottom line for Hollywood in ticket sales and popcorn….also the romantic comedy genre was gaining fast steam since “pretty woman” blowing the doors open on this kind of movie.
And men must always remember from our friends at “The Onion” newspaper “Real Life Romantic Comedy Behavior Gets Real Man Thrown In Jail”
See, now they just need to go do that instead of bitching about no good men being around. There are plenty of homeless men in need of a loving wife willing to work themselves to death to support him and their family.
Dalrock – Sorry, but I don’t think it is because “millions of other modern Christian women’s outrageous sense of entitlement stems from their fundamental misunderstanding of our relationship to Christ” This makes it seem as it is an honest mistake.
This sense of outrageous entitlement is very deliberate……it is the unleashing of hypergamany by feminism. Nothing to do with a lack of understanding of the relationship of human kind to Christ, rather the convergence of our Western Christian churches and feminism/socialism.
To offer more proof have far the West has fallen, consider this. Target has gone from what used to be generally considered correct sexual orientation for kids in primary school (i.e. boys are boys, girls are girls) to fully advocating the recent popular feel good-ism for the Left. Transgenderism. Saw a back to school commercial this week that feature a least a couple of example of genderless kids….and they pretty much announced their intent over the last two years:
RPL…..agreed. I am invisible to younger women, and women my age for the most part…….how old are you? I always thought you were about my age (I’m 48).
When I was younger I did stay out of the reaturant scene during prime times……a billion couples, and you enter by “yourself”
It does get easier as you get older…….
@ seventiesjason
Except for the ones who rejected her.
You put it so well – that New England College Grad thing is of course lost on me. I too was thinking of St Elmo’s – a very special movie for me as I was in D.C. when it was being filmed and I was following in the W’ton Post its reported progress and have seen it many times knowing many of its locations, even the hospital – but as you say what Emilio Estevez (or was it Andrew McCarthy) saw in her I could not understand – but the film suggests a better looking hunk and her were natural room-mates. Demi Moore and Rob Lowe never looked better – the 80s detail is amazing. It was a movie I could relate to.
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That guy isn’t proof of anything. The article says he was backpacking around Europe. In other words, he was as homeless as Donald Trump Jr. was, when he was working as a ski instructor in Colorado.
I find it funny how God talks to these women it’s not about saving the world, or saving the fallen, etc. God speaks to these women about holding out for the right man.
There really needs to be a Protestant equivalent to the nunnery.
Excellent post with lots of excellent comments.
One of the above posters mentioned repentance and its important role and how what we all have earned and deserve is eternal damnation. This has been lost from our culture. Nope, what we all seem to think is that we deserve to “treat yo self!” to something nice.
Christ grace came at a terrible price He paid for us unworthy souls. If we don’t deserve that why would we deserve any of the good things of this world. And yet in his mercy He grants them. Humility and gratitude are the natural outgrowths but those are unacceptable to the feminist mindset.
They don’t do that either.
Can I be the one to provide a plain but rather succinct answer to this burdensome question?
It is his choice. There, done. You do not ‘deserve’ a man, you don’t deserve his money or status or anything from him. Just as women have told men for eons that we don’t deserve shit, neither do you. Now fuck off.
Oh darn! You mean Spacetraveller will have to search longer for just one example of a women dumpster diving to find a husband? Exceptions prove the rule and all that but not even finding the exceptions…… that’s gotta be bad!
Honestly, I started noticing this correlation years ago when I was reaching that age when I was expected to get married. Having any kind of preference regarding the type of woman to marry, particularly regarding her character, was met with instant rebuke.
I heard stuff like “What if God sends you a girl that isn’t like that? Are you going to reject her just because (fill in the blank problems)? Is that how you would want God to treat you? That’s not how God treats his bride.”
Back then, I would argue. Now, I would simply say “womp womp.”
Someone else may have said it already in previous posts, but in case not I’ll say it here:
Lori’s post provoked outrage because for two critical reasons.
One, most Western “Christian” girls do not meet that “preference.” I would guess that for most of them, it’s the debt and sex. But the fact remains that most do not fully fit the description and therefore are not a Christian man’s preferred type of woman.
Lori’s blog post knocked the pedestal out from beneath these girls and brought them down to the level of men they think is well beneath them, while raising the men they think is their equal to that of higher value. It was a correction in an inflated economy, if you will, and they eager to inject some bernakified low interest rates to keep the ride going a little bit longer until they can cash out.
But the other part of this that is so devastating is that these things can’t be undone either at all or overnight. Practically speaking, a girl with $35,000 in debt isn’t going to be able to pay it off soon, unless she works hard at it and is very frugal (unlikely). I’m speculating here, but I think a lot of the these laydee debtors quietly presume their hubbie will foot the bill.
But what happens when the guy who has the money to do that decides to marry based on his “preference” and goes with a debt-free girl, and she gets stuck settling for a man who has debts of his own? No frequent flier mileage for you!
Tattoos can be removed, but it costs money the girls likely don’t have anyway (see debt above) and their removal is a tacit admission that she made a mistake.
And for the sex thing, there is no such thing as a born again virgin, no matter what anyone says.
I’m not going to speculate on how this will play out, but it’s safe to say that churchians will move toward condemning any kind of standards placed by the men on any prospective wife. It will become a situation where a man will have tremendous pressure to date and marry any woman within their church community who shows interest in him, because for him to turn her down is to judge her, and as we already know any kind of judging is evil.
Spacetraveller, it’s strange, but not that strange, that that women fell in love with that homeless man. In many ways, he’s the Alpha that women seek.
* He’s tall. Very important for women.
* He’s young and fit. He was 25 when they met, she was 30. (She’s overweight today — was she when she was young?)
* He’s a bad boy. Described as a “severe alcoholic” with other substance abuse problems.
* More bad boy stuff: He has no education, and doesn’t care. Looks down on prissy college degrees. He believes that “real men” don’t go to school.
* He’s confident. He “ordered” her to meet him the following week, dictating the time and place.
Women make impossibly long lists of demands that no Beta can meet. Then a homeless Alpha bad boy appears, and the list goes out the window. She marries the bad boy, supports him financially, and tries to reform him.
And this is why you must embrace your inner loserdom. When they ask why you’re not married.. you need to respond that you’re just not ready, that you’re intimated by empowered women, you’re too much of a ‘man boy’, your balls haven’t dropped yet, you’re still a ‘momma’s boy,’ you live in your mom’s basement and so on and so forth.
I love it! Their shaming weapons will be used against them.
That should be intimidated…. not intimated…
Jason, I’m nearly a decade older than you. In high school during the Carter years. Attended college during the Reagan years.
That Homeless Bad Boy makes a mockery of all these churchian calls to “man up.” He proves that you don’t need to “map up” to marry a woman. You can be an uneducated, homeless “severe alcoholic with other substance abuse problems,” and women will marry and support you.
This is another example of a woman choosing hawt bad boy who happened to be homeless over steady patriarchal character Eddie who would probably bore her to tears. Some (perhaps closer to all) women are like that.
It doesn’t bother me if women choose that type of guy, they can choose whomever they want to in their ’empowered’ state…but don’t cry your crocodile tears to me & all the other Steady Eddies if you choose that guy and he brings you into his world of self-destruction.
He probably got the woman he deserved.
Just one problem…. he doesn’t bring the money for the Church’s coffers..
seventiesjason @ July 29, 2018 at 10:03 pm:
“The restaurant. Will def go again. Gunner……come up north and I’ll take you out here.”
I’ll take you up on that soon but next weekend is the Monterey Scottish Festival. The Pleasanton Games are bigger but Monterey is friendlier. *dusts off kilt*
Opus…..the New England college-grad-education thing……..(Annie Hall thing, Andie MacDowell)
It’s an understated preppy. Women drink vodka on the rocks, wear men’s khakis, penny loafers. Many wear glasses. Many are not hot per-say, but are cute or have a feature about them that is attractive. Usually seen in New England urban environments like New Haven, Boston, Hartford, Manchester, and Burlington right after college living in loft-type of apartments. Not activist-political but usually left leaning…unless they went to Dartmouth.
Usually white, but today more and more American-Asian women adopt this look / lifestyle.
For reasons unknown too…..they think they are a hot commodity, and the reality is….sure, maybe are friendly, cute….but really have the personality of a board. Usually good dancers….but preppies love to dance anyway…..so that really doesn’t count.
The Question:
Back then, I would argue. Now, I would simply say “womp womp.”
Sort of like this?
It’s also interesting who the Steady Eddies are these days. Hint: It’s not just neckbeards and nerds anymore.
A few years ago I attended the local Comic Con. An actor, who had a secondary role in Star Trek Enterprise (Anthony Montgomery) had a panel which I attended.
Now granted, Mr. Montgomery never hit the big time, but he did have a recurring role in one of SciFi’s biggest franchises. Anyway, somehow the topic of how he couldn’t get himself a girlfriend while he was starring in the show (he was in his 20’s at the time) came up. He openly admitted that he was cast into the friend zone by female friends who complained to him about how their bad boys broke their hearts and would ask why Chad couldn’t be more like him!?
Not too worry, he told the small crowd, when you get older, women will want to marry you! He was very proud of the fact that he finally found a woman who would marry him.
I almost choked when I heard him say that, and only out of politeness did I not rise from my seat and shout “You mean you settled for Chad’s sloppy seconds?”
I later learned that he is now divorced (gee, I wonder who initiated that?).
@Scott: Terrific post by Mychael. Kudos to you both. Would that her post goes as viral as Lori Alexander’s (and it’s much better written).
I never considered those type the ‘Steady Eddies’. The Steady Eddies to me are men who act like adults. They fulfill their responsibilites, they have a job, they have their own place, they take care of the important things that need to be done, they help a brother when he’s down, and they don’t go on the internet bragging about how they nailed some slut at a wedding to get cred from other anyonomous guys.
Haha! Beat them at their own sinister game. I luuurves it.
Everyday is a good day to get in a fight.
Perhaps what Steady Eddies may not get until they get into ‘real talk’ is that the women who chased the hawt guys and ended up in debt with tats and her virginity as a talking point on Chad bragging on the internet…is that this woman wants Steady Eddie to clean up her mess because he never did the things to get in a mess in the first place. If some Eddies want to do that, more power to them…I’m not. I don’t want to clean up a mess for a wife…I want a woman who is an asset building a family.
The Calgary Herald allowed comments on this article for a little while. That was a serious strategic error on their part.
Hey Gunner…..not a Scot but have heard it said “God made the Scots…..a wee bit better!”
Have fun! Do you have a “family tartan”? Back where I grew up, they had a year Scotch games up in Ticonderoga, New York and the American-Welsh every summer have a decnt sized Eisteddfod in the slate belt of Vermont of New York State / Vermont (Washington County, NY and Rutland County, VT).
Looking at the commentary above I’m not seeing a lot of insight into the nature of women, and much derogatory talk of Chads.
Chad understands what motivates a woman. Chad gets how to interact with a woman. Chad recognizes the biological nature of women and gives them what they want.
The problem for most men when they’re referring to how women like “bad boys” is that they still have blue pill thoughts, and still pedestalize women undeservedly. Without expressing moral judgement of any particular techniques, a Chad does the following:
knocks over a woman’s pride
demonstrates higher value
makes her feel a wide variety of emotions
places her in the position that her nature wants most that was cursed (or blessed) upon her by God: desiring her husband while he rules over her.
triggers all the biological mating signals built into a woman.
forces her to place herself in his orbit (frame) to receive any of these benefits, and her solipsistic brain wiring will rationalize, justify, and most importantly, make her happy to do so.
All this is natural and as God intended.
Eve got herself in trouble when she tried to be as God, and it was not a difficult task for the Serpent to convince her to do so, because of the nature of hypergamy. Then she tried to rule over Adam, by being the one giving him the knowledge instead of God. It’s the first commandment being violated, which is why God’s expulsion of Adam and Eve falls particularly hard on Eve.
Women have successfully combated this impulse when they place themselves in a relationship in obedience to God and their biology, and enforce it among other women so it’s not hard to keep in line themselves. Men do this too. This is why there’s so much blowback in Lori’s article, because she’s reminding all the women who are furious just how “sinful” they are. All of feminism is an attempt to remove those consequences so that women can be as God. It also explains the whole “God has my man” talk.
With all this stated, if you want to acquire a good young woman for marriage, you have to be like Chad, have good provider game, and treat the woman you’d like to marry as a woman, not an object on a pedestal.
Chad is the serpent…what Chad doesn’t understand well is what it takes to be a man.
purge187 — “Discouraged and a little mad at myself, I drove back to the hotel alone, when suddenly I heard the unmistakable voice of the Lord in my spirit. He whispered so clearly to me, Wendy, you are a prize to be won!”
“I just took another step towards being a Cessationist.”
LOL. Yeah well I think God’s about ready to become a ‘cessationist’ too.
Wendy got rejected, her arrogance and self-assurance nicked, and as is typical of the modern snowflake princesses, she immediately turned to Revenge Against All Maleness as a self-comforting response. And be not deceived, she and her sisters assuredly would destroy the entire world to assuage their wounded pride, at the slightest offense. That’s where we all are now.
Likewise, Wendy casually blasphemes against the Spirit by taking unto herself the Voice and Word of God, as handy weapon for her satanic counsel. It’d be head-shakingly hilarious if these monstresses were not empowered to the gills.
And here’s where you are wrong. If you don’t do Chad things that satisfy a woman’s God-given nature, you don’t get the woman.
Like so many Christians, you judge the morality of an action without regard to context. The morality of sex is fundamentally about context, as per God.
tI will become a situation where a man will have tremendous pressure to date and marry any woman within their church community who shows interest in him, because for him to turn her down is to judge her, and as we already know any kind of judging is evil.
Highly doubtful.
1. Churchians, as a broad institutional body, display what is at best indifference and at worst contempt toward the institution of marriage. That’s unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.
2. At the current rate of steady exodus, in the near future there will be almost no marriageable men attending the gatherings of any churchian franchises. These will be almost entirely “clam parties.” There won’t be any men around to shame or pressure.
agreed. the men who are there in church now are not deemed “good enough” and perhaps many of them are not…..some men may need genuine mentoring to the marriage track. That takes time, and walking deeper with a man….something no “real man” in church wants to do. Some men are so stuck and confused….and the “cool guys” in the church just throw the usual “ask women out they don’t bite” thing.
Many of these men understand from work, college, and you know….daily living; that many women indeed do bite back. Being ‘set apart’ because a woman goes to church doesn’t make her nice, holy or even Christian.
It’s happening already…..and more and more men are leaving, looking for churches that will help conform them to Christ and have authentic meaning for family, work, and life…..something most churches do not offer….even the (cough) bold and tough churches like Driscoll, Platt, and Chandlers sychophants swear that their churches uphold
@seventiesjason, @feeriker:
It’s because @earl’s reaction to Chad behavior, i.e. game, i.e. what women biologically want, is the most common reaction in churches. The “cool guys” in church likely have a helluva lot more game, but won’t teach or admit it due to feminism and churchian outrage.
If you decry the basics that build attraction and place a man into consideration for headship, you’re not going to get the opportunity to even try out.
Every Chad technique has a time and place that it’s useful in the context of Christian courtship, marriage, and headship.
I would still be married if my ex ever tried to support me, even though I made plenty of money.
That was quite the foreign concept for her. Churchians don’t help, making husbands the helpmeet for the wife today.
I still can’t figure out the point of going out to eat alone. Why pay more to sit at a likely somewhat uncomfortable table just to play around on my tablet, or do nothing of importance.
That is probably what I miss the most from marriage. I haven’t found any decent guy friends to get together with either.
No, if I don’t obey my God-given nature which is to love God with my whole being…nothing will be satisfied.
You know what women biologically want…their tingles & feelz. Men aren’t supposed to follow women’s tingles, they are to follow God’s commands and be the authority. And since you aren’t following her tingles through ‘Chad’ techniques…she might just come to respect you.
“build attraction”
Okay, let’s take that…….as a man who has witnessed “Chad” in action since…oh, I don’t know…..1983 when I entered jr high…..
A good portion of the time ol’ Chad doesn’t have to a thing. Girls come up to him, approach, talk, flirt, throw themselves at him and he just has this natural ability (yes, good looks). This continues through every phase of his life even til my current age…..
Chad usually has something others do not materially. A hot car back in high school, or a solid skill like playing guitar a “band” (that “summer of ’69” song come to mind) an amazing ability to put down, shame, neg, beat-up and torment any other guy he deems is not up to his amazing status. Which I find funny because Chad is sooo great, he has to waste his time with men who could “never” measure up to his awesomeness anyway.
A technique Chad does have is to make women laugh, and evidently that is required of in order to be a man. I think every man has the ability to crack a good joke and deliver the funny remark in a situation..I’ve done it a few times….Chad seems to do this easily…….the mark of a man is also to be able to take a joke and a good razzing as well. Chad doesn’t do this well at all. Doesn’t seem to affect his abilities with women.
