As I’ve shared previously, feminists have been wildly successful in bending the legal system to enable women to dominate men:
- The Duluth model is working as designed; you won’t smart mouth her again.
- Another case of Duluth working as designed.
- NFL Super Bowl PSA: Who is the abuser?
This is normal to us, so we tend not to notice it. But there are exceptions, including the viral video below.
Keep in mind that the model we teach police, judges, and other court officials across the US insists that the reason for domestic violence is that men are seeking to exert power and control over women. In fact, a man exerting power and control over a woman is the very definition of domestic violence according to Duluth. This is confusing because most people assume domestic violence is about violence, but feminists have redefined the subject entirely.
In theory, a woman threatening and beating her husband or boyfriend for looking at other women isn’t guilty of mere assault, but domestic violence. Or at least that would be the case if the sexes were reversed. So far I don’t see any stories describing the actual charges she is facing. Given that the video has gone viral it is possible the prosecutor will go against the teachings of Duluth and charge her the way he would charge a man in the same situation. It will be interesting to see.
From: Countering Confusion about the Duluth Model (emphasis mine):
We still live in a sexist society where women are devalued, where many men believe they are entitled to be in control in an intimate relationship, and where men who batter believe they have the right to use violence. While it is a goal to change the attitudes of men who batter, the ultimate goal of the Duluth Model has always been to ensure that victims are safer by having the state intervene to stop the violence and address the power imbalance inherent in relationships where one person has been systematically dominated and subjugated by another.
The underpinnings of the Duluth curriculum do come from a historical analysis. When Europeans came to this continent, they brought religion, laws, and economic systems that institutionalized the status of women as the property of men through marriage. From the church to the state, there was not only acceptance of male supremacy, but also an expectation that husbands would maintain the family order by controlling their wives. Various indiscretions committed by wives were offenses to be punished by husbands. This system of male dominance (like any social structure where one group oppresses another) was perpetuated by: a) a belief in the primacy of men over women; b) institutional rules requiring the submission of women to men; c) the objectification of women which made violence acceptable; and d) the right of men to use violence to punish with impunity (Dobash and Dobash 1983).
Stating that domestic violence is gender neutral is not only disingenuous, but also has serious public policy implications… Men and women use violence in very different ways, and therefore our response must be different.
…We do agree that there are a small number of women who use violence resulting in police action against their partners without themselves being abused. This is not a social problem requiring institutional organizing in the way that men’s violence against women is.
Every such video is a case for MGTOW.
Also disheartening is how airlines have become fetid cattle cars, crammed with trashy people.
I first flew on a plane in 1968. I was a little boy. My parents dressed me in a little blue suit, because we were flying on a plane. The stewardess (not flight attendant) gave me a little pilot’s pin. Everyone was so well dressed and formal.
I think flights began to get “casual” in the 1980s. I read that it was due to Reagan’s deregulation, which caused ticket prices to drop. The free market, whatever its merits, has turned airplanes into buses.
“…he ultimate goal of the Duluth Model has always been to ensure that victims are safer by having the state intervene to stop the violence and address the power imbalance inherent…” – So they are admitting that men are stronger than women? But instead of a Father or husband to protect her she wants the state to do it so she does not have anyone to answer to. I think I get it now.
Hey, another Wonderful Woman heard from!
Since the event occurred on the ground, there’s probably no option to charge with various Federal raps such as “failure to obey orders of a member of the flight crew”. The crew could have had her removed from the aircraft by airport security and / or local police. Whether she actually was charged with anything would be worth knowing.
“Strong, independent wahman” at work. Stuff like this just feeds into any number of social pathologies.
Can’t imagine why that man was looking at women…er…other women. Can’t fathom it!
It’s just more fried ice. Women are strong and independent and don’t need no man — when it benefits them. Women are helpless little waifs that are perpetually in danger of being brutalized by menacing men — when it benefits them.
So men are hugely strong ogres who will beat and abuse and cripple helpless womenchildren in one part of spacetime, while women are just as competent as men & when they fail the US Army Ranger course it’s only due to eeevil Patriarchy.
In my opinion, women are much less bothered by cognitive dissonance than men, but this is purely one man’s opining with no science behind it.
Bear in mind the Duluth protocol was created in the late 1970’s by a handful of feminists with an agenda. It was then promulgated by “social scientists” because it was “science”, and of course Traditional Conservatives in legislatures are always ready to “protect helpless women”. It’s like the 21st century version of Temperance in a way. No offense to teetotal people intended, by the way.
