It turns out they *both* want a tall man.

What are the odds?*

Update Sept 17:  The video was deleted some time yesterday evening, but the youtube channel is still available for context.  See also Larry Kummer’s slightly edited transcript snips in the discussion below.

This demonstrates the cruelty of Focus on the Family/Glenn Stanton’s message to Christian women looking to marry. Neither of the two women give any indication in the nine and a half minute video that they understand they aren’t the only ones choosing, that they are being silently rejected by men just as they are silently ruling nearly all men out. Clearly there is something wrong with men if these two young Christian women aren’t forced to choose from a long line of 6 ft 1 (or taller) sexy Christian men who declare their desire to court them for marriage.

H/T: Red Pill Latecomer

*Their shock when they realize they both are looking for a man 6 ft 1 and above reminds me of the line in idiocracy where the two men realize they share common interests: So you like money and sex? You’re trippin’ me out!

This entry was posted in Focus on the Family, Glenn Stanton, Traditional Conservatives, Weak men screwing feminism up, You can't make this stuff up. Bookmark the permalink.

319 Responses to It turns out they *both* want a tall man.

  1. Anon says:

    So these very average-looking women each want a man who by all accounts is in the top 10%.

    This is consistent with the level of female delusion that we see elsewhere, with women on dating sites rating 80% of men as below average (not ‘unattractive’, but ‘below average’), which means women don’t know what ‘average’ means, even if the concept is taught in the 4th grade.

    Men had no such problem. While men might correctly describe just 20% of women as ‘hot’, they are completely accurate in estimating where the average actually resides.

    When you actually believe that only 20% of men are above average, happiness becomes well nigh impossible.

  2. earl says:

    Neither of the two women give any indication in the nine and a half minute video that they understand they aren’t the only ones choosing, that they are being silently rejected by men just as they are silently ruling nearly all men out.

    I think the silently ruling nearly all men out is the bigger message here…or at the very least a plausible excuse as to why they aren’t getting married in their 20s. I’d still bank on them rejecting more men than men silently rejecting them.

    My height (6’4″) has not made women suddenly go ga ga over trying to attain my commitment. I think it’s one of many things they hamsterize (like saying men are intimidated by their degrees, success, money, stature) to everyone else as to why commitment seems so elusive to them.

  3. Pingback: It turns out they *both* want a tall man. | @the_arv

  4. Otto Lamp says:

    “My height (6’4″) has not made women suddenly go ga ga over trying to attain my commitment. ”

    IMHO, tall men have one advantage. When they enter the room, they will get at least one look from the opposite sex. They may not get another look, but they’ll get at least one.

    In other words: they are NOT invisible to the opposite sex.

  5. feministhater says:

    My height (6’4″) has not made women suddenly go ga ga over trying to attain my commitment.

    It’s a PRErequisite to being allowed through the door. Once inside there are still many doorways your have to go through to get to the main bedroom.

  6. Otto Lamp says:

    I suggest that a lack of height makes men invisible to (some) women.

    So, they prefer a tall man, because their mind doesn’t register seeing any men who aren’t tall.

  7. JRob says:

    Again, saves us from ourselves.

    “Recently, it has come to my attention that a young lady at my church is interested in me. She loves Jesus, serves (under my leadership),…”

    “Serving a wife per Ephesians 5 and ministering to her and with her are, ideally, selfless endeavors. It doesn’t quite make sense to choose the person to whom you will love and serve and minister on self-centered criteria.”

    “By now I know you are thinking my family and I are extremely vain. But is it really wrong if you have a hard time getting past some physical issues? Are my reservations a sign that I don’t really love him, or am I just being a silly schoolgirl waiting for her Disney Prince Charming to magically come and sweep me off my feet?”

  8. earl says:

    In other words: they are NOT invisible to the opposite sex.

    That’s probably true.

    Although if a woman’s first requirement is very superficial like has to be above a certain height in which only 10% of men are (and she’s nothing special)…she’s going to be single for a long time. It’s probably a good excuse if she doesn’t want to get married in the first place.

    If I was as delusional as them I should demand supermodel looks (top 10%) for a spouse just because I got long legs. We would have about the same marital odds.

  9. Just for the record, here are some choice quotes from this documentary about 21st century American christian women. A few thoughts.

    (a) Based on this short video, congrats might be warranted to the men at Karla’s church for their good judgement in not marrying her. I feel sad for her.

    (b) Do these women have mothers or aunts, or elders at their church, to advise them? Perhaps they disregard the advice. Or perhaps it’s not given, considered hopeless.

    (c) I propose that governments should replace lotteries and OTB on horses with “guess the number” for girls doing these kind of videos.

    ————– From the YouTube transcript, slightly edited ————

    All the men at our church are like married, have kids or they’re just our friends. It just isn’t working out ok.

    But we’re in Costa Mesa and we might find Bay. No I don’t go to church with the intention of finding Bay. Like I go there for me and the guy up there, okay. But we just like wanted to have a fun beach day and we’re, like, might as well go to church here and, like maybe, find our future husbands here. You never know. …

    Winery first and then breakfast. Priority!

    But why not dream for something that you really want, you know ? …God searches for him and I think now my vision has changed. …I don’t want somebody who’s just “yeah maybe maybe there’s a God you know.” I’m not judgmental of anybody’s beliefs, and you know to each their own. We all have like career expectations. We have expectations for a hell. We have expectations for everything, and wants and desires. Why do I have to lower my list down for the person that I’m gonna spend the rest of my life with. you know? …We can’t just settle, you know. …

    I never really wear jewelry and I found these. But I’m just like I’m obsessed with them now they’re so unique. …

    We did not find men. But you know what I did find? These cute earrings that I shared with you guys earlier and this velvet dress that I decided to take with them! …

    it was so much fun hanging out with my friend Rebecca and man hunting at church. We knew we were gonna find the man of our dreams just by going one day. But we decided we should just put ourselves out there. …

    I make fun of myself all the time about the dating game and I don’t take it too seriously. At some point I want to find the person that is right for me, but I’m in no rush. I’m not trying to go to Las Vegas and get married with some random guy. I’m very patient but I’m also seeking somebody. I also know when the moment is right that person will walk into my life. But you got to put a little bit of effort. You got to go and live your life and meet new people. …

    {Music & lyrics} “I like being independent. Not so much of an investment. No one to tell me what to do.”

  10. Westray says:

    “We did not find…men.”

    Yes, you did. I saw them in the video with my own eyes.

    “But I did find these cute earrings.”

    Fair play. You have the right to seek out things that make you happy.

    And we have found minimalism and trips to SE Asia, Lat. America and Eastern Europe. Enjoy your earrings.

  11. Gunner Q says:

    Otto Lamp @ 2:04 pm:
    “My height (6’4″) has not made women suddenly go ga ga over trying to attain my commitment. ”

    “IMHO, tall men have one advantage. When they enter the room, they will get at least one look from the opposite sex. They may not get another look, but they’ll get at least one.

    “In other words: they are NOT invisible to the opposite sex.”

    No, I’m also invisible. 6’3″ and zero lifetime IOIs. One theory among PUAs is that women like tall men specifically for sex, because a tall guy’s face “lines up” with her face during the act. So, tall men aren’t naturally sexy but when Barbie thinks of sexy men she prefers the tall ones.

    But tall isn’t naturally sexy. As always, when you ask a women what she wants in a man she first assumes he’s a sexy man.

  12. Westray says:

    “If I was as delusional as them I should demand supermodel looks (top 10%)”

    It’s worse. Merely being physically healthy these days has women in the top 10%. Forget supermodels. Meanwhile a man in the top 30% (in America) is very well into the .001 percentile internationally. A man who rates out at, say, the 10-20th percentile in the US will be utterly ignored by American women who rate out at about the 60-80th percentile internationally. Sorry for the digit salad, but this can’t be stated enough.

  13. Anon says:


    No, I’m also invisible. 6’3″ and zero lifetime IOIs. One theory among PUAs is that women like tall men specifically for sex, because a tall guy’s face “lines up” with her face during the act.

    IOIs are subtle, and a man has to act within several seconds of it. He can’t go back half an hour later.

    I think men without a trained eye miss 90% of the IOIs that come their way (assuming they they look good or project enough confidence to get any).

    It is also an extreme indictment of women that they are unable to teach men to become what they want men to become. This is because women don’t understand how women think.

  14. earl says:

    IOIs are subtle, and a man has to act within several seconds of it. He can’t go back half an hour later.

    Yeah if you think IOI are very overt you’ll miss them. Most of the time early it’s not physical touching of that sort.

    I suppose I get plenty of the subtle ones just off the fact I’m tall and women have to ‘look up’ to me.

  15. c0l0nelp0pc0rn says:

    Man, it’s just so hard for women to find a help meet these days!

  16. c0l0nelp0pc0rn says:

    *women not winner

  17. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    I also know when the moment is right that person will walk into my life.

    Reminds me of a Matt Groening Life in Hell cartoon. The character lies on a couch and thinks, “Someday I’ll be rich and famous. I don’t know how, but…”

  18. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    IOIs are subtle, and a man has to act within several seconds of it. He can’t go back half an hour later.

    I know that’s true. I don’t know why it’s true. If a woman was interested in you a half hour ago, why can’t you go back? If I’m interested in a woman, my interest will not flag after only half an hour.

  19. Anonymous Reader says:

    Larry Kummer
    (b) Do these women have mothers or aunts, or elders at their church, to advise them? Perhaps they disregard the advice. Or perhaps it’s not given, considered hopeless.

    Their mothers, aunts or elders are all either Baby Boomers or GenX Californians.
    Therefore it is likely these girls are following the advice they were given…

  20. Dustin Young says:

    I thought I saw stats the other day that showed that men who are 6ft or taller make up only about 18% to 22% of the world population. So these women are vying for men who are roughly 20% of the world population and yet they themselves are not much to be desired… lol.

    Sent from my iPhone


  21. c0l0nelp0pc0rn says:

    Because it’s not interest, just the first yes in a series of opportunities for her to say no.

  22. Oscar says:

    According to the US Census Bureau, as of 2008, 89% of American men between the ages of 20 and 39 are under 6’1″.

    They just eliminated 89% of the men they’d consider with that one criterion alone. Great. That’s fine. They have every right to do that. However; what do they bring to the table that would attract that top 10% of men they want, that every other woman also wants? Has anyone asked them that question?

  23. Anon says:


    I know that’s true. I don’t know why it’s true. If a woman was interested in you a half hour ago, why can’t you go back? If I’m interested in a woman, my interest will not flag after only half an hour.

    She is also testing to see if the man is confident enough to make a move right there. That itself is a component of attraction.

    Too many men who partially understand Game detect an IOI, but get caught within either ‘I am not sure if that was an IOI’ and ‘I am not ready, let me come back in 15 mins when I am psyched up, and I hope she throws me another one”. Thus, they miss a lot of opportunities.

  24. Kyfho Myoba says:

    Hey, GunnerQ:

    Get the book Undercover Sex Signals by Leil Lowndes. Unless you are sincerely butt ugly and smell bad to boot, I guarantee that you’ve gotten some IOI’s somewhere, sometime. You just didn’t know that that’s what they were. Or were anything at all. This book will open your eyes.

    Here’s a freebie. If a woman is talking to you, and has a choice about who to talk to, she’s interested/curious. Sounds ridiculous, I know. But think about it in terms of a survey vs actual sales, it’s an honest signal. Here’s another one. Notice in which direction her feet are pointed. The book is filled with tips like these, but with a lot more explanation.

  25. Emperor Constantine says:

    What do these women bring to the table? I’d rate them as 3’s, maybe 4 at best.

    Conversation? Nope.
    Virtuous? Unlikely.

    Can they cook, clean, keep a household, maybe sing or entertain me in some way? What?

  26. Tom Lemke says:

    Apropos of dalrock’s recent insights on Boomer Dads and entitled daughters…

    I live in a college town, and I’ve noticed over the years a consistent trend for the incoming freshman girls to all drive new(ish, models from within the last 2 years), upper end cars. SUVs mostly, but full sized sedans otherwise.

    I could be wrong, but it seems to me that princess is used to getting what she wants when she rolls into town like that. Daddy’s money (or at least his credit) has given her a world of infinite options.

    So what do you mean she can’t spend those college years on the carousel and then pick up the latest “male provider” model off the shelf when she’s done running her own consumer report experiments? She’s never lived in the real world of finite resources, so the expectation that over 6′ 1″ men are subject to laws of supply and demand like any other commodity (meaning you better bring your best to the table if you want to go home with one) is the worst kind of brain-twister to them, when the basic assumption they were raised with is that: as far as their desires are concerned, resources are practically infinite.

    In sum, daddies who protect princess from confronting the hard, cold, economic realities of the world are setting them up to fail. It’s the very definition of “spoiling them.”

  27. Anonymous Reader says:

    What do these women bring to the table?

    Why, their entitled, self-absorbed, awesome awesomeness, of course.
    What more could a man want?

  28. Spacetraveller says:

    Red Pill Latecomer

    “If a woman was interested in you a half hour ago, why can’t you go back? If I’m interested in a woman, my interest will not flag after only half an hour.”

    Erm, rightly or wrongly, unfortunately a healthy, normal woman’s ‘default position’ is set to ‘reject’ until she finds something in the approaching man to make her reconsider the default position. This is why, if he doesn’t start ‘performing’ to reinforce this initial IOI, he is ‘nexted’ within half an hour. I do think this is normal female behaviour (at least in an environment where men are a-plenty and approach a lot). If this were not evolutionarily so, there would have been many more ‘unsavoury’ women than not, throughout the ages.
    In the curent dating environment, however, this strategy does not make sense anymore, and perhaps women looking to marry should ‘set the bar lower’, which as Dalrock is finding, many are not doing, to their detriment.
    The converse is also true. A woman knows within a split second which man is ‘welcome’. When I had a blog and we discussed this there, many men were shocked by this fact.

    I woul like to chip in on this ‘height’ debate a bit. But I realise I am a bit of an outlier here, so my opinion doesn’t count. 🙂
    Height for me was (rightly or wrongly!) VERY important. I am 6 feet tall, and actually, I was very much guilty of the ‘but I don’t see any men!’ script. I literally could not see many men who were much shorter than I. Even the ones who were my height were not particularly interesting.
    I know it’s superficial, but consider this: I come from very tall folk. My father was tall, my big brother is tall, even my male cousins are literal giants. I would have felt a ‘failure’ if I had brought home a short man. And that man would have been ribbed/bullied a lot by my family, which is something I wouldn’t have wanted for my husband.
    My husband, at 6’3 stands eye to eye with my male relatives. And it is good that way. I am very happy with this outcome.
    It is not that a short man was out of the question completely. But he would have had to have something else that I would have found irresistible. And that’s not fair. So better to be superficial and satisfy that visceral need than hold someone to ransom their whole married life for something that is not their fault.
    One of my pet peeves when I was single was seeing a tall man with a super-short woman. Rather uncharitably, I would always think, ‘what a waste of a tall man’ LOL. But that was pure envy. Mea culpa.
    I wonder if you men feel this way when you see a very tall woman with a very short man?

    By the way, a recent article by Heartiste addresses the issue of height. The Netherlands and Scandinavia – good sources of tall people. Guess who has (maybe subconsciously?) spent so much time in both these regions that she even speaks the languages?
    I kid you not!
    When I moved to french-speaking Switzerland (ostensibly for work), I gave myself ‘zero’ chance of meeting someone interesting. The ‘Romands’, the francophones in Switzerland are ‘alpine’ in height, meaning, quite short. And yet, within 2 months I had bumped into the only tall guy (seemingly!) in town, but who was actually from the italian part of Switzerland, living in the german part, and had only come to the french part to learn french, and was inexplicably impressed by a British girl’s french. And the rest, as they say, is history.

  29. I had an interesting conversation with one of my colleagues at the office the other day. His daughter (24, college graduate, sharing an apartment with a friend of hers) has been having a hard time finding “the one.” So I ask my coworker if she has had many dates since she’s been out of college and he tells me he has no idea. So I ask my coworker if she is seeing anyone right now and he tells me that he has no idea. Then I close the question and answer period and ask him what kind of a young man his daughter has told him she is looking for and he tells me that he has no idea.


    Subconsciously (maybe not consciously) we have a list of criteria in our minds that are non-negotiable deal breakers when searching for a mate. Rarely if ever are young ladies honest with even themselves when considering that long list. They tend to bullshit themselves (and others.) And the few that ARE honest with themselves, they are not going to share that list with their parents, that for damn sure. So what ends up happening is we situations like this where dad has no idea (none what-so-ever) if she is seeing someone, if she is even looking, or what she is looking for! So the dad of a daughter that he perceives as lonely, he projects what he believes is happening. And I am finding out more and more (at least in the are I live) we seem to have run out of 6’2″, thin, great looking, rich, medical doctors.

  30. CSI says:

    Good to see some refreshing female honesty spacetraveller. If women were open to men their height, then there wouldn’t be all these problems with shorter (or even more average height men) feeling left out. Unfortunately it seems that many average height or shorter women (like the two ladies in the video) feel that visceral need you describe for a man much taller than themselves.

    “I wonder if you men feel this way when you see a very tall woman with a very short man?”

    Female height really doesn’t hold the same paramount importance to men as male height apparently does to women. In fact I would say it’s of very little importance compared to her weight, figure, face and age. Most men wouldn’t mind dating a woman taller than himself provided she was attractive. They might find it disconcerting at first, but they’d willingly overlook it. As to how men would see a short man with a tall woman, they might be a little amused by it (it is unusual), and then they’d think “poor/lucky guy” depending on how attractive she is.

  31. Oscar says:

    @ Spacetraveller

    It’s not that women shouldn’t determine the criteria by which they’ll choose a husband. That’s not the issue here.

    The issue here is that these women don’t seem to realize that they want a man in (literally) the top 10% of men in the US, and actually much higher, because we haven’t heard all their criteria. By definition, a man in the top 10% (or higher) is desirable to just about every woman out there, which means that they have their pick of women.

    These can’t seem to understand that simple, reasonable conclusion. Nor do they seem to realize that they need to offer the men they desire something that’ll persuade those men to choose them over all the other women who find those men desirable.

    So, what exactly do they bring to the table?

  32. earl says:

    Yes feeriker I know cause and effect but still…

    If a woman’s normal position is to reject why do they wonder why they are single?

    And why are they quick to reject when they bring little/no help to the table. Shoot if she helps a guy out (like giving him her number, says call me) rather than automatically reject because he didnt get what her hair flip meant she might get what she wants.

  33. feministhater says:

    Height is but one of their requirements. Once they start with the rest, which as Spacetraveller keeps on reminded us that they simply cannot help, there are simply not enough men to go around. Their false expectations will make them lonely or miserable when they do get married.

    At this point the shit is baked into the cake, I hope they open wide and eat it, stuffing it in till they choke on it.

  34. feministhater says:

    If a woman’s normal position is to reject why do they wonder why they are single?

    They are children. Read Spacetraveller’s post. It reads like she is a child.

  35. earl says:

    Most guys appreciate good help from other men…even moreso when it comes from a pretty face.

  36. earl says:

    And the pretty face being a woman.

  37. Anonymous Reader says:

    I cannot tell how tall these totally awezome girls are, but likely they are around 5’2″ (157cm) or so. This makes their demand for a man of 6’1″ or taller (186cm) quite excessive in terms of basic logic.

    However it is not a surprise. Other men in the androsphere have sorta documented that really short girls have a big desire for men fully a foot taller (30cm or so). Interestingly women who are taller, say 5’5″ (165cm) to 5’7″ (170cm) are more relaxed in their height standards. Testing this in social situations I have seen more 5’5″ women with men who are perhaps 2 or 3 inches taller, while it’s just common to see a really tall man with some little munchkin hanging off of him.

    One cannot discuss this with girls under 5’5″ or so. They either rabbit-trail into solipsism (‘well I prefer..”) or they get peevish.

    By the way, as others have noted, these girls have deliberately screened out 90% of men from their pool of possible mates. This is hypergamy at work, it is not some strange coincidence.

    These are the sorts of girls that one encounters in a lot of churches. Those of you with sons, would you want one of them bringing such a girl home as a possible fiancee’?

  38. Paniym says:

    Boy, (being 6:2 and a little handsome) I didn’t know I was in such hot demand. No wonder why so many women look at me when I’m out. HA Ha.

    Really though I’ve lost hope for the church. God is going to let it all burn………..

  39. CSI says:

    Other men in the androsphere have sorta documented that really short girls have a big desire for men fully a foot taller (30cm or so). Interestingly women who are taller, say 5’5″ (165cm) to 5’7″ (170cm) are more relaxed in their height standards.

    I have my theory for this. All girls want men who tower over them. Shorter girls know they have a chance at this and so hold out for a much taller man. Taller girls have been forced to acknowledge this is very unlikely (a realization which undoubtedly causes them much grief) and so have reconciled themselves to dating men just a bit taller.

  40. Anonymous Reader says:

    Leaving aside the Evangelical American Princess and her Boundless demands, it is a fact that women prefer a man of their own height or taller. It is biological in nature, just as women desire a man who is stronger. I know of only a handful of married couples where the man is shorter than the woman, across a reasonably wide geographic and social-economic space. Girls just do not want to look down at their man, unless they are really angry…and that includes when wearing heels.

    I have seen real world evidence that a very secure man who has a strong Frame can in fact lead a woman of the same height. He needs to go into the relationship with his Frame already fully established and have extremely clear boundaries & requirements.

  41. feministhater says:

    Leaving aside the Evangelical American Princess and her Boundless demands, it is a fact that women prefer a man of their own height or taller. It is biological in nature, just as women desire a man who is stronger.

    Well yes, it’s not that women like taller men but that they all want the same guys a certain height and above, never mind their own stature. It’s that hypergamy now floats, it has no set parameters within which the lady much navigate. In her mind, she must have access to the very best in all things.

  42. Burner Prime says:

    Dang, tall grrl has a DEEP voice. Some super high-T going on there.

  43. Novaseeker says:

    I know that’s true. I don’t know why it’s true. If a woman was interested in you a half hour ago, why can’t you go back? If I’m interested in a woman, my interest will not flag after only half an hour.

    Women are evaluating men performatively — burden of performance, as Rollo calls it. Men evaluate women objectively as in — he sees something he likes, and he wants it. A half hour later she still looks the same so of course he still wants her. For a woman, however, that half our of nonaction by a man is disqualifying because he has failed the test of performance — women evaluate men performatively, that is the basis of the attraction valuation.