Another technique Chad seems to have is an Ego the size of God. Gansta rappers, boxers, and WWF wrestlers seem to have this too.
Chad for the most part doesn’t have to do anything.
when pastors, pundits, PUA’s, dating coaches, and motivational speakers tell us “average joes” to “build attraction” they never show us. They default to the “make eye contact, smile, laugh, as her out because women don’t bite”
At my age, it just comes off as a cop-out. So many are upset of no “real men” around, and you ask for help…and want to learn Chad’s techniques so to speak…….and you are slapped with negging and a “you should have known” attitude. Comes off to me that no one wants to help……..and well, there doesn’t seem to be any women of merit left anyway
I wonder whose “stupid prize” Wendy will turn out to be…
Hint: “Meow.”
Why men are leaving the church isn’t because they don’t have ‘Chad’ game…it’s because they are tired of being disrespected by the AMOG Chad pastor or watching some feminist theatrics.
Chads are not Patriarchs.
Well, what incentive do Chads have to train wannabes? To have more competition?
Chad’s certainly don’t like their worldview being tested by someone they deem as ‘beneath’ them…and that’s why their go-to tactic for men is insulting and demeaning them. If they are really cool and play the frame game well…why do they often melt down the minute somebody challenges them? It’s because they certainly know how to handle women…but they don’t know how to handle other men very well.
Hey….in my situation, age, and my past…………it’s pretty inconsequential at this point. I focus on the things I like for what they are. What I like, and continue to be “coasting the West coast”
As an observer it’s still a pang on the heart to watch Chad in action, but what can I really do at this point? Get mad? Jealous? Might solve and assuage the feelings for a bit……but all it does is burn harder on me. Something I as a Christian am to put away.
It’s a gorgeous day here today btw……..so California. So beautiful
@earl, @seventiesjason
Seventies, I don’t know where to even start with that. Perhaps you should head to TRP and read the sidebar? You’re all focused on what someone else is doing that I’m not sure you know what you’re doing. Think women like that? If you want to be the one she looks to as her head, you need to know what your purpose and goal in life is, and do it for you, not try living someone elses’s life.
AMOG pastors and feminism in church are the direct result of not having game. Game is about controlling yourself first so that you can control your environment. Your god-given nature is not to love God with your whole being. Jesus would never have had to be here if that was your nature. It is in your nature to act as your biology dictates. Your conscience and your mind overrule your body, and sometimes all three fight for control. That’s why Jesus was sent to sacrifice himself for our undeserving asses.
You also completely miss the point of understanding a woman’s emotion and biology. You term it “following”, but I note that you do not talk about “causing”. I’m talking about CAUSING emotions and tingles, the fundamental basis for relationship and respect.
I don’t have to earn a woman’s respect. She’ll give it to me naturally because I make her feel horny, loved, protected, and always a bit afraid. She wants this, biologically, as God intended, because it’s what makes the male-female sexual dynamic work.
Women have no respect for those who place them on a pedestal. Your professed disgust of Chad shows that you’re still placing women above yourself, as more holy, always being sullied by men’s vile attentions.
FYI, women are emotion driven biological humans who want sex as much as or more than you, and they want to happily submit themselves to a dominant man because biology and God’s design.
AH..that tactic again when their worldview is being attacked…that I’m putting women on the pedestal and calling them holy and men are vile because I don’t follow the Chad ethos. That’s the feminist ethos too…I’ve read up on what it is about. The whole ‘Goddess’ religion needs Chad to satisfy their biological tingles and woman worshipers to satisfy their goddess complex.
No buddy, I’m putting God (Father, Son, and Spirit) on the pedestal because He is holy. He was always meant to be there.
And in case you missed it I put it in bold as what I said is what I mean.
That’s exactly right.
Chad has less money than you. He has much less free time. Unless he’s unusually thoughtful, he also has one or more children, who are condemned to be raised by skanks. This is true whether he knows it or not.
You’ve been able to sublimate your libido into real-world achievement. This is an incredible accomplishment. I’m jealous of you, and Chad likely would be, too, if he were self-aware enough to realize the differences between you.
Also, in reference to Chad’s creating competition, do you not ever get out and read The Red Pill? Chateau Heartiste? Roosh? Return of Kings? Other manosphere sites?
If you get all sanctimonious at the application of !SCIENCE! and biology as they relate to mating, especially in the tough marriage market out there now for Christians, you aren’t going to breed.
Men used to pass this knowledge down from father to son, from the community and others, just as mothers and daughters passed their behavior controls down and how to satisfy a man and attract a mate. You can also bet that the community at large enforced standards of behavior. Ask yourself if we have that now, or do we live in a world where a fundamentally basic thing as what men prefer in a wife candidate is met with shrieking outrage?
They are proficient in knowledge of carnal flesh. They haven’t a clue about the spiritual realm. And a lot of these broads who only follow their tingles I’m sure have quite a few demons lurking around.
Can’t we just take a step back and ask ourselves is it really a good idea to only know about fleshy desires of women and be blind to the fact that she might have the heart of a feminist, a witch or succubus and be harmful to you as a man in the long run?
FH and Boxer,
“That guy isn’t proof of anything. The article says he was backpacking around Europe. In other words, he was as homeless as Donald Trump Jr. was, when he was working as a ski instructor in Colorado.
Oh darn! You mean Spacetraveller will have to search longer for just one example of a women dumpster diving to find a husband? Exceptions prove the rule and all that but not even finding the exceptions…… that’s gotta be bad!”
(Smile).Yes this is all I could find. I can well imagine that the incidence/prevalence of women marrying homeless men must be …well…very low. I concede.
But in this case, it was neither here nor there that he was *homeless* actually. As others have rightly picked up, his bravado/confidence, even arrogance won her over. Here he is, a homeless guy sleeping in a public park in Amsterdam. Her first instinct would have been to ‘look down on him’, as we would all most likely have done too, if we are honest. And then THIS guy, *orders* her to meet him at that same bench at 3pm Saturday.
That ‘knocked her off her pedestal/knocked over her pride’ (as at least 3 commenters already described) in a way no man ever had before, I would imagine. She had just ended a four-year relationship. I bet that man she had just broken up with never ordered her around like this…
So, imagine the impact this had on her. And the rest, as they say, is history.
I think the ‘bad boy’ thing is also probably secondary, in this case. It is probably not THAT that attracted him to her. I would wager it was the shocking confidence he displayed. Perhaps another woman would have exited the scene on learning later about the alcohol/other substances problem, but not her. She stayed *in spite of* it, I think not *because of* it. To her credit.
But all said and done, she married a bad boy who happened to be temporarily homeless. I get the prevailing argument here…
I have now watched some of Wendy Griffith’s videos.
In her defence I have to say she is no advocate of carousel riding. She is a positive role model in that sense. In one of her videos she talks about encouraging women to show restraint. It seems she herself is doing just that. (OK, I have no proof, but that is the impression I get). She keeps herself in good shape by eating right and exercising, and she is clearly a motivated Christian.
I am sorry for her that she is still single because she clearly wants to be married. But she is not bad at all, relatively speaking. There are a lot worse examples of womanhood in the Western World.
I do concede that the ‘prize’ thing is somewhat conceited/over the top and would annoy even someone who is interested in her. And that’s a shame…
But aside from that, she seems quite a nice woman.
It’s awfully ‘Team Woman’ of me…but I like to give credit where credit is due. She has got many things wrong, but she has has at least some things right. And she is miles better than Sheila Gregoire and her screeching daughter. So there’s that to be thankful for. I bet her take on Lori’s article would be, ‘but Lori is right!’.
That would be my guess. But…well, I could be wrong…
Yup, it was bewildering when I was in high school, to see the few popular guys get the pick of the litter with little or no effort.
One thing I did observe was that for a guy to be an Alpha based solely on looks meant that he was extremely good looking, like one out of a thousand. Those guys could even be nice and the girls would still swoon. Being merely good looking meant that you needed what we now call game, which I recall short, regular looking guys use, and to be honest, I felt embarrassed for them.
The “cool guys” in church likely have a helluva lot more game, but won’t teach or admit it due to feminism and churchian outrage.
I’ve met very, very few “cool guys” in any church I’ve recently attended (if by “cool guys” you mean what are essentially “Christian Chads”). However, I’ve also met equally few “hawt” single women that any “cool Christian Chad” would want to pursue. Quite frankly, when it comes to SMV, churchians of both sexes are generally substandard when rated by worldly criteria.
That aside, the reason “cool guys” in church don’t reach out to their less-romantically successful brethren is because:
– they’re churchians rather than Christians and thus have the same worldly attitudes as non-believers.
– as someone upthread said, why would they invite competition?
– they can’t conceive of anyone not being like themselves and needing their help (solipsism}.
– related to my first point, as churchians they’re useless at evangelism, outreach, apologetics, or anything else related to service to others in the cause of Christ, so why would they be expected to be of any help to one of their own brethren on anything not directly faith-related?
I still can’t get past this: “if I don’t obey my God-given nature which is to love God with my whole being”
and reconciling it with this:
“No buddy, I’m putting God (Father, Son, and Spirit) on the pedestal because He is holy. He was always meant to be there.”
…because human nature is sinful. You can’t get there without God’s help. You don’t put him on a pedestal, because you can’t. You want to make God the focus of your life? Great! Render to God what’s God’s, and shun your physical life. There’s a long history of people who’ve done that, but they don’t breed.
Also, this still has not been answered:
“Like so many Christians, you judge the morality of an action without regard to context. The morality of sex is fundamentally about context, as per God.”
You tried with this:
“because I don’t follow the Chad ethos”
When this was the lead in to talking about Chad:
“Without expressing moral judgement of any particular techniques,a Chad does the following:”
From there it should be clear that I’m talking about what a Chad does, not the morality of why he does it, or Goddess cult, etc. You’re really interested in expressing moral judgments and virtue signaling your holiness. Ok. Being fruitful and multiplying requires sex. Sex requires relationships and marriage, and you don’t stay married unless you’re doing that which satisfies your woman’s basic needs in a very biological way. Again, I don’t have to earn a woman’s respect. If I treat her as a woman, a biological and emotional woman, with a mix of good game, provider and Chad, she’s going to honor her marriage vows far easier and will be happy.
I’m writing this not for my e-peen, but so you, earl, can have a marriage as a patriarch. Your statement here is good:
“”Choosing the best possible mother for your children is an important decision, and every man gets to make that choice.”
That to me is more important than what skin color she has.”
To even get to choose, however, requires game.
And @sharkley has it right here:
“If your wife says you have to earn her respect, tell her “No, I don’t! You can bestow my due respect on me any time you’re ready to have a happy home.” Then laugh at her foolishness. But unfortunately you’re in a bad spot (a small hop from divorce) if she already thinks you don’t yet deserve her respect. Don’t ask me how I know.”
vfm says to me:
“Seventies, I don’t know where to even start with that. Perhaps you should head to TRP and read the sidebar? You’re all focused on what someone else is doing that I’m not sure you know what you’re doing. Think women like that? If you want to be the one she looks to as her head, you need to know what your purpose and goal in life is, and do it for you, not try living someone elses’s life.”
Women now look to men as a head? Since when? Pre-1974 I could give some cred to that statement. As a man I don’t like drama, out of control Cinderella-syndrome, pettiness, narciscissm and entitlement. A good portion of women are just that…………so using that “vetting” that leaves the women who are already married, and women who just are not interested……..
My purpose and goal in life? That’s a hoot 🙂 I am sure no young man when finishing college says “you know I am going to be a mid-level manager in some cog of a company” and then there they are doing just that………no man has it all figured at 18, 21, 22, 24…….sure some do, most don’t.
My father who had a great marriage of over 40 years had no idea of what he wanted to do with his life when he got out of the USAF in 1958. This was back in the day when “men were men” evidently. It didn’t stop him from trying to date, or trying to find a wife because he didn’t know his “goal and purpose in life”
And I am sure at the age of 19 you didn’t have a crystal clear “goal and purpose in life”
Chad doesn’t either. He’s doing fine.
Living someone else’s life? No. I live my life, and am thankful I got mine back. I’m busy. I have a big overseas trip next June that is already paid for….except spending money. I got a huge backpacking trek being laid out for summer 2020 and I have ministry that is kicking up again for me since my move from Fresno to Santa Rosa.
In between all of this….reading, hobbies…….other stuff most would find silly or boring (architecture).
In the side bar? That advice is by “invite only” or the usual “women want a leader…..looks don’t matter, but hit the gym, change your style and do everything to get their attention”
Anyways. Nice chatting with you
“Can’t we just take a step back and ask ourselves is it really a good idea to only know about fleshy desires of women and be blind to the fact that she might have the heart of a feminist, a witch or succubus and be harmful to you as a man in the long run?”
ONLY. Did I say ONLY? No. We should NOT only know about fleshly desires. You are right. Yes, a woman can be very harmful to a man in the long run.
If you drive a car, you have insurance. You have the skill to drive a car. You hopefully drive a car that is within your capabilities. Yes, bad things might happen. If a woman was a car, the insurance, skill, and picking a good one is Game.
Put someone in a car without any of that and it’s a weapon that will wreck your life. Denying biology or the nature of women, and denying the tools to deal with those and make her happy, biologically, is dangerous and foolish, and has the underlying assumption that a woman is not subject to her biological nature and does not need it satisfied, presumably because she’s more holy and pure. That’s why I said what I said about you and the pedestal.
Marriage is about one flesh. Flesh. Fleshly Flesh with Fleshly pleasures, made holy by the sanctimony of marriage, sanctioned by God. If you’re trying to get to marriage without the flesh, buddy, it ain’t gonna happen.
I have only one question.
Do you believe God spoke to her like she says and told her she is the prize? Yes or no.
“thankful I got mine back.”
Anger phase? Though I’m glad your ministry is going well. As for the sidebar, I’d say search for the term Theredpill and reddit together. It’s a pretty deep philosophical section.
And no, at 19 I sure did not know my purpose in life, nor was I really living it for me.
But my two sons will, as will my two daughters. I got married with game. I stay married with game. I followed God’s command to be fruitful and multiply, with game. My only wish here is that young people who read this blog do so as well, as Christians if possible.
<I am sorry for [Wendy] that she is still single because she clearly wants to be married.
Like others here have said before, I’m extremely skeptical of that claim. To echo deti, if a woman really wants to get married, she’ll get married. This is true of any woman, unless she’s the Elephant Man’s identical twin sister. In the case of a good-looking woman like Wendy, it’s an even more effortless process than for a fugly landwhale – and I see plenty of landwhales in wedding dresses (usually on the arm of a skinny, very persecuted-looking beta schlub, but that’s a whole ‘nother rant).
What any woman who wants to get married has to do is make herself wife material to a man – and that includes humbling herself and putting the man she wants first in her life above herself. Wendy, as we can see from her written and verbal output, ain’t about to do no such thing. Instead of considering HERSELF a “pearl to be won,” she would consider the man she wanted to be this pearl and treat and pursue him accordingly.
But no. It’s all about Wendy. Men see this. They know that the woman staring in the mirror values her own reflection more than she values them. That’s not the sign of someone who truly wants to get married, especially not as a Christian wife.
That’s a statement, which is why I didn’t think it was something meant to be answered…what is the question you are trying to ask?
Women are not cars. Cars are machines. Plenty of people drive without insurance and don’t even get arrested anymore, or fined. Women are not peg boards of predicted stimuli / response. No one is. Put anyone in a situation like you mentioned and it could be a disaster for anything. Women cannot be taken to the shop and “repaired” to fit you need or want. They cannot be customized to you specific needs, and cars break down. The best insurance in the world will still require you to “wait” while your car gets fixed. In dealing with women….in real life……in a dating situation…..most men have about three seconds to see if she likes him or whatever
VFM….no hard feelings…..you and I, and a countless swath of men who are not chumps and losers don’t believe in game for the fact it’s a con on the ones who will never have it. No hate on you….just saying you will be wasting your time with me…..and a good number of men out there who lost at it, but are told by men like you “just keep trying / hit the gym / say this / do this when she says that on the third Tuesday and only when there is a full moon……”
vfm…we are arguing two different sides. It’s either following God’s commands or following the tingle’s commands.
Figuring out women’s tingles is actually what the serpent did to get Eve to be disobedient to God.
And since you brought a Sharky statement into it…I’ll provide the same comment only a few paragraphs before as to why he get’s it.
If women were cars they would be like Alfa Romeos. Great to drive for awhile but ultimately poorly designed, poorly constructed and destined to fail on the weekend.
“thankful I got mine back”
No vfm, drug addiction……but that doesn’t stop Chad from getting women and using drugs. It’s looks. Born with it or not.
Yes, I am thankful I got my life back and now for almost 15 years
If you get all sanctimonious at the application of !SCIENCE! and biology as they relate to mating, especially in the tough marriage market out there now for Christians, you aren’t going to breed.
