I watched part of the first episode of the new season of Luke Cage the other day. Misty Knight and Colleen Wing were in the lead up to the obligatory one armed woman beats up a bar full of men scene, and were (as custom requires) verbally establishing their manhood. Misty establishes that she’s one of the boys via a try hard reference to the bolt pattern and water pump configuration she would have on her fantasy muscle car. Colleen, knowing that she’s been bested in the women pretending to be men contest, concedes that Misty has a bigger dick than she does.
If you have Netflix, I encourage you to scan through to the beginning of the bar scene just for laughs. If you do, you will see that the feminist writers are deadly serious in this. They really think that women talking about how they are like men (including having dicks) makes women like men.
The interesting thing is that we live in a culture where women claiming to have dicks isn’t really noteworthy. Feminism has been building up to this moment for decades, and the line between dressing Amelia Earhart like Lindbergh and having a man pilot her over the Atlantic and women bragging about the size of their dicks is an easy path to trace. You could even argue that feminists had no choice in the matter, as this is only congruent with a world where women must be included in our combat forces. Yet unlike with Earhart, the response is a yawn; feminists have been hinting at the size of their dicks for quite some time. This has to be a terrible let down, because a lot of work went into achieving a milestone practically no one will notice.
Meanwhile conservatives, especially Christian conservatives, spend all of their effort trying to figure out why men have suddenly and mysteriously changed, despite women behaving splendidly. This has to be extremely frustrating for feminists. Misty and Colleen could both whip out 10 inch phalluses, and while the feminists in the audience would squeal in delight, conservatives would either not notice or ask:
What happened to our men that our women are forced to have such big dicks?
If there was no such thing as penis envy, there’d be no such thing as Feminism.
It’s funny – I was just watching “G.I. Jane” the other night, but I eventually turned it off when I came to my senses. No woman will ever be a SEAL. Ever.
Real men are not threatened by strong women
Have you guys even talked to a girl before?
[D: Hilarious! Well played.]
But if they call them a SEAL, then that makes them a real one, right?
There will never be a female SEAL that’s worthy of the name, but I wouldn’t count out the possibility of the Navy being forced to call a woman a SEAL.
Funny that the movie is about the hardships of the woman, and not about combat prowess, of which there would be none to speak of. It’s accurate that that isn’t the focus a woman would have. Combat is about performance, so the film is all about the woman herself, as all female things are.
Pingback: Who cares that Misty has a bigger dick than Colleen? | @the_arv
“There will never be a female SEAL that’s worthy of the name, but I wouldn’t count out the possibility of the Navy being forced to call a woman a SEAL.”
Me neither. It happened with the Rangers:
I was just about to start watching the second season tonight. Now I’m not sure I still have interest in doing so.
That’s what women say when they confuse “threatened” for “being repulsed by.”
There is feminine strength, and then there is female pretending to be male strong (which is disgusting).
Speaking of even knowledge-based jobs where women are utterly incompetent, add ‘Film Critic’ to that list :
In both of these clips, the female completely fails to understand the movie being reviewed, and yet tries to pretend that she is *more* knowledgeable than Roger Ebert, complete with highschool-level facial expressions intended to express disapproval with Roger Ebert’s review.
purge187: No woman will ever be a SEAL. Ever.
There already are: https://www.military.com/daily-news/2016/03/10/first-female-navy-seals-could-get-assignments-in-2017-plans-show.html
I always wonder, if a woman with no super powers can beat up a room full of men, then why do we even need super heroes? And, as always, no one hates women more than feminists, with their belief that women have to transform into men to be effective.
Princess Leia is, by far, the most badass character in “Star Wars: A New Hope” and yet she doesn’t beat up a room full of stormtroopers without a hair getting out of place.
Red Pill Latecomer, that article is an interesting prediction, but has it come true?
Real Peterman, the article says the Navy has ” a newly approved Navy implementation plan” for female SEALs. I’m guessing this means the top brass wants female SEALs, and so the lower ranks will provide them.
They don’t have to be top quality SEALs. Paper SEALs will do. Just a bunch of women to parade around in uniform, keep out of harm’s way during the fighting, but available for photo ops when it’s time to distribute medals.
Freud’s penis envy theories (hypotheses?) are being confirmed with utmost certainty nowadays.
Those female film critics can’t keep their mouths shut. They’re always talking over Ebert, without saying anything substantive. Just repeating what they’ve already said, as if we’re all desperate for a running update to see if they’ve changed their opinion from 20 seconds ago.
I stumbled across a Craigslist ad seeking Mommy Bloggers: https://losangeles.craigslist.org/lac/wrg/d/seeking-mom-bloggers-3-spots/6634423125.html
If you ever wondered how much Mommy Bloggers earn, the job offers 0.005 cents a word.
