She’s the boss, child torture edition.

David and Louise Turpin are accused of chaining up and starving their 13 children.  This is understandably a huge story for the media, but it is also one that presents a difficult challenge.  All of the information I’ve seen to date strongly indicates that Louise Turpin was the leader and her husband David was the follower.   Normally this would lead to feminist gloating, but in this case the narrative requires ignoring the obvious signs that the wife was in charge.

When it came out that Louise wanted to feature her family on reality TV, the headline turned Louise into “Parents”:   Parents In Perris Torture Case Had Reality TV Aspirations.


Likewise, the Daily Mail described Louise as having a midlife crisis:

Teresa Robinette says Louise Turpin was just about to turn 40 when her sister hit a midlife crisis.

‘At that same time she started gambling, she started taking trips down to Vegas and she got a totally different hairstyle — dramatically different,’ said Teresa

But the Daily mail changed Louise to the Turpin couple in the headline:  Turpin couple hit a ‘midlife crisis’ says Louise’s sister.

The same sister features in a hilarious quote about the couple sowing their wild oats that they didn’t get to sow while she was still young.  From the NY Post, quoting an interview with the sister by Megyn Kelly:

Apparently weary of their button-down religious lifestyle, the Bible-thumping couple began to cut loose about a decade ago, “experimenting in different religions” and forcing their older children to “take care of the younger children so that her and David could kinda sow those wild oats that they didn’t sow when she was younger,” Robinette said.

This is in reference to Louise Turpin cuckolding her husband David, who we are told signed off on the arrangement:

“She met this man at a motel, slept with him, and what makes it even worse and even weirder is that exactly one year to the day of the anniversary that she did that, she called me and thought it was funny that David was taking her back to the exact same hotel room — the exact same bed that she slept with this man in — so that David could sleep with her in the same bed.”

But despite the mountain of evidence that Louise was in charge –from the cuckoldry to the statements by family, not to mention the body language in the pictures and videos of the couple–  her sister and half brother speculate in the Daily Mail article that David put her up to the abuse of their children:

‘I blame both of them equally,’ added Teresa. ‘If she had nothing to do with it she should have stepped up and left. She could have got out at any time — unlike their children.’

And Billy added: ‘I would rather believe that David put this into her head, but I can’t because she grew up knowing this sort of thing was wrong. We were not brought up like this.

‘If it was David, she should have got out of that situation herself a long time ago.’


This entry was posted in Cuckoldry, She's the boss., Turning a blind eye. Bookmark the permalink.

47 Responses to She’s the boss, child torture edition.

  1. Will S. says:

    Reblogged this on Patriactionary and commented:

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  3. stickdude90 says:

    See the hamster spin.

    Spin, hamster, spin!

  4. Boxer says:

    Reblogged this on v5k2c2 and commented:
    Child abuse, swinging and cuckoldry: All in a day’s play for the Turpin family. Read all about it on Dalrock here:

  5. American says:

    The disingenuous immoral left is rotten to the core and this is demonstrably reflected in their fake news reporting and polling.

  6. ray says:

    Another excellent article, engaged in Father’s business, and offering a route to reality and restoration for dying, demonic America.

    Yes, your feminist nation is happy to let kids be tortured and murdered, if it keeps the lid on who disproportionately is doing the torturing and murdering (females). More standard hypocrisy from the nation that always bleats moralistically that everything is ‘about the children’. The United Sisterhood of America prefers to see children tortured and slaughtered rather than admit that their beloved feminism and their fake equality is the cause of the problem. Fifty million abortions and counting is only a part of what’s really been happening.

    The day will come when the truth about what American women have done over the past four decades to kids and ‘males’ is revealed. Especially targeted by the Fairer Sex have been little boys under age six, and male prisoners. The Fairer Sex just luuurves to attack those who can’t defend themselves.

    The situation, already dire, worsens daily as women pour out of law schools, take judicial appointments, and continue dictating what ‘the law’ in your nation is.

    This OP dovetails with one I just finished reading at AVFM, titled ‘Five Feminist Lies We Take for Granted’. It includes the ACTUAL stats on who is the more violent sex in America. I won’t link there as I’m not sure of protocol here.


  7. Melissa says:

    This story is horrible. I hope she doesn’t try to play the crazy card and get off. I really hope these people are punished.

  8. Spike says:

    ”’She decides everything. They are equally both to blame…”
    -Women are never to blame. When caught out doing something appalling, it’s because a man put her up to it.
    Just a curiosity: Does any Christian here, or any Christian known, actually ”thump” a Bible?
    I’ve heard the phrase for decades and have yet to encounter a ”Bible Thumper”.

