Teach women not to lie about rape.

Policemag.com has story about a woman who claimed a New Mexico police officer sexually assaulted her when he arrested her for a DUI.  Fortunately for the officer he was wearing a lapel cam and the video exonerated him.  Still, you can hear the concern in his voice when life ruining charges were made against him.  This is serious business, as the president of the Albuquerque Police Department union explained:

The desire to frame officers for wrongdoing is a growing issue facing officers every day. We believe that the public should be held accountable for filing false reports against police officers. These incidents can be very damaging to an officer’s career, so we hope that this individual and others face appropriate consequences for their malicious actions.

The Blaze followed up on the same story and learned that charges won’t be filed because a false accuser of sexual assault isn’t fundamentally different than a real victim:

…despite the apparent falsehood of her sexual assault claim, police did not want to set a precedent that could discourage other potential victims of sexual assault from coming forward.

Taken at face value this suggests that women can’t tell the difference between making a false claim and making a real one.  But if women can’t tell the difference, how could we ever take any claim by women seriously?  This only makes sense when you consider what feminists are already telling us;  they don’t just want to stop real cases of rape and sexual assault, they want to create a culture where men are afraid of women.  For feminists rape isn’t about (forced) sex, it is about power.

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151 Responses to Teach women not to lie about rape.

  1. c0l0nelp0pc0rn says:

    Again we see white knights protecting women from the consequences of their actions. Protecting infantile women from growing up is only going to increase these types of incidents. The only way for men to protect themselves is to video tape all interactions they have with women.

    Maybe that’s what they want, narcissim was always a strong character trait in feminists.

  2. Pingback: Teach women not to lie about rape. | Manosphere.com

  3. donalgraeme says:

    …despite the apparent falsehood of her sexual assault claim, police did not want to set a precedent that could discourage other potential victims of sexual assault from coming forward.

    Morons. It isn’t “potential” victims of sexual assault that they should be concerned about, it is actual victims of sexual assault. \

    Punishing those who make demonstrably false reports of rape or sexual assault won’t have any effect on actual victims. This has everything to do about avoiding feminist pressure. Sickening.

  4. Anonymous age 72 says:

    The dumbest, most ignorant African plantation slave well know if Harriet Tubman came by his plantation, telling him to follow her, he should go with her to Canada.

    So, why are you smart guys still living in a sick **** society which treats men like this?

  5. earl says:

    “Taken at face value this suggests that women can’t tell the difference between making a false claim and making a real one. But if women can’t tell the difference, how could we ever take any claim by women seriously?”

    I watched the video…she slipped a cell phone into her bra, went into the bathroom asking how to get out of it and someone told her the sexual assault line. The story became premeditated. I’d like to know who told her to do this.

    Isn’t that how it usually happens. A woman is a ‘damsel in distress’…someone gives her an idea to get out and then she takes that idea and blows everything up. It really is about power…power through lies.

  6. Panzer101 says:

    My ex made numerous false allegations to the court that I abused her and our children over the course of our eight year marriage. I represented myself and demonstrated that each of her claims was false and that there was not a shred of evidence to support her claims. I demanded that the court sanction her for slandering me in order to not damage the claims of women who could actually be victims of true abuse. The result? She was granted full custody of the children, was awarded child support, and I narrowly avoided a jail sentence (now on probation) for violating the protection order for responding to a text message from her while she was in the hospital undergoing preterm labor.

    The truth is irrelevant in any false claim by a woman against a man.

  7. Cecil Henry says:

    No teaching. Enough with teaching..

    Punishment equal to the crime itself if the accuser lies is just.

    Teaching just means coddling, excusing and make work projects. Enough.

    Women know right from wrong and are responsible. IF not, they can stop voting and owing property too.

  8. Ras Al Ghul says:

    It might change when people won’t convict a man for rape ever . . .

    Although the jury system would probably be removed or changed entirely.

    It used to take four female witnesses to equal one man.

    There was a very real reason for that.

  9. honeycomb says:

    We (men) have a real problem .. re: women and our (men) actions / incentives to fraud/evil/etc in our legal system.

    You notice we (men) would’ve had charges filed. So who is the decision makers that give them (women or other minority) a free pass? [rhetorical question]

    We (a republic government) do not press charges when they under oath. We (ie republic gov) don’t file charges when they file false claims. We (ie republic gov) don’t file against accusations even when malice intent is present. And so on.

    In a republic government is this our “equal” outcome according to the law? Or does it seem we have an oligarchy? Because if we were still a republic she would be facing charges. Either women are in full capacity of their functions and responsible under the law or they are not. We are not a nation of laws if we can’t apply them to all citizens whom we grant full agency.

    My fellow American men .. how long before we rise up like the men in Athens, Tn did to their (local) government corruption?

  10. Zelcorpion says:

    Fuck their logic. Rape accusations must be legitimate – even if they cannot be proven, then it is fine to file the report. If women get a pussy pass on this, they will abuse it.

    It reminds me of a nice company strategy at a corporation I was working at. There you could recommend someone for an open position and you would be rewarded financially if they hired the person. They took recommendations seriously there. Why? Because if it did not work out with the person and he quit or got fired soon after, then you would get deducted twice the premium as a penalty for recommending the wrong person for the job. THAT is why personal recommendations there could be relied upon, because people had to be absolutely sure of their choice.

    It should be similar with rape – if a woman accuses a man, she better be sure that it is true – at least it should be word against word. If they found evidence to the contrary that she lied, then she should get severely punished with prison sentence. That would curb this “rape”-epidemic.

  11. Keith Young says:

    Here is the next step
    Now consider what might be the outcome when the resulting video is ‘photoshopped’.

  12. Wilson says:

    Related to the logic that no woman would make a false report because it’s traumatic for rape victims to go to the police. It’s the female collective mind, if any woman was ever raped, all women were, if any woman’s lie needed to be covered up, all women need their lies covered up. There is no difference between a false report and a real one because all women are the same. Of course prosecutors mirror these beliefs because they want to get elected

  13. Ironsun says:

    “The desire to frame officers for wrongdoing is a growing issue facing officers every day. We believe that the public should be held accountable for filing false reports against police officers. These incidents can be very damaging to an officer’s career, so we hope that this individual and others face appropriate consequences for their malicious actions.”

    I wonder if he means being held to the same standard that LEO was held accountable for flash banging a baby in a crib; shooting up 2 old ladies delivering newspapers, or 4 of them beating a homeless man to death?

  14. honeycomb says:

    It is MEN who are being “raped” when we chose not to prosecute women who make false / legal fraudulant claims. Not real female rape victims. If you don’t acknowledge or prosecute false charges then how can you make the case they exist? Hence the reason no rape claim will be taken any less than “real”.

    Prove me wrong!

    The fact of the matter is that this never happened. No legal decision was made to allow statistical evaluations later. I can hear it now .. “We don’t have a false rape accusation culture. All rape accusations are 100% factual and on the up and up.”

    That’s why they don’t prosecute women for false claims / accusations. Then they would have actual data on the matter. And with such data we would be forced to actually take actions due to rampant fraud by women toward men in our justice system.

    The fact we pay taxes for such (un)equal treatment begs the question. Who should we hold accountable? And what do we do about it?

  15. oblivion says:

    you know who rules this country when: numerous cops get exonerated of killing innocent civilians each year. Some of these deaths cause great public outcry. The only people cops arent immune to is feminists creating false rape accusations.you will know who your oppressor is when u figure out whom u cant criticize.

  16. Yoda says:

    Strong reaction here this creates.
    Rightly so this is.

  17. fringed says:

    “For feminists rape isn’t about (forced) sex, it is about power.”

    Precisely correct Dalrock!

  18. MFG says:

    How did things get this bad? What happened? It’s like waking up one day and there are werewolves in the living room

    I mean WTFH?!

  19. margaret59 says:

    We know the difference, trust me. We know/ sigh.

  20. Remo says:

    I always doubted the lie oft repeated that “Rape isn’t about sex – its about power!!!” To a feminist this is absolutely true. To men? No… not so much. Biology and want of sex is what drives men initially to rape, sexual attraction, except in rare cases where torture is the aim.

    What this shows is that feminists want to do to men what they’ve been accusing men of since their inception – intimidate, threaten, harass, and ultimately use power on (that is: rape) men with impunity. The big flaw in their desire is two fold:

    Firstly it requires men to enforce. Loud, monstrously obese, cat collecting, pill popping feminists do not have the muscle to enforce this. It requires young men – the same young men they want to victimize. Second they are proceeding from what C.S. Lewis would call a “good resounding lie”. They have put at their core a lie and are attempting to build a society around it. This will fail as men’s actions and motivations aren’t what they think they are.

