Nostalgia for the feminism of yesteryear.

Poking around The American Spectator site I noticed a piece titled Fantasy Women by Lou Aguilar, and one bit jumped out at me (emphasis mine):

Leftist lunacy literally sped up last month, when two biological males took first and second place in the girls’ 55-meter dash of Connecticut’s high school indoor track championship. That an actual girl runner who trained hard for this event consequently lost out on qualifying for the New England regionals is a small price to pay for the Wokening of America. But the irony hasn’t escaped us immutable traditionalists that progressives are now eating their own, such as tennis legend Martina Navratilova.

The true irony is that “traditionalists” are anything but immutable, as Aguilar goes on to demonstrate throughout the very same piece.  The whole article is a longing for the feminism of yesteryear:

Yet Hollywood keeps shoving deliberately sexless action women down our throats, no matter how many of these movies bomb. Very few people went to see Gina Rodriguez as Miss Bala, Jennifer Lawrence as Red Sparrow, or Jennifer Garner as Peppermint. A great many did pay to see Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. But then Wonder Woman is a famous sex symbol in a fetching costume, who actually falls in love with a male hero (Chris Pine). She’s something both boys and girls could enjoy, like her previous, hotter TV incarnation by the spectacular Lynda Carter. Things appear much grimmer for another big screen superheroine in this Friday’s release of Captain Marvel.

This entry was posted in Captain Marvel, Denial, The American Spectator, Traditional Conservatives, Ugly Feminists, Wonder Woman. Bookmark the permalink.

148 Responses to Nostalgia for the feminism of yesteryear.

  1. purge187 says:

    “A great many did pay to see Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.”

    Off-screen public relations plays a part. Unlike her counterpart in “Captain Marvel,” Gal isn’t an arrogant, racist, sexist bitch.

  2. Randy M says:

    @The Question:
    Because if there’s one thing the world has too much of, it’s gratitude, right?

  3. Wagner Tench says:

    The more I observe modern “conservatism”, the sadder I become.

  4. feeriker says:

    The more I observe modern “conservatism”, the sadder I become.

    Sad indeed, but you just have to remember that “conservative” means someone who is “conserving” the gains made by libprogs.

  5. Damn Crackers says:

    Conservatives, can’t even conserve a bathroom…

    I’d tell everyone to go Amish, but I see their girls on Iphones where I get my chicken corn soup and shoo fly pie. It’s only a matter of time before they’re converged.

  6. Wagner Tench says:


    That was one of the saddest realizations I came to as I became redpilled. I’ve been consuming a lot of Rollo Tomassi’s work lately, and one thing I’ve come to realize is just how much his saying about women making rules for betas but breaking them for alphas rings true in the modern “conservative” movement. I noticed that both my own family and many other families around me who considered themselves conservative were basically run by women making rules for betas.

    Very few families I saw were lead by truly dominant men, but I noticed that the children produced by those families tended to be healthier, happier, and more successful. The father was adored by his family, the daughters were much more feminine than those from other families, and the sons were strong and masculine, even when they were betas.

  7. Wagner Tench says:

    @Damn Crackers

    I think that it eventually comes down to men being able to exercise authority over their families. TFM calls it “keeping your pimp hand strong”, and points to the trend of even Muslim women promoting patriarchy when they come to Western countries, no matter how abusive Islam is to them.

    We in the West have reached the point that the only authority a man has is over himself, and so that is the only thing for which a smart man will take responsibility.

    I think that one of the most most revealing moments I have had in my red pill journey was when two of my female coworkers (I work in a Christian environment) were talking with me about relationships. My boss told me specifically that she loves it when her boyfriend tells her to stop her bull crap and behave, and she said that she always thinks “Yes, Chris [name changed]! Put me in my place!” The other coworker agreed wholeheartedly with her, and it was all I could do to keep from bursting out laughing at how much they had confirmed the knowledge I have found in the manosphere.

  8. CSI says:

    We sure as heck can’t expect any gratitude from women towards men for going out and earning most or all of the money. From reading enough women’s forums, I get the impression Western wives actually resent their husbands for getting to go to work, because that allows them to escape the miserable hellish existence of being trapped at home looking after children.

  9. 7817 says:

    and it was all I could do to keep from bursting out laughing at how much they had confirmed the knowledge I have found in the manosphere.

    Good times. Welcome to the red pill.

  10. feeriker says:

    We in the West have reached the point that the only authority a man has is over himself, and so that is the only thing for which a smart man will take responsibility.

    Sadly, even our autoautonomy is very limited. “Free world,” my ass.

    My boss told me specifically that she loves it when her boyfriend tells her to stop her bull crap and behave…

    Your boss is a woman? Dude, I know that this is an unavoidable predicament sometimes in today’s ueberfeminist, AA/EO world, but you need to do whatever you can to change that arrangement PRONTO. Women have NO business whatsoever being in superior positions over men, in any situation.

  11. Otto says:

    Apparently, men in women’s sports is more common than perceived. Gold medalist Caster Semenya actually has XY chromosomes and internal testes. According to this article, all three women’s Olympic 800 meter medalist from 2016 are also intersex–having both male and female traits.

    The article points out that it isn’t the testosterone that makes the difference. It’s the XY chromosomes that give men a huge advantage in sports. The way to make women’s sports fair for women would be to simply prohibit anyone with an XY chromosome from participating.

    Of course, having XY chromosomes give men advantages in a lot of areas of life. Fixing women’s sports would require this basic fact be acknowledged, and the left isn’t going to do that, because it would blow up the narrative that there are no differences between men and women.

    So, women will have to continue to endure being beaten by “men” in track, basketball, and wrestling, because…narrative.

  12. feeriker says:

    From reading enough women’s forums, I get the impression Western wives actually resent their husbands for getting to go to work, because that allows them to escape the miserable hellish existence of being trapped at home looking after children.

    “Why Western Women Make Lousy Wives: Example Number 1,015”

  13. Anon says:

    Sad indeed, but you just have to remember that “conservative” means someone who is “conserving” the gains made by libprogs.

    There is something stunningly loserish about knowing that one is going to surrender later on. Why waste time going through the motions at all?

    Then again, I think ‘conservatives’ are split between those who know that they fully intend to surrender to the left, and then defend the left’s new gains, and those that truly believe that they are making real progress (just like they made in 1994, 2002, 2010, 2016, etc.), and that an odometer moving backwards is really moving forward.

  14. vfm7916 says:

    Words have meanings. Please refrain from using “conservative”. Having to air quote tiptoes around you concealing, from those who are “conservative”, the nature of what they are.

    Stop that.

    They have been cuckolded. They should properly be referred to as Cuckservatives. The more you try to spare them the shame of their virtue signaling, betrayal of western civilization, and Christianity the more you enable their destruction of the shreds of our culture.

    This will help you to know that you’re not a Cuckservative. You’re an American Nationalist, a defender of Christendom, a lover of Western Civilization.

    Use the term Cuckservative, and let your opponents gnash their teeth.

  15. Wagner Tench says:


    That particular boss has moved on to a better job, but I can attest from personal experience that in regards to competence, she blew all but one of the men in the department out of the water. She earned my utmost respect due to her skill at the work, her easygoing attitude, her professionalism, and her unusual aversion to any sort of drama.

    I know female bosses get a bad reputation in the manosphere, but from all of my experiences, the female bosses in this department have been spectacular. No drama, no office politics, and admirable competence. I wish I could say the same about my other female coworkers, but they are unfortunately pretty typical from what I’ve heard. I tread lightly around them.

  16. Anonymous Reader says:

    To: Lou Aguilar
    Re: Western Civ and 2nd state feminists
    Message: You broke it, you bought it

  17. Wagner Tench says:


    I agree that the term “conservative” with air quotes is inadequate for fully expressing the cuckedness of those in the mainstream who claim the term as their own, but rest assured, I am trying to spare no one from anything. My experience has been that anyone who utilizes the term “cuck” or any of its derivatives in an unironic fashion is looked upon with suspicion, dismissal, or derision in many Christian circles, and so I prefer to use the air quotes term as a means of being able to continue to try to help men who are open to red pill knowledge. One shouldn’t need to use red pill-specific jargon to explain basic concepts to others, and Dalrock doesn’t use the term “cuckservative”. There, now you have my reasons.

  18. innocentbystanderboston says:

    They have been cuckolded. They should properly be referred to as Cuckservatives. The more you try to spare them the shame of their virtue signaling, betrayal of western civilization, and Christianity the more you enable their destruction of the shreds of our culture.

    Of course they have been cuckolded. Their betrayal of Western Civilization is predicated on their refusal to say (what is true) for fear that they will lose their money. Conservatism has been spiritually and financially cuckolded by a very vengeful feminist imperative.