  44. Wow, the white chick has a pudgy face, a jaw like a lantern and a huge schnozz. She would marry some fellow from church with good character, forget about looks. She is destined to be a cat-lady. Sad.

  45. earl says:

    Shoot perhaps women biologically are programmed to be single, homo, or wanting the man to be the helpmate. Either that or it’s what they’ve been fed because they think they are goddesses..

  46. Emperor Constantine says:

    FWIW I read a study wherein women with these kinds of height demands of men were asked to guess the actual height of men they met. It turns out most women overestimate the height of men they are attracted to by 3 to 4 inches, i.e., a 5’8″ to 5’10” guy they meet would likely be tall enough. The problem is that so many women use mostly dating apps and so they ignore men they might actually consider tall enough in real life. Yet more self-defeating behavior.

  47. Pingback: It turns out they *both* want a tall man. | Reaction Times

  48. feministhater says:

    She’s latina. A sexy one, at least that’s what she said…

  49. feministhater says:

    Either that or it’s what they’ve been fed because they think they are goddesses..

    All the external parameters that used to control women’s hypergamy have been released. This was bound to happen. They cannot control it on their own. They need outside forces to step in and remove their boundless choices and restrict them to more reasonable ones. Patriarchy used to do this and it is very much needed again.

  50. Anonymous Reader says:

    Rollo’s latest essay ties in with this rather well.

  51. earl says:

    They need outside forces to step in and remove their boundless choices and restrict them to more reasonable ones.

    More than anything they need to be told the truth.

    They are not goddesses, princesses, daughters of the King (how can you be a daughter of Christ), amazing, or entitled to an unrealistic man of tall height and large stature because they were bestowed a uterus and vagina or got an affirmative action degree and job. They are also not dogs, trash, inhumane, or looked down upon because they are women. They are imperfect sinful human beings like men and they were created by God to be our helpmate and she is to sumbit to her husband as to the Lord. With the best arena to do that in a marriage and creating a family.

  52. feeriker says:

    Anonymous Reader says:
    September 16, 2018 at 3:39 pm

    Yup. As I constantly remind everyone, the much-needed Titus 2 woman is as extinct as the dodo bird. These poor, lost young women are on their own. Not a rosy outlook for either of them, unless the Holy Spirit touches them in a moment of revelation and leads them to seek God’s guidance via Scripture.

  53. Anon says:

    This is nice. Dinesh D’Souza’s daughter Danielle got married. This is BECAUSE she married at the appropriate age of 24 :

  54. BillyS says:

    The taller one is someone I could be attracted to, but she is unlikely to be happy with what her looks could pull. I am definitely despising short hair, so the other is completely out.

    Many of these women are going to get to the next life and realize how much they messed up their own chances by being unreasonable.

  55. BillyS says:

    24 is actually late, for fertility even. Though most would crucify you today for saying that.

  56. Futureman says:

    There are very few good looking girls where I live, which is a town of about 50,000 in the midwest. Most girls are carrying at least 20-30lbs of extra weight in the waist, legs, and arms. I really like where I live, but unfortunately most pretty women live in cities. I’m sure I’ll have to move to some high cost of living and liberal city in the next couple of years just to find a woman I find attractive. Are you guys seeing the same thing in small towns?

  57. earl says:

    At 24 she has more youth, beauty and fertility for her husband than most guys get.

    That used to be the average 20 years ago…now it’s an outlier.

  58. BillyS says:

    True Earl, though 20 years ago was still well past historical norms.

  59. ray says:

    Oscar — “It’s not that women shouldn’t determine the criteria by which they’ll choose a husband. That’s not the issue here.”

    It’s definitely an issue with me, a big issue. Females are to remain under male supervision lifelong, from dad to husband. If no husband then it stays on dad — and they legislate and lobby hard to make sure the burden stays off them, and on the general taxpayer (you). They cuck you out and then brag to one another about their victories.

    Spacetraveller comments on female discernment concerning males, and that discernment is a good thing, females should be discerning, as well as other things pleasing to God, like humble, quiet, obedient, and especially cheerful in submission to male authority. As we are cheerful — and grateful — in our submission to Father and Christ.

    Females should be allowed to exercise that discernment during supervised courtship or just meetings, but it is the male in authority over her who must determine the ultimate criteria for her spouse. His approval is not optional.

    The male has the responsibility of spiritual guardianship over the female, in the same way King Jeshua is responsible for the spiritual guardianship of people. The World labors hard to nullify and criminalize that guardianship.

  60. Jim says:

    Really though I’ve lost hope for the church. God is going to let it all burn………..

    Same here. It’s nothing but a Leftist PC Church with the word “Christian” slapped on it. With how much we hate it imagine how much anger God has toward it right now? He’s the one being blasphemed over and over by these fake Christians punks.

  61. Paul says:

    Couple of days later she posts this video

    “Why You Should Go On Dates With Yourself”

  62. ray says:

    BillyS — “Many of these women are going to get to the next life and realize how much they messed up their own chances by being unreasonable.”

    Next life? Many of these will have no next life. Not what anybody would call life, anyway. Away from Father is away from life. They rebelled here but Jesus wants them in His Kingdom because . . . well He needs to keep the stock of rebels up? Feels empty and useless without constant arrogance and aggravation?

    Speaking of being picky and discerning, that’d be Him when it comes to who gets in.

  63. Jonathan Castle says:

    Girls get a worse rap than they _sometimes_ deserve in these parts. These girls are both optimistic, happy, lively and seemingly intelligent. Good people, in other words.

    If they overplay their hand and end-up bitter, jaded 35 year-old’s, it’ll mostly be because they followed the advice everyone gave them – family included. (That’s Dalrock’s main point I think.)

    In general, to marry young, hot and fertile as a woman – when you still have lots of credit on your Golden Ticket – takes an incredible amount of foresight and self-sacrifice.

    If you as a man were a 22-year-old minor rock star who women were throwing themselves at…would you cash in your chips right then and there? Doubtful. You’d ride the pvssy parade for ‘just a few more years to see how things play out.’

    The problems in the dating market are deep-seated and structural. Just telling women the ‘truth’ won’t change anything any more than telling the 22-year-old rock star that he really needs to settle down before all the good girls are gone. Hah! Yeah, right.

    Women were happy to marry in the past when they were 20 because all their peers were getting married too. In a sense, women were saved from themselves by a system that led them to having a family early. When they lost their looks, they gained respect as family matriarchs.

    But try telling modren women that the Old Order saved them from themselves. Some of the jaded 40-somethings may entertain the thought. But nary a twenty-five year-old.

  64. Scott says:


    That’s a relief. I barely made the cutoff.

  65. Lexet Blog says:

    They took the film down

  66. Hank Flanders says:

    What was the video of?

  67. Hank Flanders says:

    That is, who was the publisher, title of the video, etc?

  68. Did Andre the Giant have a daughter?

  69. earl says:

    “Why You Should Go On Dates With Yourself”

    It’s what happens when you effectively wipe out 90% of the male population at minimum.

  70. JT says:

    Video link is unavailable.

  71. earl says:

    Just telling women the ‘truth’ won’t change anything any more than telling the 22-year-old rock star that he really needs to settle down before all the good girls are gone.

    Well I will present the apples to oranges comparision here…

    A 22 year old rockstar should in theory have some tangible evidence that he’s a success…like being signed to a music label, playing decent size gigs, making videos, and most women would know his name and he wouldn’t know theirs. Add on top of that talent to play an instrument, sing, the desire to do the hardwork grind of performing, etc. So me telling him he’s not as great as he thinks he is probably wouldn’t register as much.

    Whereas a 22 year old woman is just amazing because that’s all she’s been told her whole life or from the comments from random strangers she sees on whichever social media brainwashing outlet she chooses to show off her body pics.

  72. CSI says:

    Did Karla take her videos down? Was it partly because of the criticism she garnered here? Its unfortunate I suppose. The Internet allows anyone to publish videos etc of themselves, but then this leaves them with the risk of unexpected criticism for even innocuous content. And average people do not handle even benign criticism very well. That’s why I would never attach my real name to anything.

  73. Hank Flanders says:

    @CSI Who’s Karla?

  74. Oscar says:

    @ Ray

    Females should be allowed to exercise that discernment during supervised courtship or just meetings, but it is the male in authority over her who must determine the ultimate criteria for her spouse. His approval is not optional.

    Don’t you think that a wise father would take into account his daughter’s likes and dislikes? Obviously, he should be more reasonable than his daughter. A 40-year-old man who’s no more reasonable than a 20-year-old girl would be useless. But, within the bounds of reason, it seems to me that any good father would want his daughter to actually like her husband.

  75. earl says:

    Female height really doesn’t hold the same paramount importance to men as male height apparently does to women. In fact I would say it’s of very little importance compared to her weight, figure, face and age.

    Yeah the other things matter more than her leg/torso length.

    I’ve dated girls that were on the taller side (5’10”-5’11” range) and girls that were as short as 5’4″…the height wasn’t the reason why I wanted to date them. The taller girls seemed to care more about height because they could wear high heels without feeling guilty about it (ok).

    Even in the rare event I see a gal who is my height or slightly taller…the height doesn’t matter, I looks to see if she’s attractive looking.

  76. earl says:

    While men might correctly describe just 20% of women as ‘hot’, they are completely accurate in estimating where the average actually resides.

    I don’t know…I’ve seen plenty of average women going on the social media brainwashing unit and get plenty of compliments from thirsty guys about how hot or beautiful she looks.

    Perhaps that’s another reason why a lot of women don’t have an accurate representation where they stand. Social media distorts reality. How often does that happen to them in meatspace? Some random guy coming up to them and saying how hot they are…I bet it doesn’t happen because they don’t have the computer buffer there.

  77. CSI says:

    “@CSI Who’s Karla?”

    She’s the subject of the video Dalrock linked in this article (that seems to have been taken down), the one obsessed with finding a very tall churchgoing man.

  78. Hank Flanders says:

    Right, but you referred to her by a first name as if you were already familiar with her other videos. Can you (or anyone else) reference her youtube handle or any other videos that might be available on the wayback machine or something?

  79. mark says:

    Woah, now hold on a second! Is this not a standard worship song on your Sunday mornings?

    Lord I’ve been prayin’
    For somebody I’ve never seen
    And I don’t care what he looks like
    As long as he loves me

    No I’m not particular
    But could he have blue eyes
    Just like the sky
    And blonde hair
    Wavy and light
    And 6 foot 2 is my favorite height
    But lord I don’t care what he looks like

    I’ve been gettin’ so lonesome
    Waiting for him to come around
    But if you’re teaching me patience
    I’m willing to wait this one out
    I’ll be patient

    But could we meet by
    The first of July
    So he’ll hold my hand
    As they light up the sky
    And marry me on an April night
    But lord take your sweet, sweet time

    Whatever you want
    Is whatever I want
    I’m not particular
    So if he has green eyes
    That would be fine
    Or brown hair
    That’s quite alright
    Now 6 foot 2 is my favorite height
    But lord I don’t care

    And could we meet by
    The first of July
    So he’ll hold my hand
    As they light up the sky
    And marry me oh marry me
    Marry me on an April night
    But lord take your sweet, sweet time
    And lord I don’t care what he looks like.

  80. Dalrock says:

    See the “Date yourself” video Paul linked above Hank.

  81. earl says:

    @ Hank…

    Search youtube for WhatWouldKarlaSay

    I did find the video where feminism got brought up so there’s another strike against her (or affirmation) she doesn’t really want to get married.

  82. Jonathan Castle says:

    “Whereas a 22 year old woman is just amazing because that’s all she’s been told her whole life or from the comments from random strangers she sees on whichever social media brainwashing outlet she chooses to show off her body pics.”

    Well yes. Her ego is artificially boosted beyond all bonds of logic (leading to a witches brew of personality disorders).

    Even so, her youth, beauty and tantalizing fertility are in fact amazing to us. That’s why we’re so pissed young women won’t fairly divide themselves.

    So, as a man you can compete for beautiful women as 1) a playa or 2) as a provider. But, we all know who gets her best years. On the other hand, my brother-in-law is kind of both, but not many of us can pull that off!

    Haha…that’s just life as a man in a fallen world. Buck up the best you can and carry on. There’s plenty of meaning and purpose to be found elsewhere if you’re snakebit with women.

  83. Hank Flanders says:

    Dalrock and earl, thanks!

  84. patriarchal landmine says:

    state your preferences for a woman’s appearance and prepare to be burned at the stake.

  85. Burner Prime says:

    FSG (@FSpeedGaming) , LOL, you nailed it. Linebacker physique, barrel chest, boy hips, scrawny legs, beer gut, and protruding browline. But deserves the 6’2′ handsome, cut, Anglo stud.

  86. Burner Prime says:

    Self described “hot, sexy Latina”. Says, “I’m not a hot mess, I am hot..” Never been in a relationship. 6’3-6’5″ meets requirements. Stopped online dating. NOT because the men rejected her of course.

  87. ChristianCool says:


    How come you know so much about Boundless?? It is feminist website, how did you come across to it? I am not surprised FotF is a center-left feminist-Christian organization, but their stuff is toxic to women.

    @Larry Kumer

    (b) In Biblical Christianity, older women should teach younger women (Titus 2:3-5). But instead, FB, the Kardashians, Marxist public education, and InstaGram raise girls.

    (c) The left tells us that “all kids are equally valuable”, 🙄 so why not take all kids born in a day at a hospital, assign numbers to them and distribute them to random parents based on a lottery?? It is all the same, right? 😆 That freaks out even the left. There is a VALUE to raising your own child to the best you can. It is a vested interest.

    You are talking about issuing random numbers, well….. We are moving to a point the government will allow women to get a gun, point it at first random single man they see on street and drag them into family court and accuse that random guy to be the father of her kid. The goal is so they can pay child support for her child. Paternity means NOTHING in American family courts. They just want some poor sucker of a man to write a check every month.

    We are so far off Biblical Christianity in the West today, it is hardly even worth discussing it when it comes to dealing with our women, even Christian ones. Unless she is Orthodox and/or very serious about her faith, treat a “church girl” almost as any you meet on street or online.

    Some Red Pill here. 😉

  88. ChristianCool says:


    Male height is almost all irrelevant. This is just one of these trends women follow online. It is all about their entitled sense to have a man with Leo DiCaprio’s face, Arnold’s body, and Trump’s money all packaged for them once they are post-Wall.

    These trends vary. Skinny guys were the thing in early 1990s. Then muscled guys were in late 1990s. For years, shredded dudes (skinny shredded) were the thing, based on rapper type (think Marky Mark body during his rapper days). About 3 years ago, skinny guys were back. Now my friend tells me I am getting more IOIs based on my V-shaped muscular body because muscle guys are in again.

    This is all trends. It comes and goes. 🙄

    Women want confidence and good overall appearance most of all. Height is almost irrelevant, unless you are under 5’5″.

    Game is knowledge to make a man more attractable and overcome these shit tests, like “I need a man of ___ height”. This is just women demanding crap for female entitlement’s sake. That is a shit test, a demand from men that 11% of total US male population can meet (according to @Oscar).

    ❗ Overcome her shit tests… if she says, “I want a man who is over 6’2″ or taller”, you say “yeah I want a woman who is hot”. Your boldness shows confidence and changes the conversation. If you cower to her crap and you say “well, I am under 6’2″ but I am a great guy, blah blah”, you FAILED, my friend. Good-bye.

    ****Best Guide on shit tests, hands down: ****

    Game women HARD and understand that this is all a big test and a drama play for them. Be cocky, talk a good game, and improve yourself as a man. Height is not that important believe me, I am only 5’11” and do just fine. One of my buddy is 5’4″ and he still gets women. Game knowledge of self-improvement will do wonders for you.

  89. Spike says:

    Height, eh?
    Trust women to select based on a genetic trait – the ONE THING that a man is born with and CANNOT change.
    A man can better himself in a million ways: learn more so he can be in a better economic / physical / mental state; work out so he is in physically better shape. If he got addicted to something, he can better himself by giving up that addiction. He can thus change the things that he has power over.
    His height is genetically pre-determined and cannot be changed.
    I’m reminded of the meme where a girl texts a guy for a date and asks him how tall he is. ”6’3” is his answer. She texts back, “OK, whew”. He texts, “How much do you weigh?” Her, ”What has that got to do with anything?” His response, ”You can fix yr weight. bye.”‘
    Says it all , really.

  90. These girls are both optimistic, happy, lively and seemingly intelligent. Good people, in other words.

    It’s possible to have those qualities and a twisted conscience. Not that these girls have one, mind you, just that being happy, optimistic and intelligent are not bearers of virtue. It’s a rather hedonistic way of assessing someone’s character.

    If these girls are optimistic, it’s not because they’re good, it’s because they think the attention they get from men will last forever. Well, I’ve got news for them: the pickings are about to get real slim, if they aren’t already (the girl who looks like Andre the Giant’s long-lost daughter probably isn’t turning many heads).

    Buck up the best you can and carry on. There’s plenty of meaning and purpose to be found elsewhere if you’re snakebit with women.

    This is something that affects us all, so we can’t carry on. That’s the attitude of Dennis Prager and other boomers who are trying to do damage control on the society they’ve handed us. They want young guys like me to act like the last 40-50 years didn’t happen, which makes our toil and sacrifice a thankless burden.

    I can’t prove it, but I suspect one of the reasons young men were unwilling to be drafted into the Vietnam War was that they knew the Viet Cong couldn’t cross the oceans and take their women captive, whereas there was a sense that the Japanese and Germans had that ability in WW2. Men will fight and die for the honor of their women but when their women don’t have any honor, men will tend to be shiftless. The great-grandfathers of today’s young Swedes and Germans would never have allowed millions of Syrian and African migrants to enter their country and fondle their women.

    Some of us are fighting for Western Civilization, but we need to rally the troops. What women like Katie Hopkins don’t understand is that men aren’t “cowards,” they’re just not motivated to fight for women like her.

  91. Opus says:

    What I noticed (because it grates) is that in the first half of the video the more voluble of the two birds uses the word ‘like’ – I counted – over twenty times and not as a simile. I assumed that this misuse of an innocent little word was caused by nerves.

    Tall girls sometimes stoop to cover for the fact that they are giants and perforce avoid high-heels: this is foolish. I have dated tall and I have dated short and believe me, honey, I prefer shorter – tall always seems like a challenge to be conquered which is alright but rather exhausting. For women, I suspect, tall men are instantly associated with success and thus money. I am the same height as the late Tyrone Power – so obviously to be ruled out by the girls in the video neither of whom are at best any more than of average looks.

    Costa Mesa CA is where the video was made. I once spent a week in its Ali Baba Motel.

  92. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Spacetraveller: I wonder if you men feel this way when you see a very tall woman with a very short man?

    I think most people (men and women), when they see a short man with a tall woman, they think, He must have SOMETHING!. Possibly $$$. Or power, or status, or fame.

    In Hollywood, it’s not uncommon to see short (usually Jewish) men with very tall, beautiful women. I always assumed these women are bimbos (aspiring actresses or models) and the men are producers or studio executives.

    The late Lana Clarkson towered over the much shorter, and much older, Phil Specter. She allegedly dated him because of what he might do for her career. You might recall, he murdered her:

  93. logic2i says:

    Video has been yanked! Hahahahahaha!!! I wonder if it was my comment that 6ft tall men only make up a small portion of the world wide male populate (roughly 18% – 22%)?

  94. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Anonymous Reader: Other men in the androsphere have sorta documented that really short girls have a big desire for men fully a foot taller

    This is true. I see a lot of very tall, athletic white men in Los Angeles, apparently dating or married to (very pretty) munchkins.

    Two common things I’ve read in women’s online dating profiles:

    * I’m a very tall women, so I need a very tall man.

    * I’m a very short woman, so I need a very tall man.

    So, whether a woman is tall or short, she needs a tall man.

  95. JRob says:


    How come you know so much about Boundless?? It is feminist website, how did you come across to it? I am not surprised FotF is a center-left feminist-Christian organization, but their stuff is toxic to women

    I listened to Dobson 10+ years ago a couple times a week and read his book Bringing up Boys. Then ignored FoTF completely. Didn’t even know about Boundary-less until I read this blog. Accidentally rolled the dial a couple weeks ago to Dennis Rainey’s show and heard the man voiced never married Li$a Anderson confirming everything discussed here in less than three minutes.

    Might say it’s a fun research project. It’s been misleading singles and reinforcing AF/BB for two decades in a way that even defies self-parody. Also Glenn Stanton is paid by FotF. Know thine enemy.

  96. JRob says:

    And to be honest, my bewilderment was replaced with focus to counter their crap by teaching my boys how not to act/think. This detritus is passed off as “Christian” and is taught/followed by the evangelical movement at large. FotF is actually destroying the family with their BS. Is this intentional or are they deceived? A cursory glance seems it’s a mixture if both.

  97. About Karla’s video:“Why You Should Go On Dates With Yourself” (Paul posted upthread).

    That’s cutting edge feminism, WGTOW. Then she can take the next step: marry herself.

    “An Italian woman has married herself in a ceremony complete with white dress, three-layer wedding cake, bridesmaids and 70 guests. ‘I firmly believe that each of us must first of all love ourselves,” said Laura Mesi, a 40-year-old fitness trainer. “You can have a fairytale even without the prince.'”

    A woman from the Gold Coast in Australia has married herself in an intimate beach ceremony in front of three close friends. …The 34-year-old wore a tie-dye blue and purple gown on the day, and looked into a handheld mirror while she recited her vows.”

    “On May 27, 2017, the 38-year-old Vietnamese-French finance manager from Reims, France exchanged vows with herself via a $27,000 ceremony held on the island of Santorini in Greece.”

  98. feeriker says:

    if she says, “I want a man who is over 6’2″ or taller”, you say “yeah I want a woman who is hot”

    Given that any woman who makes such a remark has just revealed herself to be not worth wasting any time or effort with, the appropriate response is “yeah, and people in hell want ice water,” delivered with the appropriate level of acrid sarcasm.

  99. feeriker says:

    I’m reminded of the meme where a girl texts a guy for a date and asks him how tall he is. ”6’3” is his answer. She texts back, “OK, whew”. He texts, “How much do you weigh?” Her, ”What has that got to do with anything?” His response, ”You can fix yr weight. bye.”‘

    ROTFLMFAO! I remember that one from a while back. Brutal and brilliantly executed!

