I offered this as a comment over at Instapundit, in response to a post on the impending sexbot revolution.
Time is the modern woman’s real enemy here, with technology merely enhancing the effect. By continuously pushing out the age of marriage women are betting that their one day husband will still devote his teens and 20s preparing to be a provider, and not elect to either become the bad boy young women crave or settle for technologically enhanced masturbation. The problem is once a woman is 30(ish) and ready to marry, her male peers can no more go back and focus their 20s on education and career than she can go back and devote her youth and fertility to her husband.
Even worse, small mismatches between supply and demand can have a huge effect. If there are 100 30-something women demanding that men “man up” and put a ring on it, but only 80 men who spent the last 10-15 years preparing to man up, all of the women will find that good men are in short supply. Sure the 30 something unmarried woman can call the missing men losers, but she can’t change the fact that she’s competing with a glut of other marriage hunting women her own age.
And of course it isn’t just porn and sex dolls that risk derailing a young man from preparing for the day a decade hence when his peers will suddenly wish to marry. Legalized pot won’t help keep him on track either.
Funny, I’d just read that Daily Star article about the SoCal 60-something dollbanger. Is it worth reading the article at Insta? PJMedia is generally pretty blue pill…
[D: The comment thread is pretty funny.]
You didn’t ask the really obvious question, though:
Just how bad have Western women become that a man would prefer the “company” of a motorized department-store dummy to a “real live woman”?
Bad boys w/ ZFG are what they want. Maybe this actually provides what their hypergamous selves crave.
I had a friend/co-worker who was an engineering professor at a major university in my area. Smart, (too) thin, and cute enough. That’s exactly what she picked in a husband.
They’re split up, and she took her daughter back to her home state, where she got another academic job.
I honestly think that’s what she wanted to do the whole time. So the plan can work. Of course it only fully works for about 1 generation. Then the returns drop precipitously.
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This is a temporary condition; Those that breed will inherit the future, in a surprisingly short time. While women are inherently mercenary when looking for a provider, they absolutely feel the call of the flesh and fundamentally want a dominant man. The more a woman short circuts her biology with serotonin uptake inhibitors, contraceptive hormones, and the mental drug of feminism, the more likely she will end up in cats.
The fertility window is very short, and women will not be satisfied with silicone. Behaviors will change, and the upcoming world turbulence will ensure that men come out on top…again. (heh)
So, get game, get skills, and do try to wife up a girl 5+ years your junior. (unless you’re under 23, obviously).
DrTorch: if you’ve got your own money, why would you want to breed with beta-bux? Ick.
Jmarie’s reply to BillyS on the thread is hilarious:
This gets my vote for thread-winning comment:
Then the returns drop precipitously.
In the attorney’s waiting area today for the triennial ritual of throwing money at him to keep a bit less of it out of the ex’s paws, staring at the ceiling. Two young wmnyz, both with infants in tow, sitting there. One had a cross necklace, one a crucifix necklace. Both dressed like hookers. Each had her own flavor of “empowerment” written on her face, which they tend to do when preparing to rape some dude in court. This ain’t a pro bono type place, daddy/rapee probably footing the bill. Didn’t make eye contact, Thousand Cock Stare assumed.
They get to be strong/independent on someone else’s dime. And TIME.
Chuckled to myself; thought “Meow.”
Let us also not forget more of the good men getting more aware of the tactics these women are doing. The chameleon like change at 30 by women is a phonomenon to behold in realtime.
Dalrock, you might want to put a hyphen between “30” and “something”.
[D: Thanks.]
The first sexbot that is capable of operating a dish washer and a clothes washer that costs less than $30,000 will sell a hundred million units.
It will not be ‘robots’ or ‘dolls’ that disrupt the SMP (and by extension the MMP). Hardware is expensive, inflexible, easy to ban, and does not provide the variety that men want.
The real disruptor will be VR Sex. It more cost effective, private, merged with other technologies that are mainstream and hence hard to ban, and enables endless variety.
See here for more from the brilliant (and possibly deceased) PM/AFT :
VR and Sexbot brothels both exist right now and VR will only be left farther in the dust as more money is made in the brothels. The cost is very high for good video cards and they still haven’t solved clipping and probably never will. Not to mention non visual feedback.
Dalrock, you might want to put a hyphen between “30” and “something”.
When I first read that I saw “hymen” instead of “hyphen” but finding attractive marriageable women with one of those is like finding diamonds on a beach.
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This is a temporary condition; Those that breed will inherit the future, in a surprisingly short time.
What percentage of US births in 2017 were to unmarried women? There’s part of your future…
Women claimed they didn’t want to be just “sex objects”. But even after that, they continued to trash themselves and were too churlish to bring anything worth having to the table. So, they will be exchanged for simple sex objects with less baggage.

I knew it was my future, the moment I saw it:
Women only want to be sex objects for hawt guys. They cringe when others even find them worth looking at.
“Just how bad have Western women become that a man would prefer the “company” of a motorized department-store dummy to a ‘real live woman’?”
Imagine, some 5 – 15 years down the road (or maybe sooner), some wine-soused, cat hair-covered, Prozac-addled, 40-something spinster leading an army of her fellow ex-carousel rider train wrecks, axes in hand, on a search-and-destroy mission against sexbots and sexbot brothels. A modern-day Carrie Nation, if you will.
I wonder if Lifetime or Oxygen would run with that storyline?
Women only want to be sex objects for hawt guys. They cringe when others even find them worth looking at.
They don’t ever realize that after just a very few years, NO MAN will look at them as sex objects.
I was on Skype earlier this evening with a guy I know from New Hampshire. We’re not buds or bros, we’re just two guys that pray together. We met on through “peaceful single girl / peaceful wife” a few years back. We don’t chat a lot but he’s a solid Chritian, he’s in the same situation I am.
We were discussing this topic “sex bots” and the like about a year ago. It will be sleazy and if there are parlors of this kind of thing, it will be very expensive and will make a groady 1970’s porn set come to everyday living. Women will hate it of course, and “losers” will go there, and the guys who couldn’t get anything anyway………….you will have that high end one here and there that will be run Studio 54 and very few will get in. Well, money will get you in. Lots of it.
The health issues of course…..the clean-up, sanitation, and while you are doing “baby girl” she probably had her 50th wash that day and who knows what STD’s are still lurking up there because it wasn’t washed / cleaned / sanitized properly…..especially if its a popular model that month. Famous women will sell their “likeness” to companies to produce models that look like them.
It really won’t change a thing. Of course the state will get in and get their cut (tax) while decrying it. Preachers will denounce it, but like their crusade against strip clubs, porn, video games, heavy metal music……..just a distraction from the fact they cannot preach Holiness, or give men a convincing reason for Christ, being focused more on nuances, traditions, complex topics that cannot be explained within the church to a layman………
It will just become another issue to rail against. It really won’t change what’s happening already
A Failure to Man Up
Homeless man punches woman. Male bystanders ignore her plight: http://www.smdp.com/bystanders-watch-as-woman-hit-by-homeless-man/167964
A Santa Monica woman was punched by a homeless man this week at 2nd and Wilshire, but what hurt the woman more were the men at the scene who did nothing to help.
Kady Elliott, 32, was on a morning bike ride home after an Orange Theory fitness class when she saw a homeless man walking the crosswalk ahead of her. Hoping to politely pass him, she pedaled slowly around him, only to receive the hardest hit she’d received in her life.
I know it’s illegal to ride bikes on sidewalks. I think that also applies to crosswalks. So Kady was breaking the law.
Also, I’ve yet to have a cyclist “politely” pass me on sidewalks or crosswalks. But several have zipped past me, sometimes nearly hitting me. I suspect Kady is embellishing her version of events, to put her in the best possible light.
“He had his arm down at first, then brought it down to his side and swung it, like pitching a baseball. He turned and hit me in my mouth,” she said. “I didn’t see it coming. It just stunned me. It didn’t knock me off my bike completely, I landed on my feet, straddling my bicycle. But my head flew back and I saw white for a minute.”
