As I wrote back in 2015, Sheila Gregoire is clearly obsessed with sex and deeply conflicted about it. When it comes to sex she and her readers have one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. You can see this from her books as well as the posts on her blog. There is a great deal of energy on using sex as a weapon, including when, how, and why to deny sex. The other side to this is all of the energy coming from the deep fear that they will overplay this card and as I described in Frigidity and power, lose their power. What if he watches porn, or even Game of Thrones while I’m denying sex? Then my V will lose its power over him! How do I overcome my own frigidity? If I’m frigid, my V has no power!
They’ve turned having sex into a Rube Goldberg contraption. But all of this works because the audience is already there. They already know how to use sex as a weapon, and they already have deep fears that by doing this they risk losing the very power they are trying to wield.
Sheila has a recent post that touches on this deep seated fear; what if years of manipulation and nagging result in her readers’ husbands no longer desiring them sexually? The post is a guest post by a sex therapist, and it has clearly struck a nerve. Click through and check out the comments for a jarring look into the mindframe of the ugly feminist. Then remember that Sheila’s readers came to this place after deciding that they were wiser than the Bible:
3 Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, 2 when they see your respectful and pure conduct. 3 Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— 4 but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. 5 For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, 6 as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.
–1 Pet 3 1-6, ESV
Sheila and her readers just knew that the Bible’s instruction to wives was the prescription for a miserable marriage. What they needed instead was a marriage built on carefully guarded feminist equality. If they only had equality, they would have a blissful marriage.
This was too late in the last thread for enough people to see it, but for those who need a visual reference of Sheila Gregoire :
Keep this in mind as well :
Maybe instead of playing mind games and using sex as a weapon, they should instead support their husbands, provide them sexual release and be their to help them build a family. That would be too hard though, far easier to create a minefield for the husband to navigate in order for him to get a pity fuck every now and again and then wonder why, after years of misery, hubby stops caring. Far easier. Using sex to control their husbands eventually backfires, especially as their looks fade.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Pingback: The ugly feminist’s greatest fear. | @the_arv
There is a great deal of energy on using sex as a weapon, including when, how, and why to deny sex. The other side to this is all of the energy coming from the deep fear that they will overplay this card and as I described in Frigidity and power, lose their power.
Their “card” has power only because husbands allow it to have the power – by not taking full advantage of “alternative options” that are much more readily available to them than tbey realize.
What if he watches porn, or even Game of Thrones while I’m denying sex?
Or what if he finds another vagina willing to do what his wife’s isn’t? Women would be truly horrified (and their husbands pleasantly surprised) if they realized how easy these really are for men to find. Porn and risque TV shows should be the very least of these self-centered harpies’ worries.
Then my V will lose its power over him! How do I overcome my own frigidity? If I’m frigid, my V has no power!
Karma: an even bigger beeyotch than a christofeminist.
They’ve turned having sex into a Rube Goldberg contraption.
They already know how to use sex as a weapon, and they already have deep fears that by doing this they risk losing the very power they are trying to wield.
More and more wives are going to learn the hard and painful way that exercising the Beeyotch Factor is going to do nothing other than drive their husbands completely out of their lives where sex is concerned.
As a couple of others here have noted consistently, once VR Porn reaches technological maturity, it’s all over for flesh- and-blood women.
The therapist, Snyder, is so busy being deep that he ignores the most obvious reason for the problem. Which the man clearly stated:
“To tell you the truth, I don’t think she likes me very much anymore.”
If he says that, he is almost certainly correct. We can guess why she doesn’t like him, but more telling is that Snyder gives zero evidence of taking seriously what his client says. If Snyder is paid to listen to him and doesn’t, why expect the wife to listen?
More broadly, the obvious guess is that the wife wants a divorce and is making life miserable so that he “deserts” her, or that she has a reason to leave (he’s not a real man).
Very speculative, perhaps she just doesn’t want a beta around the house. After all, she reads about all those wonderful alphas out there looking for a girl like her!
Maybe instead of playing mind games and using sex as a weapon, they should instead support their husbands, provide them sexual release and be their to help them build a family. That would be too hard though,
The Entitlement mindset has completely assimilated Western women. The very idea of having to put any effort whatsoever or contribute towards anything (careers, marriages, friendships, children, community, or even a meaningful relationship with Jesus) is patently offensive to them.
TL;DR version: Western women are the laziest, most selfish beings produced by the modern era.
What’s amazing is how much truth Gregoire (and others) can recognize, then totally destroy.
For example, she write, “Most men need to feel welcomed.” That’s true, and a pretty important point. But instead of someone rebuking Gwen for her actions, and then looking for deeper root causes (why does Gwen work so much that she comes hope irritated?) Gregoire instead, wait for it….
Blames David! It’s the man’s fault that when Gwen pushes him away that he gets pushed away.
And ironically enough, flip the script and it’s still the man’s fault that if he gets irritated and his wife retreats…he needs to repent.
Their “card” has power only because husbands allow it to have the power – by not taking full advantage of “alternative options” that are much more readily available to them than tbey realize.
True, but those alternatives almost always run contrary to the Bible, and are still frowned upon by society. And they often are counterproductive to this earlier statement,
Maybe instead of playing mind games and using sex as a weapon, they should instead support their husbands, provide them sexual release and be their to help them build a family.
Except I’d broaden “build a family” b/c many men still feel the Dominion Mandate and want to take dominion over some part of creation. That usually includes a family, but may include a productive farm, a thriving business or medical practice, a successful teaching career, or any of several other vocations
Dear Anon:
We ride the same wave…

1 Corinthians 7:2 But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. 3 The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
That is what God prescribes for the sexual arena.
Sometimes, when my wife argues about marriage issues, I tell my wife, “God’s way. is the only thing you haven’t tried yet”.
Not a fan of attacking her appearance……God made lots of physically ugly and unattractive folks….and in our oversexed culture, those of us guys the lower end of the Chad scale understand.
Attack her ideas men which are abysmal. Just stay away from her physical appearance… cannot help how they look in many cases.
I agree with you seventiesjason. But, don’t think for a second that women wouldn’t dismiss, mock, and reject, you for things beyond your control. So I also understand that not many people feel like fighting fair in a war that was launched against men. I try to remain above that, but I also understand and sympathize with both sides. Thanks for your comment. I know you understand too.
I’ll still state despite the fact men will get horny at a pretty face and tight body…they eventually realize the heart of the woman is the thing that is most important.
Judging from what feminists say about undesirable men, I think mocking their appearance might be one of the most effective ways to reach them, to turn them away from their ugly feminist lie.
God mocked the nation of Israel pretty hard when they were chasing other gods, so I can’t get behind the idea that mocking is always a sin.
I know. When women have insulted me or have tried to put me down……its always a “passive-agressive-defensive” answer and when that doesn’t work, out come the attacks on my personal appearance or sexuality or somehow I am suffering from jealously of black and latin men because they are so much more well-endowed than white guys….
Bothered me a lot as a younger guy. Now? I solved that issue by not even bothering with asking them out, or flirting or using “game” or whatever the tactic of the week is.
The insults stopped. The day went on. Life went on.
I just won’t do that…….she’s not ugly, she probably was “cute” as a younger woman and if she just had longer hair, maybe DID some housework she might get toned up a little. Who knows. She does sport that asexual haircut that all women her age seem love. Whatever.
I just don’t see the point of attacking her appearance. It hurt me bad when it happned to me as a younger guy. “Sign of the times” as Petula would say….
Big difference to mocking a womans appearance who just happens to have a lousy theology vs God sending the children of Israel into exile and mocking them for sins of the nationas a whole.
Jason is on to something here I think, along with Earl’s comment about the heart. It’s because we know from her writings what is in her heart and on her mind that she comes across as low rent inside and out.
If she were known by her fruits to be a woman of charm and grace we would think she looked decent enough for her age.
Pingback: The ugly feminist’s greatest fear. | Reaction Times
“They’ve turned having sex into a Rube Goldberg contraption. But all of this works because the audience is already there. They already know how to use sex as a weapon, and they already have deep fears that by doing this they risk losing the very power they are trying to wield.”
This is spot on. And you can see it in the eyes of the emasculated men still attending these feminist churches. For the ones caught in the trap of feminist marriage, their hope is gone. They’ve tried to be the good boy and follow the rules and it failed them.
Once you realize you CAN’T please a wife in the way these churches say you MUST in order to be a good husband, it is not hard to move to the next step of questioning the whole system.
“Big difference to mocking a womans appearance who just happens to have a lousy theology”
But that’s the point. No one “just happens” to sin, as if it were not our fault. We are all guilty, I’m guilty of all the lust and anger and pride and everything else I’ve engaged in, just as you are guilty of whatever your sins are.
This woman chooses to live in rebellion against God and her husband and teaches other woman to do the same thing. It doesn’t “just happen” to her, she chooses it.
Don’t white knight for her.
There’s lots of woman that aren’t that pretty that i wouldn’t mock, but when someone is trying to destroy marriages, mocking is one of the lesser things they should face. They deserve something more like ostracism.
So perhaps Boxer’s graphic should not have unfairly asked which was more beautiful on the outside Sheila Gregoire, or a cute donkey, but the more relevant question is about on the inside. On the inside, which one is really more of an intractable and stubborn ass who won’t be led?
Spot on.
I don’t see the point when women says a guy has a small dick when the guy says something they don’t agree with…but it happens. Engaging in debate doesn’t always use civil or logical tactics. Even guys resort to the small dick and no balls tactic when they are starting to get whaled on.
If it flusters you enough to get out of the frame of mind you were in…then it worked.
Would you rather want a beast of burden or the burden of the beast?
“Attack her ideas men which are abysmal. Just stay away from her physical appearance… cannot help how they look in many cases.”
Much of what makes her ugly is deliberate choice, the rest is fallout from her sin. Further, she is earnestly doing Satan’s work. Mock her mercilessly.
“don’t white knight for her”
Get real. Big difference in dousing gasoline on her flimsy theology and her “expert” opinion about christian marriage versus attacking her looks and physical appearance.
You just don’t like that fact I didn’t jump on the circle jerk here about her looks, and I had the “gonads” to point out the obvious. I thought we were all a little bit beyond a jr. high locker room or the snack area at the rollar-rink talking and basing ones appearance and equating it with their ideas about life…wrong and incorrect as they are.
Just a little surprised here by this. She has a bad theology about marriage. Tattles. Goes gets “her man” and begins a twitter war with this pastor….
all the educated, brilliant, amazing men at Dalrock can say or do is:
Post her picture and say how ugly she is, or juxtapose it with a horse, a mule…..and someone like me just says “hey? what’s up with that?”
Now I’m white knighting and she deserves it. Wow. Just wow!
Seventiesjason, Satan and his minions hate being mocked. You do her no favor by not mocking her, but you are doing her spiritual master a great favor.
At Sheila’s blog, you’ve got 100 women, who most likely aren’t putting out, near enough, all fretting and worrying about some anecdotal husband who doesn’t want sex. It sounds like a “control issue”, as viewed by the women, to me.
Per God, he should not be sexually defrauding his wife. The dude sounds like he has intimacy issues.
“So what happens when you try to initiate sex?”
“That’s the problem,” he says. “It’s like there’s this invisible force field that stops me.”
“Any idea what that’s about?”