That’s a half cent per word.
And yet, so many single moms claiming to be supporting themselves on their “writing.”
Females don’t have penises. They have hyena-like pseudophalluses.
@Lexet Blog
I might be wrong, but I think Gregory was having some fun at the expense of the kind of man who hears “chicks with dicks” and thinks sexy!
Please don’t use the inappropiate word “d1ck” elder brother Dalrock for more “wholesome” Christ-like speech. Just say male “private parts”, “privy member”, etc.
It just don’t jive right for a Christian to say that just like a Christian man saying “pussy-cat” with the “cat” minus out of the phrase.
~ Bro. Jed
Back in the previous century I recall feministas claiming “My clitoris is just like a penis, only smaller”, in hindsight it was just another manifestation of the ludicrous “men and women are exactly the same except babies” ideology.
This is a logical extension of that ridiculous notion…3rd stage feminism makes aging 2nd stagers uncomfortable, but thanks to women’s pseudo-tribal ingroup preference the 2nd stagers will still Stand Together with their slutwalking younger sisters.
It is almost cult-like in the collective denial of actual reality.
I couldn’t finish the first season of Luke Cage. The action was too sparse. I have seen the second season trailer though, and they have continued the logic that black men are bold and sexy but white men are shy and romantic. Every woman wants to jump Luke Cages’ bones. He goes along and it plays no part in his life except a bit of fun. For Daredevil, an encounter with a woman is an existential crisis.
Superb! Some people might think this is hyperbole, but the number of times I have heard conservatives, Christians, and conservative Christians make such a statement is inestimable. The anatomy and formulation is only very slightly different: “She has bigger balls than most of the men I know.” The high-water mark for such utterances was Sarah Palin’s candidacy for vice president, but I find that men who call themselves conservatives relish the opportunities to say such things.
I watched on Youtube the bar-room fight. Is this main stream entertainment? Is it supposed to be realistic? Is the penis a metaphorical appendage? Women who seek to emulate men need to wear a permanent strap-on preferably larger than real-life – a cod-piece.
[D: Good find. I’ve added a link.]
Funny stuff from the “intersectional” crowd:
From Canada, tranny sues Muslim for refusing to was genitals: https://pjmedia.com/trending/transgender-files-50k-complaint-after-muslim-woman-refuses-to-wax-genitals/
Earlier this month, a male-to-female transgender filed a $50,000 human rights complaint after a Muslim woman refused to perform a Brazilian wax on his genitals.
And from Britain, lesbians hate on trannies at London “pride march”: https://pjmedia.com/trending/lesbians-blame-transgenderism-for-conversion-therapy-and-rape-culture-at-london-pride-parade/
…lesbians led the parade in attacking transgenderism. “Transactivism Erases Lesbians!” read a banner that temporarily led the Pride in London march in the heart of Britain’s capital….
London Mayor Sadiq Khan denouncing it in a statement. “Pride is about celebrating difference and London’s amazing LGBT+ community,” Khan’s spokesperson told PinkNews. … “Transphobia is never acceptable.”
Per SEALs, from your link RPL:
“According to the document, the first enlisted female sailors could enter the Naval Special Warfare training beginning with the prep course at Great Lakes, Illinois, in May, complete qualification September 2017, and undergo unit assignment the following month. For officers, the earliest possible scenario would see women entering training December, completing qualification in January 2018, and receiving assignments the following month.”
The title of the article is misleading. They’re talking about training and trying for the position. But it’s one thing to train and another to pass the course. I know the first female candidate washed out after the first week but that was last year. I don’t know if anyone has actually passed but I doubt it.
Pingback: Who cares that Misty has a bigger dick than Colleen? | Reaction Times
I used to but I cut that stuff out. One of the better decisions I’ve made. It’s nothing but shows promoting everything upsided down.
I’ve seen what happens in actual bar fights to wimminz when you have no Hollyweird agenda and special effects.
Cane Caldo: “The number of times I have heard conservatives, Christians, and conservative Christians make such a statement is inestimable. …’She has bigger balls than most of the men I know.’”
Ditto. That was a commonplace remark In discussions among male Boy Scout leaders about women leaders in Boy and Girl Scouts.
Another remark I heard a few times (and found baffling) was that “she could kick your ass.” We’re discussing Scout leaders, not SEALS or prize fighters. I’d reply that I have been in fights (both “winning” and losing) and that fighting was nothing to be proud of. It was a conversation stopper, appropriately so. But perhaps only because I ran the troop, which made continuing the topic problematic.
I don’t know what these remarks mean. Virtue-signalling? Self-hatred by men? Senescence of western culture?
