Explaining the compulsion.

Commenter InnocentBystanderBoston asks why feminists are so intent on marking video games as feminine:

I don’t understand why feminist women want to be part of the world of “gaming.” It just doesn’t make much sense to me. Gaming is purely competitive, entirely meritocracy based. There simply is no space for feminists and their reach for government oversite for authority to equalize the arena. Any attempt to do this means that all the other games simply exit that arena and choose another arena.

More to the point, these people are nerds. I know I was when I gamed. Feminists don’t want to be around nerds. All they want is resources provided by the nerds (by way of tax increases) that nerds must pay to government so the feminists can get their life of Julia.

Feminism at its core is envy of men and a desire to usurp their position. It would be difficult to overstate just how deep this feeling is. This isn’t just about the apex fallacy, it is about a deep desire to “be one of the guys”.  Any group of men getting together to create or enjoy anything will result in women wanting in. The only question is which category the women belong to. Some will want to try to experience the manly enjoyment/pride directly, and will take real steps to be (like) one of the guys. These are the ones who tend to defend the male space.  They don’t want it ruined because they want to experience it.  But others (a much larger group) will realize that they can’t actually experience this, and will then set out to stamp out what they can’t have.  The first category inadvertently paves the way for the second, assuming they don’t themselves shift priorities mid stream.

This is Eve’s curse played out over and over again.  If you don’t get this, you can’t really get what motivates feminists, nor why they will forever be miserable.

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156 Responses to Explaining the compulsion.

  1. Pingback: Explaining the compulsion. | Manosphere.com

  2. PokeSalad says:

    Every time my (sadly feminist) daughter starts in, I smile indulgently and say,” There you go again, wishing you were a man.” She melts down every time.

  3. Dalrock,

    But others (a much larger group) will realize that they can’t actually experience this, and will then set out to stamp out what they can’t have. The first category inadvertently paves the way for the second, assuming they don’t themselves shift priorities mid stream.

    This is Eve’s curse played out over and over again. If you don’t get this, you can’t really get what motivates feminists, nor why they will forever be miserable.

    I get this. I understand what you are saying. And I understand why they are miserable. We all do.


    …feminists can’t force men to play with them. If they want to invade the male space (and they do) with chaning gaming, that is fine, but they will be playing ALONE (without men) if men aren’t interested in what they have to offer. Feminists can’t run to government Dalrock and force me to play the Life of Julia video game.

    So as I said earlier, I see no end game here. There is no way that government can make feminists “whole” on this matter. I suppose what they might be able to do is create some government agency that approved or denies the sale of a game in the United States if it doesn’t fit within a feminist narative. But then that will just create a black market of games created elsewhere and trafficed in the way they do drugs.

  4. The end game is exactly that there is no end game. They invade a male space, which succumbs to feminist pressure and allows women in. It then degrades itself to the point that the men start to leave and create new male space, and the feminists march on.

    The key is destruction of male spaces, nothing else.

  5. Exfernal says:

    Since when has pointlessness of complaining stopped whiners from complaining? Especially when they gain something (even if it’s only in-group cred) for nothing in the process.

  6. …feminists can’t force men to play with them. If they want to invade the male space (and they do) with chaning gaming, that is fine, but they will be playing ALONE (without men) if men aren’t interested in what they have to offer. Feminists can’t run to government Dalrock and force me to play the Life of Julia video game.

    They can and will. Feminists do run government, they ruined marriage and yet men still play the marriage game. They ruined the work environment, yet men still get up in the morning and go to work. Computer games are a refuge of men, a place where men escape from the world at large, feminists realise that and cannot let it be. They will ruin gaming, however, men will still find games worth playing.

  7. The whining will stop when the whiners are gagged.

  8. It’s staggeringly depressing to realize that there shall never be a safe sanctuary for a male-only space. Not a place where men “meet together to plan to subjugate women” (as if they honestly want to waste what little time they have on the mortal coil worrying about a bunch of self-entitled brats), but a place where they can breathe and express their innermost thoughts in a free marketplace of ideas without immediate shutdown. What was once a vibrant, diverse community where robust ideas, thoughts, values, and paradigms could be shared and exchanged in a marketplace free from feminine bigotry has now been mutated and corrupted. I’m afraid there isn’t enough resistance against this type of hegemonic malcontent. Major game studios love to kowtow to PC agenda. Of course they don’t realize that the grand majority of the consumer base that funds their businesses is OVERWHELMINGLY male.

  9. It’s staggeringly depressing to realize that there shall never be a safe sanctuary for a male-only space. Not a place where men “meet together to plan to subjugate women” (as if they honestly want to waste what little time they have on the mortal coil worrying about a bunch of self-entitled brats), but a place where they can breathe and express their innermost thoughts in a free marketplace of ideas without immediate shutdown.

    Here. You are here to do that.

  10. Bluepillprofessor says:

    The Curse of Eve was severe:

    “16Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”

    The phrase “thy desire shall be to thy husband” is interpreted variously- sometimes purely sexually as suggested by the Hebrew word used but more commonly as having the desire for a husband and children. Dalrock uses it more broadly but also correctly, I think, as an insatiable desire to possess whatever a man possesses.

    However, don’t forget the curse of Adam for failing the first Shit Test and ‘listening to his wife’ was even more severe:

    “To Adam he said, “Because you listened to your wife and ate fruit from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat from it,’ “Cursed is the ground because of you;””

    Gamers and all men be aware.

  11. This is also why women hate the Superbowl so much. For all of 3 hours, men are having fun without women.

    Women love the Superbowl. There were more women at the last Superbowl party that I went to, than men. Feminists hate it.

  12. earl says:

    When it comes to sin…just my opinion but I think pride is pretty much equal given for both genders.

    The ones that really exacerbate pride is envy for women and wrath for men.

  13. SirHamster says:

    One amusing example of this: Some Christian guys rented a house together, which was The House we did Bible study and other activities in.

    One of those guys found a girlfriend and got married and moved out. His wife was adamant about being considered an honorary member of The House since she hung out there often – though she quieted down after I pointed out that it would be rather inappropriate for Christian singles of opposite genders to be house-mates.

  14. fh,

    They can and will. Feminists do run government, they ruined marriage and yet men still play the marriage game.

    Not really.


  15. earl says:

    Feminism is pretty much tyranny or fascism in female form. They can’t be like Hitler or Stalin and amass an army or lead a nation because that requires some masculine traits…so they have to tear down what is already around to make ‘progress’.

  16. crowhill says:

    I think there is another motivation you’re not mentioning, Dalrock. Think of the woman who looks in longingly from the outside and wants to be part of it, but then once she gets inside (or at least partway in) and sees that it’s not what she wanted at all. Instead of admitting this and leaving, she decides she has to change it. An example would be the girl invading the tree house and then trying to decorate it.

  17. anonymous_ng says:

    Even the mostly male spaces can’t escape from teh wimmenz. I get my hair cut at a real old school barber shop, and it’s a pretty fun place to be when there are no women there. At the same time, the dynamic is so different when some mom shows up with her boys in tow for haircuts, or when the old woman barber is working. It’s just not the same.

    In some ways though, I treasure the times when a bunch of guys who don’t really know each other can sit around and shoot the bull about sports or cars or whatever.

  18. Kilrud says:

    They will ruin gaming, however, men will still find games worth playing.

    Yes, the gaming industry has been in the process of being ruined (including by its own developers and publishers) for awhile, and now with Gamergate we’re seeing how for the feminist/social-justice groups have succeeded in their usual goals: even the indie market is infected. Warhorse Games is an exception as they unashamedly stand up to demands by SJW’s demands to insert warrior females and minorities into their current project set in 15th century Bohemia, even going as far as having a dev wear this shirt http://www.zazzle.com/based_shirt-235178795791244894 in a video.

  19. Phillyastro says:

    @Zykos said the same thing in the last post:

    When a man sees another man who is more attractive, more wealthy or has a higher status than him, he wants to become that man. When a woman sees a younger, prettier or more successful woman than her, she wants to take her down and change the world so that she is the one seen as more desirable.

    My only change would be “When a REAL man sees another man…” There are plenty of “men” out there suffering from ressentiment.

  20. BradA says:


    I am betting you either haven’t raised children or yours went far easier than most.


    My wife loves the Superbowl, or at least Cowboy’s games now. I can’t stand football much these days with pink this and that along with so many Cialis commercials. I don’t believe I watched any of last year’s Superbowl, but I could be wrong.

  21. SirHamster says:

    But others (a much larger group) will realize that they can’t actually experience this, and will then set out to stamp out what they can’t have.

    Same girl also demonstrated this principle. At a group party, we played Battle of the Sexes and the men were winning. She tried to bend the rules in the girls’ favor to make things “fair”. “You guys always win. This is too easy, if you get it right, I’m pulling another question.”

    From a guy perspective, this is insanity. It’s unsporting to blatantly change the rules midgame, and any such win is tainted and meaningless. Unexplainable by an egalitarian perspective where girls think just like guys, but not that surprising from a man-o-sphere one.

    There was another girl in the group who voted against playing Battle of the Sexes. I wondered why, since it sounded like fun; after the poor sportsmanship, I realized she was sensible enough to see that coming.

  22. Also, the attractiveness of the men determines the ratio of “I want in” to “must destroy it.” The more attractive the men, the more the women simply want to join them. They’ll still destroy it once they have enough influence because they just can’t help themselves (see the NFL), but that’s not their original intention. They just want to play with the cool boys.

    In this case, though, women have no desire to join in on any activity involving computers or games involving lots of rules. The only time any girl ever hung out around when my friends and I played D&D or computer games was if she had a crush on one of the guys. They never had the slightest interest in the games. So except for a very few oddballs (who are about as likely to be men in drag as anything), their only desire is to destroy this bastion of the icky kind of maleness.

  23. The phrase “thy desire shall be to thy husband” is interpreted variously- sometimes purely sexually as suggested by the Hebrew word used but more commonly as having the desire for a husband and children. Dalrock uses it more broadly but also correctly, I think, as an insatiable desire to possess whatever a man possesses.

    Doesn’t life pretty much bear out that every interpretation of that verse is accurate?
    Women desire to possess our ability to have sex without emotional strings, our physical strength, our economic resources, but also, our attention, our approval, our space(whether mental, virtual or physical), and even our very desire itself. They always want us to want them, and are infuriated when we don’t. See our 57 year old friend.

    I’ve always understood that verse to mean that, since Eve acted like the head of the family instead of submitting to both God’s Word and her husband, that God was locking her into a perpetual state of desiring everything male and everything associated with headship, and being her own God, but yet never ever being satisfied by it, no matter how much of it she got. And that men, instead of responding with Jesus’ love, would now respond with rulership instead of leadership.

    Basically God was saying that without submission, to both God and men, women will never be happy. No creature in life is more miserable than a headless woman.

    Again, I think that life bears that out.

  24. earl says:

    “Even the mostly male spaces can’t escape from teh wimmenz. I get my hair cut at a real old school barber shop, and it’s a pretty fun place to be when there are no women there.”

    Reminds me of this scene from Gran Torino.

  25. Bucho says:

    “I don’t believe I watched any of last year’s Superbowl, but I could be wrong.”

    You didn’t miss much….

  26. Novaseeker says:

    I think there is another motivation you’re not mentioning, Dalrock. Think of the woman who looks in longingly from the outside and wants to be part of it, but then once she gets inside (or at least partway in) and sees that it’s not what she wanted at all. Instead of admitting this and leaving, she decides she has to change it. An example would be the girl invading the tree house and then trying to decorate it.

    And this is exactly what has happened, and is ongoing, in corporate America. Women wanted in, came in, didn’t like how it worked, and changed it (and are still changing it). That’s how it works. Every single time.

