Deep Strength’s much anticipated book is now available! From Deep Strength’s post announcing the book:
———————- Deep Strength ———————-
The book is now up on Amazon!
The Biblical Masculinity Blueprint: A Christian Man’s Guide to Attraction, Relationships, and Marriage in a Messed-up World
Print edition and Kindle Edition.
Thank you to all of the contributors mentioned in the book and those who chose to remain anonymous. I could not have written some of the chapters without you. Also, thank you to the publishing team and the go-between people I used to get this professionally done.
Book description:
Because many young men and husbands do not have good masculine role models, it can be difficult for them to understand what a godly relationship and marriage might look like. In today’s culture, there is a lack of fathers passing down teaching to their sons, and, in many cases, what the Church teaches is more assimilated with secular culture, resulting in ineffective discipleship. Even seemingly good things like “purity culture” can have negative influences on marriage.
The Biblical Masculinity Blueprint aims to remedy some of these areas by giving Christian men the knowledge and discernment needed to have successful, godly relationships and marriages.
This book covers five distinct sections:
- Highlight problem areas of modern culture and how it has influenced the Church.
- Foundation Bible verses and their implications for relationships and marriage.
- Addressing any incorrect notions surrounding marriage, attraction, and the pitfalls of relationships.
- Ways single men can develop themselves to head a relationship and, eventually, a marriage.
- Ways married men can learn to obey God, become an effective head in marriage, and influence their wives and children toward godliness.
This book is not meant as a be-all end-all solution to dating, relationships, and marriage as the Bible gives considerable freedom with how to approach them in a godly manner. Instead, it is written in the style of Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Study the Scriptures, pray, use wisdom and discernment, and get additional godly counsel as you develop into a godly man who chooses the path of relationships and marriage.
I’ll take your work for it that this is a great book. But the concept of the book is misguided. When men of the West need instructions from a book about being a man, finding women, and marriage – it’s over. We might as well look for books about how to breathe or walk.
People will find alternative ways of life that don’t require book learning to live. As in “Why I Became Muslim” by Jacob Williams, May 2019.
When men of the West need instructions from a book about being a man, finding women, and marriage – it’s over. We might as well look for books about how to breathe or walk.
Geeze, Larry…Blackpill much?
By the way, did you know that there are both effective and ineffective ways to breath and walk?
Bruce Lee knew that. So did Miamoto Mussashi. Ditto tens of thousands of Physical Therapists…
People will find alternative ways of life that don’t require book learning to live.
LOL! What is the Koran, the Hadith, and the Fiqh? Why does it matter to followers of Islam?
PS: What is the BIble, and why does it matter to Christians?
PPS: What is the Constitution, and why does it matter to Patriots?
Sigh. Lol!
Larry, seriously – think before you comment.
PPPS: I’ll be getting my copy ASAP, and if it is as common-sense as I expect, will be passing books on to some of the 20-something churchgoing men I know.
Follow-up – my first comment was not strong enough.
Here we see why so many American girls want bad boys, even those from the ghettos. They are authentic, living from their values. Real.
Better that than dating nice suburban boys who are trying to remember lessons from Chapter 2 of a book. Boys with experimental personalities. Insincere, fragile, likely to collapse under the pressure of life.
@Larry Kummer
Regarding women wanting men who “just get it”, this is understood. The question is, is there any path a man can follow to get there? Scott made a comment the other day that I think relates to this. Paraphrasing: After reading for a while in the sphere he stopped doing the stupid things we all have been taught, and followed his own mission. This is fundamentally where I think nearly all of us end up, with the difference being how long a path we follow to get there. With this in mind, I think blogs and books, etc. can be very useful. But at the end there has to be an authentic change in the man himself, something real that syncs with his own faith and personality.
Edit: I just looked it up and this was actually a series of comments Scott posted. See here, here, and here.
“What is the BIble, and why does it matter to Christians?”
