While women like Faith Moore and Sheila Gregoire deny women’s temptation to compete for men’s sexual attention, some complementarian feminists admit that this is going on but blame it on the patriarchy. As complementarian feminist Wendy Alsup explains in her post On Nude Selfies (emphasis mine):
Kim Kardashian broke the internet last week with her nude selfie. She previously posted a nude selfie when pregnant with her son with a general explanation that it was to quiet the body shamers who regularly criticized her body. Last week’s nude selfie made her feel “empowered.”
Kim operates in a power system run on the currency of big breasts, small waists, and sexy butt. She runs in a power system in which her primary power is her sexuality. She said she feels “empowered by her sexuality.” Though she has money, owns a business, and is famous, those don’t make her feel empowered in whatever power structure she perceives herself. The secondary powers of money or fame are based on the one thing that fuels her power, her sexuality. She does not bank alone in this power system. Many women do similarly though with lesser currency and lesser power. Kardashian and Beyonce are two of the most savvy women in our world at exploiting this currency for their own benefit.
The problem in this system is that women didn’t create this currency. They have, however, learned how to build their bank account and spend their earnings in it. If a dictator takes over your world and changes the form of money from euros to won, eventually the savvy are going to start operating in won if they want power or influence under the dictator. Satan changed the currency between men and women at the fall. Men oppress women, and women still desire men to the point that they sell their soul (or their body on the internet) to trade in their currency.
Alsup quotes another complementarian feminist (Hannah Anderson) to reinforce the point:
“Rather than dismantling male power structures, (nude selfies) are an attempt to gain power through them. They ARE a form of female empowerment but only because they buy into the established system. Feminine beauty is valuable because the people who want it the most (men) hold biological and sociological power. In other words, feminine sexuality is a commodity that can be leveraged to gain power because of the demand that already exists.
In a fallen world, men hold power, and sinful men hold onto it for their own benefit; women need to gain power both to protect themselves as well as desiring it out of their own sinfulness. The result? Women use the one thing they have that men want to shift power away from those men. The problem, though, is that it ends up harming other women. It becomes a form of competition for the limited resource of male attention, which is the means of gaining power.”
This is all standard feminist boilerplate with a dash of Christian seeming theology mixed in. What makes this noteworthy however is that it is coming from women who are taken seriously in complementarian circles. You can read Wendy Alsup’s contributions to Dr. John Piper’s Desiring God website here, and her contributions to The Gospel Coalition here. Likewise, you can read Desiring God’s endorsement of Hannah Anderson’s book here, and her contributions to The Gospel Coalition here. If one or both of their names sound familiar, it could be because of a quote I shared from another complementarian feminist in my post Androcentric chimps chimping
Gary McQuinn, named so many of the issues friends like Jen Wilkin, Wendy Alsup, Hannah Anderson, and others—all complementarians paying particular attention to women’s involvement and leadership—had been talking about for years.
There is a direct pipeline from the women’s studies department at your local university into the complementarian mind, and complementarians are entirely incapable of defending themselves from this.
Dalrock, do be careful. As inexpressibly grateful as we here all are for your wading through these sources of editorial and intellectual excrement (so that that rest of us don’t have to) in order to produce your essential and insightful articles, I cannot help but worry that a steady “diet” of doing so will have long-term deleterious effects on the psyche and soul. My prayers are for extra God-given strength that you may continue this battle against Satan’s legions. Needless to say, we cannot thank you enough.
“Limited resource of male attention” as the means of gaining power.
My my, how those fish need bicycles…
‘The problem in this system is that women didn’t create this currency.’
‘Satan changed the currency between men and women at the fall. Men oppress women, and women still desire men to the point that they sell their soul (or their body on the internet) to trade in their currency.’
Rhetorical question
Did she read the Bible and figure out who Satan tempted first for change of currency to happen?
Inre the references to the article (this and all others from the same sources), is it not by now safe for us to assume that EVERY published woman, unless her body of written and oral work demonstrates otherwise, is by default a feminist (in deed and attitude, if not by self-admission)? Wouldn’t it be easier to reserve descriptions solely for those precious few women like Lori Alexander who are submissive Christian wives and helpmeets and mortal enemies of the christo-feminist majority?
Rhetorical question
Did she read the Bible and figure out who Satan tempted first for change of currency to happen?
Now Earl, you KNOW that there is no such narrative in the New American Feminist Bible that is these women’s go-to reference source.
