From Forbes Why Gillette’s New Ad Campaign Is Toxic:
The 1:48 length video starts out with images of remarkably troubled looking men as a narrator makes reference to bullying, sexual harassment, and toxic masculinity. It then poses the question “Is This the Best a Man Can Get.” The viewer then sees depictions of a series of very ugly and negative behaviors, including bullying, fighting, sexual harassment, and blatantly interfering with a woman speaking in the workplace. The ad goes on to state it is time for men to stop making excuses and to renounce the idea that “boys will be boys.” Gillette concludes that by calling for and showing images of men holding other men accountable and emphasizing that the boys of today will be the men of tomorrow.
As the article notes, this comes as Gillette is losing market share to lower cost alternatives. The whole idea of a cash cow is to milk it, but Gillette’s marketing managers prefer to shoot the cash cow for the purpose of virtue signaling.
Derek Ramsey pointed out that this commercial slamming men is an example of Dalrock’s Law of Feminism<.htma>
“At P&G, we believe that the requisite skills to succeed as leaders in 2018 and beyond include the ability to be empathetic and inclusive. Given the critical role men play in advancing women and in achieving gender equality“
Men are evil. Fix our problems.
It is also an example of the attitude of abundance. The commercial assumes that the vast majority of men are so committed to (SJW) virtue that Gillette can safely denigrate the average man.
Edit: This is hilarious. You may have to open the image to see Gillette’s clueless reply to being trolled.
H/T: Dylan Sexton
They’re partially catering to Feminists, a group who aren’t exactly notorious for shaving. Brilliant marketing strategy.
This also highlights another problem with social justice: elites (in this case, the people who run Proctor & Gamble) want us to believe the main problem with society is the “sexism” of average men, rather than the mistakes of elites such as them (shipping jobs to other countries, hiring illegal immigrants in this country, selling opioid poison, breaking up families with courts and no-fault divorce, etc.)
I’m getting so confused lately. The left keeps talking negatively about men, but then the idea of what a man is seems to be fluid and open to interpretation.
At any rate, I think my husband needs to find a new brand of shaver.
Maybe they are hoping to gain market share among women as men embrace beards, and in the face of competition.
Or, it could be that the people they have coming up with this dumb crap are just clueless.
The response has been heartening. Places that were not political at all have suddenly said they will never buy from Gillette again, after decades of using their products.
If women are so equal why do they always need men to advance them? Why do they ALWAYS require special privileges to get anywhere near parity with men? And even then most of the time they don’t. The nutcase leftists are always contradicting themselves as usual.
But wait, isn’t gender a social construct? Yet another contradiction. Fucking morons.
“My wife’s son…”
Gillette’s response is an epic self own, funny stuff.
Title of this post is pretty hilarious in itself.
Gillette – The brand that 12 year olds entering puberty as drag queens will choose!
@ Dalrock
A good followup blog post idea.
Dalrock, a few weeks ago, you wrote that feminists were ungrateful toward the white knights.
“attitude of abundance”
Dalrock recognized this in early 2017.
It is the root cause of all the things.
Gillette believes they can do without the whiners and complainers who plague comments for the YouTube vid. Plenty of soybois and “MAAMs!” to take up the slack. Lots of virtue signalers will prominently display their Gillette razors for a visiting blue-hair to witness in the bathroom. “See, I’m woke!”
” FYI: 43% boys raised by single women. 78% of teachers female. So half of the boys have 100% female influence at home, and 80% influence at school. Toxic masculinity is not the problem. Lack of masculinity is.”
More on the Gillette Topic
227K Likes, 664K Dislikes. Good.
With regard to the Reason article what would be the reaction if a major corporation ran an ad pointing out women’s flaws and telling them to do better? There would be incredible outrage if you dared to suggest any woman has any flaws.
From the Reason article, “The commercial never says all men are bad.”
