April 2019 Ugly Feminist of the Month.

This may or may not become a regular part of the blog, but I present to you the Ugly Feminist candidates for April of 2019.  Only two of the entries are recent stories, but all deserve to be noted for excellence in feminist ugliness.

Candidate #1 is mommyblogger Karen Alpert (Baby Sideburns).  From  Wife Gets Best Revenge on ‘Lazy’ Husband By Sending Him to Grocery Store With a Fake List:

“OMG my hubby has been lying on the couch all morning while I’m doing sooooo much stuff,” she wrote to her 339K Facebook fans. “So I finally got super annoyed and send him to the grocery store with a special shopping list. And yes I turned my ringer off.”


The list included such choice products as “unsour cream,” “fat-free hummus,” and “3% milk.” It also was sure to give super specific instructions like getting the Wheat Thins “in the blue box” and something called Diet Diet Coke, which “you might have to ask for because it’s new.”

Based on this ugly feminists’ about page, her husband would make an excellent candidate for Heartiste’s Beta of the Month:

Hi, I’m Karen Alpert, aka Baby Sideburns.  I’m a mom who likes to wear fat pants and drink Hershey’s syrup straight from the bottle while I cook dinner every night. And by cook dinner, I mean nuke chicken nuggets in the microwave. Thanks for checking out my page!

Here are some other things I do besides guzzle liquid chocolate:

Use fake words like gonna and anyways
Write sponsored posts so I can buy chicken nuggets and Hershey’s syrup
Raise two awesome kiddos…
Make fun of my very helpful, hot, amazing hubby who I somehow fooled into marrying me…

See also her post A bunch of things I do that my hubby doesn’t appreciate because he probably doesn’t even know I do them.

Candidate #2 is Anna Sheffer at Hello Giggles: Teen girls spend more time than teen boys on this one daily task, and it’ll piss you off

Although male partners are doing more chores at home than ever before, the gender divide in housework remains one of the most persistent (and frustrating) barriers to gender parity. Women still take on most of the cooking and cleaning at home—a pattern that even continues among retired people. And depressingly, recent research shows that this trend starts early, with teen girls spending more time on housework than teen boys each day.

The highlight of the Hello Giggles article is the photos of terribly put upon women.

Candidate #3 is Kristen May at Scary Mommy.  Dear Wives: It’s Not Petty To Expect Your Husband To Complete Household Chores

My face is hot. I want to be mad. I am mad — but I shouldn’t be. Right? This is petty, right? I’m petty. I should be grateful he made any effort at all.

Especially because he did it without any prompting.

But wait a minute here.


Why do I think there is something wrong with me for being mad about this rather than that there is something wrong with him for not doing his fucking share?

But. But…but…but. It’s a single load of laundry. I should let it go. I shouldn’t be mad about something so small. So trivial.

May gets bonus points for the stock photo of a husband doing housework as his wife relaxes on the couch.  Later in the same article she makes a great case for her husband to win Beta of the Month:

To be clear, my husband isn’t lazy. He wants to help. He truly, honestly, with every fiber of his being (and because he likes having sex with me), wants to do his share. He is a good man, for sure the top 5% of husbands, and I love him and appreciate his efforts, I really, really do.

Candidate #4 is mommyblogger Anna Luther.  From 45 WAYS TO ANNOY YOUR HUSBAND

I think that women are naturally much less annoying than men. Therefore, it is our duty to ATTEMPT to annoy our husbands every now and then so they can understand the pain we live with on a daily basis. Amiright?

When you get down to the last roll of toilet paper – hide it.

I did this once before we had kids. I’m pretty sure that Even Steven did something really annoying – or maybe I had PMS – the details don’t matter.

But when I saw we only had one roll of toilet paper left in the entire house, I hid it in my bedside table. The really frustrating part was that this went on for TWO WEEKS, and he never said a single word. Not once. See how annoying he can be?

Not surprisingly, Luther makes a strong case for her own husband as Beta of the Month:

Sure – he lets me write pretty much whatever I want on this blog. He encourages me to have girls nights. He gets home from work every night in time for dinner – and even makes dinner a few nights a week. He likes to help with the grocery shopping, the laundry, the cleaning…

Bonus poll:

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131 Responses to April 2019 Ugly Feminist of the Month.

  1. Oscar says:

    I have to go with #1 and #1. It’s a match made in Buzzfeed.

  2. JRob says:

    Abject shrewry on parade.

  3. pdwalker says:

    Where’s the “they’re all fuckin’ awful” option?

  4. feministhater says:


    + 1

    They are all pitiful, delusional twats. I love when women display in public their utter hatred of all things male. Moar ladies. Men are looking and seeing with their own eyes so why don’t you shame another normal group of men for doing something completely normal…. please do so.

  5. Fortunately for those husbands – and the many like them – Sexbots Are Coming …

    …to their rescue. No matter how primitive they are today, they’ll be better than those wives. Cheaper, too.


  6. feministhater,

    “I love when women display in public their utter hatred of all things male.”

    Perhaps. Or perhaps this is the white hot, visceral hatred of many modern women for betas. This is a new phenomenon, and I don’t believe we understand it. But whatever the details, it is re-shaping American society.

    Too little attention has been given to understanding this.

  7. Lost Patrol says:

    Or perhaps this is the white hot, visceral hatred of many modern women for betas.

    Good point LK. Women absolutely will not do this shit to men they genuinely respect or desire.

    Behind every ugly feminist of the month candidate, there is at least one man living a kind of hell on earth. Betaman absue should be a category right after the swimsuit competition.

    These women are a great teaching tool. Fight or die boys. Or fight and die. Either way, fight, don’t just die.

  8. feministhater says:

    Good point LK. Women absolutely will not do this shit to men they genuinely respect or desire.

    Interesting point. Kind of like saying that women will never genuinely respect or desire men they eventually marry.

    Game over guys. MGTOW is proven once again.

  9. DR Smith says:

    @ Dalrock

    I think you forgot a contestant: A seemingly terminally unhappy feminazi whom is unhappy at men helping the wrong women at the expense of other women which may or may not be on the side of her “women” i.e. feminists. The convoluted logic this article spins is truly breathtaking:

  10. Hmm says:

    @DR: Your article is unfortunately behind a paywall.

  11. Gage says:

    It pisses me off to see men debase themselves this way just to please these awful women. I know it happens all the time, but how can men let their wives publicly humiliate them like this? And even worse, they not only allow it, hey encourage their wives to keep writing.

    At some point i guess i will just get numb to all this, but right now, it still burns me up.

  12. tteclod says:

    Why isn’t this a tie all around? If you mistakenly married any one of these women, wouldn’t you stop speaking with her about anything but the children? Wouldn’t you choose to invest your time elsewhere?

    Maybe the toilet paper gag would be funny independent of that woman’s motive, but if you knew her motive, would you eat what she served you for supper? I wouldn’t.

    So many of these challenges from women may be met with a MGTOW approach (ignore her, do what you want) that it’s quite funny. I say, if you must pick one, choose toilet paper girl, because she’s demonstrated that her conniving got her nothing.

  13. swiftfoxmark2 says:

    Ever wonder why low-tier men prefer prostitutes over marriage? Well, here’s your answer. They are never going to graduate to a level where they can deal with women like this because they will always lack confidence.

    Meanwhile, evangelical leaders laugh at these posts and consider such women to be blessed by god (not the one true God) or some such nonsense.