Conservatives are trying to conserve feminism…that’s why.
Look at any typical conservathot out there….they want career, birth control and abortion just as much as any lib feminist. The only real difference is they want to shoot guns.
Two things to bear in mind:
First, these are actresses reciting lines that someone wrote for them. They are play-acting just as much as any 8 year old girl pretending to feed cookies to her stuffed animals. They don’t actually know what they are saying any more than someone who memorized an Italian opera aria phonetically really knows what the words mean. Plus…all women have some acting ability,because for a very long time only it was required to survive long enough to bear and raise children. All women are actresses, AWALT.
Second, in the larger picture over the last 100 or more years, let’s remember that all of this is essentially mimicry plus fantasy. It’s women copying the most vivid external actions of men, combined with women’s fantasies about how men think – or ought to. Amelia Earhart is just one example. I’ve had female supervisors in the work force, and over time I learned that what I was seeing in their managerial style was just a copy of some male mentor who trained them. Thus we get 40 year old women acting like 60 year old men right down to the choice of words and adult beverage.
All of which is a real shame for the women and for any men around them.
LOL! That’s funny stuff. The fact that it’s accurate makes it even funnier.
The one-armed female was still knocked down in one punch and without the mercy of the man, would have been subject to his ‘forwardness’.
Regarding actresses, I’ve followed the business end of Hollywood for many decades. A longtime complaint among actresses (and the unions representing them) was that actresses got stuck playing the wife, the mother, the girlfriend, instead of playing the main character.
I remember when Patriot Games (1992) was released. Someone wrote an article for one of the trades, lamenting the lack of meaty roles for women. The writer complained that Anne Archer was too good an actress to be relegated to playing Harrison Ford’s wife.
Actresses wanted, and lobbied for, “proactive” roles equal to those of men. Actresses wanted to be the badass cop, soldier, hero who saves the day. Increasingly, they got their demands met.
Just as minority actors complain that “Hollywood too white,” so too actresses complained about the lack of meaningful roles for women, compared to men’s roles.
Perhaps related to the OP… not sure what to make of these (maybe slightly NSFW) sites…
20 Times Military Women Showed the World How Incredible They Are, Both in and out of Uniform
Which seems to be a story about the Instagram (clothing sales-related?) site:
Which seems to be a story about the Instagram (clothing sales-related?) site:
Women say they want to be taken seriously as soldiers and law enforcement officers. But even in uniform, they still behave like thots.
Watched the Netflix link………..it’s good justification for cancelling your subscription.
I’ll accept certain female superhero genre crap; as it is fantasy depicted as fantasy.
This bar fight is fantasy depicted as reality. God help the one-armed woman who takes on 3 male brawlers in a bar.
The frailties of women are laid bare all around us. They are, simply, conveniently ignored.
And if any fool wants to debate that point, then please pick up the mantle of removing gender barriers in professional sports and the Olympics.
Let’s begin with the UFC fighter arena first.
@Red Pill Latecomer
I see that Ocean’s 8 despite being financed at half the cost of the all-female Ghostbusters is heading domestically for something like an eighty-million dollar loss. The premise of the movie is absurd. Worse: all heist movies should for the proponents fail – the most perfectly planned and executed heist will always go wrong for some entirely unforeseeable reason – a little boy’s ball gets kicked across the road as in League of Gentlemen (1960) and the original Ocean’s Eleven (also 1960) which I saw not so long after its release I forget but there is something similar. That premise simply will not work for a pretty girl who merely needs a man to work for her. Men will bond for a purpose; women do not need to. As Oscar Wilde explained. they become instant best friends but will fall out just as easily. Men do not tend to be like that.
Anon Reader has it.
Everyone knows, or at least should know, this is pure fantasy. Everyone knows that if that linked bar scene were real and not scripted, staged and choreographed, the men there could have easily overpowered and killed those two women with their bare hands, and that even being of average size and strength, and with no training in hand to hand combat.
ScarJo’s Black Widow Avenger – same thing. The “kick ass gal” is a Hollywood fantasy.
Dalrock had a video some time ago of a woman egging on a couple of men in a road rage confrontation. And what happens when one of the men hauls off and hits her after her taunts is that she cries and wails, and quickly backs down.
Once upon a time popular entertainment was watching Fred Astaire dancing with Ginger Rogers. Everything was choreographed, the music was perfect, the male and female forms gracefully brought out the best in each other, and of course the man had the lead.
These female fight fantasies are a direct inversion of that popular entertainment. Everything is choreographed, the music is grating, the male and female forms brutally attack each other, and the woman always wins.
Someone smarter than me can probably explain what that means for culture then vs. culture now.
women are very insecure needledick losers. it’s no wonder they throw that accusation at everyone else.