  100. Lexet Blog says:

    “Christian” women are just as bird brained as regular hos

  101. 447 says:


    Game is knowledge to make a man more attractable and overcome these shit tests, like “I need a man of ___ height”. This is just women demanding crap for female entitlement’s sake. That is a shit test, a demand from men that 11% of total US male population can meet (according to @Oscar).
    Absolutely true.
    The same goes for 90 percent of the shit they SAY they want.

    I can state with confidence that almost no woman sticks to her criteria.
    The only relevant criteria (which are the ones women NEVER openly talk about) are LMS, with a very strong focus on S=status for what most men want, which is an LTR without big problems and lots of sex/emotional intimacy.

    Looks get you a foot in the door, perhaps even an open door – but nothing more.
    Money stabilizes existing trends the woman sees – the more money, the more you are a target for a sliding scale beta bux attack, the badness of this devaluation correlating directly with game skills. So money just increases the perception the woman already has of you: If youmare hot, she wants youmeven more, if you are her settling beta, she will ramp up beta demands even harder.
    Status though – requires almost no objective workload(though perhaps heavy internal, psychological work) and massivly influences how girls see you.

    Remember: Status is intangible in some areas and includes game – offical status markers like wealth and official education status are openly visibly and thus beta for women, because beta men could fake being alpha were it otherwise. And the FI can’t have that, can she? 😁

  102. Scott says:

    Re: videos disappearing from YouTube

    We have had numerous videos on our Ljubomir Farms site just vanish without warning.

    That is our harmless, feel-good site about hobby farming. And the videos that have disappeared have been particularly non-abrasive.

    When I go to the dashboard section of my account it clearly enumerates that I have had zero community standards violations, zero complaints, etc.

    I did not take them down.

    So there is either a glitch in their platform or someone internally to YouTube removed them.

    It’s rrally weird.

  103. earl says:

    Even so, her youth, beauty and tantalizing fertility are in fact amazing to us. That’s why we’re so pissed young women won’t fairly divide themselves.

    In theory (before the years of widespread obesity and the pill)…every woman in her late teens/early 20s has youth, beauty, and fertility. Not every guy can be a rock star or 6’3″.

  104. earl says:

    Not only that her 3 assets depreciate over time…most women at least subconsciously know that…just look how much they start to panic when they get into their late 20s without so much as a hint of marriage on the horizon. Which is why they should be trying to find a spouse during that 10 year window instead of rejecting guys left and right and giving her body away to any strange fellow on exotic trips where she eats food. Then again since women have been lied to overall in the West it’s going to be difficult to even tell them these bits of truth.

    Unless my legs get chopped off or I lose cartilage in my spine…I’ll be 6’4″. My personality has been basically the same since I was a kid with learning some new things along the way.

  105. Otto says:

    “True Earl, though 20 years ago was still well past historical norms.”

    In 1890, the median age of women’s first marriage was 22. It remained in the 21-22 range till 1990, when it started the rise in age that still continues.

    While teenage brides may have been common historically, it’s overstating it to say they were the norm. The majority of women did not marry in their teens.

    It’s interesting the age stayed so steady for some many years (100 in fact). The 1990 group is the first generation that lived their entire lives under the influence of modern feminism and its devaluation of the role of wife and mother.

  106. mgtowhorseman says:

    Also they don’t understand what wanting tall men do to their chances.

    I am 6-1. Mrs. is 5-10. We match and compliment each other.
    My father was 6-6, mother 5-1. It looked weird, she came to his waist like a hobbit.
    Even dressed up they looked awkward.

    So I automatically don’t see any woman under 5-6.

    Lots of tall guys I know are the same way. They may want a tall guy but the average 5-4 woman, even a 10, is invisible or just looks “wrong.”

  107. BillyS says:

    22 is still younger than 24, especially since it is the median, not the ends. How many of those not married early were due to not being attractive? I would bet that played more of a role in the past.

    Either way, it is still younger than the “early marriage at 24” crowd would mostly believe. (Not Earl, but most cucks in church.)

  108. mgtowhorseman says:

    Also any woman out of her fertility period i.e. over 30 is invisible.

    “I want a man over 6′ who makes over 100k.”

    “Hey I do!
    And I want a woman under 130 lbs who can produce healthy babies.
    Thanks for playing, bye bye now!”

  109. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    mgtowhorseman: My father was 6-6, mother 5-1. It looked weird, she came to his waist like a hobbit. Even dressed up they looked awkward.

    That recalls this classic Fawlty Towers scene:

  110. Dalrock says:

    @Jonathan Castle

    Girls get a worse rap than they _sometimes_ deserve in these parts. These girls are both optimistic, happy, lively and seemingly intelligent. Good people, in other words.

    If they overplay their hand and end-up bitter, jaded 35 year-old’s, it’ll mostly be because they followed the advice everyone gave them – family included. (That’s Dalrock’s main point I think.)

    You are right on my main point, and my preference would have been to leave it there. However, your claim that they are “good people” invites a rebuttal. This is a case of simply not being able to see bad behavior when it comes from a woman. Swap the sexes and I can’t imagine you would be praising a young man who makes a video stating that all the women in his home church are unattractive as one of the good ones. Likewise if during this video he pointed out a woman eating her lunch in public and commented about how unattractive she was. Imagine a pair of young men making a youtube video about looking for attractive women at a new church, and then reporting back that they didn’t find any.

    The thing is, we don’t tend to see self obsession and entitlement as bad behavior from women, as it is so normal to us. But here we have a woman who has taken this to the next level and you still can’t see it. She has a youtube channel about her life, titled “WhatWouldKarlaSay”. And she delivers! No thought is left unexpressed (no matter how trite), all while soaking up attention from beta orbiters. And all of this is in the context of documenting her life as a Christian woman looking for a husband.

    I’ll put it another way. If Karla is one of the “good ones”, what would a self obsessed narcissistic Christian woman look like? How bad would it have to be for you to cringe? A youtube channel about her not finding men who are worthy of her doesn’t do it for you. What would? Would it suffice if she purchased space on billboards around town, with her face 15 feet tall and the message “Other Christian men are losers. Are you good enough to marry me?” How much would it take before even you said enough?

  111. thedeti says:

    The video got pulled. Clicked; it says “this video is unavailable.”

    Translation: “This video got unwanted attention and people started telling the truth about what it contains. We cannot have that; so we’re going to pull the video.”

  112. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    I’ve read that in the U.S. the average (or was it median?) height for a man is 5’9″. For a woman it’s 5’4″. So it’s no problem if a woman wants a man up to 5 inches taller. That’s reasonable, and still meets their hardwired desire for a taller man.

    But one person estimated that Karla and her friend are about 5’2″. So they should be looking for men up to 5’7″. Men at 6’1″ or above are out of their league.

  113. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    A final note on height. After the age of 40, everyone shrinks. It’s part of the aging process. I suppose rates vary, slightly, but a healthy person, beginning at 40, will shrink about a half inch per decade.

    In my experience, that’s true. When I was young, I measured at 5’10”. Then at age 51, I took my first physical in a long time. The doctor measured me at 5’9 1/2″. I had indeed shrunk a half inch in the span of a decade.

    Hence, the stereotype of the “little old woman.” Women shrink more than do men, because they start with less bone density. And that’s a healthy woman (i.e., not accounting for bone diseases).

  114. Damn Crackers says:

    Out of curiosity is there a god of height women used to worship? The “tall, dark and handsome” trope had to come from somewhere.

    OT: When will the Church seek salvation from the holy vagina? Looks like it might be soon:

  115. thedeti says:

    It might not matter a lot, but I don’t think Karla is Christian. Here’s a video on her celebrating Hanukkah for the first time. The video was 8 months ago.

  116. BillyS says:

    She is aiming at telling others how to build a relationship when she can’t seem to get one:

  117. earl says:

    OT: When will the Church seek salvation from the holy vagina? Looks like it might be soon:

    The ‘holy vagina’ comes into play when the clergy wants to continue sex abuse rather than tackling the direct issue at hand…homosexual predator clergy. You think women are going to be THE ones to stop sexual immorality?

    Do women have some greater sense of ‘gaydar’? Are women more intune for fag clergy…from reports I read male seminarians seemed to know who was the homos.

  118. Frank K says:

    But one person estimated that Karla and her friend are about 5’2″. So they should be looking for men up to 5’7″. Men at 6’1″ or above are out of their league.

    No to mention that her looks are barely average. If she was a looker some tall guys might consider her.

  119. earl says:

    It might not matter a lot, but I don’t think Karla is Christian. Here’s a video on her celebrating Hanukkah for the first time. The video was 8 months ago.

    I think that only proves she’s not Jewish.

    She is aiming at telling others how to build a relationship when she can’t seem to get one:

    In that regard she is A LOT like Christian women from the FotF ilk.

  120. Dalrock says:

    @Red Pill Latecomer

    But one person estimated that Karla and her friend are about 5’2″. So they should be looking for men up to 5’7″. Men at 6’1″ or above are out of their league.

    This isn’t the right way to look at it. A tall woman needs an even taller man, but her being tall doesn’t make her more attractive. It might help a bit, but there is a difference between women and men in this. Likewise with athleticism and strength (vs being fit and sexy). The men of the NBA aren’t dying to marry the small number of straight women of the WNBA.

  121. stickdude90 says:

    Back when I was dating online, I was sooo tempted to put “Will only date women 6 feet or taller” in my profile. (I’m 6′ 6″). I wonder what reactions I would have received. 😀

  122. Paul says:

    Isn’t being tall just very similar to being muscular: it’s a factor indicating male dominance, hence attractive to women.

  123. thedeti says:


    “She is aiming at telling others how to build a relationship when she can’t seem to get one:”

    There seems to be a lot of that going around. Hey, Wendy Griffith and Lisa Anderson seem to have made careers of this.


    ” The men of the NBA aren’t dying to marry the small number of straight women of the WNBA.”

    Well played.

  124. earl says:

    Would it suffice if she purchased space on billboards around town, with her face 15 feet tall and the message “Other Christian men are losers. Are you good enough to marry me?” How much would it take before even you said enough?

    Relatively speaking that would only reach a few people. When you got youtube instafacetwit and all sorts of other reality bending devices on the internet that’s worse than a billboard. We should be saying enough with youtube and social media alone.

  125. earl says:

    Back when I was dating online, I was sooo tempted to put “Will only date women 6 feet or taller” in my profile. (I’m 6′ 6″). I wonder what reactions I would have received. 😀

    Having a weight restriction would produce more entertaining reactions.

  126. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Having a weight restriction would produce more entertaining reactions.

    Men who judge women by their weight (or by any standard) are called “haters.”

    That would be the reaction. You’d be accused of “hate.”

  127. earl says:

    Men who judge women by their weight (or by any standard) are called “haters.”

    Odds Karla produces a video in the near future along the lines ‘For the Haters out There’…?

  128. earl says:

    Speaking of ‘fatty’…

    ‘Fatty’ Bumble date ditched with $50 check

    I think she is mad a guy did something a lot of women do on dates.

  129. Novaseeker says:

    But one person estimated that Karla and her friend are about 5’2″. So they should be looking for men up to 5’7″. Men at 6’1″ or above are out of their league.

    It doesn’t work that way. Women who are smaller tend to prefer men who are taller than average. I suspect that in evolutionary terms it has to do with not wanting to disadvantage any male children any more than her own small genes do … so she seeks to counterbalance them with tall genes on the male side. If a short woman gets with a short man, in other words, the likelihood of short children skyrockets, which works against the mating chances of any male children she may have, which then depresses the number of her descendants down the line. This is why men in the middle category, say 5’7″ to 5’10” do better with women who are in the 5’5-5’7″ range, often, than with women who are smaller than that. Smaller women have a very strong preference for taller than average men.

  130. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    And here is how that Bumble girl ends her saga:

    We are all beautiful women who deserve to be loved, regardless of our size, race, ability, sexuality, WHATEVER. Don’t ever let anybody make you feel anything different. WE. ARE. WORTHY.

  131. Anonymous Reader says:

    suspect that in evolutionary terms it has to do with not wanting to disadvantage any male children any more than her own small genes do … so she seeks to counterbalance them with tall genes on the male side.

    That makes sense. Evo-psych all too often devolves to a Just So story, but this is pretty straightforward. Thanks for the sound observation.

  132. feministhater says:

    I suspect that in evolutionary terms it has to do with not wanting to disadvantage any male children any more than her own small genes do … so she seeks to counterbalance them with tall genes on the male side.

    You see gentlemen, she really is only looking out for your best interests. At heart, they’re really doing you all a favour. Lol! Never a dull moment!

    Merely marrying a taller man each consecutive generation would suffice to fix this so called ‘problem’. That’s if you’re going to use the ‘evolution’ argument….

  133. Joe says:

    For the stats…
    Me: 6′, 165lbs
    Her: 5’9″ 126lbs

    She says “I like feeling small in your arms”.

  134. ray says:

    Oscar —

    “Don’t you think that a wise father would take into account his daughter’s likes and dislikes?”

    Absolutely. And I said as much in my response to you. But you said —

    “It’s not that women shouldn’t determine the criteria by which they’ll choose a husband. That’s not the issue here.”

    . . . and I’m saying the male in authority (usually bio-dad) determines the criteria, and does the ultimate choosing. Not the female, as you stated. That’s the way it’s done now, in your feminist nations.

    During courtship or friendship the female should evaluate and discern the guy, just as he’s doing to her. She’s kinda the first sieve for evaluating a potential husband, and that’s good and proper, her natural female-discernment comes into play. What she likes and wants is an important factor, but never the deciding factor.

  135. earl says:

    She says “I like feeling small in your arms”.

    Now is that because of your physical stature and mindset or the fact she’s submissive or both?

    My guess would be ‘both’. Considering in my regard I would make most women ‘feel small’ in my arms…thing is a lot of them probably don’t have that attitude. They got the strong, empowered, independent nonsense.

  136. Dale says:

    Spacetraveller asks I wonder if you men feel this way when you see a very tall woman with a very short man?

    As others indicated, the measurement for a woman’s height is not significant to me. I appreciate that my wife is tall, but it is not a big deal.
    The measurement of a woman’s breast size is more significant to whether I would have found her attractive.

    Read Spacetraveller’s post. It reads like she is a child.
    Give her some credit. She showed both self-reflection and the ability to intellectually question her emotional desires, so for a woman she was demonstrating a high level of maturity.

  137. Tim says:


    I’ve come to really enjoy your writing since I first found it about six months ago. I appreciate how you’ve expanded my thinking on many issues.

    However, although I’ve read many of your archived articles, I struggle to understand your actual positions on issues.

    Because you’re so skilled with pointing out the various errors you see in modern Christian perspectives (such as the errors with complementarianism, courtly love, etc.) I think I understand your alternatives, but I’m never quite sure.

    In short, you frequently oppose a position but I can rarely figure out what your actual position is. I’m interested in the positive principles and positions that you teach your children.

    Will you please consider writing a series of positive articles, stating as clearly as you’re able what you actually believe and why? This would be very helpful for me as I consider your work.

    Thank you,

  138. ray says:

    Larry Kummer — ‘”The 34-year-old wore a tie-dye blue and purple gown on the day, and looked into a handheld mirror while she recited her vows.”’

    Oh baby! Handheld Mirror, whatta jackpot. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Western Women, in one unforgettable image.

    ‘Who’s the fairest of them all?’ indeed. For the nations are saturated with Evil Queens now. Each one empowered to the max, and they ain’t looking to kill Snow White either. They’re looking to kill the prince.

  139. earl says:

    I know, I know women and cause and effect…

    From the Australian bride marrying herself story…turns out she took another woman’s ‘wise’ council.

    The act of marrying oneself, sometimes known as ‘solygamy’, is not legally recognized in Australia but is viewed as a symbolic occasion.

    Doktar was inspired to marry herself after her close friend Emmajane Love did the same thing in Bali.

    Love, a former sex worker-turned-relationships counsellor, made headlines in 2017 for her own bohemian-style ceremony, which she decided to pursue after experiencing a series of abusive relationships.

    The 33-year-old bought her own engagement ring, writing in a Facebook post at the time that the ceremony was an expression of the unconditional love she has for herself.

    She now helps others to marry themselves in symbolic ceremonies and has performed more than 100 self-marriages for men and women, including Doktar.

    A sex worker encountered abusive relationships…you don’t say? Next you’ll tell me strippers don’t get treated with class. But hey if the prostitution doesn’t work they can always transition to their next career as relationship counselors and experts.

  140. Dalrock says:


    I’ve come to really enjoy your writing since I first found it about six months ago. I appreciate how you’ve expanded my thinking on many issues.

    However, although I’ve read many of your archived articles, I struggle to understand your actual positions on issues.

    Because you’re so skilled with pointing out the various errors you see in modern Christian perspectives (such as the errors with complementarianism, courtly love, etc.) I think I understand your alternatives, but I’m never quite sure.

    In short, you frequently oppose a position but I can rarely figure out what your actual position is. I’m interested in the positive principles and positions that you teach your children.

    Will you please consider writing a series of positive articles, stating as clearly as you’re able what you actually believe and why? This would be very helpful for me as I consider your work.

    Thank you. I’m not sure I understand what you are asking. If you are saying you agree that courtly love isn’t Christian (and is in fact an evil mockery of Christianity), but can’t imagine how you would go about being Christian without following the courtly love script, then I think you have your answer (at least in part). My suggestion would be to learn to identify the counterfeit that has crept in replacing Christianity and mercilessly root it out. That isn’t easy, and it will take time.

    However, I have offered specifics on what I think courtly love has replaced. This post comes most readily to mind. If you have a more specific question, I’ll see if I can either answer it in a comment, write a new post, or point to an existing one.

  141. Anon says:

    I don’t have a problem with women who are unusually bad at securing relationships with men, turning into ‘counselors’ and ‘experts’. They are only ripping off other women. I am certain Wendy Davis’s customers are all other women.

  142. feministhater says:

    Give her some credit. She showed both self-reflection and the ability to intellectually question her emotional desires, so for a woman she was demonstrating a high level of maturity.

    Did you read the same post? She showed no self-reflection, merely gave herself a pat on the back in ruling out pretty much all potential male companionship within a few seconds of meeting a man, she spoke condescendingly to majority of men and excuses it with a LOL and a smiley face.

    I literally could not see many men who were much shorter than I. Even the ones who were my height were not particularly interesting.

    She writes off men completely with no thought or reason merely on the basis of their height. That is the attitude of a child. A man is not interesting full stop based on his height…. did you get that? She cannot ‘literally’ see men who are shorter or the same height as her… are you shitting me? Child speak. She hides behind her happy speak, it’s childlike in its delivery.

    This is why, if he doesn’t start ‘performing’ to reinforce this initial IOI, he is ‘nexted’ within half an hour. I do think this is normal female behaviour (at least in an environment where men are a-plenty and approach a lot).

    Men only exist to perform to their vanity… there is no self-reflection here. You CANNOT in no uncertain terms get to next someone in thirty minutes in a proper, self-reflective way. It’s absurd. And you guys are calling this good? It’s vanity and self-obsessing on a destructive scale. This being ‘normal’ female behaviour…

    Yep, give her some credit..

  143. feministhater says:

    When I moved to french-speaking Switzerland (ostensibly for work), I gave myself ‘zero’ chance of meeting someone interesting.

    She writes off an entire canton of men without meeting a single one based on the fact none could possibly be interesting enough because none could supposedly tall enough for her.


  144. earl says:

    Ah yes basing everything off superficial attributes and what they can do for us. And then they tell us men objectify women.

    Might as well start saying a woman that doesn’t have sizable breasts and the ability to cook for me she can’t possibly be interesting.

  145. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Fat women are invisible to me.

    I don’t care much about a woman’s height or breast size. (Though I prefer smaller, firmer breasts to large, pendulous ones.)

    But no fat chicks, please. And no amazing tattooed woman from the local carnival sideshow. And no day-glo clown hair. And no buzz cuts.

  146. Jim says:

    She writes off an entire canton of men without meeting a single one based on the fact none could possibly be interesting enough because none could supposedly tall enough for her.

    If she wants to be a lonely cant cunt that’s her business. She’ll find out the hard way.

  147. feministhater says:

    Fat women are invisible to me.

    Are you sure about that? They do tend to take up large amounts of room, meaning you have to adjust your path or get run over. Pretty hard to not see.

  148. JRob says:

    But no fat chicks, please. And no amazing tattooed woman from the local carnival sideshow. And no day-glo clown hair. And no buzz cuts.

    That rules out 100% of online “dating.” Well played.

  149. feministhater says:

    If she wants to be a lonely cant cunt that’s her business. She’ll find out the hard way.

    Ah, but you see, she pulled it off and found her 6 foot 3 visible man just like they all plan on doing. She wouldn’t settle for just anyone, none of them will, they all require the best.

  150. feministhater says:

    That rules out 100% of online “dating.” Well played.

    Not a bad thing at all. Online dating is a travesty.

  151. Opus says:

    Height is a relative thing. Up above, Red Pill Latecomer has linked a clip from Fawlty Towers. John Cleese is 6’5″. Another actor of that height was the late Christopher Lee. Lee thus always made his frequent co-star Peter Cushing look short, yet Cushing was 6′ 00″. Many a leading man has been vertically challenged (Alan Ladd, Richard Todd) yet that did not prove to be an impediment to screen success.

    I once lamented to my short friend that I wished I were taller (say half an inch so as to hit six foot) but as he rightly observed tall men are often the butt of those seeking to pick fights: short men tend to be aggressive, tall men benign. Short men need that extra aggression for otherwise they are overlooked. What does Game have to say about that? The other bad thing about being tall (apart from the fact nothing fits or is made for one) is that it grows weary being asked again exactly how tall one is (would one treat a short person that way? I think not). My six foot five nephew apparently now replies that he is seven foot tall – and of course he is believed.

    Anyway: according to certain videos and web-sites I have visited what women really want are big dicks.

  152. Dalrock says:


    Anyway: according to certain videos and web-sites I have visited what women really want are big dicks.

    To have or to hold?

  153. feministhater says:

    Might as well start saying a woman that doesn’t have sizable breasts and the ability to cook for me she can’t possibly be interesting.

    Well heck, why stop there? My perfect woman needs to be well, perfect… if she doesn’t fit every category exactly… nexting her… I mean, I wouldn’t want to be a failure by bringing home a woman with less than a DD breast size, perfect thin hips and waist, a lovely smooth, unblemished face, with a smile to kill and eyes so dreamy you could well.. dream. Those tits should be firm too..

