
Krieger should reconsider, given the history here.  After Amelia Earhart rode in an airplane while two men flew it across the Atlantic in 1928, she celebrated her feminist achievement with a visit to the White House.

After her June 1928 transatlantic flight with Wilmer Stultz and Louis Gordon, in which she became the first woman to fly the Atlantic, Amelia Earhart was given a hero’s welcome wherever she went. Receptions in Southampton and London, England, were followed by a ticker-tape parade through New York City and a visit with President Calvin Coolidge at the White House.



This entry was posted in #SeeHer, Amelia Earhart, Donald Trump, Feminists, Instapundit, Men's Sphere Humor, The Guardian. Bookmark the permalink.

48 Responses to Heh

  1. Novaseeker says:

    Other than the media shoving the team in everyone’s face every chance it has gotten, I don’t think most people care much about the Lez Cup. I mean most Americans don’t care about soccer, anyway, even when it’s the actual World Cup, but the Lez Cup seems even less interesting here. I certainly didn’t pay any attention to it.

  2. Anonymous Reader says:

    Twitter is at least a double edged tool. Coulter uses it like a scalpel in this case, cutting right to the bone.

    Contrast that with the clumsy mean-girl approach of some churchgoing men and pastors; we all know who I’m referring to so I won’t link.

    Not All Girl Soccer Players Are Lesbians, you know…

  3. Gage says:

    Has a more unlikable group of ladymen ever assembled on one field before? Maybe the rest of the team is likable, but all you hear and see are the unsightly and unlikable dykes and that unfortunately clouds everyones opinion of the team. Certainly mine.

  4. Anonymous Reader says:

    Krieger should reconsider, given the history here. After Amelia Earhart rode in an airplane while two men flew it across the Atlantic in 1928, she celebrated her feminist achievement with a visit to the White House.

    Meh. The Woke don’t do history, except to use it as an example of UnWoke, or a club to rhetorically beat on UnWoke people with.

    Anything that happened before the Current Year is irrelevant except for the doubleplusungoodness of it.

  5. William of Orange County says:

    @Anonymous Reader

    “The Woke don’t do history…”

    Won’t…won’t do history. Doesn’t jive with the narrative. Shakespeare was wrong. For lots of folks, it’s not the future, but the past that is an “undiscovered country”.

  6. Jon Patch says:

    I agree with Coulter and have been vocal about it. Although myself proud American, I was hoping for ANY team to beat these awful females. Of course, I didn’t watch a single minute of the “action” because women’s soccer is almost as bad as women’s basketball. Any junior high boys team is more skilled and competitive.

  7. Frank K says:

    And not only are the U15 boys who consistently beat them in scrimmages good sports who do not rub the ladie’s noses into the fact that that they lose to amateur kids, they also don’t demand equal pay (or should it be better pay since they beat the women?). And while some will point out that the boy’s team is an eliteU15 team affiliated with the professional Dallas FC of MLS, the truth is that few, if any, of those boys will be good enough to play for Dallas FC when they grow up. They’ll be lucky (thanks to Title IX) to get a full ride scholarship to college. Yet no one seems to care about their plight.

  8. Frank K says:

    Of course, I didn’t watch a single minute of the “action” because women’s soccer is almost as bad as women’s basketball.

    I once tried, some years ago, to watch a LezCup match. It was appallingly bad. Slow as molasses, it lacked the speed, power, physicality, athleticism and explosiveness of the men’s game.

    I suspect that the women scrimmage with U15 boys teams because a U18 team would probably blow them out of the water. And forget about playing an MLS team. Even basement dwellers like the Colorado Rapids or the Columbus crew would bury them 30-0.

  9. Opus says:

    Americans playing Soccer is cultural appropriation; women playing Soccer is applying Blackface.

    The view from across the pond, specifically at about 10pm last Friday night in my local when I asked my two friends what was happening in the Football, is this. It was all over for our girls but no one was watching anyway. They told me that America was in the final but had no idea who else might be playing. They also said that in America Soccer is seen as a game for girls just as over here Rounders (i.e. Baseball) is seen a a girls game. We pondered on that for a while. Theodor Dalrymple (not in the pub) was of the view that at least our girls ‘looked’ like an England team (bit racist that, obviously, but it is OK as he can always play the ‘J’ card).