Since the last comment appear to be eaten:
Did she also read the bible and miss that the “changing of the currency” was done by God, not Satan?
The NAFB would have two verses.
Women are goddesses but are perpetually oppressed by the Patriarchy.
It’s never the woman’s fault, it’s always the man’s.
Good point.
I’d think if feminists ever got down to brass tax…God is the ‘oppressive patriarch’ they are trying to liberate from.
Seems like there is a direct pipeline from the sewer to ‘gender studies’ courses these days as well.
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@earl. Yep. Eve’s temptation was possible because she wanted to be as God. Hypergamy at work…
Once again :
‘Feminism’, far from helping women, has instead exposed the full extent of female inferiority (moral, intellectual, spiritual, civic, economic, parental, spousal) far more visibly than was ever possible before ‘feminism’.
It is amazing how much traditional customs and restrictions did to package them up as something far better than they really are. This benefited both women and society.
What makes this noteworthy however is that it is coming from women who are taken seriously in complementarian circles.
And bear in mind, as tragicomic as this is – the complementarians are viewed by many evangelicals as the far right, hard core storm troopers of patriarchy; taking those biblical injunctions about men and women WAY too far. Yes, the very ones that formed a committee 30 or so years ago to invent new phrases specifically designed to placate church feminism. It didn’t work.
Eve’s temptation was possible because she wanted to be as God.
The Bible actually says Eve desired wisdom. The serpent was the one who brought up the subject of being as a god. Perhaps Eve did not yet know what Solomon knew: if you want wisdom, ask God for it. You don’t need to eat the forbidden fruit.
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. Genesis 3:6
God said to Solomon, “Since this is your heart’s desire and you have not asked for .. a long life but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people over whom I have made you king, therefore wisdom and knowledge will be given you. And I will also give you wealth, possessions and honor, such as no king who was before you ever had and none after you will have.” 2 Chronicles 1:11-12
The dreaded male gaze! RAAAAAAPe! Get thee thine eyes plucked out!
I cannot stomach this inane bitch talk much at all. They are categorically insane. Reading this actually makes me sick.
Solomon sought divine wisdom, from God himself and in obedience to God (and was blessed).
Eve sought counterfeit “wisdom”, from Satan himself and in direct disobedience to God (and was cursed).
These appear to be diametric acts, not similar.
@richardP: Is God wise? Does God have the knowledge of Good and Evil? Is that wisdom? If so, point out the difference between being “As God” and being wise in this context.
Besides, don’t point out that Eve had no clue in regard to the morality of disobeying God, since she had no knowledge of Good or Evil, nor the ability to tell the difference between truth or lie.
And frankly, many still don’t, or try not to.
I too recall that Satan declared of women that “your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you”.
earl says: I’d think if feminists ever got down to brass tax…God is the ‘oppressive patriarch’ they are trying to liberate from.
Absolutely right. God is the Father of Patriarchy. God commands men to be heads, and women to be subjects. God made women unequally weaker. If you have a problem with any of that, your problem is that you take issue with God, and His ways. “White Knighting” is feminist rebellion against God, disguised as sympathy or love for women. If you really loved women, and feared God, you would be encouraging women to know their place, and humble themselves in obedience to their Father and their husband. The hirelings don’t do that because they don’t fear God, and aren’t afraid to steal money from Him. Will a man rob God? No, they’ll burn for taking money on the pretense of ministering God’s word, and then teaching the Feminist opposite.
Bang on. This is exactly my understanding – and shows how far US Christianity has departed from historic Christianity. 95% of the women-folk are today fighting God Himself (not just their husbands). Dalrock has been my single most important teacher on these subjects.
Perhaps it was ignorance on her part….but it bears asking….do feminists think the true God is Satan?
I have read accounts from Satanists and they have this warped inverted thinking that the serpent was our savior or liberator and that God was the oppressive dictator who wouldn’t let us have ‘enlightenment’.
As others have noted, most Leftist ideologies (like Feminism) amount to “screw you, Dad!” God is the ultimate Dad, so if your entire worldview revolves around giving Dad the middle finger, eventually you’re going to give God the middle finger.
Good luck with that.
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?When is the last time John Piper or The Gospel Coalition had an article on 1 Timothy 2:9? Seriously, I don’t believe I have ever head a sermon or mention of that verse in the last 20 years.