    Lets put it this way. If I went on “The View” to argue for the manosphere, to define feminism for what it truly is (cancer) I have every bit of confidence that I would win the argument. They would scream at me, talk over me, refuse to ever let me get a word in edgewise. But they would not be able to out-debate me because I am red pill and I can see the world for what it is with truth and reality. But later, (perhaps a few weeks later) HR would call me into their office and I would be out of a job (and my professional career may be over due to “blacklisting”) because the forces of evil that operate within the bounds of feminism, they are vengeful. They know that I know what I am talking about and (under no circumstances) do they want me to succeed in a world that blesses feminism out for what it is. And their way to fight me is not to argue with me, it is to financially ruin me.

    I mean look around: conservative media, the GOP, sports figures, motion pictures, large corporations, and most importantly “the church”, they have ALL been cuckolded by feminism and their fear of losing money. You can’t be red pill and “out in the open” if you have to have a job and work for someone else to earn money to live. Feminism will find a way to ruin you for your righteous attempt to cut out the cancer from the body. That is really what we are up against.

    That is why I love Ann Coulter so much. She doesn’t have a job. She can’t be fired. So she is free to tell it like it is about feminist principles and no one has any “authority” to harm her earning power. I mean this is pure red pill:

    Could you imagine a man who works for a living saying any of that to these never married moms? I can’t. And its not because cuckservative men don’t agree with Ann. Its because they want to have a job to go to on Monday morning and if they do what she just did, no more job, no more career. It’s over, feminism takes vengeance not by rational debate but by taking food off your table and forcing your home mortgage into foreclosure.

    Feminism doesn’t have to have control of the narrative. Feminism has control of the money because just the right amount of feminists have been put into positions of power and authority over the lives of red pill men such that they could ruin us. The rot is deep.

  19. Novaseeker says:

    Such faggots honestly. They all love femdom. That’s really the only explanation. Otaku femdom faggotry.

  20. Cane Caldo says:

    Conservative is a perfectly suitable term for those who conserve yesterday’s liberalism. They are (as Zippy Catholic always said) Right Liberals; the trailing edge of Liberals.

    Conservatives have not betrayed, or been cuckolded by, their own side because their side just is Liberalism.

  21. Swanny River says:

    CSI and IBB,
    You can say that again.
    They find it so hellish to raise kids. If I knew that at 18, I wonder how I would have responded. Probably become a player. Since we are discussing conservatives, I’d say it was them that told me women love kids. They never told me the feral nature of women could overcome their God-given propensity and has done so. Women want kids as a badge just like they want a wedding and not a husband and because trad cons and pastors are so superficial, they fall for it.

  22. innocentbystanderboston says:

    They never told me the feral nature of women could overcome their God-given propensity and has done so.

    And yet another reason to take away a woman’s right to vote.

    If you are emotional first (and women are), then you are not in the right frame of mind to make logical political decisions where your opinion has life or death consequences over others. You are a woman and you want to vote? No problem. Go to the polling station with your husband, have him tell you how to vote, and do exactly what he tells you to do. And then wait there for a few minutes in the hall while he casts his own voting ballot. You can chit-chat with the other wives about Kendall Jenner’s newest Instagram post or maybe the newest piece of needless, consumer crap, you just ordered for yourself on Amazon.

  23. Anonymous Reader says:

    Otaku femdom faggotry.


  24. Otto says:


    Erick Erickson (formerly of Red State) goes ballistic over the term cuckservative. Proof the term has impact.

  25. Anonymous Reader says:

    We sure as heck can’t expect any gratitude from women towards men for going out and earning most or all of the money.

    No worries. That’s changing for people under 30 – 35. I’m sure that women who get paid more than their boyfriend / husband will be happy about it.

    Totally sure…

  26. Cane Caldo says:


    Such faggots honestly. They all love femdom. That’s really the only explanation. Otaku femdom faggotry.


  27. Joe says:

    innocentbystanderboston says:
    May 7, 2019 at 12:34 pm
    They never told me the feral nature of women could overcome their God-given propensity and has done so.

    And yet another reason to take away a woman’s right to vote.

    If you are emotional first (and women are), then you are not in the right frame of mind to make logical political decisions where your opinion has life or death consequences over others. You are a woman and you want to vote? No problem. Go to the polling station with your husband, have him tell you how to vote, and do exactly what he tells you to do.

    That’s what we do. Last time we got in at the same time. She comes to one that she forgot how to vote and she yells across the room “HEY, WHICH WAY DID YOU WANT ME TO VOTE ON THAT HOSPITAL ONE?”

    The looks we got were priceless.

  28. Otto says:

    ” I’m sure that women who get paid more than their boyfriend / husband will be happy about it.”

    Have you ever read an article about a woman who is paying her ex-husband alimony? No man was ever that bitter about alimony.

  29. BillyS says:

    My grandmother put a lot of time and effort making both she and my grandfather successful. She was VERY strong willed and pushed back plenty, but he held his own and she loved him dearly, even after his death. She only made it 2 years after he did.

    Modern women are not like that at all. They expect/demand the man build it all and fill her with what she wants. She expects control of “her money” if she works but his money is her due as well and she should not have to work. Even agreeing for her to not work while he provides doesn’t mean a single bit of gratefulness, as the article link above shows.

    Really a disgusting situation today. So many women are just spoiled children and everyone, including so called conservatives who claim to favor a patriarchy, merely enable them.

  30. BillyS says:


    That isn’t how I saw myself when I was a strong “Reagan conservative”. I was quite naive as it turned out though, so perhaps that was your point.


    Many things today will offend Christians who are too caught up in the wrong things. They fail to realize that the Scriptures most claim to follow are full of quite hard things. Jesus calling the religious leaders a “brood of vipers” was a very nasty thing to say. The Apostle Paul spoke about wanting his opponents to be castrated and how sins were like used menstrual cloths.

    Remember that Elijah was accused of being the one who troubled Israel, when it was the leaders at the time who did so instead. We should not always be intentionally obnoxious, but we should not shy away from offense. The Cross is an offense to all, inherently.

    Don’t be a clueless autistic fool, but don’t be Harvey Milqtoast either!

  31. vfm7916 says:


    That is the logical and correct description.

    However, Rhetoric > Logic. Therefore, Cuckservative.

  32. Frank K says:

    Have you ever read an article about a woman who is paying her ex-husband alimony? No man was ever that bitter about alimony.

    I did, It was about a woman who made a handsome living writing scripts for TV shows, and she had to pay her ex something like $5-6K per month for a several years. Of course, she felt that it was utterly unfair and misogynistic that she had to pay her “deadbeat” ex that kind of money,

  33. Lost Patrol says:

    The whole article is a longing for the feminism of yesteryear:

    Makes sense. Lou is from yesteryear.

    Plus, when does the Gal Gadot vs. Lynda Carter voting begin? Lou casts the first vote for Lynda. I cancel Lou’s vote by marking my card for Gal (even though I am myself from a bygone era, like Lou. We don’t see eye to eye on several things, probably).

  34. Anonymous Reader says:

    Lost Patrol
    Lou is from yesteryear.

    Demonstrating once again exactly what “conservatives” are “conserving”.

    I never was a big fan of Wonder Woman. Even before I got The Glasses, Catwoman seemed a lot more realistic, if “realistic” applies in this case.

  35. Burner Prime says:

    @Wagner Tench
    I think that it eventually comes down to men being able to exercise authority over their families.

    This is a common and mistaken belief that the problems we face today can be solved with a top-down approach. It is repeated everywhere across many forums and threads, essentially: “If we men just did this or that…”, it would be the magic bullet to fix all the things. Regardless of the plan, the complexity, the execution, they will all fail. And it goes back to the root cause of why societal rot is here to begin with: The massive overabundance of reproductive aged males to females, at almost 2:1.

    No amount of logic and reasoning will convince enough people to “return to patriarchy” as long as there is no pain across the board, including women losing agency. This should be well understood by men in the “sphere”. We are all fat and happy. No one is suffering to the extent revolution will happen (another laughable assertion seen everywhere). I have to pause a second to just laugh at the number of threads (e.g. Woodpile Report, Heartiste) where columns say, “Just one more offense, just one more! One more! And there’ll be pitchforks and nooses!. I’m warning you! Just one more loss of freedoms and the fireworks begin! Big LOLz, empty, hollow Trumpian threats won’t happen as long as there’s porn and vidya games.

    And you will never take the vote away from women, you will never dismantle the infrastructure of courts and law that favor women in family disputes. You will never diminish the influence of grrl power culture and vagina worship as long as there are plenty of men who will use those as strategies to eliminate YOU as competition.

    And you will not start a movement that promotes piety and family and patriarchy through religion. That’s because all that requires the control of a cartel. And cartels are notoriously easy to break. Indeed men will absolutely break it as one strategy to best the competition and gain favor among the whamens.

    Only Nature will solve the problem. She will solve the sex ratio problem with world wars and invasions by stronger peoples. It’s been that way since the Dawn. Then you will see cooperation among the vast majority of men. Then you will see submission among women. Then you will see a return to piety.