Most Christians in its years of explosive growth were illiterate. They were pagan, and didn’t know the Old Testament. In the early years, the New hadn’t been written. They knew only that Christ died for their sins and was reborn – and the simple story of how to follow his path. That is how missionaries teach today in many areas.
“What is the Constitution, and why does it matter to Patriots?”
For a century surveys have shown that few people know much of what’s in the Constitution. Fewer still have read it. As the Founders said (e.g., in the Federalist Papers), the US government rests on a love of liberty and dedication to the Republic – not a piece of paper.
“seriously – think before you comment.”
Good advice. Take it!
“When men of the West need instructions from a book about being a man, finding women, and marriage – it’s over.”
I agree. I’ve been attending an Orthodox church a while, and there’s a lot to like about it. However, even there, the tide of lost young men showing up (unmistakable and talked about) and the impossibility of getting practical instruction like this.
Of course, that was their father’s job, not mine! When the “traditional family” is so narrowly defined, it will become even more rare and fragile. The obvious is the hardest thing to see.
“I think blogs and books, etc. can be very useful.”
Color me skeptical of that. I doubt that many people in counseling would agree with you (based on my brief career in social services). I doubt that the vast research on personal change provides much support for that belief. Certainly that’s well known fact in the training industry (e.g., sales training, personal motivation) and in Boy Scouting (e.g., “more is caught than taught”).
Books are sometimes effective agents of personal change. So is a blow to the head or asking “what is the sound of one hand clapping.” But these are exceptions.
Books don’t change who we are. Trying to equip young men with experimental personalities is the goal of feminists. Countering them with their own versions will not help (read *our* books, not *their* books).
Here we see why so many American girls want bad boys, even those from the ghettos. They are authentic, living from their values. Real.
If you had any understanding of actual female psychology you would know why “bad boys” are popular with girls.
HINT: Confidence is sexually attractive to women.
Better that than dating nice suburban boys who are trying to remember lessons from Chapter 2 of a book.
Strawman fallacy with a bit of binary emoting thrown in.
Boys with experimental personalities. Insincere, fragile, likely to collapse under the pressure of life.
Project much, Larry?
Why do you bother commenting and blogging if you find the whole concept of the written word to not be very useful?
LOL @ Larry Kummer with his “no book learnin’ needed” bogusness. Especially when he’s posting his foolishness via the Internet – Hey, Larry, did you write your own XML to create your website, or did someone else? Someone who learned from a book?
The Koran is a book. The Bible is a book. The 10 Commandments are written in a book. “How to live” is written in books.
Get it?
Larry, if you don’t like the idea of men improving their lives via learning, what are you doing on the internet at all? You don’t like Deep Strength’s book, don’t buy it. If you think it won’t help, don’t buy it. If you don’t need it, don’t buy it.
Badmouthing a book you haven’t read is childish. Insisting that men can’t learn how to improve themselves from a book is childish, and ignorant, and stupid.
Think before you comment. Unless thinking is too hard for you…
If you are so opposed to people learning from the written word, then why do you have a blog?
Books don’t change who we are.
Maybe, maybe not. Certainly they can change a man’s worldview.
Why are you opposed to men improving themselves?
Prediction: Soon, Larry will declare victory and run away.
Sorry, cshort. Didn’t see your post before I said basically the same thing. Oops.
Let’s see if Larry shows up over at Deep Strength’s blog to tell the man on his own turf that he thinks his book is worthless. I’m betting that if any man did something like that on Larry’s turf, the ban hammer would come down in a matter of milliseconds…
Remember, Larry rarely comments on blogs… until he does and gets blown out for his inanity.
Isn’t Deep Strength still single?
@Mountain Man – No worries. Let’s see if he answers our question.
@Sean – He’s married now.
Jacob Williams is going to be royally disappointed with Islam if he thinks he can “‘scape them there book-larnin!”. If he is any kind of good, practicing Muslim he will spend a lot of time with a certain book, even to the point of memorizing long parts of it.
@ Larry
Pot meet kettle. You already acknowledged that:
““We lost, and the feminists won.
