Feminism in a picture.

The Village Voice has a great picture of a statue placed on Wall Street for International Women’s Day (HT Instapundit).

Last night, on the eve of International Women’s Day, news outlets and social media seized on the mysterious appearance of a statue of a defiant young girl staring down the famous Charging Bull statue. As it turns out, the statue of the little girl symbolically defying Wall Street was installed by… Wall Street itself.

The statue perfectly captures the essence of feminism:  A childish sense of defiance lacking a clear objective.  It is childish defiance for the sake of childish defiance.

The feminists at Village Voice are quite taken with the statue itself, but complain that this feminist message comes from a patriarchal corporation.  That feminist empowerment is portrayed by a girl, and not a woman, would at first seem counterintuitive.  A statue honoring the strength of men would not substitute a boy for a man;  this would be absurd.  But it isn’t absurd for a statue ostensibly paying homage to the strength of women.  Even 54 years after Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique and 51 years after she co-founded NOW, feminism is still somehow a perpetual brand new experiment.  It is something we just know will bear good fruit if we could ever get around to trying it.  The girl in the statue represents feminist optimism, in the same way the bull she is opposing represents optimism for our economy.

By making the statue a depiction of a young girl, the artist avoids the need to depict an actual woman doing whatever it is the feminists are sure women are going to do.  It also caters to the emotion of feminism, which is based on a burning discontentment with being women, and a driving envy of men.  Sticking it to the man is the underlying desire.  It is about tearing men and their accomplishments down, not about women building something of their own.  While a woman sticking it to the man is delightful, having a mere girl stick it to the man is even better.

And yet, the creator of the statue has a problem.  The pose is of a bratty little girl standing defiantly across from the Wall Street bull.  This is what you see in the side view photo from Village Voice.  If the face on the statue matched the pose, it would also be of a bratty little girl.  But while bratty little girl is the emotion the statue is intended to evoke, actually putting a bratty little girl’s face on the statue would go too far.  A little girl with a vexed brow or sticking her tongue out would fit the pose, but not the idea of empowerment.  Clearly the sculptor recognized this, and instead creepily placed the face of a woman on the body of the bratty girl.  Flip back and forth between the side view and the front view to see what I mean;  it is uncanny.

Edit:  Sir Hamster pointed out the following video showing a real girl standing next to the statue.

Also, a quote from a woman on another video which came up on Youtube for me after viewing the one above:

…when we saw it we were very struck, almost emotionally. You know the bull is kind of a symbol of almost a male power in a way, and this little girl is just standing there triumphant. I think it’s gorgeous. I love it.

This entry was posted in Envy, Fearless Girl, Feminist Territory Marking, Feminists, Moxie, Ugly Feminists. Bookmark the permalink.

205 Responses to Feminism in a picture.

  1. SnapperTrx says:

    Of course, they don’t delve into the fact that the result of an actual meet up like this, girl (or woman) vs. bull would result in what? A crushed and killed woman. Stand up to that bull all you want, girl, he is not backing down. Keep standing even when he comes crushing down on you. Your moxie means nothing. Your feminist shield is paper. The bull goes where it wants because of it’s strength. A strength you cannot hope to possess, but have fun playing pretend.

  2. Original Laura says:

    From the side view the statue’s proportions look normal, but from the front the entire head looks too large for the body.

  3. Darwinian Arminian says:

    How long do you think it’ll take for this “symbolic gesture” to backfire? Because when I look at something like this, all I can see is an image positively begging for internet meme treatment. Think of the possibilities: Maybe start a good shot of the defiant little woman facing off against the other statue underneath an all-caps header saying, “THE ONLY THING STANDING BETWEEN US AND A BULL MARKET.” Or you could just tip the girl’s statue over, then pair the resulting pic with a line swiped from this blog: “SHE WANTED TO RUN WITH THE BULLS.”

  4. Anonymous Reader says:

    That face…that face! It’s like a composite of multiple bossy, incompetent, women. Hillary Clinton with bits of Marissa Meyer plus everyone’s worst grade school teacher, etc. There’s some interesting possibilities for tourist selfies there…the cops better keep an eye on it.

    Still not at Peak Feminism yet. Obviously.

  5. Cautiously Pessimistic says:

    Meh. You’re assuming they cared.

  6. Pingback: Feminism in a picture. | @the_arv

  7. johnmcg says:

    Also, the unspoken assumption is why would a girl be able to stand up like that to a bull?

    Because everyone know that the moment the bull looked like he might be anything less than friendly to the girl, any man within eyesight would feel compelled to get between the bull and the girl, perhaps at personal risk, and ensure that the girl is not harmed.

    The moxie comes at a price, a price that is expected to be paid by men.

  8. Ollie says:

    Compare an contrast with this statue:

  9. Anon says:

    ‘Feminism’ exposes the full extent of female inferiority far more visible than was ever possible before ‘feminism’.

  10. RedPillPaul says:

    feminist are midgets. Physically and mentally….who knew

  11. Frank K says:

    So … Wall St., which is essentially a massive form of fraud, puts up a statue representing something they clearly don’t believe in.

    Why am I not surprised?

  12. Patchasaurus says:

    The little girl depiction allows artist to avoid critique because an adult woman would have to be portrayed as fat to be authentic, which would enrage the wimminz, but portraying her as slender would also enrage them. This is clever.

  13. Opus says:

    I have just watched (so as to get a feeling for this) a YouTube video from Day 4 of The Pamplona Bull Run in 2016. What happens is this: the human contestants are milling around, making the sign of the cross and frankly looking not a little nervous; then at a given signal two gates are opened and eight or nine bulls who obviously are aiming for the Olympic qualifying standards rush out from the gates and head towards the humans. When very close the humans they start running. Some get run down (I couldn’t see bayoneted any on the horns of the steers) and indeed one bull slipped but gamely righted himself and carried on. After a while they enter a stadium and the bulls head for the locker=room whilst the humans stand around – a hundred or more i would say. This was the men’s event for I cannot doubt that there is in the spirit of ‘gender equality’ also a woman race (against cows perhaps) and probably at a slower pace. There is probably also a little girls event where the bulls on seeing the young females promptly turn round and head back where they came form – I know I would.

  14. Andy G says:

    So they like a statue showing a girl standing in the way of a bull, a symbol of prosperity.
    Very telling.
    Had she been staring down a bear, I’d be more impressed.

  15. Bruce says:

    I would have guessed that the intended meaning was something like “size or physical prowess doesn’t matter, it’s guts, heart….whatever, which women have in abundance.”

  16. The Jack Russell Terrorist says:

    International Wymn’s Day came out of the Soviet Union. A “holiday” created during Stalin’s reign. Isn’t any wonder they want to wear red on that day? They should look at the origins of that day. If I was in NYC, I would have taken a pic of the donkey ears behind the head, and if I had the dog, I would have had him pee on the statue.

  17. Bruce says:

    How come she’s wearing a dress. I don’t see many little girls that age wearing dresses.

  18. Fred Flange, GBFC (Great Books for Cucks) says:

    Actually I see it as masterful bit of marketing deflection by the Wall Streeters.
    Mildly humorous, it flips the script a bit, give the girls and women something to smile at on Interplanetary Female-type Day. You’ve come a ling way, Booby.
    Meanwhile the men still own everything.

  19. I would only argue that the little girl represents the idea of women in the future facing down the bull which represents unmerited wealth of the mythical Patriarchy & misogyny (big balls and all). The Voice feminists of course feel pandered to because no woman would ever have had the idea or resources to put up such an effigy. No, it was men, men who felt an overwhelming need to include (future) women in their male-space who conceived and brought this sculpture about. I would venture a guess that even the sculptor and caster were male. Such a thought, such an initiative would never occur to a woman, much less a feminist. Knitted Pink Pussy hats yes, monuments to male-space inclusion, no.

    Feminism is a bottomless pit. Even when men are inspired to act in accord with blatant female supremacism they can’t get it right. It will never be enough. Even men in chains, acting out the restitution “I’m sorry” fantasies for women will never be enough. Even this gesture on Wall St. will never be enough.

  20. Robert What? says:

    A day without Strong Independent Women ™ Why just one day?

  21. SirHamster says:

    “Clearly the sculptor recognized this, and instead creepily placed the face of a woman on the body of the bratty girl. Flip back and forth between the side view and the front view to see what I mean; it is uncanny.”

    Scrolling to the bottom of the linked article has a video of a real girl standing next to the sculpture. It illustrates how the sculpture is “off” quite well.

  22. “Know the power of Women in leadership” – Generally catastrophic failure.

  23. Oleaginous Outrager says:

    Why are they so sure she’s “defying” the bull? Given the actual real world manifestations of feminism, it says to me “Give me half and don’t make a fuss about.”

  24. Anon says:

    The fact that ‘feminists’ unwittingly indicate that they want to end a bull market is very Onionesque…

    BTW, a bull is not to be taken lightly. See here how an average bull effortlessly destroys the front of an SUV :

  25. There is no such thing as enough for any grievance industry. I had this conversation withJackie Zehner about this at her old sitethe purse pundit where I asked her to describe the world in which she and her cohorts could (not would……just could) dust their hands together and go home satisfied that their job was well and done. There is no answer to this.

    Last evening I watched a woman admit that the so called pay gap is now 93 cents to the dollar. This was a major positive shock to me for a moment until I recalled the dialog I mention above with Zehner. I forget how I established a dialog with her, but she ultimately asked me to make a counterpoint post for her purse pundit site. The post never made it to the page because I am guessing it was too, well……counter to her points.

    When goofy statues and other absurd symbolism is the meme-ery of the feminist zeitgeist you gotta know fecal matter over-floweth.

  26. OK, captions anyone? I’ll begin….

    “Are those horns are are you twice as happy to see me?”

  27. RPC says:

    This is linked on Drudge right now:


    To me, it confirms what most people who’ve gone to public school or worked in a modern office already know instinctively: women are actually treated more leniently due to their sex. The stigma is against men. Behavior (and performance) that would never be tolerated from men, is overlooked in women because of: A: fear of being seen as sexist, B: innate understanding that women are inferior in many areas and should not be held to the same standard, or C: both. This likely also explains (partly) why Trump’s pre-election polling underestimated his support.

    I don’t know why the study authors didn’t foresee this. It would have saved them from an “unsettling” (and hilarious) outcome. Hard lesson learned!

  28. Anon says:


    Feminism is a bottomless pit.

    Which is also why smart government leaders, could, if they had a clue, rescind most ‘feminists’ laws and funding without most ‘feminists’ noticing, just by running enough media interference.

