Feminist charisma

It looks like the following video on Brie Larson made the rounds several months ago, but I only stumbled upon it last week.

The feminist dream has turned into a nightmare.  Here she finally is, one of the guys, but instead of being loved she is unlovable.  She traded her feminine power for masculine power, and now she has neither.  Even worse, she is trapped by her own envy.  Being more likable would mean being less feminist, as a feminist at Reddit/Ask Feminists explains:

First of all, I do see that Brie does seem a bit defensive. But I can’t help but feel her defensiveness is justified. Marvel fanbase is predominantly male and I can’t imagine what kind of bs poor Brie reads on a daily basis about herself. Odds are the reason she always wants to ‘win’ or ‘praise herself’ is because she knows damn well she works hard and she wants to be recognised. CoC argues she should let herself be the butt of the joke every once in a while to look humble, but here’s the thing: women are always the butt of the joke, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she just didn’t want to be the butt of the joke anymore now that she’s repping Captain Marvel. It’s easy for someone like Chris Pratt or Hemsworth to do it because they’re already very praised in general. But Brie Larson allowing herself to be the butt of the joke is basically like the poor school nerd just shoving himself into a locker.

Next on, the whole ‘Brie doesn’t smile thing’. Did anyone catch how all of CoC’s example of when she was charismatic was before her Captain Marvel days? That’s not a coincidence.

Larson and the feminists she represents want more than anything to be taken seriously, but the harder she tries to ape men, and the more she stamps her feet and demands to be taken seriously, the less seriously everyone takes her.  It is painfully obvious in the video above that she is intensely disliked by her colleagues.

If you compare the clips of young Larson vs feminist Larson included in the video, it looks like she has had her personality, her charm, surgically removed.  She looks like a robot, a Stepford feminist.  But this is what feminism teaches women to become, as lesbian feminist Abigail Fenton explains in Brie Larson isn’t unlikable. She’s normal.

I was delighted to find I really like Brie Larson. She had me charmed instantly — laughing at my screen at 4am, thinking, yeah, I could be friends with her, as she lamented, “I’m sorry you had to google that. I feel like the Disney execs are super bummed about that,” in response to the question of who plays Captain Marvel.

In fact, I found her so charismatic and endearing that I resolved to finally get around to checking out her work.

Click through to the post to see the picture of a crazy looking woman at the top of the post, hilariously captioned:

No she’s not “unlikable”, she’s a normal woman

This kind of robotic unlikability is inherent to the feminist secret sauce.  Remove it from the mix, or even dilute it a little, and feminists will shriek that Larson isn’t keeping it real.  She has no choice but to keep it up, and even ramp it up.  Keep in mind that Captain Marvel is being positioned as the new leader of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so the unintentional comedy is really just beginning.

Edit:  I see that the picture of the obviously deranged woman at the top of the second linked article is of Larson in her recent film Unicorn Store.

This entry was posted in Brie Larson, Captain Marvel, Denial, Envy, Ugly Feminists. Bookmark the permalink.

118 Responses to Feminist charisma

  1. okrahead says:

    Ok, I know the justified opinion of the Wonder Woman movie… but still, have you noticed that this is not a problem at all for Gal Gadot? Of course, she is married, has children, actually loves her country and appears to be sincere about her religion. Wonder if any of that makes a difference?

  2. okrahead says:

    Also, in the interview with Hemsworth and Cheadle, what on earth is Brie wearing, and whose idea was it to let her go internet an interview dressed that way?

  3. Minesweeper says:

    “The feminist dream has turned into a nightmare. ”

    I believe this will absolutely happen right across the board, God does not be mocked. If they are in full rebellion (which they are) he will respond accordingly. I’ve seen God take revenge before, it’s not pretty.

    As in all things, you never know how he will work things out, this is after all, his sandpit that we are all stuck in for a short time.

  4. Mr. Woot says:

    Off topic but of interest – Josh Harris and Derek Webb are going on a date.

  5. Anonymous Reader says:

    That link to ‘Charisma University’ is interesting, thanks for putting it up.

    Now, on the topic:

    This kind of robotic unlikability is inherent to the feminist secret sauce. Remove it from the mix, or even dilute it a little, and feminists will shriek that Larson isn’t keeping it real.

    It is inevitable, because feminism is & always has contained a huge component of envy-of-men, combined with the fact that women [1] are completely ignorant about what being a man is like. Just as putting on a dress doesn’t erase a man’s Y chromosome, deciding to be “one of the guys” is merely a pose, an act, a fantasy. “Look, I’m one of the guys but when I get butthurt everyone has to stop kidding and play nice with me” can be seen in the workplace, around game tables, in social situations, and so forth. Way down deep in the hindbrain, few women actually believe they are “one of the guys” and their natural, feminine insecurity doesn’t go away.

    This all matters a lot because of the number of teenaged girls and 20-somethings who are consciously or unconsciously patterning themselves after the likes of Brie Larson, Cherize Theron, etc.

    If Brie Larson truly exercises often, she should change her routine to include more glute work. Because fans and reasons and so forth.

    [1] Taking jibes and kidding personally is a mark of immaturity in a boy or young man, but it’s just normal in women. Because women are not “men with boobs”. The increasing number of male special snowflakes who literally cannot take a joke is a feature of the frivorce revo. Ask any campus church group how many “walking wounded” show up at meetings, just for one example.

  6. okrahead says:

    As bad as Larsen is, Portman will be worse. Bet on it.

  7. Anonymous Reader says:

    …Gal Gadot? Of course, she is married…

    For now.

  8. Anonymous Reader says:

    As bad as Larsen is, Portman will be worse. Bet on it.

    No bet from me. Because just for a start, Neta-Lee Hershlag of Munchkin Land is pushing 40. Much makeup and special effecting required.

  9. feministhater says:

    Anything Brie is about as news worthy as a morning wee.

  10. feministhater says:

    This all matters a lot because of the number of teenaged girls and 20-somethings who are consciously or unconsciously patterning themselves after the likes of Brie Larson, Cherize Theron, etc.

    If the parents decide to let their children see this shit, it’s all on them.

  11. Larsen is repeating a common complaint among feminists: why do heroines get less attention than the heroes? Here is a typical version, about Hobbs and Shaw.

    “‘Hobbs & Shaw’ Gets an A+ for Feminism” by Nancy at Geeks.

    For thirty years we have had smart, brave, selfless, mature, kick-ass heroines – practically perfect in every way. Why do they get less attention than their male partners? Captain Marvel is superior in every way to Captain America. In Hobbs & Shaw, their women MI-6 agent partner is as good in every aspect as they are- except in those attributes in which she is better (e.g, smarter and more mature). Ditto Furiosa and Mad Max.

    The reason is obvious, albeit not to feminists: the women are perfect. No drama. No personal growth. They’re boring. Just as the well-dressed, well-behaved girl in grade school with perfect spelling and A’s on every test – gets less attention from the group than the charismatic bad boy. Captain Marvel is a perfect example. Dull as dish-water.

    I’m told that this injustice has been fixed in the Marvel comic books. The women run almost everything – since they are, after all, better than the men. I wonder if Hollywood is preparing us for that shift in their films.

  12. Anonymous Reader says:

    I’m told that this injustice has been fixed in the Marvel comic books. The women run ruin almost everything

    Marvel is in the “skinsuit” stage. We can expect that franchise to be as wildly successful as Gillette advertising earlier this year.

  13. Anonymous Reader,

    “We can expect that franchise to be as wildly successful as Gillette …”

    From what I’m told by people familiar with the comics, Marvel is past the Gillette phase. They went through bankruptcy in 1996, and were saved by the films (which featured characters from Marvel;s pre-woke days).

    Now the comic book division is a dot on Disney’s corporate balance sheet, but is doing so badly it has attracted attention from HQ. In 2015 they moved the films to a seperate unit (to prevent contamination and ruin). We will see what changes they make to the comics, and if those are sufficient to save the brand.

  14. Red Pill Christianity says:

    The only reason Marvel movies make money and have any success is because the movie-viewing public is desperate for “something new”, fun, and original. Look at all the movies today…. they are either re-makes, re-boots of old movies/TV shows, or trite, predictable ideas.

    How often do you go to a movie and 1/3 of the way in the movie, you already know how it will end? It happens to me all the time. There is nothing new, nothing creative, and nothing truly remarkable at the movies anymore. When was the last time you left the movie theater and you watched a movie that made an impact in your life?
    Think of the memorable rush of watching masculine honor and courage in action in Gladiator or the satisfaction you felt watching the triumph of good over evil in Terminator 2 Judgment Day? Or the rush of American patriotism and the thrill of military action you saw on Top Gun? Or the inspiring tale of a life well lived at the end of Saving Private Ryan?
    WHEN did you last feel the impact of such memorable movies? 5 years ago? 10? 30?

    Marvel is producing stories with characters that pretty much only boys that grew up pre-1990s America would know from reading paper comic books at home. The general (global) public feels these “new characters” and “new” stories are all original and new (when in reality they are from comics dating back to the 1930s). It is nothing really new, but it is still decent entertainment for most people. Captain America: The Winter Solider and the first 2 Avengers movies were fun action movies.

    As for Brie….. Brie Larson was never pretty, sexy, or hot. Look at her in movies pre-Capt Marvel… like the movie Don Jon. Nothing hot, nothing special, and nothing interesting about her. She is a plain-Jane and a B- actress overall.

    So, what does she have going for her in Cap Marvel? What does Brie really brings to the role? She gets to be a radical feminist “hero”. She gets to be angry, act even uglier, and she gets to engage the feminists and be another bad role model for young girls.

    Feminists are THE unhappiest people on planet Earth. They are even more miserable than people living in refugee camps. Just watch random, casual footage of refugees in camps, even these people living in abject poverty smile more than feminist women do in a law firm, for instance.

    Stay away from these Fem degenerates and avoid their movies, music, and writings online. Feminists only seek to project and impose their misery on the rest of us…. don’t allow them. 😉 I can sincerely say that I would rather join you MGTOW guys and die alone in a cave than voluntarily spend an entire day in my personal life with a feminist woman.

    You deserve to be happy and at peace. Seek women who can be pleasant and entertain yourself without poisoning yourself by angry feminist trash.

  15. Minesweeper says:

    @RPC, oh come on, she was very hot in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

  16. locustsplease says:

    Well in a way brie is normal. The new normal. That looks like a thousand cock stare if ive ever seen one. I should go rescue her from her student debt and get this damsel a fresh credit card line!

  17. white says:

    But haven’t you heard? Man Up and all these will disappear! Let us bow our heads in prayer….

  18. Oscar says:

    … but here’s the thing: women are always the butt of the joke… ~ Reddit Feminist

    No, honey. That’s just you.

    As for Brie Larson, she’s just a terrible actress. I didn’t bother with Captain Marvel, but every line she delivered in the trailer carried the same flat, monotone, vocal fry.

    And, what’s with insisting on being taken seriously? Thor: Ragnarok was the best of the Thor movies precisely because it was so lighthearted, and fun. It let Chris Hemsworth show off his comedic talent.

    But, I guess that requires a sense of humor.

  19. Red Pill Christianity says:

    MineSweep, Is that Brie in Scott Pilgrim vs World? Short hair, terrible clothes, awful make-up…. zero sex-appeal….. 😮

    If that is the Brie you are talking about…

    Ps. Check out Denise Richards, even in her “frumpy” scenes working in denuke project in a mine, in that 007 movie she beats Brie in femininity and beauty in every aspect of the word… she has feminine appeal all the way.

    I used to see this type of girl all the time in Ukraine. Man, I miss seeing women dressed like that, long hair… *sigh* I need to get on a plane again soon! *grin*

  20. thedeti says:

    Larson and the feminists she represents want more than anything to be taken seriously, but the harder she tries to ape men, and the more she stamps her feet and demands to be taken seriously, the less seriously everyone takes her. It is painfully obvious in the video above that she is intensely disliked by her colleagues.

    I’m not sure about that last part. What’s painfully obvious to me is that Larson intensely dislikes her colleagues. Hemsworth especially goes out of his way to banter with her, bust her balls like she’s one of the guys, and otherwise treat her like feminists say they want men to treat them. But she’s sitting there bitching, complaining, squinting, rolling her eyes, disagreeing for the sake of disagreement, and puffing herself up. She’s acting like a Vox Day-scale Gamma. She’s a woman acting like what she thinks an alpha guy would act like, and thus comes off like an effeminate insecure man. The result is , as you say, a woman who doesn’t act like a woman and is trying to act like a man but fails miserably at it. Neither feminine nor masculine. Just…. Gamma.