After hitting her, the man muttered, “Swerve at me again and see what happens, [expletive].”
In shock, Elliott was frozen with fear, unable to do or say anything to the man that hit her. While the adrenaline began to fade and pain rushed to her bleeding, busted lip, Elliott says the most upsetting experience were the men, eager to get to work, that saw the whole situation and did nothing.
Kady also seems race obsessed
“I was shaking and couldn’t do anything — get my phone, say something back, anything. So I stood there and some white men in suits didn’t react, didn’t call the cops or anything. It almost felt like it didn’t happen. I was looking around and the men that witnessed it didn’t react. It felt surreal. No one asked me if i was okay. That is something I keep hanging on to. To not even say, ‘Are you okay,’ it’s the saddest thing out of the entire situation.”
After the ordeal, she began to bike home, shaken and nursing a busted lip. She said two women chased her down to tell her they saw the whole thing and offered help while a Latino man, who was working, went up to her and told her he’d called the cops.
Note that the “white men” were in suits (i.e., yuppies). The Latino was “working.”
I can understand identifying the race of the perpetrator. But why so obsessed about the race and dress of the witnesses? I wonder if the race and clothes (class) obsessed Kady is an SJW.
The scenario you described above is a statistical signal, Dalrock. If 80 marriage-material men are the market, the 100 marriage minded women will see and suffer the shortage. Even taking ONE out of the market (my son proposed recently) fills women who are his contemporaries with dread.
Once, that statistical signal was women leaving education, pairing up with men who were slightly older who had a job or a trade, and getting married. It sent two signals: one was to men that said, ”If you want a good woman, get your life together by being a good provider”. The other was to women: ”If you want a good provider, get in early or you will be left on the shelf”.
Now, women have swallowed the feminist Kool Aid and decided that careers, travel and casual sex are better until their epiphany. Men have adjusted with casual sex, porn, dope and now, life like sex bots.
While sex bots aren’t my personal taste, I wouldn’t blame any man for having one, since the sexual environment for men now is so dangerous that the use of such a doll would be preferable to having your life destroyed by a #Metoo mention. Nor can women complain: they have had sexbots, albeit of a different type, since the Steam Era, about 100 years. I remember when I was in High School; girls first began finding out about vibrators in mail-order magazines. They said, ”Vibrators are available. We don’t need you” to the guys who were badgering them. Nice.
Red Pill Latecomer says:
August 7, 2018 at 1:11 am
A Failure to Man Up
Homeless man punches woman. Male bystanders ignore her plight: http://www.smdp.com/bystanders-watch-as-woman-hit-by-homeless-man/167964
This sounds suspiciously like the woman on the London Tube who was hit by a guy ”while two white men stood by / got off the carriage”
I’m wondering if this is a fake news story
I think it’s true the ratio of “ready” men to warp-speed-wall-approach sluts is presenting a (possible) reckoning for the whamens. But this reflects the expectations young girls have (had?) that they can land a high-end Beta provider. The aged Meghan Markle (pushing 40) who married a prince FFS, has inspired thousands of sluts (and black chicks), who are certain they will land a top tier male (albeit he’s pretty Beta) when they are ready to end the ride. But it misses an aspect of behavior: Whamens will seize onto some hapless unaware schlub if desperate, and Lord knows there are an abundance of Beta orbiters ready to man-up and marry that slut. In other words, if a man is not “ready” to her former satisfaction, she will adjust the parameters and take what she can get. I have seen it many times. Any real reckoning will only happen when the musical chairs show a lack of men of ANY stature, not just “ready” men. As usual, this will only happen when the ratio of reproductive-age males (16-55) to females (16-35) is more balanced. And that will require the death of tens or hundreds of millions of males. The crazy demands to suppress male behavior, provide social safety nets for single moms and sluts paid for by acquiescent men, and the opening of borders are all designed to precipitate a deadly clash which will result in a reduced male population. The whamens are happy to spread their legs for whoever wins.
Be careful what you wish for. Just over forty years ago the average age of marriage for a female – its lowest ever – was not quite twenty-one. This placed terrible pressure on men – especially those in study – to marry whoever was available and long before they were financially solvent and with the probability otherwise of being left with the weird, the promiscuous and the unattractive. Marrying the first female who noticed one was far too common: the sexual revolution has allowed men the opportunity to be not so hasty – the old insult ‘wanker’ aimed at the unmarried now has little power.
Other possible factors affecting the opportunity for females to marry may include the ever growing ranks of Homosexuals – statistically non-existent forty years ago but now we are told somewhere between two and four per cent of the population – Lesbians are largely lipstick.
I rule myself out of the market for marriage (one thousand women cheer) and leave such uncertainties to Jason and Boxer.
I’m truly happy that women are positively gleeful that unwanted men in future will have a worthy distraction that will stop them committing acts of creepiness against precious princesses. Indeed, Jmarie’s reply, that cats are far better than men is true and she and others like her will not dare stand in the way of technology that will allow her and her furry concubines to continue their lives free of creepy men.
Why all the fear over technology that obviously removes the very problem all women complain about?
You’ve got it. It’s why single women shouldn’t have a political voice at all. They will always use it to optimize hypergamy, even if that means kicking off WWIII.
When a liberal women gets her just deserts, I smile inside.
I wouldn’t even acknowledge Kady let alone help her. What the hell!? Feminists, you’re on your own, you don’t need a man, remember?
The mind baffles.
Recent post about Lori Alexander:
Yeah the BS meter on this one is high. Of course I don’t know how much women would be more mad that men didn’t help her rather than being mad at the guy who hit her.
Ya know I almost never get out into populated areas but the old folks next door thought it would be nice to visit Higgins Lake State Park Michigan last week.
It’s really nice there,at least a half mile of pristine beach.
There’s a pedestrian walkway that’s almost a mile in length.
I’m walking with the old folks (older than myself at 54) and invariably some 15-17 years old girl on bike would head straight towards me when she had plenty of room to swerve off the path and ride on some nice flat grass.
I was really taken aback by this unusual aggressive behavior as there was no need for it,plenty of other options than heading directly for a large muscular man walking on a pedestrian path.
In my mind (OH HERE WE GO) I thought about clothes-lining one of these rude bitches.
BUT….A 54 yr old man standing over a crying bleeding 16 year old girl on the State Parkway
Because Johnny Law only swings one way,and it ain’t with women.
Anyway,I can see where a homeless man could get tired of being assaulted in such a manner on his daily travels.
I applaud his making an example.
Bitch learned now,eh?
The other men did not respond to bicycle woman because they understood cause and effect.
Each of them has had an entitled ball-busting woman swerve at them on the walkway,when she needed to be in the street.
Inside each of these men said; “YAY,BITCH GOT SERVED!”
I would just like to reassure all future visiting Americans about the London Tube – I have never seen any violence thereon, although I did observe some two decades ago three well-built young men attack a train-guard at a local railway-station. As soon as I saw those three walk through my carriage I got a very bad vibe and the attack occurred moments later but out of my sight on the guard insisting that they acquire a valid ticket. The men then ran out of the station. I suppose I have these days to add ethnicity and sex of the guard and of the thugs: all male and all English (i.e. white). Men still tend to give up their seat to females if seats are not otherwise available.
“A Santa Monica woman was punched by a homeless man this week at 2nd and Wilshire[.]”
Sounds similar to the Tamara Cincik episode. They need a man like a fish needs a bicycle? Let them prove it.
They only say that when everything in life is perfect. Which we know life is perfect all the time. The little bit of adversity that interferes with her perfect life and suddenly it’s men’s fault they aren’t there to help her out.
Opus. As a Yank who has used public transportation most of his adult life in San Francisco, San Jose, and Fresno. The only time I give up my seat to a woman is:
She is a senior citizen. Is visibly handicapped (cane / walker) and I would do that for a man or a woman, or she has a small baby.
Other than that. If I have a seat. It’s mine.