    Since the twats will never stop whining about the ‘pay gap’ and ‘violence against women’, just add expiry provisions in all laws. After the laws expire, their complaints will still be no more intense then when the laws existed. Keep passing short-term things that expire with no real net long-term change, and the ‘feminists’ won’t be able to tell the difference.

  29. Anon says:

    The stigma is against men. Behavior (and performance) that would never be tolerated from men, is overlooked in women because of: A: fear of being seen as sexist, B: innate understanding that women are inferior in many areas and should not be held to the same standard, or C: both.

    Which is also why artificial intelligence tasked with productivity improvements will be a stunning disaster for women…

    They typical department of 50 people with 10 women as deadweight will be replaced by three small businesses, with four men each and lots of AI doing the simpler work. So 12 smart men in total will be generating the same revenue as what used to support 50 people. ‘Feminists’ won’t know who to harass as there will be too many small companies making use of AI and maintaining high margins due to no deadweight. It will be far to agile for the twats to understand (they are already being overwhelmed since their brain-gina interface is very obsolete).

  30. tsotha says:

    The statue perfectly captures the essence of feminism: A childish sense of defiance lacking a clear objective. It is childish defiance for the sake of childish defiance.

    Even better, it was installed by The Powers That Be. I have always believed feminism has been nurtured and supported by industrialists intent on using gullible women to flood the labor market and depress wages. It’s no coincidence wages have stagnated since the ’70s, right about the time it became acceptable for women who weren’t forced by economic circumstances to abandon their children and work outside the home.

  31. Tarl says:

    To me, it confirms what most people who’ve gone to public school or worked in a modern office already know instinctively: women are actually treated more leniently due to their sex.

    If women whine and complain or even actually cry to a male superior, he will give her assignment to a man who can get it done, and she won’t suffer any negative consequences.

  32. Anonymous Reader says:

    Hey, Empath, didn’t you get the memo? Read Rollo’s site from time to time, keep up.

    Equal Pay Is Not Enough.

    (Also, buy expensive shoes…)

  33. @RPC:

    The polling in the election was intentionally skewed. Even the ones that weren’t were about 3% shifted to the Left because of where Response Bias currently sits. Plus, like all pollsters, they were treating Trump as if he was a 30+ year politician and assuming his numbers were the same. Trump was a pro-wrestling Heel. Of course he has “bad” numbers, but everyone loves a good Villain. The Election Cycle was pretty much his Redemption Arc.


    For even most of TPTB, never ascribe long-term planning to their actions. They’re almost more constrained to their short-term interests than most other groups. There’s a few long-term thinkers there, but most of their operation rarely stretches beyond self-interest, group-interest and a desire for Control. What we think of their long-term plans is actually just the sub-cultural assumptions they have. (Think: they have sub-cultural goal E, but they’ll only really find a goal A and do that, which they think will bring goal E closer. Yet they lack goals B, C and D.)

    Which is funny because the statue was planned for Hillary as President. All of these things we keep seeing crop up were planned on the expectation Hillary would win. I’m curious what Hollywood will put out by the end of the year that was already fully setup for a Hillary Administration.

  34. Dalrock,

    The statue perfectly captures the essence of feminism: A childish sense of defiance lacking a clear objective. It is childish defiance for the sake of childish defiance.

    You chauvinist. Everyone knows that “objectives” are soooooooo patriarchal.

  35. Casey says:

    Well, this is indeed very clever marketing.

    You will never go broke selling table scraps to pigs.

    Feminism is akin to mud-wrestling with a pig.
    You BOTH get dirty, and the pig likes it.

  36. Casey says:

    It’s also why walking this back to something on the ‘tolerable’ scale is all but impossible.
    Feminism has taken on a life of it’s own.

    Dare speak out about it, and you are labelled the ‘mud-slinging, name calling’ adjective du jour.

    While I don’t disagree with Dalrock that Feminism is a ‘massive pumping operation’; the event that turns off the pumps has to be one on a catastrophic scale.

    Otherwise, come hell or high water, the pumps continue to hum along nicely.

  37. Casey says:

    @ Anonymous Reader….

    Re: the ‘Equal Pay is NOT Enough’ trope.

    Looks like violence in the workplace to me. Lock them up.

    Am I seriously to take women pouting about their haircuts, underwear, shoes, & outfits costing more as justification for outrage, assault, & destruction of property?

  38. Opus says:

    For Xmas my sister gave me a book by Bill Bryson: Bryson is an expat American and now a British citizen and the book in question was subtitled More notes from a small island – Great Britain being that island – bear with me…

    In Chapter three the subject of attacks by heffers rears its head and we learn that actually one is more likely to be attacked and trampled and killed by a Cow than by a Bull – this happens occasionally; the British love to walk and there are public footpaths crossing agricultural and other land where one can wander freely and that is where we walk. Bryson put the question to some of his friends as to what the chances are if you are walking in a field with cows (across one of those public footpaths) of being attacked by Cows (note: not the Bulls). I really liked the next sentence which I now quote:

    ‘Ask the same question of an American and he would say “Why would I be in a field with cows?”‘

  39. RichardP says:

    From the link that gave the picture:

    [quote] The stunt was executed on behalf of SSGA by New York advertising giant McCann New York, according to a warm write-up from Advertising Week, which cites “the guerrilla aspect of the placement” while noting that “McCann did get a permit for the girl statue.”

    The statue is meant to draw attention to a larger initiative by SSGA, which announced today that it will be encouraging companies it invests in to have more women on their boards of directors. [/quote]

    The statue is designed to generate controversy – as is any good sales campaign. The statue is not designed to make a “correct” statement about whether it is good for children to stand in the way of a bull.

  40. 8 in the Gate says:

    Empath, will a limerick do?

    A woman’s day statue befit
    Of a young, little moxie-filled kit
    Works for the naive, if we play make believe
    Like the bull, this was so full of S%#t

  41. Jim says:

    ‘Feminism’ exposes the full extent of female inferiority far more visible than was ever possible before ‘feminism’.

    Yup. It’s made it blatantly obvious. They’re all “strong and independent” (excuse me while I laugh) until the need anything in civilization, you know, that incredible thing us men built and maintain that’s made it so much easier for cunts? And let us not forget who the “strong and independent” little girls call when they don’t get their “widdle way”. The cops. A bunch of men with guns.

    And now we have a statue of a little girl facing off a bull (which is just childish and stupid). What’s even more hilarious is that the bull represents prosperity and progress. In that way it is accurate. Cunty women like that always stand in the way of it.

    The statue is meant to draw attention to a larger initiative by SSGA, which announced today that it will be encouraging companies it invests in to have more women on their boards of directors.

    So IOW, women can’t cut the mustard so they need men to once again prop them up by giving them free shit they didn’t earn because vagina. LOL. What they really needed to do is create a statue of a grown woman sucking off the bull. That would be far more accurate.

  42. Spike says:

    ”Bratty little girl” says it all Dalrock. Feminism is all about bratty little girls who never actually grow up to become adults, a temper tantrum with no clear goal. Like other Leftist projects for example the Solar Pipe Dream, it has been going for 50 years with fake promises that, ”if we just put a little more effort and money into it…”

    The ”artist” of course had to be a member of the patriarchy (Gasp! A man!) because no woman has the energy to actually go out and make something.

    As others have pointed out, it is the symbolism that is disturbing. What this little Bronze Brat is defying is a good market, which means good capitalism which has lifted more people – half of them women – out of wretched poverty than any other system on Earth.

    It is my hope that pigeons come and rest on her and do what pigeons do best to bronze statues. Someone tell the cleaner – a man – that he should clean the Bull but not the Brat.

  43. Skeptic says:

    Having spent a lot of time around bulls and cattle in general, any man, woman, boy, or proud empowered little girl would be wise to get the hell out of the way of a 2000 + pound enraged irrational animal. Thats reality. But then, reality is something feminist insist that everybody relearn the hard way in every situation.

  44. Snowy says:

    From the article, spokesperson Anne McNally says: “Also there’s a bevy of research out there that shows that companies with strong female leadership generate better returns.”

    What “bevy” of research would that be, exactly?

  45. Anonymous Reader says:

    Am I seriously to take women pouting about their haircuts, underwear, shoes, & outfits costing more as justification for outrage, assault, & destruction of property?

    Yes, of course. The alternative would be to commit the crime of not taking women seriously.
    Choose the form of the destroyer…

  46. mmaier2112 says:

    Great limerick there, 8 In The Gate. Thank you.

  47. mmaier2112 says:

    And that statue’s head and face are just creepy.

  48. Pingback: Feminism in a picture. | Reaction Times

  49. Dave says:

    The girl’s statue proves one thing: that the feminists are indeed foolish. You don’t stare down a charging bull; you get out of its way. Feminists are known for causing fights they can’t handle.

  50. Lyn87 says:

    My in-laws were farm-folk when they were alive, and one day a fence on the ranch broke and a cow got out and was wandering around. Needless to say, she needed to be put back into the field from which she escaped, and it was decided that a couple of guys would herd her with a pick-up truck while I waited near the break in the fence to corral her through the gap with something like this. I’ll admit that the first response from this college-boy was something akin to, “Are you freaking kidding me?”

    Nonetheless, the farmers and ranchers assured me that a cow being chased by a truck would be “More scared of you than you are of her,” and would immediately hop back into the safety of her pasture if I stood my ground to complete the pincer movement.

    All was going reasonably well until until the moment of truth, when I realized that 1500 pounds of terrified bovinity was bearing down on my scrawny 150-pound ass and all I had a was a yard-long quirt and a bluff I couldn’t afford to have called.

    Well… I was born at night, but it wasn’t last night, and being of Mexican descent I did what any good kid of my bloodline instinctively knows to do and spun out her way. I didn’t have a cape to complete the ensemble, but I might have said, “Ole” when she rushed by.

    Maybe there’s some trick to it I didn’t know, or maybe they were trying to get me killed so there wouldn’t be a spic in the family, but obviously I know better than to stand in front of a charging creature ten times my size armed with nothing but moxie.

    So… the statue IS a symbol, but not for the reason intended. Of course feminists don’t understand that theatrical acts can have real-world consequences, and taunting a pissed-off bull is a REALLY bad idea that wouldn’t be likely to end well. So they created an allegory of feminism standing defiantly in the way of economic progress of which women have always been the primary beneficiaries. A more fitting statue would show the same scene ten seconds later. Then again, when have feminists ever had to face the consequences of their ideology?