Maybe a judge will not go Duluth on the hapless dude – but Duluth model was in full effect by the cops that showed up. The story as covered by the Mirror, says both the woman and the man were were taken off the plane. Why was he taken off? Midwestern mid-size cities for $500, Alex!
Cunts are gonna cunt.
Did the violent twat face consequences?
@Anon Reader
Duluth sits at the perfect intersection of feminism and chivalry. Feminists and chivalrists both want women to be in absolute power over men. Duluth delivers to both the purple haired set and the “My Lord Mary Lee” crowd.
Never understood how perverse chivalry was until you set it all out for us here Dalrock. That’s a big piece of the puzzle.
Kinda puts a stake in the heart of the idea of historical institutional patriarchy too. The lie has been there for a long time.
DR Smith
Maybe a judge will not go Duluth on the hapless dude – but Duluth model was in full effect by the cops that showed up.
Not if they were both removed, nope. In states with mandatory arrest, Duluth rules demand that someone is going to jail, but it doesn’t have to be both.
My guess based on both pilots and cops I know: the pilot has a schedule and doesn’t need that drama, so he told the cops to get those people off of his aircraft right now. The cops took them both downtown to let a judge sort it out. “Duluth” would have removed the man and left the strong, independent wahman on the plane just for a start.
Feminists have been lying about domestic violence since the get-go, and have admitted to lying about it.
Kinda puts a stake in the heart of the idea of historical institutional patriarchy too.
“Teh Patriarchy” is just a ghost story feminists tell each other. Example: an actual patriarchy would never have allowed the “tender years” child custody doctrine to come into effect. Note the history.
>“Strong, independent wahman” at work.
Hardly, because there is no such thing as a “wahman.” That isn’t a word.
I love the use of “small” in that last paragraph.
Pingback: Ugly feminists on a plane. | Reaction Times
The Real Peterman,
Hardly, because there is no such thing as a “wahman.” That isn’t a word.
Real Peterman is an infamous incel who is completely convinced that ‘Game doesn’t exist’, but he has never made a compelling case for that position, nor does he ever put forth an alternate model of attraction.
Until now.
It appears that he thinks being a spelling correction zealot will get him laid. The sheer genius!!!
Self correcting problem. As marriage, cohabitation, hell even sex rates crater.
You need to be “domestic” to have domestic violence.
Unless you count misogynistic cats.
Jim said it all in four words.
Real Peterman–great find. I will include it in my blogpost, as a follow up to this one:
It’s important to recognize that the Duluth machine, as a rule, does not accept alternative hypotheses to explain intimate partner violence. Only socialized, stubborn, patriarchal gender roles designed to keep women down are to blame. There is no other variance to account for. That is, its actually part of the protocols as delivered by state run and state contracted agencies that offenders are not permitted to bring into the discussion their childhood exposure to trauma (parent modelling, etc), substance abuse, psychopathology, ethnic and cultural differences, nor any of the events or actions by the other person leading to the incident. These kinds of comments are immediately struck down in group settings as lacking remorse and accountability (or commonly “victim blaming”). The incident may not have any context, just men bad, women good.
An exception is usually made in cases like this. That is, in the face clear video evidence that this woman is the perpetrator, is totally conditioned to believe that its perfectly reasonable to hit a man for “looking” at other women in broad daylight, and has no sense of breaking either the law or common decency, they MUST (and will) label her “crazy.” Her crime here is being too obvious about the double standard, and to label her as having some kind of mental disorder will be the approved way of explaining the behavior (even though it is totally out of bounds for a man to do it).
I sympathise with him for looking at other women. that thing that was hitting the man is a land whale with a huge attitude and entitlement issues.
Dal, You have GOT to comment on the Bachelorette TV sow. It is a treasure trove of beta males, Christianity, and today’s “Strong, independent women “ BS!!!!
Real Peterman-
Returning to the article you posted. The author is (was–its from 2016) scared. She is scared that the alphabet soup of gender theory has taken its toll on the generations following X, who are no longer able to relate to it (the Domestic Violence “movement”).
She is arguing that the movement should fully embrace women’s violence (euphemistically she writes “understand” it).This means taking a huge risk that the movement will be exposed for the anti-fainess, anti-jurisprudence, anti-basic common decency ideology that it is. By understand it, she means justify it in context as basically macro level self-defense against the evil patriarchy.
She is telling others in the movement that a moment of truth has been reached, and it may finally be time to take the gloves off and expose themselves as being completely anti-male.
