Kickass single moms deserve Father’s Day gifts.

From 5 Father’s Day Gifts for the Kick-Ass Single Mom in Your Life (emphasis mine):

Father’s Day is just around the corner, so the internet is rife with gift guides and ideas for the dads in your life. But, since this is Mommyish, we’re going to do things a bit differently. Now before you get your panties in a wad, I’m not suggesting we ignore Father’s Day. Celebrate your dads! But I also want to acknowledge that this day can be hard for families without a dad. It can be particularly hard for single moms. Those moms who are mom AND dad, and have to spend a whole day hearing about how great other fathers are. So if you’re a single mom, or know one or two, remember that this Father’s Day. And use the money you’ll save on a gift for a dad and get yourself one of these Father’s Day gifts for kick-ass single moms.

It is a toss up as to which of the five is the most hilarious gift, but I would say it is between the Proverbs 31 (you go girl!) notebook and the mug explaining that a mom has to be a badass to fail to provide her child with an intact family.  Follow the link to see all of the Father’s Day gift ideas for single mothers.

It is also worth noting that this Sunday while millions of badass moms are patting themselves on the back for making good on the slogan a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle, countless pastors will be doing their part in making broken homes possible by pretending that the feminist revolution in the family wasn’t a feminist revolution at all.  Clearly these pastors providing moral cover are every bit as badass as the women who took our society up on its standing offer to kick dad out of the house.

From Father’s Day: Joseph Sermon by Scott Bayles (emphasis mine):

In 1960, 17% of children in the United States were raised apart from their biological fathers. By 1990, that number had risen to 36%. Today, nearly half of all the children in the U.S. are raise without a father in their home. How could we have become so irresponsible? So caviler in our relationships with our own children?

Dads, we can’t leave the rearing and raising of our children to the television or the daycare teacher or even to mom alone. It’s our responsibility too. We need to be actively involved in our children’s lives. We need to take responsibility

From Fighters Vs. Flyers Sermon by Michael Catt (emphasis mine):

Sadly, that is the case of 24 million children in this country. Their dads have simply left, opting for a life other than full-time care of the family they started. Many of these kids have been fathered in the foundation of a family where the mother and father exchanged vows and made promises that are now broken.

See Also: 


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54 Responses to Kickass single moms deserve Father’s Day gifts.

  1. earl says:

    Their dads have simply left, opting for a life other than full-time care of the family they started.

    Funny how they keep sweeping under the rug how the state forced them to leave and does everything to prevent them from caring for their family.

    But hey…apparently single moms think they can be a dad too. This goes along with the same reasoning that a woman can be a mother when she has a dog or a single woman can give marital advice.

  2. Christopher Nystrom says:

    “It’s our responsibility too.” – No. It is our responsibility. Period. Big difference. The wife is the helper, not vice versa.

  3. Lexet Blog says:

    It’s a wonder why people don’t ask simple business/economic questions. “Why is no one buying the product?”

    Here the product is marriage. We can ask: why don’t men buy into marriage?

    Why don’t women buy into marriage?

    Then we see that it’s just the men not wanting to buy into a partnership with another person.

    Asking that question is incredibly uncomfortable

  4. Pingback: Kickass single moms deserve Father’s Day gifts. | @the_arv

  5. 8 in the Gate says:

    One day set aside for my father,
    But usurpers convinced me, “Why bother?”
    They have stolen his children, his money, his sway,
    What is there left to take but his honor?

  6. g2-cdb27520fb49967abcc1c55ca90a2fef says:

    My nephew would very much like to be in his children’s lives. However, the divorce laws are only enforced upon men, so his ex can deny visitation with impunity. He has given up and is putting his efforts toward a better life for himself.

    My oldest daughter would happily take any gifts and credit (not in my presence, but she’s avoided me for many years). Her trainwreck of a life has brought many down. Her first ex committed suicide after she stole their children away. He had custody, but that only matters to the state if you’re a woman. She’s still legally married to her second husband, but ran away for a series of boyfriends.

    My son, observing this and many other similar situations, has avoided relationships. I cannot blame him. Indeed, I’ve encouraged him to do so. Society as it stands is toxic for men, best to opt out.


  7. 8 in the Gate says:

    @ Dalrock, same author has another gem out today.

