The British tabloids are out for blood after a video surfaced of an army bayonet instructor yelling at a female recruit. The headline in the Sun reads: Bully army corporal reduces female recruit to tears in harrowing training video
Harrowing video has emerged of a female army recruit being reduced to tears by a bully corporal
The soldier is ordered to come towards her senior, before being hit with a barrage of abuse
The Sun quotes a “former senior army officer” who explained that yelling at recruits is “old school”, and a thing of the past in the UK’s modern feminist friendly army:
“Army training is rightly tough. There’s nothing wrong with being plunged in puddles and the like, but this is over the top,” he said.
“There are very strict guidelines in place these days. It is all about positive encouragement now, more ‘come on you can do it’.
“The aggressive, degrading verbal abuse in this clip is way out of line with modern practice.”
He added: “That way of doing things is very old school. New research shows that encouraging soldiers is far more effective.
“This aggressive yelling is not how things are done these days.”
The bad old days the unnamed officer is referring to appears to have been as recent as 2011, based on the publication date of this video:
Compare the above with the video the Sun was responding to:
According to the Daily Mail, the Corporal who filmed the incident did so in violation of the rules. However, this is not the true source of the outrage. The true source of the outrage is the Corporal being unchivalrous and making a woman cry. This weak man is screwing feminism up! Again from the Sun:
He then orders the woman to show him her war face, and to trudge out of the water to stab a dummy enemy as he tells her: “you’re not a killer.”
At one point he lies to her, telling her she has finished the exercise only to order her back into the water.
She bursts into tears as he mocks her for crying.
H/T Oscar
The recruit has a tongue piercing while in uniform, walks slowly (on a bayonet course!), and attacks the target without any aggression. Personally, I think the corporal was WAY too polite. He didn’t even insult her!
Honestly, drill sergeants at Ft. Benning are far more abusive just for the fun of it, and it’s good training!
First they came for the Boy Scouts…
She was walking and acting like she didnt want to be there. With that attitude she is a danger to everyone around her. She got off easy.
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Oh for Heaven’s sake. If they can’t even be a little tough in the Military of what purpose does it serve?
She doesn’t belong there, anyone with brains can acknowledge that. Utterly useless but for making babies.
Good take, btw.
[D: Crap! Thanks! Fixed.]
At Church they told us Godly men must encourage women to use all their gifts and open male spaces and behave in a way that is welcoming to women…
How about women just stop trying to invade male spaces….
Most of my christian friends support the weak female recruit…..
Britain is being taken over by Islam anyway, soon all the women there will have to cover up
He did the major nono….he produced bad feels in the idol of feminists, tradcons, churchians, and white knights…that idol being woman.
The CPL shouldn’t have filmed the corrective training, but other than that, he did nothing wrong. Bullets hurt a lot more than words. I’m sure our enemies around the world are quaking in their boots at the thought of facing Soldiers who cry uncontrollably when yelled at.
Did you read the appaling reaction military top gave? (
“The disturbing footage is particularly embarrassing for defence chiefs as it comes just weeks after an advertising campaign aimed at prospective female recruits which said they were welcome to get emotional or even cry.”
“His response was withering: ‘I hope the identity of the corporal is discovered very quickly and that he is removed from the Army at the earliest possible moment.”
“Critics say it could cost lives on the battlefield because women are not suited to roles which require them to kill the enemy at close quarters.”
“Using the slogan, ‘This is Belonging’, potential soldiers were told that the Army was now a touchy-feely environment where they could express themselves and show weakness.”
Good grieve! Feminism has infiltrated even the top ranks of the military! “express themselves, show weakness, get emotional and cry” is all behavior that is now actively ENCOURAGED to recruit both females and “ethnic minorities”.
And as a matter of fact, the video shows the woman was incapable of showing the aggression needed to kill in close combat. Apparently the military now think it is more important to get emotional than to dominate the enemy. WE ARE NOT GOING TO WIN A WAR BY BEING EMOTIONAL!
Yet another example of so-called “equality” for women were power is needed to enforce said “equality”. Feminism is rot.
Worse, in any combat unit of mixed sex, the men can’t fight worth a damn either:
If they want to do that then go to a therapist. Military isn’t the time or place to be touchy feely.
You neanderthals just don’t understand that recruiting more women, homos, and Muslims is absolutely essential to the British Army’s combat readiness.
LOL…one of the comments from that video.
Truth hurts.
“Using the slogan, ‘This is Belonging’, potential soldiers were told that the Army was now a touchy-feely environment where they could express themselves and show weakness.”
I didn’t think it was possible for any military force to come up with a worse trademark phrase than “Army of One.” Leave it to the Brits to prove me wrong.
I don’t want to say the Nazis should have won, my Grandfathers fought Nazis, but…
Nazis winning would have just brought about another flavor of socialism. It wouldn’t solve the root problem which comes from feminism and racism…it’s all about Marxism.
I will be VERY upset and disappointed to learn that this story truly shocks/surprises any of the regulars here.
Very obviously the Deep State is out to destroy what very little true martial ability remains in the Western world’s “free” (*SMIRK*) nations. The good news is that no warriors worthy of the title have any interest in “defending” the status quo, a system that hates them and wants them destroyed. The future of the British army, like that of the U.S. Army and the future of every other western Army, belongs to the little play-soldier princess in the video, along with the male feminist faggots-in-uniform and politicians who are enabling her. The nation that tolerates such deserves such for its “defense.”
That Corporal, God willing, will have a very bright and rewarding future either as a mercenary or as a soldier in the Army of another country that deserves his dedication and skills as a warrior.
I’m telling you…One good groundwar….
I mean, the infantrypersons of today will be birthing the jihadists of tomorrow by the time they get done, but we’ll learn a littel something about ourselves.
That’s true. It lowers standards for men because they’re now competing against women. The Navy, when I was in bootcamp, had mixed bootcamp divisions. They finally split them out because the guys couldn’t pass their fitness tests or had lowered test scores. Not sure what they’re doing now.
meh women in combat are merely occupying places that men would have got, but because the standards are different the men do not get chosen , but the women do.
This is why I have no sympathy of thought for women who get raped and murdered during war.
@Earl – Not so sure. The Nazis at least valued women as creators of babies for the Reich.
Basic has been known to make some men cry too. Then, they get over it.
This however, is not a story.
It’s Britain. They haven’t fought a real war in decades. The US needs to break alliances with these soft nations. At least Eastern Europe demands masculinity
It’s Britain. They haven’t fought a real war in decades
Nobody in the West has. And won’t, either, since doing so will get them annihilated and they know it (the Russian and Chinese armies don’t do “pretend” warriors).
So, there’s no crying in baseball, but it’s OK in the army?
@ KH
Well, that was WWII, so….
And they want combat jobs? And they want to play tackle football with big burly and aggressive 200+ pound male defensive linesmen? And they want to play soccer with the Barcelonas, Manchester Uniteds and Boca Juniors of this world? And they want to fight Floyd Mayweather? And they want to play Boy Scout? But men are not supposed to make them cry. Oh Gunny Ermey, now we miss you more than ever.
