Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.
–Proverbs 30:20, KJV
Several readers have asked for a post on the recent season of the reality show Bachelorette. I don’t follow the show, but according to the news accounts Christian bachelorette Hannah B is outraged at being slut shamed by fellow Christian Luke Parker. The Christian Post characterizes Luke as “polarizing” for suggesting that Christian sexual morality matters. From Bachelorette slams haters who label her bad Christian: ‘We all fall short of glory of God’
This season of “The Bachelorette” with Hannah B features polarizing Christian contestant Luke Parker, known as Luke P, who is outspoken about his Christian faith which has forced the bachelorette to own up to what she believes about her own faith and some of her actions.
…she declares that “Jesus still loves” her despite her decision to have sexual relations with some of the contestants when questioned about her purity by Luke P.
“I refuse to not stand in the sun. I refuse to feel shame…
In a second article the Christian Post explains the comment by Luke that outraged Hannah:
“Let’s talk about sex and how the marriage bed should be kept pure,” the 24-year-old, who traded his player ways to follow Christ, told Hannah B.
“Let’s say you have had sex with one or multiple of these guys, I would be wanting to go home,”…
Hannah B, also a professing Christian, immediately took offense to Luke P’s comments and confessed that she has had “physical relations” with some of the other contestants but “Jesus stills loves her.”
While Hannah has received what she considers intolerable online rebukes for her lack of repentance, nearly all modern Christians would normally remain silent on the subject, especially if it is a woman who is committing sexual immorality. For many feminism is the proximate reason for this, as we are now regularly lectured on the evils of “slut shaming”.
But for other modern Christians the reason is perhaps less obvious. Like feminism, chivalry also teaches that slut shaming is abominable. This goes back to the very birth of courtly love (what we call chivalry) circa 1177 in Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart. On his quest to save the adulterous queen Guinevere, Lancelot encounters a sexually liberated noblewoman who proposes a roll in the hay in exchange for information he needs. The narrator explains that her sluttiness is a wonderful gift (emphasis mine):
Then the damsel said to him: “Sire, my house is prepared for you, if you will accept my hospitality, but you shall find shelter there only on condition that you will lie with me; upon these terms I propose and make the offer.” Not a few there are who would have thanked her five hundred times for such a gift;
Later in the same poem Guinevere is slut shamed after evidence of her adultery with Lancelot is discovered. This sets up the iconic scene where Lancelot fights for her honor, vanquishing slut shaming.
This is why Hannah is so outraged, and why the Christian Post is careful to call Luke, and not Hannah, polarizing for his view of sexual immorality. In speaking the truth Luke was terribly unchivalrous, which is the greatest sin of our era.
Churchianity at its finest.
Besides, what kind of Christian ‘lady’ parades her ass on TV in search of a husband while banging dudes on a show?
Oh Jeezus
This goes deeper, though, deep down to one of women’s greatest fears, the fear of abandonment. To be cast out of the tribe, or left behind when the tribe moves on, would be fatal in ancient times. Such an event would be preceded by “being judged”, hence the deep and vituperative reaction any woman has to “being judged”.
Sexual behavior is the most obvious example, but the manosphere has been filled with other examples for years; the wife who nags / picks fights / yells at her “till death do us part” but who will quickly react angrily at anyone who dares to criticize her behavior. She can’t abide criticism, especially from whats-his-name, because of the deep fear of “being judged and abandoned”. It’s way back in some hindbrain structure, IMO.
Ironically modern men have been so ground down by the femarchy that they’d rather risk serious injury or death than dare to criticize a woman, especially a young one. There’s no risk of “being judged” in 90+% of churches for that reason, because chivalry is so deeply embedded into Western men’s mindsets. But that doesn’t’ matter to the female anxiety centers.
This is how we get the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell” stance that so many churchgoing men display regarding women and sex. It is not done to wonder aloud if it’s a good idea for a single, pretty, 19 year old girl to go off on her own 1,000 miles away to a rather anonymous social circle, with attractive young men. “Don’t ask, don’t look” is the approach. Because it would unchivalrous to ask, or look, or consider, just as Dalrock made clear in the OP.
There might just be some 20-something men who see this kind of behavior in churches, find it to be hypocritical and thus avoid those churches.
See it’s not the sinning, it’s the don’t care, no sign of repentance, not even a hint of “yeah, I shouldn’t have done that.”