“Not really. All day long at work, I’ll be thinking about how when I get home I’m going to start something up with her. But the closer I get to home, the less I feel like it.”
The guy plainly has subconscious intimacy avoidance issues, and needs trained help. His issue is almost certainly from his childhood, and is likely no reflection on his partner. The funny thing is how fretful the ladies are that this could replicate, and cost them their control of their relationships. They are all chiming in trying to coach each other about how not to inadvertently turn their husbands asexual.
“For David, who’d stopped initiating sex because he felt Gwen didn’t like him anymore…”
I call Bullshit! Their expert totally missed the fact that David has an intimacy disorder, and is blaming his wife to deny that he is the problem. David is blaming Gwen for his own sin of selfishly denying mating to his mate. 1 Corinthians 7:2-5
I guess it is a scary tale to the feminists. Be too much of a total ass, and one day your husband could become irreversibly asexual and you will be powerless to control him. So let’s discuss together how you can be a total ass, but not cross that line and lose your control of him.
The reality is less scary, that their “expert” missed the diagnosis, that David was always damaged goods, and has unresolved issues(possibly growing like a behavioral addiction) regarding intimacy layered deep into his psyche from early childhood. Few healthy men are going to shun sex for no apparent reason, like David. And don’t believe David’s excuses, He has no conscious clue why he is cucking his own marriage, otherwise he’d get beyond it. Subconsciously, David believes allowing interpersonal intimacy will lead to great hurt, great betrayal, or great burden, and he is abnormally afraid of that, due to early programing of his psyche, likely caused by sexual abuse from an intimate family member.
Jesus never mocked the devil when temped. All he did was honor the Father. Quote Holiness. He didn’t talk about the devils personal appearance or his personal habits.
We never heard Christ tell His followers “she’s an ugly woman” all He did was tell the Truth…ugly or not.
Our appearances whould have zero bearing in the discussion of how wrong or incorrect we are.
I do the devil no favors. Came too close to actual death to ever try that again.
If you were able to eliminate media influence entirely, but could control for “DH beta”– to keep the same passivated, neuter-type husbands they are probably complaining about,– would you see happier wives with fewer signs of distress? Despite the betaness?
How much of the frustration is attributable to nature versus nurture?
This would be tough to do, because remove the propaganda, and I bet you’d find that the subjects’ substandard spermbankwallets would magically exhibit a lot more of that tender-yet-callous, caring-but-abandoning, fried-ice Chadstud quality they desire.
Well, maybe a surrogate would do. I guess I’ll just have to invent male antisexbots.
“Bad. You know, Charlene, the the one from HR? She is such a bit…”
“Wait, what does that have to do wi…”
“No, no, really, it’s okay… Uh, you know, I’m actually going out with the girls toni…”
“What? No, no, no, you have the wrong ide…”
Dear Fellas:
Since there are complaints about a stupid meme that I took five seconds to make, two days ago, and posted up here, I suppose I ought to continue this thread derail.
I don’t think Jason is worshipping Satan. He just finds my lowbrow attempt at sarcasm puerile. I’m sure he’s not the only one. I am the man that I am.
It’s funny how differently we read that little bio. For the record, I’ve lost interest in very (physically) alluring women, in an incredibly short time, simply because I got to experience their loud, obnoxious and abrasive personae.
The wimminz at the “whine about vacuuming” blog don’t do themselves any favors when they get butch dyke hairdos, either. If I were such a husband, I’d stay as far away from my bitch of a wife as possible, under the circumstances.
I’m not Jesus. Sheila isn’t a respectable woman, either. She’s a not-too-bright feminist bitch from my country, who starts “lets you and him fight” scenarios with her henpecked husband on social media. She’s also at least as prone to posting weird-angle selfies on the internet as any tinder slut I’ve ever met. Her horsey looks are fair game, because she makes them so, and I can’t apologize for scoffing at her vanity.
I’ll also note that several other people did similar stuff, and those people never went to my blog or my gab account, so they came to the same conclusion independently. It might not be fitting the Christian aesthetic, but is natural for men to realistically appraise women, and this particular wimminz has such a distended ego that she could probably use some honest feedback. She’s not nearly the sex-symbol she thinks she is.
“The guy plainly has subconscious intimacy avoidance issues, and needs trained help. His issue is almost certainly from his childhood, and is likely no reflection on his partner. ”
Please. If a man is married to a ball busting feminist harpy, he is hardly going to want to be intimate with her.
The brake pedal Dalrock describes that these women use for sex renders them so undesirable that their men no longer want sex with them.
And once the wife goggles are gone, it’s hard to put them back on again.
These butt-ugly women need repentance, not further advice on how to manipulate their husbands.
You seem to feel that people should attack Sheila’s bad theology and anti-Christian Beliefs and that mocking her looks should be off the table.
Please do that then.
Others seem to feel that mocking her as straight up ugly will also be an effective way to wage war, while she is waging war against a pastor for mildly slighting her and consequently, somehow, all women.
Let them do their thing too, your personal hurt revolving around your feelings of perceived unattractiveness are genuine and well intentioned, but that is your own personal knowledge set.
This may sound Jaded to you, but, Sheila has no doubt had many Godly men try to straighten her out theologically. She is in complete willful rebellion against God’s word, and brazenly leading many others astray. So, if somebody told me that they could not sway her stubborn rebellion, but that they could say something tonight, that would cause Sheila to commit suicide, I’d say, “For the children’s sake, please say it. It may save a lot of families from her false teaching.” My family is broken right now because of exactly her sort of rot in the church.
Now, that being said, please make all effort to refute her false teaching also, but understand that those who chose other methods, are on your side, and trying too, even if you or I don’t feel called to their methods, or feel they are as Christ-like as yours. Pray for Jesus to cause her blinded eyes to be opened.
I especially enjoy the comment that stated that once she stopped complaining to her husband, she had *nothing* to talk about.
The day she made that decision must have made her husband the happiest man on earth.
Please. If a man is married to a ball busting feminist harpy, he is hardly going to want to be intimate with her.
Well, I am(still at this moment)(divorce in progress) married to a ball busting Feminist Harpy. And Maybe I’m a freak of masculine nature, but I still find my wife sexually attractive, and in spite of her awful spite, selfishness, betrayal, and Etc., would be happy to do my sexual duty if she wants “one for the road”. In fact, I find most women at least a little bit sexually attractive. It is a rare woman who is so disfigured or so grotesquely obese, that I don’t think I could enjoy showing them a good time in the bedroom.
I guess we’ve all got our different opinions. Sorry if I’m too horny for Y’all.
Sharkly says:
July 3, 2018 at 11:30 pm
More likely, the only thing wrong with this man is that his wife is an insufferable, ball-busting bitch who could turn an erection into an in-grown intestinal tumor just by her presence and attitude. He would probably sooner get an erection at the sight of a working meat grinder.
I would readily wager a year’s salary that if this man were to be introduced to woman who WAS ONE in the real sense of the word (demure, feminine, and pleasant), not only would “initiating intimacy” not be any sort of issue whatsoever, but he would probably be unstoppablle in the bedroom.
Ask me sometime how I’ve arrived at this conclusion…
My wife used to be eager for sex, then she gradually became more stingy and demanding, until I lost interest in her. I still love her as the mother of my children, but the “wife-goggles” have fallen off. Not looking for a girlfriend because I’m paranoid about STDs, and the females in my area morph into fat, tattooed skanks by age 15.
Sex is a drug, literally. Fluids are exchanged during sex that dramatically alter the recipient’s mood. I always felt pleasantly drowsy after sex, never after masturbation. And my wife seemed to float in a euphoric haze after we made love. Since most of the fluid flow is from male to female, it stands to reason that the female suffers the greater loss when that flow is diverted into a rag or a condom.
Any drug-dealer knows that if you dilute or cut off your customers’ supply, they will either quit using drugs or find another source.
The brake pedal Dalrock describes that these women use for sex renders them so undesirable that their men no longer want sex with them.
I am assuming that the sex-denial power game wouldn’t occur with the same frequency, or at all, with a Chad. That rejection of beta traits, intrinsic and situational, is causing the sadism.
But maybe they’re just naturally frigi… I mean, strong, independent and empowered women.
The more I think about it… the less I want to think about it.
Also, it just occurred to me that if my male antisexbot prototype– call him Eager Elliot (TM)– were reconfigured to female mode,– call her Pleasing Phoebe (TM)– and programmed to give live updates on the big game or interesting military history factoids or something useful instead of idiotic feminist boilerplate, she’d actually make a pretty decent girlfriend.
A visually attractive woman can quickly make herself unattractive with a bad attitude. Is that really so hard to understand?
Honestly, I was prepared to identify an unappealing husband, but frankly they are about equal in the looks department. Neither is very charismatic or sexy in any way.
This is part of the reason marriage is so dangerous for a young christian man today who actually attempts to play by the rules. You must, with absolute certainty, know your wife wants to bang your brains out. There are too many risks. No women who is really attracted to her husband will play these stupid sex denial games.
I meant to say a young Christian man who is dating a Christian woman. You must eventually have sex prior to marriage or you run a great risk. Especially, if the girl is over 23, which most nowadays are. And frankly, 90% have already fornicated so they will only lose respect for a beta boy who tries to play by the biblical rules – a turnoff in itself.
Lastly, just kill me now if my stay at home wife decides, with her ample free time, to get involved in the christian marriage advice-giving circuit. Just one humiliation after the other as the wife attempts to dredge up examples of proper spousal behavior, where of course, the specified husband is always wrong.
I respect you guys experiences, and I realize I certainly haven’t had all of y’all’s experiences or share your temperaments, but I still see signs of Intimacy issues in the brief description given.
The guy can’t figure out what is causing his lack of interest. In y’all’s scenarios it is clear why you would be disinterested. The guy has sexual ideation about his spouse at work, but then inexplicably loses the desire as the time for intimacy looms near, That is a real flag for somebody who is denying their own sexuality due to subconscious fear. The desire was there for her as she is, but some unknown “forcefield” always dissipates it proportionally in relation to the proximity of the event. (the closer I get to home, the less I feel like it.)
I would see that behavior in my Intimacy Anorexic wife. She would want sex with me, and promise me sex after the kids went to bed, but, after the kids went to bed, and as they fell asleep, she would get progressively more frantic and agitated and do everything to start a fight, to the point where as we were finally walking to the bed, she would just be blurting out horrible insults to my character and unhinged accusations, to try to force an argument into being, to rarely get out of sex completely, if I took the bait and defended my integrity, or usually, just to make the sex experience far less intimate than it might have otherwise been.
And if the guy has a childhood originated issue like Intimacy Anorexia, then inevitably his spouse is going to be blamed regardless of who she is or how she is. That is just how that particular dysfunction has to function. They can’t be aware that they are doing it. They think you started fighting with them, not the other way around. It shouldn’t make much sense to you if you are normal, but unfortunately it looks all too recognizable to me, because of my last 16 years.
And I apologize if I AMOGed y’all with my prodigious and inextinguishable sex drive. It is mostly a blessing, but sometimes a curse when you’re married to somebody addicted to withholding.
Nah, it’s not that at all. If you can get it up for a troll, more power to you.
The guy knows full well what is causing his issues. The wife, duh. However, if he were to be so honest, guess what would happen…. oh, he would get blamed, put down, told how evil and bad he is and all the rest, probably even divorced with the backing of his church for being so toxic and unloving.
