The future of gun control

The tweet from UK police that I included in my last post reminded me of the video below.  Here in the US we are often reminded that other countries like the UK are “more advanced” when it comes to gun control.  While violent crime isn’t funny, the mind frame in the video below is unintentionally hilarious.  It looks like a parody of US anti gun documentaries, substituting knives, old rusty axes, and even baseball bats for guns.  Note the comment about the importance of stopping “the flow of knives” from retail stores.

Also don’t forget about the menace of pointy sticks.

H/T The Truth About Knives.

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133 Responses to The future of gun control

  1. Proudly Unaffiliated says:

    Gun control is not enough. We must all demand total gun bans and confiscations. From government agencies, only, of course. Disarm them, then disband them. If there is resistance, let it be with fists, memos, and, though G*d forbid it, twitter.

  2. Warthog says:

    Ultimately, they want to ban penises, the original dangerous pointy thing.

  3. William of Orange County says:

    I work in the defense industry. It never ceases to amaze me how these people fail to grasp the ease with which humans can craft weapons. That – in fact – the first tools we likely crafted were weapons.

    Guns are surprisingly easy to jury-rig for anyone with some mechanical knowledge and an IQ greater than 90. Knives? Triply so. Even things we’d classify as ‘heavy-weapons’ aren’t that difficult with enough people and the will and motivation to set up a production line.

    They fail to understand that turning “swords into plowshares” is meaningless if the will and motivation to use that sword doesn’t exist. But it’s easier to go after the sword politically and culturally than to solve the real problem.

    Jesus said “live by the sword and you shall die by the sword”, but he never said get rid of the sword. His gospel was designed to make the sword ultimately meaningless. It’s not gone, but it becomes unnecessary in a new kingdom and a new world.

  4. Liz says:

    My oldest son made a home-made hand gun from metal and wood (not from a kit), with a functioning trigger, when he was about 13. Then he made a musket. I drew the line at the cannon.

  5. Prisoners make knives out of near nothing in the worst environments. You going to stop knives? Can anyone?

  6. Elspeth says:

    Soon only a certified, culinary arts graduate will be able to purchase a knife.

    Wait for it.

  7. JR says:

    Far more dangerous than a gun or a knife is the “pointy stick” that half of humans have. The UK has already taken that away from the native born, but they’re importing others that still have them. It will be interesting to see if Islam can be neutered as modern Churchianity has been.

  8. Opus says:

    One matter where British and American attitudes are at opposite extremes are over weapons. I am not going to suggest that America is wrong but no one in England will find anything funny about the linked video. I am not permitted to say what everyone really thinks is the cause of the rise in knife-crime. If there is something unintentionally hilarious about the video I quite miss what that might be.

    Let me then leave here the following jaw-dropping fact which I had deliberately checked-out a while back. In 1960 having fallen a little since the beginning of the century and in a population of about fifty million the number of murders per annum in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and Northern Ireland was two hundred (200). Two Hundred too many of course but each year in London alone the number now exceeds greatly the 1960 figure. The much maligned (largely by Feminists and the Gay Mafia) 1950s really were better.

  9. Oscar says:

    @ Opus

    I am not permitted to say what everyone really thinks is the cause of the rise in knife-crime. If there is something unintentionally hilarious about the video I quite miss what that might be.

    The unintentional hilarity is at the expense of English naivete. You made guns next to impossible to buy, so criminals now kill people with knives (even though multiple people in the video mentioned “even guns”). And somehow you think banning knives will do the trick, as if the tools are the problem, and not the people wielding them.

  10. Dalrock says:

    @Opus says:

    One matter where British and American attitudes are at opposite extremes are over weapons. I am not going to suggest that America is wrong but no one in England will find anything funny about the linked video. I am not permitted to say what everyone really thinks is the cause of the rise in knife-crime. If there is something unintentionally hilarious about the video I quite miss what that might be.

    You’ve touched on it in your very comment. Knives aren’t the culprits, nor are screwdrivers, pointy sticks, files, or pliers. Here in the US we are regularly told that if guns were strictly controlled (like they are in the UK), criminals would stop being criminals, or at least wouldn’t be capable of committing murder or other acts of violence. So the law abiding need simply “go first” and turn in their guns, and then violent criminals will (magically) do the same and no longer commit violent crimes. In the US the standard pushback is that even if we managed to confiscate all of the millions of guns in private hands, criminals will simply use other tools against their now helpfully disarmed prey. Tools like knives, pointy sticks, screwdrivers, files, and pliers. This is met with derision, because everyone knows the folly of blaming the tools (and not the violent criminal) will stop with guns. This is why what seems to you like a very normal piece is so unintentionally funny in the US. It describes a present day scenario that gun control advocates in the US claim exists only in the fantastic imagination of gun control opponents.

  11. Dalrock says:

    I should add that the term “zombie slayer knives” is especially funny since it is a perfect parallel to “assault weapons”. If I were creating a parody I couldn’t do it better. It is a call to emotion over reason. Look, here is this big scary weapon with an even scarier name. Surely this is the real problem!

  12. Dalrock says:

    Another unintentionally funny bit is at 2:42 where the officer brings out a miniature baseball bat, explaining that when the unarmed police were confronted with this they pressed their panic buttons for the big strong men of the special knife squad to assist.

    One other bit of related humor is in the beginning when the big strong men line up to search the house of a murder suspect, and intermingled among the burly are a few tiny officers that I’m guessing are women. We would have the same here as well, but either way it made me chuckle.

  13. Jason says:

    The Brits need to remember to outlaw semi-automatic bayonets too…

  14. okrahead says:

    Boxcutters: death toll approximately 3k
    Diesel fuel and fertilizer: 168 killed

  15. okrahead says:

    U.S. approx 475 arson deaths per year. BAN FIRE NOW! For the children.

  16. BillyS says:

    It is all about disarming the populace so the government (and the progressive leftists in charge) can control others more easily.

  17. okrahead says:

    UK 7697 alcohol deaths 2018. BAN BOOZE NOW! Or you hate children.

  18. Opus says:

    To the Commissioner of The Metropolitan Police, Scotland Yard

    Dear Madam,

    I believe that you have a surfeit of knife crime among vibrant youths and and other former Soviet visitors to this great city of ours. It is true that our much regarded Mayor has said that being stabbed is just part and parcel of living in a (3rd) world city but even so it is better I am sure you will agree not to be punctured. Happily, I have the perfect solution to the problem so as to end the stabbings and for this I must thank my red-neck friends Messrs Dal Rock and O. Scar from the great United States of Jesus to whom I am indebted and who have advised me of this free of charge as I too provide it to you. Simply, supply a gun to every person who hands in a knife. The advantages are many: firstly the assailant may miss and secondly it will come as such a surprise to the victim for he will never know what hit him – literally and thirdly it is so much more becoming for the young man about town to have a compact weapon than an ungainly knife with which after all he might inadvertently cut himself and which his mother will find missing from the kitchen. So Inconvenient when you cannot cut the Sunday Roast because the Knife is being retained by The Crown Prosecution Service as exhibit A. A gun is never needed at Dinner.


    Opus Holmes

    ps Your officers may still use their truncheons as I am told your officers when given guns always shoot the wrong person and in any event the left never let you forget your officer’s mistake.

  19. okrahead says:

    U.S. approx 34000 gun deaths per year. Approximately 300000 obesity deaths per year. BAN FOOD NOW! Or you are a baby killer.

  20. okrahead says:

    US 3868 drowning deaths per year. BAN WATER NOW. Or you are a racist.

  21. Anonymous Reader says:

    One matter where British and American attitudes are at opposite extremes are over weapons.

    Only for the last 100 years or so. Prior to 1920 there wasn’t that much difference. Your elites got skeered by the Bolshevik revo and switched from “the rifle on the crofter’s wall” as a good thing to something else.

    Fiction is often a mirror of reality. I just finished reading a mystery novel written in the 1930’s where possession of a “service revolver” is mentioned in a normal way; one of the women complains that her brother’s gun is too difficult for her to fire, she requests a Colt automatic for her personal security. “The Man Who Knew Too Much” (1930’s version) ends with a gunfight. The police have few arms, so they wake up a gunsmith and he hands out Lee-Enfield rifles to them.