Oh goody, so we can go back to showcasing all black folk as pimps, muggers, and gang members in movies and TV crime dramas (since the films and shows never state “All black people are criminals.”)
Ray 6777, just imagine Holy, argh, The Christian franchise who refused to pay for women’s abortion, told them to stop smothering their kids with pillows…
Cane Caldo: downvotes are being suppressed, and upvotes artificially monitored. Several people have observed this believing it to be true.
I think it could work because women control the purchasing and always give the benefit of the doubt to lefties in regards to intentions. Eg., ” You are for bullying?”
Rush even got frightened by it because he described the men’s catcalls as sexual harrassment. So he’s accepted the new cultural norm too- that is, don’t talk to a woman unless you are hot or you can read their minds and know they want you to approach them.
Cane, the like to dislike ratio is depressing because it was nearly 4 to 1 last night, but now is down to 2-1. You can be President with 47% of an auto vote as a Democrat, and I think P&G will be fine. People even here, including me, don’t realize how different the times are. We are communists and all they have is bullying and propaganda, except now there is no USA to stand up against it.
One last thing, brilliant still shot of that black boy to open with. There is something unnatural about his age and level of anger and I assume they wanted to open with a repulsive image. They succeeded with me. He looks like a boy of the secular woke world without any sweetness, just a bag of dry bones.
Doug Wilson on Gillette and the bigger issue:
The likes vs. dislikes and comments on the Gillette advert are misleading, because they have been engaging in wholesale deletions. Therefore the like / dislike ratio is probably even bigger than shows.
The memes are getting better and better. Here is one from yesterday at Heartiste:
Mocking Gillette is one way to get their attention. Hiring an Indian feminist to run ad campaigns was not such a good idea despite the diversity virtue signaling it provided.
This is hilarious. You may have to open the image to see Gillette’s clueless reply to being trolled.
If you thought that was funny, then you might also enjoy this response from another satisfied Gillette customer:
Sadly, it showed up on 4chan (and not in the original video’s comments section), which means that we probably won’t get the chance to see some suit from P & G praise the commenter for declaring their new commitment to woke-ness before realizing that they’ve just been played.
Wokescold is a great term.
Thanks for the link. I was liking but waiting too see if he’d pull a whammy, and he did in my opinion in the paragraph where he stated he is against bullying and leering and men acting like pigs. If he would’ve left that paragraph out, it would’ve been good. With it in, he sounds like he’s happy with Jezebel on the cultural throne and is paying dues to her.
Over at GunnerQ’s website, he examines two P&G players in this. It shows indirectly the religious fervor of progressives. It made me think about who else is a firm and diligent in our country, and I thought of Christians. ??
I thought of them because they will die defending and splitting hairs about this ad. Face it, my church agrees, they won’t mock it or even bring it up, but if they do, they’ll make sure to kiss the ring like Wilson did. It’s giving up ground an inch at a time and the American church is all for it. I thank you Dalrock, in helping me to see TGC and CBMW’s and Complementarian’s role in it.
@Nick, Swanny & AR
I have no doubt you’re correct that the likes and dislikes are being manipulated. Nevertheless I am glad that they can’t get enough slacktivists to give the perception that Americans generally agree. Conservatives and normies are infamous for the fact that they are reticent to boycott or express disapproval. Overall, even the current manipulated stats are encouraging.
Even the relative lack (excepting the Reason example above) of militant cluelessness is a positive sign.
Nevertheless, the fact is they’ve managed to get everyone talking about them…
The Question:
Reason’s piece can be summarized as:
Yes, there’s this and this and this and that, BUT can’t we just say this little innocent thing?
Yes, we know about this and that and the other thing. BUT can’t we all just get along?
OK I feel really stupid but I’m missing the punchline of the “My wife’s son loves this ad” joke. Is it a cuck joke, or what? Maybe I need more coffee…
My objection to the ad is the use of the word some. As in some men are doing better. It sounds like the majority of us are bullying, raping cave men. I know many honorable men. It might be my crowd is different but I know more honorable men than I do scoundrels.