  9. earlthomas786 says:

    The most important point of the matter…

    When a married couple decides to go off the rails and ‘sow their wild oats’, the children suffer most.

  10. I remember being at a women’s blog when Andrea Yates murdered her children, the women there blamed her husband for their murders for not getting his wife help. That hamster can really crank on that hamster wheel.

  11. Pingback: She’s the boss, child torture edition. | Reaction Times

  12. Scott says:

    People are so friggin weird.

  13. Anonymous Reader says:

    Don’t mid-life-crises usually involve more prosaic things like convertibles, or vacations to Bali where she can “find herself”?

    One report claimed that police had found multiple journals, over 20, written by the children. If that’s true, there’s some interesting reading. Sadly, all of those children are surely damaged emotionally and mentally, the rehabilitation for them will be complicated at best.

    It is certain that the man in this case has just been promoted to ‘mastermind’, “manipulator”, etc. regardless of the facts. Statistically his punishment will be more severe than hers. Because women are wonderful…

  14. PokeSalad says:

    A woman acts evilly only because a man forced her to. Duh.

  15. Hose_B says:

    A cult expert lawyer says the father was the leader of his own conservative Christian sect with a subservient wife and 13 children worshipping him in his house, following a familiar pattern
    Turpin dad was ‘mythical cult leader who made his wife and 13 house of horrors kids worship him in deeply Christian sect’, lawyer claims

    Im not sure where this is coming from, but the verbiage being “Conservative Christian Sect” along with “subservient wife” in a negative connotation is obviously another jab at how “Abusive” Christian headship really is.
    Sometimes the weight of the opposition is demoralizing.

  16. Louise has ‘crazy eyes’, even in her younger pictures, that scream ‘Stay away’.

    To paraphrase Aaron Clarey: Stay frosty, boys. Stay the freak frosty.

  17. PokeSalad says:

    Stay frosty

    Aaron stole that from Corporal Hicks 😉

  18. Jack Russell says:

    The media is mentioning that they were “home schooled”. Trying to demonise people who don’t want to send their children to government schools.

  19. Dave says:

    Because women are wonderful…

    No kidding. Women were created last—to crown God’s wonderful creation.
    You gotta save the best for last.

  20. tamerlame says:

    “American says:
    January 23, 2018 at 4:39 pm
    The disingenuous immoral left is rotten to the core and this is demonstrably reflected in their fake news reporting and polling.”

    Daily mail is right wing though.

    Opps your anti left wing narrative falls apart there

  21. earlthomas786 says:

    Louise Turpin identified herself as a housewife in a 2011 bankruptcy filing. The daughter of a preacher, it’s reported Louise saw David without her father’s knowledge when they first met, her mother allowing the then 16-year-old to secretly date David, who was eight years her senior.

    Imagine my shock.

  22. I had a soccer coach who also pastored a church that Bible thumped. It apparently was sort of an alternative to “amen!” during the sermon.

  23. St. J says:

    “Daily mail is right wing though.“
    You’ve got to be kidding. At best, daily mail is less left wing than a lot of its competition.

    Aside of that, there’s a lot of missing information on this story—What’s been reported about what happened inside the house is very thin and sensational. Perhaps justifiably sensational but for the kids’ sake I hope initial reports are overblown. Not enough original reporting going on in general

  24. feeriker says:

    Im not sure where this is coming from, but the verbiage being “Conservative Christian Sect” along with “subservient wife” in a negative connotation is obviously another jab at how “Abusive” Christian headship really is.
    Sometimes the weight of the opposition is demoralizing.

    Both of these stories are “highly suspect,” to put it most charitably, simply by being published by lamestream media outlets. Without even reading them, it’s safe to wager that probably the only things the authors stated factually were the couples names and ages and the number of children they have.

  25. Hose_B says:

    Without even reading them, it’s safe to wager that probably the only things the authors stated factually were the couples names and ages and the number of children they have.
    Well, one of them is “the Sun”. a bit like the Enquirer. But FACTS werent what stunned me. Its the common theme of turning the converstation (or headline in this case) as the OP shows. Once one gets past the Churchianity, its clear to see how even small things oppose Biblical teachings. At every turn. Discouraging

    My previously blue world started to turn purple, then ran with streaks of red. Sometimes the RedPill is bitter.

  26. Caspar Reyes says:

    Crimes of moral turpintude indeed!

    I’ve had enough exposure to observe that the swinger lifestyle is almost 100% driven by the females — wives, divorcees, girlfriends, and “unicorns” (single sluts).