  21. Opus says:

    With the entirely honourable and crazy exception of Thomas Malpover Cruise, for an actor/actress to perform their own stunts is, I would say, to confuse acting with the act. We do not expect William Shatner to be the commander of a space ship any more than we expect Sylvester Stallone to be a contender for the boxing world championship. When actors do their own stunts it is often cringeworthy: the worst example I can think of was Dirk Bogarde assuming the mantle of Franz Liszt in the abysmally titled A Song to Remember. Now Bogarde was clearly as one could see not a bad pianist but the gap between his playing and that of any professional pianist (say your Liberace) was painful. Who then can forget Paul Newman bumping in to a wall in Exodus – he needed a double – I am amazed that it was left in the final cut – so embarrassing. Poor Brie (and she can practice her stunts with me any time she wants) seems to have persuaded herself that she really is Captain Marvel. Is there anything sadder than the aging actor, his glory days long-gone, who steps into character any time a member of the public recognises him. Brie will always I fear be Cpt Marvel.

    I have recently been reading a certain blog on the antics of your Meghan Markle where I observed that all the commentors are women. I could not help but note that almost every woman in the comments to one certain thread was 1. keen to insist on her feminist credentials at least to some acceptable level though without being absurdly butch and 2 advise the other readers that they worked in ‘male dominated industries’. Whatever then could their lines of work be I wondered with their flowery elegant prose; road-digging, long-distance lorry-driving, coal-mining? We weren’t told but it was clear that whatever it was it did not involve moving off their butts. I cannot think of any such line of work which could be said to be male dominated yet clearly being able to boast of working in a male dominated industry was the equivalent of receiving an award in the Queens New Years or the Birthday Honours list (I have no idea what the American equivalent might be). Working amongst women would just not cut it. Women are as good as men but to prove the point need to be outnumbered by men. Brie Larson strikes me of the same type; keen to demonstrate her feminist credentials but surrounded by men. Give her a gong! Oh that she had the charm and dress sense of most any leading actress from the golden age of the cinema.

    Interesting to note that a certain new movie concerns an aging actor and his stunt double.

  22. Corinth Arkadin says:

    Also, who names their kid after a smelly cheese?

  23. thedeti says:

    Another thing that strikes me is that Larson really seems to believe she is Captain Marvel. She really believes she IS the character, thus lending support to men who say women can’t separate fact from fantasy.

    In her banter with Hemsworth, I think she believes she’s being light hearted and fun and just giving back as good as she’s getting. I think she believes she’s being sarcastic and taking it all in stride. I But she doesn’t come across like that at all. She comes across as serious, defensive, irritated, and put out. I suspect this is because she is acting like she believes men act when they are just busting one of their friends’ balls or sarcastic or having some fun. But she isn’t… she comes off as defensive and bitchy.

    This is why I’ve said in the past and continue to say: Busting another guy’s balls is something only men can do, and only with their friends and coworkers. Busting each other’s balls is something men do with and to each other, and especially to men they like. If a guy is busting your balls, he likes you, considers you a friend, and respects you. He’s having a little fun with you, and hopes you’ll do the same with him.

    Men can bust other men’s balls. Women are never allowed to bust men’s balls. And men really shouldn’t bust women’s balls, even if the woman acts like “one of the guys”. If you’re one of the guys, other men will bust your balls.

    Hemsworth was treating Larson like one of the guys and broke the rule above- he was busting Larson’s balls. And it didn’t go over well, because Larson isn’t really “one of the guys” and never will be. And when Larson tried to bust Hemsworth’s balls, it just came off as bitchy and snarky and defensive. Didn’t work all around.

  24. thedeti says:


    Tom Cruise = Thomas Cruise Mapother IV.

    Chad Thundercock = Chadwick Thundercockington

  25. Cane Caldo says:


    If a woman is gifted with truly superior (outward) beauty like Gal Gadot, then she can do all those things you say, smile, and post things like this:

    View this post on Instagram

    That simple.

    A post shared by Gal Gadot (@gal_gadot) on

    and everyone will–almost magically–find something good to say about her. Brie Larson doesn’t have those gifts, and she knows it.

    But, to your point, Gadot also knows she is an Israeli, with married Israeli parents, grandparents, etc. Brie Larson is human detritus.

  26. thedeti says:

    We do not expect William Shatner to be the commander of a space ship any more than we expect Sylvester Stallone to be a contender for the boxing world championship.

    One of the reasons Shatner and Stallone have had such staying power is because they don’t take themselves too seriously. Shatner, for his part, is over 80 years old and has reinvented his career at least 4 times. Part of Shatner’s post-TJ Hooker appeal is his ever-increasing willingness to poke fun at himself, allow others to poke fun at him, and let everyone have a good laugh about it. His turn as Denny Crane in Boston Legal was pure comedic genius and a joy to watch. I started watching that show just to see what Denny would say or do next. It was brilliance from a man who’s known for scenery chewing and whose main claim to fame is his turns as a fictional starship captain over the course of 30 years.

  27. Opus says:

    Deti = Detinue ? I always presumed.

  28. thedeti says:

    Opus… No

  29. Novaseeker says:

    I haven’t seen her films, including the Marvel one.

    From pictures, she’s quite average looking facially at least, and very non-descript in her physique. Hard to say from a smattering of images, but she appears average or slightly above. Hollywood makeup artists are very good at making a woman look 1.5-2 points higher facially than her actual face looks, and given the pics I have seen of her with the camera makeup and without, she seems decidedly average without. I suspect this fuels her anger as well.

  30. Oscar says:

    @ thedeti

    Part of Shatner’s post-TJ Hooker appeal is his ever-increasing willingness to poke fun at himself, allow others to poke fun at him, and let everyone have a good laugh about it.

    Yeah, but again, that requires a sense of humor. Feminists are humorless scolds.

  31. Kaminsky says:

    “I would rather join you MGTOW guys and die alone in a cave than voluntarily spend an entire day in my personal life with a feminist woman.”

    So overseas life then? We live inside feminism. It IS our culture, so every women here is a feminist making your statement some sort of conundrum/tautology/koan/riddle.

  32. Opus says:

    Actually, in that clip I think that despite her difficult behaviour Larsen is really into Hemsworth. Is he Australian? I can’t understand a word he says. Notice how the little black guy on her other side is pretty much edged out in the awkward Hemsworth/Larson banter. Just sooo raaaycisss. I feel for the hard working black interviewer who really had his work cut out that day keeping World War Three from breaking out just opposite him. One of Larsen’s problems in my view as Captain Marvel is that she is just not sufficiently big or rather broad shouldered enough to be a convincingly strong woman – notice her big-shouldered jacket three sizes too large for her – and all the working-out she says she does is not going to change that. I should have been a Hollywood casting director for I would surely have found a couch for Miss Larsen. God she was hot for Hemsworth and I think that her posturing was not to make herself seem too easy. I am not sure that Hemsworth noticed.

    Nice to see that Josh Harris has kissed dating goodbye and is going straight (erm, not exactly) for the clinch.

  33. Frank K says:

    Gadot is a feminist, plain and simple. She’s just much easier on the eyes than Larson, but her version on Wondie is a bitch. She ain’t Linda Carter.

  34. info says:

    She came from sweden.

    Sweden also declared herself a feminist country. Something is wrong with many northern european countries.

  35. tteclod says:

    I watched Unicorn Store. It was sometimes funny, but mostly sad. At the end, she hooks up with her black costar.

    The premise is that she’s too fanciful to be normal, so she’s crazy, but crazy is good.

    Crazy isn’t good.

  36. Anonymous Reader says:


    Indeed, Brie is a pretty average looking woman in the various clips on the vid in the OP, and we must bear in mind that presumably she was made up for those appearances. I can find girls prettier than that without too much trouble out here in flyover. One wonders what she’s done in Hollywood to obtain that movie role; her looks and acting ability are not sufficient.

  37. TheTraveler says:

    It’s true–women who try to be men, or at least take on male roles, are miserable.

    I’ve never seen a truly tough (as in, Clint Eastwood or John Wayne trad-guy tough) woman in a male career. Cops and military especially. Female cops are often shrill bullies, while females in the armed forces are vicious nuts–as in antisocial personality disorders of various types.

    Their happy-face expressions of joy and satisfaction are obvious rationalizations for regret for horrible choices. For all the power and societal prestige they enjoy, they all seem sad and miserable on the inside.

  38. Anonymous Reader says:

    Meanwhile on TV, CW will offer Kate Kane, lesbian Batwoman. No such thing as brainwashing in the popular media, nope, nope, nope.

  39. Lost Patrol says:


    ‘Batwoman’ Star Ruby Rose Hopes Groundbreaking Lesbian Superhero Appeals to Everyone

    It don’t. But it probably does for the “everyone” Ruby Rose is referring to.

  40. Alfred says:

    Come on

    There are thousands of starlets up for every Hollywood role.

    Every one you see has traded multiple sexual favors for their opportunities.

    Willfully, with enthusiasm and great delight at even having the slender chance at an “audition.”

    And in ways the average guy couldn’t imagine before the days of internet porn.

    Every. Single. One.

    There was a reason actors were equated to prostitutes before mass media amplified the revenue their charismatic connection can make.

    Whenever you see actresses discussing how “empowering” their roles are for young women, never forget they traded their feminine assets for the opportunity to fill their roles.

    It’s always about resource acquisition in exchange for access—always.

    That’s one of the reasons there was such a strong pushback from the hacked starlet cellphones a few years back. It released concrete, demonstrable proof of how these actresses attained their success. It eliminated any plausible deniability.

    And thus it will ever be.

    No misogyny here, just sharing an observation from decades of living and breathing.

    Though it does make it hard to watch movies—even the old ones.

    Pair bond with the right woman in her teens (strong father, low N count, truly close extended family), avoid the more toxic social circles, and lead her as she needs (while never letting her work outside the home)—you’ll be fine.

  41. Jack says:

    Feminine hard power cannot be respected or taken seriously unless it transforms into something deliciously evil. Just wait for it. That will be the next step forward in “feminine empowerment”.

  42. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Alfred: There are thousands of starlets up for every Hollywood role.

    Every one you see has traded multiple sexual favors for their opportunities.

    It’s not just the starlets. It’s even the extras: http://www.hollywoodinvestigator.com/2017/sexvoucher.html

    I remember a fellow extra complaining about a Second A.D. (assistant director) who was widely known to distribute remaining SAG vouchers to young actresses, provided they slipped into a trailer with him for a quickie. The A.D. and actress were pointed out to me. Other extras confirmed it and thought me naive for not knowing about it. They also complained of other “sex for vouchers” instances they claimed to know about. …

    I even heard rumors of truly pathetic actresses who sold sex for nonunion vouchers. Usually, these were newcomers to Hollywood, who thought that being cast as an extra — even nonunion — was a really big deal.

    Selling sex for union membership (which is what SAG vouchers entail) was a thing in the 1990s. I’m sure it’s still a thing today. Actresses (and actors too, I’m sure), sell sex for acting roles, so why not for union membership, which is seen as a stepping stone to acting roles?

  43. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Kaminsky, I have traveled to Ukraine 3x already, almost 7 whole weeks last time. 🙂 Let me tell you…. that photo of Denise Richards makes me think of the countless girls I saw wearing such pretty dresses, thin, high heels, long hair, pink lipsticks. denisre Riuchards in her prime is probably a 7 in Ukraine… meanwhile, Denise is easily a 9 in the USA.

    You have an Eastern Euro name… Polish or maybe further Eastern? I have to tell you, when I got back Stateside from Ukraine, I was depressed just arriving at Customs through New Jersey (sadly our flight was rerouted due to weather) and seeing a 400lbs+ woman of “certain ancestry”, with her hair in a pyramid shape and huge purple and green plastic nails. She was rude, unpleasant, and in a bad mood. She would be the type you would expect at McDonald’s, but this one was at Customs getting paid a ton of money to act pissed off and stamp your passport and ask canned questions from a small paper taped in front of her. The men were no better… fat and all in a bad mood.

    Walking through Newark airport was a mindjob for me. Just arriving back from Ukraine, I felt sick and nauseated by what I saw. I had not been to Jersey in over 20 years and what I saw reminded me why. Obesity, ugly people, smelly people, people poorly dressed for such a rich country…. a lot of “diversity” of the ugliest kind imaginable. The airport felt like a hellhole you would expect to see in poor countries like Philippines or in in the warzone in the far east in Donetsk (Ukraine). But this was in our supposed first-world country. A hodge-podge of poverty, bad smells, and ugliness.

    I will say something controversial… people who are from homogenous countries, countries that share a common ancestry and culture have it so much better. Be it in Africa, Asia, or Eastern Europe, they do not realize how lucky they are. Being from a diverse country really sucks. We end up Brazilified, a ton of ugly people, everyone seems to dislike one another.