Partly that is just the writer, Robby, trying to be a moderate in the middle. The comments are more entertaining. Not all Reason reader are boneheads.
Gillette, and many other modern corporations, aren’t primarily interested in money any more. Profit, amazingly, is often secondary. Feminism and social-justice-warfare is much more important, which indicates how late America’s hour is.
My objection to the ad is the use of the word some.
Oh, come now, you can find plenty more to object to if you try. This advert is a train wreck. Can’t wait to see what the Super Bowl version looks like…
Funny , as a French woman I had always thought that the Gillette brand was French because the “ette” is very common in the French language !
Anyway , I learnt many years ago that this brand now belonged to the P&G big corporation , and I also learnt from French Christians that P& G was suspected of funding secret satanic branches.
I guess it is not the only group to have something to do with dark secret societies , that is why this toxic ad campaign does not surprise me . It shows once again how much Satan is at war against all that is masculine since it bears the likeness and glory of God on earth.
I am so glad I have been boycotting all the brands of this group for years now .
But I still remember the late 80s Gillette ads we had in France back then. Nothing to do with that feminist garbage at all .All the things pertaining to masculinity were praised in this ad : strength , performance , courage etc… And I remember how much the men in this ad looked attractive to me as a teen age girl. Because their masculinity was not defined as related to women’s whims and horrible manipulation (feminist horror of today ) but as what they could do , what they could perform as MEN . And of course , this was naturally attractive to us women .
Incredible how when men are self assured and not afraid of themselves or their own desires (especially in sexual matters) , we naturally get the tingle and surrender.
There is a gap between the late 80s and now . We have entered some dark misandric age . I cannot recall having being ever given in the 80s an image of men that was “toxic”.
Of course , men are sinners like us , but you have no idea how much it is damaging to our female psyche when masculinity is portrayed as something “toxic” in front of us.
What is most stunning to me is that the toxic stuff told in this ad resemble way too much all the so called sermons I came across on YT while looking for TRUE instructions on Christian marriage . Do not men like Mark Driscoll on Marriage and Men or others make a cruel point in portraying men this way in front of us women ?
Why that ? What is behind all those “sermons” ? satanic branches too ??
How is it that supposed men of God now have the same devastating language and feminist rhetoric as people who are enemies of the Lord ?
The way they mock and debase men is appalling .And the words they use come back over and over like some sort of magic feminist mantra : abuse , objectify , violence …
(Violence always coming from men of course if women could not be violent themselves or did not know how to provoke a man into violence ) .
Finally , I would like to thank the Lord for Dalrock and his great website . All the things he exposes and denounces keep us way from many traps.
I wish there could be such a website in French too because French Christianity is now invaded by plenty of psychology and snake oil books especially on marriage . Many books come from abroad (especially the USA) and are translated into French, and my husband and I often wonder why we would need so many books since we are supposed to have everything fully in the Bible .
If we ever come across one written from one of a theologian exposed by Dalrock , we will not be surprised !
Try “dollar shave club”, or “muhle r41”
Is the joke that he is the one who watched it and not the wife’s son? I dont get it.
Reason went downhill since like 2015.
The wifes son joke is that the guys that liked it are cucks
Did the joke mean that the wife had a kid by another man and that the man telling it was a cuck?
Maybe Gillette could piggy back off this?
Pingback: What it would look like if the Kendrick brothers made razor blade commercials. | Reaction Times
It seems like a Mr. Metokur esque joke. But it doesn’t provide much details, so it can go in multiple directions I guess.
Gillette and all of Procter and Gamble, can go to hell. I’m consciously boycotting them.
While we’re on the subject of the Kendrick Brothers and their misandric movies, Dalrock, I want to draw your attention to an outstanding German movie I saw while I was there over Christmas:
Balloon (2018)…
It is a historical / biopic about 2 families who built a hot air balloon to float themselves from Communist German Democratic Republic to West Germany in 1979.
