Word has it there is a tip jar.

I just noticed that I missed a response yesterday by The Other McCain to my post Insta-Whores: Is money the real problem?

Other men, perhaps much better men than me, have fared far worse in their marriages, and as I am basically Calvinist in my theology, I must interpret the blessing bestowed on me as evidence of unmerited grace — not what I have deserved, but what it has pleased God to grant me, making manifest His mercy.

Readers may ponder this mystery, while I call attention to a reaction to Tuesday’s blog post, “Insta-Whores,” in which I talked about how social media is enabling prostitution. This prompted some commentary from “red-pill” blogger Dalrock:

[excerpt from my post]

You can read the whole thing, and Dalrock’s point is correct. Most Americans do expect their daughters to delay marriage and, consequentially, they at least tacitly endorse pre-marital sex (fornication). Even many self-professed Christians have adopted this attitude, deeming college education and a professional career (the usual reasons for postponing marriage) more valuable than virtue.

Having contemplated this problem, I have no one-size-fits-all solution to offer, except to say that we need to change our expectations, and warn our children against this amoral and materialistic view.

Sin happens — we cannot change human nature — but: “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil.”

I share McCain’s sentiment of having been blessed far more than I deserve, and I don’t have a one size fits all solution to offer either.  Still, speaking the truth is an essential first step, and I’m very pleased to see McCain take this up.

According to the post he is on his way to Florida to cover the 21 Convention.  It will be interesting to see his take on it.  If you’d like to contribute to his travel expenses you can do so here.

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64 Responses to Word has it there is a tip jar.

  1. American says:

    Looking at the 21 Patriarch website now. Never knew about this. Do they address British Columbia’s fathers being prevented by court order to call their minor daughters “girls” or be sent to jail and eventually prison after being jailed repeatedly if the father keeps using the “g” word (e.g. “girl”) for his daughter?

    Article: https://clashdaily.com/2019/05/orwellian-father-could-now-be-jailed-if-he-calls-his-daughter-a-girl/

  2. Anonymous Reader says:

    If I recall correctly, Rollo Tomassi offered free entrance to the 21 convention to the Baylys. They turned down the offer. This would make RS McCain more open to learning than Tim Bayly and his son.

    I have never attended the convention, but last year featured a wide range of speakers.

  3. Spike says:

    It isn’t just daughters that can get damaged by the current marriage delay consensus. They are merely driving it.
    Our sons get damaged too. Many get involved with young women and get caught up in their dramas. Should she have an “Oops” moment, which is far more common when it’s in their favor, then his life is subordinate to her and the incoming child.
    As a young man touring outback Australia I found this a common enough occurrence.
    Christian fathers are the ones attempting to fight the consensus. But the ones who do are often hamstrung by their churches who at best don’t want to get involved, at worst
    hinder the fathers attempts, and their wives, who seem to want to live bizarre sexual adventures vicariously through their daughters. This is because these same wives have never tamed their hypergamy.

  4. Wagner Tench says:

    As usual, a good post.

    I have talked repeatedly with my orthodox coworker about the absurdity of many other modern Christians expectation that the average man or woman to “just keep it in their pants” from their desires appear in their early teens up until their (very) late, twenties or early thirties. That’s twenty-ish years of abstinence in their physically most fertile and sexual time of their lives, and many older Christians expect not just a few, but the majority of young Christians to follow this.

    So in this regard, there are two camps of modern Christians: those who expect and accept fornication because their sons and daughters won’t marry early, and some who staunchly believe that not only the elite Christians, but that the AVERAGE American Christian should deny one of the strongest human urges for longer than it has ever been expected to be denied in history. The reward is typically not worth the cost for the vast majority of men, and even women very often end up unhappy when married to the average Christian bluepilled beta. It would be great if you wrote about thisp; I would love to see your thoughts.