  14. Frank K says:

    It pisses me off to see men debase themselves this way just to please these awful women. I know it happens all the time, but how can men let their wives publicly humiliate them like this?

    Probably because they’ve seen what happened to their friends who were on the wrong end of a frivorce.

  15. Ras al Ghul says:

    you’re going to need a bigger blog.

    Better to be lost in the desert than live with any of these women.

  16. Damn Crackers says:

    Marry an Amish girl or don’t marry at all.

  17. Pingback: April 2019 Ugly Feminist of the Month. | Reaction Times

  18. Dalrock says:

    Thanks wilandmari. Good find. If I get enough like that I’ll do another post next month.

  19. Ras al Ghul says:

    When I think about it, #3’s husband reminds me of Emperor Claudius.

    His wife pulled nasty stunts on him all the time and he just blithely went about his day, she kept escalating until it got her killed and he kept doing his own thing.

    Acting like your ignorant of her behavior has been a defense mechanism of men since Adam.

  20. Dota says:

    Serious question for everyone here –
    Are there any physical cues that allow you to spot an ugly feminist besides the obvious ones like blue hair and tattoos? Heartiste speaks of the thousand cock stare, that dead jaded expression that sluts carry around. The problem is that most women have that look so it’s hard to tell. Are there any physical cues that allow a man to spot an ugly feminist regardless of her ethnic background? These cues just stand out regardless of whether she’s white, black, Asian, etc…

  21. Anonymous Reader says:

    Or perhaps this is the white hot, visceral hatred of many modern women for betas. This is a new phenomenon, and I don’t believe we understand it.

    It’s spelled “H Y P E R G A M Y”. Formerly controlled, now mostly uncontrolled.

  22. Anonymous Reader says:

    It pisses me off to see men debase themselves this way just to please these awful women. I know it happens all the time, but how can men let their wives publicly humiliate them like this?

    It’s what they have been taught since childhood is the “right thing to do”. Submission to women is the standard model.

    And even worse, they not only allow it, hey encourage their wives to keep writing.

    Well, sure, only a misogynistic creep would do otherwise.

  23. vfm7916 says:

    Honestly, I didn’t click through to any site. My contempt is growing, my disgust threshold exceeded simply reading the capsule summaries, and my hatred of the propaganda meant to demoralize burns cold.

    Taking the redpill will take you through the stages of grief. Some people will get off before the cycle is complete and will remain in anger, despair, bargaining, etc. Coming out the other side leads to an acceptance of the way things are, and the will to move to the next level. That level is to be a patriarch, married, with children, in the face of all the legal and social potential risk.

    I had some back and forth commentary with Larry on his site which clarified my thinking in regard to apathy as a “resistance” method against the published social and cultural trends seen on the internet.

    These kind of links can be treated in one of two ways; contempt or despair. Heartiste is a good example of the contempt version. This particular post lacks that shiv, and can be more easily internalized as despair.

    That would not matter if that was the kind of blog here, but I don’t think that’s the goal. Biblical marriage and headship is the good. All else is subject to varying degrees of corruption and sin, and therefore not the good. I know which I’d pick.

  24. feministhater says:

    That level is to be a patriarch, married, with children, in the face of all the legal and social potential risk.

    Blah blah blah. You’re not a ‘real’ man unless you take a massive gamble and bet it all on her.

    You are Larry can get married and save the world.

    All your blustering and the problem gets even worse, continue to tell men to get married and women will continue to run rampant. The solution to your woes lies in MGTOW. It is better for you if huge portions of men go MGTOW and don’t get married. The chaos caused will allow you, Larry and others to truly have your Patriarchy because women will finally feel the pain and suffering of their decisions.

    They will beg for it before this is over.

  25. feministhater says:

    Perhaps. Or perhaps this is the white hot, visceral hatred of many modern women for betas.

    You realize what you stated right? Most men are betas or lower, they are not alpha. Therefore, what you stated is pretty much that women hate most men.

    Thanks for playing but it does get a bit boring after awhile.

  26. Heidi says:

    Based on the toilet paper incident, I suspect Luther’s husband trolls her in ways she’s too dumb to notice; because of that I didn’t vote for him as Beta of the month.

  27. 7817 says:

    These kind of links can be treated in one of two ways; contempt or despair. Heartiste is a good example of the contempt version. This particular post lacks that shiv, and can be more easily internalized as despair.

    I don’t know man, if you just look at links like this without getting emotionally involved, it can be humorous to see it all playing out. The shivs of feminism are contained in the feminism itself.
    Job 4:8 ESV “As I have seen, those who plow iniquity and sow trouble reap the same.”

    This open contempt for loyal husbands is not getting this women what they want. It might give them slaps on the back from the other ugly hens, but it accelerates the red pilling of your average guy. And seeing articles like this grouped together makes the effect stronger.

    Ironically, the church going husband is at greatest risk of not discovering the red pill, if he willfully closes his eyes and buys what most churches are selling regarding women.

  28. anonymous_ng says:

    On the one hand, I kinda feel bad for these men. On the other hand I figure if you’re stupid enough to be/stay married to women like this, well, you deserve what you get, right?

  29. David J. says:

    They’re all depressing.

  30. Ras al Ghul says:


    Heartiste has long lists of slut tells in addition to hair, tattoos, the eyes. piercing is one too.

    You note most women have the 1kcs, and that should tell you something.

    Those women are not marriage material. full stop.

    If they are a virgin at marriage your chance of making it ten years is 80 percent.

    if they have one prior partner you are down to a little over 50 percent.

    most “good girls” are at 4-5 these days. high school, couple in college. a couple mistakes. They’re probability of staying married is a around 37 percent for ten years.

    if you look you will see this pattern: dating until 25ish, start to push for settling down. have a couple kids around 30, get unhappy around 35+, get divorced.

    California does not report divorce stats because they are over 70 percent now.

    A word of advice, all men think they are unique and not like other men.

    This is only true if you have spent years building yourself into that unique man and the journey never ends.

    Alpha is situational. There are always bigger alphas. A man that is alpha loses cred just by getting married.

    Marriage is seen as an equal partnership.

    Women want a better than equal deal.

    Once you are married you are now an equal. You are not a patriarch.

    The church(es,), society, family, the legal system, almost all women will denigrate you for trying to be a patriarch.

    The only way to restore patriarchy is a full on collapse, mgtow will speed that up.

    getting married prolongs the descent.

  31. anonymous_ng says:

    It seems to me that this is a problem technology created, that is, this is a subset of the question, what do you do when technology eliminates the need for your labor?

    So, then, we can IMO see several alternate versions of the future. There is the Russian/Latin machismo culture where the men are drunken, violent, tomcats, and the women are the responsible ones, but since they don’t really invent anything, society is stagnant.

    Or, you have the Asian grasseater version which is just a slightly less violent version of the first one.

    The Asian version probably dies out because of the much lower birthrate. Well, that’s my understanding anyway.

    I like to read science fiction/speculative fiction, but I haven’t ever heard of, or read any dealing with what happens when people are not needed, and I don’t mean some pie in the sky Star Trek B.S. where people are all wonderful and hardworking – puke.

    Lots of people if they had all the money in the world, would spend their days sitting on their couches staring at an electronic box.

  32. Anon says:


    Are there any physical cues that allow you to spot an ugly feminist besides the obvious ones like blue hair and tattoos?

    The better-looking women in general are not ‘feminists’, so that is yet another reason to exclude all others.