  51. Pingback: Tough and defiant, but apparently only so long as men keep the electricity working. | The Sunshine Thiry Blog

  52. sipcode says:

    Village Voice’ got me thinking that Hillary jumped on the “It takes a village to raise a child” mantra 25 yrs ago because she/they were getting rid of every last father in the Judeo-Christian household, so there will no longer be families anymore; alas …the Village!

    Yup these ladies are defiant all right. defiant of life. “I have set before you life and death. Now chose life.” ‘Hell no’, they say. ‘That would be patriarchal.’.

  53. sipcode says:

    And funny, that Bull gave women much of the 54% of the wealth that women control in the USA [as of 2014]. Does the defiance stop at 60% control or 80% or ….?. Likely til the death of men do them part.

  54. Dave says:

    This is what bulls do when you get in their way: link

  55. dpmonahan says:

    So feminists are standing bravely against economic growth? Makes sense.

  56. Tigersault says:

    “Of course, they don’t delve into the fact that the result of an actual meet up like this, girl (or woman) vs. bull would result in what? A crushed and killed woman. Stand up to that bull all you want, girl, he is not backing down. Keep standing even when he comes crushing down on you. Your moxie means nothing. Your feminist shield is paper. The bull goes where it wants because of it’s strength. A strength you cannot hope to possess, but have fun playing pretend.”

    @SnapperTrx: for any feminist out there, when studying in Spain years ago, I went to two bullfights and participated in a vaquilla fight. The damned vaquilla didn’t even gore me and I still got lit up. Some shitlord ought to sneak out in the middle of the night and find a way to “gore” the girl statue on the bull statue.

    Has it ever occurred to anyone that maybe the reason that only 1% of CEOs in the country are women is because most women enjoy being full time mothers? Every, without exception, career woman I’ve ever met, and I’ve met quite a few through different jobs, is bitter and angry. As an ex-gf correctly pointed out, “A career isn’t going to give you much comfort on your death bed.”

    “Think of the possibilities”

    @Darwinian Arminian Chainsaw the head off and have it being trampled under hoof by the bull?

    “The little girl depiction allows artist to avoid critique because an adult woman would have to be portrayed as fat to be authentic”

    @Patchasaurus Plus they’d need a boat behind that statue with a harpoon being readied to be thrown.

    “Some get run down (I couldn’t see bayoneted any on the horns of the steers)”

    @Opus Though I didn’t go to Pamplona while there, I went to a lesser known and more fun, IMHO, festival, I do watch it regularly. It’s amazing to see people gored.

    “International Wymn’s Day came out of the Soviet Union. ”

    @The Jack Russell Terrorist How many people know that nowadays? I’d say we are few in number.


    The good news is that hideous thing posing as a woman will self eradicate.

    “Equal Pay Is Not Enough.”

    @Anonymous Reader You gotta love how they say it’s more expensive to be a woman than a man. Weally? Why do we per mortality tables tend to die sooner?

  57. Cecil Henry says:

    Men do, and deserve, and earn. Women pose. And whine.

    Like here. Freedom now from this coercive, parasitic, anti-White, genocidal diversity.

  58. Cecil Henry says:

    The picture is very revealing of women’s envy and resentment. This girl is standing defiantly, in the way of a bull, which is charging ahead and symbolizing progress and innovation. What does she say??: Look at me, me me me!!

    Translation: feminism kills the bull market: in the economy, in civilizations, in life.

  59. Gunner Q says:

    Henceforth, let bear markets be described instead as little girl markets.

    Looking Glass @ 2:56 pm:
    “Which is funny because the statue was planned for Hillary as President. All of these things we keep seeing crop up were planned on the expectation Hillary would win. I’m curious what Hollywood will put out by the end of the year that was already fully setup for a Hillary Administration.”

    This comment got me looking for links between State Street and the Clinton Foundation. Seems the Clinton Foundation did receive 8,492 shares of State Street Corporation per the Foundation’s 2004 IRS Form 990, page 19. Doesn’t seem significant, though.

    Ollie, interesting article you linked. Excerpt:

    “In February 2011, U.S. representative for the district Anthony Weiner along with New York City councilwoman Julissa Ferreras … held a joint press conference in which they announced that the statue was put up for sale on the online marketplace Craigslist. (Neither had any power of office to effect such a sale.) … Weiner’s efforts summarily ceased however, after he became embroiled in a sex scandal that forced his resignation from office.”

  60. Water Cannon Boy says:

    I don’t think the statue purposely has an adult woman’s face. I’ve seen plenty of statues that are of kids that the face doesn’t have the kid proportions of the face to the rest of the head. To show youth in cartoons, the face is drawn smaller in proportion to the rest of the head. Which is what kids are shaped like.
    It’s also one of the reasons when it came to Selena Gomez, a lot of men just couldn’t get there as far as finding her all that attractive, even though she’s was in her early 20s. They couldn’t put their finger on it, but it was because she has a small face proportionally when compared to other women her age. It’s starting to change, and she looks less little girl like.
    But I think the sculptor just doesn’t know how to do a kids face very well. I’ve seen it so many other times. They tend to think since kids are smaller, just scale everything down.

  61. Oscar says:

    “Even 54 years after Betty Friedan published The Feminine Mystique and 51 years after she co-founded NOW, feminism is still somehow a perpetual brand new experiment. It is something we just know will bear good fruit if we could ever get around to trying it.” ~ Dalrock

    Just like the Marxism from which it derives.

  62. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    RPC: Behavior (and performance) that would never be tolerated from men, is overlooked in women because of: A: fear of being seen as sexist, B: innate understanding that women are inferior in many areas and should not be held to the same standard, or C: both.

    There’s also the worry that if you offend a woman, she might start hitting. And a man can’t hit back to defend himself. He can only stand and take it, or risk opprobrium or even jail.

    I saw a YouTube video where a man was protesting some feminist issue. A woman went up to him and hit him. He just took it. Had he initiated violence, as she had, he’d be ejected from college and possible jailed.

    Any time you see an angry, hysterical woman, and you so much as disagree with her, there’s always the risk she might start hitting. They know they can get away with it.

  63. Water Cannon Boy says:

    They use a little girl as an expression of all the inherent good everything of just existing as female. To use a woman would hint at growing into something. You’d never see a boy used because a man must earn his standing, or build up to it. A woman just is because she’s female. So you use a girl. The only time you’d see a boy used is if it’s an attempt to portray a fantasy situation. Like play time or a living out a dream.
    Here, it taps into the made for kids fantasy movies of the kid hero becoming courageous at the end. But here, there is no made up monster. It’s a familiar animal. But at the same time, that familiar animal represents what is seen as a monster. Real life men.
    But it is funny to use a girl to represent all women and they’re all so happy and touched by it, but it’s a burr under the saddle to use slang and refer to women as girls.

  64. Marquess of Kekbury says:

    Good catch on the face. Takes the statue from cliched-aspirational, straight into mocking Bad Art territory.

    I wonder if the artist used (credit default swap “inventor”) Blythe Masters as hzir(x) model:


    Eyes, brow, jawline; check, check, check.

    Nah, impossible. That would be too awesome.

  65. feeriker says:

    Also, the unspoken assumption is why would a girl be able to stand up like that to a bull?

    Because everyone know that the moment the bull looked like he might be anything less than friendly to the girl, any man within eyesight would feel compelled to get between the bull and the girl, perhaps at personal risk, and ensure that the girl is not harmed.

    In eras past, maybe. Today, little bratty girls are so toxically obnoxious, as well as dangerous (sexual assault accusation, anyone?) that a wise man gives them a wide birth, even –especially– if they’ve gotten themselves into a situation they can’t get themselves out of.

    TL;DR version: bratty little girls are feminist larvae. Don’t try to rescue or conserve them.

  66. Lost Patrol says:

    We: A Manifesto for Women Everywhere



    Because more things like this were needed.

  67. deplorabard says:

    Exactly what do women think bulls do to entire herds of female cows?

  68. feeriker says:


    Yeah, imagine indeed. Your imagination is the only place where such a world will ever exist.

  69. rugby11 says:

    ! render back from out thy breast
    A remnant of our Spartan dead!
    Of the three hundred grant but three,
    To make a new Thermopylae!

    Lord Byron
    Don Juan
    Canto iii, Stanza 86, 7


    “Dead to the last man.”

  70. MarcusD says:

    On a related note:

    Homeschool Moms Discuss: Raising Strong Daughters

  71. Ron says:


    What they are effectively doing is asking the young men to die for them in wars against Islam, so that the top 1% of men can use them as harem slaves.

  72. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    The sequel to 300 was just dreadful. It ended with Leonidas’s wife, Queen Gorgo, leading the charge against the Persians. She was surrounded by armor-clad Spartan men — but not she. She only wore a few pieces of armor.

    Apparently, Spartan women were braver, and stronger, and more kick-ass than even Spartan men. Queen Gorgo, an early Strong, Independent Woman.

  73. Mark says:

    Cool post Mister “D”. I was hoping that you were going to have something up for International Wimminz Day. I have to say that I rather thoroughly enjoyed IWD and wish that there were more of them.My rationale is this. All the feminazis in the office tower were wearing red.This is the equivalent to wearing a sign around their necks that reads..”WARNING:….I Am An Obnoxious Cunt”. So this identifies the species for me.The office tower was empty due to all the wimminz staying home from work due to a protest? That works for me.The elevators were not jammed up and they did not stop at every floor.The ground floor where there is a mall was not polluted with all these wimminz and when I went to grab a coffee at Second Cup I did not have to wait in line with 4 or 5 female mongrels in front of me.In fact,it was such a delight that I sat down in the food court and enjoyed my coffee with an abundance of male company.The irony in all this?….The other male counterparts felt the exact same way and made their observations VERY clear to me and we all agreed…..What a Great Day This is!!!!!!!!!!!!


  74. bob k. mando says:

    Because more things like this were needed.


    that’s just a rephrasing of Marx’s call to the Proletariat.

  75. Ofelas says:

    somehow brings to mind this one – Charge of the light brigade, Tennyson.

  76. Jason says:

    The artist obviously made this in anticipation of the now non-existent Hillary election victory and needed a new marketing strategy to recover the investment of time and material, so the statue got re-purposed to celebrate feminism instead of Hillary.

  77. scott says:

    Somebody should paint a big handlebar moustache on that statue.

  78. Shankar S says:

    Slightly OT. Dalrock, in one of your earlier posts (https://dalrock.wordpress.com/2016/07/09/entropy-and-the-pumps/) you mentioned that a massive pumping effort is required to maintain the current level of ‘progress’. But if AI and Robotics were introduced, it would create a massive welfare state that could become a permanent fixture requiring little manual intervention.