    ALSO! Check out this article. Christian women reporting there are no good men to marry: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.lifesitenews.com/mobile/opinion/christian-women-cant-find-good-men-to-marry-there-just-arent-any

  5. Wagner Tench says:

    P.S., sorry about all the typos. I’m writing from my smartphone.

  6. Wagner Tench says:

    Additionally, I read this comment on that article which, in my opinion, very nicely encapsulated yet another concern facing Christian men and women seeking marriage in the current social environment:

    “The majority of “normal” young people are not virgins before marriage, and the few who are will be disproportionately, although not exclusively, those with sexual problems. It could be young men with same sex attraction, women lacking sex drive, and so forth.

    So the good young woman has to ask herself if a prospective “good Christian” mate is hiding something, and the equivalent man should wonder whether the prospective virginal wife is so out of principle, or because she has a problem that will prevent her from being a wife in full.”

  7. JRob says:

    From Wagner Tench’s linked article, written, of course, by a woman.
    Yet one important side-effect of all this that gets little attention is how tough this new environment has become for women, especially Christian women, to find good husbands. The situation is so dire there is now an emerging trend of women abandoning their faith and religious beliefs for the sake of romantic relationships

    Nothing to see here folks. The usual.

  8. JRob says:

    Oops, forgot:

    Yet for someone like me – a 32-year-old single Catholic – the situation looks bleak indeed.

    Ok, maybe there is something to see here, for entertainment value or dead horse beating purposes.

  9. tteclod says:

    The following makes perfect sense if you imagine Jesus smirking as he says the last bit to his disciples after they say, “It’s better not to marry.”

    When Jesus had finished saying these things, he left Galilee and went into the region of Judea to the other side of the Jordan. Large crowds followed him, and he healed them there. Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?” “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” “Why then,” they asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?” Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning. I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.” The disciples said to him, “If this is the situation between a husband and wife, it is better not to marry.” Jesus replied, “Not everyone can accept this word, but only those to whom it has been given. For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others—and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.”

  10. Joe2 says:

    So the good young woman has to ask herself if a prospective “good Christian” mate is hiding something, and the equivalent man should wonder whether the prospective virginal wife is so out of principle, or because she has a problem that will prevent her from being a wife in full.”

    Right. We shouldn’t assume a prospective virginal wife who says it is so out of principle is telling the whole truth. In reality, it may be a partial truth and a cover for some other problem.

  11. BillyS says:

    I don’t see the smirk there tteclod. Why say that all cannot accept that if it is just sarcasm?

  12. Paul says:

    From that same link: Women have traditionally been the bastion of moral integrity in Church history.

    No further comment needed.

  13. BillyS says:

    Too many confuse emotionalism, which women are better at, with spirituality Paul. Unfortunately.

  14. Isaac says:

    I stayed a virgin until my marriage at 28, entirely out of principle as a serious Christian in ministry. I was willing (and trying) to marry from about age 20, but my experiences were…eye-opening. “Good” Christian girls (and I thought I was picking from the very best) did not understand why I wouldn’t go right into holding hands, declaring my love, letting them put their heads on my lap, kissing, etc. They seem to think that there is nothing wrong with these things as long as it progresses in a “cute” way.

    I started getting into the habit of explaining my principles (“I promised God I don’t want to kiss anyone but my wife because I don’t want to be like my father” is the short version,) as if this even really needed a special explanation, and I can’t really say that they really “got it.” I think they were offended that I didn’t just immediately “know” that they were “the one.” In fact, most seemed to get tired of me and ended the relationship soon after, even when they were the ones who pursued the relationship to begin with.

    The turning point was when a girl I became closest to (we had basically agreed to marry, but not officially,) made several obvious attempts to lure me into a passionate night alone, and when that didn’t work, she just started dating and then quickly married a divorced man 20 years her senior without saying a word to me. I met my wife 3 years later, who was 20, also a virgin, and had already finished college early, and we’re 10 years in and very happy. So I consider all of those past experiences bullets dodged.