Personally, screw them. Let’s see what happens when some ISIS hajii takes them prisoner.
And speaking of, coincidentally, from England. Female cop attempting to stop rape is herself sexually assaulted.
And this is the military that is supposed to disarm us and round us up into the camps when the day comes…..
They want to be those things…to actually do them though is a lesson in reality.
You know what they don’t seem to want? Signed up for the draft.
Weird, huh?
Now, I’m not a military man, so correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t the point of basic to psychologically break someone and then build them into what is essentially a machine, following orders from higher in the command chain? Do people really not expect that to be unpleasant, setting aside the fact our putative subject here is clearly only in it to be in a tv ad or receive the generous handouts for serving in the military?
Anyway, we all know that when the shooting starts, these types will be the first to go. Sad, that.
Plunge her in puddles, force her through mud, train her to kill strangers, but please, for the love of god, don’t yell at her and make her cry! She’s a killing machine, as long as the enemy doesn’t speak harshly of her.
Man…As a vet all I can say is I really hope the next war is in cyberspace. Or nuclear. Anything else and we are screwed.
It’s worse than that. They manipulated the powers that are into ENFORCING so-called “equality” which is Newspeak for inequality-that-cannot-be-acknowledged-and-whose-obvious-truth-need-to-be-surpressed-at-all-cost-by-government-force.
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@Opus Vitae
Are you implying women need training? That they aren’t natural warfighters? Misogynist pig. Report to Room 101.
What this shows me is that the military needs more diversity
There is an appalling level of whiteness in the military
@ squid_hunt
Few men are natural warriors, but most are trainable, at least in a culture where masculinity is intact. Very few women are trainable. I’ve never met one that was a natural warrior.
Some men – very few- are born for war. Typically, they don’t know it until they experience it, but when they get a taste of it, nothing else satisfies them. Those are some scary dudes. You definitely want to identify them, point them towards the enemy, and thank God they’re on your side.
You may have missed it, but the new theme in movies with female protagonists is that they don’t need trained. They’re automatically fierce and ready because they’re women. (e.g. The new Star Wars.)
@ opus_vitae
“… isn’t the point of basic to psychologically break someone and then build them into what is essentially a machine, following orders from higher in the command chain?”
Sort of. Another purpose is to identify, and weed out, people who lack the psychological resilience to bear up under high stress, because being shot at is kind of stressful.
Hint: a person who breaks down and cries uncontrollably when yelled at will most likely be dead weight when the IEDs detonate, and the bullets and RPGs start flying.
@ squid_hunt
Of course, you’re right. I’ll report to the nearest feminist reeducation camp immediately.
The bad old days the unnamed officer is referring to appears to have been as recent as 2011, based on the publication date of this video:
Indeed. The speed of feminization has been stunning. Accepted gender realism of the recent past is now taboo.
This also ties into the absurd notion of women in sports, and Ronda Rousey being able to claim she could beat any men, without facing any of them.
As recently as 2000, there was a pro-wrestling angle where the top female wrestlers were forced by corporate management, against their will, to compete against male wrestlers. The scripted nature of wrestling notwithstanding, each woman was shown to be no match for them, she expected as much, and the whole thing was more ‘realistic’ than what the supposedly ‘real’ MSM pushes today.
Again, this was the top female wrestler forced to fight against men, against her will. This was acceptable TV as recently as 2000, but would not be an allowed broadcast today. The funny thing is that ‘fake’ wrestling still pretended to be real at the time, and thus had to show a woman as no match for a man, or else that narrative would collapse :
It’s almost like women weren’t meant for war and combat.
Now if you’ll excuse me…I’ll check myself into Misogynist Reeducation Camp.
Of COURSE a woman can do anything a man can do. Now that we’ve established the base assumption, we can change the standards for women with a clear conscience.
*shrug* I’m mildly surprised they still attempt bayonet drill at all. That will be the next to go.
Everyone knows wars are all fought nowadays by pushing buttons in air-conditioned buildings, and women can do that as well as anyone.
Squid Hunt, how silly of me. It really is a wonder we made it this far with only men running around the battlefield. Should I submit my paper titled “On Quatitative Measurements as Implicit Sexism” for the board’s review?
Oscar, good point about the whole stress thing. For some reason, I completely forgot Patton.
Pretty much…if the Israeli women are any example of what women do in the army it’s to dress up in skimpy camo outfits holding high power rifles to sell calendars.
Poke Salad, ever watch eSport competitions? Even in button pushing roles men are better at it, the most you see from the fairer sex is a support role–even in cyberspace.
As recently as 2000, there was a pro-wrestling angle where the top female wrestlers were forced by corporate management, against their will, to compete against male wrestlers. The scripted nature of wrestling notwithstanding, each woman was shown to be no match for them, she expected as much, and the whole thing was more ‘realistic’ than what the supposedly ‘real’ MSM pushes today.
I like the idea of forcing female wrestlers into a no-holds-barred, unscripted/unchoreographed match against male wrestlers. The carnage would be epic (i.e., legions of crippled/maimed or dead female wrestlers), but it would only have to happen once to put a permanent end to this never-neverland fantasy world in which women can beat men.
Similarly, I want to see an all-female infantry unit ordered into combat against the North Korean Army or the Russian Spetznaz. It would only happen once, and there would be no way that even America’s kept presstitute corps could keep the carnage a secret.
If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
Or in her case, into the kitchen.
It is natural with the current ideology that we would eliminate male and female teams. Strange you don’t see it happening. Of course, if you did, they’d have to reserve positions for women.
The sad part of it all is that, virtually all freedom-loving peoples of the world, look to America and the west, to train and lead them against the brutal forces of Islamic and other terrorists.
How will they fare when their trainers have been reduced to pathetic, whiny weaklings?
Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in the streets of Askelon…
(2 Samuel 1:20)
One must never make a woman cry yet at the same time never suggest that they are prone to doing so.
You may recall a British Nobel Laureate (we have more of those gongs per size of population than anyone else apart from the Swiss, apparently) whilst speaking as an attendee at a Dinner in Japan observing that so far as Science as a job is concerned “you fall in love with them , they fall in love with you and then they cry” for which statement he lost his job – a Nobel Laureate! So never upset a woman ever or suggest that they may become upset because they never become upset but if they are it is because you have verbally assaulted them which is quite a different thing.
The mistake of the Corporal was to take seriously the notion that female trainees are going to be combat troops. Everyone knows it will never happen and that the females should be treated as if on a paint-ball course; Make-believe and fun. This Marie-Antoinette style posturing is not, I fear, going to end well.
The video was harrowing, reports “The Sun”.
Adjective: extremely disturbing or distressing; grievous
Kind of sums up the whole experiment we’re on right now.
At least he didn’t make an elevator joke:
Why did they put women in the army?