  36. feeriker says:

    Many things today will offend Christians who are too caught up in the wrong things. They fail to realize that the Scriptures most claim to follow are full of quite hard things.

    That’s why they ignore most of it, except for those parts that don’t demand anything of them.

  37. PokeSalad says:

    An inevitable development: The longer I observe this Clown World called “Western society,” the closer I get to feministhater’s view on life. We will be exchanging fruit baskets pretty shortly.


  38. feeriker says:

    No amount of logic and reasoning will convince enough people to “return to patriarchy” as long as there is no pain across the board, including women losing agency. This should be well understood by men in the “sphere”. We are all fat and happy. No one is suffering to the extent revolution will happen (another laughable assertion seen everywhere). I have to pause a second to just laugh at the number of threads (e.g. Woodpile Report, Heartiste) where columns say, “Just one more offense, just one more! One more! And there’ll be pitchforks and nooses!. I’m warning you! Just one more loss of freedoms and the fireworks begin! Big LOLz, empty, hollow Trumpian threats won’t happen as long as there’s porn and vidya games.

    Yup. I’ve long held the opinion that the main reason we are stagnating as a society is that we’ve reached a sort of socioeconomic and technological “plateau.”
    We’re at a point where everybody is just comfortable enough, has just enough to eat, just enough decent housing, medical care, and creature comforts that there is no strong incentive to innovate and make things any better. Nobody is suffering enough to make the ROE and ROI worthwhile. Better to just coast as long, as life is generally tolerable and the majority isn’t suffering or on the verge of perishing from starvation, disease, or invasion.

  39. vandicus says:

    Revolutions happen when the sinecures and welfare expenses are so great that they starting pushing down the standard of living for the general population.
    Less commonly when the ruling powers do something outrageous in relative terms.
    In some sense Donald Trump, because he is promoting economic growth and relieving the populace of certain oppressions(extreme political correctness being the most obvious example, we have now regressed to a moderate or weak political correctness), is delaying the start of a revolution. On the other hand, he is repositioning things in a way favorable towards the would-be revolutionaries.

    Humans are quite content coasting at their existing level of well-being.

  40. Ray6777 says:

    In the US the number of men 18-34 is 40.9 million and the number of women is 39.4 million. That isn’t close to 2:1.

  41. JD says:

    We don’t need to convince others in order to restore order. Only .4% of the population are police officers, and yet they control the country on behalf of their beliefs that morality can be discovered by polling the population. I’m sure that we can find .4% who are willing to control the country on the basis that morality is Immutable Law handed down by God

  42. Otto says:

    But, those 39.4 million women only see 20 million of those men as marriage material.

  43. Emperor Constantine says:

    @feeriker said:

    “Yup. I’ve long held the opinion that the main reason we are stagnating as a society is that we’ve reached a sort of socioeconomic and technological “plateau.””

    Peter Thiel made the same argument in Zero to One, his book about startups.

    People have stopped looking for secrets that lead to things like great wealth because the world is viewed as already all discovered, everything’s globalized, but most importantly the wealthy can just collect rents on their existing investments. Why take more risks when you can just milk what you have?

    The connection that Thiel didn’t make IMO is that this has to do with the feminization of society. Men are generally the explores, aggressors, challengers. Women focus on safety and stability. What you need is a balance between the feminine and masculine, but in fact we have no such thing.


  44. feeriker says:

    But, those 39.4 million women only see 20 million of those men as marriage material.

    Far, FAR fewer than that.

    Assuming the Pareto Rule (80/20), only about 8.2 million (20 percent) of the men ages 18-34 ar3 seen as marriageable in the eyes of the equivalent female demographic.

  45. DrTorch says:

    Nostalgia for the feminism of yesteryear.
    Exactly my thought when I read this article earlier

    Cuckservatives playing the patsy over and over

  46. MattW says:

    Captain Marvel ended up making a bazillion dollars.
    So yeah.

  47. TheOtherScott says:

    Sorry for the off topic post but this pisses me off.

    Didn´t this strong female have agency? Wasn’t she probably running the show? She didn’t need this man; why is he responsible for her?

  48. Testi says:

    So the piece Fantasy Women wasn’t satire, it was written on facts? Yikes.
    Tennis Legend Martina Navratilova got dumped by feminizmzzz and faggzz for saying ‘You can’t just proclaim yourself a female and be able to compete against women. There must be some standards,’ Strange but true.

    But Dalrock, your post on this was rather… different. You actually had me opening up multiple tabs just to follow what you are trying to communicate. Realised how lazy I had become, too lazy to think and form my own opinion, always looking for the tl;dr, instead of deciding for myself what I think.

    Democracy dies when people stop finding out for themselves and forming their own opinions.
    As everyone in SA goes to vote today, stay vigilant, keep reading & cross-checking, stay thinking for yourself.

  49. info says:

    @Burner Prime
    How many “Christians” are actually saved is the real issue and the real root of the problems we face.

    Christians saved will naturally by guidance from gods word and holy spirit manifest patriarchy in their families.

    Since they dont. Salvation is doubtful.

  50. info says:

    Our mission here on earth is to advance gods kingdom and help save souls. Saved souls will naturally become obedient to god.

    Or manifest a desire for truth and to serve god and have the holy spirit blow past deception. Resulting in true obedience in spirit and truth.

  51. Heidi says:

    Finally! A woman explains to you men why you’re so lonely! (Hint: It’s the patriarchy. Also, don’t talk about your feelings to your girlfriend or wife, because you’re making her do “emotional labor.”)

  52. vandicus says:

    We can therefore conclude Hosea and Job were not saved because of the lack of patriarchy in their families.

  53. info says:

    “We can therefore conclude Hosea and Job were not saved because of the lack of patriarchy in their families.”

    Were both spouses saved in those cases? No. So that point is moot. A man who is Christian would recognize the pathology of a female headed family. And he not being in the proper place as head.

  54. info says:


    Cuckservatives is why women who are guilty of violent crimes like murder are excused the death penalty more often. Due to “Abuse” and “mental illness” that a man otherwise isn’t exempted by.

    No matter how evil women prove to be. They would only be regarded as crazy or mentally ill.

  55. Otto says:


    I was including the me women would “settle” for after they hit the wall.

  56. Frank K says:

    Finally! A woman explains to you men why you’re so lonely!

    Reminds me of when Clinton said that women are the true casualties of war, as opposed to their fathers, brothers, husbands and son who are the ones who actually get killed in war.

  57. Clemsnman says:

    Burner Prime, you are correct. It only changes when civilization breaks down and it becomes difficult to survive.

  58. Frank K says:

    We’re at a point where everybody is just comfortable enough, has just enough to eat, just enough decent housing, medical care, and creature comforts that there is no strong incentive to innovate and make things any better. Nobody is suffering enough to make the ROE and ROI worthwhile. Better to just coast as long, as life is generally tolerable and the majority isn’t suffering or on the verge of perishing from starvation, disease, or invasion.

    Someone asked what will it take for people to wake up, My reply was empty shelves at the supermarket. And given how we collectively keep leaning further and further to the left, I believe it will happen, especially once the AOC types are voted into power.

  59. vandicus says:

    “Christians saved will naturally by guidance from gods word and holy spirit manifest patriarchy in their families.”

    Are you or are you not saying that Patriarchy naturally appears in households of the saved(however you define that group)?

    My point is that holiness is no guarantee of an obedient wife. A man cannot singlehandedly enforce patriarchy (neither Job nor Hosea are mentioned as having used force to correct their wife’s ways).

    Do you mean something else by patriarchy?

    What you have said seems to resemble the man-blaming of many Churchian pastors. If that is not your intent, please elaborate.

  60. innocentbystanderboston says:


    I just read that screed. Usually there is a point made in essays like that. It was very difficult to find the point of that essay. She put too many different disconnected terms into the essay that have nothing to do with one another in order to create a point out of thin air. It was almost like she threw a whole bunch of spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks.

    The kind of life that I think she is talking about, if I had to behave in that manner in an effort to avoid “loneliness” I would not be happy. I’d be miserable. There are certain things that a man needs from his wife. Sometimes, one of those things he needs is for his wife to listen to him when he’s down in an effort to help build him up. Every wife should want to feel “needed” by her husband. What the alternative?

  61. innocentbystanderboston says:


    Someone asked what will it take for people to wake up

    If the media wanted to do some good and help see what its like to have no bread on the shelves in the store, they should set up base camp in Caracas Venezuela and do a 5 minute report on evening news every night. But we don’t get to see that.

  62. Frank K says:

    Well, it’s pretty obvious that the media is not about “informing”, it’s about the Narrative, which is why it’s 24/7 “Orange Man Bad”. I don’t even bother with the media, there is no news, just propaganda. It’s like the old Soviet media: nothing but lies.

  63. Anonymous Reader says:

    Also, don’t talk about your feelings to your girlfriend or wife, because you’re making her do “emotional labor

    Yeah, for years the standard line towards men was “open up about your emotions!”. Now it’s “emotional labor”. More evidence of the truth of “what they do, not what they say”.