    I don’t think men should avoid marriage, but young men should know that if they’re looking for a godly woman in 2019 America, they’re basically going on an Indiana Jones-style quest for a nigh-magical rare artifact. It takes serious effort, could take years to find, and there are booby traps everywhere. (Granted, all of my experiences were in California, so the degree of difficulty was probably even higher.)

  15. BillyS says:

    I still hate death JRob, but I wonder if she brought this on herself. Could AIDS have been involved too?

  16. Lee says:

    Dang, I was in the middle of writing a series of scathing posts against Held Evans. Back to the drawing board.
    The marriage delay is very predictable from the perspective of liberalism
    Liberalism wants to liberate the individual from what is predetermined.The goal of progressives is to keep progressing towards a liberal utopia.
    The liberal goal is to be autonomous over what is predetermined. Autonomy forms the highest moral good in a liberal society. Sex, gender, child-bearing/child raising, family, religion, culture, ethnicity and borders are predetermined aspects of life that need to be self regulated and self-determined from the perspective of consciousness.
    If we need to be liberated from what inherently gives us meaning in life then what gives meaningful will hinge on what can be self authored and self determined.
    Thus the highest good in a liberal society is career and consumer gratification like entertainment, travel, gadgets etc,

  17. Lee says:

    I would not desire Rachel Held Evans position right now for the simple fact she switched the snake in the garden with Jesus Christ as the one who offers women autonomy and freedom.

  18. MKT says:

    Not to take the spotlight off RHE (RIP, despite her awful theology), but has anyone seen this 14-year old YouTube sensation “Soph”? Dubbed by some the darling of the alt-right, her language is NSFW. But man does she right through the public school/Hollywood/MSM influences that try to brainwash her:

  19. info says:

    Winnie the Pooh actor gets accused by his wife for groping and raping her:


  20. Novaseeker says:

    If we need to be liberated from what inherently gives us meaning in life then what gives meaningful will hinge on what can be self authored and self determined.

    That’s correct, but I think that the seductiveness of the message needs to be properly understood in order to understand its strength.

    Progressives are saying basically this: why settle for McDonald’s (where you have to choose from a limited number of pre-set, given-to-you options) when you can have a totally self-curated, personally customized burger in which every aspect is tailed to you by you without outside interference or social disapproval for your choices? Almost everyone who is not previously committed to the limited options model for religious reasons will be persuaded to some degree by the nakedly consumerist appeal of what progressivism is selling. What the progressives have done is marry a socially revolutionary aganda with a fundamentally consumerist mindset (and conservatives have mostly helped create the consumerist mindset that progressivism is cynically exploiting for its own ends). It’s a winning combination, really, from the perspective of social change.

  21. Opus says:

    My feed this morning informed me of the untimely death of Mrs Evans and so I found out what I could. I went straight to the Amazon 1 star reviews of A year of Living Biblically wherein she is described as a heretic. It must be very difficult now in America to live as if one were living two and a half thousand years ago in Palestine though it struck me as more of a stunt than an attempt at Christian living and thus I gained the impression that she picked and mixed and was Christian-lite. At any event she said that she was no longer evangelical because she found the Evangelicals in the Episcopalian Church far too right-wing so although she was Pro-life she was also a supporter of Mrs Clinton. I thought she was giving off mixed messages. Very sad however for her husband and children.

  22. Novaseeker says:

    I won’t rejoice in anyone’s death — it’s always a sad thing, especially for the directly impacted family (husband, children in this case).

    Opus, RHE was the poster-child of “evangelical progressivism” — she was basically trying to move American Evangelical Christianity away from traditional views on morality, especially feminism, gender roles, homosexuality and so on. Although she developed a small following, she largely failed in her effort, which is why she joined the Episcopalians, who are very progressive/left .. likely the most far left/progressive of the entirety of what we call “mainline Protestantism” here (by which we mean “organized Protestantism” … this is Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians and Episcopalians). To my mind, becoming Episcopal was a very honest thing for her to do, since that is really where she belonged given her beliefs, rather than in Evangelicalism. But she did a lot of damage along the way to many people with her writings, which is very unfortunate. But as I say, there’s no rejoicing in someone’s death.