I have seen men over the decades not give up their seat…unless…..she has skin exposed and then the guy in question feel he now has the “right” to talk to her because he gave her his seat. You can tell by her body language she “isn’t into him” and yet he keeps going on and on.
While in London, or Manchester……..I plan to keep my Yankee sensibilities in these matters as well.
The lot of women thought they could go on disrespecting men while still expecting men to respect them. I know…cause and effect is not their strong point.
When the majority of women in society treated men with respect (or at least more than today)…they got some of those perks.
Woman beat up and no man did anything?????
Well, I don’t doubt the story……but here in California when I was in SF…..a man was mugging an older woman, in braod daylight. A cabby drove his cab on the sidewalk, and pinned the thug who was doing this to the wall of a building, so he could not escape.
Results? The cabby was fired. The cab company sued out of business, and the police taking their usual “holier than than thou” stance of “call the police when you witness crimes, do not take the law into your own hands”
Also…..lets say you do the noble thing and try to stop it. Criminal / thug pulls out a gun and starts shooting. Then what?
An interesting thing to consider here is that, as women stride into their thirties, not only do they become less attractive in terms of their “youth and fertility”, but they also become less attractive in terms of their actual usefulness to a man.
When a young man turns 18, the world is a harsh and foreign place for him. He has no accumulated wealth, no prior experience living out in the world or working for a living, and so on.
Perhaps he could get himself a helpful young wife and then look around and say to himself: “Do you see all these other young men? These chumps? Doing their own laundry, cooking their own meals, coping with the ups and downs of life all on their own – all of this time they’re forced to waste just taking care of themselves, and with nothing to work towards either. Me, I have my wife; she kindly takes care of all the menial parts of home life for me, which lets me focus on being strong, well-rested and damn good at what I do in the service of my family. You see? I’m the smart one.”
But today that young man’s wife isn’t actually by his side helping him out, instead she’s roaring through her twenties out on the carousel. So in the mean time, the young man has to drop down to join the rest of the chumps in living an inefficient, non-optimised life without the aid of a wife.
So he goes through his twenties fending for himself, eventually finding wealth and success by his thirties – he now fits the provider mold. However, the idea of a helpful wife is now less appealing than ever before:
Why on earth would he desire a wife to help him when he’s already found success for himself in life? It’d be like hiring a sherpa to help you climb Mt. Everest when you’ve already reached the summit.
But if a wife no longer has much value as a helper at 30, then what becomes her primary area of usefulness in the man’s eyes? Sex and kids.
And if the man either doesn’t want kids or doesn’t feel able to have them (economy/laws) – which is likely if he’s rummaging through the bargain bin of 30-something women to begin with – then the only primary area of usefulness a woman offers is sex.
And if you’re at that point, then it would behoove you to break out the note paper and actually determine whether a wife is the most economical sexual outlet as compared to a personally-owned sexbot, or a rented brothel sexbot, or VR porn, or any of these other sexual alternatives (which includes forever-girlfriends and casual sex).
If life has passed you by, you don’t really care anymore and all you want at this point is easy sex then it’s all simply a matter of dollars-to-orgasms, orgasms-to-time-spent-nagging – and while sexbots come out very well on that evaluation, modern 30-something women do not.
(P.S. – I find the seeming dig at legalised pot in the OP to be funny. It’s only a problem if you don’t give young men a reason to not want to sit around smoking it all day; something else they want to work on that being high all the time would act to prevent them from achieving success at. Where are these young men’s young wives? Where are their budding families? Where are their provider-careers which they use to support those two things? Oh right. Guess it’s back to bud, CoD and fappin’ – something to numb the emptiness and contempt our societies foist upon them, at least.)
One of the leading MGTOW vloggers has a relationship with a sex doll. Not to prove a point, but he really does have feelings for it:
What’s funny is that other MGTOWs claim he is a sell out for having a relationship with a “female.”
Every now and then when this comes up, some feminist tries to do a girl-power spin: like “Sexbots are coming, and they’re going to make men obsolete! Sorry fellas, you’re not the only ones who can be replaced by a machine!”
I think it comes from some feminist self-consciousness at the idea of their ever-precious “power dynamic” shifting in a way they don’t like, since their whole existence revolves around that framing.
But it never works.
* First off, from an engineering perspective, they’re different problems. Fundamentally, a man is going to require something to thrust into – most of the action is on their end. For a woman, you’ve got something pistoning inside of them, presumably with some amount of autonomy. The risk for internal damage for the woman by something going all System Shock on them is much higher.
* Second, as Bill Burr pointed out.. women aren’t lacking sex opportunities right now anyway, so what’s the point? It’s why a guy who beds a lot of women has a better rep than a woman who sleeps with a lot of guys. The former typically requires skill or status – the latter requires being around and receptive. They’re not really gaining anything from male sexbots, or at least not to the same degree men are gaining. Feminists, deep down inside, know this.
* Third, keeping in mind that mere and simple sex is readily available to women as is: what women are really after is a relationship, and sex is traditionally one of the central things women have to offer to a man in one. If we get sex robots to the point of availability where some average guy has to choose between the sexbot and a flesh and blood woman just for sex, *and this is actually a decision which is not easy*, feminists are sunk.
I think the last-gasp response women have to this is, “Well, men want relationships too!” Sure, but once the desire for sex can be satisfied elsewhere, this dynamic is going to change – and the instrumentality of women reduces. And what women tend to want out of a relationship – namely, an attachment to a provider, and one of higher station than her at that – just isn’t quite so easy to replace.
Of course, for now, there’s still the ability to start a family to worry about. Can you imagine if that becomes the main draw most women have to offer men?
Inre giving up your seat for or making an exception for not intervening when the victim is an “elderly woman:”
Remember, guys, that today’s “elderly” women came of age when 2WF was its ascendency and most of them absorbed it and internalized it like mother’s milk. That “sweet little old lady” getting thumped on by a mugger trying to steal her purse or harrassed by a homeless schizo is probably one of the original generation of ball-busting fish-don’t-need-bicycles manhaters. Think carefully before deciding to come to her aid.
We are truly living in some strange times.
To think this was satire about 20 years ago.
I do this in little ways every day. My favorite thing to do is to ignore pleas for help from unaccompanied wimminz after long plane flights. I loudly and politely volunteer to help elderly men and kids get their bags out of the overhead bins (I’m 6’3″) while looking past the loud-and-proud skank ho’ feminists.
I know I’m not changing the world, but such things are mildly amusing.
Ingracious, I love your sherpa metaphor, I’ll remember it and use it later…
earl says:
August 7, 2018 at 9:30 am
They need a man like a fish needs a bicycle? Let them prove it.
They only say that when everything in life is perfect. Which we know life is perfect all the time. The little bit of adversity that interferes with her perfect life and suddenly it’s men’s fault they aren’t there to help her out.
As I like to say to women who claim they’re strong and Independent, they’re strong and independent exactly because there is heat or cool air, water, light, at the turn or push of a finger, and there are shelves full of food in a supermarket, just with a 3 minutes walk down the street.
Everything is delivered by truck, train, car or plane, so yeah, men are useless. As the Joker Heath Ledger said, add a little chaos to the mix, and everyone lose their minds.
And by chaos, I mean flood, earthquake, drouth, penury… Lay thy eyes over that video, have a chuckle
Your public education system is showing its fruits.
‘I hate we need men for infrastructure!’ What kind of thought process & education must it take to live a life like that? No wonder cats are their future and men are turning to robots.
Bee, that Thot who is attacking Lori Alexander … she appears to be having a nervous breakdown. Yet I assume this is her normal, day-to-day demeanor?
For a “strong, independent woman,” she sure is fragile. So much hysteria. What a nightmare to be married to that.
Her husband must always be walking on eggshells, terrified of disagreeing with her and thus setting her off. Not that he can contain her hysteria forever. She will, eventually, cheat on him, turn on him, and frivorce him.
I’m already assuming if a woman describes herself that way…she is in reality fragile.
That’s Sheila Gregoire’s daughter. Also: The youtube video that Bee posted appears to be ripped off from my bro, Lucky Ben Hebrew. Watch the original video and give credit where due.