The subjectivity (clown world) of a totally political, totally irrational descent into “gender” madness is grinding all their theories to a halt, because words like “masculine” and “feminine” are meaningless to the groups they would normally call allies. Duluth will crumble because of “TERF” feminism. It might be held together in truce while they fry other big fishes, but eventually they will not be able to reconcile the fact that their entire supposition is based on a gender binary model of humankind, which is now so, like, uncool.
@ Real Peterman
Agree with Scott, that paper is a very interesting find.
Reading that document is sometimes like walking through deep mud that keeps pulling off my boots, it is so thick with sloganeering; and other times like trying to chew aluminum foil, it is so painful to parse.
Some is easy to read: the authoress is upset that reauthorizations of VAWA have further expanded law enforcers power at the expense of the underlying “men bad!” feminist narrative. Well, yeah, that’s what happens to Federal law, it tends to grow without limit. Duh.
Sometimes the mask slips right off…
Sweeping women’s domestic violence under the rug?
Gonna need a bigger rug…
So after they lock HIM up for his body connecting with her fists, how much time you think he’ll get for her assaulting him?
You all need to listen to your pastors and “man up” these *******. Here’s a perfect example and remember when she assaults you, robs you, beats your kids, commits adultery, gets you thrown in jail repeatedly by making false allegations, and finally divorces you it’s ALL YOUR fault because pastor said so.
@ Scott
I’ve mentioned this here before, but I hadn’t thought to ask you about it. Are there any studies that break down “domestic violence”, or “intimate partner violence” by marriage status? I’ve never been able to find one.
The reason I ask is that cop friends of mine have assured me that they rarely get “domestic violence” calls where the people involved are married. What they usually get is calls where the people involved are shacked up together, or one of the infinite permutations of “intimate partner” that exist today.
As far as I know, every study on “intimate partner violence” lumps hookups with shackups, married couples, and everything else. Do you know of a study that doesn’t lump them all together?
Erin Pizzey an Englishwoman who opened, I believe, the first women’s-aid shelter over here incurred the wrath of her feminist sisters when she publicly avowed that most domestic violence – and doubtless initially much to her surprise – was female on male and that when it isn’t the women in question actually want their men to hit them. I had one, mercifully, just one – girlfriend like that who loved nothing more than to be punched, kicked, slapped and insulted verbally. I, at least, could not go on like that and so she was given the order of the boot – luggage placed outside the front door – goodbye.
Ask yourself: have you ever observed a man physically assaulting a woman; then ask yourself the same question but reversing the sex. Speaking for myself the former question gets a nil but the latter most certainly does not. I even had (now I think on it) not one but two former girlfriends boasting of their unprovoked – at least the response was entirely disproportionate – violence against unsuspecting men.
Before watching the clip I assumed that the airplane was on a flight down-to or back-from one of the Costas, given its source being The Sun. Why I wonder does Dalrock always seem to link to British media (thus giving me the chance to show off my usually rather pitiful knowledge — but in the land of the blind the one-eyed man etc etc).
I am not aware of any studies that have attempted to sift through the different rates of violence between married couples and all the other forms of cohabitation. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
I can imagine a couple of scenarios where that might be a good thing for the movement, and others that would be bad.
Marriage is seen as the ultimate patriarchal institution that needs to be dismantled, so if they could show a higher rate of violence among married couples than that of other types of arrangements, I would think they would be pointing that out every day.
But–since same-sex marriage has now been opened up, made legal and normalized among pretty much all 50 states, they would have to parse out what kind of marriages to be able to find that kind of data. And most likely it would show opposite results.We already know that some of the worst violence occurs between lesbian couples. As a side note, I suspect blue-pilled officers who respond to calls with two women are on circuitry overload when they can’t find a drunk man in a wife-beater t-shirt to blame. Their Duluth training has not prepared them for that. Where is the damsel in distress for me to save?
The term intimate partner violence was, of course, introduced ultimately because the same thing that ails our run-by-unprincipled exception civilization. “What about us? What about people who are living together but not married? What about this group and that group?” Eventually the term had to be changed to make sure as many people as possible could receive the cathartic label of “victim.”
He is lucky it happened in public on camera. I was involved in 1 with my ex i am totally sober watching my kid all night kid goes to bed she comes home after being out 4hrs like she drank and did some hard drugs. Totally psychotic!
She hurts kid and shit is accelerating i call cops they come and tell me they have no idea why i called them. And i am lucky she is so drunk they cant get her side of the story. She was so messed upnshe cant talk and they made me leave.
We are told police side with the first person to call. Then the sober one but they side with #believeallwomen!
