Rollo Tomassi’s new book is now available.

Rollo reached out to me late last week to let me know his latest book The Rational Male – Positive Masculinity is now available.  I picked up a copy on Kindle on Friday afternoon hoping to have time to finish it over the weekend, but so far have only made it through the first 18%.  What I have read so far is very good, including a moving tribute to The Private Man, and chapters on fatherhood from a “red pill” perspective.  Rollo has offered a full breakdown of the contents here.

Rollo writes from a secular perspective, but a solid understanding of the sexual marketplace, the importance of a man’s frame, and the devastation feminists have wreaked on the institution of marriage is just as important for Christians as it is for non Christians.  For a primer on how a Christian husband can approach the topic of Game, see Headship Game.

If you are interested, you can pick up your own copy in either paperback or kindle format.

Edit:  Update from Rollo.

The Rational Male – Positive Masculinity is now the number 1 best seller in Fatherhood, number 2 best seller in Parenting Boys and number 4 best seller in Family Relationships/Fatherhood on Amazon now.

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35 Responses to Rollo Tomassi’s new book is now available.

  1. Pingback: Rollo Tomassi’s new book is now available. | @the_arv

  2. Boxer says:

    Reblogged this on v5k2c2 and commented:
    Go buy Rollo’s book.

  3. Anonymous Reader says:

    Rollo writes from a secular perspective, but a solid understanding of the sexual marketplace, the importance of a man’s frame, and the devastation feminists have wreaked on the institution of marriage is just as important for Christians as it is for non Christians.

    Especially true given the downright bad advice given by religious leaders. Either church leaders with The Glasses will emerge, or the churches will continue to dwindle into feminized irrelevance. Because “Beatings will continue until attitudes improve”, or as Zed put it on the late Spearhead “We’ve gone from carrot and stick to GIMME TWO STICKS” is just not going to attract or retain men under 30 for many reasons that have been outlined here and other places. The idolization of women, even in “conservative” churches, is obvious, it is increasing, and it is destructive.

    Dalrock, I’m looking forward to your analysis of certain chapters of this book – an addendum to Rollo’s work from a Christian perspective is sorely needed. If I knew of a man under 40 who wwas going through the charade called “premarital counseling” I’d make sure to get a copy of Rollo’s book to him with the URL of “Interviewing a prospective wife” and “headship game” written on the flyleaf.

  4. earlthomas786 says:

    The idolization of women, even in “conservative” churches, is obvious, it is increasing, and it is destructive.

    It’ll be the downfall of the Protestant church. You’ve already seen it with the women’s ordination…and a lot of the male pastors pretty much spout out the feminist ethos.

  5. Pingback: Rollo Tomassi’s new book is now available. | Reaction Times

  6. Lost Patrol says:

    Update from Rollo.
    The Rational Male – Positive Masculinity is now the number 1 best seller in Fatherhood, number 2 best seller in Parenting Boys and number 4 best seller in Family Relationships/Fatherhood on Amazon now.

    The titles surrounding Rollo’s book on Amazon in the named categories make for a humorous contrast. His book is flanked by a raft of material that could be described as choking on an overdose of blue pills. It’s a Positive Masculinity vs. Toxic Masculinity cage match.

  7. rugby11 says:

    Good stuff

  8. rugby11 says:

    Write with him Dalrock

  9. Anonymous Reader says:


    Not gloating, just pointing.

  10. earlthomas786 says:


    Oh I’m aware there are feminists in the Catholic church trying to make this happen…despite that they are also aware they are doing this.

    Yes, we have challenged and broken the Church’s Canon Law 1024, an unjust law that discriminates against women. Despite what some bishops may lead the faithful to believe, our ordinations are valid because we are ordained in apostolic succession within the Roman Catholic Church.

    It’s delusion and they are going against the dogma. They are not Catholic.

  11. And then there’s this:

  12. Dalrock, I’m looking forward to your analysis of certain chapters of this book – an addendum to Rollo’s work from a Christian perspective is sorely needed.

    I’ve already begun my research for a fourth book that will address exactly this. I plan to target it directly at the Christian literature market.

  13. Desiderius says:

    “The Rational Male – Positive Masculinity is now the number 1 best seller in Fatherhood, number 2 best seller in Parenting Boys and number 4 best seller in Family Relationships/Fatherhood on Amazon now.”

    Grats, Rollo. I’ll be buying a copy to help me raise my two-week-old twin boys.

  14. donalgraeme says:

    I’ve already begun my research for a fourth book that will address exactly this. I plan to target it directly at the Christian literature market.

    That should be interesting.

  15. Gary Eden says:

    Nothing will take down ‘the protestant church’; thats a Catholic misunderstanding. Its not ‘a church’ but a bunch of disparate movements with some common history. New ones pop up faster than they can be converged.

    There are disadvantages to this of course. But it over comes the new/old wineskines problem. The Catholics have the unenviable task of trying to deconverge their organization and wrest control back from the gays, commies, and feminists.