  23. Otto says:

    @JRob, a few quotes for the article you linked titled: “Christian women can’t find good men to marry: ‘There just aren’t any’”

    The situation is so dire there is now an emerging trend of women abandoning their faith and religious beliefs for the sake of romantic relationships.

    … there is a frightening scarcity of men aged 25-35 who are church-going, single and worldly-wise.

    Women have traditionally been the bastion of moral integrity in Church history. It has been said that if you want to judge the moral compass of a society, look to its women.

    There has always been a social stigma around women who reach their 30s unmarried…I myself felt the panic creeping up on me when I neared my 30th birthday…

    We should be doing all we can to help steer men in the right direction and find truth and meaning in their lives.

    Women delay marriage. When they do start thinking of marriage as they approach 30, they want a Christian man who is also “worldly” (in other words: a bad-boy). Marrying a bad-boy is so important, they marry outside the faith.

    The solution is for men to change. And, since women are the church’s “bastions of moral integrity”, they are the ones that should lead men (steer in the right direction).

    Every Dalrock stereotype of what is wrong with the Church, women, and marriage is there in the story.

  24. JRob says:

    Wagner Tench (good find sir) posted the linked article, and I concur. That is Exhibit A, a talking points outlined proof of everything discussed here since inception.

    Catholic FotF?

    I beat a dead horse many times with similar links. They’re important to help seekers/lurkers connect the dots, as was my case.

  25. JRob says:

    . They’re important **IMO**. To clarify.

  26. Otto says:

    Bad formatting, let’s try again using regular quotes…

    @JRob, a few quotes for the article you linked titled: “Christian women can’t find good men to marry: ‘There just aren’t any’”

    “The situation is so dire there is now an emerging trend of women abandoning their faith and religious beliefs for the sake of romantic relationships. …there is a frightening scarcity of men aged 25-35 who are church-going, single and worldly-wise… Women have traditionally been the bastion of moral integrity in Church history. It has been said that if you want to judge the moral compass of a society, look to its women… There has always been a social stigma around women who reach their 30s unmarried…I myself felt the panic creeping up on me when I neared my 30th birthday… We should be doing all we can to help steer men in the right direction and find truth and meaning in their lives.”

    Every Dalrock stereotype of what is wrong with the Church, women, and marriage is there in the story.

    Women delay marriage. When they do start thinking of marriage as they approach 30, they want a Christian man who is also “worldly” (in other words: a bad-boy). Marrying a bad-boy is so important, they marry outside the faith.

    The solution is for men to change. And, since women are the church’s “bastions of moral integrity”, they are the ones that should lead men (steer in the right direction).

  27. Emperor Constantine says:

    @Isaac said:

    “I think they were offended that I didn’t just immediately “know” that they were “the one.” In fact, most seemed to get tired of me and ended the relationship soon after, even when they were the ones who pursued the relationship to begin with.

    I don’t think men should avoid marriage, but young men should know that if they’re looking for a godly woman in 2019 America, they’re basically going on an Indiana Jones-style quest for a nigh-magical rare artifact. It takes serious effort, could take years to find, and there are booby traps everywhere. (Granted, all of my experiences were in California, so the degree of difficulty was probably even higher.).”

    This is an insightful comment but I cannot agree with your conclusion: “I don’t think men should avoid marriage.”

    If marriage means legal marriage (not a private religious marriage) then all of Dalrock’s warnings
    about reframing marriage around the wife’s feelz and the divorce threat point means that the minute you have some problems, you weren’t “the one”, and the power struggle begins.

    Being married legally to promiscuous (and note that serial monogamy is still promiscuity) young women steeped in a courtly love mindset (which to your point, is nearly all of them) is a recipe for disaster. This is the point that Bayly, Piper, and to a lesser extent Michael Foster keep missing.