Da GBFM knows! I will share if you would like!
saying “ladies lingerie” is offensive and worthy of sanction?
well i guess all i can say in the most pc way i can, is
“fuck her”. get over being so offended over everything.
The British Army has failed to protect Britain’s borders from foreign invasion for 50 years now, so I’m not exactly sure what the point of it is.
Meanwhile, Chinese PLA recruitment videos.
In the “bad old days,” in all of the Western world’s military forces, it was not at all uncommon for drill instructors to administer (sometimes violent) physical punishment to recalcitrant and/or underperforming recruits. Fatalities, or even significant long-term physical or emotional damage from such discipline appear to have been rare to non-existent.
Little princess recruit would benefit greatly from having the shit beaten out of her once or twice. Her comrades in arms would benefit from it even more.
‘Simona Sharoni, professor of women’s and gender studies at Merrimack College in Massachusetts, also present in the elevator, took offense and several hours after the incident, she filed a complaint with the association, which found that Lebow violated the group’s code of conduct.
So in other words she teaches how to be perpetually offended.
The British Army has failed to protect Britain’s borders from foreign invasion for 50 years now, so I’m not exactly sure what the point of it is.
That goes for all Western armies. The point of them, of course, is to brutalize their own fellow countrymen who dare resist the foreign invasion that they (the armies) are there to facilitate on behalf of their Deep State masters.
Of course said brutalization will not be carried out be the estrogenized, faggotized clown army that is featured in stories like this one. It will be carried out by the elite SpecOps troops (a.k.a. the 21st Century Praetorian Guard) that have as much in common with the “regular” army as a Vespa motorscooter has with a tank.
“At least he didn’t make an elevator joke:”
“The ISA committee found fault with Lebow characterizing Sharoni’s complaint as “frivolous.” It instructed him to issue an “unequivocal apology,” which he refused to do.”
Good for him. I hope he doesn’t cave.
Seriously these gender studies people need to grow up.
Meanwhile, check this out.
1:40 to 1:55
I’d prefer they shut up. Their delusional views of life are destructive.
This is just another particular example of the ongoing pressure on men to conform to women’s emotions, a result of the blank-slate fallacy that props up feminism: “men and women are the same except women can have babies”, therefore they ought to be interchangeable. If there is any situation in which women cannot function as well or better than men, it must be due to “sexism” or perhaps lingering effects of Teh Patriarchy (whatever that is defined to be this week). Because the alternative is unthinkable.
The alternative, that the brains and limbic systems of men are different from women is literally unthinkable for true feminists. They can’t think about it without a great deal of discomfort so they don’t. It is something like a flat-earther thinking about sailing too close to the edge of the world, it threatens their mental existence.
Therefore we get infinite doubling-down. The number of lies that we must pretend to believe continues to grow, the cognitive dissonance gets worse, and so forth.
This has led over the last 20, 30, 40 or more years to a societal assumption that females emote correctly, and therefore men are defective in the emotional realm. Rollo is writing a series of essays on instinct, emotion and eventually reason, the current one is very on topic here
Forget the canned outrage. See this for what it is: another example of feminists demanding that reality be bent to fit their ideology. Rather like T.D. Lysenko’s notions, in a way, and becoming as destructive.
I’m telling you…One good groundwar….
I’m telling you, that’s a foolish and ignorant thing to write.
@Anonymous Reader
We’ve already been over this. You don’t have any better ideas, remember?
I amazed nobody has hit upon the core reason the corporal got in trouble.
She is CRYING.
Crying is the ultimate female power move. When a woman starts to cry, men are supposed to drop everything and start deferring to the woman. The corporal ignored her tears. You cannot have an example of a man ignoring a woman’s tears go unpunished, it is a threat to female power and privilege.
This is why the story has exploded.
On a related note is this story about how white women use tears in the workplace to disadvantage women of color:
How white women use strategic tears to avoid accountability
The legitimate grievances of brown and black women are no match for the accusations of a white damsel in distress
Almost every BW (black woman) I know has a story about a time in a professional setting in which she attempted to have a talk with a WW about her behavior & it has ended with the WW (white woman) crying,” one black woman wrote on Twitter. “The WW wasn’t crying because she felt sorry and was deeply remorseful. The WW was crying because she felt “bullied” and/or that the BW was being too harsh with her.”
There is no social defense against a woman crying. It’s not just men who are put on the spot, but also other women.
@Otto Lamp
That’s a pretty interesting theory. You may be on to something.
Regarding the white feminist versus black feminist, it’s been fun watching this fight develop in the last few years. Black women are way more aggressive and forward (generally speaking) than white women. They’re either going to dominate the white women and take over and make feminism 100% about black rights (See the Women’s March) or they’re going to force them to start flying right as they see themselves disenfranchised from the women’s movement and start to realize it’s about power, not civil rights.
And for those that are going to say “It’s always been about…” I understand that. Self delusion is a powerful drug and having the tables turned on you can wake you up to a lot of untruths.
Matthew at Daily Crow brought to my attention the recent slew of U.S. military aircraft incidents and crashes. Also, he has been following the keystone kops Seventh Fleet — it’s destroyed morale (can you guess why?), it’s disorganization, and its un-readiness for combat. See his ‘Daily Updates’ columns.
For decades, it’s been more important to the military, government, and corporations that Holy Females be forc . . . I mean integrated into every aspect of American institutions, even while those institutions are being deconstructed. Satan’s Sisterhood loves that word, ‘deconstructed’. It sounds really smart and academic. If they used the proper terms for what they’ve done over the past forty years (annihilated, ruined, corrupted, destroyed) why then, they wouldn’t look like such innocent, oppressed, morally superior darlings now, would they?
Military merit? LOL. Combat capabilities? BWAHHH-HA-HA. Your women couldn’t conquer Guatemala, if those folks gave up first. They’d end up giving the U.S. to them, just to take revenge on The Patriarchy. Their hate and resentment is greater even than their will to survive.
America’s ‘men’ would rather see the nation destroyed than stand up to their wives, daughters, moms, sisters, etc. ‘Conservatives’ are the worst; the men BRAG to one another about their treachery and cowardice towards God and country. Make that cuntry. Seeings how God likes truth.
It’s a DODO nation. The geneticists might bring the dodo back, but nobody will bring the United Sisterhood back.
It’s because the term ‘crocodile tears’ isn’t used anymore.
Simona Sharoni, professor of women’s and gender studies at Merrimack College in Massachusetts, also present in the elevator, took offense and several hours after the incident, she filed a complaint with the association, which found that Lebow violated the group’s code of conduct.
The “code of conduct” has become a useful pry-bar and club for SJW’s to use against anyone that fails to conform to their ever-changing “standards of behavior”. These CoC’s allow the most sensitive, delicate, easily offended snowflake to demand that everyone else cater to their whims and anxieties. A very feminine way of wielding power, by the way.