    LOL! The fried ice was not hot enough…

  64. vfm7916 says:

    “Sometimes, one of those things he needs is for his wife to listen to him when he’s down in an effort to help build him up. Every wife should want to feel “needed” by her husband.”


    Need is bad. She should want to feel wanted, not needed. Boys need things; men want things. A man is his woman’s emotional rock, not the other way around. Woe to those who forget this.

  65. innocentbystanderboston says:


    Need is bad. She should want to feel wanted, not needed. Boys need things; men want things.

    (nodding in agreement)

    Okay fair enough. Yes want would be the correct word.

  66. feeriker says:

    @Heidi and @IBB:

    It’s a manifestation of the attitude of so many modern women that ANY obligation or responsibility put upon her at all, no matter how small, minor, insignificant, or painless, is “ABUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSE!” and reason to play the victim/run away.

  67. Heidi says:

    It’s solipsism and a lack of empathy, I think. Interestingly, the top-voted comments on this article–which appears in a liberal, feminist publication–point out the contradiction: “That first paragraph is dumber than two Donald Trumps. [Like I said, liberal publication.]
    First, it’s “toxic masculinity” if men cannot talk about their feelings, and it’s “emotional labor” if men DO talk about their feelings.
    What a bitter bitter article.”

  68. feeriker says:

    If the media wanted to do some good and help see what its like to have no bread on the shelves in the store, they should set up base camp in Caracas Venezuela and do a 5 minute report on evening news every night. But we don’t get to see that.

    I know I risk outting myself by posting this, but my Venezuelan wife is down there right now dealing with a family emergency (and believe me, it’s a REAL emergency. She wouldn’t have dreamed of going back to take care of it otherwise under current circumstances).

    Let’s just say that what little we all hear here in our “news media” is not even the HALF of the horrors that are going on. I’ve taken to not even listening to the punditry (left, right, or libertarian), or the propaganda vomiters (a.k.a. “news anchors”) when it comes to Venezuela, because it’s obvious that 1) they don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about, and 2) their (well-justified) hatred of the American Empire and its interventions leads them to conflate this hatred with the idea that the current push to get rid of Maduro and the Chavistas has no popular backing (anybody who really believes that deserves to be kicked in the nuts hard enough to crack their pelvis. For the first time in human history, the MAJORITY in a Latin American nation are BEGGING the U.S. to intervene militarily and overthrow their government).

    That said, I quite frankly and brutally believe now that maybe what America really needs is a nice, long taste of Chavismo Socialism in action.

  69. Anonymous Reader says:

    It’s solipsism and a lack of empathy, I think.

    It’s written by a woman, so solipsism is inevitable. Women cannot empathize with men because they are not men – sympathy is not the same as empathy – however solipsistic spoiled brats are not known for sympathy either.

    Note the implied no-win situation: a man who keeps emotions to himself is “remote”, a man who expresses emotions creates “emotional labor” in a woman. No-win situations are common in fitness tests, and this article is a kind of fitness test.

    Perpetual discontent is a feature of the female mind, so perpetual complaining is to be expected.

    tl;dr “Daddy’s little girl wants fried ice, now!”

    All that said women can learn to be a bit sympathetic and self controlled, if they are trained to do so and it is in their own self interest. Such training is not very common right now.

  70. innocentbystanderboston says:


    I know I risk outting myself by posting this, but my Venezuelan wife is down there right now dealing with a family emergency

    What is your email address? I wont dox you but there is stuff I want to say to you privately about this

  71. Frank K says:

    That said, I quite frankly and brutally believe now that maybe what America really needs is a nice, long taste of Chavismo Socialism in action.

    We might get to witness it up close with our southern neighbor, which elected a very leftist, populist president last year. I have middle class relatives down there and they are worried sick that he is going to morph into a Chavez like dictator.

  72. feeriker says:

    innocentbystanderboston says:
    May 8, 2019 at 1:19 pm

    Dalrock, you have my permission to share with IBB my email address linked to this account. He doesn’t have a link to his avatar, so I can’t share it with him directly.

    Thanks in advance.

  73. BillyS says:


    Men can be very ignorant when it comes to women. My own former father-in-law helped pay for his daughter (my exwife) to file the divorce so she could act just like the wife’s mother. This man despised his former wife, but couldn’t see that his daughter was acting just like her.

    Those ideas run too deep today.

  74. innocentbystanderboston says:


    My own former father-in-law helped pay for his daughter (my exwife) to file the divorce so she could act just like the wife’s mother.

    I am so sorry. That is terrible Billy, but not the least bit surprising. If a man told me that he did that for HIS daughter (pay a lawyer to help with his daughter’s divorce) I might want to talk to dad “privately” (man to man) to find out exactly why he felt the need to ruin his son in law. When its just one on one, sometimes people are free to be a bit more brutally honest.

    Why didn’t your father-in-law like you? Did you never get along with him? I’ll hang out and do stuff with my father-in-law that EXCLUDES my wife.

  75. BillyS says:

    If the media wanted to do some good

    This is the base error! They only want to push an agenda and showing the utter failure of the socialism they are trying to push everywhere works against that agenda.

  76. BillyS says:

    Prostitutes can at least act comforting at times, since their income is on the line. A wife should have no trouble doing that, but few today want to do that, unfortunately for all of us.

  77. feeriker says:

    We might get to witness it up close with our southern neighbor, which elected a very leftist, populist president last year. I have middle class relatives down there and they are worried sick that he is going to morph into a Chavez like dictator.

    I tell my wife regularly that if Venezuela should survive the current crisis and the people at some point decide to elect another socialist government, I will not only have ZE-RO sympathy for them, but will fervently pray that they suffer a new hell on earth that will make the Chavismo Regime years seem like a golden and glorious age by comparison. I already tell her that Venezuela, like most of the rest of Latin America, has had 200 years to figure out how to implement functioning civil government, yet their history reveals them to be basically hopeless at it. Indeed, looking at Nicaragua (which just elected Daniel Ortega to the presidency, FFS!), Mexico (which seems bent on proving gringo insults about Mexican IQ to be accurate by electing AMLO to the presidency), and Bolivia (the first nation in history to elect a mental retard to a third consecutive presidential term), I don’t have much reason to be optimistic.

  78. BillyS says:


    I might want to talk to dad “privately” (man to man) to find out exactly why he felt the need to ruin his son in law. When its just one on one, sometimes people are free to be a bit more brutally honest.

    Why didn’t your father-in-law like you? Did you never get along with him? I’ll hang out and do stuff with my father-in-law that EXCLUDES my wife.

    We weren’t incredibly hostile, but he never liked me. Some was because I was a fairly bold Christian when we married. I committed the grave sin of seeking to pray a blessing over the food at a country club and at his house (I asked if we could at his home, since it was his home). Though I asked at the country club too, shocking many people.

    Not true rich, but had some nice property and a NE Unitarian background.

    That was some main reasons, but I am sure his daughter told him how horrible I was and the family all thought I was too controlling. I am sure I seemed horrible to them, but ultimately she was just acting like her mother (who only looked out for herself in life, even while loudly claiming to be Christian). She even went to live very near and take care of her mother.

    I would have to talk with him privately to find out all the details, but I am sure the things I note here played a role. He was pretty brow beaten and relatively quiet and let his wife (3rd wife) and 3 daughters lead. 1 son was less involved overall and called him by his first name, not “dad” or “father” – quite odd in my view.

    My wife would gripe that I was “just like him” many times, so I suspect we are more alike than he realized. I had thought she loved him (and could therefore love a husband), but it was not quite what it appeared on the surface.

    Hope that all makes sense. I am not shy about hiding my own details. Too many think it is griping, but the point is to use what I went through as examples for others, not to just gripe about my own situation.

  79. BillyS says:


    People can’t resist the siren song of such leaders.

    That is one reason uncontrolled immigration (legal or not) into the US is so dangerous. Those people are used to control, so even more control here is better than what the had. They actively undermine the country they come to.

  80. feeriker says:

    That is one reason uncontrolled immigration (legal or not) into the US is so dangerous. Those people are used to control, so even more control here is better than what the had. They actively undermine the country they come to.

    La Raza, to cite one example, is an organization too stupid to realize that its own platform lends credibility to the idea that when God was doling out IQ points, the Mexicans showed up after the shop had closed. These people fled Mexico for El Norte to get away from the poverty, violence, and general dysfunction that has always been Mexico, and yet they want to re-conquer and rebuild America in the image of … the place they escaped from?

    People that stupid belong in institutions where they can’t harm themselves…

  81. innocentbystanderboston says:


    Hope that all makes sense. I am not shy about hiding my own details.

