Strip mining for men.
From our friends at the Daily Mail*: Too picky or just unlucky? Woman who rates every man she meets on a SPREADSHEET says she’s been on 77 first dates in two years… and won’t stop until she finds Mr Right
Related: She needs more men!
*H/T Nick
Bagger 288 panoramic image licensed as Creative Commons by Martin Röll
Maybe I’m jaded; but, The Daily Mail seems to be subtly dressing up a merciless mocking in the clothes of sympathy.
Sincere or not, I thought the write-up was humorous.
The ‘pink shirt’ reference basically means a man from a wealthy background (imho).
She wants a big rich hunky guy, because she’s worth it. Obviously 77 guys didn’t make the grade and/or didn’t rate her highly enough.
As I wrote in the other thread …
I’d have to say “more entitled than most”, but, hey, it’s her life. I’m sure the dozens of guys who are sleeping with her don’t mind much at all, really, while she seems truly oblivious to the fact that any guy who actually met her criteria isn’t going to be down with marrying a woman who has the history she does, even leaving aside the spreadsheet.
Boxer, the Daily Wail / Waily Fail makes it’s money pandering to moral outrage and moral superiority. It’s a strange paper that complains a lot about women having it bad, then the right of the website is packed with attention seeking slebtards in skimpy outfits often with ‘what was she thinking?’ comments.
An old analysis of the UK newspaper scene taken from a classic comedy series on al ja beeba
Sadly this diversity lies only in the past. All of the papers have slid left markedly.
(may have wandered off topic – sorry about that)
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I agree, and they do this quite a bit. They are basically trolling their own readers.
And people wonder why patriarchy has been an element in all civilizations.
They seem to gloss over her younger years. When she was in her early to mid twenties, I guess she was focusing on her career? A serial monogamist or a carousel rider? I know the wall is approaching but is a blitzkrieg style of dating really the answer. IMHO she is not ugly but she doesn’t have the looks (or the personality going by the daily mail article) to demand a rugby style fit man when she herself is a rather plain jane, dowdy, faux princess with unremarkable feminine curves.
If she’s “29” I’ll take a dump in trousers. Try 33-35
If she’s “29” I’ll take a dump in trousers. Try 33-35
Yeah, although the 1000-_____ stare will do that to you, even at 29.
I’ll just move this over one thread:
An exasperated Anna says: ‘I went on my 77th date on Saturday, I think it’s because I’m too picky, it’s always me that does not want a second date and a lot of them think there is something wrong with me.
And yet…
‘But when I mentioned it on TV and I had so many exes texting me and asking for their score.’
In a way she’s correct about these men, worried about the score they got from a woman that rejected them, and that they already suspected had something wrong with her.
They all kind of deserve each other.
Note to self: Don’t be that guy.
Once again the weak men of England have failed to make feminism work properly.
I blame Opus.
Notice she used the term “exes” for the men txt-ing her for their score.
She slept with all of them.
She’s a “project manager”
Translation: a job that has a “professional title” and the skill base for any person with a “degree” and it assumes she is “smart”
Look at her face. The wall is here for her right now.
IMHO she is not ugly but she doesn’t have the looks (or the personality going by the daily mail article) to demand a rugby style fit man when she herself is a rather plain jane, dowdy, faux princess with unremarkable feminine curves.
In plenty of US churches she would be one of the “wonderful, beautiful women” praised by the head preacher to all the single PeterPan manboys who won’t commit, even with her spreadsheet as public knowledge. I’m sure that on either side of the pond her wedding will be expensively fabulous and feature a really fancy dress. A white dress, of course. No snickering in the back row of chairs, boys!
3 “first dates” in a month average. Yawn.
Read Texts from Last Night. College girls are having 3 “first dates” in a week, some 3 in a night.
At least she is still 29. Before discovering her age, I almost expected her to be 42 or something….
Journalist “Jo Tweedy” can’t do math.
She wrote: Over two years, 77 dates works out as one roughly every five days.
No. That would be 77 dates over one year. Two years, it would be one date every 9 to 10 days.
Novaseeker: I’d have to say “more entitled than most”, but, hey, it’s her life. I’m sure the dozens of guys who are sleeping with her don’t mind much at all
Why do you assume she’s slept with any of her dates? She rejects them so fast, I doubt she’s had much sex these past two years. If she found any of them hot, she’d have stayed with him until he dumped her. Yet it sounds like she did all the rejecting, and in quick succession.
She is a 6 or a 6.5 at best (with the troubling look in her eyes), who now has this article and her TV show as baggage.
She’s done.
Just another red-pill stereotype.
She is in the 7-8 range. She got used to landing 9-10 guys (for a night) in her youth, which ruined her expectations for a husband.
Now that she is (perpetually) 29 she is finding those top tier guys don’t want to wife up a 7 (who will soon be a 6…5…4), but she can’t let go of “I used to land 10s” long enough to face reality.
Had she spent her youth (When she could pass as an 8) focused on marriage, she might have landed Mr. Big. Now it is too late.
Will she be canonized by the Church for her martyrdom?
I know so many women who got suckered into wasting their 20s.
I know a woman from a very conservative family. They don’t drink any alcohol, and her parents married at 19. Although the mother refused to cook for her 4 kids and they had McDonalds or Burger King every day (ugh). Perhaps that was a sign of a bad seed planted in her daughters’ heads.
The woman I know, a sweet-voiced, pretty, polite girl who is an assistant principal at a very good school, simply wasted her 20s without any thought of marriage. She only began to think about it at 30. Now, at 40, she is bewildered as to what happened. In her mind, she is certainly not a ‘feminist’, but got suckered into bad life decisions all the same…
People seem to be missing the obvious here. This is a form of OCD or some other sort of mental illness.
Keeping a detailed spreadsheet on humans isn’t normal behavior. And, as everyone knows, people who are abnormal in one area, tend to show it in others. Her obsessive-compulsiveness likely manifests in other ways and that’s what’s keeping men away.
Most men wouldn’t consciously think of this as “crazy,” since almost all the behavior of women is accepted as normal now. But they will pick up on signals. This sends a message. Get serious with her and you might be getting more “spreadsheets” on how many nights you go out on your own or how many times you do (or don’t) have sex. How many times you take out the trash.
Living with an obsessive person can be next to impossible and I’m guessing there’s some subtle messages she’s putting out that make that clear. Like agreeing to appear in this article.
(A minor second point. We have to consider how she got in the newspaper to begin with. Articles don’t just appear. A publicist? If so, this might just be a prelude to a book deal…in which case it’s probably B.S. In the media age, life itself becomes a publicity stunt.)
Man-jaw Anna. Not the face of perfection. And after 77 1st dates not the personality of perfection either.
From my mining days when you want to move a lot more material you get a bigger sluice-box.
What is not mentioned in the article is how many of the 77 rejected HER. I bet she liked a few, but they were the ones not interested in anything long-term.
The unstated premise that she got high interest from all 77, and she is the one rejecting them, is obviously false…
Now, at 40, she is bewildered as to what happened. In her mind, she is certainly not a ‘feminist’, but got suckered into bad life decisions all the same…
Note that even as she belatedly recognizes her predicament, the reason is that her innocent self was tricked/deceived/fooled/suckered/victim/etc….as if she had no agency in the matter for twenty long years.
Note that even as she belatedly recognizes her predicament, the reason is that her innocent self was tricked/deceived/fooled/suckered/victim/etc….as if she had no agency in the matter for twenty long years.
She admits this was her decision. But she has trouble grasping that her prospects at 30 were dramatically lower than at 22, as she sees that for men, this is the opposite (solipism). At 40, she is now truly done.
She is not a bad person by any stretch (and is certainly not a single mother). But still got into bad decisions….
It’s already too late for her. She appears pretty fit but over a decade of heavy make up etc and the wall is already rearing its ugly head. She won’t find the man she wants. He expectations will remain the same and her value will continue to diminish over time. If she can bring herself to settle someday she will end up wishing she kept around one of these 77.
Dear Stryker7200:
It’s truly amusing to see all these “brilliant” striver women so ignorant about simple things like:
1. Beauty is fleeting.
2. You get the best man when you are at your best as a woman.
3. You’re more likely to have healthy kids at 16 than 40.
Doctah Grossman and Mizz Anna, for all their real-world educational achievements, seem totally confused by shit that my dullard Mormon cousins have known intuitively, their whole lives. Idiocracy was not a comedy, but a documentary.
Have fun with your cats, lady.
She’s a 5. Flat chest, big horsey lookin’ face, teeth that are probably dentures. I honestly think that the old lady Dr. Grossman, featured yesterday, is far more attractive, despite having 10+ years on her.
I’m sure she’s a very nice person, though.
Doctah Grossman and Mizz Anna, for all their real-world educational achievements, seem totally confused by shit that my dullard Mormon cousins have known intuitively, their whole lives. Idiocracy was not a comedy, but a documentary.
Oh, any illiterate rural woman in a third-world country knows this.
But these Western twats, on whom taxpayers + parents paid $500K to credential and indoctrinate, somehow are unaware of this.
Talk about a resource misallocation.
She is an alpha widow.
The spreadsheet undoubtedly lists the attributes of the alpha that got away.
That’s exactly right. The first 20 or so probably fucked and chucked her. After that first 20, she “wised up” and started only giving out sex to men she thought she could trick. This merely delayed the chucking until, two or three dates in, each guy either sexes her or gets bored jumping through her hoops.
The vast majority of prospects don’t even make it into her book, because they see her for what she is, and never escalate even into a casual first meeting.
@GiL Man-jaw Anna. Not the face of perfection. And after 77 1st dates not the personality of perfection either.
From my mining days when you want to move a lot more material you get a bigger sluice-box.
Yes on the man jaw. I can’t imagine ever thinking that face was attractive. AND, +1 MILLION for the sluice box zinger.
No point in arguing over ratings; It only proves different men rate women differently.
She was certainly attractive enough, IN HER EARLY 20s, to have landed a quality guy as a husband had she choose to focus on doing that.
Instead, she waited till the last minute and is wondering where all the good men have gone.
There is no question you are right about that. It’s a shame she didn’t have sense enough to attract and keep a quality man when she had all the chances she did.
In plenty of US churches she would be one of the “wonderful, beautiful women”
Oh, even worse. The pastorbator would say ‘beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!’. Three times in total.
The pastorbator is a mangina, among other things, but even worse, it is evidence of a complete lack of genuine faith.
Didn’t some young men in a fraternity recently get punished for such a spreadsheet ?
Well given her neurotic tendencies…did she ever have what it takes to keep a quality man?
And I’m not talking just sex here…that only works for a short time. Chances are she opened her mouth in conversations.
It’s possible she’s so far gone that having sex with a man after a first date doesn’t keep her around anymore. It’s more about the current state of her heart that is concerning.
She’s not neurotic, She’s a project manager. Making spreadsheets is what they do in response to any problem.
Sounds like HR syndrome. They list so many job requirements that literally NOBODY exists who could meet all the requirements.
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“Boxer (Secret King of All Gamma Males) says:
September 12, 2017 at 11:10 am
She is in the 7-8 range. She got used to landing 9-10 guys (for a night) in her youth, which ruined her expectations for a husband.
She’s a 5. Flat chest, big horsey lookin’ face, teeth that are probably dentures. I honestly think that the old lady Dr. Grossman, featured yesterday, is far more attractive, despite having 10+ years on her.
I’m sure she’s a very nice person, though.”
Also cue the old line, “she has a wonderful personality”.
“Mandy says:
September 12, 2017 at 11:31 am
Didn’t some young men in a fraternity recently get punished for such a spreadsheet ?”
It’s ALWAYS “different” when men do such things — which is why women get ‘slaps on the wrist’ for the same crimes for which men get prison sentences.
It’s also one of the things for which “Equality” should be mandatory.
From the article:
-And of her mathematical approach to love? Anna says she has no plans to stop updating her document: ‘I am still keeping a spreadsheet, it makes me sound neurotic, but I would rather be alone for the rest of my life than be with the wrong person.’
It’s ALWAYS “different” when men do such things — which is why women get ‘slaps on the wrist’ for the same crimes for which men get prison sentences.
Woman spared jail by female judge, despite 218 convictions.