“If you ever wondered how much Mommy Bloggers earn, the job offers 0.005 cents a word.”
Maybe they’re smarter than we think; they keep on blabbing without anything meaningful to say just to earn a couple of cents extra.
Based on past articles the Christian Pastors would be very impressed by those women.
If the mb crowd is getting .005 a word to babble, how much could we afford to pay the to shut up?
You woman haters have no idea how kickass women really are.
Why, a fully grown 28 year old man could never match the strength and stamina of an octogenarian woman.
Notorious RBG’s workout whips burly pajama boy
Note some other trappings of the scene like how all the men are the first to go for lethal weapons, attack from behind, attempt gang-ups, and other things considered dishonorable.
Meanwhile in the real world, men *NEVER* hit women, much less with weapons and sharp objects. So why are so many scenes like this?
God help the one-armed woman who takes on 3 male brawlers in a bar.
It would make my decade to see one try, and then suffer the natural, logical consequences – all of it caught on video, of course.
I am not endorsing this at all. And men should not do this.
But the fact is the average man could easily overpower and kill even a fit, in shape woman with above average strength. Even if that average man hasn’t been in a gym or exercised in 10 years.
If men decided en masse to start raping and killing women, they could do it. Should they? No. Will they? Doubtful, unless sharia law comes into effect tomorrow. But men have the physical capability to do pretty much whatever they decide to do to women. In a post-Christian society, the only thing that really stops men en masse from raping and killing women is the threat that stronger and more powerful men will stop them.
When you get down to it, men really don’t have much to fear physically from women. They DO have A LOT to fear from stronger, more powerful men.
>the only thing that really stops men en masse from raping and killing women is the threat that stronger and more powerful men will stop them.
The threat of punishment is very secondary to the fact that men are just generally good people . Men don’t rape because rape is bad, and we want to be good.
Larry Kummer — “I don’t know what these remarks mean. Virtue-signalling? Self-hatred by men? Senescence of western culture?”
I thump on ‘conservatives’ all day sometimes, over their cowardice and false-bravado concerning the United Sisterhood. To these guys, dissing other men, whilst simultaneously talking up the ass-kicking toughness of females, is the height of manliness. To them, it shows that the man speaking is SO masculine, SO sure of himself, that he can slag-off ‘those other men’ as failing to reach the heights of maleness that HE and his buddies already have conquered.
When they have daughters, these ‘conservatives’ are even more pathetic with their “she’s got bigger balls than most men” jive. THEY are not ‘most men’, but already SO FAR beyond what other men can manage, that their masculinized daughters can ‘kick their ass’ etc. Smug arrogance.
The social, economic, and legal pressures that entice these Tough Guys to join Team Empowerment have been tremendous the past forty years. Standing up in their public/social circles for boys, men, fatherhood, or masculinity is a guaranteed loser. Such a position can, and will, only bring trouble and hardship into their lives, and they damn well know it. So they take the smooth road.
Meanwhile in the comic books Luke Cage (along with Blade and all the other black heroes) has become completely emasculated, his role reduced to affirming the egos of white women.
I looked at the title and was confused. Then I laughed. 😄
But all jokes aside, another great post Dalrock. Amazing as usual.
So far whenever I’ve seen a video where a woman instigates hitting and the man responds…she is always the loser. If the guy doesn’t respond, she should consider herself lucky. It’s never like Hollyweird where they trade blows and she eventually winds. It’s usually one strike from her, one from him, and it’s over.
Just about everything on Netflix is garbage.
“Can’t wait” to see what they do to Watership Down.
No matter how low the expectations, reality is bound to be worse.
Maybe Hazel will be transgender, and some Strong Independent Does will lead the hapless bucks to their new home.
I won’t be watching Luke Cage. Or The Equalizer.Or Black Panther. Or that movie with 50 Cent in it*.
I work with black men, and Hollywood is creating a myth around the black man in exactly the same way they concocted a myth around the kick-ass woman. That’s the reason I didn’t watch the new Ghostbusters, didn’t watch didn’t watch the new Star Wars movie. The myth simply doesn’t match the reality anywhere near closely enough for it to be credible.
Black men are no better and often a great deal worse, than their European, Asian or Hispanic counterparts. They are being employed in movies at the moment because Hollywood elites want to denigrate white Europeans. They also don’t want to be targeted for termination by Black Lives Matter terrorists.
While on the subject of female icons, Amelia Earhart rightly should get the Gold Raspberry for epic romanticiized failure . So too should ”Rosie The Riveter”, who you will recall, rolled up her sleeves in wartime, put a hanky on her head and got to work pop-riveting panels onto American bombers.