There are two issues in play.
First: Men are the true romantics. Some men get an ideal image in their head of how women ought to be and they never will give that up. When faced with reality, the “is”, they will throw up all sorts of objections because they prefer their “ought” fantasy to the “is” of reality.
Second: it is painful to give up bad habits and replace them with new ones. Doubly or more so when the bad habits are of long duration, the neural pathways are carved a bit deeply into the brain. Getting over shyness, over the fear of approaching strangers, is just as difficult as giving up 2-packs of cigarettes per day. It’s like the couch potato(e)s who whine about their declining health, but who throw up a long list of “reasons” why they can’t quit eating donuts every morning and start taking 30 minute walks instead.[1]
It is another case of “watch what they do, not what they say”. They say “I want a wife, and children!” but they do not, and will not do the work that would make such things possible. But they do like having pity parties in a couple of cases, or anger parties in some others.
Perpetual anger is a bad thing. It’s bad for health – see “high blood pressure” – it limits one’s social circle, and for those theologically inclined it’s something the Bible is opposed to. Perpetual self pity is likewise bad, as it tends to lead to depression, which has a number of poor health issues, as well as a limited social circle.
The first step to wisdom is to call things by their right names. Women are not goddesses, they are not Hummel figurines, they are not angels. In the Bible sense they are just as fallen as men, have a carnal nature as men do – but their sins and carnality are not the same as men (“Hidden Estrus” has a meaning and implications). Too many men look at women and want them to be men.
Too many men are romantics who would rather remain self-pityingly single than give up their delusions. “Poor, poor thing”…
BS. Game does nothing about finding a faithful wife. It may help keep a wife, when used properly, but it does not reveal the inner character of a wife. It just makes her tingles more toward you if it works.
I was going to say Triumph or Jaguar, but Alfa will do 😉
Wendy would probably be like Paula White if she married. (Her show repeated “Paula White Today” many times – it was all about Paula.)
She was divorced a few months later, but still stayed in the ministry with no qualms that I heard about. I haven’t tracked her lately, so I don’t know her current situation.
Wendy doesn’t want to be a helpmeet. She can contact me if she changes her mind, though I am not sure I would be interested even then as I don’t know I could trust such a change.
I don’t think VFM wants answers Earl. He thinks he knows more than God it seems.
Chad is the serpent…what Chad doesn’t understand well is what it takes to be a man.
Sure, and all penis-in-vagina sex is rape…right?
Earl, when you find yourself writing in absolutes very much like a fun-house version of a feminist, suggest that you stop and think.
Just like man-caused global warming was science! You must believe because someone brings out the “can’t disagree” card, with no evidence mind you.
You can’t define inherently spiritual issues solely with so-called science.
Bingo the first thing that has to happen is to worship the true God…lest you start worshiping women as goddesses or think their tingles determine everything.
The whole Churchian thing being brought to light…is pastors worshiping the ‘goddess’. Notice how their base philosophy is whatever feeling the woman has and then trying to interject it into Scripture…instead of telling these women that’s what God said and you should follow His commands.
If women were cars they would be like Alfa Romeos. Great to drive for awhile but ultimately poorly designed, poorly constructed and destined to fail on the weekend.
To say nothing of being much more expensive to maintain than they’re worth.
“I have only one question.
Do you believe God spoke to her like she says and told her she is the prize? Yes or no”
A definite no. I think that part is made up.
(Surely even Wendy cannot believe that, deep down…).
Like I said she has got many things wrong. This delusion(?auditory illusion) of hers is one of those.
Yes. I see what you mean.
Does Chad understand well what it takes to be a man? A lot of them seem to have plenty of knowledge of what it takes to unleash women’s tingles….but they really don’t talk about what it takes to be a man, like my father did with me.
Someone wrote
I am sorry for [Wendy] that she is still single because she clearly wants to be married.
“Heed what they do, not what they say”. Griffiths talks a lot about getting married. Talk is cheap.
If she really wanted to be married, it would have already happened some years ago. Her hypergamous nature enabled her to throw up all sorts of barriers to that happening, and now she cannot possibly admit that she did this to herself, it has to be someone else’s fault (cough***MEN***cough).
It’s similar to the men who won’t give up their Romantic delusions about women “just like a man!”. By the way. Male-female polarity is real, and in theological terms “God made it”…so where do Romantic men get the authority to complain about how women’s carnal nature works?
@ PokeSalad
Hey now… modern Triumphs are pretty awesome (no Lucas electronics). And you can’t go wrong with a name like “Thruxton”.
Does Chad understand well what it takes to be a man?
Is all penis-in-vagina intercourse “rape”? Yes or no?
Again, you are writing in absolutes very much like a fun house version of a feminist.
A lot of them seem to have plenty of knowledge of what it takes to unleash women’s tingles….but they really don’t talk about what it takes to be a man, like my father did with me.
You still have that “ought” in your head, Earl. Get over it.
Wendy doesn’t want to be a helpmeet.
BINGO. In fact, IIRC, she actually made a public statement awhile back along the lines of “we women don’t do traditional roles anymore, so any man who wants to marry me can forget about that.” Kinda obliterates the whole “Christian wife wannabe” facade.
I’ll at least give her credit for being honest about not really being any different from a non-Christian feminist on the subject. Of course, being a woman, she can’t grasp that pesky ol’ “cause and effect” thing that might tell her why no man would wife her up even if she tried to pay him.
She can contact me if she changes her mind, though I am not sure I would be interested even then as I don’t know I could trust such a change.
Your distrusting instincts would be correct. Even if she “changed her mind,” an aged leopard never changes its spots. Any man she “pursued” she’d just bee settling for out of desperation, and she’d never let him forget it.
Just like man-caused global warming was science!
BillyS, the AGW crowd have never offered a testable hypothesis. Male-female attraction is eminently testable, and brain studies demonstrate some of the differences between men and women.
I get that you like being Eeyore. Not everyone does.
Thankfully a 1968 Plymouth “Road Runner” with a screamin’ 340 is not a woman…….
…telling these women that’s what God said and you should follow His commands.
Because women are just like men and can be taught in exactly the same way, right, Earl?
There’s part of your problem.
It wouldn’t take science to tell the world that “men and women are different” Anonymous, despite when feminism says……Chad knows this….all us (lol) “chumps” know this.
What science….your science will not ever admit is that physical looks matter too. More than men would like to admit……..and way way more than women will ever admit…
Chad’s don’t like their worldview challenged.
Eve seemed to know what God’s command was…so you tell me how she was taught.
Also verifies her whole goddess ‘pearl of great price’ complex too.
Chad’s don’t like their worldview challenged.
Funny stuff! First time I’ve ever been called “Chad”. Namecalling doesn’t change the nature of men and women, though. Not the feminists “all men are rapist” lie or your “ought! ought! ought!” virtue-signalling about “Chad” changes one bit of reality.
Earl, assuming that vfm7916 is telling the truth, he’s married, churchgoing and has 4 children.
Maybe he knows more about that “married father” thing than you do? You could try putting your pride aside and learning from him, if you really want to be married.
Do you really want to be married, Earl? Or is that just a pose? A way to get people to feel sorry for you?
Eve seemed to know what God’s command was…so you tell me how she was taught.
Earl, expecting women to be men with boobs doesn’t work. You should know that by now.
That part of Genesis actually demonstrates what I’m saying, and contradicts your whole “why can’t a woman be more like a man?” romantic error.
Thanks, AR. I need to be reminded sometimes.
Though in terms of being a finicky machine I’d say Harley would be the better motorcycle to compare women to. Fun to ride, sounds great, but a lot of work to maintain.
Good information. Too bad Earl won’t receive it.
My wife liked it when I started applying leadership, dominance, confidence, cocky funny to our marriage. She felt more secure, more protected, more safe.
It wouldn’t take science to tell the world that “men and women are different” Anonymous, despite when feminism says……Chad knows this….all us (lol) “chumps” know this.
Average frustrated chumps expect women to act like them. They expect to be able to negotiate desire. That’s the funhouse mirror image of feminist interchangeablity.
Feminists: “We’e just as good as you guys, so why can’t we be One Of The Guys”?
Blue-pill men: “I put you girls on a pedestal, so why can’t you just be One Of The Guys?”
Each group is ignoring reality in its own way.
What science….your science will not ever admit is that physical looks matter too.
More than men would like to admit……..and way way more than women will ever admit…
That’s just your buffer, Jason, the way you make excuses for yourself. It’s got very little to do with the real world outside your head. Confidence is vastly more important than looks, as any number of men through the ages demonstrate. You have to have some degree of speaking ability thanks to the Salvation Army, you should participate in Toastmasters as well to improve that and your confidence.
Plus stop whining.
My wife liked it when I started applying leadership, dominance, confidence, cocky funny to our marriage. She felt more secure, more protected, more safe.
Because those behavour patterns on your part “talk” directly to her carnal, earthy hindbrain. Your actions spoke far more clearly than any words would have.
Contra BillyS, a man can be completely skeptical of this part of female psychology yet still have “agree and amplify” or some other elementary technique succeed. Applying leadership with confidence is better, and more effective: but you do not have to “believe in it” to make it work, any more than someone giving their first public speech has to “believe in it” to successfully deliver.
vfm7916 —
“Also, in reference to Chad’s creating competition, do you not ever get out and read The Red Pill? Chateau Heartiste? Roosh? Return of Kings?”
Dunno what The Red Pill is, but of the others, not one of them has any spiritual or Scriptural understanding. Ted pretends to, but his Christianity is only a shallow tool for other purposes. Rather like the pastorbators, but adding the requisite badass bald head. I monitored his site for a couple years so, please, save the outraged rebuttals. CH and Roosh don’t even pretend to have Scriptural understanding. Or interest, for that matter.
Christians do not need Game and its hallowed Gurus. Leave them for the dogs outside the Temple to yowl and slobber over.
Please keep your pagan cult activity to yourself.
“Too bad Earl won’t receive it.” My BAD, sorry. I should have said:
Too bad Earl has not received this yet, hopefully he will in the future.
I want to get married…it’s more about knowing your God given role in marriage rather than figuring out what produces her tingles.
You are the authority in marriage…because that’s how God set it up.
Disagree with Anonymous? he tells you to “stop whining”
Toastmasters, last meeting I went to in 2009…..”We need to give her more encouragement….(a pretty young woman showed up)….she doesn’t have the opportunities that men have to speak and be heard, she has a voice”
Here here all the old wrinkled prunes agreed to. You couldn’t correct her, you had to tell her how awesome she was.
That’s toastmasters. I had better teaching with impromptu speaking in high school in 1986
This is where can’t agree with you. She has built her entire ‘Christian’ ethic and business around what this ‘voice’ tells her to do. She says it right there.
Once the premise of her either being an outright liar or delusional nutcase has been established, her credibility as a ‘Motivated Christian’ has been demolished. Wouldn’t you say? She has built her business around her lies or delusion; and with this she informs the decisions of countless other Christian women looking for guidance. The amount of damage her delusions of grandeur or the voices in her head has caused is incalculable.
Thus I cannot have the same opinion of her as you do.
AR, I see what you mean. They expect that God will provide them with a Godly wife.
It’s the male version of the female conceit: “The modern Christian women who threw fits in response to Lori Alexander’s original post feel entitled to a husband because they see this as their birthright. They are daughters of the King most high.”
If I’m understanding Earl’s position, it’s that authority is granted without effort in marriage because the woman knows and you know that’s how God set it up, and that her tingles don’t matter. Or at least that’s how it ought to be.
Same with Ray who goes back to bashing someone not even mentioned while decrying anything that has to do with the flesh and maintaining marriage.
maintaining marriage is plain work. something few want to do. it isn’t carnal brain, the nature of women, or men applying cues, techniques and studying female soci-sexual biology. I don’t recall my father, my unlced, my grandfather, my best friend going this far deep in order to “maintain” their marriage. It took work.
a sad state indeed if men who wnat to be married have to crack books, read blogs, enroll in Toastmasters, follow this blog, or watch this video in order to “have” a marriage.
Entitlement has nothing to do with it. No man in here who is married goes every night on to the INternet trying to “decipher her secret cues” of “what she really meant”
If that is the case……marriage is for people who enjoy reinventing the wheel and playing into female nature they claim to have some sort of mystic mastery of.
Did you read this Spacetraveller? Or did it evade your eyes? This is what the ‘voice’ told her. This is what she makes her money off. Lies and deceit or voices of delusion.. take your pick. She even compares guys who don’t measure up to ‘crumbs’ thus ‘judging’ them to be worthless, there’s a pot that needs to meet a kettle somewhere in this. A new parable to be written about entitled spinsters being allowed to teach wide-eyed hopeful young women into becoming spinsters like herself and bringing the entire society down to its knees because men are just not enough, not enough of this and not enough of of that.. Funny how women are sent into hysterics because men have some preferences for a wife but have no qualms writing off men’s entire value with a simple flick of a pen to paper.
LOL! She’s a positive role model alright! Guiding young women into making the worst possible decisions they could, by increasing their entitlements to levels most men simply cannot meet. She’s destroying any chance of finding a decent man these women have and she’s doing it at the age when these young women have the best chance of finding such a man.
She’s giving them a false sense of entitlement, one that speaks directly to their vanity… their sinfulness. They now don’t see the need to respect men, nor men’s sacrifices for them – Wendy thinks women are merely owed this as ‘Daughters of the King’. They don’t see the need to learn to cook, to clean, to knit, to nurture, to be kind, caring, soft and feminine. In the end she is ultimately teaching them to be lonely like her, misery likes company after all…
Understand it’s not my position…it’s in Scripture. If her tingles lead you to commit evil acts…that’s a problem.
Wives should be subordinate to their husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is head of his wife just as Christ is head of the church, he himself the savior of the body. As the church is subordinate to Christ, so wives should be subordinate to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her to sanctify her, cleansing her by the bath of water with the word, that he might present to himself the church in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. So [also] husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one hates his own flesh but rather nourishes and cherishes it, even as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.
“For this reason a man shall leave [his] father and [his] mother
and be joined to his wife,
and the two shall become one flesh.”
This is a great mystery, but I speak in reference to Christ and the church. In any case, each one of you should love his wife as himself, and the wife should respect her husband.
Ephesians 5:22-33
The authority is bestowed on the husband from God the minute he gets married to her.
Thankfully a 1968 Plymouth “Road Runner” with a screamin’ 340 is not a woman…….
Why would you put a short block in one of those? 383 or 440 if you want some real torque.
earl says:
Chad is the serpent…what Chad doesn’t understand well is what it takes to be a man.
You are so right there earl! But, look at what you said, look closely.
Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.
Sometimes you’ve got to be like the serpent. Even Jesus said so! Not evil like the serpent, but wise like that deceiver often can be.
And you’re right again that Chad doesn’t know what it takes to be a man. Poor chad thinks he was just born a man! Created in the glory and image of God! Poor Chad doesn’t know he has to go to the churchians and get cucked to be a “real man” Chad thinks his manhood isn’t in the least at stake, and he can do whatever he thinks and enjoys and still be a man regardless of your rules, or the churchians “servant leadership” heresy. “Christian Chad” knows the truth and that truth has set him free. He doesn’t listen to others about his manhood, and he exudes the dominance that gives women tingles, so that everything goes easier for him. If you want a wife to submit to you in everything, being wise like Chad the serpent helps, because women like to submit to Chad in everything.
It is undoubtedly contrary to everything the blue pill powers that be, have drilled into you your whole life, but their teaching is just wrong. You don’t have to be a jerk, but like Jesus, you’ll have to rule with a rod of Iron(when He comes back) otherwise they’ll have no respect for you, like how the Jews rejected their Messiah when He came to them meek and lowly. Meekness is a virtue, but foolishness is not. You also need to know when to be bold, courageous, and confident in your self as God’s creation, in His Glory and in His image. Don’t ever let some usurping woman elevate her image and glory above yours! She is like the moon, which only dimly reflects the light of the sun, just a reflection of the glory of man. She has no pedestal, unless you give her one. The moment she elevates herself, show her, her place, back grounded on earth, subject to men. She’ll shit test you quick, because she’s already starting to moisten, and fall into your frame. Be prepared to keep up your God appointed superiority to her. Don’t listen to the churchians who have tried to turn that upside down. Know your place too, A little lower than the angels, and above women, not beholden to false teachers.
Agreed. Hopefully what I’m trying to get through to guys is that trying to elevate her tingles is on the same parallel as putting her on the pedestal.
It’s no coincidence that the feminist ethos often has both promiscuity and their goddess complex together.
“Once the premise of her either being an outright liar or delusional nutcase has been established, her credibility as a ‘Motivated Christian’ has been demolished. Wouldn’t you say? She has built her business around her lies or delusion;”
“Lies and deceit or voices of delusion.. take your pick.”