Sorry Boxer but Lucky Ben Hebrew ripped it off another chap.
Ben the Baptist – Snowflake YouTuber Cries About “Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins
She will, eventually, cheat on him, turn on him, and frivorce him.
Or he’ll get so sick and tired of her bitchy, bat-shit crazy ass that he’ll kick her to the curb, risk of divorce court ass-rape or no. Eventually a man just HAS to save his sanity and his self-respect.
Let’s examine the potential path for these young men in their 20s:
So, either he becomes:
A. a shameful pot-smoking, silicon-loving, masturbation champion
B. a fat, sexless draft animal-serf for some ungrateful, attitudinal post-wall harlot, who found Jesus at 30.
I’m kind of hoping that young men today have a little more to look forward to than these.
“One had a cross necklace, one a crucifix”
Wearing a cross or a crucifix is a slut tell and a big one
Thanks for this. I find it irksome, all this greycycling. I gave you credit for identifying the source.
No problem. I wouldn’t find the recycling irksome if they just gave a link and acknowledgement to the original content producer. I had to scroll through the comments on Ben Hebrew’s page to find the source.
Lay thy eyes over that video, have a chuckle!
Your public education system is showing its fruits.
Earl, come on, really? That flew over your head???
Lori Alexander’s rant reminds me sometimes of a whining mosquito, sometimes of a toddler raging “you’re not the boss of me!” and other times of a radial hand saw with a dull blade chewing through plywood.
It led me back to this blast from the past century.
You think women are in a lather about sex dolls?
What happens when men wield unilateral authority over paternity via a reversible, cost effective and high-efficacy birth control method?
I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that women no longer having the ultimate say in their hypergamy is going to create a proverbial shit storm.
Get your popcorn ready.
Perhaps it was her mother…I don’t know. Somewhere along the line she had to get in her head to hate men and not need them for anything.
What happens when men wield unilateral authority over paternity via a reversible, cost effective and high-efficacy birth control method?
I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that women no longer having the ultimate say in their hypergamy is going to create a proverbial shit storm.
The effect will be marginal. Men can wield such power with a 90-95% effectiveness by using a condom today — if they choose not to do it because they don’t like how it feels, or if they choose to let the woman handle the condom or what have you, that’s their fault. Something like vasalgel will change that marginally, but only for men who choose to use it and the efficacy rate increase, while not totally insignificant, is still marginal. I am sure women will complain (don’t they always?) but the actual impact will be marginal.
Red Pill Latecomer
Interesting article. More “you men have a duty to aid women, everywhere, at all times, regardless of whether you know her or the danger to you”.
I am NOT intervening in public for a woman I don’t know, against a potentially crazy diseased ridden possibly armed homeless man. And neither should any man. And I thought that women are strong and independent. If women are strong and independent, why do they need men they don’t know to intervene on their behalf?
deti to RPL
Interesting article. More “you men have a duty to aid women, everywhere, at all times, regardless of whether you know her or the danger to you”.
Sure, that’s required because of male privilege…
I am NOT intervening in public for a woman I don’t know, against a potentially crazy diseased ridden possibly armed homeless man. And neither should any man.
Especially in a hyper-litigious state such as California. Today’s bum in the street could be next month’s sharp dressed plaintiff in a civil lawsuit for a bunch of money.
Every man has to choose where and when to defend someone else. Part of that decision tree has to include potential costs such as: “Worth losing my house?”, and “Worth going to prison for 2 or more years?” and of course “Worth dying over?”. I would expect a married man with children to stand, fight and die if need be to cover the escape of his family from lethal assailants, kidnappers, etc.. But…I would ask how useful that married man would be to that family by bleeding out on a street corner from multiple stab wounds, because he decided to defend the honor of some bicycle bimbo.
Prudence suggests a man should ponder such things in free time, rather than trying to make such a decision right on the street corner in real-time.
Even though it would cause such grief to the Gregorie’s of the world…the man most responsible for you is your father or husband. If you have neither around…good luck with the help of strangers.
You are correct about giving credit.
Red Pill Wisdom does credit Ben Hebrew on his “Show More” intro.
Anonymous Reader,
Do you mean Katie Emmerson’s video rant about Lori Alexander’s blog post?
Thanks for the Thorogood video. Good stuff.
Lori Alexander wrote the article so many women were offended with. The rant was Katie something or another.
Do you mean Katie Emmerson’s video rant about Lori Alexander’s blog post?
Yes. Brain fade…thanks for the correction.
Thanks for the Thorogood video. Good stuff.
Play it in the background next time you read any feminist rant. Makes a difference.
Mah brain fade…thanks for the correction.
I see a potential upswing in the STD infection rates as likely. Men will grow complacent about condom use, and start hitting these wimminz unprotected. This will be a disaster for many.
A very large minority of American wimminz have HPV, and significant numbers also have herpes. It is not unheard of for women to carry drug resistant strains of the horrible old diseases that are making a comeback. (Want some syphilis? There’s a Tinder skank who is ready to help with this.)
There’s really no reason to go without a condom, unless you decide to marry the woman, after an expansive STD test, and further plan to have children.
Yeah but what happens when it causes them mood swings and shrinking testicles like the last time birth control for men was tried?
People hate to say it because they want to separate sex from procreation…but your fertility is a part of your sexuality. Why do you think women back in the day felt like failures when they were barren?
Hey Dalrock…
Love the dig about legal weed. Bet if I were half the man you are I’d be chained to a female with brats to feed…
..but I don’t. Know why?
Cause as a young man I chose weed over women and life is good.
Now slave the rest of your life and never know whether she will leave your tail.
But Mary Jane..she is faithful..like the God who gave her to me.
You will never know my joy. I will never know your suffering.
Enjoy those kids you got to worry about.
From my neck of the woods married women are breeding to the tune of 3-5 children, and they’re not progressives.
Unfortunately, those breeding include a very large percentage of dyscivic populations. This is civilizationally bad for the United States in its present formation, but I note that progressive white women who have driven so much feminism, and the feminist men that virtue signal for them, are not breeding anywhere near replacement rates. Their fertility windows are rapidly closing. The time to have children, or plant trees, is 5 years ago or now.
They have done neither. They will likely do neither. It’s far more likely that they will extinguish themselves, as was intended by the pushers of cultural Marxism. So what if an unmarried white woman careerist shrike produces a vanity baby? That baby is far more likely to be a Generation Zyklon soldier than a millenial libtard sheeple these days.
Those of us taking the “lifestyle hit” and having more than 1-2 children are going to be the civic populations of the future, though in a very different nation(s).
The effect will be marginal.
Agreed. This has been a topic of discussion in some parts of the androsphere for a while. It is essentially a new version the reversible vasectomy. Some of the MGTOW have been particularly excited. However it isn’t that much of a “game changer” – as Nova pointed out men can use condoms. They can also get vasectomies. A seriously mercenary single woman can still claim child support from a man who may or may not be the father of her child and absent genetic testing within a fairly narrow time period he is on the hook as long as he had sexual intercourse with her, even if only one time. However since women increasingly are their own Betas, such child support might just be icing on her cake (that she wants to have and also eat).
Really, excitement over vasalgel represents a lack of awareness how things have changed in the last 20 years, and a lack of understanding of women & their motivations. About 40% of births in the US in 2016 were to unmarried women, remember.
Yeah but what happens when it causes them mood swings and shrinking testicles like the last time birth control for men was tried?
Vasalgel does not use hormones. Once again, start using a search engine before making such assertions.
VFM – I agree. The feminists are essentially exterminating themselves by not reproducing. So are most progressives. However, as long as they control institutions like Hollywood, academia, and the government, they will be effective at turning the children of conservatives to the liberal mindset, at least in material numbers.
@just a vet
Welcome brother. I can feel the love.
From my neck of the woods married women are breeding to the tune of 3-5 children, and they’re not progressives.
Do you understand statistics? What is “selection bias”?