    The banning of handguns isn’t even 25 years on yet – Hungerford. There was a concerted push all across the Anglosphere in the late 1980’s and into the 1990”s to ban certain firearms. Australia, the UK, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa and the US. Some plans worked better than others, to be sure, but it’s not a coincidence when virtually identical legislation is pushed in different countries around the planet within a 10 year time window.

    Western elites choose to control tools because they do not want to control violent criminal actors – at least, not control too much.

  22. okrahead says:

    US 23000 STD deaths per year. BAN SEX NOW! Or you are a homophobe.

  23. Anonymous Reader says:

    Woops! Hungerford was 32 years ago. Apologies for my factual error.

  24. Scott says:

    I wish I could find it, but somewhere on the web, some guy had actually taken the time to figure what the over-the-lifespan probability of being killed by random gunfire (including people caught in mass shootings) and it was ridiculously small.

    Yet people in other countries think we are all dying left and right from a constant daily hail of gunfire in the streets.

    Further, you can dramatically reduce the odds of being murdered by moving out of something like 7 counties across the US.

  25. Scott says:

    But even if the odds were considerably worse, it used to be a common American cultural value that the freedom to arm oneself is worth the aggregate risk.

    No more, as we have become totally obsessed with safety.

  26. Asaph says:

    Smart kid

  27. Frank K says:

    Simply, supply a gun to every person who hands in a knife.

    Crack all the jokes you want. In my neck of the woods, home invasions extremely rare, in part because we have what is know as “Castle Doctrine”, better known locally as the “Make My Day Law.” This law basically gives people carte blanche to use deadly force against a home invader. So if you catch someone breaking into your home, you can shoot him. All you have to tell the police is that you felt you were in danger. And would be burglars know this.

    Yet people in other countries think we are all dying left and right from a constant daily hail of gunfire in the streets.

    I know of a British couple who were fearful of visiting their daughter and grandchildren in a medium sized midwestern town because of this belief. When they finally visited, they couldn’t believe how peaceful and safe it was. They really thought that we shoot each other helter skelter.

  28. Frank K says:

    Another unintentionally funny bit is at 2:42 where the officer brings out a miniature baseball bat, explaining that when the unarmed police were confronted with this they pressed their panic buttons for the big strong men of the special knife squad to assist.

    When I saw that I laughed hard. It wasn’t even a real bat, it was a toy, something you would buy as a souvenir at Dodger Stadium. I was half expecting the officer to next showcase the rocks and bricks he confiscated. Are 2 by 4’s (dimensional lumber) also considered a deadly weapon in the UK?

    When UK Muslims finally decide to rise and take over the UK is going to be in a world of hurt.

  29. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Off topic: did you all see this on Fox about the “Sex and the City” lifestyle?

    Strangely enough, I have close to… I dunno….. zero sympathy for leftist rich entitled broads that have tons of regrets later in life because of decisions they made themselves!
    I wonder why? 😀 Maybe I am just mean?! *grin*

    Well, Misandry and Feminism do have a way to bite women really hard later in life. Too bad they only understand this later in life, to men’s great amusement!

    Ps. “Beauty is fleeting…”. (Proverbs 31:30) or as the Italians like to say “aging is a woman’s hell”.

  30. gunner451 says:

    The push is not just for weapons control (guns, knives, mini-bats, etc.) but overall self-defense control. In the UK you can get in big trouble defending yourself from an attacker or home invader and there have been some highly publicized cases where the victims were sent to prison for longer terms than the attackers just to make sure the plebs stay in line. On the other hand you rarely hear about the criminal element being sent to prison for violation of the weapons laws. So the whole point of all of this is to restrict further and further the ability of normal people to defend themselves while empowering the criminal element to run wild. By publishing such a ridiculous group of “weapons” it further demoralizes the law abiding plebe and makes it easier to keep him under the heal of government control.

  31. Opus says:


    That is exactly what we think – that all over, America is like the wild west.

    @Frank K

    Please don’t try that in England. One may use reasonable force to resist invasion but the trouble is the police’s idea as to reasonable force and yours are not the same. The best known case of this in England is that of Tony Martin (unsuccessfully represented by my former colleague Bittu Bhalla) who was being pestered on a regular basis in his farmhouse by young gypos, so the next time it happened he shot one in the back – dead which is of course what Mrs Thatcher in 1982 did to your former cruiser The General Belgrano. The verdict was guilty of murder. Then there was the case of a home invasion where the Indian homeowner got the better of the assailant and chased him down the road as you do when you get the better of someone trying to invade your home and beat him up, He was also convicted though being able to play the race card the verdict was overturned on appeal (clearly should have played he card earlier).

    Anyway I know America, apart from the guns, also has knife crime.

  32. Frank K says:

    In the UK you can get in big trouble defending yourself from an attacker or home invader

    A relative is a retired cop in the UK and he has confirmed this.

    His home (not anywhere near London) is heavily wired and when they leave they seal it shut tight. One time we headed out and his wife noticed that they forgot to close a bathroom window. This window was on a second floor and was so small that I couldn’t see an adult squeezing through it. The burglar would have needed a ladder and a preteen child to slip through the window.

    Well, they went back in and closed the window. He said that leaving it open was “asking for trouble” and it would be “tempting Bob the burglar” . We were just going to be away for an hour or two yet their paranoia was very palpable.

    And this was in a small town in a sparsely populated part of the country.

  33. Frank K says:

    Please don’t try that in England.

    Oh, I know better than to try that over there. Also, my understanding of Castle Doctrine is that once the invader leaves your home, you can’t shoot him nor chase him and beat him up.

    Also noticed that my BIL doesn’t leave anything outside in the yard. No tables or chairs, no gas grill, no nothing, because according to him it would get stolen, So he has carry them in and out of the garage. Curiously, he didn’t seem too concerned about his car being stolen as he would leave it outside. His small one car garage was full of junk. Maybe Bob the Burglar doesn’t steal cars.

  34. TheTraveler says:

    Yes, the country where stopping someone from killing you may send you to prison for life–for excessive force. It’s scary how British novelists write about this idiotic (sorry Opus) concept so matter-of-factly, like it’s totally a good thing.

    I suspect the difference is cultural. The U.S. is about individual rights and liberty. In Europe, it’s about scaring proles to stay in line so they don’t get ideas about coming after their “betters.” If a Lord or knight or some other aristocrat kills a would-be assailant, I’m guessing all manner of “mitigations” would be found, unlike for an ordinary garden-variety subject of HM.

  35. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Opus, you are a Brit, right?

    The UK, London is particular, is a crime-infested hellhole. A friend of mine was just in Birmingham a couple months back, he said he thought he had landed in Pakistan, because crime, graffiti, Paki flags, and filth was everywhere. He said people smelled really bad there, like these smelly French cab drives that smelled like rotten Gorgonzola cheese. When my buddy was in London, he said African gangs are literally everywhere and they will “flash mob” rob people, especially tourist. Nothing you can do because you cannot have any weapons to defend yourself.

    In the UK, raping kids is so normalized due to Muslim mass immigration, the local police and local “Child Protective Services” will hide the crimes to prevent “inciting racism”.

    You Brits live in such fear, you have to call Middle Eastern rapegangs “Asian gangs”. Asians give the impression of Chinese or Koreans, and that term is used to deceive the public. Like they do in Germany and Sweden.

    This migrant violent thing has been happening in France constantly for years now, but now is reaching a boiling point. Charles De Gaulle airport was invaded by hundreds of Africans who assaulted random people and stormed stores and robbed them. Police is afraid to act due to fear they will be called “racist”.

    He also said that there is a phenom in UK called “YOB”, which is white, British ancestry young men that have been repressed and disenfranchised so much, they join gangs. He said watch The Kingsman movie, the main character is a YOB and he said this is a huge and growing problem in UK and most do not end up secret agents, they become street thugs.

    The last thing you need is to disarm people and remove their right to self-defense. In USA, we are being flooded with mainly Central American “migrant children”, which is code for 20-something year olds who belong to violent street gangs like MS-13, Los Zetas, and other foreign cartels. Many US areas are now coming under control of MS-13, including schools, entire neighborhoods, and even entire small cities, like Mendota, CA.