    I’m on the other end now. I have listen to the dads (grandfathers) tell me about what they had to do to get their special little girl out of a bad marriage. But the reasons were generally the same and from this list:
    #1) He hasn’t worked in year AND
    #2) hasn’t bothered to look for work OR
    #3) He does too many drugs OR
    #4) He drinks too much and hits my daughter OR
    #5) He drinks too much and does too many drugs and hits my daughter OR
    #6) He is fucking a girlfriend on the side OR
    #7) He doesn’t work, he doesn’t look for work, he drinks an does drugs AND he fucks other women

    Something like that. In pretty much every case the divorce could have been “justified” given secular divorce law PRIOR to no-fault-divorce because there was some kind of documented “fault” on his part. They still get lawyers and go through the process because the young man didn’t want the divorce and was fighting it and what-not. But I have to drill down and “query” the father of the now EX-bride to find out what is really happening. Its not just that she isn’t haaaaapppy.

  82. Daniel says:

    OT but I’d be incredibly curious, Dalrock, for your take on (Dem candidate) Andrew Yang’s book “The War on Normal People”, particularly chapters 12, 13 and 14, which touch on topics directly relevant to your site. Only if you have time and it sparks a post idea for you, of course!

  83. Frank K says:

    #7) He doesn’t work, he doesn’t look for work, he drinks an does drugs AND he fucks other women

    But I’ll bet he gave her, and still gives her the tingles.

  84. Frank K says:

    I already tell her that Venezuela, like most of the rest of Latin America, has had 200 years to figure out how to implement functioning civil government

    The sad thing about Mexico is that during the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s it looked like they had their act together. Some call that period in time the “Mexican Miracle”. The the 70’s rolled in and the PRI (the ruling party) veered hard to the left. By the 1980’s it was a disaster. The PRI tried to reverse course with Harvard educated presidents, but it was too late as the corruption was too entrenched. The “conservative” opposition party, the PAN, was able to get Vicente Fox and later Felipe Calderon elected, but they proved ineffective as crime and lawlessness soared to new heights and they decided that they were entitled to some graft. The PRI got another crack with Enrique Pena Nieto, but he also failed.

    Mexicans were so fed up that a very slim majority elected AMLO, who campaigned on promises of transparency and social justice (gee, why does that sound familiar?). Among AMLO’s first acts was to institute a welfare program that pays families to keep their kids in school ($40 USD per kid per month). The poorer half of the country adores him, but we’ll see if they still do when the free money runs out.

  85. Anonymous Reader says:

    Apologies in advance for this rabit trail.

    Frank K
    The sad thing about Mexico is that during the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s it looked like they had their act together. Some call that period in time the “Mexican Miracle”. The the 70’s rolled in and the PRI (the ruling party) veered hard to the left. By the 1980’s it was a disaster.

    No. There was no miracle, there was a one-party state that won every election by a mix of carrot and stick. Not all that different from the period in the late 19th century when Porfirio Diaz won re-election over and over and over again, except that in the 20th century the Mexican elite had the good sense to limit Presidents to a single term of 6 years. The PRI was a socialist party, as virtually all parties south of the Rio Grande are to this very day.

    The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) became ever more corrupt as one-party systems do. They had their own version of Kent State during student riots in Mexico City in 1968. Opposition parties began to gain some traction because the PRI was not quite able to buy off or scare off all opposition anymore. In the 1990’s election corruption became painfully obvious; in one case, voters were unable to cast paper ballots because the ballot boxes had been delivered pre-stuffed with ballots to voting places. The PRI lost authority in one of the economic crises.

    At present so far as I know, there are three major parties in Mexico: the National Action Party (PAN), the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD). The PAN is strongest in northern states, those closest to the US. The PRD is strongest in the south, near Guatamala. The PRI is strong in the capitol area of Mexico City but also some other states.

    Both the PRI and the PRD are members of the Socialist International, which dates back to the days of Marx and Engles. The PAN is more business oriented, but by US standards is also socialist.

    Various flavors of socialism have always been popular in parts of Mexico. Leon Trotsky fled the Soviet Union and wound up in Mexico because he had supporters and friends there, just to pick one example. President Lazaro Cardenas ordered the government to take over all oil fields in Mexico and offshore of Mexico in 1938, an act that is highly revered to this day, even though the national oil company PEMEX has a 60 years history of incompetence and corruption. The communal land holding known as an ejido is still enforced.

    The Spanish empire was more socialistic in some ways than the English / British. This effect can be seen in most of the former parts of that empire.

    Among AMLO’s first acts was to institute a welfare program that pays families to keep their kids in school ($40 USD per kid per month).

    Legally, students in Mexico must attend school until they are 15, at that time they may leave. In practical terms, in some regions, students can leave school at the age of 12 to 13. Changing the law or enforcement is more difficult than paying for school attendance.

    Mexico is a different country with different history, different cultures and different genetics. As with any other country, impressions formed by watching TV are incorrect.

    PS: The caravans of people entering the US are from Guatamala and Honduras, with some from the rest of the world (Africa, Asia, etc.). They are claiming asylum under laws / regulations that date back to the 1980’s. Mexico doesn’t want to have to deal with them, hence the rapid transit from their southern border to their northern border. That government doesn’t want large camps of poor homeless anywhere in country for various reasons.

    Careful observers will note that these caravans traverse areas controlled by cartels, yet there doesn’t seem to be much molestation going on. That implies the cartels are being asked, or instructed, or paid to leave the caravans alone.That brings up other questions.

    At least some of the children being separated from their “family” are rented out to border crossers by the local cartel, some children may be crossing with their “family” 3 or more times in a month, each time with a new and different “family”. Yes, that is human trafficking; no, don’t expect the usual SJW filled “human rights” organizations to even notice it.

    Do a search on “miles for migrants” if you want your blood pressure to spike.

    Sigh. Apologies for the rabbit trail, again.

  86. Badman says:

    On the topic of women’s sports, this week’s news about female hockey players boycotting their league once again confirms Dalrock’s law of feminism:

    Women are complaining that men are responsible for underpaying and exploiting female hockey players, while making a plea to the (male) NHL to significantly increase its subsidies of women’s hockey.

    Also, based on his writing Lou Aguilar seems like he’d be the “traditionalist” who today is trying to save women’s hockey, but 25 years ago would have opposed it as an aggressive and masculine sport that “traditional” girls should not engage in.

  87. Anonymous Reader says:

    One easy way to get a feel for Mexico is by reading the list of leaders since 1821. Mostly Presidents with a couple of Emperors, in some cases multiple Presidents at the same time (1850’s). Note how many did not serve out a full term for one reason or another. There are good reasons why the elites and people of Mexico were willing to accept a one-party government in the late 1920’s through 1970’s: stability even at the price of corruption and heavy-handed rule was better than multiple armies occupying different parts of the country. [1]

    [1] Except for those that chose to revolt even after 1920, such as the Cristeros. Their last holdouts quite fighting in the 1940’s.

  88. feeriker says:

    Women are complaining that men are responsible for underpaying and exploiting female hockey players, while making a plea to the (male) NHL to significantly increase its subsidies of women’s hockey.

    We saw this play out ~20 years ago when the WNBA (a.k.a. “dykesketball”) got off the ground. NO ONE, not even women, wants to pay to see women play basketball, so the newly-formed estrogen league more or less shamed the NBA into subsidizing it, realizing that it couldn’t survive otherwise. If the NBA ever comes upon hard times (a la the NFL?) and has to cut the WNBA’s subsidies, it’s all over for women’s professional basketball.

  89. Frank K says:

    No. There was no miracle, there was a one-party state that won every election by a mix of carrot and stick.

    I would also balk at calling it a “miracle”, but older Mexicans do look back on that time period fondly and given that I did live there in the 1960’s I can see why. The standard of living rose and compared to today there was much less crime. But it wasn’t perfect, as the Tlatelolco riots showed in 1968, when the cracks finally appeared in Mexico’s “miracle” and it unraveled quickly.. While the PRI was leftist, it wasn’t leftist enough for the students who rioted. Eventually the PRI had a schism, and the hard left PRD was born. While the PRD still exists, and AMLO was once a member, it has been overtaken by Morena as the standard bearer of Mexico’s hard left.

  90. Frank K says:

    President Lazaro Cardenas ordered the government to take over all oil fields in Mexico and offshore of Mexico in 1938, an act that is highly revered to this day

    La expropiacion. The last few administrations began to liberalize the oil business in Mexico, allowing the private sector to play a small but growing role. AMLO and Morena have slammed the brakes on that.

    Something to watch for down the road will be a possible call to change the Mexican Constitution to allow the President to serve more than one term. AMLO made a pledge to not seek such a change, but I have a sinking feeling that pledge will fly out the window and Morena will amend the constitution and demand that AMLO serve another term.

  91. Frank K says:

    One easy way to get a feel for Mexico is by reading the list of leaders since 1821. Mostly Presidents with a couple of Emperors, in some cases multiple Presidents at the same time (1850’s). Note how many did not serve out a full term for one reason or another.