Hamster wheel spinning at lightspeed now. Gonna fall of the axle and crash. Watch out for the fallout.
As others have noted, most Leftist ideologies (like Feminism) amount to “screw you, Dad!” God is the ultimate Dad, so if your entire worldview revolves around giving Dad the middle finger, eventually you’re going to give God the middle finger.
Pure gold, Oscar.
As others have noted, most Leftist ideologies (like Feminism) amount to “screw you, Dad!”
The rapid rise in hysterical feminism goes hand in had with the “we don’t need no stinking fathers!” brigade.
It’s ironic that what feminists rant about most is what would unfortunately ultimately solve this issue – a good punch in the face. I was reminded about this while recently watching an old John Wayne film.
There is a grain of truth in Alsup’s tortured “currency” metaphor. For years I wondered why men continued to insist on enforcing the masculine role on men but balked at enforcing anything on women. The same guys who use the term “soy boy” do not dare call a woman “slut” or “whore”; in fact if they observe another man using slut-shaming language they call them incels and betas.
So they use the emasculating slurs on men who don’t conform to traditional masculine roles and on men who wish to reimpose traditional feminine roles and obligations on women. That’s why I call it “halfway house feminism.” That might be what Dalrock means by complementarianism.
Why do men praise other men and women (e.g. Rhonda Rousey, female soldiers) for masculine accomplishments, but shame men for effeminacy while remaining completely neutral on women who stick to traditional roles?
It’s because these men know what they’d have to give up if they did impose traditional norms on women. If women were expected to be mothers above all else, men would have to give up casual sex with lots of women. Very few women stick to the traditional feminine role these days, which is why they’re blase when they encounter a young woman who has decided to become a mother. They don’t see her as a threat.
This is why all of the “self-improvement” PUAs who hang out at Roissy’s blog and Roosh V’s forum are feminists. They deviate from the feminist script only it when it impedes manwhoring. So they’re for “body shaming” and against listen-and-believe. Otherwise, they support female liberation from tradition. Men who support the traditional role of women as mothers are insecure betas who need religious strictures to get a woman. One guy called it “subsidizing” marriage.
So she’s right that men created this “power system” though her analysis doesn’t take her to the same place as me because she starts with false assumptions.
What a bunch of horseshit. Kim Kardashian operates in a system she created when she gained her fame from her self-released sex tape. Women push and trade sexual currency because it has proven an effective tool to get what is wanted from men since forever.
Related: “Everybody wants and nobody’s ashamed.”
@Earl “I have read accounts from Satanists and they have this warped inverted thinking that the serpent was our savior or liberator and that God was the oppressive dictator who wouldn’t let us have ‘enlightenment’.”
I’m pretty sure this is the basis of Wicca, and is shown in the movie “The Witch” as well as the Satanism you are thinking of. Both atheistic and theistic Satanist agree that he is the hero of the Biblical account as he brought reason to man.
It’s also interesting that the Gnostic’s taught that the creator of the material universe, the Demiurge, was the son of Sophia, the mother of the creator. Being blind to all that is spiritual, he traps the world in materialism blocking mankind from their spiritual heritage. The only way for mankind to regain his lost spirituality is renew the feminine spark through “gnosis”. I’m not an expert on Gnosticism, so correct me if I got some stuff wrong. But I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more of a push towards this as women gain more and more control over Churchianity. The cuckservatives in the church have little to no knowledge of past heresies apparently. I mean, God has already been portrayed as a woman in popular “Christian” literature.
@Dry Holes said: Solomon sought divine wisdom, from God himself and in obedience to God.
No. That night God appeared to Solomon and said to him, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” … Solomon answered God, … “Give me wisdom and knowledge …
The Bible says Solomon asked for plain old wisdom and knowledge, not divine wisdom. And God did not tell Solomon to ask for wisdom, so the asking was not in obedience to God. Read 1 Corinthians 1:7-12 for yourself. What does it actually say.
@vfm7916 said: … don’t point out that Eve had no clue in regard to the morality of disobeying God.
OK, I won’t. And didn’t. What I said was that apparently Eve seemed to not know what Solomon knew – that she could ask God for wisdom. That was sort of tongue in cheek, but the point is still valid. I was not addressing whether Eve had a clue about the morality of disobeying God.
@vfm7916 said: … point out the difference between being “As God” and being wise in this context.