The truth is, the model stopped riveting after 3 months, because she was a piano player and feared for her hands. That didn’t stop feminists from making a good poster out of her.
But then again, when has anything feminists put up have anything to do with reality?
*or directed by him. Or whatever.
Ole Rosie got married and had kids too. Married a dentist and stayed with him until his death. Feminism is a lie.
I guess another great result of WW2 besides cutting down a lot of men was putting women in the workplace.
Avert your eyes, Jed Mask.

Maybe “conservative Christians” should consider that the proper response to female rebellion isn’t passing laws to enable it further.
When did it all start?
I think right around the time men started adopting the vegan diet, wearing fedoras, capri pants, and penny loafers without any freaking socks.
Nature….finds a way…..such that the clitoris becomes a penis and ovaries become testes.
It started much before that. In the US I would say it began with the War of Northern Aggression (also known as the civil war).
Over 600,000 young able bodied men died in that war, causing a generational loss of strong young men. In addition you had Lincoln suspending the Writ of Habeas Corpus and starting the first major abuses of the executive branch of the government. Wide gender swings due to war weaken a nation greatly and caused the start of the women’s suffrage movement in the US, culminating in the 19th amendment. It has all been down hill since then.
Makes you wonder what took her right hand, a pod of mutant rabid orca/grizzly bear hybrids?
I’m surprised to hear a few comments like “I might not even watch season two now” or some such comment. Or “Remember episode six when…” Basically some of you guys actually watch this, whatever the comments were. To each their own but c’mon. You’re not reading books instead of this garbage?
Most Netflix original shows are recitation of SJW doctrine. Some may be cynical pandering, but some written by true believers.
For ideological fervor, I guess “Luke Cage” ranks behind “Orange is the New Black,” the flagship show that tells women they’ll find true awakening and enlightenment in becoming prison lesbians.
@John James R.
Agreed. It gives us some indication as to the amount of time we men are actually devoting to a video screens instead of the outdoors, the weight room or books. Modern day television and even Netflix specials are universally awful entertainment anyway. Reading a good book about military history or Prussian virtues outdoors in the sunshine will always be infinitely better than Season 4 of Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone.
I’m convinced that the best thing men can do to exponentially improve their own lives almost immediately is to ensure nothing feminine or female lies at the center of it.
Isn’t Netflix run by Pres. Obama?
This is the conservative reaction to feminism that I mentioned in the very end of the OP.
Confronting female rebellion is hard and frightening.
Confronting female rebellion is hard and frightening.
The first steps are probably the most difficult, because a betaized man is retraining both himself and a rebellious female. He’s got to deal with his limbic system (fight-freeze-fight) in real time by remaining calm in the face of endless provocation, rebellion, fitness testing, etc. while also attempting to lead her. Just for a start, he has to stop caring about virtually all of the noise that comes out of her mouth.
It’s a lot like potty training a toddler. Except the toddler is rather big and very verbal.
The same applies in group settings, as we can see in virtually all churches, the SBC being only the most recent example. The first step is the hardest, because men in those churches who confront female rebellions will have to endure a lot of mudslinging and noise not just from from
irate, rebellious feministstheir church sisters, but also from theirWhite Knight sockpuppetschurch brothers; the latter are the real danger because of “authoriteh”.Stryker7200: Wide gender swings due to war weaken a nation greatly and caused the start of the women’s suffrage movement in the US,
The Civil War might have boosted the women’s suffrage movement. But historians generally set the start of that movement in the U.S. at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seneca_Falls_Convention
That above link has this interesting historical tidbit:
In the decades leading up to 1848, a small number of women began to push against restrictions imposed upon them by society. A few men aided in this effort.
In 1831, Reverend Charles Grandison Finney began allowing women to pray aloud in gatherings of men and women. The Second Great Awakening was challenging women’s traditional roles in religion.
Recalling the era in 1870, Paulina Wright Davis set Finney’s decision as the beginning of the American women’s reform movement.
That’s been my experience in the Orthodox Church, which is not anywhere near as far gone as the Catholic Church is. I have decided to confront female rebellion head-on in my own diocese, and I have received my due punishment: pushback from the ladies, pushback from the beta-males, and no support at all from my priest – and his boss – my bishop. I have become isolated; I have discontinued my participation in various church boards and activities.
All of that is fine with me. This experience helps my clarify my purpose. The ONLY reason I go to church is to receive the sacraments unto my salvation, and to Hell with the rest. I have lots of free time now that I spend on electrical engineering. It is far more interesting to probe the mysteries of the universe though field theory and advanced math than by serving as the last male on the cuckified, feminized parish council…
Confronting rebellion is hard. A friend who remains married once said to me that a successful marriage requires, among other qualities, that a man must embrace the possibility of conflict and be ready to confront when it happens. In other words, conflict avoidant men should never marry. Another lesson in the wake of the failure of my marriage.