    I rather have a Glock with x3 30-rd clips or a quality, hi-cap-mag rifle than be a good lil’ Beta and allow myself to be mobbed by violent foreigners who seek to kills, rape, and steal. You Brits, Aussies, and New Zealanders can enjoy being victims of violent crime just to feel righteous and morally superior by pushing idiotic things like ending right to self-defense and illogical “gun control”.

    No gun control of any kind should be accepted in America. Period. Do not give the enemy one more inch of territory.

  36. Rum says:

    This video has to be a staged for TV event. Everybody knows that if you are looking for knives, you check first in the kitchen.
    Please tell me this is not real.
    The national food in the UK is Roast Beef. Do they have to rip it apart with their bare hands now?

    Here in Texas, we had our Hungerford/Port Auther massacre in the early 90s. 25 dead from a simple handgun – ordinary folks trapped in a Lubys cafe without their weapons – which the law at that time required them to leave at home. Our response was allow honest citizens to carry concealed weapons — for the first time ever.
    Just about anything you can measure crime wise has improved.

    Opus: Tell your anxious country men that most of Americans live in places with virtually zero gun crime. It is ALL in certain parts of certain cities.

  37. Anonymous Reader says:

    No gun control of any kind should be accepted in America.

    “Should”, great stuff. 100 or so years too late, but great stuff.

    Here’s an editorial from 1925 by H.L. Mencken on the topic. Note that the law demanded by the Nation is still in effect, and the Nation is still a far-left rag.

  38. Anonymous Reader says:

    You are way out of date with regard to UK laws banning objects. Ironically the toy baseball bats aren’t all that different from the truncheons that London Bobbies carried 130 years ago.

    Some of the older members of my family predicted exactly this back when the post-Hungerford handgun ban was rammed through Parliament – “Yep. They’ll go after knives in a few years, too”.

    I’m told it’s not much fun to be right about such things…

  39. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Come visit Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Idaho, Alaska, or the Dakotas. Virtually everyone is armed to the teeth in these places. They are armed with “assault rifles” and shotguns at home home and carry concealed handguns with hi-capacity magazines (clips).

    Virtually zero gun crimes. Overall low violent crime rates. Then look at the Demographics of the people who live in these places.

    Then check out Baltimore, NYC, Chicago, and everywhere in California. Everyone is dis-armed and cannot carry concealed weapons/handguns. Crime is out of control, everyone who is a good person lives in fear of being victimized. Getting a gun carry permit is only for the rich and these paying off local politicians.

    Tons of gun crime, murders, and mayhem in these “no gun carry” areas. Then look at the demographics in these cities of the people who live there.

    CLEARLY, there is a link. I am not sure what the connections are between demographics, legal gun ownership, and crime but I am sure it is there… somewhere. lol 😉 ‘Nuff said here.

    Ps. We have ~320 million people in the USA and ~116 million privately owned guns in this country. A gun confiscation of any kind would mean a civil war, because if merely 1% of the gun owners refused to turn in their guns and fought back, that would be at least 1.1 million people opening fire on police and all that. It is unthinkable. It will never happen without America collapsing as a country, so forget any European/UN dreams of American gun confiscation. The cost of the civil war would be devastating the country would never ever recover.

  40. Gunner Q says:

    Opus @ 12:27 pm:
    “I am not permitted to say what everyone really thinks is the cause of the rise in knife-crime.”

    Does it rhyme with muslin bee grants?

  41. Rum says:

    Heck, I do not even venture online without being armed. (You are supposed to laugh.)
    But in the room where my computer is, there is an AR in .300 Blackout with passive night vision and a suppressor made of titanium, a firing replica STEN gun (not full auto) under the desk, and my usual carry gun in my briefcase.
    The thing is, in my neighborhood, I am relatively moderate.
    Last 40 years, zero gun crimes, 15,000 souls.

  42. Anon says:

    It is even easier to 3D Print knives than to 3D Print guns.

    Also, don’t underestimate how dangerous a broken wine bottle is as a handled weapon.

  43. Anon says:

    Is it safe to assume that if a man wants to live in the UK, converting to Islam on paper is the most pragmatic thing he can do?

    i) He gets to own knives and other weapons, and will not be penalized for using them in self-defense, including against other Muslims.
    ii) He can use Sharia Law in his marriage, thereby avoiding divorce under UK law.

    He doesn’t have to go to a Mosque, wear Islamic garb, or socialize with other Muslims. He just has to convert to Islam and do the bare minimum to be convincing.

    It seems like a pragmatic decision toward self-preservation in that country.

  44. Rum says:

    But Rum, why do you need night vision and a silenced AR?
    Well, if you have to ask that question, you will probably never understand it anyway…

  45. Anon says:

    In my experience, most British people seem to think that every American owns six guns, including hardcore weapons like Desert Eagles, Submachine Guns, etc. You will rarely see such a bizarre combination of condescension and fear at the same time, when you discuss this. Even Piers Morgan, who is relatively sane on every other issue, is an anti-Gun fanatic.

    I often make a point to tease British people in America about this, and proactively bring up that I own guns, etc.

  46. Anonymous Reader says:

    Red PIll Christianity
    They are armed with “assault rifles”

    No, they are not. Regardless of lies told by the organs of propaganda from ABC to CNN to the WSJ, an assault rifle is is capable of fully automatic fire and therefore is heavily regulated by the National Firearms Act of 1934. Not to mention extremely expensive.

    Please do not repeat propaganda. It does not benefit anyone.

  47. Frank K says:

    Opus @ 12:27 pm:
    “I am not permitted to say what everyone really thinks is the cause of the rise in knife-crime.”

    When we visited the above mentioned UK BIL, we took a side trip to visit a niece (his daughter) and family. They live on the southern coast. Their community looked very genteel. Anyway, she’s big into fitness and went out for a run. About 20 minutes later her husband received a phone call from her. She was frightened, because she was being followed by a couple of men. So her husband hops into the car and finds her. Fortunately she was unharmed. What was interesting was that she hesitated to describe her stalkers. Turns out they were not English. She was even afraid to tell us they were Muzzies because she was afraid of being labeled racist.

    I’ve been to the UK twice in the past 3 years. I was constantly astonished by what I saw there. It is a nation that simply cannot endure. You could feel the seething anger from the immigrants.

    I fear that we are not far behind.

  48. Frank K says:

    In my experience, most British people seem to think that every American owns six guns, including hardcore weapons like Desert Eagles, Submachine Guns, etc. You will rarely see such a bizarre combination of condescension and fear at the same time, when you discuss this. Even Piers Morgan, who is relatively sane on every other issue, is an anti-Gun fanatic.

    I often make a point to tease British people in America about this, and proactively bring up that I own guns, etc.

    In my personal experience, Brits in the US are some of the most pro gun people. Sure, there are exceptions. I’m not talking about virtue signaling actors or celebrities, I’m talking about ordinary people.

  49. TheTraveler says:

    “An armed society is a polite society.” (That means everyone, not just cops–and of course criminals).

    The Nazis dismissed the idea of invading the U.S., believing they would find “a gun behind every blade of grass.”

    Remember Bernhard Goetz? Some 35 years ago he shot four “unarmed youths” (i.e., young thugs with sharpened screwdrivers) who “asked him for money” (i.e., tried to mug him). Because we all know decent young citizens frequently surround a stranger on a subway and ask him for 5 bucks. Leftist outcry! Racism! Gun violence! Gun control! Those poor kids! One of the thugs was paralyzed–oh, the tears the media cried; a jury later awarded him $43 million (Goetz declared bankruptcy). Goetz did a year of hard time, for possessing an unlicensed weapon. And the only one of those thugs who didn’t get in trouble again was the guy who was permanently crippled.

  50. Anonymous Reader says:

    “An armed society is a polite society.” (That means everyone, not just cops–and of course criminals).

    Just for reference, can name the source for that quote?

    The Nazis dismissed the idea of invading the U.S., believing they would find “a gun behind every blade of grass.”


  51. Scott says:


    It’s a real testament to the power of controlling the narrative.

    I live in the most cowboy of all US states and sometimes I go for a whole day without seeing a gun.

  52. Anonymous Reader says:

    I live in the most cowboy of all US states

    Well…now pretty much the entire state of Wyoming wants to have a word with you…

  53. Scott says:

    I’ll accept Wyoming.

  54. Lost Patrol says:

    That is exactly what we think – that all over, America is like the wild west.

    Even the wild west isn’t much like the wild west any longer.