    Do not legally marry is the soundest advice I can give all young men.

  28. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Trans actors suffer casting discrimination: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/03/arts/television/transgender-actors-tv-casting.html

    While television has made great strides in L.G.B.T.Q. inclusion with shows such as “Orange Is the New Black” and “Pose,” when trans actors are called in to read for a project, they still find they are only considered for parts specifically written for transgender people.

    “Trans women” actors want to be cast in female roles. “Trans men” actors want male roles. They lament that they’re mostly only considered to play trans people. They want to freedom to play all kinds of roles.

    Taking this fluid approach to casting serves to challenge the ways in which certain groups of people are viewed as the default on screen.

    When a character’s gender identity isn’t mentioned in a script, it’s often assumed the part is cisgender, a term used to describe individuals who identify with the gender they were assigned at birth.

    Trans actors say they want the ability to be seen as all kinds of people, even characters whose background isn’t part of the story.

    While casting cis actors in trans roles — Jared Leto in “Dallas Buyers Club,” for one — may suggest their identities are just a costume, allowing trans people to play everything from a helicopter pilot to Barista No. 2 sends a powerful message. It says that they are part of the everyday fabric of society, just like everyone else.

  29. Opus says:

    I am indebted to Novaseeker for the explication.

    One of the things that continues to amaze me about the United States is how people such as the late RHE who if I correctly recall had nothing more than a degree in EngLit could hold forth and be taken seriously on the subject of the Almighty and his requirements. That is surely a consequence of the Protestant mindset – that any one who can read can understand the Bible – which is or really ought to be true – at least most of the time, but also because in America it is not or does not appear improper even, if not especially for women, to be ‘in your face’. This is I think the greatest difference between our two countries. Matters of theology are left in Great Britain to The Archbishops who by reason of their position, and because we are a theocracy, sit in our second chamber – the equivalent I suppose of your Senate and rarely say much anyway. Perhaps as a result of that the last thing you will hear in England is: ‘I am a Christian’ (or for that matter ‘I am Atheist’) because it would be to state the bleeding obvious although one may say if asked ‘I am not a particularly religious person’ which covers just about everything without saying anything. We don’t want to know your enthusiasms and find your uttering that fact embarrassing as we fear we will be in for an impromptu sermon and just as much as we do not want to hear anyones political views. We don’t parade our national flag on just about every occasion as if anyone might doubt our loyalty because again we find it embarrassing (even though all true Britons as opposed to those with split loyalties voted to Brexit and are all equally in favour of Megexit too) nor do we sing or even listen to our national anthem on any occasion without evident embarrassment. Worst of all, and unfortunately it is becoming fashionable even over here, we do not want to hear that you have ‘come out’. We don’t think you are brave and courageous and not because we are raving homophobes who wish to push you off tall buildings but because we find expressions of sexual enthusiasm to be excruciatingly embarrassing. Frankly if you have come out you are almost certainly demonstrating that you are too old for sex – sexual behaviour being in any event best left to the young. Please do not produce in our minds eye the mental image of yourself grappling with someone just as old as you. What you do behind your front door and please don’t take it out into your garden at the rear as the fence is not that high (we don’t have gardens at the front) is your concern and we don’t want to know and never did. Finally as it seems to be on the same subject no one over here is hyphenated. I mean we do not preface assertion of our nationality by the name of some other entirely different country. I cannot recall I have ever heard an American say and plainly ‘I am American’. Everyone over here no matter their or their parents origin will say ‘I am British’ and this is true because everyone who was Empire is and always was British and the sun never sets on the Empire. Of course, that doesn’t make them English but that is a different matter.

    Are we religious. ‘No we’re CofE (aren’t we)’ people say as they look around uncertainly for confirmation of the fact.

  30. OKRickety says:

    Otto said: “Bad formatting, let’s try again using regular quotes…”

    Which is why I recommend using http://htmledit.squarefree.com/ to check the formatting of my comments, then copy and paste to a WordPress blog such as here.