The two men who are the lead actors are outstanding. Being civilians having to battle a stifling system, they are single minded, their families know and help them. In all, it is an excellent movie. Please watch.
Now I get it, I wasnt paying much attention to how many likes it got.
I bought a Merkur safety razor and about 100 Feather razor blades and haven’t looked back.
That he married a single/divorced mother and is raising another man’s child.
That he married a single/divorced mother and is raising another man’s child.
That’s one way of looking at it. There’s at least one other.
C’mon, men, My wife’s son is a really obvious trope, and like “cuckservative” it cuts through squid ink very well. Put on The Glasses and see for yourself.
As Rollo pointed out last week, the American Psychological Association guidelines now state that “traditional masculinity” is harmful.
The feminist label of “toxic masculinity” does not mean that good masculinity is sometimes perverted by sin. No, they hate natural masculinity. Calling bad behavior “masculinity” is a tactic to confuse the two.
Biblical masculinity: A Christian man recognizes he is the image and glory of God, and he honors God by embracing his position, authority and responsibility.
Biblical femininity: A Christian woman recognizes that she is the glory of man, and honors her husband by taking joy in submission, helpfulness, and companionship.
The woman behind the campaign was this person :
Frank, I thought what you said at first, but AR’s explanation hit me as I was about to reply to that and fits things much better.
I wish there could be such a website in French too because French Christianity is now invaded by plenty of psychology and snake oil books especially on marriage .
I think it’s safe to say that that’s symptomatic of “Christianity” throughout the entire western world these days.
Many books come from abroad (especially the USA) and are translated into French, and my husband and I often wonder why we would need so many books since we are supposed to have everything fully in the Bible .
Ding ding ding ding ding!!!! THREAD WINNER!!!!
Almost all of us who have been frequenting the Christian androsphere for the last several years have experienced at least one instance in our churches of pastors and elders involved in pre-marital counseling or marriage seminars within the church would resolutely REFUSE to use the Bible as the sole source of instruction. Excuses usually center around some variation of “the Bible’s so hard to understand!”, or similar drivel. The truth, of course, is that the Bible’s counsel on marriage and the roles of men and women are at odds with what THE WORLD counsels and it’s obvious that the World is what matters. This is why Ephesians 5:22 is the radioactive poison of Scripture that most Christians avoid reading at all costs and why course materials from Focus on the Family and other sources of complimentarian garbage are all the rage for marriage counseling and courses within the western church.
That’s one way of looking at it. There’s at least one other.
Right. It’s basically like saying “My wife’s boyfriend saw it and he loved it!!”, while trying to be just ever so slightly less obvious.
To see the backlash on the Gillette advertisement is really exciting! I feel something is brewing.
>No, they hate natural masculinity
No, actually they don’t. All this pathologizing of natural masculinity is a bargaining trick, a negotiating tactic. Men’s liberation is a threat to their bank balances, so they try to make everyone devalue and dehumanize men and boys, including men and boys themselves. This trains men and boys to accept less compensation for taking on their traditional roles, and trains normal, healthy people to more casually accept the devaluation and dehumanization of their own family, friends, congregations, and colleagues for similar benefits.
“Misogyny” has never really been a thing in western civ. There is virtually no real ‘hatred’ of women in western civ and never was. It was all a big gaslighting lie from the start. And the reciprocal characterization of male-bashing and -devaluing and -dehumanizing as misandry is just as false. They don’t hate men and masculinity. They hate having to pay men what their masculinity is increasingly worth.
The persona isn’t talking about his own son. Wife’s son means he married some single mom/divorcee, meaning he’s a low status male white-knighting someone else’s seconds. You could call that a cuck. He’s also talking about the son instead of himself. No frame.
The punchline is that this loser is the sort of person who “loves this ad”. Being loved by losers happens, but it’s shameful, not a point of pride. One brags about hanging out with hot chicks, not with landwhales.