It think when she says shame, she might mean both guilt and shame. It’s fine to feel guilty, it’s a sign of life actually, that you’re not so far gone you don’t know up from down anymore. Shame, not as good as guilt, also shows that you expect others to rightly condemn your actions as well; even a sociopath or a narcissist can figure out shame or a simulacrum thereof. Also fine looked at one way.
Obviously it’s all set up by the show runners. They wanted a “clash of Christians” so as to poke fun at Christian conservatives while at the same time appealing to *most* rank and file Christians who fornicate with gusto everywhere. It has the air of a manufactured conflict, from the perspective of the show runners having specifically selected these people to be in the same set of people, and steering things towards a conflict that would generate press and publicity, while at the same time marginalizing actual Christian sexual morality.
Seems to have worked according to plan, as far as I can tell.
Jesus loves me this I know
Even though I’m a slutty ho
I still can to him belong
How do you like my t back thong?
Obviously it’s all set up by the show runners.
What? Why, that would be fake. Our precious elite media, fake? C’mon, Nova!
Next you’ll be telling us that championship wrestling is fake, too.
Is a windmill kind of like a carousel?
Yeah, this is what we’re supposed to man up and marry. No thanks!
@ Testi
What kind of pathetic dude goes on a show hoping to land a good wife and then waxes indignat when said parading lady turns out to be a slut?
Shows like The Bachelorette are nothing more than bread and circuses. Western culture is so thoroughly gynaecentric – moreso since Feminism managed to abolish all social controls on female sexuality – that it should not come as any surprise to see how this played out. A full-on cultural reversion to older times and mores is needed but I fear that we will not see such a cultural reset in our lifetimes.
This does cause me to ask what, exactly, does it mean to be a Christian?
Cube Archer
What kind of pathetic dude goes on a show hoping to land a good wife and then waxes indignat when said parading lady turns out to be a slut?
This does cause me to ask what, exactly, does it mean to be a Christian?
For most of us in America, it sadly looks a lot like this:
“Any [Christian] who does more than I do is simply trying to earn their salvation by works. My piety is expertly calibrated for the enjoyment of this world and the next world. Any less piety and I could not enjoy the next life; any more piety and I could not enjoy this life. when I arrive at the Great Judgement, the Judge will say, “Well done, thou careful and prudent quasihedonist.”
I wish I was this sharp of wit, but this is from p. 96 of the book How to be Unlucky by Joshua Gibbs. He writes Truth.
@Cube Archer
I haven’t seen the waxing indignant part. Could you point it out, or did you just want to take the sting out of Testi`s slut shaming?
This is gold! I love this type of stuff. The very defense that Ms Slut gets from the Christian wimminz is all the evidence you’ll ever need that marriage is done.
You want to go ahead and marry that, be my guest. That is your future wife on display, that is what she is getting up to all those nights between 15 and 35, this is how she justifies it and she will get all the cover necessary to continue doing so.
She is in obvious sin. 100%, no questions asked and she gets to justify it and not repent but still call herself a Christian? What more evidence does one require?
Give me moar!
Even if it was fake and all for show. The Christian wimmenz get themselves all bent out of shape defending an obviously, unrepentant whore. Do they not see the damage they are doing?
Ladies, come on, do you really expect men to marry this? She’s pretty, but that will fade and her heart is rotten and debauched. Why? What the heck is the point?
My wife and I were talking about this type of thing the other day. I told her that nobody is ashamed of terrible sins they committed any more. Sin used to be shameful, and people were ashamed of what they did. No more. It’s almost like they are proud of it.
There’s a progression here.
Fornication is sin. Fornicators shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Fornication is sin, but fornicators are forgiven.
Fornication is sin and can be forgiven, but you should not fornicate.
Fornication is forgiven and you should not fornicate, but it’s not the end of the world if you fornicate.
You should not fornicate, but because you will be forgiven, if you fornicate, you’re OK.
I fornicated, but I’m forgiven and Jesus still loves me. Therefore, it is OK to fornicate. (This is where most Christians are now.)
It is OK to fornicate. Therefore, fornication is not sin. (This is where most liberal radical, Sojourner-type Christians are now.)
Fornication is good. (This is where Christianity is headed.)
Much like homosexuality, I think.
Homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord. A man shall not lie with a man as a man lies with a woman.
Homosexuality is an abomination unto the Lord and you should not have sex with men as men have sex with women.