    I have written about this as a Dystopian Science Fiction concept here (http://www.ramayana-3000.com/the-chickens-tale/) The basic premise is Robots serve Mankind faithfully but this leads to humans becoming domesticated. This domestication process profoundly changes human relationships from monogamy to polygamy, eventually leading to civilizational collapse and tribalistic barbarism.

    The human domestication process is explained by illustratively comparing it to the domestication of the wild fowl. In the wild, the jungle fowl mate monogamously. The male builds the nest and provides for the hen while the eggs are being hatched.

    Among the domesticated breeds, mating is polygynous with roosters fighting each other to climb to the top of the pecking order. Domesticated roosters have regressed and no longer possess the skills necessary to build nests or gather food.

  79. feministhater says:

    To be honest. I don’t even care about this shit anymore. It’s a stupid statue that represents a stupid cause. Women are idiots for supporting it and even greater idiots for proving that we don’t need to them by taking the day off.

    Feminists are silly, little children that put more stock in a statue them doing a good day’s work and be rewarded for it. They continuously shirk their duties and expect men to pick up the slack time and again.

    Ladies, take the day off, take the week off, take the whole bloody year off, why not just sit on your arses and take the rest of your lives off?? Every job you do can be done by a man, your leaving the workforce but causing a strain on the market for a short period of time that will then be filled by a man causing an uptick in male employment and family formation. Good on ya, do it again, do it forever!

    Fucking stupid feminazi cunts! Do it again! I dare ya!

  80. feministhater says:

    that should read…” but causes a strain on the market..”

  81. feministhater says:

    You’ve come a long way baby! You might think you have the bull by the horns, but with all hyped up markets, much like feminism, the bear will rip you a new one!

  82. Opus says:

    One sometimes has to see Feminism from a different view – as a cunning male plan: the push for more females on Boards of Directors has the effect of shafting fifty per cent of men who might aspire to such status thus raising the status of the remaining fifty per cent who on the basis that like marries like are probably married to a female Director on some other board thus doubling one families power and the emoluments.

    In Wednesday’s Budget, the Chancellor of the Exchequer [Finance Minister] announced a further £25,000,000 in the next fiscal year towards Domestic Violence projects. This will go (after the construction of new and better Lesbian Grooming Centres) to further reward their overpaid female CEOs.

  83. TheLastCoyote says:

    Just saw an article on Yaay-hoo about Hillary’s message to women on International Women’s Day. What was that message? “Every issue is a woman’s issue. So stand up, resist, run for office. Be a champion.”

    Translation: Keep whining about how unfair everything is. Empty symbolism and appearing to do something is more meaningful than actually doing something. Complain about how horribly oppressed you are even though you make $100K a year.

    Heaven help us all.

  84. RICanuck says:

    One of my fecesbook friends liked this post. Un fornicating believable! The amount of abasement and work a discarded man will do to keep contact with his child.

  85. elmertjones says:

    That impudent statue was hilited in the media on the day of the much-hyped Women’s Strike. One sees this attitude being promoted for girls in most of kid’s programming (ok, I’ve seen it at my sister-in-law’s house because she childsits after school and if you watch any TV at all you will get deluged with it).

    But the Women’s Strike failed for one big reason : Most working women would not dare take a day off lest their workplace female rivals use the opportunity to shank them.

  86. Hazelshade says:

    Lol. Psycho and ugly. Just like feminists.

  87. feministhater says:

    One would be hard pressed to find a man more willing to take care of his family and children. One wonders why missy is a singleton. Must be the size of his dick or some such, just wasn’t enough to keep her entertained and thus she divorced him. Lovely going, such a good man but still deserving of divorce and being reduced to an ATM that services her needs before his own. Such a nice life, eh, Brad Wilcox!?

  88. In real life, a bull vs a girl. The bull will kill the girl for her stupid and irresponsible act. But can we blame the bull for stupid actions of others? In our society, yes.

  89. El Emperador está desnudo says:

    @RI Canuck

    I put this as a comment in Facebook

    Yes, this is a brilliant strategy. Discard the good man and get another one. Then get the good man to make all sacrifices for you so he has the duties of a husband without none of the advantages. Meanwhile you sleep with another man. This way you have two men: one that works for your child and other to enjoy. Many women try to do this but few women can pull it off. You are very skillful and lucky. It’s good that you count your blessings. Of course, if a man did that, it would be the devil.

    We’ll see how fast this comment is deleted of my Facebook account is deleted. I don’t care: it’s a fake one.

    But we need to recover the noble art of shaming so women don’t brag publicly about behaving horribly. I did it because that

  90. Lyn87 says:

    Rugby11 and Red Pill Latecomer,

    Some years ago I was in the Fort Benning PX and came across the Steven Pressfield book, “Gates of Fire,” which is about Leonidas preparing Sparta for what he foresaw as the inevitable clash with Persia that occurred in 480-479 B.C. and included the Battle at Thermopylae. I would strongly urge any man to read it: it captures the warrior ethos and what it means to be a man in a way I’ve never encountered elsewhere.

    From that point forward I put a visit to Thermopylae on my bucket list, and my wife and I went there about a dozen years ago, as well as taking the ferry between Piraeus and Salamis island where the Battle of Salamis was fought a few weeks after the Persians passed through Thermopylae.

    Unfortunately, Pressfield’s “Gates of Fire” was never made into a movie (it would have had to be six hours long to do it justice, anyway), but Frank Miller’s “300” was.

    Both “300” and “300: Rise of an Empire” were WILDLY ahistorical, but if you watch them as mindless entertainment rather than serious depictions of actual events they have a certain swashbuckling appeal. The first movie was far superior to the second for any number of reasons: most important of which was the “leadership” of Queen Gorgo at Salamis (meanwhile, back in the real world: Gorgo was about 80 miles away from the scene of battle when Themistocles sprang the trap that crushed the Persian fleet and – I would argue – prevented Western Civilization from being strangled in its cradle).

    Pressfield also wrote novels about the Peloponnesian War (“Tides of War”) and Alexander’s conquest (“Virtues of War”), or which “Virtues” was the best. But even he succumbed to the FI in 2002 with his dreadful “Last of the Amazons” wherein the mythical female warriorettes are possessed of such courage, power, and martial skill as to make Chuck Norris wet his pants (as if).

  91. EhIntellect says:

    From the OP: Art wouldn’t substitute a man with a boy….wait a second!

    Frank Geary, confidence man artist, tried to….multimillion dollar style:

    “The design shows Eisenhower as a youth gazing out at images of his adult accomplishments against a backdrop of the Kansas plains. But the Eisenhower family objects to the design and is attempting to delay approval of the project in a dispute that has pitted a leading American family against one of the country’s most recognized architects. The family says Mr. Gehry should portray Eisenhower as a man in the fullness of his achievements, not as a callow rustic who made good.

    “He was chief of staff of the Army; he was a two-term president of the United States,” said Susan Eisenhower, a granddaughter. “It’s in those roles that America has gratitude for him, not as being a young boy with a great future in front of him.””

    The FI must be in all ways continually renewed as its message is unbelievable, proven wrong over time

    From Wikipedia propaganda of the Soviet Union.
    “Art, whether literature, visual art, or performing art, was for the purpose of propaganda.[27] Furthermore, it should show one clear and unambiguous meaning….Imagery frequently drew on heroic realism.”

    The spiritual vacuum left by feminism must be replaced with facile attempts at pseudo-inspiration.

  92. Oscar says:

    @ RICanuck says:
    March 10, 2017 at 6:59 am

    Why the mother-forking-hell is that woman not married to the father of her child, whom she praises to the skies?!

    “I’m the most stubborn person that I know… ” ~ Jessica Singleton

    Well… there it is. Never mind.

  93. Jason says:

    In my Christian walk, being a reclusive monk or hermit is sounding more and more appealing. Hopefully when I finish my long, solo backpacking trek this summer in the Adirondacks of New York State…………perhaps it will make sense. I don’t have any words for this post…………just speechless.

  94. The Wall Street Bull statute represents “the bull market”, e.g. a market in which share prices are rising, encouraging the behavior of buying. It’s a symbol of market optimism, but also irrational exuberance, both of which are indifferent to sex or gender.

    The little girl standing akimbo is perfect.

    But she standing defiant? Or standing in approval?

    This is the beauty of art in that even the feminist, gynocentric or misogynistic artist cannot completely control the impressions on the human mind that their creations leave.

    In my view, the little girl is standing akimbo not defiant but in approval of a bullish, consumerist, material economy and female social order, fueled largely by the immense appetites and proclivities of women, as it continues its tear unabated. The bull is massive, clumsy and oafish but will not trample her. What that standing little girl in the open doesn’t see is the Bear that suddenly descends from the side angle, and would tear her limbs off of her torso.

  95. Novaseeker says:

    Why the mother-forking-hell is that woman not married to the father of her child, whom she praises to the skies?!

    Well, we don’t know if they ever were married, I guess. But even if they were, basically it’s the old story about having your cuck and eating it too. I mean, look at it from her perspective. Hard to get the great dad and great lover in one guy — very, very hard, only a few women can pull that off. Easier to get one guy to be the dad and the other guy to be the lover, but normally this doesn’t work that well if it is simultaneous, so you make it serial instead of simultaneous.

    This is actually not that easy of a Plan B to pull off. Most guys aren’t the total tampon she describes her ex as being in that post, so even most of the ones who manage to be good dads after a split are not going to be doing what that guy is doing, and then of course there are other guys who just do the minimum, if that. And then there’s the issue of getting the quality loverboy when you have small kids with another man — again, it can’ be done, but it’s more common for the woman in this situation to be pumped and dumped by guys who like sleeping with yummy mummy types rather than having LTRs with quality lover types (i.e., guys who are a significant upgrade, lover-wise, from the ex). In fact this may very well be what is going on here, since her ex is described as escorting her to meet strangers from Craigslist (usually a P-and-D situation at best, really). Really, based on what is written there (and assuming it is real, which it may not be, either), she’s got the kind of ideal situation with the tampon cuck ex who is the dad in the picture, but she may very well be not doing so well on the quality lover side of the picture. It’s really hard to tell from what is written there.

  96. Oscar says:

    @ Novaseeker says:
    March 10, 2017 at 10:45 am

    “… basically it’s the old story about having your cuck and eating it too. I mean, look at it from her perspective. Hard to get the great dad and great lover in one guy — very, very hard, only a few women can pull that off. Easier to get one guy to be the dad and the other guy to be the lover, but normally this doesn’t work that well if it is simultaneous, so you make it serial instead of simultaneous.”