    By the way, I live in an area that is 96% white, almost no immigrants in my area and obesity here is fairly low. My area here has highest number of churches per capita in my State and it is very politically conservative. I live in a place like this on purpose, because I consider that to be part of my quality of life. If I was given $1 million to live in Newark or California, my quality life would be extremely low, having to live around the ugly, leftist scumbuckets that has destroyed these places. I rather be paid less and live somewhere I enjoy living in and interact with quality people. It is also safer, cleaner, and people are happier and much more friendly. Quality of life and where you live is critically important to personal happiness.

    With that off my chest, NOT every woman in America is infected with feminism. I am, not someone who believes in AWALT (All Women Are Like That) because simply put, a country of 330 million with about 170 million women, cannot produce exact clones of each other, who all act, behave, and think exactly the same way. AWALT is simply an absurd concept.

    Mind you, I am also NOT a MGTOW, although I do NOT mock and do not deride the MGTOW guys. I understand many of their frustrations, but I disagree with their final solution. But if I had to live with a feminist or be alone/MGTOW, I would go MGTOW. If I lived in a 3rd world hellhole like California or Jersey or Chicago, yeah I could see myself going MGTOW. But I am someone who believes in moving away from this mess as much as possible and someone willing to leave the country if I absolutely must. So MGTOW would be a last resort for me.

    As for feminists….. I would never (and do not) associate with a feminist willingly in my free/personal time. I am selective whom I want in my life. I simply next these toxic women from my life within moments of noticing their poison and believe me, I have previously met a couple of “Christian” women for dates and within an hour of meeting up, they were spewing that Fem venom and I walked away without any hesitation. (I met both of these through church contacts, one via dating site and one as a “you gotta meet this woman I know!” type thing).

    To clarify, it is different at work, there are always careerists, radical fems, and bitter 40+ broads in almost every office in this country, so I just deal with them pleasantly and in a superficial level. But in my free time? I do not let such creatures even near my house or my personal life, not even for a few minutes. They do not even know where I live or what I do in my personal time. When asked about anything personal, I say “oh I have a 3 foot tall pile of laundry in middle of my kitchen” and how my cat “just made a huge mess” and just start rambling about it until they roll their eyes and leave.

    My personal time is precious to me. No man should willingly associate with such individuals either. That includes family members who are feminists, I have a cousin that is a “persona non-grata” in my home and she knows that and does not even ask to come over. To have a feminist around me is a waste of the precious time and life God has given me. To waste my time with these feminist nutcases is an insult to the blessings The Lord has given me.

    Cut off such people from your personal life. Be polite but keep these feminists away from you. You were called to live in peace and to be fulfilled in Christ. No man can be happy with such Feminist poison around them. Cut them off from your personal life!

  44. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Women country music artists call for gun control: https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/gabriel-hays/2019/08/05/country-music-artists-kacey-musgraves-maren-morris-demand-gun

    A couple of country music’s prominent female singer/songwriters came out for gun control legislation in the wake of both the El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio shootings, which claimed the lives of 29 people total.

    Grammy Award-winning artists Kacey Musgraves and Maren Morris took to social media over the weekend to make impassioned pleas for “common sense” gun control. …

    Kacey Musgraves, whose album “Golden Hour” received the Grammy for Album of the Year (2019), presented gun control arguments on two separate occasions. The first was during her live set at Chicago’s Lollapalooza music festival on Sunday, August 4. In an expletive-laden rant, Musgraves demanded that “somebody fucking do something.”

    “I don’t know what the answer is but obviously something has to be fucking done. Maybe somebody will hear us if we all yell together and say, ‘Somebody fucking do something,’” the singer claimed in the middle of her set, prompting the crowd to turn “Somebody fucking do something” into a chant. …

    “My Church” and “I Could Use A Love Song” singer Maren Morris blasted Republicans and their “thoughts and prayers” condolences on Sunday, claiming that it’s all a bunch of BS unless it’s “common sense reform.” …

  45. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Frank K says:Gadot is a feminist, plain and simple. She’s just much easier on the eyes than Larson, but her version on Wondie is a bitch. She ain’t Linda Carter.

    Gadot is NOT a feminist. She is a RADICAL feminist. She is ugly too.

    You know, I wonder where some of you guys live?? UK?? California? NYC??? You guys must be living among ugly people to even think either one of these two are passable! 😮

    Gadot would be at most a 4 where I currently live in the USA. She is probably a 2 in Ukraine. Brie Larson would not even date drug addicts in Ukraine. She is a 1-2 at best and that is a mercy-rating. How can anyone think either one of these two are event remotely passable!!!! Come on guys!

    Funny how perception varies based on environment. In Eastern Europe, both Gadot and Brie would be like a piece of ugly furniture in a corner of the room – completely invisible. In Russia, they would probably be sent to Siberia to help improve the public environments. lol

    Info, yes, Sweden is one of the most radical feminist countries in the world. Brazil is THE most radical feminist country in the world just based on its LAWS, but Sweden is probably worst than Brazil overall in feminism. That is why they have had several female Prime Ministers and open borders. Now Sweden is the #2 rape capital of the world, second only to the warzone known as the Central African Republic (not in chart below due to “unverifiable data” in the war-torn country).

    Feminism is a self-destructible system. The fact they opened up the Borders and now became a rape and crime infested hellhole tells you the whole tale. Women are afraid to go outside alone during the day now and are victimized by their own political ideologies.

    I have close to 0% sympathy for the Swedish women, whom block vote for the Socialist party 8-to-1.

    Alfred says: There are thousands of starlets up for every Hollywood role. Every one you see has traded multiple sexual favors for their opportunities.

    Agreed and I personally worked a case with such a woman who has been through the whole system before. She told me the same thing happens to women AND MEN in Hollywood. She was rolling her eyes at the whole Harvey Weinstein saga, since she said that is standard in music, movies, and TV.

    Why is anyone shocked at that. This is supply and demand at work. Tens of thousands of aspiring starlets, musicians, writers, and so forth come to Hollywood for any chance at a role, any role, or any success. Most are pretty faces without any talent.
    The people picking the actors and actresses have a tremendous amount of leverage and the applicants have to “stand out”, so hooking up with someone for a role is a no brainer here. Why the surprise?

  46. BillyS says:


    You are correct that all women haven’t bought the full pile of feminism, but far too many constantly benefit from it anyway and getting them to push back and deprive themselves is almost impossible. This is one reason I hold churches even more accountable for this: They fail to preach truth and thus enable lies.

    My exwife claimed to despise feminism, yet she is living the single dream now after dumping a long term marriage commitment she mad. She probably still doesn’t realize how feminist her thoughts and actions are as well. Very few (effectively no one) will ever confront her for it either, unfortunately for her and all the others who will continue to follow her example.

  47. Opus says:

    The mention of Sweden is an opportunity I have no wish to pass up to once again report of my stay some three and a half decades ago in Sweden. Exec Summary: I thought the men had had their balls surgically removed. That was then. Is it any wonder then that Sweden is the Rape capital of the world bar one although it could of course also be that they have the most rapeable women. If you think I am being hard on the Swedes then remind yourselves of just about any Abba lyric. Blue-pilled lyrics and Protestant Hymn tunes with a rhythm track – that is Abba.

    I have some sympathy for Harvey Weinstein. It is hardly his fault women open their legs for him. Happily Youtube has preserved the gushing praise at award ceremonies from so many of these theatrical whores as to how Harvey [sob sob] is the most wonderful human being who ever walked God’s earth [sob sob]. One of our distinguished Thespians of the Homosexual persuasion at the time of Weinstein’s disgrace observed that when he (the actor, I mean, not Weinstein) was young in the early 1960s a Theatrical Impresario took him aside and showed him his collection of the perhaps appropriately named head-shots sent in by aspiring actresses on which in the right hand corner were written the initials DRR which stood for Directors Rights Respected – i.e. sexual favours would be provided if required. Form a queue girls, no pushing. That new movie with Di Caprio and Pitt is partially about young wanna-be actresses arriving in Hollywood. ‘Yacht Girl’ Meghan Markle used to be one of those. Hmmmm.

    I deprecate the way any singer or actor/actress who has found some modicum of fame (with the exception of Morrisey) thinks that their views on any passing and usually political subject is worth the time of day. This is an entirely new phenomenon: I don’t recall Elvis sounding off on the gun-control. I assume that these artistes have such meaningless lives that sounding-off gives them a sense of importance. It all went to rack and ruin when the obnoxious John Winston Lennon (look dear Americans he came from Liverpool and even Prime Minister Johnson once got into hot water for his views on Liverpudlians) and his ugly ‘asian bird’ (but you wont get the reference) decided that sitting in a bed in a five star hotel would end the Vietnam War. This is what artists do when their careers are on the rocks. How do I feel about Peace? Peace off.

  48. Clarence says:

    I find it humorous that “Red PIll Christian” doesn’t realize that Sweden is one of the Radical Feminism capitals of the world, and that their definition of rape is far more expansive than that in the US and UK, and yes, this affects ‘immigrant crime stats’ as well. I know this because I followed the Julian Assange rape allegations when they first came out, and had to learn about Swedish rape law, and, inadvertently, Swedens feminist history. Are the immigrants more dangerous than native Swedes? Yes. Are they raping left and right (with what men here would recognize as real rape) with impunity? No. They do have their areas, and those areas are more dangerous than any other places in the country. And of course the real danger is the Swedish government refusing to protect their culture and legal system and allowing the Muslims the same ‘freedoms” (such as their own legal system) they enjoy in the UK. So I’m not saying the idea that (esp as implemented) the ‘refugees’ bring danger to Sweden as wrong. But the idea that this danger is mostly rape of Swedish women because the Muslims are all a bunch of horrid brutes is exaggerated. So you have the government of Sweden downplaying any problems and you have some rightwing groups exaggerating the problems. The truth, as usual, is more mundane.

  49. white says:


    Exactly. Only in the imagination of Westerners is there a place in 2019 where feminists somehow tolerate rape. But it fits the “Islam bad, you should have appreciated us” chivalrous fantasy so it’s popular among conservatives/right-wingers

  50. Opus says:

    On the subject of the casting couch: I recall my girlfriend who was, in her early twenties, cabin-crew or as you say flight-attendant, telling me that the ‘stews’ were all expected to provide sexual favours for the Captains. Those who refused soon found themselves unemployed. My girlfriend said that for some unexplained reason she was left alone (and that would NOT have been for lack of looks) well that was what she said and we know how reliable women are in never air-brushing their past and naturally I do believe her. I am not saying which airline she flew with but you may be relieved to know it was neither an American or British airline. She also told me that the wealthy men who owned or had access to yachts made contact with the new ‘stews’ at the airline-hub and of course offered these young away-from-home-for-the-first-time girls the opportunity to spend time on the yachts. They would hardly refuse would they. I think we should draw a veil over that.

  51. Simon says:

    Re: never let her work outside the home

    All too true

    The situational alpha/male superior at work messes with the female mind.

    In their minds, by being put out in the world (which they resent), their spouses have validated their hard wired BB/AF strategy.

    Like most industries, the one I work in has a few males in supervisory roles over larger number of women

    The men are not especially talented, handsome, or charming—- they would never, ever be considered dominant in any male world, yet there is a never ending procession of women throwing themselves at them, simply because of their position in the hierarchy

    All it takes is a (very) brief signal of interest in the male’s part and the deal is done.

    The women actually compete for the privilege. The ones most critical of the environment are the ones who are not attractive enough to break into the rotation.

    It truly is a harem.

    And their spouses literally beg their wives to put themselves in that situation, trading their leadership for money

    No wonder their wives cheat on them.

    I have seen women in our church shame men who “won’t let their wives work” as “mate guarding “ and jealous or insecure, I thought that of my dad before I knew better.

    Based on their behavior with other men in the church community what they are actually saying is that they wish their spouses had the strength to say no.

  52. Pingback: Unspeakable Horror – The Portly Politico

  53. imnobody00 says:


    “Only in the imagination of Westerners is there a place in 2019 where feminists somehow tolerate rape. ”

    Yes, only in the imagination of Westerners…and pigs fly. Search about the Roherdam rapes and the reaction of feminists w.r.t. those rapes.

    Right now, in my country, there is a paranoia about “group sex rape”, fueled by feminists and mass media. The vast majority of rapists are foreigners, especially Muslims . The feminists hide this fact and are in favor of open borders. The mass media only speak about a group of sex rapists, who happen to be native.

    Spare us your BS, “””white”””

  54. Scott says:


    I am currently watching a divorce unfold on Facebook right now. (Which is a fascinating topic by itself).

    The crime the husband committed in order to have his whole life turned upside down and blown to bits is–wait for it–essentially being a really hard working man who isn’t able to be home much to wait on his wife and kids constantly.

    He is constantly shamed (without actually naming him) with memes about “toxic people” and how “a man who can’t get enough of you will never tire of you.”