No. My point was that the Bible says it was the serpent who spoke about “being as gods” – note the plural and the little “g” – not Eve. Your comment may have merit, but it is does not change the point I made. That is – what does the Bible actually say. I quoted what the Bible says – which is different from what was stated in the comment to which I was responding.
Words matter. Here, and in the Bible
Reading comprehension matters. Here, and in the Bible.
Despite preferential hiring,preferential advances in education, presumed innocence in a court of law instead of the opposite for men, women continue to be oppressed by all the awful male power, as evidenced by the creepy basement dwelling video game playing incels laughing diabolically whilst FORCING women to spend hours caking on makeup,buying thousand dollar purses,ten thousand dollar dresses, and hundreds of hours in “twerking class” also known as sugar daddy school where the man pays for everything and gets nothing.
Yes the problem is obviously external to the female form,it could NOT possibly be an internal feature. (solipsism,narcissism)
Vanity thy name is woman.
Accountability she has not thereof.
What is needed is Moar Feminazism.
That will balance the scales to the final solution.
Johnny law polishes his six shooter,he wants to see the pink mist when he saves the maiden.
American funded and trained terrorist camps in Syria, 22 of them.
Yay ‘Murica!
Go Team Freedom!
F*ck Yeah!
That is some serious hamstering complaining of male sexual power.
When a fugly 300 LB land whale can get laid at a crap bar,while handsome men who workout and have nice bods can’t get laid because they don’t have *more* money they are willing to Throw Away.
Seriously retarded tatted up blue hair nose ring whore gets laid and Johnny Average has porn.
I would like a taste of the female supremacist kinda power just Once in my life.
Why don’t women approach?
Because they don’t have to.They have all the power.
Projection It’s not just a river in Egypt.
What’s more:
This drivel was supposedly written by a fembot edumacated by the skools?
IF there was any intelligence behind that screed, it was to LIE.
Another small item women have no problem with.
(Lying control freak whores)
Dry Holes,
Thank you.
I came to the realization today, that only one woman in the entire Bible is known to have had a husband who loved her “according to the love of the Lord”.
And she, Gomer, was a whore, and cheated on Hosea like crazy, having kids with a slew of different men.
The hirelings try to say women are “responders”, but women don’t obey, because women are actually rebels. All we like sheep have gone astray. From Eve in Genesis to the Great Whore in Revelation, all women are sinners. There is no sinless goddess in Christianity. And those who try to make women sinless are false teachers.
Jude 1:4 For certain persons have crept in unnoticed, those who were long beforehand marked out for this condemnation, ungodly persons who turn the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.
These hireling false teachers are not of Christ. And that is why every day of my life I’ve witnessed the gates of hell prevailing against these foolish losers, as our generation descends down the broad road to destruction. They can’t fight with the sword of God’s Word, because they’re ashamed of half of it, and don’t want to unsheathe it and illumine their own darkness. They fear women and men more than God. If they feared God, they’d preach His word as though they weren’t ashamed of it. They’d preach the most unpopular parts with the boldness of the martyr Steven. There would be zero desire in their hearts to compromise with our corrupt culture, and every desire to be counted worthy to suffer for Christ, if that should come from being a true ambassador, and not an unauthorized appeaser of the wicked. They don’t want to suffer for Christ because they are full of unbelief, foolishness, and cowardice. But, courage, the virtue which guarantees the preservation of all the other virtues, is completely lacking in them. What passes for pastoral courage these days is mostly grandstanding and attention seeking, and showmen body slamming the shit out of strawmen on Sunday morning before cheering crowds, that rightly doubt the spiritual wrestling, but just enjoy the entertaining spectacle.
“The problem in this system is that women didn’t create this currency.”
None of the lies she spouts screams louder than this one. Even if one sets aside the Biblical narrative, it is everywhere and at all times blindingly obvious that, in fact, women DID and DO create this currency, and that they also set its exchange rate and determine its market fluctuations. This is just one more example of how oblivious women often are of the power that they in fact hold tight in their hands even as they caterwaul about how powerless they are.
What a bunch of horseshit. Kim Kardashian operates in a system she created when she gained her fame from her self-released sex tape. Women push and trade sexual currency because it has proven an effective tool to get what is wanted from men since forever.
I agree.