    I would never, ever want to hold her ransom because she couldn’t satisfy my visceral perception of the perfect woman. No, never. It’s not her fault she isn’t perfect and I wouldn’t want to hold that against her but I still need to satisfy my need for the perfect woman. If she ain’t perfect, she ain’t interesting, full stop.

  154. Oscar says:

    @ Ray

    What she likes and wants is an important factor, but never the deciding factor.

    I get your point now.

  155. Spacetraveller says:


    “I think most people (men and women), when they see a short man with a tall woman, they think, He must have SOMETHING!. Possibly $$$. Or power, or status, or fame.”

    You see, even in my worst ‘hypergamy’ moments, I really did not want to hurt someone this way. A short man would ALWAYS have an uphill struggle with a woman who doesn’t value his ‘short-ness’*. Funnily enough, I HATED being tall when I was a child. Always being the tallest in the room, ugh. Especially in the awkward teen years where you can add clumsiness and skinny build to the height thing. I was all limbs and bones…not a pretty picture as we say in England.
    But somehow, I one day woke up and liked being tall. I mastered control of my awkward limbs and I haven’t looked back since. So when for me, Tall was suddenly cool again, had I chosen someone short, he would have had to compensate somehow for his ‘lack of tall’. That is exceedingly cruel, and it was something I would never have done. Definitely not!

    All said and done, height doesn’t really matter. But coming from me (whose need for height WAS sated), it’s empty words. It is equivalent to telling a hungry man that food doesn’t matter.

    The other side of the coin is whether a short man really benefits from having a tall woman. I am guessing that in the same way a woman likes to ‘feel’ that her man is bigger, stronger and she can physically look ‘up’ to him (and I craved that, hence marrying someone taller than me – maybe it’s my ‘Daddy issues’ rearing its ugly head, lol) a man must surely (?) feel this need to look ‘down’ to his woman. It is mutually pleasing, no?
    My husband has a sweet way of using the italian suffix of ‘little’ to add to my name, with the effect that I actually feel ‘little’. He must enjoy doing that as much as I enjoy hearing it. It never gets old. I am generally submissive anyway, but when he does that, I become even more so, and he is guaranteed to get whatever he wants. He knows how to play me, lol.

    But if he were shorter than me, I am not sure if this ‘game’ we play would make sense.
    Unless we were abstract-minded people who would simply ‘use our imagination’…I suppose it can still work under such conditions.

    * One of my aunts was crazy for short men, and married one, thirty-six years ago. Just celebrated the wedding anniversary. She sees his shortness as very much a ‘plus’. She loves him insanely deeply, and I know that for sure, he doesn’t need to ‘compensate’. This is how it should be, in my opinion.

    By the way, I am dead against fat-shaming-shaming for the same reasons I am not too harsh with myself about wanting a tall man. I really understand why a man would want a beautiful, young, slim woman. I get that. I think you men are much more forgiving than what you SHOULD be. Thank God I wasn’t born a man, because if I were, I would be the biggest ‘fat-shamer’ in the world. I look around and see all these fat women and my heart really breaks for you. Honestly it does. And yes, a woman can definitely do something about her weight, but no-one can do something about their height, save for undergoing rather painful operations.

    To those who defended my frankness on this subject, thank you. As I said above, you guys are generally far too forgiving.
    To those who see me as superficial, I see what you mean, but I am a firm believer in getting it right the first-and-only time when it comes to marriage. As a Catholic woman, I only get one crack at marriage. I am stuck with Mr. Spacetraveller for life, so he better be TALL. 🙂

  156. Opus says:



  157. feministhater says:

    But if he were shorter than me, I am not sure if this ‘game’ we play would make sense.

    Lol! Sums it up perfectly. Knowing your husband now, you would not have married him if he were shorter than you by an inch. Lol! Yep, love there gents! Haha!

  158. feministhater says:

    So when for me, Tall was suddenly cool again, had I chosen someone short, he would have had to compensate somehow for his ‘lack of tall’. That is exceedingly cruel, and it was something I would never have done. Definitely not!

    No, you are the one with the need for a tall man. Not the man himself. You would require him to compensate for his shortness, not him. It’s your requirement that he be tall, you’re putting the onus on him.

  159. feministhater says:

    I am stuck with Mr. Spacetraveller for life, so he better be TALL. 🙂

    Yep, I bet if anything happened to him and he lost a couple inches, you would be off to the Family Courts quicker than a hypersonic missile on its way to its target… 🙂

  160. I really don’t want to be unkind or cruel here with this comment, but it needs to be said. A girl that looks like Karla in Los Angeles, California and the surrounding areas (e.g. Costa Mesa is in Orange County, where matters are even worse) is going to be effectively invisible to most marry-minded men who have just an average SMV, let alone those in the top 30%.

    And I would include among ALL of those men ALL of the friendly Christian cuckservative guys attending the SoCal mega-churches, which have their own stock of never married bachelors, like Saddleback, etc.

    Karla is clearly and obviously at a major competitive disadvantage versus other females here who are younger, and whole helluva lot prettier and healthier, not to mention more sexually generous.
    As for attitude, well fellas, no. That part is absolutely awful here. Like a black hole. Entitlement, attitude, ingratitude, righteous indignation and feminism are cranked up full volume, and amplified with subwoofers from most females here. Enough to make a grown man weep and long for the innocence of midwestern farm girls. It’s desolate in that regard. Just look at Karla as Exhibit 1, Figure A.

    Sure, Karla could make up for this disadvantage in other ways, but first she would have to take a major haircut on her personal standards and requirements list for any future man-panion.

    But why on earth would she ever do that when Karla is so fabulous and such a great catch!!!????

  161. drifter says:

    OT but Pulpit and Pen is catching on.

  162. ray says:

    Related —

    Jehovah doesn’t suffer a witch to live. Expects us not to, also.

    But the modern world makes witches pastors and priests and bishops. Then calls it Equality.

  163. Spacetraveller says:


    “So when for me, Tall was suddenly cool again, had I chosen someone short, he would have had to compensate somehow ***TO ME*** for his ‘lack of tall’.

    This is why it is cruel. You are correct in that it would be ME requiring him to jump through hoops to ‘compensate for his shortness, and not that HE would want to jump through hoops to please me. My requiring him to jump through hoops would be unreasonable, which is why I know I should NOT do that. Better to find someone else who ‘pushes my buttons’ than struggle to barely tolerate someone who I KNOW I am not attracted to. And what’s in it for HIM anyway? Always not being enough, always having to paddle upstream. Same as I don’t want that for myself, what right do I have, to put someone through that? No, no, no!
    You are a vey logical person, I get that. But attraction is by no means logical. It makes no sense, when you think about it in the cold, hard, light of day. The shorter guy may be the most intelligent, the richest, the fittest, the whatever…but if the woman in question cannot have that raw attraction for him that he deserves, I would rather he walk away from her. Better for HIM, better for HER.
    Hey, I feel very strongly about this. Are you catching this vibe from me yet?

    We will just have to disagree on this matter. Throughout my ‘learning time’ here, many of the men here have given me great insights into the minds of men. I return the favour, gladly. Even if sometimes I might shock you with ‘ugly’ truths about women.
    The fact is, most women prefer tall (and, x, y, z) men.
    Same as men prefer debt-free virgins with no tattoos.
    Biological truths are biological truths, dear friend. It is up to us to do with it what we like. But don’t bash the messenger. Would it be better if I told you that I would have picked a shorter man over my husband all things being equal? I would love to sugar-coat things for you, but I would also be LYING to you.
    I wouldn’t feel any respect for Lori Alexander if she had written ‘men prefer tattoed, fat, bankrupt sluts’! I would rather the TRUTH, then at least I will know how to react when the subject is relevant to me. Most of the men here, and many women in the 30s age-group and under, are here for the very reason that we were LIED to our whole lives.
    Would you that that were to perpetuate?

    I know you don’t like what I say. But it is the naked, truth, that I share with you in an ‘exchange of information’ deal, otherwise known as ‘conversation’.
    I may sound childish, and yes, I use far too many emojis in my text. Sorry about that.
    But I assure you I see this as a serious matter.

  164. feministhater says:

    <blockquoteThe fact is, most women prefer tall (and, x, y, z) men.
    Same as men prefer debt-free virgins with no tattoos.

    Every single women is born a debt-free virgin without tattoos.

    How many men are 6 foot 1 inches tall again?

  165. Spacetraveller says:

    “Yep, I bet if anything happened to him and he lost a couple inches, you would be off to the Family Courts quicker than a hypersonic missile on its way to its target…”

    My dear fellow.
    Not I.
    You got me mixed up with another bird.

    Mr. Spacetraveller could lose both lower limbs, an eye, a quarter of an ear, all his teeth and one third of his right hand, half of his left arm, one-sixth of his nose, one-twentieth of his torso, and he…

    will still be my *one and only*.

    And with that, I bid you Farewell and Sweet Dreams for it is late of hour in the Cantons of Helvetica.
    Buona notte.

  166. feministhater says:

    Would it be better if I told you that I would have picked a shorter man over my husband all things being equal?

    You didn’t say you preferred men who were taller, you said you didn’t even see men shorter than you, that they simply were not interesting at all. Don’t try and back out of that.. that is pathetic.

  167. earl says:

    Outside of genes a guy can’t decide to be tall.

    A woman can decide to be a debt free virgin with no tattoos.

    That’s the difference.

  168. feministhater says:

    Mr. Spacetraveller could lose both lower limbs, an eye, a quarter of an ear, all his teeth and one third of his right hand, half of his left arm, one-sixth of his nose, one-twentieth of his torso, and he…

    You can say that as much as you like but you stated quite plainly that you would have missed your husband completely if he were not six foot three. You also joked quite plainly that he better stay tall.. thus negating all the shit you just wrote above.

  169. Hank Flanders says:


    I don’t have a problem with women who are unusually bad at securing relationships with men, turning into ‘counselors’ and ‘experts’. They are only ripping off other women. I am certain Wendy Davis’s customers are all other women.

    Yeah, but some of those women may be people we care about. For instance, my 16-year-old cousin thinks she’s being practical in determining that she doesn’t want to get married until she’s 30 and not having kids until she’s 35. I doubt she’s familiar with the likes of Wendy Griffith (if that’s who you meant) and Lisa Anderson, but she’s apparently picked up some bad teaching from somewhere, and I hate that for her.

    Also, when women are taught to be delusional about their own options and market value and also think those things aren’t going to deteriorate rapidly, everybody loses, because the men and women remain single, and we continue to be further and further isolated from each other as a society.

  170. I think the “debt free virgins with no tattoos” is a little much to expect these days, given all that we know of what is going down (in some cases, literally) on college campuses these days, and in the feminized world of white collar work (aggressive female sex safari).

    Of course she wants 6’1″ guys.
    But what if we men just “settle” on a female BMI of 25 or less and just call it a day?

  171. feeriker says:

    The men of the NBA aren’t dying to marry the small number of straight women of the WNBA.

    The WNBA has straight women? Since when?

  172. feministhater says:

    I think the “debt free virgins with no tattoos” is a little much to expect these days, given all that we know of what is going down (in some cases, literally) on college campuses these days, and in the feminized world of white collar work (aggressive female sex safari).

    Might as well marry a pornstar. At least she’s honest.

  173. Mich says:

    What does choice have to do with attraction? No, a man can’t choose to be taller, but the fact that he didn’t make himself short doesn’t mitigate the hit to his SMV. How could it?

    I would also cut ST some slack here. Just because you wouldn’t notice a 180 lbs woman sexually doesn’t mean that you would break your marriage covenant if your wife ballooned post-vows.

  174. earl says:

    ‘I think the “debt free virgins with no tattoos” is a little much to expect these days, ‘

    Women want tall muscular guys with stacks of cash….and what guys prefer (which is largely in her control) is too much. Upside down world.

  175. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Women are hardwired to want a taller man. But women also want money, fame, and status, and will overlook a low height if a man can bring those to the table.

    Famous celebrity couples where man is shorter than the woman include:

    Tom Cruise / Mimi Rogers, Nicole Kidmon, Katie Holmes, etc.

    Ringo Starr / Barbara Bach

    Dudley Moore / Susan Anton

    Rod Stewart / just about every woman he’s dated, including many models

    Billy Joel / Christie Brinkley, and others

    Woody Allen / Diane Keaton, Mia Farrow, even Soon-Yi Previn, I think.

  176. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    I had a woman acquaintance who was 6’2″ and fat. Tall and wide. Not too pretty. She was bitter about being so “big” (as she put it).

    She complained that short men were too intimidated to date her. And tall men all wanted a petite woman. “Why do tall men all want petite women?” she often lamented.

    She attended a self-help group for “big and tall” women. She also owned several cats.

    In her 50s, she did find a short man, maybe 5’7″ or so, and a few years older. They never married, but they did live together. She settled. She seemed unhappy about settling, but realized that it was better than being alone. She died in her 60s.

  177. Dalrock says:


    The WNBA has straight women? Since when?

    There was that one, so it is at least theoretically possible there are others.

  178. Novaseeker says:

    Outside of genes a guy can’t decide to be tall.

    A woman can decide to be a debt free virgin with no tattoos.

    That’s the difference.

    But this is arguing with basic, hardwired biologically-driven attraction vectors. That is a road to nowhere (same as women criticizing men for not liking fat women). Literally it’s a waste of energy and time. Biological preferences are real, and women overwhelmingly prefer tall men, period. Can shorter men overcome this? Yes, they can, but they need to “bring it” in other areas. Criticizing women’s preference for tall men is imbicilic and futile — it’s like arguing with the sun for being the sun. You will never convince anyone, male or female, to change what they are attracted to by trying to “reason” with their attraction vectors (i.e., “it’s unreasonable to screen men out based on something outside their control”). Doesn’t work, waste of time, move on.

  179. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    constrainedlocus: I really don’t want to be unkind or cruel here with this comment, but it needs to be said. A girl that looks like Karla in Los Angeles, California and the surrounding areas (e.g. Costa Mesa is in Orange County, where matters are even worse) is going to be effectively invisible to most marry-minded men who have just an average SMV, let alone those in the top 30%.

    OTOH, she can easily marry if she sets her sights lower. She’s Latina. She speaks fluent Spanish in one of her videos. Her family is from Guatemala, apparently.

    SoCal is full of Latino men, many of whom have good, high-paying jobs in the trades. Whenever I call a plumber, or have my car serviced by technicians — all Latinos, who speak fluent, accentless English. All under 6′, but all taller than Karla.

  180. feministhater says:

    What does choice have to do with attraction? No, a man can’t choose to be taller, but the fact that he didn’t make himself short doesn’t mitigate the hit to his SMV. How could it?

    I would also cut ST some slack here. Just because you wouldn’t notice a 180 lbs woman sexually doesn’t mean that you would break your marriage covenant if your wife ballooned post-vows.

    A lot. Being realistic of what you can achieve increases the chances of you actually achieving it. If all women will only go for men 6 foot 1 inches in height, most will never find men. If that is okay to them than they need to stop complaining about being single. It comes with that faulty expectation. If 89% of men are below that height, most women will be single by choice. Furthermore, those men 6 foot 1 inches tall will have zero reason to get married. Setting up more screeching by women with expectations out of whack.

    Why? It’s not having a preference that is the problem here. She quite categorically said that she doesn’t even see shorter men, not even men her same height. She determined their worth by their height. That was flippant and she should apologize for stating it. She has no ability to discern value outside of her basic metrics. She would have missed her husband had he been a few inches shorter. Everything else he had of value to add to her life, she would have brushed aside as if he was nothing. That is the truth.

  181. feministhater says:

    But this is arguing with basic, hardwired biologically-driven attraction vectors.

    This is lazy. How did people ever get married before these times? Of course women chose better based off their own attraction. They married younger, often as virgins and often to men who were not hugely taller than them.

    If you can’t convince them to realistically assess themselves as men are required to do, you are admitting that they are like children. Really that simple.

  182. earl says:

    But this is arguing with basic, hardwired biologically-driven attraction vectors.

    My argument is that one is biologically driven…the other is more about a woman’s choices. She isn’t born with tons of debt, ink on her body, and strange men in her.

  183. ray says:

    Saw at Breitbart today where Judge Kavanaugh is quoted bragging about his basketball team of adolescent girls: “They’re tough as nails.”

    This cuckling is what American Women are pretending mortally to fear, lol. Yes of a certainly, the cucked judge with two hard-charging, empowered daughters, is gonna roll-back the gynarchy! Um hmm.

    Like almost all other Repugnicants and Cuckservatives, the esteemed judge couldn’t wait to degrade SOMEBODY ELSE’S sons over the past half-century, not only by giving his time to America’s downtrodden and ignored princesses, but by slagging off those Pathetic Males who are nowhere near as tough as HIS GIRLS. Times 300 million and you got the United Sisterhood.

    I hope the #MeToo predators take this coward’s scalp, it’d serve him and his pathetic nation right. The cuckservatives all were so gleeful when fat, ugly, dorky Harvey Weinstein (and other lefties) were destroyed by American females. I told them it was a setup but, of course, what could I know about anything, and was shouted-down by Those Big Strong Protector men. Now they’re in the dick docket themselves and it’s just beginning, only the beginning.

    I’ll have another round of popcorn. Bueno!

  184. feministhater says:

    It’s funny earl. One is biological and yet women complain that they can’t find men who fit the bill. Even though they have effectively removed 90% of men from contention on one ground alone. The other is completely by choice and every single woman has the choice to increase her chances to meet the man’s preferred option by adhering to most men’s preference, yet still complain about lack of men because they cannot practice some self-control.

  185. earl says:

    True if our ancestors only went after those they were biologically driven by…none of us would probably be here.

    I’ll also reiterate…I’m 6’4″ and women seem to have no problem moving on so if they were aware I was in that rare top 10% in height and that’s really important to them biologically…why do they leave with the possibility of never getting another 6 foot man again? I still think it’s a pretty good excuse as to why they don’t want to get married.

    I’d fully expect not getting married if I pinned all my hopes on the hourglass supermodel with great cooking skills because that’s what I biologically want.

  186. Novaseeker says:

    How did people ever get married before these times? Of course women chose better based off their own attraction. They married younger, often as virgins and often to men who were not hugely taller than them.

    You know the answers, you just don’t like them.

    1. Women had to marry, mostly for economic reasons but also for social ones.
    2. See point “1”.

    What we are experiencing now is how women go about choosing men when they are not basically forced to marry for economic and social reasons — that is, when they pick men on the basis of attraction *alone*. Sure, in eras where women basically had to marry (lest otherwise actually ending up as an old maid and often destitute or prostitute or both) they tried to marry as attractive as they could (or rather as they could convince their fathers to permit), but the big constraint on choice was economic need and social pressure. Those don’t exist any longer and aren’t coming back. When women are free to choose based on what they really want, rather than being under pressure economically and socially, we can finally see what they actually want — and it’s overwhelmingly tall men. Arguing with that is literally stamping one’s feet at the moon — it’s fruitless.

  187. Novaseeker says:

    My argument is that one is biologically driven…the other is more about a woman’s choices. She isn’t born with tons of debt, ink on her body, and strange men in her.

    The point is that there is no “argument”. Arguing with the opposite sex about their innate attraction preferences is fundamentally an exercise of urinating into the wind.

  188. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    If every woman wanted a man who was only a FEW inches taller, they could ALL marry. And their hard-wiring would be satisfied.

    Karla can easily nab a 5’6″ or 5’7″ Latino. A taller man isn’t beyond her reach. But she wants a MUCH taller man, and likely 101 other requirements.

  189. feministhater says:

    You know the answers, you just don’t like them.

    I love those answers. It shows just why I went MGTOW. You really shouldn’t support marriage because it is just an arrangement that forces women to marry guys they would rather just leave alone. It’s a terrible institution, by your own admission.

  190. Novaseeker says:

    You really shouldn’t support marriage because it is just an arrangement that forces women to marry guys they would rather just leave alone. It’s a terrible institution, by your own admission.

    I don’t support it unless the couple is 100% totally head over heels for each other physically AND the rest of the pieces of the puzzle (the practical things) line up and make sense. That’s what’s needed. Otherwise someone is settling and, in this culture, that doesn’t work — settling marriages stayed together in the old culture (different divorce laws, that pesky lack of female financial independence again, social pressures) but they weren’t all very happy marriages if the people in them weren’t very attracted to each other. Marry if you find a situation where both are totally head over heels physically for each other AND the rest makes sense, or don’t marry. I have no issues with that approach.

  191. feministhater says:

    I don’t support it unless the couple is 100% totally head over heels for each other physically AND the rest of the pieces of the puzzle (the practical things) line up and make sense.

    You believe this lasts for any great amount of people? Lol! It won’t work, what society are you going to build based on this myth? It only works for a few people. Haha!

  192. feministhater says:

    Even those people head over heals in the beginning fall out of love eventually. What you going to do, force them to stay together? You can’t do that. That would be cruel and unkind. Love conquers all!

  193. Mich says:

    [i]A lot. Being realistic of what you can achieve increases the chances of you actually achieving it. If all women will only go for men 6 foot 1 inches in height, most will never find men. If that is okay to them than they need to stop complaining about being single. It comes with that faulty expectation. If 89% of men are below that height, most women will be single by choice. Furthermore, those men 6 foot 1 inches tall will have zero reason to get married. Setting up more screeching by women with expectations out of whack.

    Why? It’s not having a preference that is the problem here. She quite categorically said that she doesn’t even see shorter men, not even men her same height. She determined their worth by their height. That was flippant and she should apologize for stating it. She has no ability to discern value outside of her basic metrics. She would have missed her husband had he been a few inches shorter. Everything else he had of value to add to her life, she would have brushed aside as if he was nothing. That is the truth.[/i]

    Do you see morbidly obese women – as sexual/romantic prospects, which is clearly the context in which she was speaking? No, probably not. But as others have stated, men can impress in other ways. We all know women don’t really require 6’+, or marriage rates would plummet. It’s just the kind of shit women say, especially when they’re young. They think announcing high standards and a laundry list of requirements makes them look more special, desirable, and worthy. It’s bullshit.

    Similarly, while men don’t usually see obese women, they can still compensate enough to attract and keep a mate, sometimes a very good one. Who doesn’t know at least one successful, happy man with a fat wife? It happens.

  194. earl says:

    Arguing with the opposite sex about their innate attraction preferences is fundamentally an exercise of urinating into the wind.

    Then why do women wail when someone points out that men prefer debt free virgins with no tattoos?

    If women don’t want men to argue with their preferences…they should quit arguing with men for their preferences. Most guys don’t biologically want fat chicks…yet women keeps saying that we should love them all no matter how obese they are.