  8. SJB says: paraphrases the old Geico commercial: “Fatherhood is so easy even a girl can do it.”

  9. Tubalcain says:

    One of the blights on our society is the proliferation of single mothers. Hollywood, popular culture, and the media can’t stop glamorizing this curse. Liberal churches, and evangelical churches, have capitalized on this misery. An entire generation of young men has been destroyed and lost due to the single mommy epidemic. It’s no wonder men stay away from the western churches. I saw a disgusting article by a young Southern Baptist pastor, and recent seminary graduate, that chastised and admonished young men in his church to “man up” and wed up the many unwed/never married single mommy attendees. He stressed it was their duty as single Christian men. He made a clear distinction to avoid divorced single mommies (??). Single mommies are a “fools game”. Ask any reasonable man.

  10. earl says:

    Also going on in Canada.

    ‘How I Handle Being A Single Mother With Full Custody On Father’s Day’

  11. earl says:

    He stressed it was their duty as single Christian men. He made a clear distinction to avoid divorced single mommies (??). Single mommies are a “fools game”. Ask any reasonable man.

    Was it the Christian woman’s duty to fornicate with strange men which brought about the bastards in the world? I bet nobody asked him that.

  12. thedeti says:

    @ Dalrock:

    “Kick-ass single moms”

    I thought this was a Dalrockism. I thought you coined a very similar phrase (“kick-ass gals” from which can easily be derived “kick-ass single moms”), and in a tongue in cheek, sarcastic manner.

    But mommyish actually used it. In a serious way.

    I am laughing and shaking my head right now.

  13. thedeti says:

    I’m sorry; I can’t take seriously anyone who tries to non-ironically use the phrase “kick-ass single moms”. I just can’t.

  14. OKRickety says:

    The Mommyish author, Jayme Kennedy, lists one of her present jobs as “Freelance writer and social media editor for Lynwood Urban Gardens, a state-of-the-art cannabis facility opening in 2018“. Perhaps she gets free samples of their product. That might explain some of her delusions.

  15. MKT says:

    “ media editor for Lynwood Urban Gardens, a state-of-the-art cannabis facility opening in 2018”

    Dang, what a kick-A, hipster job title. Between that and her SJW tendencies, her employer better watch out…I can see Russell Moore stealing her away to become one of his staffers! #metoo, #nevertrump, #momsarebetterthandads, #wokeSBC

  16. AnonS says:

    I like one of Stefan Molyneux’s takes.

    The most important job of a mother is to attract and keep a quality father in their children’s life. Therefore all single mothers have by definition failed in their first priority as a mother.

  17. A mom can never be a dad! Dad’s have a skill set and methods of parenting for which there is no replacement. Dads offers some key elements of parenting moms are often weak at (making rules, rule enforcement, chore assignments, discipline including the removal of child benefits such as allowance, smart phones, computer time, guests, sleepovers, etc..

    Many of the parenting methods dads use are seen as “too harsh” by today’s moms. Most moms today will not take the smart phone away from their children because they worry it is too extreme a punishment. And today’s weak moms will fight their husband’s collection of smartphones as punishment. I can’t help but notice weak single moms everywhere I look.

    Many professionals from various backgrounds seem to be highly critical of “millennials” for everything from laziness to selfishness and more. But will anyone ever connect these deficiencies to the fact that today’s millennials were raised by single moms? Never!

    A good father is an enforcer, and when moms dump their husbands in favor of single motherhood, enforcement disappears! Kids are on their devices all day and all night, which provides loads of free time for stay-at-home moms to do whatever they please and even ignore their children.

    KIDS ARE BEING RAISED TODAY WITHOUT FATHERS BY DESIGN! Feminism claims fathers are not even needed! Polls reveal that the majority of divorced mothers believe it would be much better if their children could be kept from seeing and spending time with their fathers.

    Men, unless we become ACTIVISTS in Men’s Rights issues (“rape culture,” domestic abuse FAKE NEWS, unequal pay, unfair Child Support awards, unequal sentencing by the courts) today’s problems will only get worse!

    We need Activist Men who will take strong stands! I lost my two children forever (year #16)! I won’t even receive a Father’s Day phone call this Sunday from my 34 year old son or my 32 year old daughter…or her two children who I have never seen! How many more loving fathers will live this pain if we don’t fight this current “anti-male” system? Please join AMBEC on fb.

  18. Anonymous Reader says:

    A Proverbs 31 notebook as a gift for a babymomma? How droll. Because one sure sign of a “virtuous woman” who is worth more than rubies: she uses the state to rule her man, and kicks him out when she is unhaaaaapy.