  31. Joe2 says:

    Why settle for McDonald’s (where you have to choose from a limited number of pre-set, given-to-you options) when you can have a totally self-curated, personally customized burger in which every aspect is tailed to you by you without outside interference or social disapproval for your choices?

    That’s why I go to Burger King – let’s see I’ll have a cheeseburger, no ketchup and add onions, please, pickles and mustard are O.K. And a coffee, since its only 50 cents for any size, I’ll get a small this time. Next time it could be a medium or large. Add cream? No thanks, I’ll have half and half or milk. Sugar or sweetener? There are two choices for sweetener, yellow or blue package. Dine in or take out? Dine in, please.

    A perfectly customized burger! Thank you Burger King.

  32. Splashman says:

    RHE dead? I’m not going to celebrate, but I will point out (in an extremely respectful and sensitive way) that the world is a better place with her in the ground.

  33. Oscar says:

    @ Opus

    Perhaps as a result of that the last thing you will hear in England is: ‘I am a Christian’

    Instead, you’ll increasingly hear “I am a Muslim”. Remember; “there is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is His prophet.”

  34. Expat Philo says:


    There most definitely are those who identify as simply “American”, but they are not the ones in the public sphere for a variety of reasons.

    On the topic of courtly love, I have been coming across references to the Laws of Love that Dalrock has so thoroughly detailed in Islamic Poetry of all places. At about the start of the reconquista of Iberia and whichever crusade had ended, a fair number of returning soldiers brought with them the works of the Muslim scholars which heavily focused on what is to us chivalry. I’ll see if I can find some definitive examples, beyond the writings of a few historians, and post them eventually.

  35. JRob says:

    Hyphenation. We all know what it means when a woman hyphenates her last name. This equates with “dash-American.” Dash= I or my tribe is higher status, I’ll take what I can get on my way out.

  36. BillyS says:


    Move Over Happy Meals: Burger King Now Offers ‘Pissed Meals’

    Great place to go!

  37. BillyS says:

    Or she wants to prove her femaleness by including her dad’s name!

  38. Dal, I and the other members of The Red Man Group spoke very highly of you on the live cast this morning

  39. feeriker says:

    @ Rollo:

    Do you plan on providing a summary of the 21 Convention’s keynotes? I’m sure there are lots of us here who are eager to find out what went down.

  40. Nick Mgtow says:

    A few days ago, we were talking about the excess of Girl Power in Game of Thrones.

    This week, a female police officer is brought BACK to reality. In the 8 minutes podcast, you can hear the host outraged that a woman was treated that way by a bloke, forgoing her responsibility to put herself in that position in the first place!


  41. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    In last week’s Game of Thrones episode, grown men were giving up the fight, whereupon a LITTLE GIRL Lyanna (age 10, or thereabouts), charges a GIANT ZOMBIE, and kills him. Even as she’s in his death grip, she has enough kick-ass spunk, and presence of mind, to use her dying breathe to slay the giant.

  42. feeriker says:

    ;I:In last week’s Game of Thrones episode, grown men were giving up the fight, whereupon a LITTLE GIRL Lyanna (age 10, or thereabouts), charges a GIANT ZOMBIE, and kills him. Even as she’s in his death grip, she has enough kick-ass spunk, and presence of mind, to use her dying breathe to slay the giant.;-I:

    Things are gonna get REALLY “interesting” when little girls in huge numbers start believing that the real world is like Hollyweird portrays it and start trying to kick grown men´s asses. I know some who are regulars here are screaming “moar, Moar, MOAR!” at that thought.

  43. Nick Mgtow says:

    RPL, not only that, but, in episode 2, the men were afraid to fight, trying to avoid the fight, while the cute, little girls were brave, and wanted to be soldiers like the men. One even said that she had two brothers who were soldiers, and she wanted to be like them.