You should not have sex with men as men have sex with women, but if you do, you are still forgiven, you just can’t be in church leadership.
It’s OK for those who engage in LGBT conduct to be in church leadership.
It’s OK to be LGBT, it’s OK to live with a same sex “special friend” with whom you do not have sex.
It’s OK to be LGBT and live with a “special friend” and have sex with that special friend as long as you tell everyone you don’t have sex with that friend. (It would be totally OK for you to have as much sex as you want with people of the opposite sex, though.)
Christians are obligated to accept LGBT lifestyles and cohabitation with “special friends” as “compatible” with Christian life. You must absolutely accept as true that no sex is going on and if you don’t take their words for it, you are bad Christians.
Christians are obligated to socialize with LGBTs in their churches. Christians are obligated to invite LGBTs in their congregations to their homes for social interaction, and to go to the homes of LGBTs and their “special friends” for social interaction. Christians are obligated to allow LGBTs to teach their children in Sunday School. Christians are obligated to expose their children to LGBTs and their “special friends”. Christians are obligated to let LGBTs babysit and/or watch their children. Christians are obligated to drop their children off at the homes of LGBTs and to allow them unsupervised time with their children. And if Christians will not do these things, then they are not only bad Christians, they are not Christians at all.
What? Why, that would be fake. Our precious elite media, fake? C’mon, Nova!
Next you’ll be telling us that championship wrestling is fake, too.
It doesn’t even have to be fake. They can simply select people who are both “Christian”, but with wildly different approaches to it (yep, they can ask all of that before casting people) and then watch the fur “naturally” fly. Doesn’t have to be fake in order to work.
A man who slut-shames looks like a loser for any self-respecting man should first pump then dump the slut – come on, if she is that easy as Hannah B appears to be though she may be lieing, even a three-legged-donkey would have no trouble scoring and so Luke P looks like a prude as well as a loser. Now, as all who read here are Christians, I need hardly remind y’all that Jesus never slut-shamed. He did however when a woman came to him full of genuine contrition asking for forgiveness say to her that her sins were given and that she should go away and sin no more. The only people who can slut-shame and they are the majority of slut-shamers are women. For women, slut-shaming is one-upsmanship and no woman wants to have her husband exposed to a home-wrecker. A woman then has two choices: she can slut-shame her rivals but also she can – and it might be a risky strategy – imply that she got to whichever man her friend is interested in first and frankly dear he is not worth it thus putting off her rival for no woman wants to be second and women never mislead each others do they??? I, at least, have seen first-hand both these tactics used by women to shaft other women – never mind how!!
I once accused a girlfriend of being a slut and thus made her cry, but really even were it true (and in hindsght I don’t think it was but some women like to litter false trails to imply desirability) I should not have allowed my emotions to get the better of me. For Luke P to come on all Witchfinder General when he has not even boffed Hannah B he has no such excuse.
No, I 100% agree with Testi’s slut shaming. She indeed is a slut.
And he is a complete idiot for going on national tv with a slut and then complaining about it.
Now that I reread my comment, it did sound a bit like I was defending the harlot.
The two articles are full of Hannah’s Christianese. It’s been a little while since we’ve seen some good Christianese, which are essentially taking snippets of Scripture out of context, and “but but but YOU DO IT TOO! You’re a sinner too!” and “I continue to learn and grow from to work out for good, and for His glory”
That last one being a mangling of “and God causes all things to work together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose”. I’ll leave it to you to decide whether Hannah’s acting in a manner that’s “called according to His purpose”.
Luke was stating his standards for a wife. He wasn’t slut shaming. He was saying “this is what I want in a wife and if you’re not this, then I don’t want you as a wife.” But he still caved in and mea culpa’ed himself for not being nice to a woman:
In our conversation, my heart was never to judge or condemn Hannah. I was simply making a decision for myself on what I expected in our relationship, our conversations and our beliefs led me to believe we were on the same page about sex. For me it was never about getting a rose, it was always about finding a wife who would choose me everyday just as I would choose her every day.”
All he did was tell Hannah what he wanted in a wife. That’s it.
Luke P went on to say that he has seen his character flaws while watching back the reality series and is “broken” about it.
“I didn’t totally behave as the man I want to be and I did not represent Christ the way I thought I was prepared to and that has broken me,” Luke P admitted.