CoC’s are doing a lot of damage in the open-source software world, and anyone who goes to a conference that has a CoC would be well advised to take great care. Because CoC violations are not adjudicated, no, they are “tried” in the “court” of social media rather like the #MeeToo campaign, except that CoC “violations” can be reported anonymously….
It’s probably an accident, a coincidence, that the SJW’s increasingly resemble Chinese students during the Cultural Revolution…
@HM: “The British Army has failed to protect Britain’s borders from foreign invasion for 50 years now”
Well politicians have unilaterally decided we do not need border control and can let in the Mohammedan hordes endlessly. Forces of evil at work.
I would lean more toward judgement of God than forces of evil.
We’ve already been over this.
Yes, I gave you an opportunity to learn something, but you would not take it.
Not only are you foolish and ingorant, you are also unable or unwilling to learn.
Therefore you are stupid.
You don’t have any better ideas, remember?
Almost any idea is better than a “good land war”, you foolish, ignorant, stupid, puerile dolt.
Fortunately, you’re merely another ankle-biting keyboard jockey engaged in fantasy, not anyone with serious authority.
And for those that are going to say “It’s always been about…” I understand that. Self delusion is a powerful drug and having the tables turned on you can wake you up to a lot of untruths.
Rich, educated white women will never cede control over feminism — the whole thing has been to further them, not the rest of women, from the beginning. They will give lip service to women as a whole but their priorities will always revolve around the top tier women socio-economically, which is the core base of feminism and always will be (always was). They won’t give that up.
@squid_hunt: “I would lean more toward judgement of God than forces of evil.”
That is not necessarily a contradiction. We do know that God does withhold judgement and is merciful and good. He does allow evil within boundaries and for a limited time, and has promised to make everything work to the benefit of those who love Him. We should be concerned about our personal life before God; are we reconciled with Him through the sacrificial death of Jesus and been reborn into new life through Him?
2 Corinthians 7:8 For though I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it; though I did regret it—for I see that that letter caused you sorrow, though only for a while— 9 I now rejoice, not that you were made sorrowful, but that you were made sorrowful to the point of repentance; for you were made sorrowful according to the will of God, so that you might not suffer loss in anything through us. 10 For the sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation, but the sorrow of the world produces death. 11 For behold what earnestness this very thing, this godly sorrow, has produced in you: what vindication of yourselves, what indignation, what fear, what longing, what zeal, what avenging of wrong! In everything you demonstrated yourselves to be innocent in the matter.
I heard a program by Dr. J. Vernon McGee on the radio as I drove into work today, where he went over the passage above. He pointed out that most folks will cry that they got caught, or called out for their poor behavior, but that only a few will cry over their own sin, to the point of repentance. I was especially “red pilled” again by verse 10 For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.
It would seem that Women are often most afflicted with worldly sorrow, such that they are doomed to be unhaaaaapy, and feel like they missed out on keeping the best ride on the Cock Carousel, they missed out on a stellar and rewarding career due to misogyny, their Beta Bucks husband is now abusing them by wanting his due from them, and Etc. Their worldly grief is killing them, because of all the false promises that a feminist society has told them they are owed. That worldly sorrow will lead to their eternal death too.
Please continue to pray for me and my family. My wife is grieved, but not by her own sin, and certainly not to the point of repentance. And the “church” has been a great hindrance to her repentance, by validating her discontentment and worldly sorrow, while cowardly refusing to address her sin and cause her Godly sorrow.
In squid’s defense, adversity can create a hard reset. Kazimierz Piechowski made an interesting comment when interviewed for a documentary on the escape from Auschwitz. I’ll try to find the title. Paraphrased, he said mama’s boys didn’t make it in 1942 Auschwitz.
Juxtapose today’s strong independent entitled soldierette to Piechowski’s mama’s boy. You have someone not ready to do what needs to be done, ultimately to protect the country. Solipsism and altruism aren’t bedfellows.
Twenty-two years as a REMF in the military, seeing the feminization of it skyrocket toward the end, drove me out early and to the RP. When a deployment was even rumored, everybody runs and gets pregnant. No kidding.
So, is righting the perceived wrongs of the past or military readiness to protect the populace the goal?
Opus — “So never upset a woman ever or suggest that they may become upset because they never become upset but if they are it is because you have verbally assaulted them which is quite a different thing.”
I’ve been imprisoned for Verbal Harassment against a Holy One. So it’s no joke, or even sarcasm. What it amounted to was her openly defrauding me, and then filing a criminal complaint because I told her what she was. In the presence of her thug-boyfriend, who outweighed me by 100 pounds. Not that it would have mattered.
The courts — full of female clerks and judges — had themselves quite a good time with me. Profitable, too. :O)
Guess in which country that little treacherousness took place?
Don’t think it’s over, either. It’s over when I say it’s over.
feeriker Very obviously the Deep State is out to destroy what very little true martial ability remains in the Western world’s “free” (*SMIRK*) nations.
Yet at the same time, the Deep State is pushing the U.S. to fight yet another war for Israel. First with Syria, now with Iran.
Whatever real military power the U.S. still has, is spent on fighting Israel’s enemies, rather than on protecting our own borders.
September 1990
Battle school Master Sargent breaks my arm while correcting my attitude in battle school (the six weeks after basic).
July 1992
Retaking Sarejavo airport with the attitude of coming out alive.
Whatever real military power the U.S. still has, is spent on fighting Israel’s enemies, rather than on protecting our own borders.
Can America claim to be free, when it can be made to fight another country’s wars at will?
September 1990
Battle school Master Sargent breaks my arm while correcting my attitude in battle school (the six weeks after basic).
July 1992
Retaking Sarejavo airport with the attitude of coming out alive.
And the preacher said, “Amen.”
In fewer than less than 80 years, the army defending the British Isles has gone from uncrushable men to literal crying girls. The only thing that surprises me is the speed of the collapse.
I’m glad that this Sun report has clarified to the Royal armed forces who the REAL ultimate authority is in military training. Has anyone seen Full Metal Jacket?. She got off easy.
The corporal is doing her a favor. War is the most negatively emotional environment that exists. Fear, death, loss.
What she experienced is lite compared to what we experienced in boot camp.
If you can’t function with someone yelling at you, you’ll shut down in war.
Yeah…sure Gomer Pyle snapped under the pressure, but his snapping didn’t involve crying.
I’ve been imprisoned for Verbal Harassment … What it amounted to was her openly defrauding me, and then filing a criminal complaint because I told her what she was. In the presence of her thug-boyfriend,
I feel for you brother! While I haven’t been imprisoned, I’m sure my words will be used to try to rip me off in the divorce. And the “church” doesn’t care that my “Christian” wife is being unfaithful, they only seem to care that I had the nerve to say something to her about it. I’m not being loving, but verbally abusive, Don’t cha know!
Hosea was the only human, besides Jesus Christ who was also God, to be specifically singled out and chosen by God to illustrate God’s love. I would assume, he was probably the most loving man to have ever existed, since God is deliberate and omniscient in His ways. Hosea not only called his wife a whore, but he enlisted her bastard children to help him plead with her to stop her whoring. An illustration of God’s love.