Unfortunately, those breeding include a very large percentage of dyscivic populations. This is civilizationally bad for the United States in its present formation, but I note that progressive white women who have driven so much feminism, and the feminist men that virtue signal for them, are not breeding anywhere near replacement rates.
Yet the numbers of unmarried women continue to increase, and we both know how they tend to vote, don’t we?
Those of us taking the “lifestyle hit” and having more than 1-2 children are going to be the civic populations of the future, though in a very different nation(s).
Certainly such families will be part of the civic population of the future. Not necessarily the majority, though. It is a popular meme in some circles, but I don’t see numbers to support it. Frankly it seems a bit overconfident, given larger demographic trends.
I personally know of several churchgoing, culturally / theologically conservative families with more than 3 children. One family is at 6 children with another on the way, they are not my neighbors but I would welcome them, and they are part of the future of my town.
However, I have also personally known of several babymommas who whelped 3 or more children, each by a different man of course. One of those babymommas was cared for and catered to by a couple of churches for years, by the way. Married men with children were supporting her and the bastards she had spawned and kept on pushing out, too. That’s part of the future population, also.
Don’t get cocky.
escapism is for the weak
@AR I agree with you, and understand the bias inherent in my localized personal example which is not a representative sample.
I’m a donor to the Parmesus Foundation, too.
I agree on the single women voting likelihood, but I’m also going to factor in safety and economics. History is nothing but a pendulum swinging back and forth, and I think there may be a turning to the tide that is going to culminate in the next round of civil war, likely leading to the breakup of the US. It’s not going to be pretty, but demographics is destiny. I’ll keep working on it from my end.
Re Kady Elliot —
“After the ordeal, she began to bike home, shaken and nursing a busted lip”
The ‘ordeal’. :O)
I’ve been hurt worse than that playing hoops or baseball. Mere games!
Hey: reap = sow, baby. Precious Princess takes one shot and you’d think The Evil White Males had nuked her condo. P.S. loved the Orange Theory Fitness Classes. She can work out AND be told she’s a holy victim simultaneously. U-Go Goddess, for the win!
In the United Sisterhood, and pretty much only there, I’ve often encountered females, usually young women, who walk or ride a bike directly at me. It’s their version of playing ‘chicken’ and also a feature of their princess status. The assumption is There’s a mere male, he damn well better move outta my way or else (I run into him, I sic my male friends on him, I speed-dial my Servers ‘n Protectors . . . etc.)
I’m actually quite a polite dood — depending. Anyway I never move, and the outraged reaction when Ms. Empowered gets bumped is predictable. Oh and PS I do the men the same way, if they insist on pulling shit like that. Equality of Conseqences!
just a vet —
“But Mary Jane..she is faithful..like the God who gave her to me.”
Ain’t judging. But I know MJ. She has no faith, except herself, and she exacts a price for her charms and services.
I will join Dalrock in his warning.
Centimeter by centimeter, the mask of Righteousness and Liberty falls off the goddess, leaving the claws and bloody teeth exposed.
Veteran: … as a young man I chose weed over women and life is good.
Boxer: escapism is for the weak
If we were actually living in Bartertown, we could just put the vet and Boxer into Thunderdome. Two men enter, one man leaves. Then we would know who was stronger – or at least luckier – in the sense of violence. But preachers would still tell us that the strength of violence is not the true strength.
I suppose I’ve never seen the bike chicken game in progress…but the simple I’m walking and she’s in my path…I keep walking the path and she swerves.
Centimeter by centimeter, the mask of Righteousness and Liberty falls off the goddess, leaving the claws and bloody teeth exposed.
I think that “mask of righteousness” has been a crepe paper-thin, transparent veneer for decades. Very few people with IQs north of freezer temperature are fooled by it anymore.
just a vet —
“But Mary Jane..she is faithful..like the God who gave her to me.”
AKA you’re the male version of a 35 year old woman posting memes about how vodka is so much better than men.
On topic, it’s an interesting question. Say they actually made an instructional video of Dalrock, and explained “Girls, by chasing and sleeping with thugs and bad boys, in your teens and 20’s, you are ensuring that there will be much fewer successful men when you decide you want to settle down.”
What percent of girls would care? Or would they just figure “there’s tons of guys who want me, I’ll easily be one of the successful girls who gets a rich husband at 30”?
Talking about dem’s planning to marginalize men when they take the house and senate, look at this new movement that is gaining legs.
earl says:
August 7, 2018 at 1:35 pm
“People hate to say it because they want to separate sex from procreation…but your fertility is a part of your sexuality. Why do you think women back in the day felt like failures when they were barren?”
Because they WERE failures. I make only high double digits annually, but have 4 kids (2 legit, young, and still in the house). When I read about a Katherine Hepburn who had an infinite ratio of money to children, I think “poor b*tch, she failed at life”.
I think “poor b*tch, she failed at life”.
That’s a generally accurate summation of the life of every woman who has ever put career and self over family and children.
Crude wrote I think the last-gasp response women have to this is, “Well, men want relationships too!”
Welcome to the friend-zone sweetie!
An interesting thing to consider here is that, as women stride into their thirties, not only do they become less attractive in terms of their “youth and fertility”, but they also become less attractive in terms of their actual usefulness to a man.
Perhaps he could get himself a helpful young wife and then look around and say to himself:
I appreciate your summary, and I think it’s spot on one of the major reasons God said what He said in Gen 2:18. What disgusts me is that so few pastors, or other leaders, preach this. At this stage, few even recognize this whole dynamic. And I believe it’s b/c those pastors want to be the ones in charge of women, so they purposely subvert marriage for their congregants, both before and during.
That sort of behavior by church leaders has been discussed on this board often (including Chandler) but to me it’s worth repeating especially when you laid out the general benefits by following a Biblical approach.
And every man who put MJ over family and children.
seventiesjason says:
August 7, 2018 at 9:52 am
Woman beat up and no man did anything?????
Well, I don’t doubt the story……but here in California when I was in SF…..a man was mugging an older woman, in braod daylight. A cabby drove his cab on the sidewalk, and pinned the thug who was doing this to the wall of a building, so he could not escape.
Results? The cabby was fired. The cab company sued out of business, and the police taking their usual “holier than than thou” stance of “call the police when you witness crimes, do not take the law into your own hands”
Also…..lets say you do the noble thing and try to stop it. Criminal / thug pulls out a gun and starts shooting. Then what
In the refugee-rapes in Cologne, a bouncer literally saved more than 5 women of being forcefully penetrated –> media did not report that, guy got fired. A private initiative of “right wingers” organized some assistance…
Got some colorful martial arts degrees, have experience, always carry a knife (legal length), know how to use it.
I would not (and have not) defend a regular woman (or man) from attacks.
The women cheer on criminals, vote real leftists and are hypergamous. Most men (approx. 77/100) are also pro-tolerance, leftism etc.
I really like it when they get what is coming.
Other reason is: In my country, you can very easily be sentenced for “excessive self-defense”, especially as white man – this law includes detaining of suspects till police arrives. Just ONE punch/kick too much can and will be seen as “excessive”, you WILL be convicted. Happened even to persons stopping attackers who they caught breaking into their own homes!!!
So yeah…helping strangers is both dangerous, stupid and irrational on several levels.
But I sadly have to admit that a heavy dose of schadenfreude and “Serves you right” is my main motive. ‘Cause it’s payback time for all the uppidy disrespect to white men.
They get what they asked for -and honestly, all the victim-posturing and attention should more than make up for something as trivial as a bruised lip for these attention whores. I guess they enjoy it, too.
Boxer says:
August 7, 2018 at 2:52 pm
Cause as a young man I chose weed over women and life is good.
escapism is for the weak
Right,because you don’t have any coffee,alcohol,asprin,tobacco,TELEVISION,or radio in your home.
Beam meet eye.Splinter meet critic.
Speaking of hypocrisy,I’m fixing to snitch on my mom’s maid for giving her weed because she used feminazi shaming language upon me.
I will show that bitch the force of The Law.