Their perspective, to play devil’s advocate a bit, is that men create this currency through men’s sexual desire for women. In other words, their idea is that if men did not desire women sexually the way they do, women wouldn’t use their sexuality as a currency. In other words, if men’s desire for women worked more like women’s desire for men, women wouldn’t be as tempted to use their physical appearance as “currency” to cater to men’s desire. It’s the idea of toxic masculinity, without using the phrase — the idea that everyone would be better off if men weren’t, you know, the way they are — including if men were attracted to women more like the way women are attracted to men.
Of course, that would be a different universe than the one we live in — but that little factual detail isn’t of importance, since they are speaking of “ideals” in their own minds.
My understanding of pornography is that women are only ever in it because evil men made them do it.
Evil pornographers offer them money, offer them love, offer them a nice home, offer them drugs, offer them nice things. The innocent young women get snared in this because, well, they are helpless to resist these powerful men. They don’t have the agency.
So when it comes to the naked selfie, there isn’t a man around. Just her naked self, a mirror and a phone.
She takes those pictures for a measure of notoriety, “fame”, and the power of her sex appeal.
How are men STILL responsible?
“Men oppress women, and women still desire men to the point that they sell their soul (or their body on the internet) to trade in their currency.”
Male sexuality is demeaned will female sexuality is celebrated, by being victimized no less.
We are made a certain way, women know this. They’ve heavily targeted our biologically evolved senses almost daily since the 60s.
It’s a time honoured, entitled, solipsistic, bordeline, hypocritical, shit test & cock tease all rolled into one.
We are made a certain way, women know this. They’ve heavily targeted our biologically evolved senses almost daily since the 60s.
It’s a time honoured, entitled, solipsistic, bordeline, hypocritical, shit test & cock tease all rolled into one.
So true. But all this is nothing but the whining of a conquered people, unless they decide to do something about it. Feminists are bullies. As bullies, they don’t respond to the whining and grumblings of their victims. They only respond to active confrontation.
It is the men, not the women, that are responsible for allowing the women to get away with this injustice.
sounds like oppressing women is natural and normal, by their own admission.
I dunno ladies, sounds like too much work. enjoy being part of an alpha harem or becoming a cat lady.
Are there actually men who find Kim Kardashian attractive? I find her completely repulsive, almost a circus freak with the way she has distorted her body. It seems to be mostly women I read gabbing about her.
Excellent post! I was at a co-ed Bible college in Southern California when a group of young men went to the Dean of the college. They complained about how some of the young women were dressing and showed him passages where the bible instructs women to be modest. His gave them his response at the Sunday night chapel, a time when the whole school came together, by telling all the men at the college that they should keep their eyes to themselves and not attempt to usurp a woman’s liberty in Christ. It’s as you say, “they are more afraid of women than God.”
Since then I’ve seen that “liberty in Christ” tortured more times than I care to remember.
Then they need to go back and back and back again all the time and tell the Dean that the Bible doesn’t say that. There are dress codes for a reason, for both men and women. Either that or men should go to university in nothing but underwear. If the complain, tell them that they mustn’t usurp your liberty in Christ.
The only way to stop this is to be more crazy than them.
Once men do keep their eyes to themselves, the women will be complaining that men don’t pay them attention and around and around we go.
That’s why when you join and Church or a university or any club you sign consent forms. In those forms are dress codes. Either abide by them or GTFO.
“Are there actually men who find Kim Kardashian attractive?”
Black men, mostly. They seem to have a thing for trashy White women.
OT, however I felt the need to share. I was talking with an older guy I know at the gym and I found out he has been divorced twice. He probably gave me the most simple advice when it came to women:
‘They are either for you or against you.’
Isn’t that what we’ve all been trying to say in our own way?
Well what they call ‘opression’ is actually being under the mantle of the authority of their lawful superiors.
@ Novaseeker
So, using sex as currency makes one oppressed, while using currency as currency makes one the oppressor. So…. they’re Marxists.
A small correction – it was God who said that, not Satan.
“There is a direct pipeline from the women’s studies department at your local university into the complementarian mind, and complementarians are entirely incapable of defending themselves from this.”
Oh, they’re capable all right. They just don’t want to defend themselves, much less defend the Bible. Meaning, defend Father and King. That would require character and courage, and it would end their fat, easy, semi-celebrity lifestyles. No reason to rock that boat by standing up to women and their State. Christo-feminist is so much more popular. Safer, and lucrative.