The subjectivity (clown world) of a totally political, totally irrational descent into “gender” madness is grinding all their theories to a halt, because words like “masculine” and “feminine” are meaningless to the groups they would normally call allies. Duluth will crumble because of “TERF” feminism. It might be held together in truce while they fry other big fishes, but eventually they will not be able to reconcile the fact that their entire supposition is based on a gender binary model of humankind, which is now so, like, uncool.
That’s the fight. It certainly does look like the old-skool feminists are going to get pushed aside by the trans movement.
If you look at the latest round of Pride Parades last month, most of which were rather very trans, the sheer participation levels from all sorts of people, most of them straight, many of those married with kids, was extraordinary. The LGBT movement is now not only tolerated, it is wildly popular, it is the majoritarian view, and very popular with non-LGBT people. I can’t see how the trans movement would now be excised from that so as to benefit doctrinaire feminists who are far less popular in general than trannies are.
To some extent it is satisfying watching those man-hating fools get foisted on their own petards by men in dresses — quite an appropriate fate, it seems to me. But at the same time, the ideology being pushed by World War T is even worse, if that’s possible, than doctrinaire feminism. It’s like a Pyrrhic victory if there ever was one.
Unbelievable! Looks like they never even took her into custody. They just let her walk away and she remains at large. Also interesting that a woman who witnessed the whole thing says she is not in a position to judge. I am sure she would have said the same thing if the roles were reversed.
From a Yahoo news article:
Miami-Dade Police Department has identified the woman as “Mrs. McLemore,” and told Yahoo Lifestyle the couple was on a connecting flight to Los Angeles from Ecuador.
As McLemore continued to push past flight attendants to make her way through the plane, a steward warned her that she’d be “charged with assault.” She remained unfazed, and responded, “Fine, whatever.”
However, police officials say that McLemore walked away after de-boarding the plane, and a search for her “yielded negative results.” They added that she didn’t answer her phone, and the man she assaulted “refused to write a statement and was uncooperative.”
People on Twitter took issue with the fact that the couple was apparently seated in an emergency exit row, which could have been dangerous.
Others pointed out the two men seated a row ahead of the feuding couple, were the “real MVPs” for keeping a straight face and sitting patiently through the dramatic ordeal.
A spokesperson for American Airlines sent a statement to Yahoo Lifestyle in which they wrote, “We thank the American crew who worked quickly to defuse the situation. Their actions resulted in a safe environment for all of our passengers.”
Scorupco confirmed this, adding that she “didn’t feel in danger at any point because the flight attendants were standing around the couple.”
“At the end of the day, I have no true idea what prompted the situation, or how they treat one another in private — so I am not one to judge,” Scorupco told Yahoo Lifestyle. “But, she did say a lot of hurtful and racist things about him and his upbringing, background and heritage — most of which wasn’t recorded, so it was hard to watch. And of course, there’s absolutely no excuse for physical abuse.”
The Miami-Dade Police Department says that while the man has been rebooked for a later flight by American Airlines, it is uncertain whether the airline will rebook McLemore.
She hurt the kid (why?!) and they made YOU leave…while she was toked up on drugs?!! Why did you go along with that? What if she hurt the kid worse when you weren’t there? What ended up happening? At least you say she is your EX – that is a good thing!
@ Scott
That figures. I’ll take my police officer friends’ word for it, until I see data that prove otherwise.
This is a fantastic horror story. Read and learn !
“A Harvard Law professor who teaches a class on judgment” – as well, that will learn him.
Women eh ? sweet darlings that they all are.
Psychotic bitc8es from hell more like.
“Why did you go along with that?”
Oh, man. ‘Why did you go along with that,’ he says.
This is a fantastic horror story. Read and learn !
The guy in question is, however, a pathetically clueless beta boi who kind of deserved what happened. Heck the guy lives with his long since ex wife in a platonic relationship yet she forbids him to see other women. That’s a pathetic beta boi right there, before any of the crazy psychotic manhater stuff actually got going. That guy is an absolute dumpster fire when it comes to women, period, and you can see it’s almost all because of his own shortcomings.
I’ll interact with your comments via freely associating without thinking too much so forgive me if it sounds weird.
The TERFs are starting to look quite intolerant indeed. How could they not? The word “exclusionary” appears in their very name.
It’s like a good old girl network has been high fiving themselves in smoke filled back rooms for 60 years while they radically change the entire legal, cultural and political landscape to their advantage!
Not unlike the story of the emperors new clothes, the illusion they must maintain is the opposite of the truth. That a bunch of old white men in suits and top hats are trading women and minorities like cards on a monopoly board. It’s BS and everyone knows it.