  195. ray says:

    Hank Flanders — “I doubt she’s familiar with the likes of Wendy Griffith (if that’s who you meant) and Lisa Anderson, but she’s apparently picked up some bad teaching from somewhere, and I hate that for her.”

    She picked up some bad teaching from somewhere? Do you live in a plastic bubble in the Dagoba Quadrant?

    The State, the churches, the schools, the media, the corporations, the parents . . . all tell her exactly the same thing:

    “We will stand on the necks of the nation’s sons while we empower and entitle you in every way possible to take a useless college degree, then be AA-shoehorned into basically any (fake) job you desire, including the majority for which you are not qualified. You are a Protected Class (State) cherished Daughter of the King (church) and NOTHING is too good for you! Marry at 30, marry at 40, or never marry because precious one, YOU DON’T NEED NO MAN, you have us! and we have you! and what a lovely satanic arrangement we have made with one another. You Go Grrl!!”

  196. SirHamster says:

    I wonder if you men feel this way when you see a very tall woman with a very short man?

    Others have addressed that how men don’t care much about that particular pairing. But you’re asking about the wrong pairing.

    The equivalent for men is the exact same tall man/short woman couple.

    Because men would like to have a smaller woman, and on average they could. But when the tallest man pairs with the smallest woman, that means the smaller men will have to pair up with equal sized or taller woman.

    That said, it still doesn’t feel the same for men, because we have a different SMP/MMP. The supply of “good men” is a shrinking one. But there are always more girls on the girl tree, as some in the PUA community put it.

    Churched men finding that churched girls prefer non-churched men may be a little closer in terms of feelings. The ones who should be a better fit turn out to have different preferences.

  197. feministhater says:

    Do you see morbidly obese women – as sexual/romantic prospects, which is clearly the context in which she was speaking?

    Do women see morbidly obese men as romantic partners? Of course not. Don’t be daft. Being fat is mostly a choice and one that can be corrected over time.

    Stop comparing apples to oranges. Most of women’s demands are for things that men cannot change. Not through hard work anyway.

    Most men assess their attraction by interacting with women and being rejected by the ones out of their league and then search for a women based on that. Our preferences are usually based on things of choice. And yes, eating too much is a choice.

  198. Novaseeker says:

    You believe this lasts for any great amount of people? Lol! It won’t work, what society are you going to build based on this myth? It only works for a few people. Haha!

    Not building a society, FH. Just dealing with current realities.

    Look, I know your schtick — you’re MGTOW. That’s fine.

    All I am saying is that in the current circumstances those parameters give someone who wants to marry the best odds. I’m not endorsing the current model, but I can’t change it, and neither can you. You can elect to abstain, which you have done, or, in my view, participate if you are in a high odds situation, keeping in mind there is always risk.

  199. Novaseeker says:

    Then why do women wail when someone points out that men prefer debt free virgins with no tattoos?

    Because both sexes do the same stupid thing? Stupidity is not monopolized by one sex, and yes both sexes do scream about the opposite sex’s criteria, and in each case it is a waste of energy.

  200. earl says:

    Fine women can waste their energy on crying men don’t like fat chicks and men can waste their energy that women only prefer 10% of the population that fits the proper torso range.

    What we see is a waste of life rather than maybe looking a little past the superficial aspects when assessing a potential spouse.

  201. feministhater says:

    I’m not endorsing the current model

    But the current model is set-up to cater to exactly your ideal. If the couple is not 100% head over heals, the marriage must not go through. This model further requires that couples have sex outside of marriage. How can they ever know if they are 100% head over heals if they never have sex with each other? God forbid, it could be horrible and you wouldn’t want that now would you?

    Your ideal requires divorce too. Hubby could lose his job, have an accident and be injured, he could lose his status at any time and this would destroy any attraction felt by the woman. Reality demands that she be released from such trauma and be allowed to continue her search. This requires that children be taken care of and that we provide for women whose search turned out wrong and the man abandoned her, we don’t want poor innocent children suffering, do we?

    It simply does not work Nova. At some point in time, the parties have to sacrifice their specific wants in order to achieve their direct needs. Love does not conquer all, it conquers very little in fact. Reality is that women require men to do the heavy lifting. Reality requires that for society to continue most men have ‘buy in’. None of that is being dealt with and your suggestion would only work for those vastly lucky to be born with just the right amount of perfection.

    At this point I’m just sighing. There isn’t much more to be said. You have just promoted the feminist model of marriage. Well done.

  202. feministhater says:

    What we see is a waste of life rather than maybe looking a little past the superficial aspects when assessing a potential spouse.

    What we are seeing is that women would rather 90% of the male population just go die in a ditch somewhere.

  203. Mich says:


    Then we’re back to my original question: what does choice have to do with raw attraction?

    Sure, he didn’t choose to be short. But he still doesn’t have the same ability to make a woman feel small and secure like a larger man can.

    This is true for any inherent trait: intelligence, disability, disfigurement, and so on – I’m not sure why everyone is so defensive about height in particular.

  204. Otto Lamp says:

    ” I’m not sure why everyone is so defensive about height in particular.”

    Because short men take a lot of grief. They are bullied growing up (because they are usually smaller than their peers, so they make an easy target) and girls are merciless toward them (both growing up and as an adult).

  205. feministhater says:

    This is true for any inherent trait: intelligence, disability, disfigurement, and so on – I’m not sure why everyone is so defensive about height in particular.

    Disabilities and disfigurements are not inherent. They are distortions and tend to produce bad results when breed further.

    If all women only wanted men with IQs of 140 then your example has meaning. Once again, there really isn’t a problem with women having a preference for a man taller than herself. A preference by meaning alone is not a cut off. It’s a guile line that can be molded when needed. Spacetraveller didn’t have a preference, she had a need. There is a difference here you guys are intentionally missing.

    If you cannot see the inherent problem with 100% of women going for 10% of the population of men, and that’s not even taking into account their other ‘needs’, then I can’t help. Sorry.

  206. Anonymous Reader says:

    To those who see me as superficial, I see what you mean,

    What about those who see you as solipsistic and repetitive?

  207. feministhater says:

    Just want to correct my last statement. I think the IQ would be closer to 120 or higher to be in the top 10% of the human population. 140 is definitely way too high.

  208. Novaseeker says:

    But the current model is set-up to cater to exactly your ideal.

    Where did I say that this was “my ideal”? It isn’t. But the current situation isn’t ideal to begin with. In light of that, as I said in my comment, you can either sit out (you) or come up with a way to deal with it — that isn’t “endorsing an ideal” it’s simply dealing with what’s on the table. You’re focused on “the model” and “what works for society” and “endorsing the feminist model” and these things, and that’s fine. Others will choose differently. What I am saying is that if you choose to marry under these circumstances we live in, you’d better suit the conditions I mentioned to manage the risk. That’s all — not endorsing a model.

    Anyway, the discussion is fruitless because we come at this from two fundamentally different perspectives.

  209. SirHamster says:

    Just want to correct my last statement. I think the IQ would be closer to 120 or higher to be in the top 10% of the human population. 140 is definitely way too high.

    IQ standard deviation is around 15, per wiki.

    +1 SD is about top 20% of the population.
    +2 SD is top 2% of the population.
    +3 SD is top 0.1% of the population.

    So 120, around +1.5 SDs, sounds right. 140 is almost +3 SDs, which is right out.

  210. ChristianCool says:


    Excellent point about height being one of the few unchangeable characteristics about a man, along with his race and basic attributes.

    BTW, why do they even care about man’s height anyway? If they are not going to reproduce with them, what difference does that really make? Maybe they think man’s height –> affects his foot size which in woman’s head = dick size? 🙄 lol

    But Spike, I am telling you, this is a Shit Test, something a woman throws out there to test a man who is under their “minimum required height”. When she says she wnats a man that is at least 6’1″, say you want a woman who is hot or wheatever in return.

    DO NOT APOLOGIZE for not being her minimum required male height. Act aloof and laugh and say “wow that is a coincidence because I only date women who are hot”. Leave it at that and watch her facial expression change. I doubt 99.9999% of the Betas she meets ever stand up to her insanity and pushes back on an insane requirement like minimum height.

    I had a girl tell me she liked men who are “really Italian” (which is funny because she thought I was Italian when we first met up from site). Given I am only 1/2 Italian and that my Mom’s mom is from Lombardi region in northern Italy and my Dad is 100% Dutch, so I look more Germanic with Italian features. I said “yeah I prefer Scandinavian type girls anyway. They are better in bed and have much nicer hair”. She was stunned and she then had to qualify herself by saying “I have a great hair….” and started to look at her own hair with concern. In the end, she dropped her requirement and attitude right there and then.

    Turn the tables on the woman. Never ever let her disrespect you in this manner by trying to make you feel inferior by a physical attribute you cannot change.

    Ps. If you ever break up with a woman and she goers off on you, saying the usual insults “you suck in bed! You have a small dick! I can get better men! You don;’t make enough money!” turn the tables on her, but do it in a mocking, laughing manner.

    “Oh my dick is plenty big, the issue is that you are pretty busted up, all loose in there”. “I make way more than you, I just rather spend it on my other girlfriends”. “I did not hear you complain when you were moaning like a wildebeest in bed last week”.

    Again, turn the tables on her. Do not ever let a woman demean you like that. If anything, you just helped turn down her Bitch Spout (mouth) a bit down for the next sucker that comes her way. In other cases, she will be turned on by your boldness and ability to withstand her insanity and push back like, you have better women than her in your life.

  211. Anonymous Reader says:

    Christian Cool
    BTW, why do they even care about man’s height anyway?

    Who cares? It is just a factor. What difference does it make? a

    A lot of men spend a lot of time getting angry about “ought” vs. “Is”, and as Novaseeker pointed out it is just wasted energy. A lot like writing 500 words where 20 would suffice.

  212. earl says:

    BTW, why do they even care about man’s height anyway?

    Probably because they have very little clue on how to discern a man…which is why their father, brothers, or some male authority is a better resource.

    Honestly do women go ‘sure he beats me and treats me like garbage…but he’s a sexy 6’3″.

  213. Jonathan Castle says:

    Dalrock: “The thing is, we don’t tend to see self obsession and entitlement as bad behavior from women, as it is so normal to us. But here we have a woman who has taken this to the next level and you still can’t see it. She has a youtube channel about her life, titled “WhatWouldKarlaSay”. And she delivers! No thought is left unexpressed (no matter how trite), all while soaking up attention from beta orbiters.”

    Fair points. But as Rollo says, you can’t negotiate desire. You can’t browbeat these women into being magically attracted to men they previously rejected.

    Everyone is entitled to their own preferences – even if they’re wildly unattainable. (Although, lonely nights and waning fertility have a way of adjusting people’s preferences over time.)

    I’d say their chief sin is immaturity. And they’re already paying a price. It will likely get worse as they aren’t particularly attractive, even being relatively young.

    Hard truth: aging women far outnumber mature women.

    So, yeah. I’d still say they’re ‘good’ people. But developmentally stunted.

  214. Dalrock says:

    @Jonathan Castle

    Fair points. But as Rollo says, you can’t negotiate desire. You can’t browbeat these women into being magically attracted to men they previously rejected.

    Everyone is entitled to their own preferences – even if they’re wildly unattainable. (Although, lonely nights and waning fertility have a way of adjusting people’s preferences over time.)

    I’d say their chief sin is immaturity. And they’re already paying a price. It will likely get worse as they aren’t particularly attractive, even being relatively young.

    I don’t object to her attraction criteria. I also don’t want her to “settle”. She doesn’t need to be attracted to the single men in her church. But making a youtube video complaining that they are unattractive is incredibly rude. They have to know she has the youtube channel. Again, if a man did this I don’t think you would call him good people. Likewise her filming the man at a nearby table and saying how unattractive he is. She doesn’t have to be attracted to strangers at restaurants or the men at her church, but she shouldn’t be a colossal bitch about it.

  215. Jonathan Castle says:

    Yes, it’s rude, childish and self-absorbed. And I agree that we tolerate way too much of it.

  216. Hank Flanders says:


    If you cannot see the inherent problem with 100% of women going for 10% of the population of men, and that’s not even taking into account their other ‘needs’, then I can’t help. Sorry.

    You’re absolutely right, feministhater. If women are only interested in settling for the rare statistical exception, then that’s more analogous to men only being interested in women with blue eyes than to men only being interested in thin women. Also, while thin women may be rare in the US and definitely in South where I live, they are not rare in many other countries, and they shouldn’t be rare anywhere, but they are here, due to their own lifestyles, something which is firmly within their control and might even say something about their characters. Like short men, though, non-blued eyed women can’t help the attributes they have or the fact that they’re in the majority, similarly to men under six feet tall. Just for kicks, can you imagine if men were only interested in red-headed women?

    I remember overhearing a conversation at a church function last December from a single mom in her mid-30s who said she was “naming it and claiming it” for the new year that she was going to get a “six-foot tall” man with whatever other attributes she described. Can you imagine a man saying he was “naming and claiming it” that he was going to get a thin woman? The social acceptance of stating such desires aside, it’s another situation where women’s delusions cause (most) everyone to lose, or then again, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe the poor guys who might have otherwise ended up with these delusional women are being spared a lot of pain.

  217. Hank Flanders says:


    She picked up some bad teaching from somewhere? Do you live in a plastic bubble in the Dagoba Quadrant?

    Naw, I live in the Delta Quadrant with Neelix, which is as bad as it sounds…

    Yes, girls and young women get plenty of bad indoctrination from multiple different sources in spite of the fact that common sense tells us women have less options for marriage the longer they wait and also despite the fact that we now have plenty of research showing that women have lost a significantly high percentage of their eggs by their 30s and that pregnancies at that age are also at higher risks for resulting in deformities or miscarriages. Those types of studies, though, are written off as “shaming” women for having children later in life, as if biology cares about our feelings.

  218. ray says:

    Novaseeker — “. . . but the big constraint on choice was economic need and social pressure. Those don’t exist any longer and aren’t coming back.”

    Not under these spirits and systems, no. There is one Scriptural out, but I don’t see Jeshua employing it here.

    Regardless, daughters under dad’s authority and females being socio-economically under the restraint and authority of men assuredly is coming back, and coming back permanently, not minimally due to the very horrors of the current rebellion and usurpation. The general Scriptural standard will be restored in Christ’s Millennium. It’s the official kick-off for the Kingdom of the Father, after all. Not the Queendom of the Mother.

    Feminism etc. is part of the general rebellion coming to a head (literally) on this outlaw planet. And not a Cool Outlaw, either. A sadistic and evil mofo.

    After the hot dust settles, King Jeshua will get the ball rolling again, and then you will see some real patriarchy. It’ll be lots of fun I recommend strong folks get a running start now.

  219. ray says:

    Novaseeker — “Anyway, the discussion is fruitless because we come at this from two fundamentally different perspectives.”

    Well, I learned from it. So not exactly fruitless.

  220. ray says:

    Hank Flanders —

    Tell me more about Neelix. Is it a he or a she or a it? Neelix is a very snappy name and I’m considering changing my first name to ‘Roger’. Second choice, ‘Huh’. I could be induced towards ‘Neelix’ if it’s not already taken by a he or a she. If it’s an it, then I think I’m in the clear.

    Anyway I am enjoying our conversation. Good times.

  221. Spacetraveller says:

    Anonymous Reader,

    “What about those who see you as solipsistic and repetitive?”

    To them, I would say this:

    Women in general prefer ‘specifics’ and not the ‘big picture’. In this regard I am very much ‘in the middle of the range’ and not an outlier.
    Unlike Dalrock who can assess statistics and apply it to the individual, I and many women want to know how it is for ‘man X’ or Woman ‘Y’. Anecdotes are more important. It is a female weakness I imagine can annoy men who are more prone to see things from the detached, abstract, point of view.

    Repetitive because FH is going crazy over a 6ft woman needing to be with a man over 6ft. And despite many others persuading him to get used to the idea that things are as they are, and are difficult to change because they are not under control of the ‘conscious mind’ he refuses to budge. Yes, until I married, it is true that I could not SEE many shorter men. Now I see them everywhere. Because I am tranquill, I got what I wanted, I am calm now. I can open my eyes and not ‘focus’ so much on the target. It is how it is. I am being (uncharacteristically for me) brutally honest here.

    Yes, if the women are indeed 5ft 2 and want a 6ft man, then, ok, maybe they are being unreasonable… remember I share that view myself – tall man with short Wwoman used to rile me too. But I expect myself to understand that attraction works in mysterious ways, and there are factors involved in every couple’s ‘coupling’ that I have no idea about.

    Each to his own.

    Another point I want to touch on. What many forget is that women also have ‘husband goggles’. FH thinks that if my husband were to become shorter tomorrow, I would lose attraction. It cannot be. Once set, (at least for women like me who are extremely strong bonders), it cannot be removed.
    FH thinks it is impossible to have strong attraction without first ‘trying out’ someone before marriage. Clearly not true in my case, and many people’s, throughout the ages.

    I MUCH prefer that 2 people are REALLY attracted to each other in every way ppossible (not only physical, of course) before ‘taking the plunge’. I know you think ‘this could not be!’ in the 1950s and before.
    And I can tell you that as Dalrock is showing more and more, at least on the woman’s side, in virtually all successful marriages, she felt so much attraction SHE was the one doing all the chasing! whilst making it look like she was a passive party in the whole process. The last few posts have been about this phenomenon. I didn’t comment then, but I agree 100% with his findings, because it happens to be my story too. Once I met Mr. ST, I can tell you (now, but I wouldn’t have admitted this before marriage – another brutal truth) I did pursue him till I got him. And he is very much a keeper. It was not only physical attributes like height. Did I tell you he is more catholic than the Pope? 🙂

    Look, I have the ‘weird’ opinions I have because I am relentlessly studying this topic. I will not rest until I understand every aspect of this topic. It is my ‘thing’.

    I will not apologise to FH for saying what I did above. It would not be sincere, and I only do sincere apologies. But to compensate, because I respect him (he was successfully able to sway my thinking on another thread way back), I will offer an apology for not apologising. I hope this is good enough for him.

  222. Anonymous Reader says:

    To them, I would say this:

    Sigh. “This” is solipsistic, repetitious as well as boring. You remind me of one reason why I quit being a bartender…

    Look, I have the ‘weird’ opinions I have because I am relentlessly studying this topic

    I’m sure your navel or other organ is a fascinating topic…to you. The rest of us, however, disagree.

  223. Spacetraveller says:

    Well, Anonymous Reader,

    You asked me a direct question, and I answered in my usual style (aka boring, repetitive and solipsistic).
    There is a much simpler way to deal with your ennui, may I suggest.
    Pass over my posts, and above all, don’t pose me a direct question that I will have to answer (out of politeness, or at least not to appear rude).
    And for my part, I can also avoid addressing you directly.
    Like this, everyone is happy.

  224. Rollo Tomassi is Chateau Heartiste, minus 20 IQ points. I can’t believe anyone takes that clown seriously.

  225. Fair points. But as Rollo says, you can’t negotiate desire. You can’t browbeat these women into being magically attracted to men they previously rejected.

    Marriages were brokered by families for most of human history when women were under lock and key. It wasn’t unusual for women to marry close relatives in European villages until the last 100 or so years. The girl’s desires weren’t important because they are fleeting and contrary to the wishes of the girl’s family. Family legacies were important. There’s no reason this can’t, or shouldn’t, be so again.

  226. feministhater says:

    Another point I want to touch on. What many forget is that women also have ‘husband goggles’. FH thinks that if my husband were to become shorter tomorrow, I would lose attraction.

    Are you serious? Are you going to stand here and suggest we have a 50% divorce rate because what…. the husband goggles failed? It only works because you found a man who fit your criteria through and through. If he didn’t fit them, you would have ignored him.

    Repetitive because FH is going crazy over a 6ft woman needing to be with a man over 6ft. And despite many others persuading him to get used to the idea that things are as they are, and are difficult to change because they are not under control of the ‘conscious mind’ he refuses to budge. Yes, until I married, it is true that I could not SEE many shorter men.

    Facepalm. You’re very condescending. You wrote off an entire canton of men with simplistic ease without a moment’s pause…and you called it ‘good’ and ‘healthy’. I just called you out on it. Still, don’t apologise. This is what I want men to see. To get that at the end of the day you are so solipsistic that you can literally go through life not seeing men under six foot one. A case study.

    The majority of men need to go MGTOW for the sole reason that women will next them for some slight and they will never, ever know what it is or be able to change it even if they do.

    Anyway, I’m done with you.

  227. Why does society need taller people? Do Montenegrins have some advantage over the Japanese?

  228. ChristianCool says:


    I am stunned you would MOCK Supreme Court Justice Kevanaugh for being falsely accused of a rape 34 years ago with ZERO EVIDENCE. 😮 Just shocked.

    Denying Kevanaugh justice and a seat on the Court simply because Conservatives were “laughing” when accused-serial rapist Harvey Weinstein was finally caught is like saying you are happy someone else got into a car crash and died because they did not buy tires from your tire store (assuming you owned one). It is mentally deranged. Comparing Kavanaugh to Weinstein is like comparing Mother Theresa to Stalin.

    For you to think that is OK for Kavanaugh to be slandered, ridiculed, and falsely accused of an un-provable attempted rape 36 years ago just because Kavanaugh said something dumb to seem “like a nice guy” about his girl’s basketball team being fierce or whatever is insane. 🙄 Do you even understand why he said that? That is called charm, it is PR, he is trying to convince the country he is a nice man to sit in Court for life. His praise of a girl’s team means nothing. Do you even get this? 😮

    Trying to say something “cute and folksy” about your daughter’s basketball team to increase personal likeability does not make someone a “cuck”. 🙄 How can you even think that is enough for you to mock and jeer a man who is CLEARLY being falsely accused and called a “rapist” with no due process, no ability to confront the false charges, no “presumption of innocence”, no trial, no ability to confront his accuser, no right to privacy?? Really? 🙄 Wow….

    Ray, do you even understand what is at stake here with this nomination? ❓ This has been the Conservatives to first chance to shift The Court majority to 5-4 for the first time in 50 years!!! That means religious liberties will be protected, like CO baker harassed and ruined with frivolous lawsuits for not making a “gay cake” or gun rights be protected or freedom of speech to have a website like this when the left deems us to be a “hate site”. Ray, you are either stupid, insane, or grossly misinformed about what is REALLY at stake here. I am absolutely stunned at the level of narcissism and ignorance from you, man. Just stunned.