    A week or two ago I went up to The Common which has both a lower and a higher cricket ground although the lower is no longer pressed into service for matches. The setting with the neolithic rocks and surrounded by trees is wonderful, and I thought that the pitch must be twice of more the area of a baseball pitch. I watched the toxic masculinity of our local team who were fielding: it was quite exciting on what was a pleasantly warm day. All the payers were white (and all wearing white) which surprised me as one might expect to see an Indian face or two. I reflected that I have never seen women play cricket, ever. One Hundred years ago the local suffragettes burned to the ground a local cricket pavilion and in the process were lost cricketing records going back to the eighteenth century. Why, I ask, if girls are so keen on sport do they not re-utilise the lower ground and show us how cricket really should be played. They don’t and as soon as the elite stop forcing their fantasies on women all this Title IX female sport will vanish quicker than morning mist.

    I gave up on Twitter because one has to be razor-sharp in very few words; I could not do it. Got to love Miss Coulter.

  10. I don’t see what the problem is with some women wanting to play football. Also who cares if they are lesbians or not?
    Opus do you remember Rachael Heyhoe Flint the celebrated lady cricketer? She was a sort of jolly hockey sticks type.
    I never watched the Women’s World Cup for two reasons. First,as a Scot I am very reluctant to watch anything with an English team,as the English media are insufferable. They are still getting teary-eyed and jingoistic about England’s World Cup win way back in 1966. They also seem to firmly believe that England would have won every single World Cup since had it not be for Johnny Foreigner and his underhand tactics and wildly biased referees. Second,I would much rather play than spectate.

  11. Opus says:

    I always hear on this platform of the excellence of your revolution: so be it, but I cannot imagine a successful English team (should there ever again be one) having a temper tantrum should they be invited to Buckingham Palace. Keeping ones Head of State out of and above politics has its advantages – yet there is one newly-made Royal who has yet to grasp this and is now fairly loathed by most right-thinking people – and you can have her back.

  12. Frank K says:

    They also said that in America Soccer is seen as a game for girls just as over here Rounders (i.e. Baseball) is seen a a girls game.

    FWIW, there is a successful men’s league in the US: Major League Soccer (MLS), there is also a secondary league. the United Soccer League. The women’s leagues have struggled and much like the WNBA, they play in mostly empty venues. The highest salary allowed in the National Women’s Soccer League is $46,000 and the minimum is $16,500, which by American standards makes the league into what we call “semi professional” . There are players in the MLS who are paid well over 1 million a year.

    But there is some truth in that Soccer is considered a girl’s sport by many in the US, comparable to softball, which is closer to rounders than baseball. I expect that the women’s league will soon demand a hefty subsidy from the MLS, even though the the two leagues are not directly affiliated, though both are sanctioned by the United States Soccer Federation, and that is from where I expect the equal pay and subsidy demands will come. The MLS will probably resist at first before folding to their pressure, then make a big fuss about equality.

  13. Frank K says:

    I don’t see what the problem is with some women wanting to play football.

    The problem isn’t that they play. I can’t think of anyone of significance who wants FIFA to end the Women’s World Cup.

    The problem is that the US Women’s national team is making a huge fuss over the fact that the purse for the Women’s World Cup is smaller than the prize money the men get. It doesn’t occur to them that their purse is commiserate with the much smaller revenue their tournament generates. Since they are demanding the same pay, it stands to reason that they want the men’s tournament to subsidize them.

  14. elspeth says:

    I agree with Stephanie G that overall derision towards women’s sports seems misplaced; especially in a culture where sedentary lifestyles, including sedentary work, are producing more and more people with weight problems.

    There is one problem I have with women’s sports in general, and Frank K said it well:

    The problem is that the US Women’s national team is making a huge fuss over the fact that the purse for the Women’s World Cup is smaller than the prize money the men get. It doesn’t occur to them that their purse is commensurate with the much smaller revenue their tournament generates. Since they are demanding the same pay, it stands to reason that they want the men’s tournament to subsidize them.