On top of that, this is a known meme/Internet joke. Gillette’s marketing folk are so out of touch they thought this was a real comment, and they liked it.
The commercial is just Projection.txt, since the left is basically rape and abuse culture.
They could show it to the Britbongs in Rotherham, and everyone knows it applies to the Muslim rape grooming gangs that Progs just adore.
I’m encouraged by the sea change in boycotting we’ve seen from the Right. Back in the day, boycotts were usually officially organized and aimed at forcing an apology or a change from a particular organization. Frankly, they were lame.
Now they’re more distributed, and aimed at the destruction of companies. There’s nobody for Target, for instance, to negotiate with to get that business back. Nor will there be for Gillette. Better still, elements of the Right are finally starting to attack companies that are their enemies through political means, not just economic boycotts (for instance, the Delta fuel tax thing in Georgia). More of this and faster please. I would like every CEO in the country to be unable to sleep at night for fear some SJW in his ad department will sign its death warrant. It is time to be at least as prickly as the Left and at least as vindictive.
So…that #GilletteAd from the people who complain about “mansplaining”. It appears the general public doesn’t much care for being lectured, either…
There is a nice article about this at American Greatness: “Gillette: Selling Sexlessness in 2019“. An excerpt is below.
The appropriate response for men who don’t hate themselves is to patronize another company or grow a beard. Let Gillette rely on the elusive base to whom they pander. Men of worth do not finance their own demoralization. Virtuous women understand that an attack on masculinity is an implicit attack on its complement. They shouldn’t buy from Gillette either.
If asked by anyone, I’d keep my response short and to the point: As a potential customer, the ad failed to persuade me to buy their product now or in the future. I don’t need to persuade someone in order to not buy something from them or anyone else.
All the rest is worth discussing, but misses what I think is the point. This was an ad directed at people who they hope will give them money for a product they sell. It failed in that regard, and it is not the customers’ job to justify why they don’t like it.
I’m an owner of P&G stock. I got those shares because formerly I owned stock in Gillette, for many years. When P&G bought Gillette, the shares converted. Just fired off a letter to the investor relations department to let them know of my displeasure at this racist, sexist ad. Perhaps shareholder outrage will be more effective than just public outrage. Who knows? If any of you own PG stock, it might be time for you also to write a letter. Just a thought.
Actually, the mastermind behind this is not Debby Reiner, but her superior, Kim Gehrig, a known radFem :
Ray6777 says:
January 16, 2019 at 11:29 am
With regard to the Reason article what would be the reaction if a major corporation ran an ad pointing out women’s flaws and telling them to do better? There would be incredible outrage if you dared to suggest any woman has any flaws.
Paul Joseph Watson does a good smackdown on this Gillette drivel. 7min. 50 sec long. Worth watching. He mentions what if women’s products mentioned equal custody, false rape, etc.

The Gillette ad, the APA statement on masculinity and this 10-year-old tranny “Desmond” all serve the same purpose. The establishment wants to whip men who might otherwise be sympathetic to MGTOW into a false hysteria over masculinity. The same fathers who instinctively reject this stuff have been taking their daughters to soccer practice, martial arts lessons, sending them to university and the military, letting them wear pants and other androgynous clothes and boasting about how “strong” and “independent” they are. But now that the full destructive effects of feminism can be seen by everyone and fathers might have some doubts about how they’ve raised their daughters, the establishment cooks up a red herring to throw men off their scent.
When the establishment is pushing a new idea, they demonize and deplatform anyone who opposes it. Brendan Eich, John Derbyshire and James Watson were all dismissed from polite society for opposing one or more of the left’s sacred cows.
If the establishment was really against masculinity, David French would have lost his job at National Review for writing articles in defense of it. Joe Rogan and Adam Carolla would have been pressured to make forced apologies for saying that today’s men are weak and need to “man up” etc.