    But if in conversation, try to see what they think about the ‘pay gap’. That tells you everything about whether the woman is worthwhile, or whether it is best that she not even know you exist.

  33. Anon says:

    Once again :

    ‘Feminism’, far from helping women, has instead exposed the full extent of female inferiority (moral, intellectual, physical, spousal, parental, civic, economic, spiritual) far more visibly than was ever possible before ‘feminism’.

    Traditional customs benefited women more than men, since they kept women out of domains where their inferiority would quickly become exposed.

    Hence, this obsession with ‘housework’ from femtwats. Housework is a female domain just because that is where female incompetence carries the lowest cost.

  34. vfm7916 says:


    That’s actually funny, because Larry thinks I’m oversimplifying, that marriage is too risky, and the language of marriage and patriarchy can’t be communicated to the younger generation. I took away that he believes that someone else has to change the dynamic between the sexes before any progress can be made to return or restore marriage. That’s pretty MGTOW. I evaluate you are similar, if more visceral.


    Agree in principal, but I wish that Dalrock would complete the fullness of the shivving. I’m probably too lowbrow.


    Death is pretty much what has happened in the past. Either Calhoon or war, bio/genetic type. Surplus will be eliminated.

  35. Burner Prime says:

    Chivalry must now extend to prostitutes in Amsterdam. Gotta respecc the whamens, even the temple whores. After paying, don’t forget, “please” and “thank you Mi’Lady”.

  36. 7817 says:

    Agree in principal, but I wish that Dalrock would complete the fullness of the shivving.

    It would be fun to watch. Parts of the Christian manosphere have a gatekeeping problem, they don’t want to accept the full visceral reality, but I don’t think that’s a problem here. Dalrock was my entry point to the manosphere, and that was probably a good thing. Starting with a YaReally comment or DeliciousTacos probably would have been to much, and might have just reinforced the church programming that even considering these issues is degenerate.

  37. feeriker says:

    To continue pdwalker and feministhater’s line of thought, wouldn’t it just be much less work and more beneficial to the sphere to create an award for NON-feminist, NON-bitch-cunt-shrew women who write about how much they love their husbands and what their husbands do for them and their families? Far fewer candidates to consider, I’ll admit, but why is anything that the four twats in the OP do and write about considered noteworthy? How is it any worse than what 95-99 percent of ALL western women do and say nowadays? Last but not least, are these disgusting slags even worthy of recognition from this quarter of the internet, even negative recognition?

  38. vfm7916 says:


    One begins to wonder just how much of the female population is actually as described? There have been some dribs and drabs about how a great many women are not speaking out against feminists because of conformance pressure, but when given the chance to express anonymous choice they have far higher percentages that reject feminism?

    What if, in fact, the extreme feminist population is very similar to the actual homosexual population; very small in terms of percentages but peacock to an extreme degree, are in fact selected and amplified to achieve the image that all women are feminist, and to oppose will lead to ostracism?

    It becomes a self-reinforcing propaganda cycle, but requires constant effort due to fighting against biology. Samizdat grows naturally as the belief bubble is forced to grow beyond the willingness to suspend disbelief, or where the belief in the system fades since it is so contrary to observed reality.

    TL;DR I think that these are not the actual views of a majority of women, but are a small sample amplified by a self-feeding propaganda network with the express intent of creating an extinction cycle in certain populations of women and men.

  39. Chandrian says:

    That shopping list, One look and I would have laughed and handed it right back to her. If he was fooled, well….. (wife is still a b*)

  40. Expat Philo says:

    Not really a contest here with #1 being a public emasculation and all, the others are pretty typical womanish ingratitude.

  41. JRob says:

    The propaganda influences the entire herd, even if contrary lip service is offered. The ol’ what they say vs. what they do.

    See Sarah Bussey’s “prayer” for International Womens Day. She contributed to the NIV for Women and is a contemporary of Rachel Held Evans.

    We call out the sins of violence, rape, abuse, torture, against all women. No more. May you be a woman who is safe, a woman who does not fear, a woman who builds safety and security for other women, too. We call out the economic injustices, the educational inequalities, the maternal mortality, patriarchy, movements designed to baptize inequality in sacred language, the forced prostitution, the sex trafficking, all of the countless ways that the image of God in women is abused and mistreated and broken or diminished. We call it out and name it for what it is – sin! powers! principalities! systemic evil! injustice! – and we cast it down, in the name of Jesus. I pray that you would continue casting it down with your whole life. We pray that they will be weakened in the world, cast away, broken, and dismantled forever. May we work to call these things out and to dismantle them from our world … and from our own hearts.


    From experience I least trust the ones who claim to be believers. They tend to be the most deceptive. “From experience” trumps “because reasons.”

  42. Joe Ego says:

    Woman #1 because she is the most clearly malicious.
    Man # 2 because he isn’t just engaging in choreplay, but his wife knows it and appears to revel in it.

    Honorable mention to man # 3 because he encourages her writing, GNO, and other crap but simultaneously his wife tells us he “lets” her write what she wants. Maybe he got a decent one but she found the internet and he encouraged her. Seems to be an example of blue pill / happy wife, happy life.

  43. feeriker says:

    TL;DR I think that these are not the actual views of a majority of women, but are a small sample amplified by a self-feeding propaganda network with the express intent of creating an extinction cycle in certain populations of women and men.

    While I wish that your assertion was correct, I can’t support it for the simple reason that if these twatbloggers were indeed a “minority,” the stench of their literary sewage would be overpowered by the output of what were once considered “real women.” The assertion notwithstanding that “real women” have better things to do with their time (such as caring for husbands and children) than hatetention whoring by blogging, how many such who do blog attract a sizable following? How many blog for any extended length of time before they are forced to shut up and shut down by credible threats to their and their families’ safety from the demented SJWs represented by the vile filth highlighted in the OP? How many OTHER “real women” come to their defense at that point, or take up the good fight themselves alongside those under attack? Indeed, how many “real women” think this is an issue to be concerned about at all, as evidenced by any visible pushback against it?


    I’ll believe that the four feminist fuglies in the OP represent “the minority attitude” at the point where I start to see and hear pushback on the order of that by “normies” against the live abortion issue (pathetically and inexcusably week as that’s been). Until then, you’re not going to tell me convincingly that the editorial excrement in the OP isn’t the prevailing attitude of western women, whether or not they’re honest enough to call themselves the man-hatijg feminists that they obviously are.

  44. Zarathustra says:

    Thank you so much! Future editions would be welcome but I won’t expect anything

  45. vfm7916 says:


    I’m not going to tell you convincingly. What we see linked in the media and other sources is heavily policed and conformed. The “pushback” on the Virginia laws and your estimate of its strength is mediated by the news reports in Authorized media. They went too far, beyond the willing suspension of disbelief. They saw that; that’s in part of why the #metoo’ing distraction occurred, along with the subsequent downplay and lack of consequences for both parties. The abortion law and its response was memory-holed.

    This has, is, and will happen. Feminism, homosexuality, trans, etc. Any time pushback cannot be suppressed by initially by virtue signaling or shaming it will be de-reported. The Yellow Vest protest and its news coverage in the US is a great example.

    Here you are conflating amount or reach of media coverage for the strength of opposition to an idea or the general endorsement of an idea, or that “followers” or “subscribers” are in any way a real measure. Much of the manosphere in relation to MGTOW make a similar error.