    The misandry, self loathing, mediocrity of that show is astounding!

  44. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Lyanna even had her very own little suit of armor. It was so cute and adorable.

    Who knew that little girls could run so fast, and fight with such agility, when weighed down with heavy iron plating? While simultaneously carrying a heavy spear, taller than herself.

  45. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Did anyone see the 1 star review on Amazon for the new Lost in Space? It’s like one of us wrote it: https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Space-Season-1-Blu-ray/dp/B07Q5FXMDR/

    Leave it to Netflix to turn a lighthearted 54-year-old kiddie show into an oppressively-feminist melodrama. Men are bumbling, insensitive oafs who earn little or no respect in this series; that’s particularly true of the father, John Robinson, who is played as a second-class nobody under the thumb of his smug and domineering wife, Maureen Robinson.

    Don West (the versatile pilot, scientist, and engineer of the original series) has been reduced to nothing more than a self-aggrandizing, materialistic smuggler…a foolish role that accessorizes West with a pet chicken. The Robinson children (Judy, Penny and Will) are now insufferable wiz-kids who regularly disregard their parents’ judgment and disobey them with abandon. Dr. Smith is not REALLY Dr. Smith, but is a humorless female sociopath (bordering on psychopath) whose deceptions and dark schemes threaten the survival of everyone. …

    Virtually every principal character is rewritten for the worse, the mood is over-serious, and the cast now includes DOZENS of castaways (mostly alpha-females and vacillating beta-males).

    But, overall, this is a woman-driven series full of snarky, pretentious, eye-rolling, “empowered” females… In that sense, it’s even more of a fantasy than the original 1960s series. …

    In summation, this is just another generic, amateurish, politically-correct space fantasy with “Lost In Space” branding. In name only.

  46. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Game of Thrones began life as a very patriarchal, realpolitik, Machiavellian series. Over the seasons it degenerated into ever more PC, gay-friendly, feminized fantasy.

    Penny Dreadful started as imaginative gothic horror. It too became ever more PC, gay-friendly, and feminist. By the third season, its horror was completely subverted by the presence of kick-ass heroines who, we knew, could come to no harm. They was just too badass for Dracula or the Devil.

  47. American says:

    What’s even funnier than men starting to physically defend themselves against delusional females when they attempt to assault them is that trannys are starting to kick female ass too while society looks at it as a fight between two females, even legally.

    Two-thirds of females voted to usher this all in so let them lose their awards, their college scholarships, their grants, their medals and trophies to trannys in addition to all the rest of it. Elections have consequences and this is the consequence they spent years checking that Democrat ballot for. I’ll never support a fictional “third sex.” Reaping and sowing. Want a different harvest “ladies”, plant a different crop.

  48. Spike says:

    Off topic – apologies, but I think this article from an Australian newspaper is a gem:


    ‘Yeah he seemed fun, he didn’t seem like a psycho,’ she said.

    …of a guy with tattoos covering his face…..

  49. feeriker says:

    ‘Yeah he seemed fun, he didn’t seem like a psycho,’ she said.

    …of a guy with

    Heh, I guess this is a case of somebody getting more “alpha bad boy thug” than they bargained for.

    Odds are that she enjoyed every second of the “ordeal” and would relive it all in a heartbeat if given the chance.

  50. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    I married myself and it was truly empowering: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/married-truly-empowering/

    The idea to marry myself came to me in January last year, when I was at work one day. Three weeks before, on Christmas Eve, I had received a text message from my boyfriend of five and a half years: “I can’t do this any more, it’s over,” it said.

    I was a 42-year-old with two children and I had already been divorced twice. It was devastating and left me in a funk, unable to eat, sleep or smile.

    My ex used to say to me: “You can get married, darling, but it won’t be to me.” It suddenly struck me that he was right. I could get married – to myself. …

    Sounds like an Onion headline, but it’s for real.

  51. Frank K says:

    The misandry, self loathing, mediocrity of that show is astounding!