    Her friends NEVER STOP lavishing her with praise for what an unappreciated Christian mamma she is and reminding her of what awesome life awaits for her on the other side of the destruction she has initiated. You see, Jesus doesn’t want her to be in a marriage with someone who doesn’t appreciate her.

    And you are right, my wife and I keep quiet, because we use FB as a professional as well as social platform.

    I have watched a number of these out in the open FB divorces over the years and they all follow the same pattern.

    1. A couple who was previously always posting kissy-face selfies together and praising each other for how awesome of a wife/husband they have starts to post fewer and fewer of these.

    2. The wife starts an exercise program, and posts pictures of herself getting in shape. She starts going to spas and getting makeovers.

    3. They take a separate vacation, (or she takes one with the kids and he stays home to work).

    4. She starts posting about some friends from high school or college that she recently reconnected with. In the background, one of them is always a guy whose body language with her is conspicuous and we never hear who he is. Lots of pics of this new group drinking and partying.

    5. She starts posting memes about getting “toxic people” out of her life, and other vague references to her being totally consumed with justifying what she is doing.

    6. The husband makes a last ditch effort to prop up the image of the intact family, but then disappears from FB altogether.

    7. Her page becomes a constant stream of memes about having the courage to change and getting rid of negativity, and praying to Jesus who really knows her heart and so on while her female friends fuel her justifying with you go grrrrrrl comments.

    8. She changes her last name on FB back to her maiden name.

    9. The end.

  55. Scott says:

    “Currently” “right now” is superfluous.

  56. Novaseeker says:

    Scott —

    I have watched the same in real life with women at work. I have had the opportunity to observe closely several of them over the space of a decade or more, and the same signs appear in real life as in the virtual.

    At first the office/cube has pics of H, W and kids, talk with other women is about what the family did on the weekend, in-laws, plans for holidays and vacations, dress is more “normal” (not necessarily dowdy but not sexy).

    Gradually some things begin to change. The first thing you notice, at least as a man, is that she looks better. Maybe she has lost a bit of weight, maybe she has toned a bit. Often the hair style/color/shape changes. The makeup is adjusted. Gradually the clothing shifts from “normal” to more “attractive/sexy” (not necessarily slutty, but still attire that showcases her physique in a way that “normal” does not).

    Conversations with other women shift to being more about the kids, H is mentioned less, and then not much at all Eventually you notice more conversations with other women are happening in very hushed tones, lots of earnest head nodding, sitting in the office/cube, holding her hand and so on. Pictures in the office/cube with H are gradually (or suddenly) removed, leaving pics mostly of kids, or some of her with the kids. Next thing you notice at the staff meeting or group lunch or what have you is that the wedding ring is gone, and that’s that.

    I’ve seen this pattern in 2-3 women I’ve observed for 10-15 years now professionally up close. All in their 40s when it happened. All attractive women, baseline, more attractive once they spruced up for the jump.

  57. Scott says:

    Nobody ever says “watching this train wreck on FB is painful. You need to get off of here, go home and figure out how to rekindle your romance with him. Your kids are counting on it.”

  58. cynthia says:

    The collapse of Marvel Comics due to Leftist, feminist politics is well-documented. Look up the “milkshake girls” for a primer – somewhere in 2013, Marvel decided to start hiring Tumblr-tier artists and writers based solely on gender and political affiliation. Like maggots, they’re now dug in and eating the publisher alive. They’ve destroyed all the iconic male characters and replaced them with soulless females that are badly written and incompetently drawn. The comic book industry is all but dead. The YouTube channels “Diversity in Comics” and “Comic Art Pro Secrets” have documented/discussed this phenomenon for years now.

    Phase Four of the MCU represents the intrusion of SJW Marvel storylines into the MCU. It will fail spectacularly.

  59. Minesweeper says:

    @cynthia says:”Phase Four of the MCU represents the intrusion of SJW Marvel storylines into the MCU. It will fail spectacularly”

    So we will have another set of “ghostbusters reboots” to enjoy.

    @Scott,Nova etc – how can these women be so stupid to not realise their behaviour will not have a serious effect, little jonny can only see so many men in his family being thrown under the bus before he decides – “marriage yeah f8ck that”.

  60. Novaseeker says:

    how can these women be so stupid to not realise their behaviour will not have a serious effect, little jonny can only see so many men in his family being thrown under the bus before he decides – “marriage yeah f8ck that”.

    Because that isn’t what they see around them. In their own lives, what they see are thirsty men, as it has been throughout their lives. Even when they split in their 40s if they are still attractive (the ones I am talking about were), there were plenty of men buzzing around them, attractive men as well. When they look at women who are younger, like maybe 10 years older than their own kids, they see the women being swamped with adoring men. The idea that men are going to en masse decide to stay away from women, not pursue them, or not marry them makes as much sense to these women as saying that in reality they are amoebas living in a petri dish and what they see is all an illusion. It simply doesn’t compute because it isn’t their reality, and it isn’t the reality for any woman who is attractive.

    Male thirst is the overarching reality — it drives everything.

  61. Anonymous Reader says:

    @minesweeper @novaseeker

    Sometimes women are shocked when they see frivorce from outside happening to a man they care about. Suppose a brother / uncle / friend gets frivorced? Then it looks different.

    Once upon a time, a co-worker spilled a lot of words onto the break room floor about what was being done to her brother by “that woman” — his soon-to-be-ex-wife. Of course it was all about personalities, she could not see the larger pattern. Trying to explain to her that her brother’s woe was part of a much, much larger pattern — pointless. She wouldn’t accept that some laws are just plain badly written and executed with cruel intent, nope, it was “that woman” taking advantage of “legal loopholes” to victimize her brother.

    The same events with different faces involved would likely get a different reaction. Cause and effect? Not popular. Because women tend to personalize everything.

    Female ingroup preference is about 4 to 1. This is how entire office spaces become female, often with a “queen bee” in charge. Per cynthia’s suggestion I did a quick search and found multiple YoutTube vids about the “milkshake girls” at Marvel, especially “Milkshake One” who is a real prize. An image of the “diverse” work group at Marvel is like something out of a game or an 80’s music video: a mass of female NPC’s with slight variations in hairstyle. I’m certain that groupthink is very strong, and the decline in sales for Marvel supports me in that view.

    The implosion of these publishers provides an opening for some other group to produce stuff that customers will actually buy. It may take a while for the situation to fully develop, though.

  62. Anonymous Reader says:

    Nobody ever says “watching this train wreck on FB is painful. You need to get off of here, go home and figure out how to rekindle your romance with him. Your kids are counting on it.”

    The same women who put themselves in permanent “helicopter hover” over children will then turn around and claim that children are really tough so their parents frivorce won’t cause that much damage. Maybe that little story was sort of believable back in the 80’s, but now? Not so much. If there was a communicable disease that did to children what divorce does, we’d have a national effort with GoFundMe’s and hashtags and YouTube channels, etc. to “find a cure” or “make a vaccine”.

    But, of course, to prevent the damage divorce does to children requires telling women “no” and making it stick, even when they are unhaaaaapy.

    Random example:
    About 4 or so years back I was talking with a recent graduate who was intent on going to seminary. He told me how he and his sisters dealt with their parents divorce; the older two children were able to talk with each other, the younger one was torn up. He didn’t want to get into specifics. I think he hoped to become a pastor who could get couples to work through things rather than frivorce. He wasn’t married, neither were his sisters. Perhaps by now that’s changed.

  63. Anon says:

    Gadot would be at most a 4 where I currently live in the USA. She is probably a 2 in Ukraine.

    That is an exaggeration, of immense proportions.

    Gal Gadot may not be a 9, but to say she is a 4 anywhere in the USA, and a 2 in Ukraine, is absurd.

  64. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Clarence, what you said about migrant crime in Europe, especially given places like France, Sweden, Germany and others is so dumb and so preposterous that I was even wondering if I should reply or not. I find it funny someone from Baltimore, the Detroit of the east coast would go mouth off about something he knows nothing about.

    First of all, I get Sweden is feminist hellhole, a place of extreme Marxist economics and social Marxism (which what feminism is). Out of all 4 Scandinavian countries, Sweden is the most leftist and most feminist, with Norway as a close 2nd, Finland, and then Denmark as most Conservative.

    Danish politics is still very left, except for Jutland region, which is “moderate” (for US standards, they would be a Paul Ryan type), but the rest of Denmark is basically a Bernie Sanders type of left if looking from American point of view and that is cvonsidered “conservative” for EU standards. But thanks to decades of open borders and Muslim “refugee” migration to Denmark, almost all political, even the feminists and the Socialists in Denmark today oppose Muslim immigration due to disastrous consequences to women and sky-high crime. It is not that Denmark is the Utah of Scandinavia. No no, it is just that Sweden, however, is so poisoned with leftism and radical feminism, Denmark is considered “conservative”.

    There is a female Danish MP (Member of Parliament) Marie Krarup from the Danish People’s Party (DPP), that wants visa-free travel with Sweden to end and close the border checkpoints between Malmo, Sweden and northern Denmark bridge since “Sweden is basically an Arab country now” and she does not want the rapists and criminals to go to Denmark.

    Norway, under the center-left “Go Forward Party” govt has armed police checkpoints in every major road connecting Sweden to prevent criminal “non-European men” to enter Norway. The last election, they ran on the slogan “let’s not become Sweden” and their leadership often said “Ha ha, Sweden is a nice Middle-Eastern country”. That would be the American equivalent of Bernie Sanders saying we need to cut back on entitlements.

    That is because mass immigration and violent crime has skyrocketed in Sweden. It is a real thing, it is widespread, and it is bad. Yes, perhaps some of the rapes reported in Sweden are based on feminist hysteria. But to dismiss Islamic crime offhand as “feminist hysteria” is simply failing to understand Islam and large-scale immigration from 3rd would countries.

    For you to assume and dismiss that Muslims coming into a country where they consider everyone to be Dhimmi (that is an Islamic concept that rules that any non-Muslim is “inferior”) or what today they call “Kafir” (non-Muslim) is crazy. These non-Muslims, under Islamic law, should be treated as such, including receiving no legal protections being legally robbed, raped, or sold into slavery. Non-Muslims also cannot testify in court against a Muslim, so non-Muslim victims of Muslim crime are therefore barred from the courts for any justice. These Muslim barbarians also act as if they still live back in Shiholistan where they are from. So when they see a Swedish girl dressed in a skirt, they assume she is a prostitute and if she refuses the Muslim man, she must be physically assaulted/killed for the insult. That happens regularly in Sweden today, go look it up.


    This concept of mass Muslim immigration is a Koran-strategy to dominate other countries in Islam. They dominate either by spreading their religion, by military conquest/violence, or by mass immigration. The Muslims that enter a weak, feminist society like Sweden simply see raping the local women ands robbing the local residents as typical Islamic spoils of war. The guys in sweden are weak and Gamma males, they do not defend women there at all (and they shouldn’t white knight anyway IMHO, since women there vote for open borders almost 9-to-1).

    Take the Ottoman Empire, for instance. That is a Sunni Muslim Sharia-law style caliphate originated in Turkey. They dominated much of the Middle East and ran the entire Arab Slave Trade in the world for 500+ years. They routinely killed Dhimmi by the millions, including sub-Saharan Africans and Armenian Christians, over a million of them in the early 20th Century.

    Why do you think countries like Hungary, Czechs, Bulgarians, Armenians, etc are so vehemently opposed to mass immigration fro Muslim countries? These countries that lived under the terror of the Ottomans and are keenly aware of what happens when these people invade to your country and the atrocities they commit.

    You need to be educated on what Sweden today really is like.

    Sweden is not that country that same country today that idiot rich celebs like Oprah would have praised 10 or 15 years ago as a “model for America”. The “amazing countries” like Denmark and Sweden that Oprah riled an d ranted about decades ago would not get the same praise from her today, matter of fact, she does not praise these countries at all today, and she praise has only praised very low immigration Switzerland as of late. Sweden and Denmark are dirtier, poorer, much more violent and unstable due to years of mass immigration.

    Malmo is literally a foreigner-occupied city, about 40% Muslim already. Sharia kangaroo courts already operate in the no-go zones in Malmo and police cannot operate in muslim areas. Go look it up.

    The massive spike in violent crime in Sweden is not simply due to feminist hysteria. It is very real and it is all over the news, not Swedish or EU news, since that stuff is censored under EU and Swedish laws, but foreign news does report on it.

    Ps. Yes, the feminist mindset is Sweden is so prevalent and Marxism is so ingrained, the feminists STILL vote for the Socialist, open-borders party. They cannot link the dots that mass Muslim immigration = crime. They are that dumb and the feminists support Muslim violence. Go see the video above.