He inasmuch as conceded he shouldn’t have had that conversation with Hannah. He blames himself for having those standards and for telling Hannah what he expected. He, and many, chided him for “slut shaming” and “not being nice” and “judging” her, and he is agreeing with them that he wasn’t “Christlike” when he told her she didn’t measure up to his standards.
Except…. Christ told people all the time where they had failed, how, and why. But He also told them how to fix it, how to not fail in the future, and to go and sin no more. He told them to stop doing what they were doing, to repent, to trust Him, and to live a life in obedience to Him. Which is still the message today.
I told her that nobody is ashamed of terrible sins they committed any more. Sin used to be shameful, and people were ashamed of what they did. No more. It’s almost like they are proud of it.
It’s because of the process Deti lays out well.
It’s the process of how something gradually becomes “de-sinned”, de facto, in the eyes of the church as a practical matter, without formally changing doctrine (or at least before formally changing doctrine, such that any doctrinal changes, when they are eventually made, are a foregone conclusion).
A key step in the the process is losing shame for the sin — this indicates that the person in question doesn’t really think it’s a sin, and also that they feel comfortable being public about that with other Christians because they know there are a lot of other Christians who agree. That’s where Hannah is at in the process, and more or less where the church at large is at with the process currently as well.
And he is a complete idiot for going on national tv with a slut and then complaining about it.
I am almost certain that the showrunners told him that the bachlorette was a Christian, and an openly enthusiastic one, in order to get him on the show to begin with.
Don’t overlook the incident in John 4 with the Samaritan woman, where He slut shamed her by asking her a question He already knew the answer to:
It’s the same progression with wives submitting to the husband and husband as head of the wife.
Wives are to submit to and obey their husbands in all things. The husband is the head of the wife as Christ is head of the Church.
Wives are to submit to and obey their husbands. The husband is the head of the wife.
Wives are to respect their husbands. The husband is the head of the house.
Wives are to respect their husbands and husbands are to respect wives because of that “mutual submission” verse. The husband is the leader of the house.
Wives are to respect husbands when husbands are doing what they’re supposed to do. The husband is the source because “head” in the bible in this context means “source”, like the “headwaters” of a river. The grace and love flow down from husband to wife.
Wives can choose to respect husbands if they want to. The husband is servant leader with no authority to get anything done, but all the responsibility when it goes wrong.
Wives do not have to respect husbands unless the husbands are respecting the wives.
The wife is the house despot and within the house, she is the leader and head (by the way, “head” now reverts back to its original meaning of “in charge” and “person with authority”). The husband is the servant who is to respect the wife.
The wife is the house despot and she is leader and head. The husband is to submit to and obey the wife.
Those churches don’t exist, and young men aren’t in church
So many women confuse salvation with earthly gain They say because I came to Jesus, I must be worthy of a husband, because I’m “restored.” Ho please. If an amputee or paraplegic come to Christ, they don’t grow limbs and nerves back. Your sin life, or previous sin life, will always affect you, even though you continue to become sanctified (if saved). Another great example to use are those with histories of drug habits. They don’t regain function, and they have to be cautious about who they hang around with and how they handle stress … for life.
All he did was tell Hannah what he wanted in a wife. That’s it.
That reminds me, it’s been just a little over a year since Lori Alexander hugely upset a lot of feminists (conservative and otherwise) with the words “Men prefer debt-free virgins with no tattoos”.
Forbidden truths no one is supposed to say. Possibly because saying them enough times might make them more acceptable to a wider range of people ?
Then churchianity husbands shouldn’t be ashamed for whacking off to porn or pictures of their wives’ sisters or best friends.
“Jesus loves wankers.”
This deserves its own article
That reminds me, it’s been just a little over a year since Lori Alexander hugely upset a lot of feminists (conservative and otherwise) with the words “Men prefer debt-free virgins with no tattoos”.
All she did was state a simple truth: Men prefer to marry debt free tattooless virgins.
But women heard:
“nonvirgins with tattoos and debt are terrible people”
“nonvirgins with tattoos and debt are terrible Christians”
“nonvirgins with tattoos and debt should not be allowed to marry”
“nonvirgins with tattoos and debt cannot attract men
“nonvirgins with tattoos and debt can’t marry”
When NONE, NOT ONE of those things were ever said. Ever. By anyone. Even in the manosphere. The overreaction was EPIC. And it is because women absolutely cannot stand it when men have standards, state those standards, put a woman in the scales, and declare her not up to those standards. In women’s minds, men should not be allowed to have standards unless women preapprove those standards.