    This goes double for the WNBA. If your league doesn’t generate the revenue required to pay your players at the same level as the men’s leagues (which do in fact generate the revenue to justify their salaries), then you don’t get to earn what they earn. It’s like people are so stupid that they don’t know that pro sports are a business. College sports are a business, too, for that matter. Men’s sports generate the revenue, so more money should finance men’s programs.

  15. Frank K says:

    but I cannot imagine a successful English team (should there ever again be one) having a temper tantrum should they be invited to Buckingham Palace

    You have to understand that this is a leftist anti Trump temper tantrum, it has nothing to do with sports.When he visited the UK, you guys had a public temper tantrum, and he’s not even your leader. Curiously, men’s teams don’t seem to have the same problem, except for a few malcontents in the NFL. Though to be honest, I think the President has more important things to do than to host championship sports teams at the White House. Of course, we don’t have a non elected figure head to do that job. Maybe congress could appoint someone and call him Uncle Sam (or Aunt Betty) to perform ceremonial tasks like that. Does the Prime Minister receive every championship team from every sport at 10 Downing Street?

    And regarding the newly minted royal, she’s your problem now.

  16. Opus says:

    @Staphanie G

    Do you not realise that England beat the Krauts three times in twentieth century and the the first two times were a warm-up for the real hostility. Never forget it was West Ham – once my local team – (East London that is) wot won the world cup. Foreigners need help (such as the Hand of God) and we woz robbed. We always achieve the moral victory against the dirty cheats which is every one (apart from the Germans whom we respect) born south of Dover.

    I recall the name Rachel Heyhoe Flint and that she was a player of Cricket – allegedly (in like Flint?). That’s it and the only reason for that useless knowledge is that the BBC rammed it down our throats on all occasions but I never saw her play, even on the telly. Virginia Wade was another of the tweedy sort – not a ‘hawt’ player of Tennis like Anna Kornikova nor an Amazon like the sisters Williams. I rather like the Jolly Hockey Stick types such as the virgin Ann Widdecombe (though I would not want to share their bed) who was giving it to the Europeans both barrels last week. Britons never never like to be treated as slaves and even Tacitus observed that fact – obviously he was not including the Scots but we can take it as read that had he mentioned them they would have been at the top of his list of people not to be messed with.

  17. Anonymous Reader says:

    @elspeth @stephanie
    I agree with Stephanie G that overall derision towards women’s sports seems misplaced; especially in a culture where sedentary lifestyles, including sedentary work, are producing more and more people with weight problems.

    Have you viewed any of the pregame / postgame interviews? Any of the mainstream press?
    The idolization of the US women’s soccer team goes very far beyond mere fitness.

    I don’t care for the game very much, but any time I am in an airport or other public place all the YouGoGRRRLS! is visible on every screen, just for a start. The smug “Strong, Independent Women” trope is everywhere along with “Women can do ANYTHING!” propaganda.

    Therefore it is amusing that a 15-and-under boys team beat them.
    Reality wins, therefore it is sexist and Game is fake ooops, wrong thread.

  18. Dalrock says:


    I agree with Stephanie G that overall derision towards women’s sports seems misplaced; especially in a culture where sedentary lifestyles, including sedentary work, are producing more and more people with weight problems.

    This is very much a meat sacrificed to idols type question. If women’s sports were fundamentally about healthy exercise you wouldn’t see the derision. I’m surprised you don’t see this, as I can’t imagine how it could be more obvious. The face of the US women’s soccer team is a pink haired lesbian butch feminist. This isn’t a coincidence. Likewise, the WNBA is overwhelmingly lesbian:

    There is a “very, very harmful” culture running throughout the WNBA, she says, which saw her get bullied during her eight-year career because she is heterosexual.

    Wiggins, who last played in the league in 2015, said she retired prematurely to leave a league that she estimated — wildly — is 98 percent lesbian, and which is played in such isolation that it weighs on the people on the court.

  19. Jon Patch says:

    hey Opus. Remember when Ray Houghton put one in and Jack Charlton became an honorary Irishman? Slainte!

  20. elspeth says:

    I had -ignorantly- assumed that in women’s pro sports the percentage of lesbians was higher than the national average but not more than maybe 50% because anything else would be absurd. I guess I was wrong.