Conflict avoidance does not work with young children. And therefore it most definitely doesn’t work with women, who these days are only a few degrees separated from children in their level of personal accountability, responsibility, demands for authority and power, solipsism and propensity for public, insolent behavior.
Not rocking the boat, let the sleeping monster lie, always comes back to bite you in the balls.
So tempting though, given her emotional tirades, drama and the silent treatment control and punish sequences so common in marriages today. Men who are more direct, embrace discomfort and difficult conversations probably hold their own better in LTRs versus the others.
When you’re a single man you can always smirk or laugh out loud at her nonsense, and walk away head held high.
As a married man, you have to live with this ingrate, and your power to negotiate anything substantial is significantly curtailed. At least until you walk away of your own volition, zeroed out. Or until she drop kicks your ass out of your house with a restraining order.
To my comment above, the word “No.” is a long lost friend for men.
How many husbands have given their own wives the “Red Card”?
So I say buy the word “No.” a beer, and take him around where ever you go from now on.
My wife is a little chubby at 54, she recently dropped below my 175. “Yeah I am lighter than you.”
Here is the thing. Every two weeks since forever I test my bench to see if I can bench my own weight. Never failed yet but I am 55. I regularly pick her up in a bear hug after work. Just swoop her up. Occassionally she tries to lift me. In 30 years never got me off my toes. Yet I regularly bench her weight.
Yup I am real scared of women in a bar fight!! Oooo! Eeek!
I learned at the local comic con that Kate Mulgrew (Captain Janeway from Star Trek Voyager) was in that horrid prison show. I made the mistake of attending her spotlight panel. She has a HUGE chip on her shoulder. She wouldn’t stop complaining about how the other Voyager castmembers would prank her (gee, I wonder why they chose her as their target).
I can’t help but wonder why anyone would watch that prison show.
Those female film critics can’t keep their mouths shut. They’re always talking over Ebert, without saying anything substantive. Just repeating what they’ve already said, as if we’re all desperate for a running update to see if they’ve changed their opinion from 20 seconds ago.
They are stunningly bad. One would think that a woman could be as good a Film Critic as a man since there is no physical or mathematical requirement, but apparently not.
If one listens closely to what they are saying, the women are completely unable to understand any male character, particularly one who is sleazy or evil but gives women tingles. The female brain-gina interface is well and truly obsolete.
I heard her (Kate Mulgrew) say that her own children hate her because of the time Voyager took out of her life.
I first noticed Kate Mulgrew in the 1970s when I was in high school. I channel flipped one summer, and saw her on the soap opera Ryan’s Hope. I actually watched that show for a few weeks, because I thought she was hot. I only watched it for her scenes. Only soap I ever watched.
She was pretty in her youth. I googled her now. Wow, she’s gotten fat.
I also learned on Wikipedia that she’s twice divorced.
Hey, one nice thing I learned about Mulgrew. She gave up a child for adoption rather than have an abortion: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/confidential/kate-mulgrew-reveals-gave-child-adoption-22-article-1.2183619
“God help the one-armed woman who takes on 3 male brawlers in a bar.
It would make my decade to see one try, and then suffer the natural, logical consequences – all of it caught on video, of course.”
Magneto2975, if you don’t mind sharing, what Orthodox jurisdiction are you in?
Without completely doxing myself – the Antiochian Archdiocese of North America. We have our problems, and I’m not the only one who has noticed. I’ve been vocal about my beliefs, and stand behind what I say, so no worries…
Magneto2975, are you cradle or a Protestant convert? Is it the “natives” who are more feminist or the converts? How are Protestant converts being treated these days?
I’m best described as cradle. I was never a Protestant. The Protestant converts are generally quite orthodox. It is the “natives” who “inherited” their faith that are the main sources of problems, especially the ones that are educated in feminist universities. If they studied feminist theology, generally you get a full train wreck. So far, they have been officially rebuffed, but there are many, many sympathetic priests and other laypeople.
Sounds like the Greeks.
No quite as bad. The Greek bishops in America have some serious issues around the issue of ordaining females to the Deaconate. So far they have not done so, but I think they have come close. They may do it – it will probably result in a rupture of communion.
If you ever wondered how much Mommy Bloggers earn, the job offers 0.005 cents a word.
That’s a half cent per word.
No,that’s five one thousandths of a cent.
Now if you had written 0.005 DOLLARS that would be a half penny.
But…You didn’t.
Stuff like this is how The Patriot Act got passed.
I would hope so.
No,that’s five one thousandths of a cent.