This is why democracy has a life-cycle, after which it is followed by a ‘feminist’ police state + goddess cult. The reason for this is while men vote for what benefits all people and indeed civilization, women vote for what provides short-term benefits for women only.
Yeah, although the 1000-_____ stare will do that to you, even at 29.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that. Especially in that third photo from the top, with her behind a name plate.
Perhaps she’s taking the same shellacking as Spreadsheet Guy did a few years ago, only more subtle.
Remember Spreadsheet Guy? The married guy who kept a tally on his wife’s copious refusals of sex, and rare agreements to sex? Then his wife posted it on Reddit. He took a beating.
I have to admit that I didn’t really see the ‘dead eyes’. However I do notice in every picture she’s sporting plenty of eye gunk.
Another reason why eye contact is important. It can tell you things without you needing to ask.
‘To keep you from the evil woman, From the smooth tongue of the adulteress. Do not desire her beauty in your heart, Nor let her capture you with her eyelids.’ Proverbs 6:25
‘By her haughty stare and her eyelids, an unchaste wife can be recognized.’ Sirach 26:9
We all should remember Spreadsheet Guy. We all know that this girl won’t take hits for her spreadsheet, although she will catch some pity-backstabs from other women of the “oh, dearie, it’s so tough for you, let’s have lunch and talk – wait, I’ll check with my husband to see if I’m free today” type. She won’t get roasted and nobody in the MSM will point out her own choices led to this.
Back to spreadsheet guy you pointed to. Note two things about the Esquire article:
First, it’s a girl writing. Second, she concludes “Don’t post that online” which i would be good advice…except it was the wife who posted the spreadsheet online, not the man. So we get to see ingroup preference aka Team Woman in two different forms in one article.
Finally, as a lot of us noted at the time, Spreadsheet Guy is an exhibit why Married Game matters.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that. Especially in that third photo from the top, with her behind a name plate.
Yep, it’s in all of them really, but to me it came out most prominently in the one where she is holding the cocktail and the one where she is with the guy. It’s a very particular look in the eyes, gents — if you want a picture of what it looks like, that set of pictures is a great set of examples of it.
Notice she used the term “exes” for the men txt-ing her for their score.
She slept with all of them.
It isn’t clear if she was referring to all 77 as her “exes”, or only ones whom she dated for longer (likely it’s the latter, if a lot of the 77 didn’t go past one date), but I think it’s very safe to assume from her demeanor, presentation, eyes and the overall situation, that her N is quite well above average, shall we say, even for London in 2017.
Dressed in Daily Mail navy-blue (from its wardrobe dept – which so far as I can see from past articles on tragic females stocks textile in no other colour) the, for me, telling sentence on the in-appropriately named Miss Heaton is where we are told that she has been on her own for two years. I deduce therefore that before that she had an LTR and probably lived with the man but being bored, left. She has spent the next two years spreading her wings, though whether we believe her paltry figure of seventy-seven dates or assume that she has remained chaste with those seventy-seven men is not for me to say; on balance I would guess she is more prick-tease than slut.
The Mail says that she lives in Battersea which is to say very close to the business area of London and that is certainly not from where she hails. The Mail also says that she works for a digital agency. I guessed Capgemini and thus typed her name and Capgemini into my search engine. I found nothing nor could I find her on LinkedIn, but she does turn up on Twitter where she has this to say about herself: “Drama Queen, Gin enthusiast, Gemini*, Digi Marketer.” Try the comments where she veers between solipsism and victimhood.
Do straight men still wear Pink shirts? – Twitter shows her going all LGBT. I know it’s the latest fashion but am puzzled as to what normal women get out of it. Perhaps they see it as a safe space to get away from Rape culture.
* was that code for Capgemini?
I guess I still don’t see it completely. To me those still look like ‘hunter’ eyes and there could still be something in there. This lady in this article to me is what happens when the hollowing out from the 1000 is complete.
Yep, it’s in all of them really
Since “taking the red pill” or “putting on the glasses”, whichever is your preferred metaphor, I’m sure you’ve noticed for quite a few years now how easy it is to see the characteristics, trends, traits, and patterns discussed in the men’s sphere.
Not just 1000-c**k stare. But everything – slut tells, the progression of relationships, the kinds of men women date/sex vis a vis relationship and marry, the hamstering and explanations women give for their conduct, the increasing prevalence of AFBB. It’s so easy to find anymore, I have to work hard NOT to notice it. It’s as if the “RP” signals bleed through the station you’re listening to so much that it takes over the original programming.
She’s also got what I call “Colmes/Kaine eyebrow” — that weird thing Alan Colmes had, and Tim Kaine has, where their expressions are marked with one perpetually elevated eyebrow, especially during animated conversation. It’s quite distracting.
The photo of the woman in this post directly below that of Don Draper is the quintessential 1000-c**k stare:
Hollowed out, devoid of life or emotion, fake smile. There’s no life behind the eyes.
She’s done.
Nope. Unfortunately, some desperate dork will eventually wife her up. The good news is that 1) it won’t last (she’ll frivorce him before the ink on the marriage license is dry) and 2) his life will deservedly become a living hell.
That’s what I remembered it was. Although in the lady in question’s case I don’t really see hollowed out loss of hope yet…I see something that looks more like spite. However that’s not a good thing either.
Given her track record…I’d find that hard to believe. If she can’t stomach her lack of spark after one date…how is she going to do it long enough to get married? She even said she’d rather be alone.
However you are right…if she does do it long enough to get married, the divorce will be soon after.
Earl, and others, a suggestion: review the images from the Daily Mail article by placing your hand or a scrap of paper over the lower face. Looking only at her eyes, does she really appear to be smiling? In particular do this with the image of her holding a cocktail. Now look at her whole face but focus on the eyes. Again, how far up her face does the smile go? Practice this in public on real people, and you should be able to notice those who do smile with their whole face vs. those that do not.
Given her track record…I’d find that hard to believe. If she can’t stomach her lack of spark after one date…how is she going to do it long enough to get married?
She’ll get married. She’ll find someone willing to marry her. She’ll find someone she can stand long enough to get married to. She’ll find a nice, kind, man with some money who she genuinely likes, genuinely likes hanging around with, can even make herself willing to have sex with him. It’s just that she doesn’t really feel LIKE THAT about him, and he really doesn’t do it for her. But he will be smitten, she’ll pressure him for a ring after a year, and they’ll get married. And it’ll actually be OK for a while. Until she has to live with him for a while, has to wash his skidmarked underwear, has to put up with his idiosyncracies, and she starts feeling stifled. And until Angus McBadboy or Nigel McGorgeous shows some passing interest.
She even said she’d rather be alone.
They all say that. Until the roar of the bio clock freight train becomes too unbearable as she sobs herself to sleep at 3 am after yet another pump and dump. Until all her friends start bringing home little bundles of test tube artificially inseminated frozen embryonic joy.
“She needs more men!” – that link is fun.
Strip mining machines are typically stuck for life in the very pits they create.
Apparently that is the old way. Now it can drive its entire 14,000 ton self to a new site and do it again. Fits the analogy well since women are trying to keep their strip mining operations going into their 40s and 50s now. Grind through the mountain of men at your current location? Just move to a new place 22km away and start again.
Yeah, I think that’s kind of their new niche. Now they get both demographics: the mocking and the (clueless) mocked.
Is it me or does she look a lot like Mandy Hale?
I guess I still don’t see it completely. To me those still look like ‘hunter’ eyes and there could still be something in there. This lady in this article to me is what happens when the hollowing out from the 1000 is complete.
Earl —
That one also had it, I agree. What AR said is excellent and very good advice in general.
To me, the look isn’t a lack of being a hunter. It’s rather a combination of jaded and searching but with an animal, soulless quality to it that comes from having the ability to actively manipulate people that comes from a LOT of experience with the opposite sex. To me it’s not so much lifeless as it is an odd combination of jaded and sexual and hunting, but in a way that, if you’re looking closely, is almost mechanical and animal and less human than it should be, than it would normally be in someone who did not have the experiences which molded that.
I don’t think there was ever a follow-up to the story of “spreadsheet guy”. The wife’s complaint was not only getting the spreadsheet, her real beef was that he’d gone dark after leaving it for her, nowhere to be found. Drove her nuts, as he’d didi-mau’ed* she couldn’t give him a good and proper defenestration. Wonder if it stayed that way? Did he join the merchant marine and go ’round the Horn? Inquiring minds want to know…
*phonetic Vietnamese for “skedaddled”
She says her Mr Right would be: ‘tall with a rugby player physique’ adding: ‘I like a posh boy with a pink shirt, nicely dressed and someone that doesn’t take themselves too seriously.’
These have long been female requirements. A rugged “rugby player,” but who’s also “posh … nicely dressed.”
I tried video dating 30 years ago — remember video dating? Even then, almost every woman said some variation of “I’m seeking a man who’s comfortable in bluejeans fixing his motorcycle, but who’s equally comfortable in a tuxedo for a night on the town.”
Women apparently want a man who’s part Paul Bunyan, part Fred Astaire. A rugged wild man, who can transform into a dashing sophisticate, then back again. And transform into several other types too, all upon her whim.
Oh yes. And someone that doesn’t take themselves too seriously.’
That means he can’t be cocky. He must have a self-deprecating sense of humor. But even so, he must be confident. Confident, but not cocky. Self-assured, but not arrogant. Rugged, but smooth. Savage, but sophisticated.
He must be all things her heart desires, able to meet her every mood. And he must know which type of man her mood currently requires at all time.
I don’t think there was ever a follow-up to the story of “spreadsheet guy”.
The follow up was when people starting ridiculing the wife for all the excuses she had given her husband.
@Fred Flange:
“I don’t think there was ever a follow-up to the story of “spreadsheet guy”.
It’s hard to follow up on something anonymous but here’s a parody for your entertainment. It actually sounds plausible.
“A woman has finally got revenge on her sex-starved husband who decided to keep a detailed spreadsheet which tracked her ridiculous (and hilarious) sex refusals. Now the turntables have turned as she claims his farting and snoring were the real reasons behind their lack of bedroom action.”
‘Women apparently want a man who’s part Paul Bunyan, part Fred Astaire. A rugged wild man, who can transform into a dashing sophisticate, then back again. And transform into several other types too, all upon her whim.’
Fried ice.
I wonder to what extent the 1,000 cock stare has to do with an excess of mascara – applied to hide aging?
Miss Heaton who in the Mail photos is heavily caked in make-up strikes me as an attention-whore and possibly a food and drinks-whore. Doing the same thing repeatedly but without success is a sign of stupidity. I thus don’t think she is sleeping with her dates – it would ruin her coiffure and lower her from her pedestal – she craves the validation of the date. To end her dilemma she should marry herself.
If you watch the video where she’s talking and just looking at her eyes…you can see more of the dullness in them there. Photos only capture a snapshot…but a video gives a little more to the story.
Also has anyone else picked up on when those types talk it sounds much more monotone?
The Bible points out those are the type of tactics an adulterous would use to seduce men.
BTW, does anyone realize that, in establishment eyes, the comments on this board represent “hate speech”?
I’ve read several articles over the past year about “hate” on the internet. Always, always, as examples of hate, they list racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia, Islamophobia, misogyny, and anti-feminism.
I kid you not. I’ve seen “anti-feminism” listed as a form of hate. It was an article wherein the founder of Twitter invited the ADL, SPLC, and some other groups to help Twitter monitor and delete “hate tweets.”
I’ve never seen misandry listed as a form of hate speech. Women cheer about severing men’s penises, everyone jokes about men being raped in prison, and that’s fine. That’s free speech. But misogyny and anti-feminism are hate speech.
Silicon Valley is cracking down on “hate speech.” I always wonder, how soon before they crack down on the manosphere?
From the physical point of view, I wouldn’t throw her out of bed. That said, I won’t pity the poor schmuck who doesn’t google her and find this gem before he commits to her.
Red Pill Latecomer, you know what they want: fried ice
From the physical point of view, I wouldn’t throw her out of bed
Napoleon allegedly said “The moral is to the physical as three is to one”. Different context, to be sure. But… looks fade, attitude / mindset / personality not so much. Although that requires maintenance work, too. The toxicity is high in this one.
Silicon Valley is cracking down on “hate speech.” I always wonder, how soon before they crack down on the manosphere?
Information is antifragile. If Taleb is to be believed censorship of an idea is actually the fastest way to spread it. Goolag will be doing us a favor.