    If men do not stand up for other men when they are clearly falsely accused of a “Sex crime” (where male guilt is assumed by cucks, leftists, media, white knights, feminists, and male Betas), we will never right this ship. To mock and allow an innocent man to be tried by media, using Tweeter with judge Rose McGowan presiding, while mocked by media, and to allow FemiNazis to lynch judge Kavanaugh simply because they disagree with him on abortion, gun rights, and religious freedom rights, is absurd and mentally deranged.

    All Americans should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise in court of law. All men in America are presumed guilty when accused by a woman; men are given almost no due process under law, and their lives are ruined in minutes, based solely on anonymous accusations by deranged or opportunistic women. Men are treated like 3rd class citizens (4th class if white). Our goal should be to educate and encourage other men to see this reality, Red Pill, and stop enabling this to go on like this.

    If men will not stand up for other men in this situation THEN there is ZERO hope we will ever right this ship. Might as well take the Black Pill and enjoy the decline, because decline and even more chaos is all we will experience in the decades to come.

  229. feministhater says:

    I MUCH prefer that 2 people are REALLY attracted to each other in every way ppossible (not only physical, of course) before ‘taking the plunge’. I know you think ‘this could not be!’ in the 1950s and before.

    And what is to be done about the people who do not fit into this category? You know… the rest of the human population. This only works for 20% of people maximum and I’m being generous here. It’s great that you’re ‘for’ it but it creates pressure on the rest of humanity that they can’t possibly relieve.

    Marriage requires control because of the things you are stating. The ebbs and flows, attraction cues, class systems, destruction of families and the possibility of sin outside of marriage for Christians. You got lucky as some men did on this blog too. You’re an outlier.

    I keep on getting push back on this. However, the system you’ve outline simply cannot work on the majority of the population; yours and others refusal to grapple with this can only mean that you tend to ignore these pesky problems and would rather prefer for them to simply disappear but then please don’t complain as the world tends to crumble around you as you ignore the 90% of men that are required for its continued maintenance.

    Let it burn.

  230. feministhater says:

    All Americans should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise in court of law. All men in America are presumed guilty when accused by a woman; men are given almost no due process under law, and their lives are ruined in minutes, based solely on anonymous accusations by deranged or opportunistic women. Men are treated like 3rd class citizens (4th class if white). Our goal should be to educate and encourage other men to see this reality, Red Pill, and stop enabling this to go on like this.

    If this thread has taught you one thing, it should be that women will literally not see the plight of men who they deem below them, that majority of men are simply invisible to them. You have direct proof given to you right here. Out of the horse’s big mouth. Things get worse when you try to perform for women, you have to take away their rights, their options and their ability to be solipsistic otherwise you should enjoy that decline and let it burn.

  231. ChristianCool says:

    @Hank Flanders

    Men and women are allowed to choose what they like and do not like as traits in men and women. Some guys like women with bigger butts or bigger breasts or long hair, or whatever. That is NOT the problem with the entire “preference” thing.

    The problem is that while men often have unique likes and dislikes, most women have their likes and dislikes set by the media, what “girl magazines” say they should like, and by what other women say and think about the subject. That is why you see men have “unique fetishes” and women all seem to want the same things.

    The individualist mindset of men allows men to seek out a variety of different types of women while women seek out almost the exact same archetype of man. That creates a huge imbalance and why we have the Paretto Principle, where 20% of single men have a huge advantage banging 80% of single women. The women seek out men in top 20%, leaving 80% to fight off for the rest. That is because so many woman seek basically the same traits on men.

    In the now-removed YT video, when the girls were both surprised they both liked men over 6’1″, they both probably heard OTHER WOMEN state that preference for 6’1″ or taller… or maybe they read it on Elle magazine that these 6’1″+ men are better in bed/more valuable/whatever…. or Kim Kardashian said something about 6’1″ being her minimum acceptable height. The Female Zombie Army responds to what they are told BY OTHERS to like and dislike. This is because women are creatures of the herd.

    Meanwhile in men’s minds, we all like all sorts of different and unique attributes about women, because men are individuals. That is why you have guys with fetishes about feet (which I personally find bizarre and disgusting), guys who have a “thing” for women with moles on their face or other bizarre stuff, which are perfectly normal to them. Men have preferences on tattoos (or lack thereof), height, weight, hair length, color, skin tone, etc etc. Point is that we, as individual men, make such decisions.

    No one dictates attraction in men. But women’s attraction often vary based on what women like and what their masters in media and entertainment tell them to like.

    That is the core of the problem.

    Two side notes:

    1) America is by far NOT the fattest country anymore. Mexico is fattest country in world now and Brazil has surpassed America in obesity (in the overweight and obese per capita category). Diabetes related to obesity is way higher in Brazil and Mexico than in USA and it will continue to grow in these countries. The stats that backed “Americans are all fat” is something from years ago when it was indeed the case. Middle Eastern countries currently have obesity problems higher than any other continent due to increase in “cheap food” and global supply chains.

    In America, the statistics are also skewed by the fact that American black women and Latin immigrants to USA blow up in obesity rates well over 60%, close to 80% in urban black women. So they skew the data to make i seem worse than what it is. I have lived 6 years outside USA in 4 countries and obesity is much worse in places you would not think of.

    (Additional Source:

    2) Flanders is the Dutch-speaking population in The Netherlands (which Americans incorrectly call “Holland”). My dad is Flanders, which is in conflict with the French-speaking Walloons of Netherlands. That country is a mess… kind of like California, where 52% of population is made up of Central American immigrants and speak Spanish only/or primarily and the rest which is a hodge-podge of whatever the hell is left there of Americans and the immigrant masses wrecking up the place.

    So yeah…. Flanders is more than a Simpson’s character, just so you know. 😉 lol

  232. ChristianCool says:


    Do NOT marry in 2018 America anymore, unless you meet one of 3 limited categories that meet get an “exception” to the “do not marry” rule:

    1. You are importing a foreign woman to marry and she needs to be sponsored to come into country (remember, she has same divorce-rape and false criminal accusation rights as US-born ones, so buyer beware);
    2. You are marrying very rich woman, which reduces chance you will ahve to pay her… but knowing women are hypergamous, you have low odds of marrying one, unless she is fugly and you are good-looking man;
    3. You and she are strong adherents of an Orthodox-like religion and living within a religious community like PA Amish or rural Utah Mormons, where social pressure and her social circle will support marriage and greatly lessen chance of divorce rape.

    Otherwise, you as man, only have to lose, including your freedom, finances, future income, and happiness. Kids are a woman’s property and you will be lucky if she deemds OK for you to see your kid(s) once a month on Skype.

    Stop rewarding post-Wall slutdom witha “marriage bailout” later in life and the system will reset itself. It is supply and demand and if men opt out of marriage in high enough numbers and stop bailing out “reformed Carrousel Riders” later in life, women will adjust.

    Good news is that 70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married in USA these days, so the systematically unfair/men-destroying Marriage 2.0 system will reset at some point in future. And if it does not reset back to sanity, men will adjust and marriage will be something for closed religious communities and the very rich.

    Believe me, I feel a lot of “survivor’s guilt” being so happy in my marriage. And worse, not only I lost my wife, when I tell guys I am widowed, they HATE me for it, because they almost all have been brutally divorced raped. I get it, I won the “great marriage” lottery once, I am the exception, not the rule.

    As for your other point, FeministHater, women SAY they care about plight of men in America, but extremely few do, because women WANT the “protections” they think they MIGHT need someday. It is rare to see a Dr. Helen Smith or a truly Conservative woman out there standing up against systematic oppression and disenfranchisement of men. The rest are TradHots, “Traditional-wanna be” Hotties, women that LOOK hot and say they are Conservatives when they are often feminist-lite (they are opportunists).

    The truth is, women will always seek out their best interests first, and they will coldly destroy anyone who get in their way, because women’s Solipsistic nature is too powerful in their brains.

    Feminism simply made destroying men extremely easy and enforced by Family Courts. As long as stupid men continue to marry and the divorce system continues to destroy men by the millions and only benefit women, the system will continue indefinitely. I will say this as many times as I have to. Unless you hate yourself or are under the extremely narrow 3 exceptions above: Do NOT GET MARRIED.

    I am NOT yet a Black Pills levels like you, FH…. “let it burn” is not my solution to the problem. lol We can fix it if men stop marrying post-Wall sluts and enable system to reset itself.

  233. feministhater says:

    And despite many others persuading him to get used to the idea that things are as they are, and are difficult to change because they are not under control of the ‘conscious mind’ he refuses to budge.

    I like to see an argument out to the end. I enjoy taking the other side of the disagreement for shits and giggles. I don’t care if every single person here and in the world disagreed with me and threatened to kill me if I did not comply, I would still disagree with you and present my opinion. It’s just who I am.

    Look, I have the ‘weird’ opinions I have because I am relentlessly studying this topic. I will not rest until I understand every aspect of this topic. It is my ‘thing’.

    No one cares.

    I will not apologise to FH for saying what I did above. It would not be sincere, and I only do sincere apologies. But to compensate, because I respect him (he was successfully able to sway my thinking on another thread way back), I will offer an apology for not apologising. I hope this is good enough for him.

    I’ve never, ever known a woman to make a sincere apology at all. It’s just not possible. However, I didn’t ask you for an apology for myself. You didn’t insult me personally. I meet your height requirements and then some, I played as a forward for my school and university rugby teams and was among men who would tower over your husband. Just up your street.

    I thought you should apologise for the fact that you only found men interesting based purely on their height. You wrote off an entire canton without even meeting the men because of some preconceived notion that they were all short and couldn’t possibly be interesting. That’s insulting.

    You make off as if attraction is some purely sub-conscious bias, that there are no elements that can be tailored or tweaked to your specific situation; and that it is futile to even try to change your sub-conscious preferences to up your chances of finding a mate. I think this is nonsense. I think both men and women can take a realistic look and determine a more reasonable approach to the potential spouses in their league.

    I’m 150% attracted to certain women but they are not attracted to me in the slightest, never mind my height. I’m not that attractive to garner 100% attraction from any woman but there are certain women who might be quite attracted to me and I might have been attracted to them when I was still looking to get married. Under your suggestion, it would have been better that no one in this predicament ever get married. Yes, I’m glad I didn’t get married to any of them but that is because of the legal farce called ‘marriage’ today not that I couldn’t have been happy to be married to them under a reasonable marriage system.

    It’s great that you didn’t need to sacrifice any of your wants when you found your husband. Splendid for you but the rest of humanity has to make such sacrifices if they ever intend to have children and create a society that allows for your very marriage to even work.

  234. feministhater says:

    I am NOT yet a Black Pills levels like you, FH…. “let it burn” is not my solution to the problem. lol We can fix it if men stop marrying post-Wall sluts and enable system to reset itself.

    Oh, I’m not Black Pill. I’m enjoying my life as it stands. I only see that the problem cannot be corrected and that it needs to run its course. If I survive the deluge, I plan to be there to rebuild and create a new system. That’s what keeps me going. I want the current system to fail, to crumble, I want the facade to fall. I want to see the Ivory Towers tumble down under their own nefarious weight.

    I’m not invested in the current system.

  235. Spacetraveller says:


    Yes, we will have to agree to disagree.

    Just because I didn’t find men shorter than me attractive enough for marriage (or for anything else for that matter) does not mean I take away their worth. Those are two different things.
    I can assure you I can see ‘the tall man inside’ or the equivalent for you, the ‘thin woman inside the fat woman’. That is just intellectualising though.

    We can talk in circles all day long. It won’t change a thing.
    IF I had married a short man and then come to you moaning that I don’t find my husband attractive, I agree with you 100% there would be definite grounds to apologise to you (for bending your ear about something I myself chose) and to HIm (for disrespecting him behind his back).

    I agree with you that controls are necessary. I live those controle. And I did live those controle before marriage. I am a fan of those controls,and I have made it clear several times already that I am. (Is it now clear to AR why I sometimes to repeat myself?) But even with tough controls, people still suffer greatly when they do something in all good faith that they later regret. This is why you get the high over-70s age group divorce rate. You would think that someone who married young when all the rules were in place would not be divorcing, right? Wrong. She was *never* atrracted to him on their wedding day. Now 50 years later she wishes she had ‘gone for the right one’ and not simply gone for whoever was first to beat down Papa’s door.
    Contrast that with the mother of Lisa whats her name who Dalrock profiled a few posts back. Same era. But the difference is, this other woman really wanted her husband. Thus, she is still happily married to him 50 years later.

    I am not an outlier generally in the sense that I have the same innate nature as most other women. But my height, makes me an outlier in THIS conversation, sure.

    I am happy for the (theoretical) short man who did not relentlessly pursue me even if I could not even ‘see’ him. Good that he said ‘screw that girl’ (excuse the french) and moved on. I hope for him he found a woman who values everythinga about him, including his height. Good for him. A far happier life he has had without me. If he found no-one, I feel sorry, but it is not my fault. I cannot marry every man. For every married man here, you could make the argument that there is a fat girl they ignored. Do you not see how ridiculous this is? *shrug*

  236. Oscar says:

    @ Jonathan Castle

    Yes, it’s rude, childish and self-absorbed. And I agree that we tolerate way too much of it.

    “We”? You misspelled “I”.

  237. Oscar says:

    I meet your height requirements and then some, I played as a forward for my school and university rugby teams… ~ FH

    And yet, in an earlier thread, you stated that Christian women never paid any attention to you. One of these things is not like the other.

  238. feministhater says:

    One of these things is not like the other.

    Over simplification. I stated they were never interested in marriage to me whilst I was younger. I also stated that I’m not that attractive so I might be tall and it might get me through one door, another door could be shut a moment later.

    Rugby forwards are strong but they also tend not to be ripped and have a bit of fat. The weight plus strength component is important in scrums.

  239. FemBrainwashing.

    It’s widespread and dangerous. We as men need to rise up and shut it down.

  240. Oscar says:

    @ FH

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. We’ve all seen how women throw themselves at college athletes, including football linemen, who are much fatter than rugby forwards, even when they have ugly faces.

    One of these things is not like the other.

  241. feministhater says:

    Okay Oscar, You’re drawing an incorrect assumption. It’s not the same. Just playing for university rugby doesn’t automatically gain you fame or women. It’s just a sport, played on a sports field, it brings in some support, usually family, friends, a bit of university spirit but it’s not ramped up like Football in America. There might be specific matches between certain university terms that are hyped a bit but it’s not the whole cheerleader aspect with college parties and wet panties. Certainly not when I played.

    Sure, you can get the girls if you like but they ain’t going to be Christian or want to get married anytime soon.

  242. Oscar says:

    Rugby players in the States have no trouble attracting women either, even though Rugby is nowhere near as popular in the States as it is in South Africa (which would give a South African rugby player far higher status than an American rugby player, and women love status).

    Pardon my skepticism, but your own stories about yourself contradict each other.

  243. feministhater says:

    You’re excused but you’re on some warpath to no where. I played rugby at university, I wasn’t a pro rugby player by any means. You’re getting ahead of yourself here.

    I don’t see the contradiction.

  244. feministhater says:

    I bet the girls are all dying to be with these guys. Some yes but others no. We weren’t even sponsored to the level the teams are now. It was low key unless you were in the top team with the chance to be chosen for Provincial play. I was not anywhere close, I played to stay fit and enjoy myself.

  245. Off topic, but useful reading for men – about modern America.

    To see the world thru women’s eyes, I recommend reading “The Cut” on Medium – “Showing the world what women are made of.” It does as promised.

    For example: “What Happens When a Married Woman Goes on Tinder?” — “It started as an experiment. What I found made me want more.”

    View at

    A wife goes on Tinder “as an experiment.” Gets very excited. Nothing happens, at least in this story. At least until the point at which the story was written. But she seems ready for infidelity, and has already justified it in her mind. See the opening and ending.


    “I’ve spent a lot of time thinking and talking and writing about marriage, and I’d begun to notice more and more women subverting, reimagining, or challenging received notions surrounding the institution, specifically when it came to monogamy. More women were beginning to see opening their marriages as a legitimate and in many ways appealing option. …

    “They {the women on Tinder} wanted the things I used to want, and I in turn wanted what they had — freedom, excitement, interesting conversations that didn’t center on styles of child-rearing or real estate, the experience of moving through the world not exclusively as a wife or mother but as a sexual being, a full and complicated and multifaceted person, the experience of being wooed, wanted, admired, acknowledged, and seen. Perhaps married women were simply beginning to want what married men have always wanted and come to expect: more.”


    All the boxes are checked. She’s ready for a ride. She has already worked out why it will be her husband’s fault.

    Here we see the thinking that produces the high divorce numbers.

  246. Opus says:

    When I read Spacetraveller I can tell that English and American are different languages. I understand her; I know where she is coming from in a way that even the most erudite here are in some way just slightly not entirely familiar to me. I suppose the feeling may be mutual.

  247. Anonymous Reader says:

    Larry Kummer
    Off topic, but useful reading for men – about modern America.

    Useful and closer to the original topic than a lot of comments. This is part of what Rollo Tomassi calls open hypergamy. Women are increasingly not even bothering to conceal their dual mating strategy, and they are often their own Beta.

    All the boxes are checked. She’s ready for a ride. She has already worked out why it will be her husband’s fault.

    The rationalization hamster is always ready to run in a woman’s head. This cannot be stressed enough.

    Whether it is in the direction of “I deserve a man who is 6′ 1″ tall” or “I deserve more sexual / romantic excitement, it is always ready to run. 60+ years ago this was also true but the tools weren’t there to facilitate / enable.

    Here we see the thinking that produces the high divorce numbers.

    Partly. The whole entitlement mindset, the “I deserve this” is a feature of the female mind, but it is jacked up on steroids in the current social / economic environment.

    The article on The Cut is indeed as you say revealing. There are ways to mitigate / minimize this mindset, but it is a feature, and it is not necessarily well controlled in women under 30. Or under 40.

  248. OKRickety says:


    ‘This has been the Conservatives to first chance to shift The Court majority to 5-4 for the first time in 50 years!!!’

    Are you certain about that? It is currently 4-4 following the resignation of Kennedy, who was appointed by Reagan. Admittedly, Kennedy was inclined to vote liberal in many instances, but “The Court majority” was technically already 5-4 to Republican appointees.

  249. Anonymous Reader says:

    You asked me a direct question

    No. I didn’t.

  250. Anonymous Reader says:

    Do NOT marry in 2018 America anymore, unless you meet one of 3 limited categories that meet get an “exception” to the “do not marry” rule:

    Pretty black-pill for someone who claims to be a widower. Looks more like what a frivorced man would write. Dalrock’s written on this topic a time or two.

    The search window in the upper right hand corner would work for you, too. Just don’t type 500 words into it before clicking on “search”…

  251. BillyS says:


    I remembered the English language variation when listening to the Economist years ago. “Maths” vs. “Math” or “Aluminium” vs. “Aluminum” as 2 examples that jump to my mind.

    Not bad, but odd to my brain.

  252. BillyS says:


    The Supreme Court could have been much better in the past, but too many cucks thought caving was better than standing for solid principles.

  253. Lexet Blog says:

    Let’s be honest. Most American females only bring sex to the table, and nothing else. They don’t cook, clean, don’t want to stay home, and don’t want kids. The culture and attitudes of American females devalues their marriage marketability to near zero.

  254. Lexet Blog says:

    It’s literally the only quasi Christian ministry for singles. The church has abandoned men in general, but has disowned its single young men.

  255. More from that article at “The Cut”

    Young women are not being instructed by or learning from older women. Older women are learning from younger women about the joys of being unleashed from conventions. It’s the first step to divorce.

    “I’ve always felt like an average-looking woman, a solid 6 or maybe a 7 if I bother to wear mascara, but swiping through my matches and messages, I felt like a special species. I felt coveted and appreciated and valued and desired. Why isn’t every married woman in the world on Tinder, I began to wonder. It all felt the way romance was supposed to feel  —  playful and exciting and unserious.”

    This woman captures in one paragraph feelings that Dalrock has written about in a hundred posts. The thrill of casual hookups, romance and sex unfettered to anything enduring or “serious.” Excitement and tingles rule!

  256. Spacetraveller says:

    About rhetorical questions, point taken!
    My bad.

  257. Anonymous Reader says:

    Larry Kummer:
    This woman captures in one paragraph feelings that Dalrock has written about in a hundred posts. The thrill of casual hookups, romance and sex unfettered to anything enduring or “serious.” Excitement and tingles rule!

    Yes, Larry, we know. It’s been covered here, at Heartiste, at Rational Male, at the late Spearhead, at Ian Ironwood’s blog, at Family Alpha’s blog, at No Ma’am, etc. and etc. for over a decade.

    What you have discovered is what PUA’s have known for over 20 years Of course, Casanova knew it centuries ago. Mozart wrote operas about it in the 18th century. It is more visible now for a lot of reasons. Suggest you read up on open hypergamy starting with this article from 4 years back:
    Pay attention to the Red Robin commercial video at the very top of the article. It is instructive. If you don’t understand why, reading Rollo’s essay should make that clear.

    There is a larger, and deeper, and darker issue that needs to be kept in mind. It is discussed in this article from about 7 years back:

    But it is a very current, as this article from just 2 years ago shows:

    I’m not trying to threadjack, but there are some key ideas that keep floating up in comments here that have already been described and discussed over the last 10 years, 20 years, longer. There is no need to re-invent the wheel month after month. Teaching other men these truths, and then applying them? That is needed. Desperately needed.

  258. Dalrock says:


    This woman captures in one paragraph feelings that Dalrock has written about in a hundred posts. The thrill of casual hookups, romance and sex unfettered to anything enduring or “serious.” Excitement and tingles rule!

    Indeed! It is like she is working from a men’s sphere checklist.

  259. Thanks to Anon Reader for flagging this Red Robin commercial. Whatever the company’s intent, it is recruitment video for alt-right or men’s movement groups. The Proud Boys or such should post it everywhere.

    “Have pride men! Be strong! Or you too will be treated with contempt by women.”

  260. Novaseeker says:

    All the boxes are checked. She’s ready for a ride. She has already worked out why it will be her husband’s fault.

    Here we see the thinking that produces the high divorce numbers.

    Or yet another thought balloon being floated about reconsidering “norms of monogamy” in marriage. Look at how the article begins … not with wanting divorce, but with wanting marriage and what it brings PLUS sex with other sexy, fun men that is “unserious” because she is already married.