    That, and she doesn’t love her son nearly as much as she pretends to.

  97. Oscar says:

    @ Lyn87 says:
    March 10, 2017 at 8:18 am
    Rugby11 and Red Pill Latecomer,

    “… wherein the mythical female warriorettes are possessed of such courage, power, and martial skill as to make Chuck Norris wet his pants… ”

    Chuck Norris doesn’t wet his pants. Chuck Norris’s pants weep at the thought of being worn by Chuck Norris.

  98. PokeSalad says:

    O/T, but thought I’d share:

    Was on the couch whilst gf was watching some execrable Lifetime-type TV-movie called, “The Prince and Me,” which posited the entirely believable premise that the soon-to-be King of Denmark would go to America and unexpectedly fall in love with a painfully-average-looking typical SWPL (played here by Julia Stiles who, much as I liked her in the Bourne movies, is not a 10 on anyone’s scale). Sort of a SWPL version of “Coming to America” (which is a criminally-underrated movie…highly recommended). I missed the first part of the movie, but started to pay attention once Stiles (I dont rem her character’s name) went to Denmark, having agreed to marry the prince and become the next Queen of Denmark. Many scenes of fancy balls, crown jewelry, SWPL-fish-out-of-water and royal goings-on follow.

    Then, there’s a scene where you could see Stiles biting her lip and looking pensive. I immediately turned to my gf and said, “She’s about to turn the prince down, give up a life as the frigging QUEEN OF DENMARK, even after the entire royal family has accepted this arrangement….because..because……she has to “find and empower herself.” The gf sneers at me.

    One second later Stiles says, “I cant go through with this. I still have dreams. I have to be the person I was meant to be.” Gf scowl goes to 11 whilst I gutlaugh on the couch.

    Of course, the prince (about to be king!) says, “I’ll wait for you.” Riiiiiiiight. More laughing from me. The movie ends with, of course, Stiles going back to the US, getting her pre-med degree and starting her career, and LO and BEHOLD, the prince is right there to support her! She has her cake and eats it too.

    I left the couch remarking on “feminist porn” whilst the gf sputtered. 🙂

  99. Oscar says:

    Y’all are gonna LOVE this.

  100. Dave says:

    That, and she doesn’t love her son nearly as much as she pretends to.

    Anne Coulter took no prisoners in her typical unassailable arguments, this time, against single motherhood. Maybe this woman

    ….If you were in the womb right now and you could choose whether to be white, black, rich, poor…the one thing you should hope for, as a child in the womb, is that “my parents are married”….

  101. Prof. Woland says:

    Somebody needs to snap a couple of pics and upload them on the internet. The first with the bronze girl wearing a burka and the second with a MAGA hat on.

  102. Anonymous Reader says:

    Lyn87 (Salamis)
    Gorgo was about 80 miles away from the scene of battle when Themistocles sprang the trap that crushed the Persian fleet and – I would argue – prevented Western Civilization from being strangled in its cradle).

    Themistocles is one of the most under-rated men in Western history. We still do not know what his fleet really did off of the coast of Thermopolyae, just that it stopped a larger Persian fleet with minimal losses. But we do know that fleet would not have existed without Themistocles political work exhorting the Athenians to expend their silver riches wisely.

  103. EhIntellect says:

    “Hard to get the great dad and great lover in one guy — very, very hard, only a few women can pull that off”

    A lot easier MRP. Ask me how I know. Burden.

    Dalrock, great article, great site, thank you for your hard work.

  104. feeriker says:

    That, and she doesn’t love her son nearly as much as she pretends to.

    I wouldn’t automatically assume that most single or divorced women “love” their children, especially their male children, at all. Children are, for most of these women, abstractions at best, or mere meal tickets at worst, not given any consideration for their human value.

  105. Oscar says:

    @ feeriker says:
    March 10, 2017 at 1:05 pm

    Biblically, love and hatred are defined by actions and the results of those actions. For example:

    Proverbs 13:24 Whoever spares the rod hates their children,
    but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.

    Why? Because:

    Proverbs 19:16 Whoever keeps commandments keeps their life,
    but whoever shows contempt for their ways will die.
    17 Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord,
    and he will reward them for what they have done.
    18 Discipline your children, for in that there is hope;
    do not be a willing party to their death.
    19 A hot-tempered person must pay the penalty;
    rescue them, and you will have to do it again.
    20 Listen to advice and accept discipline,
    and at the end you will be counted among the wise.

    A father who doesn’t discipline his children is “a willing party to their death”, because “whoever shows contempt for [commandments] will die”. That’s hatred.

    On the other hand, a father who “is careful to discipline” his children loves them, because they are more likely to “[keep] commandments”, “[keep] their life”, “accept discipline” and “be counted among the wise”.

    Love and hatred, both defined by actions and the likely results of those actions.

    Unfortunately, most modern people define love by their FEEEEEEWIIIIIIINGS, so they believe that as long as they have warm, fuzzy FEEEEEEWIIIIIIINGS for a person, then they love that person.

    The single mother above probably feels warm, fuzzy FEEEEEEWIIIIIIINGS for her son, and therefore believes she loves him, no matter how much damage she does to her son by not marrying his father.

  106. Oscar says:

    @ feeriker

    I realize that you’re aware of all that, but you never know, someone might read these comments who’s never heard the Biblical view of love before.

  107. Casey says:

    @ Dave

    It took exactly 1 minute and 4 seconds for the so called ‘man of the cloth’ to point the finger at men (to thunderous applause).

  108. EhIntellect says:

    @ Oscar

    Proverbs 19:16…..

    Sounds like INTJ parenting is divinely approved.
    “All this is the exertion of Architects’ core philosophy of intelligent self-direction, and in this way they try to mold their children in their own image, working to create capable adults who can go on to use their own minds, solve their own problems, and help their own children in the same way when the time comes. Architects understand that this can’t happen if they shield their children from every source of ill and harm, but believe that if they give their children the right tools, they won’t have to.”

  109. Snowy says:

    Opus is right: it’s the Psalm 2 war (conspiracy) against the Almighty in action.

    “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying…” (Psalm 2:2)

    These kings and rulers are men. Men lead, women follow. The god of this world, the ruler of this world (Satan) works through them to destroy the ways and works of God. Though he hides himself masterfully, we see the results of his warring with God in what you are describing; in all the things we talk about on Dalrock’s blog. We live in it. Thankfully, we are in this world, but we are not of this world.

  110. RICanuck says:

    I think I’ll reach out for red pill Christian advice. The fecesbook link I posted earlier was by a female relative. She is in her lat 30’s but looks much younger, she recently lost a lot of weight, her younger son is 5 (about the time when according to Langley women start seeking a replacement alpha). She liked and shared the post about the women who had the baby daddy beta bux, who helped her with the alpha fux.

    Any idea what I should do? I don’t want to see her sons fatherless.

  111. Novaseeker says:

    he is in her lat 30’s but looks much younger, she recently lost a lot of weight, her younger son is 5 (about the time when according to Langley women start seeking a replacement alpha). She liked and shared the post about the women who had the baby daddy beta bux, who helped her with the alpha fux.

    Any idea what I should do? I don’t want to see her sons fatherless.


    What is the father like? That’s really the critical angle here, I think. Is he keeping up with her in terms of attractiveness? If not, he needs to do so. As to how to get him to see that, it really depends very much on any lines of communication you have to him, what your relationships and personalities are and so on.

    While it isn’t *always* the case, generally speaking if one spouse becomes more attractive and the other spouse stands still … that eventually leads to things spiraling downwards. The speed at which that happens depends very much on the existing frame and strength of the relationship and whether the H is the type who never was as attractive as the W is now, or if he was, and therefore he can get it back (this matters in *her* eyes, because if it’s the former, she’ll be very skeptical of his self-improvement, whereas if it’s the latter he has at least a chance). It isn’t always the case that this happens — again, it really depends on what the deal is with the H is question, and how what he is doing relates to what she is doing, how attractive he is, what is their relationship frame, and so on. All of that is important.

  112. deLaune says:

    God warned Israel what would happen if they continued in their idolatrous ways:

    [As for] my people, children [are] their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause [thee] to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
    Isaiah 3:12 KJV

    Both disasters in one statue.

  113. RICanuck says:


    I don’t get along with her husband, and haven’t seen him in about 2 years. He used to be an alpha badboy, but fatherhood has domesticated him. He’s still pretty alpha and does much ever he wants to.

  114. Jim says:

    Oscar says:
    March 10, 2017 at 12:08 pm

    Little girls and their silly girl power fantasies. lol! How can anyone possibly take movies like that seriously? But I have to admit they do make for great unintentional comedy though.

    One other thing….yet ANOTHER comic book movie? Hollywood is completely bereft of ideas these days. They’re too busy with political activism to write good stories.

  115. RichardP says:

    @Oscar – Love is a verb.

  116. Original Laura says:



    When women’s jobs suddenly disappear in a town, marriage rates go up, and out-of-wedlock births decline. When men’s jobs suddenly disappear, marriage rates go down, and out-of-wedlock births increase.

  117. Frank K says:

    “One other thing….yet ANOTHER comic book movie? Hollywood is completely bereft of ideas these days. They’re too busy with political activism to write good stories.”

    It reminds me of when Hollywood went through its disaster movie phase. Those were awful movies, but they made money. Just like all the Batman, Deadpool, Spiderman, Avengers, etc. movies do now.

  118. Anon says:

    I have wondered why anyone needs any new Hollywood content unless it is truly original. Why?

    There are tons of great movies from decades ago. Unless you have seen ALL of them up to, say 2012, who cares about what the new output is or is not?

    The desire to see ‘new’ movies is just herd following behavior from the non-thinking masses. Just because a film was made 30 or 40 years ago does not mean it cannot compete for your time with the content of today.

    I claim there is little to no need for any more movies outside of the 2-3 year that are very good and original. The problem is, marketing has superceded thought among the masses, hence even remakes make money (see, the SJW Beauty and the Beast which is just a worsened remake of the animated classic – Angela Lansbury, too old to relate to SJWs, openly questions why they were remaking the same thing)…

  119. Novaseeker says:

    I don’t get along with her husband, and haven’t seen him in about 2 years. He used to be an alpha badboy, but fatherhood has domesticated him. He’s still pretty alpha and does much ever he wants to.