Opus @ 5:31 pm:
“I wonder to what extent the 1,000 cock stare has to do with an excess of mascara – applied to hide aging?”
The 1KCS is eyes wide and sunken AFAIK. Mascara can hide the sunkenness.
Red Pill Latecomer @ 5:52 pm:
“BTW, does anyone realize that, in establishment eyes, the comments on this board represent “hate speech”?”
That’s only an issue for the “not a white male Christian”s among us. I reportedly exude hatred while dreaming about butterflies in my sleep. Somebody should carve a statue of me so that angry mobs of lovers can tear it down.
“I always wonder, how soon before they crack down on the manosphere?”
Y’know, I’ve always wondered how our Internet personas can be so inviolately private in an age when even the NSA leaks like a sieve. If my wordpress ID was my credit card number then I’d be on my fifth identity by now.
Maybe we should give a shoutout to the blog companies for their valuable work in maintaining our privacy. Or, maybe we should replace the NSA with Nigeria.
That means he can’t be cocky. He must have a self-deprecating sense of humor. But even so, he must be confident. Confident, but not cocky. Self-assured, but not arrogant. Rugged, but smooth. Savage, but sophisticated.
It can be done. Call BR-549 if you remember Junior Samples.
Love the scientific aspects of the Bible, prophecy included. On regards to eyelids, it sparked my interest. It takes years or decades for science to prove what the Bible has been right all along, except that the Bible won’t explain it like a detailed laboratory manual.
“The skin of the eyelid contains the greatest concentration of sebaceous glands found anywhere in the body.” – (Skin) Wiki
Decent hint here on “secretion”, and the effects on the skin of the eyelid due to the fluid.
“In humans, the sensory nerve supply to the upper eyelids is from the infratrochlear, supratrochlear, supraorbital and the lacrimal nerves from the ophthalmic branch (V1) of the trigeminal nerve (CN V). The skin of the lower eyelid is supplied by branches of the infratrochlear at the medial angle, the rest is supplied by branches of the infraorbital nerve of the maxillary branch (V2) of the trigeminal nerve.” – Wiki (Innervation)
“In humans, the eyelids are supplied with blood by two arches on each upper and lower lid. The arches are formed by anastamoses of the lateral palpebral arteries and medial palpebral arteries, branching off from the lacrimal artery and ophthalmic artery, respectively.” – Wiki (Blood supply)
Skin color and nerve agitation may apply here.
Ok below the Clinical Significance section, one caught my attention, and something to do with twitching due to, “fatigue, stress, and caffeine.”. But Wiki as we all know may be incomplete in professional sources…
Or Ptosis…
“(drooping eyelid) is when the upper eyelid droops or sags due to weakness or paralysis of the levator muscle (responsible for raising the eyelid), or due to damage to nerves controlling the muscle.”
But the verse is still a mystery, unless it is a blatant inflammation of the eyelid due to STD’s or something, which isn’t enough for anyone concerned with a sexual partner of 1 or more. I will research this until I am satisfied. In other words, would you bet $1 million dollars if you can tell somebody is a virgin by looking at their eyelid? If not, more research needs be done. Oh wow, I sound like a chauvinist.
She’s the typical “sex in the city” wannabe. Her opinion “counts” type. Thinks she’s hot, amazing, talented, creative and men must be stupid if they don’t want to be with her or around her.
Typical guy think by me here. When the article mentioned she worked in Battersea….I was like “aw man she gets to see that old power station from the Pink Floyd album cover ‘Animals’ (1977), life really isn’t fair. I should have been born in Britain.”
I see. She wants a “Tall, rugby-player-physique, rich, in-touch-with-his-sensitive-side (pink shirted)…”’
She doesn’t seem to understand that, in order to get one of those, she have to be the complement. And complement, at 29 and with too much milage on the clock, she isn’t.
I can’t see it …
… however …
I think the reason I cannot see the kilopenis stare many of you are talking about, is that (for me) that signal is completely drowned out by the bizarre asymmetry of her face in every photo.
thedeti mentions it @ September 12, 2017 at 1:32 pm.
Yes, ratings vary: I put her at a 1, 2, or 3, because (for me) that weirdly two-faced face (heh), almost screams that she is either lacking an entire chromosome, or has a couple of extra ones. Or something. Maybe her mom didn’t take enough B vitamins during early pregnancy. Whatever.
Hit on her? If she crossed the room to talk to me, I would suddenly realize my drink was empty, and head to the bar for a refill.
“Didn’t some young men in a fraternity recently get punished for such a spreadsheet ?”
Oh, that happens with regularity.
“Harvard University has cancelled its men’s soccer team’s season after documents revealed players routinely rated women on their sexual appeal and appearance”
@ The Real Peterman, just above me (if this doesn’t go into moderation, as usual):
Well, that’s the thing: if men show signs of having a double standard, then they’re chauvinist pigs, … but if women show signs of having a double standard, then they’re Strong Independent Liberated Women, unbowed by the Medievalist Tyranny of the Patriarchy (etc., etc.).
Double Standards aren’t Double Standards if a woman has them. No, they’re a Postmodern Deconstruction of Oppresive Sexist Epistemologies.
See? It all makes perfect sense.
Pax Christi Vobiscum
… and finally, here is some fodder not unrelated to the last few OPs:
Dalrock will you be doing a review/analysis of Mark Regnerus’s latest? Would it be helpful for you if readers made a donation to help get the book into your hands?
… and finally, here is some fodder not unrelated to the last few OPs:
Lol, what a feminist fag, to be honest. Declining sperm counts are a sign of male privilege? Of course, isn’t everything? Oh, yes, it’s because of “toxic masculinity” (which, in reality, is any masculinity that is in any way shape or form distinct from femininity), and that men don’t take care of their health because they see themselves as above needing to do so, due to patriarchial myths about male indestructibility which reflect male privilege — i.e., men are “privileged” in that they don’t need to take care of themselves.
Welcome to the world where every single solitary issue is political, from what sandwich you order, to what clothes you wear, to your sperm count — it’s all politics, all the time, 24/7, and, of course, that politics is “men are bad, men suck, men are privileged, men are the problem”, 24/7.
Males, not men, like “Bryan” here deserve no respect at all and simply scorn. If the article were to be honest it would have focused more on the environmental issues of estrogen-promoting crap in various materials, but that’s not good enough copy in a politically saturated culture like ours. No, it has to somehow tie back into the de facto civic religion of intersectionality and male privilege, so there you go.
Another example of why the MSM is a cluster which deserves nothing but scorn and derision, and in high gear.
Lol, what a feminist fag, to be honest.
Not just that, but this is the THIRD such mangina with the surname of ‘Walsh’, after Matt Walsh and Michael Walsh.
If faggotism is hereditary, this could be proof of it.
Welcome to the world where every single solitary issue is political, from what sandwich you order, to what clothes you wear, to your sperm count — it’s all politics, all the time, 24/7, and, of course, that politics is “men are bad, men suck, men are privileged, men are the problem”, 24/7.
All this would vanish quickly if government spending were cut even 20%, btw. A 30% cut would return a stunning amount of gender normalcy and hetero-normacy to society.
Politically, that is not possible, of course. But all this faggotism and every perversion of FI would end immediately if not for the massive government spending that props it up (deficit spending, no less).
Only a retard amongst her ex-es would ask her for their score.
She’s going to down-grade you, cuz “you weren’t the one”. If she thought at any given moment that any man WAS “the one” he’d have a massively-inflated score cuz HE’S THE ONE!
It can be assumed that many, if not most, of the 77 men that dated this creature weren’t the least bit interested in marrying her. Many were looking strictly for sex, some likely got it. Any man that pumped and dumped her counts as rejecting her but she’ll count them as rejects, unless they decide to use her again.
I would love to go on a date with her. As soon as the front door opened I would look disappointed and say to her, “You simply don’t meet the attributes I’ve listed on my spreadsheet for my ideal woman. Bye.” Then I would pivot and walk away abandoning her on her doorstep while setting her on blocker ID.
Unfortunately, some desperate dork will eventually wife her up. The good news is that 1) it won’t last (she’ll frivorce him before the ink on the marriage license is dry) and 2) his life will deservedly become a living hell.
Yes. That is why it is even better if she takes down a cuckservative/mangina with her. A never-married does not pull down an additional idiot beyond just herself.
Nice post Mister “D”. I can’t remember who posted that link on the last thread but,I did read it and thought it was funny.I never read any of the comments either but the other day there was about 850 and I can imagine there was some really good ones. Something else to remember about this trollop is that she goes on a date about every 5 days? Which means that every 5 days she has some shlub pick up the tab for drinks and dinner. Lets do the math on that? (77 X $$$=????.??) She is a sponge! Out of those 77 guys I will take a guesstimate that she has slept with 20 of them……and half of them wanted put the Union Jack flag over her camel face for their country.
“”Do straight men still wear Pink shirts?””
Yes they do!!!….I wore a pink shirt today with white collar and white french cuffs and pink silk tie.To go with a black double breasted suit and a pink pocket handkerchief. And black suspenders.Can’t ever forget suspenders!
Or if he really wanted to make some noise…point out how women take hormonal birth control during their fertile years (so they can have their degree and career) and then wait until their fertility is waning before they decide to have children.
Not to mention how those hormones are getting into the water and affecting the male fish.
@seventies jason
lives in Battersea not works there. Battersea was once a working class area. If you want to see how it was, the movie Up the Junction was filmed there in the mid-sixties. How times and places can change; these days it is yuppified. The Power Station although inoperative remains as a landmark. Never thought I’d read of someone becoming sentimental for Battersea – London has another inoperative power stations on the other side of the river now full of modern art and known as Tate Modern. A good walk ruined as far as I am concerned.
All you need now to wife up Miss Heaton (apart from an airline ticket and Visa) and seeing that you are passing on Shebrews is to have the physique of a Rugby player – I guess Ice Hockey player might suffice, so you are probably in luck – but by default she is excluding those built for Soccer; she doesn’t want competition in the prettiness stakes. If you have any doubt as to what British Rugby players light look like may I recommend checking out the movie This Sporting Life (1962) – not a pretty sight.
OT – Co-opting “the Red Pill”: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/09/13/liberals-sick-alt-left-are-taking-red-pill.html
Does mention us manosphere types, though.
Foolish woman demands to have a man that is a 9.5-10, when she is a rapidly deflating 6, with a bad personality, likely high N count, and a massive lack of common sense and human decency.
A few years ago, she could have likely found a good 7 man to marry. Now she would be lucky to marry a 5-5.5 man, but will never settle for one. She deserves her sad and lonely life.
Shame on her parents, teachers, friends, pastors, counselors, media,, and others who helped create this monster. Shame on her for choosing to believe the lies.
I am a proud US Citizen….but I am “an Anglophile”
My mom was Welsh (RIP) and I have deep love for Pink Floyd, strong tea, and yes I have eaten eels.
I have a 1966 Vespa, I suppose if I have a look, its Mod. But I don’t advertise as such. The Beatles changed my life at young age….The Who rocked me and raved to The Happy Mondays during my early college years. Been dancing to Northern Soul since the end of high school
I am going to the UK in 2019 to visit my cousins. Most are around my age (mid-thru late forties). Have not been to the UK since 1989 and me mums family came over for her funeral in 2008 (very sad likes, mum died young).
Yeah…I like Brit culture……and I find the accent on women very attractive. My mom had a heavy Welsh accent. She spoke it (and so do I).
Batteries. Yeah. When I go to London. Getting a few pics of that power station
How much of Brit culture still exists?
I grew up on Monty Python, James Bond, and Hammer horror. London looks beautiful in those 1960s and 1970s films and TV shows.
But I hear that today much of London, and Britain, is no longer English. And even the English parts are full of yobs, punks, and fat females with pink hair.
Of course, much of America is no longer the America of my youth, 😦
No kidding Red Pill. Even where I grew up (the sticks of northern New York State in the Lower Adirondacks) its changed. My undergrad in Vermont, always a left leaning “liberal arts college” now just is a place of buzzed n clipped angry women (who of course think they’re hot).