Herein lies the rub, FH. You are forcing me to address a ‘hang-up’ I have regarding Wendy Griffith.
May I say, you elegantly make your case – clearly and logically, in a way even I can understand. I NOW finally ‘get’ why you asked the question as to whether I believed God really spoke to her.
Whilst I believe that her hearing God’s voice is nonsensical (and in contrast to you, I overlook this issue as ‘peripheral’, choosing instead to focus on her good points), you have made the strong case that it is absolutely CENTRAL to her message. I hear you.
The challenge for me is to indeed ‘take my pic’ as to which she is – liar or mental patient.
I can swallow the mental patient bit. In fact, I HAVE dismissed her as a nutter in my own mind – but a nice-looking, charming and otherwise harmless nutter who despite some grandiose, conceited ideas is preaching good stuff about virginity, which as you know I prize (heh!) (sorry about the unintended pun).
So in many ways, I suppose I tell myself she is a slightly kooky one, she knows jolly well she is not hearing God’s voice, but she is over 50 and still not married so she has to save face somehow…
I can understand that part. I feel her. Gotta have compassion.
The alternative approach is to entertain the notion that she is just a wicked LIAR – and therefore truly evil. I have a problem to do this. This is my big hang-up.
Because, you know, FH, I cannot bring myself to believe that this lovely-loooking woman with a nice smile is DELIBERATELY and WILLFULLY and INTENTIONALLY leading young woman astray. If I came to that conclusion, I would be extremely disappointed. So I chose not to. My own hamster is getting in my way here, lol.
I can roll my eyes at the ‘Daughter of the King’ claim because, well, that one is so ridiculously self-exalting that it can come across as intentional hyperbole…but of course the contempt of men/the belief that somehow they cannot be ‘Sons of the King’ etc. are examples of unforgiveable bigotry on her part, and the idea that she is trying to deflect young women from a brighter future so that she gets more company to waddle in her misery would be incredibly wicked too.
With this in mind, and all illusions on my part that she is ‘not that bad’ being royally shattered, I am left scratching my head as to how easy it is to be ‘taken in’.
If it is true that there are videos of her discouraging women from being a true ‘helpmeet’ – to learn to cook and sew and clean, etc. then again, I am disappointed. I would have thought her positive message to stay chaste would go hand-in-hand with the above feminine pursuits!
So I am a bit confused here. Clearly I don’t know the full story about this woman, and what you point out to me makes for a sinister picture, one I just did not want to consider as a possibility.
Sometimes it is better to have the outright, clear ‘false prophets’. The difficult ones to decipher are those who preach the half-truths so you get hooked by the one good thing they say, and then you slowly discover their other beliefs later.
Truly dangerous, I would say.
Thanks for the heads up.
Sharkly all this talk of being confident and bold and courageous and confident in yourself as God’s creation……
So if you are single, you must not be that, or doing that?
Nah…..don’t buy that. Women don’t like that or “look up to a man” who has that, well they do only if they have the looks to back it up and write a check against it.
Just last week, my district supervisor (my boss) with the property management company at a regional meeting of all the managers he supervises (about fifteen of us here in Sonoma County) says something that is totally wrong about county building permits and competitive bidding for projects here…..
I mentioned “Lance, I believe the code states……..and city code for bidding must be……..with any project over 500K……therefore…so……this and that should be taken into consideration.”
I didn’t call him stupid. I didn’t “neg” him. I didn’t lie to him. I gave a factual, dry and correct rundown of the process and protocol succintly and precisely in a very reasonable timeframe (under a minute)
He looks at me smiles and says “Yeah, well this is what we’re doing, and I feel this and that and the county can sue us…I really don’t care about their rules in this matter, that’s why our company has lawyers…….and next time only open your mouth only when I ask you a question about your property. Got it Scout?”
Just smirked, raised my eyebrows and nodded.
Two female managers Immediately chimed in to “back up his illeagal and incorrect stance” and funny too…he didn’t tell them to “open your mouth only when I ask you a question about your property”
Being confident today, or bold, or courageous for most men gets you told to “be quiet” or “the threat of retribution” all this talk is of confidence is the guy who has the loudest voice, and can quickly neg you quicker than you can neg back.
This is just a bunch of talk, and you “confident, bold and courageous men” are forgetting something. In a work situation, in most daily living…….everyone cannot be the alpha or leader. Someone is going to have to execute and just get the job done.
Hopefully Chad leader does the time if he gets caught. Chad’s often talk big game and pass the blame.
seventiesjason says:
Women are not cars. Cars are machines. … Women cannot be taken to the shop and “repaired” to fit you need or want. They cannot be customized to you specific needs, and cars break down.
Sorry, to be so disagreeable, but you’re wrong!
Women are like machines, In most ways they are all alike,(AWALT) and function according to the same rules. If they don’t, then something is seriously broken. You definitely want to customize them to yourself, if they aren’t exactly as you like. You need to learn how they function, the way to “fix” them, and you need to acquire the “tools” to do that, if you are going to keep one running. Trust me, I tried taking my wife to many churchian hirelings, to get her fixed, and those idiot grease monkeys only made her run worse. They spent more time buffing her polish, extolling her beauty, and never looked under the hood. They just speculated I must be jamming her gears all wrong. A lot of damage was done before I finally realized they would not and could not help me. Also you must have pretty limited experience with women, to assume they don’t “break down”. They do, and way too frequently. If you can’t fix them, they’ll stay messed up, or find somebody else that makes their plugs spark.
You can’t believe every blue pill thing you’ve been taught. When the pulpiteer tells you the throttle is hooked to the “gas pedal” it is because they don’t understand how things work. You’ve got to ignore the conventional wisdom, and trust me, the throttle is hooked to the “air pedal”. Being filled with the correct spirit is more important than you realize. Like a carburetor, when you as a man, put your foot down, her butterfly flips wide open, and as your conquering spirit rushes into her, her mechanical linkage will “ejector pump” extra unmetered fuel into the fire, and you’ll be burning rubbers. But she’ll make a loud and horrible roar when you put your foot down, and if you get scared of her, and let your foot off, stopping the conquering spirit from filling her, she’ll momentarily have too much of her own fuel without enough of your Alpha airs, and she’ll backfire flames out at you. SRSLY! They’ll shit test you mercilessly if they think they can break you. You have to put your foot down, and keep it there, regardless of the roar, or you’ll lose your launch, right off the line.
Why is hearing God’s voice nonsensical? Many in the Scriptures did just that. I have done so for many years. I am not going to arrogantly proclaim my foolishness is God’s voice, but I know hearing that is one of the few things that has kept me sane since my divorce.
Any God worth his salt should be able to speak to his believers. Any that cannot is just an idol made by man’s hand.
Well if their advice was to put sugar in her gas tank aka ‘rebel against your husband’…I imagine she wouldn’t run good.
Why get married? Why even date? Why even invite that hassle into your life then? If your whole being and being with a wife is “gaming” her to behave. Sounds exhausting, and this didn’t seem to be as big a problem in my dad’s day…..and men seem to sign up for this, and then are told by other men after she ditches that “your game was bad bro” or “you’re such a beta-blue pill”
Women are not machines. They are humans like you, and me. They’re women…but still human. They can sin, they can be holy, they can make choices in their life just like you and I can.
And if game is so foolproof and easy, and “any man can learn this”
why so many failed marriages today, why a huge swath of men that have never been married and a larger percentage than ever out in the secular world that are virgins…not that is bad thing…but for all the blogs and podcasts, the videos, the books, the comedy, the talk of ‘game’ a lot of men are failing at something that is supposedly “so easy” and “any man can learn” and it just takes practice…and soon, women are gonna see you as a “alpha” and just disrobe when they see you and get so excited to be around you they’ll accident;ly burn the roast beef they were making for you!
And these men are not all mouth breathers who play Dungeons & Dragons and speak Kilingon while at a Star Trek convention…………..
I’m still not buying it for the fact its a made up “game” where the rules constantly change, the ante is always upped, lots of don’t this or don’t do that and every solution seem to cater TO women and what they want and expect, upping the ante further.
That’s what I see, That’s what I witness. I am not alone in this, and it’s really easy on a forum like this to call someone “blue pill” when I also made some very daring choices and took stances and had to face them alone.
Besides, cars don’t use carborators today and have not in quite awhile……
“I have often wondered as to how Andie MacDowell was so often the female lead in so many romantic comedies”
Sorry to burst your balloon. That “female” is just another Hollywood tranny.
she’s an aging woman and it looks like she’s due any second now for her next boxtox injection. People get old. I never saw the big deal in her, still don’t but plenty of folks seem to think she was it.
I didn’t call him stupid. I didn’t “neg” him. I didn’t lie to him. I gave a factual, dry and correct rundown of the process and protocol succinctly and precisely in a very reasonable timeframe (under a minute)
LOL, Yeah, you’ve got to know when. You did the right thing, but you can’t be AMOGing your boss too much, or he won’t be your boss, the lady at the unemployment office, will be issuing your checks.
The Bible talks about submission to earthly authorities, and you’ve got to submit to both the county zoning board, and your district manager, as you did.
Please don’t take every admonition to be bold and confident, as applying to every single situation. And you can still be confident, even with your mouth closed. saying your piece and then holding your peace doesn’t have to be seen as a beat-down. You said what you needed to say, and then you wisely stopped when he indicated he didn’t want to hear it in front of a bunch of other folks.
My advice is for everybody who reads here. I think you’re going to do what you think is right, and I think you’re going to also, like everybody, try to justify what you are currently doing. In my heart of hearts, I don’t believe you’ll ever become Alpha Jerkboy. Partly because it would be such a venture into the unknown for you, and mostly because you don’t want to go that direction. You got abused by Alpha Jerkboys, and you resent them. Thus you’d have great difficulty accepting that you may need to gain some of their better attributes, while also accepting that you may have had behaviors that led them to pick you as the easy target for their abuse, behaviors you need to still modify. You often say that, this or that is like Jr. High or High School all over again. Sadly it is! And it will continue to be. They’ll be picking on you in the old folks home, if you stay the same. However that is entirely your choice.
Unless you really want to learn to manipulate women and change the many things about yourself necessary, you are either going to have to find a women perfectly suited to dealing with your particular personality, or you should just focus on being productive, living out your life as a holy virgin consecrated to the Lord. That ain’t a tragedy, like Hollywood makes it out to be.
better attributes? Such as??????????
Speak your mind….”no, no bro you gotta know when to say when”…….be courageous, and know right from wrong but just you know…….follow your “eathly auhtority”
“You should be a man, and stand up for what is right and wrong….women love that, and men will respect you.”
Depends on “who” is speaking and “who” is making the judgment call and when. I am sure Dalrock speands all day manipulating his wife……Scott too….come on Sharkly…..you could give a better reply than that
earl — “Too many men look at women and want them to be men.
Bingo the first thing that has to happen is to worship the true God…lest you start worshiping women as goddesses or think their tingles determine everything.”
“The whole Churchian thing being brought to light…is pastors worshiping the ‘goddess’.”
Absolutely. The signatures of ashtoreh/baal worship (with numerous equivalents across non-Near-East cultures) are consistent over time, and have recurred and re-surged over the past century, in the West particularly. Recall that the outset of political feminism in the U.S. (culminating in Seneca Falls, 1848) occurred concurrent with mass eruptions of spiritualism, which persisted in many forms thereafter, and to date. Overwhelmingly, it is females who are drawn to various spiritualisms . . . seeking power, whoda ever thunk!? :O)
In the intelligentsia of Forties/Fifties America, there was a strong undercurrent belief — carefully inculcated in certain men — that the nation and world would benefit by ‘raising the base matter’ of the feminine, in a sort of mass-alchemical fashion. Guess who thought all that up?
Anyway the theory was that by immersing females in male values, and setting them amass in the arenas of men, that everybody would joyfully and wondrously be Improved, Made Whole, and Pursue Lotsa Happiness. And so on, I’ll leave it to each of you to judge how that cleverness proved.
I got a lot more examples I can tell you about too! just in case you’re a glutton for punishment. Which you might be having read this far.
seventiesjason says:
And if game is so foolproof and easy, and “any man can learn this” … a lot of men are failing at something that is supposedly “so easy” and “any man can learn” and it just takes practice … why so many failed marriages today, … I’m still not buying it for the fact its a made up “game” where the rules constantly change, the ante is always upped, lots of don’t this or don’t do that and …
If your whole being and being with a wife is “gaming” her to behave. Sounds exhausting, and this didn’t seem to be as big a problem in my dad’s day
You are exactly right! It is tough to learn game and to become good at it, most people will fail, like with most tough things. It really helps if you’re naturally gifted towards it. Yes, today’s marriage rules are not your father’s set of rules. Things are more difficult exhausting and constantly changing. No, even the best game, will not guarantee you a lasting or happy marriage. Yes, the ante has been upped, and may yet be upped further, before things crash.
So what are you going to do? You don’t need to tell me, or to decide today, but it sounds like you see your situation for what it is. Complaining may make you feel better, and allow you to get some sympathy, but in the end it gets you nowhere. You’ll have to make your choice, and endeavor to live with it, and be contented as you can. Don’t be that guy in the old folks home who is still looking for the right woman, who isn’t allergic to all his cats.
You are exactly right! It is tough to learn game and to become good at it, most people will fail, like with most tough things.
Even if you are good at game, your success is partially dependent on who your recipients are. Many American women are not women anymore. They may have female body parts, but their minds and mannerisms are definitely male. Game won’t work on a male, because they don’t have the basic receptors for game, if you get my gist. Games works on women who have not lost their feminine essence.
If you must be with American women, I suggest you go into the small towns and villages in the southern states; you’re far more likely to find the few remaining women there. The downside is, many of them tend to marry early. It is not uncommon for them to be married in their late teens and early twenties. I see this all the time in small towns of Kentucky. But things change as I go into the big cities.
Alternatively, consider non-American women in foreign countries. Your game is far more likely to succeed with those. Good luck.
“Why is hearing God’s voice nonsensical? Many in the Scriptures did just that. I have done so for many years. I am not going to arrogantly proclaim my foolishness is God’s voice, but I know hearing that is one of the few things that has kept me sane since my divorce.
Any God worth his salt should be able to speak to his believers. Any that cannot is just an idol made by man’s hand.”
Oh BillyS, I believe all kinds of things too. But…let me explain… it is all about the context, or rather *content*.
I understand what you say. But consider this:
In the context of Wendy, why does God NEVER seem to say something along the lines of ‘you ain’t nothing special, tone down the self-aggrandisation a tad and I shall send you a homeless bum, the prize I have in store for you’.
OK, I jest, but you get my drift. Wendy’s messages from God are *always* self-serving and particularly grandiose. That in itself does not bother me, as I explain above to FH, but makes me suspicious, it IS very conceited, and it is repeated in every single video of her I have seen. It seems crazy.
I do believe God speaks to people. But God does not always tell us what we *want* to hear! I would be more inclined to believe that she really is hearing from God if what God is telling her is not what she or anyone in her position would like to hear after a brutal rejection. I feel for her, and perhaps in her shoes I would also suddenly hear that I am special, no man deserves me, etc. etc. I get that. Gotta have some compassion for her.
Let’s say you have a long-running feud with your brother, John for 10 years. Your sister Julie comes to you and says, ‘Billy, daring brother, go and make up with John’. You don’t want to speak to John.
I would be totally on board with the idea that God is speaking to you through Julie, because she is a third party, and she is telling you to do what you don’t want to do. If God told you directly (without witnesses, directly into your head) that you are right not to speak to John, John is in the wrong and you are the righteous one, I would be …erm, shall we say, suspicious of your story that you heard God speak…
Thus, whenever I hear someone say, ‘God said this to me’ I switch off, and indeed think perhaps they are a bit nutty.
Especially the ‘God told me to marry X’ crowd. Because invariably, ‘X’ is a sought after man/woman and never the poor/fat/short/dumb/homeless/you name it, type. And invariably, ‘X’ never gets the same message to marry the one who is hearing from God. Hmmm, strange that God does not do ‘bidirectional’ messaging.
Sidenote: I find it infinitely interesting that these types of religious delusions/illusions/hallucinations vary according to denomination.
We Catholics NEVER have direct *auditory* revelations I have noticed! But we sure do have plenty visual ones! We see Our Lady all over the globe, in Medjugorje, Fatima, even Kenya, and in Mexico in particular, we see a statue of her, crying blood, at least once a year.
Hahahahahaha – as the french say, chacun sa maladie. We all have our specific ‘diseases’.
But I do see your point. I don’t belittle your heartfelt feeling that God speaks to you. As FH would probably say, if you are not trying to fool/deceive millions of young men with your personal messages from God, who’s to complain? I certainly won’t!
Each to his own! Live and let live, I would say!