    If they can win, it will make an epic study in how to deconverge organizations. God speed.

  16. SirNemesis says:

    What do you all think about the reactions of the wife/mother and other bystanders here?

  17. Iowa Slim says:

    My copy is in the mail. Rollo is a good man.

  18. Jack Russell says:

    I wish this was available when I was in my 20s. I have two nephews who are in their early 20s. Though they did have a somewhat red pill upbringing, Rollo’s books will give them a major headstart.

  19. earlthomas786 says:

    The Catholics have the unenviable task of trying to deconverge their organization and wrest control back from the gays, commies, and feminists.

    We sure do…it’ll be tough, however the church has overcome various herseies and apostates before. The difference here is how much more internal it is…mostly how the Jesuits have been taken over by social justice.

  20. Eh. No slight to Rollo, but in general I don’t think that new(er) Christians or Christian men without a solid background in the faith should be reading non-Christian materials about the nature of men and women. Most of them do not have the discernment — praxeology and/or toolbox or not — to understand how to apply it to their own Christian walk.

    Don’s A Christian Man’s Guide to Love and Marriage in the 21st Century: Why Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong is a good start:

    Available free on Donal’s sidebar:

    Overall, I think something is needed purely from a Biblical standpoint contrasted solely against culture. I also think removing ‘RP’ terms is going to be the way to go, if a massive audience is going to be reached.

    I’m 99% sure that I will be taking on this project seriously.

  21. Anonymous Reader says:

    @Deep Strength

    Rollo has taken on the task of teaching men about the real nature of women in order to save lives. Do you recall his article on why he writes? I do. Do you know of any men who have killed themselves in despair over a woman? I do. No one in any church has undertaken anything remotely like Rollo’s projects. No one. Not Piper, not Keller, nor any other of the celebrity preachers (I’m looking at you, Doug “I Want To Beat Men Into Submission To Their Wives” Wilson, yes sir I am) have offered anything actionable or useful. In fact, what they offer is the same warmed over garbage that fills the “relationship advice” aisle of every bookstore. Choreplay! Quality time! Listen to her! More kid time! Turn yourself into a woman! It is actively destructive advice.

    Meanwhile men are frivorced and fed into the divorce grinder, men are blowing their brains out, men are slowly dying of high blood pressure brought on by the endless acid-drip of contempt from their oh-so-holy wives. Yes, even in the finest of churches there are men bein murdered on the installment plan by their wives, because those men do not know any other way and nobody in the TradCon world will tell them anything different. Even if they could, they wouldn’t, because the first commandment for Traditional Conservatives is “Thou shalt not upset the dearies” and for TradCon preachers the reason is “lest thy collection plate become empty”.

    I completely support you, Donal and any other “glasses-wearing”, redpilled man in writing essays or a book on this topic. Let 10,000 red pill lessons bloom from out here in nowhere, from the pews, from real men who live in reality. Because there’s no one in any church that will dare risk the smallest chip on their rice bowl by telling the truth about women. That goes double for celebrity preachers, who are not about to risk their fat book contracts.

  22. Gunner Q says:

    Deep Strength @ 4:07 pm:
    “Most of them do not have the discernment — praxeology and/or toolbox or not — to understand how to apply it to their own Christian walk.”

    It surely won’t be their first exposure to evolutionary psychology. Are you speaking from experience concerning new believers? I’ve toyed with the idea of starting a blog on countering evopsych because it’s such a widely-accepted and morally dangerous faith but attempts on Dalrock’s blog haven’t been promising.

  23. @ AR, Gunner Q,

    I get a lot of e-mails from believers who are thankful that they found my site (and I’m sure that Donal and Dalrock do too) because there is pretty much no “RP” advice for Christians anywhere. The secular manosphere is monstrous compared to the small Christian portion.

    In general, new believers and seasoned believers on these topics. Older believers tend to have issues getting out of the churchian mindset and betahood…. mostly are single gamma/omegas. The husbands are the typical hen pecked. Most of the new believers that I’ve come in contact with (either online and IRL) tend to have the temptations to get dragged into playerhood. The whole power without the morals thing.

    Also, Gunner yeah evo psych as well. The Bible clearly outlines the nature of women all throughout the Scriptures from Genesis to Proverbs to the prophets to the NT. Women are tempted to be contentious, rebellious against authority, and pedestalized. They need to be taught what is good, to be content, submissive, and respectful.

  24. earlthomas786 says:

    Women are tempted to be contentious, rebellious against authority, and pedestalized. They need to be taught what is good, to be content, submissive, and respectful.

    There is one woman who all women should aspire to be like…and that’s the Virgin Mary because she submitted to the will of God. The second model married women should be like is the church.

  25. Will Coleman says:

    Thanks for the heads-up Dalrock – I got hold of Rollo’s new offering straight away. And most of all – Thank You Rollo Tomassi!! What you (RT) have produced has changed everything for me.