So yeah,I used the devil’s lettuce and I call the Devil’s pigs when it serves me.
Yall have a good day now,ya hear?
“Take Care”
Hey Dalrock, stumbled upon this channel on youtube:
“One had a cross necklace, one a crucifix”
“Wearing a cross or a crucifix is a slut tell and a big one”
Yes it is,because once you utter the Magic Words once you are forever forgiven
IN ADVANCE for anything you might ever do in your entire life.
Thus no need to consider moral or ethical protocols,Personal Jesus has your back.
Your Pastor approves this message.
The only worry for the gyno-masters is to fall afoul of The Law,but the pussy pass is still widely used,a bit of crying should save the day,failing that,daddy’s lawyer money.
The Bad Man will get put away,he’s the one you’re looking for!
@Novaseeker & AR:
For something like vasagel, the margins matter. Actually, they can matter a whole lot. Per some of the studies of college students, the desirable Men ranges at about 8% of the male population. That is at the margins, but it’s where something like this can potentially have massive effects on the social dynamics.
Big changes happen at the margins when the margins are where so much of the system is dictated.
They were less of a failure than the women actively seeking to not procreate or develop any motherhood skills. The former had the physical reasons…the later have very mental or emotional reasons.
I was reading a wiki about Barbara Walters….she adopted 1 kid. She said her biggest regret was not having more children. I can bet you in their heart of hearts the career driven, lack of motherhood skills woman eventually comes to that regret.
Why would someone want to marry any woman in her 30’s? They demand far more than is reasonable, use sex as a weapon, give autism to the few children they DO have, and act in a horrifically frigid manner. If I wanted an iceberg in my life, I would move to Greenland.
They do not understand cause and effect. Thus… just walk away. There is no other solution.
You’re asking that question to men. If you want the comedic answers ask that to unmarried women in their 30s.
Something happens to women after 30 if they don’t have kids. They get a mental endometriosis.
Emmy Noethers, for all her real-world achievements (which, I’d argue, would far surpass that scroungy hack Barbara Walters) was known for expressing these same sentiments.
She was often sick as a little girl and wasn’t very socially fluent. She was raised mainly by her father, who taught her all sorts of abstract stuff. In adulthood, no less a person than David Hilbert told people that she was the smartest person he knew personally. Yet, what she really wanted was for some nice Jewish boy to wife her up, and set her on the path of having babies.
A great story, but a sad one too. I think she’d probably be pretty depressed by the contemporary state of things.
Dear Dalrock, I know your great passion for Christian movies. I invite you to look at this https://youtu.be/U2EmCbo1Fx0
Nick Mgtow says:
August 8, 2018 at 10:25 am
Dear Dalrock, I know your great passion for Christian movies. I invite you to look at this https://youtu.be/U2EmCbo1Fx0
Just watched the trailer.
More V worship. And blatantly so.
Christians who foam at the mouth when Hollywood issues a “Christian” film will be all over it.
I was reading a wiki about Barbara Walters….she adopted 1 kid. She said her biggest regret was not having more children.
I think we can each safely wager a year’s salary that she was absolutely no mother at all to the one poor, unfortunate child she adopted. She did society a massively big favor by not breeding.
Career women are lousy mothers. Period. I have yet to meet a single example who disproves that statement.
Watched that trailer……..yeah, “inspired” by a true story…….not even “based” on one…or is that the “christian” way now to tell us its based on a true story?
it’s an “urban” christian romance novel put to film. Big deal, “Toby Mac” is in it, so that will be the reason for “everyone” to go and see it because he’s this amazing “christian” in real life. Hence, the movie is approved for all christians.
As for “bible-based” movies…still a fan of all those B-films from the 1950’s and early 1960’s “Joseph & His Brothers” that kind of thing……just a bible story put to film and it was okay……
I would really like to see a “christian movie” that really put a struggle or test of faith in a modern story……not a romance, not a wedding at the end…..just a story of redemption, second chances, confrontation of sin and an ending where the viewer doesn’t know what the future holds for the main character after the transformation………….
Women, not men, drive demand for sexbots. Just like women drive men to MGTOW.
The drive accelerates. The train of feminism has no brakes.
Dear Jason:
I actually rented this movie and tried to watch it, around 2014. It has Michael Madsen (uncredited, in a bit part) which I found funny. I couldn’t help remembering him cutting off the cop’s ear and dousing him with gasoline in that Tarantino film.
Jason, did you ever see The Apostle? A very good Christian film, I thought.
The trailer doesn’t do it justice. It was a pet project of Robert Duvall. He shopped the script for decades. By the time he found financing for it, some thought he was too old for the lead role. But he insisted on doing it. He was quite good in it.
It’s called “Hacksaw Ridge”.
Oscar….I have not. I will check it out. Nothing personal, but would like to see a Christian movie not involving a soldier, a firefighter, a cop, a drug dealer or a bartender……
How about a guy who just works as an auto mechanic. A dude who is a lineman “for the county” or some office drone…..I know a movie like that would not dell tickets, but most men are not the above I mentioned.
That would be great, but Desmond Doss was a real person, with a real, verifiable story of faith, persecution, and miracles.
It’s tough to find a story like that in ordinary life.
Dalrock asks what could possible go wrong
This: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/8/8/17661442/sharice-davids-brent-welder-democrat-wins-kansas-house-primary
(Nearly) Every single possible minority/identity flag you can think of is represented by this person: Raised by single mother, gay, double minority (woman and native american), and of course the ever popular MMA fighter to represent the GirlsKickButt TM coalition, too
That this happened in middle american, in KANSAS, of all places, is indeed what can go wrong in modern america. God help us all…
Forgot to add to my first comment – indeed, sex bots will be needed if this is more what we have to look forward to in the future….
DR Smith says:
August 8, 2018 at 2:09 pm
Dalrock asks what could possible go wrong
This: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/8/8/17661442/sharice-davids-brent-welder-democrat-wins-kansas-house-primary
(Nearly) Every single possible minority/identity flag you can think of is represented by this person: Raised by single mother, gay, double minority (woman and native american), and of course the ever popular MMA fighter to represent the GirlsKickButt TM coalition, too
That this happened in middle american, in KANSAS, of all places, is indeed what can go wrong in modern america. God help us all…
What an amazing combo of skills you have there. #wait
Agreed. It is hard to find a story like that. To be a hero, and well there are many more opportunities to be one in a war or combat situation. The story I am sure is great, and I will check it out. I am not taking away from that.
What I am saying is that one does not have to be in the military, a cop, or a firefighter, or a high school football coach in order to have this redemption…overcoming inumerable odds…..I know its Hollywood, and movies like this……inspired / based upon a true story / or fiction sell more movies about a clerk working at 7-11 the night shift who finds God, overcomes a past or saves someone spiritually in a world of polished floors and Slurpees at 3am.
An old Salvationist even joked with me when I saw “Courageous” with him and his wife “It seems like cops and firefighters are the only Christians out there today….what’s up with that?”
And to hear an 85 year old man say this was funny….made me chuckle.
It would take an exceptional writer to sell a story like this, and it would have to really focus on mood, style and the story being told, and make it believable enough for the common guy…..
Writers are usually better behind a computer instead of “telling” a story……and the Christian vein of film really does need this. A good story.
The Christian films I have seen of late…..the Fireproof’s and the like…..and that Christian “feel good date movie of the year”
Are all the same. Wife / girlfriend is saintly. Husband is a cop, a firefighter, a college professor at a bible-college, a pastor, a high school football coach and there is a problem of course and the faith of the wife, or some old buddy comes back in from years ago…….and everything changes. Glory is given to God and everything is just great doncha-know!
Christian film has come a long way in cinematography …….but the story……..I want something that pulls me to the edge of my seat that I can relate to. I can’t relate to the solider, the cop, the firefighter, or the high school football coach. A lot of men can’t.
For some reason women can……and I can’t answer that…..but the story in most of today’s Christian film…..is emotional-feelz and it’s getting me nowhere.