The gamers have convinced me, I don’t want to be married. The cost of building that tower is too high. Like Pink Pather always looking for Cato to come after him, so a husband has to always game and be successful at gaming. And for what, a woman who has no agency, a robot that only responds to cues, a car that never allows you to enjoy the ride? If that is how God made marriage then it is no wonder mine is so bad, it’s because I ain’t man enough.
It occurs to me that another actress whose success – and at the highest level – has always mystified me and perhaps she is an English version of Andie MacDowell is Julie Andrews. Perfectly cast in Mary Poppins it has to be said but cringeworthy in Sound of Music and everything else she has done that I have seen, where she always seems miscast – or perhaps just too wholesome, as in Hawaii. Credibility is simply stretched too far in Tamarind Seed where we are asked to believe that dear Omar Sharif would lose his marbles over her a middle-aged shorthand-typist at the Foreign Office and getting her kit off in Victor/Victoria is something we should rather not have to think about – yet in a home movie taken on the beach in Malibu in 1965 by Roddy McDowell she comes over as a genuinely nice and attractive person – but acting is not real life. Thank Heavens they cast Audrey Hepburn and not Andrews in My Fair Lady.
It is truly fascinating that many modern Christian women believe they “deserve” salvation, never mind a good man. Dalrock is right: if I (or anyone) get what I truly “deserve” I’ll be spending eternity in the Pit, no questions asked.
As for deserving a good man, why is it that modern Christian women compile a long list of qualities that the man should have, but never ever give any thought as to what they need to bring to the table to deserve that good man?
Robert What sez ..
There are opportunities to provide that feedback if you look .. https://lifeinairstripone.wordpress.com/2018/07/14/even-here/#comment-187
Ask them those very questions and watch the meltdown commence.
@ Robert What?
So the solution is: learn game or be alone in the old folks home…..but even then…game will guarnatee you a happy marriage…..so all single men, move to the south to the small towns and game the women there bc they are not influenced by feminism..but you won’t need game because they are not influenced by feminism…..or just move overseas to some thrid world country or eastern europe and meet a great feminine woman who just wants a nice foreign man from the USA…………….now make sure yuour innner game equals or is greater than day game v night game. Make sure you are applying LTG because regualr game for Christians could be sinful….but as a CHristian man, you need practice so if you have sex through game its okay…well, it isn’t…..but if you’re an alpha itys allowed because you have needs….any other man you want to bully it isn’t allowed…….when using game on your wife you have decode her secret cues and her evil feminine nature because she is incapeable of love but only is when you game her correctly between her menstrul cycle usually on the fourth day before the full moon. Don’t ever let her know about the secrets of game because it will destroy you…your marriage and she will divorce you…..but that won’t be the fault of game…it’s the fault of femine nature and feminists…so don’t ever let her use the Internet…there are actual studies out there that say the Internet could be harmful to people….so use that on her. Also make sure she stays fit, never grows old, and is your doormat at home because the Bible says this and game requires you to have a wife like this………but if she does grow old, you did not apply game properly on her because she followed feminism secretly and grew old……like those witches in feudal europe…..so have confidence, put your nose to the grindstone, get a stem degree, tell her no….insult her…….be courageous….follow the Bible……..and remember looks don’t matter to women only confidence and mastery of game……
Or you are gonna be alone in an old folks home 🙂
I think that some of them do consider what they should do to become a better possible wife. Unfortunately, that list is almost always wildly inaccurate, based on what they think is important, not on what Christian men think is important. For example, I have had discussions with Christian women who would argue until they were blue in the face that their higher education makes them greatly superior mothers and wives. And, of course, much of the vitriol about debt-free virgins without tattoos is almost certainly due to their own failure to meet those specific criteria. Rather than accept that men should have the ability to decide what they desire, women instead insist that they are the sole arbiters on the subject for both sexes.
This is why I support the ‘marry a homeless man initiative’!
As soon as they bemoan the lack of good men and then bemoan the preferences of good men, I take them down to the local shelter and tell them to pick one of the lowly men there and marry him. If that disturbs their little brains, I tell them not to judge a book by its cover, be more Christian, Jesus doesn’t judge these men harshly like they do, what business do they have judging them so? Either marry them or shut the fuck up.
Works every time!
feministhater sez ..
The fact of the matter is .. ALL of us Men are less than human to these wimminz. WE are ALL disposable .. check the paper(s) .. they don’t stop with abortion(s) .. they feel entitled to kill post birth as necessary to avoid bad feelings.
And, as long as he’s a good boy (heh) she’ll let him out on a leash every once in a while. Pee on the wrong carpet and she’ll put you down (e.g. frivorce or a kitchen knife) like the homeless dog you are (to her).
ALL th wimminz are this way .. it’s just a matter of degree to which they prosecute you (for your crimes of slighting her) that differs.
Also, if th wimminz think we ALL are the same .. why are they so picky? (/sarc)
Frankly I like your idea. But, we’re almost there .. it’s called Tinder ™.
As for deserving a good man, why is it that modern Christian women compile a long list of qualities that the man should have, but never ever give any thought as to what they need to bring to the table to deserve that good man?
Well, it’s due to the blanket feminist brainwashing that often starts from the cradle, and is unrelenting till these women are six feet under.
In my opinion though, girls are as much victims of this propaganda as the men, though to a lesser extent. It is very hard to retain one’s sanity when everybody tells you that you are the next best thing after sliced bread, and that your poop smells like roses, and your fart is more valuable than the most expensive perfume there is. The only thing that can bring a dose of reality is a hard collusion with the wall. Unfortunately though, by the time that tough love from nature takes place, it is often too late to make amends.
That is why fathers are pivotal in society. Men have a way of living in reality, and making those under their influence to do the same. May God send us more fathers.
OK, I jest, but you get my drift. Wendy’s messages from God are *always* self-serving and particularly grandiose
Yes, this, exactly. ALWAYS be skeptical of ANYONE who consistently claims to get “messages from God” that never fail to coincide with exactly what they want, no matrer how outlandish, unreasonable, and obviously selfish it is. This is just more proof that many people see God as nothing more than a cosmic Santa Claus.
Like the time God told her to go shopping to prepare for a Hawaiian vacation?
I want to get married…it’s more about knowing your God given role in marriage rather than figuring out what produces her tingles.
So, more like a roommate or a cousin than a wife and lover? No “Song of Songs” for you and that hypothetical bride? Just her quiet obedience…
When a light fails in your dwelling, do you replace the bulb, or do you just expect God to handle it for you with a quick “Let there be light!”?
“Like the time God told her to go shopping to prepare for a Hawaiian vacation?”
We all know there is a 1:1 relationship between hearing from God and going shopping. LOL
Like the time God told her to go shopping to prepare for a Hawaiian vacation?
LOL! Thanks, Dalrock. Utterly unsurprising. I’m just amazed that she had the … whst’s the female equivalent of “balls?”… to write that.
AR, I see what you mean. They expect that God will provide them with a Godly wife.
That’s the case as far as I can tell. One can only help a man so far, he has to do work himself.
This is as good a place as any to point to the book Biology of Desire which has little to do with love and a lot to do with addiction. Or does it? There are four case studies of people who were addicted (heroin, meth, pills, booze) and who worked their way out of it. The author is a neuroscience type who himself was addicted. Discussions of brain chemistry, of neuroplasticity, of the various parts of the brain such as the Anterior Cingular Cortex, the Amygdala and so forth are very much worth reading. Because our habits really are like cuts in a hillside caused by running water, and the longer we continue in a habit the deeper the groove. This can be very good – safe driving or safe firearms handling becomes “second nature” – or it can be bad; endless complaining about things that cannot be changed while ignoring things that can be.
I read this book 3 years ago and re-read it from time to time. On travel last month I reread some parts on the airplane and noted that there is a specific part of the frontal brain zone engaged in planning. If it is weak, short term thinking results, strengthening it improves longer term planning.
As with muscles, we can choose to strengthen parts of the brain by using them. But refusing to try, or catastrophising over possible failure, or continually picking minute flaws in a plan all do no good. Every day is a collection of little choices; do I make this pattern stronger or weaker?
Some men choose to wallow in their own anger, or self pity, or despair. Having been there myself, it is both frustrating and sad to watch.
Her hamster is running. At full speed! She “clearly heard in my spirit this phrase: ‘Pack your bags, and I’ll do the rest'” but she “didn’t have any vacation attire” so, obviously, it was God telling her to to have an “anointed shopping time”. So, according to her story, God provided supernaturally a free plane ticket (her own frequent flyer miles) and a free place to stay (via an acquaintance).
So, what is the difference between God clearly speaking to her and her thinking she knew God’s plan was for her to get married on a specific date? When I read accounts like this, I most want to know where the line is between God actually speaking to someone and someone believing that God is speaking to them. Is the difference in whether it actually happens or not? If that’s the only way to know, then it seems highly questionable that God is truly speaking to them.
You do understand what the term more means, right? I didn’t state only this and not that.
Besides how do you not know obedience is part of the tingles process? Things don’t work quite as well when she’s in a stubborn ‘my way or highway’ mood.
And let me ask you this…why don’t females learn some ‘game’? When I learned to dance I wasn’t the only one learning and the women just sat there as bumps on a log or worse were acting as obsticles…I had to learn to lead it, but the women had to learn how to anticipate and follow along.
The Biology of Desire was written by a ‘developmental psychologist’ with little field work. Psychology is a soft science, subjective and full of theories…….theories you can find to fit your mindset or world view to.
Mice don’t stop using morphine because they discover “morphine is for losers” they are socialized with mice who were not using……..a backing to the theories of AA and NA being around people who support and just don’t want to drink or drug anymore. Hence why those programs have helped many, many people.
It becomes a learned behavior. The addicts (including myself) who get well, and stay well for the most part get to the point of where “they are sick and tired of being sick and tired” and need HELP and want HELP.
It has no connection to game, or finding a wife, or sex or dating…that is a whole cultural and sociological context that brushes up with and next to psychology but isn’t “I am sick of being single, I will find a wife”
Because help isn’t there, or its the ephereal “just go talk to women, they don’t bite” and “go to the gym, work out, get a stem degree, get confidence, get a good job, meet all their expectations, and it will be great looks don’t matter in our very narcissistic culture……you will be bedding nines and tens”
We’re also talking anthropological aspects of “learned behavior” and the norm has no baseline anymore…and hasn’t for awhile in these matters.
You make it sound easy. Getting off cocaine wasn’t easy……and the damage from that will be with me forever. Addicts are never forgiven…..well, they are if……if well…..I won’t say it. You will all disagree with me 🙂
I always thought the context of this advice was off.
This advice was always painted with the thought…do this and you’ll be attractive to women.
It’s never…’do this and you’ll become a man.’ It’s like men are too much more focused on what women want rather than becoming the man they should be.
Careful Earl, you will be told you are whining and bill pill…….and being called a blue pill on this forum is meant to be a sucker punch below the belt.
Eh I’ve been called blue pill before…even though most people here should know what my stance on woman worshiping, feminism and contraceptives are.
How blue pill is it when a friend of mine told me that some of her friends are actively seeking effeminate men because they want to be the ‘alpha’ in the relationship. It blew my mind why some females actually were attracted to guys who didn’t act masculine…but there you have it. Apparently their ‘game’ worked too.
And then when you see the proof in the pudding…you realize women have just as much choice in the matter as the men do.
On that level, I can’t answer or won’t. I just don’t have the experience in those matters. Want to talk about your condition and authentic pressing of your Beatles “Rubber Soul” lp. I’m your guy. Nuances between architect Donald Wexler and Kaufman? Yeah…..I got it. Repairing your vintage 1972 Sansui receiver? I can do that…..but I do know what we have in “helps” for men in that vast swath in the 80% isn’t working overall……….and it won’t it’s giving information treating woman as if they will respond 100% to every solution exactly the same…..and any psychologist I suppose could tell you that.
Well folks I think the relational collapse is fully underway in one form anyway. There is a program on the UK C5 called “First Time Call Girl” and its got a couple of pretty attractive young women (black one(age 22) for Boxer) and they are both saying the same thing – they turned to this to have some form of relationships with men as guys they meet normally are just tinder pump and dumps and don’t want relationships or deceive them into thinking they will.
I wonder just how far this issue goes in the generation.
@ Minesweeper
So, they graduated from amateurs to professionals? Did I understand that correctly?
I have an article clipped on my bulletin board in my office / workbench area of my apartment. It’s from the Fresno Bee from 2016. It says “Single? Never married? No Kids? Don’t Worry, You’re Not Alone Anymore”
The picture showed an average looking guy at table in a restaurant (it was the Yosemite Falls Cafe in Fresno) food, a drink and he was reading a book. The article went on to cite that single people now outnumber marrieds in the USA and it also had shocking results of people who have never had children, and have never been married. It gave a bunch of other numbers as well for California, and the City of Fresno. College educated white, black, asian, and latin men ironically in Fresno were the biggest swath of single never married, child-free men.
Chicks still dig jerks.
Not a big fan of “The Bee” but the story actually had some good info in it.
So anyone claiming “science” (think Thomas Dolby iirc) gets a free pass on what they say? Hardly. I do agree that the attraction stuff is more testable, but ignoring God’s commands because “science” is idiotic.
To be clear, I am not opposing attraction triggers and such, I am opposing the use of “SCIENCE” to shut down disagreement.
Yeah…science proved back in the 1970’s we were going into an ice age because of the really cold winters in the northeast in 1975-1977…..Lake Erie actually fully froze over! All the Nova PBS specials showed the “computer models” proving this, and if you disagreed, you were denying “science” and should be sent out to tribunal and then exiled for your foolish thoughts.
Millions upon millions would be starving to death by 1990….and it would trigger food and fuel wars….because you know, science proved also at that time the world was running out of oil and the USA would be bone dry by the late 1980’s……not one drop left!
When the scientific method is used properly and objectively…..we can get good theories about things. Most science is fully agenda driven now and has been probably since that time
We are probably in more agreement then. You may or may not believe me when I say I talk with God, but I am not trying to mislead people with it either. I may mislead myself at times, but that is the risk!
I always judge things I hear against the Scriptures, so that puts a limiter. Wendy is misusing those and thus has not heard from God in this. She is also well past the normal marriageable years and will likely be alone for the rest of her life.
I think I noted it elsewhere, but I am likely in her close age range now and would consider her good enough looking, but the reinforced attitudes would disqualify her in my eyes, though I am sure she would see me as one to pass by since I am not good enough for her.
Science also taught us that if a child could not walk a balance beam by a certain age (probably 3 / 4) they were learning disabled and would only have the skills to pump gas for a living. This was common “science” and “proven” and not argued from the mid sixties through the late 1970’s.
@Oscar says: “@ Minesweeper
So, they graduated from amateurs to professionals? Did I understand that correctly?”
yeah, and they did it to have some form of male relationships/cuddles etc. how incredibly sad, ive said before I’m seeing this alot particularly with young women early 20’s which is why they seem to want to go out with someone I would consider to be too old for them (me).
ive got a son and at his age we did nothing but chase women all the time, they arnt doing this, could it be relationships for the under 25’s (or even higher) has literally crashed down to tinder f**cks ? and thats it ? Ive heard from guys that girls under 25’s just dont know how to have a relationship anymore.
woaw, you really think the collapse will take longer. maybe its rare I dont know.
All the scientists through their research said “the Mayans were a peaceful culture of kings and priests, they were strictly horticulturalists” After much of their glyphs and language being now decoded…we learned of a warlike, aggressive and very angry culture that was always teetering on the lack of water, lack of food and high mortality rate of fiercely taunting city-states.
The best minds of the world also said “the world was flat” and some folks even were persecuted for dare suggesting something different of the “science” and “proven facts” of the day.
So, flat earth center of the solar system types around. Do you need the physics of fire to use it? How about the mental trauma when you stick your hand in the fire? The mechanism of fear is psychology. That includes a Fear of God. That happens to be !Science! as well. You can dismiss it all you like, but you’re dismissing the very mechanisms that you use to worship God.
Off Topic: Students don’t know when fertility decreases.
I was hearing about how “backward and stupid” the peoples of feudal europe were……thinking that the sun revolved around the earth…..what a bunch of idiots!
So……if you even used “science” the physical results of what we see…..the sun going around the earth or the earth going around the sun. It would look the same.
Also we don’t even know how medieval people built some of the vaulted ceilings and massive engineer projects of that period today.
VFM…..what you say is true…but the refernces another poster was using was the “science” of “agree with me about game or you’re a denier and are whining”
Science is its own religion today.
Some things are true, some things are complete fables, often untrue. Crying out “BUT SCIENCE!” doesn’t make something true nor does it negate additional points.
Some attraction actions can be tested, but that still does not negate what God wrote. I would bet most of the “SCIENCE” things are in Proverbs already.
vfm0000 — “Same with Ray who goes back to bashing someone not even mentioned while decrying anything that has to do with the flesh and maintaining marriage.”
Bashing? Is that like Woman-Bashing? Like, you know, more pore me victim stuff?