  65. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Anon says: Gal Gadot may not be a 9, but to say she is a 4 anywhere in the USA, and a 2 in Ukraine, is absurd.
    Where do you live? In South Dakota where I was at recently for work and Wisconsin, Gal Gadot would be a 3 or a 4, simply because she is not obese. Maybe in NYC, Newark, or Obesefornia Gal Gadot would be between a 4 and a 6 because obesity and “diversity” has Brazilified the population there into ugliness, but in large portions of middle America, she is still a 4 or below.

    In Florida, if you threw Gadot wearing her fake long hair wig and movie make-up out there and compared her to the typical obese and disgusting-looking “McDonald’s worker” (about 30% of the local population there), maybe she could be a 5??? If you further compared Gadot to the Latinas immigrating there (they are literally blowingup due to not understanding American food and eating our tasty, unhealthy food like there is no tomorrow), then yeah…. maybe Gadot may be a 4 to 6 range simply because she is one of the few thin women there.

    But still, Gadot lacks any kind of natural beauty. I looked up pics of her without make-up, she is all Hollywood magic, my friend. She is another Halle Berry…. my Brazilian friends all tell me they never “understood American hype about Halle Berry” cause in Brazil, she is a typical unwanted woman in a favela, a dime a dozen.

    In Ukraine, Gadot would be viewed likely as Turk, which would immediately lower her value by -1 or -2 points. Her thin, small-frame figure is typical in Ukraine, so nothing special there. Her bland face and lack of the natural long hair (real hair, not WonderWimmen wigs) would rate her a 2 in Ukraine. Gadot gets a -3 since she has a feminist aura, that persona alone would turn off 99% of guys in Eastern Euro.
    Gadot simply has almost nothing to offer in Ukraine. Go there, you will see what I mean.

    Do a search on Ukraine women. While Western Euro and Central Euro women are genetically prettier than your typical Eastern Euro girl, the Eastern gals win easily in femininity and sexappeal alone. I am talking pink lipstick, skirts, long hair all the way down their backs, homemaking skills, and high heels. You simply cannot overlook the presentation.

    Think: a shiny, waxed car vs a car covered in bird droppings. Presentation is half the battle.

    The eastern presentation is simply stunning. The Ukrainian girls simply put a lot of effort to look good, even at home. I went to this girl’s house, she was a friend of hers and when we arrived, her friend was all dressed in heels, make-up, hair…. and a simple, but tasteful feminine dress! I asked if she was going somewhere and she replied that “no but maybe I go outside to take out the trash later”.

    When I later asked my friend why she worried about dressing up so nicely to take out the trash, she explained to me in her country “you never know when you will meet your man”, so they always look good. I was shocked by this at first but as I hang out in the country it made more and more sense, the women there believe in fate and destiny and the women like to look good, as a sense of personal pride. Imagine if our women did that, we may not have so much dysfunction after all. 🙂

    FYI, any woman in Ukraine rated below a 6 in Ukraine is virtually invisible there, because the level of femininity and female traits is just overwhelming. These are women that become a careerists, as they have no chance of landing a steady boyfriend, much less a husband. In Russia, I have been told by several men (who showed me pics on cell phones) that any woman rated below 7 are virtually invisible. The female beauty, lack of obesity, and incredible femininity of the women is simply staggering in Eastern Europe.

    I still recall first week I spent in Kharkiv almost 3 years ago, the city was old and ugly, but the women were stunning, even during the day and at work. I had almost a frenzy and went crazy, I must have approached 30 or 40 women in the first coupla days there, if not more. I was like a 10 year old running unsupervised in a candy store. I like in-person approaches and I went into overload. Trust me, most guys do when they come to EE first time. The shock is amazing.

    That (above) was me my first time in Ukraine. lol

    I went into femininity overload, it was a great flashback to my high school days when I dealt with feminine girls literally all the time. I was approaching as if the world was ending tomorrow. lol

    Today I am used to it, but still, when I land back in the States and have the unfortunate experience of having my flight diverted to Newark, I was depressed as hell. It took me a couple days to even want to get out on the streets again. The next day when I finally went out, I saw women who could be 5s, 6s, and 7s shopping for groceries in their pajamas and then dealt with a local vet and the female techs looked like absolute hell, no make-up, hairy armpits, hair bunched into a knap…. it is really bad. Hard to stay motivated after getting back and I do not live in a coastal shitropolis, I still see some talent here from time to time. But the presentation is bad most of the time.

    Look up Ukrainian women, and you will see how Gadot is a 2 in Ukraine. Any non-feminine woman in America gets an automatic -2 for Eastern Euro standards.

  66. Badman says:


    Your enthusiasm is appreciated but your dismissal of Gadot as a “2” in Ukraine is similar to the antics that give incels a bad name. You must remember that the HB scale is universal, not relative, and that anyone below a “5” has clear defects that are repulsive to some degree (a “5” is a normal, healthy woman who just lacks any sex appeal or attractiveness). With that said:

    Brie Larson – HB7
    Gal Gadot – HB8
    Denise Richards in 007 – HB9

    I will concede that Larson and Gadot are a “soft” HB7 and HB8, respectively, but as slim, fit women with decent (but not particularly beautiful) faces, there is no way that anyone can seriously claim they are a “5” or lower. That said, they are on the lower end of Hollywood attractiveness, and it’s possible that without professional makeup artists and stylists they’d both be in HB6 territory, provided they were still slim.

    I agree that you may see a lot of HB7s and HB8s in Ukraine that are prettier than either actress. The gulf in physical attractiveness is not nearly as wide as you claim, though I will concede that the difference in behavior/attitude may be night and day.

  67. Anon says:

    Look up Ukrainian women, and you will see how Gadot is a 2 in Ukraine. Any non-feminine woman in America gets an automatic -2 for Eastern Euro standards.

    I have been to Ukraine, as wells as to Russia. While I agree that the average young woman there is a 7 vs. a 5 (and falling) in the US, there is no place in the world where Gal Gadot is below-average looks-wise, which is what you contend.

    I only give her an 8, but you actually give her a 4 and 2 (which also means you don’t understand how the 1-10 scale works; there is no grading on a curve. If an entire country has no women above 8, so be it, but the best looking women in that country don’t become 10s).

    You won’t find anyone here who shares your sentiment. Gal Gadot is a 3? LOL!

  68. Novaseeker says:

    Gal Gadot was Miss Israel and has worked as a model. Glamour shot ( https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Creator/GalGadot ). And a street makeup shot/cameo: https://i.redd.it/1unq4re6czzz.jpg

    Now I know people may disagree in some degree because of personal taste for different body types, heights, hair coloring and so on, but in no actual universe is Gal Gadot a 3, and there is without a question no city or town in the United States, whether in South Dakota or Wisconsin, in which she would be a 3 or a 4. That’s simply ridiculous.

    Larson to me is in a completely different category than Gadot, she is at least 2 points lower baseline. Her face is quite plain. But Gadot is an objectively beautiful woman.

  69. thedeti says:

    Have to agree with Nova – Gal Gadot is a very sexually attractive woman by any and all objective measures. She’s not a 3 or 4, ANYWHERE. And she is objectively more sexually attractive than Brie Larson, any way you want to slice it.

  70. Lurker says:

    Ukraine is home to FEMEN. Sorry, boys, you can’t escape feminism. It’s universal!

  71. Frank K says:

    In Eastern Europe, both Gadot and Brie would be like a piece of ugly furniture in a corner of the room

    I’ve been in Eastern Europe and don’t recall seeing all these gorgeous women you speak of. Yeah, fatties were less common, but I don’t remember seeing these hordes of gorgeous women. And I’ve traveled around the US (where fatties are the norm) and western Europe as well. I first visited Sweden decades ago, when it still had the “bikini volleyball team” reputation. I don’t recall seeing a single head turner that visit.

    I’m not saying that Gadot is a goddess, just that she’s better looking than Larson. Without their makeup most actresses are not as good looking as on screen.

  72. Liz says:

    Have to agree with Nova – Gal Gadot is a very sexually attractive woman by any and all objective measures
    Pointy elbows.

  73. Frank K says:

    The collapse of Marvel Comics due to Leftist, feminist politics is well-documented. Look up the “milkshake girls” for a primer – somewhere in 2013, Marvel decided to start hiring Tumblr-tier artists and writers based solely on gender and political affiliation. Like maggots, they’re now dug in and eating the publisher alive.

    Sadly, DC isn’t much better. They are just as busily tripping over themselves to retcon characters into the LGBTQ alphabet soup. A few years ago, at a local comic con George Perez (co creator of the Teen Titans) heard a complaint from a fan in the audience about how current writers were ruining the Teen Titans. Perez response was that there was 30+ years of prior art that wasn’t like that. So he basically said that yeah, everything is pozzed now and it’s staying that way, but there are plenty Omnibus books and trade paper backs with decades worth of the old stuff. Of course he couldn’t directly say that, as he still is on DC’s payroll. But he was very direct when he said that you can still buy and read the old stuff.

  74. Frank K says:

    I am currently watching a divorce unfold on Facebook right now. (Which is a fascinating topic by itself).

    This is one of the reasons I closed my facebook account years ago. I got sick and tired of seeing people brag about this.

  75. cynthia says:

    @anonymous reader

    The independent backlash has already started against the big comics publishers. It’s called Comicsgate. It was underway for a little while, but it really took off after one of the big artists from DC got involved. He made over $500K on his first crowdfunded comic. Nobody else has been that successful, but even a “modest” number of $10-$50K on a single book is more money than most of the actual creatives would ever see.


    DC is going the way of Marvel too, but they aren’t quite as far along the path of no return yet. The cancer appears to be coming, though. Ethan Van Sciver (the above mentioned artist who quit DC last year) is probably the most outspoken of their former pros.

    It’s sad to see comics die, but then, the SJWs have killed almost every enclave of geek subculture at this point. The only thing of high or moderate profile they haven’t totally destroyed yet, from my perspective, is Warhammer 40K, but that’s evidently coming as well. The few things that are escaping are too small and too niche for their notice.

    I think it all goes back to the movies. They tried to reach out to the female fan base that they saw forming, without understanding that it was both a small and utterly insane group of people. But now we’re getting Natalie Portman as a superhero and some lesbian love story in the next Thor movie.

  76. Damn Crackers says:

    Can’t wait for the first person to comment about how sinful it is to be judging women, lusting in our hearts.

    Seriously, I can’t wait for Ruby Rose’s Batwoman. That show should be a hoot.

  77. Anonymous Reader says:

    But now we’re getting Natalie Portman as a superhero

    Neta-Lee Hershlag is 39 years old, 5 feet 2 inches tall (average for US woman but still)…superhero… of the Lollypop Guild, maybe. Gonna need the camera ops who videoed the Hobbit movies to make this convincing. Plus makeup.

    I laugh.

  78. Frank K says:

    It’s sad to see comics die, but then, the SJWs have killed almost every enclave of geek subculture at this point.

    That makes me think if our local comic con, which began in 2012. The first years were fun, and attendance grew from 20K to about 120K. Then around 2016, something strange happened. Most of the panelists suddenly had leftist political agendas they were very vocal about. We all knew that they’re liberals, but at least they used to pretend to be nice. Attendance suddenly began to shrink. Denver Comic Con used to blow their horn every year about their huge attendance numbers, but haven’t done so in a while. Tickets used to sell out well in advance, not anymore, you can easily buy tickets the days of the show, even the 3 day passes which are a relative bargain have no been selling out. I used to buy a 3 day pass, last year I only went on Saturday and this year I skipped it.

    The Con justs reeks of SJW crap. Many panels have titles like “Transgenderism in comics” and the celebrity spotlight panels are pathetic. Kate Mulgrew (Captain Janeway) spent half of her panel complaining about how hard women have it in show business, the other half she spent talking about how awful her male Star Trek costars were, Garrett Wang (Ensign Harry Kim) used to come. I attended one of his panels, and they were fun. He genuinely enjoyed meeting fans and sharing fun stories. What a difference.

  79. Frank K says:

    But now we’re getting Natalie Portman as a superhero

    She was so cringeworthy in Star Wars (well, the whole prequel trilogy was cringeworthy) that the thought of her being a superhero makes me burst out laughing.

  80. c matt says:

    Pegging Gadot as a 2 or 3 only hurts your credibility. 8 may be high (the no makeup pick is hardly flattering), but if you are comparing dressed up/made up Ukrainian girls to “I am on the way to the bathroom” pics of Gadot, then that is a bit unfair.

    Brie, have to agree is maybe a 6. Makeup and attitude adjustment could bump her up 2 pts. Of course, we are just talking objective beauty. A feminazi 10 is still a feminazi.

  81. c matt says:

    Although to be honest, at first I thought the picture at the top was a guy in drag pretending to be Brie. That is actually a still of Brie?