I will check out the movie. 😉
I have heard of horror stories about people being prosecuted for defending themselves, enduring beatings so the police won’t arrest them for “excessive force”. Here in my home state we have law that is colloquially known as the “Make my day law:”
“”…any occupant of a dwelling is justified in using any degree of physical force, including deadly physical force, against another person when that other person has made an unlawful entry into the dwelling, and when the occupant has a reasonable belief that such other person has committed a crime in the dwelling in addition to the uninvited entry, or is committing or intends to commit a crime against a person or property in addition to the uninvited entry, and when the occupant reasonably believes that such other person might use any physical force, no matter how slight, against any occupant.”
Yup, you can shoot a home invader dead here in the Centennial state, even if said intruder does not have a firearm on them.
@ seventiesjason
Christian movies, in general, suck.
If you can’t relate to men whose stories are vastly different than yours, you’re going to have a really hard time reading the Bible.
You know…….there as no need for that reply…….I was trying to have an earnest convo…and out comes the snarky remarks about me “not being able to relate to the Bible”
The Bible is a Holy Book, and I do take it seriously and work and strive to relate. not a hollywood movie or a “based on a true story” with a heartthrob lead.
I don’t what it is you are always trying to “prove” with me.
@ seventiesjason
There was nothing snarky about my remark, nor did I write anything about “not being able to relate to the Bible”. You might want to reread what I wrote if that’s what you got out of it.
“I am going to have a really hard time reading the Bible”
No, I read it yearly….on this forum there are more discussions and hairsplitting about what words mean in Greek, which translation is the best, and who’s more ‘christian’ than someone else….and your remark was snarkly. I don’t like your attitude towards me. If you don’t like what I write. Don’t reply.
I said I would check out the movie but I don’t have to like it just because its a soldiers story or a cop, or a firefighter
@ seventiesjason
No, it was sincere. If you truly “can’t relate to the solider, the cop, the firefighter, or the high school football coach” living in your time, in your country, then it stands to reason that you also can’t relate to a king living in Israel 3,000 years ago.
Absolutely no one said you “have to like it just because its a soldiers story or a cop, or a firefighter”. I don’t understand why you even brought that up.
seventiesjason says:
August 8, 2018 at 7:09 pm
“If you don’t like what I write. Don’t reply.”
Uh, no. That’s not how this internet thing works.
Try, “if you post it, be prepared to defend it”.
Conversely, anyone criticizing a position or behavior should be prepared to apply clear logic to demonstrated facts, else they deserve every sanction by the board owner they can get.
seventiesjason says:
August 8, 2018 at 11:30 am
“I would really like to see a “christian movie” that really put a struggle or test of faith in a modern story……not a romance, not a wedding at the end…..just a story of redemption, second chances, confrontation of sin and an ending where the viewer doesn’t know what the future holds for the main character after the transformation………”
The 1964 movie “Zulu” isn’t bad that way. Likewise, the “Lord of the Rings” movie trilogy isn’t bad, if imperfect. It’s even pro-marriage and pro-natal. For a more conventional movie, there’s always the 2002 movie “Joshua”.
I can’t relate to a soldier. If I try, every vet in here will tell “you can’t relate to his story” and snarky remarks of “have you ever served? then shut your mouth”
Oh yes comments like that would come.
movies with cops and firefighters always draw in the chick appeal. always. I’m not knocking it, I just said it. It’s Hollywood it what they do. Christian or not. Based on a true story or not.
I have never hung on a cross, but I can relate it to my own life btw
Luke…logic in this forum???? come on now
earl says:
August 8, 2018 at 8:34 am
“That’s a generally accurate summation of the life of every woman who has ever put career and self over family and children.
I was reading a wiki about Barbara Walters….she adopted 1 kid. She said her biggest regret was not having more children. I can bet you in their heart of hearts the career driven, lack of motherhood skills woman eventually comes to that regret.”
Agreed, except that her quote would be more astute had it lacked the word “more”.
IMO, adopting unrelated children is commonly at best like having a VERY expensive pet, at worst akin to being a bird that INVITES a cuckoo, whydah, or magpie to lay her eggs in his/her nest, or letting another man impregnate your wife. I don’t understand the appeal, especially to people with alternatives.
it stands to reason Pfft. That’s funny coming from the source.
That’s why it’s done. Accountants and IT guys don’t give the same kinds of tingles.
@ seventiesjason
I have three combat tours, which makes me a “vet in here”. Have you seen me write “you can’t relate to this story”? Besides, what does that have to do with “the cop, the firefighter, or the high school football coach”?
Who is it easier to relate to; the omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent creator of the universe becoming a Jewish carpenter 2,000 years ago, or the high school football coach down the street?
@ Dalrock
I absolutely love your writings and wisdom, but even under your “best case scenario” you are waaaaaaaaaay overestimating that 80 out of 100 men would be waiting around age 30 to marry some broad after she is finished riding the cock carrousel after she pass 30.
A more realistic estimate would be 30, maybe 40 out of 100 Beta males would be “on standby” with finances, car, and education ready to go when the woman is done riding the carrousel. As you say, men have technology (games, tech distractions, etc), HD porn online available free 24/7, and weed all waiting for them.
Although I am from Florida, I am currently attending Law School in Colorado, you have absolutely no idea the devastation that “legal recreational marijuana” has done to the Millennials and to people who lived through the Great Recession (a/k/a/ the whole Obummer presidency). It is devastating. I would say legal weed has been far more devastating than porn and technological distractions combined.
Think about the current “Keke Challenge” going on YouTube. Countless thousands of Millennials have been severely wounded (and many have died) from injuries from this “challenge”. 🙄 Do you think these idiots think and plan for their future for a moment when they jump out of a moving car to do a dance on a public road? 🙄
Here is what I am talking about:
(There are literally thousands of videos of idiots being killed and maimed dancing on street or jumping off a moving car to do this dance and post video online. Type “keke challenge car accidents” and start laughing at the endless supply of stupidity.) 😀
Do you think THESE types morons are gonna plan ahead 10-15 years in the future to set-up a “a successful Beta provider situation” for some spent-up broad post Wall? 🙄 They cannot even plan to have a non-crippled body a day later!!
Zero chance. This is America, land of planning until the next election. Land of distractions, land of Millennials that grew up in fairly stable financial conditions, with cry rooms, safe spaces, bailouts, and helicopter parents all around. A friend of mine use the term “The United States of Entertainment” to describe our country today, and that is a great way to describe us lately. Everyone is too busy being entertained by the Kardashians, FaceBook, or the next fad to do anything useful with their life.
The Millennial “male” doucehbags today in college are getting super useful 🙄 degrees in Art Appreciation or 17th Century French Poetry. They are learning leftist political activism, not a useful skill. The number of Conservative men doing anything with their life (like a career/job, starting a business, learning a trade, or a useful degree that is applicable to a real-life job) is simply too small to even count to be meaningful.
The majority of Millennials are completely unprepared for life. There is 0% and I mean ZERO chance that 80/100 Millennial men will be “ready” for Ms. WhoreSmith to finish her carrousel ride post age 30 to marry up the sluts.
You are a very kind and hopeful man, Mr. Dalrock, to think that 80 out of 100 men will be ready. Maybe even I am being too unrealistic saying 30-40 men out of 100 will be waiting for Ms. WhoreSmith post-Wall… the real number is probably 10 out of 100 would be more like it… or less. 😮
I have three combat tours
Props, Oscar.
I assume you saw the 21st Century “Dear John” syndrome. Soldier comes home from 15-18 month combat tour, wifey has cleaned out bank account and her new man is banging her in the bed the soldier bought and she lers new man drive the soldier’s truck around. Then soldier is dragged into court and summarily ass raped.
I swear it was more than one out of three went through this.
Terrance Popp addresses this at length, even has a video to explain how a young married soldier can protect himself from his “wife”‘s manuverings while he’s gone.