Ha Ha earl disagrees with one of you gonad-free-zones, and outta the woodwork squirm Bee and Anonymous Coward to shill for Game and its Dork Lord.
Great stuff. Keep it up!
“The best minds of the world also said “the world was flat” ”
Well, that is a myth.
If Chad produces no children which bear his genes, he is a loser for the species, a genetic dead end. When he dies, his notch count will mean nothing, and unless others find his exploits entertaining, he will not “live on” in either fame or infamy.
The “red pill” tries to bridge the quality aspects of a selective reproductive strategy tuned for resource scarcity, and the mating frequency of a reproductive strategy tuned for resource abundance when mate choice doesn’t really matter at all.
If it sounds like “trying to have it all”, it is. It’s the natural result of emotional, feminized, men trying to make the best of things within their own capacity because they lack the ability, desire, or resolve to actually fix the damage correctly. So they’ll cater to what women want (at the instinctual level) because they lack the strength to assert their own masculine flavor of delusions, as codified in the oft denounced “blue pill”.
Blame weak men for opposing you, not supporting you, but if what you’re doing is constrained by someone else, you’re no stronger just because you’ve found a convenient rationalization for your behavior. You’re coping, not conquering.
And all of this instead of turning to find out God’s take on things. I believe this is the nature of earl’s stance, in that both men and women can suffer from idealistic delusions, and can amass the power to sustain them for a time, but in the end the systems they put into place always fall apart because we’re all trying to cope with damage instead of actually fixing it.
So we deceive ourselves into thinking we think we can come up with a better system from broken pieces instead of turning to rely on the one who designed it in the first place.
It’s no accident that folks of this mindset will take any potshot they can to denigrate anyone or anything that reminds them that they are not masters of their own destiny. That there is a better way to do things, but they lack the strength to manifest it.
Childless Chad, never was a dad, teaches men what’s bad, to distract from feeling sad.
Shit that makes you go mgtow.
How blue pill is it when a friend of mine told me that some of her friends are actively seeking effeminate men because they want to be the ‘alpha’ in the relationship. It blew my mind why some females actually were attracted to guys who didn’t act masculine…but there you have it. Apparently their ‘game’ worked too.
For this you can almost certainly thank pharmaceutical/hormonal birth control. It has REALLY messed up women’s bodies, hormones, and HEADS.
Yup…just check to see if she’s on that and it’ll answer most of your questions.
I know I’m on the wrong path if a woman is on birth control and is attracted to me.
The Biology of Desire was written by a ‘developmental psychologist’ with little field work.
Mice don’t stop using morphine
Mice are not humans.
It becomes a learned behavior. The addicts (including myself) who get well, and stay well for the most part get to the point of where “they are sick and tired of being sick and tired” and need HELP and want HELP.
You agree with Mark Lewis, then, but do not understand the neuroplasticity that is underlying.
It has no connection to game, or finding a wife, or sex or dating…that is a whole cultural and sociological context that brushes up with and next to psychology but isn’t “I am sick of being single, I will find a wife”
Neuroplasticity underlies a lot of human behavior including learning.
Because help isn’t there, or its the ephereal “just go talk to women, they don’t bite” and “go to the gym, work out, get a stem degree, get confidence, get a good job, meet all their expectations, and it will be great looks don’t matter in our very narcissistic culture……you will be bedding nines and tens”
Strawman fallacy.
We’re also talking anthropological aspects of “learned behavior” and the norm has no baseline anymore…and hasn’t for awhile in these matters.
That could be discussed but you do not want to.
You make it sound easy.
Strawman again.
Getting off cocaine wasn’t easy……and the damage from that will be with me forever. Addicts are never forgiven…..well, they are if……if well…..I won’t say it. You will all disagree with me 🙂
Biology of Desire is a useful book based on neuroscience. You don’t have to like it, it’s still an accurate work.
To be clear, I am not opposing attraction triggers and such, I am opposing the use of “SCIENCE” to shut down disagreement.
So, flat earth center of the solar system types around. Do you need the physics of fire to use it?
Some people cherish their pride more than anything else, some people are more comfortable being miserable in a predictable way than taking a chance on improvement, and some people are more fond of their ignorant “ought!” than learning what “is”.
Some people cannot be taught. They do not want to learn.
It’s not a “strawman fallacy” look up game and dating coaching. They all state it. No guy with game would ever, ever, ever waste his time with a below average girl witch is 7 now in their world.
I have learned what “is” and if you don’t have what a woman wants or expects……..you’re going to be alone. The sooner a young man learns this the better. Batting 600 at the age of 25? Hit the locker room shower, take a break and figure out what YOU want to do. Travel? Bungee jumping? Back to schoool for another career before you get too old????
I tell men like this to do it. Getting hug up over and over and over again on game and all of its billion nuances will drive you to drink, drugs, depression, despondane and probably a deep dislike for them. Stop beore you are ruined or time wasted in this area when you could be getting ahead in other areas where you may have skills, talents and potentials.
If I had dropped the notion of getting “women” back in 1998 and focused on career, and things that I like doing…….lot of heartache, time wasted, and being told “yet again” you didn’t open the set right and when she scrateched her nose you should have done this, this and this….and make sure you do your inner game but on not a level to upset your night game, except on Tuesdays……and you should hit the gym a bit more women like a guy who is built…”
“Hey…but looks don’t matter!” I sad.
“No they don’t matter, muscles have nothing to do with looks. Nothing.”
Driving sideways is what this does. If a man by the age of 25 aint “gettin it right” he should get out before he wastes precisous time…..
Besides…..from this forum and others………..there are no good women left. So why bother! 🙂
I am not sure why you want to worship SCIENCE! It makes a poor good and is in error quite a few times. But why let that stop you?
I will choose to believe what the Scriptures say however and they hold a higher place than any science, though they have been proven correct many times over things science held as true, but given up as more facts came in.
I don’t care much about your arguments with Jason, but I have just as much skepticism over our pseudo overlords who claim science as I do as the many other varieties.
Well, seventiesjason, I for one have learned some useful stuff from reading about game.
I certainly have less to offer a woman than when I was younger and more handsome, had more potential, more energy, and more good years ahead of me to offer them. But even so. I think I could get just as much now relatively speaking, knowing how to sell the shit to a panicked woman fast approaching the wall, or even to a younger woman. Lots of aspects of “game” won’t work for you, but you could definitely learn some aspects that could. However I think you’d be better off just MGTOW, for Jesus, at this point. Focus on being content with where you and God have yourself, at this point. You seem to be making yourself miserable about your singleness, by seeing the grass as greener on the married side of your fence. You’d still be doing that after you got married, only looking back the other way, wondering why is it so hard to maintain my relationship with this one I married, never realizing part of that may be due to lifelong issues with how you don’t relate well with the opposite sex. If you were able to gin up enough game to get a woman to marry you, unless she was a real saint, things would probably just blow up in your face. Just leave off chasing women, and dreaming about chasing women, and focus on doing what you’re more naturally good at, for Christ.
The psudeo sciences are almost like it’s a presentation of esoteric knowledge of how to get the favorable results you want from a woman everytime.
When really they have just as much free will choice as anybody. She either is receptive to you or isn’t. So what if she isn’t receptive and the reasoning was her emotions weren’t right or she was in the wrong part of the menstrual cycle…she decided to not chose you, it’s bound to happen. It’s the same thing when women cry about the fact there are no good men anymore…the finally realized no male is choosing them.
yes, yes…I know every man here at 40,45, 50, or 60 could easily get “younger” women and “women fast approaching the wall” with no problem because they have game. I know.
women all think alike, act alike, behave alike and respond exactly the same. they are all interested in the same exact things and respond exactly the same to game. foolish of me….
Clearly this isn’t true. There are cool females like Sister Lori Alexander, and then there are radfem wimminz like Sheila Gregoire and Jessica Valenti. Those are very different types.
What we call game is written in broad generalities, which means that certain things can generally boost your attractiveness, to a general audience of females. There will be plenty of exceptions. Even so, these general precepts are generally true.
There will be cool females who are single and waiting for a husband, who won’t have sex with you, no matter how attracted they might be. And then there are the skank-ho wimminz, who will bed you if you’re still upright at closing time at the nightclub. You merely have to show up to score with them. Part of game is making yourself more attractive, and part of game is putting you in opportune places.
But attraction isn’t a choice for women Boxer! Game has been saying that since day one. She likes you or she doesn’t. You don’t have to make yourself attractive. It doesn’t matter. Women just can’t be held responisble who they fall for. They can’t help it! Game totally plays to what their expectatations are….all the action is on the guy and zero responsibility is one the woman.. Every move in game is complex, full of just as many variables and is about as clear as mud.
And yet defended to the hilt in every man-o-sphere forum Christian or not.
We all know of course know it does matter. Attraction. Women can make choices. Game says they can’t, or they can’t help the choices they make.
If this was preached in church you would all be demanded reform by morning!
Game is a general set of general principles that generally help. often times very specific examples and specific lines are given, but nobody says, this pick-up-line is magic and will work every time for every man, like a magic spell. I guess I’m not sure why you protest against game so much? You say that it doesn’t work for you, OK, then quit trying it, move on. It is like saying they sold me a better hammer at the store, but the screws are always still breaking when I try to hammer them in.
It isn’t the tool’s fault. Game works for me, I see it working, I see guys without game sitting alone, and I see girls throwing themselves at guys with lots of it.
If I went somewhere and started complaining to the women there, about how much trouble I have with women, always getting rejected, although I might get some sympathy, or pretend sympathy, I’d be straight onto their “Let’s just be friends” list. However, if I went to that same place, and complained how difficult it was to do my job because of all the crazy loose women trying to get into my pants, at work, the same women would find me far more interesting, and see me as a potential mate, not just as a potential orbiter friend. Fact!
I bet you tend to be a bit more like the first scenario just mentioned. Also, although women may get a first impression in 3 seconds, like you’ve mentioned before, those are easily changed. I’ll often walk up to a woman and not even speak to her for quite a while, just being about myself, and long long long after your 3 second failure time is up, I’ll mutter a straight up narcissistic Alphadeity comment. Letting her know I think I’m a god among mortals, and her head will literally snap, as she whips around to see what treasure has snuck past her Alpha detector, instantly engaging me in excited conversation and shit testing. Like flies on shit, something excites a woman about a man with unshakable confidence. I didn’t always have that unshakeable confidence, but I got it about the time I left home, and I’ve never had trouble attracting women since getting it. Before I had it, I got passed by and friendzoned. I’ve never been friendzoned since. They either reject me or pursue me, because they are almost forced to see me as being a potential mate. With the way I am, they know I’m not interested for a second in being their “girlfriend” or orbiter, I’ve passed that shit test, I don’t orbit any woman, not even for a quarter revolution. I don’t tolerate any woman matching egos with me in a romantic setting. I’m the dominate one, and if she doesn’t like me dominating, she’ll have to leave, or else I will walk off on her. I’m not going to put up with some woman who thinks she deserves me.
Some are naturally attractive and usually at a younger age than others – whether by reason of looks, muscle or status. Even so those qualities are not enough and what is needed is the correct attitude. I wish that when I was younger I had been warned about the fitness-tests that females indulge in and which would have enabled me to more successfully more often move-on from third base and achieve more home-runs. Rule of thumb but not to be used on all occasions: be indifferent but cocky yet with charm. Having said that it is difficult to change who you are and that seven second rule tends to be a good indicator of female attraction – how often have i heard: ‘As soon as I met you Opus I knew I liked you’ – or perhaps that was just the hamster.
Hence free will choice.
I mentioned in another thread where in a discussion with a friend she told me some ladies she knows are actively seeking a more effeminate guy because they want to be the alpha. Well if that’s the case then they do have some say in which guy they choose…and considering I’ve seen some effeminate guys with women who run they show I can’t disagree they made active decisions.
I responded…that’s not how it’ll be with me. So should I ever meet this type of woman she’ll probably like my ‘game’ at first until she doesn’t.
There was even a type a woman I know who pretty much knew what type of woman I was looking for. A complete opposite from her personality. And I’ve met her husband so that verified again what type of guy they choose.
whale excrement
I have not complained to women since college. I say hello. I get a “smelling onions look”
I try to chat one up, I get “I have a boyfriend”
At workl in supervisory roles with women, I get the word “*sshole” muttered wen I walk away.
Been like this always.
It is a like this for a large swath of men today.
That look means “I’ve got one that can see!!!”
She’s actually got five boyfriends, and the one she calls her boyfriend, is married to another woman.
That means you’re basically immune from nasty innuendo or fanciful stories about you fucking your employees. Probably a pretty smooth workplace, huh?
You’re not supposed to be friends with people you manage, anyway. That’s the first rule of management.
So, you’ve never been run face-first through the divorce courts, by a lying ho’. You’ve never had any STDs. You’ve never paid child support. You’ve never had Skanky Stacie pass off Chad’s baby as yours (or at least try to). Join the club. Unlike you, I don’t complain about such stuff, in a forum full of men who are suffering such indignities, thanks to trusting wimminz with their lives and livelihoods. That would be rude.
If you really want to have sex with sluts, I can help you set up profiles on Tinder/PoF/OKC/Snatch/etc. You’ll have dozens of skanks bothering you within moments. Is this what you want? I’m your boogieman. It won’t cost you a thing.
There’s a single 35 year old woman at work that fits much of what we talk about. Spent the 20’s in a drunken stupor on the Carousel. Had the Epiphany to Christianity in early thirties and is now looking for a guy with a lot of money. She’s fit and doesn’t have tattoos so she has received so much attention from guys in her life that she has a big ego and couldn’t “settle” for an average guy. In fairness if I had so much attention from the opposite sex I would have a big ego too. 50 years ago she would be considered average but today an 8. Guys at church still ask her out but the rich guys are taken so I’m not sure what will happen.
Yeah…..okay Boxer……a forum full of men suffering from “trusting women”
I have plenty of empathy. Tons. Will pray,fervently. Have done so for two people in this forum who have mentioned some of their challenges……but honest too……I cannot relate on every aspect. I know my limits. Heck if someone wanted to call me and just vent. Fine. I would provide a phone number. Being alone my whole life has made me a good listrener, having a brother with Downs Syndrome who is now entering the fianl chapters of life……..I saw first-hand from day one how life “just aint fair”
You’re wrong, and incorrect about my motives or stances or why I take them as I do. Much as I like your musings. Much as I do appreciate some of the help you have said to me. It’s appreciated. It is.
Well, they are all ‘game’ experts. women all the time pursuing them. dates. women always wanted to get to know them………..they know it all I tell ya!
I could mention and say why did ‘game’ fail then in their marriage? lets crack open the manuals, ask the “tough” questions to all the experts out there, let’s see what they have to say about that? dare we say “well, you didn’t game her properly”
No, we don’t do that, nor should we for some general respect on general principles.
I don’t dare ask that because I know it could pull some serious scabs off some serious hurts and wounds. I strive in my Christian walk, and doing that would hurt, and it would be a low blow on my part.
But for me to sit here and hear again how game works, game is everything, game this and game that………and I just say “hey it’s not all that”
Some of the “negs” and swipes at me have been far from Christlike. So if women are no good, and Dalrock and Scott seem to have the last two that were worth marrying, and raising a family with……and game works…………..and female nature is easy, predictable and easily controlled by game……
why are we all here on this forum? what is the need of it? Why do we need to discuss female nature, and churchianity, and cucks, and feminist-lite-christian women???
We just have to learn ‘game’ properly, submit to that over the Bible, and His cause and all would be well.
Something ISN’T working in game. It isn’t waht its made out to be, and if it works so well, and is so easy………….well, the numbers out there are not lying.
Dear Jason:
Please see inside text…
If I’m not reading you correctly, you ought to concisely point out the misunderstanding. You’re a better writer than I, so this shouldn’t be an issue.
I mainly see you complaining about things that I admire. I’m sure we’re both stuck, somewhat, in a “grass is greener” scenario. You’re a bit older than I, but you dress better than I do. If I manage to get my needs met, and you don’t, then I assume that you’re more choosy than I am. You’ve also found a way to sublimate your libido in a way that I haven’t. Whatever the catalyst, I look forward to the day when I can write wimminz off entirely, and just concentrate on my own life.
Reading your complaints is a little bit like imagining a good athlete, who complains about the fact that he has hit a plateau and can’t break a 4-minute mile. Given that I can rarely break 8-minutes, it looks, from my perspective, like so much backhanded boasting.
I try only to be disrespectful to masochists who make it clear they enjoy hostile banter. If I’ve been rude to you, then I apologize. I’m not going to sugar coat it, though. I think your grievances are much ado about not much.
Scott has been pretty open about the fact that he married a single-mother and adopted her kid. While that’s perfectly acceptable, under the old rules of traditional patriarchy, I find it incredibly risky in the current environment. I also think he makes it look easier than it is. He (and his wife, too) probably had to work pretty hard to build a good life.