Even that’s too much for the garbage they write.
They really should start CHARGING these disgusting moronettes for the server space and network bandwidth that their digital tripe wastes.
Having women as priestess/deaconess in any church is a bad sign and there should be backlash against it. Their idea of ‘gender equality’ has nothing to do with it because the sinister aspects are what should be focused on. I can’t remember who said it but the jist of it was any church that is run by a woman will forget about Jesus Christ within a generation. That’s the sinister aspect.
I would be ok with the restoration of deaconesses IF they brought back the cultural context for the order in the first place — strict separation of the sexes, strict division of sex roles, women-only baptisms (except for the priests), modesty code for women, etc.
But of course, that’s not what the feminists want.
Not entirely OT:
Vox Day had this up today:
It’s either the Gospel of Christ or the gospel of the world, SJWs, and the like…you’ll get the consequences from the choice.
Look at the churches in Sweden and Germany…I bet you the same thing is happening there.
And when it comes to my church…the Catholic one…I can tell you the Jesuits are by far the biggest ire on my list. They are definitely steeped in worldly and social justice matters way too much. Society of Jesus should be remained the Society of Judas the way they act.
Meanwhile conservatives, especially Christian conservatives, spend all of their effort trying to figure out why men have suddenly and mysteriously changed, despite women behaving splendidly.
Each of them should buy a Peloton and be yelled at in 2D by a lesbian every morning.
Magneto2975, while it may seem like a fruitless effort sometimes God calls up Isaiah’s to speak to His people; even if for no other reason than so they have no excuse at the judgment.
Last night, I watched, “The Terminator.” (original, not the reboot).
The whole “kick-ass woman” was on my mind, but I watched it because my son wanted to watch it.
By the end of the movie, I was struck by how good the characters were. No one played a dumb role (running toward danger stupidly or sitting and screaming while danger approached).
Most notably, I saw the character, Sarah Conner, is fairly realistic ways. She was terrified. She didn’t think, for a moment, that she could whip anyone’s ass. Even when trapped in a car with Kyle Reese, her go-to movie was to bite his hand and not send a flurry of devastating blows his direction.
That doesn’t mean she couldn’t show moments of courage and strength. And that was in keeping with her future character, as the mentor to a great leader.
It was refreshing to see vulnerability, fear, and moments of courage. Really well directed acting and character development.
Oh, and in the end, she does have a great finishing line and kills the bad guy – just not by kung fu.
Rereading the title of the post makes me think I got caught up in the unexpected vernacular phrasing too much and didn’t pay enough attention to the first two words and question—-“Who cares…?”
That is a question for pastors to weigh in on, or for us to think about. Does CBMW or Doug Wison or Sheila or anyone actually care about the perversity of women throwing off their natural selves? Do they care that it’s normal now? Would they rebuke me for equating “natural selves” with masculinity instead of lesbianism? “Relax, it’s just for fun.”
They are stunningly bad. One would think that a woman could be as good a Film Critic as a man since there is no physical or mathematical requirement, but apparently not.
Women are actually pretty good at math. From my professional experience I see that abstract math is the only technical field that’s more or less gender-balanced. Also, the percentage of female math majors in universities is much higher than in other STEM disciplines. (Other things like the fact that women enjoy abstract boardgames also confirm.)
What women lack is a single-minded, obsessive dedication to impractical hobbies. Obsessiveness is important for being a good movie reviewer. (As well as for other typically male pursuits — video games, art, politics.)
It is the “natives” who “inherited” their faith that are the main sources of problems, especially the ones that are educated in feminist universities. If they studied feminist theology, generally you get a full train wreck. So far, they have been officially rebuffed, but there are many, many sympathetic priests and other laypeople.
It’s more or less the same in OCA. I think that the Greeks are the furthest along, but OCA isn’t far behind in many places. ROCOR is better — not everywhere, but in a lot of places it’s a lot better. I don’t know much about the situation in ACROD or the other smaller jurisdictions.
Novaseeker – yes. I think the converts are more orthodox just because they chose their faith and because it really matters to them. My wife and I have always conducted our marriage according to the instruction given Ephesians 5:22-33 (and indeed by the whole of scripture), and will continue to do so. There are 14 Orthodox jurisdictions in America. I see that diversity as safety. If the bishop of our present jurisdiction goes nuts, we have 13 more to choose from. I have no problem going ROCOR – I don’t mind a little Old Church Slavonic every now and then… Господи, помилуй!
Women may play such board games, and the numbers are growing slowly, but it is still a predominantly male area. I don’t think I have seen a single woman playing miniatures, but I do see a fair number at a board game convention I attend twice a year.