His wife used sex to control him and now he finds her repellent. Simple.
Mike Says: You must, with absolute certainty, know your wife wants to bang your brains out. There are too many risks. … You must eventually have sex prior to marriage or you run a great risk. … they will only lose respect for a beta boy who tries to play by the biblical rules – a turnoff in itself.
I myself disagree. I trust God’s way can work. I agree she should want to bang your brains out, but there are ways of gauging her relative interest, without giving it up. Also, a woman will respect a man who denies them, when they really want to bang your brains out, seeing your self control and you maintaining your frame even when she tempts you, and tries to rip your clothes off. It actually puts you in sexual control.
Sure, but you best have a very short engagement. And, if a woman knows you will under no circumstances remain celibate, then its quite easy for her to deceive a man.
heh, *under all circumstances
I didn’t read all of that same stuff into the narrative, perhaps because of my own experience. The man in question went to a sex therapists office(who is also an author), by himself, and was in doubt or denial as to why he did not initiate sex.
“Are you still physically attracted to her?” I ask David. He says he is, and that when they have sex he still gets turned on.
He seems to have the attraction, desire, and function, but is suffering from an unexplained avoidance of initiating intimacy. If I were alone with a therapist, or even together in front of a combative mangina pastor ready to White Knight for my wife, I’d have a laundry list of evil to present against my wife. I have never sat there saying I don’t know why. I have more than once had my wife burst into tears, as I list her wickedness against me, and pastors tell me to stop, and I kept right on going telling them they’re being duped by her crocodile tear deflection.(she is not sorry for her sin, she was just trying to get me to stop revealing it, as I have generally kept it to myself, outside of counseling) I can’t imagine him paying to go there, and then pretending like he doesn’t know why he fails to initiate sex, if he has real grievances. But, maybe that’s just me.
LOL Trolls need lovin’ too. However, I married a woman I still find externally quite attractive, and I only dated women I found quite attractive too. I never struggled too much with attracting women like some on here do. And I feel bad for some of y’all, because I know it is unfair, and that women are not attracted to what they should be. And I’m totally cool with those of you who stay single also.
And, if a woman knows you will under all circumstances remain celibate, then its quite easy for her to deceive a man.
I was a fool. I should have known better. I can’t give her too much credit, I mostly deceived myself.
But rest assured, I was Alpha Chad Thundercock, and she’d have still had her same issues with some other Chad too. I should have held out for a unicorn, but I was not Red Pilled then, even though I was toxically Alpha. I “manned up” and married a “repairs needed” churchian whore by choice.
Female sexual desire is rather fickle though. It usually depends on the spark of sexual attraction towards their husband, and this usually ebbs away after marriage. even if the husband is alpha. You can blame the Fall or evolutionary biology. Perhaps in earlier times wives would have been taught it was their duty to provide sex even if they weren’t feeling it, but now this is considered degrading. But women don’t seem to believe they will probably lose desire for their husbands, and it takes them by surprise, and they blame him.
Jesus never mocked the devil when temped.
Luke 10:18 Jesus answered them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
After all-knowing God cast Satan out of heaven, to earth like a bolt of lightning, Then God jovially asks:
Job 1:7 The Lord said to Satan, “From where do you come?” Then Satan answered the Lord and said, “From roaming about on the earth and walking around on it.”
That sounds like some divine taunting to me.
Like clockwork Darlock,
Pro Abortion Women Start Sex Strike to Save Roe V. Wade
Regarding the double minded woman proving to be unstable in Darlockian ways: Science!
“Turns out, women are hard-wired to be much more attracted to male protectors who espouse so-called “benevolent sexism” than men who treat them as equals.”
You’re missing the point. I think you’re missing it intentionally. Her controlling of sex has caused him to have intimacy problems with her.
No matter the outward appearance of the woman, if she makes sex with her an unattractive prospect, the man’s attraction towards her will diminish with time. Also, if he were to say he is no longer physically attracted to her, he will be lambasted with having unrealistic expectations. You’re buying into the narrative that it’s always the man’s fault.
However, if sex with your frigid wife does it for you. Go ahead and make your day.
CSI: Perhaps in earlier times wives would have been taught it was their duty to provide sex even if they weren’t feeling it, but now this is considered degrading.
Only degrading? Today it’s probably considered a form of rape.
Sometimes, when my wife argues about marriage issues, I tell my wife, “God’s way. is the only thing you haven’t tried yet”.
Funny, my ex would tell me “I tried everything I could think of” after she decided to divorce. I’ve heard that from women on and at the “divorce care” class I went through after my divorce. Yet none of them actually “tried it God’s way” eh I have would be the try everything their husbands thought that of. You know, letting him lead, willingly submitting to his leadership.
To be fair to her, she was brought up and we attended SBC churches, which as far as I can tell, have been in a long slide to now rejecting any semblance of headship.
Fear = a need for control
Control = self empowerment
Sex = power & control
Self empowerment = disobedience
Disobedience = no faith / sin
Sin = Death
It’s Eve all over again. I fear death so if I eat the fruit I’ll have control.
I’m not sure what this has to do with anything, but the other day I was at the grocery store with my wife and I snapped two photos that struck me as so high in contrast that I couldn’t resist. One is of my boys following behind her while she goes about shopping, and the other, well…
Good. I can’t wait until they find out how little power their V has.
And I am guessing Dalrock has to approve the photo. 😦
True…I talked with a woman who divorced an Alpha Chad while she was gushing about a Steady Eddie she had in her sights. So I don’t think being Chad is somehow advantageous over an Eddie if the woman has an icy rebellious heart.
In fact I was smirking the whole time she was gushing about every Manospherian thing you can talk about when it comes to AF/BB.
In fact a big difference between the two I never noticed before is that Chad is usually the one doing the controlling (which the icy ones grow to hate) and Eddie is the one being controlled (which the icy ones still hate).
He seems to have the attraction, desire, and function, but is suffering from an unexplained avoidance of initiating intimacy.
You’re missing the point. I think you’re missing it intentionally. Her controlling of sex has caused him to have intimacy problems with her.
No matter the outward appearance of the woman, if she makes sex with her an unattractive prospect, the man’s attraction towards her will diminish with time.
I think you are both missing points. The constant refusals from his wife have Not caused her to become unattractive to the point he cannot have sex with her. He states that when they have sex he enjoys it. Her constant denials have caused him to FEAR INITIATING because he expects rejection. Hence he thinks about it all day, but as he gets closer to it, his desire fades. But this is because he has to risk his emotional well-being, and the risk is sky high. He already “knows” what the one to me will (most likely) be
You’re missing the point. I think you’re missing it intentionally. Her controlling of sex has caused him to have intimacy problems with her.
In Sheila’s post I don’t read anywhere that Gwen ever refused David sex, she seemed to be ready to divorce him, because he was not initiating sex with her, as I read it. So unless you bought Stephen Snyder’s book, and read more than was there, I think you made some assumptions, that I didn’t, about that case study.
You’re buying into the narrative that it’s always the man’s fault.
No, I don’t think so, not in my case. I’m saying that it is the one withholding’s fault.
1 Corinthians 7:2 But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. 3 The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.
Sex is not to be defrauded from the one you vowed to belong to, becoming one, to have and to hold, forsaking all others. I’m not saying there can’t be difficulties. I just don’t see God ever excusing anybody to willfully refuse to keep their marriage vow, except for the exceptions God gave, death, and sexual immorality.(which could include sexual withholding contrary to your vow, according to Martin Luther)
Today we have Stephen Snyder, author of Love Worth Making: How to have ridiculously great sex in a long-lasting relationship, on the blog talking about how sometimes a husband’s lack of a sex drive is a symptom of a greater dysfunction in the marriage. … But very often a sexual road-block like David and Gwen’s is just a symptom of something more ordinary: two normal people, neither of whom have figured out yet how to strike the right balance between emotional togetherness and emotional independence.
Dalrock has pointed out before, that if a wife refuses her husband sex, the church will blame the husband. This next part is something new:
If you notice the apostle Paul said neither husband or wife is to withhold their body from the other, since they now own your body, as you own theirs.
What Sheila and her ilk are doing is exactly reversing that! Now saying that, if either sins by withholding their body from their mate, it is most likely the other guys fault and their sin causing it. End result: selfishly cut the other guy off first, likely killing the marriage, and blame them for it, to the foolish churchians, who will believe that, instead of rightly blaming the withholding, on the selfish and sinful defrauder, like God does. It is a Satanic recipe to kill marriages even faster. First to withhold sex, wins in church, first to file, wins in court! The marriage to divorce race is on!
Is she reversing that…or is she doing like a lot of women do in marriage. My body, my choice.
His body is hers and her body is still hers.
From the skank-hos not giving it up so easily like they did in the past so they can continue their right to murder children article:
I don’t support a woman’s right to choose death and murder. It would probably behoove our brothers to not fornicate with a woman so entrenched in death to begin with.
I see Sheila making all kinds of excuses for a withholding man, whom scripture clearly shows to be in the wrong. Only Satan could get Sheila to side with a man. If the first to withhold sex becomes the “victim”, and the victim becomes the offender, then marriages are likely to burn out even faster once people realize the new rules.
First to withhold sex, wins in church, first to file, wins in court.
Been a long time since I even incidentally interacted with Sheila on social media, but I thought she was encouraging women to give husbands their due, any time, no excuses. I even asked her what she thought about medical and menstrual problems. It’s been about 4 years, so maybe I remember wrong, but she was definitely not on the wrong side of the issue. Wonder when she changed. Or if she talks from both sides of her mouth.
Then he ain’t doing anything wrong. She must be the one to initiate it if she wants it. Either she is refusing his advances and, after more too many rejections, he has simply stopped bothering to ask or she needs to tell him she wants more sex.
He’s under no moral obligation to initiate sex, especially when he is faced with multiple rejections for trying. That is the point though, she wants the control that she gains via him being the one to initiate and then getting to refuse him. That is the whole damn point of this. If she merely wants more sex, she can damn well ask him and initiate herself. Case fucking closed.
First you need to provide the proof that she is initiating the sex and he is refusing her multiple times. If she merely doesn’t do anything and expects him to initiate, then he hasn’t done a thing wrong.
I think that kinda nails the case. What libido he has left by the time he gets home is killed off by her nagging.
Sharkly, if she wants more sex, she must ask, she must be welcoming. She must initiate as the partner with a higher sex drive. That’s all there is to it. For sex a women merely lies there and takes it, a man needs to get a hard on and work for it. If she ain’t making him feel it, she ain’t going to get it. Some men don’t have the ability to get a hard on for a troll. It’s not biologically practical for them.
Lost Patrol,
“It’s because we know from her writings what is in her heart and on her mind that she comes across as low rent inside and out.
If she were known by her fruits to be a woman of charm and grace we would think she looked decent enough for her age.”
Her rebellious and miserly attitudes is why she continues to keep her hair short and asexual. I read on her blog that Keith wanted her to have longer hair but she did not want to do it because it was too much work for her to take care of. Another example of the miserly attitude that Dalrock points out.
Was Jesus mocking the Pharisees when he publicly called them, “white washed tombs, full of dead men’s bones.” Was Jesus mocking Herod when he called him a “fox’.