  27. Novaseeker says:

    Yes, the gaming industry has been in the process of being ruined (including by its own developers and publishers) for awhile, and now with Gamergate we’re seeing how for the feminist/social-justice groups have succeeded in their usual goals: even the indie market is infected.

    That’s the thing. It’s already in the games, and it isn’t enough for the SJW’s. In any case, people *will* keep playing the games, as long as the gameplay is entertaining and engaging, regardless of the SJW/PC stuff that surrounds the gameplay and … over time will be subtly and inexorably programmed. That is what the SJWs want.

  28. Cail,

    In this case, though, women have no desire to join in on any activity involving computers or games involving lots of rules. The only time any girl ever hung out around when my friends and I played D&D or computer games was if she had a crush on one of the guys. They never had the slightest interest in the games.

    That’s right. I would say that is half of it.

    The other half would be women that are absolutely FUGLY (I mean, damn ugly) who would have absolutely ZERO interaction with men in the world were it not for their interest in gaming. I saw this play out a lot with 18XX games (train/stock market manipulation) as well as Advanced Squad Leader and Star Fleet Battles. These are games that are very heavy rules-centric, things do not typically interest women in the least. I’d argue that it didn’t overwhelmingly interest these ugly women either, but it allowed them the luxury of interacting with men for 6 to 8 hours on a Saturday which for them, was something to look forward to.

    Sidebar: Prior to being married, I played a lot of 18XX games (google that for people who don’t know what they are) with a group in Massachusetts. We did this over a period of years. The guy who hosted the event at this house, his only daughter (who grew to know me over the years) expressed some romantic interest in me. She was basically my age. Very attractive actually. She played games with us occassionally, but mostly when I was there she just picked us up our food we ordered in and hung out with her girlfriends. If (over this period) I hadn’t have been involved with one girlfriend and then another and then another (if there was ever a window of opportunity there where i wasn’t seeing someone else) I might have gone for her. Was not to be.

  29. Solomon says:

    When we talk about the curse of Eve, I would pose this question to my fellow red-pill men:

    How might we best function as men, with women, given the circumstance? Sure, I get the dominance thing, and retaining full authority… but how do you/would you temper this with grace and mercy? How can we wield authority to maximum effectiveness, both in getting excellent submission, but also in not overly-trampling them as we operate in all authority?

    I’d love to get your take. I understand the compulsion, so how best to manage it?

  30. Heidi says:

    So will someone explain what GamerGate is, exactly? I gather it started when a couple of guys complained that a really awful game developed by some woman shouldn’t have received the rave reviews that it did. How did it turn into this white-hot furor over women in gaming? All of this whining about the representation of women in gaming seems to have very little to do with the original issue, but I could just be misinformed.

  31. @Heidi

    The corrupt gaming media declared that people criticizing a woman and her game are misogynist, and a harassment campaign. She published “death threats” she received, and people went apoplectic. “This is horrible, and has to be stopped!” People went on to declare an “end of gamers”, much like the “end of men” articles, and said that the games industry should ditch the user base, and make money by making PC games… and by PC I don’t mean Personal Computer, I mean Political Crap.

    The gaming community, including the disabled, minorities, women, and the LGBT groups fought back as best they can, when the media as a whole is against them. In particular, those groups that were fighting back established #NotYourShield in an attempt to fight the narrative of “these are nothing but cis white male scumbags, so you can ignore them”. But they’re fighting it from the perspective of “we are a diverse community, your charge is false” rather than from the perspective of “your charge doesn’t matter, and is dumb”.

    So now it’s escalated into a storm that’s been brewing for a while, and includes references to Anita Sarkezian, and her faked death threats, and lack of gaming knowledge.

  32. TFH says:
    October 24, 2014 at 12:16 pm
    Hence the impossibility of invading and altering Games. There is infinite ‘space’ there, so they can’t eradicate the male aspect of the spaces totally..

    You might have said that the same could be said about sci-fi book writing. After all, guys can just write, and read new books.

    Part of the issue, though, are the channels of distribution, and the ways by which people find these games/books, and get them funded/published.

    Take a look at Vox Day’s blog, and his dust up with the writing associations. Are you really so sure of your “infinite space” argument?

  33. Heidi,

    I don’t think that men care so much that women want to game. I think the problem (as Dalrock sees it) is if feminists try and change gaming such that gaming will no longer be of any interest to men, that feminists succeed in taking away yet another space where men can be comfortable being men.

    It doesn’t matter what kind of reviews a game gets. It only matters if it sells. And it only sells if people want to play it. And people only want to play it if it is truly interesting. Take a former game of the year Settlers of Catan. That was game of the year in 2005 I believe because of its ease of game play, ease to understanding the rules, and its very high replay value. More to the point, you are never really out of the game until it ends, abbruptly. And it is very easy to measure objectively who is winning. That is what makes it interesting. Men like that game, and women who enjoy gaming (who enjoy the thrill of pure competition as seen in the world of men) so as well.

    Feminists can go and create whatever games they want. And they can give whatever reviews of those games that they want. But if it isn’t interesting with a lot of replay value, people aren’t going to want to play it. And if they don’t want to play it, they won’t buy it. And if it doesn’t sell, men don’t care. But men ARE going to care if feminists can somehow succeed in destroying the space that men share with each other that is, gaming. I can’t see how this could be accomplished even with government oversight/authority. But who knows….

  34. Josh,

    You might have said that the same could be said about sci-fi book writing. After all, guys can just write, and read new books.

    Or guys can just blog for free, like Dalrock. Space is infinate.

  35. Steve Canyon says:

    The whole purpose of the destruction of male spaces by women is so that men are forced to rebuild and rebuild it in a manner that satisfies the feminine imperative. Anyone and anything that does not satisfy the imperative is a threat to the herd. A threat that men might just wise up and realize the value of being red-pill and living for one’s own sake and not the females’. It’s akin to primal men abandoning women and leaving them to survive on their own. Before civilization, this was tantamount to a death sentence. In modern times, it’s consigning them to irrelevance, solitude, and feline companionship.

  36. Heidi says:

    @Josh the Aspie

    Thanks. As usual, I see that feminists crying “Make the world safe for women” really mean “Make the world unsafe for men.”

  37. Heidi says:


    No, no, I completely understand that men don’t care whether women game or not–the “whining” referred to feminists trying to transform the world of gaming into their own distorted concept of “what should be.” I just didn’t understand how we got there; my own “gaming” mostly consists of me watching my husband play on occasion.

  38. It’s akin to primal men abandoning women and leaving them to survive on their own. Before civilization, this was tantamount to a death sentence. In modern times, it’s consigning them to irrelevance, solitude, and feline companionship.

    Actually in modern times, its consigning them to being politically active in electing legislators who tax those MGTOW for purposes of providing sufficent resources to women who are left in irrelevance, solitude, and feline companionship.

  39. How might we best function as men, with women, given the circumstance? Sure, I get the dominance thing, and retaining full authority… but how do you/would you temper this with grace and mercy? How can we wield authority to maximum effectiveness, both in getting excellent submission, but also in not overly-trampling them as we operate in all authority?

    The general rule around the Manosphere is high doses of Alpha dominance with small, calculated injections of Beta. Even when Beta behavior is necessary, i.e. marital responsibilities, headship frame must always be maintained. Understand that women don’t mind being “trampled” if it’s the right man doing the trampling. That’s just part one.

    Part two is, it depends on what you’re starting with. Her age, her attitude, her SMV, her carousel status, her actual walk with God(as opposed to her professed one) all play a part. Understand that some women are ruined before you meet them: http://redpillpushers.wordpress.com/2014/09/20/ruined/
    And on their own, women only want to submit to men that they think are worthy, the 5% true Alpha demographic. Some women come to love God enough to submit to a non-Alpha husband, but it’s a constant struggle, because such behavior is counter-tingle.

    Women are easier to build a life with if another man has not already written his code into them. The more pre-coding they come with, the worse the software will operate.

  40. Jakeithus says:

    “You might have said that the same could be said about sci-fi book writing. After all, guys can just write, and read new books.

    Part of the issue, though, are the channels of distribution, and the ways by which people find these games/books, and get them funded/published.”

    I don’t know if Sci-Fi writing and video games are great comparables of each other however. Video game distribution is not like the publishing world, EA or Activision or any of the major game publishers have as much control of the market as book publishers do. If EA decides to make feminist ideology a key component of any game they release, and this hurts the quality of their games, Gamers will just go elsewhere.

    The stakes are different as well. If a SJW book publisher wants to push a social agenda, if this hurts sales at all the stakes are rather small. If a major video game studio tries to push a social agenda at the cost quality, a AAA game title could cost the company hundreds of millions.

    As well, when it comes to how people find video games and get their news, SJWs tried to control this, but Gamergate is showing that this isn’t working. When too much ideological bias becomes evident in the typical gaming publications (Kotaku, Polygon, etc), people call them out on it and go elsewhere (Youtube being the best example). Books don’t have the same Internet/Youtube culture that allows Gamers to discover what truly appeals to them.

    Without a heavy handed government crackdown on the type of games that can be legally made and played, there truly is a vast amount of space for a male space within video games. Maybe feminists do try and turn to government to stamp out the space, in which case they’re just proving that they truly are nothing more than Jack Thompson in a skirt.

  41. SirHamster says:

    To clarify the concepts a little bit – GamerGate is the scandal that gaming media colludes and pushes an agenda. #GamerGate is a movement to hold the media accountable on those activities.

    It doesn’t make sense to call someone who wanted to impeach Nixon a Watergate supporter. Unfortunately, lines have been drawn in a confusing way such that the #GamerGate supporter is the one who wants to fight the scandal and improve integrity of society.

    We’re in Alice of Wonderland’s name of the name territory.

  42. desiderian says:


    “That’s the thing. It’s already in the games, and it isn’t enough for the SJW’s. In any case, people *will* keep playing the games, as long as the gameplay is entertaining and engaging, regardless of the SJW/PC stuff that surrounds the gameplay and … over time will be subtly and inexorably programmed. That is what the SJWs want.”

    Subtly? Mass Effect 3 has the main character out of nowhere have gay sex with his sidekick. It would be like a Star Trek movie where Kirk decides to blow Spock.

  43. desiderian says:


    “I can’t see how this could be accomplished even with government oversight/authority. But who knows….”

    Not for the first time, I think you might need glasses.

  44. desiderian says:


    “How did it turn into this white-hot furor over women in gaming?”

    There is no furor over women in gaming. There is concern here, but not in gamergate itself, which is fine with as many women as want to participate.

    “All of this whining about the representation of women in gaming seems to have very little to do with the original issue, but I could just be misinformed.”

    You are, along with the vast majority of people who know (sic) anything about it. The white-hot furor is about the (deliberate) misinformation itself, which isn’t confined to gaming. The journalism profession now draws from a pool of people who almost exclusively do not consider truth a meaningful concept.

  45. redpillssetmefree,

    Understand that some women are ruined before you meet them:

    The concept of a woman being ruined is pretty much lost from historical memory. The last time I remember seeing this in common American culture was a movie from 1972:

    Jack Woltz: You don’t understand. Johnny Fontane never gets that movie. That part is perfect for him. It’ll make him a big star. I’m gonna run him out of the movies. And let me tell you why. Johnny Fontane ruined one of Woltz International’s most valuable proteges. For three years we had her under contract, singing lessons, dancing lessons, acting lessons. I spent hundreds of thousands of dollars. I was gonna make her a big star. And let me be even more frank, just to show you that I’m not a hard-hearted man, that it’s not all dollars and cents. She was beautiful! She was young, she was innocent. She was the greatest piece of ass I’ve ever had, and I’ve had ’em all over the world. And then Johnny Fontaine comes along with his olive oil voice and guinea charm and she runs off. She threw it all away just to make me look ridiculous. And a man in my position can’t afford to be made to look ridiculous. Now you get the hell out of here! And if that goomba tries any rough stuff, you tell him I ain’t no bandleader. Yeah, I heard that story.