Those guys actually have to work twice as hard for half the success. They are permitted to make precisely zero unforced errors on the way to the top for the risk of a career ending harassment or “racism” charge.
The “hero” of this story appears to be a waifish trans person with perfect hair nails and sling shouting “the emperor has no clothes.” It’s his job to teach the blue haired set to stop being such discriminatory bullies.
Meanwhile, guys like me have the luxury of knowing that we are on the very bottom of the hierarchy. If I can just keep my head down, I can live quietly with my cute little wife and beautiful kids and raise up the next generation of normal, mentally stable productive humans.
The problem is the shootout at the OK corral may have huge collateral damage.
Woke U. Psych 101 final exam essay:
If a transman strikes a transwoman, to whom is the Duluth model applied? Explain your answer.
Scott: I suspect blue-pilled officers who respond to calls with two women are on circuitry overload when they can’t find a drunk man in a wife-beater t-shirt to blame. Their Duluth training has not prepared them for that. Where is the damsel in distress for me to save?
I suppose the cops must figure out which lesbian is the husband, which the wife. The one who is more butch gets arrested.
By the way, Professor Hay of Harvard, who lives with his ex wife? He’s one of the social / cultural elites. His opinion on just about anything is much more important than any of ours. He’s smarter than we are, too, as his actions clearly demonstrated. He’s the sort of fellow who gets consulted by Fortune 500 companies on topics such as “decisionmaking”, which explains quite a bit about decisions in the US over the last 25 years.
PS: I found an image of Haider, the Pakistani man-in-a-dress who was part of the scamming tag team that jacked up Prof. Hay…but really? I don’t want to post it. Let’s just say that any illusion of femaleness doesn’t succeed very well. Uh, “needs work”…
If there are any charges in this incident they will be related to the disruptive behavior aboard an aircraft and likely not involve any sort of domestic violence charges directed at either person.
@RPL, its easy, whoever has the shortest haircut gets booked.
@AR, go on, post that image let us see, just what passes for a trans- thing /?
Didn’t she drop the n-word several times? I don’t think this was a white woman.
Regardless, we used to discuss the futility of the state of marriage around here. I guess now we can discuss the futility of girlfriends too.
I’ve always found it funny in the US that I can punch a random woman on the street and be merely charged with simple assault, but if I push my wife away from me while she is trying to hit me I get charged with more serious domestic violence.
If there are any charges in this incident they will be related to the disruptive behavior aboard an aircraft and likely not involve any sort of domestic violence charges directed at either person.
Doubtful, since the aircraft was not in flight and she sorta kinda obeyed instructions of the cabin crew.
In Game terms, that man was completely within her frame of reference, she had the upper hand. It is obvious this isn’t the first time she’s smacked on him with her hands, either. Unless there’s property or children in common, his best option IMO would be to go ghost as soon as possible. Last week would be good. He’s better off alone than with that hambeast.
The man, obviously.
In British Columbia a certain man-in-a-dress has gained notoriety for filing complaints against cosmeticians who won’t perform waxing on his private parts. He has another great idea that makes “Drag Queen Story Hour”[1] look almost sane by comparison: a pool party for people of age 12 and up, with bathing suit tops optional, and no parents allowed. The local government has to consider this for, er, reasons.
[1] Unfortunately a clear and obvious example of the change in the rate of change. 18 months ago who would expect this to be a function of any library, or that heavy police protection would be provided in some locations? Not protecting the children, protecting the man-in-a-dress who wants to spend “story time” with other people’s children. From “nothing” to “routine” in under 2 years.
Anonymous Reader, never mind the part about “filing complaints against cosmeticians who won’t perform waxing on his private parts.” Read further down and you’ll learn …
Yaniv appears to have solicited advice about approaching preteen girls in leaked Facebook message screenshots.
Yaniv asked questions such as “is it weird to ask a 10-12 year old girl for a pad? Or a tampon? … should I give her one and instruct her on how to use it?” and “If there’s like 30 girls in the change room, how many of them would you say are out there changing freely with their vaginas and tits out?”
Yaniv has denied that she sent the messages seen in the screenshots.
I remember when such perverts feared the police. Now they are protected by police.
And the normal people who criticize them must fear doxing and being called a “hater.”
You know the deal, D-Rock! She gets a pussy-pass. Used to be only the most beautiful women got a pussy-pass, but even a Buffarillo-Bombshell gets one nowadays. Whatchoo guys think she weighs? I got her figured to a biscuit or two over three hundred. Even her head is the size of a cow’s.