Forbidden truths no one is supposed to say. Possibly because saying them enough times might make them more acceptable to a wider range of people ?
No, because saying them hurts women’s feelings. Because saying them takes power away from women. Because saying them puts power in men’s hands. Because saying them forces women to face the truth about their own conduct.
In today’s society, you as a man are not allowed to reject a woman because she had sex with someone else before you.
A man is not allowed to reject a woman because he’s not comfortable with her N.
If a man does reject a woman because he’s not comfortable with her N (which he is not supposed to do), he is not allowed to state the real reason. If pressed, he is required to lie to her and others about why he rejected her.
If a man does state openly he’s rejecting a woman because he’s not comfortable with her N, he must then submit to the approbation and ostracism of his fellow men and women, even those in his Church.
Criticizing women (or any “protected group”) is also known as “cyber-bullying.” Even merely excluding women is regarded as a form of bullying.
According to research done by Lagerspetz, Bjorqvist and Peltonen at the University of Miami, when girls bully they use things like alienation, ostracism, deliberate and calculated random exclusions and spreading of rumors to harass their peers. …
Having friends is one thing; having friends who work to make others feel that they are not good enough to be included is another. Playing the popularity game in a way that causes fear or inadequacy in others is a form of bullying and it is a common tactic used by girls.
All women have a tendency to take anything less than full-throated support as utter condemnation and “hate”. Now this tendency is institutionalized as Churchianity doctrine.
So, the premise of The Bachelorette is that this girl has sex with 30 or so contestants over the course of however many weeks it takes to film the show? And then the “winner” is supposed to want to marry her after witnessing such epic levels of thottery? No thanks. You can’t make a gardening tool a housewife.
Brian K – what you don’t want sloppy 22nds?
Joe: “I told her that nobody is ashamed of terrible sins they committed any more. Sin used to be shameful, and people were ashamed of what they did. No more. It’s almost like they are proud of it.”
This is mostly because people do not believe in sin any longer. Sins are not products of the fallen human heart, they are obstacles to be overcome. Try to tell a gay due he is sinning and he would laugh at you. It is not a sin in their eyes, just a viable lifestyle choice. It used to be classified as a mental disease, now it is a self destructive choice to be celebrated. The same with this girl, she is not sinning, just using a different lens to view her choices.
Paul speaks out against this specifically in Romans 6… she is sinning that grace may abound. Bad theology has consequences.
Obviously it’s all set up by the show runners. They wanted a “clash of Christians” so as to poke fun at Christian conservatives while at the same time appealing to *most* rank and file Christians who fornicate with gusto everywhere..
We here know it to be a clash of churchians, with no real Christians involved at all. The World, alas, doesn’t see the distinction.
What kind of pathetic dude goes on a show hoping to land a good wife and then waxes indignat when said parading lady turns out to be a slut?
The much more relevant question is, why would a genuinely Christ-following man even think of participating in a “reality” TV show produced by people he knows are Godless reprobates, thinking that any woman he meets on such a program will be anything other than an attention-craving slore?
This is mostly because people do not believe in sin any longer.
More fundamentally, they don’t truly believe in an omnipotent, jealous God, either. Or perhaps more accurately, they don’t FEAR Him. Their cavalier attitudes toward sin make that very obvious.
Novaseeker says:
August 2, 2019 at 11:59 am
It doesn’t even have to be fake. They can simply select people who are both “Christian”, but with wildly different approaches to it (yep, they can ask all of that before casting people) and then watch the fur “naturally” fly. Doesn’t have to be fake in order to work.
I watched a Christian woman in “The moment of Truth” entertaining show…
Linus says:
August 2, 2019 at 12:59 pm
All women have a tendency to take anything less than full-throated support as utter condemnation and “hate”. Now this tendency is institutionalized as Churchianity doctrine.
Stefan Molyneux made an excellent video about that. Word is threat to a woman. That’s why they endorse communism and censorship way more than men do.
A woman named a slut? Destroyed, ruined, unable to marry.
The word is a sword for women.
It’s okay. She listened to a Beth Moore podcast after the awful judgin’.
She was reassured of God’s awesome plan just for her, what with her special princessly awesomeness and all. Western pop-evangelical Churchianity will take its pound of flesh.