    I live in the most cowboy of all US states…

    Will be hard challenged by the denizens of quite a few other states, all of whom are sure they live in the most cowboy of all US states and will regale anyone with wild west stories to prove it.

    It’s a cultural thing.

  55. Rum says:

    Where I live, not everyone deserves to be called a Cowboy. You have to earn it.

  56. anonymous_ng says:

    Scott, you’re not doing it right.


    You mean on other people. Right?

  57. Scott says:

    Yeah but I would have to walk around wit my shirt in my mouth staring at my own waistline all day

  58. American says:

    So the U.S. Women’s soccer team sued to make as much as men but today U.S. Soccer President Carlos Cordeiro tweeted out a letter asserting that Women Players have been making more than the men since 2010! The lawsuit will be dismissed because female soccer players already make more than male soccer players in the U.S.:

  59. Lost Patrol says:

    Well…now pretty much the entire state of Wyoming wants to have a word with you…

    AR types faster than I. Or thinks faster. Let’s go with types faster.

    For the cowboy record nobody in Wyoming ever heard of a cow or knew what they looked like until some boys from Texas made a bunch of cows walk up there so everyone could see.

    Of course nobody in Texas knew what a cow looked like until some Spaniards loaded a few on a boat and sailed them over here (along with that most vital accessory, the horse).

    And so it goes. I don’t know how the Spaniards found out about cows, or figured out you could teach them to sail.

  60. Scott says:

    Texas contains Austin and also produced Beto O’rourke

    Those two things uncowboy the state by orders of magnitude below Montana where even our democrat governor is pro gun.


  61. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Actress Demi Moore, 56, undergoes hideous plastic surgery transformation in pursuit of younger men:

    Youth-obsessed Demi Moore has turned her face into a plastic disaster!

    According to sources, the 56-year-old star of A Few Good Men has had more than a few cosmetic procedures in a desperate bid to turn back the clock.

    “A lot of people thought Demi looked great before, but now she looks overdone and freakishly frozen,” a source spilled. …

    The former Striptease sexpot’s extreme makeover has been sparked by her insatiable drive to find a life partner — a quest she’s been on since her divorce from 15 years-younger hubby Ashton Kutcher in 2013, insiders said.

    “Demi’s been hanging out with her daughters and their friends and eyeing up the young guys, so it’s no surprise that she might be feeling insecure about the lines and creases slowly creeping in,” sources said.

  62. Nick M says:

    American says:
    July 30, 2019 at 6:44 pm

    […] The lawsuit will be dismissed because female soccer players already make more than male soccer.

    One never knows with courts. Plus, the women are suring also because they want USSF to share equally with them the men’s World Cup prize money.

    Basically, the women were paid more if you don’t include the men’s world cup participation money in 2010 and 2014. The men got something like 8M for each world cup participation.

    And, Rapinhoe and the likes are stating that “it’s not their problem that FIFA awards different prize money to the men and the women… and that they deserve half.”

    Absolutely nuts.

  63. Nick M says:

    Red Pill Latecomer says:
    July 30, 2019 at 7:20 pm

    “Demi’s been hanging out with her daughters and their friends and eyeing up the young guys, so it’s no surprise that she might be feeling insecure about the lines and creases slowly creeping in,” sources said.

    She goes out with her daughter and her friends. Yikes! Basically, she knows what it’s like to be a short, bald, ugly broke man. XD

    She could go out 1000 days, and 1000 days, the men would go for the youth. I’m a dancer myself. And I only invite to dance young women. Old women, I don’t need to. They’ll offer themselves to me.

  64. Lost Patrol says:


    But, but, Davy Crockett! Oh wait, that guy was from Tennessee. He just went to Texas because he was pissed off at losing an election.

    Austin. How did that even happen? A perfect example of how it can creep up on you. One day you think you’re a man and the next day you find out you’re a metrosexual.

    Montana and all states-for-men, beware.

  65. Anonymous Reader says:

    I don’t know how the Spaniards found out about cows, or figured out you could teach them to sail.

    No idea but I suspect this guy had something to do with it. I mean, look at his family name..

  66. Anonymous Reader says:

    Lost Patrol
    Austin. How did that even happen?

    It’s complicated.

  67. TheTraveler says:

    Ah, the Anonymous Reader is back to his know it all schoolyard insults.

  68. Anonymous Reader says:

    Beto O’rourke

    Bobby O’Rourke. If you want to be formal, Robert. Frankly I think he probably gave himself that “Beto” nickname.

    I won’t make a habit of this. Promise.

  69. Anonymous Reader says:

    Ah, the Anonymous Reader is back to his know it all schoolyard insults.

    What insults?

  70. Bryce says:

    A relative is a retired cop in the UK and he has confirmed this.

    His home (not anywhere near London) is heavily wired and when they leave they seal it shut tight. One time we headed out and his wife noticed that they forgot to close a bathroom window. This window was on a second floor and was so small that I couldn’t see an adult squeezing through it. The burglar would have needed a ladder and a preteen child to slip through the window.

    Well, they went back in and closed the window. He said that leaving it open was “asking for trouble” and it would be “tempting Bob the burglar” . We were just going to be away for an hour or two yet their paranoia was very palpable.

    And this was in a small town in a sparsely populated part of the country.

    At that point, you’d think people would just stop calling the cops. The Brits I’ve interacted with are extremely superior about their firearm laws. Guns are not going away. As someone said up thread, they’re easy to manufacture and half the world’s countries produce them. Knives are even easier. The thing keeping the British “justice” system going is the belief in it, but that is eroding quickly.. Modern police forces have only existed since the Metropolitan Act of 1829. Before that, people handled problems themselves and handled the results over to a constabulary force.

  71. Frank K says:

    Bobby O’Rourke. If you want to be formal, Robert. Frankly I think he probably gave himself that “Beto” nickname.

    No doubt to pander to the Hispanic vote in Texas.

  72. Frank K says:

    Montana and all states-for-men, beware.

    Isn’t Missoula Montana’s baby Austin?

  73. American says:

    I just call him butthole. Same with that weiner sucker Pete. Saves time.

  74. Oscar says:

    For all the girly Euros afraid of visiting the USA:

    Most of the USA has a murder rate of zero, and most of the murders in the USA take place in only 2% of US counties. Stay out of those counties, and you’ll be fine.

    Of course, you won’t earn any Social Justice Virtue Signaling points if you stay out of those counties, so maybe it’s best if you just stay away.

  75. Oscar says:

    Off Topic: According to the US Soccer Federation, the US Women’s Soccer Team actually lost money.

    From 2009 through 2019 — a timeframe that includes two Women’s World Cup championships — the Women’s National Team has earned gross revenue of $101.3 million over 238 games, for an average of $425,446 per game, and the Men’s National Team has earned gross revenue of $185.7 million over 191 games, for an average of $972,147 per game. More specifically, WNT games have generated a net profit (ticket revenues minus event expenses) in only two years (2016 and 2017). Across the entire 11-year period, WNT games generated a net loss of $27.5 million. Nevertheless, U.S. Soccer does not view these as losses, but rather as an important investment in our Women’s National Team and in the long-term growth of women’s soccer. ~ USSF

    Cry me a river about “inequality”.

  76. Spike says:

    The big problem with laws is that only law-abiding people will obey them. Criminals don’t. That’s what makes them criminals.
    London’s knife crime epidemic doesn’t come from ethnically English youths. They usually opt for punch-ups, as they have for hundreds of years.
    The current epidemic of violent crime of which knife crime is a subset, comes from our vibrant new Europeans, who have enriched our culture.
    And our vibrant new Europeans have a weak understanding of and dim view of European law. They will not obey any rules given to them by Western authorities.
    Disarm at your own peril.

  77. Gabriel M says:

    The UK and the U.S. are at opposite ends of the spectrum with regard to civilian weapons ownership.

    I won’t defend the U.K. position because it’s obviously pretty insane, but the simple fact is that the United States has the highest rates of mass shootings unrelated to organised crime anywhere in the world by some margin. To claim that this is unrelated to its unusually loose gun laws is kind of surreal.