Recognition that we lost the last battle – and got our asses kicked – is often the key to changing the game – and winning.”
However, you’re wrong on the book front.
God forbid that Christians have a book help them navigate a post-feminist world. Especially when we already see that other secular men (Rollo, Jordan Peterson) have shown that they are able to effect change in men through their blogs and books.
@ Sean
I am married.
@Anonymous Reader
He’s also against taking action, like marriage and children, until the legal or religious climate is “right”.
I will give him the benefit of the doubt in regard to a solution method, but right now putting written instruction into practice is the way; the social structures that transmitted all this knowledge are broken. Change happens first inside a man. When he charts his own course he can plan and adapt to world change, and he’ll find that women will be attracted.
Pingback: Deep Strength’s book is now available. | Reaction Times
While I’ve learned a few things from Larry’s blog, he’s wrong about some things.
I’ve disagreed with him on his notion that men will band together in similar manners as women have for the purpose of defeating feminism. I disagree, because as has been discussed many times by men more eloquent and smarter than me on these blogs, men just don’t work that way. Men simply will not band together for the specific purpose of fighting political battles against women. Men won’t band together to save men who don’t want to be saved or to instruct them on things they don’t believe they need to learn.
I have better things to do than become part of a “movement” that fully half of men don’t believe in or are not willing to support. If particular men want to remain in Blue Pill World, there is nothing i can do to pull them out of that world. If they want to come out, I’ll be here to help them. But I’m not going “once more, into the breach” to pull out people who are firmly ensconced where they are and who don’t care that everything around them is burning.
There are no system wide solutions now as far as marriage and intersexual relationships. There are only individual solutions now. Everyone will have to take what works and leave the rest, as far as manosphere/Game/masculinity knowledge is concerned. I can’t force red pills down men’s throats.
He’s also against taking action, like marriage and children, until the legal or religious climate is “right”.
Are you paraphrasing Larry Kummer? How old is he, again?
deti referring to Larry Kummer
I’ve disagreed with him on his notion that men will band together in similar manners as women have for the purpose of defeating feminism.
He’s ignorant about women, apparently trapped in the equalist-equalism mindset, in addition to other things. I’m not sure what triggered him to have a little foolish fit in comments, but it is interesting that he did so.
Perhaps he tried to learn Game and did not succeed?
Maybe I’ll post URL’s at Larry’s site to George Washington’s rules of deportment, Rogers rules for his Rangers, and Balthazar Gracian’s rules for a proper man. Could be entertaining.
No opinion yet on Deep Strength’s book, as I have not yet started reading it.
(I am peeved that Amazon decided to perform a system update on my Kindle without asking.)
I will give him the benefit of the doubt in regard to a solution method,
You are kinder than I. Arrogant, ignorant blowhards who cannot define the problem that they just “know” they will solve, with “solutions the manosphere hasn’t even thought of” are a distraction and an annoyance. They can lead men astray. Larry’s got nothing useful, he should humble himself to learning and stop bragging.
but right now putting written instruction into practice is the way; the social structures that transmitted all this knowledge are broken. Change happens first inside a man. When he charts his own course he can plan and adapt to world change, and he’ll find that women will be attracted.
Totally agree to all of this and cosign.
Totally OT @ AR
Have you read this one, War on the Run?
War on the Run?
This is the first I have heard of it. Thanks for the tip, it looks good. Just what I need, an addition to my reading list…
I did read the fictional work Northwest Passage a few years back, and viewed the 1950’s era movie of the same name. Both were interesting. There’s often a harder edge to fiction from before 1960 or so.
Thanks again for the tip
I’m working on a book on autism spectrum disorder. (It’s intended audience is people who have ASD/aspie loved ones).
I hope Larry doesn’t find out.
You’re welcome sir. WoTR inspired revisiting the Leatherstocking Tales.
Deep Strength, is there a specific aspect that was lacking in the manosphere that your book is intended to cover?
For example, bluepillorofessor wrote a book about dread.