As someone who has been in hundreds of hours of international and domestic flights, I can say this type of violent women are often 1) “minority”; 2) fat; 3) Western people, I would say 70% are women, every single time; 4) The women almost never get arrested, very few times they get removed from plane, creating inconvenient hell for everyone else, including massive flight delays. They have to try to open the plane door to actually be removed. If they drink, throw stuff, get violent, the mostly female flight attendants tell them to “sit over there” and move them. That is it. Like punishing a child with a “time out” chair.
Compare that to the man in SW flight in Phoenix, a ale passenger made a little joke about “the airline should be giving vodka, not water” for keeping them stuck in plane on ground for ours and a female flight attendant called police and had him arrested and removed from plane.
Now, a woman pulls this violent nonsense we saw in OP video in Eastern Europe?? HAH! Arrested and charged for sure and the cops ain’t gonna be gentle. This is why you almost never sees this stuff happening in “proper places” like airplanes or restaurants in EE. If you all saw video of NYPD cops getting water and buckets thrown on them in NYC. Trust me, in EE or South America, the adults throwing stuff on cops would end up “missing” and found weeks later in a remote field. The lack of respect for everything, even cops, is causing our society is disintegrating before our very eyes.
Pre-9/11, flying wears a pleasure. They used to give you little food trays, drinks, and pillows (free) even in domestic flights. The flight attendants were pleasant, thin, and friendly. Today we pay for breathing separate from airfare costs, and then you are herded like cattle and the flight attended acts like an angry prison guard. This alone should show you how much our society has declined.
@AR, oh come on, you don’t want to post a link to a female who wants to get her balls waxed ?
are you a TERF ?
And yes, the crazy woman in the video is likely Puerto Rican or northern Mexican, given her hair type, body type, accent, and skin tone. Latina women are very violent and just as feminist as Western women today, if not worse. Brazilian women being the worst by far of all Latin women today.
Did anyone hear in video she threatened to call police against the battered man “in case he goes back to [his own] house”? She is previewing a false criminal call to cops. Men is almost guaranteed an arrest and Restraining Order against him here.
The problem here is that women are almost never held criminally or civilly accountable for anything. Women get caught making false r*pe accusations to police and nothing happens. Women are never held accountable for public violence against men, who cannot fight back or risk a trip to the gulag. Female teachers who have sex with 10 year old boys in schools get fired and maybe probation, no prison time. Women get 1/5 of typical male sentence for same crime. Prosecutors routinely offer woman immunity to testify against her husband (see Congressman Duncan Hunter case for a recent one).
Until women are held criminally accountable for their behavior and courts begin to treat men and women equal under the law (family court, police dealings, criminal sentencing, etc) there is zero hope to fix the societal malaise crippling our society. This fix has to be judicial in nature, it has to be codified into law, Family courts need to be completely reformed, and criminal statutes have to require men and women have parity in sentencing.
There is no way to fix and save Western civilization until we address the core of the problem, legal disparity between men and women. That is the core of all the problems we have, the radical Feminist legal system. Men cannot be afraid to be equal citizens until we remove the fear factor of abusive feminist laws.
Pre-9/11, flying wears a pleasure. They used to give you little food trays, drinks, and pillows (free) even in domestic flights. The flight attendants were pleasant, thin, and friendly.
Nah, flying was awful even in the 1990s.
Red Pill Latecomer
Read further down and you’ll learn …
I did, but frankly “he said / it said” about Tweets that have been deleted is almost pointless.
The actual proposal put before some sort of governing body is essentially a demand for government-provided sexual access to 12 year old boys and girls…and people are required to give this request a serious hearing, just as if someone else proposed “Let me teach Esperanto to teenagers on Saturday afternoons at the youth center. Parents welcome too!”
@AR, oh come on, you don’t want to post a link to a female who wants to get her balls waxed ?
The link I posted above has at least two images of that person. Read the article.
@AR, well I can find this one, you got a better one ?
@AR, fair enough
@clarence the police made me leave or i would b arrested and charged with i dont know? I was sober and tried to calmly explain what was going on. She was literally high drunk i dont know never saw her act like that before could not speak and barely walk.
Police work for our corrupt court system peroid they enforce laws to benefit women. They are the enforcement branch of that system. I personally could not believe they made me leave and not her. Had i not seen it it would b hard to believe as it goes against what you are taught your entire life.
And by hurt kid i mean she dug her finger nails into the baby as she held her like a pit bull as the baby screamed. All while staring me in the eyes as cold as a reptile i forced her on couch and tried to get baby but she kept digging nails in so i backed off but would not let her get up she was stumbling and going to fall and crush kid. She crawled up steps when she entered house.