  82. Ray6777 says:

    I’m 49 and I can remember a time when it was embarrassing for grown men to be interested in comic books and comic book movies. If SJW’s can get adults to stop caring about comics that’s okay with me. Time to put childish stuff away.

  83. Novaseeker says:

    Neta-Lee Hershlag is 39 years old, 5 feet 2 inches tall (average for US woman but still)…superhero… of the Lollypop Guild, maybe. Gonna need the camera ops who videoed the Hobbit movies to make this convincing. Plus makeup.

    Eh, they managed the same thing more or less with Johansson and she is about the same height (5’3 I think). It’s all angles and lighting. Her height won’t matter one bit.

  84. Clarence says:

    RPC if you can find where I ever said half the crap you made up in your screed it would be a miracle. All I said was that Swedish rapes by Muslims were greatly inflated due to Swedens feminist BS laws. You wanted to know why Swedish women could possibly vote for more of the horror , I say it’s because it’s not yet so much horror, and most of the real stuff is contained by simply avoiding certain areas. Another source of info I have on Sweden is I have a good female friend who lives there and teaches English, and I often run some of the more fear-mongering stuff by her for confirmation. And she LIVED in Malmo for a time. Anyway, after putting words in my mouth you then went on a long screech against Muslim migration in Europe, something I already said was a problem, specifically by mentioning Great Britain as an example of what not to do.

    As for Baltimore, would it surprise you to know that something like 90 percent of the gun crime and murder in my city takes place in just 5 or 6 neighborhoods? Yes, the (depending on the year it seems) first or second most violent city in the USA is largely that way due to a rather few Beirut like areas. I’m sure, on the other hand, you pee your pants thinking that everyone in Baltimore has to either have bodyguards, live in a gated community, or wear personal body armor everytime they walk out their door no matter the time of day or night, but as tough as that would make me (having successfully LIVED through all that for a period of 30 years), that is not the case. Just as I can stay almost totally safe by avoiding certain neighborhoods (particularly at night or alone), I’m sure the same applies to women in Sweden.

    So yes, this is to dismiss your hysterical rantings about huge problems in Sweden. The average woman in Sweden is not likely to be ‘raped’ by a ‘migrant’ and until or unless that changes many people will be able to stick their heads in the sand about the REAL PROBLEMS that Muslim immigration poses to a radical leftwing welfare state.

  85. cynthia says:


    Since the post-modernism movement swept literature following WWI, genre fiction has been the place where you could find stories of heroism, valor, courage, moral struggle, good verses evil, and so on.

    Superheroes and sci-fi and fantasy novels about magic swords might seem childish on its face, but those were the modern myths. That was where we were still challenging people (and young me in particular) to aspire, to be idealistic, to dream noble dreams. The SJWs have destroyed that, and it is an incalculable loss to our culture. Don’t dismiss it out of hand.

    @Frank K

    I started noticing the SJW incursion in 2013. That was about the time when girls and beta boys who grew up on Harry Potter started looking for other things to read and watch. Social media made fandom easy to get into. There were a few big properties that gained a lot of traction with the young female demographic. Geek culture got infested by girls who didn’t care what they were ripping apart. It just had to be “theirs” now. As a female who was into this before it became popular, it’s heartbreaking to watch it die.

    Cons got subsumed along with everything else. I too remember when they used to be fun, or at least, a collection of interesting panels and vendors/creators interspersed with awkward introverts. Now, you can’t go to any of these without being hit in the face with cross-dressing, transgender panels, women whining about the “lack of good female characters” and too many fat girls in badly-made cosplay dresses. I remember having those hours-long conversations about technical details from Star Wars. Now it’s all about what character is sleeping with what other character. Really depressing.

  86. Clarence says:

    Oh, and to pile on: Gal Gadot a 3? Someone has a very strict standard for female beauty. Basically, you seem to think Aphrodite exists on Earth. In no regular human society is Gal anything less than above average.

  87. Clarence says:

    cynthia: Ironically, it’s ok to be just about anything at a Con these days except a heterosexual male, particularly one with conservative or libertarian beliefs or a female who cares for or has sex with the same.

  88. Scott says:


    Shots fired! Shots fired!

    I used to express my, um, “concern” about comic books, sexbots, video games, and so on. I stopped because it just gets ugly.

    Good luck.

  89. Scott says:

    I’ve made some friends here who I think i would really like in real life, so its not worth it.

  90. Anonymous Reader says:

    I used to express my, um, “concern” about comic books, sexbots, video games, and so on. I stopped because it just gets ugly.

    I remember. Those darn kids and their dog just wouldn’t get off your lawn, so you got up and went in the house. That sure showed ’em!


    I was partly grown up when I first went in the ocean, and viscerally remember getting knocked around by a not-very-big wave…but it was bigger than me. Big trends exist like waves at the beach. Ignore them, surf them like a wave, fight them — they continue to exist regardless.

  91. Anonymous Reader says:

    Wave in the face department:

    The Disney reboot re-imagining machine keeps on churning. Only thing for sure – they won’t look like the originals.

    On the other hand:
    Stallone’s ideas for a series with Dolph Lungren aren’t female-centric enough, so..nah.

    Don’t like what Di$ney did to $tar War$? Get ready for a lot more of the same. MOAR!

    For now one can view many movies from the last 100 or so years via the interwebs, or from DVD’s. Collecting a few more discs might not be such a bad idea.

  92. feministhater says:

    Don’t like what Di$ney did to $tar War$? Get ready for a lot more of the same. MOAR!

    Fuck Yeah! Can’t wait! Love that you’ve taken up the correct spelling of MOAR! MOAR! Give it to us now!

  93. Frank K says:

    and too many fat girls in badly-made cosplay dresses

    An interesting trend I have noticed is that while the ladies complain about non stop sexism in fandoms and geek culture in general, the slutiness level of cosplay has gone into the stratosphere. You see so much gluteal cheek that you force yourself to tune it out. I have no problems with a cute girl dressed in a stylish costume, but the number of fatties with their asses hanging out (among their favorites are Black Canary, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn etc.) has gone parabolic and is an assault on the eyes.

    Watching good cosplayers used to be part of the fun, as you could admire the effort that went into their cosplay, and if they were easy on the eyes that was the icing on the cake. There are still some good ones, but they seem to be in the minority.

  94. Red Pill Christianity says:


    Bro, HOW in God’s green Earth is Gal Gadot an HB7 or 8, even if a “soft one”? She is plain, terrible skin, bland, brittle hair and black eyes. WHAT, besides not being obese, is special about Gadot?

    This is her make-up and no-make-up. She lacks even the basics of natural female beauty.

    For comparison’s sake, how do rate Halle Berry in her prime, say in that James Bond movie or whatever?

    I think your guys are either really in need of some wethole or SOMETHING. 😮 I had a Norwegian buddy in his mid-30s that would “fall in love” with truly appalling women because he was so female deprived, he exhibited that crazy “falling in love” behavior with just any woman. Norway is a raging feminist country and the women he likes are tanned, dark eyes, Latina types, and many of the women he liked were very common in Brazil (but were so repulsive to me), I could drop this guy in a favela in Rio and he would be probably happy for life. But he is still stuck in Norway, and I am glad he stopped the “falling in love” thing because that whole thing was concerning and disturbing!!

    In Ukraine, the type of girl you meet is this: fair complexion, thin/small frame, long straight hair, and almond-shaped eyes. Their presentation is SPECTACULAR and so are their homemaking skills. My current girlfriend (this word does not exist in Russian and the GF concept does not exist, so she is “my woman” – also “engaged” also does not exist, although the “engagement ring” thing is becoming popular, as you can imagine).

    I gotta tell you, I am perplexed anyone would consider Gadot better than 4 for US standards.

    I am wondering if you guys live in a typical American Shitropolis (or in Toronto) where you see so many ugly people, Gadot is some sort of goddess.

    If you guys are into Israeli girls, I could see Bar Rafaeli as a HB9 – HB10, but she is a rare exception for Israeli girls, who service in frontline military combat units and are exposed to publishing desert sun.

    Bar Rafaeli reminds me of a girl I met at SkyLounge in Kiev a few years back on my first trip (I went with this dude who had been to Ukraine before) and YES, in Ukraine you can meet girls like Rafaeli. Same type of body, stupendous hair, feminine, pretty face, smooth skin, etc.

    I think you all need to seriously leave wherever you guys live at and see some more women. Take a trip through the Dakotas, Wisconsin, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming…. You will see much prettier girls. You will look back at Gadot and heave in disgust. I was in ND last year with a client for the purposes of helping improve his trade show and there were LOTS of cute ladies there, I was surprised.

    Or fly out of the country and see some women outside our country. I am perplexed that Gadot is rated higher than 4 for US standards. You all must be in Toronto or Chicago or Jersey or something. I cannot explain this Gadot phenom except you guys live in a shittropolis or are fem-deprived and cannot think clearly.

    I am sorry, Gadot is an “HB”4… take her pics to Ukraine, Russia, Czech Republic, Colombia, or anywhere after a couple weeks there and see how she is an “HB” 2 (cannot even call her HB with a starightface) when you compare her to local women. I am stunned.

  95. Anonymous Reader says:

    Just about 100 years ago the big issue in the US was prohibition of alcohol. The “drys” sold the idea that banning booze, beer and wine would bring a lot of good things to the country. They got what they wanted, and it pretty much blew up in their face. But Prohibition was the law for about 14 years, people’s lives were heavily affected in a lot of ways. Some made fortunes, some got killed, and everything in between. Then it was gone. Now most of us can’t imagine what they were thinking – ban beer? For real? Why? It’s an art, it’s a kind of food, it’s a natural gift, etc. — why put people in jail for brewing it? Well, that’s how it was then. Massive groupthink.

    In the last 10 or so years the mixed-liquor cocktail has made a comeback, and now one hip thing is a bar made to look like a 1920’s “speakeasy”. So what was an illegal and somewhat dangerous business 95 years ago is now a hip novelty across the US. I’ve been in a few, and it’s pretty interesting. Live action role play, in some places: passwords that change weekly, hidden doors, narrow stairs to secret rooms with no windows, bartenders & waitresses who dress in period costume, etc. I repeat: what was an illegal and dangerous thing 95 years ago is now upscale entertainment.

    Question: what’s the big, hot button burning issue of the current year that’s going to be history in 20 years or less. What’s the big thing around us that in 2120 will be just a LARP of some sort for entertainment? I have no clue. Only time will tell us. But for sure, something that is a big deal now will be a “what were they thinking?” in enough time.

  96. Anonymous Reader says:

    One other thought: Di$ney with the Marvel and $tar War$ franchises is obviously too big to fail.

    About 12 years ago, everything involved in residential real estate, such as Countrywide Finance, was also too big to fail.

    Just saying.

  97. Anon says:

    RPC seems to have an irrational hatred of Gal Gadot. Every other person here puts her in the 8-9 zone, but RPC says she is a 3. We know why some newcomers to the ‘sphere do this.

    Red Pill Christian,

    Perhaps you can list a few other famous women that ignoramuses like us rate 5-6 points higher than we should. There must be others who are so inaccurately assessed. Do share.

  98. TheTraveler says:

    I agree with RPC to some extent.

    Gal Godot is not attractive to me. I’m not sure I’d rate her as low as he does, but I don’t find her even remotely attractive.

    Vive la difference!

  99. Red Pill Christianity says:

    *Lurker: FEMEN started in Ukraine to stop exploitation of women and abuse of children (a huge issue in Odessa), but the whole thing was Western-driven to begin with (I would not be surprised if Soros funded their start-up venture). There is a video a Ukrainian guy I once showed me of an Ukrainian documentary about FEMEN and the director (a Westerner woman) is yelling angrily at the “feminists” for coming to protests wearing high heels, make-up, and skirts. We had a huge laugh.

    *Frank K says: I’ve been in Eastern Europe and don’t recall seeing all these gorgeous women you speak of.

    Where in Eastern Europe, Frank? I am not saying every girl in Russia or Ukraine is a supermodel. That would be absurd and AWALT, a concept that I abhor. But there is a very large supply of pretty girls in Ukraine and the ooze femininity and sexiness. The girls there do an amazing job in their presentation, in homemaking skills, and in putting effort in their appearance.

    *Anon says: I have been to Ukraine, as wells as to Russia. While I agree that the average young woman there is a 7 vs. a 5 (and falling) in the US.

    Never been to Russia, but if you are up for a meet-up, I am gonna be in Dnipro (personal reason) and in Nikolaev (for a business event) before winter (it is appalling there in winter, because roads are poorly plowed and they use too little salt spray and it freezes over, etc). I hate taking trains or buses, so I try to avoid winter there as much as possible, even if in Dnipro and Nikolaev, it is all straightforward and small scale to take public transit.