Athol Kay wrote a book about how to devise a plan to improve a man’s smv.
Mystery wrote about Game.
Pook wrote about mindset and inner game.
Is your book comprehensive or targeted to a specific area?
@Scott, are you planning to include a free fidget spinner with each copy?
Asking for a friend.
The idea is to explain to neurotypicals what’s it’s like for folks on the spectrum.
I have some of these traits and I am a clinician.
So I hope to bridge that gap a bit so people with loved ones on the spectrum can relate better to them.
@ 7817
It’s written primarily for Christian men focusing first and foremost on what the Bible says about relationships and marriage and how that fits with attraction and dispelling many of the myths/lies that the culture and even the Church tell us about these topics.
The intended target audience is any random Christian single man who has been unsuccessful with dating and relationships or a Christian husband struggling in his marriage.
One of the key points is that I specifically did not use any RP terminology while focusing on the Bible, so Christians won’t be turned off with the word association of the negative stuff coming out of secular RP, MGTOW, incels, etc as is already common if you bring things up like that in groups of Christian men.
Deep Strength,
Congratulations on your book. I am sure it will help a lot of people. Best wishes to you.
@Deep Strength: do you have a way to order the physical book that does not involve Amazon?
In Ireland, drag queen library event canceled due to “homophobic” parents:
The group Glitter Hole is a “drag collective” and “queer performance space,” and if you’re wondering what their name means, their logo is a purple sketch of a bare bottom with the word “HOLE” beneath it in all capitals.
Their sexually explicit performances including miming sex acts, strapping on enormous fake genitalia, and other activities better left undescribed. One poster advertising their group was emblazoned with the slogan, “Keep the buggery going!” while another announced that they were “leather daddies and gay witches for abortion.”
… Glitter Hole was invited to participate in a “drag storytelling event” at Dublin’s Dun Loa Library. … However, when it was revealed that Glitter Hole was being invited, the library canceled the event.
Glitter Hole, which has organized at least three other “family events” featuring drag queens reading to children, is furious by the cancellation, claiming that the Country Council was wrong to cite “age appropriateness” as a reason to spike an event put on by a group specializing in sexual performances.
They claim that the cancellation is actually due to the outrage expressed at the group by many online, including parents who were stunned to find out that a drag troupe with a bare bottom as their primary logo was orchestrating a “family event” targeted at children.
Glitter Hole referred to those who were concerned as “bigots.” …
As the father of a son who was diagnosed with the now-deprecated Asperger’s Syndrome and one who also has some of those traits, your book plan is of interest. Presumably, you will inform us when it is available.
@ Larry Kummer
False. The New Testament (most of which is letters written to churches) quotes the Old Testament constantly. What would be the point of quoting books with which the audience is not familiar? Whether literate or not, early Christians were intimately familiar with the Old Testament. It was the Scriptures they read (or had read to them) in church.
That certainly explains much of the mess in which we find ourselves.
OT, but related to the Tom Brady sexual harassment skit:
Untouchable Male rates girls by attractiveness, its basically another holocaust.
@Deep Strength, thank you for putting this out there. I haven’t gone through your content yet but even if it ends up being disappointing I sincerely appreciate that SOMEONE is trying to do SOMETHING to help the millions of frustrated young men out there from a biblical standpoint.
Most of my efforts to slowly hint to guys that women’s attraction cues are very different than society and their church would have them believe sees young men do some searching, and come across the very popular but very secular parts of the manosphere where they begin reading and see guides to make someone’s wife have an affair with you (very charged with homosexual tones as it is oddly focused on sleeping in the husband’s bed, putting your mouth where the husband has put his mouth, putting your genitals where the husband has put his, etc.), or how to engage in indulgent hedonism of lust that ruins multiple girls ability to pair bond, get you STIs and regret-rape accusations. Others write like 12-year-olds trying to use ‘big boy’ bad words and it is impossible to take them seriously. Needless to say most of the young guys I have tried to talk to have recoiled from these ungodly-to-immature spheres. I suppose I should link them directly to Dalrock but I don’t want to give someone a super hard sell, being forced to learn about something isn’t a very effective tactic as we all know.