@Dalrock “Not a few there are who would have thanked her five hundred times for such a gift;”
By making such an observation about others, the narrator is distancing himself, so this might very well be ironic, as in “gift”. And we all know the hordes of men who would not hesitate a second before accepting such a “gift”. Hardly enough to conclude the narrator thinks sluttiness is a gift IMO.
This deserves its own article
What is the “this” that you refer to?
Just a suggestion: consider including some context with comments, so that readers have a clue what you are writing about.
I know that sometimes questions are offensive, but I’ll ask anyway.
If a guy fucks his wife before their wedding ceremony, is that a sin? Asking for a friend.
Yes Novaseeker, but what kind of people who manufacture such a conflict between “Christians”, in order to ultimately, make Christianity look bad either way?
Are the producers / owners of the show, the brand….are they Muslim? Hindu?
Does anyone know anything about them, it seems like a big mystery.
Hanna might b on to something. Jesus was a carpenter. His work is yet to b finished. And mary was a prostitute. So he was probably building a whore house. Clearer every day woman no talkie in church was the only plan.
If anyone saw how this season ended, I’d say Hannah got her just desserts. She’ll definitely be 35 years old wondering where have all the good men gone?
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@tteclod isn’t it your position that fucking = marriage? If that’s the case, then what role does the marriage ceremony play? Genuinely interested.
Everybody ought to go to Luke Parker’s fakebook page and show some support. As has often been pointed out here, failing to call women out for their sin is unkind. His courage, in standing for the faith when he had to know how the world would come after him, is admirable. We all should follow his example.
Did she ever explain her beliefs regarding marriage, sex, and God? What are her positions on sexual morality? Does she think God cares about sex and our sexual behavior?
I find if you simply ask those questions, the answers (or stuttering inability to even articulate a response) illuminating. I bet Hannah would say something about “expressing love” and “all love comes from God” or something like that.
A little bit late to this thread but I think my experience is particularly relevant. I’ve worked in production for a major reality TV show that gets more viewers than the Bachelor(ette) for about 5 years. We have never once hired someone to be a fake contestant to stir up drama, the selected participants bring far more than enough drama on their own. We obviously set the stage for high tensions and force people with low impulse control and highly conflicting personalities to interact with each other but it’s really the demographic of people that want to be contestants that already have a proclivity to this kind of drama.
Of course, there are also the executives and higher-ups who want us to find a way to virtue-signal about some leftist garbage somehow, getting more gay contestants, more strong feminist women, more trans, more non-white, etc. so including them is synonymous with more drama as well. I can’t speak for the production staff of The Bachelor(ette) but in an industry where cash is king there is no reason to spend a single dollar on an actor when you can easily get the same result for free in huge abundance.
Opus is incorrect. Jesus did indeed slut shame: John 4: 16 He *said to her, “Go, call your husband and come here.” 17 The woman answered and said, “I have no husband.” Jesus *said to her, “You have correctly said, ‘I have no husband’; 18 for you have had five husbands, and the one whom you now have is not your husband; this you have said truly.” 19 The woman *said to Him, “[d]Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet.
Note the difference is the response of the slut. Rather than a defense of her sin, she gives honor to the Person who detected it.
We all sin, but when we defend our right to sin, we need condemnation. Jesus does NOT forgive those who KNOWINGLY refuse to repent. For those who do not know that what they do is wrong, that is forgivable. Today Christians are encouraged to shame the accuser, rather than humble themselves when rightly accused.
tteclod says:
August 2, 2019 at 8:19 pm
I know that sometimes questions are offensive, but I’ll ask anyway.
If a guy … his wife before their wedding ceremony, is that a sin? Asking for a friend.
JR: Yes, a worse sin is to pretend that it is not a sin.
Dal, I appreciate you pointing out Chivalry as being a top culprit in this grossly disturbing situation. I did not think of that but I am now considering Chivalry as a top culprit in situations like this as well.
I see this more of a feminist double standard situation that not only plagues Western societies, but also our churches. As a Redpilled “young men’s group” leader, I hear young guys in their teens to early twenties tell me they have always been told to “wait for sex” so that the young girls in church will value you more as a virgin men, something rare the women will do anything to obtain. *roll eyes*
And yet a variety of virgin guys I have met (guys ages 15-24), over the last couple years, have told me how their relationships with young Christian girls/church girls fizzle out for “lack of passion” or the fact the women feel these guys are “too passive”, “don’t make a move” on the girls, and so forth. Even the jacked up guys and the guys with good personalities say they fizzle out in time. I have heard this so many times, I can identify their problem before they even say a word.