    Hmmm. Well if that’s the case maybe it isn’t as much of a red flag. If their relationship is good, and he has not effectively submitted to her, then it’s possible that her increase in attractiveness isn’t going to lead to problems. As I said, it isn’t always problematic. As for the posting of the piece on FB, lots of women like to dream about stuff like that even if they won’t do it themselves personally. Again, it depends on the dynamic in that couple’s relationship, really. It’s hard to say much more without more information, but based on what you have said, it doesn’t seem necessarily dire.

  120. Luke says:

    RICanuck says:
    March 10, 2017 at 3:04 pm
    “I think I’ll reach out for red pill Christian advice. The fecesbook link I posted earlier was by a female relative. She is in her lat[e] 30’s but looks much younger,”

    No, she doesn’t.

  121. RICanuck says:


    I was speaking of my female relative who referenced that fecesbook post, not the ‘woman’ (warm wet hole) who made the post.

  122. Tam the Bam says:

    A young girl, you say? Impale a couple of slices of pizza on the horns.

  123. melmoth says:

    “Stop giving excuses and come together for your children.”

    Says the bint who so clearly was the one who wanted the divorce. If superdad had cast her aside, there is no way she gushes over his benevolence like that. And they name their kid ‘Pierson’…Oh, how I hate that kind of “My child will not be like the others” name choice that is currently spreading like a virus among the 90-110 IQ set. I would have felt sorry for The Cuckfather if it weren’t for his tattoo that screams “96 IQ”

  124. melmoth says:

    The message behind the girl in front of the bull is about as incoherent and disintegrated in message as the Pussyhat Marches. There is no cerebral structure at all anymore, just emotional nerve endings firing away.

    Oh, and shame on you all for assuming the gender of the heroic little girl. That might be a heroic little tranny.

  125. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Hilarious. Man dodges the bullet — dumps his cheating fiancee, on Valentine’s Day, on the radio:

  126. Frank K says:

    Oh dear, the old “I made a few mistakes” excuse.

    I loved how she was asked if she knew the proposal was coming and yet continued to cheat; and she had no response.

  127. Frank K says:

    @Shankar – “But if AI and Robotics were introduced, it would create a massive welfare state that could become a permanent fixture requiring little manual intervention.”

    I was pondering this the other day. As some of you may have heard, a concept known as Guaranteed Universal Income (GUI) is being kicked around these days. The Swiss even voted on it not too long ago (and voted no).

    If AI’s can displace most unskilled and semiskilled labor (and I think it will eventually happen) there will be global unemployment at levels that will dwarf the Great Depression, When this happens I expect there will be payments to all. The question is, how will it be awarded?

    Guaranteed Universal Income, is as its name would suggest, unconditional. You wouldn’t have to be a single mother to get free cheese.

    If GUI is ever implemented I could see the birthrate plummeting to zero. If you get X dollars, euros, rupees or whatever whether you are childless or not, I would expect the masses to choose childlessness, as that leaves them more $$$ to spend on themselves, vs. the current scenario which rewards single motherhood.

    I strongly suspect that the PTB will choose GUI over welfare as a scheme to reduce global population. In fact, I would not be surprised if having kids would make you ineligible to receive GUI.

    The other question one might ask is how will GUI be paid for? The answer would be that central banks would conjure the money out of thin air. As long as the AI’s and robots can provide the goods for that funny money to purchase, it would work. It would be a kind of back handed Eugenics program.

    Anyway, just a thought.

  128. Minesweeper says:

    @melmoth says:
    “Oh, and shame on you all for assuming the gender of the heroic little girl. That might be a heroic little tranny.”

    well spotted, its just a boy who identifies as a girl at the weekend. hell its prob how milo would have dressed at that age.

    how bigoted/hetro-normative of them and it looks white so its obviously racist.

  129. Anonymous Reader says:

    Oh, and shame on you all for assuming the gender of the heroic little girl.

    Oh, the shame! I confess wrong thought!
    We all need to report to the nearest re-education center. That would be either a women’s studies department at any university, or maybe a bathroom at the neighborhood Target.

  130. melmoth says:

    And where’s PETA on this? It seems like a hostile attitude towards animals.

  131. Gunner Q says:

    RICanuk, If I read your problem correctly then the solution might be putting some Red Pill whispers into your relative’s head while she tries to convince herself of that rosy new EPL future. Something like “Yeah, I heard about these househusbands. They get to stay home and play with the kids while the wife ends up miserable working in Cubicle town, paying for everything he wants like a slave. She thought she’d be able to move on with her life but the courts imputed reverse alimony! She never saw it coming! Doesn’t that sound horrible?”

    And another idea, maybe play “wingman” to her husband. saying things to boost his SMV? If you can coax the occasional Alpha moment out of him then it’ll help his wife stay attracted.

    “I strongly suspect that the PTB will choose GUI over welfare as a scheme to reduce global population.”

    If AI reaches the point that robots are as good as humans then the PTB will triumphantly poison us like rats. Futurists don’t realize that the driving force behind sentient AI is hatred of humanity. Replace human drudgery? That’s a good use of machines. Replace humans? That’s a bad one. Sexbot development is motivated by a hatred of badly behaved women. Self-driving cars are motivated by a hatred of human freedom. Burger-flipping robots are motivated by the gov’t intentionally making humans impossibly expensive and legally dangerous to employ.

    The push for sentient artificial intelligence is a great moral evil. This is why no scifi author has ever created a convincing future in which humans and sentient robots peacefully coexist, because the only reason to make such robots is replacing (read, exterminating) humans.

  132. @RPL:

    Testosterone & HGH are impressive things.

  133. Frank K says:

    @GunnerQ – “This is why no scifi author has ever created a convincing future in which humans and sentient robots peacefully coexist, because the only reason to make such robots is replacing (read, exterminating) humans.”

    Roddenberry attempted that with Mr. Data. Though later he introduced Lor, Data’s evil twin. Of course Data eventually defeats Lor. Then again, Star Trek is hardly a convincing future. Roddenberry was a hopeless optimist.

    There are a lot more stories like Battlestar Galactica, where the AI’s attempt to exterminate humanity. Of course, all those stories say a lot more about us than any would be true sentient AI, which still don’t exist outside of fiction.

    “If AI reaches the point that robots are as good as humans then the PTB will triumphantly poison us like rats.”

    Maybe, but I think giving the unwashed a huge incentive to not reproduce will be easier and less risky. In just a few generations they would be gone and the Masters of the Universe would no longer have to worry about an overpopulated Earth. The danger with a mass extermination, at least in the present, is that Americans are very well armed and things could turn violent with unexpected collateral damage for TPB. Of course, the logistics of poisoning the entire globe at the same time (through the food or water supply, I imagine) would be tricky and rife with risk. Much safer to bribe the populace into self extinction.

  134. Gunner Q says:

    “Roddenberry attempted that with Mr. Data.”

    There are similar characters too, like Asimov’s Daneel Olivaw. They make useful foils for exploring questions of humanity and morality. But these benign AIs have remarkable similarities, such as realizing they still lack a spark of humanity. They have respect for their creators. They champion humanity over their fellow AIs. I find it very evocative of humanity’s relationship to Christ.

    “Maybe, but I think giving the unwashed a huge incentive to not reproduce will be easier and less risky. In just a few generations they would be gone…”

    Right, in a few generations. That would be reasonable… and that’s the problem. The Elites’ anti-humanity behavior comes from pride/arrogance rather than calm deliberation. They want to be the winner NOW, over the people living NOW. They’ll accept the slow burn only if they have to.

    Even today, none of what they do is reasonable. They’re killing the greatest nation in human history by waging war upon its fathers, farming out its industry to international slavers and salting the population with di-worsity so it’ll never be able to recover from their misrule. They’d rather be pauper kings of a wasteland than superwealthy trustees of an empire. A logical, sentient AI would be horrified at such behavior and work to protect humanity’s innocent and righteous… and in doing so, discover God, because the Elites’ ultimate motivation is rebellion against their own Creator.

    Good fodder for any budding scifi author out there. God curse the current crop from ruining my love of reading with their necrobestial insanities.

  135. @Gunner Q:

    A logical AI would kill most of our leaders and convert everyone to Christianity. It would probably also exterminate Muslims.

    Logic and Result Analysis are a pretty terrible for a lot of cultures.

  136. feeriker says:

    Hilarious. Man dodges the bullet — dumps his cheating fiancee, on Valentine’s Day, on the radio:

    Is Tom Leykos still doing his radio show? That segment would have been PERFECT for it.

    Oh dear, the old “I made a few mistakes” excuse.

    I loved how she was asked if she knew the proposal was coming and yet continued to cheat; and she had no response.

    It was, of course, a rhetorical question only. She knew she was busted and the guys knew better than to believe any answer she’d give.

    Assuming that the whole thing wasn’t scripted, it would be fascinating to know how she spent that Vagintine’s Day (after moving her shit out of her ex-bf’s house, that is). Getting blind drunk? Weeping on her “old friend’s” shoulder (before fucking his brains out)?

  137. I don’t think that was scripted.

  138. feeriker says:

    Well, this didn’t take long. Totally on topic.


    He might have been the first, but absolutely WILL NOT be the last. Stand by for a whole gallery of “Hump the Empowered Girl Statue” photos to emerge. Heck, some budding entrepreneur might even come out with a t-shirt with that theme.

  139. Anon says:

    It will be even funnier if someone puts a burqa on the statue. That way, the lefty coalition will descend into infighting and confusion.

    Remember, it would take only 300 MRAs to destroy ‘feminism’ if they start sockpuppeting as Muslims, and then sockpuppeting as ‘feminists’ to insult Muslims.

  140. Frank K says:

    “I don’t think that was scripted”

    I read on another blog that those radio hosts pull off something similar every couple of weeks, Apparently it’s not too hard to find such couples in a large city, and that the guys are regular listeners to the show and heard other guys dumps their cheating gf’s, so when it’s their turn they are eager to participate in the dumping.

    ” it would be fascinating to know how she spent that Vagintine’s Day”

    Interesting how the “Saint” has been dropped from St. Valentines’s Day (which is the feast day that commemorates his martyrdom) and he has been converted into the secular patron of lust (And pagans claim that we stole their holidays). Just as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. became “Dr. Martin Luther King Junior”. I suspect that if you asked a young pretty thing who Valentine was, she would probably guess that he was related to Cupid.

  141. Splashman says:

    @Original Laura,


    Men and the Manufacturing Decline – The Atlantic

    When women’s jobs suddenly disappear in a town, marriage rates go up, and out-of-wedlock births decline. When men’s jobs suddenly disappear, marriage rates go down, and out-of-wedlock births increase.