Men are not going to observe this ad and question their manhood. That is not its purpose. The establishment is doing now what it did in 2016 when the alt-right was grabbing headlines. In 2016, Jordan Peterson appeared out of nowhere to combat “identity politics” i.e. to prevent a right-wing backlash against the SJWs. The Gillette ad, the APA statement and Desmond all show up after there have been a spate of mass shootings carried out by incels and MGTOW is growing in popularity. The establishment is trying to contain a backlash against feminism by getting men to invest more time in their sons rather than raise their daughters differently.
THanks for the recommendation. I remember the Disney movie about the same story, back when Disney wasn’t so bad.
Pingback: The real problem with masculinity. – Adam Piggott
Somebody needs to make a parody using the same sound track and talking about bad women, toxic feminism, female bullying (which is far worse than men anyway), false rape accusations, etc.
Isabelle, regarde!
Pingback: Collective Guilt | Spawny's Space
Speaking of producing toxic masculinity.
The answer for this silly ad probably isn’t some sort of conspiracy. Its simply to generate controversy and attract attention to the brand. Mission accomplished. Soon I expect ads which will revert to using traditional masculine imagery, with the underlying message being “we were only kidding with this ‘toxic masculinity’ stuff”.
The muzzies enforce the Old Testament by taking ground in their mock cop cars that look just like the real clown cars. (No appreciable difference).
The Xian male turns his back on his Birthright,sells it for temporary satisfaction.
(The agents of ZOG are not at my door today,as I cower in the closet from their Agents of societal Genocide.)
Oh please Lord God ZOG don’t send me to the male rape farm.
Oh pleasy please please
As a childless orphaned miggy toe discontent who wants the cost of this war on men to be thrust upon the white knights,I sort of approve this tearing down of all things male.
As a man-parent you have lost control of your family.
As a man-husband you have lost control of your wife.
Do NOT think you can take your angst out on me,the least among you,for I would surely retaliate with the fury of a thousand Righteous children of Christ.
You didn’t fight your own usurpation.
You’ve already lost,like I did,
Come after what’s left and pull back a bloody stump.
No more warnings
When I was nothing more than a student of the Pianoforte, my then teacher of the same taught me all about what she referred to as Masculine Cadences (that is to say a Perfect or V-I cadence) and about Feminine Cadences (that is to say a Plagal or IV – I cadence – an Amen cadence). I suppose that sort of sexist nomenclature is now never used. So, here is Ludwig van Beethoven at the very end of this famous Symphony demonstrating extreme toxicity with his endless V-i Masculine Cadences. Ludwig, yeah, we got the point, now just STFU. Thankyou.
You sir have been duly diagnosed by a licensed psychiatric Doctor in the field of psychological forensics in this County.
You have been deemed mentally incompetent and are now remanded to an appropriate Faculty.
Due to the volume of this new mental aberration,mass transit to The camps has become necessary.
Enjoy the train ride,fellows.
Church having no fight? Yep. My very conservative church has openly stated a main priority is to have greater diversity, in ways that are similar to what the P&G press release for its diversity and inclusion statement states.
Well then, it’s not too hard to imagine my wimpy church elders to react to this add with two responses: we don’t want leerying or catcalls or buttslaps on wives either, and heaven is diverse so this pleases God so this ad means well and is pointing to the same end as us, a qorship representative of societies population.
This makes me wonder, do lefty companies benchmark their quotas to the 10 year US Census or also use yearly estimates? If such a company achieves nirvana and has 13% blacks in management and then the next census shows blacks are only 11% of the population, do they need to cut 2%? Same goes for the percentage of women. P&G proudly has written that they have achieved a 46% quantity of its managers as women.
Ad, not add. Worship, not qorship. Sorry for consistent typos.
This is hilarious. I haven’t used Gillette’s expensive cartridge blades in 10 years. I don’t use their aftershaves or gels either. I have some Old Spice aftershave but that’s about it. Won’t be replacing that either as it’s mostly cheap water, alcohol and a few additives. Oodles of competition in this regard. There are also artisans who are small and don’t pander to specific political blocks, support them instead of the big brands.