    Funny how White Knights only read a few bits of Proverbs. How about a notebook or a kitchen tile with Proverbs 14:1 emblazoned on it?

    Order now and we’ll also send a matching kitchen tile with Proverbs 21:19 in bright, red letters on a background of neon green…

  19. Anonymous Reader says:

    I’m sorry; I can’t take seriously anyone who tries to non-ironically use the phrase “kick-ass single moms”.

    It’s not as if mommyish is a string of the brightest Christmas lights evah, you know.

  20. Morgan says:

    Reminds of something a wise man once said, single mom’s are the real victims of a state sanctioned process of removing children from their fathers.

    The misplaced empathy is astounding, to side with the poor woman who gets to raise her children, vs the man who’s children are kidnapped by the mother and government and forced to pay for it.

  21. feeriker says:

    “Because one sure sign of a “virtuous woman” who is worth more than rubies: she spreads her legs to create bastard spawn from thugs and uses the state to rule her man, and kicks him out when she is unhaaaaapy. ”

    Fixed, to ensure descriptive inclusivity.

  22. don bosch says:

    The gift she actually needs is a pen1s.

  23. earl says:

    Let’s not forget this monstrosity for Father’s Day

    ‘CNN Celebrates Father’s Day: ‘He Gave Birth. He Breastfed. Now, He Wants His Son To See Him As A Man.’

  24. Damn Crackers says:

    How about a “Kiss the Whore of Babylon” apron?

  25. Lost Patrol says:

    …have to spend a whole day hearing about how great other fathers are.

    I understand that one out of 365 days is one too many to waste hearing about great fathers, but I don’t understand where Jayme would go and hear such things to begin with.

  26. Bart says:

    Funny but the “single mom” in the article photo has a wedding ring on her finger. Thin and relatively attractive, she is of course a married mother.

    The real single moms are far heavier and less attractive.

  27. Pingback: Kickass single moms deserve Father’s Day gifts. | Reaction Times

  28. earl says:

    How about a “Kiss the Whore of Babylon” apron?

    I’d buy them some Jezebel dog food.

  29. Heidi says:

    Okay, that Proverbs 31 notebook is hilarious. Let’s take a look at some verses from the source material, shall we:

    “11 The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. 12 She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.”

    “23 Her husband is known in the gates when he sits among the elders of the land.”

    “28 Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 29 ‘Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.'”

    Definitely a commendation of kickass single moms, yep.

  30. Darwinian Arminian says:

    . . . If the trend is to celebrate Father’s Day by praising the mothers then it looks like John Piper’s blog is happy to get into the spirit. For the holiday weekend, the lead article at his “Desiring God” website is: The Hardest Part of Mothering

    You see, one of the most important things that dads need to learn is humility. So the church will do its part by reminding fathers everywhere that they are obsolete and can easily be replaced in their role by a superior woman — right before turning around to whine about how bad it is that so many men aren’t even interested in doing the job anymore.

    Link to the article is here:

  31. vfm7916 says:


    I nearly gagged on that. There’s two things that are worth noting:

    “I had had my own chance to choose — a college, a career, a husband. Why rob them of the privileges we had been training them for since they were tiny?”


    “We are praying that God will help our children “pay close attention to their way, to walk before me in faithfulness with all their heart and with all their soul” (1 Kings 2:4). We have freed them to serve the cause of Christ in their generation, hopefully without any subtle pressure from us about what we think that should look like. So now they can seek God personally in what to study, whom to marry, where to live, how to spend their money, their holidays, their energies.”

    The message here is that if they turn into lesbian trans-Xir’s that worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster, then that’s “seeking God personally.”

    Want more of the destruction of culture, religion, nations, family? That’s how you get more of all of that. This idea that parenting ends and then there’s nothing to be said, encouraged, supported, or disavowed afterward has been apparent through several generations.

    I would even wager that these sickly sweet Churchian types didn’t even do a half-ass job at training their kids in the ways they should think about tradition, whom to marry, what their roles should be, or even a general outline of their life path. I could be severely discouraged reading stuff like this, but then I simply keep in mind that people like this are graphic warnings about what not to do in life. I do appreciate the examples.

  32. jbarruso says:

    I’m sorry Dalrock, but I can’t get on board with your idea that men are helpless victims to women. Although, I do agree the so-called “church” encourages pussy-whipped husbands as “Christ-like” but that’s indicative of the larger problem of the perversion and misrepresentation of the truth of God’s word by the Christian religion.