    The likely backlash to this is exactly as our host commented: most cases of reported rape won’t be taken seriously because all but the most gruesome will be assumed to be false allegations. Police will be slow to respond, lazy about any “investigations” and will sabotage any attempts to file charges. These same police who have to deal with this crap wont want too particularly as it goes against their own interests. The most spectacular cases of false accusations will continue to get media play and the public will begin to automatically assume the woman is lying. This will do exactly the opposite of what feminists say they want i.e. give real rapists a much better chance of getting away with the crime.

    Of course all of this assumes that what feminists want is really what they are saying which in this and every other case is at odds with their actions. They aren’t this stupid afterall. These undesirable WANT rape to be about power because if it is then the surfeit of men seeking to rape them doesn’t mean they are disgusting, ugly, butt faced pigs. Too bad the reality of the situation is otherwise.

  21. minuteman says:

    There is a very good reason why women were not allowed to vote at the beginning of democracy. People knew that women had more in common with children than with rational adults. The state of the republic now is directly related to allowing women to vote.

  22. Yoda says:

    I always doubted the lie oft repeated that “Rape isn’t about sex – its about power!!!” To a feminist this is absolutely true. To men? No… not so much.

    Projection the part of women this is.

  23. JDG says:

    Taken at face value this suggests that women can’t tell the difference between making a false claim and making a real one. But if women can’t tell the difference, how could we ever take any claim by women seriously?

    I do take it at face value, and I don’t take the claims of women (or most anything else they say) very seriously, except when it can produce fallout from ignorant feminists who hold sway over liberty destroying forces. When this is the case, I don’t take what they say as factual, but I do take seriously the possible damage they can do with their misrepresentations and lies.

    If only we could repeal the 19th amendment, end welfare for baby mamas, take away default female custody of children, and along with it, remove child support. What short of WW III could make this happen?

  24. Farm Boy says:

    “Shouldn’t you be more worried about preventing Rotherham-type tragedies in the future?”

    Perhaps they should be worried more about the future of the Western economies.

    Silly women

  25. JDG says:

    Women know right from wrong and are responsible. IF not, they can stop voting and owing property too.

    I would amend the above to “Women know right from wrong and could be responsible if they were trained properly when young and held accountable as adults..Nevertheless, even when responsible they need to stop voting, because women don’t think or prioritize like men do.”

  26. Farm Boy says:

    Women know right from wrong and could be responsible if they were trained properly when young

    Those would be my sisters. It did once happen. Where did we go wrong?

  27. apollohaan says:

    @anonymous aged 72 … if I recall correctly Harriet Tubman was quoted as saying something to the effect of “I could have freed many more if only I could have convinced them that they were slaves”

  28. Artisanal Toad says:

    Things may be changing. I ran across a link to this of TheFirearmsBog, but Marissa Alexander thought she and her female attorney could play the V-card and win. She passed on a 3-year plea and opted for a jury. She got the automatic 20 years on conviction and the jury only took 12 minutes to convict.

    Granted, this wasn’t a family court, but at least its a move in the right direction.

    Takeaway points:

    – The man wasn’t arrested.
    – The man wasn’t charged.
    – The woman was charged and convicted

    Note she played the standard “I was abused” card. Didn’t work. It wasn’t a warning shot, she was trying to shoot him. File this under crazy women.

  29. Farm Boy says:

    could play the V-card and win

    When I was a child, I was taught that girls were made of “sugar and spice and everything nice”. I do believe that the view of women with respect to the public in general is changing slowly. Once lost, it will be really difficult for women to regain.

  30. Dave says:

    Rape happens because men desperately need sex, and many lack the skills to procure it by non-violent means. This does not justify rape, any more than the need of shelter gives a homeless person the right to squat in your house.

    But feminism is a form of Marxism, and Marx said “to each according to his needs”. Feminism forces men to give women what they need (alimony, child support, high taxes on male wages, welfare benefits for women), but to avoid the inverse (women forced to give men sex), feminists must deny that rape has anything to do with sex, and portray men as monsters for even thinking about sex.

  31. Artisanal Toad says:

    A new thought… In questioning whether a woman is fit for marriage, do you trust her with a gun? Do you trust her with a CCW? If we issue CCW’s to women, then women have agency because as a society we trust them with the tools to commit mayhem. How far removed is a false rape accusation from a real, live shooting where the victim lives? Why do we hold one accountable and one not? In this case, the system worked and a batshit crazy woman will do serious hard time for being an out of control batshit crazy witch.

    Loyalty test. Want to know how she really *feels* about you? Draw your weapon and point it in her direction, but not exactly at her. Does she turn to see what’s behind her or flip out because she thinks you’re threatening HER? (I DO NOT recommend anyone do this, but from a philosophical point of view, her reaction in such a situation will speak volumes about your real relationship.)

  32. Boxer says:

    I do believe that the view of women with respect to the public in general is changing slowly. Once lost, it will be really difficult for women to regain.

    The smart sociology nerds sometimes call this “social credit” (as opposed to “social capital” which men have earned through their contributions). Despite the source (a bunch of goony intellectuals), there really is something to this. Women as a class once enjoyed tremendous social advantages — most notably the ability to coast through life without working — which are currently disappearing. Much of the feminist squealing, and the female anti-feminism too, is about the changing social landscape which is morphing in front of women’s eyes.

    The feminist squealers instinctively double down and scrape absolute insanity with their high octane hatred, not because things have always been bad, but because they want the good old days (when they could eat their cake and have it) back. The upsurge of anti-feminist chicks represent women who pine for the days when they would be guaranteed to get a good dude to let them float through life without working. Both the feminists and the “women against feminism” are working toward the same ends, in other words.

  33. Maunalani says:

    Under the common law, it used to be considered “slander per se” if a false statement was made about someone’s sexual behavior. Which meant that if the statement was made, damage to the person’s reputation was presumed and money had to be paid if the statement was demonstrated to be false. Back then the situation usually arose when persons were falsely claimed to be homosexual, or for a woman, if she were claimed to be unchaste, but certainly the concept ought still to apply in situations like this.

  34. greyghost says:

    Women behave as they do because they can. Female nature is childishly self interest based the complete lack of empathy and the ability to rationalize and lie guilt free is what it looks like . The failure to “kick a woman’s ass” for bad behavior is easily the reason for it. The constant desire to see women as these pure an innocent virtuous creatures is stupid and irresponsible and the police are screwing up big time on this one. This romantic obsession with “goodness” of women at all cost has destroyed the Christian church and is well on the way to destroying civilization as a whole. Women whether consciously or not don’t have a moral compass. If it benefits them is good. If you don’t punish them for it is ok. The total aversion to responsibility allows a woman to feel and think that it is your fault for not stopping them. The feminist will continue with the “we don’t want woman to be afraid to come forward “shit until some one says no and kicks their ass. We will be amazed at how strong and courageous women become. Women will become everything currently projected onto them as natural as a matter of wicked selfish interest. And that will be fine by me.

  35. BrainyOne says:

    I just learned, over the past two weeks, that two of my own (underage) daughters were victims of sexual assault. This is a parent’s worst nightmare. The perp is charged with numerous felonies and it looks like his sentence will go well into double digits, and such sentence is well deserved.

    But people like this twit make me angry too. A previous poster is correct, it’s people like this twit that make real rape allegations less believable, or makes juries less likely to convict. So, as a parent of two victims, I want this twit punished, severely. I would really like to know if any victim or relative of a victim feels any differently. I highly doubt it. Letting people like this get away with it does not help, but rather perverts, the course of justice for real victims.

    OTOH, the whole thing is on video and will go viral on YouTube. She will be punished, after a fashion, for no employer will ever hire her, given the obvious liability of a false sexual harassment allegation and lawsuit.

  36. “police did not want to set a precedent that could discourage other potential victims of sexual assault from coming forward”

    That makes sense. When we made it illegal to pretend to be a police officer, people stopped wanting to be police officers. When we made it illegal to lie under oath, people stopped testifying in court. And when we made it illegal to trespass on other people’s property, Americans gave up on the notion of private property entirely and moved to communes.

  37. “Related to the logic that no woman would make a false report because it’s traumatic for rape victims to go to the police”

    I can imagine that it is traumatic for a rape victim to report and review her rape, but unless she has the memory centrer of her brain removed she has to do that eventually so why not do it with a police detective? But how is making a false claim to someone a traumatic experience? Watch:

    I was raped by Darth Vader, lord of the Sith, yesterday!

    That wasn’t difficult at all.

  38. Dan says:

    There are two issues involved in this particular instance. One is the notion that willfully falsifying rape charges is NOT a crime and the person doing so should not be punished. That is unacceptable. The second issue being the fact that this involves LEO….. a group that since the advent and proliferation of cheap video recording devices has been proven to be just as much the liar as the people in the false rape camp. Kind of hard to pick a victim in this instance…perhaps it’s more a case of two criminal mindsets crossing paths.