    We don’t watch women’s sports at all, and barely any men’s sports (exceptions for Super Bowl and NBA Finals), so my awareness of the culture is sparse.

    Thanks for the education.

  21. Jon Patch says:

    Well, one comment links a CBS article in which it’s surmised that the women probably weren’t trying their best anyhow against those boys….

  22. Opus says:

    @Frank K

    In answer to your point, Downing Street too does invite successful sportsmen and women to attend and I cannot recall hearing of any no-show; for example the non-playing members of the 1966 World Cup team were handed their winners medals (now awarded) by Prime Minister Brown and frankly had Ramsey played Greaves (whose autograph as a schoolboy I obtained from him in his front garden one Saturday morning) it would all have been over in Ninety minutes, but I digress. Please do not imagine that the anti-Trump cabal was anything more than a few dozen unwashed unemployed losers. There were plenty of people queuing to cheer him but the media won’t show that and Trump is just as popular here as he is in America.

    You raise an interesting point about the call on your President’s time: our having a never ending supply of Royals there is always someone available to open a supermarket or visit a kindergarten. By way of example, where I am a year back Sophie the Duchess of Wessex (a place as fictional as Narnia) visited accompanied by the Lord Lieutenant of the County. She visited our oldest building -, a church. a choir of girls with a female stick-waver sang some songs, then she looked around a bit and I expect she opened something. That’s what you need: Royalty. I twice saw by accident the Queen Mum: once at the Opera where after the Overture to the embarrassment of the company the curtain failed to rise – she was accompanied by the late Lord (((Goodman))) (a life peer) a lawyer, and on another occasion when the royal train visited our railway station. she waved; she was good at that. This is what America misses and so you have slebs like the Kardashians but my friend did say that he was surprised that your President brought his entire family to London to meet with the Queen – a wife – the current one, perhaps but daughters, no way.

    As for Markle: she wont be staying long for there is no way she is prepared to be a wife to a colonial Governor such as in far flung parts of the empire like Botswana which is where we are sending her husband – we don’t call it Empire now of course. We talk instead of conservation and humanitarianism but if you believe that I have ocean-front Utah property to sell you.

  23. Anonymous Reader says:

    Here is an image of Megan Rapinoe, who is being pushed on US youth as a role model.

    Pretty sure she’s on PEDS and has dosed with T a time or three.

  24. Anonymous Reader says:

    Jon Patch
    Well, one comment links a CBS article in which it’s surmised that the women probably weren’t trying their best anyhow against those boys….

    Hmmm. So world class female athletes, some of the lesbians, were willing to hold back out of deference for the feelings of 15 year old boys.

    Seems legit.

  25. Pingback: Heh | Reaction Times

  26. Novaseeker says:

    surprised that your President brought his entire family to London to meet with the Queen – a wife – the current one, perhaps but daughters, no way.

    That’s how he rolls. They also turn up at things like cabinet meetings, summits with foreign leaders and so on. Also was “no way” here prior to Trump, but he has his own rules.

  27. Dalrock says:

    @Anon Reader

    Here is an image of Megan Rapinoe, who is being pushed on US youth as a role model.

    #See her be her

  28. Jon Patch says:

    Well Opus, I guess you are suddenly sheepish on my Euro 88 poke. Anyhow, no take-backs on Markle. She’s yours now. Cheers!

  29. Frank K says:

    Well, one comment links a CBS article in which it’s surmised that the women probably weren’t trying their best anyhow against those boys

    Then why not scrimmage with a tougher opponent? Even the Williams Amazons practice with men, who they can’t beat, to improve their game.

    Anyway, all you have to do is watch one of their games to see just how slow they are. Of course, we also are seeing this when low ranked men who suddenly decide they are women blow the ladies out of the water in track, weight lifting, cycling and other events. Seeing the looks of frustration on the women’s faces is priceless. Of course, this is probably why FIFA isn’t allowing trannies to play. I could see some banana republic sending their third string men’s team to the Women’s World Cup and scoring 10 goals in the first 20 minutes.