    Also, floors in apts are cold, so yeah not a comfortable country in that regard. It is a poor country… not “favela poor” like in Brazil or in most of the Americas, but life is very basic. Infrastructure is bad, especially roads, which sucks, as I am an adventurer type that likes to drive and hates being held to someone else’s schedule.

    I am NOT going for a “flag mission”, btw. My intentions are good.

    Anon, any info on Belarus? It seems from pictures shared RV Forum form Belarus that the Belarusian ladies are much more conservative, much more religious, and dress much more “Western” than in Ukraine. Can you confirm or deny my suspicion?

    One aspect about Ukraine that annoys me is that Christian women there know literally zero about The Bible itself. Unless their family is from the “house church” movement that lasted all throughout the hellish Soviet days, the women go to church to light a candle and say prayers and profess Christianity only understanding the basics. Their knowledge of the actual Bible is very very low. Makes me think of “Catholics in name only” in US.

    In Belarus (apparently), one guy whose family is from Belarus that I briefly met here in US told me many Belarusian girls learn much in church, which peeked my interest. If anyone can confirm, I would appreciate it. But he said clothing wise, Belarusians are much more traditional and much less about skirts and high heels, which is both good and bad, of course. But that mindset can be appealing to a Christian man like me.

    I have never been to Russia or Belarus (considering Belarus next year, but hard to get info on it). If you wanna see pretty girls in Ukraine stick to these cities: Chersaky (college town), Dnipro (1.2m people), Rivne (Western Ukraine, so many of the girls have a bit of Polish/more Slavic look to them), Kherson (do not confuse with Kharkiv! Kherson is a more of a “beach town” and a lot more smiley girls there), Poltava (“country girls”), and Nikolaev. The further East you go, the prettier the Ukrainian girls IMHO. Western Ukrainian girls seem more “Westernized” because many go to Poland for shopping and work and looks-wise, are not as pretty IMHO.

    AVOID Odessa, Lviv, and Kiev because they are literally overrun with foreigners and women there are beginning to develop a sense of entitlement and even some early feminist traits and many are pay-for-play because of the foreign presence there. Also avoid Vinnytsia, there are some “extremists” there. I am semi-white guy (not pasty, but white) with blue eyes and brown hair, so I make an effort blend in with locals (on purpose). Latino dudes and darker complexion men will have harassment issues in Odessa with drunk brawling sailors and in Vinitsia for sure, they have some “gangs” if you can call them that, more like drunk soccer fans who cause problem, like in UK.

    *Ps. Badman, I forgot to mention. In order to avoid offending the sensibilities of some commenters, I do not discuss the type of aggressive Game I encourage Christian men to engage on (that is why I believe in Red Pill Christianity and previously discussed at length it in my own site). I have a background in business and believe in “delivering goods and services the customers wants” and that means if Christian girls want strong Game, I believe Christian guys should adjust this strategy and deliver.

    Game and Christian women should be viewed in the context of reality in America and economics. You find the customer’s needs and wants and you deliver it. That is how you get rewarded. Trying to date Christian women using a “how it should be” mindset rather than a “how it actually is” is a way to fail and become an Incel. Just a thought.

  100. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Anon says: RPC seems to have an irrational hatred of Gal Gadot. Every other person here puts her in the 8-9 zone, but RPC says she is a 3.

    If you are into Gadot-types, check out rural Sao Paulo, or in Minas state, places like Uberaba city or even Uberlandia. I recall seeing a lot of women like this and they are a dime a dozen. For any Halle Berry fans, please go to any Favela in Rio, I kid you not, you will see tons. They may have a buncha of tattoos and be lazy and lack any homemaking skills, but looks-wise, they are not special in south America. These types of girl are not rare, I am sure Turkey, central Asia, many Middle Eastern countries will have an over-supply of Gadots, maybe you can check it out and let us know?

    Being a seasoned Red Pilled Christian male (not a “newcomer” to the ‘Sphere), I do harbor some disgust for feminists of any kind, unless they are solid HB9 and HB10, that is when I can overlook their vile personas and acknowledge their own hotness. Gadot and Brie Larson are raging feminists.

    I used to think the Black Widow (Scarlet) was kinda hot, solid HB8 when she was in Cap America Winter Solider, for instance. Then she cut her hair boy-short and went haywire feminist and now she repulses me.

    Honestly, I think you guys are simply WAY too pent up and are like my Norwegian buddy who was constantly “falling in love” with any woman who showed him some attention. Or live in a shitropolis like Detroit, Toronto, Chicago, etc and all you see all day is obesity, purple short hair, and ugliness. I cannot explain this rationally, other than your brains are playing a trick on you, you are over-rating certain women due to self-imposed celibacy or being Incel.

    Who knows? As I have been told… “taste are like butts, everyone has one, no one thinks theirs stink”. lol

    Glad to oblige. let’s have a picture rating discussion, Anon. LOL One sec, putting it together for ya.

  101. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Per Anon’s request, here are a sample pic selection of famous ladies and ratings. I just hate to rmeove the HTML tags since I already happened to have already selected in my own site before (with a poll!).

    I will rate what I think of each and you guys can tell me how terribly wrong I am, since I consider Gadot to be a lowly HB4. lol

    HB10 (model’s tie): Candice Swanepoel – Thylane Blondeau (all grown up)

    HB9 (tie): Denise Richards (in her prime) – Megan Fox (Fox gets penalized -1 for tattoos).

    HB8 (tie): Mila Kunis – Scarlet Johansson (pre-feminist freakout)

    HB7 (tie): Jessica Biel (an exotic-looking pretty girl next door type) – Kate Uptown, oversexualized, full-size girl next door type

    HB6 (tie): Jennifer Anniston (she was the dream girl of many Gen X guys during Friends TV show) – Yasmine Bleeth (Baywatch, a 1990s cult show)

    HB5: Amber Heard (she has declined fast…)

    HB4 (tie): America’s 1990’s “sweetheart girl” Sandra Bullock – Gal Gadot

    HB3 (tie): Lindsay Lohan during coke/booze days – Brie Larson (Captain Marvel)

    HB2: Frm Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (way post-wall, 5 kids later. But she is a really good person).

    HB1: 9-way tie of the “Democrat Nine” LOL

    HB0 (feminist tie): Rosie O’Donnell – Whoopi

    Take your time and you all can tell me how and why I am soooo wrong on my ratings here. lol

  102. Lurker says:

    Red Pill Christianity,

    LOL. Fair point that Ukrainian feminism brings a level of hotness not found in other such movements around the world. Gotta hand it to ’em! But I don’t buy that it’s westerners or people like Soros who TELL women to become feminist. Look at any part of the world – and certainly yes, feminism will be driven underground to an extent in highly repressive societies – but it is still there. The love of freedom, equality and dignity is inherent in the human spirit whether you are a woman in Saudi Arabia, Ukraine or the USA.

    On another note: *I* wear make up, somewhat long hair and heels and no feminist has ever criticized me for that at any point in my life. I have had friends remind me, with concern, that high heels are bad for me (and they are right!) but never once have I been shamed or criticized.

  103. poetentiate says:

    Seriously, why would anybody want the get with someone that is purposely displaying nearly all the “feminine charm” of one of their guy drinking buddies, AND still insists on expressing the WORST traits of femininity to put you in “your place” because Patriarchy?

  104. poetentiate says:

    Is it just me or do the “HB10s” selected in this poll look more like little girls than any of the others? Food for thought.

  105. BillyS says:


    I have a background in business and believe in “delivering goods and services the customers wants” and that means if Christian girls want strong Game, I believe Christian guys should adjust this strategy and deliver.

    That would be a valid approach if marriage was one of customer and merchant. It is not and thus the mindset breaks down.

    Game and Christian women should be viewed in the context of reality in America and economics. You find the customer’s needs and wants and you deliver it. That is how you get rewarded. Trying to date Christian women using a “how it should be” mindset rather than a “how it actually is” is a way to fail and become an Incel. Just a thought.

    It is perfectly correct to meet needs and even desires, but building a connection with a woman this way is doomed to failure. You will eventually mess up and building your relationship on perfection, which this requires, means this will ultimately fail.

    Sure, some men will still make it work, but that is ultimately under the control of the woman and nothing exists to tell that underlying mindset, no matter how much we want it.

    Ignoring this aspect is not smart at all.

    What is so vital about wanting to date Christian women anyway? Is that the Holy Grail now? Flawed target.

  106. BillyS says:

    Gal Godot is attractive enough. Her “tough woman” pictures from Wonder Woman (I have not seen the movie) are not as compelling, but the photos I just saw from a quick Google search show she is far better than most.

    Thin or at least relatively thin is a hard trigger for me. I can’t be attracted to a woman otherwise. Though many things turn me off today, including tattoos. I am unlikely to pursue anyone now however, given my ability to see the bigger picture.

    This makes pictures like these no more than a candy catalog. Nice to look at (at times) but not something that will really impact my life.

  107. Frank K says:

    One other thought: Di$ney with the Marvel and $tar War$ franchises is obviously too big to fail.

    About 12 years ago, everything involved in residential real estate, such as Countrywide Finance, was also too big to fail.

    I’m sure the mouse’s time will come. But for now they are raking it in, with billion dollar blockbuster after another. It now costs $140+ just to get in to Disneyland (I remember when it was $50 and I thought that was a lot) and from what I’ve heard the crowds are back, I guess after the ticket sticker shock settled in. DL has a strong nostalgia factory for me, as I grew up nearby. But given the ever increasing cost I haven’t been back in over 10 years and have no plans to visit.

  108. Badman says:


    I don’t have any particular beef with your relative order, but you really need to recalibrate your interpretation of the HB scale. Your HB6, 5, and 4 examples are easily off by 3-4 points. You have to remember that “5” is neutral or zero sex appeal, while anything below that is repulsive to some extent. I will agree that coke Lohan, Dworkin, Janet Reno, etc. are in that category, but otherwise your calibration is just off. 99%+ of girls in “the Dakotas, Colorado” are less attractive than these pictures of Jennifer Anniston and Amber Heard.


    Gadot also doesn’t fit my personal tastes, but that doesn’t mean she is objectively unattractive.

  109. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Lurker says: LOL. Fair point that Ukrainian feminism brings a level of hotness not found in other such movements around the world. The love of freedom, equality and dignity is inherent in the human spirit whether you are a woman in Saudi Arabia, Ukraine or the USA. On another note: *I* wear make up, somewhat long hair and heels and no feminist has ever criticized me for that at any point in my life.

    Lurker, if you do not support and tow the feminist line and their guidelines to the T, they will turn on you. Did you see what happened at the Communist convention they had, under the banner “Socialist Democrats of America”?

    Anyone even veering slightly away from true Marxist and SJW ideology was shouted out. Communists, Marxists, Socialists, Antifa, Islamists, Feminists… they are all totalitarians. If you are indeed a feminist and you openly disagree with any tenant of feminism, even one inch, they will come after you.

    If you met any Ukrainian feminists, you would understand what I am saying here. They are NOT “true feminists”. I met a supposed “feminist” in Kharkiv when I was there ~3 years ago and she said her #1 issue was sexual exploitation of children, which is endemic in Odessa (city). To that Ukrainian woman, that was feminism. In America, feminism is about open borders, male hatred, killing male children, and pure simple hate. That Ukrainian woman has no idea what true Western feminism really is. In her make-up, skirt, and high-heel wearing reality, feminism is some sort of equality movement to protect children, not a privilege-demanding mob of rich, entitled, upper-middle class white women living in a wealthy country. It was laughable to me she thinks she is a feminist and yet she told me she wanted to get married and have at least 2 kids, which she wanted to home school. Feminist? lol

    Which brings me to my next point: Unlike what you said, Feminists do NOT love freedom or equality or dignity.

    That is why non-cucked men HATE feminism with a passion. It is a fraud, having literally nothing to do with equality. It is all about female privilege. It is pure hypocrisy. Ask yourself:

    How many feminists are calling for prison sentencing equality, since women get less than 1/5 of the prison sentence men receive for exact same crime?
    How many feminists are calling for ending child custody control by women and wholesale denying of visitation rights by the fathers, and demand mandatory 50-50 custody, except in proven cases of physical violence?
    How many feminists are calling for ending legislated divorce-rape of men in “family” court cases?
    How many feminists are calling for mandatory child family leave for fathers?
    How many feminists support ending laws that only target men (i.e. “Yes Means Yes”, VAWA, etc)?
    How many feminists are calling for legislation ending privileges women enjoy in social settings like “ladies drink free” at the local club or free use of Apps, like Tinder, for instance, when men have to pay for these exact same services?
    How many feminists support ending Duluth Policing whereas the male is always arrested in domestic violence situations, when he is CLEARLY the victim of physical abuse? (40% of all domestic violence victims are men and the man is still arrested even when women are the aggressors – https://domesticviolencestatistics.org/men-the-overlooked-victims-of-domestic-violence/ )
    How many feminists support the concept that “consent under low sobriety” is also women’s responsibility, not just the man’s? Aren’t women stronger, more powerful and capable then men in veery way? Why can’t they be responsible for their own sobriety/consent?