  33. Yes, most pastors are just mouthpieces for the gyno-priesthood but don’t forget to recognize that the modern pastor is out of touch with most things societal except what he reads on the front page. They are not working in the trenches like other men in the world. Their environment is clinical and protected, insular. Naturally they are most influenced by those in the bubble – women.

  34. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    So much to parody on that page. Where to begin? Consider this description of some fancy gift alcohol:

    Father’s Day gifts for single moms don’t have to be practical, or even reference that you’re a single mom. Get yourself something unnecessary and fancy and beautiful. Use this holiday to start the bar cart of your dreams.

    Ah yes. Women love to buy over-priced “unnecessary” crap.

    I thought single moms were struggling financially? But hey, you deserve it! You deserve to do something just for you! (As if that were a rarity.)

  35. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Men, unless we become ACTIVISTS in Men’s Rights issues (“rape culture,” domestic abuse FAKE NEWS, unequal pay, unfair Child Support awards, unequal sentencing by the courts) today’s problems will only get worse!

    The SPLC has categorized Men’s Rights Activists, the manosphere, and traditional Catholics as haters, just like the KKK and Nazis.

  36. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    ‘CNN Celebrates Father’s Day: ‘He Gave Birth. He Breastfed. Now, He Wants His Son To See Him As A Man.’

    America has changed soooo much since I was a kid. It’s become one giant carnival freakshow.

  37. Spike says:

    “But I also want to acknowledge that this day can be hard for families without a dad. It can be particularly hard for single moms. Those moms who are mom AND dad, and have to spend a whole day hearing about how great other fathers are…”
    Well, who made themselves single mothers? Did so many of these women fall, slip onto an erect penis and BAM, suddenly you’re a single mother? Perhaps the father has left and gone. Why? Was he kicked out of the home by the now-single mother? Or was he never father material, in which case she should pay the just penalty for getting pregnant to an irresponsible man?

    No. Choices or decisions got made along the way. And because some PARENTS do the RIGHT thing the RIGHT way, then single mothers should feel bad, rather than impose their bad feelings – a result of their selfish choices – on the rest of us.

    I’m going to point out a salient truth that the church at large needs to grapple with: idolatry.
    “If anyone says the words, “But what about….”, then you know that an idol is going to be mentioned.
    Moses warned about idolatry and sexual immorality (the two go together) in Deuteronomy. Jesus warned about idolatry and sexual immorality in the church led astray by Jezebel in the New Testament. Hence:
    “-But what about single mothers on Father’s Day…” Too bad. Their choice for idolising Romantic Love.
    “But what about LGBTIQ people..” – their sexuality is a barrier (idol) that stands between them and Jesus.
    “But what about women preaching…” – Their feminism is an idol.

    Time to call out idolatry and demand what the first recorded word of both John the Baptist and Jesus:

  38. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    The inscription on the mug inadvertently attacks mothers:

    Any woman can be a Mother, but it takes a BAD-ASS Mom to be a Dad too!

    Really? Any woman can be a mother? So a woman who’s only a mother (i.e., a married mom) is no big deal. A nothing. A wimp. Not like those BAD-ASS women who are both mom and dad. They’re the women who are truly admirable and to be celebrated.

  39. earl says:

    I don’t care how bad ass a woman thinks she is…she’s never father material. She’s either a good mother or a selfish and vain single mother.

  40. Paul says:

    “Their dads have simply left, opting for a life other than full-time care of the family they started.”

    Does anybody know of actual numbers for this claim? It would debunking this a lot easier.

  41. Original Laura says:

    Tubalcain said, “I saw a disgusting article by a young Southern Baptist pastor, and recent seminary graduate, that chastised and admonished young men in his church to “man up” and wed up the many unwed/never married single mommy attendees. He stressed it was their duty as single Christian men. He made a clear distinction to avoid divorced single mommies (??). Single mommies are a “fools game”. Ask any reasonable man.”

    The “never married” single mommies are actually a worse bet than the divorced ones, as they are fornicators who had an out-of-wedlock child and decided to raise it instead of placing it for adoption. Some of them “planned” the out-of-wedlock pregnancy, knowing that they would use government benefits for 18 years to support the child. I know, I know, I know about the frivorce problem, but many divorced women actually intended to have a lifelong marriage. There are at least SOME divorced women who have been wrongfully dumped, or who have married a man with deep problems that weren’t obvious at the time of the marriage. But the never-married mommies have rejected middle-class Christian standards, and will nearly always make lousy wives. Just for starters, they ALL seem to be completely incapable of planning ahead or budgeting.