    The above monologue makes absolutely no sense today. It made some sense in 1972 when Francis Ford Copola did the movie. It would make perfect sense in 1946, the time period that is being dramatized in this scene in this movie.

    In 1946, virginity (in wives) was valued much more than it is today. In 1946, virginity (in wives) might have been the ONLY thing a woman could trade with a man for his willingness to marry her and take on all her emotional burdens. For the men who ONLY want virgin wives (because they believe it is impossible for a woman to pair bond with a man UNLESS he is the man who initially breaks her hymen with his penis) she is ruined the moment she loses her virginity prior to marriage. She will never again (in her lifetime) be able to pair bond. She will always remember the man who busted her cherry. It is hardwired into her brain, submit ONLY to THAT MAN. There is simply nothing that can be done to take away the most intimate moment, that one (and only one) memory that will be with her, forever.

    God designed women to be that way.

  46. Novaseeker says:

    Subtly? Mass Effect 3 has the main character out of nowhere have gay sex with his sidekick. It would be like a Star Trek movie where Kirk decides to blow Spock.

    Yeah well I mentioned Mass Effect 3 in the prior thread, but yes … ME3 is a perfect example of what I am talking about, albeit more in-your-face than previous games and I think a Harbinger, pardon the pun, of things to come in future games.

    Just to clarify for everyone else: ME3 is designed so that you can choose to do that. I think there are two male characters you can do that with, and if you play as the female Shepard, there are two female characters you can do it with (you can also do it with opposite sex characters). Even if you choose to avoid that, though, there is still the subplot of the shuttle pilot who lost his husband in the reaper war, or the two women you overhear on the space station talking about having a lesbian affair while one of their husbands is away fighting in the war, and so on. It’s really all over the place in the game, you can’t avoid it, even if you skip the relationship side, which is optional. I think more of that is to come in the future as well.

  47. It’s simple: feminism is like a virus. Viruses can’t exist on their own, rather they need to invade a host life form and take over its functions for themselves. Sure, feminists could start their own group, but who would want to join it? And it would probably be just a matter of time before the group tore itself in a frenzy of gossip and backstabbing anyway. I’m surprised there are any areas of society that haven’t yet been infected by feminism. They make Ebola look like a bunch of amateurs.

  48. IBB,

    “I can’t see how this could be accomplished even with government oversight/authority. But who knows….”

    Not for the first time, I think you might need glasses.

    Maybe I do? We’ll see (or maybe I wont see if I need glasses?) 🙂

  49. The concept of a woman being ruined is pretty much lost from historical memory.
    In 1946, virginity (in wives) might have been the ONLY thing a woman could trade with a man for his willingness to marry her and take on all her emotional burdens.
    For the men who ONLY want virgin wives (because they believe it is impossible for a woman to pair bond with a man UNLESS he is the man who initially breaks her hymen with his penis)
    she is ruined the moment she loses her virginity prior to marriage.
    She will never again (in her lifetime) be able to pair bond.
    She will always remember the man who busted her cherry. It is hardwired into her brain, submit ONLY to THAT MAN.
    There is simply nothing that can be done to take away the most intimate moment, that one (and only one) memory that will be with her, forever.
    God designed women to be that way.

    Yes, I agree with all of that.
    American culture has been on a steady path of getting away from the Word of God and from any semblance of living in practical truth, and has instead embraced a culture of godlessness and a culture of fantasy that has no basis in science or recorded data.

    A few women have had the courage to write posts about never being able to actually get their best lovers out of their heads at any point, further giving testimony to the Divine design of women bonding for life through sexual intimacy.
    The unfortunate truth is that for many men, the women that they’re with are just using them; they are not sexually attracted to them, but they still want a man’s last name, resources, and a father for their children(whether or not their current husband is the bio dad). These women have given their best away a long time ago, and more & more non-Alpha men waking up to those facts is what gave birth to MGTOW.

    That’s why, again to his point, I wanted to be sure that I stated that it seriously depends on who she is to begin with. Women want mercy and grace if it’s the right man. Women don’t mind being trampled if it’s the right man. If you’re the wrong dude, there is no principle or technique or formula that’s going to make her desire you sexually, nor submit to you, and she’s going to cheat with a stronger male, first chance she gets. The women will SCREAM with DENIAL about how wrong I am, that’s how you know how true it is, because it strikes straight to the heart of these matters. The women who claim that they’re “different” are all married to dominant Alpha males.

    Better get her while she’s young. Worn out, post carousel wall hitting women will never bring you anything but complaints, sex being withheld once you’re married, and divorce rape because they’re unhaaaaapy.

  50. “So will someone explain what GamerGate is, exactly? How did it turn into this white-hot furor over women in gaming?”

    Gamergate has NOTHING to do with women in gaming. It is a movement against corrupt, out-of-touch game journalists. For instance, a writer for one of these corrupt websites (a man, for what it’s worth) recently wrote that game players should be bullied more, so gamers wrote letters to the website’s advertisers and got many of them to pull out. These gaming websites that are hostile to gamers for not sucking at their teat are losing millions in advertising.

    If anyone is interested in learning about this movement, a good place to start is the Know Your Meme entry for Gamergate, as well as the columnist Milo Yiannopolis.

  51. MarcusD says:

    Comments on that video are interesting (mentioning Frankfurt School, Marcuse, Marxism, Critical Theory, etc).

  52. “The corrupt gaming media declared that people criticizing a woman and her game are misogynist”

    Not only that, but the woman in question was actually banging a writer in the gaming media–who then wrote a positive story about her and her game! She even thanked him in the game’s credits. What integrity! And now, by a shocking coincidence, the gaming media and it’s affiliates are awash in anti-Gamergate stories.

  53. redpillssetmefree,

    A few women have had the courage to write posts about never being able to actually get their best lovers out of their heads at any point, further giving testimony to the Divine design of women bonding for life through sexual intimacy.

    Not quite. Almost.

    A few women have had the courage to write posts about never being able to actually get their first lovers out of their heads at any point, further giving testimony to the Divine design of women bonding for life through losing her virginity.

    I think that would be more accurate.

  54. constantinethetrickster says:

    The thing that annoys me is that these women call themselves strong and independent. A real strong and independent woman is like Ripley or Vasquez in Aliens. They weren’t afraid to say what was on their minds but more importantly they weren’t afraid to let others speak their minds. A lot of women today (and men too!!) take offence if you offer constructive criticism. It’s as if they think you are insulting them instead of offering advice. Another thing is how they automatically run to some “authority” instead of confronting the person. That is not a strong woman and it’s certainly not independent. When Vasquez in Aliens is asked if she was ever mistaken for a man she doesn’t run and press charges, she retorts “no, have you?” turning the tables on the guy and earning respect from the other guys. Men like to compete with each other. We want to show we are better than someone and prove it. In video games we can do that. But Feminists and SJW’s want everyone to be equal and disapprove of someone coming last. Most things considered male spaces are about competing e.g. sports, car racing and gaming. As they are invaded they become less about competition and more about how everyone should get along. Less Male and more Feminised if you will.

  55. earl says:

    “How can we wield authority to maximum effectiveness, both in getting excellent submission, but also in not overly-trampling them as we operate in all authority?”

    Well part of the equation is certainly the woman you choose. Marrying a gal who knows what submission is about makes it much easier than marrying a tyrant.

    Granted I’ve only observed this from the married couples who have done it fairly well…but it seems like they have a discussion about a topic, the woman weighs in with her ideas, the man weighs in with his, and when everything has been discussed of the final decision is made by the man.

  56. IBB,
    A few women have had the courage to write posts about never being able to actually get their first lovers out of their heads at any point, further giving testimony to the Divine design of women bonding for life through losing her virginity.
    I think that would be more accurate.

    I thought that at first too, but then I read pieces like this:

    So I didn’t solidly get the impression that it was the first lover, only the best one. I could be wrong, but as I continue to read, it seems that women bond the strongest with their first real love, which doesn’t necessarily have to be their first sex partner.

    Dal, any insights/charts/posts that address this more directly?

  57. So I didn’t solidly get the impression that it was the first lover, only the best one. I could be wrong, but as I continue to read, it seems that women bond the strongest with their first real love, which doesn’t necessarily have to be their first sex partner.

    Its the same thing. It must be the first AND only. The concept here is that she only pair bonds with her first (the penis that breaks the hymen) and she can never have sex with another because now with #2, she can compare one penis with another. As novaseeker would say, the porn sized dick will always win out and that will be her “best” lover. That will be hardcoded into her brain. Now she is submitting ONLY to THE BIGGEST (not necessarily THE FIRST.)

    For submission sake, her ignorance of other men is her husband’s only edge in getting total and complete submission from her. If she has nothing to compare him to, she will do whatever he tells her to, because she’ll never believe she can get another if he leaves her.

  58. Exfernal says:

    There is always a place for a new game, if it is well made. Even if all big titles become a PC-fest, there will be small “garage projects” like Faster Than Light or Iji that will gain popularity through the ‘grapevine’. There is also a phenomenon of total conversion mods (modifications) that turn a newer game into an unofficial ‘remake’ of an older game, like Diablo2Lilith for Titan Quest or Planetfall for Civilization IV recreating Alpha Centauri on its engine.

    And if women complain that games lack ‘cuteness’ they crave, then even among the Rogue-likes there is Elona written with them in mind.

  59. And if women complain that games lack ‘cuteness’ they crave, then even among the Rogue-likes there is Elona written with them in mind.

    Let them play Mario Kart with the Wii. That’s cute. I don’t think for a second it was created by a woman though.

  60. Gunner Q says:

    Solomon @ 1:40 pm:
    “How can we wield authority to maximum effectiveness, both in getting excellent submission, but also in not overly-trampling them as we operate in all authority?”

    Set the rules. Follow the rules. Enforce the rules. Do not be swayed by emotional appeals.

    Not doing that was Adam’s original sin.

  61. earl says:

    “Set the rules. Follow the rules. Enforce the rules. Do not be swayed by emotional appeals.

    Not doing that was Adam’s original sin.”

    I’d make a minor tweak to that.

    God set the rules…Adam didn’t follow them or enforce it.

  62. Don Quixote says:

    innocentbystanderboston says:
    October 24, 2014 at 2:42 pm:

    In 1946, virginity (in wives) was valued much more than it is today. In 1946, virginity (in wives) might have been the ONLY thing a woman could trade with a man for his willingness to marry her and take on all her emotional burdens. For the men who ONLY want virgin wives (because they believe it is impossible for a woman to pair bond with a man UNLESS he is the man who initially breaks her hymen with his penis) she is ruined the moment she loses her virginity prior to marriage. She will never again (in her lifetime) be able to pair bond. She will always remember the man who busted her cherry. It is hardwired into her brain, submit ONLY to THAT MAN. There is simply nothing that can be done to take away the most intimate moment, that one (and only one) memory that will be with her, forever.

    God designed women to be that way.

    The above quote needs to be re-stated again.
    Not only is this truth lost in today’s feminised society but even the churches don’t bother shedding light on it. But even the old boy Moses taught and recorded this truth.
    Deut.22:13 – 21
    13 If any man take a wife, and go in unto her, and hate her, 14 And give occasions of speech against her, and bring up an evil name upon her, and say, I took this woman, and when I came to her, I found her not a maid: 15 Then shall the father of the damsel, and her mother, take and bring forth the tokens of the damsel’s virginity unto the elders of the city in the gate: 16 And the damsel’s father shall say unto the elders, I gave my daughter unto this man to wife, and he hateth her; 17 And, lo, he hath given occasions of speech against her, saying, I found not thy daughter a maid; and yet these are the tokens of my daughter’s virginity. And they shall spread the cloth before the elders of the city. 18 And the elders of that city shall take that man and chastise him; 19 And they shall amerce him in an hundred shekels of silver, and give them unto the father of the damsel, because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel: and she shall be his wife; he may not put her away all his days. 20 But if this thing be true, and the tokens of virginity be not found for the damsel: 21 Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father’s house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die: because she hath wrought folly in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s house: so shalt thou put evil away from among you.