    This was especially true during the Mexican Revolution, which was about 110 years ago. It was a period of near anarchy. The PRI, which was first called the PRM (Party of the Mexican Revolution) rose from that morass, and I think that many accepted its one party rule for most of the century in exchange for the relative stability it brought. Eventually, the PRI could not deliver stability anymore and lost its grip on the country.

  92. Regarding Mexico (really ALL of the 3rd world)

    You can NOT have a first world nation is you must pay police a “bribe” in order to get them to enforce the law. Its that simple. There is civilization and then there is anarchy and barbarism. If the enforcement of law is ONLY for those who pay money and ONLY those who do not have money must obey law, you are 3rd world. Nothing changes for the 3rd world without Anglo-Saxon law.

  93. info says:


    The cases I cited recently have more evidence behind them. Yet people still want to let them off. Despite all the evidence for their evil.

  94. Emperor Constantine says:


    Change “He” to “She” and you got it.

    What planet are you living on?

    Clearly not Earth.

    90% of what I see is females leaving men because “feelz”, subsidies for “feelz”, and to hell with the children, families, and anything other than them finding another guy to fuck to get more “feelz”.

    Stop making excuses for tarts who defraud men while lying about their marriage “vows”.

  95. Anonymous Reader says:

    Frank K
    Something to watch for down the road will be a possible call to change the Mexican Constitution to allow the President to serve more than one term

    Not gonna happen. “6 years and out” is as deeply embedded in Mexico as “two 4 year terms” is in the US. Not to mention…the last man who even flirted re-election was assassinated in the 1920’s.

  96. Anonymous Reader says:

    You can NOT have a first world nation is you must pay police a “bribe” in order to get them to enforce the law.


    Nothing changes for the 3rd world without Anglo-Saxon law.

    Y? (This is a limited use of Spanish.)

    Frank K.
    I did live there in the 1960’s

    Things have changed a bit since then…

  97. BillyS says:


    I am betting almost all those perfect flowers knew the husband/boyfriend was that way before they got together. They went into it knowing his character so it is their responsibilities, not dads.

    It is quite ironic that you can dump a faithful man with the blink of an eye, but they struggle to get rid of a true loser. Something is not right here.

    I also question whether all of these men really do all that is claimed. I had discussed the fact that many men who get divorced (and are surprised by it) later in life commit murder and then suicide. I faced the claim that I had threatened to kill her and commit suicide.

    (I would not be on this earth now if that were even remotely possible in my life.)

    Thus truth is in short supply when it comes to seeking a way out of a marriatge.

    Though the only pastor who showed any deep compassion for me when he learned of my situation had apparently helped his daughter form just such a situation, or so I was told. (I had gone to that church in the past and was their for a baby dedication of my olderst son’s newest child.)

  98. Frank K says:

    Not gonna happen. “6 years and out” is as deeply embedded in Mexico as “two 4 year terms” is in the US.

    I know: Sufragio Efectivo Y No Reeleccion. But the times are a changin’ and it’s fairly easy to amend the Mexican constitution, so I wouldn’t rule it out.

    I did live there in the 1960’s

    Things have changed a bit since then…

    Which was my point. I lived there in the 60’s, 70’s and part of the 80’s. I saw first hand how things went to Hades in a Handbasket and fast, with near hyperinflation and devaluations caused by massive money printing.

    The thing that makes me worry about AMLO becoming a dictator is that I have never seen a Mexican President with such a fanatical following. Most of the others I recall people shrugging and just accepting whoever the PRI nominated.

  99. Frank K says:

    It is quite ironic that you can dump a faithful man with the blink of an eye, but they struggle to get rid of a true loser. Something is not right here.

    Never underestimate the power of the tingle. Police officers have told me that it isn’t usual for the little lady, with a fresh black eye, to tell them that everything is fine when the neighbors call the cops after hearing the screaming,

  100. Frank K says:

    You can NOT have a first world nation is you must pay police a “bribe” in order to get them to enforce the law.

    Actually, you bribe them to NOT enforce the law and you bribe bureaucrats to give you something you want (like say a permit or license). Still, pretty messed up.

  101. feeriker says:

    The thing that makes me worry about AMLO becoming a dictator is that I have never seen a Mexican President with such a fanatical following.

    MPIA (o, en español, la mayoría de las personas son idiotas).

    Hugo Chavez had an almost cult-like following in Venezuela when he first took office, but that changed RAPIDLY once the free goodies gusher was slowed to a trickle following the collapse of oil prices (and Mexico doesn’t have anything like the oil or other natural resources Venezuela has to enable it to fund social welfare programs). Once things like “bread, milk, and toilet paper” became scarce, people really began to say “F*** this shit, enough is enough!” Unfortunately, by that time it was too late; Chavez had completely seized control of/bought off the military, meaning that he was there to stay no matter what “the People” wanted (my first visit there six years ago saw a country still in at least tolerable condition. My last visit three years ago bore no resemblance to the first; it was pure hell on earth with no life left).

    My original point was that, to paraphrase the popular expression, Venezuela really now serves no other useful purpose than as a warning to the rest of the region. One would think that such a stark warning would convince anyone with a functioning brain stem to “not go there” (imagine going ahead and sticking your finger [or some other appendage] into an electrical socket even after you watched someone else do it and get fried). That it hasn’t, for at least three other countries in the hemisphere (i.e., Mexico, Nicaragua, and Bolivia) would seem to indicate that those countries need to be quarantined, or maybe even invaded, occupied, and ruled by some benevolent external dictatorship for their and everyone else’s protection. Bottom line is that if a sufficient majority of Mexicans are fanatical followers of a moron like AMLO (and the guy is a moron, which is obvious if you’ve ever listened to him speak publicly for more than sixty seconds) who wants to recreate Venezuela in Mexico even after all that’s happened in that country over the last decade, then they deserve to suffer Venezuela’s fate ten thousandfold.

  102. ranger says:

    IBB, are all those faultd you ascribe to the divorced husbands:
    A- Things you know about from your own senses?
    B- Things the father-in-law knows about from HIS own senses?
    C- Things the divorcing wife tells you or her father about?

    Makes a huge difference, wouldn’t you agree? Please clarify.

  103. Hmm says:

    Two comments:
    1. In the OP there’s a third way. Men could talk about their problems to other men. Wouldn’t bottle it up, wouldn’t bother the women. I remember Evangelical men tried that in the ’90s with the “Promise Keepers” movement. But women got suspicious of large groups of men getting together, even if it was for a feminist purpose. And guys never really got into the “just getting together to talk” part.
    2. I find the discussion about Venezuela and Mexico fascinating. It was a key insight for me learning that the Mexican cartels control the entire Mexico-US border, which means that the Mexican government isn’t really in charge.

  104. Damn Crackers says:

    Here is the culmination of preparing your daughters for the best, elite colleges:

    Not that it is anything new, but the story does provide a lot of clickbait.

  105. Otto says:

    Interesting purple-pill article from Australia that validates Rollo’s SMV chart using population numbers drawn from census data.

    “Man drought is a man mountain — if women know where to look”–if-women-know-where-to-look/news-story/2999d2e080ab0058f474f58a5a89ecfa?nk=b017f224fd68caf49edd10fc9af11389-1557407956

    “There are about 105,000 single men and 84,000 single women aged 25 in Australia. That’s a ratio of five single men for four single women. Thereafter, however, the numbers change dramatically. …By the age of 35, the numbers are perfectly in balance: 40,000 single men and 40,000 single women. …By the age of 35, the numbers are perfectly in balance: 40,000 single men and 40,000 single women. It is only at this time in life that men and women get a true fix on how attractive they really are. …But even at the age of 35, when there’s an equal number of single men and women, there’s a problem. The 40,000 single women generally don’t look to select a partner from the 40,000 single men of the same age. …They tend to want to select a partner two years older, but by the age of 37 there are only 36,000 ­single men. After the age of 35, it is men who get to pick and choose from an oversupply of single women.”

    The chart with the article ends up being another version of Rollo’s SMV chart, but it’s based on actual census data:

    One other interesting point in the article: “Young single women gravitate to big cities and cluster in disproportionate numbers in suburbs that deliver access to jobs in health, education and corporate administration. …Men are more likely to remain in small country towns, on farms and in mining and military communities.”

    Women tend to live where the men aren’t, making the “man shortage” even worse.

  106. Otto says:

    For some reason the link above to the man drought article isn’t working. This google search will bring it up as the first search item.

    Man drought is a man mountain if women know where to look

  107. ranger,

    IBB, are all those faults you ascribe to the divorced husbands:
    A- Things you know about from your own senses?
    B- Things the father-in-law knows about from HIS own senses?
    C- Things the divorcing wife tells you or her father about?
    Makes a huge difference, wouldn’t you agree? Please clarify.

    B. The answer is B. Or (shall I say) the father tells me it is B. And yes, you bet it makes a huge difference. I suppose it is possible that father is paying for daughter’s divorce for no other reason than she is unhaaaaappppy, but then father would be lying to me about it (another father.) That is not likely, no.