If you have to shave or enjoy the ritual then get an old vintage or new safety razor, soap and brush. Blades are super cheap, you can buy packs of 100 blades for less than 10 dollars. The internet has increased your options.
Anyway, enjoy the backlash and enjoy seeing men grow a spine.
That video is so well done it will probably cause a spike in Xanax prescriptions.
Sorry, I mean the Venus one FH just posted right above.
After seeing the Gillette toxic masculinity add, I’m totally against boycotting their products but I’m totally for shoplifting them since it will contribute to their bankruptcy at a much faster rate.
Meanwhile, in what maybe a recently discovered alternative universe, it appears some woman see nothing wrong with traditional masculine and feminine role and don’t approve of the Gillette campaign and what the APA has done recently:
However. give it to the exec at P & G that signed off on this – this certainly has got them far more attention then any of their media buys have in recently years….could be that was the real goal all along, under the Dilbert principle that even bad publicity is better than none at all. Those insipid Tide commercials within the Fox NFL games felt forced and tired after the second one…
Pingback: The Best Women Can Be. | Dalrock
“– this certainly has got them far more attention then any of their media buys have in recently years….could be that was the real goal all along, under the Dilbert principle that even bad publicity is better than none at all.”
Lots of popularity isn’t always good. Dilbert is incorrect (and Scott Adams admits he has lost his ass investing).
See what Breaking bad did for Stevia. Or the Mikey canard did for pop rocks.
This is like EA telling gamers to just not buy Battlefield V(agina).
MGTOW horseman, how did that turn out for EA? It took 6 months, I believe, but they paid the price for messing with their target market.
We will see with Procter and Gamble. They have more brands, and, if women keep buying Ariel products, they might not lose that much money.
P&G have a zillion brands. Chances are good everyone has at least one P&G product in their home. (furiously scanning my kitchen, bathroom, etc… )
They are going to report earnings for last quarter on the 23rd so this ad will not influence that announcement. Thing to do would be to watch the next quarter’s earnings to see if they took a hit. But taking a meaningful hit is going to require more than just boycotting Gillette as P&G is that big. Be a good test.
“In 2016, Jordan Peterson appeared out of nowhere to combat “identity politics” i.e. to prevent a right-wing backlash against the SJWs.”
Thoughtful. Yeah, outta nowhere, hmm….
And I agree, JP was/is a safety-valve for the gynarchy. He makes many good points, and presents well, but has been promoted, feted, and rewarded far beyond merit. JP is inside, not outside, the gynarchy. Teaches at college etc. JP isn’t exactly controlled opposition, because he isn’t being maneuvered directly by Feminism Inc. A lot of JP’s rap is just warmed-over Eighties Jungianism, with some new age/self-improvement sprinkled on top, around a general theme of masculinity. He’s not a Christian, and he isn’t a rabid anti-feminist; it’s pretty tame stuff really.
JP actually mutes the ‘backlash’ because his moderation, and immersion in The System, can be guided in a general way. Neither the matriarchy, not the male elites and deep-staters, are even vaguely concerned about JP. His impact was to comfort and convince boys and men that ‘somebody is on their side’ in the endless war against them. We have a spokesman finally! and so on. But whatever authentic Christians are on this site know that these issues will never be overturned, nor even marginally reformed, by any secular individual or force. It’s satan’s world. Without Father, Jeshua, and their faithful military, nobody’s taking it away from him.
The Geldette advert is not an accident, the head of PG is proud of it as a work of social justice.
I was misinformed regarding the woman / women behind it, there are two Anglosphere feminists not anyone from India.
“You sir have been duly diagnosed by a licensed psychiatric Doctor in the field of psychological forensics in this County.
You have been deemed mentally incompetent and are now remanded to an appropriate Faculty.”