    Moses also referred to the …dowry of virgins. Exodus 22:17. Thousands of years ago it was understood that a dowry was only paid for a virgin. If she was damaged she wasn’t marriage material.

  63. earl says:

    “In 1946, virginity (in wives) might have been the ONLY thing a woman could trade with a man for his willingness to marry her and take on all her emotional burdens.”

    I’d say that would be bare minimum.

    Now what men accept it’s no wonder we are in the state we are in.

  64. Highwasp says:

    “Feminism at its core is envy of men and a desire to usurp their position” ~ Dalrock

    Envy ~ not Jealousy ~ “I the Lord thy God am a jealous God” – not envious.

    Envy then, as in Freudian Penis Envy perhaps ~ but not Jealous.

    Big difference I guess to those who worship a Jealous God but not an Envious God. Small difference to the rest of us – after all – You see, it is only another way of saying, “I the Lord thy God am a small God; a small God, and fretful about small things.” ~ Mark Twain

    F*ckBuddyRockBandDrummer and BaptistChoirBoySurvivor™ have been reading this blog for a few years now and have continually noticed that Christians and Feminists share a few core traits. F*ckBuddy and ChoirBoy™ now have another point of similarity with which to compare Christians and Feminists. Adding envy/jealousy into a pseudo-paranoid neurosis, with simultaneous delusions of persecution and grandeur and a tendency to use shaming tactics with angry, rabid like reactions to information and opinions which oppose their own absolute and non negotiable ‘truths’…. both groups seem to consider themselves superior and therefore pridefully ignorant of all others.

    Take for example the Proven Fact of Evolution and the Myth of the Evil Male Patriarchy. Either of these statements makes Christians and Feminists foam at the mouth denying, hating, shaming, and silencing those who would proffer such ‘realities’.

    Seems the Christians worship the One and Only Jealous God while Feminists worship the One and Only Envious God ~ a minor difference but don’t take it from me… Read it from one of literary masters of all time:

    “It is most difficult to understand the disposition of the Bible God, it is such a confusion of contradictions; of watery instabilities and iron firmness; of goody-goody abstract morals made out of words, and concreted hell-born ones made out of acts; of fleeting kindness repented of in permanent malignities.

    However, when after much puzzling you get at the key to his disposition, you do at last arrive at a sort of understanding of it. With a most quaint and juvenile and astonishing frankness he has furnished that key himself.

    It is jealousy!

    I expect that to take your breath away. You are aware — for I have already told you in an earlier letter — that among human beings jealousy ranks distinctly as a weakness; a trade-mark of small minds; a property of all small minds, yet a property which even the smallest is ashamed of; and when accused of its possession will lyingly deny it and resent the accusation as an insult.

    Jealousy. Do not forget it, keep it in mind. It is the key. With it you will come to partly understand God as we go along; without it nobody can understand him. As I have said, he has openly held up this treasonous key himself, for all to see. He says, naïvely, outspokenly, and without suggestion of embarrassment: “I the Lord thy God am a jealous God.”

    You see, it is only another way of saying, “I the Lord thy God am a small God; a small God, and fretful about small things.”

    He was giving a warning: he could not bear the thought of any other God getting some of the Sunday compliments of this comical little human race — he wanted all of them for himself. He valued them. To him they were riches; just as tin money is to a Zulu.

    But wait — I am not fair; I am misrepresenting him; prejudice is beguiling me into saying what is not true. He did not say he wanted all of the adulations; he said nothing about not being willing to share them with his fellow gods; what he said was, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

    It is a quite different thing, and puts him in a much better light — I confess it. There was an abundance of gods, the woods were full of them, as the saying is, and all he demanded was that he should be ranked as high as the others — not above any of them, but not below any of them. He was willing that they should fertilize earthly virgins, but not on any better terms than he could have for himself in his turn. He wanted to be held their equal. This he insisted upon, in the clearest language: he would have no other gods before him. They could march abreast with him, but none of them could head the procession, and he did not claim the right to head it himself.

    Do you think he was able to stick to that upright and creditable position? No. He could keep to a bad resolution forever, but he couldn’t keep to a good one a month. By and by he threw aside and calmly claimed to be the only God in the entire universe.

    As I was saying, jealousy is the key; all through his history it is present and prominent. It is the blood and bone of his disposition, it is the basis of his character. How small a thing can wreck his composure and disorder his judgement if it touches the raw of his jealousy! And nothing warms up this trait so quickly and so surely and so exaggeratedly as a suspicion that some competition with the god-Trust is impending. The fear that if Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge they would “be as gods” so fired his jealousy that his reason was affected, and he could not treat those poor creatures either fairly or charitably, or even refrain from dealing cruelly and criminally with their blameless posterity. “ ~ Letters From The Earth By Mark Twain

    BTW [“a pseudoparanoid neurosis, with simultaneous delusions of persecution and grandeur” ~ was copied from one of Boxer’s posts if anyone’s keeping score.]

  65. Anonymous Reader says:

    The changing demographics of marriage spell doom for single-family suburban homes, as more people over 30 remain unmarried, the higher-income among them go for luxury apartnments rather than a suburban sprawl with white picket fences.

    Except for certain areas along the West Coast, where mainland Chinese are buying real estate steadily in order to have some property where the CCP can’t easily get to it. Some of the smaller towns just outside of Pasadena, for example. It will be interesting to see how their children choose to live, whether they fully acculturate to current norms in the US or retain distinctive Chinese normes, or some mix of the two.

    Returning to the OP there is more to the attack on gamers than “women want to be with men”, and Novaseeker hit it: the SJW’s must bring every aspect of human life under their control, and they will seriously damage computer gaming in the process if that gets them what they want. If they can’t control gaming, they will seek to crush it.

    In a few years the darker channels of the intertubes may be as full of illegal games as it is of scams and illegal porn. Then the lefties / SJW’s will have to increase NSA style spying even more than now to root out the last holdouts to the progressive program.

  66. CasparReyes says:

    Our Father Adam made the rules for the maintenance of the Garden, and one is recorded: “Neither shall you touch it.”

  67. desiderian says:


    ““I can’t see how this could be accomplished even with government oversight/authority. But who knows….”

    Not for the first time, I think you might need glasses.

    Maybe I do? We’ll see (or maybe I wont see if I need glasses?) :-)”

    Is there a pulpit near you where headship is preached? Was there, say, a generation or two ago?

    Was that change accomplished with government oversight/authority?

  68. desiderian says:


    “For submission sake, her ignorance of other men is her husband’s only edge in getting total and complete submission from her. If she has nothing to compare him to, she will do whatever he tells her to, because she’ll never believe she can get another if he leaves her.”

    That’s wishful thinking, especially with present realities. If there are no other men, until she hits the wall and is forced to choose, you’re competing with her ideal, which is worse. Better a period of courtship where she can get a sense of the imperfections of all men and a strong sense that cashing in when her SMV is at its peak is her best play.

    Obviously, that courtship should avoid intercourse due to instinctive imprinting, but any wife worth having will not value sexual pleasure over manly virtues that make for a healthy family.

  69. honeycomb says:

    I mentioned it here ..

    and now this article ..

    Here’s but one piece of the puzzle for complete government / feminist control. A world without feminist dissent is but one piece of the puzzle.

  70. Eidolon says:


    Eh, general atheist misreading of the Bible. God is jealous in the sense of a true and virtuous lover. If you are a good man married to a good woman, but she starts to go astray, wouldn’t you be jealous? Is jealousy in this sense wrong? Of course not.

    God means that He wants what rightfully belongs to Himself to be His. He made mankind to be united to Himself, and He is jealous of anything men unite themselves to instead, because they are rightfully meant to be His (for their sake and for His). He is faithful and good to them, and they stray. He describes it as a marriage to Israel in the Old Testament, making this metaphor quite clear. It’s not such a mystery as you make it.

  71. James K says:

    It’s all about a developer and her “game”, a text-based simulation of clinical depression. The author is not without talent, and certainly has the potential to work in educational software; but let’s face it, “Depression Quest” is not destined to become the next “Far Cry”, and the “game” would have disappeared without trace if gamers had had the courage to simply ignore it – as they would have done for a boring game written by a man.

    Instead, gamers used lewd and threatening talk against the developer, and pursued and harassed her, finally posting her home address online. In the eyes of the wimminz, this proves that gaming itself has a problem that needs regulation.

    The whole episode was totally unnecessary.

  72. Heidi, your impression is correct, it’s not really about “representation in gaming” at all. That’s just cover. It started when a guy found out his sometime-girlfriend, a very minor game developer, slept with at least five guys in the gaming industry while they were sort of broken up and then lied to him repeatedly until he confronted her with the evidence. He wrote a very, very long screed about the whole drama on his blog.

    Where it got interesting was when people tried to discuss it on various gaming blogs and forums and were almost universally shut down, with conversations being deleted and sometimes users being banned for bringing it up. A very long list of sites seemed to be moving in lockstep to suppress the story. People wondered why and looked into it, and discovered that she’d obviously been given inflated reviews by many of these sites for her lame little game. Aside from getting good reviews from guys she had sex with, or guys who hoped a good review would get them a turn, it started to become obvious that “gaming journalism” has been taken over by leftists who want to mold gaming into a feminized, no-fun tool of leftist indoctrination. Their near-complete ability to shut down that story revealed how much control they’ve already gotten, and how much they’re already able to control what games get developed and marketed.

    Gamers said, “Screw you, you’re not going to tell us what we can talk about or what kind of games we can develop and play.” The leftists are now saying, “Yes we are, and you’re going to learn to like it, the way college students, comic book readers, and everyone else has.”

    That’s where we are now. It has nothing to do with representation in gaming, because they don’t really want to play games or develop them, nor do they have the ability. They wanted to corrupt gaming and make it work for them, pressuring the developers to fill their games with leftist indoctrination. If they can’t do that they’ll try to destroy gaming outright. But as a remaining bastion of male-oriented fun, it can’t be allowed to exist as-is.

  73. infowarrior1 says:


    It seems only criminal gangs can remain all-male.

  74. TheRhoubbhe says:

    Cail Corishev – That is a nice and accurate summary gamergate. You have to simply marvel at the sheer futility of feminist thinking that they can somehow control or destroy all male spaces. Even if they got rid of gaming, young men will simply engage in other fun activities, such as alcohol fueled riots, vandalism, and arson.

    There are plenty of Pumpkin Festivals to crash and cause mayhem. Imagine what they will look like in years to come when you add millions of under-educated and under-employed sexless young men into those events. The Feminine Imperative dislikes the 9-5 passive tax-paying beta males anyways, rioting violent thugs create more tingles, so like a drug addicts they will keep injecting poison into the veins of society.

  75. Novaseeker says:

    That’s where we are now. It has nothing to do with representation in gaming, because they don’t really want to play games or develop them, nor do they have the ability. They wanted to corrupt gaming and make it work for them, pressuring the developers to fill their games with leftist indoctrination. If they can’t do that they’ll try to destroy gaming outright. But as a remaining bastion of male-oriented fun, it can’t be allowed to exist as-is.