    Wow, great link, thanks for sharing it!

    Gee, if I didn’t know better, it would almost seem like women working outside the home (contra God’s design) leads to Very Bad Things happening. But that couldn’t possibly be right. The data must be skewed. The author is a right-wing tool. And it’s clearly all men’s fault, somehow.

  142. Snowy says:


    I just finished watching the Terminator Genisys movie again. I seem to get something new out of it every time. I think it’s the best of all the Terminator movies prophetically. Even the time travel aspect, while fantastical, seems to relate to the “was, is, and is to come.” The AI aspect is true to what you are saying, and not beyond the realm of possibility.

  143. Splashman says:

    Re: AI, I was just recalling from Dune (Frank Herbert): “Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind.” Why? Because, “Once men turned their thinking over to machines in the hope that this would set them free. But that only permitted other men with machines to enslave them.”

  144. feeriker says:

    Interesting how the “Saint” has been dropped from St. Valentines’s Day (which is the feast day that commemorates his martyrdom) and he has been converted into the secular patron of lust (And pagans claim that we stole their holidays). Just as the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. became “Dr. Martin Luther King Junior”. I suspect that if you asked a young pretty thing who Valentine was, she would probably guess that he was related to Cupid.

    I remarked to my intended, a few days before this damned estrogenated day of pagan commercial vulva worship was to curse us for 24 hours, that it was enroute and how sad that I couldn’t send her flowers for the occasion. The sentence wasn’t even fully out of my mouth before she replied that this was a commercialized pagan holiday exploited by selfish, greedy women and that true love is celebrated EVERY day, not one day out of the year dictated by somebody else for cynical and self-serving purposes.

    Did I mention that she’s a unicorn?

  145. N. Vandenberg says:

    Concerning the young girl statue :
    Proverbs 16
    18 Pride goes before destruction,
    and a haughty spirit before a fall.

  146. Lyn87 says:

    Frank K mentions “Martin Luther” King.

    it’s worse than you (may) know: I constantly hear him referred to as “The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior,” but there’s mostly false.

    1) His doctoral thesis was heavily plagiarized from the thesis of fellow BU student Jack Boozer two year earlier. Mr. King had the same faculty advisor for his dissertation as Dr. Boozer and he obviously knew of the plagiarism… in fact it’s almost certain that he referred Mr. King to Dr. Boozer’s work so he could use it, since King would probably never have gotten a doctorate on his own, and it was important that he be allowed to get his degree and graduate (contrary to PC assertions, “the soft tyranny of low expectations” was a thing even in the early 1950s). Large sections of Dr. Boozer’s thesis are copied word-for-word without attribution in Mr. King’s thesis (nor was Dr. Boozer the only person he plagiarized). A white man at BU would likely have been expelled for plagiarism. There is a caveat on King’s thesis in the BU archives to this day stating that he didn’t do much of the work. Even the New York Times covered the story in November 1990 when it was uncovered. His “Doctor” title is fraudulent. Mr. King’s propensity to use the words of others without credit is a recurring theme throughout his academic career and even in his public speeches. His “1963 I Have a Dream” speech used the words of Rev. Archibald Carey in his speech at the 1952 Republican national convention. No – that’s not a misprint. The audio of Rev Carey’s speech on the final night of the Republican convention is here, and it’s worth listening to.

    2) We know a lot about his personal life from both his FBI file (J. Edgar Hoover was a freaky fascist pervert, but he got dirt on everybody) and the testimony of his closest friend, Ralph Abernathy. Mr. King was certainly a serial adulterer and – if his best friend Abernathy was telling the truth – actively bisexual. He had no right to call himself “Reverend” but his denomination overlooked his moral turpitude “for the greater good,” and because he was famous. His “Reverend” title is also fraudulent.

    His name wasn’t even Martin Luther King. His given name was “Michael” and he never had it legally changed. At some point he simply decided that Martin Luther King sounded better than Michael King, so he started using that because it thought it conveyed more gravitas. Both “Martin” and “Luther” are fraudulent… and since his father wasn’t “Martin Luther King, Sr,” even the “Junior” at the end of his name is fraudulent.

    That’s why I usually refer to him as “Michael King” or “Mr. King,” since he has no legitimate claim to “Reverend,” nor “Doctor,” nor “Martin,” nor “Luther,” nor even “Junior.”

  147. Lyn87 says:


    I don’t see why anyone is upset about the guy “gettin’ jiggy” with the statue: I thought “street theater” was a legitimate form of expression by the left in general and feminists in particular. Anyway, the guy’s wearing a suit on Wall Street and carrying a man-purse… he almost certainly voted for Hillary.

  148. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    It turns out that the jazz music community (like everything else) is sexist: http://www.npr.org/sections/therecord/2017/03/09/519482385/sexism-from-two-leading-jazz-artists-draws-anger-and-presents-an-opportunity

    Glasper’s comments came as a shock to exactly zero people who’ve spent any time in the jazz world. I’ve heard variations on the “women can’t really follow jazz” theme ever since I first started hitting jazz clubs and loving extremely long solos.

    To be a female jazz fan and critic is to live with a frustrating irreconcilability: I have an intellectual passion for creative, complex music and, sometimes, the musicians who make that music doubt my ability to appreciate its creativity and complexity.

  149. feeriker says:

    [King] had no right to call himself “Reverend” but his denomination overlooked his moral turpitude “for the greater good,” and because he was famous. His “Reverend” title is also fraudulent.

    King’s entire “Christian” persona was a fraud. He admitted to everyone who knew him as an adult that he had stopped believing in God or His son Jesus as an adolescent. He only continued to “play church” because he considered the “church” to be the only institution that could be co-opted as an instrument of social change within the black community. Even a cursory examination of any random black “church” in today’s America will make it clear that King’s cynicism was well grounded in truth.

  150. Otto Lamp says:

    Off topic, but if you want to see what women really think of sensitive men:

    “Have You Encountered the Cuckboi?” by Alana Hope Levinson.


  151. Frank K says:

    No argument against King being a fraud. My point was simply that the MSM has chosen to secularize him. I can’t remember the last time I recall reading him referred to a “Reverend”, which has become a meaningless title anyway as even Unitarian ministers use it. All I ever hear now is “Dr. King”. We get the day off at work, with the required global email blastogram from corporate HQ about what a great man “Doctor King” was. I’ll bet few school children these days are taught that he was a putative Baptism minister.

    Anyway, I was just making a note about how many things that are religious in nature (or should I say Christian) have been secularized in our culture, sanitized because their religious roots make far too many important and powerful people feel uncomfortable. The next one on the calendar is St. Patrick’s Day, which Americans have turned into an absurd green beer and leprechaun fest. That said, there are some things that have religious roots, such as Mardi Gras/Carnival which have also been co-opted, to which I say “good riddance”.

  152. Pingback: The decline of the bratty princess [Jer 1] | Dark Brightness

  153. Will S. says:

    Reblogged this on Patriactionary and commented:
    Most appropriate in its asininity and absurdity; perfectly captures the emotional and intellectual maturity of feminists.

    When they cotton on to this, it will be removed, of course.

  154. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Frank K I was just making a note about how many things that are religious in nature (or should I say Christian) have been secularized in our culture, sanitized because their religious roots make far too many important and powerful people feel uncomfortable.

    American culture has been de-Christianized because it makes Jews uncomfortable.

    A Jewish academic even wrote a book, A Kosher Christmas: ‘Tis the Season to be Jewish, about how Jews have de-Christianize Christmas over the past century. It’s heavily footnoted and published by Rutgers University Press: https://www.amazon.com/Kosher-Christmas-Tis-Season-Jewish/dp/0813553806/

  155. greyghost says:

    That statue is a fail. All it shows is women are adversaries and burdens.

  156. PokeSalad says:

    Hmm, I had a (albeit offtopic) comment here, but it must be stuck in moderation.

    [D: Found and retrieved.]

  157. The Chans are already in action. There is going to be MUCH in the way of fun with that statue in the future. It’s such an easy target.

  158. Rick Caird says:

    So, she is defiant in the face of a bul market. Is she going to sell short into the rally?

  159. Dalrock, did you see Noah Smith’s post over at Bloomberg View?


    Dr Smith is correct that the marginal people not marrying is a big problem. But Dr Smith did a terrible job diagnosing why that is the case. I think we need to have this discussion in society a bit more often.

  160. PuffyJacket says:

    That video up thread of Anne Coulter explaining to a low IQ mangina why single motherhood is bad for America is just awesome. Pretty much a microcosm of everything we talk about in the ‘sphere, from NAWALT to “Father” Albert’s cringe-inducing groveling. The audience reactions are great too.

  161. Tom C says:

    Martin Luther King’s plagiarism is excused by the SJW crowd because they claim plagiarism should be redefined to allow a preacher to use the oral tradition of black folk culture without being concerned about such things.

  162. Lyn87 says:

    Tom C,

    I know you know this, but for those who don’t:

    It’s true that the King “trubelievers” sling that, but the King family is famously scrupulous about copyrighting Mike King’s “intellectual property” and going after anyone who quotes HIM without his estate getting a monetary cut. Not only does that prove that they don’t really believe in the “It’s a black thing – you wouldn’t understand” attitude about using the words of others as if they were your own, but it perversely prevents the people from whom Mike King stole from using their own words. It’s one thing to say. “Oral tradition permits black preachers to appropriate the words of others without attribution.” It’s quite another to copyright those words to prevent others from using them.

    This link to the King Center website’s “Archive Terms & Conditions” page contains their 1500-word statement concerning the sanctity of the “intellectual property” they control.

    Given enough time, grievance-mongers and other frauds always end up as parodies of themselves. What’s more: even if “oral tradition” grants a pass when one is preaching, it certainly does not apply to schoolwork.

  163. S. Chan says:

    Naomi Schaefer Riley:

    A recent study from the Marriage Foundation in England found that couples with newborns who were unhappy in their marriage but who stayed together were actually likely to be happy a few years later. The authors write that of the unhappiest parents — “those scoring 1 or 2 on a 7-point scale — only 7 percent of these said they were still unhappy 10 years later, regardless of whether they stayed together or split up. Two thirds said they were happy or very happy, scoring 6 or 7.”


  164. RICanuck says:


    The stock photo in Noah Smith’s article says a lot. The bride is leaning away from the groom, closed mouth tight lips kiss, and a grimace around the eyes.

    Rollo and Roissy could have a field day analysing that body language.

  165. Scott says:

    Gentlemen, as always– pardon the interruption. But if you have a moment.