My hometown even has a McDonalds now. The old mils that were empty when I was a boy in the 70’s are now super expensive lofts, art galleries and expensive bistros. The working class that was there has been forced further into the hills or made into a permanent “welfare class”. Young guys today all talk with a lisp and in the USA today every one seems to be overweight. Something that was rare back in the 1970’s. Idk….we’re swirling slowly down now a fetid drain. Men like myself try to speak up, and help. We’re not listened to, smeared as fascists / racists homophobes…..
And this woman from Battersea gets a feature in a major tabloid. Enjoy the decline all!
Just to add to the discussion because some posters are making the claim she’ll find someone to marry…marriage stats are continuing to drop in the UK and the never married are increasing over time. So perhaps those men have caught on to the bad bargain as well. She may still get married…but the beta schulb provider isn’t as much of a slam dunk as it was in the 2000s.
Physical looks don’t really matter if she has the rest of those things.
@ 60s Jason
Croeso ar Cymru ym 2019
Where in North Wales did your Mother hale from?
It is interesting how the Newsweek piece pivots from men not taking good care of themselves (and not being educated they should do so) to saying that’s “male privilege” because they don’t have to think they need to take care of themselves because they didn’t know they should take care of themsevles which is male privilege, but they make women do all the work checking their fertility, Never mind that there were no really good studies of male infertility over the decades until now which might have identified the problem, since all other medical studies and drug trials were based on men only as the default, so let’s spend some time and look at women for a change, oh my head hurts.
Taking the data at face value, and noting the drop in sperm counts is not confined to the West, a cheeky observer could conclude this is the Gaia hypothesis in action: the earth is a living thing, and as a living organism it is protecting itself by decreasing our population, which is giving it a fever. Many of you know George Carlin’s comedy routine: “the earth will be fine! It will just shake us off like a case of fleas!” Not to mention a good old fashioned war or two for speeding it along.
Not to mention how those hormones are getting into the water and affecting the male fish.
As far as I can tell, the EPA does not classify estrogen in the water as pollution. Never mind that it clearly fits their own definition in terms of known harmful effects on wildlife and humans, etc. They ain’t gonna touch it. Men just have to protect themselves and their families from all the estrogen-mimics in the environment such as the bisphenol treated plastic bottles. But also including some “food”, especially soy which is almost as common as corn syrup.
Next time any of y’all are in a Starbucks or other upscale coffee joint, watch who orders the fancy drinks with soy. See what they look like.
I’m sure it has nothing to do with carrying a microwave emitter in your pocket.
Dark rimmed glasses…pretentious smug look on their face, little-no muscle, effeminate.
I’m the type of guy who just gets the coffee black.
It even mentioned simple things like regular exercise keeps the sperm levels up for men….so it helps fertility.
Try telling women they should exercise for the same reason and they’ll get offended.
Amazing how expensive it gets when you are trying to prop up social engineering that is radically different from how God set things up.
I really do feel sorry for the segment of the population that is basically living a secular-pagan lifestyle. If not for bits of ‘red pill’ or some dabbling in Scripture…they’ll see all of this as normal.
Lol, what a feminist fag, to be honest. Declining sperm counts are a sign of male privilege?
I’m sorry, maybe I’m just dumb or my speedreading isn’t up to snuff. Where does this newsweek article say declining sperm counts are a sign of male privilege?
If it does say this or imply it, I’m not surprised. Not in a world where a white female professor says that crumbling traditional morality is causing family breakdowns, and this triggers antifa into saying she is a Nazi. Not in a world where advocating for traditional family values means you’re a Nazi.
Starts with this paragraph…
‘The continued ignorance of male infertility is, in its way, another form of male privilege. Pretending that pregnancy is almost entirely a female responsibility means that women are forced to carry the burden and the blame when it goes wrong, while men, who are just as vital to healthy conception, rarely worry about how their lifestyles impact their own fertility or their possible children. “Women will often be sent to invasive, expensive procedures for fertility before a sperm test is ever done,” says Resolve’s Collura.’
It is quite humorous how they never change their stripes.
A man’s responsibility is his responsibility.
A woman’s responsibility is a man’s responsibility if things go wrong, her responsibility if things are going good and easy.
A bit OT, but I got to listen to David Jeremiah’s show today. He is a more conservative preacher and would oppose much of the “flash” in churches today, but he spent today’s (9/13/2017) show beating on men. Really disappointing.
He started by negating any value of a wife submitting to her husband by repeating the “mutual submission” idiocy. Then he read something a lonely wife wrote about leaving her husband. He went on to beat on husbands for that situation, never once holding the woman accountable for nuking her marriage nor addressing the fact that much of her loneliness was almost certainly in her own mind, as the rebellion clearly evidenced in what he read from her showed.
Here’s the follow-up article. She goes on date no. 78, with a Daily Mail reporter ten years her senior:
Deti: “Not in a world where a white female professor says that crumbling traditional morality is causing family breakdowns, and this triggers antifa into saying she is a Nazi. Not in a world where advocating for traditional family values means you’re a Nazi.”
Well to be fair, the Nazis (to their great credit) certainly did advocate for traditional family values, and had great success. In their first few years in power and as a direct result of Nazi policies, the abortion rate fell by a staggering 90% (as did the suicide rate), births and marriages were way up, many women left the workforce to focus on “kitchen und kinder”, the blatant and notorious prostitution, homosexuality, and pornography in Berlin were eradicated, etc, etc. These policies, combined with the virtual elimination of unemployment and poverty, are a big part of the reason why the Hitler regime became (almost certainly) the most popular gov’t in the entire history of Europe.
However, the simple use of logic would imply that although all Nazis are in favor of strong family values, NOT all those who advocate for strong family values are Nazis. This is just common sense.
But of course, the Left today has lost its mind and now has no common sense,
@Red Pill Latecomer
You bemoan the state of Britain and ask how much of its culture continues to exist citing as examples of which you approve; Bond, Hammer and Python. It is worth remembering that Hammer’s gothic Horrors were at the time considered at the edge of the acceptable! These of course are merely cinematic; Bond continues and the Pythons now are like the characters they once parodied mercilessly; Python was always an acquired taste for the youth of the middle classes with all its classical cultural and philosophical references. They were all – as was Dudley Moore – Oxbridge graduates. There is however much else both cinematic; Mamma Mia, Bridget Jones Dunkirk – to name three and non-cinematic.
To begin with we remain an island (God built us a wall) having given two fingers to the French once again (with Brexit) and with a temperate climate (always changing) though never threatened with Hurricanes. The fields retain the pattern (not natural) given to the land in the eighteenth century criss-crossed with Public Rights of Way: sheep continue to safely graze and every village has its spired or towered Church (Anglican) as well as a Cricket pitch frequently on common land once used for the herding of the said sheep. London is no longer to be referred to as ‘The Smoke’ for the air is now clean (as is now The Thames) and the buildings have been cleaned back to their original off-white colour. London is still (so they say) 42% green land. Street cleaners (all male) are out every day.
On the more negative side the roads are seriously overcrowded as are the towns and their facilities; too many people are obese and manners and standards of dress are not what they once were. We welcome visitors (though we are nowhere near as friendly as Americans) but far too many of these visitors seem to have decided to stay permanently and then to add insult to injury terrorize us.
Not a wall (except near Dover) but a Moat.
This is nothing more than the attention seeking of an insecure woman.
Agreed that she doesn’t look 29.
But at a new date every 5 days, she isn’t getting much rest.
There is no chance she gets to know any of these people with that type of turnover.
Prediction #1: She keeps dating and getting expensive dinners out ‘gratis’ until her ‘date ever 5 days’ becomes a date every 5 months.
Prediction #2: She never marries.
Now that’s she’s 29, she thought she’d have a ring and be married by now, but she’s not.
She is having difficulty forming any emotional, romantic and sexual attachment with prospective male suitors.
“It’s like, OMG, like,….there’s no spark! And then I’m like…. and then like, he’s like….”
I don’t mean to be crude, but this is just textbook case-study consequence from the annihilation of western female virtue.
Screwing and fellating long rosters of men (her sluice) over 12 years time at least (18-29) effectively deletes her virtue.
It makes it next to impossible for her to feel any deep, meaningful emotional, romantic and physical (sexual) connection with new prospective men, who happen to find themselves at the end of her rinse cycle.
None of them are good enough. Not good looking enough, not enough hair, too much hair, not kind and loving, too kind and too clingy, no social status, too much social status, not enough resources, too many options with other girls… The list of her disqualifying criteria is limitless.
She could have been really happy with John back in 2013.
Except John doesn’t want sloppy 26ths.
I’m sorry, maybe I’m just dumb or my speedreading isn’t up to snuff. Where does this newsweek article say declining sperm counts are a sign of male privilege?
It’s basically what Earl quoted, but it creeps in elsewhere in the article as well. Basically because of male privilege, men feel privileged to live lifestyles that reduce their sperm count, thereby hurting women and society by reducing fertility rates. Also toxic masculinity because men not caring about their sperm counts is toxic to women and society who want them to be fathers. It’s not saying that there is a biological connection, but rather arguing that the fact that men engage in behaviors that lower their sperm count (or are indifferent to their sperm count) is itself a manifestation of male privilege and toxic masculinity.
You really can’t make this stuff up. It’s simply the result of a massive, and massively successful, collective brainwashing at the university/college level, full stop.
@Red Pill Latecomer
Silicon Valley is cracking down on “hate speech.” I always wonder, how soon before they crack down on the manosphere?
It’s coming, and when it does you can be sure of one thing: The “Christians” and church leaders screaming so loudly now about the threat of “white supremacy” will be the first to line up in support of it, since of course “toxic masculinity” should have no place among Christ’s men! And what sort of example will they offer as an alternative as that to which Christ’s men should emulate? I present the latest for Dalrock’s perusal, and the title says it all:
CHRISTIANITY IS FOR CUCKS: No one knew it as well as Evelyn Waugh.
From the article:
Steady on there: I read Waugh’s Sword of Honour trilogy (some decades ago; so I may be a little rusty) and although Guy Crouchback was surely Anglican his problems with women stemmed from being English – not Xtian – and I also recall at some point one of the female characters decided to sex him up and he much enjoyed the multiple experience – can’t recall whether he was married to her or not. The present Arch Bish of Canterbury recently discovered that his Father was not his biological Father. Not an existential crisis he said putting a brave face on it. His mother has now claimed that having fallen for the cad (a day or two before the wedding) she is the true victim. I suppose part of the existential crisis comes from the fact that although he may now be a convert form Judaism to the true faith he was never biologically Jewish. Confusing.
Like Oscar Wilde, Evelyn Waugh was a homosexual.
Just sayin.
What am I saying: Crouchback was Roman Catholic.
Nothing short of a full on societal collapse will turn around this ship of state. I predict financial collapse as the catalyst.
The haggard beast that is feminism has too much momentum, and has taken on a life of its own.
Recall that FORCE = MASS x ACCELERATION………..and boy oh boy is the MASS increasing amongst feminists.
@Jeff Strand
Here’s the follow-up article. She goes on date no. 78, with a Daily Mail reporter ten years her senior:
Amazing. No sooner typed than 90% of the comments here are reinforced or proven accurate by that article. The writer himself plays the perfect foil.
Diolch yn gyfaill! Felly, yn edrych ymlaen at fy ymweliad! Fe wnaeth fy mam ddysgu Cymraeg i mi, a hi a siaradais hi yn aml gartref. Cymerais wersi preifat fel bachgen hefyd. Roedd cymuned fawr Americanaidd-Gymreig yn yr ardal yr oeddwn i’n magu ynddo. Pan fyddaf yn siarad Cymraeg, mae pobl BWRIAR yn torri ar fy mhen fy hun ac yn “gywir” ar fy natganiad. Mae’n blino. Rwy’n falch fy mod yn gallu siarad a’i ddarllen, ond mae’n iaith farw. Mae’n wirioneddol. Ni all y rhan fwyaf o “Gymraeg” hyd yn oed ei siarad, ac maent yn cael yr holl “falchder o fod yn Gymreig” 🙂
My manners…do you speak Welsh??? Hope so?!
My mother was from Bangor…..she was a “Jones” girl. My cousin is actually named “Bridget Jones” lol, and I have an uncle name Tom Jones! My mother came to Canada in 1964 to work in a hospital in Ontario…..she traveled to “upstate New York” because of the large Welsh community that had settled there (slate mining over the decades). Met a man who became my father. She became a US Citizen in 1974 (mostly for tax reasons).