When I pointed this out to some pastors, the damnable cucks, have claimed that they think the book of Hosea is an allegory, and that they don’t think it literally happened. (Apparently it is Literally Unthinkable that a woman could cheat on a good husband) Thieves! They buy their bread and pay their bills with money given to God on condition that they preach his whole Word, and then they just teach people it is allegorical fables. Lucifer’s Bitches! Satan’s handmaidens! Antichrists! They’ll burn in hell with the Beast and the other false prophet for calling God’s word fiction, while they make their living fleecing those seeking God’s truth, for filthy money.
Those shit stains couldn’t answer why an allegory would give the whore’s father’s name. Think about that! God gave this whore’s father eternal mention in His word. That should give the DODOs pause. My DODO father in law was 3 for 3 raising his daughters up to disrespect their future husbands by sleeping around. What a fool I was! If only somebody had “Red Pilled” me before I “manned up” I forgave and forgot my wife was a whore. Her behavior has reminded me, ever since! Passing out the Red Pill to young Christian men is an act of love… I didn’t receive until 16 years too late.
Hosea 2:2 Plead with your mother, plead— for she is not my wife, and I am not her husband— that she put away her whoring from her face, and her adultery from between her breasts,
It seems it’s another example of the Feminist TradCon Churchian’s first ‘commandment’
It’s never the woman’s fault…the man is always to blame.
Even when it comes to the arena of an adulterous whore of a wife.
Think what a disservice women have now from these frauds…they are free to sin about and are lied to that they need to repent. It’s literally the path to hell.
@ earl says:
May 8, 2018 at 8:55 pm
“It seems it’s another example of the Feminist TradCon Churchian’s first ‘commandment’
It’s never the woman’s fault…the man is always to blame.”
It’s a three-part commandment.
1. Nothing is the woman’s fault.
2. Everything is a man’s fault (most likely husband or father).
3. The solution to every problem is for the offending man to behave like a woman.
In any case if some cuck pastor told me I was being unloving and verbally abusive because I’d call a spade(whore) a spadeI(whore)…he’d be getting an earful of unloving and verbally abusive things from me.
Poke Salad, ever watch eSport competitions?
Yeah earl,
And then they just offer up your outburst as proof to your wife, that you are a hater who just can’t get along with anybody, not even somebody as “godly as a minister of God’s word”.
If you believe the Bible literally with regard to patriarchy, you’re not going to get fair treatment, because you and God are their adversaries.
I just like to end off telling them “The Lord rebuke you”. The fools never know I’m quoting the Archangel Michael speaking to Satan.
The ideal Code of Conduct for associations not wanting to ever get converged has but three articles:
Article One: this is the code of conduct.
Article Two: anyone proposing adding to, taking away from, or changing the code of conduct in that moment immediately and permanently fired/expelled, with no forgiveness possible, nor any communication from that person ever accepted in the future.
Article Three: there is no further articles past Article Three.
Rich, educated white women will never cede control over feminism — the whole thing has been to further them, not the rest of women, from the beginning. They won’t give that up.
You are probably right. But it still presents a massive vulnerability.
Creative application of their own distortions like “intersectionality” (a sort of dual-edged, arbitrary point-based grievance prioritization and reprisal target-designator system for aggressive malignant narcissists [ lol, awesome. what’s your kulak-score?]) and “privilege” (sanctification of naked, unalloyed envy) can yield epic, epic infighting.
“Solidarity is fo’ whywimmin! Sol’darity is fo’ whywimmin!”
Remember that one?
There’s so much untapped potential here.
Every stumbling block rooted in the Satanic path is a victory, no matter how small.
Sharkly says:
May 8, 2018 at 8:33 pm
Brother, you need to get out of that “church” right now. It is run by servants of Satan!
Unfortunately, finding another one that is going to be any different/better is going to be an even bigger challenge than leading your wife to repentance.
Usual outcome: Woman gets upset, man loses job.
Nothing indicates that Hosea was not a true story. Those pastors do not believe what they claim to believe.
“Or nuclear. Anything else and we are screwed.”
Well, let’s be honest: in a nuclear war, we’d definitely be screwed. Just about as much as is possible.
Great point about codes of conduct, Anonymous Reader.
I got “bullied” more as a high-school freshman when my JROTC class went down to Parris Island for a week.
Feeriker: Brother, you need to get out of that “church” right now. It is run by servants of Satan!
I never actually went to that church. A relative just said their pastor would counsel us for free, and I had burned through a long streak of other false counseling pastors already. Oddly enough, my wife doesn’t care to listen to God or her husband, but she really cares what others think, so I keep trying to get her to a man of God, who will tell her the same stuff I’ve showed her from the Bible, because if somebody else says it, then it must be true.
Right at this moment, this blog is my church! I’m having church here. So y’all watch your language and be respectful, while I fellowship with you believers and Boxer.(I like his wise comments, even though I must rebuke his foolish immorality)
If I were enemy’s general, I would be grateful for almost any female who joined the army, especially in a feminist state.
Dave says: Can America claim to be free, when it can be made to fight another country’s wars at will?
America hasn’t been a free nation for several generations now.
A planeload of “Instagram stars” post selfies minutes before plane crashes.
I knew about YouTube stars. I didn’t know there were Instagram stars. Vapid lives. Pointless deaths.
@Anonymous Reader
I get it.
“Do something, guys! Fight feminism! I’m serious!”
Thank you.
I mean judgment on a nation that had years and years of faithful devotion to God and having the Word of God and rejecting it and turning away. Look how far Great Britain has fallen. It’s horrible. Why wouldn’t God send hordes of muslims to take over their country and punish them? I have a feeling it’s about to get much worse over there if they don’t get right.
Regarding your Code of Conduct, that’s effectively what the Bible says about the operation of churches. Look how that’s going.
I was in basic almost 20 years ago. There was absolutely no danger that they would fail you. No danger that they would hurt you. And everyone knew it.
I never actually went to that church. A relative just said their pastor would counsel us for free, and I had burned through a long streak of other false counseling pastors already.
It appears that you got what you paid for, although thank God this pastor didn’t try to charge you. Given his satanic guidance, that would have been borderline criminal (from what you’ve told us here, I have to ask: how many marriages has this clown already destroyed?).
Oddly enough, my wife doesn’t care to listen to God or her husband, but she really cares what others think, so I keep trying to get her to a man of God, who will tell her the same stuff I’ve showed her from the Bible, because if somebody else says it, then it must be true.
That pretty much describes ALL women. As someone else (can’t remember who) said in the previous thread, good luck in getting any woman, especially a wife, to listen to anyone other than her klatsch of girlfriends. It really drives home the question of “why even bother to get married when it is nearly 100 percent certain that YOU will be the very last person in the world your wife will listen to, or even respect?”
Right at this moment, this blog is my church! I’m having church here.