And Sharkly is surprised why David can’t get it up anymore. Are you fucking kidding me?!
Many years ago, a close friend of my dad’s was paralyzed from the waist in an accident, and was no longer able to have sex. His wife, who had neglected him sexually for years, started having an affair and left him.
He was understandably confused that his wife would leave him over something she seemingly never wanted to do.
What most husbands don’t realize is that wives who withhold sex aren’t disinterested in sex, they are in fact leveraging sex. Basically, what happened to my dad’s friend was that his wife’s sexual currency was demonetized. Since he couldn’t have sex, she could not longer leverage withholding it.
“The guy can’t figure out what is causing his lack of interest. In y’all’s scenarios it is clear why you would be disinterested. The guy has sexual ideation about his spouse at work, but then inexplicably loses the desire as the time for intimacy looms near, That is a real flag for somebody who is denying their own sexuality due to subconscious fear. The desire was there for her as she is, but some unknown “forcefield” always dissipates it proportionally in relation to the proximity of the event. (the closer I get to home, the less I feel like it.)”
I would argue that the subconscious fear is of being rejected or undesired by a wife trying to control everything.
My guess (obviously a guess since I can’t read minds) is that this guy isn’t being totally honest because he doesn’t understand what’s going on with his wife and doesn’t want to get his hand slapped anymore, not by his wife, and especially not by the therapist she sent him to.
I don’t know of anyone that truly wants duty sex. We might settle for it, but being desired is far superior. And if this woman is just giving the bare minimum of ungrateful “hurry up” duty sex that can be emasculating to a man. No wonder he doesn’t want it, it’s disrespectful.
She’s trained him this way, exactly as Dalrock describes.
“Pro Abortion Women Start Sex Strike to Save Roe V. Wade”
St. Paul is saying that both husband and wife have a right to sex upon demand, but neither has a right to deny sex.
Women have always been trying to play that card. That is one reason whore houses have always existed.
Okay…I’m wrong. We should make fun of her appearance. Anyone we disagree with, or makes us mad, or we “just don’t like” we should taunt, make fun, mock, belittle and just say nasty things about their physical appearance.
Jesus will forgive us. We’re Christians, we’re going to heaven no maytter how porrly we behave. We know it all.
Sure. I just keep forgtting here I am just as not as smart, holy and on some hot roll to who will sit on Christs left or right like the rest of yous.
I firsthand know what its like to be taunted for my personal appearance. It’s wrong. It’s not [olite and it has nothing to do with her theology.
I didn’t know I was among every man here who looks like a GAP model.
While I’m sure all the rest of the fellas look like they’ve just stepped out of GQ, I can tell you that I’m about a 3/10 physically. Aside from looking stupid, I also haven’t had a haircut in six weeks, and haven’t worked out in about a month, so I look unkempt and soft, too.
When I start a pornographic blog, pretending to lecture married guys on how to properly sex their wives, and when I start posting dozens of angled selfies to the internet, on a weekly basis, I expect people will point out the disparity between image and reality. That’s not being an asshole, that’s just the social reality in context.
“Was Jesus mocking the Pharisees when he publicly called them, “white washed tombs, full of dead men’s bones.” Was Jesus mocking Herod when he called him a “fox’.”
Bee. He was telling the truth, but I don’t recall Jesus making comments about how physically ugly the head priest was, or telling Nicodemus how he was ugly either
Dear Mike:
Thanks for posting that video. Not everything Goddess Sheila says is completely off base in it. The feminists often use the truth (telling it slant) to make themselves seem reasonable.
Bear in mind that her husband has his own medical practice. In the land of OHIP, this isn’t quite as lucrative as it can be here, but it’s still a very comfortable life. Not only does Dr. Gregoire have some extra dough, he’s also respected among other men in his community. This is much more alluring to a woman than muscles.
The fact that Sheila can shave all her hair off, and dye it unnatural colors, and the fact that she can open up a pornographic blog, and post weird photos of herself all over it (looking for sexual attention from other men) is a testimony to the effectiveness of feminist praxis in North America. Her husband is trapped in a marriage where he has to not only put up with this, but he’s also forced to make a jackass of himself on the internet, arguing with sensible men who offend her highness. In a sane society, he’d be free to put her in a scold’s bridle, or just walk away from the marriage with minimal losses.
This is why I encourage young men not to worry about women until they are out of school and making a good wage, and not to marry them even then. The laws conspire with your future wife to make a fool of you.
Don’t let these guys fool you. You are correct. When Jesus “mocked” the Pharisees he actually called out what they were inside. Empty tombs. He called them fools. Hypocrites
He never said, “you look like a baboon.” It has no scriptural context. It shows ignorance.
Basically…..I say scripture says________. Yeah. Well you’re ugly.
Makes no damn sense and makes you look like an idiot.
I know. When women have insulted me or have tried to put me down……its always a “passive-agressive-defensive” answer and when that doesn’t work, out come the attacks on my personal appearance or sexuality or somehow I am suffering from jealously of black and latin men because they are so much more well-endowed than white guys…
Wow, is there some hidden playbook somewhere that they all refer to?.
Is she reversing that…or is she doing like a lot of women do in marriage. My body, my choice.
His body is hers and her body is still hers.
Their attitude towards everything in marriage is “what’s mine is mine, what’s his is mine.” Why would it be any different with sex?
Jason, Hose_B,
Neither Anon, Boxer, or myself said she was “ugly”.
Saying she is “ugly on the inside” does not count because that is not physical – that represents her rebellious attitudes.
The way she attacked Pastor Camp by swarming him with 3 other people is analogous to the way piranha’s attack; small, fierce, and as a combined group. If Jesus could call Herod a fox then I think it is fine to call Sheila a piranha.
Christian wives are very adept at finding loopholes too. For example, my wife hasn’t rejected a sexual advance in over a year. Last time she rejected me, the very next night she started coming to bed at 3 a.m. In the rare event I’m still awake when she comes to bed, she is sure to point out a headache, upset stomach, or the fact that she hasn’t showered and stinks.
But, hey, she can say with a straight face that she has not told me no in over a year. Because I’m sure when the good book said do not deny sex, it really meant to prevent opportunities to try.
Pastor Camp if he cannot or will not defend himself, that’s on him. He’s reaping what he has purported for years. I really have zero sympathy for him. She did not pictures on her blog using a likeness to animal to his physical appearance.
Anon didn’t post the pic to “reflect her rebellious attitude” he posted the pic to call her ugly. and for “all of real men here to get idea of what she looked like”
Fine. Free speech, free exprerssion. Do what you want, but in that same vein…..I don’t have to like it. I said so, and *as usual* out comes scripture totally out of context justifying these actions and the “well, she hit me first, so I can do this”
About as smug and mature as two cancer patients dying in a cancer ward of a hospital bickering about “whose cancer is worse”
I am not demanding they be removed. I just pointed out something, and here…like on liberal blogs…….if you don’t “toe the dogmatic line exactly” like the more popular posters here……boy you’re in for it……a good dressing down and justification of why “we can do this”
Fine. I just don’t have to like it. I really liked how I was immediately told I was “white knighting” for her…..because on this blog, that is the smear that is hard to remove. Thanks again for no one defending me. Silence means agreement in many and most cases.
We’re a bunch of men of varrying degrees of experience, attiude and swaggar. I applaud this…..but in many occasions in this comment section, it does come off as a closed club. I have met many a Christian guy who I have tried to give some red pill advice……many, are of this mindset but many really want nothing to do with webpages, blogs and like this because of what I took notion of above.
But you guys are right. I am wrong. Nuff said.
You could make the legitamate case that the beginnings of adultery start with the wife refusing sex to her husband. Could go either way too…he finds a piece or she does. Ruins a marriage, possibly a family, and spreads destruction to more people. It’s that serious when she starts using sex as a weapon in marriage which is what it is not meant for.
Bingo…you saw where I was going.
When one of my brothers was having a dust up in his marriage when it came to his wife saying something about her body…I had to remind him of this verse:
‘The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does.’ 1 Cor 7:3-4
Now marital duty of course includes sex…but I think it’s more than just sex…it’s your whole body. That’s the exchange you make in marriage…and I’m not sure how many people (especially women) know that.
Keep that verse in your back pocket, brothers.
You are having a disagreement with Boxer and Anon neither of which is expressly Christian over a lady who cares not one whit. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I don’t think there is a need for anyone else to step in and defend you when your life is not in danger.
Beginning to wonder if my life was in danger if anyone here would….doubtful…..speaking of that, Pastor Camp’s isn’t in danger. Nor is this woman’s husband. Nor are any of the men on this blog. With that logic, why are we even discussing Pastor Camp, and a woman who “cares not one whit” here?
Jeez Jason…that’s all it took.
Like I said…it’s meant to change the frame of the arguement to your opponent. The lesson is next time some broad calls you ‘ugly’, ‘gay’, ‘small dick’ or ‘no balls’…just know you won the fight. She has nothing.
No Earl, it’s meant to change the arguement from actual issues to looks, appearance. Ugly attacks, and def not Christian. Women have not called me anything since I quit bothering them and wasting my time. Sadly, I did noy learn this at 25. My fault there.
This isn’t about me, its about just general behavior and principles. I didn’t like the pictures with “analogies” to physical appearance. I am now a white knight, and I don’t know the Bible or Scripture or even general behavior. I was wrong obviously. You all pointed it out to me
You’re equated ‘defending you’ with a discussion over a topic. Arguing with an affirmed non-Christian about the morality of calling someone a name. You asked for people to come to your aid over this? You’re busy having a discussion with others, your life isn’t in danger and thus you are not in need of defense.
Where I come from, if you initiate a discussion or disagreement with someone, you are to talk it out, nobody need interfere until one party becomes aggressive in a physical manner. This does not denote agreement or disagreement by those who might not be interested at all, it just means you leave others to sort out their own problems.
I think you’re quite capable of having a disagreement with others without requiring my aid. For the purposes of this ‘spat’. I simply do not care about the looks of Sheila, it’s not my problem, neither do I want to spend any more of my energy defending her. Her life is not my problem.
That is what I mean about leaving women to their own misery. At the end of the day, I simply do not care if anon or Boxer call her names or post pictures of her comparing her to animals. Her dignity or lack there of is not my problem.
I’m referring to this comment…
That cuts down your arguement.
Understand what white knight behavior is…it’s defending the rebellious actions of women. Usually in the hopes of sex from the rebellious women. Stick with the heart arguement and you’ll win everytime.
That being said…the ugliness of the heart can be indicated in outer appearences. Obesity, tats, clown colored hair, trying to look like a man or having muscles like a man. I have yet to see a woman with a sweet humble heart when she’s sporting any of that. However even good looking women can have ugly hearts and that’s where a lot of men trip up.
In California, silence means agreement. That’s where I come from. In 1984 silence means agreement. In most corporate / business heirachies and structures, silence means agreement. In Airstrip One, silence means agreement. In churches, silence means agreement.
I had a disagreement. Big whoop. I have about twenty day in this new job. I had even more in my old job. Name calling stooped to immediately by “real men” and the rest of the wolf pack just watches……waiting for blood and proverbial fists….and then usual attitude of what should have been said by “who” when the spat is over
Wheelchair generals, monday morning quarterback………eh…..some animals are just more equal than others. I suppose that goes for mules, and vicious fish as well
Earl I wasn’t defending her actions.