@Earl – I may have brought this up before, but when exactly did the Jesuits go off the rails? Weren’t they the shock troops of the counter-reformation? I know they established most of the Catholic colleges in the US. Would their preoccupation with academia be the source of their worldliness?
freebird: No,that’s five one thousandths of a cent. Now if you had written 0.005 DOLLARS that would be a half penny.
Well, okay. So it’s 0.005 dollars a word. Still comes to a half cent.
tkatchev @ 7:45 am:
“Women are actually pretty good at math. From my professional experience I see that abstract math is the only technical field that’s more or less gender-balanced. Also, the percentage of female math majors in universities is much higher than in other STEM disciplines.”
I was in those abstract-math classes. Zero women even with affirmative action. What is this professional experience you mention?
“(Other things like the fact that women enjoy abstract boardgames also confirm.)”
You mean cooperative boardgames like Pandemic? Those are the games popular with women these days, not abstract boardgames such as deckbuilding.
This isn’t total nonsense though. Urban black culture is still, even now, far less hostile to traditional masculinity than any of the American white cultures. It’s not usual, even today, for black men to approach women on the street in the hood in ways that white men & women would consider “street harassment”.
The difference is cultural—I know because I’ve seen and lived both sides.
@ Spike
The butthurt is strong with this one. The myths never match reality for any race/sex/etc in comic book movies. Yeesh.
That said, I didn’t make it through season 1 Luke Cage. It was laughably bad and culminating with the unintentionally hilarious murder of Hammerhead I had to shut it off. I read Luke Cage & Power Man comics as a young black kid growing up—really sad to see what they’ve done to the character.
Magneto2975, if you are on Facebook, and to anyone else who is on Facebook — you may be interested in checking out the Red-Pilled Christianity group.
Also Byzantine Christians, Orthodox and Catholic, may be interested in a new group, American Byzantine Christianity.
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Damn Crackers: check out the book on the history of the Jesuits by Malachi Martin, some of it may be questionable, but it may still be decent in some respects. (It’s been a while since I’ve read it from cover to cover.) iirc, Malachi Martin puts the blame on modernist infiltration of the order.
There is also a 2-volume work by a Jesuit, Becker? that is out of print but was published by Ignatius Press and talks about the changes in the Society of Jesus in the 20th century.
OT, the latest from Wintery Knight. Solid gold.
Could be.
Although things like liberation theology certainly hastened the trend. Now they are into the same SJW causes like homosexuality and immigration reform. That being said it’s not only the Jesuits in the church…but it seems a lot of the ones with this mindset are Jesuits.
I watched the bar fight on youtube. I thought it was interesting that most of the men “Misty” is beating up are about her size. Only one, the main bad guy, is a few inches taller. So she must be really tall or the producers went out of their way to find tiny men for her to beat up so the scene wouldn’t look to ridiculous, right?
Turns out she is 5’4″ (slightly below average for a woman) according to her IMDB profile: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1395855/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm
The average man is nearly 5’10”. So yes, the producers went out of their way to find tiny bad guys. Hillarious.
The closing sentence to this post is a solid remorseless devastating KO. Brilliant.
The Marvel Defenders are silly comic book world where even the girls that are not super powered are powered like the most athletic trainen man. Their insistence on this obsession ruined Punisher where they had to focus on girl (check) Muslim (check) who is the only person in virtue (check) against her white male incompentent/evil superiors (check, check, check). This stuff was probably interesting is the 1960s but it’s so boring now. Daredevil season 1 and 2 remain so far above the rest it’s absurd. But all are infected with modern PC nonsense.
@Dalrock please make a post about this movie. The trailer just dropped today and I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Meanwhile conservatives, especially Christian conservatives, spend all of their effort trying to figure out why men have suddenly and mysteriously changed, despite women behaving splendidly. This has to be extremely frustrating for feminists. Misty and Colleen could both whip out 10 inch phalluses, and while the feminists in the audience would squeal in delight, conservatives would either not notice or ask: “What happened to our men that our women are forced to have such big dicks?”
Dalrock, don’t give them any ideas! The church is already so far down the feminist rabbit hole that at this point they’re demanding repentance from men who commit the sin of being repulsed by a woman who brings a fornication resume to their first date. Apparently some married Christian mother even said as much in an internet post, and even specifically warned young Christian women that having tattoos and a promiscuous background would make them less attractive to young Christian men.
It didn’t take long for the modern church ladies to call her out on that heresy:
And then:
We can’t tell women that it’s bad for them to sleep around like sailors. That would be a denial of the concept of grace! Also, everyone knows that a true Christian man would only love his bride all the more if he found out that she’d had sex with many men before him, because that would give him the opportunity to offer her more forgiveness. Just like Jesus!
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