    A woman who has a bastard child and keeps it sabotages her marriage chances, and yet NONE of these women will admit that they have done so. They are convinced that a “good man” will be able to love her child by another man as much as he would love one of his own children, because she has seen an endless stream of movies and TV shows with this plotline.

    If you marry a divorced woman, she is comparing your relationship with your stepchild to the relationship the child has, or had, with her ex-husband, with the realization that you are not actually the child’s father. If you marry a never-married single mother, she is comparing your relationship with your stepchild to a ridiculous fantasy in her head, and your performance will never be acceptable. She and her entire family will also be pressuring you from Day One to legally adopt the bastard child, which is NOT in your best interests.

    As far as the Baptist pastor’s article goes, what scripture did he cite? No single person has a religious duty to marry at all, and there is certainly no obligation to marry someone who is ass-deep in debt and has a bastard child.

  42. Boxer says:

    Dear Tubal Cain, Laura, et. al.:

    The “never married” single mommies are actually a worse bet than the divorced ones, as they are fornicators who had an out-of-wedlock child and decided to raise it instead of placing it for adoption. Some of them “planned” the out-of-wedlock pregnancy, knowing that they would use government benefits for 18 years to support the child. I know, I know, I know about the frivorce problem, but many divorced women actually intended to have a lifelong marriage. There are at least SOME divorced women who have been wrongfully dumped, or who have married a man with deep problems that weren’t obvious at the time of the marriage. But the never-married mommies have rejected middle-class Christian standards, and will nearly always make lousy wives. Just for starters, they ALL seem to be completely incapable of planning ahead or budgeting.

    Among the young brothers and sisters today, there are incredible incentives to have children as unmarried couples. Most of the births I’ve seen take place with a father and mother living together, but holding themselves out as “roommates” in order to stay afloat financially. You can mock and deride them for doing this, but in doing so, you’re acting like a couple of boomer faggots. Our generation enriched itself by selling the next generation down the river, and it really doesn’t become any of us to label them parasites simply because they want to survive in the world we created.

    If you marry a divorced woman, she is comparing your relationship with your stepchild to the relationship the child has, or had, with her ex-husband, with the realization that you are not actually the child’s father. If you marry a never-married single mother, she is comparing your relationship with your stepchild to a ridiculous fantasy in her head, and your performance will never be acceptable. She and her entire family will also be pressuring you from Day One to legally adopt the bastard child, which is NOT in your best interests.

    There are men who write here who have successfully accomplished this feat. It’s important to remember that patriarchy allows for a man to give away his fortune to whoever he wants, and adoption is at a man’s discretion. The Romans had a workable system – lex falcidia de legatvs – which spelled out the rules of inheritance.

    Personally, I think that marrying a single mother and adopting her kids is a terribly risky proposition, especially in this society; but, if a brother wants to do this, I won’t criticize him. Every man should run his household as he sees fit. If a brother has already done this, Scott and Billy have advice which he ought to read carefully.



  43. R.O.B. says:

    I recently saw these two images linked in the comments section of Paul Elam’s “An Ear For Men” channel on Youtube:

  44. Original Laura says:


    I am aware that a lot of working class couples now start their families prior to legal marriage so that they can avail themselves of various government subsidies, especially for child care & housing. As long as they intend to marry when circumstances permit it is hard to criticize — as you say, the system that they are dealing with offers next to nothing to young people who try to play by the traditional rules. I used to think that Britain’s system of socialized housing for the working classes was a mistake, but now I can see that that system allowed young couples to move into decent affordable housing at a young age and thereby form a family with a reasonable standard of living. What we are now looking at is a society in which an ever-growing percentage of people never form families of their own.

    My brother married a divorced woman who nagged him to adopt her child from a prior marriage. He never did as their marriage quickly went downhill. If the marriage had been reasonably good, he would have adopted the boy at some point. But as they separated within a couple of years of marrying her, if he had adopted the boy he would have been on the hook for child support when the marriage ended for a decade.