As any Red Pilled Christian knows, virgin guys are not “rare” precious jewels that church teachers may put out there. Passivity and lack of Game with women is incredibly counter-productive. I could go into Game strategies that fix this problem head-on, but it is boilerplate knowledge today.
Interestingly enough, these guys all have told me that the supposed Christian women they met over the years were all very open and eager to engage in pre-marital sex, while the guys felt incredible shame from years being told by church leadership to avoid sex at all costs, despite a young man’s desperate need and desire for sex. Some of these guys even carried this “clicker” thing (I cannot recall the name of the thing but I have seen it a few times over the years) so they can squeeze it when sexually tempted by a woman (someone told me that is a tool to teach self-control, commonly used by dieters).
In theory, a young man who is good looking, recent college grad, and still a virgin at age 24 and ready/willing to marry should be the gold standard that young Christian women should be competing hard for and yet. And yet, these guys are the focus on mockery, left out in the cold in the Darwinian “dating & marriage markets”, used and discarded by churches that practice this misandrist double standard. Red pilled Christians know very well that what should work in theory and looks good on paper is often opposite of real life, producing counter-intuitive results.
Chivalry may explain the strange mind-boggling need that men feel the to defend, justify, and “make it all OK” for women’s bad behavior. But it fails to explain the fact that women in our society feel such a sense entitlement and enjoy such a double-standard (to their benefit) that makes them OK virtually any bad/sinful/evil behavior they want. “Jesus loves me” or “don’t judge me!” are the standard retorts you get from sinful “Christian” women today.
The fact that a supposed “Christian site”, like the ChristianPost, would call the most basic Biblical sexual morality “polarizing” tells you everything you need to know about the double standard. It further demonstrate my point. The Feminist Double Standard (FDS) dictates that women can engage in the most sinful, evil, debaucher, and even criminal behavior without any consequences. We see this in courtrooms, churches, police stations, colleges, workplaces, and everywhere else in real life.
This FDS should not surprise anyone and the Bachelorette’s reaction to the Christian contestant in the show should not raise any eyebrows. The double standard is real and Red Pill Christian men should accept, understand, and plan around this reality. Anything short of that will only cause pain, frustration, and anger to the young men trying really hard to live by even the most basic Biblical standards.
Burn that whore on a pile of wood as the Bible commands.
Your anysis is excellent.
As one of those nobly moral young men, a half-lifetime ago, I found it to be exactly so. Church girls chased jerks and studs, and wouldn’t so much as spit in the direction of guys who followed the rules.
TBH, while it drove me crazy that “the good Christian boy rules” weren’t working for me, I was somewhat relieved. Deep.down, I was repelled by most of those girls. Their wildness (partying, bad men, sketchy activities like sleazy clubs) was a little frightening. Their obvious, experienced carnality was off-putting and intimidating. Deep down, I realized I’d never “measure up” to the bad boys. It left a bereft feeling of “on the outside looking in.”
TheTraveler says: TBH, while it drove me crazy that “the good Christian boy rules” weren’t working for me, I was somewhat relieved. Deep.down, I was repelled by most of those girls. Their wildness (partying, bad men, sketchy activities like sleazy clubs) was a little frightening.
Thanks for the reply. I totally sympathies with you on your personal experiences with “church girls” sometimes even being worse than “world girls”. I have had a couple guys in my small group who say “non-Christian girls” sometimes are easier to handle, as they are honest about whom they are. I have been shown the InstaGram of some “Christian” girls these guys encounter out there and they are out there drinking and bangin’ away in Cabo or Panama City. That is a sad state of affairs for Christian men, of course.
I was also a “young chivalrous Christian young man” as well. Just as being “born into sin” is standard for humanity as a whole, being raised Blue Pilled is also the norm. We counter our natural sinful nature through voluntarily coming to Christ and become wiser, more prepared men through the knowledge gained through Game and by taking the Red Pill.