God hates a coward and they’ll be finding out about that after Play Time is over.
feeriker — “As inexpressibly grateful as we here all are for your wading through these sources of editorial and intellectual excrement (so that that rest of us don’t have to) in order to produce your essential and insightful articles, I cannot help but worry that a steady “diet” of doing so will have long-term deleterious effects on the psyche and soul.”
His soul is doing just fine.
Oscar — “As others have noted, most Leftist ideologies (like Feminism) amount to “screw you, Dad!” God is the ultimate Dad, so if your entire worldview revolves around giving Dad the middle finger, eventually you’re going to give God the middle finger.”
That’s the heart of it. There is a large continent of actual wiccans and satanists in America, mostly females, but there isn’t a huge amount of overt worship of satan amongst feminists. For women, their well-manicured rage and rebellion is sourced closer to home. I can do whatever I want, the State and Church say so, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me, Dad. Husband. Male.
U.S. females have been in Total Destruction Mode for decades. That’s what females do when they are allowed to live without responsibility or imposed restraint.
ray said:”Oh, they’re capable all right. They just don’t want to defend themselves, much less defend the Bible. Meaning, defend Father and King. That would require character and courage, and it would end their fat, easy, semi-celebrity lifestyles. No reason to rock that boat by standing up to women and their State. Christo-feminist is so much more popular. Safer, and lucrative.”
The irony is, when real persecution comes to the States, their female/soy-boy congregation will quickly capitulate, or more likely, be the harbinger of their demise. Recognizing their folly, those who are not totally debased will call out to the men in desperation, but their plea’s will only be meet with silence.
Our era is different, as women boast about their beta boyfriends and their great sex with bad boys: chapter one million.
‘I Love My Boyfriend, But I Can’t Stop Cheating!’ at Medium.
‘I Love My Boyfriend, But I Can’t Stop Cheating!’
Followed by…in a few short years
‘I’m 50 and Alone…Why This is All Men’s Fault’
“Are there actually men who find Kim Kardashian attractive?”
“Black men, mostly. They seem to have a thing for trashy,fat, and ugly White women.”
Fixed, for clarification.
Larry & Earl, also on Medium: https://medium.com/the-cut/being-orbited-by-exes-is-my-favorite-thing-3d059c025ac3
Being Orbited by Exes Is My Favorite Thing. When I catch one looking at my Instagram Story, it allows me to imagine, for a moment, that my life is as fun as the social-media show I’ve curated.
And while she’s living in fantasyland another egg dies.
Apparently being a successful Cock-Tease must be as rewarding, or even more so, than sex for some women.
Most things are vain in the light of eternity, but that there is vain by any objective standard.
While her eggs are dying, her years are fleeting, and her beauty fades, she’s banking away stories of men she lured, tempted, teased, and then rejected, after the men had fallen prey to lust for her, all to please her master, Satan. We live in a depraved and darkened world. Let us shine the light of Christ!
Happy V-J Day! (it has nothing to do with Vaginas, for you ladies lurking)

At least it is V-J Day here in the USA.
Couldn’t those Japs have at least smiled for the picture? /S
Like a dog returns to eats it’s vomit men return to pussy begging.
If men were able to resist gynocracy we would not being having a conversation.
It’s no wonder they consider themselves as Masters in the master-slave relationship.
Because that’as exactly what’s it’s been Codified by Law into being.
The church and marriage are both dead.just haven’t fell over yet.
There never was a God,only human need for something better,no it’s all crap,and it’s all dying by entropy.
Like a dog that returns to its vomit Is a fool who repeats his folly. Proverbs 26:11
‘If indeed they have escaped the corruption of the world through their knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, only to be entangled and overcome by it again, their final condition is worse than it was at first. It would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than to have known it and turned away from the holy commandment passed on to them. Of them the proverbs are true: “A dog returns to its vomit,” and, “A sow that is washed goes back to her wallowing in the mud.” 2 Peter 2:20-22
It is interesting that women feel the one power they have is their feminine sexuality.
Maybe because it is the easiest to apply and use. And with the most immediate reactions and responses from men. Social media has only amplified such responses and the overall level of thirst.
I agree it is a formidable power that women posses, but feminine sexuality is by no means the only power with which they can compete effectively for male attention or affect favorable outcomes in their day-to-day life.
For example, female youth, health and beauty are also powerful, influential female powers, though with limited shelf-life and duration for most women. Km Kardashian will be 38 years old in October. She is fairing above-average in this area due to good genes.