That aside, looking forward to my trip. I am going for over three weeks. I plan to spend a week in London / Manchester to shop for records and threads (man you Brits know how to dress. Much better clothing there than over here).
Financial collapse would be the easy way out. It’s frightening how far down the road to communism we are. That would mean genocide, rampant destruction, totalitarianism, THEN financial collapse.
And that’s probably the most pity I feel for women that put themselves through that ringer. Lack of any emotional connection in a woman is really something that should be pitied. It’s not just men she’ll have that lack with…but let’s say she happens to have a child(ren). There’s a lot of mothers out there who lack any emotional connections with their children too…and that’s supposed to be one of the strongest ones.
@Jason (sorry I had the wrong decade up above).
It (Welsh) must be a first for this and indeed for almost any American blog but I must confess my Welsh (I can just get the gist of what you write) is severely limited although I like to think my spoken double L is authentic. I am not Welsh and the only reason I can write and speak just a little is because I once had (or should I say she once had me) a girlfriend who was a native Welsh speaker. Only woman I proposed to, so you may understand my feelings even now decades later run high though just as well we didn’t as I cannot think in hindsight that it would have gone too well. Fish out of water of course down here in the Home Counties (around London). Obviously, your mother had to come from North Wales and thus I was keen to discover exactly where. My once girlfriend (an Evans) was a school-girl at Bangor Grammar School – perchance your Mother’s school?
Are you aware (I suppose you must be) that there is a sizable Welsh community in Pennsylvania? – all of course very Zoolander. I seem to recall coming across a plaque inscribed in Welsh in Philadelphia. You may be a proud American but you are probably entitled to dual nationality and entitled more than many who hold a British passport (at least in my eyes).
@Opus and Jeff Strand
The sexual deviancies of Waugh (or the characters in his novels) are almost beside the point. It’s one thing when an artist uses his work to depict acts of personal shame or even participates in them himself. It’s another when the corporate church eagerly seizes upon those acts and hoists them up on a banner as an example to men of the very best that the faith has to offer them. “Sign up today lads, for the Almighty wants you to be a CUCK!” And pastors still wonder why the Christian church is unique among religions in that female converts outnumber the males?
I suppose I might take a different view if the church had a more consistent approach in emphasizing that God calls all of His followers to wear humiliation and scorn, particularly the women. Imagine the object lessons that could be pulled from the Old Testament alone: “In reading Genesis 38, we learn from the example of Judah’s wife that God may grow His church through your willingness to assent to another woman giving birth to your husband’s children.” Any chance that a pastor will ever give a message like that? No? Too bad. Because they already did — at least to one half of the church.
One of the main goals of communism was to destroy the family and replace it with a totalitarian state. We are probably a heck of a lot closer than most people think.
I noticed he was trying to live up to her absurd standards…at least he got an above average score and probably no second date.
Really? I read it as subtle playacting, in order to illustrate just what an absurd monstrosity she is.
Whatever his intentions, he did a great job at it, too.
@ EarlThomas
it’s now a crime in Canada to refer to someone by the wrong pronoun………
Yes, we are a lot closer ‘ZIR’.
My son is being taught that there are more than just masculine and feminine pronouns in COLLEGE.
Fascism………thy name is Feminism.
Perhaps he could have been playacting his feelings. It was probably more like an interview than a date anyway…she was talking more about the men she was with than asking him anything substantial.
I haven’t had it happen to me with a date in a long time…but if they ever start talking about other guys other than a father or brother, they still have something for them.
I think even Stalin tried to reign in the family destructive aspect of Communism once he saw it was causing society to collapse. And our western governments are still stupid enough to keep this train going. Total collapse would be a relief, however I do think things like genocide, mass starvation, unleashing of (more) crime will have to come first just like in any other socialist paradise.
Really? I read it as subtle playacting, in order to illustrate just what an absurd monstrosity she is.
Yes. He handled the role expertly.
“The foil character is used to highlight some particular quality or qualities of the main character.”
@ Lost Patrol
Re: the date with the Daily Mail (snort) journalist
“First impressions are everything with me, never more so than on a first date. As a dating veteran, I can confirm that the sight of a tall, dark-haired man, impeccably dressed in a well-cut suit, is an excellent start.”
“Unfortunately, Henry showed his age by taking me to the sort of smart bar where the staff know you by name and keep asking whether you need anything else. It wasn’t the buzzy atmosphere I’d seek for a first date; it was a bit too quiet and had a whispery, library vibe”
Look at that prissy floral print skirt she was wearing, and tell me if she looks as if she’s down to be at a restaurant with a ‘buzzy’ vibe.
She didn’t dress for the success she ‘says’ she is looking for, or hold herself to the standard of dress she holds her date.
If I ran into her on the street, I’d hand her a library book to put back on its shelf.
@ Jeff Strand
Here’s the follow-up article. She goes on date no. 78, with a Daily Mail reporter ten years her
Going on the pictures alone her body language seems very stand-offish. Where as Henry Deedes ever so slightly seems to be leaning into her in the photos. The author (Henry) of the follow -up article seems to be qualifying himself to faux princess Anna. The fact that he wore pink just screams subservience.
Any chance he had for a lay was lost by that act alone. She praises some of his physical attributes & personality but we all know that’s just a smokescreen. Anna saying she never kisses on the first date is also more bullshit. Had our intrepid simp Henry wore anything but pink & was more aggressive in his escalation he would have the lay. Sure he’d still be no. 78 but at least he would have a notch under his belt.
The latest article also sheds more light onto her majesty’s salad days:
In her early 20s, she jumped from relationship to relationship without much time in between. When she broke up with her last boyfriend, she wanted to spend more time exploring the field and becoming more self-reliant.
I didn’t see that one coming /s
You are very welcome. My family back in “the old country” blames every problem in their lives on: The English. Thatcher, and “the ones who left their native land”(a dig at my mom).
It’s not that they are bad….just a tad “dim” on some topics. My mother once said “All the Welsh who wanted more from life got the right idea and left!” She blamed most of the issues of being Welsh on “the Welsh” themselves. She was very proud of the Welsh culture but always said to people in the USA “I was a British Subject”.
Yeah…huge Welsh contigement in Penn. The coal mining and steel foundries. It was slate mining and sheep shagging…..I mean sheep farming where I grew up :-).
My Christian faith as an American is exclusively Brit as well. I am an active uniform wearing Soldier in The Salvation Army in my city. I enlisted in late 2008.
My mother I believe went to that grammar school. She loved The Beatles, thought Prince Charles was a little stuffy but would make an okay king. She thought Diana was a “tart” and made the best potato-leek soup on this side of the Atlantic. I miss her. 🙂
Her comments are hilarious! Her life is satire.
‘I’ve been out with City boys, a rock band drummer, all sorts really. I recently went for a drink with a racing driver who I knew it wouldn’t work out with when he ordered a pot of tea — on a Friday night!’
Yes, well, that’s an important attribute in any worthy husband. Never order a pot of tea on a Friday night.
‘But then,’ she adds breezily, ‘I usually know whether men are right for me within ten minutes.’
Ten minutes is all you really need to assess a man’s character, virtues, potential future … well, at least his looks.
‘Oh he was lovely,’ she says. … ‘He brought along a bottle of Prosecco, … We sat in the sun for a couple of hours chatting. We had a laugh actually.’ [but] ‘He wasn’t good looking enough.
Whereas men aren’t supposed to judge a woman’s appearance.
‘I mean, I would like to have children one day but not like some people do.
So, she’s invented her very own, unique way of having children? But of course. A woman as amazingly awesome as she not only deserves the most amazingly awesome man on the planet, she’s also entitled to the most amazingly awesome children.
Anna Heaton is an example of why most women would be better off in a patriarchy. Whoever her father is, he’d likely have done a better job of choosing a husband for her than she’s able to.
Which is why I still state it’s mostly whatever she feels and not so much what skills the man possesses. She could choose alpha unemployed hobo over decent husband material if the former makes her have the right feels.
Fathers usually have a better idea who would make a good husband for their daughters because they can seperate what the suitor possesses skillwise for a husband from their own personal feelings.
This woman is a bag of doorknobs. She should remain single just on “general principles”
She can tell in ten minutes with a guy if its going to work? In the USA women seem to think if guy can make her laugh he’s marriage and baby making material.
I get a little blue about my singleness and celibacy at times…..but man….sometimes in deep, earnest prayer I am thanking God that I never ended up being involved with a woman like this.
Sometimes girly….the problem is you. Marriage isn’t just fun and doubles tennis. It’s a lot of work. I def saw my parents cling harder to each other in bad times.
As for a pot of tea on a Friday night? When the world indeed is closing in. Tea always is a wsrn welcome in my flat.
You wanna drink tea, drink it. You don’t want tea, don’t drink it.
It would never even occur to me that ordering a pot of tea is a marriage deal breaker. How is it even an issue?
Sometime I wonder if this woman isn’t playing us along. This is the stuff of satire.
Jeff Strand
Like Oscar Wilde, Evelyn Waugh was a homosexual.
Yet he married two different women and was father to seven (7) children.
Please explain.
Really? I read it as subtle playacting, in order to illustrate just what an absurd monstrosity she is.
Whatever his intentions, he did a great job at it, too.
Yeah that’s how I read the second article as well.
It could also be that she is simply a journalistic construct, too — that is that this whole thing is just a Daily Mail stunt. I mean she herself is a bit of a cardboard cutout of an alpha widow, to be honest. It’s a bit too much, I think.
Possible…or it just could be the fact she doesn’t really like men at all and will find any dumb excuse to dump them.
@ Anonymous Reader
Muslim men say that “women are for babies, boys are for pleasure”. Same stuff happened in ancient Greece and Rome. If such perversions don’t make sense to you, be glad they don’t.
This isn’t satire. It’s a very real world. I belonged to a “real” Christian online dating service for a little bit.
Every woman my age (forties) looked ten years older than their actual age. Few women seemed to bring “nothing” to the relationship except herself.
The one’s in their thirties and twenties wanted Jesus. A man that could be her hero, speak ten languages, feed the masses, be tireless for Christ, have a good career and yet “not be married to their job” well traveled on mission work, and finally to be “the man God intended you to be” (this buzzphrase has been flogged into horse meat by Christian women). They also wanted someone who is passionate, loving, full of surprises, loves to laugh, long walks on the beach, a team player……and looks dont matter (but they actually do) only your heart for Jesus matters.
You man up and try to chat with them. Every reply: I just dont feel a spark.
Jesus himself was trained to be a carpenter. Never once did he talk about it. He was unemployed during his whole ministry. He had no looks that would make us attracted to Him. He wept. Overturned tables, washed the feet of the men He called “friends” and had no army, no status. All He did was to please the Father and do the will of the Father. Blameless and humble. Strong in His faith and a leader like no other.
No satire in any of these women, or the woman in this article. Decades of empowerment, self-esteem, never telling her “no” and quotas has given us all this inside and outside the church.
Frankly a man of God at this point really has no choice but to go MGTOW and serve God
All the talk about Britain makes me think of Richard Bucket from “Keeping up Appearances”. Richard strikes me as the typical beta churchgoing conservative English/Canadian/American man.
Onslow would have been a better husband for Hyacinth.
I’ll respectfully be the dissenting opinion here and say that her looks seem all right to me. You must all be big-city folk used to seeing a steady parade of supermodels everyday if you consider her to be unappetizing to behold. I’ve happily dated plainer women although I should mention that the C in my name does not stand for Cruise. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that but I would describe her as a pretty woman myself.
Now the attractiveness of her picky personality or the time she has left to find a husband and stick the landing and so on are separate issues that I’m not necessarily disagreeing on.
@ Jeff Strand at September 13, 2017 at 1:11 pm
Your kidding, right?
I don’t read much English literature so this is all news to me.
Homosexual affairs in college, followed by a marriage that was annulled then another with 7 children total. Sounds like a couple of Baby Boomers I know of. Now, there’s a rabbit trail about “what is a True Homo” that I don’t plan to waste time with. Rather, someone explain to me why all this matters; why Waugh’s sexual orientations make any difference in the relevance of the term “cuckservative”.
Argumentum ad hominem is a logical fallacy, Jeff Strand, it proves nothing.