Yoop. It is no joke.
University of Calgary’s “Professor of Masculinities” applauds Gillette ad.
More from Michael Kehler:
Why is it that no one is pointing out the fact to these demented fools that the genders can never be equal? How on earth can a woman be equal to a man, and vice versa?
I mean, seriously, equal in what way? Men are not even equal to one another.
I think we are witnessing a two fold win for the one world govt. Kill a giant American corporation – check. Further degrade men to accomplish this satanic world order – check… They CANNOT have a world govt. with a strong USA!
How to brainwash a nation
MEN. Live simplistic. Live your life for the Lord Jesus Christ. Everything else is wasted at this stage.
Isiah 3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
I was already preaching beard growth as a way that men can reclaim their masculinity. I still think it’s best for every man to grow some sort of beard if he can. This Gillette thing just gives men one more reason. I’m encouraged by the idea that more men will chuck their razors like 2nd wave feminists burning their bras. Even the stereotypica soyboy hipster types are taking a step in the right direction.
But at the end of the day, being a man is not about having a beard. A real man rocks whatever the hell style he wants to and doesn’t care what some radfem globalist social engineers think he ought to be. Also, most of us beardsmen still like to keep our jaw lines clean.
Just buy the store brand gents.
Random Angeleno says:
January 17, 2019 at 4:17 pm
P&G have a zillion brands. Chances are good everyone has at least one P&G product in their home. (furiously scanning my kitchen, bathroom, etc… )
They are going to report earnings for last quarter on the 23rd so this ad will not influence that announcement. Thing to do would be to watch the next quarter’s earnings to see if they took a hit. But taking a meaningful hit is going to require more than just boycotting Gillette as P&G is that big. Be a good test.
I’m thinking of going to my local Gillette stand, taking their razors off the rack, stomping on them and replacing them.
The attack on masculinity is an attack on the Image and Glory of God that is man(1 Corinthians 11:7)
“born this way” does not apply to heterosexual men.
“Nevertheless, the fact is they’ve managed to get everyone talking about them…”
^ Ozzy once walked into a room full of bored record executives who had just told his agent they weren’t interested in another record contract with him, whipped out of a dove and bit it’s head off before spitting the head onto the board room table in front of them. The publicity it generated went worldwide jump-starting his failing “career” with a new record contract and eventually a new string of hits. There is no bad publicity?
Well, it didn’t take long. I was reading a thread on a local history Facebook page, where the discussion is usually friendly. A woman didn’t understand a term she used incorrectly several times while a man tried to explain the correct use of the term. Then another woman jumped in and told him to stop being “toxic” and posted the Gillette video. Wow.
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Americans, please understand that your country is lost. Too much damage has been done and it is no longer fully recoverable. The only way forward is to accelerate the situation so that you end up with a hot Civil War. That way, at least you’ll have a fighting chance of winning. Otherwise, you’ll all die a slow and no longer avoidable death.
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Gillette seems to be following the advice of Mad magazine, which, in its April 1972 issue, published an article titled Ads That Turn People Off from Firms and Services That Can’t Handle the Business They’ve Got Already.
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I know this is a little late in the thread, but one of the Christian men I know posted this article on Facebook praising “the Christian Message of Masculinity Behind the Gillette Commercial.” The takeaway I get from it is not unlike your position that in modern Christianity, the voice of God speaks to the husband through the wife’s vagina (her willingness or lack of it for sex), and now, according to this article, the Holy Spirit is speaking to us through Gillette. The article also this insult to Christian men: “Why are many Christians so upset with Gillette’s commercial? I suspect that’s because many Christians have more faith in the myth of redemptive violence than they do in Christ.”
The link is here:
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Pingback: Dalrock: The symbolism of the line of men grilling in the Gillette ad. | New Life Narrabri
That’s hillarious. And classically Facebook.
Ozzie’s target audience liked that sort of thing. Gillete’s does not like what they put forth. BIG difference.
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