  30. Jon Patch says:

    I trust you don’t think I was agreeing with that. I was merely introducing the hamster. Say, didn’t there used to be a commenter on here who would humorously break down the hamster-speak?

  31. Frank K says:

    Please do not imagine that the anti-Trump cabal was anything more than a few dozen unwashed unemployed losers. There were plenty of people queuing to cheer him but the media won’t show that

    I find it interesting that your media hates him so much, he’s not your leader and isn’t threatening to bomb your country or impose economic sanctions, but whatever.

    The last time I was over there (2017) I hung around some non touristy parts of London. On more than one occasion complete strangers on the street spewed hatred to me when they heard my American accent. One incident was near Chelsea, just a few blocks from the stadium. I can only imagine how many more wished to do the same, but lacked the nerve. They did it in a cowardly manner, usually running away as they shouted, telling me to go home or something else. I kept my cool, being that I was a visitor and thus a guest in your country. It destroyed any desire to visit again. I’ll probably revisit Budapest next time (my previous visit was splendid), and maybe check out Prague.

  32. Frank K says:

    Say, didn’t there used to be a commenter on here who would humorously break down the hamster-speak?

    There should be an app for that. And yes, I know you didn’t agree with the ludicrous assertion that they went easy on the boys. They certainly didn’t go easy on the Thai team, IIRC the headlines said that they won 10-0 and were criticized for being bad sports.

  33. c matt says:

    Foreigners need help (such as the Hand of God)

    That, and the ’86 England squad apparently utilised traffic cones for half their team.

  34. c matt says:

    They did it in a cowardly manner, usually running away as they shouted, telling me to go home or something else.

    To which the proper response is – I’m just checking up on one of our colonies.

    Seriously though, if the USWNT won’t come, maybe Trump should invite the Dallas FC U-15 team.

  35. Anonymous Reader says:

    Jon Patch
    Say, didn’t there used to be a commenter on here who would humorously break down the hamster-speak?

    Deti’s been busy lately. Anyone can hamsterlate that comment from the article, though.

  36. Anonymous Reader says:

    Here is another image of Megan Rapinoe. According to her bio she is 34…

  37. Opus says:

    @Frank K

    I am sorry to hear of your bad experience in Chelsea. The hatred is surely based on feelings of inferiority and envy. Insulting Americans is presumably acceptable whereas insulting Pakistanis (say) or Israelis isn’t – the acceptable face of racism.

    I remain as puzzled as you be those in my country who show antipathy towards your President given that whatever he does has no obvious impact on the daily lives of my fellow subjects. I have (and this was before the election) attempted to ascertain exactly what it is that so infuriates certain Britons about Donald Trump, yet I have never received anything approaching a coherent or rational answer. What I have received however is a lot of foaming at the mouth devoid of content (for they obviously know not what they dislike), insults (aimed as much at me as Mr Trump – for even daring to enquire) and this even from one acquaintance whom I would describe as about as unpolitical as one can be and whose only interest is himself and his creature comforts. I thus think it reasonable for me to draw my own conclusions yet no conclusions can I draw as I remain utterly at a loss to understand.

  38. Frank K says:

    I have (and this was before the election) attempted to ascertain exactly what it is that so infuriates certain Britons about Donald Trump, yet I have never received anything approaching a coherent or rational answer.

    A possible explanation is that Trump opposes The Narrative. And The Narrative is far reaching and even supposedly “conservative” people buy into parts of it. I have relatives in the UK who berate me for having central air conditioning in my house (which runs about 3-4 months in a year) and for not driving a micro hatchback with a 1 litre, 3 cylinder engine, because I’m “destroying the world”. And to be clear they don’t vote Labour,

    Curiously, in the US, a lot of people who are agitated by “climate change” drive SUVs, have large (300m2+) houses with air conditioning and love to shop until they drop. They throw much of their waste into the ubiquitous blue recycling bins (our city provides 100 gallon sized bins with wheels) and think they’ve done their duty to “save the world”.

  39. Jon Patch says:


    Sheesh, been trying to get a rise out of you since yesterday on several counts, tied up nicely with your own conclusion that the Scots not to be trifled with. Anyhow, Ray Houghton pretty much sums it up (Scot Mother, Irish Father).