    My gut response is that when opposition response is intense and is only briefly seen before being replaced by some other headline it indicates that the opposition is strong and broad based. A corollary is that the smaller a subsection of perversion the greater it will be amplified to generate the appearance that it’s normative. See homosexuality, transgender, extreme feminism, etc. The idea of normative must be pounded into a population, but it must become more and more complex to push the disgust thresholds constantly higher. It can’t be pushed to infinity, though it will be tried.

    Eventually the belief in the system fades.

  46. Paul says:

    But when I saw we only had one roll of toilet paper left in the entire house, I hid it in my bedside table. The really frustrating part was that this went on for TWO WEEKS, and he never said a single word. Not once.

    Smart fellow had his own hidden stash.

  47. CSI says:

    I saw a black female youtuber who claimed many black women choose lazy, unambitious men so they can boss them around and feel superior to them. If true, then these ladies should learn from their white sisters. Many of them choose hardworking, ambitious men, but still boss them around and feel superior to them. Because they don’t spend all their spare time doing housework, which after all is the hardest, most exhausting work around. Apparently.

  48. Frank K says:

    One begins to wonder just how much of the female population is actually as described?

    Considering the number that voted for HRC, I’d say that it’s a safe bet that the majority of women are like that.

  49. feeriker says:

    I saw a black female youtuber who claimed many black women choose lazy, unambitious men so they can boss them around and feel superior to them.

    Black women “choose” “lazy, unambitious men” because most of them don’t rate anything better. Black women (or more accurately, black women in North America) have one of female humanity’s lowest SMVs and almost ZE-RO MMV. It is not inaccurate to state that it is black MEN, no matter how subprime, who do the choosing (mostly for “booty call” purposes), because black women are even more subprime.

  50. Dave says:

    >”He is a good man, for sure the top 5% of husbands, and I love him and appreciate his efforts, I really, really do.”

    The need to self delude…….. in reality truth never need be spoken, but lies must be self indoctrinated on a regular basis, she must have quite a dead bedroom going. She’s befittingly stuck with a loser and subconsciously knows it.

    As for sex in exchange for chores…. how lowly are these males they married – no actual man even would put up with such a notion and kick her ass to the curb pretty quickly. Admittedly given what these women look like I’d certainly be avoiding doing any chores!

  51. vfm7916 says:

    @Frank K

    53% of white women admitted to voting for Trump in exit polls. Given that women are more likely to be truthful in their preferences in anonymous polling, and that I’m not sure exit polling is close to anonymous, I’m going to say that no, the majority of white women did not vote for Hillary.

    Again, I think that the bark of feminism is much worse than their bite, especially when you consider that they’re barking into a massive amplification system. That does not mitigate against their twitterpack hunting behavior by any means, and I don’t downplay the threat of SJW doxxing or deplatforming in any way.

  52. g2-cdb27520fb49967abcc1c55ca90a2fef says:

    My wife handed me a shopping list like that one… once. So, you want to play? Let’s PLAY.

    Unsour cream? Whipping cream it is. 3% milk? Whole milk, coming up. Diet diet coke? Diet caffeine free soda in the cart. And so on. The last item was non-oil moisturizing skin cream. I got her a tube of KY jelly. Daughters: “What’s that, Mom?” “Uh…” Me:”That’s mom’s special cream she asked for.”
    Reddest face I ever saw.

  53. feministhater says:

    Considering the number that voted for HRC, I’d say that it’s a safe bet that the majority of women are like that.

    53% of white women admitted to voting for Trump in exit polls. Given that women are more likely to be truthful in their preferences in anonymous polling, and that I’m not sure exit polling is close to anonymous, I’m going to say that no, the majority of white women did not vote for Hillary.

    These two things are not like the other.

    Again, I think that the bark of feminism is much worse than their bite, especially when you consider that they’re barking into a massive amplification system. That does not mitigate against their twitterpack hunting behavior by any means, and I don’t downplay the threat of SJW doxxing or deplatforming in any way.

    Really?! This again. Do the divorce courts exist? Do they throw out prenuptial agreements or do they respect the contract between wife and husband? Does the Duluth Model exist? Does #metoo exist? Does reduced sentencing for females for the same crimes exist? Does the drugging of young boys in school exist?

    When a woman cannot afford a child, she gets welfare, the father goes to prison….

    The marriage age just merely creeps up because all these fabulous women who truly love men just can’t find a decent man… they’re not sleeping around or none of that…

    Women now routinely use sexual allegations against men as a means to get those men fired and take their job. They routinely use sexual allegations as a means to get rid of Politicians whom they don’t like and it works, with no evidence needed. Fire the man first and then perhaps ask questions. No punishment for the false accusers though… who cares if a man’s life is destroyed..

    You don’t downplay the threat of SJWs? Of course not, you just downplay the threat of women who use the system that is stacked in their favour to destroy men and boys as routinely as brushing their damn hair?

    A women can destroy you with one phone call. That is all it takes.

    Trump is a feminist. He wants more women in the work force. He routinely hires women to do his bidding. His daughter is an active feminist seeking more funding for female empowerment.

    This shit writes itself.

  54. Jim says:

    Really?! This again. Do the divorce courts exist? Do they throw out prenuptial agreements or do they respect the contract between wife and husband? Does the Duluth Model exist? Does #metoo exist? Does reduced sentencing for females for the same crimes exist? Does the drugging of young boys in school exist?

    No feministhater you don’t get it. It’s all in our heads. It’s not really happening. It didn’t actually happen to my family male members and friends. They just weren’t alpha enough so they deserved it! Or maybe it didn’t happen. There’s nothing to see here just move along now.

  55. Anna says:

    Please do continue this as a monthly series!

  56. Spike says:

    So, what crime have these horrible husbands committed, that they need to be tortured in such a way?
    Mainly, they’re not mind readers.
    That’s right: they can’t look into the abysmal mess that is a woman’s brain and pick off all of the things that preoccupy her emotional brain – because they’re rational and don’t sweat it.
    No, lady. Your kid won’t look like Cousin Itt from the Addam’s family if your husband is in charge. He’ll get a standard crew cut when necessary and no stupid layers or colours. Your husband expects – yes, expects – you to do your God-given duty of nurturing your kids. It’s part of the contract.
    Seriously. Do these men also work manually for a living? What if they get home after lifting and shifting RSJs and Bearers and Joists all day, only to have to put up with the annoying and immature practical jokes of a hatred-inspired brat.
    The other thing: They made the hideous mistake of loving – actually loving – a woman. And because that woman has no sense of decency in herself, she tortures that man. She hates him , because she hates herself.

  57. vfm7916 says:

    To Agree and Amplify:

    Yes. Absolutely nothing to see here. Marriages are an illusion. My personal experience is the truefact for every man on the planet. All women are rapacious satanistic tattoed bluehaired pierced lesbians who have collections of male genitalia in jars that they gloat over. Everything I read on the internet must be true because it says so. I am so invested in my perspective that I cannot see that anything else could be real. My reality is true for everyone. I must not take the risk of talking or having a relationship with a woman because she will destroy my life with a phone call. I will bury the tael my life represents and give it back to God at the end, and say “Here, here’s my life just as you gave it to me! My life left no trace that I even existed! I’m such a good christian. Aren’t you proud of me?”

    Doomporn hysterics aside, it isn’t a life destroying event to marry a woman and have children, even if the risk is there…

  58. cynthia says:


    Like every other woman in America, I got marinated in this nonsense from day one of kindergarten, so this is my opinion on the matter.