Good thing I don’t live in California. It’s a nightmare.
I think you’re mistaking being silent when asked a direct question and just being a bystander to a conversation or minding your own business.
California: The Land of Fruits and Nuts
Then you weren’t a white knight.
That’s how debate works.
There are also guys out there who are black knights…those who uses wimminz rebellious tendencies against them and get some knowledge out of that. They can also do that to guys. I think guys like Boxer and Anon would fit that mold, but that’s my opinion.
Agreed Trust. It is also the place that drives the US economy today. It is also incredibly beautiful out here in all seasons and moods. It is also a place that captures the American mind in landscape and the classic “last frontier” it”s about as far West as one can go in a sense. It’s a great place. It’s home and I like it.
“Thanks again for no one defending me. Silence means agreement in many and most cases.”
Don’t you think Hose_B defended you? Go back and read his comment.
Then there’s either a lot of silent people there…or all the loudmouths looneys dictate everything. Democracy is grand.
What the fuck are you talking about? You’re so far up your own arse on this.
If my silence in some random conversation means agreement in California, make no mistake. That is a fucking nightmare. That’s some fucking warped shit.
A lot of it is fear Earl. This is where I am realistic. I have seen firsthand of authority “deeming” agreement by indirect and “potential” shaming and damage to you presonally and professionally. Fox News hates California. Sadly, they also fail to mention that it has one of the most conservative counties / regions in the country, Orange county. It is still a place where Reagan as governor is viewed as admiration.
Nixon was a Californian, it was so ironic on Earth Day 2010, the 40th anniversary of this day that Nixon signed into passage…..the focus was the huge celebration down in Yorba Linda at the Nixon Library and Museum. He stole the show, the liberals were just standing around with hands in their pockets watching their sworn enemy take the glory 16 years after him being dead.
It’s a land of extremes. And your home state is not safe. No other state is setting up to guard about what is happening her in California. None. Not Texas. Not Idaho. Not North Dakota.
you all should be busy in your states preventing this……but you won’t bc silence means agreement and most of you are pretty bold online but when the road meets the rubber. you’ll clam up
feminsthater. happens on this blog all the time. Why is that warped sh*t?
I really am sorry if my meme has caused such angst. I’m not sorry for creating or posting it, though, and before I let this go, I’ll explain why.
Sheila is a mediocre pornographer and ebook merchant, but she’s quite skilled at rhetoric, and the evidence of this is in her manipulative work on Rev. Camp, which was publicized on Dalrock this week.
Rev. Camp is learning the folly of arguing in good faith. He tried to debate Skanky Sheila with citations from the text, and she responded by getting her husband to denounce him, and by encouraging all the women in his congregation to quit giving money. She has libeled him as an “abuser” and a “misogynist,” and he has shut up.
When the feminists come for you, you should fight back. When you fight, you should use tactics that work. Taking the high road doesn’t work with feminists. What works is to humiliate them publicly. Sheila trades on her looks, in order to sell her pornographic e-books. I encourage men to appraise those looks honestly, and give her customers a realistic view of the male response to them. Women who take advice from a radical feminist need to know the actual response they’ll get, when they put such advice into practice.
Calling out her appearance won’t work. It won’t. This isn’t “Game” and trying to get her to bed you you. Treating her like a bratty sister when it comes to debating Scripture doesn’t work. Calling out her physical appearance is just rude, low and gives her points “all men are visual” and “lookist”
If she was a devout Christian wife who submitted…………all you you would be sayin how hot she is.
Please tell us of tales where you weren’t silent to things happening in California.
I lived in the abortin feminist BLM pride sodomistic feminist utopia blue city and stated what I believed. Pro life marches in the dead of winter aren’t easy.
Now you’re trying to tie in silence against Political abuse by state vs the silence of those disinterested in entering a debate on your behalf? People are always fearful of government because government controls the laws, the law enforcement and the army. Fear is justified in that case. However, to try and tie this to a disagreement between you, Boxer and Anon as something others should be willing to defend you against, is disingenuous.
I wasn’t talking about silence against abuse of state power or staying silent for fear of government force but about staying silent when one is not involved in a spat between other people. It’s not my business to interfere in their or your conversation.
Of note I said feminist twice..because it is FEMINIST.
And now you shall tell us what works. Thanks.
What happens all the time? Silence? If you think silence by itself means agreement, your thinking is warped. In the instance of government force, silence means fear, not agreement. In the instance of a random conversation it could mean a multitude of things, including not giving a shit about the topic at hand.
That’s the definition of a white knight. And she displays how ugly her heart is through lying because that’s all she’s got. She could of called him a misogynist or a guy with a small dick…both are meant for the same result.
The best thing a feminist can do for you is remove the mask. We all know they are ugly…show the audience how ugly they are.
That’s why the game is up as we get older. Men don’t have the high-T to jump through the hoops and the women who have made it a blood sport for 30+ years aren’t worth it. Might as well cash out.
So? Men are visual and shouldn’t feel ashamed for being so.
Hey…you guys are right. Stated many times above. We should mock people on how they physically look, because its Biblical. I tried arguing against this, and you put me right.
Hey, I stated why where I come from “silence is agreement” because FemHater was privy to tell me how “people sort things out where he comes from”
I mention whatit is like where I live, and boy again…..I am wrong, its warped sh*t and the insults about California pour on…..and they (Californians) really don’t care what you think.
I tried to make a wider picture, and again…..I am wrong, and the contextive use of words thrown at me with more questions, but you of course “excused” for not answering mine.
I tried to give analogies….a weak point of mine I admit. Nope. No good. Still wrong.
So you guys… are right on everything here. I’ll agree with whatever you say. You have the solutions to stopping women like this post is about. I’ll be waiting for her to appear on TV to repent and admit her sins any day / week or month now.
for someone who doesn’t care Femhater, you are really firing back
I think it’s more about revealing women like this truly are. Most young men are still in the mindset and most women think they are all goddesses no matter what they do (although it’s becoming less)
Revealing who she is and conversion of heart are two different things.
You’re right Earl
Not sure how much it has to do with testosterone levels…high and low T’d guys jump through hoops .
I think a lot of it is acquiring knowledge and sharing…either through Scripture, personal experience, blogs, etc. to rebuke the lies the world preaches.
Married guys, divorced guys, single guys, guys who’ve never been on a date, ladies men, guys who are voluntarily and involuntarily celibate, guys who are PUAs seem to eventually come to close to an agreement. The only ones who don’t are the white knights who refuse to give up the blue pill fantasy.
“If she was a devout Christian wife who submitted…………all you you would be sayin how hot she is.”
Y I K E S.
It’s always wild to hear the old guys talk about women, for most it seems like the thirst level just goes up and not down. Only guys over 50 gonna call her hot. Us in our 20s are saying “HARD PASS”.
Well Samuel when your beard goes gray…never had a beard thank goodness…..glasses needed all the time, even when driving (sigh), and your hair thins and if genetically inclined…..balding sets in……well……..
In 1989 I never thought I was going to get old. I am pushing towards fifty now fast, got here quickly. Too quickly. I don’t find this woman hot, but for her age she is not an unattractive woman. Her ideas are terrible. But I am a white knight for you know……not agreeing exactly with the ditaks laid down here.
But you guys got it correct. I’ll just listen
Your intuition is right. It is wrong to mock people for their appearance. It is OK to call out moral defects or to combat bad theology or bad logic.
No…no Paul. It’s okay to do this. Posters have given scripture and everyone pretty much is defending this practice because it works. I was wrong
Sounds more like a tyrant or dictator whose only method to produce a majority is through coercion. That only lasts for a short amount of time though.
It depends. Do I care about your spat with Anon and Boxer? No. Not until you demanded that others step in to defend you from them did I care.
Sometimes I just read conversations without the intent to respond. Listening to both sides without choosing. Suddenly I’m wrong for doing this because … silence is agreement…. how do you even know that? I was silent.. so according to your logic.. from Boxers and Anon’s perspective…. I was actually agreeing with you….. silenception! OMgosh!
Have you even read what others have said to you? Not everyone has stated they agree with Boxer or Anon. They made some attempts at mockery and most just glanced over it. It just doesn’t bother us as much as it bothers you.
So many insults against men when we disagree with women, no one cares. Small penis, teehee! A meme over Sheila and you lose your mind… why? Choosing your battles is vital.
You’re right Femhater. I will be silent from now on.
Sheila and her fhenminist followers would be laughing with unbridled glee if they were to read this ongoing spat here.
Maybe they do care after all! Haha!
“Then remember that Sheila’s readers came to this place after deciding that they were wiser than the Bible”
This was my error too. Prior to repentance, I thought that church culture was more righteous than the Old Testament, and that Christians were called to a higher standard than the one displayed by the so -called righteous men in the Old Testament. After all, Christians should not hate anyone, we are called to love, and that means being nice obviously, and those people in the Old Testament just weren’t nice.
Had to repent of that.
Beautiful part of it is that it is easier to honestly try to live up to the standards God sets than to try to virtue signal to church culture standards. People may see this as jerk behaviour, but we’ve got to fear God rather than men (or a woman).
I have not posted at all on this thread beyond my very first comment, which contains no harsh words of any sort. Since that time :
Seventiesjason said :
Calling out her physical appearance is just rude, low and gives her points “all men are visual” and “lookist”
But I am a white knight for you know……
You have read enough Game material. Do you at all wonder how this sort of outlook might have *some* correlation with the fact that you have never even kissed a girl, despite being a 6’4″ former bartender?
I mean, you must see the connection here. There must be SOME connecting-of-the-dots here.
Plus, Sheila Gregoire is among those who believe that if a ship is sinking, men should die even if it won’t save any additional women. Perhaps you should divert your energy towards attacking her for that. Men die for nothing because of people like Sheila Gregoire. Your life is of zero value to her.
Lost Patrol —
“If she were known by her fruits to be a woman of charm and grace we would think she looked decent enough for her age.”
Speak for yourself. First take I had seeing her picture was ‘predator’.
Seventiesjason —
“Attack her ideas men which are abysmal. Just stay away from her physical appearance… cannot help how they look in many cases.”
My experience has been that in the large majority of cases, people over a certain age (perhaps forty or forty-five) have the countenances they deserve. The faces they earned in life.
We know from Scripture that long hair is considered a ‘glory’ and a ‘covering’ for the female. Also, we know that short hair on females has been the #1 indicator of Sassy Sovereignty and Rebellion in females since the late-Sixties. It is now a badge of sorority amongst Western females to cut their hair short; likewise, it is an open affront to masculinity in an age and culture where females are removing masculinity en masse from males, and instead taking it for themselves.
As for your hurt feelings, and before folks start in with the AMOG stuff again about how my life’s easy and I just don’t understand, half my life people would mock and laugh at my appearance. Some still do, sometimes openly. Heck the girls cheering my own basketball team used to laugh at me. At games! :O)
Females showed v little interest in me prior to my thirties. Eventually I accepted my looks and physique — the parts I couldn’t change, anyway — and just said Eff It to everybody. Not long after, things started to change. So it was the way I viewed myself that held me back, more than other people, even the ones mocking me.
It seems evil to Sheila [and her kind] to serve the Lord …to surrender to His every Word. She bought the serpent’s “Hath God said?” Sheila has chosen another god, and she loves merchandising that god.