  27. Original Laura says:


    Andrea Yates wasn’t faking it. She had a very substantial history of psychosis triggered at least in part by childbirth and had been hospitalized for as long as the insurance would cover it IIRC. Her husband Rusty says the psychiatrists involved with Andrea’s care never warned him that she should not have additional children, and there is no way of knowing whether or not the hospital staff discussed this issue with Rusty or not.

    But homeschooling with five very young children is not appropriate for someone with a history of psychiatric hospitalizations, and Rusty was suspicious enough of Andrea’s mental state to actively minimize the amount of time that Andrea spent alone with the children by having his mother come over to their house during the day while Rusty was at work.

    There is no way of apportioning blame because there is no way to know what the psychiatrists actually advised Rusty to do. But I don’t think that very many husbands in Rusty’s situation would have chosen to have a fifth child and leave Andrea at home with all five children when she was obviously still suffering with psychotic symptoms. If she had had her tubes tied after the fourth son was born, it is likely that all four of those boys would still be alive today.

    As to the family in the news more recently, they both look strange. Husband’s Prince Valiant haircut is straight from the 60s. Hard to believe he got a good job looking like that. If the wife’s mother allowed her teenaged daughter to sneak out on dates with an adult male behind the father’s back, then you are looking at extreme family dysfunction in the bride’s family. However, dating an underage female behind her father’s back shows poor judgment and a dishonest nature in the male. They seem to deserve each other. But the children didn’t deserve either of them.

  28. The bigger picture in all of this by the ever “vigelent” media is to smear Christianity

  29. Dalrock

    Analysis of never marrieds and divorcee stats by deepstrength.
    Very well done similar to yours.
    Take a look.

  30. earlthomas786 says:

    If anything…this is an example of what a lack of Christianity does.

    Just because they claimed they were…you can tell by the actions they didn’t really mean it. I don’t remember Christ saying anything about ‘sowing your wild oats’, or holding your kids prisoner and starving them.

  31. Gunner Q says:

    “Husband’s Prince Valiant haircut is straight from the 60s. Hard to believe he got a good job looking like that.”

    In point of fact, he had been a Lockheed engineer. It sort of explains the haircut but not really. Been bankrupt since 2010, so I’ve heard.

    Spike @ January 23, 2018 at 7:10 pm:
    “Just a curiosity: Does any Christian here, or any Christian known, actually ”thump” a Bible?”

    You haven’t seen my blog? I do a lot of calling out criminal leaders of society. Speaking of…

    Jack Russell @ 12:24 am:
    “The media is mentioning that they were “home schooled”. Trying to demonise people who don’t want to send their children to government schools.”

    I blogged on the homeschooling and political angles at

  32. Darwinian Arminian says:

    “Teresa Robinette says Louise Turpin was just about to turn 40 when her sister hit a midlife crisis. ‘At that same time she started gambling, she started taking trips down to Vegas and she got a totally different hairstyle — dramatically different,’ said Teresa.

    . . . . The same sister features in a hilarious quote about the couple sowing their wild oats that they didn’t get to sow while she was still young.”

    Somebody page Rollo Tomassi; She’s making up for missing out!

  33. earlthomas786 says:

    The same sister features in a hilarious quote about the couple sowing their wild oats that they didn’t get to sow while she was still young.

    Seems to verify the whole swinger lifestyle being the woman’s idea theory.

    One woman I knew who was a divorced and a single mother to begin with before the marriage made the claim she partied more when where kids got older because she didn’t have the chance to sow her oats when they were young and she was married. Talk about cognitive dissonance.

  34. feministhater says:

    This is the whole reason I just left it all in the hands of the brilliant alphas. This shit is so fucked, it cannot be undone by any of us mere mortals.

    Marriage is fucked. You’re either a Bible thumbing bigot or a cuckolded loser or both. In either case, the wife rules, either overtly or covertly but she holds the power.

    This will just add more fuel to the fire. Heaps of abuse incoming towards Christian men that want to live a Biblical Christian life – as if doing so is tantamount to running an abusive and deviant cult.

  35. Opus says:

    The Daily Mail is not so much Right Wing as tailored for women. The Sun, more for men – at least that used to be the case. The subtext behind the articles is really Americans (all of them) are weird.

  36. Anonymous Reader says:

    Original Laura
    Andrea Yates wasn’t faking it

    She murdered 5 children. Does your religion teach you anything about murder?

    Wave your hands, Original Laura, point fingers at everyone else in the situation except Andrea Yates in the usual Team Woman fashion, she still murdered 5 childtren. By her own testimony she had to work to chase town the 7 year old. I remember being 7. I’m sure that he was pleading with her to let go, promising “I’ll be good! Mommy, I’ll be good!” even as she dragged to the bathtub for murder by drowning.