    Would the majority of women in America today classify themselves as “feminist”? No, not at all. I think I’ve seen polls that show that kind of self-identification around 20%, if not lower. However, that’s not really important. While most women wouldn’t self-identify as a feminist, most have internalized at least some of those concepts, and many will openly talk about them as if they are hard facts, not opinion or the product of a certain worldview. Most are unaware of this. That’s the power of propaganda.

    There’s also a certain amount of peer pressure at play. To a greater degree than men, bucking the group consensus is psychologically painful for women. Women’s media has been insanely successful at convincing almost everybody that feminist ideas are correct and true and widespread. Women thus feel like they should also believe these things, act in certain ways, say certain things.

    I’m not trying to paint women as victims – but if we are victims, it’s of each other and our endless desire to be like every other woman. What feminism has really broken down for us are any requirements to self-regulate or control our own behavior. Every feeling is now sacred. Every desire is valid. No decision is wrong.

    Feminism is the equivalent of fundamentalist Islam that teaches it’s okay to rape children and women if you feel like it. Feminism both okays base, disgusting behavior and encourages it. Women participate because they can but also because they think they should.

    For example, most women really don’t enjoy sleeping with dozens of men; they want their Prince Charming, they want to feel safe, they want to feel special. But feminism tells us that we should enjoy being sluts. When we don’t enjoy it (or do enjoy it but can’t get it, for those of us who are psychologically unbalanced), we accuse men of rape or scream about the patriarchy. Feminism gives us no other explanation, and reasoning your way through it is hard.

    Sometimes the consequences of making a “feminist” choice can be the red pill for a woman. This was the case for me. I’m not sure how common this is, though. It’d probably become more common if we broadcast it to each other more.

  59. feministhater says:

    Yes. Absolutely nothing to see here. Marriages are an illusion. My personal experience is the truefact for every man on the planet. All women are rapacious satanistic tattoed bluehaired pierced lesbians who have collections of male genitalia in jars that they gloat over. Everything I read on the internet must be true because it says so. I am so invested in my perspective that I cannot see that anything else could be real. My reality is true for everyone. I must not take the risk of talking or having a relationship with a woman because she will destroy my life with a phone call. I will bury the tael my life represents and give it back to God at the end, and say “Here, here’s my life just as you gave it to me! My life left no trace that I even existed! I’m such a good christian. Aren’t you proud of me?”

    Sure. If trying to convince men of taking a bad bet won’t work, shame instead. Doesn’t work anymore.

    Marriage is a bad bet, that’s all their is to it. You wouldn’t have to spend so much time trying to convince others to get married if that weren’t so. It wouldn’t be so hard. The benefits would outweigh the risks.

    Instead, you make outlandish statements like:

    I think that the bark of feminism is much worse than their bite

    Then you wonder why you are called out. There are men in jail due to the power of feminists and you think their bark is worse than their bite? Men commit suicide to escape the power of feminists that will turn their lives into slavery. Are you out of your mind? Feminists change laws, they control the universities and the work space. You say something wrong and you’ll get fired. They have actual control over the family courts which are not bound by your stupid Constitution. You have no rights in family courts, none.

    Your Patriarchal family structure is ABUSE according to the legal system of your country. Christian husbands who try to live their lives according to the Bible are committing criminal acts. Your wife makes one phone call and you will be charged with domestic abuse and you will be going to jail. Your life will be over. That is the power of feminism.

    If you live in Britain and you tell your wife to stop gambling the household wealth, that is financial abuse and punishable by up to 14 years in prison. If you tell them to obey the Biblical rules for marriage, you are controlling them and thus guilty of abuse, punishable by up to 14 years in prison. If you use ‘Dread Game’ that is psychological abuse as you are using fear to control her, punishable by up to 14 years in prison. That is the power of feminism.


    All bark and no bite my arse. These risks are real. You dismissed them without reason.

    “Here, here’s my life just as you gave it to me! My life left no trace that I even existed! I’m such a good christian. Aren’t you proud of me?”

    Are you this stupid? What do Christians believe happens after death? Are you being deliberately obtuse or do you not believe in eternal life? When your life ends, the traces of your existence on this mortal plane will cease to be after a hundred years, whether you have children or not. Very few people will know you existed, perhaps none. Your point is dismissed with the same callousness that you dismissed the risk posed by feminists and their family courts.

    However, you can continue to tell me to ignore these risks, that they must get married or else. I will be the opposing voice telling them that they’re right to be cautious and right to decide to avoid marriage.

    The reason I oppose you is your call for men to simply disregard all the risks and just do it anyway. Typical trad con bullshit. Your words betray you.

    That level is to be a patriarch, married, with children, in the face of all the legal and social potential risk.

    You give men no choice but to walk that minefield. Fuck off.

  60. Scott says:

    To those suggesting an opposite award, of course. There is a reason these scary mommy blogger types have so many followers. If I shared any of these three stories, with even the most “conservatve” female friends on social media, they would be LOLing and ROLFLMAOing like crazy. If I then mentioned that I was sharing it as a demonstration of the sorry state of marriage today, I would be dogpiled on for not being man enough to handle a strong woman or not having a sense of humor.

    This is the ambient air we are breathing now. Showcasing it is like pointing out the amazing number of Chinese drivers licenses with black as the hair color.

  61. johnmcg says:

    #1 wins for me.

    Because in order for the prank to “work,” the “lazy” husband must love his wife and want to please her, or be terrified of her, neither of which demonstrate a point she is trying to make. If he didn’t care, he wouldn’t bother trying b to find these items, or call for help

    What gives it away is the “you might have to ask because it’s new” item. She’s essentially admitting this isn’t a matter of his “cluelessness,” but punishing him for caring.

    And so I need to say what these women would say about a man who sent his wife to the hardware store with a similar list?

  62. AnonS says:

    Country conservatives are the real men in the room….

  63. Someone says:

    Wow! I guess being single has it’s benefits. To end up with these harpies would be depressing.

  64. Scott says:


    That video made me feel nauseous. And every guy I know IRL is like that.

  65. feeriker says:

    So, what crime have these horrible husbands committed, that they need to be tortured in such a way?

    That’s easy: they chose these bitchy, disgusting hags for wives. Self-imposed punishment.

    To be fair, though, there really aren’t any other “models” available for most men, so most choose bitch over incel. (Imagine a society like the former East Germany, where the only affordable and obtainable car model available to 95 percent of the population is a clunker called the Trabant. It’s that or walk to wherever you need to go. That’s where 80-plus percent of the western male population is today when it comes to choosing a potential wife.)

  66. Anonymous Reader says:

    To those suggesting an opposite award, of course. There is a reason these scary mommy blogger types have so many followers.

    They are in harmony with the dominant social narrative.

    If I shared any of these three stories, with even the most “conservatve” female friends on social media, they would be LOLing and ROLFLMAOing like crazy.

    Plus they would likely foment a Twitter mob attempting to dox and disemploy you. That’s how “social justice warriors” work.

    You’re countercultural now, Scott, and so is pretty much everyone else here. Congrats!

  67. Scott says:

    By the way, I am starting something new. Anyone interested, please visit. Dalrock–if this is an innapropriate venue, please delete with my apologies.



    Take care.

  68. Anonymous Reader says:


    The JC Penney catalog probably hasn’t existed for at least 20 years. ..I can’t even begin. It’s too sad to laugh at, too.

    That video made me feel nauseous. And every guy I know IRL is like that.