The article at First Things is mainly about African and Asian priests interacting with US Catholics, with a little passive-aggressiveness by the writer in terms of the perfectly useful term “cuckservative”. A more interesting conversation would start with someone asking him why, as a good Catholic, he thinks that adultury and women bearing children by men other than their husband is a good idea. That would get the conversation back closer to something useful. But I don’t bother with Disqus so it won’t be me. The comments over there under the article are quite predictable anyway.
Again, I don’t get the point of this link, someone explain it to me, please.
Jeff Strand says (September 13, 2017 at 2:24 pm)
Like Oscar Wilde, Evelyn Waugh was a homosexual.
Just sayin.
Opus says (September 13, 2017 at 2:35 pm)
What am I saying: Crouchback was Roman Catholic.
… and what Yac-Yac says is, Oscar Wilde & Evelyn Waugh were real, and Crouchback is fictitious.
Casey (September 13, 2017 at 2:56 pm) wrote:
“[…] boy oh boy is the MASS increasing amongst feminists.”
Newtonian, or Roman Catholic? 🙂
Timeless and never off-topic:
“Remember this: The strongest sign of the decay of a nation is the feminization of men and the masculinization of women. It is notable that in Communist nations women are exhorted, and compelled, to do what has traditionally been men’s work. Modern women, feel triumphant that they have broken down the ‘barricades’ between the work of the sexes. I hope they will still feel triumphant when some commissar forces a shovel or an axe into their soft hands and compels them to pound and cut forests and dig ditches.”
“I hope they will be ‘happy’ when a husband deserts them and they must support their children and themselves alone. (After all, if a woman must be ‘free’ she shouldn’t object to men being free too, should she?) I hope they will feel ‘fulfilled’ when they are given no more courtesies due to their sex and no kindnesses, but are kicked aside on the subway buses by men, and jostled out of the way by men on busy sidewalks and elevators…. I hope, when they look in their mirrors, that they will be pleased to see exhausted, embittered faces, and that they will be consoled by their paychecks.” ~ Taylor Caldwell, 1970
Also: (I don’t recall the writer, sorry)
“Feminism has done nothing but toxify relations between the sexes and create an ever increasing number of unhappy spinsters:
In fact, feminism is already a dead woman walking. All it has left is shaming language and the State (ironically, ultimately other men) to keep men to the feminist line.
But now, increasingly, the shaming doesn’t work. And men are disengaging from society in general to avoid entanglements with the state; if you don’t get married, you can’t be divorced, if you don’t co-habit you can’t have half your stuff appropriated, if you don’t have children, you can’t be on the hook for child support, if you don’t enter the corporate world you can’t be be accused of ‘harassment’ and if you don’t date you drastically reduce your chance of a false rape accusation.
These are genuine threat points for men in the modern world that didn’t exist before feminism. It speaks to the feeble minds of feminists that they would think that men will simply carry on as they did when these threats did not exist. For the last 50 years men (mostly) still did. But that’s over now.
So men are doing what they have always done: survey their environment, understand it, and behave rationally according to it. Which means, increasingly, living their lives without regard to what women want. This does not mean living without sex, relationships or female company. Just that the investment men make in all these areas is being dramatically reduced.
As feminism reduces the value of women (in men’s eyes), so men are reducing the amount of time, effort, attention and money they are willing to spend for the declining benefits modern women now bring to their lives.
But the real news is that the true cost of feminism, first born by men, and then children, is now being passed on to women. Record numbers of women are living alone, record numbers of women are childless, record numbers are on psychiatric medication, record numbers are facing a life-time of wage slavery in grinding jobs that they can never leave. And still feminism spins these outcomes as the conscious choices of these women and as ’empowering’.
And yet, women’s self-reported happiness, across all classes, all races, all demographics is lower than ever since records began 50 years ago. Tellingly, for the first time ever, their happiness is also now lower than men’s.
But you do not need to read ‘The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness’ to know this. Just talk to the increasing number of 30 and 40 year old childless spinsters one on one – not in a group – to get the REAL story. The REAL effect of feminism in the REAL world. These women don’t give two hoots about feminism, they are just wondering where all the good husbands, hell, ANY decent man, went.
Mostly, disgusted with what feminism has done to women, he walked away.
For the truth is that men don’t want to fight women, it goes against the core of what it means to be a man. But feminism thrust men into a fight that they neither started nor wanted. To the point that feminists are reduced to crowing about ‘winning’ battles that men never turned up for.
And even now, as feminism pushes and pushes and pushes to ever more absurd levels, as ever more restrictions are placed on normal masculine behavior, ever more insane definitions of ‘rape’, ‘assault’, and ‘aggression’ are drafted into law in increasingly desperate attempts to somehow, anyhow, cast women as perpetual victims – even now – men are still refusing to be drawn into a real battle.
That’s how deeply men do not want to fight women.
The sound of the final battle between the sexes will not be heard in the streets or legislatures. It will not be televised or reported. There will be no flags hoisted or victory parades. Because it is already in progress. It is happening all around us in plain sight, for those with the eyes to see it.
And men are deploying the most devastating weapon of all – indifference. In this final battle who cares least wins.
The time has come to reap the harvest of feminism, and for women the fruit will be bitterest of all.
It’s pretty simple, women. Either abandon feminism or abandon all hope of being wives and mothers. Because men will not abide feminism and you cannot force us to accept it. 70 years of a totalitarian government could not make communism work. And no amount of resorting to State force is going to make a feminist society viable.”
You’re kidding, right?
Whatever. I just want to make sure you are “serious” before I decide whether or not to feed the troll, that’s all. 😉
Heh. Who am I kidding?!? Let’s feed that troll. It is droll to feed the troll.
So … yeah, let’s hear it for the Nazi’s pro-Christian family values. Yay!
Pax Christi Vobiscum
Luke says:
September 13, 2017 at 9:01 pm
Ideally signed off with:
Ut laver in fletu, striga (I bathe in your tears, bitch)
“”My mother came to Canada in 1964 to work in a hospital in Ontario””
We used to have lots of British immigrating here.Now we have dredges from the 3rd world showing up to get welfare.As someone who has been to the UK over 50 times a few words of advice.You think that you are bringing sufficient funds?….THINK AGAIN! You are going to have a serious shock when you see the prices over there! There are insane.I mean the highest in the world.I don’t know how the average joe even survives there! Also,make sure that you go see Canary Wharf when in London.Find Greenwich and you will find CW.The reason that I have been there so many times is that my Family was an investor in the project back in the late 80’s.The project was built by the Reichmann Family of Toronto as they are very close family friends as well as business associates.My Family still maintains an apartment in CW as it was one of the “perks” for investment in the project.This is where I stay when I travel there.Enjoy your trip!
She doesn’t want a man. She just wants…. free dinner, free movies, and free drinks.
Small World – just how many secondary schools are there in Great Britain! I have visited that part of Gwynedd. It has a lonely decaying beauty. I once represented a motorist for (I forget what alleged crime) on the Llanberis Pass where I required (as one may) that all the proceedings be produced not just in English but in Welsh. Just to annoy the Crown Prosecution Service.
Let us recall that Henry Tudor was Welsh and that his grand-daughter Elizabeth aka Gloriana and with a reputed N of 0 is one of the most revered of all Monarchs, male or female (though with a little help from certain men – W. Shakepeare. W. Raleigh, F. Drake The E of Essex etc.)
I read the write-up of Blind Date No. 78 at the Mail and was struck by the quality of the self-deprecatory writing such that I was compelled to checked to see the writer’s name: Henry Deedes. I may be mistaken but I rather suspect – Deedes being a less usual surname and he being a journalist – that Henry is the grandson of Bill Deedes, a former editor of The Telegraph and a Minister in the Macmillan Government (Americans would say Administration, would you not). Bill Deedes is these days better known as the alleged recipient of letters from Mr Thatcher at least according to the satirical magazine Private Eye. … but I presume Miss Heaton has never heard of Bill Deedes and probably has little idea who The Iron Lady might have been. For Miss Heaton, an opportunity missed.
Would you pay for a bottle of Champagne on a Blind Date (it never agrees with my digestion). I trust Deedes recovered the cost on his Mail expense account.
”Boxer (Secret King of All Gamma Males) ”
Excellent handle 🙂
Informative about our current financial system:
I rather deprecate the way Homophobia and Heterophobia come together in the attempts to out just about every man as Gay. Oscar Wilde was a father, as was Waugh, and Alan Turing had a fiancee with whom he went on a ‘dirty weekend’ to North Wales in 1941. How Gay is that!
”Until all her friends start bringing home little bundles of test tube artificially inseminated frozen embryonic joy.”
Now if the law requires that the sperm donor pay child support.
I think that Jason will find North Wales somewhat less exorbitant in its prices than those perhaps charged in central London.
Canary Wharf is amazing – my girlfriend and I once walked there from The Regent’s Park along the footpaths of the canals – but then so is the Old Royal Naval College and Royal Observatory at Greenwich. Time begins at Greenwich and so you in Toronto do not get to sit down for lunch until we say its one o’clock.
I never thought ‘lack of caring’ was a winning strategy. As evidence from men here you can put your caring into something else besides women…be it serving the Lord, hobbies, career.
They were rejecting them because they either indirectly were accepting feminism or didn’t have any skills to attract them to begin with. Regardless whether they are a covert supporter of feminism or support it through osmosis…it makes me wonder if this is where the lack of a ‘spark’ is coming from.
Decided to go this route since it’s another easy way to see what we are looking at. When your first description is ‘drama queen’…that’s red flag 101.
Funny how ‘drama queens’ never seem to have a spark though. Probably because of all that emotional turmoil it extinguishes it.
When your first description is ‘drama queen’…that’s red flag 101.
That, followed up by “gin enthusiast”. Not exactly sending the message “you want to marry someone like me”, I think.
I still think there’s a good chance the whole thing is an elaborate ruse.
The reason why I’d have a hard time saying it’s a slam dunk ruse…it’s because plenty of women who don’t have a tabloid newspaper shining a light on them will describe themselves the same way. If she is indeed an ‘agree and amplify’ version of modern women for a story…she’s barely an amplified version.
All she’s missing in her descriptor is the great personality traits of ‘free-spirited, sassy and sarcastic’.
By ruse, I assume you mean publicity stunt? She’s either about to start her own talk show or get her own column. I’d bet money on it.
This world would be transformed if Christian men did that. Most are not going that far. They either fall for the PUA crud or simply disengage. Neither is helpful to society or their Lord.
By ruse, I assume you mean publicity stunt? She’s either about to start her own talk show or get her own column. I’d bet money on it.
Yes, something like that.
The reason why I’d have a hard time saying it’s a slam dunk ruse…it’s because plenty of women who don’t have a tabloid newspaper shining a light on them will describe themselves the same way.
I think that’s true — so the ruse would be taking that and vamping it. Making into a dramatic caricature for effect and eyeballs … and eventually a different gig. I’m not saying she hasn’t dated 77 guys or whatever, but that her motives currently are likely mixed and she isn’t really letting on about how this thing has taken on a life of its own and is no longer about a girl looking for a guy but more about a girl looking for a new gig.
One thing is for sure…the new gig should she get it will certainly bring her all the drama and gin martini’s she could possibly want…because no (sane) man could fill ever the belly of that beast. She’s not getting married unless it is some publicity stunt…
Meet the man who finally lived up to the standards of ‘the pickiest singleton’
It’ll be interesting if it is an alpha chad who gave up his party boy ways to change into a heart of gold for Ms. Princess.
Just noticed Henry’s score on the side column of the article.
He scored a 14 out of 20
Anna’s scoring is based on looks, personality, spark, & lastly, date experience. Equally weighted at 5 points apiece.
The scoring is irrelevant in itself. But the results are telling.
Anna’s average score is 10 (makes sense given averages, and a sample size of 78), with the lowest score a 4.
Her highest score over 78 dates has been a 17.
Let me state that again.
Her highest score has been a 17 out of 20.
Let’s translate that into a percentage – she graciously awarded at least one of her dates an 85% in her classroom (classwomb)
So a man, who by Anna’s own scoring system, earns 85% in her serial dating school……..is still UNSUITABLE marriage material.
How many men would throw a woman scoring 85% (on his metrics) back into the pond like so much catfish?
This woman will NEVER marry.