  78. Opus says:

    As I indicated near the top of this thread I had no intention of getting into debate as to the respective merits of the very different approach and attitudes to the carrying of weapons as between England and America. I have no view. Spike however is right to say that the native Englishman carries nothing more than his fists though occasionally even those can be deadly. Of those he cannot be literally disarmed. Oscar advises girly Euros to stay away from the parts coloured red on his map, the trouble of course being that a visitor to the United States always ends up in the red areas and never North Dakota or Wyoming (just as American visitors end up in central London rather than Godalming or Chipping Norton).

    May I also add because the term gets used at least twice up above that we are not ‘Brits’ and more than we are Limeys or Poms or in your case ‘Yanks’. No Briton acknowledges the term, Brit. We may be British but what we really are is respectively either English, Welsh, Irish or Scot.

  79. Oscar says:

    @ Opus

    Oscar advises girly Euros to stay away from the parts coloured red on his map, the trouble of course being that a visitor to the United States always ends up in the red areas and never North Dakota or Wyoming

    Hey, if you voluntarily venture into the red zones, that’s your business. I provided the facts. Ignore them, or don’t, as you will.

    May I also add because the term gets used at least twice up above that we are not ‘Brits’ and more than we are Limeys or Poms or in your case ‘Yanks’. No Briton acknowledges the term, Brit.

    Nor does any American acknowledge the term “Yank” (and the ones who still fly the Confederate flag are likely to be insulted by it, since it’s an abbreviation of “Yankee”), yet you insist on using it, because you don’t care what we do, or do not acknowledge. Likewise, we don’t care that you do not acknowledge the term “Brit”.

  80. info says:

    The only way to stop humans weapon making is to remove him from this planet. And stick him on a flat white ground that is perfectly smooth completely naked.

    And nothing else.

    But with sufficient natural resources weapons will be made like in prison with sharp objects called shivs.

  81. info says:

    What happened to my comment?

  82. Rum says:

    Given that the UK is composed of those historic entities now united under one monarch, I was led to understand that calling someone you don’t know “English” 1. might be wrong because they are actually Welsh and hate the English, 2. denied the unity of your nation, 3. was silly because the default all-purpose “Brit” usage was non-offensive.
    Anyway, I have noticed that when people-from-your-Island find themselves living in South Texas they cheerfully gun-up without a second thought.
    Of course, that might be a simple matter of genetic geo – filtering going on.

  83. Opus says:


    When have I ever used the term Yank? Not on this blog.

  84. Oscar says:

    @ Opus

    When have I ever used the term Yank? Not on this blog.

    Opus says:
    July 31, 2019 at 4:00 am

    May I also add because the term gets used at least twice up above that we are not ‘Brits’ and more than we are Limeys or Poms or in your case ‘Yanks’.

  85. Lost Patrol says:

    A young woman to whom I am peripherally related via several filters was sent by her father (in a classic manoshpere case) to study in England at a prestigious “uni” I forget which one. She somehow managed (she is pretty) to convince a tall, charismatic, wealthy I gather, and erudite Englishman to marry her there.

    They recently paid a visit to the USA to visit her family, now living in the Indian Territory, and he of course entertained the masses with his accent and wit. He arrived with only two requests. To ride in a pickup truck and go to a firing range. Both fulfilled.

    And in another surprise to me at least, he is a 20 something year old staunch Brexiteer. Fine lad by all accounts. They have a kid on the way such that the timing is free and clear of any innuendo.

  86. Scott says:

    Of course, that might be a simple matter of genetic geo – filtering going on.

    I alluded to this in the previous post with my comment about libertarians.

    Serbs, as a group are VERY high in suspicion of outgroups and “clannishness.” They tend to be a group that is very collectivist, and that works when they are all together. However, my own father received a very low helping of this, and came here to US with no support, no money, no guarantee of a future living–a very high risk situation for him. I inherited a HUGE portion of his personality traits therefore, here I am out in the sticks of Montana trying to build a ranch, a private practice, with a pile of firearms all by myself. The nearest Serbian Orthodox church is over an hour away, and while its cool to go and hear the music, smell the smells, hear the language, I can pray with my family and my icons right here.

    I think this is what makes America (or made until recently) a unique wildcard in terms of its impact on the world and as a “nation.” (It no longer meets my definition of such, hence the scare quotes). It draws people to it who are oddballs in their group. The question is, now with the collectivist, nanny state policies we have, who are we attracting? We are starting to see the answer to this in real time. Every election we get closer and closer to a situation where the least successful, risk averse, envious, laziest people will vote for themselves a larger and larger portion of others people’s hard earned stuff. Once that threshold is crossed permanently, say goodbye to the rugged, individual, freedom loving, gun toting, do it all yourself “American.”

    The people are a nations greatest asset. Not what kind of constitution it has, or whatever. Therefore, the mantra “demographics is destiny” is proving to be true, no matter how ashamed you are supposed to be for pointing it out.

  87. Oscar says:

    @ Scott

    Serbs, as a group are VERY high in suspicion of outgroups and “clannishness.”

    Yeah. Being stuck between the Ottoman Empire, the Russian Empire, and the Autro-Hungarian Empire will do that to a people.

  88. BillyS says:

    Note the article headline. They weren’t what is normally thought of when you say “Asians” but saying the truth (“Muslims”) goes too far against the narrative, even for an article choking on the narrative.

  89. BillyS says:

    I would (unfortunately) have to agree that Texas is not as much cowboy as the reputation, though we do have the football team! (Not that I watch football much anymore.)

    The idea remains and will keep Montana and Wyoming from taking it, whatever the reality.

    (Wyoming is cowboy? Really? Wooded. Remote. But cowboy?)


    What would be a good map of counties HRC carried in the last presidential election and the murder rate. I bet they significantly coincide.

  90. Frank K says:

    Wyoming is cowboy? Really? Wooded. Remote. But cowboy?

    Have you ever been to Laramie or Cheyenne? Plenty of Wyoming is not wooded. The UW mascot is a cowboy:

  91. Anonymous Reader says:

    Pretty good work of fiction that was popular about 120 years ago, starts in Medicine Bow and moves north.

  92. Anon says:


    I live in the most cowboy of all US states and sometimes I go for a whole day without seeing a gun.

    I have never in my life seen a drawn gun pointed at another human being (whether the armed person was a cop or a civilian) to date.

    However, at Times Square, there are always multiple armed guards with high-powered weapons in their hands looking around for terrorists. They are always alert, ready to start shooting in two seconds if something suspicious happens, and half their face is covered.

  93. drbeagle says:

    @BillyS When I was young, my family got stuck in the mud on a forestry road that ran through a ranch. We were rescued by a literal cowboy who rode up on his horse to see how he could help. It was right about here:, -106.274441 if anyone cares.

  94. vfm7916 says:

    I am unimpressed with the quality of the comments on this thread. No one has mentioned the handy chainsword attachment for the AR-15.

  95. c matt says:

    Jesus said “live by the sword and you shall die by the sword”, but he never said get rid of the sword.

    In fact, He said the time will come to sell your cloak and buy a sword.

  96. c matt says:

    No gun control of any kind should be accepted in America.

    I disagree – gun control is critical to this country’s safety. Every gun owner should be able to shoot a four inch grouping.

  97. c matt says:

    Texas contains Austin and also produced Beto O’rourke

    The exceptions that prove the rule. And its “Beta.”

  98. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    In fact, He said the time will come to sell your cloak and buy a sword.

    Jesus did not necessarily mean it in a literal sense. The evidence is that the apostles responded “”See, Lord, here are two swords.” Jesus replied, “That is enough.”

    Two swords are not enough for a battle. My Catholic study bible suggests that Jesus’ reply was in the manner of a weary sigh, brushing aside their focus on literal swords.

  99. Oscar says:

    @ Red Pill Latecomer

    Two swords are not enough for a battle.

    No. But “that is enough” for self defense.

  100. Cane Caldo says:

    As a Texan I can offer no defense against No True Cowboys statements about Austin…or Dallas or Houston or any of the other major cities of Texas. They teem with illegals, flotsam from Katrina who never drifted back (New Orleans proper alone lost over 100,000 residents and most came to Texas), and an onslaught of Californians; myself included though dragged here I was at the age of 10. Everyone is free to chuckle away at that as far as I’m concerned, but the situation is no better in any major American city, and often worse. I’ve spent weeks or months in all but four of the top 20 largest and more in most of the next 30.