But probably the most important power for disqualifying female competitors, that easily escapes the common parlance of the modern western woman, is “feminine virtue”, namely:
This is because such feminine virtues are now regarded by feminists to be a “tool of the patriarchy” to control and oppress women!
But women, when they can, will often use their feminine sexuality to control, influence and reward compliance in men (who allow it).
Their solipsism is showing.
Ugh. Matt Forney, despite being in the sphere for a full decade, did a range of beta things :
1) He was having sex with a woman 10 years older than him.
2) He built her website for free and hosted it for free.
Now she is accusing him of all sorts of things.
Gee, I thought he was red pill. Apparently not.
The 2016 article by conservative feminist Wendy Alsup isn’t complete. There should have been a quote from some 20 year old to the effect of “I only take nude selfies for my boyfriend! No one else needs to see them!”. Then Alsup could nod her head and opine that if boys are offended by T & A they should just gouge out their offended eye…because it’s in the Bible! No conservative feminist article is complete without a mangled Bible quote.
It’s easy to get fooled by them…after all PUAs talk a good game.
It’s easy to get fooled by them…after all PUAs talk a good game.
He was never a PUA, and wrote very little about Game. The fact that he drifted more into White Nationalism and started attending AmRen conferences in fact was a huge omega-male indicator.
You won’t see Krauser, or even Roosh, get into trouble with a shrike he was formerly having sex with (i.e. they would avoid the shrikes).
What positively wonderful attributes,you have named them well.
Alas I’ve not seen these soft features in a coon’s age.
Perhaps the Sjw’s should petition the Lord of Lawzzz to have these offensive wordz removed from the lexicon.
The johnny lawgunz can Fire At Will on the offending male offenders.
Duh, er, Dur yur Dishonor Dah Offender was attempting to perpetrate an offense against this unwilling lass, er, umm,I mean Princess of the Court.
So I took my service weapon and rehab-hab-hab-habilitated his ass on the spot.
Sneer dur dur.hardee Har har har!
Now back to your regular scheduled twerking competition where the Superior Ones show off the asses, Hem, “Assets”
And the rapping DJ sings;
“Yo bitcfh shake dat ass,yo bitch shake dat ass,yo bitch!
NY Post reports a pleasant diversity in our culture,oy yeah whiteness needs erasing.
So shake dat ass bitch,shake dat ass bitch shake dat ass bitch
Part two
“all the beautiful people”
Johnny Buggatti the EU model slicks back his hair and prepares to go to “The Creamery’
where the music (If you can call it that) is very loud and the dance floor
(Again,if you can call it that) is flooded with fog and of course various smoke from the meth-glass,vaporizers, and plain old fashioned cancer sticks.
There is a penis shaped liquor bong shoot where JaRone puts his “Special Mix” mixed drink at the top,and it cools it’s way down the ice funnel to the waiting fems lips to be guzzled like a later day Babylonian cum.
Tyrone puts on his Gold chains and makes sure he’s got the Saturday night special along in case someone “Disrespects” him, or “dissing” as it’s better known.
The girls get hot when they see the handle end of his blaster.
Jaja and Tata are leading the girls (for pay) in a topless romp round of grinding on all the
“alpha male” cocks they can find,you may have known them better in old days as
“Scuzz buckets.”
Suddenly a fight breaks out” Johnny Bugatti has his Italian switchblade out and is looking to cut JaRone,who dissed his shorty.
JaRone makes the mistake of panicking,he falls into the fog and gets kicked in the head multiple times by girls gone bad,who hate top see a weak man down.
Ironically this saves JaRone from seriously getting cut by Johnny’s knife, but alas,in the malay
Tyrone his pulled his gat and intends to demonstarte some real alpha male prowness.
Tyrone screams “get off my homey” and beings to fire indiscriminately into the crowd.
Several fine young youths (yutes) of the female persuasion are hit, they are rendered incapable of replacing the lost articles of clothing and are minimally embarrassed too
be “bare assed” when their folks see the State of Undress in the hospital.
“Oh Susy, I thought you said you were going with the girlscouts to climb Amber Mountain tonight?”
“Oh mom,get off my back already will ya,all the kids are doing it.”
Just to show how far the SJWs have taken over science fiction, here is an excerpt from the Code of Conduct required at Loscon, a Los Angeles sci-fi convention: https://loscon.org/45/code-of-conduct/
The page naturally forbids “harassment” at the convention. It then offers some examples of what not to do:
What is harassment?