    Right. It blew up, though, because there has been a long-standing skepticism among gamers about the objectivity of the gaming media, and about how companies “buy” reviews by providing access and so on. That was the substrate that the whole Quinn thing played itself out against. And, yes, once it got past the Quinn specifics to what the gaming journalists were doing, it became a broader issue, and that’s where it started to go into indoctrination, representation and so on. Issues that the Sarks of the world have been running for a couple of years, and not the spark of this controversy … but where the controversy inexorably led, once a brighter light was shone upon the gaming journalists. Almost a perfect storm, really, because there was already an underlying animus in the gaming community in general against gaming journalism, so this was really a spark that lit a fire that was probably long-coming. Twits like Sark and her ilk really have been more or less a burst of kerosene onto the flames.

    The most interesting, and entertaining, aspect of it is how shocked the left is that they are losing this, so far. They stepped into something that they didn’t know that much about, really, and boy are they getting burned for that. At the same time, I expect, as you do, that if they can’t get their way, they will join hands with traditional social conservatives and try to ban gaming, or ostracize it to an extreme degree as being the realm of klansmen.

  76. desiderian says:

    “Gamers said, ‘Screw you, you’re not going to tell us what we can talk about or what kind of games we can develop and play.’ The leftists are now saying, ‘Yes we are, and you’re going to learn to like it, the way college students, comic book readers, and everyone else has.'”

    That “everyone else” includes, most seriously, churchgoers. And call me crazy, but the trustifarian SJWs seem less Left all the time. #Gamergate itself leans slightly Left, non-deranged faction.

    “They wanted to corrupt gaming and make it work for them, pressuring the developers to fill their games with leftist indoctrination. If they can’t do that they’ll try to destroy gaming outright. But as a remaining bastion of male-oriented fun, it can’t be allowed to exist as-is.”

    “At the same time, I expect, as you do, that if they can’t get their way, they will join hands with traditional social conservatives and try to ban gaming, or ostracize it to an extreme degree as being the realm of klansmen.”

    Again, seems way more authoritarian than Left. So far, the tradcons aren’t falling for it; if they do, they might inherit it just in time to go down in flames and take the blame.

    The other endgame is the SJWs and those they’ve intimidated take over the “legitimate” use of the “gamer” identity and any game that isn’t sufficiently PC gets tarred with the gamergate bigot brush. This could work on the investor level – corporate America has shown zero ability to stand up to SJW bullying.

  77. Pingback: Dark Brightness | Eve’s curse and Gamers

  78. Eidolon says:

    @James K

    Are you just trolling? The gamers didn’t drag Depression Quest out to insult it for no reason. They did exactly what you said. One of the first things that happened was that gamers didn’t like it and panned it on Steam Greenlight so it wouldn’t be able to be sold on Steam (because it wasn’t good enough). It wasn’t a big deal, people just didn’t think it was a real game or very good so they panned it, in the terms they use for panning things, the same as any other game.

    Zoe Quinn then went and used her connections to whine and complain that people were being mean to her and they should let her on Steam because otherwise they were sexist or something, and it worked. Then people got ticked. The whole point of Greenlight is to be meritocratic. People have worked their butts off to be good enough to get through, and it has the potential to make companies a bunch of money. For a certain kind of indie developer it’s a big deal. It really ticked people off that there was a feminist back door built into the system where if you go and whine enough to your friends in the gaming media you can pressure Valve into letting you in just to shut you up.

    And again we have a person using feminist whining to make herself money. It’s not about social justice, it’s about lining her own pockets. It’s not surprising that people would use special pleading, but for some reason when it’s feminist special pleading people give in, as though they don’t already know why you don’t give in to that stuff. And everyone is surprised anew when feminists come through the back door in force and take over the space, all because nobody was willing to lock it.

  79. Robin Munn says:

    @James K –

    Instead, gamers used lewd and threatening talk against the developer …

    Correction: the developer claimed that gamers had used lewd and threatening talk against her. Having learned more about her, I for one do not believe a word of her claims.

  80. Eidolon says:

    It’s a good thing feminists never use lewd or threatening talk or they might come across as raging hypocrites! I’m sure they’re considered automatically discredited if anyone on their side says they wish that men, or misogynists, or people they disagree with would die, or uses nasty vulgarity and crudeness toward their opponents.

    it’s the usual double standard. The assumption seems to be that of course feminists say hateful and vile things constantly, and seriously propose murdering or selectively aborting men just because they’re men, etc. It’s only news if their opponents sink to their level. Or one person on the opposing side. Or a twitter account ostensibly associated with their opponents. They can say and do absolutely anything and it never counts against them.

  81. Looking Glass says:

    “Zoe Quinn” is a sociopath and pathological liar. Don’t think anything she’s said publicly is accurate. That’s mostly why she became the flash-point of a much bigger issue.

  82. MarcusD says:


    I don’t know if you saw this article, but it’s quite interesting (and the frenzied comments are amusing, too):

    One way to end violence against women? Married dads.

  83. MarcusD says:

    Is It Wrong Just To Be Frienfs With Your Spouse?

    A Catholic’s Telling Account: “This Marriage Thing Is (Beautiful) Hard As Hell”

  84. earl says:

    “Our Father Adam made the rules for the maintenance of the Garden, and one is recorded: “Neither shall you touch it.”

    Good eye…I never noticed that subtle difference between what God told Adam and what Adam told Eve.

  85. Spike says:

    Perhaps the tide is turning Dalrock. Consider the results from the latest Swedish election:


    In this article, the author points out that Swedish feminist’s political arm, the Initiative received only 3% of the national vote, not enough to get them a seat or funding. By contrast, the Nationalists – who largely consist of male ethnic Swedes disenfranchised from their own country – doubled their political representation to 13%.
    The outcome of this is angst for feminists: Their support has been exposed as tiny, their ability to form political alliances is cut from the Left because they recognise feminists get concessions from their men, but not Muslim migrants. The Right meanwhile – those disenfranchised men – will not help them due to feminism and the women’s unfortunate habit of converting to Islam at a rate of 3 women for every one man.
    If this has happened in Sweden – where feminism has it’s apex of political representation and social influence, it can be gauged that feminism is more fragile elsewhere.

  86. earl says:

    From the CAF…several reasons in one answer why fathers are not fulfilling their duty these days.

    “Unfortunately,, you can’t live there life,, all you an do is advise,,
    Iv had several talks with step daughter,, and i’v told her it is ultimately up to her,,
    I can’t live her life,, I will always be there to pick up the pieces,,
    She has been doing it since the age of 14 ,, what can I do ? Nothing,,
    All I can do is tell her that when she is older,,, she will find more suitable guys,,
    And a career is far more important to her,,
    She is going into nursing,,her first year of study,,
    With a bit of luck,,it will work out,,
    Just impress on your daughter that a Career should be her number one priority,,,
    Because you won’t be around forever to help her,, and if your around,,
    You will be to old,,,,, think it’s working for me,,”

    You can certainly advise…such as “don’t have sex until you are married”. Sure it is up to her to follow the rule or not…but I wouldn’t explicitly tell her that. If she breaks the rule she gets her butt to confession. The state of her soul is at risk.

    “What can I do…nothing.” Great attitude there. That’s the sound of a defeated man.

    I wouldn’t give her pretty little lies about finding more suitable guys as she gets older…we all know what that landscape has become.

    Finally…impressing on her that a career should be her number one priority…is the biggest lie of them all.

  87. Just my two cents says:

    “But others (a much larger group) will realize that they can’t actually experience this, and will then set out to stamp out what they can’t have”

    Bingo. Nailed it on the head. Which explains why women like Anne Dias Griffin is not happy with the $35m she has already gotten from her soon to be ex-husband (in addition to her own $50m) but wants all of his 6.5b. In this case, the motive is not to stamp out the money, but to make sure the money isn’t around for a second Mrs Ken Griffin.

  88. “Again, seems way more authoritarian than Left”

    Exactly. SJWs are classic authoritarians, in the Altemeyer sense.

  89. Lyn87 says:

    A question for my fellow gamers with regard to how much progress the SJW’s have already made:

    I mentioned in the comment thread of the other article here that I started gaming in the old dice-and-paper days when you had to do all your own calculations manually, the games were very rules-intensive, and a minute of game time might take an hour or real time… and of course there were practically zero serious female gamers. Serious gaming was a realm for smart, patient, people who liked to overcome tactical and technical challenges… in other words: males.

    When I was playing D&D in college you could play either male or female characters of several races, but there was one huge difference: there was a cap on the strength of female characters. All the attributes were on a scale of 3-18 (while characters with a strength of 18 got a modifier based on an additional score of 1-100). Female characters were capped at 16 no matter what. 16 is still pretty good, but the difference between a 16 and a 18(00) is enormous in terms of the effectiveness of the character. The bottom line is that the classes that relied on strength to any great extent were almost never played as female characters.

    Now I play WoW, among other things, which is arguably today’s D&D (although it’s geared to a generation of gamers that has the attention span of a gnat: how many WoW players would be willing to crunch numbers manually anymore… or even know how to?). I notice a couple of things: there are no differences between the attributes of male and female characters, and the in-game explanations always uses feminine pronouns, i.e., “When the warrior charges she stuns her target for 4 seconds…” – that sort of thing. They are literally never masculine pronouns in those explanations.

    Of the games that allow players to play characters of both sexes, I think the last time I saw a game that used different attribute values for male and female characters was in the early 1990’s. I think after that point it became too anti-PC to acknowledge what everyone knows – even the strongest women are not capable of matching the bodily strength of strong men.

    Has anyone else had similar observations or seen exceptions recently?

    The reason I ask it that it seems to me that #gamergate has legs, and the guys of this generation don’t buy into the “Girls are wonderful” trope, but they have been taught from the cradle that women are as capable as men. I can only attribute that to the fact that childhood and early adulthood doesn’t involve nearly as much physicality as it used to, and to the extent that females do athletics they don’t compete directly against males, although they get the same awards… For example, a woman can get an Olympic Gold Medal for a performance that would even earn her a starting spot on a middling male college team. So although the #gamergaters are standing up to the SJW’s in this case, the games themselves already perpetuate the underlying feminist lie – that women are as strong and tough as men are.

  90. Lyn87 says:

    Correction: it should say:

    … a woman can get an Olympic Gold Medal for a performance that would not even earn her a starting spot on a middling male college team.

  91. Yoda says:

    The author is not without talent

    Talent Miss Zoe has not.
    Slut she is.

  92. James K says:


    No, I’m not trolling, but clearly you know more about the history of this affair than I do.

    Unfortunately, the history that you describe is omitted from most accounts of Gamergate in the press. Perhaps you should edit the Wikipedia page on this subject – but you can’t, the page (now part of “WikiProject Feminism”) is locked: The article and its talk page is under protection due to constant edit warring and attraction of people with negative comments prohibited by our policy on biographical content concerning living people

    The talk page is already “tl; dr”, and has its first mention of Hitler about 20% of the way down.

    Sorry guys, this battle is already lost. The reason is that the battleground was chosen by the fembots, because they knew there are enough misogynists in gaming that they would be able to provoke the reactions that they did, and then claim that there is a general problem with gaming. I’d have more sympathy with the wimminz if “Depression Quest” were a worthwhile game, but it isn’t.

  93. Yoda says:

    because they knew there are enough misogynists in gaming that they would be able to provoke the reactions that they did

    Count on generalizations they do.
    Insidious this is.

  94. Yoda says:

    a generation of gamers that has the attention span of a gnat: how many WoW players would be willing to crunch numbers manually anymore

    Perfect Skinner Box WoW is.