    Once that threshold is crossed permanently, say goodbye to the rugged, individual, freedom loving, gun toting, do it all yourself “American.”

    He is already gone, and where he still exists he is next to useless as there is no more frontier left for him to hold down until civilization arrives. Civilization has arrived everywhere it will be for the foreseeable future. And civilization sucks because we rightwingers (whether frontiersman or metropolitan) have not one city or center of power in the entire US. We have all chosen to either move to the Savage Reservations, or try very hard to pass under the radar within the World State.

    Let me know if you’ve seen otherwise. I’ve been to them all, but may have missed something.

  101. Frank K says:

    Texas contains Austin and also produced Beto O’rourke

    The exceptions that prove the rule. And its “Beta.”

    Beto is an abbreviated form of the names Alberto and Humberto. I’ve never heard of a Roberto being called Beto, but I suppose it could also apply. In the Mexican version of Sesame Street, Bert is called Beto, and Ernie is called Enrique (as opposed to Ernesto)

    As for O’Rourke, Beta makes perfect sense.

  102. Jacob says:

    The reason Jesus’ gave for his instructions to those at the Last Supper to equip themselves with swords was this:

    “for what is written must be fulfilled in me: ‘and he will be counted among the outlaws‘”. (Lk 22:37)

    That is, Jesus knew he had to be arrested and killed, like the lowest of the low – an outlaw – for his mission to be fulfilled. His nission was to inaugurate the Kingdom of God in himself.

    There is strong scholarly argument that the swords were so that Jesus and his disciples would be treated as outlaws and be arrested by authorities. Jesus would have at least understood that a small band of men without swords would not have been enough to ensure an arrest and apprehension. Since Jesus’ mission was to be arrested and apprehended, it makes sense that he would want his diciples to do as much as possible to ensure that nothing would prevent that from happening.

    One could also argue that the swords were for Jesus’ protection as he made his way to the cross, as he did not want to be killed before his time. While both may be true, Lk 22:37 more strongly supports the former.

    Interestingly, Jesus’ rebuke to his disciples in Lk 22:37 “enough!” was in keeping with his disciples’ tendency to see him as a conquering nationalist hero. His mission was to take the sins of all the world on himself so that all may have access to the kingdom of God. His disciples wanted to treat him like Trump.

    Enough indeed.

  103. Jacob says:

    Comment stuck in mod. Appreciate a look into that. Thanks.

    [D: Found and freed.]

  104. Pingback: Did Jesus mean literal swords in Luke 22:35–38? | Dalrock

  105. Rum says:

    I have lived in Austin at various times in my life over a span of decades and I am not distressed at all by its evolutions. To be honest, it seems more sane and sensible nowadays than when I went to school there. It is vastly bigger and more wealthy, but that is what success sorta looks like.
    Here is a fun fact: Topless bathing/sun bathing for both sexes has been legal and semi-normal in Austin city pools since the 19th century. Prohibition never happened there. “The best little whorehouse in Texas” was a real thing just down the road. It was called the “Chicken Ranch” because during the depression era because guys could pay with poultry. And everybody knew about it, they just did not care.
    Politics there have always been a little sideways but there are plenty of gun ranges and nobody cares about that either.
    Another fun fact: If you cannot display a valid, current concealed handgun permit they will not let into the visitors galley at the capitol without being searched. Think about that for a second.

  106. Bart says:

    Terribly offensive and politically incorrect, but it must be mentioned…

    I didn’t seem to see many traditional Brits. (English, Welsh, Scottish) committing “knife violence” in the news video. It seems like it is primarily an issue of violent immigrants (African, Muslim, or Eastern European).

    Maybe letting them all in wasn’t the best idea.😕

  107. Anonymous Reader says:

    Probly shouldn’t put this up, because now Opus for sure won’t ever cross the pond again.
    Video from Tulsa, Oklahoma doorbell cam. Man in the red shirt appears to have some sort of weapon, but failed to notice the man watering his lawn is also armed.

  108. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Anonymous Reader says: They are armed with “assault rifles” Please do not repeat propaganda. It does not benefit anyone.

    Do you understand what putting words in “quotes” mean. Quotes is these little ” things you see between words. It is used to mock, quote directly, or

    Do you realize I put the word “assault rifles” in quotes, because that is the word the media and Europeans use to describe “scary guns” (again, in quotes). Being in quotes means that is word used by the Left and not really true. Clearly I understand that a true Assault Rifle is fully automatic and requires a special FFL license to buy and $200 application fee with the ATF.

    An M-16 is a select-fire rifle, firing 1-rd, 3-rd bursts, and full auto – that is an assault rifle and only available to police, military, weapon manufacturers to govt agencies, and mostly gun clubs/stores that have a special FFL license (class III or IV, depending).

    An AR-15 is a civilian, semi-auto rifle. The AR is NOT an assault rifle. The word “assault rifle” is used by the UN/Globocucks/Europeans/The entire left to demonize one of the best self-defense weapons available to civilians in the US. Just like the word “religious liberty” is now used in quotes by Left to demonize Christian opposition to any leftist policy.

    If you read what I wrote, you would have realized I do not spread anti-gun propaganda. I am vehemently pro-2nd. But you did not read anything, you just like to criticize those you do not read.

  109. Red Pill Christianity says:

    This argument about “assault weapons” the Democrats like to raise is simply used to cause fear and confusion. That is the same scheme they use to create fear and hate amongs Americans in every other issue. Everything the Left brings up is about “racism” or “misogyny” or “bigotry” or “xenophobia” or “homophobia”, etc. You disagree with someone black about tax rates or school choice, then of course, you must be racist. You disagree with someone who is gay about open borders, you must be homophobic. And so forth. *roll eyes*

    (AnonymousReader, the term “assault weapons” is being placed in “quotes” because I am using this in a mocking tone about a term the Left created out of thin air to demonize law-abiding gun ownership and generate public fear).

    When the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights were written and ratified by the States circa 1787, the Musket, in all of its variations, from the Blunderbuss (military “shotgun”) to the “Pennsylvania Rifles” to its handgun forms, were THE military grade weapon of choice by every major world power of its day.

    The 2nd Amendment was put in place with THE military-grade Musket in mind. The Musket was the “Assault Rifle” of its day used by our overlords and oppressors, the British military, which was the world’s best at the time. If you look at the writing of the Founders, from George Mason to Thomas Jefferson, it was clear their original intent (word often used by Justice Scalia) was to allow civilian ownership of the assault rifle of its day.

    That means the Founders and drafters of the 2nd were intending for civilians to own an assault rifle at home for self-defense and in preservation of liberty. That is what you see in Switzerland, for instance, where every able bodied man of sound mind must have in his home – an actual M-16 type assault rifle (full auto). And yet because of the Swiss extremely low immigration policies and strong independent mindset, they are able to protect gun rights even while surrounded by UN-loving EUcucks all around them.

    Now, here in the USA today, even though we have guaranteed gun ownership far beyond what the Swiss have under our Constitution, we are barred from owning such guns because of Congressional and court-based encroachment on our rights. That is why we have “civilian versions” of the M-16 assault Rifles, and we “settle” for the AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, for instance and other non-full auto weapons. Past generations (mainly the Boomers) compromised and allowed The Left to gain power for decades and made these restrictions happen, but here we are.

    And yet, the Left, the UN, Eurocucks, and their other Globocuck allies, want a total confiscation of every self-defense gun in America, which would be an absolute end to the 2nd Amnd and a likely civil war in our country, if not, at the very least widespread destruction, crime, and unrest.

    Progressivism (an oxymoron term) requires constant “progress” as they call it. Think of smokers (I hate cigarette smell myself and do not smoke) but how we went from not smoking inside to not smoking outside to not smoking 10-feet from business entrances to not smoking anywhere on streets to not being allowed to smoke in their own cars while driving to (soon) not being able to smoke even in their homes! It is a progression. It never stops. It was not enough to just stop smoking indoors and inside public transportation (like airplanes). They just infringe on individual liberty more and more, step by step. Obummercare was the same, pass that and soon we move to “Medicare for all” to then a UK-style govt hospital system where everyone is using the hellish VA system.

    That means once they ban their so-called “assault rifles” (a fake term, AnnonReader), they will just keep going to handguns, to what Sleepy Uncle Joe Biden calls “double-barrel shotguns”) to BB guns to paintball guns to plastic airsoft guns to old antique muskets. These people only seek more power and more control. It never stops.