    It just made me tired. Yeah, I know men like that IRL also. All of them over 50…

  69. Liz says:

    Most of the items on that grocery list exist. Unsour cream is just (wait for it) cream. 3 percent milk is also known as “whole milk” (3.5 percent). And there are many mellow cheeses…and organic pop tarts do exist.
    So basically this brilliant ploy wasted time and money and got her a bunch of sh*t she didn’t want or need. Brilliant!

  70. Nick Mgtow says:

    45 WAYS TO ANNOY YOUR HUSBAND: are you kidding me?
    The contempt is showing! And people tell me velibacy isn’t worth it?

  71. info says:

    Most women, dont call themselves feminist but absorbed its ideas and ideology.

  72. info says:


    See my comment just above.

  73. info says:

    Feminism is anti-patriarchy and pro female suffrage. Use these as a gold standard to expose feminist assumptions and ideas unconsiously absorbed from the general culture.

  74. feeriker says:

    Most women, dont call themselves feminist but absorbed its ideas and ideology.

    Yes, a distinction without a difference. Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler, and Mao Tse Tung didn’t call themselves mass murderers, but they each displayed all of the key behaviors that characterize such people.

  75. freebird says:

    “My wife handed me a shopping list like that one… once. So, you want to play? Let’s PLAY.

    Unsour cream? Whipping cream it is. 3% milk? Whole milk, coming up. Diet diet coke? Diet caffeine free soda in the cart. And so on. The last item was non-oil moisturizing skin cream. I got her a tube of KY jelly. Daughters: “What’s that, Mom?” “Uh…” Me:”That’s mom’s special cream she asked for.”
    Reddest face I ever saw.”

    While entertaining,WRONG ANSWER
    Correct answer:
    “I took the grocery money and got drunk at the titty bar,then slept with her sister.”
    That is the alpha answer.

  76. johnmcg says:

    The other crime #1’s prank exposed the husband of is trusting his wife.

    He probably thought something was amiss about items like “3% milk,” but probably figured if his wife put it on the list, it must be something she actually really needs and is available. Why would she send him out on a snipe hunt?

    Bet he won’t make that mistake again…

  77. Feminsthater: “You give men no choice but to walk that minefield. Fuck off.”

    Thumbs up – way up.

  78. BillyS says:


    You miss the concept that most women benefit from these attitudes, even if they aren’t as blunt. My exwife was convinced I controlled her and “never accepted her for who she was”. She found that to be far too oppressive and a just reason (as a Christian) to nuke a marriage of almost 30 years.

    Several women in the church we attended at the time, including the pastor’s wife, supported her actions. They quickly got behind even the mild claims she made about me because she convinced them all I was intolerable.

    She would have told you she was completely against feminism and probably would speak against the Virginia laws you note, yet she was rebellious in her heart and never could give herself to be my helpmeet. She was quite unhappy and felt I was controlling her the entire marriage because of that. I could never do enough, as with the husbands of the women Dalrock notes.

    I believe this was based in the idea that she should only be encouraged and not be required/expected to do anything. This is taught by society, church, etc. It completely goes against your idea of a mass of faithful women who disagree with all this. They may not like some of the extremes they see, but they are sympathetic to even that far more than you realize.

  79. rhodigian says:

    I vote Anna Shaffer (female teens are doing more housework than male teens, what an injustice…)
    Because she is grooming next generation feminists.

  80. BillyS says:


    I think that the bark of feminism is much worse than their bite

    That is why my life has been pretty much destroyed (and I didn’t get things as bad as many do) by an anti-feminist woman. That is why I am paying her a monthly amount, for a time. That is why she could get church support for her actions. Their bark must be a whole lot worse than I have heard….

    Keep in mind that homosexuality was (and still is) repulsive to most people 40 years ago, yet most still allow for so-called “gay marriage” because reasons. Most people are idiots and you are unfortunately making excuses for them instead of seeing reality.

    Claiming one has to become a porn freak as the only alternative is idiotic. Think a bit more, if you can.

  81. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Karen Alpert appears to be in a mixed marriage. I’m guessing she’s Jewish, the husband’s Christian. And she’s not too respectful of his religion.

    She has this photo of a fake “Christmas tree” (a pile of presents with a star on top) on her Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/p/BrtlyfDBUhY/

    Along with the snarky comment: Well look at that! Just pop a star on top and it’s a Christmas tree. Now my hubby can’t complain anymore, can he?

    The husband appears more respectful of their kids’ Hanukkah candle lighting: https://www.instagram.com/p/BrIgjMDBfE-/

    Warning to Christian men: Christian feminists are bad. Jewish feminists are doubly bad, because they’re doubly resentful. Resentful of your sex, and resentful of your religion.

  82. Dota says:

    @Anon and Ras

    I’ve also noticed the bitch face. Feminists, regardless of where they are from tend to have a bitch face. Their inner bitterness usually distorts their features.

  83. Lost Patrol says:

    This all brings to mind a delightful feminist church lady who I think has been seen here before, or maybe she first surfaced on Cane’s blog.

    We mustn’t let the terminology fool us. Ugly is more on the inside than out, as demonstrated by our cunning, and cutting model, momma pop. She is from a J.D. Grear church. Grear is the new president of the SBC that was brought in on a platform of more feminist appeasement. Beth Moore has been seen in at least one momma pop video supporting Grear, so you can kind of see which way the wind is blowing.

    The new ugly feminist for churches will be good looking and slick, not sucking liquid chocolate and making ham-handed attacks on her husband. She will take down her husband a more sophisticated approach, and he will like it. Notice that she gives him permission to do what he wants, and even helps him do what she tells him to do.

  84. Novaseeker says:

    I’ve also noticed the bitch face. Feminists, regardless of where they are from tend to have a bitch face. Their inner bitterness usually distorts their features.

    It comes standard issue on pretty much all young women around here who are in any way attractive, and even among most of those who aren’t. Older women are different, but the young ones all have resting bitch face it seems.

  85. Oscar says:

    @ rhodigian

    I vote Anna Shaffer (female teens are doing more housework than male teens, what an injustice…)

    Coincidentally, my wife mentioned something about that recently. My 15-year-old boy, my 9-year-old boy and I cleaned out our chicken coop (20 hens and a rooster) after a long, harsh winter. It was nasty in there.

    My wife remarked that our oldest son has fewer chores than his teenage sisters, but his chores are a lot tougher, nastier, and generally more unpleasant, because they’re all outdoors.

    Well… yeah. That’s the way it works. Decent men spare their women the dirtier, more physically demanding chores. In return, we’d like to come back inside, clean up, relax, kick up our feet, and enjoy a hot meal and a beverage of choice.

    Why is that too much to ask?

  86. Oscar says:

    I’ve also noticed the bitch face. Feminists, regardless of where they are from tend to have a bitch face. Their inner bitterness usually distorts their features. ~ Dota

    It comes standard issue on pretty much all young women around here who are in any way attractive, and even among most of those who aren’t. Older women are different, but the young ones all have resting bitch face it seems. ~ Novaseeker

    You mean this one?

    Feminists are actually teaching it to little girls now.

  87. Scott says:

    The “Strong is the new pretty” photo at once encapsulated pretty much the whole of reidiculous we have beome as a civilization.

    For one, it unwittingly acknowledges that “pretty” stil matters, no matter how far down this road we go. Pretty for whom? For what reason?

    For boys, will “pretty” be the new strong?

    Next, it demonstrates in one photo a phenomenon that the sunshine mary blog explored on a regular basis. That is, women have a tendency to look and behave like what they THINK it is to be masculine or manly, and end up looking like a cartoon character version of it. And it has translated into real life too.