While it is true that Gene X’ers like myself “had it good” when it came to relationships and moderate economic and social stability, the Gene X’ers grew up as “latchkey kids”, the first generation to experience the results of the Divorce Revolution started in the 1980s. I grew up mostly in “flyover America” during my teenage years. It was an absolutely awesome time to be a teenager. The women I met in high school were pretty, mostly thin, wore too much make-up, and were generally very nice and sweet. I cannot count how many girls I would go out on a movie date who would bring me cookies or something they made. It was incredible. Feminism was a plague to the coastal cities and we escaped that scourge in middle America. It was not until college that I first experienced angry feminism of any kind.
When I first began dealing with feminism in an appreciable scale was in the early 2000s. back them, a decent looking guy like myself could land a decent Christian woman to marry with a notch count around 2 to 4. It was getting harder to meet a decent woman in church back then, but was still doable.
The problem for guys like me, Gen X men, was that when we came of age and were faced with feminism (in my case, first year of college), we were not ready for it. Middle-American guys were caught off guard and our feminine women were re-made in the colleges into radical feminists. Many guys went on to get divorce-raped and have their kids taken away.
Meanwhile GenX guys living in feminist-controlled place were at the forefront of movements online. Men like Roosh, Heartiste, and others, took upon themselves to figure out a way around this rigged, hellish misandrist system they had lived with for many years before I first encountered feminist hate in my early 20s. They created an online network that would eventually create a global movement of Red Pilled men, who utilized “game” (or whatever they may call it) to improve themselves and be successful in their personal lives with women and their peers.
I cannot say this enough, that guys like Roosh and Heartiste helped me connect the misandry I was seeing growing all around me to a system of feminism I wa snot yet fully aware of. I was already sensing the problem was around me, but it was too strange and new to me to quickly be able to effectively counter it. The Red Pill knowledge improved my life in many ways.
That said…. One benefit we have today that I did not have as a young man coming of age up in the mid 1990s was the Internet’s information about The Red Pill, the ManoSphere and sites like this. This info was not widely available back then as it is today. We are very fortunate to (still) be able to discuss such issues openly, free, from anywhere in the world.
The Millennials are the first generation to really feel the whiplash of the political radicalization of every aspect of America. Think about how in the past, we could “escape politics” at church, at the movies (mostly), in many subjects at school, listening to music, watching local news, reading comic books, or with friends.
Today, everything is political in America. Literally. Music and movies are so political, it is impossible not to notice. Every classroom is filled with political posters, from shaming white kids to encouraging kids to call cops on parents or gender dysfunction. Local news story about bad roads end up being somehow linked to race or class or some other political tone. Comics, even the formerly “innocent” Archie Comics has to have overt political tones today. Even The Bible is under politically-charged “revisions” by radical feminist groups.
In a way, the Millennials grew up at a time when the mass-polarization of the country was so widespread, they had no escape. Girls were raised hating boys and with a superiority and entitlement complex, while the boys were repressed and socially re-engineered to become more like girls. The entire “hook-up culture” nightmare was but an inevitable consequence the Millenials were going to face.
The one benefit the Millennials and Gen Z have is that unlike all other past generations, the information they need to become better, to open their eyes, and to work around the feminist landmines around them is available, free, online now. That is not to minimize the huge challenges they face with widespread misandry, negative discrimination to hiring, college admissions, and the courts. These are real challenges, but at the very least, these kids can be raised as Red-Pilled as possible or can take the Pill early enough in life to manage their lives in the best way they can possibly do.
I worry about how weak Millennials and Gen Z’s are and how leftwing indoctrinated they may be. But the info they need to right the course of their lives is widely and freely available online. That is something we never had until we were young men.
I don’t watch this inane stuff but the subject of the post was interesting enough to look it up. I have to question why Luke P is taking part in this charade as well, since he clearly is looking for a good christian bride ( i.e. virgin). This dressed-up harlot obviously isnt that, in fact he is wasting his time looking for a virgin in this age group period; he should be dating women fresh out of high school. The Hannah’s of the “christian” world couldn’t exist if christian men held them to account and forced them to bear the earthly consequences of their sin . . . that is refuse to marry anything but virgins. It seems a simple solution and clearly the way God intended, however the church will never preach it because of the economic implications . . . christian populations and churches would collapse if we don’t wife up these whores.
Big thank you to the Bachelorette producers for finding this Christian woman.
It’s easy to be an apparent Christian at State U., while being a slut in private. A bit harder when video cameras are following you around, interviewing you and your men about your hook-ups and broadcasting it nationally. If her season goes into syndication, her Christian-themed sluttery will also be broadcast internationally.