    That is why I say – do not give them one inch in any direction. That is the GoA (Gun Owners of America) position and the baseline of NRA position too. They understand “progression” of the Left.

  110. Scott says:

    I think we should totally have a no true cowboy thread.

  111. Scott says:



    If you follow the progression of leftist thought on the matter of the 2A, no amount of infringement is over the line, as long as somewhere, someone is “allowed” to own a single shot, bolt action .22 with no magazines. They are stuck on the idea of what an “arm” is. If the 2A was written 1000 years from now, and the most common fighting weapon on the battlefield was a laser blaster, that would be what they had in mind.


    The really honest ones do not really believe in “rights” as contemplated by the notion of them being the preexsting default setting of man endowed. In their view, these rights are “granted” by the government, and therefore the 2A should be repealed.

    **disclaimer–see my thoughts on where this kind of thinking works in the many other places where I have discussed it. It only works where a majority of the people contain certain personality and moral peccadilloes in the aggregate, so it’s all just abstraction now. The average “American” doesn’t even posses the brain power to contemplate such things, let alone internalize and process them into a coherent worldview.

  112. Scott says:

    For example, does anyone even think about common law anymore? Do people realize how absolutely bizarre it is that several states have felt the need to pass “castle doctrine” statutes in recent decades?

    The idea that a property owner could be held liable for injuries sustained by an intruder on said property during the commission of a crime takes about a thousand years of conventional jurisprudence and throws it in the blender of incoherence.

    The logic is: you chose to make yourself the exception to societies norms and laws, therefore, exceptional measures may be taken to stop you, and all bets are off

    How in the F%$# did the very first judge who ever awarded damages in such a case ever graduate law school?

  113. Anonymous Reader says:

    Do you understand what putting words in “quotes” mean?

    Yes, I do. Perhaps you should review basic punctuation?

    Your air quotes are too clever by half. Perhaps in a different forum, where everyone was a dedicated RKBA supporter, it would work. However in this forum where some number of people are low-information regarding firearms that approach doesn’t work. The ambiguity is apparent. and it isn’t as if we haven’t gone through over a generation of outright lying from the Main Stream Megaphone on this very topic.

    Let’s recall that Josh Sugarmann, who set up his own 501c3 called the Violence Policy Center back in 1988 wrote an infamous memo in 1989 on the topic of blurring the line between NFA-34 regulated full-auto firearms and semi-auto firearms that looked like the former. Here is an excerpt from Sugarmann’s memo:

    Assault weapons — just like armor-piercing bullets, machine guns, and plastic firearms – are a new topic. The weapons’ menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons – anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun – can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons. In addition, few people can envision a practical use for these weapons.

    This is where the blatant lying in the MSM originated, and using terms carelessly doesn’t help. Look, this isn’t a gun blog, plenty of people here know little to nothing about firearms. Carelessness in terminology, even when using scare quotes, is just repeating propaganda. Please don’t do Josh Sugarmann’s work for him.

    PS: Lately your wall-of-text comments have been getting longer and longer. You might want to either post those as essays on your own blog, or edit them down to a screen or at most two prior to posting. It is likely that some number of readers are just scrolling past, because tl;dr.

  114. Anonymous Reader says:

    I think we should totally have a no true cowboy thread.

    What kind of city-slicker suggestion is that?

  115. Anonymous Reader says:

    The really honest ones do not really believe in “rights” as contemplated by the notion of them being the preexsting default setting of man endowed. In their view, these rights are “granted” by the government, and therefore the 2A should be repealed

    Rights vs. privileges is a subtle but real argument. It stems IMO from the concept of limits on governmental power, which traces back to limits on kings, which is not common in history.

    A couple of years back I read a pretty good book about England in 1215; what was that part of the world like at the time of the Magna Carta? One of the things that struck me reading it was this: maybe it was only possible in England or some other inner Hajnal line country, at least at that time.

    Limits on rulers is a precious thing. It should be kept around, not tossed out as obsolete.

  116. Cane Caldo says:


    I think we should totally have a no true cowboy thread.


    It only works where a majority of the people contain certain personality and moral peccadilloes in the aggregate, so it’s all just abstraction now.

    There are at least four nations in our country. Who wants to confront that?

  117. Cane Caldo says:


    It stems IMO from the concept of limits on governmental power, which traces back to limits on kings, which is not common in history.

    It stems back to Scholasticism and (via Natural Law deliberations and monkeyshines) blooms into the Enlightenment; specifically through the writings of Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, etc. They all imagined in various ways a “natural man” unimpeded by gods or societies; how he lived, how his descendants progressed…how we got here. It’s all nothing more than evidence that a pig has been cleaned. The most recent of its kind is called “Evolutionary Psychology”. What’s important is that rights, privileges, and freedoms are all fundamentally synonymous in the realm of politics. Only as a religious expression does the 2A or any distinction of right from privilege bear any meaning. Today everyone eschews such.

    One of the things that struck me reading it was this: maybe it (read: Limits on rulers) was only possible in England or some other inner Hajnal line country, at least at that time.

    Unfortunately, the pattern inside the Hajnal Line seems to be liberalism across the board.

    Besides, the Magna Carta was an agreement between a weak Norman King, strong Norman barons, and a powerful Universal Church headquartered in Rome. The English had very little to do with it as they were by then insignificant in their own country.

  118. Opus says:

    @Cane Caldo

    “the English insignificant in their own country” that sounds familiar. I came pretty close to violence last week when an immigrant to my country had the nerve to suggest to me that the English were not and never had been homogenous (we were arguing about President Trump and the four female democrats) and that I was no more English than he. Any newsreel footage from a hundred and twenty or even seventy years ago calls the lie on that nonsense.

    I have never understood why King John gets such a bad rap. Not all Kings had the power of say Louis XIV or Henry VIII. Consider the weakness of the present Elizabeth. John’s brother Richard bankrupted the country and spent most of his time in foreign escapdes. His premature death must have been a blessing for the country and it is just a pity that he did not die before the Billion £ ransom for him was paid to his captors rather than as happened just after.


    You have a strange idea about common law. I don’t recall it being Statute Law that ordains that should a burglar be injured on your premises then you cannot avoid responsibility for his injuries but case law (i.e. common law – or, I suppose, Equity). I could be wrong however as the memory is weak, though strangely the higher the fee I charge the more my memory improves.

  119. Warthog says:

    @dalrock Please weigh in on the Christian Bachelorette slut kicking off the only Christian candidate because she had slept with one or more of the Male contestants.

  120. feministhater says:

    Thank God for women like her spilling the beans. Goodness, gracious me. I am so thank you that God, in his infinite wisdom, allows these women to out themselves in such a open manner. Dear Lord Jesus! In your mercy I thank thee!

  121. Scott says:


    You are right. It is statute law (here in the US “castle doctrine”) that is being implemented to stop judges from awarding damages to criminals involved in dangerous, illegal activities who get hurt and thus becoming precedent.

    The “tradition” in this case was to weigh that breaking into ones home nullifies your “rights” to compensation because you have announced by your actions that law and order does not apply to you.

  122. Americans please step away from your computer because you know absolutely nothing about Britain as your comments make very clear.
    Hillbilly#1:’Gee willickers Bubba what in tarnation is a goin’n on in that there Englandshire? Ah heered tell that them thar tea sippin’ limey fags is a hazzin a knife crime wave!’

    Bubba:’You heered right Obediah. Them thar limies knee-grow population izza gawn about an stabbin folks. Dem lah-dee-dah h’english faggots were all-ah lookin’ down them thar noses at us ‘murricans an a bee-in all smug coz dey iz all civilised anna don’t need ah no guns to protec’ demsells wid’.

    Obediah:’What happened to dem guys? Dey once ruled half the world,now dey is all mooslim knee-grow lovin’ tea sippin’ fags who looked down them thar snooty noses at God fearing ,gun loving,hard-working ‘murricans who jes wanna feed their fam-lees ‘.
    Bubba:’Yeah I heered tell that nun oh dem tea-sippin’ fags can build a log cabin. Hell dey can’t even tell a coon from a turkey buzzard. God & guns is what built dis cuntree and keep her strong. Dem tea-sippin’ fags days abandoned God and guns an the Almighty is showing dem limeys the error of their ways’.