    They think leadership is yelling and ball busting. They think strength is unmitigated violence. Pretending to be a man is impossible, if you aren’t one.

    THey learn it from watching movies like “Mr and Mrs Smith” where the 110 lb female lead can leave a trail of fit, special forces-like operators all lying on the floor and still be “sexy” or whatever.

    It’s stupid. Like everything else about the make believe world we have created.

  88. Frank K says:

    Warning to Christian men: Christian feminists are bad.

    Not only that, but “Christian Feminist” is an oxymoron, as there is no such thing. You either serve The Lord or you serve Mammon, you can’t serve both.

  89. wodansthane says:

    @ JRob

    Re: Sarah Bessey’s prayer.
    A true “Proverbs 31 Woman”, that one!

  90. PokeSalad says:

    Bet he won’t make that mistake again…

    Bet he will.

  91. Dota says:

    Oscar and Novaseeker

    When I visited China I found myself in a better mood. I realized later on that it was because there were half a billion women there but almost no bitch faces. It’s the same in the middle east and even in South Asia. What bothers me about the bitch face is that it is an expression stamped on the faces of women (white north american women) who are possibly the most privileged class of humans to ever walk this planet. It is the sheer lack of gratitude that I find so appalling. Not to mention that ingratitude under such circumstances is also shockingly shameless.

  92. Oscar says:

    @ Dota

    What bothers me about the bitch face is that it is an expression stamped on the faces of women (white north american women) who are possibly the most privileged class of humans to ever walk this planet.

    The bitch face is an expression stamped on Western women precisely because they are arguably the most privileged class of humans to ever walk this planet.

    It’s the problem of pleasure* described in Ecclesiastes. When people get everything they think they want rarely leads to happiness. Typically, the opposite happens. When people get everything they think they want, it doesn’t make them any happier, and that realization leads to meaninglessness, despair, bitterness, rage, or some combination thereof.

    “Meaningless! Meaningless!”
    says the Teacher.
    “Utterly meaningless!
    Everything is meaningless.”

    * As opposed to the problem of pain described in Job.

  93. Novaseeker says:

    What bothers me about the bitch face is that it is an expression stamped on the faces of women (white north american women) who are possibly the most privileged class of humans to ever walk this planet. It is the sheer lack of gratitude that I find so appalling. Not to mention that ingratitude under such circumstances is also shockingly shameless.

    It’s as Oscar says … when you are treated like a princess (and attractive young women are treated like royalty in our society, without question), you become entitled and everything around you is eventually worthy of contempt. Contempt is the default setting.

    We have to realize that men have played a huge role in creating this, however. If you are an attractive woman under 30, men have been tripping all over themselves all day every day since you were 15 … after a while it becomes so much that the only thing it deserves is contempt really. Men’s thirst has created this phenomenon.

  94. Anonymous Reader says:

    We have to realize that some men have played a huge role in creating this, however. If you are an attractive woman under 30, some men have been tripping all over themselves all day every day since you were 15 … after a while it becomes so much that the only thing it deserves is contempt really. Some Men’s thirst has created this phenomenon.”

    Fixed that paragraph for you. No extra charge.[1]

    Returning to the OP, it should have been obvious from the start to all of us that these are merely fitness tests. Some are more elaborate, but they remain fitness tests. A man who is centered on his wife will fail them. A man who is centered on something else, whether “his mission” in the secular manosphere sense or “God’s mission” in the Christian manosphere sense – that man can / could / should swat these tests away like a pesky mosquito. There are many ways to do that, but the first step for any man is to recognize that not all requests from his wife are reasonable; the de facto assumption that she’s his “better half” or “the boss” has to be erased from his emotions. Because it leads to him submitting to her, and that’s the road to disaster.

    There’s the issue. Men are taught to submit to women by the schools, by the larger social structures, by the churches, by other men (White Knights). This is foolish madness by the standards of history, by the standards of evo-psych, and in the churchgoing sense it is madness by the literal words of Bible quotes.

    The androsphere stands alone against the foolish madness. The only advantage we have is our way works and theirs does not.

    [1] This is not a trivial detail. 1970’s feminism was all about “Men” did this and “Men” didn’t do that; Brownmillers screed Against our will asserted that all men use rape to intimidate and control all women. All being a key word. Modern traditional conservatives as shown in the vid up thread posted by AnonS say almost exactly the same thing. “Group guilt” of this sort is quite commonly used by tyrants across history. It’s a trap. Don’t fall for it.

  95. Anonymous Reader says:

    That vid posted by Lost Patrol is a perfect example. Next time someone asks “So what is wrong with Complementarianism” just serve up the vid. Save time, words and energy.

  96. Anonymous Reader says:

    Cripes, HTML tag fail again. Only the quote from Nova was supposed to be in italics, my para in regular text. Sigh.

  97. feeriker says:

    Karen Alpert appears to be in a mixed marriage. I’m guessing she’s Jewish, the husband’s Christian. And she’s not too respectful of his religion.

    Did the poor stupid dolt have a shotgun pointed at his head, forcing him to the altar and putting a ring on her finger?

    Seriously, what kind of a moron marries a Jewish woman? Jewish men don’t even do that except under extreme duress! I really have a hard time feeling sorry for this guy. He reminds me of the adult who should know better who steps into a lion’s cage and then complains when he gets mauled.

  98. vfm7916 says:

    Fun comments, had to catch up from last night.

    @BillyS – You have my compassion, bruh. The only bit I wonder about is if you didn’t control her enough. Ignore what she said, and try to remember what she did. Maybe she was throwing her toe over the line to see what you would do? I don’t know, but it might be worth trying to remember.


    That made my morning.

    Dalrock take note: That’s the way to end a post. Not just a poll, but a last wiggle of the shiv.


    Bruh, stating the all risks would be completely redundant and would produce a WoT that would make eyes bleed. You do that so well anyway.

    As to choice, it’s you who make a choice. I just say that without doing the marriage and kid thing you may as well have never existed. When you return to dust there will be no one to remember you but a couple of friends, dimly, until their lives distract them. Your knowledge, genetic legacy, and property will blow to the wind. If you wanna do the out of wedlock thing, say hello to sin and screwed up children. Both those outcomes are guaranteed. Doing the marriage and kids thing, that outcome is not guaranteed. But it’s not sin and you have a good probability, as in 50% minimum but greater with the right selection choices, of succeeding and lasting. Those are your choice to make.

    As to your ending line, I leave this quote:

    “To the German Commander:


    From the American Commander”

  99. Anonymous Reader says:

    @BillyS – You have my compassion, bruh. The only bit I wonder about is if you didn’t control her enough. Ignore what she said, and try to remember what she did. Maybe she was throwing her toe over the line to see what you would do? I don’t know, but it might be worth trying to remember.

    BillyS has been here for a while, and he’s shared quite a bit over the years. I’m not him so I won’t presume to even start, it is his story. Lots of things can happen in 20+ years. Your suggestions are well intentioned, however, they are years late at the very least. Don’t rub salt into his wounds, ok?

    I will point out that as far as I can tell, he did all the things he was supposed to do according to modern church teachings. However, modern churchmen really have no answer to the Problem That Has No Name, i.e. a wife who becomes unhaaaaaapy. Because the modern church is feminine-centered, and not just in the “Jesus is my BFF!” music, either.