“If it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve …but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” Joshua 24:15.
you are right Anon. I agree 100% with you
you are right Anon. I agree 100% with you
Good. It is never too late to learn.
Chicks dig jerks. Not because they are jerks per se, but more so because of the absence of whiteknighting and approval-seeking.
I read “chicks dig jerks” awhile ago……a few years back. I agree with you 100% about it. I am obvioulsy failing bc I am white knight and an approval seeker. I will read it again. I agree with whatever you say 100%
“You should be working in the states to prevent this”
Boo-yaH BOIS storm that machine gun nest with those wicked sabers of righteousness!
Hell yah the blood letting will be impressive!!!!
+100 to the duke of queersbury for this:
“Bad. You know, Charlene, the the one from HR? She is such a bit…”
“Wait, what does that have to do wi…”
“No, no, really, it’s okay… Uh, you know, I’m actually going out with the girls toni…”
“What? No, no, no, you have the wrong ide…”
“My experience has been that in the large majority of cases, people over a certain age (perhaps forty or forty-five) have the countenances they deserve. The faces they earned in life”
This is a Hindu belief, but if you believe it, it must be so. I agree with this 100%
Some friendly advice:
Nice guys finish last.
You been put in the friend zone where a women will keep you as long as she wants.
Earl — “On the inside, which one is really more of an intractable and stubborn ass who won’t be led? Would you rather want a beast of burden or the burden of the beast?”
Ooh. Very tidy. And true.
I agree with you 100% freebird……but my promotion of late……well it must because I wasn’t working hard or pleasant or had the skills to do the job…..I am wrong obviously.
@ Ray
“If she were known by her fruits to be a woman of charm and grace we would think she looked decent enough for her age.”
Speak for yourself. First take I had seeing her picture was ‘predator’.
Har! Take it from the self-appointed spokesman for millions of men living in the great plains states. She’d fare well amongst the Women-of-Walmart in her age category. There’s more than one reason the early settlers referred to this zone as “The Great American Desert”.
Now, I’m not saying she’s any kind of competition for Mandy…
…but thinking about it some more, maybe pitting the feminist church ladies against each other in the looks department would prove very revealing after a time.
Do the celebrity feminist church ladies compare their looks to each other, or are they above all that?
Ahhh! I missed the bickering while I slept.
I and some others did stand up for you, and your right to your opinion. You act like you can rarely perceive anything positive directed towards you. You mostly perceive negative. You however need to let others have their opinions too, even if you believe them to be wrong, unless you can change their opinion. Seriously, the way you go about things turns people off of what you are trying to accomplish. At first I felt the same way as yourself. But, after reading down through all this petty bickering and hearing folks try to reason with you that it is OK for Boxer and Anon to mock Sheila’s self imposed butch looks, I think you’ve changed my mind.
If I’m being told that I can’t mock Sheila’s wood-chipper overbite, or her freak dyed butch hair, without losing my salvation, then I kind of feel inclined to demonstrate that I can in fact. You are actually turning me against your & my point of view the longer you run your mouth. You’re self-defeating. Sorry, I know that must be frustrating to deal with in life, that the longer you argue your point the more it is opposed. But, you seem to be slow to listen, in the sense that people here wanting to help you, have a really hard time getting through to you. And your “I agree with whatever you say 100%” comes across as stubborn and ignorant. I don’t believe anybody thinks that you mean that literally.
FYI you still have much to learn Grasshopper, if you want to have positive interactions with women.
You indicate that by about 25 you would ignore/write off women who you perceived to make negative comments about your looks or penis, Etc. That is called a “Shit Test”. Women almost all do that, and quite frequently if you don’t pass them well. You will be healthier when you learn to just laugh that crap off. You don’t need to feel or act insulted, or whip out your dick to prove them wrong, and end up in Jail. Just laugh it off, and they’ll realize that it must not be true, because Jason himself does not even take my false charge seriously. You don’t have to get hurt or run away. That leads them to think they hit a raw nerve. “He must already have felt bad about his small penis, because he just got quiet and left.”
I’m not sure if you were quoting that to me, or thought you were quoting me. That was seventiesjason.
I’m actually the opposite way. Just like Jason doesn’t seem to hear support, but perceives insults and attacks towards his looks. If somebody were to make a comment about Black or Latin dicks being bigger, I wouldn’t even hear it as a serious statement. Not to start the AMOG train rolling again, but over 99% of Blacks and/or any other race on this earth aren’t hung like me. I grew up a bit sheltered, when I discover internet porn. I must have looked at porn for a decade before one day I had a co-worker mention to me that porn stars had huge dicks. I was like “What!? No they don’t. I think they pick them because they’ve got biceps or six-pack abs.” Seriously, I thought those guys were just normal guys, because I look the same.(I never paid the guy in the scene, if there was one, much attention) Upon researching, I discovered I was at the extreme, although I never knew, apparently that ran in my Mennonite family. However, you don’t need to have the confidence of a huge package, to laugh off “shit tests” as if you did. Just do it. I’ve never had to expose myself to pass that test, and I really don’t think that any one factor is what makes or breaks things with the women. On a looks scale Harvey Weinstein is a 1/10, ugly as F***, and he was able to bed all sorts of movie stars, actresses, and models. He had other factors going for him, and I assume he played those up. And I’m not saying Harvey is a role model, I’m just saying really ugly guys with whatever sized junk, can have hot women if they work at it effectively.
@Jason again,
You just don’t like that fact I didn’t jump on the circle jerk here about her looks, and I had the “gonads” to point out the obvious.
When you end up going low, in your defense of not going low, you end up insulting your friends, instead of letting them insult a Feminazi agent of evil.
That is what makes people shake their heads in bewilderment. The people here really want what is best for you, and we know that you want what is best for us. You have stated your point, we have read it. Now do what you’re telling us to do. Stay on the high road and attack Sheila’s theology, not us.
I agree with seventiesjason. Jesus did not mock anyone’s physical appearance.
I agree. The Creator is not going to mock the appearance of His own creation much.
Although some women disfigure their appearance to; uglier, sluttier, and more androgynous, than they were created to look.
God taunted Job, as being smaller and weaker than some of God’s other creatures.
We all need to know and accept what our place is, what can be changed, and what cannot.
Wow. I Musta got lucky.
My wife initiates sex twice a week without warning. Comes outta nowhere, at any time. And we’re both 58. And we didn’t have sex before were married. But I gotta say that we have more sex since we became empty nesters. It’s like we’ve gone back in time to our first 2 years of marriage when we didn’t have kids yet. But we take care of ourselves physically. I’m in very good shape, better than when we were first married, and I was no slouch then. I promised myself I would not get fat and out of shape as I aged. I think that helps alot.
When you end up going low, in your defense of not going low, you end up insulting your friends, instead of letting them insult a Feminazi agent of evil.
Good catch. We are reminded how men of weaker fiber find it so much easier to attack men rather than hold women accountable, even if the woman in question believe Jason’s life is fully expendable, and that his life should rank lower than that of a pet.
Wow. I Musta got lucky.
My wife initiates sex twice a week without warning. Comes outta nowhere, at any time. And we’re both 58. And we didn’t have sex before were married.
You got Blessed! I’m glad somebody did.
In spite of having quite a lot going for me, I remember only one time in 16 years of marriage where my wife initiated sex completely, without my being onboard. I was napping, and she watched a romantic comedy where she saw some actor’s bare butt, and then I was awakened by her molesting me. #MeToo LOL!
Could it be the deep psychological reason the church is so over the top vocal about porn is that it diminishes the V-power? How can a wife get her hubby to submit without the V-power and threat-point? How can younger carousel riders ever stick the landing when all the betas have found plan-b? The V cannot command obedience when it is not a scarce commodity.
This is what happens when sex is transactional and women believe they are the product; that is they are the daughter of the king and worth more than rubies, but will bargain down for the right beta.
Could it be the deep psychological reason the church is so over the top vocal about porn is that it diminishes the V-power?
Emphatically : Yes.
Every religion depends on creating a false scarcity of female sexuality (Islam goes the furthest), because the Vjayjay can’t really set a high price on its own.
The hatred of porn, video games, and simply being a single guy is the greatest wrong of all in the mind of these leftists using the cloak of ‘religion’.
Remember, however, that too few men have decided that the price is too high. That is why the religious cucks are still driven by greed, rather than fear.
As a couple of others here have noted consistently, once VR Porn reaches technological maturity, it’s all over for flesh- and-blood women.
About a 30% shift in power balance is expected, yes. Most will be borne by women who have the most inflated value relative to yesteryear, namely women who are either a) in the 5-8 range of looks, or b) age 28-40. Women outside of these two parameters (on either side) will see relatively little change in their current prospects.
The ‘Wall’ will certainly be sooner and sharper.
More like it cannot command obedience without willing participants. Male thirst is real and it’s a matter of what you drink to satisfy it.
‘Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'” But this He spoke of the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were to receive; for the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.’ John 7:37-39
Could it be the deep psychological reason the church is so over the top vocal about porn is that it diminishes the V-power?
That! And, they love to bash men, and it gives women an excuse to FIrebomb(Fireproof movie) their willfully sexless marriages. Got the T-shirt!
1 Corinthians 7:2 But because of the temptation to sexual immorality, each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband. 3 The husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 For the wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does. Likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does. 5 Do not deprive one another…
The way I construe that is: God says; “the way to put porn and prostitutes out of business, ladies, is to always keep your husband’s nuts empty.”
I ran that by some churchian hireling cuck pulpiteers, and they were agin it. So I’m pretty sure it is sound.
Much like if you don’t work out your muscles they lose their power…if a wife doesn’t work out her V power with her husband she loses it.
If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink.
I think the reason why some people ultimately find sexual immorality unsatisfying is because they are trying to fill a “God shaped vacuum” with illicit sex.
However, those who turn to sexual immorality to satisfy their biological sex drive, often find it meets that need.
Thus it was not good for the man to be alone, even though God was with him.
Men need Jesus, and many need a good wife too.
Oh yeah I agree with that…but how many young men even know about Jesus? A lot of them have the whole idea of fulfillment is through sexual immorality. Hence the incel lamentation. Guys are trying to find is something to curb the thirst…some drink saltwater and some drink living water. Women are trying to fill that God sized hole with illicit sex too and are often more successful about it…hence they don’t lament as much about being incel but rather they are playing the stupid game and reaping the stupid consequences.
No, you run a great risk no matter what. Violating God’s Commands is far worse than violating the feminist imperative. You will not have a long stable marriage by following the world’s ways. Giving into unrighteousness won’t produce righteousness.
It was not her upbringing, it was her conscious choice. She chose sin over God’s Word. My wife did the same, though we were from a different move that emphasized the Word. She completely ignored it.
My ex even had the gall to send a text to my daughter-in-law that “God hates divorce” when my ex was the cause of it. My ex got very hostile when I texted her asking when she was going to seek restoration since she believed that. It seems God hates divorce, but was fine with her actions.
Logic does not go too far with these women. They are like the Queen in Alice in Wonderland. They believe multiple incompatible things before breakfast.
seventiesjason @ 5:50 pm:
“My experience has been that in the large majority of cases, people over a certain age (perhaps forty or forty-five) have the countenances they deserve. The faces they earned in life”
“This is a Hindu belief, but if you believe it, it must be so. I agree with this 100%”
It’s also the basis of physiognomy. A quick example, people who smile or frown a lot will stretch their faces in different patterns. That’s why “resting bitch face” has a name.