@locustsplease, you should have told the police she is a trans-man, and you identify as a woman. Arresting you would have been in violation of the duluth model, and they would have been up for review.
Sad, we literally would have to lie to police now to get even a sliver of what passes for regular justice.
@LP, If anything like that ever happens again, quick slap on some makeup, tights and a dress 😀 !
Also, sorry the horrible bitch has put you and the kids through this.
Welcome to the new world.
Late to the party here.
Who would date this type of woman? She’s Shrek’s sister! There’s actually dudes that are this desperate.
Nothing, going for her. Nothing! She’s a negative 10.
If you’re a Christian you certainly wouldn’t date her. If you’re not a Christian then options like masturbation to porn are infinitely better. Companionship? Guys make much better friends than even the nicer ladies let alone this ogre.
As a physician, I have treated many men with broken bones from abuse by women. Only once have I seen the police take the man’s side, that being a police woman. Overall there’s more sympathy from women for abused men than from men for abused men in my obviously tiny and biased sample. There are a few, very few, conservative women like my wife who actually are what the Scriptures ask women to be: philandrous; in other words,lovers of men and critical of women as a whole. Scripture call both sexes to have a bias in favor of the opposite sex, not to say the bias will cover all misdeeds. Western men have been taught and even forced to increase that bias to an extreme, while women are shamed for displaying an open enthusiasm for masculinity (except, of course, when it comes time for the man to do the dangerous, dirty of difficult job).
Scripture sits squarely between Islamic misogyny and modern misandry. The vast majority of modern Churches are openly and enthusiastically misandric, and they wonder why the men don’t care to go. Almost all world religions strongly favor men, look up the meaning of Yin Yang, or how in Bhuddism a woman must first reicarnate as a man before achieving enlightment (Jain ect).
@ Jesus, first born of Jose and Maria,
Fascinating comment. Do you have reference verses for the claim that each sex is to have a bias towards the other (I don’t doubt you – just wondering)?
I have been wondering why Paul uses “agape” to instruct men and “philandros” to instruct women. Don’t know if this has anything to do with it.
@Jesus, first born of Jose and Maria
I have a friend who is an intake officer in the prison service, he says about 1/3 of new intake turn up covered in bruises and cuts, he asks them – who did this to you ? they would reply his “female partner”.
And now she is walking around, basking in the fact that not only did she beat her partner, she got him put in jail as well.
That will teach his smart mouth won’t it.
We clearly are in a situation that can’t continue.
Feminism has given women a free pass to do ANYTHING to anyone, from beating partners, to kill unborn children. I hope God puts a spike right through it soon.
Readers should take note that the image up thread at this comment:
is a pic of the Pakistani man-in-a-dress who along with a French lesbian tag-teamed a really, really smart Harvard Business School tenured professor out of much money. That is not an image of the woman on the plane in the OP, they are similar but the plane-bully has better makeup. Just for a start.
@ Jesus, first born of Jose and Maria
As Bruce said, fascinating comment, but this:
Scripture sits squarely between Islamic misogyny and modern misandry.
is firmly ensconced within the poisoned framework of feminism. Women clobbering men with impunity is not an exclusively modern phenomenon (I’ll bet it even happens quite often in Islamic cultures), and Islam is deficient in its treatment of both sexes, to the detriment of both.
Your treatment of both of these items assumes the legitimacy of isolating one sex from the other for large scale sociological analysis. This is a feminist assumption, and if allowed in ones own argument plays right into the hand of feminism.
“When Europeans came to this continent, they brought religion, laws, and economic systems that institutionalized the status of women as the property of men”
Lucky old womenfolk. At least they therefore counted for something, and had some sort of value to someone. Can anyone give me a quick rundown of the status of squaws under the previous, pre-Columbian administration? (Later slaving of captured homesteader girls as kitchen- and- knob-fodder doesn’t count, just the pure “natives”).
Of course muslims didn’t (still don’t) regard women as servile property completely at a man’s disposal same as a mule or a camel, none of God’s business. Neither did the Chinese. Nor any number of feral Africans. Nor the Polynesians, Nor Japs, nor … oh wait ..
Isn’t eternal “rebel” Bob Dylan from Duluth? Explains a lot.
@c matt
“Woke U. Psych 101 final exam essay:
If a transman strikes a transwoman, to whom is the Duluth model applied? Explain your answer.
A: What, is that even a debate?
[marginal scribble]: Blatantly obvious it’s the nearest passing cis-het, male-appearing meat puppet.