That’s becoming that case for more and more of us, given the outright fraudulent nature of what passes for “church” these days in so much of the Western world, and not just on manosphere-specific issues, either (I’ve considered writing at length on this topic, but it really needs treatment by someone with better crendentials than I have).
I wonder if our gracious host fully realizes just how vital his blog is to so many men, and if he ever imagined it becoming the powerful and influential font of knowledge, wisdom, and truth that it has become.
I was in basic almost 20 years ago. There was absolutely no danger that they would fail you. No danger that they would hurt you. And everyone knew it.
Yup. Thirty-nine years ago, when I was in Navy boot camp at San Diego, one of our two recruit company commanders, an old Chief Boiler Technician with a quarter century of sea time behind him, said to us one day “the Navy is only as strong as the weakest of you motherfuckers, and ain’t NO weaklings or fuckups gonna come out of MY boot camp and get me or anybody else killed!”
And he trained and drilled us mercilessly, like he meant every word of it.
Today, his like would’ve been drummed out of the Navy (most certainly relieved of duty as a company commander for language and leadership style) and the company of recruits he commanded would be crying and in “stress relief time out” (or whatever they’re calling that pussified nonsense).
Hopefully you can find this person…however I’m not so sure another man telling her the truth of the matter would do anything if she won’t listen to God or her husband.
In a recent Captain Capitalism video one of his statements was…'(in general) Men want to know the truth of the matter, women want to be lied to.’
At the time I was there, the entire thing hinged on the recruits BELIEF that he might be recycled (failed and sent back to the beginning or kicked out entirely). I don’t know what it is like now.
But within a few weeks it became apparent that you would have to more or less kill someone for that to happen. Every task they would yell and scream “this is the thing you have to get a first time go on or we will recycle you!” and EVERY time, you would see several recruits being remediated off to the side, trying and trying again until they were pencil whipped and put back into the formation.
They need bodies, pure and simple. The problem with doing it that way is that eventually it demoralizes you because those who actually did meet the standards throughout the ordeal felt like “well, if it doesn’t matter, why try? We will all be on the parade field on graduation day anyway.” The screaming was a show. The whole thing was a longevity exercise to see how long you could put up with the BS, but there was really no danger that you would be kicked out. It was only your own personal ethics that allowed you to stand there on graduation day and say to yourself “I did this. I am a soldier.” Knowing that many to the left and right of you did not.
The older guys, long gone now, used to tell us stories about how the drill sergeants could put their hands on you (like Full Metal Jacket) and really make you feel like shit about yourself if you were one of the weaker ones.
If you can’t take the stress of being yelled at and deal with it to get the task done…what makes them think they can take the stress of an actual war scene and get the task done.
Really I think most women in the military are there to get attention, be a prop to get male eyeballs into the military, and do the paper pushing work.
What I gathered from those older stories was essentially what you are talking about. The training isn’t about you. It doesn’t really matter how you feel, or how you chose to emote, or whatever.
Are you weak on this particular drill? Then find it within yourself to get past it. Cry, ask your buddies questions, whatever. But you have to get past it for the team.
Or leave. Thanks for trying. You are probably really good at something else, so go do that and be well.
earl: I think most women in the military are there to get attention, be a prop to get male eyeballs into the military, and do the paper pushing work.
I think women go in the military …
1. Because your dad will beam with pride that his Little Princess is more KICK-ASS than all the men.
2. Because you look SO AMAZING in uniform.
3. Because, OMG, think of all the SUPER-AMAZING selfies from boot camp that you can post on Instagram.
4. Because your Facebook Friends will be like, WHOA, YOU GO GRRRRL!
5. Because of all the HOT alpha soldiers fighting for your attention.
6. Because you travel to WAY COOL foreign countries and — HELLO! — more selfies!
7. Because of all the HOT alpha foreigners fighting for your attention.
8. Because it’s SO AWESOME to tell future boyfriends that you were a BAD-ASS soldier.
In the Canadian system basic is to condition you and break you to obey orders. Then battle school is weeks in combat maneuvering to learn your specialty under combat conditions.
The attitude adjustment I got was to take my job (heavy gunner) seriously because my role was to pin down the enemy so my unit could maneuver and eliminate it. My M.S. grabbed my arm and asked my unit “I am the enemy, who is going to stop me?”. Course my guys rushed him like they should and in the curfufl my arm went snap.
After that no one was gonna be at risk because I was not covering them.
Man makes woman cry = abuse
Black woman makes white woman cry = She is using “strategic tears” to avoid accountability
I went through basic in 1993. Mine was the last platoon on Fort Leonard Wood, MO to be segregated by sex. Men failed out, most because they couldn’t handle the stress psychologically. Some failed out because they couldn’t meet the marksmanship standards, others because they couldn’t meet other minimum standards.
The standards in basic aren’t that high. It’s BASIC, after all. As long as a recruit is in halfway decent shape when he gets there, and he has an IQ of 85+, he’ll be fine. The thing that gets most people who fail is the stress of being away from home for the first time in a hostile environment.
But, again, that’s the point. Combat is stressful, and combat zones are – by definition – hostile environments. If a person can’t psychologically handle the relatively mild stress of Basic Training, he/she will be dead weight in combat, and will either get other Soldiers killed, or come home psychologically broken and be dead weight for the rest of their lives, or some combination thereof.
“I think most women in the military are there to get attention, be a prop to get male eyeballs into the military, and do the paper pushing work.”
I heard the story by word of mouth that after the first wave of women enter the Air Force, the producers of the movie Top Gun couldn’t go to military bars anymore. “I want Tom Cruise!” the women would scream at them. “You promised me Tom Cruise!”
I doubt it’s true but good for a laugh.
Hey Scott,
Is there a way to screen for personalities that are more resistant to stress BEFORE people go to Basic Training?
Christians were praising the Christian female pilot who landed the Southwest plane safely…
She was one of the first female pilots…
She refused to support her husband or be a Godly wife or mum and continued flying
so her husband had to focus on the home and had to hold back his career
She is being praised as an example of Godly womanhood….
God apparantl TOLD her that her calling was to invade male spaces and use his strength to prove a woman can do whatever a man does.
She now gives speeches encouraging young christian girls to join the military….
God is now a feminist guys….
It drives me nuts when otherwise godly women post all this “pro-military woman” garbage. I don’t care if she’s wearing a uniform. This isn’t Christian.
Really I think most women in the military are there to get attention, be a prop to get male eyeballs into the military, and do the paper pushing work.
They go in for that and all the reasons RPL stated upthread, PLUS for all the socialist-welfare bennies that accrue to active duty personnel. That last item is a VERY BIG inducement, especially for all the (useless and dangerous) single babymamas who enlist.
It drives me nuts when otherwise godly women post all this “pro-military woman” garbage. I don’t care if she’s wearing a uniform. This isn’t Christian.