There probably is something to the idea that most women find 80% of the men unattractive. I’m beginning to think it’s less about the men and more about how the virus of feminism is firmly implanted in most (western) women’s brains.
Granted, there is a possibility that her 17(s) may have told her to pound salt.
It’s clear she is looking for a 90th percentile man.
It’s also clear that she is NOT a 90th percentile woman.
She is a 7 (at best) in looks…….and due for a steep downward revision as her age progresses.
Her attitude of raw entitlement on a date is crystal-clear.
Men are to put on their clown shoes and entertain her on their date, while she prepares her critique.
She brings nothing to the table on a date, other than herself.
Her attitude is that of a recalcitrant child.
Any man (including the reporter) who subjects themselves to her whimsical critiquing is a world-class wimp.
@ honeycomb says:
September 13, 2017 at 1:24 pm
“Christ is OUR example .. he did not marry”
You do realize that Christ has a bride for which He will return, right?
I disagree that the Bible commands us to marry (though it’s definitely the norm from Genesis to Revelation), but the “Christ did not marry” argument is false.
Crap, I posted that last statement in the wrong thread. My mistake.
@ Earl
Feminism is not just implanted in women’s brains.
That malware is actively being installed in the brains of young men & boys.
I can’t tell you the number of times I have seen an average looking young man (ie. BMI index in the normal range & sometimes muscular & fit) that is walking down the street hand-in-hand with an absolute WHALE of a woman.
One of the many perks of feminism (for a woman) is it allows them to date UP.
If ONE woman gets obese, she has a problem.
If ALL women get obese, men have a problem.
BillyS @ 8:39 am:
“Frankly a man of God at this point really has no choice but to go MGTOW and serve God”
“This world would be transformed if Christian men did that. Most are not going that far.”
Because devotion to God always results in worldly success?
stilI l think there’s a good chance the whole thing is an elaborate ruse.
Certainly what used to be known as “Common [?] Sense” would lead one in that direction, but given how completely lacking in self-awareness women are today, as well as how hopelessly solipsistic they are, the line between absurd parody and reality is razor thin.
@ Casey,
” malware is actively being installed in the brains of young men and boys. ”
Absolutely agreed!
Obesity among women is a foundational problem. So many fat women create a superpower among otherwise completely ordinary women. They get all of the male attention simply by not being abnormally shaped. The same women in a healthy society would just be ordinary common average. They would actually have to try hard to get a man.
The malware Is that fat is beautiful, women are entitled, men oppressors etc. Men should be generous to fatties because of feminism, vomit..
Decent looking fit young men with fat heifers, it’s pathetic. When I see it I can only hope the men dont become victims of marriage to the same. The anti-virus here is the red-pill, PUA, Game, MGTOW. I really think it’s going to spread a lot more but mostly among the intelligent. Idiots are idiots and the ignorant often stay that way. It’s going to be very interesting. Men who become situationally aware, knowledge is power.
What will it look like in 5-10 years? I imagine a lot of red-pill men. Others raised by single Moms, some of which will be manipulated chumps immuned to red pills, some of which will be homosexual. And all points inbetween. Regardless women are already taking an attitude adjustment. I think it’s only going to get more difficult for them.
Unless the churches start holding the women accountable, highly unlikely, MGTOW is going to be an obvious strategy for Christian young men. They’re already starting to see it. Men are already leaving and the church knows it. There’s going to be a lot of pressure on the chivalrous weenie simps in the pulpit, especially when it starts to cost them a lot of money. The comedy of their denial is going to be hilarious as they ramp it up. Eventually having to eat their big fat rotten crow is going to be delicious to watch.
For some reason all of your comments are now going into moderation. I don’t have your email address or IP in the moderation filter, and you have previously approved comments. One of your comments has more than two links, which triggered moderation, but the others should have gone through. Based on what I’ve seen with two other commenters, I would suggest you try commenting with a different email address. It doesn’t have to be real, it just has to be unique to you and something you can remember. After I approve the first comment hopefully wordpress will let your subsequent ones flow through as usual.
Embracing Reality @ 11:29 am:
“Decent looking fit young men with fat heifers, it’s pathetic.”
More likely practical. So few young women will even look at them that young men use fatties for pump & dump while waiting to be older/wealthier/social proofed enough to attract who they really want. They’re just playing the hand they’ve been dealt.
Now if those young men are putting rings on the human livestock, that would be pathetic.
Luke @ September 13, 2017 at 9:01 pm
The writer of the comment was someone going by the name of “Cadders”, who posted this comment in several places and slightly different versions. Such as:
There probably is something to the idea that most women find 80% of the men unattractive.
Since it’s been demonstrated in multiple ways, including via a large dataset at OKCupid, there is something to the 80/20 rule. Notice that a finer examination will show women are attracted to the “top 20%” that is available. Modern media makes a universe of men seem to be available to women, and the cock carousel gives the illusion that Annie Average can lock down Chad, even though all she gets is a short term pump and dump.
Picking the top 20 of what is available to Annie at the age of 29.999 is settling. It would be better for her and whats-his-name if she settled at least 4 – 5 years younger.
I’m beginning to think it’s less about the men and more about how the virus of feminism is firmly implanted in most (western) women’s brains.
The 80/20 rule appears to be true for all women on the planet. AWALT. The blank slate of woman has a lot of scribbling on it from the start.
Obesity among women is a foundational problem.
It’s a symptom of a deeper problem.
At least for women who have the governments/slave wage jobs to prop up that delusional thought.
Your ‘third world’ woman can’t afford to be as picky.
The 80/20 rule appears to be true for all women on the planet.
At least for women who have the governments/slave wage jobs to prop up that delusional thought.
Your ‘third world’ woman can’t afford to be as picky.
Do you understand what “attraction” is, and what “available” means?
Here’s the key to what Anon Reader is saying:
“Picking the top 20 of what is available to Annie at the age of 29.999 is settling.”
At that point, she’s really not attracted to those “top 20”. Because that “top 20” is in the unattractive 80%, the attractive top 20% having now become unavailable to her for one reason or another.
The third world woman is still attracted to the top 20%. She can’t ever have them. So she holds her nose, picks the best one of the 80% she can, and makes do with him as best she can.
Just like most women in the US did prior to about 1970.
Before the sex rev, most women married men who were OK, but they weren’t really attractive or sexy. But both the man and woman understood who they were and what their roles were. He went to a job he kinda sorta was OK with and busted his ass. She stayed home with the 3, 4 or 5 kids, took care of the modest house, and did pretty much everything else. Did she love it? was he the perfect guy who made her swoon? No. But he treated her OK, and he didn’t beat her, and didn’t get drunk all the time, and he was responsible, so he was OK.
Did he love it? no. did he get pornstar sex? No, and most of the time he didn’t get much sex at all. And she was tired and gained weight and didn’t look good sometimes. But she treated him ok. She respected him, and she did more or less what he said should be done, and she didn’t cheat on him, and she didn’t disrespect him in public or in front of the kids, and she usually didn’t run to her parents to complain about him, and she stayed with him even when it got really tough, and she did her level best to look good for him sometimes, so she was OK.
The point is, both men and women picked the best they could, and they were content with it, if they weren’t ecstatic or even totally satisfied or “happy”. And that system actually worked OK.
Off Topic:
Posting in this old thread to ping Anon…
tl;dr … first hygenic sex robot sharing app/service opens in Beijing. Combine this with recent advances in the artificial placenta, and women are now on the short list to be expendable.
I have read a few dating profiles lately and it is funny how many need to stress they are not there for the one night stands, yet they won’t respond to normal men like me much of the time. I haven’t been thorough about it, since I don’t bother messaging many, but a few I have pinged have completely ignored it or gave a very curt answer. They want the very ones who want the one night stand and can’t put two and two together.
Funny that what you consider ‘OK’ (and I get why you used that term…it’s not the thrills most people seek or expect now)…I’d consider a fairly successful marriage.
@ Anonymous Reader,
Obesity among women, a symptom of a deeper problem? Like what??
If you’re referring to the artificial manufactured processed chemicals that pass for “food” in the US, yes I know. Corporate greed on the part of those manufacturers? For the subject of this thread the foundational problem of obesity among women is about as off topic as I would go.
I suspect one day… the information will sneak out, that there’s a causation between birth control pills and breast cancer. And then the patriarchy will be welcomed with eager arms.
And a connection with abortion Tom. I believe it is known now, but ignored.
The only reason that info isn’t getting out is because birth control pills are big business for the pharma industries.
Messing with your hormones isn’t a good idea for either sex.
The guy in the picture is significantly better looking than her and wealthy to boot, if these kind of men chase and are rejected by these kind of women maybe they aren’t delusional so much as the market is wildly in their favor.
If they were married I would wonder why such an eligible man has such a homely wife.
Woman uses a spreadsheet to track and qualify the men she dates: feisty, independent, gal with moxie, gumption and some common sense.
Man uses spreadsheet to track his wife’s frigidity and her reasons for their dead bedroom: horrible, insecure schlub who deserves divorce for his incessant whining about her owing him duty sex.
Not for nothing, but that chick is fat. She hides it well, but definitely pushing her Epiphany Phase weight limit.
If she’s 29, I’m a goddamn Chinaman.
Embracing Reality
Obesity among women, a symptom of a deeper problem? Like what??
Lack of self control. Absent some rare metabolic issue, the problem of weight is solved by eating less food, especially sugar (including simple carbs). Self control matters.
The only reason that info isn’t getting out is because birth control pills are big business for the pharma industries.
At this point in history, decades after the advent of medicinal birth control and with continents worth of circumstancial evidence, what used to be known as “common[?] sense” tells us that hormonal birth control is a toxic disaster for the female body, one with many deleterious and potentially irreversible consequences. ALL women, unless they are profoundly mentally retarded, know this to be the case but they really don’t care, because they are incapable of planning for the long term. The short-term gains from stuffing their bodies full of toxic hormones (e.g., the ability to engage in irresponsible sex and the freedom from worrying about the reproductive consequences thereof) take precedence over the potential destruction of their bodies at an age which, in their shortsighted and immature worldview, they can’t even envision being alive.
Weep not for such women. To do so is to relieve them of the consequences of their decisions and to deny them moral agency.
I hear the studies……the heart attack and stroke have VASTLY increased in women since the 1970’s. I don’t disagree with this. It’s true. PSA’s make it out as if the medical profession has a “bias” against women of course for not treating it, preventing it.
I’m a guy. And I will BET my paltry monthly salary most were on ‘birth control pills’ for longer than a “two year period”
The side effects from “the pill” are stroke, heart attack and other issues from PROLONGED use. A fact that is IGNORED. How many women have been on the pill from sixteen til they hit their early forties? Tons. It’s a correlation that has not, and will not be looked into.
Let’s face the reality that prostate cancer kills more men yearly than breast cancer, and cardiovascular issues combined.
The one time I got into a discussion with a woman about birth control (and I have no idea how this came up it was a co-worker)…I mentioned such health risks. She didn’t care.
There are many things I don’t weep for when it comes to women anymore. Taking birth control is one…engaging in a promiscuous lifestyle….doing everything to avoid marriage and motherhood until the very last minute is another. They can blame the men just as much if they want, but that still doesn’t absolve them of their consequences.
Dalrock wrote:
… and, hey! I still don’t know how to close off my html tags! LOL! 🙂
I mentioned such health risks. She didn’t care.
She will when the health-related chickens come home to roost. Of course she’ll blame men for not mopping up her messes (or paternalistically preventing her from making them in the first place).
She will when the health-related chickens come home to roost. Of course she’ll blame men for not mopping up her messes (or paternalistically preventing her from making them in the first place).
Women don’t understand cause and effect very well.
Remember that this is yet another reason that female suffrage was the worst mistake ever. The entire society is going to have screwed up hormones. This includes legitimate families where the woman married at 22 and never thought of divorce – they are still drinking the same ‘feminist’ water, and cannot escape the costs of ‘feminism’. It is in the very water that we drink.
The US has devoted all of its resources towards fighting nature. God does not look kindly upon this.
No one has yet made any attempt at arguing what the positive benefits to women’s right to vote are. Almost everyone defaults to DEMOCRACY! as if that justifies anything. Society has been in a rapid downward slide since women got the right to vote. I’m willing to concede that may be correlation, not causation, but still, the question of the benefits is glaringly unanswered.
but still, the question of the benefits is glaringly unanswered.