  39. Artisanal Toad says:

    I suspect he has a large helmet to compensate for other inadequacies, so it probably didn’t hurt much, sorry you got captured… but…. Quityerbitchin. Survive, Evade. Resist. Escape. Live to fight another day. Get off that deathstar and find a way to send a proton torpedo into the core. May the force be with you.

  40. honeycomb says:

    AT .. it sounds like the force was with(in) him all right .. 😉


    Now back to our escape and evade [SERE] plan to escape this death star (sic).

  41. feeriker says:

    Dan says:October 25, 2014 at 9:44 pm


    While I’m all for punishing false rape accusations to the fullest extent of the law, I can’t muster up any sympathy for the “victim” in this case. This is someone who has undoubtedly done considerably more depraved things to innocent people, or at a minimum stood by looking the other way while his fellow thugs-in-blue have done so. “The Blue Wall” and all that.

  42. margaret59 says:

    If you had any evidence whatsoever, that this officer has done anything such as you claim, then fine. Otherwise, convicting him because other officers are jerks is totally idiotic. This woman should be charged for a false accusation. Throw the book at her.

  43. Drew says:

    Deuteronomy 19:16-19
    If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong; then both the men, between whom the controversy is, shall stand before the Lord, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days; and the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, if the witness be a false witness, and hath testified falsely against his brother; then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his brother: so shalt thou put the evil away from among you.

  44. feeriker says:


    I never said she shouldn’t have the book thrown at her. I merely said that I have no sympathy for the cop. Two different things altogether. I’ll start empathizing with cops when they collectively stop treating us collectively like enemy combatants.

  45. margaret59 says:

    As a group, feeriker, I don’t disagree. But, I don’t think even most cops are like that. I could be wrong, of course. This particular cop treated her very respectfully. So, unless I have a reason to think he, personally, is a jackass, I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. YMMV, of course.

  46. Don Quixote says:

    Dan says:
    October 25, 2014 at 9:44 pm

    There are two issues involved in this particular instance. One is the notion that willfully falsifying rape charges is NOT a crime and the person doing so should not be punished. That is unacceptable. The second issue being the fact that this involves LEO….. a group that since the advent and proliferation of cheap video recording devices has been proven to be just as much the liar as the people in the false rape camp. Kind of hard to pick a victim in this instance…perhaps it’s more a case of two criminal mindsets crossing paths.

    Not hard at all.
    The false accuser is the baddie. And the accused is the victim. Let truth be your guide in any situation and you won’t have trouble spotting the victim.

  47. Spike says:

    “No difference between a false report and a real one”????!!!!
    A false report doesn’t have any victims, and it has an accused. That accused person in this case can have his life ruined.
    Not only that, false rape reports harm women, for when many (up to 40%) are found to be false, then women reporting real rapes aren’t believed.
    It beggars belief that feminists can defend this.
    The ONLY decent thing to do for lawmakers is to throw the book at such troublemakers.

  48. Splashman says:

    “Teach women not to lie about rape.”

    Yeah, that’ll happen. Right after they learn not to frivorce.

    Women will only “learn” not to lie about rape when they believe they will suffer serious harm for doing so. I will give Dalrock the benefit of the doubt and assume that’s what he had in mind with the title of his post.

  49. MarcusD says:


    Am I Crazy?

    Regret over “firsts” (Xantippe: I personally think that wanting to save a first kiss for marriage is dumb and dangerous.)

  50. When did everyone here start getting the irrational idea that women are moral agents? You know that they aren’t. These types of antics (false rape accusations and not being held accountable for them) are what we have grown to expect of them.

  51. Splashman says:

    IBB, when did “everyone” here start getting the irrational idea that women are not moral agents?

    Seriously, do you believe that?

  52. greyghost says:

    Women will only “learn” not to lie about rape when they believe they will suffer serious harm for doing so.

    This is absolutely right.. Women are not naturally moral agents. That is something they will assume if it is in there best interest. That is the purpose of an organized civil society. to keep that sort of thing in check and ensure that virtue and morality are the behaviors of the most successful, respected and comfortable. Men on the other hand the 80% are the chumps and nice guys and allow themselves to project moral agency Will make the Christian church the churchian church just to be fair and accommodating.

  53. Splashman says:

    GG, if you really believe what you wrote, then read the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-10, then explain to me how God did not believe Sapphira had moral agency. (After that, do the same with every NT instruction directly to women.)

    Honestly, these attempts to paint women as sub-human (or at least a lower form of life than men) are pathetic. In the aggregate, both men and women respond to incentives (pos & neg), but that doesn’t change the fact that from the beginning, God has given every individual of both sexes the knowledge of right and wrong, and the ability to base their actions on that knowledge.

  54. earl says:

    “These types of antics (false rape accusations and not being held accountable for them) are what we have grown to expect of them.”

    Women not being held accountable for their actions has more to do with men not having a sense of justice. Bearing false witness against a neighbor is against one of the commandments.

    Women are moral agents…they are weaker moral agents than men. But to say they aren’t moral agents is the basis for every white knight rationalization.

  55. earl says:

    Besides if women didn’t have moral agency…Eve would still be in the garden and Adam would have got all the curses.

  56. Splashman says:

    Earl, “Women are moral agents…they are weaker moral agents than men.”

    I don’t currently agree with that qualifier, but I’m open to being convinced. Convince me.

    First, though, give me your working definition of moral agency (or a moral agent). Mine is included in my previous comment.

  57. earl says:

    “GG, if you really believe what you wrote, then read the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-10, then explain to me how God did not believe Sapphira had moral agency. (After that, do the same with every NT instruction directly to women.)”

    Or Lot’s wife turning to salt.


  58. earl says:

    “First, though, give me your working definition of moral agency (or a moral agent). Mine is included in my previous comment.”

    Is it this?

    “God has given every individual of both sexes the knowledge of right and wrong, and the ability to base their actions on that knowledge.”

    Because that is what I would call it.

    I say women are weaker moral agents because not only do they need God given knowledge…they also need it from men.

  59. greyghost says:

    I believe what I wrote. And will add women are fully capable of agency but they have to be held to it. They won’t just do it on their own out of a sense of duty or honor. At this place it must be understood. Our roles here is to make it in all’s best interest to behave with moral agency. The folly of the topic of the article was and is to assume a natural morality of women. That is a lie.
    I do fully believe and understand what I wrote.

  60. earl says:

    Well everyone is capable of moral agency…and have to be held to it. Women and children twice as much as men generally speaking.

    What we got now is people who are trying to hold it are being punished by the state and people who perform evil acts are rewarded by the state by getting away with it. Just because this is the situation doesn’t mean people have all of a sudden lost moral agency. They can still choose good or evil.

  61. Snowy says:

    It’s enough to make a man very, very angry. False accusation of a crime is itself not a crime? I’m so f**king angry.

  62. Splashman says:

    Earl, yep, that’s my definition (and, I believe, the most common definition).

    I say women are weaker moral agents because not only do they need God given knowledge…they also need it from men.

    Is a 2nd lieutenant a weaker moral agent than a 1st lieutenant?

    (Please keep in mind, I’m not trolling. If I were sure of myself, I’d say so. I just haven’t seen any compelling arguments yet. So this question is just to get the conversation moving.)

  63. Splashman says:

    GG, you re-stated what you believe, but gave no supporting arguments, and you didn’t respond to my request to explain away a very clear biblical anecdote which refutes your position.

    (Of course, if you don’t assign veracity to the Bible, that’s fine — just let me know so I won’t waste your time or mine arguing.)

  64. earl says:

    Just to add…women need this moral agency from the men they are under authority from. That would be fathers over daughters and husbands over wives.

    Women can certainly take my moral advice to them with a grain of salt even when I back it up with what God says…a common response I hear to it is “you are not my dad (or husband).” So they know the chain o command.

  65. Splashman says:

    Earl, as you may know, this is the usual scripture used to support the notion of weaker moral agency in women:

    1 Peter 3:7 Husbands, in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner [weaker vessel in some versions] and as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing will hinder your prayers.

    Some biblical scholars argue that “weaker” refers only to physical strength. Throughout history, and certainly including the NT era, men were generally not shy about using physical strength to keep their wives in line, so this verse could simply be a call for Godly husbands to act less brutishly than the culture allowed. Of course, many other scholars argue that “weaker” does in fact refer to weaker moral agency.

    I lean toward the latter. The fact that the serpent targeted Eve (not Adam) is a telling sign. And given that God assigned wives the subordinate role, it makes sense that he might also give them weaker moral agency, so that they would be more easily molded into a good helper. Based on my (obviously limited) experience, it sure seems like women in general are more likely to wander here and there morally, based on whatever seemingly authoritative person they heard most recently.