    I am very very new to this part of the cosmos – and to go slightly – well fairly – off topic, I am curious to know if there are any blogs or posts that ‘connect dots’ between (Rollo’s) ‘positive masculinity’ and the potential affront or challenge to LGBT interests/agendas that I am seeing. I don’t want to bang on about the wrong topic in this comments thread.

  26. BillyS says:

    Evo psych has credibility because many give the idea of particles to people evolution so much credence, even though it has huge gaping flaws. Even many Christians succumb to that and we are paying the price.

    Anyone who studies computers and programming should instantly question things like that, but they take many things as unchallenged facts and this by into the same “evolution is a sonic screwdriver” idiocy, even to explain female motivations that are much better explained with The Fall and sin.

  27. earl says:

    Because there’s no one in any church that will dare risk the smallest chip on their rice bowl by telling the truth about women.

    Bishop Fulton Sheen wrote quite a bit about the nature of men and women. Both the good parts from God and the negatives arising from modern society. He didn’t shy away from the errors of equality and promiscuity. ‘The World’s First Love’ is a book I’m currently reading now…it’s about Christ and Mary, but there is a section about man, woman, and marriage.

  28. pamelaparizo says:

    This comment may disappear. However, I must try. Rollo Tomassi is a misogynistic antichrist. He rewrote the bible according to “the Game” on a blog I follow which I find, as a Christian, totally blasphemous, and any person claiming to be a Christian giving him credence needs to examine his walk. Second, Christianity is not a game. It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is walking according to his Spirit, not human philosophy. Our gender roles should be defined entirely by scriptural proofs and not what secular wisdom has to say. Btw, in case you think a woman doesn’t have a voice, Barak listened to Deborah, the high priest listened to Huldah, and other women have been used of God to speak. I abhor feminism and I agree it has damaged masculinity. However, men miss the mark if they see only the submission part of Ephesians 5 and not the loving part God commands them to. And it isn’t just sanctification. God is love. Rollo Tomassi believes a woman should never be certain of her man’s love and his whole gender thing is based on sexual dominance—is that what marriage is all about? Virtuous women crave protection, provision, and the affection of their husbands. Men that provide that will find them a happy submissive wife.

  29. Chris says:

    “Virtuous women crave protection, provision, and the affection of their husbands. Men that provide that will find them a happy submissive wife.”

    Don’t worry, Pamela. As long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88 miles per hour, the instant the lightning strikes the tower…everything will be fine. 

  30. Novaseeker says:

    Virtuous women crave protection, provision, and the affection of their husbands. Men that provide that will find them a happy submissive wife.

    Hard to stop laughing at this, to be honest. Would that it were so simple, as so many of us can easily attest. But in any case, pleasant drive-by comment of the day, I’m sure.

  31. Anonymous Reader says:

    This comment may disappear. However, I must try.

    Don’t fret, dearie, Dalrock’s site isn’t like those feminist places you hang out, he doesn’t edit comments, delete comments without very good reason, etc. He’s a man, not one of your churchian sisters.

    Rollo Tomassi is a misogynistic antichrist

    LOL at your feeble Churchianity; you don’t know what “antichrist” even means for a start.

    However, men miss the mark if they see only the submission part of Ephesians 5 and not the loving part God commands them to.

    Dearie, churchgoing men get quite a lot of that “love her no matter what she does or says” from churches. But thanks for deciding to teach men, just as the Bible commands you to do.

    Virtuous women crave protection, provision, and the affection of their husbands. Men that provide that will find them a happy submissive wife.

    Oh, virtuous women, yes. Say, how many virtuous women did Solomon find out of 1,000? Do you think he knew a thing or two about women and wisdom?

    Thanks for the laugh. It’s always fun when a woman decides to teach men on how to be men. Sort of like a fish teaching birds how to fly.

  32. earlthomas786 says:

    However, men miss the mark if they see only the submission part of Ephesians 5 and not the loving part God commands them to.

    Honest question…which is a bigger problem in the current day and age? Husbands not loving their wives as Christ loves the church and giving themselves up for her…or wives not submitting to their husband in everything as to the chruch submits to Christ?

    And if you are going to put on notice God’s command to men…we are going to put women on notice for God’s command to them. Men’s weakness is selfishness and women’s is rebellion.

  33. PokeSalad says:

    Troll discipline, gentlemen…..troll discipline….

  34. pamelaparizo says:

    Every action of a Christian should be performed by the overarching principle of agape love. If you see a Christianity only of burden, controlling, domination, drudgety, let’s control these heathenistic rebellious women, then you miss the joy, peace and love that the Holy Ghost has to offer EVERY Christian. I doubt there is much joy in your cults. As I said, I understand perfectly about feminism; I also see a masculinity that is anti-woman. God is not anti-woman. Btw, Earl, Barak wouldn’t move unless Deborah went with him. Or do you read the Bible? I’ve seen a lot of scriptures thrown around in these blogs that has NOTHING to do with the subject and I also see men throwing around A LOT of humanistic junk that doesn’t even belong in Christianity.

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