It’s easier to relate to the creator of the universe. Not the cop or the firefighter or the comabt vet in the above clip who saved all those lives without a weapon
First…..Jesus never asked me how many women I bedded. Never was concerned that I wasn’t somebody important here on earth. He didn’t care if that I was not a father. He saw a vaule in me that I couldn’t even see any in myself. He didn’t compare me to other worldly men….though he knows their value too, but he loved me just as much as he would love them despite their better accomplishments in life. He expected more from me, but that more didn’t mean to have an awesome job, career, excitement, or women falling all over me………..he expected me to submit to the cross just as He would any other man that claimed Him……He made me clean, and has kept me off drugs and drink. He helped me restore through Him, and by my actions to repair the past, make amends, make peace with my mother before she died and restore a realtionship with my earthlu father. He did, and still does rebuke me….gently but sternly. He knows me. He comforts me in my pain of loneliness but doesn’t promise anything of this world…..only of eternity. He taught me righteousness, grace, forgivness and wants me to repent, confess, pray and continue to grow and pe prepared for his Kingdom.
The cop would put handcuffs on me, the firefighter views me as a dink, the high school football coach was the guy who let the rest of the team pound the snot outta me in high school and laughed.
Yout bet your life I relate better to Christ. Am I perfect? But i’ll put my relations and bets on Jesus over any earthlyu man, any day of the week. I can’t relate to them, and for the most part they never wanted to relate to me……..
Thank you for your service
Are all the same. Wife / girlfriend is saintly. Husband is a cop, a firefighter, a college professor at a bible-college, a pastor, a high school football coach and there is a problem of course and the faith of the wife, or some old buddy comes back in from years ago…….
Not The Apostle.
The lead character is a pastor. His wife cheats on him, divorces him, takes his son. He violates a court order by visiting his son at a little league game, then in a fit of rage, smashes a baseball bat against the man who stole his wife. Killing the man.
Then he runs from the law, becomes a pastor at a church where no one knows him, and finds redemption. I won’t say how. But it’s not a feminized film. It’s a film with a lot of darkness, but also a final uplifting message.
Frank K @ August 8, 2018 at 9:07 pm:
“movies with cops and firefighters always draw in the chick appeal”
“That’s why it’s done. Accountants and IT guys don’t give the same kinds of tingles.”
Stories are driven by conflict. Cops, firefighters and soldiers come with conflict built-in. It’s that simple. Even the Bible’s main characters are kings, soldiers, criminals and politically connected prophets. God wasted little ink on the quietly devout bricklayer. Even some of the Judges are one-sentence throwaways. I guess Israel wasn’t at war with the Philistines then.
Civilization is not driven by conflict. Prosperity requires stability. That’s why accountants go through the motions every day while consuming stories about hard-boiled private investigators. The only time a civil engineer makes the news is when he lets Barbie design the bridge.
It’s not always about the females. Men want to be significant but that’s difficult to achieve without going Conan on a group of bystanders.
So we can only have movies about God, literally, Jason?
Gain a bit more confidence in God’s love for you personally and quit being so touchy on what any men think of you. It would help you far more than you realize and you might not get offended by some things so quickly.
Who is offended? I mentioned that I wanted to see a real Christian story, something people could relate to…
and I was told immediately “that I would have a hard time reading the Bible” projecting and assuming that I “never” had read it.
Someone has to write a good story, or screenplay…and there are a ton of stories out there…..but the reality that soldier in war has many more opportunities to be a “a hero”. I wasn’t knocking it. I was stating a truth. Another movie about a HS football cocach who overcomes odds and builds a team to get past racism…….another cop story a la “Courageous” or any movie with a firefighter will always bring out the best……….look, it’s Hollywood, but could we please have a good story?
There were some great suggestions that I will checkout. Thank you.
I’m not offended, and if you believe I am? Apologies to you thinking that I was. 😉
An old Salvationist even joked with me when I saw “Courageous” with him and his wife “It seems like cops and firefighters are the only Christians out there today….what’s up with that?”
Caesar worship is rampant in today’s American “churches.” Cops, military personnel, firefighters, and other uniformed drones, as Caesar’s legionnaires, are objects of churchian veneration. I walked away from a Baptist church several years ago when the pastor started showing just how far he carried this idolatry. The look on his face after I rebuked bim for thanking me for “my service” was a priceless thing to behold.
Look, I can’t relate to what a cop does daily. I am sure they see enough nonsense, and they have tough jobs. It’s not for the faint at heart. Any decision is under scrutiny today. Even the right decision.
I’ve had bad run-ins with police, and have dealt with some boys on blue that are doing it right, even when they have issued me a ticket. However. just because he has a badge, that ‘automatically’ makes him a ‘good person’ and gets him a pass in life. More is expected of these brave men, its the career path they chose…….no one put a gun to their head and “made” them become a police officer. Same with a pastor, a firefighter.
Any military man who joined post 1973 made a choice. There has not been a draft since the second Nixon administration. Mind you, when a draft was in place…….many a man, brawny or scrawny served, did their time got skills, liked it or hated it….but served. Many, actually a lot…..never came home.
I respect a man who makes that choice to enlist in the finest military in the world, but again…no one put a gun to their head and made them join….and since 1973 there has been “no muscle of law” from the government to serve.
@ seventiesjason
First, you evaded some of my questions, so I’ll pose them again. I have three combat tours, which makes me a “vet in here”. Have you seen me write “you can’t relate to this story”? [Keep this question in mind for later] Besides, what does that have to do with “the cop, the firefighter, or the high school football coach”?
With whom do you think you have more in common? The omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent creator of the universe, or men who live in your neighborhood, but happen to have different jobs than you do?
Have I ever asked you any of those questions, or cared about any of those things?
In other words, they’re sinners in need of salvation, just like you are.
Here’s why I asked you to keep that first question in mind. I’m trying to relate to you right now. That’s why I’ve asked so many questions. I’m trying to understand your perspective. Yet, when I started, you immediately dismissed my attempt at relating to you as snark.
Is it possible that other men have tried to relate to you, and you dismissed them like you dismissed me? Could it be that you’ve assumed and assigned bad intentions to people who don’t hold them?
Thank you. It’s been my honor.
@ JRob
Thanks, Rob. I’m nothing special, though, so I hope I haven’t given that impression.
Sadly yes, I’ve seen it, but the man to ask about that is Scott. He was an Army psychologist (retired now), so he dealt with the aftermath a lot more than I did (I’m an engineer officer, still in the Reserves).
Yep, I’m familiar with Terrence. He reminds me of many of the NCOs I’ve worked with (and worked for, when I was enlisted). He’s very rough around the edges, but he also tells a lot of difficult truths hilariously!
@ Red Pill Latecomer
I’d forgotten about that movie. Thanks for the reminder. Robert Duvall is great, as usual.
I would think so based on what I read here. Lots of passive aggressive behavior.
Other stories could happen, but roles that are more involved with people will tend to get more attention. A movie about an IBM manager who falls into drugs and then gets out is not as compelling. Though I could see a good argument for making such a movie. Why don’t you spend time and write a story/script?
Be a solution instead of just someone who has a rough time with it.
Mention game and your offense is clear. And I have only had 1 woman (who betrayed me) in my life, so I am not the one pushing PUA and such. I note that since you complain about men who say it comes naturally. Ignoring others and plowing through come naturally to me, but connecting with others, including women, does not. It is who I am however, so I deal with it.
I do have many things I wish I had done in my marriage, though I refuse to take any blame. I still ask God why He led me to marry her and her me, but that question will remain somewhat unanswered. (He may be telling me that I needed to go through this to minister to others who face it and help some young Christian men avoid it. We will see about that.)
I think you’ve just hit on the catalyst for Isaiah 4:1. Where are all these women going to find suitable men? Guess they’ll just have to share.
“And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man [all the men are still in mom’s basement, getting high while enjoying a Debbie Does Dallas ‘bot], saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel [they’ll have their own jobs, make their own money but realize something is missing]: only let us [please, we’re desperate] be called by thy name [we want to be married, but can’t find anyone], to take away our reproach [so we won’t be shamed as unmarried hags].”
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