    That being said, I would like very much to discover more definitive scholarship on the subject before I form a strong opinion. There is a lot of good stuff out there on the Intertubes, but digging it out from underneath the steaming mountain of crap can be time-consuming.

  66. earl says:

    “It sure seems like women in general are more likely to wander here and there morally, based on whatever seemingly authoritative person they heard most recently.”

    This has been my experience too. I’d say off of appearances in the present day the state is the most authoritative figure out there.

    The state isn’t just about usurping your money…it also usurps men’s authority over their wives and children. While I think most astute men have an idea on the bubblish type of power the state has, women by and large only see the appearance and right now the lion share of them see the state as the bigger authority than the church or men. Therefore the state is also the leading factor when it comes morality and gives a list of tactics to women on how to strip a man of power. So in a way it is kind of funny to see a woman using those tactics on a man who is employed by the state.

  67. Splashman says:

    Earl, are you familiar with r/K selection theory, as it applies to human psychology? About a month ago I saw this 40min video, in which Bill Whittle talks about the theory and how much it has affected his view of the world around him. The theory made a lot of sense to me, so I ordered the book which the theory came from, and received it a few days ago. Fascinating stuff, especially when one makes the connection to feminist thinking and government collusion which enables it. R-type thinking from first to last.

    Anyway, I highly recommend that video to everyone.

  68. earl says:

    Yes…from what I’ve read r selection is more rabbit thinking or all about base human functions and I believe K selection is more wolf like and higher level thinking.

  69. Yoda says:

    I was raped by Darth Vader, lord of the Sith, yesterday!

    The farce strong it is.

  70. feeriker says:

    Women will only “learn” not to lie about rape when they believe they will suffer serious harm for doing so.

    I can imagine some “primitive” society in which a woman who is found guilty of falsely accusing a man of rape is sentenced to experience the real thing as punishment. Administer just one or two such sentences and false rape accusations would quickly become as rare as actual acts of rape.

  71. earl says:

    I agree on giving the same sentence for a false rape charge. Letting women off the hook for their lies will only make it harder for women who are really raped to come forward. People can only cry wolf so much before everyone stops believing it.

  72. Anonymous Reader says:

    Men need to take notice of this case and others just like it. At the old False Rape Society there were far too many cases on record, with cites to legal documents, where some woman got into an embarassing situation and cried “RAPE!” to get out of it. Whether regretting a sexual encounter, or getting arrested for drunk driving, a false accusation of sexual misconduct as a “get out of trouble” card is all too common.

    The police officer was in a much stronger position with regard to the law than any ordinary man would be and he still was at risk. What protected him was not the law, nor was it his uniform, but those plus a body camera. Have we seen this enough, yet, to figure it out? The case in NYC where a young woman willingly had group sex with multiple men, then afterwards called it rape, recall that? Where the only thing that saved those foolish men from prosecution was a cell phone recording comes to mind. Sure, those young men were in a stupid group arguably in a stupid place doing a stupid thing, but it was video with audio that saved them from prison.

    Body cameras are not just for cops, not just for PUA’s out on the prowl. Any man who interacts with any woman in a situation where he might be falsely accused of rape or other sexual misconduct clearly needs to consider the option of a discreet bodycam. Yes, that means men will have to be more guarded with women, treating them as potential liars.

    Whose fault is that? Hm? NAWALT me all you want, the facts are not changed: the risk to a man of a false rape accusation is huge, the price paid by a woman for a false rape accusation is generally zero, therefore we can expect more, not less of the bad behavior. Men should prepare accordingly.

  73. Tam the Bam says:

    Of course, here on Airstrip One we enjoy a far more enlightened approach to obtaining a conviction after a fair trial. The charges are simply re-examined again and again, until the Correct Result is obtained.
    The same technique that’s employed in any Euro plebiscite.

    Local plod, in’t’North, had been foolishly using their common sense in rape accusations as to the likelihood of obtaining a verdict, and had “no-crimed” any bullsh1tters, drunkards and loonies.
    Naturally the “suspect” officers get disciplined
    ““Those who are within the Rape Investigation Team have been moved to other teams as a temporary measure to ensure professional standards are maintained.
    “This does not necessarily mean they are guilty of serious issues. This is entirely dependent on the findings of the investigation.”

    Why, since you didn’t ask, both the so-called ‘Police and Crime Commissioner’ (govt. czar) and the Top Cop are female now. Quelle surprise.
    The rules were specifically “bent” to enable the Top Cop to succeed to the post against strict Gov’t. rules (“Forces are traditionally banned from allowing one person to hold a succession of top jobs leading up to the chief constable position, in a move intended to prevent officers building up too strong a power base”) ostensibly as a result of her “hard work”.
    Too hard for her, it seems. This muppet was in charge of the darkly hilarious manhunt for Raoul “Moaty” Moat, among other things.

    .. police have not prosecuted any women for making a false allegations of rape during the past three years.
    “While not diminishing the impact of a false allegation on the person accused, it is only when there is substantial grounds that the actions of the victim has either attempted to pervert the course of justice or waste police time that action will be considered.”

    (don’t you like the way they headline the story with an actual, cut-and-dried, rapey rape with violence?)

  74. honeycomb says:

    @ AR ..
    “Whose fault is that? Hm? NAWALT me all you want, the facts are not changed: the risk to a man of a false rape accusation is huge, the price paid by a woman for a false rape accusation is generally *zero*, therefore we can expect more, not less of the bad behavior. Men should prepare accordingly.”

    “Who’s fault?” Some (minz and wimminz) have a vested interest in ensuring women have and hold the power of imprisionment over men who insist women behave to acceptable standards or are / were in positions of authority over said woman. The goal is to frustrate men into acceptance of their new social hi’arc’ee. (ie by not charging women for their fraud.)

    Again, no change in status quo will occur without overthrowing this new government of tyranny (feminism oligarchy) that has replaced our republic.

    Cameras with audio will only prevent you from going to jail. The false charges will remain, for most men, a part of your record (not hers) for the rest of your life. And since we don’t prosecute the false accuser .. no one will accept a crime against you was committed. And, to add insult to injury you will have no re-dress (ie civil court) against the smear of your reputation.

    The camera (with audio) is a good idea though. Me thinks I should buy stock in these discreet camera mnfg’s.

    Just one man and his opinion.

  75. earl says:

    Who would have thought the idea of cameras recording people to get out of a false charge…which back when this came out was funny. Is now pretty much true.


  76. Snowy says:

    The world needs more of Yoda.

  77. Farm Boy says:

    the risk to a man of a false rape accusation is huge, the price paid by a woman for a false rape accusation is generally zero,

    Mention this this to average person. What would the reaction be?

  78. Tam the Bam says:

    Farmers: “Mention this this to average person. What would the reaction be?”
    “Well everybody knows that to make an omelette, you have to break a few eggs..”

    Without exception, in my experience, unless they’re a disorderist and malcontent deviationist like me.
    The very notion of better ten innocent men hang, rather than one guilty man go free is baked into their bones.
    I’ve even had something I recall as “SO! Now you know wot is like, like, living as a wimminz like me wot has been oppressed for literally millions of years by the patriarchy .. [fuzz, bleeble, static, strange intergalactic yelping and barking noises, fading in and out like sideband stuff >>> time for a sharp exit=>oh I do declare, the pub is open, how fortunate ..]

  79. Farm Boy says:

    The very notion of better ten innocent men hang, rather than one guilty man go free is baked into their bones.

    And what is the response if this is pointed out to the average person?

  80. Snowy, I think you meant:

    Of more Yoda, the world needs, mmm?
    Rest, I must. Yes, rest…

  81. Tam the Bam says:

    “And what is the response if this is pointed out to the average person?”
    Like I said, something along the lines of “Hang them all, until only the truly innocent (moi) are left/kill ’em all let God sort them out” or “there’s no smoke without fire/ the government wouldn’t let it happen” lolzlzlollzlzl
    Yea I know, the same people insist the government wouldn’t allow a financial crash/terrorism/offshoring of their job/houseprices to fall/bird ‘flu/ebola to spread etc. etc.; you name it, it’s not even funny any more.

  82. bo jangles says:

    And they dont have a problem charging other people for false claims(you know because that would discourage normal people from making claims)? By the way police cameras are for their protection not civilians. Ive seen way too many cases of the camera or video being moved or lost after..and guess what they receive nobpunishment.

  83. Gunner Q says:

    feeriker @ October 25, 2014 at 11:09 pm:
    “I merely said that I have no sympathy for the cop.”

    You have no sympathy for a wrongly accused man? You think he deserved to face a false rape charge because some other cop somewhere in North America was a thug?

    Artisanal Toad @ October 25, 2014 at 7:52 pm:
    ‘”A new thought… In questioning whether a woman is fit for marriage, do you trust her with a gun? Do you trust her with a CCW? If we issue CCW’s to women, then women have agency because as a society we trust them with the tools to commit mayhem.”