  95. Anonymous Reader says:

    Lyn87 raises a number of interesting points, but there is another one to consider: for the most part, women don’t actually do game design / development. “Depression Quest” is a text based game that’s probably inferior to the 1970’s / 1980’s text games. I’d rather play Mike Stephenson’s original Nethack on a VT-100 terminal than DQ. Note that several of the “women” involved in gamergate, such as Brianna Wu, are surgicallly mutilated men. I disagree with Wu on a lot of things but at least he’s arguably really been involved in game development. This pretty plainly implies that certain brain structures and ways of thinking are important to gamedev. In other words, once again we see that women and men are not the same (even men who have been mutilated and dosed with estrogen are still different). Women are not “man-plus-can-haz-baybeez”, no matter how many times that falsehood is repeated it is still not true.

    Sort of echoing Novaseeker here, but what we have here is another case where a rather small subset of women are actually nerdish enough to be interested in something, and they are allowed in, whereupon some of them bring in their friends who care not for the original “something” but wish to change it to be more fem-friendly. Because most women can’t hack “it” in the original form, and they refuse to accept there’s something grrrlll-pwr can’t do. Therefore something unfair must have happened, because the alternative is to acknowledge that men are superior to women in some way or other.

    And that is unthinkable.

  96. Anonymous Reader says:

    James K, do you realliy think it is a random coincidence that the Wiki[1] page on gamergate is locked? There is evidence that the “threats” against Zoe Quinn and others were faked. A whole swath of 4Chan mods were kicked out over this. The “news” stories in the mainstream press have amounted to blindlly repeating the same stuff over and over, obviously co-ordinated in a style very similar to Journo-list.

    Do not assume the SJW’s have won yet. Some of the game “journalists” have taken to insulting the management of Intel lately – Intel’s MMX technology was intimately intertwined with gaming from the start, gamers are a factor in vizualization technology, and if Intel decides not to advertise in certain publications, that’s a big chunk of their budget.

    JamesK, I want to sharpen one point Eidolon made:
    A prostitute is a human who engages in sex for money. I don’t know if engaging in sex for positive game reviews is quite the same thing, but it’s rather similar, especially if the positive game reviews could potentially lead to money down the line. Something to ponder.

    [1] Bear in mind that Wikipedia absolutely refused to allow a page on Thomas Ball’s life and death. Nor can any mention of him be allowed on any other Wiki page. Some truths must go down the memory hole, they cannot be allowed to be told even at the cost of credibility. I cite Wiki on logical fallacies all the time, but find it less and less useful for any topic where theres any controversy.

  97. James K says:


    Interesting that Brianna Wu is transgender. I read a news report about an honour bestowed upon Sophie Wilson, a woman who played a major part in Acorn Computers and ARM, and I wondered why I hadn’t heard of such an influential female computer scientist before. A web search quickly revealed that she used to be plain Roger Wilson, one of many high-achieving men whose technological achievements are much less notable because, well, they are men.

  98. bluedog says:

    How you win is as important, or more so, than winning. You do not generally come across to me as one who spouts unexamined pablum … which is an understated way of saying a lot of right-wing writers do come across to me as such and their arguments are fairly easily made short work of as a result. You come much further than most passing the John Stuart Mill test.
    Having said that … this competes for the title of the most essentialist article I’ve read of yours. Essentialism is defensible in a religious aegis if that’s where you choose to stay. Essentialism is extraordinarily difficult to sustain on secular grounds.
    Women, and men, are 100% human before they are endowed with uterus or testes.
    All stop. Begin secular ethicizing now.
    Furthermore, as life wanes, the patina of gender wanes too. All that remains is a human life, passing.
    I am not saying there isn’t a secular case for “male spaces”, but I am suggesting that on the wildly unlikely proposition that you prevailed in a secular context on the basis of essentialism, then it would be a Pyrrhic victory.
    I don’t know you, but I don’t think it is an outcome you would wish for.

  99. Looking Glass says:


    I think the point to understand about the “gamer” set is far more along the lines of TFH’s point about the future changing rapidly. I say this for two reasons:

    1) The younger generation (and I’m not old, either, mind you, but there enough space for those below me to be around & active) is FAR more cynical than people realize. In the confines of all of the different parts of the gaming universe, if you’re behind something where your identity is somewhat hidden, let’s just say there’s zero distance between their opinion and the way they will state it.

    While this was actually the SJWs first line of attack (Call of Duty voice-chat is not a place for the timid or sane), the truth is that is how a good portion of the Men functionally think about the world.

    2) Everyone plays by the “rules” in public, so long as the illusion is maintained. Which is why, once someone really does take on the Culture-wide Fitness Test, the entire edifice will collapse rapidly. Though they are entrenched within the halls of power, once the facade is lost, the younger generation will rebel in ways I can’t really expect yet.

    But, frankly, God will be the one to set that off. It’s just the way these things work. But, much like GamerGate, there’s really no telling what the eventual flashpoint will be.

  100. Again, seems way more authoritarian than Left

    They’re authoritarian leftists. There’s no contradiction. The left is anti-authority when it’s not in power, and authoritarian as soon as it is.

  101. Anonymous Reader says:

    Women, and men, are 100% human before they are endowed with uterus or testes.

    Nonsense, that’s just a bundle of undifferentiated cells, according to 1970’s feminists.
    Are you saying that they were lying?

    You come much further than most passing the John Stuart Mill test.

    And what is the John Stuart Mill test? Please explain in detail in order that we can all understand exactly what you are saying.

  102. Sorry guys, this battle is already lost.

    You believe that because you think the battleground is the media. It’s not.

  103. Bluedog says:

    “Nonsense, that’s just a bundle of undifferentiated cells, according to 1970’s feminists.”

    Pick and choose from among your living and dead opponents – unattributed and generalized – and straw man away, you haven’t created an argument you’ve just picked one you can deal with.

    And you changed the subject. Secular ethics are ethics of how we draw ethical conclusions in the courts, among the law, in public institutions, and we do that on the proposition that women and men are human, before they are women and men. Either deal with the actual argument or keep quiet but don’t pretend straw men and changing the subject are an argument.

    JSM test:

    “He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion… Nor is it enough that he should hear the opinions of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them…he must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form.”

    Argue with the actual other side, not with the other side of your imagination.

  104. Looking Glass says:

    Is this a time to bring up the Philosophical power of “Tits or get the **** out”?

    I’ve always found it fascinating (even before my confirmed red-pill days) how well this shuts women down in online settings. Mostly because it cuts so hard against a shaming Frame in online chatter.

    Now I should probably think about a way of adjusting that for in-person discussion.

  105. Looking Glass says:


    The “other side” can’t accept basic biology. No amount of “understanding” can let you understand insanity & paradox. The “Test” is itself a false construction & intentionally self-trapping mindset. It’s an attempt to bind the side that values Structure in favor to the side that values Power. It is easily rejected on the merits of the attempt to equate Evil with Good.

    Or, more simply, the only “Good Commie” is a Dead one. You can reproach the sane, but the insane are beyond the means of rationality.

    The far less self-defeating concept you may actually want is from the movie Patton: “You magnificent bastard, I READ YOUR BOOK!”. Understand your opponent; don’t accept that they mean what they say in the first place. We live in an Age of Unreality. What is said is not what is meant. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

  106. Ra's al Ghul says:


    “At the same time, I expect, as you do, that if they can’t get their way, they will join hands with traditional social conservatives and try to ban gaming, or ostracize it to an extreme degree as being the realm of klansmen.”

    I know enough gamers to know they’d put on the robes, before putting doing the controller.

  107. Dalrock,
    How you win is as important, or more so, than winning. You do not generally come across to me as one who spouts unexamined pablum … which is an understated way of saying a lot of right-wing writers do come across to me as such and their arguments are fairly easily made short work of as a result. You come much further than most passing the John Stuart Mill test.
    Having said that … this competes for the title of the most essentialist article I’ve read of yours. Essentialism is defensible in a religious aegis if that’s where you choose to stay. Essentialism is extraordinarily difficult to sustain on secular grounds.
    Women, and men, are 100% human before they are endowed with uterus or testes.
    All stop. Begin secular ethicizing now.
    Furthermore, as life wanes, the patina of gender wanes too. All that remains is a human life, passing.
    I am not saying there isn’t a secular case for “male spaces”, but I am suggesting that on the wildly unlikely proposition that you prevailed in a secular context on the basis of essentialism, then it would be a Pyrrhic victory.
    I don’t know you, but I don’t think it is an outcome you would wish for.

    Dalrock can answer this insanely leftist argument himself, however, I’ll add my right-wing, racist and sexist argument.

    There is a male and a female, we have different rest rooms for a reason, unless you haven’t noticed. There are female only spaces, which, by secular reasoning, dictates that there should be male only spaces too. What a group of men create is for them, not government or Social Crap Warriors, to decide what to do with. Fighting off unwanted feminists is therefore not a Pyrrhic victory but one that should be pursued with utmost sexism and bigoted free will.

    A man will die a man and a woman will die a woman. They can test bodies from years ago, guess what, they can determine sex, race, age of death, eye colour, hair colour and just about everything that leftists say don’t exist. What is a ‘patina of gender’? Sounds like feminist lingo. Are you a leftist?

    There are two sexes to the human species. They each have different amounts of hormones released into their bodies, which leads to different reactions and actions within their thinking, their brains are different and their bodies develop differently too, this much you should know by science itself, nevermind the teaching of the Bible on the issue.

  108. Anonymous Reader says:

    [Humans begin as female and are, per bluedog, 100% human even then]
    “Nonsense, that’s just a bundle of undifferentiated cells, according to 1970’s feminists.”


    Don’t whine to me, take it up with your allies. You remember them? NOW, NARAL, etc., etc.?

    Pick and choose from among your living and dead opponents – unattributed and generalized – and straw man away, you haven’t created an argument you’ve just picked one you can deal with.

    No. I am pointing out how some people like to change “science” to suit the argument of the moment. Thus I’m pointing to a crack in your foundational premise, bluedog. I suspect that accounts for your emotion.

    And you changed the subject.

    Not at all, just following your lead. You don’t want to discuss when life begins? Don’t bring it up in the first place. You started this, I continued it. Reality makes you uncomfortable? Not my problem.

    Secular ethics are ethics of how we draw ethical conclusions in the courts, among the law, in public institutions, and we do that on the proposition that women and men are human,

    No. Your secular ethics increasingly teach that men are not human, that only women are human, and therefore men must act like women to be regarded as “human” under your secular ethics. Otherwise? They are animals. Again, reality makes you uncomfortable? That’s a shame.

    before they are women and men. Either deal with the actual argument or keep quiet but don’t pretend straw men and changing the subject are an argument.

    Once again, you brought up the issue of life-in-development. If you can’t deal with all the ramifications, don’t bring it up, or don’t whine about facts that are unpleasant to you. Your choice.

    JSM test:
    “He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that. His reasons may be good, and no one may have been able to refute them. But if he is equally unable to refute the reasons on the opposite side, if he does not so much as know what they are, he has no ground for preferring either opinion… Nor is it enough that he should hear the opinions of adversaries from his own teachers, presented as they state them, and accompanied by what they offer as refutations. He must be able to hear them from persons who actually believe them…he must know them in their most plausible and persuasive form.”

    How many of your allies can pass this test, bluedog? By my estimate, the number is zero, specificallly including you.

    Everyone who is counter cultural, for whatever reason: PUA, MRA, serious churchgoer, etc. will of necessity know all about their opponent, because the dominent culture is perpetually thrust into their face. I know a great deal about feminism, because it surrounds me, all day, every day. It’s in the air I breath. Feminists know nothing about anything, because they live in an echo chamber, or a bubble. The Social Justice Whiners are the same.

    Argue with the actual other side, not with the other side of your imagination.

    How ironic, in a thread dicussing the Social Justice Whiners desire to destroy entire cultures in the name of “diversity”. How ironic, in a thread discussing the SJW’s, whose “debate” style consists entirely of point-and-screech coupled with disqualify, disqualify, disqualify.