    There is a huge qualitative difference between the single baby mommas and divorced mothers in my experience. The divorced mothers cover a wide range of traits, some good, some bad, while the single baby mommas seem to be very immature and selfish. They often say that the experience of having an out-of-wedlock child forced them to grow up, etc., but none of them seem to live within their means, and few of them manage to complete any educational qualifications or work toward any other realistic goal. The children that they claim to love so much are generally exposed to a series of sordid relationships. I’m sure there are some unicorns out there, but for women the decision to have sex with someone you would never consider marrying, or who would not consider marrying you seems to be a bright line that separates the normal-range population from the dysfunctional.

    Best wishes to you as well, Boxer.

  45. OKRickety says:

    Original Laura said: “There are at least SOME divorced women …who have married a man with deep problems that weren’t obvious at the time of the marriage.”

    NAWALT? Or perhaps the problems were obvious before marriage, but she chose to ignore them? Even if true, I don’t think that qualifies as a Biblical reason for divorce, even though it seems to be commonly accepted as such in many “Christian” frivorces.

  46. Oscar says:

    @ Original Laura

    I used to think that Britain’s system of socialized housing for the working classes was a mistake, but now I can see that that system allowed young couples to move into decent affordable housing at a young age and thereby form a family with a reasonable standard of living.

    How’s that working out for them?

    There is a huge qualitative difference between the single baby mommas and divorced mothers in my experience.

    How’d that work out for your brother?

  47. earl says:

    There is a huge qualitative difference between the single baby mommas and divorced mothers in my experience.

    One’s a known fornicator and the other is most likely an adulterer. I wouldn’t want either as a wife…there’s standards I have for the future mother of my children.

  48. Dave says:

    There is a huge qualitative difference between the single baby mommas and divorced mothers in my experience.

    I bet. The qualitative difference would be that single baby mommas are more honest: they don’t call their friends and families together to pledge their lifelong vows to man, then turn around and break it for frivolous reasons. They simply fornicate to their heart’s content, without any regards to who is harmed.
    Divorced mothers knew, from before they got married, that they didn’t mean a word of their empty vows. They knew they were simply wasting everyone’s time. That their so-called wedding is just a show. A big play, where they are the superstar.

  49. Sharkly says:

    earl says: One’s a known fornicator and the other is most likely an adulterer. I wouldn’t want either as a wife…there’s standards I have for the future mother of my children.

    Make sure you stick by that! I got confused. I forgave a fornicator, who claimed to be converted and sorry. But then I got stupid and fell in love and married her. It is fine to forgive them, but that does not mean you should not hold their pattern against them for your own protection. I was a fool. Soon enough I found out that she wasn’t really sorry for how she had lived, she was just sorry that every good and godly man would look askance at her for it. Later she revised her sexual history, and claimed the fucking and sucking had happened while she was a Christian, but was “a little backslidden”. Do not be deceived.
    1 Corinthians 6:9-11 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

  50. feeriker says:

    Divorced mothers knew, from before they got married, that they didn’t mean a word of their empty vows. They knew they were simply wasting everyone’s time. That their so-called wedding is just a show. A big play, where they are the superstar.

    I’ve said on more than one occasion that at any given wedding, the marriage vows could be replaced with the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence, the Pledge of Allegiance, or even a set of Rap/Hip-Hop lyrics and no one would even notice. It’s just decorative noise, filler to kill time before the break for the reception. NO ONE makes vows anymore with the intention of making a sacred, uinviolable pledge. That’s just soooooo … foreign and yestercentury.

  51. Paul says:

    Let’s not forget that “single baby mommas” at least decided to not have an abortion. Here are some abortion statistics:

    Who’s having abortions (marital status)?

    66% of all abortions are performed on never-married women; married women account for 18% of all abortions; and divorced women obtain 9.4%.

    Who’s having abortions (religion)?

    Women identifying themselves as Protestants obtain 43% of all abortions in the U.S.; Catholic women account for 27%; Jewish women account for 1.3%; and women with no religious affiliation obtain 24% of all abortions. 18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as born-again or Evangelical.

    Let me repeat that for you:

    18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as born-again or Evangelical.

  52. Paul says:

    And let’s not forget the framing even on this site:

    “abortions are performed on women”

    whereas in reality it is:

    “women who decide to kill their unborn child”

  53. Dave says:

    No, single mothers should not get gifts on Father’s Day. It promotes the idea that they can be both mother and father and if that’s the case, then who needs a father anyway? The truth is, they can’t be both, nor can they fill his role and we shouldn’t prmote the idea that they can and did.

    Btw, do you do an article like this with the genders reversed about Mother’s Day?

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