    (This is because women cannot be responsible for themselves and men can – and have ot be responsible for themselves and women as well? I thought women were more powerful and better then men in every single way possible?)

    How many feminists support and demand that women being required to pay 50% of all travel, living, food, and date expenses with men?
    How many feminists support ending male-targeting of hysterias like #MeToo and other lynchmobs?
    How many feminists support demanding women serving in combat units meet the exact same physical requirements tests and benchmarks as the male soldiers?
    How many feminists support ending all chivalry, like men opening doors, buying flowers on Valentine’s day, etc?
    How many feminists support ending preferential treatment in hiring, college admissions, “affirmative action”, and goodies, like scholarships and govt grants?

    Feminists supporting these things? Hah! Close to 0%, perhaps 0% in actual reality. It is 100% pure hypocrisy. Feminists want privilege, not equality or justice.

    You can watch a group of angry San Francisco feminists attacking author Marc Rudov on the question of who should pay when going on vacations and going to dinner on a date. The feminists demand men pay for everything (if they go on vacation together or if they go out to dinner on a date), even when they admit if they went on vacation or dinner with a female friend, the women would pay for everything themselves!!!! And yet these “empowered” feminists refuse to pay for anything if a man is involved and demand to be catered.

    That Rudov video is a perfect example of women’s privilege and I just appreciate the fact that these feminists at least admitted they want privilege, not equality in the video.

    If feminism meant TRUE EQUALITY, you would see Code Pink, NOW, and FEMEN marching and demanding a 40-something year old female teacher who bangs 10 year old little boys prison time and not just being fired and getting “counseling”. A 20-year old male teacher banging a 17-year old girl (consensual) gets MANDATORY 25 years prison in Florida, simply because of his gender. How is that equal?

    I could go on, but anyone without major blinders on knows that feminism is the biggest fraud ever, in world history, even more than the global warming money scam. Feminism is 100% all about female privilege, not equality.

    poetentiate: Nice try! *roll eyes* Every single one of these women are over 18, no “children” are listed, period. Of the two HB10s you mentioned, Thylane Blondeau, is the youngest of the group at 18. Candice Swanepoel, the 2nd HB10, is 30. You are welcome to look it up, every single one of the women listed range from ages 18 to 78, actually. Look it up. But nice try. 😉

  110. Red Pill Christianity says:

    *BillyS: Marriage CAN be one of the customers of aggressive Christian male game. Do you all recall when Dal wrote about this church girl who wanted a Christian Alpha male boyfriend in “Roll your own Alpha”? Same idea… be that Alpha Male that girl was looking for! If there is a demand for the product, meet that demand.

    My point is that Christian men should practice a level of aggressive Game that Christian women would respond to, like all other women respond to. Unapologetic masculinity. Alpha male decision-making. Weight-lifter. Bad boy charisma. Relentless and strong in his Amused Mastery and Dread.

    That kind of guy can land a quality Christian woman today, even in our feminist hellish culture. If more Christian men were consoled to act Masculine and quit the namby-pamby churchian mindset, they WOULD land a quality Christian woman who is out grabbing her ankles for Harley McBadboy because her Christian male peers are a bunch of wusses. Just sayin’.

    Also, I agree with BillyS, that given our misandrist marriage system that a guy would have to keep up Game indefinitely for this to work. But the truth is, unless he is willing to completely forgo government-sanctioned marriage, his only other choice is to employ dashes of Dread, keeping his basic Game, and pulling Amused Mastery when needed for the rest of his married life. The man/husband does not have to do that everyday for life; he just has to know when to sparingly use Game skills during his marriage, as needed.

    I also agree that wanting to date Christian/church girls only is a flawed approach – for short/mid-term relationships. And at the same time, have you considered the alternative in the long-term? Marrying and/or having a kid with an Atheist woman who will fight you when you try to raise your own child Christian, really going into Biblical teaching with that child?

    I am glad you liked my HB rating selection. It was a big hit on my now-deplatformed site. I just pasted it here and removed the HTML tags (thank to Dal for approving it!) 🙂

    Ps. I am repulsed and disgusted by women with tattoos. As you probably notice by my HB selection, I am into long hair for women and moderate body size. I believe true femininity is a woman who has long hair, just as Bible says (1 Corinthians 11:15).

    I also do not seek out any woman above my own rating. I stick to HB’s 6-8 only, a 9 is above my paygrade and would only approach if she flashes a clear green light. I know what I can and cannot do in life and act accordingly. No reason to frsutarte myself and waste time.

    *Badman: I may need to recalibrate my list… but again, I just got back from Ukraine a few weeks ago, and my gauge may be a bit off! LOL Trust me, a 7 in Ukraine (with their presentation) is easily an 8 or 9 in the US. Not because of genetics… but because of presentation and Ukrainian focus on hardcore femininity. It is hard to beat. American women, for the most part, have forgotten even the basics about sexappeal and femininity. They have very bad Game and lack even basic understanding of attraction and

    Again, think of the same model car, one shiny and waxed and one covered in bird droppings.

    *To all Gadot lovers: if you are into that kinda style of woman, I strongly suggest you get a visa and buy a plane ticket and head to Sao Paulo ASAP. These types of women are available a dime a dozen, I kid you not. If you can overlook the now-common tattoos and maybe a few extra pounds on Gadot, that “Gadot look” you all like is available in Brazil in such abundance, these Gadot-like women are virtually un-datable in Brazil, and often end up with guys in the favela, as no one wants that look there. You can get excact gadot clones in size and hair color/eyes as well, without tattoos, but will need some legwork in Brazil, but they are widely available. Gadot look-alikes are too common and too widely available in Sao Paulo and Belo Horizonte by the tens of thousands, if not millions. Just ask any Brazilian guy or recent tourist you know, they all know a single, unwanted Gadot look-alike in Brazil. Enjoy!

    Ps. I am wondering here if I am dismissive of Gadot because I actually lived in Brazil years ago and seen so many of these girls just laying about, I learned to ignore them too. Or maybe I am just repulsed by the fact Gadot (and Brie) are raging feminists? Who knows? Attraction is an irrational part of human behavior, for most part.

  111. CSI says:

    Christian men should practice a level of aggressive Game that Christian women would respond to, like all other women respond to. Unapologetic masculinity. Alpha male decision-making. Weight-lifter. Bad boy charisma. Relentless and strong in his Amused Mastery and Dread.

    Most men aren’t capable of this. Every man could stand to become fitter, more confident and more assertive. But there are limits to how far most men can improve, and for most it stops well short of “unapologetic masculinity, alpha male decision-making” etc.

  112. Tam the Bam says:

    “Also, who names their kid after a smelly cheese?”

    Big, round, flat, white and mouldy?
    I say, if the cap fits …

  113. Tam the Bam says:

    “They’ve destroyed all the iconic male characters and replaced them with soulless females that are badly written and incompetently drawn. The comic book industry is all but dead.”

    What’s happened is that the boys who supported traditional US comics, repelled by the relentless injection of poz into their only ‘happy place’ in a feminist-directed educational and home environment, withdrew, and now avidly fetishise often rather frankly paedophilic and pornographic Japanese cartoon art forms, the best known of which is “manga”.

    Also distinguished by their sophisticated plots and narratives, imaginative “worlds”, and superlative draughtsmanship. Which carries the rest of the more unsettling content. The whole thing would crash with no survivors if it weren’t for the writing and art skills, even though most of the lead characters seem to be young females.

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn that there is some graceless feminist movement afoot to have the whole lot declared illegal, because the Japs (so far) are pretty much immune to the feminist mind-nematode and would simply laugh in their faces.

    Boys want something? Ban it. Ban them. Ban the internet. Ban everything. Ban, ban, ban.
    It’s all they’ve got. A disingenuous appeal to the Authorities to crush unattractive men (i.e. boys, who they perceive only as moneyless, weak and non-dominant) on their behalf, using Absolute Power. Female Natural Selection, in their minds, and just the Way of the World as far as they are concerned.

    tl;dr never give a woman of any kind authority still less power over boys, unless she’s their mother. She will unconsciously seek to disqualify/destroy them.

  114. Red Pill Christianity says:

    BillyS says: You are correct that all women haven’t bought the full pile of feminism, but far too many constantly benefit from it anyway and getting them to push back and deprive themselves is almost impossible. My exwife… probably still doesn’t realize how feminist her thoughts and actions are as well.

    BillyS, you are right! Simply put, AWALT is simply too broad given we have 6 billion people in the planet, half of them women. To assume they are all exactly the same in taste, mindset, feminism (or lack thereof), and others is simply absurd. Not even in Sweden are 100% of the women exactly the same, all exactly aligned in feminist doctrine. The statsical impossibility of AWALT is clear and obvious.

    But without any question, the majority of women today are feminists whether or not they realize it or not. I have this chart showing women and adherence to feminism and the Silent Generation and Gen X women had the lowest % of feminist women and were less politically radicalized than Baby Boomers and Millennials, for example.

    Sadly, most women today, especially Christian young women, who claim not to be feminists, really ARE feminists, many are radical ones too. They either do not want the feminist badge of feminist, which has a heavy negative connotation today or they are oblivious to how radical they are. But the problem is, they live out the lifestyle of a feminist, seeking out the same “merit badges” that feminists all want (carrousel ride, education, career, marriage, divorce-rape some guy, re-marry a rich body builder, etc – just like the feminist bible, the “Eat Pray Love” book). This is also true for Christian women!

    The thing about women is that you, as a man, have to “pull them into your frame”. This can be easy to do with women who are not feminists, moderate difficulty with nominal feminists and very hard with real feminists. We used to have this thing back in the 90s called a “project girl”, where you got a girl that had many good qualities, but was a mess in some ways, and you would “fix her up” and have yourself a very high quality girlfriend who adored you. Mind you, this was before feminism went national in America and before the SmartPhone helped create the hook-up culture.

    Regardless, as a man, you have to pull the woman into your frame if you have any hope of even having an LTR with her. Women are naturally “agreeable” deep inside. If you have a strong frame, you can, over time, pull her into your frame. I have seen videos online from feminists warning women that it is “abuse” to allow a man to pull a woman into his frame, so that should tell you how powerful that is as a tool for men to use on women they want to LTR or perhaps marry.

    For non-Christian men, I have to say that with a basic understanding of Game and some decent self-improvement, you can succeed with women today. The bar for young men has never been lower, given the very high amount of alcohol American women consume, and their pre-disposition to hook-ups using cell phone apps and self-destructive behavior. There are risks here as well, but they live in a world where women are generally self-destructive and that can be exploited by men who have but a mere taste of the red pill.

    For Christian men still seeking marriage, it is a different ballgame, though. The challenge to find a decent woman is pretty hard and the financial and arrest risks associated with marriage are incredibly high for the men.

    One final warning: Christian or not, women are almost NEVER as innocent as they try to appear. Appearing to be innocent is a tool women use, very effectively, to get what they want from men. That is why 99% of girls lie about their notch count; they know appearing innocent is appealing to a man, especially one with resources. Most “reformed Christian sloots” use fake innocence to trap Christian beta males later in life for financial support and to later divorcerape the suckah. Watch her actions, not her words; and do judge her by her past. That is all I can say.

  115. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Hey guys… you know what I just noticed? Brie Larson, Gal Gadot, and Lindsay Lohan have something very noticeable in common: they all have the 1,000 c0ck stare! 😮

    Did anyone catch on that as well?

    Interesting I missed that on all three “ladies”. I guess I am so turned off by all 3, I did not even care to notice.

    If you have seen enough of the 1000-stares, you know what I am talking about. There is no light left in their eyes. The light in a woman’s eyes go out after being with too many men (and “being hurt” time and time again) or becoming a feminist. The anger and hate that fuels feminism shuts off any light in their eyes.

    The “1000-c0ck stare” is something I screen for on women whenever I meet them at first. It is a global trait on women, when the light goes out in their eyes, you KNOW you are dealing with the female version of the “living dead”.

    Stay away, far away from these women, is my advice.

  116. Oscar says:

    @ Scott

    You see, Jesus doesn’t want her to be in a marriage with someone who doesn’t appreciate her.
    Her page becomes a constant stream of memes about having the courage to change and getting rid of negativity, and praying to Jesus who really knows her heart and so on while her female friends fuel her justifying with you go grrrrrrl comments.

    That ain’t Jesus. That’s Buddy Christ.


    But, you’re right, the pattern is familiar, and it hasn’t changed since I first noticed it about 20 years ago. The only difference is that now, with social media, it’s recorded and broadcasted for the world to see.

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