  109. Anonymous Reader says:

    FWIW, in my opinion John Stuart Mill was quite the pedestalizing mangina, so it should be no surprise that his writings that involve women even tangentially are pure blue-pill bunkum.

    Modern science refutes the blank slate, bluedog. You can choose nurture-is-all blank slate thinking, or you can choose science, but you can’t have both.

  110. Farm Boy says:

    They’re authoritarian leftists.

    To actually implement such a system one must be authoritarian. Since the way that leftist systems work is so strongly against human natute, authority must be used to compensate.

  111. MarcusD says:

    Exactly. SJWs are classic authoritarians, in the Altemeyer sense.

    And he was the classic anti-conservative who sought to abuse psychology to further his political views (a la http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_abuse_of_psychiatry_in_the_Soviet_Union).

    SJWs don’t really fit into that, since RWA was carefully crafted to target mainly conservatives.

  112. The Brass Cat says:


    Keep in mind that this chart alone is a huge red siren not to be in a mortgage on a single family house, unless you are in a cheaper city and can easily own your house outright (i.e. no mortgage).

    The changing demographics of marriage spell doom for single-family suburban homes, as more people over 30 remain unmarried, the higher-income among them go for luxury apartnments rather than a suburban sprawl with white picket fences.

    The US has tens of millions of 4-bedroom and 5-bedroom homes in the ‘burbs. This chart should scare the bejeezus out of anyone who has a mortgage on such a home, and is heavily dependent on the assumption of price increases in the home over the next 20 years.

    What it says to me is that single-family homes will decrease in value putting many homeowners “under water.”

    But the immediate decision faced by a family is difficult because renting a big apartment is much more costly than a mortgage payment on a more spacious house. It would be hard to convince someone that renting a 1100 sq. ft. apartment for $1500/mo. is a better long-term deal than mortgaging a 2200 sq. ft. single-family home for $1000/mo. I’m a renter now but that’s the reality in my location.

    Geographical region and the local market also play a big role. Is it an area that attracts young singles or families with children? Young singles certainly don’t want a single-family home with all the hassles of ownership.

  113. Gunner Q says:

    Lyn87 @ 9:04 am:
    “Of the games that allow players to play characters of both sexes, I think the last time I saw a game that used different attribute values for male and female characters was in the early 1990’s. I think after that point it became too anti-PC to acknowledge what everyone knows – even the strongest women are not capable of matching the bodily strength of strong men.

    Has anyone else had similar observations or seen exceptions recently?”

    Oh, yeah. I still do pen & paper RPGs and this is everywhere. My favorite example comes from Fantasy Flight Games’ recent book “Only War”, a military RPG set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe. (Imagine Star Wars technology in a Dark Ages setting and you’re 80% there.) One of the playable character classes is “heavy weapons specialist” and the picture next to the description is… I kid you not… an incredibly butch woman with a huge, double-barreled flamethrower, a massive fuel tank strapped to her back and a .75-caliber cigar. Either women have evolved into hairless gorillas or this girl pops steroids like breakfast cereal. I’m tempted to scan a picture for your amusement. It takes a lot of blue pill to have no problem depicting female soldiers lugging 100+ pounds of ordnance around a battlefield.

    Use of the female pronoun is everywhere in the book, too. Also everywhere in Pathfinder, the successor to D&D 3.5.

    I wish we could meet someday, Lyn. You sound okay.

  114. Eidolon says:

    @James K

    The Wikipedia thing is a double-edged sword. On the one hand it makes it less likely that new people will see a fair accounting of GG itself. On the other hand it’s useful in that the people who know anything about GG already will see just how biased the media, in all its forms, can be. This is an extremely useful thing for people to recognize.

    It’s not just Wikipedia. Basically everywhere people talked about GG, every game site except The Escapist and a couple of small ones, even Reddit, even freaking 4chan, had admins ban nearly everyone involved and delete the topics.


    Agree about sex differences in RPGs. It’s a shame because it removes a lot of interesting possible variations in gameplay. I feel like games are gradually reducing race/species differences too unless they’re totally different creatures (a la Starcraft), though I’ve never been a pen-and-paper gamer.

  115. Norm says:

    TFH says:
    October 24, 2014 at 12:16 pm

    Any group of men getting together to create or enjoy anything will result in women wanting in.

    Hence the impossibility of invading and altering Games. There is infinite ‘space’ there, so they can’t eradicate the male aspect of the spaces totally..
    I forced myself somewhat to listen to CBC Radio and the female guest was complaining that the tech industry only has 12% women in it. Wish I remembered her name. I would have emailed her this article.

  116. Yoda says:

    female guest was complaining that the tech industry only has 12% women in it.

    Hard mental work tech is.
    Determination and effort required they are.
    Testosterone women have not.

  117. desiderian says:


    “They’re authoritarian leftists. There’s no contradiction. The left is anti-authority when it’s not in power, and authoritarian as soon as it is.”

    The left is no more monolithic than any other group of human beings.

    Whether one’s goal is to defeat them, or merely to advance one’s own cause, it is imperative to appreciate the divisions – in the first case to divide and conquer, in the latter to identify potential alliances.

  118. Ras Al Ghul says:

    “How you win is as important, or more so, than winning.”

    If it is the extermination of your life, how you survive is unimportant.

    If it is preventing the destruction of your children, how you win is unimportant

    If it is the destruction of your people, how you win is unimportant

    If it is the destruction if your religion, how you win is unimportant.

    If someone is actively trying to destroy you, there is no “better way” of doing things.

    You crush them utterly and for good measure you destroy everything they hold dear as an object lesson to anyone else that has designs against you.

    Defending yourself and you kith and kin and using every tool at your disposal is not Machiavellian its just common sense.

    This modern idea of conflating everything to being Machiavellian is just the enemies way of making sure they are allowed to do everything, and their enemies can’t.

    If the west or it remnants wants to survive, it would be wise to remember Rome’s attitude toward its enemies.

    “Carthago delenda est”

  119. The left is no more monolithic than any other group of human beings.

    So NALALT? Of course not. But individuals don’t take power, groups do. If a leftist movement achieves power, it will be authoritarian, because its end goals will only be achieveable through that level of control.

  120. JF says:


    “I can’t see how this could be accomplished even with government oversight/authority.”

    That’s exactly what most people used to say about Napster. Then look what happened.

  121. KP says:

    The left is no more monolithic…

    Yes, but so what? All the various fractious groups are universally authoritarian, are they not?

  122. desiderian says:

    “Yes, but so what? All the various fractious groups are universally authoritarian, are they not?”

    Not close. Read any #gamergate thread. Menshavik was just as Left as Bolshevik, indeed more. Marx wasn’t working class; he didn’t work a day in his life, and neither was Lenin. Stalin was bandit/gangster class.

    Bullies, authoritarians, totalitarians are attracted to power, whoever is in power. Cail’s right that this is more of a problem for the Left in power (and thus all of us) because they lack the wherewithal to resist being dominated by those types, to tell friend from foe. See Haidt. It’s akin to being color-blind, or morally retarded.

    As “conservatives”, especially within the church, show more and more signs of the same disease, it becomes imperative to distinguish between those lacking anti-bodies and the disease itself, between prey and predator.

  123. desiderian says:


    “So NALALT?”

    No, NAxALT is about letting the exception cancel group characteristics. It is known fact that in any group there are a few influencers and many followers. It is easier to defeat, or at least neutralize, a few than many.

    “If a leftist movement achieves power, it will be authoritarian, because its end goals will only be achieveable through that level of control.”

    Taking power and achieving end goals are two separate things. True authority can only flow from creating (authoring) that of lasting value. Evil is incapable of creation, thus its authority inevitably decays. Memory of its bullshit creates fertile soil in which new seeds can be planted.

  124. Anonymous Reader says:

    The left is no more monolithic than any other group of human beings.

    That’s true, but really not relevant in the longer term. The Bolshevik coup d’etat that overthrew the Constitutional Democrat government of Russia was supported by a large coalition of leftists – Socialist Revolutionaires, anarchists, rural socialists, and so forth. Once the Social Democrats had secured control, and the civil war against Imperial forces ended, the Bolsheviks convinced the other factions (specifically including the Minshiveks) to suppress the anarchists as a danger to the Soviet Union. Then came the turn of the Ukranian and other slightly-better-off farmers, aka “Kulaks”, followed by the rural socialists who didn’t care for the Bolsheviks [1]. Later on the Minshiveks were found to be not pure enough in their Socialism. By 1932 much of the coalition outside of the Bolshevik wing of the SD’s that had overthrown government in 1917 was either in prison, in hiding, or in a grave.

    And then the real purges began.

    Time after time after time, from the French revolution of the 1790’s on, we see the left acting as a monolith in order to overthrow others, suppress others, even kill others. Then the falling out among thieves begins, and those who once called each other “comrade” begin lethal infighting that truly deserves the term “Machiavellian”, as competition sets in to prove who is the purest and bestest Communist. It happened in China. It happened in Cambodia. It happened in Viet Nam. It happened and continues to happen in North Korea.

    Leftists are not a monolith, but they certainly do act like one until they get hold of unlimited power.

  125. Anonymous Reader says:

    [1] Forgot the footnote. Rural anarchist / socialist groups in the Ukraine under Nestor Mahkno opposed the former Imperial forces, Ukranian nationalist forces, Germans and both allied with and fought against the city-slicker Bolshevik Reds. Once the Soviets gained more or less control of the core of the USSR in 1921, they immediately attacked and ultimately destroyed the rural anarchists. There is a book I keep meaning to get called The Badgers written in 1924, translated in 1948 or so about the rural civil war.

    The point being, to outsiders the Left is a monolith. The fact that they eat their own later on is not so interesting.

  126. BradA says:


    I played WoW very intensely for a few years, but finally gave it up because they made alts such a pain. (And I realized the monthly cost is ludicrous.) I noticed the “power women” theme a lot there, with regular complaints in the forums that they didn’t have enough strong women.

    I never was one of the l33t though as I was a builder and wanted something fun to pass the time, not the hardest challenge I could possibly do with lots of failure along the way.

    I have noticed the trend to use the female pronoun in board game rules now as well. I frequently see female examples used, almost to the exclusion of males. It is ironic and somewhat annoying that they have scrapped “the patriarchy” with “the matriarchy” as if that was better. Lots of idiots making games of all kinds.

    Getting more women into games has been a meme for longer than many current players have been alive. I remember it being heavily pushed when I was on the edges of the game business in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The fact that the same message is ongoing tells me it is not as successful as they want.

    (I am playing Marvel Heroes now, though it has its own load of feminist memes, though the humor pokes fun at some things as well. Less magical stuff to be disconcerted about as well.)

  127. BradA says:


    > I have not, but the androsphere has had a ton of articles over the years about WHY and HOW a father should not allow his daughter to become a ‘feminist’.

    I would think it would be priority #1 for a red-pill man with a daughter.<

    It is one thing to talk about raising a daughter and a completely different thing to actually do it. Lots of people have great advice and may have even been fortunate enough for it to have worked, but that doesn't mean they really know all they claim.

    Our children did come with a few years exposure to a very dysfunctional base (birth family), so we had a harder hill, but today's society also works against any strong fatherly guidance, so I can see how a child can easily go off the rails in spite of a good upbringing. My youngest daughter is ruining her life and that of her 2 children right now. A horrid thing to watch.

  128. Anonymous Reader says:

    Menshavik was just as Left as Bolshevik, indeed more. Marx wasn’t working class; he didn’t work a day in his life, and neither was Lenin. Stalin was bandit/gangster class.