  40. Rhetocrates says:

    Is that really the best picture they could find of her? She looks like John Travolta, but with a coke habit and after taking a shot of vinegar.

    Not very flattering. Ladies, don’t be ugly. It’s ugly.

  41. Spike says:

    Gage says:
    July 8, 2019 at 11:03 am
    “Has a more unlikable group of ladymen ever assembled on one field before? Maybe the rest of the team is likable, but all you hear and see are the unsightly and unlikable dykes and that unfortunately clouds everyones opinion of the team. Certainly mine.”

    …Unlikeable by sight, unlikeable by behavior. Women demanded and got a lace at Wimbledon for tennis. Then they started agitating for equal prize money, despite their playing 3 games as opposed to men’s 5 and not as good. Then came cricket. Women got a foothold place, then started agitating for equal money despite not being as good AND having dwindling crowds. Then rugby teams, and the list goes on.

    What staggers me, though it shouldn’t, is the shamelessness of it. Despite being beaten by under 17s men’s teams – a phenomenon that occurs regularly in different parts of the world – they could at least be a bit gracious or humorous about it, except that they aren’t.

    Greedy spoilt grown-up, but not adult, children

  42. Opus says:

    One of the advantages of growing older is that after a while one notices one has heard all the same things before. I recall – and at the time it greatly depressed me – that according to the Computer of Rome, Europe would run out of food by {drum roll}…………. 1972. In the Seventies we had a lot of White Xmases and the prediction was a new ice age, then we had warmer winters and the prediction then was that we were going to fry. Not frying the term global warming was changed to Climate Change. I say: that when two mutually contradictory results are said to prove your thesis your thesis is bunkum.

    As Frank K says Conservatives believe all this nonsense as much as leftists. Frank K may be right of course that what scares people about Mr Trump is his failure to go along with the Narrative and yet if that is so why does not someone say to me, “well Mr Trump is a global warming denier and we are going to die because of this” yet no one so far has said that to me. Could it be that – deep down – they know it is nonsense and that I would call them out on it.

    …..and may I add that that Rapinoe creature has to be one of the ugliest Americans I ever saw.

  43. BillyS says:


    People know that the idea of man-caused global warming is a hoax. We are too far into the “too late to turn back now” period for them to really believe it anymore. Most won’t speak up against the radical progressive leftists though, which leaves us in the same mess. Even most conservatives are afraid of sticking their heads up as well, unfortunately.

  44. Opus says:

    Apropos Mr Trump, I see that even our man in Washington has resorted to invective against your President. The word ‘inept’ is of course on its own nothing more than insult and without reason. I shake my head at the ineptness of our, now, former, man in D.C.

    I (when stateside and rather hoping for a visit to the embassy) phoned the embassy and enquired whether I ought to register with them. The kindly English lady on the other end of the phone informed me that as America was a friendly country that would not be necessary. Friendly? – and your President has just (rightly) described our P.M. as a disaster and our man as a pompous fool. If there were ever to be a next time, I will insist on registration.

    I am so embarrassed; our number one ally, the special relationship (allegedly) our shared history and common law etc etc.

  45. c matt says:

    Hatred of Trump

    It’s visceral – a white male Alpha scares them. There is no reason, simply an explanation – his existence amplifies their inadequacies. Can’t think of any leftist leaders that are alpha, on either side of the pond. Corbyn? Maricon? Not single Democrat white alpha male in a field of 20 candidates. Heck, Merkle exudes more testosterone than all of them combined. Then compare them to a Salvini or Putin. Even Xi exudes more toxic masculinity in a reserved way.

    It is embarrassingly pathetic.

  46. Frank K says:

    Apropos Mr Trump, I see that even our man in Washington has resorted to invective against your President. The word ‘inept’ is of course on its own nothing more than insult and without reason. I shake my head at the ineptness of our, now, former, man in D.C.

    It’s quite obvious that “your man in DC” serves The Globalist Narrative, and I suspect that his replacement does as well, and let’s face it, so does your government, which has done its best to insure that Brexit will never actually be implemented. The only inept thing your Ambassador did was to get caught. It’s also my understanding that the American Deep State is rather fond of him

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