  108. feministhater says:

    IBB is like playing catch up. Yes, IBB, women always have a ‘reason’ for divorce, they always have a ‘reason’ when they shoot their husbands whilst he sleeps, they always have a ‘reason’ for abortions or killing or any number of bad choices they make. Why is this important?

    Just what are you trying to prove? You’re just giving more ammunition to MGTOW. Yes, women don’t want to marry men anymore, they don’t need to or want to. They can support themselves or their father can do it for them. Why should we continue to care? Just exactly what is it men get from the continuous blather about what women want.

    You’re a stuck record. Get to a fucking point.

  109. Damn Crackers says:

    From the blog here, I’ve been reading more about the Cybele/Attis mystery cult in early Christianity and how many of Paul’s writings were about battling this worship. The adherents to this popular cult were women who were deified and castrated men. This context really now makes clear the meaning behind Paul’s letters.

    As Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

  110. goFigure says:

    This is the part of the ‘man mountain’ article that really jumped out at me:

    Only the best, alpha, male candidates get to procreate and that’s just the way Mother Nature likes it. Look, I don’t make the rules; I just report the facts. By this logic, the Beta boys, the not-so-good male candidates, are being bred out of existence by a witheringly effective process known simply as female indifference.

    Well boys most of us are not wanted, why can’t we just get a clue and go away?

  111. Frank K says:

    Bottom line is that if a sufficient majority of Mexicans are fanatical followers of a moron like AMLO (and the guy is a moron, which is obvious if you’ve ever listened to him speak publicly for more than sixty seconds)

    It’s infuriating to listen to him babble during his morning press conferences, which are 2 hours long and can be watched on youtube. He doesn’t like being confronted by the press, especially when he lies. He recently saying that violence was coming under control and if I recall correctly, Jorge Ramos (Univision) called him out on that, with numbers in hand, to show that it was getting worse.. Curiously, Ramos has not been invited back to press conferences, AMLO refers to anyone who opposes him as being a “fifi”, a slam meant to convey that they are bourgeois, and hence the enemy of the people.

    He’s also big on virtue signalling. He refused to move into the Presidential mansion (Los Pinos) and put the Presidential plane (a 787 Dreamliner) up for sale, and initially flew commercial until his staff made a fuss that it was a security risk, so now they charter aircraft, He rounded up all the government armored limos and other government luxury cars and auctioned them off, while the hard left cheered.

    He made a big fuss about culling the ranks of well paid upper management in government and claims to have reduced their pay, smirking as he said the fat times were over for them. A journalist pointed out that it hasn’t really happened.

  112. Frank K says:

    My original point was that, to paraphrase the popular expression, Venezuela really now serves no other useful purpose than as a warning to the rest of the region.

    Once Mexico goes down that rabbit hole the warning will be right on our back door. And the Mexodus will be a massive torrent, probably bigger than ever.

    I remember the empty shelves in Mexico in the late 70’s to early 80’s. It wasn’t as bad as Venezuela as only “basics” were price controlled. So items like milk, sugar, cooking oil, bread, etc. would vanish from store shelves until the official price was raised. It created interesting scenarios. While fresh milk was price controlled, evaporated milk was not, So the refrigerator case would be empty but there was plenty of the much more expensive Carnation evaporated milk in cans.

    Fortunately for Mexico they snapped out of that mindset in the 90’s and scarcity became a thing of the past. But despite all the factories that have and continue to move there, wages remain very low for the masses and AMLO seized upon their frustration.

  113. Otto says:


    Isn’t that standard red-pill fare? That women see alpha men as potential mates, but beta-men are invisible to women?

  114. Novaseeker says:

    Well boys most of us are not wanted, why can’t we just get a clue and go away?

    Well except he isn’t saying that. He’s saying that this is what women are doing in the 20s, when there is a large excess of single men relative to single women (because women marry older, and younger men are relatively less attractive). The same article points out that this flips after 35, which is exactly what Rollo’s SMV chart pointed out years ago, such that the demographics favor men, and women coming out of divorces have a hard time because there are fewer single men than single women at these ages (again older men being with younger women, and older women being less attractive … a flip of what happens in the 20s). So he isn’t actually saying in the article that betas are permanently excluded, he is saying this is what happens in the 20s, and of course that’s what the manosphere observed years ago.

    I thought the most interesting part of the article were these two statements:

    The right places, the places where single men hide in large and disproportionate numbers, are rural and remote communities, the industrial suburbs of big cities (like Dandenong and Bankstown) and the twenty-something cohort more generally.

    Here he is talking about geographic areas and demographics that have a man surplus. You find too many educated metro women moving to small towns and rural areas to find men, but you are seeing more de facto cougaring among older metro women (older than, say, 40), because there are many more single men below 35 than there are over 40.

    And this:

    There is also the possibility that modern society is evolving new forms of relationships, and ­especially for the post-youth age groups. Some women and men might prefer to live singly or to have a series of noncommittal relationships at different stages in life.

    This is already happening, it seems to me, and will likely be a strong trend in the years ahead. Men and women are increasingly “choosing” (sometimes intentionally, sometimes because they don’t like what’s on offer/what they can realistically get in the SMP/MMP) to be alone, perhaps dabbling in non-committal relationships now and then when the itch strikes them. This is a growing group, and it includes a lot of divorced people (rates of remarriage after divorce have crashed in recent years). I expect this will be a new feature of metro life in the decades to come.

  115. innocentbystanderboston says:


    Just what are you trying to prove? You’re just giving more ammunition to MGTOW.

    MGTOW has ALL the ammunition they ever needed. They have had it for quite some time. Nothing I say or write will have any impact on that. It discourages me that MGTOW is the right path for more and more men, but I can’t lie to those men and tell them that they shouldn’t “opt out.” I have far too much respect for them.

  116. Gunner Q says:

    Daniel @ May 8, 2019 at 4:27 pm:
    “OT but I’d be incredibly curious, Dalrock, for your take on (Dem candidate) Andrew Yang’s book “The War on Normal People”, particularly chapters 12, 13 and 14, which touch on topics directly relevant to your site. Only if you have time and it sparks a post idea for you, of course!”

    On cursory review, the book is mainly an argument for totalitarian gov’t to rein in totalitarian megacorps. This is problematic because the two now have the exact same leaders. I don’t doubt that Yang has some valid points but reviews can’t hide his victicrat mentality, for example calling for UBI.

    Get me a copy of the book and I’ll do a full review on my blog.

  117. Frank K says:

    I just read some of the comments for Yang’s book. I think that he’s right that as time rolls on that more and more people will become unemployable as automation will displace them. I don’t see how giving every adult $1000 a month will solve that problem, plus I think his proposal that a VAT would pay for it is risible.

  118. Anon says:

    More proof that AI does not confirm to ‘politically correct’ social demands :

    Add that to the fact that Amazon stopped using AI when, expecting their recruitment AI to pull forth tons of female candidates, found that all the candidates deemed best were male.

    One cannot program AI to bow to the FI and other modern lefty/cuckservative fictions, for that AI will either a) fail swiftly and l or b) stop being used outright, leading to the company falling behind relative to others that use AI and aren’t in the public eye (i.e. smaller firms).

    The need to be PC might be a major rebalancer between big firms and small, through AI.

  119. Anon says:

    More and more manginas are screeching about how AI is making it harder to propagate the various fictions that ‘feminism’ depends on (only manginas could criticize this in detail, an XX female would not know how) :

    The comment above has links to three articles on the subject.

  120. Novaseeker says:

    I don’t see how giving every adult $1000 a month will solve that problem, plus I think his proposal that a VAT would pay for it is risible.

    It doesn’t solve the problem, it just creates a salve for the tech industry to say “see, we’re doing something!!!” as they plan to roll out technologies that will rob millions of their livelihoods. Anyone who thinks that it’s anything other than that is quite naive.

  121. feeriker says:

    It doesn’t solve the problem, it just creates a salve for the tech industry to say “see, we’re doing something!!!” as they plan to roll out technologies that will rob millions of their livelihoods. Anyone who thinks that it’s anything other than that is quite naive.

    This problem should, logically, lead to widespread asking/discussion of the question “At what point does technological advancement become a detriment to society rather than a benefit?” Of course that only would only happen if the majority viewed technology’s purpose as being to serve humanity rather than the other way around. TPTB most assuredly to not see technological advancement in terms of its benefit to the majority.

  122. Anonymous Reader says:

    Someone should ask Senator Booker exactly what an “algorithm” is.

    Meanwhile in China…

  123. innocentbystanderboston says:

    Someone should ask Senator Booker exactly what an “algorithm” is.

    Meanwhile in China…

    Don’t ask him that. Ask him which K-Street lobbyist offices in DC give him the largest campaign contributions for him to support immigration expansion and to expand H1B and to offshore as many jobs to China/Asia as possible. He wont answer you but his face will surely go red.

    Meanwhile in main street USA (cue the technically ignorant unemployable and all the tumbleweeds)

  124. Anonymous Reader says:

    Don’t ask him that.