    I once had the idea of undermining Second Amendment-violating laws by exempting women from all such laws on the grounds they need guns to protect themselves from male attackers. Once that gets (easily) enacted, file suit against those gun laws on Constitutional grounds of equal protection under the law.

    Watching feminism for the last few years has gotten me off the idea.

  84. JDG says:

    The world needs more of Yoda.

    And more sammiches… made by women!

  85. greyghost says:

    Splashman the fact that you can find in the bible female agency makes the point. Though it is not a part of the wicked selfish nature of fallen women it is a part of being a civilized person. I believe what I say because I watch what is going on right before me in the west. Female agency is assumed and not something she is held to. There for she has no need for it to thrive in western
    With a baseline of assumed agency and virtue there is none (women have no agency) When agency is required for status and love etc. in a civil society. Well agency and virtue will be near miraculously pulled out of her ass. It won’t and doesn’t come naturally (that is most likely where the weaker vessel thing comes from) but if it involves not interfering with wicked selfishness and hypergaming she is all love ,virtue and common sense. Where in the hell do you think all of this women against feminism shit coming from. I’ll give you a hint, it sure as hell isn’t coming from the knowledge of the suffering of men and children that’s for damn sure.

  86. honeycomb says:

    @FB ..

    “what do normal people think?”

    Appearently normal people don’t know or care.

    And, I am really not sure what normal is anymore. Everytime I watch these man on the street interviews .. I can’t help but think we’re toast. Everyday they “define deveance down” and the there is this radical element of our fabric that eventually will be considered “normal”.

    It ends badly.

    That radical idea is right here (below):

  87. JDG says:

    Mention this this to average person. What would the reaction be?

    The reaction would probably be a a shocked revulsion as the average person (ie: a feminist) realizes that you are not following the FI, followed by a verbal response implying that you are a bigoted misogynist.

    This of course would create the perfect opportunity to invite the feminist (if female) to go to the kitchen and make sammiches, or (if male) to grow a pair and act like a man.

  88. JDG says:

    “what do normal people think?”

    Appearently normal people don’t know or care.

    “Normal” people are feminists these days. We are not “normal”.

  89. Splashman says:

    GG, “women not having moral agency” and “women not being treated as if they had moral agency” are two very different things. You are, of course, quite correct about the latter.

    Regarding your final sentence, I’m sure you are aware that both men and women can train themselves to become indifferent to suffering. That does not negate the fact that they were given moral agency.

  90. Dave says:

    In all of this, I can see a sliver of hope. Feminism will lose in the end.
    First off, the feminists are, by and large, childless, or they reproduce late and have very few children.
    Secondly, because of their “You go girrl” mentality and insatiable desire to do too many things, there is a huge chance that their few kids will eventually be raised and much more influenced by others apart from themselves.
    Thirdly, the people having kids—significantly more kids–are the traditional families. The real Christians; the Muslims; the Catholics, and these people often train their kids early to eschew the feminists and their toxic feminism.
    Fourthly, because the feminists have gained virtually everything they wanted, and then some, there is little incentive for the younger generation to fight for feminist rights, unless the dwindling feminists create new “crimes against women”, or new “women’s rights” to be fought for. The “women against feminism” has already started and will likely get more powerful over time.
    Fifth, with the US being heavily in debt, it is only a matter of time before the economy goes belly up. That is when the massive pumping operation used to keep feminism afloat will burst.
    Sixth, with more men waking up to the feminist shenanigans every day, the days of feminist progress are numbered.

  91. greyghost says:

    Normal people are blue pill. Normal people respect women and as many here project goodness and virtue on to women with the idea that they are good and reasonable. Some one as myself would be seen by the same people as insulting and hateful of women. The only thing that makes them normal is that they are the majority or as seems to be the case the views and ideas they hold get the air play.

  92. The Brass Cat says:


    Looks like The Spearhead is down. Does anyone know if Bill archived his blog somewhere? Would be a shame to lose his writings.

  93. The Brass Cat says:

    Dave says:

    In all of this, I can see a sliver of hope. Feminism will lose in the end.
    First off, the feminists are, by and large, childless, or they reproduce late and have very few children.

    Like most Leftists, Feminists do not reproduce primarily through biology. That’s why infiltrating the school system was critical to their mission. That way one queen alien teacher can impregnate brainwash dozens of unsuspecting children every year with misandry.

  94. Dave says:

    Agreed. But with the widespread awareness of men about public school’s toxic environments, good families have several years ahead to prepare their children on how to handle them.

  95. greyghost says:

    At this point in time women don’t have moral agency. Anybody making that statement based on observations is telling the truth.
    A smart move as a foundation of conversation would be to take it from no agency and discuss ways to make it so. Base lining it from the feminine imperative isn’t working and is basically irresponsible.

  96. The Brass Cat says:

    Dave says:

    Agreed. But with the widespread awareness of men about public school’s toxic environments, good families have several years ahead to prepare their children on how to handle them.

    That’s true but it would result in the child being singled out for some illusory discipline problems. Homeschooling is another option. That puts the parents back into control (to an extent, the State is still involved somewhat). I’ve looked into it halfway seriously (no kids yet) and there’s a ton of resources available–almost too much to sort through–for Christian homeschooling. Hardly anything for secular homeschooling which makes it less feasible for me. There are also homeschooling groups on MeetUp.com so the children can have social interactions. These again were mostly Christian… and one kinda new-agey/hippyish… I try to avoid hippies as much as possible.

  97. c0l0nelp0pc0rn says:

    @The Brass Cat

    I’ve been homeschooled all my life and it’s not hard to find groups that meet up and socialize. There are also lots of resources that will point you in the right direction about what curriculum to use. The southeast homeschool expo has a lot of great speakers on the subject, and I know from first-hand experience that there is an excellent first-time homeschooling workshop. However, most of the curriculum and workshops are geared towards getting your children into a good college. Take that for what it’s worth.

  98. Teach women not to lie about rape??? You might as well teach them not to breathe!

  99. Tam the Bam says:

    Oh aye, so it is (Spearhead)
    I was just pleased to hear that Price hadn’t ended up in chokey for non-payment of the man-tax/chilimony. Maybe he’s fixing the comments and stuff, because that’s been as busted as fuck for weeks, since he upgraded his site. It’s the right sort of day for it.
    My guess it’s more likely he’s shelved it due to needing to knock his pan out at work and what with the baby .. you know, when you look at the slabs capping the low wall outside the office, maybe round the carpark, and even in October think “Ohh, so comfy and dreamy soft .. never mind the suit, just five minutes .. yehhh .. it’ll make me OK to drive home without dying or killing .. zZzzzzZZZzZZZZZZZ

  100. The Brass Cat says:

    c0l0nelp0pc0rn says:

    I’ve been homeschooled all my life and it’s not hard to find groups that meet up and socialize. … However, most of the curriculum and workshops are geared towards getting your children into a good college. Take that for what it’s worth.

    Yeah, I’m not really worried about them becoming socially awkward because there are plenty of opportunities to socialize other than at school. The social awkwardness trope sounds like a story made up to frighten people away from homeschooling.

    Getting into a good college doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me, but the real question is how that will sound two decades from now. The college education ROI is declining.

    All I know for certain is I’ll want my children to be knowledgeable and have options. My parents made college the only option so I went and had only the vaguest notion of why I was there. After graduating I spent too much time fixing that mistake. I would have been better off had I made an informed choice at the beginning.

  101. honeycomb says:

    @ Take The Red Pill ..

    Yup. I do not believe a word that any of them say .. I completely stopped about 6 years ago. I didn’t believe them before that but I had hope I would find one worthy of my trust.

    At this point I merely agree and amplify everything they say. They are left speechless .. or at least I’m gone before they figure out what just happened.

    To repeat myself from before. They’re after the internet (re: FEC internet regulating discussions) and passing laws that would make sure a blogger is not covered by the 1st Ammendment (re: who qualifies).

    Then they will think they can go back to their normal program of indoctrination without dissent (media/politics/government schools/colleges/etc).

    And we will roll-over like a well conditioned dog (ie bread and circus). Those of us that stand-up will be marched off in the cover of night to a camp for special commitment training.

    I could be wrong though. But, it seems that when we get around to building fences at our border, it will guarded by armed men keeping US (male) citizens from leaving.

    Time will tell.

  102. feeriker says:

    You have no sympathy for a wrongly accused man?

    For a wrongly accused cop, no, none whatsoever. This “man” (only by dint of possessing, presumably, a penis and two testicles) is a proud member of a gang that specializes in – delights in – falsely accusing/railroading innocent people, assuming they don’t murder them first. Unless he has publicly and prominently taken a stand against this practice (which he has not; otherwise he would have by now “accidentally” been killed in the line of duty or drummed off the force), then simple logic dictates that he’s part of the problem.