The adulation of the American Empire’s legions and “law enforcement” arm by America’s evangelical Protestant churches today is one of the most blasphemous and repulsive things imaginable, a form of Caesar worship that would prompt Jesus Himself to repeat His moneychangers-in-the-Temple routine. Along with the infections we routinely discuss here, this is co-opting, corrupting, and destroying the American church from within.
I believe that, too. The last church I was at had Public Union Member (Public Service…)Appreciation (Propaganda) Day. They literally sang hymns to these people about saving us.
My family was camping. My pastor was not happy with me.
Waaaaa! *sniffle* An “army bayonet instructor” make soft, spoiled, thumb sucking snowflake girl cry. Unbelievable. The enemy will do far worse to her. Mohammad the jihadist will thrust his AK-47 bayonet straight through her body cavity leaving her dying in a pool of her own blood.
She’ll REALLY be crying then as she gurgles out the last few minutes of life. And all because she was somewhere she never should have been to begin with. But feminists don’t think about that. They all think they’re “Wonder Woman.” They aren’t. What they are doing is materially degrading the effectiveness of the British army and THAT is going to leave a mark at some point in the future for Britain.
Am I the only one here who thinks that part of the reason the woman cried is because she got gina tingles from the yelling, authoritative bayonet instructor? Women are aroused by that sort of commanding behavior, as we know. They also cry not because they are sad, but because there are a wave of many emotions (some women cry after sex if they are highly aroused).
The adulation of the American Empire’s legions and “law enforcement” arm by America’s evangelical Protestant churches today is one of the most blasphemous and repulsive things imaginable, a form of Caesar worship that would prompt Jesus Himself to repeat His moneychangers-in-the-Temple routine. Along with the infections we routinely discuss here, this is co-opting, corrupting, and destroying the American church from within.
In addition to that, it is proof that the Evangelical pastorbators have a complete lack of genuine faith.
Why else would they worship a police state tasked with enforcing a pagan goddess cult?
OT, but “man up and marry those sluts!”
Significant measures will be taken to ensure recruits graduate from whatever their entry level training school may be. Remedial instruction, recycling with another group (usually after an injury puts one behind and greatly to be feared), personal counseling, or whatever it takes. The girl that cried and did not want to get wet on the bayonet course would be highly unlikely to be dropped for that alone, or even for an accumulation of such events if she seemed at all to be trying. “Let me see your war face” followed by basically her “meow” would probably count as trying today, since she didn’t just simply lay down on a dry spot (right then anyway).
I will caveat by saying this is “the old days”, whenever that was, but the recruiters, drill cadre, and training school did not get credit for a recruit until they graduated. Just getting x number into the basic training pipeline will not work for your evaluations. They had to make it, then you got retroactive credit for each one.
This may be true for most western countries but certainly in the US there is a shortage of people available for a volunteer force. The prime demographic is often enough found to be overweight, too out of shape for the (very easy) entry physical fitness tests, or found with a pre-existing medical condition the service does not want to treat, or too many prior convictions, or too many tattoos in the wrong places (though I believe leniency on that has been increasing), or believe it or not IQ too low; not to mention mostly not interested. This is partly behind the massive effort to increase numbers of womenfolk across the board as well.
Modern war can be very standoffish with long range, precision guided weapons sometimes operated from miles, or another continent away. The way military service is peddled, one could easily get the idea it will never come to this again, but what if it does and half your people up on that hilltop are chicks? I hope they made it through the bayonet course at least.
‘OT, but “man up and marry those sluts!”’
I’d almost want to create something like a PSA for drugs only for feminism.
Left: This is your daughter under the oppressive evil Patriarchy.
Right: This is your daughter under the liberation of feminism.
Sooo “Old School”, yeah the “new school” in wartime will be the Chinese “positively encouraging” British soldiers to surrender, and cave in to interrogations, and supply any intel they have – troop movements, location, count, supplies…. They’ll give them a nice new safe space in a POW camp.
Sharkly —
You hang in there amigo. It ain’t over for you. This is just the beginning.
Don’t worry about having been a fool, having been played for a fool . . . every single dood on this page has, too. No exceptions. You shoulda SEEN the stuff the Lord put me through attempting to break me of my conditioning and foolishness. I was a hard case and He got to thumping me pretty good.
Every time my fire died down a little, sure enough, out would come the next treachery, the next betrayal, the next false accusation, the next gleeful beatdown. I sure didn’t want war. I like my pleasures. But they just kept tossing kerosene on my campfire. So here we are. They’ve got my attention now.
“And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered.
“Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.
“‘And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.
“Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.'” (Malachi 3)
I just read that a female US Navy officer was found guilty of all types of offences that caused a collision between her ship and a commercial one. This caused massive damage to her ship and the death of 17 crewmembers. She was the officer of the deck (OOD) and didnt follow procedures. The captain of the ship, another officer and the senior enlisted officer were kicked out of the Navy while she still remains. All I can here now is laughter coming from the PLAN. Forget about over the horizon missiles. Ships commanded by these females will be banging into each other on the way to battle.
Great observation above from Anon. Some women do enjoy being shouted at and I can testify that women sometimes cry whilst having sexual intercourse. I find it most off-putting.
Both feeding off the attention from the selfie! The one on the left merely has further left to go. Once they become addicted to the attention delivered by social media their destruction is all but certain.
Anyway, it’s more of: this is your daughter before college and this is your daughter after..
Another point, one I saw in the flesh many times.
Woman goes into the military, extreme carouseling. After 18-24 months, makes all sorts of outlandish claims. Receives admin discharge w/70-100% disability payments for LIFE. Even officers will claim rape/PTSD if their slag behavior is discovered and will discredit them. It’s a microcosm of society, problem is the word is out and the chances are even greater for a man than in the civilian world.
Because women are more holy and Godly than are men:
He kept talking over her TV show, so she killed him, Las Vegas cops say
Possible…women will cry from the heights of joy in passion to the depths of sadness.
If you watch the video…I didn’t think the crying she was displaying was a sad one. I couldn’t really tell if it was crocodile tears, out of fear, or possibly arousal.
Well he committed the cardinal sin of elicting feelings in a woman (and I use that term loosely after seeing her photo) that weren’t happiness.
Nah their clownish looking tats, multicolored hair, and piercings might even start in high school. Daddy just can’t say no to his princess.
Point being…the gal on the left you know looks like a woman, the gal on the right looks like an androgynous freak.
“Even officers will claim rape/PTSD if their slag behavior is discovered and will discredit them. It’s a microcosm of society, problem is the word is out and the chances are even greater for a man than in the civilian world.”
It’s far worse in the military. Cases that would never make civilian trial due to lack of evidence can and do result in a felony conviction in a military court martial trial. Majority isn’t necessary to convict either.
Sorry, misspoke. Majority is necessary but unanimous vote isn’t necessary. One holdout will not stop a conviction.
And what’s with this “half-shaved head” look that’s become popular with women?
It used to be a ghetto black thing. Then lesbians picked it up. Then gay men started shaving half their head, while coloring rainbow stripes on their remaining hair. Now hetero women are shaving half their head, and putting rainbow colors in their remaining hair.