    Expect more of this in the coming years. Men are going to be quite surprised to see that it is going to be married women who are leading the attack on marital monogamy. As RP men we can see why (sexual hypergamy, AF/BB, women being able to market themselves for sex on Tinder until well into what used to be called “middle age”), but most men will be surprised by this coming from women, and more than a few will be fooled into supporting it because they (in most cases wrongly) think it will give them the opportunity for easy sex “on the side” themselves, forgetting that casual sex is controlled by women and alpha males.

    Interesting times to come.

  261. philosophyze says:

    You YouTube link below is broken.

  262. ray says:

    Christian Cool —

    Did you say something to me, boy?

    Yaaaawn. I believe I shall take a big ole nap. Ring me when you’re done outraging and bloviating.

  263. ray says:

    FSG etc. — “Rollo Tomassi is Chateau Heartiste, minus 20 IQ points. I can’t believe anyone takes that clown seriously.”

    Keerful now. Rollo Tomassi, whoever he is, is part of the Approved Group.

  264. Opus says:

    I presume that Anonymous Reader is referring to Cosi Fan Tutte when he mentions Mozart. Here is a rather strange production rather appropriately set I would guess in New England though for some reason all the characters appear to be Italian immigrants. Pick it up from the opening trio and recit at about the six minute thirty second mark down to about ten minute thirty seconds mark (English subtitles make all very clear).

    I haven’t heard it for a while but am wondering how long it will be before once again this Mozart Opera will be considered unperformable as it was at London’s Covent Garden down to as late as the swinging sixties in 1968! Don Giovanni might also suffer the same fate with its cast of #metoo females.

  265. Dalrock says:


    Expect more of this in the coming years. Men are going to be quite surprised to see that it is going to be married women who are leading the attack on marital monogamy. As RP men we can see why (sexual hypergamy, AF/BB, women being able to market themselves for sex on Tinder until well into what used to be called “middle age”), but most men will be surprised by this coming from women, and more than a few will be fooled into supporting it because they (in most cases wrongly) think it will give them the opportunity for easy sex “on the side” themselves, forgetting that casual sex is controlled by women and alpha males.

    Interesting times to come.

    Imagine the Father’s Day sermons rationalizing why married fathers are to blame! And of course, more Christian movies adoring the sexy badboy bikers the wives find on Tinder, with pledges by the boring loyal dudes not to be such total failures.

  266. Original Laura says:

    Nearly all women prefer a man whose height exceeds their own. Since the average man is five or six inches taller than the average woman, this shouldn’t be a huge issue. A short woman prefers an extremely tall man because she hopes that both her sons and her daughters will be taller than she is.

    A tall woman may prefer a man who isn’t too much taller than she is, because she doesn’t want her daughters to be excessively tall. Spacetraveller is apparently a tall woman who is very comfortable with her height, so she preferred very tall men. But lots of tall women find adolescence and dating to be painful, and often feel that they are passed over by nearly everybody, just as short men often are.

    Life is probably easier for women of average height. They can marry someone of average to somewhat above average height and have tall-enough sons without producing Amazonian daughters.

    There was a chart posted on this website a year or two ago that showed that nearly all men from their early twenties to mid forties preferred women aged 21 to 23. Although a lot of men who post on Dalrock hope that their wives will be stay at home moms, probably most men in America are hoping for a woman who has a decent salary of her own. So the 21 to 23 age preference for men of all ages is in some ways the counterpart of the six foot one inch minimum height requirement for women of all heights. (“I want a woman who is young and “hot” and totally devoted to me AND who has a really good full-time career so that she would never be eligible for alimony under any circumstances.”) Relatively few short women are going to end up with extremely tall husbands, and I would guess that men past their mid thirties would find it difficult to date women in their early twenties. At least in America, that kind of an age gap is not well accepted. Too much of a height difference also seems odd. Jeb Bush’s wife looked like a midget next to him.

    When people of either sex have absurdly detailed and restrictive lists of what they demand in a spouse I always assume they aren’t serious about getting married in the near future. The Germans used to say that for every lid there is a pot, and to some extent I believe that, but there are so many people in their twenties who are obese, or not working full time, or hopelessly in debt, etc., that I don’t believe that this level of self-sabotage is an accident. These people have deliberately removed themselves from the pool of marriageable individuals.

  267. Novaseeker says:

    Imagine the Father’s Day sermons rationalizing why married fathers are to blame! And of course, more Christian movies adoring the sexy badboy bikers the wives find on Tinder, with pledges by the boring loyal dudes not to be such total failures.

    It’s a man’s solemn duty to God to ensure that his wife is happy, and if this is what makes her happy, then that’s what God wants. Takes “servant leadership” to a whole new level, doesn’t it?

  268. Original Laura,

    “When people of either sex have absurdly detailed and restrictive lists of what they demand in a spouse I always assume they aren’t serious about getting married in the near future.”

    There is a long tradition of such lists by men and women in western fiction. In “Much Ado About Nothing” both Benedict and Beatrice have their long lists. Benedict generously concludes his list with — “and her hair shall be of what color it please God.”

    In the “Music Man”, Marian the librarian sings about her list. Her mother objects, and Marion replies:

    Marian: “Now, really, Mama. I have my standards where men are concerned and I have no intention…”

    Mother: “I know all about your standards and if you don’t mind my sayin’ so there’s not a man alive who could hope to measure up to that blend of Paul Bunyan, Saint Pat, and Noah Webster you’ve concocted for yourself out of your Irish imagination, your Iowa stubbornness, and your library full of books!”

    But these stories all conclude with the men and women getting over themselves and settling for a mate that is there and ready to go, even if not meeting many of their criteria (for Marian, het met only one item on her list).

    This is the wisdom, or perhaps realism, missing in so many women today.

  269. BillyS says:

    The woman in the Red Robin commercial is not even that attractive. Why would she pull a second date with the PUA? I guess he couldn’t do better.

  270. Opus says:

    I have heard it more than once from men (so it must be a common thought) and goes like this “I have no objection to Homosexuals because that removes one potential competitor for hot or desirable women”. I tell them that if that is the level of their attractiveness to women it would not matter if half the country and more turned queer for they will never find true love (or hot sex) and add that they are probably a prime candidate for straight-guy-goes-gay.

    The notion that ‘hotwives’ is both permission and the likelihood that ‘cuckolds’ will have a surfeit of pussy is not supported by observtion: women control the marriage and the sexual market. The women who will sleep with anyone nobody wants and those who are choosy (most) are wanted by all. This is all just a rerun of the delusions of the pioneers of the pre-sexual revolution of the 1950s where it was assumed (by the horny – or as we would also say randy) that marriage was artificially reducing the amount of sex available and that free love would double the amount available. The reality was in fact the very opposite: those men who are single (or in an open marriage) are far less likely to have much sex even though they may over time perforce have greater variety – a sort of once-in-a-blue-moon harem.

  271. Rollo Tomassi, whoever he is, is part of the Approved Group.

    Have you read his Twitter feed?

    Some of his observations:

    – every public school kid is in mortal danger of becoming a tranny because of his feminist teachers.
    – his “hypergamy doesn’t care about…” is autistic sputtering. He makes women sound like the T-800. Yes, women are hypergamous but he reduces almost everything they do to hypergamy.
    – he says MGTOW doesn’t have an endgame, which isn’t so (it’s to deprive society of resources). But what is his endgame? What do we do once we all learn that women are hypergamous? Do we win their affections by learning game, self-improvement etc? Because that’s not gonna go anywhere. His analysis says that women shoot for the top so no matter how many men learn game, some are going to be better at applying it than others and we’re always going to be left with same Pareto distribution.
    – just as feminists can’t imagine that a man might naturally be tough, Tomassi can’t imagine that a man would put on airs of being tough to gain the acceptance of his peers.

    Like I said, Tomassi is a slower version of Roissy/Heartiste.

  272. Anonymous Reader says:

    Takes “servant leadership” to a whole new level, doesn’t it?

    Remaking “The Love Dare” should be pretty easy; “If Mama ain’t happy, God ain’t happy, so…”

  273. Oscar says:

    @ feministhater

    You’re excused but you’re on some warpath to no where. I played rugby at university, I wasn’t a pro rugby player by any means. You’re getting ahead of yourself here.

    Did I write anything about “pro rugby” anywhere? Can you provide a quote?

    I don’t see the contradiction.

    That’s not surprising.

  274. ChristianCool says:


    Of course you will not address what I said! 🙄 How could you? I outed you as a keyboard-warrior and Blue Pill Beta Feminist. 🙂

    Not only you are mocking and laughing at the fact that an innocent man is being publicly lynched by a Feminist mob for an alleged crime that happened 36 years ago (a crime he cannot possibly have an alibi for or defend against)…. but you, my friend, you are on the sidelines shouting “crucify him!” and jeering.

    You are openly siding with a Feminist lynch mob against Kavanaugh, but at least you have your voice now! While some are saying “he is innocent”, the feminist mob is shouting “crucify him”, and you joined in!

    Glad you are out of the closet, however. 😉 Feels good?

  275. ChristianCool says:

    @Anonymous Reader

    One has to admire the left for their creativity. 😮 They come up with the best names for absolutely terrible stuff.

    A law designed to skyrocket health insurance premiums on the mdidle class is called “Affordable Care Act” (ObamaCare).
    A law designed to make it easier for women to falsely accuse and imprison innocent men is called “Violence Against Women Act” (VAWA).
    “Eat Pray Love” book title would seem like a Christian stay-at-home-mom type story about a wife cooking, praying, and loving her family is really about encouraging women to frivorce husbands and divorce-raping them.

    So yeah….. “Servant Leadership” is just another wordy scheme to describe Betafication of husbands and ending male Biblical headship.

    Be very weary whenever you hear “catchy terms” coming from the left, especially from leftist “Christians”. They are very good at naming, marketing, and masquerading evil as something good.

    Now that I am thinking about it, Satan is also the master of lies and deceit. No wonder his puppets on the left are so good at naming evil things to seem innocuous and good.

  276. b warner says:

    Without the aca I could never get health insurance. Not everything from the let is all bad…..

  277. feministhater says:

    Did I write anything about “pro rugby” anywhere? Can you provide a quote?

    Why do you insist on not seeing the obvious? It’s not that you stated ‘pro’ anything. You are equating me playing a sport at university to some sort of big deal as if it is in the same league as varsity football in America where chicks come running after you. This is just not the case.

    Now drop it. If you don’t believe me, fine. Don’t. Trying to convince you of this is futile. Kindly fuck off.

  278. Hank Flanders says:


    Tell me more about Neelix. Is it a he or a she or a it?

    Oh, that’s easy. Just google him. You’ll find out more than you want to know. 🙂

  279. feeriker says:


    Flanders is the Dutch-speaking population in The Netherlands (which Americans incorrectly call “Holland”). My dad is Flanders, which is in conflict with the French-speaking Walloons of Netherlands.

    I’m sure that what you meant to say is that “Flanders is the Dutch-speaking region in Belgium… My dad is Flemish

  280. @ChristianCool

    Many of the posters here are left-wing and vote Democrat, and frankly hate Republicans more than they do feminists.

  281. feeriker says:

    Partly. The whole entitlement mindset, the “I deserve this” is a feature of the female mind, but it is jacked up on steroids in the current social / economic environment.

    “I want it, therefore I deserve it/it’s my right” is the core operating system programming of the human female. Other, higher order programs (i.e., social, cultural, and religious customs and laws) in the past blocked this core program from executing, but those programs have been striipped away, leaving the viral, destructive disaster we have today.

    Let’s be honest. Most American females only bring sex to the table, and nothing else. They don’t cook, clean, don’t want to stay home, and don’t want kids. The culture and attitudes of American females devalues their marriage marketability to near zero.

    They don’t even really bring sex to the table, not for the beta schlub chumps they grudgingly settle for with scarcely concealed contempt.

    Add that to the list of things they don’t contribute to a marriage, along with the dangers they pose to a man’s emotional, financial, and physical health, and they’re not only “oxygen thieves” and burdens, they’re an actual menace.

  282. Anonymous Reader says:

    Matrim Cauthon says:

    Many of the posters here are left-wing and vote Democrat, and frankly hate Republicans more than they do feminists.

    Really fascinating. How do you know this to be true?

  283. Tim says:


    Thank you for your reply to my comment, both here and in the stand-alone post:

    Your point on the primacy of the Bible is well taken. I have sought to practice studying Scripture and modeling my life after it and I will continue to do so.

    Studying the Biblical text does indeed give you a significant immune system against the grosser violations; but I was quite taken-aback to learn (from your writing) that I had been mislead by [well-meaning] conservatives as well as hardcore liberals.

    The best example of this is your discussions on complementarianism.

    Prior to reading your work I had understood that there were two primary doctrinal positions argued among Christians: egalitarianism and complementarianism. Since it is quite obvious that egalitarianism doesn’t square with the Scriptural text, I assumed I was a “complementarian.”

    But, I never really bothered to read much of the literature from the complementarian camp. I hadn’t understood some of the squishiness and/or rot at the heart of complentarianism.

    Now that you’ve pointed that out to me, I find it quite easy to abandon the complentarian label in favor of a label such as “patriarchalism.” Or Biblical patriarchalism. Or whatever.

    So, here is an example of a “positive” post on this subject I’d enjoy reading: “Biblical Patriarchy: What It Is and What It Isn’t.” Or perhaps: “Egalitarianism vs. Complementarianism vs. Patriarchalism: An Overview and Outline for New Readers.”


    I’ll fill in a few more examples of questions that I would enjoy your tackling. One of these will be specific to my personal life; others will be more general.

    But first, when I mentioned the term “positive principles and positions,” I mean it in the argumentative sense. Instead of showing how a certain person’s essay or comments are wrong, could you make a positive argument (essay) that showcases what true Biblical leadership would look like.

    So, here are some specific questions you could consider tackling:

    1) How should a Husband and Father make a decision on where his family is to live?

    This one is personal to me. I’m blessed to have a very godly wife who is submitted to my leadership. We are both fully committed to our marriage union and we enjoy a rich and rewarding relationship.

    But I find myself carefully considering where my family should live. I’m looking at our children and considering the merits of living in a more conservative area—perhaps a more rural area—but my wife, although supportive, doesn’t share the same sense of urgency that I do.

    She’s not opposed to my direction (not fighting me), but she’s not necessarily enthusiastic about any proposed changes.

    So, what is a Biblical method of leadership that I, as the patriarch of my family, should exercise?

    I could:
    -Unilaterally say, “this is important, we’re going to do it.”
    -Continue talking about it, hoping that she comes to share my view, but move forward in the meantime.
    -Continue talking about it until we come to agreement, but not make a decision until she shares my sentiments

    Courtly love may not be Biblical, but Christian love certainly is. I’m called to nourish and cherish my wife. And God has given her to me as a helper, so it’s important that I not squash her; I need her. But learning how to function together is obviously a challenge.

    What does the positive example look like?

    Here are 3 other topics that I think would be interesting to tackle (#4 is personal to me, 2 and 3 are not):

    2) Husband wants to have more children; wife doesn’t. The Bible commands husbands and wives not to deprive one another and says that our bodies are not our own. So how should a husband handle this?

    3) Husband wants wife to stay at home with children; wife doesn’t want to, preferring to maintain her job in order to enjoy personal fulfillment. How should a husband handle this?

    4) How should we train our sons and daughters so that they are prepared for Biblical marriage roles? What is the same for both sons and daughters? What is different?

    I appreciate hearing your thoughts.


    p.s., I access the internet only once or twice a week, so don’t take my slow replies as an indication of non-participation.

    This comment is cross-posted on these two posts:

  284. ray says:

    Christian Cool — “@Ray
    Of course you will not address what I said! How could you? I outed you as a keyboard-warrior and Blue Pill Beta Feminist.”

    Checkmate. You have me there, I give up. Well-played that time! But please continue correspondence as it’s entertaining.

    Truth is I am a BPBF and often a BMF to boot. That’s a lot of acronyms for the old dooder to remem . . . ah what was it I didn’t address again? Snnzz . . . erk! I do apologize as I have had quite an eventful day, but if you will forward your concerns again to me, I promise I will do my best to fznnnnrk… snerk snooore.

  285. ray says:

    Hank Flanders —

    “Oh, that’s easy. Just google him. You’ll find out more than you want to know.”

    I see. I’m afraid I was hoping pretty strongly that it was a secret. You know, something only you and mebbe a couple other deep-cover operatives have access to? A giant chimera that broke loose from Roswell. A code or something, shit I dunno.

    But if it’s on google well I guess my dreams of intrigue got the old soggy blanket. But, thank you for trying to cheer me up.

  286. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Matrim Cauthon: Many of the posters here are left-wing and vote Democrat, and frankly hate Republicans more than they do feminists.

    Really? I assumed most of the men here were Trump supporters who thought that Trump didn’t go far enough. Or is that just me?

  287. Anon says:

    Matrim Cuckthon said :

    Many of the posters here are left-wing and vote Democrat, and frankly hate Republicans more than they do feminists.

    Two things :

    i) A vastly off-base accusation is ALWAYS projection on the part of the accuser.
    ii) Cuckservative detected. Anyone who recognizes that the GOPe cucks are allies of Democrats is to be silenced (which is what leftists do). .

    In reality, the Androsphere is the ONLY right-wing ideology around. Neither the GOPe nor White Trashionalism qualifies as right-wing, as they are in fact left-wing.

  288. Anon says:

    Really fascinating. How do you know this to be true?

    A cuckservative like Matrim believes that :

    i) Only a Democrat would ever attack the GOPe.
    ii) All GOPe Republicans are automatically against feminism.
    iii) The GOPe is successfully winning against feminism.

    When you realize that this is Matrim’s psychology, his bizarre accusation becomes less of a surprise.

  289. @Anon
    Ah, name calling right off the bat. The sign of an infantile and puerile mind. Wow. Anon is so brilliant he knows my psychology from one post. Absolutely brilliant of him.
    The fact is, the Republicans (timid as they are sometimes) are the ONLY group willing and able to fight back against feminism. The Red Pill and MGTOW teach you to use feminism for your own advantage and avoid feminism, respectively, but neither one are willing to organize and fight back. One key tenant of the Red Pill is to accept the status quo and “enjoy the decline”, and not fight.
    1 No, not only Democrats attack the GOP, The Democrat’s allies also attack the GOP. Which one are you?
    2 Most are, yes. However, most GOPers are also too terrified of feminism to stand up. After all, the Left has the Deep State to protect them, and Antifa ready and willing to commit violence or even murder (remember David Hodges?) on their behalf. Frankly, I think the GOP leadership is scared shitless of these people. The base (the Deplorables), not so much.
    3 What are you doing to win against feminism? Anything? Are you volunteering your time or money? Are you going out and confronting Antifa? No. Your whining in the comment section of a blog about how the GOP isn’t pure enough for you. If that’s the case, why don’t you form your own party and run for office based on an anti-feminist platform. Or is that just not as much fun as posting anonymously on a blog?

  290. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Matrim Cauthon: Republicans (timid as they are sometimes) are the ONLY group willing and able to fight back against feminism.

    Willing? When?

    The GOP even supported the misandrist Violence Against Women Act.

  291. @Red Pill Latecomer

    Yeah, did I mention that part where the GOP leadership is scared shitless of feminists?
    You don’t like the way your Rep votes then primary his butt and support somebody who will vote the way you want. Yourself if need be.

  292. earl says:

    The fact is, the Republicans (timid as they are sometimes) are the ONLY group willing and able to fight back against feminism.

    No fault was from Reagan.

    The landmark ruling judge in Roe v. Wade was an Eisenhower nominee.

    Let’s get something straight…when it comes to wanting to letting women be rebellious against ‘the patriarchy’ political ideology doesn’t matter. Both will white knight when enough pressure is put upon then.

  293. feministhater says:

    You don’t like the way your Rep votes then primary his butt and support somebody who will vote the way you want. Yourself if need be.

    Democracy does not work. Women vote and any man who wants to pull back feminism will be voted out or chased out by women. This system needs to die. Feminism needs to be eradicated in all forms, women put under the authority of their fathers and then husbands. This only happens once the system collapses.

    Until repugs get that through their heads, they can all be disposed of. I don’t care of their fate. Either give men their authority back or watch it burn, your choice. Not lifting a finger to help you.

    What are you doing to win against feminism? Anything? Are you volunteering your time or money? Are you going out and confronting Antifa? No. Your whining in the comment section of a blog about how the GOP isn’t pure enough for you. If that’s the case, why don’t you form your own party and run for office based on an anti-feminist platform. Or is that just not as much fun as posting anonymously on a blog?

    Letting it burn. This is your baby, remember? I have nothing invested in your system. You protect it and provide for it.

  294. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Matrim Cauthon: You don’t like the way your Rep votes then primary his butt and support somebody who will vote the way you want. Yourself if need be.

    1. I live on the westside of Los Angeles. Democrats normally beat Republicans by double digits.

    2. California now has “top two” voting. A primary in which all candidates, from all parties, run against each other. The “top two” go on to the general election.

    This means the “top two” candidates in November will often both be Democrats. This November I have a choice of two Democrats running for the Senate. Diane Feinstein vs. a Bernie Sanders type Latino.

    Republican primaries don’t exist in California. Only about 20% of Californians are registered Republicans. (About 25% are independents.) The GOP doesn’t even bother to field a single candidate in many races, never mind a choice in the primaries.

  295. BillyS says:

    Ah, name calling right off the bat. The sign of an infantile and puerile mind. Wow. Anon is so brilliant he knows my psychology from one post. Absolutely brilliant of him.

    Says the guy with rocks in his hands and shattered glass all around.

    Amazing that you can throw rocks in a glass house and then find offense at those who say that is wrong.

    Your tripe has been pushed for some time. Cuckservatives haven’t conserved anything, except for progressive gains. Saying that makes me a Democrat? Did you fail logic 101?

    FH is right, Democracy is one of the worst governments around. It was also explicitly not what the US was setup as, but things have drifted that way and it has become one of the “gods that failed”. Most people are idiots and will not vote for righteousness, so Democracy will eventually do in any society.

  296. Anonymous Reader says:

    Matrim Cauthon

    The fact is, the Republicans (timid as they are sometimes) are the ONLY group willing and able to fight back against feminism.

    Sweeping generalization fallacy. All I have to do is find a single Libertarian who opposes feminism to falsify it. That is trivial.

    The Red Pill and MGTOW teach you to use feminism for your own advantage and avoid feminism, respectively, but neither one are willing to organize and fight back.

    Demonstrably false, and laughably so given whose blog you are commenting on.