    You think he deserved to face a false rape charge because some other cop somewhere in North America was a thug?…

    “Some other cop?” (More commonly stated as “one bad apple,” the “bad apples” mysteriously being infinitely more numerous and omnipresent than the “good” ones).

  103. Yoda says:

    They’re after the internet (re: FEC internet regulating discussions) and passing laws that would make sure a blogger is not covered by the 1st Ammendment (re: who qualifies).

    Initial portion of slippery slope this is.

  104. Just Saying says:

    Teach women not to lie about rape.

    The naivete in this simple statement is amazing. Don’t you understand that “rape” for women is all about the right not to take ownership for their own actions? That is ALL that Feminism is about – women wanting the freedom to do what they want, without any repercussions or having any of it come back on them. Heck, women want to be sluts but not to ever be held accountable for it – thus the way they want “rape” to be defined. It is anything that EVER comes out into the open – so if there is a video of them sucking off 12 black guys, and she’s white – well, then it was rape, even if she was begging for it and it’s all caught on film. THAT is what rape is about – it’s part of women’s desire to never be held accountable.

    So, unless she was beaten to within an inch of her life, and 20 people (men) saw it happen – it was probably consensual. And let’s be honest, even is she was beaten – a lot of women are into that these days and they don’t want to be held accountable to that either.

    Remember the old saying, “better that a 1000 guilty men go free then 1 go to jail”? Well, that means if a woman claims rape – you have to say “Not Guilty” for the simple reason that women lie so much that they cannot tell fact from fiction… Sad – but too true these days… Most older (60+) women understand this, that’s why Prosecutors NEVER want them on a rape case…

  105. Buck says:

    As some probably know, I’ve been LE at a major Dept. for over 30 years. This sort of thing is pretty typical for all allegations against the cops….theft, excessive force, bribes, verbal abuse, you name it. Basically any shitbird can make any outrageous allegation against their arresting officer and suffer absolutely no sanction if the story is discovered to be a total fabrication. The excuse is always the same, they don’t want to discourage legitimate complainants from coming forward. My Dept now has complainants sign an affidavit with their accusation, but still, the Dept NEVER moves to prosecute even the most outrageous liars. I asked our police union why they don’t sue on behalf of wrongly accused cops (who they represent BTW, and have never received an adequate answer). I spoke to a lawyer friend about suing a story teller and he said the problem is quantifying damages. So, it goes back to the Dept,, they need to act on behalf of their officers and they refuse!
    The cop/camera thing certainly insulates cops from absurd allegations, but it also works to limit a cops ability to use discretion in a number of incidents….net result 1/10,000 cops guard against a bullshit allegation, a whole bunch of otherwise regular folks get tickets or arrested for petty crap because the cop is on film and can’t exercise the gray area of discretion they once did.

  106. Buck says:

    Oh, and not to beat a dead horse, but it is well known that shitbird lawyers instruct their clients to file false abuse allegations against the cops as a matter of course any time they are arrested. Certain black and latino churches have instructional classes on how to file false allegations against the cops, what to say, how to say it, how to dummy up evidence , fake injury etc. Many depts. now track officers with multiple misconduct allegations against them and reassign them or place the cop on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation…thus taking an aggressive cop off a crime prone beat.
    The fact is a democracy only functions properly when oaths mean something, whether that is a wedding vow or an affidavit, if liars suffer no sanction, then the whole system will callapse.

  107. Anonymous Reader says:

    Buck, even if they were prosecuted isn’t it true that knowingly filing a false complaint or report with the police is at most a misdemeanor? Max of 1 year in jail and something like $5,000 fine, both sure to be plea bargained down by any half-busy D.A.?

    False accusations of rape cost nothing. So long as a woman doesn’t actually lie under oath and commit perjury, it’s a freebie. A man’s life can be ruined – felons don’t as a rule get very good jobs anywhwere – because “women never lie about rape”, according to feminists and their White Knight sockpuppets.

  108. The Brass Cat says:

    Just Saying says:

    Don’t you understand that “rape” for women is all about the right not to take ownership for their own actions?

    “You must trust in your heart to lead the way!” — All Women

  109. Flip says:

    “So that it will be found that the fundamental fault in the character of women is that they have no “sense of justice.” This arises from their deficiency in the power of reasoning already referred to, and reflection, but is also partly due to the fact that Nature has not destined them, as the weaker sex, to be dependent on strength but on cunning; this is why they are instinctively crafty, and have an ineradicable tendency to lie. For as lions are furnished with claws and teeth, elephants with tusks, boars with fangs, bulls with horns, and the cuttlefish with its dark, inky fluid, so Nature has provided woman for her protection and defence with the faculty of dissimulation, and all the power which Nature has given to man in the form of bodily strength and reason has been conferred on woman in this form. Hence, dissimulation is innate in woman and almost as characteristic of the very stupid as of the clever. Accordingly, it is as natural for women to dissemble at every opportunity as it is for those animals to turn to their weapons when they are attacked; and they feel in doing so that in a certain measure they are only making use of their rights. Therefore a woman who is perfectly truthful and does not dissemble is perhaps an impossibility. This is why they see through dissimulation in others so easily; therefore it is not advisable to attempt it with them. From the fundamental defect that has been stated, and all that it involves, spring falseness, faithlessness, treachery, ungratefulness, and so on. In a court of justice women are more often found guilty of perjury than men. It is indeed to be generally questioned whether they should be allowed to take an oath at all.”
    -Arthur Schopenhauer

  110. MarcusD says:

    Wanting childless marriage, considering leaving Church over it.

  111. Drew says:

    This is hilarious!
    The liars that are cops.

    “As some probably know, I’ve been LE at a major Dept. for over 30 years. This sort of thing is pretty typical for all allegations against the cops….theft, excessive force, bribes, verbal abuse, you name it. Basically any shitbird can make any outrageous allegation against their arresting officer and suffer absolutely no sanction if the story is discovered to be a total fabrication. ”

    Cops are the new women.
    No accountability. Whine and bitch and moan. Kill people and get away with it.
    And they call themselves, “good christiansl”.

    Religion is a state sponsered mental illness.

  112. Dave says:


    And we will roll-over like a well conditioned dog (ie bread and circus). Those of us that stand-up will be marched off in the cover of night to a camp for special commitment training.

    The more I live in this country, the more convinced I am that there is something different about the western man. I can’t quite put my fingers on it, but it’s there, and it keeps popping up at every turn. I don’t know if that thing arose as a result of over-exposure to wealth, or to too much comfort, or something else.

    On one hand, the typical western man is very adventurous, hard working, focused, and selfless. Talking about selflessness, a friend of mine, who happens to be a doctor from Africa, called me last night, and said he felt ashamed that so far, there have been no American-based black doctors who volunteered to go help in the Ebola-riddled countries. All the people who have gone there were whites—both men and women. These people knew they could die helping the folks in Africa. Without thinking twice however, they hopped in the plane at their own expense, and went to the frontlines.
    Meanwhile, these same white men seem to be powerless against their women. For some yet unknown reason, the men have not only given up their rights, and continue to do so, once demanded by the women, they actually and thoroughly believe that there is nothing they could do to stop these women. It is a mystery to me. Seriously.

    Going back to the quote above, I wonder if the author realized that all that the women have is their power to make noise, and nothing else? The womenfolk have no physical, mental or even economic powers that rival those of men.
    Yeah, I am aware that the feminists have the government by the balls. But how did that happen? And why allow it to continue?

  113. Honeycomb says:

    @ Dave ..
    “Going back to the quote above, I wonder if the author realized that all that the women have is their power to make noise, and nothing else? The womenfolk have no physical, mental or even economic powers that rival those of men.
    Yeah, I am aware that the feminists have the government by the balls. But how did that happen? And why allow it to continue?”

    Yep (re: women can make noise).

    It doesn’t change the fact that so many Blue-Piller brethern are not on our program and DO NOT know this information. If they ALL decided to not marry another woman until this gets resolved then the ladies would change their tone and language and actions and etc. At least until they got men back to the table. We can then go back thru the last 150 years over again after the men acquiesce .. again. The laws have to be changed .. and I’d go so far to say women losing their right to vote. Complete repeal of the 19th Ammendment. But, remember it was men that gave them that right. Without being forced to sign up for selective service .. like their men counterparts. If they want to vote then they must be available for conscription and death for their country.

    It is clear I can’t speak for everyone else. But, as a MGTOW and/or confirmed bachelor I can only act as one man (ie lead by example). I leave it to other men to follow their conscience regarding women.

    In the end I think we will have men “roll-over” and take their kicking like a “good-boy”. Sad really. The condition is called “pike (in the glass) syndrome”. And, the average american man is ill educated to handle / dominate their domain. Sad really .. maybe they will come around before they shut down the internet and bloggers.