    How much difference did any of this make to, say, a Minshevik or an Old Bolshevik down in the celler of the Lyubianka? How much difference to a peasant whether in Byelorussia, Ukraine or
    anywhere else? Herded into a ditch at bayonet point and machinegunned .. doesn’t matter the ideology of the machinegunner, does it?

    Bullies, authoritarians, totalitarians are attracted to power, whoever is in power.

    Leftism is all about unlimited, unconstrained power. So what does that tell you?

    Suggest that you read Koestler’s novel Darkness at Noon. Good intentions don’t mean spit.

  129. desiderian says:

    “Suggest that you read Koestler’s novel Darkness at Noon.”

    I have. I mean to prevent that happening here.

  130. desiderian says:

    “Time after time after time, from the French revolution of the 1790’s on, we see the left acting as a monolith in order to overthrow others, suppress others, even kill others. Then the falling out among thieves begins, and those who once called each other “comrade” begin lethal infighting that truly deserves the term “Machiavellian”, as competition sets in to prove who is the purest and bestest Communist.”

    That is why it is essential to encourage the falling out now, before they have the power to openly kill. None of this is inevitable. Not all societies have fallen to totalitarian despotism, indeed only a few have.

  131. SirHamster says:

    The reason I ask it that it seems to me that #gamergate has legs, and the guys of this generation don’t buy into the “Girls are wonderful” trope, but they have been taught from the cradle that women are as capable as men. I can only attribute that to the fact that childhood and early adulthood doesn’t involve nearly as much physicality as it used to, and to the extent that females do athletics they don’t compete directly against males, although they get the same awards…

    I can say that I didn’t really understand this until around the end of my college years. Sad, but minimal interaction with females, obsession with video gaming and computing, coupled with progressive public education, obscures that aspect of reality.

    Even now, I still have a sweet spot for the cute female warrior in plate, though I prefer the modest designs over the boob-plate.

    Ex: http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Amelia

  132. Exfernal says:

    Two of the three examples of the boob-plate here (King’s Bounty: Armored Princess) don’t look too bad. Still better that the costume of Xena in that silly TV series.

  133. Farm Boy says:

    Leftism is all about unlimited, unconstrained power. So what does that tell you?

    It tells me that for their system to “work”, this is one of the requirements.

    What does that tell you?

  134. James K says:

    I said:
    Sorry guys, this battle is already lost.


    You believe that because you think the battleground is the media. It’s not.

    The media are an important part of the battleground whether we like it or not, because they determine what people find out, and (among other influences) how they make decisions and vote.

    An example of why the media narrative is important:


    15 years later, the SJW media finally realise that this was not a hate crime, but an attempted robbery fuelled by crystal meth. During those 15 years, untold damage was done through legislation and the demonisation of imaginary homophobes.

    Feminists pick battles that they think they can win, and their “Plan B” is that if they can’t win, they’ll try to make us look like a bunch of pricks, which means they win on the media front.

    The “male space” of game development is an easy target for feminists because it is so easy to provoke some gamers into anti-social behaviour, and this guarantees feminists victory using their “Plan B”.

  135. James, the ‘trial by media’ has always been a lost battlefront. That’s why none of us fight it. Agree and amplify, let them pass their ridiculous laws, let them destroy gaming and every last vestige of male refuge. The quicker it is done, the quicker they will eat their own and be put down when the consequences of the chaos they unleashed falls upon them.

    Agree and amplify!

    And James, you are a prick, embrace it!

  136. SirHamster says:

    Two of the three examples of the boob-plate here (King’s Bounty: Armored Princess) don’t look too bad. Still better that the costume of Xena in that silly TV series.

    Part of it is that I like modesty in dress. (hidden > bared)

    I also like versimilitude of effective armor. Amelia’s 3rd armor design doesn’t even cover the middle section! Must be magical. = P

  137. Gunner Q says:

    “15 years later, the SJW media finally realise that this was not a hate crime,”

    No, the SJW media was finally forced to admit they carefully and systematically lied about it being a hate crime in order to forward their misandrist, antiChristian agendas. Journalists are happy to spread lies so long as there’s a practical benefit.

    This makes them a faction in the war between good and evil, not a battleground.

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  139. Larry J says:

    IMO, there are at least a couple factors in play in regards to SJWs and video games. One is money. Video gaming is a big business with sales actually exceeding Hollywood. There’s no way that any liberal wants to let billions of dollars flow without trying to get some for themselves. With money comes power. Another factor is influence. Liberals in general and women in particular already dominate most of mass entertainment and virtually all of education, especially at the K-12 levels. Serious gamers spend many hours each week immersed in their games instead of watching liberal-dominated movies and TV shows. Many of the games feature concepts like competition and warfare – things that liberals don’t like. By inserting their influence into the games, liberals and SJWs will try to influence the minds of gamers in the same manner as liberal teachers try to indoctrinate their students.

  140. HawkandRock says:

    “Better get her while she’s young. Worn out, post carousel wall hitting women will never bring you anything but complaints, sex being withheld once you’re married, and divorce rape because they’re unhaaaaapy.”

    Truth. In fact, she doesn’t even have to be “worn out”, or have ridden the “carousel”, she just has to have had more than two or so sexual partners before you to significantly decrease her ability to bond with you. If they are doing it ‘right’ according to the FI playbook, women get married in their late 20’s at the earliest. By the time she has reached that age, 10-15 sexual partners is a very conservative average. And we’re not talking vanilla missionary with the lights out anymore. In the age of internet porn and the player, you can be certain she’s done some nasty things with some nasty boys.

    Making yourself subject to the current U.S. marriage laws for a woman like that? Completely crazy. There is just no other way to say it. It’s insane. Do. NOT. Do. It. EVER.

  141. honordads says:

    Yep. Nailed it. Gen 3:16

  142. @HawkandRock

    Palimony laws and Yes Means Yes laws will gradually make having a marriage licence or not irrelevant. In essence, we are witnessing a return of common law marriage (already complete in Australia, Canada, and Washington State) along with a presumption of lack of consent to sex by a wife (already complete on any college campus in California).

    A man who marries a woman with a partner count of 1 or higher is, frankly, insane, and would be better off to choose celibacy. The concealed feminist agenda is to force men to choose only recreational fornication and eventually wall off any kind of lifestyle with commitment between man and woman. Choosing a lifestyle of fornication and adultery is to play part and parcel in this concealed agenda.

    (I would hold out an exception for women who become truly born again – turning away from sin, seeking baptism, and joining a church with follows scripture, or for a woman who is a widow. But when I say “truly born again”, I do not mean women who grow up in church, turn to a lifestyle of sin, and then suddenly have an epiphany they should follow Jesus when they turn age 30.)

  143. ATJ,

    The concealed feminist agenda is to force men to choose only recreational fornication and eventually wall off any kind of lifestyle with commitment between man and woman.

    I’d argue that the concealed feminist agenda is to deny men from having sex, period. I’d further argue this is the case because the majority of feminists…. can’t get laid. And they know it. Women want to be married (feminists in particular.) Men are proposing marriage less and less (and if you are an ugly woman, you can forget ever wearing that white gown.) So because men wont give ugly women the time of day (let alone buy them dinner), they retaliate by making it criminal for men to have sex with ANY women. Why give men any choice at all if men choose to exclude the feminist?

    When truly beautiful women start echoing the virtues of feminism, it makes my stomach lurch. Basically she has been “duped” into believing that feminism (in and of itself) is acting on her best interests. In reality, feminism is acting against her, taking away options that would normally be presented to her because of her looks.

  144. Michael says:

    “Feminism at its core is envy of men and a desire to usurp their position”

    Why did a butch Lesbian just come to mind?

  145. Michael says:

    I’m a gamer.

    My first game was Asteroids on Atari. I got it as a present for making A’s and B’s in class in first grade. Then Nintendo. Super Mario Bros and Zelda. I loved those so much. Then Sega. PS1,2,3 X-Box and and PC. Now PS4.

    So I’m a really old school gamer. Very old school. The first school ever! Asteroids. Damn. I can tell you that all these years there are just now girls who play video games. Most are in their early teens/twenties and are literally around 1%. I think it’s a positive activity for girls to be a part of.

    Online gaming is so cool. If your older you don’t have to talk to anyone yo feel like your young or a kid again. Just by virtue of listening to the conversations etc you can feel young again. It’s just really cool. I’ve recently finished up THIEF and am on Call of Duty Black Ops 2. I’m pretty good but allot of these 12 and 13 year old kids can really kick my butt! These kids just assume your in their age bracket and talk to you as such. It’s so funny!

    You know what’s interesting I remember a while ago the game development industry was falsely accused of being racist simply because the industry development staff happened to be all White and Asian. The NAACP was advocating for some kind of ‘affirmative action’ measures from the government but since gaming is a 100% private sector with few if any government contracts it sort mooted itself out.

    Um. Anyways. It would be nice to see more girls in online gaming actually. I would support this. As long as you’re getting outside experiencing life and not overdoing it, online gaming is a very positive thing to be a part of.

    By the way you should know before you buy the PS4 Sony is charging a subscription fee of $144/yr for online multi-player. So I’m boycotting it. The PS4 has half the apps of the PS3 with perhaps 10-20% of the users. So hold onto your PS3’s. They are still superior to the PS4 at this point.

    My PS4 is on the wall collecting dust.

  146. Pingback: Why women ruin everything « Jim’s Blog

  147. Lyn87 says:


    I, too, remember when Asteroids showed up at my local arcade when I was in high school and everyone was excited that actual video games seemed poised to replace the pinball games that lined the walls. (Do arcades even exist anymore?) If you were in first grade when you got your first Atari that would put you in your 40’s. No offense, but since you wrote this I have to ask…

    Online gaming is so cool. If your older you don’t have to talk to anyone yo feel like your young or a kid again. Just by virtue of listening to the conversations etc you can feel young again. It’s just really cool. I’ve recently finished up THIEF and am on Call of Duty Black Ops 2. I’m pretty good but allot of these 12 and 13 year old kids can really kick my butt! These kids just assume your in their age bracket and talk to you as such. It’s so funny!

    … other than the fact that you write in complete sentences, that is not the writing of a grown man. Like I wrote: no offense, but what gives?

  148. Exfernal says:

    Is using elliptical construction childish? Good to know, heh.

  149. Lyn87 says:

    Is using elliptical construction childish?

    No it is not.

  150. SirHamster says:

    Um. Anyways. It would be nice to see more girls in online gaming actually. I would support this.

    Have seen this sentiment so often in gaming, to say that gaming culture is misogynist requires some severe twisting of the truth.

    kids just assume your in their age bracket and talk to you as such. It’s so funny!

    … other than the fact that you write in complete sentences, that is not the writing of a grown man.

    Maybe he hangs with the kids too much. =P

    It’s pretty amusing to see the reverse, where kids want to belong with older gamers, and start getting indignant about it. “I’m mature for my age!” /tantrum

  151. JF says:

    You are spot on correct with this post.
    Eve’s Curse. But Adam gets to suffer from it at least as much as her because Adam foolishly chose what he chose as well, even though he wasn’t even deceived like she was.
    I have gained and continue a heckuva lot of knowledge from reading your blog, Dalrock, as well as the brilliant Rollo Tomassi. But everytime he starts talking about (macro) “evolutionary” reasons for why women are the way they are, i know better and i stick with the Genesis Creation account. And i am not without doing a ton of reading into that debate, either. I have studied that assiduously and the “evolution” thing is a house of cards and an emperor with no clothes.
    That said, i also bought Rollo’s book. The man is brilliant. I very much appreciate that you, Dalrock, and Rollo, respect each other despite your differences in worldview. (And i thought it was admirable as all anything that Rollo gave you kudos in the postscript in his book. You guys are both great. Thanks for waking me up about many things.)

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