    Frank from above interjects at this point:
    “Ah heered tell from my tea-sippin’ limey fag brother-in-law that he’s jes ah finished puttin’ in two machine gun turrets at hizza house and 6” steel bombproof shutters come down and cover every window and door when they leave the house. My bil says that Englandshire is like 70s Beirut now all coz they ain’t got no guns to blow away any dusky individual that looks at them more than a second too long.’

  123. Frank K says:

    Hey Stephanie- I see you’re into hyperbole. Crack all the jokes you want. I know what I saw with my own two lying eyes when I was over there. And yes, given my BIL’s paranoia you’d think he lived in an inner city shit hole and not in the bucolic looking English countryside. Of course, since he was a cop he knew just how high the probability of being burgled was.

    And by the way, I never called anyone a “fag”. So please have the decency to no put words in my mouth. This of course tells me that you can’t back your arguments with facts, so you resort to lies.

  124. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Immigrant-occupied London is a raging s#!thole! It has gotten so bad under an openly pro-Jihadist mayor that even African and Middle Eastern parents are sending their kids BACK to their home countries to keep them safe. But it is not just out of control crime; it is also terrible quality of life.

    Check out this funny “Tour of London” video by London native. God bless all bans on self-defense and bans on all defensive weapons! *roll eyes*

  125. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Ps. Stephanie, have you actually BEEN to say London’s East side or anywhere in the city of Birmingham, England?? It IS a foreign country.

    Please watch that video I just posted above. It is quite the eye opener.

    The UK is largely occupied to the point it is LITERALLY a foreign country in many ways. Do not get me wrong, we have occupied lands here too, a hellhole called California is the prime example. But at least in the USA, many people, including myself, favor CalExit, it is basically Brexit, but for California to separate from the USA (with certain agreements in place, including rental of military bases, some “free trade”, but restrict Californian access to our welfare system, courts, currency, and jobs in the USA).
    Americans like me who have been to California realize that it has become a foreign country, occupied and controlled by anti-American Zealots and the population is basically all foreigners.

    One big difference is that when a mob shows up at your “tiny flat” ready to rape, murder, and pillage, you are defenseless. In the USA, we are STILL armed and in most States, able to use deadly force to protect ourselves.

    It is time you, and other nice British fellows, wake up and LOOK around you. You live in a country where two of its major cities are LITERALLY controlled by foreigners who hate you. The invaders hate your country, culture, flag, and Queen.

    Brexit may be a futile attempt to save the UK if PM BoJo pushes and gets an amnesty for the illegals in your country, making about 10 million illegal invaders into voting British citizens. You will be as doomed as the USA will be if we have an amnesty for the 20-30 million foreign illegal criminal aliens within our borders right now (and the 100+ million they will chain migrate via “family unification” shortly after an amnesty).

    Trust me, the UK is on the brink of collapse… you, like the USA, are 1 amnesty away from total foreign control and social chaos. The only difference is in America we can fight back. In the UK, the barbarians are armed and have the upper hand in every way imaginable, including immunity from prosecution by just uttering the word “racism”.

  126. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Warthog says: Christian Bachelorette slut kicking off the only Christian candidate because she had slept with one or more of the Male contestants.

    feministhater says: Thank God for women like her spilling the beans.

    Warthog, I just now read about this, since I do not watch any “Reality TV”. I would rather have a root canal without anesthesia then watch “reality TV”.

    But should anyone be surprised at her “confession” at all? And the fact she is SO PROUD of her whoring ways?

    Our culture is so gynocentric and so full of misandry that she is now going to become a national hero to the hard left for this “confession” alone.

    10 years ago, this may have shocked me a bit and would have surprised all blue-pilled men. Today, thanks to Roosh/RoK/Heartiste/dalrock, many men have been Red-pilled and know the drill.

    Back 10 or 20 years ago, most women who openly played the “good Christian girl” card publicly would at least try to give the IMPRESSION of being truly Christian. Today, they WANT to admit to sinful behavior as much as possible. It is a badge of honor, a sign of you go guuuuurrrllll power, the trophy of a true feminist-Christian, who makes up her own Bible rules.

    To quote the two in the show, from a 2nd article I read about this:

    “Let’s say you have had sex with one or multiple of these guys, I would be wanting to go home,” Luke P admitted. Hannah B, also a professing Christian, immediately took offense to Luke P’s comments and confessed that she has had “physical relations” with some of the other contestants but “Jesus stills loves her.”

    “Jesus still loves me” is the favorite slooot’s refrain. And they also like “do not judge me! (meaning: do not judge my behavior!)”

    None of this surprises me one bit. And that is sad commentary in our dying “Christian culture”, really. I wish Hannah would not have professed her faith at all, it would have been less harmful that way.

  127. Opus says:

    I would like to apologise for the insults aimed at this blog’s readers by my fellow countrywoman the dog-devoted spinster Ms StephanieG. It is of course motivated by the usual British envy of America and its freedom to shoot burglars but mostly because you are so much moire wealthy – damn you! Ms StephanieG’s animal-loving heart is of course in the right place which accounts for her failure to admit reality. If she should deign to leave deepest Berkshire and travel to s%*t-holes like Birmingham she would observe that the place is as you imagine – but you don’t need a gun in Berkshire other than to shoot pheasant.

  128. Oscar says:

    @ Opus

    No worries. No one holds you responsible for some random dog mom’s rudeness.

  129. Gunner Q says:

    Red Pill Christianity @ 2:20 am:
    “But at least in the USA, many people, including myself, favor CalExit, it is basically Brexit, but for California to separate from the USA”

    You are a fool. California would become a Chinese client state within 24 hours and the PRC would never leave North America again. Say goodbye to 1/4 of the American economy.

    Why are you not wishing for the military to retake California instead? Do you think California was never a conservative state?

  130. cshort says:

    @Gunner Q and RPC

    Personally, I’d rather see CA broken up into a couple of states. The only problem is that it’d be rigged to ensure liberal majorities in each state instead of what should happen with the coastal cities in one state and the majority of the rest in another.

  131. Red Pill Christianity says:

    cShort, if you break it up and have an illegal alien amnesty, even the “Conservative” parts of California will be all solid Blue and would mean all Socialists Senators and almost all House members be Socialists too.

    52% of California is basically Mexican and Central American origin, and they strongly aminatain their foreign identity and language for generations. Even “black cities” like Compton, CA are almost all Hispanic now. Our enemies at Aljezera were already celebrating over 80% Latino population in Compton years ago, today is probably close to 100% Hispanic!!!

    Back in 2014, Hispanics were the majority already. Today, after the Border has been wide open and mass caravans have been coming in non-stop since Barry illegally issued DACA in 2012, I would say it is probably pushing 60% soon.

    Breaking up Cali into several smaller States would just increase their Senate control.

    GunnerQ: California was a Conservative state before the population of middle class Americans fled and before the Left imported a brand new voting population into the State.

    I would personally favor a US-military action in California to forcibly remove all the illegals from the State before the Dems have a chance to pass an amnesty and have Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez clones stay in power for the next 100 years…. but I was talking peaceful solutions.

    CalExit is a peaceful solution, and an acceptable one to a growing number of Americans, including myself, if Cali makes concessions and we set-up a Border wall with Cali, to prevent an invasion once the Left collapses the new country. Short of a military clean-up of Cali, separation is the only other choice. California has become a de-facto separate country. There is no other way to save Cali – it is either by military force or separation.

    As for becoming a foreign client-state, I got bad news. California already is a Chinese client-state. All the tech companies that artificially inflates the perception that California is 1/4 of the US economy are already openly working for the Chinese military now. Google, for instance, refuses to help the Us Govt and yet is creating powerful AI weapons for China.

    It is all over the news, look it up. Generals are warning Google, among other “American” tech companies are clients of Chinese military. And these companies get to benefit from our courts, our military protection, and of course pay $0 in taxes. Just awesome having them around.

  132. cshort says:


    I was assuming that another amnesty would not occur, but even without an amnesty it’s still problematic like you say. I’d just really prefer to keep the nice parts of the state in the US… I don’t want to need a passport to hike the PCT.

    At this point I’m beginning to think that the people arguing that we need to divide into multiple countries are going to be proven right in the long run.

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