  114. Pingback: End Rape Fraud A Jena woman faces a… | Honor Dads

  115. easttexasfatboy says:

    Justice won’t be denied. If a woman falsely accuses a man of rape, and he has no redress in the courts, well, as Lennon said, “instant karma be upon you”. I can see people taking matters in their own hands.

  116. Gunner Q says:

    Dave @ 6:47 am:
    “On one hand, the typical western man is very adventurous, hard working, focused, and selfless. … Meanwhile, these same white men seem to be powerless against their women.”

    I attribute this to idealism, that is, upholding an idea well beyond the point of practical reward. It made Western expansion/colonization possible (“Let’s go on a five-year voyage with no guaranteed compensation!”), is essential for advanced civilization (“Doing this might destroy me but it’s good for society”) and opens a guy up to feminism big-time (“She’s not like that. She CAN’T be like that!”).

  117. Kiljoy says:

    In Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida, Cressida gets annoyed with herself for ‘blabbing’, giving over her power prematurely, too easily, by letting on her desire for Troilus. It is obviously the norm these days for women to be ‘blabbing’ left right and centre but their blabbing makes Cressida look angelic. They regularly consent to the defiling (I’m tempted to say rape) of virtue; as false as Cressid? Nay, far worse than that. Little wonder they lose perspective on these serious matters and are desperate to project their own failings so recklessly and destructively.

    “Hate myself for loving you”


  118. IBB, when did “everyone” here start getting the irrational idea that women are not moral agents?

    Seriously, do you believe that?

    Of course I believe that. That is the number one reason why women shouldn’t be allowed to vote. There is no moral agency there. Its just like when a desperate girl accepts a date to prom from a nerd and just 24 hours before the evening, a jock gets dumped by his gf, he asks the girl, she says “yes” without hesitation, and the nerd calls her out on her welching and that and she’ll say “…don’t get weird about this. I only said yes to you because he hadn’t have asked me yet.” And then she’ll walk off, not one of her friends giving her a hard time about what makes perfect sense to them….. men have been dealing with this complete and total lack of accountability on the part of the female gender all our lives. I can’t believe that some of you expect better behavior from women (particularly attractive ones.)

    I worked my way through college. I had a full time job the entire duration of my college existance. As a result, a had a lot more money in my pocket than the average 18,19, and 20 year old student. As a result, I had quite a few trips to Florida over those years, lots of Spring Break stories. In all of those trips, I could count on my male friends to come with if they said they would come with but I could never count on a woman, any woman to come even though she said she would, until the day of the trip. It was a sustained bet-hedging, right up until the last possible moment (probably because women are constantly looking for a better deal,) making the least possible personal investment on her part to get the absolute maximum amount of personal gain. This behavior I grew to expect of women, it was just par for the course. As I grew older it finally occurred to me that men and women just can’t be friends. We don’t look at morality, responsibility, and/or accountability in the same way. We are just designed differently. And the smart men here at Dalrocks keep harping on the use of “Game” and “Dread” to get women to submit to their husbands. There is so much truth to that.

    For women hypergamy is morality.

  119. In today’s episode of “IBB’s personality disfunction”..

    After, what seemed like weeks, IBB’s lack of patience with his wife’s constant glorification of guvment cheese n dick, he wrestles control of the computer back from her.. and in a moment of pure sanity, releases the following statement..

    …making the least possible personal investment on her part to get the absolute maximum amount of personal gain.

    Tune in next hour to find out if he can keep this state of affairs going….

  120. Jokes aside IBB, that is what makes trying to negotiate with women a losing battle. They don’t care about fairness or keeping to their word. Which, by default, makes marriage to them a no go..

    If women are given free choice, to do whatever they please, society will have to spend the rest of its time and resources keeping the unintended consequences of women’s choices from befalling them. All of the feminist angst, all of the rapey rape hysteria, all of the domestic violence and all of the Hillary Clit & co mumbo jumbo is all about removing consequences from women and placing them on men.

    It is our duty to make sure consequences stick and are permanent. We might not be able to save the current crop of socialite women, but by making them suffer the fates of their actions, the next crop of women might just be persuaded that being true to their word and honouring their vows will be more gainful to them than being a lying, slutty, career trollop…

  121. Honeycomb says:

    @ feministhater ..
    “It is our duty to make sure consequences stick and are permanent. We might not be able to save the current crop of socialite women, but by making them suffer the fates of their actions, the next crop of women might just be persuaded that being true to their word and honouring their vows will be more gainful to them than being a lying, slutty, career trollop…”

    Yep’per .. and I take pride in my job.

  122. Honeycomb says:

    And, I am always on patrol … “man battle stations” … you ladies make easy targets out of yourselves too.

  123. easttexasfatboy says:

    Just imagine if we have a long running problem with small cells of ISIS terrorists making random attacks. You see a group of feminists walking into danger. What will you do? What if you could turn around and walk away? Would it bother you if they were beheaded? Does that sound unlikely? The government believes it is likely. I’m MGTOW. I really have no interest in helping a feral female. No telling what the cost would be. I certainly couldn’t defend myself against trumped up charges in a feminist court. So, I would just turn away. Didn’t hear or see anything…..what an awful thing to happen. What is going to happen is that men have wised up. When we shrug, we hide in plain sight. We have to hide while the feminist Marxists are running things. The Soviets had to appeal to men who had been beaten and tortured by the NKVD to fight for Mother Russia. They were able to fool those men into fighting the Hitlerites. Funny thing, after the war, it was Siberia or “relocation”. That’s why I refuse to help a feminist. They hate men. Straight up. Be aware of that, Men!

  124. fh,

    If women are given free choice, to do whatever they please, society will have to spend the rest of its time and resources keeping the unintended consequences of women’s choices from befalling them.

    You might be amused by a movie that came out stright to DVD last year, called Afternoon Delight.


    In this movie, in a moment of unspeakable irrationality, a young reform, stay-at-home-Jewish mom (played by Kathryn Hahn), invites a 24 year old stripper (played by Juno Temple) to live with her and her STEM-Beta-Bux-husband and act as their live-in-nanny. Apparently, she needs a nanny for her one and only kid and no job. The stripper admits that she “moonlights” as a sex-worker (a whore.) Yes, the girl strips naked to build a customer base of horny Johns for her night work as a whore. The two of them had a dialougue that went something like this:

    (Yenta) “Do you think that maybe some of your clients are married?”

    (whore) “Oh yes I’m sure they are.”

    (Yenta) “Doesn’t that bother you?”

    (whore) “No.”

    (Yenta) “You don’t have any sisterly devotion to their wives not to sleep with their husbands?”

    (whore) “No.”

    (Yenta) “Why not?”

    (whore) “Men have a higher sex drive than women do. They need to be inside us. If their wives are not fulfilling their husband’s needs, that is why I have to step in!”

    (Yenta, in silence, with a look of complete terror and realization across her face)

    In the very next scene, you see the Jewish mom hoping up and down on top of her husbands dick. It was beautiful. It was almost Biblical. The writing and acting was perfect. I never saw a more perfectly dramatized scene involving “Dread” than in that moment of that movie. I wouldn’t have picked up on the “Dread” had it not been for these boards.

    Point is this fh, these two women are NOT moral people. You can not expect ANY moral agency from either of them (or really any women) if it means acting in a manner that you and I would expect of a grown up, accountable, man. Its just not in their nature. Morality to her is her hypergamy, not submissively following instructions from a husband. The only moral boundaries women have is what is legal from government authority standpoint (and adultry and frivorce most certainly is) and what can women get away with that will not sacrifice their current access to cash and prizes? That is what defines morality in the absense of true faith in God and His law.

  125. thetruthisstrangerthanfiction says:

    the phenomenal level of ignorance pooling itself in this place is indeed frightening…

  126. That is not usually a good way to start if you want people to start posting on your blog…

  127. Awfully sorry to scare you, dear woman. Here, have some smelling salts!

  128. Honeycomb says:

    thetruthisstrangerthanfiction …
    “the phenomenal level of ignorance pooling itself in this place is indeed frightening…”

    Troll along now.

    But, judging by your logic .. that motor of yours is going to take you far in life. LOL

  129. JDG says:

    the phenomenal level of ignorance pooling itself in this place is indeed frightening…

    “Oh Nooooo!!! I found some guys that jumped off the indoctwonation twain.”

    Be afwaid! Be very afwaid…


  130. JDG says:

    @ hetruthisstrangerthanfiction

    From your blog:
    Maybe you are like me. Maybe at some point you reached a place where you could no longer ignore the things going on in this world that don’t seem to fit.

    This is exactly how many guys ended up here. Please shine some light on the ignorance you have found here.