    One key tenant of the Red Pill is to accept the status quo and “enjoy the decline”, and not fight.

    First of all, words have meanings even if you don’t know how to spell them. The Red Pill / glasses pay no rent.

    Second, you are making the usual mistake that conflates all men who can notice reality into one group. The Heartiste “poolside” player is but one category of ‘men who can see reality”.

    Still waiting for you to explain how you know what political parties people here vote for; some of them may vote Tory or Labour, get the point?

    Now then, so far you’ve engaged in logical fallacies, a bit of namecalling, and zero reasoning. Aside from pointing fingers like a schoolboy on a playground, do you have some sort of point to make? Any insight to share? Any success to relate? Anything more than just driving by, making predictably foolish and ignorant remarks?

    “Vote Republican, It’s Easier Than Thinking” has not worked out well over the last 30 years, and it won’t do a single thing to help the Average Frustrated Married Chump with one or more children and a contentious wife. Only The Glasses / Red Pill can help him, not “tradition” and for sure not “conservatism”.

    Oh, and the game of “No True Conservative” is another logical fallacy. Make a note of that.

    Frankly, your big talk smells like just more “traditional” “conservative” doodly squat.

  297. feeriker says:

    Guys, PLEASE don’t dignify the troll Matrim Cauthon by responding to him. Anyone who in this day and age truly believes that the Republican party is standing on the moral high ground and has the nation’s best interests at heart isn’t fit to participate in adult conversation.

  298. 447 says:

    Let’s be honest. Most American females only bring sex to the table, and nothing else. They don’t cook, clean, don’t want to stay home, and don’t want kids. The culture and attitudes of American females devalues their marriage marketability to near zero.
    Confirmation from Europe: Yes, that basically sums it up.

    Even exchange students (which I would guess are on average of higher social and economic standing), if female and from the US, tend to come across as
    1. Extremly superficial, academically and socially (even more than big city EU-girls, which means something – I’m not saying they are that much better). No hermeneutic text skills, lot of rote learning and propaganda as “individual opinion”.
    2. Very outgoing and extroverted – “easy come, easy go”- always coming across as looking for penis, to put it bluntly. No privacy setting on facebook, talking too loud, blurting out stuff you are simply not used to in a EU academic context.
    3. Closely related to 2.:Impolite/anti-culture/consumerist, extremly openly hypergamous – cockteasing seems to be their default mode, though they only react to strong forms of game or douchebaggery. That means: They like to cocktease everyone, yet bang the same guys even more than your standart Euroslut, causing a lot drama sometimes.
    4. Negging (like, actual REAL PUA-negging, putting them down etc.) works on them – for Europeans, this is quite shocking…because even though EU-HBs are not unicorns in any way, such a crass display of feral feminity (even you can even call it that) is unusual for us except in the very lowest strata of society. Even your run-of-the-mill euro-basic-bitch would likely cry and/or ditch you immediatly for real negging…but with US girls, it works. So confusing and enraging!

    Executive summary:
    Neg, bang and/ignore. Sad state of affairs, because many appear to be quite attractive and some are in very good shape physically.

  299. 447 says:

    You don’t like the way your Rep votes then primary his butt and support somebody who will vote the way you want. Yourself if need be.
    You don’t get it.
    You advice somebody to do something that you know will just get him fired and doxxed/metoo’ed?

    There is a leftist saying in my country that accurately and ironically reflects their own ruling style: free translation: “If voting changed anything, they would outlaw it.”

    Children will NOT vote for taking away candy and eating vegetables plus going to the dentist regularly.

    One changes society by putting money, business and friendship/social cohesion where it belongs.
    Don’t hire the woman.
    Don’t help or validate the single mom, don’t even bang her.
    Discriminate the stone-age minorities, esp. Muslims.
    Vote for the best solution possible, but don’t expect anything to change, b/c see above.
    Buy stuff from honorable guys locally where possible.
    Scold sjws and/or sabotage them (where it hurts) wherever possible.
    Get guns, aquire basic skills that make you at least a little bit independant.
    Stop supporting official churches, parties, globalist NGOs.

    Stuff like that works.
    Getting marked for a social execution does not work, makes you just an easy target.

  300. Jeff Strand says:

    FH: “Even those people head over heals in the beginning fall out of love eventually.”

    Speak for yourself. Now approaching 20 years on, my wife is still crazy for me. And truth be told, I’m pretty fond of her as well. As a NAWALT, she has always been very open to my influence…and by this point, I have pretty much completely redpilled her. (She was at least purple pill to start; I don’t think she was ever blue pill).

    And yes, in our forties now (though I am about 7 years older than her) we still have tremendous physical attraction for each other, passion, and chemistry.

    So from my perspective, your statement is false. Perhaps your experience is different. But at the very least, you would have to insert a qualifier in your statement that it applies to “some” people, but certainly not to “all” people. As I know from personal experience, and no doubt many others could attest to as well.

  301. Jeff Strand says:

    Spacetraveller: “Once I met Mr. ST, I can tell you (now, but I wouldn’t have admitted this before marriage – another brutal truth) I did pursue him till I got him. And he is very much a keeper. It was not only physical attributes like height. Did I tell you he is more catholic than the Pope?”

    That’s not saying much – the current “pope” is himself a non-Catholic. Among (many) other things he has taught, he claims that there is no Hell, that atheists go straight to Heaven, that it doesn’t matter what religion you adhere to, that today’s Jews are still validly under the Old Covenant and have no need to convert and be baptized, that when it comes to practicing homosexuals “who am I to judge?”, that “when it comes to justification, Luther did not err”, that the State should be separated from the Church, etc. etc. You cannot be a Catholic and hold (much less teach!) such heretical doctrines.

    (News is also now leaking out that Bergoglio is himself a practicing sodomite, including during his time as “pope”, when he would have his boyfriend from Argentina fly in to see him and have a rendezvous. Apparently since then, they have broken up. Btw, this is not the first time – Montini (Paul VI) also would have relations with his Italian actor boyfriend in the Vatican. So no surprise that Bergoglio will “canonize” Paul the Sick later this very year. Two fruitcake peas in a pod.)

    That aside, congrats on your happy and successful marriage!

  302. feministhater says:

    So from my perspective, your statement is false. Perhaps your experience is different. But at the very least, you would have to insert a qualifier in your statement that it applies to “some” people, but certainly not to “all” people. As I know from personal experience, and no doubt many others could attest to as well.

    Yada, yada, yada, blah blah blah, no one cares. Fuck you.

  303. Oscar says:

    @ feministhater

    Did I write anything about “pro rugby” anywhere? Can you provide a quote?

    Why do you insist on not seeing the obvious? It’s not that you stated ‘pro’ anything. You are equating me playing a sport at university to some sort of big deal as if it is in the same league as varsity football in America where chicks come running after you.

    Why do you insist on not seeing the obvious? The answer to my questions is “no”, I didn’t write anything about “pro rugby” anywhere, and “no”, you can’t provide a quote.

    Also, why do you insist on not seeing the obvious? I did state that “rugby players in the States have no trouble attracting women either, even though Rugby is nowhere near as popular in the States as it is in South Africa”, which includes college, high school, and other amateur rugby players.

    Additionally, why do you insist on not seeing the obvious? You stated that…
    1. You have advantages in attractiveness that 99.99% of men don’t have (you “tower over” a man who stands 6’3″, you’re athletic enough, and high-t enough to play rugby in college), and you stated that…
    2. “None of them [Christian women] ever cared about me… ”

    If you don’t see the incongruity between those two statements, then you definitely “insist on not seeing the obvious”.

    Now drop it. If you don’t believe me, fine. Don’t. Trying to convince you of this is futile. Kindly fuck off.

    Okay. Let me think about that. Um…. how about…. “don’t you ever tell me what to do!” I read that somewhere once.

  304. Jeff Strand says:


    LOL. Bitter much? Guess the idea that not everyone is as truly miserable in life as you are really hits a nerve, huh?

    Oh well, I guess if I was a loser incel living in mom’s basement and overdosing on free internet porn, I might be pretty bitter too. So by all means, you do you. The adults here can just ignore you and your rants. Or laugh at you. Either way works.

    P.S. Go put some more skin cream on your right hand, I’m sure it’s been rubbed pretty raw by now, lol.

  305. Gunner Q says:

    Jeff Strand @ 12:35 pm:
    “LOL. Bitter much? Guess the idea that not everyone is as truly miserable in life as you are really hits a nerve, huh?”

    Not as much as watching the “successful” try to push us down even farther. If you actually do have a devoted, NAWALT wife then the Christian thing to do is keep quiet about your good fortune rather than wave her in the faces of less fortunate men to remind us what we’re missing out on.

  306. earl says:

    As a NAWALT, she has always been very open to my influence…and by this point, I have pretty much completely redpilled her.

    You have a NAWALT? You’ve never mentioned it before.

    Serious Jeff we get it…your posts reflect you have a golden life. You should be thanking God because your fortunes could have easily gone belly up with the past you had.

  307. earl says:

    News is also now leaking out that Bergoglio is himself a practicing sodomite, including during his time as “pope”, when he would have his boyfriend from Argentina fly in to see him and have a rendezvous.

    Where are you hearing that? News like that Church Militant and Regina media would have been all over like stink on you know what.

    And FWIW…Vigano’s testimony is the statement from a legit church authority I was waiting for.

  308. Jeff Strand says:

    @Earl: “Serious Jeff we get it…your posts reflect you have a golden life. You should be thanking God because your fortunes could have easily gone belly up with the past you had.”

    Yes, yes, you’ve made this point many times – it’s impossible to marry a sweet and submissive girl. live happily ever after and remain in love, raise children together, and achieve financial security to boot. I only pulled it off because I’m a super, duper, mega Alpha. No ordinary guy reading this blog has even the slightest chance of doing so, therefore he shouldn’t even try. He should become a bitter, basement-dwelling, porn viewer and chronic masturbator like FH. Or buy a Love Doll.

    Yes, I get it. I just happen to think it’s bullshit.

    P.S. To get my “golden life”, I’ve been working my ass off since my mid teens. I could have just given up, become a slacker and call it “MGTOW”, and be in FH’s shoes. So you see, everyone wants the outcome, but no one wants to put in the work to get there.

  309. earl says:

    ‘Yes, yes, you’ve made this point many times – it’s impossible to marry a sweet and submissive girl.’

    You’ve been out of the dating pool for what 20 years…it’s really changed in 20 years. Heck it’s changed a lot in 10 years with social media with women going more for attention either by showing off their body immodestly or being fake victims than being submissive housewife material. You’d be in for an eye opener if you ever got back in.

    And as far as working your ass off since your mid teens…join the club.

  310. JRob says:

    When Calvin (& Hobbes) runs a gamma through his AMOGrifier, a specific type of troll emerges from under the box.

    Please excuse me, the popcorn is ready.

  311. @JeffStrand

    To get my “golden life”, I’ve been working my ass off since my mid teens. I could have just given up, become a slacker and call it “MGTOW”, and be in FH’s shoes. So you see, everyone wants the outcome, but no one wants to put in the work to get there.

    Listen, congratulations on finding an exceptional wife, have kids and a family, and for having an exceptional life. Seriously. Well done.

    But it is interesting, and quite revealing, how you believe that, if only more guys out there believed in the merits of sacrifice, would embrace hard work, and summon sufficient devotion, then they too could experience the same as you. And they could avoid becoming mgtow losers and consumers of porn.

    I’m sure you have achieved a great many things. But I think you are very naive, not to mention remarkably ignorant, as to what is actually going on in the current field of play.
    That’s OK. It’s entirely understandable that as a married man that you would not know, nor understand or even appreciate it.

    As for men successfully kicking ass and taking names in every endeavor and in all facets, Jeff, hypergamy doesn’t care.

    Great husband? Doesn’t matter.
    Good father? Fuck you.

    Learn to be grateful for what you have my friend.
    And understand something: Even in your exceptional marriage – the gun is always in the room.
    The only question you have to ask yourself every second of every day for the rest of your life is whether SHE, not you, still possesses sufficient benevolence not to use it.

  312. feministhater says:

    Additionally, why do you insist on not seeing the obvious? You stated that…
    1. You have advantages in attractiveness that 99.99% of men don’t have (you “tower over” a man who stands 6’3″, you’re athletic enough, and high-t enough to play rugby in college), and you stated that…
    2. “None of them [Christian women] ever cared about me… ”

    You really don’t understand. I said I met her height requirement and then some, I didn’t say I was over 6 foot 3, I stated that I was amongst men that would tower over her husband as part of a rugby team. I think that’s a simply misunderstanding that can be clearly up easily.

    Can you kindly show the quote? I’ve been on dates with them, I’ve stated as much before. Specifics, please Oscar, they certainly didn’t care enough to show interest in marriage. Which was my point.

    You’re treading on thin ground here. You’ve decided to pick a bone where no matter what I say or do, it’s wrong.

    Sport was compulsory at school. I continued to play when in university.

  313. feministhater says:

    LOL. Bitter much? Guess the idea that not everyone is as truly miserable in life as you are really hits a nerve, huh?

    Still don’t care Jeff. Shame away, it’s all you’ve got and your mask as now slipped. Well done! Everyone now sees you for what you are. Game, set and match!

    Have a great day, Jeff!

  314. Veritas says:

    In case anyone didn’t notice, ‘Karla’ is overweight, and Hispanic.

    She is seemingly entitled, and just as deluded as overweight, entitled plain-jane american white women are to men well out of their league.

  315. Veritas says:

    Jeff Strand says:
    Spacetraveller: “Once I met Mr. ST, I can tell you (now, but I wouldn’t have admitted this before marriage – another brutal truth) I did pursue him till I got him. And he is very much a keeper. It was not only physical attributes like height. Did I tell you he is more catholic than the Pope?”

    Apparently the real ‘brutal truth’ is that she was the pursuer here, the ‘man’, if you will, in the initial stages of the relationship, which demonstrates her less-than-ideal attractiveness, and/or the husband’s beta-ness

    Original Laura says:
    …But lots of tall women find adolescence and dating to be painful, and often feel that they are passed over by nearly everybody, just as short men often are.

    Life is probably easier for women of average height. They can marry someone of average to somewhat above average height and have tall-enough sons without producing Amazonian daughters.

    Both comments reveal a lot of real-world observations and unfortunate truths, that both short men, AND tall women, are often the least desirable options among the more genetically desirable masculine males, and neotonically feminine females. (*This also probably explains ST’s ‘obsession’ on the issue, which also is suggestive of autism, another stereotypical male trait).

  316. Christian Cool says:

    @Matrim Cauthon

    That means THEY are either Blue Pillers or mentally deficient, Matrim.

    Calling oneself a Red-Pilled Christian (Orthodox or whatever) and voting Democrat is like being gay and Russian Orthodox. Or like being a J3wish fan of Adolf! Makes zero sense! 🙄

    The Democratic Party IS the political wing of the most radical Feminist movement in world history.

    Do these people watch TV at all? Anyone following Sen. Maize Hirono (D-HI), or Sen. Blumenthal (D-CT) or Sen. Gillibrand (D-NY)? They are creating a “media-based legal system” where men should just go to prison based on any anonymous accusations by any anonymous woman. 😮 The Democrats are more Feminist and more radical then Robespierre during French Revolution. They are more WAY radical than Rose McGowan and the #MeToo looneytoons.

    So Blue Pill Betas like @Ray enjoy watching a Christian Conservative, center-right family MAN be falsely accused on TV and a national circus surround him based on 46 year old accusations from a mentally-deranged woman, just because he is “conservative” appellate court judge?!? 🙄

    It makes no sense at all. It defies all sanity, logic, or even basic Red-Pill understanding. It is as insane as this Dr. Christine Blaise Ford!

    @Anonymous Reader

    I worked in legal field for six grueling years in the trenches (as a paralegal, one of the people doing most of the hard legal work). I also know a lot of men in my social circle (I have 0 female friends by choice). My avoidance of feminist, non-Christian Marriage 2.0 system is the logical, Red Pill conclusion any man with IQ over 90 would make.

    How many frivorce/divorce-rapes do I need to see happening to men all around me before I say “do not marry unless one of the 3 limited exceptions”? How many cases do I need to work on before m y view of the whole sham changes? How many tragedies before someone says “do not marry in America anymore”?

    This is not rhetorical, I am asking a real questions, Anonymous. How many train vs car wrecks do you have to see on TV before you refuse to park your car on the train tracks? 🙄 Seriously.

    My attitude is not “black pill”. It is Red all the way. I am often told that I dodged a bullet being widowed vs a divorce-rape and when divorced man ask me why I am single if I got divorced or never-married and learn I am widowed, they say “lucky son of a b!tch” type stuff.

    Being “Red Pilled” = accept reality of a situation, no matter how grim. Accepting and understating this entire “Marriage 2.0 system” is a trap for men is as Red Pill as you can get.

    Denying reality is Blue Pill.

    “Black Pill” is giving up completely and “enjoying the decline” and truly not caring about anything at all, living for today. Black Pillers are even more extreme than MGTOW guys. I refuse to give in a quit, so I am not Black Piller.

    I think you got your terms/concepts all wrong, mistah.

  317. Christian Cool says:

    @Jeff Strand

    MGTOW does NOT necessarily mean “avoiding all responsibility” and accepting/becoming a loser. I know a non-Christian guy who is divorced (no kids), he went MGTOW after his divorce (in fact, he was first one to tell me about this concept years or so ago) and he is quite successful and happy, but he is a forever-bachelor. He is also kind of player now, because he refuses to allow a woman to push him into marriage and then financial servitude to life. He has a good financial situation and uses cash to ‘entertain himself’, while refusing to marry again or even be in relationships with a woman. He took a route “polite society” deems “unacceptable”, thus making him a MGTOW.

    MGTOW can simply mean not allowing yourself as a man to become a pawn of a system designed to destroy men and enslave them financially to women. It does not mean becoming a loser/lazy/BlackPiller on purpose. 😉

    Some may actually say I am a MGTOW because I refuse to get married again. I consider myself a Red Pilled Christian, not MGTOW, but by deciding not to re-marry (as basically everyone in my family and church expected me to), I am taking a different route.

    MGTOW really means “taking a different path” and charting your own course in life, away from what society demands of men. 😉

    @feministhater says: “It shows just why I went MGTOW. You really shouldn’t support marriage because it is just an arrangement that forces women to marry guys they would rather just leave alone. It’s a terrible institution, by your own admission.”

    Christian, Biblical marriage is fine. I can live with that, I can grow old with a woman I love and lives with me in Biblical marriage. Marriage 2.0 the current swindle designed to entrap men and steal his past, current, and future income and wealth is a scam and a disgrace.

    I will NOT submit to a legal-financial trap set up by the most radical Feminists known to the Red Pill community as Marriage 2.0 just so I am not “in sin of non-marital sex”. That is illogical and completely absurd.


    No, sir… unfortunately the political party of the President making the nomination/appointment to the US Supreme Court mean nothing when the judge is not properly vetted. Until the early 2000s, Conservatives did not have a good system for vetting Conservatives for judicial appointments.

    You see, Lawyers are 85%+ leftists. I work with lawyers, I study under lawyers. Lawyers and entertainment elites are the financial backbone of the Left. So if a Rep President picks a judge from Appelate Courts, there is almost 9/10 chnace that judge will be a leftist or a “moderate” (center-left). That is why real research is needed and why the pool of Appellate judges we can pick for Supreme Court is limited. 😦

    You have to look at the Justice’s legal mindset and the type of jurisprudence they follow. Justice David Souter was appointed by Republican GloboCuck George HW Bush and Souter is and has always been a Marxist jurist, as radical as Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

    Actually, the Kavanaugh confirmation would give Conservatives Court majority for the first time in 71 years, not 50 years as I previously said. My bad.

    Justice Anthony Kennedy is the clown who gave us Gay Marriage by court fiat, among other “beauties”… he was a moderate after Reagan got blocked time and time again by the Dumbocrats and the Deep State still there decade after decade of Dem or Progressive Republican rule in DC. The Deep State was made even worse after HW Bush’s Progressive hiring wave into the permanent bureaucracy in DC and of course, under Obummer the Deep State is now basically the ruling and governing class in DC, the 4th Branch of the Fed gov’t.

    Another example: Sandra Day O’Conner (ugh!) was another Reagan appointee that was disastrous… this is the type of crap we had back in the day when Progressives controlled the GOP, doing to Reagan what they are now doing to Trump. Then we had Reagan have ultra-Conservative Bork and Ginsburg were blocked and smeared by the Dems (Reagan nominee Ginsburg has NO relation to “Hunchback of Notre-Dame” Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the most evil member of the Court in decades).

    Back in the 1980s and early 1990s (during Clarence Thomas confirmation), Conservatives were totally unprepared for the smears of the Left. Now Conservatives are much better prepared, but clearly, as we see with Kavanaugh nomination, not prepared enough to deal with mentally insane women and #MeToo hysterics that demand “all women be believed beyond any doubt” and men be collectively punished for “all sins of men in the past”.

    So sadly, being nominated by a Rep vs Dem means nothing if the Judge is not vetted for his/her conservative and Constitutional credentials. This time Trump is using a list vetted by The Federalist Society, and that is why Trump’s judicial appointments have been Conservative successes so far.

  318. ChristianCool says:

    @Jeff Strand

    My comments are being summarily blocked for some reason (Mod??) but one quick not on MGTOW.

    MGTOW does NOT necessarily mean “avoiding all responsibility” and accepting/becoming a loser. I know a non-Christian guy who is divorced (no kids), he went MGTOW after his divorce (in fact, he was first one to tell me about this concept years or so ago) and he is quite successful and happy, but he is a forever-bachelor. He is also kind of player now, because he refuses to allow a woman to push him into marriage and then financial servitude to life. He has a good financial situation and uses cash to ‘entertain himself’, while refusing to marry again or even be in relationships with a woman. He took a route “polite society” deems “unacceptable”, thus making him a MGTOW.

    MGTOW can simply mean not allowing yourself as a man to become a pawn of a system designed to destroy men and enslave them financially to women. It does not mean becoming a loser/lazy/BlackPiller on purpose. 😉

    Some may actually say I am a MGTOW because I refuse to get married again. I consider myself a Red Pilled Christian, not MGTOW, but by deciding not to re-marry (as basically everyone in my family and church expected me to), I am taking a different route.

    MGTOW really means “taking a different path” and charting your own course in life, away from what society DEMANDS of men (i.e. submission, surrender freedom and wealth to women/courts, etc). 😉

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