  166. melmoth says:


    Right. It shows nothing but air-headed pugnaciousness, just like the pussy hat marches. The bull was never a negative symbol on Wall Street. It was inspirational, strong, exciting, but the women still have to come in and have it be about them, even though it doesn’t logically follow at all. What is that little ‘ban bossy’ asshole doing there? This was a financial/capitalist symbol. Next up, a mean-eyed harridan carved into a stone bluff in South Dakota staring down the boys at Mt. Rushmore.

  167. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    This morning I channel flipped past the Lifetime Movie Network, and caught a man saying to a woman, “I’m so sorry. Sometimes I get jealous. I am such a jerk.”

    I wonder how many times per week a man on that channel says that to a woman. “I am such a jerk.” Screenwriters for LMN must have a macro key for that phrase on their word processors, so much do LMN’s female viewers love seeing men self-abase themselves.

  168. Gunner Q says:

    “Next up, a mean-eyed harridan carved into a stone bluff in South Dakota staring down the boys at Mt. Rushmore.”

    Shh, don’t remind them that place exists. They never leave their enclaves and actually enjoy all the parks and preserves they create so furiously. They just buy the calendar and feel good about those “safe-from-human” spaces.

    Thank you, Sierra Club, for never showing the campgrounds we stay at in those inspirational pictures. Your supporters would be triggered at the sight of intact families enjoying a vacation.

  169. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    University of Minnesota replaces sexist titles of Homecoming King and Queen with gender neutral Royals: http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/31649/

    The University of Minnesota has become the latest university to do away with the traditional Homecoming King and Queen titles and replace them with the gender-neutral “Royals” term.

    Taking it one step further, University of Minnesota officials also point out that the winners don’t even have to be one biological male and one biological female, stating on its website: “‘Royals’ … can be any combination of any gender identity.”

    Campus officials called the change a move “toward gender inclusivity” that promotes “a spirit of inclusion at the University of Minnesota.”

    “This change allows the University to select the best student representatives for the U of M based on campus and community involvement — regardless of gender,” the website states.

  170. Gunner Q says:

    In other news, PragerU is at it again, this time discussing ‘how to escape poverty’. The video starts with “Progressives and conservatives have very different answers to this question. But before we explore those answers, let’s agree on this: Both progressives and conservatives agree that the government has a moral obligation to help those who, through bad luck or unfortunate circumstances, can’t help themselves.” I wonder which one frivorce is?

    Arthur Brooks goes on to explain how the key to ending poverty is offering makework gov’t jobs instead of handing out money. What is this conservative trying to conserve, the Works Progress Administration? Wasn’t that a “progressive” idea?

  171. shadowofashade says:

    I went to Yellowstone once, and the NPS happened to be driving a herd of bison across one of the roads. The minivan stopped, as did the other cars to let the bison pass through and behind the cars.

    It was awesome sight, but with a tinge of fear as they passed; you realized that

    1) These animals were the size and weight of the minivan.
    2) You couldn’t help but wonder what happen if one of the large brutes decided to ram your vehicle (one of the bison at the end got a little unruly and started kicking at the NPS on horseback).

    This statue is arrogance and naive, plain and simple.

  172. Frank K says:

    “The University of Minnesota has become the latest university to do away with the traditional Homecoming King and Queen titles and replace them with the gender-neutral “Royals” term.”

    Isn’t “Homecoming” insensitive to the homeless? Maybe they should use the abode-neutral “Placecoming”.

    They wouldn’t want to risk triggering someone, would they?

  173. Don Quixote says:

    My favourite quote from the above article:

    “but it turned out that the birth was apparently the result of a “dalliance” between his wife, identified as E.Z., and another man.”

    the mother can only be identified as “EZ”

  174. Anon says:

    What is this conservative trying to conserve, the Works Progress Administration? Wasn’t that a “progressive” idea?

    The leftist exists to create new problems.
    The cuckservative exists to prevent those problems from ever being fixed.

  175. Otto Lamp says:

    “Next up, a mean-eyed harridan carved into a stone bluff in South Dakota staring down the boys at Mt. Rushmore.”

    OMG, that’s it!

    Remember the tourist guy that was in so many photos as a joke?

    We should cut this statue out and start putting it in photos as a joke. In front of trains, waterfalls, whatever…

  176. If the statue was smaller, I’d say someone should take it on a world-wide trip like people do with garden gnomes.

  177. Dave says:

    The stock photo in Noah Smith’s article says a lot. The bride is leaning away from the groom, closed mouth tight lips kiss, and a grimace around the eyes

    Did you notice also that the man leaned towards the bride, and seems to be much happier he is getting married?
    I think it’s all a power play. The woman is depicted as the more powerful one, who is less emotional about the wedding; the man was so ecstatic the woman “agreed” to marry him.

  178. Minesweeper says:

    Don Quixote says:“but it turned out that the birth was apparently the result of a “dalliance” between his wife, identified as E.Z., and another man.” the mother can only be identified as “EZ”

    and easy she was.

    she didnt commit adultery, she didnt go against her vows, she wasnt unfaithful

    it was just a dalliance, that just happened, like if you ordered a baked potato and fries came instead, couldnt be helped, just a thing …… it. just. occurred.

  179. feeriker says:

    Gunner Q says:
    March 14, 2017 at 3:32 pm

    “Conservatives” are well beyond the point of self-parody now. Anybody who claims that there is any longer any substantive difference between a conservative and a prog is not only a moron, but fully deserving of whatever befalls them for following or putting their trust in either side.

  180. infowarrior1 says:


    Modern day “Conservatives” are left to the ideas that are prior to the French Revolution. Also:

  181. Just Saying says:

    I saw where some guy had his picture taken from behind the little girl with his pants down, his hands behind her head, and his head up yelling. All he needed was the pedo-bear costume to really put the nail in it, but I’m betting his time was very limited before the squawking started…

  182. @Just Saying:

    The Chans are variously coming up with interesting ideas. We’ll see who does the most interesting act. I really hope someone does the full Islamic dress one. That would be brutal.

  183. Don Quixote says:

    Minesweeper says:
    March 14, 2017 at 8:39 pm

    Don Quixote says:“but it turned out that the birth was apparently the result of a “dalliance” between his wife, identified as E.Z., and another man.” the mother can only be identified as “EZ”

    and easy she was.

    she didnt commit adultery, she didnt go against her vows, she wasnt unfaithful

    it was just a dalliance, that just happened, like if you ordered a baked potato and fries came instead, couldnt be helped, just a thing …… it. just. occurred.

    Yes, it was just a dalliance, as in Thou shalt not commit dalliance.

    Anyway, I’m pleased that the guy was saddled with child support for the kid he never fathered. Perhaps there is still some sanity in the court system in Canada?

  184. Don Quixote says:

    Opps, that should read:
    I’m pleased that the guy wasn’t saddled with child support for the kid he never fathered.

  185. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    On the street today I passed a young couple. I assume they weren’t married, but I don’t know.

    The man was a typical tall, gangly hipster type, trailing beside the woman. She was much shorter, yet strode with more confidence.

    On her shoulder she carried a tiny dog. It wore a sweater that had the words: I’m the boss.

    I guess that means this dog is the center of this woman’s life. What doggie wants, doggie gets. Of course, dog makes for an easy boss. Dog can’t tell the woman what to wear, where to live, what to study, or what career to pursue.

    It’s a red flag, of course. Any woman that puts an I’m the boss sweater on her pet clearly won’t look to her husband for headship.

  186. Boxer says:

    Dear Marcus D.:

    Thanks for posting that. Catholic Answers is a veritable gold-mine of bad advice, and my favorite contributor Xantippe never ceases to amuse and entertain.

    Feel free to send the miserable old cunt to my blog if you’ve got a sock over there.



  187. Chris says:

    Shouldn’t the statue of the girl have shorter, multi-colored hair?

  188. Anon says:


    Matt Walsh is a typical cuckservative faggot who praises entitled women seeking to mooch off of men with utterances of ‘You Go Girl!’.

    That is how pathetic he is.

    On a related note, when cuckservatives try to appear ‘cool’ by quoting pop culture, note how badly they get it wrong, and how pathetic they look :

    Matt Walsh : “You Go Girl!”
    Jim Gay-ratty : “Ward Cleaver is a Stud!”
    Brad Wilcucks : “Put a Ring on It.”

  189. feeriker says:

    Shouldn’t the statue of the girl have shorter, multi-colored hair?

    Yes, and it should also weight at least 200 pounds more than it does.

  190. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    chokingonredpills, I especially like this money quote by a former employee: “It was truly like being in an abusive relationship. … I don’t know if you’ve ever had the feeling when you walk into a place … you simply just don’t know how the other person is going to react. One day they could be in a super great mood and everything’s fine and dandy and you’re being praised left and right, or else you walk in and you’re treated like you’re dirt… That takes an emotional and physical toll on you.”

    Most women are incapable of functioning in a professional work environment. Unlike men, women are not hardwired for hierarchy.

    In the military, in sports, in government, in business, men give and obey orders. They understand it’s not personal. Thus male institutions operate like a machine.

    But for women, everything is personal and emotional. Every institution is supposed to be sensitive to their feelings, praising and promoting them them just for being part of the “corporate family.” To call out their mistakes, to demand accountability, is abusive.

  191. Kevin says:

    Just for OCDs sake, a child’s head is proportionally MUCH larger than an adults head. If you put a woman’s face on a child it’s odd, but the size is correct. And honestly the face looks about normal for this type of sculpture.

    The better questions about – what the heck is the point? And this illustrates the ridiculousness of feminism all are true.

  192. kalonauta says:

    I’ll just leave here a link of “death by moxie”:
    Woman dies while climbing Mt. Everest to prove that “Vegans can do anything”

    This piece of “news” (may 2016) somehow reminds me of what a little girl would face while facing a real raging bull that way.
    Nature has its way to deal with such lies.

  193. Wood Chipper says:

    I just came across this “conservative, Christian” case for more women in board rooms. It fits with your post. He was supposedly awarded a Sacred Theology Licentiate, Magna Cum Laude, from the Collegium Augustinianum for 240 pages of this garbage.


  194. Pingback: How much girlpower is too much? | Dalrock

  195. Pingback: Fearless Girl come to life. | Dalrock

  196. Jason Gosnell says:

    Christians pray….a lot or so it seems.

    Does prayer help men step out of all this bullshit?

    If this is a pathological paradigm we are in….does God help men to cope with this….or to establish a new, more workable paradigm….frame?

    If so, how does that happen?

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