    But the Truth really is “out there”. There are answers to be found. The only real question left is, are you able to humble yourself, and be honest enough about the state of your own heart, to be able to accept it?

    And now I ask you the same question. Are you able to humble yourself? Can you be honest enough about the state of your own heart to be able to accept the truth?

    I’ll go one further. Can you be honest enough to admit that the complaints on this blog have merit? The facts speak for themselves. If you disagree, then please explain why using facts and not just opinions. I challenge you to put up or clam up.

  131. JDG, don’t even engage. Trolls don’t answer question. They can’t answer them. They only respond in talking points. They don’t “think” before they post.

    You are wasting your time.

  132. Farm Boy says:

    I challenge you to put up or clam up

    Or if not either of those, then at least make sammiches for everybody.

    Though to be honest, logical discourse would be preferable. Most of us are hear to learn and hone our knowledge of the subject.

  133. easttexasfatboy says:

    Don’t feed the trolls. Kinda like wrestling with a pig. You get muddy, and the pig has a great time. Feminist or mangina……doesn’t really matter. Both are sworn enemies of freedom. Remember, a feminist is just a Marxist in a dress. A d a mangina is merely a dupe. Understand that they hate you for being a man. Hate dwells deep in their hearts. It is what it is……may not be understandable, but that’s not the point. Feminism is the root cause of the problems in this country. Islam is coming. Who will protect women who’ve been out to emasculate us? Ya know, shrugging is the only solution.

  134. Tam the Bam says:

    ETFatBoy ” .. ISIS terrorists making random attacks. You see a group of feminists walking into danger. What will you do? “
    Well now, since I can’t tell from the outside whether they’re feminists .. the only logical course of action is to bellow ” You there, you women, stop right now! I am a trained, lifelong Man! As such I am ordering you to go no further, as I have detected Dire Peril lying in wait. If you are sensible and wish to preserve your lives, you will pay attention to me and follow my direction!”.
    Bish bosh job done.
    Ladies will follow me to the saloon bar, or other place devoid of followers of the religion of peace. The feministae among them will bridle, spit with fury, and do the exact opposite of everything I am telling them to do.
    Bye bye.
    All you have to do with feminists is tell the absolute truth. To their faces.

    [D: Brilliant.]

  135. Ladies will follow me to the saloon bar, or other place devoid of followers of the religion of peace. The feministae among them will bridle, spit with fury, and do the exact opposite of everything I am telling them to do.

    Bus bombings in London didn’t stop feminism. They just ran to government. I’m not even sure any feminists were harmed.

    Boston bombings during the 2013 marathon didn’t stop feminism. They just ran to government.

    Tam they are not going to listen to you or anyone here on this forum. As long as there is government to create laws to make feminists whole at the expense of someone (men) then nothing will change.

  136. greyghost says:

    .For women hypergamy is morality.

    Outstanding IBB That is modern women.

  137. Dave says:


    It is clear I can’t speak for everyone else. But, as a MGTOW and/or confirmed bachelor I can only act as one man (ie lead by example). I leave it to other men to follow their conscience regarding women.

    Going MGTOW and staying unmarried ought to be the last resort, because by going that route, you have allowed the feminists to alter the course of your life. It is generally considered unnatural for men (and women for that matter) to stay single indefinitely as adults.

  138. gg,

    For women hypergamy is morality.

    Outstanding IBB That is modern women.

    Thank you. I just think we need to be honest about this and stop fooling ourselves with this concept of believing that women are moral agents when we know (deep down) they aren’t, certainly not in the sense of how you and I and all of us see morality. It would be better if we could go all the way back to the core, the fundamental bedrock of feminism and define exactly how that got started in the first place. That helps set the evil stones in place to better understand what they have insidiously assembled.

  139. feeriker says:

    In the very next scene, you see the Jewish mom hoping up and down on top of her husbands dick.

    Oh, Gawd, why did you have to do that? My lunch is all over my monitor and my wall..

  140. (smiles at feeriker)

    Oh you thought that was funny or maybe gross? LOL. Actually, Kathryn Hahn is attractive, it was a beautiful moment. I strongly recommend every man on this site to spend the $1.20 at the Red Box and rent the movie Afternoon Delight if you can’t get it online or you don’t have DirecTv. The movie is quite red pill actually, particularly when the beta-bux husband brings down the divorce hammer on his insane wife. He gets her to completely submit and they rebuild their marriage.

  141. honeycomb says:

    @ Dave ..
    “Going MGTOW and staying unmarried ought to be the last resort, because by going that route, you have allowed the feminists to alter the course of your life. It is generally considered unnatural for men (and women for that matter) to stay single indefinitely as adults.”

    Thanks for the tip.

    But, if being single is un-natural why is it addressed in the bible? Why do some men (and Our Lord) stay single if it is “imperative” to marry?

    And, are you recommending .. I man-up and marry a slut .. errrr broken woman? Are you telling me it’s worth the risk? And, for my peace of mind what are the tangibles I should be looking for in this said woman (in this legal system)?

    I await your command on such a personal and important matters (of course I only listen to strangers on such matters) .. at last instructions that will finally get me past my fear of meeting a bad woman .. [sarcasm]

    Dave don’t take it personally. Because I don’t know ya personally.

    As for your advice .. No thanks I’ll make my own sammichs!

  142. Dave,

    Going MGTOW and staying unmarried ought to be the last resort, because by going that route, you have allowed the feminists to alter the course of your life.

    This altered the course of all our married lives and any future men have with marriage.


    That was government, not God. So MGTOW is just a natural response to actions taken by an authortative government to financially empower feminism at the expense of Christian men. There are ZERO ACTIONS being taken by government to rectify this. God is allowing our society to suicide itself and we have nothing but feminism to blame.

  143. @thetruthisstrangerthanfiction

    the phenomenal level of ignorance pooling itself in this place is indeed frightening…

    I perused your blog, and couldn’t help but notice you are a fan of Russ Dizdar:



    He is the author of “The Black Awakening: Rise of Satanic Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos”, http://www.amazon.com/The-Black-Awakening-Satanic-Soldiers/dp/B003CZFZBO

    I have sat in his living room and listened to him expound upon his theories. He really, honestly, truly believes that the Nazis genetically engineered a race of super-soldiers who are floating amongst us as sleeper agents. Worse yet, he engages in personal counselling, often convincing his hapless victims that they are “programmed assassins”, ready to spring into action at a trigger word to carry out some diabolical plot.

    I will leave it as an exercise to the reader to decide where the ignorance lies.

  144. @honeycomb

    Christianity was birthed into a most evil and corrupt state, the Roman Empire. Early Christians considered celibacy to be the best calling for either man or woman; despite the illogic of this, the church thrived. Marriage was acceptable, but also considered a distraction from pure focus on the things of the Lord.

    Rational humanists have since convinced everybody that hedonistic pleasure should be their main goal. The thought of telling someone they might not experience sexual fulfilment in life is unthinkable for the humanist.

    The irony here is that the end stage is involuntary celibacy for a whole lot of men. I find it preferable to put away fornication and choose celibacy instead. There is a lot of opportunity for the Lord’s work.

  145. greyghost says:

    Going MGTOW and staying single needs to be a priority

  146. Pingback: Glenn Reynolds teaches women not to rape. | Dalrock

  147. earl says:

    “The irony here is that the end stage is involuntary celibacy for a whole lot of men. I find it preferable to put away fornication and choose celibacy instead.”

    Little do hedonists know how powerful it is to make this decision…than to have this decision eventually thrust upon them.

  148. easttexasfatboy says:

    Ah, yes, the threatpoint. Nothing like a woman threatening to ruin you. That’s surely the secret to marital bliss. Once a woman does that, ain’t anything left but ashes. I personally told my ex I’d have everything burnt. Nothing left to split. She took what she could get and left. She knew the second she threatened me we were finished. If a dog bites you, time to get another dog. Funny thing is, when she gets in some sort of trouble, she wants me to help. Ain’t no water left in the well. So, I’m 58 and MGTOW. Didn’t know that it was called that, I just called it peace and quiet. O)))))) Red pill taught me some important things. And the Bible says the same thing…..A woman can lie and think nothing of it. The Bible links it to adultery. It also says repeatedly that women have no business running things. It brings out that if a woman is the ruler, disaster follows. I’m not going to argue with divine wisdom. I’ve enough problems with out adding such foolishness to my life. Marriage as we used to know it is dead. It only works if we follow scriptural principles. You know, basic stuff like don’t cheat, steal, lie, covet…….everything that a feminist-marxist despises. I wouldn’t get married under today’s feminist rules. Just think of all the kids who have watched mommy do such horrible things to daddy. The boys don’t ever forget. And that’s why they won’t get married. And that’s why many of the girls end up ruined for anything worthwhile.

  149. Pingback: I said yes but I feel raped… | Honor Dads

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