By definition, it is impossible to question this, since by the time that the folly of this becomes obvious, it is far too suicidal to even broach the topic.
Remember that only 5-6 countries are 90+ years into full democracy, and another 10-15 countries are 60-90 years into it. That is far too little time, across too few countries, upon which to conclude that full democracy is the way things ‘should’ be.
70-80% of ALL government spending is a transfer from men to women, for starters. The 15% of spending that exceeds taxes (aka the deficit) is merely the most egregious portion of this. Slashing spending 15% to match taxes (tax are already too high) would merely roll back a fraction of this misallocation.
The fact that everyone has to drink the birth control hormones in the water, even if you are a traditional family or a red-pill man, is a horrendously inescapable feature of full democracy.
‘Society has been in a rapid downward slide since women got the right to vote.’
They will mainly by default vote for socialism. They need all the stuff they can get for their children.
They need all the stuff they can get for their children.
For their children?!?! LOL!
They don’t spend it on their children. They spend it on themselves and rationalize that ‘the child is happy when mommy is happy (aka goes shopping for purses and shoes)’.
If women put children first (like men do), we would not have rampant single motherhood, abortions, and child abuse by women.
What you see now is when women give the government too much power. Their motivation is for their children but when they take the father out of the picture and replace it with cuck Uncle Sam…they have free reign to do all sorts of evil things to their children.
I have heard it said that within just minutes of meeting you, a women will decide if she will sleep with you. If course, as we know here, most men won’t measure up. Doesn’t matter if he’s reasonably attractive. If she doesn’t see those dark triad characteristics, you will get consigned to the friend zone.
I live in the foothills of the Rockies. It never crossed my mind that one of the benefits of that is that my drinking water hasn’t been meandering in a filthy river for a thousand miles, being laden with chemicals of all sorts,
I recall the episode where he’s forced into retirement and begs for his job,
‘If she doesn’t see those weaknesses in character she can exploit and manipulate, you will get consigned to the friend zone.’
I grew up on country well water in my formative years. I don’t know how much bc hormones would be in that but I would suspect it was much less than the leftist run city water.
I couldn’t agree more. Everything is unbelievably expensive. Even those crummy, premade sandwiches that they sell everywhere.
Definitely true when she’s older and in beta bux hunting mode. But I was talking about when she’s still in her prime and “having her fun”, then it’s dark triad guy time.
Back to the UK prices, a trip down the aisles at the Tesco and Sainsbury’s stores in sleepy old Cornwall confirmed to me that it’s not just London that’s crazy expensive, though it was worse in London. My rule of thumb is that everything costs 50% more on average. No doubt that the 20% VAT is partially to blame for that. And even though you pay a lot more they don’t bag your groceries for you. That’s your job.
Well, if Dad stays home, it is likely that Mom will continue to attend and drop a fiver into the collection plate, especially if Pastor Bob continues to tell her what she wants to hear.
A slender carousel rider?
It’s still about lack of character she (thinks) she can exploit:
From wiki:
‘People scoring high on these traits (dark triad) are more likely to commit crimes, cause social distress and create severe problems for an organization, especially if they are in leadership positions’
Women being tempted or attracted to a rebel is as old as Eve and the serpent.
I read some time in the Mexican media of the meteoric rise of single motherhood in Mexico’s lower classes. What is most remarkable about that trend is that Mexico is not a welfare state, and yet a growing number of women are choosing to have a Chad/Thug knock them up and then raise the kid on their own.
They want the Dark Triad guy, and vainly hope they will be able to reel him in and domesticate him, and eventually stick the landing.
I can only imagine what the social landscape is going to be in twenty years.
Drug cartels run that country…and it wouldn’t surprise me if a percentage (certainly not all) is of the rapist kind. But basically it is the chads that have the welfare and run things.
That is definitely part of the problem. But portion sizes are also the problem.
There is an old TV show: Emergency, which is mostly about the adventures of two LA paramedics in the 1970’s.
A recurring scene would show Roy and John eating lunch in the hospital cafeteria. Their lunch would often be a humble sandwich and a cup of coffee. That was considered normal. No mountain of french fries, no sugary big gulp, no frosty, etc.
I remember when I was a kid, McDonalds didn’t have giant burgers. I remember my dad eating what would today be considered a child’s meal: a small burger, a small fries and a small drink (no free refills).
I also have no memories of the current childhood obesity epidemic. Yeah there was often a fatty in the classroom, but he or she would stand out like a sore thumb.
When I see how people stuff their shopping carts today, I cringe. Cases of sugary drinks, bags and bags of chipsand other snacks, as well as other calorie laden foods.
Seeing her without the professionally applied make up would give us a better idea of what she really looks like and how old she really is (being that I’m in my 50’s I find it hard to see the difference between late twenties and early thirties).
As others here have said, she isn’t bad looking, but she isn’t a beauty queen either. She doesn’t seem to understand the concept of a ‘trophy wife’ and that the category of men she is targeting can do much better than her.
Or perhaps this is as others are saying, just a publicity stunt, and for all we know she’s been playing house with a guy for three years,
She puts off a very strong vibe of self-loathing in my opinion. This whole thing is likely just her way of expressing her resentment at her treatment by men in the past. Which men that was and how bad the scorning is anyone’s guess. But the power to turn down seventy-something men is quite a trip, I’m sure.
Contrary to what many believe. the cartels don’t “run Mexico”. They don’t do the stuff that we expect the government to do: pave roads, run schools, operate hospitals (they have socialized healthcare), keep the lights on and the water running, etc. What the cartels do is create an atmosphere of lawlessness and danger.
From what I read in the single motherhood articles is that most of them are that way by choice and pick a man to sire their child.
They’d be your dark triad types. If single motherhood is on the increase in Mexico…my guess is the ladies are trying to seduce those types.
I have little doubt that they are choosing thugs to sire their children. And if Mexico thinks it has a problem with lawlessness now, just imagine what it’s going to be like when those children grow up.
My niece is 29 and only had a N count of 1. She looks years younger than the woman with the spreadsheet. No 100 penis stare or jaded personality.
Jesuits run Mexico, just as Venezuela. Benito Juarez got killed for it for booting the Vatican out, within that short period, Mexico was the most prosperous it has ever been.
Son of LIberty
Benito Juarez got killed for it for booting the Vatican out,
Ridiculous. There’s no excuse for posting such silly stuff when any search engine can find Juarez’s biography in seconds.
Benito Juárez died of a heart attack on July 18, 1872 while reading a newspaper at his desk in the National Palace in Mexico City. He was succeeded by Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada, his foreign minister.
“Since Mexico has become a republic and the Roman political Jesuits have been driven out, we are informed that the nation has more than doubled in wealth and prosperity.”.
Benito Pablo Juarez
The War of Reform started before, fought between the Vatican and General Ignacio Comonfort. Took three years and booted them out by the continuing the fight through Benito. Complete suspension of the finances, taxation, government infiltration and most importantly the spiritual incarceration, fornication and apostasy that we see in all Latin American countries, that with much respect and care have contributed nothing to science, technology, enlightenment, unlike other Vatican-free nations, whether it is Reformation era Europe, or 1787 United States. Poverty is the standard in Hispanic countries, and consume first world technology and resources in general. All the greatest scientists and minds of the past 500 years have come from Chrsitian nations, not from religious controls drunken in her wine.
Benito Juarez suspended all public debts from Mexico to the Vatican, (but but jews right? Rothschild are the “guardians of the Papal treasure”, they are scapegoat servants). Second, declare marriage as a civil contract and not a privelage granted by the Pope (America’s problem right now, simply that the papacy controls Washington, which used to be named Rome thanks to the infiltration of the Carroll family among the founding fathers), so now the State (capital S not s) marriage is now set aside for a simple contract, which could be arguable today in the circumstances of the U.S. since after all the Bible does not mandate a paper or some sort of government to recognize marriage other than a simple mutual consent between the lovers and perhaps a few family members as invitee’s in some ‘beach’ wedding, that’s all. Third, suppressing celibacy and the ecclesiastical courts. Fourth, confiscating the Pope’s property at a a value of over 100 million silver dollars and over 1/3 of Mexico’s lands and holdings; and finally separating the Roman Catholic Church government, with its Pope and Jesuits from the government of Mexico.
This infuriated Pius IX, so therefore they had to initiate an inquisition, one of plenty throughout history through France (Napoleon III), Spain and England, “countries” (principalities more like it) deep into the controls of Mystery Babylon. Lasted 5 years before he was poisoned with his drink on his desk, and 5 of his sons where murdered. But the Mexican Revolution right? Mexico won!? Nope, booting the French didn’t include the Vatican re-infiltration of Mexico. We have to dispel the notion that its nations vs nations, it is rubbish as there is always a force behind the governments of such “countries”.
Son of Liberty, you are certainly one of the more inventive conspiracy theorists that I have read in several years. There are other kooks here that you will get along with quite well, unhappily I am not one of them. I am not a scholar of the history of Mexico, but I know some men who are. They would grimace and laugh out loud at your absurd and ill-informed nonsense. Have a good time raving.
Purely scripturally speaking, I would say that marriage is the ideal, not a commandment.
Of course, that is not taking feminism, marriage 2.0, or any of the other crap into account.
Hmmm… when I lived in Mexico City. the Jesuits were still unwelcome and were not even allowed to vote or own property.
What’s next? That I am the most inventive misogynist sexist for being a Dalrock reader? Didn’t expect a respectful and professional discussion over the topic anyways.
@Frank K
Sure at public face, but they are everywhere. But you know, it is about left vs. right, Islam, China, “deep state” theater to divert the true problem.
Mark Regnerus has written a lot recently on “cheap sex”, implying that most men are delaying marriage because of all the “cheap sex” they are getting. His work totally lacks an alpha vs beta male distinction.
But in a recent article, Regenerus seems to have a better idea of what is going on, observing the existence of “beta orbiters” in the “friend zone” and a woman “hitting the wall”, having an “epiphany phase” and settling for a “beta provider”:
“For the typical American woman, the route to the altar is becoming littered with failed relationships and wasted years. Take Nina, a twenty-five-year-old woman my team interviewed in Denver. Petite, attractive, and faring well professionally in her position with an insurance company, Nina was nevertheless struggling when it came to relationships. She had a history of putting men she valued as confidantes in the ‘friend zone.’ With these men, a sexual relationship seemed too risky. If it went awry, she’d lose not only a potential mate but also a valued friend. On the other hand, if she didn’t know the man well, she was willing to have casual sex while hoping for something more.
“After several years, this approach had taken its toll: an abortion, depression, and a string of failed relationships. Nina now believed that a marriage ought to begin as a friendship, and for the first time in years, she had someone in particular—David—in mind. Though she had been raised by liberal parents to be open-minded about sex and wary of traditional household roles, she had come to see things differently. She was blunt: ‘I’m dead serious. . . . I would marry him, I would raise his kids, raise a family.'”
Jeff, Nina may say that she wants to marry David, have his kids, raise a family. She may even believe it right now. But, with “a string of failed [sexual] relationships” gouged into her long-term memories, it’s nearly certain she won’t let David hang around long enough to be part of raising a family to anywhere near maturity with her. The famous Teachman study shows this:
(just a graph) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_R-WhB9g9eYk/TJDSr8V_ShI/AAAAAAAAAOg/VmMGTymAVcI/s1600/teachman
Translation: She’s tired of being ‘the victim’ of the feminist ethos and now wants to be the abuser who has prey in her sights. If David knows all this…he should tell her ‘No!’ when she tries to pull this ploy.
I’ll keep bringing up how artificial contraception was THE game changer in the male-female relationship.
Still I laughed at that woman’s ‘explanation’…that’s your cad-provider rationalization right there.
This is how women think now, should a man work for sex (i.e. marriage and commitment)…yes unless I get the lustful feels, then no. And they wonder why marriage rates are going down.
@ Rollo
The pictures of Anna look as if they were taken YEARS apart.
The picture of her on the date with the reporter in that horrid floral print skirt tells the truth.
Agreed, this Anna is hiding some junk in the trunk.
The only picture of her that I find attractive is the one where she is on some island wearing a black cocktail dress holding her (soon to be turfed) date.
That picture looks EASILY 5 to 7 years old (or rather, she 5 to 7 years younger).