    But I want to, and now I want to ask Sen. Kamala Harris the same question.

    He wont answer you but his face will surely go red.

    Who is Senator Cory Booker? Eh?

  125. innocentbystanderboston says:

    Who is Senator Cory Booker? Eh?

    I saw what you did there.

  126. Frank K says:

    It doesn’t solve the problem, it just creates a salve for the tech industry to say “see, we’re doing something!!!” as they plan to roll out technologies that will rob millions of their livelihoods.

    Agreed. Many billionaires like to virtue signal their moral support of UBI, while remaining quiet about how it won’t even be the equivalent of minimum wage and won’t cover the barest of basic needs. They are especially silent about how it will be financed (A VAT … right). Hint: Anyone who is still fortunate enough to have a middle class job will be told to bend over and grab their ankles.

    Having over half the country trying to survive off a mere $1000 a month conjures images of BladeRunner like dystopias. Perhaps the real intent is to get the birth rate of the unwashed masses down to zero.

  127. innocentbystanderboston says:

    Shout out to Opus….

    So what do you think of the name Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor? Said that was a name inspired by diversity and feminism. Well isn’t that special?

  128. Frank K says:

    Someone should ask Senator Booker exactly what an “algorithm” is.

    Maybe while he’s at it he can legislate Turing’s Halting Problem away.

  129. Frank K says:

    So what do you think of the name Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor? Said that was a name inspired by diversity and feminism. Well isn’t that special?

    They can name the little prince Butterfly Dildoson for all I care.

  130. Ranger says:

    IBB, so you ask the fathers if they have seen the behaviour that they ascribe to the ex-husbands, correct?

    Because if they believe their daughters, and later ascribe those behaviours to the daughters’ husbands talking about them to you, unless they specifically tell you that they have seen those behaviours, they are not lying to you and could be honestly (or not so honestly) mistaken.

    I.e “He is abusive” is a possible substitute for “(my daughter tells me) he is abusive”.

  131. Ranger says:

    Women WILL lie to their family about their ex-husbands (to be more precise, they will convince themselves that their lies must be true, because of their emotional states).
    Fathers, unless they are red-pilled, will believe their daughters.

  132. Anonymous Reader says:

    Frank K
    Maybe while he’s at it he can legislate Turing’s Halting Problem away.

    That’s pretty abstract. Perhaps he and Senator Harris can work up to that by first repealing the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. Just think of how well the Green New Deal would work afterwards!

  133. BillyS says:


    What the father thinks he sees is going to be VERY colored by what the daughter has claimed, especially over time. Thus it is not reliable at all. The same would be true of what you are sure you personally see. The same activity can be colored based on our mindsets.

  134. mgtowhorseman says:

    THE only thing that keeps civilization running is this.

    When the ALs of the world, who will never know real shiny success, stop doing their part for a little thank you and begrudging affection. That is when the work no longer gets done.
    For every shiny CEO in the suit and watch there are a hundred or more ALs doing the work.

    John Galt would stop the engine of the world.
    But the AL Bundy’s sold the shoes, swept the snow and picked up the trash.

    Society is running out of ALs.

  135. mgtowhorseman says:

    When the ALs stop seeing themselves as winners, when they believe what society tells them and give up….then…..things will collapse not from violence but from neglect.

  136. Ranger,

    I.e “He is abusive” is a possible substitute for “(my daughter tells me) he is abusive”.

    So far, that hasn’t happened to me.

    I would never let it go like that. If dad told me he was helping the daughter with her divorce because his son-in-law is “abusive” I would say, I don’t understand. I’d play completely dumb to illicit a further response. Assume that happens a second time (dad mundanely repeats the word “abuse”), then I would say something like “So you’ve seen this guy hit your daughter?” If he replied no but something more like “emotional abuse” then I’d probably just walk away from him with nothing more to say. He would know that I did not agree with him helping his daughter and that would be that, we would shun each other from here on out.

    But so far, that has not happened. It has always been some combination of the above excuses.

    I am dealing with different kinds of men in my career. I work as a software consultant. In that, I am routinely sent to different clients to help them build solutions to fix problems. In doing that, I find that my role is quite personal. After a few months of working there (even as a temp) the employees volunteer some pretty horrible horror stories about their family life. Just my last account, I worked with a grandfather who can’t retire because he needs his full earning power to support his 3 grandchildren because his daughter and son-in-law are both heroin addicts. I mean come on guys, I have nothing to say to this poor bastard. He wants to wind down his career (as do I) but he can’t because he raised a bitch and she married an asshole and they gave him 3 more mouths to feed. That is just horrible.

    So yeah, I listen to a lot of stories about divorce. I just happen to live in a state with an abundance of divorce, so I am increasingly numb to it. But I wouldn’t let it go if I heard “abuse” was the excuse. That wouldn’t fly with me.

  137. Gunner Q says:

    Frank K @ 12:24 pm:
    “I just read some of the comments for Yang’s book. I think that he’s right that as time rolls on that more and more people will become unemployable as automation will displace them. I don’t see how giving every adult $1000 a month will solve that problem, plus I think his proposal that a VAT would pay for it is risible.”

    Pundits can’t see the future. They see automation replacing workers but not 1. why automation is replacing workers and 2. what the workers will do next. Thus, they’d rather offer last year’s failed ideas then admit the future is not theirs to craft.

    If Yang cannot admit that gov’t leaders like himself are the problem, and his plan of offering weregild until he thinks of something that will give the little people meaningful lives is the bastard child of atheism and Keynesian economics, then I’m not paying money to read his book. The taxman will be wanting that money soon enough.

  138. American says:

    Passed on Captain Marvelpuss. Instead, I’m going to see John Wick 3 (even though it has a dog woman in it). And I read that mentally unstable bradley manning was just released from prison. He’d still be in prison for what he did if Obarfa didn’t hate America so much.

  139. BillyS says:

    So far, that hasn’t happened to me.

    Fathers never lie about things like that of course. And they never mistake what they think they are seeing, right?

    Though perhaps it is all the heroin addicts their daughters are marrying. It reminds me of one daughter I have not spoken with in years. She is with another bad boy according to my son. She can’t see her own choices are stupid. I will not support her in any way, but I have not been asked to do so either.

    My own sister made really stupid choices in life and kept choosing idiots. She didn’t want the good guys and was far too ruined later in life for any of those to be safe. (An OD finished her off.)

    You can’t fix stupid, but you can stop making it sound like stupid is unavoidable or the norm because other men won’t step up.

  140. American says:

    @GunnerQ: ying-yang, ching-chang, whatever; he’s a Chinese socialist hiding behind a capitalist brand. Though he sees the problem with oligarchy and future automation severely destabilizing our domestic labor market, his solution is socialist garbage compared to our towering President Trump’s own published but not yet implemented solution for both of these problems. I believe President Trump will begin addressing both of these issues in his second term.

  141. Billy,

    Fathers never lie about things like that of course. And they never mistake what they think they are seeing, right?

    Of course they lie. And of course they make mistakes. But I think you and I have been around the block enough to know when someone is bullshitting us.

    I am sorry about your relationship with your daughter. That must be awful for you.

  142. dragnet says:

    The article is exhibit A on how conservatives have failed to actually conserve anything at all. Their unbroken record of loserdom and surrender is why the alt-right exists.

  143. Luke says:

    Even better than that…

    innocentbystanderboston says:
    May 9, 2019 at 2:50 pm
    Someone should ask Senator Booker exactly what an “algorithm” is.

    Meanwhile in China…

    “Don’t ask him that. Ask him which K-Street lobbyist offices in DC give him the largest campaign contributions for him to support immigration expansion and to expand H1B and to offshore as many jobs to China/Asia as possible. He wont answer you but his face will surely go red.’

    This IMO would make 99.99% of politicians run through the nearest wall to avoid answering it, were they asked this on live television. (And, I believe it would be very useful to ask as many of them as possible.)

    “Senator/Vice-President/Governor AlwaysOnTheTake, everyone knows that the percentage of Americans that are white is declining every year. Federal Government Census Bureau data proves this beyond a doubt. Do you A) support stopping this decline before the percentage of Americans that are white reaches zero, and if so, B) at what percentage, and C) by taking what measures?”

  144. Pingback: Nostalgia Is Not a Policy Agenda : The Other McCain

  145. rocko says:

    “number of threads (e.g. Woodpile Report, Heartiste) where columns say, “Just one more offense, just one more! One more”

    Funny you mention Heartiste. He has been banned by WordPress. Mind you, I wasn’t a big fan of his site, and especially most of his commenters (particularly that Trav77 fella who claimed to be player) but you can tell he made an impact.

  146. Thomas A. N. Anderson says:

    @Burner Prime
    Reagarding your comment here:

    “And you will not start a movement that promotes piety and family and patriarchy through religion”

    You are wrong about this. The only thing that CAN counter a virulent religion like Cultural Marxism is ANOTHER religion that is even more virulent that it.

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