There are women who haven’t been married and have no kids, and if you really want to get married, I see no reason why you shouldn’t or couldn’t. You seem to be complaining about never having the opportunity, but you look like the kind of dude (from your pics) who could easily snag a woman if he wanted to. With that in mind, I honestly can’t deconstruct the issue you’re contending with. You’re declaring that you’ve given up on women (which is a pretty great accomplishment) while simultaneously complaining that women aren’t attracted to you.
So, what is the issue, really?
Game talk is boring because all who are participating in it are smarter than me, yet you go at it like it’s a debate. Game helps and Jason and Earl are right in many of their particulars speaking against it.
I don’t doubt in a good marriage that Jason and Earl would find occasion to slap their wives on tbe butt, or pick them up or tell them they are taking them somewhere for a trip. Likewise Sharkly and MKT and others would occasionally be the benefactors of their wive’s attraction, in spite of gaming efforts.
Anyhow, both sides are making excellent points on a topic that seems like it is unnecessarily becoming a debate. Jason wants the brother’s marriages to succeed and the brothers want Jason and Earl to find lovely helpmeets, yet each side is getting in a snit.
I didn’t want to write about that. I want to see your thoughts about an impression I had at church today. I was looking at some SAHMs who homeschool and realized that girl power is so entrenched that even the paragons of being a helpmeet-ness wear it uncomfortably. It’s as if some non-verbal signal comes from them that is screaming, “I am more than this!!!!” I just don’t get the lack of ability to be at ease with themselves. You want an opinion about something? Then go ask one of these women. They will be quick to give one and very slow to say, “that is above me and I my husband concerns himself with those topics.”
Ray6777 @ 10:32 am:
“Guys at church still ask her out but the rich guys are taken so I’m not sure what will happen.”
She falsely accused them of rape, cuts her hair, pulls the pin on the fat grenade and adopts a dozen cats?
Pulls the pin on the fat grenade! That’s a good one.
Boxer, I was writing my post and didn’t see yours pop up. Kudos for breaking out of the game-debate and bringing real engagement to this. Good example for me. Thanks.
She’s fit and doesn’t have tattoos so she has received so much attention from guys in her life that she has a big ego and couldn’t “settle” for an average guy. In fairness if I had so much attention from the opposite sex I would have a big ego too. 50 years ago she would be considered average but today an 8. Guys at church still ask her out but the rich guys are taken so I’m not sure what will happen.
Any woman with the attitude this women has gives me great pause to wonder just how “Christian” or “reborn” she truly is. Many, many former carousel riders, it appears, adopt a Personal Jesus as a sort of “Slut-Be-Gone” cleanser that scrubs away MOST of the outer, more obvious signs of their past(?) lives, but really does nothing at all to change them on the inside. Of course thirsty churchian betas seldom do any serious vetting and are glad to get any crumbs of female attention (even from not-so-reformed carousel riders), but God Himself only knows why any “rich” man with options would give a second look at such a woman.
I say hello. I get a “smelling onions look”
I’m puzzled by that. I’ve been to your blog, seen your pictures, and read about your life. You being 6’4″ with a reasonable appearance, I’d like to see that in action, because something does not fit. Either you in someway project something that gets a negative reaction, or the look you get, is just your own false impression. Although it was 30 years ago, I lived in the bay area, I know the girls can be a bit snooty, but there should still be many friendly ones there too.
I try to chat one up, I get “I have a boyfriend”
I get that too, but it is a “shit test” and I pass it. Just laugh, and say, “Yeah! Well, he can be your ‘side guy’ now”, or something showing that you don’t feel threatened by his competition.
I assume in the meme below DP stands for “Dick-Pic.”

Here is an article about shit tests:
From the above article:
Examples: Standard Shit Tests Women Use:
– “I have a boyfriend!” – Translation: I have Schrödinger’s boyfriend, demonstrate to me you’re high value and I’ll fuck you regardless. It is hilarious when they say this. “What boyfriend, your imaginary one?” – Then laugh in her face.
I wish I could find it online…but I listened to Archbishop Fulton Sheen today with the subject ‘Women as Objects’. The premise is as we seperate sex from love we turn people into objects. He pointed out not only is this the case with men turning women into ‘sex objects’ we don’t see them as a person anymore…but many women see men as providers (the object being more like an ATM) and not as a person.
Here he was explaining things we all have some knowledge about but he brought it back to divorcing sex from love.
The only thing against it I have is that it basically takes out the fact that women have choice when it comes to which men they pursue. I get why women would be attracted to certain things about man…and certainly staying fit, having a job, and an interesting personality are things a guy should be doing anyway…however I’ve seen enough how they can change their minds about me on a dime…and there was nothing different about how confident I was in my abilities or my personality changing. I even know some women who seem to have their hearts completely shut off no matter which guy is trying. They can choose to be there or leave (at least in the courtship/engagement phase…marriage is a bigger mess to try and do that).
Is this what you’re talking about?
Herbert Marcuse gave precisely this same lecture in the 1960s. I wonder who was cribbing from whom?
It’s a lightly modified analysis of Marx’s idea of commodity fetishism, from Capital Vol. 1. One’s sexuality, like one’s labor, is an intrinsic part of who he is. One can not simply separate this from the person, package it up, and sell it off for profit, and pretend to have any sort of moral compass.
Yeah that’s it.
Yes, yes Sharkly……..it never fails…..used lines like that in the past “You do? You’re about to trade up!” stuff like that, I then get the “*sshole” comment and she walks away.
Great, glad it works for you. Many men it doesn’t. Far enough.
Bishop Fulton Sheen often talked about pyschology. Specifically Freud, Jung, and Adler.
In my comment above, I did not intend for anybody to emulate the meme, only to note the attitude, that when the girl says “I have a boyfriend” the guy isn’t crushed, but instead is unfazed.
Most times, if you pass the test, later on she’ll admit that she is either thinking about breaking up with her imaginary boyfriend, or that she doesn’t really think “Schrödinger’s boyfriend” is right for her in some way. If she was really loyal to her boyfriend, she likely wouldn’t be there talking to you in the first place, and then using him as just a hurdle to hop over.
What I have read is that game fails on many woman, but that it is a principle that can work on some. I have not seen it as always working in all cases, especially when practiced outside marriage.
Inside marriage it may help, but is still no guarantee. It just makes things more likely to work well in general, though some things (dread game) don’t translate well for a Christian.
Thanks for posting this. He’s a mesmerizing orator. I hit play, and ended up listening to the entire thing.
I’m guessing that Brother Fulton has a degree in psychology — which, when I think about it, is probably the perfect degree for a young man aspiring to the priesthood. He certainly knows a lot about it.
FYI, I am still married, and I don’t go looking for women to flirt with. I just have to engage in banter at work, so as not to become the creep who can’t pass women’s shit tests. Seriously, It is truly a sick game. If too many women think you are “creepy” they will gang up and get some White Knight to fire you. I have no intention of ever getting into any non-professional relationship at work, but you have to be able to banter back and have some game, just to survive the intraoffice politics. I get “sexually harassed” quite frequently at work. And if I Just went “creepy” and ignored them, they’d likely try to persecute me. However with a tiny bit of game, I can keep them, attracted, but not push them to where they feel any attachment that could later cause them to become vindictive since they can’t have me. Working with women sucks, in that it is a HR minefield. However with a bit of game, I am able to put myself in a class where I can get away with a bit more, than perhaps some others might be allowed to, by the wimmmenzzz. And you never know when you might need that. I’d like to think that I’m actually looking out for my wife and kids, by having a bit of game, and not being quite as likely to get reported to HR. Due to my position, I am quite likely for that to happen. I inspect and criticize other people’s work for a living. LOL You have to be willing to take a lot of blowback, and maintain your humor. I often joke to the men that I’m like a wife. My job is to follow them around trying to find fault with every single thing they do. And that’s not too far from the truth. And being Alpha, also helps in my dealings with the men too. Although my position commands some respect, I have to maintain that respect with my coworkers also, and the “game” is useful for that.
I understand that “game” seems counter to Christianity.
Instead of meek and gentle, women want someone dangerous.
Instead of humble, women want cocky.
Instead of loyal, women want a player.
Instead of grave, women want a mocker.
For just about every character virtue women want something a bit off of what they should.
In short; women have an evil sin nature, and game appeals to their natural base instincts.
To deny that they have this nature, is foolish.
To refrain from harnessing it is also foolish.
The game, as it is called, is to be what you feel you should be, while using their nature and desires to best lead them correctly, as a man created first in the image of God for their headship and direction into the path of righteousness.
Even if you only lead a woman to respect you as a man. That in itself is the work of God. That is not some bit of narcissistic manipulation, pride, Etc. You’ve been lied to. Making a woman respect you as a man, is in fact leading her into what is right. I’ll make no apology for using game to get a bit more of my due respect. Even with game, no woman has yet called me “Lord” like holy Sarah called father Abraham. So I am far from overdoing it. If you want to White Knight for disrespectful wimmenzzz, you’re barking up the wrong tree with me.
Lights cigarette.
If that was aimed at me Sharkly, my opinion is that you need to lay off the caffiene, or just get over yourself.
No, I have never had a position in my whole career as important as yours. I’ll buy that. The job I have now is pretty serious…I take it very seriously…but I’m a pretty serious man. I am replaceable. Even when I was working at 7-11 after crashing out of IBM after twelve years of “service” not in a managerial role, but in a lead role in my technology group………I did that job at 7-11 seriously. I did it better than anyone else.
Before addiction set in at IBM. I had an admin. I never joked with her, never playfully flirted in a cocky-funny way and I was never reported to HR because I didn’t. If I had, I know for a fact I would have.
In my current position as a commercial property manager at a higher end office tower, I surpervise eight employees. Four are women. I look them in the eye. I set an example. I am serious at work. I have already had to firmly bust out the phrase “This is your job. Please do it.” To all the women and yeah…..one of the men too.
I don’t need to build attraction at work. I am at work. I don’t need to be funny at work. I am not a clown or there to entertain the team who works under me. I promise they will get a fair shake. I am running a building. I promise a fair ear. I promise their paycheck will be correct. When I say “good job / work.” I will mean it. I will grant time off when they need it, and
If a person respects me, or I lead them to respect that is not the work of God. That is the work of me. I hustled in minimum wage for years, and for two years I had no job with no unemployment. I know what’s fully like to be hungry and work with the brown multi-colored poverty and get along. Truth be told, I worked bettrer with them than many of my white white-collar workers at IBM.
The USA or the state of California does not owe me anything. That goes for women as well. They owe me nothing. Not a date. Not a flirt. Not sex. I don’t deserve anything, and I am freaking lucky to be alive at this point and am still able to tie my shoes and do my taxes……despite the amount of cocaine that went up my nose and soaked my brain.
I am not liked at work for the fact that I make people do their jobs and own up to it. Though, I do know…..within a year, this team will respect me from my consistant actions towards all of them. They will see, and will know and understand that “he just expects a solid days work”
If game now has to be done at work to prevent “an HR office visit” well, I would rather be back in an almond hoppper during harvest time in Fresno. I carry myself with a sense of urgency at work, and the world would surly turn faster than it does if more people did so.
Very surprised to learn to two things today: game is now required for the office, and the tyerm “dread game” never heard of that…..another layer to a very complex sort of rules all men must live by or they will succumb to “evil female nature”
I don’t live in that world, and as this goes deeper and deeper……kind of glad I don’t.
Again. Glad this is working for you. Glad it helps. For me it does nothing, and never did. All it was another way for proclaimed “alphas” to proclaim even louder how alpha they are.
Every person who speaks of “taking” rather than “receiving communion” shows the same “fundamental misunderstanding”. Takers deserve, we the unworthy receive Christ’s gift.
seventiesJason says:
I could mention and say why did ‘game’ fail then in their marriage? lets crack open the manuals, ask the “tough” questions to all the experts out there, let’s see what they have to say about that? dare we say “well, you didn’t game her properly”
That’s a fair question. I’ll try to give a bit of my experience.
women all think alike, act alike, behave alike and respond exactly the same. they are all interested in the same exact things and respond exactly the same to game. foolish of me….
You are quite right. My wife acted entirely one way while we were long distance dating, and then suddenly and entirely changed upon marriage. Women can make choices. Yes, this was her own choice. As I have mentioned before, My wife has Intimacy Anorexia, a behavioral addiction that she chooses, though it is, as a result of childhood trauma. The behavior did not manifest itself to me prior to marriage. However upon getting married and having sex with my wife, things quickly became too intimate for her, and she began engaging in distancing behaviors, and was screaming in my face threatening divorce within a month of our wedding. Unfortunately I did not use game on my wife once we got married. I had not been taught it then, and I, like you, thought it was wrong. Although I was quite Alpha, I had nothing but Blue Pill indoctrination my whole life up until about 9 months ago.
Sharkly’s sad story
Prior to marriage I had saved myself a virgin for 33 years out of respect for God and for my future wife. She had confessed to me, after I was in love with her, that she had rode the cock carousel fucking and sucking many cocks until she had “gotten saved” a couple years earlier. She cried and begged my forgiveness, saying how she “wished she had saved all that for me” and saying how truly regretful she was. She deserved an Oscar, because she really had me convinced that she was a changed woman. I forgave her, and expected that none of that would ever come up again, because she had “repented” of it.(pretty foolish in hindsight) I also was very Alpha, and am hung like a pornstar, so I didn’t figure I should not be jealous, seeing how it is a near statistical improbability that she had ever met many, much less fucked a man of my off the charts abnormal phallic girth.(being this big isn’t always ideal FWIW) Anyhoo…
About a week into our honeymoon, after having sex 3-4 times a day, my wife announces that her period has showed up, and that we will not be having sex for 10-14 days, until it is gone. I said, that’s cool, I’ve been wanting to get the first blowjob of my life. To which she responded, Well I’m not doing that. For me to do that as your wife, would be demeaning to me as a woman. I said, that’s not fair, what about all the other dudes you sucked? To which she responded that she respected them all more than me.(an intentional distancing behavior) I was just floored, insulted, suddenly I felt cucked by her newfound respect for all her past lovers, and felt trapped by my Christianity. Her, “I wish I had saved that all for you” was just an unrepentant lie. I’m still hesitant to share it even today. For many years I was even too ashamed to share that in counselling. I submitted. I felt I had to, to preserve our marriage. I can remember her saying it, initially even with a bit of an evil smirk on her face. I didn’t feel it would be right to divorce her one week into our marriage, or even to threaten that, but in hindsight, What she did was godless and inexcusable, and I should have corrected her immediately. I tried to reason with her, but she knew she had me by my Christian balls. In hindsight I wish I had thrown the bitch and her suitcases out of the honeymoon suite. It would have been far better to have made her choose to respect me then and there, or to leave me then and there, than to be a cuck for the next 16 years, hoping and praying that she would change, taking her to pastor after pastor, trying to get a fucking cuck pastor to tell her to do right to no avail.(which we were going to often, as she was constantly bitching at me, and having online affairs ‘to console herself’) Try getting a Feminist pastor to tell your wife to suck your dick. I haven’t met one man-of-God-enough to say that to her yet. Fuck them all to Hell, those worthless hirelings! I’ll praise the holiness of God when those false teachers burn, sizzling like bacon, their smoke rising up eternally. They all let that root of bitterness fester and grow never lifting a finger even after divorce, destroying my kids home, and instead they bashed me for wanting the same respect she showed other guys, something my wife claims might have made her unhaaaaaapy. In short I, perhaps wrongly, felt It was not Christian to do the things I should have done, to use the game techniques I should have used. And so I was a f**king church-cuck instead.
Now, I was still Alpha with other women, but, even there, I didn’t do that in front of my wife, and I probably should have. So I have been stuck in a situation where a lot of women have been interested in me, just not my wife.(Our sex life quickly slowed to a trickle, before she eventually cut that off entirely) And I believe if I was not as Alpha as I am, my situation would only have been worse. Her mom is much worse to her father, and they’re from an older generation, which makes that all the more shocking to me. That was Probably TMI. But, hopefully you can see that I didn’t practice what I now preach in my own marriage, and it has been truly without intimacy, just how my wife wants it, the entire time, until she decided to further punish me for becoming a cuck. She didn’t like what I let her turn me into. Foolish women will tear their own homes down with their own hands, I’ve seen that before. The church needs to stand up against that foolishness, not aid and abet them. Today I am being divorce raped and stand falsely accused of being a Sex/Porn addict, and a danger to my kids which I consequently did not get to see this weekend. Exactly 8 months later I have still not had a day in court to even address the charges. Be thankful you’re on your own, some of you, without a government attached disrespectful soul-sucking leach. I briefly got to talk with my kids on monitored speakerphone tonight, but I was warned by my wife, before being allowed to talk to them, that my oldest son had been asking why he hadn’t seen me, and that if I told him anything, I would not get to talk to them or see them again. That’s my life today. I’ve still got a bunch of “sex addict” questionnaire to fill out and turn in tomorrow, before going to work so that my wife Who is off work for the summer form her part-time job, can afford to live in a sperate house with my kids and tell them “daddy doesn’t want to see you”, like she did the last time she ran off with them.