    It seems like everything in pop culture is turning into a steaming pile of manure. I’m waiting for DC to proudly announce the Superman and Batman are homosexual lovers.

  52. Frank K says:

    Did anyone see the 1 star review on Amazon for the new Lost in Space?

    Another loser of a show. Also, there is an interesting trend with shows made for streaming channels like Netflix: there are year long (or even longer) gaps between seasons.

    Also, the storytelling is abysmal. They think that by making the characters edgy, spewing expletives have the time makes up for the fact that there is almost no story being told.

  53. Thanks for the promo, Dal. During his time on stage, I heard Rollo mention you more than once. You do good work. Keep it up.

  54. 7817 says:

    Enjoyed your Spectator article today, RSMcCain.

  55. AnonS says:

    A real conversation on a dating site that I had. Maybe she is honest enough that she won’t complain about lack of good men later on.

    (27 year old girl in the Midwest, open to Nation Wide matches, paying a monthly subscription to a dating site. After spending time answering many of my questions.)

    Her: I’m a big proponent for honesty. Obviously, my principal desire is to follow God’s will for my life, but for now, my 5-10 year plan is to stay in this area close to my family, save up for a house/land, further my career, and start getting involved in foster care. First by volunteering and offering respite care to foster parents then eventually going through the training myself. I realize you live fairly far away, so if your own plans don’t really line up with that then I wouldn’t want to waste your time further.

    Me: Sounds like your plan doesn’t leave a lot of room for marriage and family.

    Her: It’s true that I live a very full life. I don’t believe in putting it on hold til I find someone with similar goals/beliefs that wants to settle down. As far as my career, if I ever married and started a family I’d most likely switch to part time or contract work. Given the mental nature of my work (and the fact I’m not a native speaker) if I don’t use it, I lose it. I’d want to keep my hand in. If you’re looking for someone with more conservative views (aka someone wanting to be a full time SAHM) I understand.

  56. Damn Crackers says:

    It’s funny. But I just watched a YouTube list documentary about the worst aspects of living in the Middle Ages. If you just listen to the first minute, you’ll hear that one of the worst things about the Middle Ages was that women didn’t know their future husbands and had them selected for them. Oh, the horror! It makes the Black Death look like a walk in the park.

  57. Frank K says:

    Her “5-10 year plan” does leave lots of room for cats.

  58. Lost Patrol says:

    It’s so easy to wax cynical with this stuff. I think I will yet again, because it’s fun to do so.

    I realize you live fairly far away, so if your own plans don’t really line up with that then I wouldn’t want to waste your time further.

    I see. So religious affiliation would be Complementarian. She is on a mission from God, and might welcome a servant leader to help her, and be her companion in this.

    It sounds like she wants to, and may very well do a lot of good. More power to her, but may no man be pulled into this upside down scheme where the operating framework is already set. It’s happened enough already. Time for men to steer clear of becoming a Christian lady’s wife.

  59. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Join the army. Model spiffy new uniforms: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/to-stand-out-the-army-picks-a-new-uniform-with-a-world-war-ii-look/ar-AAAWewJ

    Daniel A. Dailey, center, the sergeant major of the Army, stands with soldiers modeling prototypes of the new Army Greens service uniform at the Army-Navy football game in Philadelphia on Dec. 9, 2017.

    The female “soldier” in the photo must love life in the today’s army .

  60. Swanny River says:

    Super example what’s going. Send it to the complementarian pastors and let’s see how many of them try too hard to be even-handed. How many would say, “sheesh, she’s actually following our advice, no wonder it blows being a single guy.”

  61. Novaseeker says:

    Jessica Chastain is a useless bitch, isn’t she.

  62. Anonymous Reader says:

    Join the army. Model spiffy new uniforms

    A remarkable waste of resources. How many different camo patterns has the Green Machine gone through in the last 20 years all by itself? Now this…which clutch of females in the Pentagon thought it would be a good idea, I wonder?

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