Harassment is generally any behavior that causes discomfort or alarms or threatens another person or group.
Here are some examples of harassment:
Offensive verbal comments about sex, pregnancy, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, sexuality or marital status.
Offensive verbal comments about physical or mental disability, physical appearance or body size.
Offensive verbal comments about race, color, ancestry, national origin or religion.
Offensive verbal comments about age, genetic characteristics, or a history or diagnosis of cancer.
Sustained disruption of classes, talks or other events.
Leering, staring or suggestive gestures.
Stalking or following someone around a public area without their consent.
Repeated requests for dates or requests for sexual favors.
Showing sexual images or carrying out sexual activities in public spaces.
Epithets, slurs, negative stereotyping, offensive jokes or offensive visual materials related to a protected characteristic.
Any written, visual or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion to an individual or group because of a protected characteristic.
Photographing or recording someone when you have been asked not to.
Uninvited physical contact, including touching, grabbing, patting, pinching, hugging, kissing.
Threatening to physically attack someone.
Sexual assault.
Graphic verbal commentaries about an individual’s body, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual, or obscene letters, notes or invitations.
Harassing communications via letters, phone calls, e-mails, text messaging or social media.
Prohibited harassment includes gender-based harassment of an individual of the same sex as the harasser.
I had to check for I knew nothing of her to see what Miss Kardashian had done to gain such earthly fame that a Christian apologist such as Ms Alsup would write in Miss Kardashian’s defence. Colour me shocked. From her photos I would not have assumed that she was Cauacasian but perhaps that is the tanning.
This is how Richard Wagner puts it into the mouth of Loge in Das Rheingold:
I sought in vain
and now can see full well
in the whole world
nothing is precious enough
to satisfy a man in substitute
for the delight and worth of a woman!
Wherever life does move,
in water, on land and in air,
i sought diligently,
I have enquired of all
wherever force doth rouse
and buds do spring;
what do men deem
more potent
than the delight and worth of a woman?
But no matter where life stirs
my questioning guile
met only with derision
In water on earth and in the air
naught will forgo.
It sounds better in the German but it hardly suggests that men have the power Ms Alsup ascribes to men merely that men are more like slaves.
…better with the music – .from about 04.25 to 06.30
“Kim operates in a power system run on the currency of big breasts, small waists, and sexy butt. She runs in a power system in which her primary power is her sexuality.”
This is nonsense. The most powerful women are almost all lacking in this so-called “currency.” Hillary Clinton, Janet Reno, Nancy Pelosi, and many other powerful women are examples of this.
And since her entire thesis is built on this foundation, it all falls down once one stops for a minute and actually looks at the women who have gained power.
Over in the real world, women’s 4-1 ingroup preference, aka Team Woman confirmed yet again.
Not to worry, though, because as we are constantly informed, and re-informed, and re-informed again in case we didn’t get the message: Not All Women Are Like That…
AF/BB IVF style.
Yeah, yeah NAWALT…but a sizable number are and that’s the point.
I don’t know what all your standards are, but I would find Kim Kardashian to be attractive, though I would not touch her at all due to her attitude and whoredom.
She is much better than most women in the country. Very few attractive women in church these days, not to mention WalMart or other public venues. KK may not have supermodel looks, but she is far better than most, and definitely plays off that.
Janet Reno makes HRC look attractive….
Billy… dude…
In a righteous world, men hold power as given to them by God, so…
Pingback: We tighten the leashes on men and unleash women - Fabius Maximus website
Very interesting. Thanks.
I very much like the transformation from a good metaphor – the economics of free market nude selfies – into an assumed reality of a world economy of globalized nude selfie currencies.
Much better than Bitcoin.
IMHO, Diane Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Nancy Pelosi were all very attractive when they were younger. Never cared for their politics but they were very desirable in their 20s and 30s. I’m sure it gave the 3 from California a big boost over male competitors in their entry-level elections and sure helped Brother Bill decide who to marry.
Physical beauty, male or female, is just another asset. Just because the male aesthetic is different than a females doesn’t mean it isn’t just as important. You’d have to hide it for it not to help you. People who are aesthetically pleasing to look at ought to be thankful for it. Fortunately, there is a very wide range that most people considered attractive. Youthfulness and good health are universally considered desirable.
Once you are in office, incumbency and performance become far more important than visual attractiveness.