Jonadab-the-Rechabite @ 9:54 pm:
“Could it be the deep psychological reason the church is so over the top vocal about porn is that it diminishes the V-power?”
Nah. They’re just treating the symptoms because the problem is their daughters.
It is almost midnight 4th of July. Where is one of those Britishers? I still want to fight!
Down with your King Chuck and his manservant.
Down with the Queen. Do those two even still sleep together?
You inbred pasty-faced toothless island scum.
I drink tea! Tax free!(from you guys anyways)
Subject, says what?
Seventiesjason — “This is a Hindu belief, but if you believe it, it must be so. I agree with this 100%’.
Well now THAT is a relief. And here my psychological well-being was hanging on your approval, but no, we’re down. My therapist is gonna love hearing that!
If you can set aside your resentments and inferiority long enough to read my words that you re-published, it says it’s been my experience. It doesn’t say belief. Young man.
Watch it.
Lost Patrol — ‘Har! Take it from the self-appointed spokesman for millions of men living in the great plains states. She’d fare well amongst the Women-of-Walmart in her age category. There’s more than one reason the early settlers referred to this zone as “The Great American Desert”.’
Now THAT is a truth that frightens me. Yeesh. Possibly as scary is that I thought ‘predator’ before I saw her photo. Please don’t tell anyone.
Yes indeed Lost Patrol I have witnessed that particular American Spectacle also, with my own bruised eyes, on numerous occasion, and the damage to both my eyes and psyche will remain lifelong. I’m out now, Hallelu-Jah, but sometimes I still have these terrible dreams . . . .
Lost Patrol — ‘Do the celebrity feminist church ladies compare their looks to each other, or are they above all that?’
Doubtless, Christofeminists are above all that. They’ll back me up on this, I’m pretty sure.
Earl — ‘Oh yeah I agree with that…but how many young men even know about Jesus?’
Damn few. What they, and the Junior Pastor set, typically know about Jesus are exactly the things pointed out and criticized in these posts and commentaries. Wrong things. Dalrock’s hammering on romanticism is correct, because it is the psycho/socio/sexual fundament of modern Protestantism. The King is coming in fire and wrath. Not with cookies.
One of the reasons I avoided reading Scripture most of my life is that the men preaching it usually seemed quite weak to me. Unaccomplished and inexperienced. I mean in voice, comprehension, example, and spiritual understanding. Why should I listen to such men? About Jesus, the Bible, or anything else?
Most of the ‘pastors’ taken to task herein do not lead sheep towards Father and Son, but away. Real Christians hate and oppose that. Actively.
Seventiesjason says: if you don’t “toe the dogmatic line exactly” like the more popular posters here……boy you’re in for it…
I’m a bit curious about that bit of self expression, Jason. I want to help.
Do you believe other posters are more popular than you?
How do you believe they got above you in popularity?
How do you, Jason, determine popularity on a blog like this?
Please don’t take these questions as an attack or an insult, I respect your pure life and your commitment to Christ. I really think as a Christian we should try to help each other, and I or somebody else may be able to say something that can help, Please relax your guard and just honestly let us in on how this thinking goes in your mind. I’d like to help. I have a lot of respect for you, and I thought you were one of the popular posters on here. You made a good point that nobody else had brought up at that point. Can you perhaps tell me why you don’t see yourself as being as popular as I do?
Pastor Camp if he cannot or will not defend himself, that’s on him. He’s reaping what he has purported for years. I really have zero sympathy for him.
Sympathies aside, he is being unfairly attacked and his position is threatened by a pack of baying Feminazis, for merely offending them while confronting their heresy.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
~ Martin Niemöller
If we don’t stand up for this man, who is willing to offend them, who will later stand up for us?
Boxer says: The fact that Sheila can shave all her hair off, and dye it unnatural colors, and the fact that she can open up a pornographic blog, and post weird photos of herself all over it (looking for sexual attention from other men) is a testimony to the effectiveness of feminist praxis in North America.
If that is as you say, it might be a good time to try to put Sheila’s shenanigans in her own spotlight while she is trying to take a man down for being “sexist”. If she has willingly outed herself as an illicit attention whore elsewhere, and then claims no Christian man dare make undignified comments to her. Please expose the hypocritical whore.
Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.
@JtR: Could it be the deep psychological reason the church is so over the top vocal about porn is that it diminishes the V-power?
Here are some reasons:
Unus. Although the Church in Acts decided NOT to put any OT Law requirements on gentile believers, they made the exception for “sexual immorality”, which covers a broad spectrum of sexual sins.
Duo. The NT mentions a whole list of sexual sins for which you are warned that those that persist in these will not inherit the Kingdom.
Tres. The Lord Christ mentioned that already lusting after another woman is counted as the sin of adultery.
Quattuor. Most porn actors are not married, and hence are engaging in adultery or fornication. As a consumer of porn, you’re getting involved in such sin.
Quinque. Porn is very addictive. At the neurological level it will change you such that normal sexual relations will become more difficult.
Sex. Porn depicts a picture of humanity and of sexuality that is counter to the inherent value of humans as well as degrades the symbol of sex in a monogamous relationship between husband and wife as the relationship between Christ and His Church.
I do have to acknowledge that in many churches sexuality is not given its proper place. It is either restricted to procreative purposes only, or there are no bounds whatsoever on marital faithfulness (fornication, adultery, divorce, etc.), or there is lack of teaching about sex as marital duty.
@ray “One of the reasons I avoided reading Scripture most of my life is that the men preaching it”
How is the quality of men that preach from Scripture relevant as an excuse for you not reading it?
Go and read it! Start in the gospel of Mark or Luke, then read some of the shorter letters of St. Paul.
@ray “One of the reasons I avoided reading Scripture most of my life is that the men preaching it”
How is the quality of men that preach from Scripture relevant as an excuse for you not reading it?
Paul, if someone gives a reason (among many) for something they did or some belief they held, that does not mean it’s an excuse. They most likely aren’t trying to excuse anything. Simply giving examples of why they felt that way.
Understanding Reasons is useful. Making excuses is not.
Rays example is common. “Why don’t you go to church?” “In my experience, Christians are hypocrites and it’s all fake”. Response A “that’s no excuse. You should go anyway”. Response B “oh, I see. Understand that some who claim Gods name are hypocrites and don’t serve God, but there are others who truly preach Gods word. I encourage you to seek them out. I’ll help you by _______”
Another one example………..lots of people commit adultery. Lots. While there is no excuse, there are lots of different reasons. Everything from loneliness, revenge, unhappy, Chad, lust, etc.
understanding the reasoning behind human beliefs and actions will help both the individual to do better in the future and help others not make the same mistakes. Dismissing reasons as excuses will keep the cycle going.
@ray “One of the reasons I avoided reading Scripture most of my life is that the men preaching it”
How is the quality of men that preach from Scripture relevant as an excuse for you not reading it?
Paul, if someone gives a reason (among many) for something they did or some belief they held, that does not mean it’s an excuse. They most likely aren’t trying to excuse anything. Simply giving examples of why they felt that way.
Understanding Reasons is useful. Making excuses is not.
Rays example is common. “Why don’t you go to church?” “In my experience, Christians are hypocrites and it’s all fake”. Response A “that’s no excuse. You should go anyway”. Response B “oh, I see. Understand that some who claim Gods name are hypocrites and don’t serve God, but there are others who truly preach Gods word. I encourage you to seek them out. I’ll help you by _______”
Another one example………..lots of people commit adultery. Lots. While there is no excuse, there are lots of different reasons. Everything from loneliness, revenge, unhappy, Chad, lust, etc.
understanding the reasoning behind human beliefs and actions will help both the individual to do better in the future and help others not make the same mistakes. Dismissing reasons as excuses will keep the cycle going.
A reason implies a logical connection. There is no logical connection between the preaching and the reading.
Reason implies nothing except what influenced the decision. You are confusing the noun for the verb. You may judge his reasons to be unreasonable.
a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event.
think, understand, and form judgments by a process of logic.
I do have to acknowledge that in many churches sexuality is not given its proper place. It is either restricted to procreative purposes only, or there are no bounds whatsoever on marital faithfulness (fornication, adultery, divorce, etc.), or there is lack of teaching about sex as marital duty.
Given that MOST churches today seem to instinctively and reflexively avoid addressing any part of Scripture that the World considers controversial, it’s no wonder at all that discussions or sermons on the proper biblical place for sex are avoided like the plague. Thus I think that there is some truth behind the assertion that fear of the angry ve-jay-jay is part of the reason why the subject isan untouchable third rail.
Jason is either in great need of significant maturity or a really intense troll. Can anyone really be that dense? Though living in SF for so long and still worshiping California does show signs of mental problems already. SF, the land of open needles and human excrement, but no straws!
“The Lord Christ mentioned that already lusting after another woman is counted as the sin of adultery.”
I don’t think Jesus was encouraging rigid thought policing so much as He was discouraging self-righteousness.
It strikes me as odd that He would create a law that most people – especially a male who’s at least 12 or 13 years old – would find incredibly difficult, only to very publicly denounce the Pharisees for essentially doing the same thing a few chapters later.
@Hose_B : “Reason implies nothing except what influenced the decision. You are confusing the noun for the verb.
noun 1. a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event.”
I was not confused. If we call it justification, we’re in the “excuse” domain.
If we call it a cause or explanation, it should have a logical connection between the two items “preaching from scripture” and “reading from scripture”. Just putting in a “because” does not create the logical connection.
I did think that she looked very ugly in the photo above, in spite of that certainly not being the purpose of the publicity photo. Her inner ugliness seems to be truly coming out.
I would also note that many in Texas would disagree that California is the economic leader today. Too many from California are coming to Austin, but the outflow is happening to Texas and other locations.
@purge: “It strikes me as odd that He would create a law that most people – especially a male who’s at least 12 or 13 years old – would find incredibly difficult”
Two things:
1. To “lust after” probably means more than getting sexual excited by seeing a beautiful woman. It is related to “coveting” from the 10 commandments. Even St. Paul in Romans acknowledges his struggle with coveting, and explains the solution: through Christ!
2. The context is the Sermon of the Mount, which sketches an ideal against OT Law. It shows we can NEVER reach such requirements, which is EXACTLY the point of NT Christianity. Nevertheless, it sets the standard for holiness.
Just putting in a “because” does not create the logical connection.
Reasons are not always logical. Reasons are not always moral. There are emotional reasons, economic reasons, etc. To dismiss someone’s reasons as “excuses” simply because you find them illogical misses the entire point. An excuse is saying that the reasons JUSTIFY the outcome.
And telling someone who discloses their reasons that they are just giving an excuse tells that person that you have already dismissed them. You have already judged them. It’s a popular tactic in hypocritical churches. Instead of looking at the reasons (right or wrong) and attempting to work on them, they simply dismiss any causes, say you’re making excuses, dismiss you, pay themselves on the back and go back to their hypocrisy thinking they’ve done something useful.