Who caused one of these two pure, helpless saints’ fists to belabour the other mercilessly by the mere force of his gravitational field of Pure Wickedness. And Absolute Power. Never forget the power.
He seems to be delaying far more than seems even rational, but He is God and we are not.
Though this is why I continue to assert that the current system is not sustainable and will ultimately change, even though some argue that is so far out it is irrelevant.
@BillyS,yeah, look at him hardening pharaoh’s heart multiple times, to make things worse for everyone, but ensured, the israelites would never return.
its clearly the path we are going down there is nothing we can do to stop it.
@BillyS, we are at the tail of our lives I would guess, we are past the half way point and our lives are pretty much not what we expected.
all we can do I guess is get out of his way.
What hurts me the most these days is that I am completely at a loss on how to connect myself to others on a deeper way. I hate being alone, yet that is where I am. Sure, I am a loner personality, but not having any support is rougher than most realize.
Yet we get absolutely no help in that area. Some may not bash me (such as 7817), though plenty do since they completely hold me accountable for my state, even though I have done a great many things to try and build relationships. I just don’t do it in their approved ways and be happy with a lack of true connections.
The Body of Christ (the True Church) really needs to start paying attention to their lack of effort in these areas. We need to be a true alternative to the world, not just a small social club where we see others at brief times and then go about our lives with “us 4 no more”. (More in Oscar’s case of course. And Oscar, who I bumped heads with, may do more personally, but most Christians do not.)
I despise my current state and “going my own way” has little value if it is completely alone. How many anti-MGTOWs are doing anything to help that?
Pingback: Duluth worked even better than I expected. | Dalrock
As a lifelong bachelor, I totally agree with you. The Greater Christian Church seems hostile to single men. At almost every church I’ve attended, I’ve been invisible–unless there’s a woman with me. And when she’s not around, I’m invisible again.
There are risks to marriage. The stakes are terrible, the odds dispiriting. But if God encouraged me to marry through grace and a transcendent sense of rightness (like anytime you do the right thing, especially on a leap of faith), I would do so and work hard and hope for the best.
I’m not looking for some magical The One–we’d need compatible values and human elements, including mutual respect/ease when together. She’d have to have outgrown the fantasy of a “soul-mate” housebroken Chad Thundercock–a fantasy that persists well into middle age for many, as so often chronicled by Dalrock. I’m open to the unexpected and surprising, a match Fulton Sheen might describe as showing, “the Divine Sense of humor.”
If she abused her free will to ruin the marriage, I would fight back–carefully and morally, but tooth and nail–think Christ whipping the money changers. I would be hurt, angry, and shattered. I might question why an omniscient God would lead me down this path, knowing what would happen. But if called on, I’ll still do it, as frightening as the prospect is.
As for MGTOW, I empathize with those on that road. I get it. I would hope, though, that they would be open to Divine grace (which appears at the oddest times), and if said grace leads them to do so, to (re)marry and seek happiness. Even though the stakes are ridiculously high for men right now, marriage has always been a risk. Doesn’t the Old Testament talk about the horrors of a “quarrelsome woman?” MGTOW are often justified in their bitterness and anger, unlike feminists, but sometimes they sound sadly similar to that which they despise.
@BillyS, do you have your health ? Could you emigrate ? I’ve knows guys who say F it all, move to Thailand, if you have your health and some money, then you have freedom. If you cant connect with your surroundings, maybe you can connect somewhere else. Maybe someone somewhere else actually needs who you are.
Men require to be needed, women require to be wanted.
I am reasonably healthy, though a few issue need me to lose more weight. I probably owe too much to move right now however. While moving to the Far East (someplace) has an attraction, it is most likely too late in my life for that now.
Lots of things I would have done differently of course, but I only now realize how stupid I have been in far too many areas.
I hope God puts a spike right through it soon.
He seems to be delaying far more than seems even rational, but He is God and we are not.
While readily acknowledging that God’s ways are not our ways, I cannot help but think that God is letting us (collectively) gag for an extended period on the juices of the bitter fruit that we have chosen to eat rather than sate ourselves with His word and wisdom. And if my assumption is correct, I cannot blame Him for giving us (collectively) what we deserve. After all, we (collectively) clearly are addicted to bitter, rotten fruit, so God’s letting us eat as much as we can stand.
@BillyS says:”I am reasonably healthy”, thats a good start ! Aim for winding things up and flee the country !
We deserve a world steeped in evil? Humans are imperfect, but most of us aren’t in on the evil globalist plots–and perversions, including the occult.
Sounds a lot like, “Man up!” on a global scale.
@Red Pill Latecomer
Do you like movies about gladiators?