    Andrea Yates murdered 5 children. That cannot be excused, minimized or glossed over, but there’s always some woman willing to give it a try. It happens over and over and over again. The amorality is always striking.

    Something for White Knight pedestalizing tradcons to ponder.

  37. Pingback: He’s seen this movie before. | Dalrock

  38. Darwinian Arminian says:

    @Anonymous Reader
    Andrea Yates murdered 5 children. That cannot be excused, minimized or glossed over, but there’s always some woman willing to give it a try. It happens over and over and over again. The amorality is always striking.

    You are not wrong about this. But it’s even worse than making excuses, they’ll even be willing to preemptively give their approval for other women to go out and do the same. I’d forgotten about this until now, but shortly after the Andrea Yates debacle hit the news Anna Quindlen — a New York Times columnist, bestselling author and oh yeah, feminist — wrote a piece in which she wondered why there weren’t more perfectly sane women doing the same as an act of revenge against a society that had conned them into joining “the insidious cult of motherhood.”

    Not a joke:

    “But there’s another part of my mind, the part that remembers the end of a day in which the milk spilled phone rang one cried another hit a fever rose the medicine gone the car sputtered another cried the cable out “Sesame Street” gone all cried stomach upset full diaper no more diapers Mommy I want water Mommy my throat hurts Mommy I don’t feel good. Every mother I’ve asked about the Yates case has the same reaction. She’s appalled; she’s aghast. And then she gets this look. And the look says that at some forbidden level she understands. The looks says that there are two very different kinds of horror here. There is the unimaginable idea of the killings. And then there is the entirely imaginable idea of going quietly bonkers in the house with five kids under the age of 7.”

    Renoir once said that the real hell of life is that everybody always has their reasons. The real hell of feminism is that they will always have their reasons all the way up to the point of hunting down and forcibly murdering their own children.

    Link for the Quindlen article is here:

  39. PokeSalad says:

    Anna Quindlen — a New York Times columnist, bestselling author and oh yeah, feminist — wrote a piece in which she wondered why there weren’t more perfectly sane women doing the same as an act of revenge against a society that had conned them into joining “the insidious cult of motherhood.”

    Well, in a rare moment of agreement, I’m all for Anna Quindlen never reproducing.

  40. ys says:

    Similar to Andrea Yates, OJ didn’t mean to kill people, Nicole should have known better than to mess around with Ron…

  41. earlthomas786 says:

    The real hell of feminism is that they will always have their reasons all the way up to the point of hunting down and forcibly murdering their own children.

    Which is why the ‘back alley abortion’ or ‘coat hanger’ fears the women have always come up when abortion is trying to get outlawed. They’re too afraid that their legal option of killing their children will be taken away.

  42. Luke says:

    Unfortunately, this liberal broad appears to have had 3 children.

  43. ray says:

    Original Laura — “Andrea Yates wasn’t faking it. She had a very substantial history of psychosis triggered at least in part by childbirth and had been hospitalized for as long as the insurance would cover it IIRC.”

    Child-birth triggers psychosis in women? In that case, every mother in history needs to be under MALE supervision life-long to ensure she doesn’t torture and slaughter ‘her’ kids. But of course that’s Oppression and Abuse and Perpetration. Better to let the kids be tortured, while we all pretend it’s all good.

    ‘Post-partum depression’ is just another cover for females having endless privileges, and no responsibility. The Law is for males only. Everything is negotiable for females, including murdering children; if the excuse is sufficiently emotional and credible, then she gets a pass. And typically is cut loose, without impediment, to continue to terrorize others.

  44. DavidS says:

    Postpartum psychosis happens in about 1 in 1000 births. More rare than down syndrome, but it does happen.

  45. Pingback: This Week In Reaction (2018/01/28) - Social Matter

  46. susanbotchie says:

    Turpins. They were in it together, both equally responsible for the horrors inflicted on their children. Turpins are yet another reason why we need Big Government. Obviously, parents aren’t doing their jobs. And way too many dad-duhs would rather blame feminism, instead of stepping up to the plate. Have a nice day 😉

  47. JDG says:

    susanbotchie says:
    February 26, 2018 at 9:47 am

    If by parents you mean single mothers, then yeah parents aren’t doing their jobs. Also, big government is a major factor in why we have so many single mothers, so …

    Regarding blaming feminism, feminism has demonstrated repeatedly that it deserves all the scorn and derision that it receives (actually it deserves more than its getting).

    Regarding stepping up to the plate, what would you know about it? That’s right, nothing.

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