According to the definition you gave, we’re talking about
a. cause b. explanation c. justification
These words have well-defined meanings. Causes and explanations establish a logical connection. Cause as in “cause and effect”, explanation as in any other logical relationship. Irrespective if these reasons are emotional, economical or otherwise.
“One of the reasons I didn’t do my work, is that my neighbor doesn’t like cats” is an example of something that is NOT a reason, because it fails to identify a proper cause or explanation. We often call that an excuse, but it can also be a sign of sloppy thinking and/or formulation.
The original statement: “One of the reasons I avoided reading Scripture most of my life is that the men preaching it … Why should I listen to such men?” fails to establish such a logical connection. Not wanting to listen to men who preach a certain way (which is about what someone else does, and if you want to follow their interpretation) does not connect to “avoiding reading Scriptures” (which is about your personal attitude towards Scriptures”).
My use of “excuse” should just be read as a provoking remark, stimulating reading of scripture.
Enough of it.
@Paul -To “lust after” probably means more than getting sexual excited by seeing a beautiful woman. It is related to “coveting” from the 10 commandments. Even St. Paul in Romans acknowledges his struggle with coveting, and explains the solution: through Christ!
Yes. I’ve seen many commenters and apologists mention that the word “lust” in that passage really is the same word as “covet.” I’ve always assumed Jesus was trying to point out how raging desire can cause suffering as much as consummating that desire. This idea of mine will probably get me in trouble here because it sounds more Buddhist than Christian.
Contact on the line…
” Few healthy men are going to shun sex for no apparent reason, like David. And don’t believe David’s excuses”
You are oh so wrong. Try living in a sexless marriage (no sex per year) for a decade and you will turn down your wife as she no longer has any attraction. Having kids destroys a woman’s body and her attitude good or bad will amplify the results. Its not that he’s damaged goods its that he realized he was conned into a very bad deal he can’t leave. Its like realizing that sex, intimacy and love are just a sham to get you to say I do so someone else can answer their biological clock. I’m sure now he is damaged goods as he has stared into the face of Medusa and the only thing that turned to stone was his dreams of romance.
So if someone’s reason for doing or not sojg something doesn’t meet your criteria for logic, then it’s ok to label them as excuses and dismiss them?
I understand your use of a “provoking remark,” yet those kids of remarks rarely work to bring anyone. They express dismissal of whatever that person used as a basis for the decision. A cause never has to be logical or rational. I know plenty of people who will not go 85’ up in a bucket lift with me BECAUSE they are afraid of falling. This is illogical since the bucket lift is not going to fall down. I can either tell them to stop their excuses or explain why their reasons don’t make sense. One dismissed them and one engages them.
If you can’t see that, then I clearly can’t help. Your legalistic view is odd, but you are welcome to continue in your version of logic.
Hopefully you will reflect on my words……………..I’m done.
Paul — “How is the quality of men that preach from Scripture relevant as an excuse for you not reading it? Go and read it! Start in the gospel of Mark or Luke, then read some of the shorter letters of St. Paul.”
If you had taken the time to read some of my comments here over the past decade — rather than jumping to the conclusions that served your present biases — you’d already know that I’m quite familiar with Scripture, and very much an admirer and student of it.
Don’t be in such a hurry to be right. Especially about people who you imagine you know or understand, but do not.
I made no excuses, simply stated that the weaklings pretending to be Christ’s leaders I found perennially false, and this was a factor in my lifelong disinterest in reading the Bible. By the time Father opened up His Book to me, I’d read most of the rest of world ‘literature’, however! lol He didn’t start me on Scripture until the day He made me ready to grok it. My mid or late forties.
The quality of men preaching Scripture ABSOLUTELY is relevant to drawing folks to — or pushing them away — from the Holy Bible. If you deem that false, suit yourself.
BTW I started with the Old Testament, as it speaks to me very loudly indeed, and I felt immediately connected to OT Hebrew figures and prophets. More accessible for me than the NT.
I challenged Sheila G. with a tweet referencing this post and much to my surprise she responded, see the link in a couple of comments before this one. Here is a screen shot of what she said (I hope this works via a Dropbox link below).
Any others on this thread who want to participate in the discussion just search for @TRPConstantine and scroll down my Tweets until you see the one I tagged Sheila on. Beth Moore never gets in a Twitter scrum, just pontificates from “on high”. To her credit and Sheila’s neither has blocked me (yet).
The reaction of Sheila:
“Ummm…Sapphira submitted & she was struck dead. Abigail didn’t submit & she was praised & saved people’s lives. We are ALWAYS to submit to God first. “We must obey God, rather than men!” (Acts 5:29) We pray THY will be done (meaning God’s), not “MY HUSBAND’s will be done.”
This is a repeat of
As I cannot engage in discussion with Sheila as she doesn’t allow proper discussion, I will reply here.
If anything, the story of Ananias and Sapphira tells a different story than Sheila wants to make us belief.
See ALL the relevant verses (ESV)
1 But a man named Ananias, with his wife Sapphira, sold a piece of property, 2 and with his wife’s knowledge he kept back for himself some of the proceeds and brought only a part of it and laid it at the apostles’ feet.
8 And Peter said to her, “Tell me whether you [plural] sold the land for so much.” And she said, “Yes, for so much.” 9 But Peter said to her, “How is it that you have agreed together to test the Spirit of the Lord?
The sin was NOT that they did not want to give everything to the apostles, the sin was that they lied about it and thus test the Spirit of the Lord.
Now look closely:
WITH his wife Sapphira
WITH his wife’s knowledge
Tell me whether you [plural] sold
She said “yes for so much”
you have agreed TOGETHER
Now tell me, which marriage model where they practicing according to the data?
1. Patriarchy/Headship: she submitted and obeyed her husband
2. Complimentarian : mutual submission, agreed decisions
3. Egalitarian : anything BUT 1.
Well, it clearly was NOT Patriarchy. So Sheila is clearly WRONG. Sapphira did NOT submit. They mutually agreed to test the Lord.
Test driving a woman before marriage is no guarantee of a healthy sex life. I only wish I wasn’t speaking from experience. For many women will use sex to get the man into the box and then once he is there and the ring is on her finger, they don’t feel so obligated to provide more sex. To avoid sexless marriages, have to figure out how to vet better in the first place. Dalrock does have some starting suggestions.
Babylon Bee showing that fiction, truth and satire can be extremely close:
pariah said:
I agree with seventiesjason. Jesus did not mock anyone’s physical appearance.
Yes, I do too.
Jason may need to up his game on other fronts, but he has a valid point here.
Bingo…many men don’t realize the fog that puts them in when they test drive before the marriage.
I’d advise the brothers to stay sober of mind when you are courting/dating a woman…that way you know where her heart is and you aren’t being fooled by your hormones. Once you are married after a reasonable amount of time knowing the woman the sex isn’t going to be a fog because you should have a good idea where she’s coming from.
“pariah said:
I agree with seventiesjason. Jesus did not mock anyone’s physical appearance.”
I agree insofar as it’s out of your control (bad teeth, big ears, shaved head due to chemo, etc.). However, when it’s something you do to yourself (lady cutting her hair like a man, dyeing it purple, getting lots of tats and piercings, etc.), then it’s fair game.
Psychologists tend to tell us that when an angry response occurs, it is due to fear. I’m okay with that dictum, but I think it isn’t the full story.
If we are angry at someone in our families, it’s because we care and know they are capable of better.
When a husband is angry at his wife for denying him, it is because he actually cares. He cares for the unity and the oneness we are supposed to have with our spouses. A wise wife should understand this and acknowledge her failing.
A stupid wife would double down on her denying behavior.
If /when she continually behaves in a denying manner, her husband will reach a point where he will no longer ask her.
He has given up trying.
When this occurs, things will get truly dangerous. He will lose his subjectivity (”goggles”) for his wife. He may resort to porn, mistress or escorts if she’s lucky. If she isn’t lucky, he will start to see exactly how dysfunctional she is in all of the other areas of her life.
At that point, the party gets ruined.
And Sheila Gregoire should stop making divorce porn for Christian women. Her husband, Keith should look into her website and tell her to desist.
A stupid wife would double down on her denying behavior.
If /when she continually behaves in a denying manner, her husband will reach a point where he will no longer ask her.
He has given up trying.
When this occurs, things will get truly dangerous. He will lose his subjectivity (”goggles”) for his wife. He may resort to porn, mistress or escorts if she’s lucky. If she isn’t lucky, he will start to see exactly how dysfunctional she is in all of the other areas of her life.
At that point, the party gets ruined.
Spot on, all of it, as more than a few of us here can confirm from direct, personal experience.
And Sheila Gregoire should stop making divorce porn for Christian women. Her husband, Keith should look into her website and tell her to desist.
Keith Gregoire is Sheila’s bitch. She continues to make divorce porn because she’s married to a cuck who wouldn’t dream of standing up to her, no matter how out of control or abusive she were to become. This has created a bubble around Sheila in which she thinks that ALL husbands are like Keith and have unlimited tolerance for their wives’ rebellion, thus leading her to prescribe toxic medicine to her followers that has an astronomically high likelihood of leading to divorce. But hey, her marriage (to a gelding) is safe, so every other woman’s has to be too … right?
feeriker says:
July 6, 2018 at 12:58 am
I too speak from personal experience.
My marriage survived and my wife dropped the rotten, entitled, double-down behavior, because she got truly scared that she had gone too far. I had started to see her objectively and began openly retaliating/ calling her out whenever she disrespected me in public. It was a good tactic: Nobody could say she didn’t ask for it, since she would openly start hostility.
When you see bad behavior in your wife, you start to see it in other women. You see it in their manipulation, their feelz-led tantrums, their appeals to the authority figure whenever they’re cornered.
The Red Pill saved me. It saved my marriage.
Red Pill put me on the right track, but it was only when I started to reconsider some of the more “difficult” parts of Scripture that I came to see the dynamics in my marriage in the proper light. Luckily, with God’s help it has been steadily improving, but we’re not there yet. It’s really walking a fine line to avoid triggering irreversible reactions in your spouse, while at the same time calling out her sins. Although my wife still often fails to agree with her words, her actions show she is slowly changing.
‘This has created a bubble around Sheila in which she thinks that ALL husbands are like Keith and have unlimited tolerance for their wives’ rebellion, ….‘
Apparently Sheila has special knowledge on what makes a real man. In Let’s All Celebrate the Real Men in Our Lives!, she implies that her husband and two son-in-laws are outstanding examples of Christian men (but her description of one son-in-law has absolutely no reference to God, church, or similar). My least-favorite quote from the post is about one son-in-law:
This seems eerily similar to the idea of recommending divorce and how women follow the lead when other women divorce. Additionally, I notice that the husband respecting the wife is presumed to be the correct way, when the Bible teaches that wives should respect their husbands and not the other way around.
Pingback: Is Sheila Gregoire A Plagiarist? –
I came to a realization about four years ago, while trying to come up with a succinct description of what my then employer’s leadership wasn’t understanding in regards to low employee morale and high turnover. I called it the paradox of greed, ‘If you want too much, you end up with nothing.’
I think women who’ve over-leveraged their vagina fail to understand the same concept. I think feminism fails to understand the concept. If you make the sex ‘too expensive’ (shit tests, long lists, etc.) it suddenly isn’t worth a penny. And not getting a penny when you could’ve had hundreds, thousands of dollars, that has to be a very bitter pill.