“I understand that “game” seems counter to Christianity.”
Jesus told a parable about an unjust steward who shrewdly used personal relationships to ensure he had friends to help him after his boss fired him. Jesus said that the unjust steward was shrewder than the sons of light.
One application of this parable is that the sons of light can learn shrewdness from unjust men. This application is why I feel it is OK for Christians to learn game from unjust stewards like Heartiste, Rollo, Boxer, etc. (I agree with vfm 7916 that we don’t use game to fornicate.)
Sharkly, Jason – I pray for each of you guys on a regular basis.
If a person respects me, or I lead them to respect that is not the work of God. That is the work of me.
Either we disagree, or you’re not getting what I’m saying.
Daniel 12:2 And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 3 And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.
James 3:8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9 Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God.
1 Peter 3:5 For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: 6 Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.
1 Corinthians 11:7 For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man.
I said: “Even if you only lead a woman to respect you as a man. That in itself is the work of God. That is not some bit of narcissistic manipulation, pride, Etc. You’ve been lied to. Making a woman respect you as a man, is in fact leading her into what is right.”
It is evil for women to disrespect men who are in the likeness of God. If you are to lead them to the righteousness like that of holy Sarah, you need to teach them to reverence men for their God given glory and headship. There is a positional respect due to men that today’s society has lost. Your father probably had a bit more of it and that made things easier for him than for you as you have noted. Now you are correct in that some woman does not have to respect your sin, and that you can not force strangers to respect you in this day and age. Nor did Jesus Christ force many to respect Him, though He yet will. But, he and His Father both judge us for our lack of respect for Him, and for our fellow man. And Jesus will return ruling with a rod of Iron, and eventually every knee will bow to him of all ever created. You can’t well allow women to disrespect the image of God and think that it is enlightenment and liberation instead of just rebellion and sin.
Perhaps what makes me so Alpha, is that I have internalized the fact that I am in the image and glory of God. Of course an image is far short of the real thing, and I need to walk humbly before God whose ways are infinitely higher than mine, but I should also be joyful in my resplendent creation and not run around saying God made me ugly, or saying women don’t owe me respect.
Isaiah 53:2 For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. 3 He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4 Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
Hebrews 1:1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; 3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:
So Jesus was not visually desirable, and yet he was the brightness of God’s glory and the express image of God’s personage.
Jason, please use your tongue to speak of yourself with more dignity! It is off-putting to even Godless women. They by nature know you deserve respect, and even if they rebelliously don’t give it to you, they will hold you in contempt if you don’t give it to yourself. That is hypocritical of them, but that is how it is.
We men all need to treat each other with more respect, just for being men in God’s image, if society is ever going to learn to treat us with respect for being men. They won’t respect men if even we refuse to respect other men.
Thank you so much for your prayers, Bee. I ask a lot of people to pray for me, for my marriage, for my wife, and for my kids.
James 5:16 Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Many churchians are so full of worldly heresy and idolatry, that I’m doubtful their prayers will avail much. It is especially encouraging to me when I hear of somebody, I believe to be more on track with God, praying for me. Thank you from me on behalf of my whole family.(though they don’t know it.)
By the way my wife may be trying to reenact the “Fireproof” movie.
However she has dropped the ball on her “Respect dare”.
To all of those who made that movie, or helped to distribute it: Fuck You all!
And on behalf of my kids, whose home has been destroyed, and lives scarred: Fuck you again!
BTW it sucked! I thought it was Feminist crap even when I was still Blue Pilled.
Thanks, Dalrock, for refuting that idolatrous crap!
Maybe the best Christian movies are not Christian movies. How would you like a movie where the hero remains – even though through force of circumstances they have to live apart – true to his wife, where there is in the entire 147 minutes of the movie just one (and rather unnecessary) expletive, where for good measure there is a scene in a Cathedral – the hero apologising for disrupting the ceremony – and of course the villain receiving his just deserts. From my point of view that Cathedral being St Paul’s and no less than three of the cast (albeit one sporting a very fetching American accent) and with a score from an English composer merely adds to the pleasure which was my annual visit to the movies all in IMAX and 3D: Mission Impossible:Fallout.
May I also say that whatever salary that it is that Mr Cruise receives it is not enough. Even for ten times what he is paid I would not even think of attempting the stunts he performs – and how does he continue to look hardly a day over thirty?. As we say over here, Respect.
If there’s anything I’ve learned from men dipping in the sewer…is that you don’t want to dip in the sewer. However you need to know what signals there are that you have a sewer on your hands. Even at this point wimminz can still tug at my glands & heartstrings with all this knowledge I have…so it’s good to know why you are saying ‘NO!’.
Much like Sharkly’s story…how many ‘repentant’ women are out there looking for their landing to stick? I’d be a prime catch for that type of woman and I did have one hint at it a while back (after she talked about her two divorce, kids, and her orbiters). I knew why I just said ‘nah’.
You gotta learn how to rip of that mask gentlemen. Perhaps saying something like ‘men prefer debt free virgins with no tattoos’.
And wimminz wonder why men prefer virgins.
An important point to know…even if she has truly repented from that past, she still has the memories and temporal consequences from it. I think most women when they get a marriagable male prospect in their radar eventually spew out at some point why they are unmarriagable. All you have to do is listen, be reasonable, and know why you should push the eject button.
Keeping the proper frame in your life is not “dipping in the sewer.” You make a serious error saying that treating your wife like a woman is a foul thing.
Don’t be wise as a dove and harmless as a serpent!
Your story is why I am increasingly skeptical of any mention of “deadbeat dads”. I know some exist, but they are far overused and even the women whining in counseling frequently make things up to slam men. Unfortunately even many Christian counselors believe them, instead of seeking the truth.
Dear Sharkly:
As Earl deftly noted, a wimminz will generally hint at her worst character flaws. In my experience, it is not unlike a vampire, who can not enter your abode uninvited. You have to verbally give her a pardon for her prior shit behavior.
Generallly, when dumb men do this, they imagine the wimminz will be grateful for their love and broadmindedness. In reality, your decency and ability to overlook is seen, by the wimminz, as proof of the fact that you are a chump, and totally unworthy of any respect.
In letting her in the door after her admission, you gave her permission to fleece you.
AfOR had a great term for this.It was called “wallet seeking mode.”
The proper response would have been: “fine, I’m tired of fucking you already, anyway.” After which you drive away, and don’t come back.
This is the sort of story that all young brothers should read carefully.
I think Tom Cruise is a good actor, but he is seriously messed up otherwise. Which is what one should expect from a Scientologist. If you want a little reminder, watch his behavior when he announced his engagement to Katie Holmes (the third of his marriages and divorces) as seen here: Tom Cruise loses his mind on Oprah
Dipping in the sewer is fornicating with wimminz, Billy.
@ Sharkly
Well, I’m spoken for, so….
…even the women whining in counseling frequently make things up to slam men. Unfortunately even many Christian counselors believe them, instead of seeking the truth.
I don’t think that there has ever been a “Christian ounselor” who has ever done anything but destroy Christian marriages.
Any one who can sit and without any shoes and socks on the very top of the world’s tallest building and seemingly not feel fear has to be seriously messed-up. What strikes me as remarkable about Cruise (over and above that he has been probably the pre-eminent leading-man for over thirty years) is that whereas Jackie Chan was a stunt-man who with some good looks and great charm became an actor who naturally performed his own stunts Cruise was an actor who could have allowed CGI and professional stuntmen to do the hard-work but he doesn’t. Many a great man has fallen at the hurdle known as the female-sex – this thread is largely about how to overcome that frailty – so I would not hold Cruise to a higher standard.
My typing error failed to mention that the three actors were English as also was the blonde female lead. Although I cannot find this at IMdB the end-credits indicated that principal filming was at a studio in England – though its name, which I did not recognise, I cannot now recall. The music by-the-way would have been nothing without Lalo Shafrin’s great theme.
@feeriker: “I don’t think that there has ever been a “Christian ounselor” who has ever done anything but destroy Christian marriages.”
I know of at least one. He counseled me and my ex-wife for about 18 months after she filed for divorce the first time. He worked on both of us. He called her out on her contempt along the way and when she did a hard left turn in the last few months, he backed me up on my ultimatum that she change course. In our last session, he told her straight up that she didn’t have biblical grounds for divorce (which is of course why she thought we were in counseling in the first place) but that I did, including for her persistent and unrepentant sexual refusal. No surprise that that was the last time she attended a counseling session with him. Or that she filed for divorce again a few months later. I’ve never had any criticism of his efforts to save a marriage that was probably doomed before he ever met us.
With your heartfelt post, the reason for this coming out of you was probably more on me.
I accept blame for that. You see, I disagree with you about ‘game’ and I am accepting (hard that it is) that it obviously works for some men, and I guess could have some merit. I’ll leave the hairsplitting about it for another time. I know many posters on this and other blogs are pretty tired of it……
Well, I drew something out of you. You do have a sad story / situation. We all have something in life that is indeed painful, wasn’t “fair” or might have been different if we had been born at another time or been in a situation. We all have something that has scarred our hearts. Something that was just not right.
As a man who does have humility, empathy, and a man who….….understands……not this situation exactly……but understands raw-nerve rubbing emotional pain. Now before the rest of you “manly men” tell me that real men don’t have that, or you just “give it to Jesus” and its gone. Be careful…..”lest the Lord rebuke you and call you a lair”
I love you. You know Christ loves you. I am sorry for your pain, and I will take my share of forgetting to “walk in another mans shoes” concerning what you have gone through. Hey, I get caught up too…..sometimes I deal well with my situation. Sometimes I go to bed, lay there and wonder for hours and sleep won’t come and I just think “what might have been”
Your story moved my heart, and it made me realize that we both are *very* different in our situations. You being an alpha. Me being some fifth wheel that just never fit properly anywhere…think putting a Model-T Ford rear wheel on a 1965 Dodge Dart and expecting it to perform……..I wasn’t made for these times. I would have been better in a world that perpetually stayed in 1966.
You are I are ships sailing in different directions……and no, we’re never gonna see eye-to-eye on game and its nuances. We won’t. I won’t try to convince you otherwise from now on.
Let me say as well……..we are similar for that fact we do share a belief in Jesus Christ, and we both acknowledge by word of mouth that we “believe” and we both believe His Word, The Bible.
In the bigger picture, Christ has used two very different men……and yet…they both acknowledge Him as Lord. Both have not had it easy. Both situations with bumps and scrapes still understand that there is only one who will really understand. Him. Only Him.
Let me again say, as a fellow ‘brother in Christ’ that I am sorry in my part for dragging this out of you……I know, I know you made the choice to publish it…..but my role in this is not beyond reproach.
I don’t know if you will read this…but I love you. If there is anything I can do to help, let me know……and know too if you are in California, my home is always open to you……as any brother from this respected forum who indeed knows Him.
Be safe. Be well. Know you are cared about by a fellow man.
Thanks seventiesjason,
Yes, we are different, yet the same. I greatly respect your chastity and that you share about it here. It is quite something to remain pure like you have.
I feel that you are probably one of few people in this age that fit the following description:
Revelation 14:4 These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. 5 And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.
I hope you know I want the best for you. And though I may get cantankerous I’m hoping that something I write might help yourself or others. I believe if you took our two personalities and transfused half of the other into each one, you’d probably have two normal well adjusted people then. LOL Too bad we can’t directly transfuse our predispositions. I’d love to go back to 1966 also, I think, I wasn’t there to be sure. I was born less than two months after the moon landing. I think America probably got a little too prideful as a result of many things including that, and it has been downhill since. I think my birth was obviously the nation’s pinnacle! 😉 I believe you were probably born around the same time.
If there is anything I can do to help, let me know
Yes, Pray for me and my marriage. For it to get fixed would require a miracle, but that’s what would be best for my sons, and I believe it would be the best testimony for Christ. Although I’m prepared to try to be a testimony no matter what happens. I have prayed for you and many others on here at different times. I sometimes pray that, in spite of my sinful self, my comments might be able to help somebody. I also like to put God’s word out there, because it enables the Holy Spirit then to utilize God’s own divine sword, instead of just my rambling.
Thanks again for your kind words.
If you don’t remember anything else from this, just remember that I deeply respect you. You’re the image and glory of God. And God will see you, washed and without fault, as a firstfruit among His redeemed, not a leftover. Most of the rest of us are the leftovers, should we be granted the same grace.
“She deserved an Oscar…”
Oscar says: Well, I’m spoken for, so….
You made me LOL hard. I needed that.
BillyS says:
July 30, 2018 at 9:07 am
I liked your story. It reminded me of raising my adopted kids. We got complements in restaraunts and such because I pushed them to be well behaved. Unfortunately it only lasted until the teen years, when things blew up, but my oldest son did seem to get some of that integrated into him that comes out now at least.
Handling many children is tough.
I can’t figure out what Luke and Boxer are talking about. (W + NW? – West + Not West?)”
W = white, NW = nonwhite
There are people on this forum that believe that central tendencies of differences between races are modest to negligible. Rebuttal of this information deficiency could include any of the following:
average IQ, tendency to criminality and unjustified violent behavior (blacks’ = >7x that of whites), lack of any demonstrated ability to maintain (let alone construct) a technological civilization, observable regression to the mean in outliers (even in crossbreeds), etc. Rather than attempt such a dialectic response (which seventiesJason has assured me is worthless here), I’ll reference rhetoric.
1) If you’re white, you only exist because your ancestors thought (and behaved) as I favor, rather than as some of you find acceptable. Like women that consider abortion of healthy infants preferable to giving birth, where do you think you came from?
2) An apt book, Bible verse, poem and song on this subject:
Acts 17:26
“and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation”
Rudyard Kipling
The Stranger
“The Stranger within my gate,
He may be true or kind,
But he does not talk my talk–
I cannot feel his mind.
I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,
But not the soul behind.
The men of my own stock,
They may do ill or well,
But they tell the lies I am wanted to,
They are used to the lies I tell;
And we do not need interpreters
When we go to buy or sell.
The Stranger within my gates,
He may be evil or good,
But I cannot tell what powers control–
What reasons sway his mood;
Nor when the Gods of his far-off land
Shall repossess his blood.
The men of my own stock,
Bitter bad they may be,
But, at least, they hear the things I hear,
And see the things I see;
And whatever I think of them and their likes
They think of the likes of me.
This was my father’s belief
And this is also mine:
Let the corn be all one sheaf–
And the grapes be all one vine,
Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge
By bitter bread and wine.”
From the singer Saiga, album “On My Own”
Ode to a dying people
Eyes shining bright with unspilled tears
Thinking about all those waisted years
When everything worth living for is gone
And brother I find it hard to keep fighting on
Falling down towards the abyss, the abyss
The reaper embraces me with his kiss
It makes me want to refuse to care, refuse to care
To watch this all unfold to much to bear
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bear to witness
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bear to witness-oh!
Disease encroaching on all I hold dear
Somehow I gotta get my soul outta here
Heart of agony, faint burning hope
I’m finding it hard to try to cope
The cause liars own the world with conquering poise, conquering poise
In a wasteland of meaningless noise
We don’t stand a chance with the dormant pride, with the dormant pride
The heroes of our race have already died
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bear to witness
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bear to witness-oh!
To imagine it has all come down to this
Apathy and suicidal bliss
It’s all over except for the cryin’
With a whimper instead of the roar of a lion
The greatest race to ever walk the earth, walk the earth
Dying a slow death with insane mirth
The tomb has been prepared, our race betrayed, our race betrayed
White man, fight the flight towards the grave
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bear to witness
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bear to witness-oh!
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bear to witness
If this is the way it ends, if this is the way my race ends
If this is the way it ends, I can’t bear to witness-oh!
Don’t let it end this way, don’t let it end this way
Don’t let it end this way, I can’t bear to witness
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The second a woman says she deaerves salvation, we know she is at best ignorant or at worst a wolf in sheeps clothing.
People earn and deserve death for their sin. No one earns salvation. No one deserves salvation. Salvation is a gift from God – given to us while we were dead in our tresapasses and sins. Nothing we are or did merited us God’s grace, mercy, or salvation.
Romans 1:32 and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.
Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God
Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Ephesians 2:1-9
And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, 2 in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. 3 Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest. 4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 so that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.
Romans 9:15-16
15 For He says to Moses, “I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.” 16 So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on God who has mercy
Pingback: No respect for men who marry. | Dalrock
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Essentially only Traditional Catholics, that is, Latin Mass only Catholics, are against divorce. Jesus says what God has joined let no man put asunder and we take Him at His word. If you do otherwise you cannot receive Him in the Eucharist and you are going to hell