Although hardcopy books are not as popular as they once were, having the option to give one to someone struggling and they may see it on their coffee table and give it a go is an invaluable option. My elderly parents are super bluepilled boomers and I’m even considering giving it to them to check out, they believe anything that comes from a perceived position of authority (it’s in a book, it must be true!)
>Books don’t change who we are.
Sure they do. Some books have changed me, and I’m sure some others can say the same.
Accent on “some”.
You may as well say that legal arguments don’t change anyone’s minds about what someone should and shouldn’t be punished for. And for many people, you’re right. But they’ll work on some people. And if one of that “some” is a judge, then that may make one hell of a difference.
Or if one of that “some” is a person who will go on to lead by example.
Books may be of limited value, but limited value is still value. So long as we don’t fool ourselves into thinking it solves problems it won’t, and don’t lose sight of what else we need to do, we’re in as good a shape as we can hope.
Charles B
That kid should pull the Muslim/islamophobia card.
I am surprised by the vitriol for Larry. I hope Dalrock doesn’t write a book for similar reasons, but Larry isn’t a Christian legalist and he didn’t say Christians shouldn’t write books. Maybe it was Deep Strength was called to do, but as a generality, I agree that a book on such a topic seems misplaced. Writing books is what the modern churchian is full of…gotta get that PhD in divinity to be a pastor and have to churn out books. It’s all part of the 501c church. That being said, I hope God blesses the book and Deep Strength.
@ ikr
I don’t have it up anywhere else at the moment. Where would you suggest if I can?
@ Swanny
I’d agree somewhat. The main issues as I see them are:
1. Christian men (here, my blog, and others) have wanted a book like this for years since there hasn’t been one.
2. Most of the modern churchian books are just that… there is a dearth of books to counteract that type of propaganda that the “men should pursue women” and “romance sanctifies sex” sentiments are already engrossed as de facto spirituality.
Perhaps you could counteract that through good preaching, but it’s a limited medium (perhaps only your church and maybe youtube at best) and books are another way to disseminate godly information.
As a general rule, I think Christians should be mainly reading the Bible for all their information, but unfortunately many Christians now don’t read their Bible nor do they follow it.
@DS: I target goodreads and ebay for online purchases. Unsure how listing with goodreads works but ebay offers a method to direct sell. I’m in the market for 2 copies based on the description.
@ikr @DS
Goodreads has been owned by Amazon since 2013 and has already been listed on the site.
The company that helped you publish the book should be able to help you get on other book seller websites.
@cshort: I did not know, thank you for bringing this to my attention.
@in General
While I don’t know about “Writer Launch”, I can say most books that are self-published really aren’t taken to be of much value – and are generally not considered “sourceable”, just like Wikipedia. Just a crying in the darkness that no one will hear. To boot, there’s no promotion or the like so no one will hear of what you do outside of these blogs. So ultimately, there’s no almost value of turning out a book outside of the people you would normally reach with your blog anyway.
> I target goodreads and ebay for online purchases. Unsure how listing with goodreads works but ebay offers a method to direct sell.
Again I don’t know about “Writer Launch”, but most self-publish outlets will let you buy books at publishing cost so you can resell them yourself on e-bay or the like.
That all said, I can’t say I’ve seen this book, but I can guarantee reading your Bible will be much better, including all the cautionary tales about shunning evil, engaging in wisdom and prudency that are all too relevant in considering marriage these days.
As I have told you before, Dalrock, there are many of us
hoping to see a book of yours — either under a pseudonym
or under your real name — reach the bookstores’ shelves one day
I got this book as a present, and half an hour ago, I finished it after a five-hour reading spree. This guy GETS IT! What an awesome book! Every Christian man needs to read this. Every chapter he touches on a subject related to authority, sex in marriage, and I kept getting afraid he would cuck at some point. But he doesn’t! Absolutely fantastic!