What’s up with that? Women keep pushing the envelop in looking ever more bizarre.
What’s up with that?
Obvious, no?
It’s a marker that says “I am one of the good people, because I am one of the oppressed, and I stand in solidarity with other oppressed people who have different oppression than I do”.
It’s a way of distinguishing themselves from “bad people” like straight, white, Christian men, who are basically satanic in our culture now.
“And what’s with this “half-shaved head” look that’s become popular with women?”
What the military does for uniformity, modern culture does for androgyny. Everybody can have a half-shaved head.
I’ve no proof to offer but believe that getting a woman to shave herself totally bald is psychologically incredibly difficult. Like convincing a man to be a “sub” in BDSM, it’s a very unnatural way for women to behave.
I don’t know if it happened in the old days…but a lot of these bizarre behaviors with women I would theorize come from what happens when they are on the pill, studying feminism and having lots of promiscous sex. It’s like they know they are ugly on the inside so they have to show it on the outside.
This is what I commented about before.
@Disillusioned: She was a walking time bomb. It was just a matter of when and where. Pushed through the system, rubber stamped all the way, until the finale` and her finale` was a real show stopper. I quote from the article you posted:
“In the 30 minutes leading up to the collision, neither Fitzgerald nor [the commercial ship] Crystal took such action to reduce the risk of collision until approximately one minute prior to the collision,” the report said.
The report added that Fitzgerald’s officer of the deck, now identified as Coppock, “intended to take no action” in the minutes leading up to the collision until realizing it was “too late.”
“The Officer of the Deck, the person responsible for safe navigation of the ship, exhibited poor seamanship by failing to maneuver as required, failing to sound the danger signal and failing to attempt to contact CRYSTAL on Bridge to Bridge radio. In addition, the Officer of the Deck did not call the Commanding Officer as appropriate and prescribed by Navy procedures to allow him to exercise more senior oversight and judgment of the situation,” the report said.
^ I’m sure she’ll just hit a bar and find a beta to “man up” and pay her bills since she won’t really be very employable after her OTH discharge. There is a sucker born every minute and the vast majority of them are males whose little head calls the shots.
Now that conservatives have embraced gay marriage, National Review is setting the stage for “compromise” on the tranny question:
Part one of the compromise will be borne by cultural conservatives and traditionalists. It asks for broad tolerance for the reality that transgender men and women exist, and are entitled to basic human dignity, just like everyone else. This does not mean having to morally endorse behavior many may believe runs contrary to God’s plan for a just and healthy society, but it does imply that acts like ostentatiously calling people by pronouns they don’t want, or belittling their personal struggle, are boorish and petty. It means acknowledging that arbitrary discrimination against transgender people is a cruel bigotry like any other.
The article also calls for compromise on the part of progressives.
Of course, any compromise (as with gay “civil unions”) will be only temporary. The left will not settle for anything less than mandatory public celebration of trannies — and legal and social sanctions upon any “hater” that fails to celebrate trannies.
the men have cucked themselves as well
bdash 77, the men in that link are so cucked, they’re even afraid to agree with the women:
We also wish to note that we are not speaking to validate our sisters’ voices. A woman’s voice does not need the affirmation of a man to be valid.
Who does that? What man is so cucked that, even when agreeing with a woman, he qualifies by saying that his agreement is unnecessary and unimportant.
@ Lost Patrol says:
May 9, 2018 at 12:31 pm
“This may be true for most western countries but certainly in the US there is a shortage of people available for a volunteer force.”
It’s a huge problem. Much bigger than most civilians realize. One Pentagon study concluded that 75% of Americans who are eligible (by age) to enlist are ineligible due to other reasons, mostly because they’re too fat, soft, weak, and/or sick. Many new recruits are so fat, soft, and weak that it’s physically impossible to get them in shape in two months (the length of Basic Training). Those that make it often get injured later because they have no foundation of strength.
A friend of mine’s son just graduated Basic Training. Apparently, 30% of the recruits failed the physical fitness test at the end. That’s atrocious.
“The way military service is peddled, one could easily get the idea it will never come to this again…”
It already has. Try looking up the 173rd Airborne’s battles in Afghanistan. There’s a reason that three Sky Soldiers were awarded Medals of Honor during our 2007-08 deployment.
“… but what if it does and half your people up on that hilltop are chicks?”
It won’t be half, but it’ll be some, including the leadership.
My son is going to field training in a few weeks (ROTC cadet). It’s only two weeks long now.
“Red Pill Latecomer says:
May 10, 2018 at 2:56 am
bdash 77, the men in that link are so cucked, they’re even afraid to agree with the women:
We also wish to note that we are not speaking to validate our sisters’ voices. A woman’s voice does not need the affirmation of a man to be valid.
Who does that? What man is so cucked that, even when agreeing with a woman, he qualifies by saying that his agreement is unnecessary and unimportant.”
Makes you wonder why they wrote it in the first place.
It appears that the video that inspired this post has been pulled off the interwebz.
Oh, it’s only been pulled off youtube. It’s still available at the Sun’s webpage.
Shoot I’ve been called a misyognist before and even I’m not ashamed to agree with women when they say something truthful.
Off Topic: Why do feminists think all men are (at least) potential sexual predators? Because all the men they hang out with are.
Here’s the best line.
Or, maybe this is the best line.
What does this story confirm for us?
1. Male feminists are predators.
2. Female feminists tingle for predators.
3. Female feminists think all men are predators because the men they like most are predators.
4. “Strong, independent” women ain’t so strong, nor independent.
5. Female feminists are even more hypergamous than normal women.
Forgot the link.
‘What does this story confirm for us?
1. Male feminists are predators.
2. Female feminists tingle for predators.
3. Female feminists think all men are predators because the men they like most are predators.
4. “Strong, independent” women ain’t so strong, nor independent.
5. Female feminists are even more hypergamous than normal women.’
They also support those type of politicans because they are pro-aborts and the feminist ethos is largely based off being promiscuous without any consequences.
There must be something about British Army Corporals and bayonets……
Re: Anon post about woman wrestling man in WWF match:
>> each woman was shown to be no match for them, she expected as much,
That is true, but I think you may have missed how massively gynocentric this theatric-even-by-WWF-standards display was. Basically what it showed was the idea that a man will put up with enormous amounts of violence by a woman before doing ANYTHING to protect himself and/or fight back, followed by some lackluster efforts to restrain the woman, before FINALLY doing a half-hearted throw-down of the woman onto to the mat.
So in some sense, I should perhaps take back my words: This was the ONLY realistic performance of wrestling theater I have ever seen. It mimicked very accurately how women can be violent against men and suffer hardly any consequences. And that is EXACTLY why this display was popular with the female part of the audience, and probably also with the white-knight part of the make audience, which likely was very substantial.
( 2018-05-11T10:06 re-attempt since seeing Dalrock’s response to my post about posting rejection, in the honi-soit-qui-mal-y-pense other thread)