  100. Ras al Ghul says:


    in addition to searching heartiste for slut tells, you should check out shrink for men’s blog, she has lists of tells for women with personality disorders.

    which there are a lot of, minimum 4 percent of the female population, but I suspect it’s more like 1 in 10. overall mental illness is closer to 1 in 3 if you lump in bipolar and other serious mental illness 50 percent with depression.

    Give or take.

    I will mention two things I have learned: if her eyes ever seem to flash with anger when there is no reason for it, or you get a flat, shark like predator look when they think no one is looking, usually it is there and then gone in a flash, what you are seeing is the mask slip for just a second.

    That malevolence is their true self.

    The other thing is anxiety. if they suffer from anxiety and take medication for it or say they should.

    they either spend their whole life hiding their nature and fear getting caught constantly.

    or they have some trauma in the past that hasn’t healed.

    Either way its bad.

    The other thing that I think is worth mentioning is how many men that are married would you happily trade places with, or envy their relationship?

    I can count on one hand how many and still have a thumb and three fingers left.

    Marriage is for the benefit of children, society, and women.

  101. anonymous_ng says:

    So, I wonder if those country conservatives tell their sons the same thing, look at how she treats her brothers and fathers, and if she’s a bitch, then don’t you dare marry them?

    Should a *real* man hold the door for a woman, or go through the door first in case there is a danger, and because he knows his own worth?

  102. Lost Patrol says:

    I never could understand it over the years. Two dozen or so pretty young women in their 20’s, nieces by marriage, and their friends. Private schooling for most through high school, degrees from locally prestigious state U, nice clothes, good jobs, slim figures, parental support; and bitch face. Why don’t they look cheerful with all they have going for them?

    Reviewing mental Rolodex against comments in this thread I get it now. Ease, comfort, continuous affirmation, entitlement, orbiters, …contempt.

    Resting bitch face is the face of contempt.

  103. Anonymous Reader says:

    So, I wonder if those country conservatives tell their sons the same thing, look at how she treats her brothers and fathers, and if she’s a bitch, then don’t you dare marry them?

    Nah. Too far down the White Knight rabbit hole.

    If you want some instant entertainment, get an average mom of a high school girl talking about “respect” and how important it is to see what her daughters dates do. Then casually say “We should teach young men to watch how their girls treat brothers and fathers, because that’s how they will treat you”. The last time I did this to a “mom”, her jaw dropped, she literally stood there open mouthed, and then got flustered blurting out that her daughter was rather mean to her brother.

    The idea that female humans should treat male humans as human beings is pretty radical now.

  104. thedeti says:

    The thing about the country bumpkin conservatives is that this was the kind of ‘game and frame’ men were raised with circa 1950s-1970s. This is what I was painstakingly taught and instructed was the way you attract women. Deference, admiration, opening doors, bowing, scraping, obsequiousness: These things are sexually attractive to women, we were told. Doing these things for women really turns them on and makes them want to sex you. This just makes women swoon with lust.

    This is the same instruction Focus on the Family, Al Mohler, Steve Arterburn, Family Life, Dennis Rainey/Bob LaPine, etc. are giving men now: Be really really nice to women, and watch their lady parts moisten. Defer to women and give them whatever they want, and your wives will want to sleep with you. Bow and scrape and humble yourselves before women, and watch their panties drop.

    Too many men are finding out the hard way it just isn’t so.

  105. vfm7916 says:

    @Anonymous Reader

    I’ve read some of his posts for years as well, but his phrasing here made something click. I also agree that modern church teaching is absolutely lacking in regard to women. That points to the loss of the controls of patriarchy and the feminization of the church.

    Also, no salt should be construed with that. Looking at the past with a different lens has always helped me integrate experiences I didn’t fully understand. So I asked the question to see if that thought applied, and I’d be interested in the answer. My compassion remains the same. That should not have happened to him, and it’s his ex-wife’s sin to blow his godly marriage up.

    As @thedeti notes, being nice to women, following all the church teachings, does not, and has not worked.

  106. rocko says:

    “Although male partners are doing more chores at home than ever before, the gender divide in housework remains one of the most persistent (and frustrating) barriers to gender parity. Women still take on most of the cooking and cleaning at home—a pattern that even continues among retired people. And depressingly, recent research shows that this trend starts early, with teen girls spending more time on housework than teen boys each day.”

    But riddle me this Batman: which gender still has to work at least 8 hours a day?

  107. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    Lost Patrol: Why don’t they look cheerful with all they have going for them?

    I think partially they’re mimicking what they see on TV. Many people, especially the young, learn “proper” behavior from their favorite TV shows and celebrities.

    Young girls have that resting bitch look because that’s how the “strong women” appear on TV shows. That stern, mean look has been a staple of TV dramas since the 1970s.

    Pick any cop show, or even medical drama, of the past 40 years. The women all have that same stern look. The men have it too. So once again, it’s women mimicking men. (Actually, women mimicking women who mimick men.)

    Some examples:


    I think many women absorb that look, subconsciously, just by watching so much TV.

    It’s a look that conveys attitude. A look that says to the world, I’m bad-ass. You don’t want to mess with me. I eat men like you for breakfast.

  108. thedeti says:

    Before no fault divorce and full bore second wave feminism, 1950s style “treat em nice open the door for ’em and defer to them treat them like a princess” game got you a wife who was, at least, not a bitch most of the time, and who was a mostly rational actor. It got you a wife who understood what her job/role was, and she mostly did her best to do that job/fill that role. Mostly. Because most of society leaned on her pretty hard to do that job/fill that role. And most of society made clear :

    you don’t do your job/fill that role, no husband/father of kids/provider for you. Or whatever husband you do get will be a POS even worse than the beta boy you can stand having sex with.

  109. I’m relieved to see female nature revealed in this public manner for all men to see.

    For decades I think women did an exceptionally good job of keeping their antipathy and inability to genuinely appreciate anything well under wraps. But now they are free to let their true feelings be known, as there are zero consequences I’m sure.

    The truth is women do not love men.
    Not really.
    They really do hate us, for a litany of reasons, starting with envy.
    Any amorous they might have on display for men is either purely recreational or motivated by resource acquisition.

    No matter what men may do, how much men would sacrifice, forego, provide and protect for her reality, her heart in the end is empty and full of contempt.

    The best men can hope for in aggregate is that she will put a veil on her contempt in front of you, and relent to treat you nicely from time to time.

  110. Frank K says:

    So, I wonder if those country conservatives tell their sons the same thing, look at how she treats her brothers and fathers, and if she’s a bitch, then don’t you dare marry them?

    This used to be common sense.

  111. feministhater says:

    Your knowledge, genetic legacy, and property will blow to the wind. If you wanna do the out of wedlock thing, say hello to sin and screwed up children. Both those outcomes are guaranteed. Doing the marriage and kids thing, that outcome is not guaranteed. But it’s not sin and you have a good probability, as in 50% minimum but greater with the right selection choices, of succeeding and lasting. Those are your choice to make.

    It all blows to the wind anyway. Your fundamental point is lost to the winds itself. You are but dust. You will be forgotten, just as I will be and every person on this blog will be. You are not important. I have but a one life to live. I will live it as I see fit. Everything you just stated has happened already. We have screwed up children, not because men don’t marry but because women choose to delay marriage, screw around and divorce once married. You require more of this because the risk is only 50%…. shall I relay your own message to you? ….. Nuts!

    My choice is not to take a stupid risk just to please you whilst placing myself under the duress of a system built to destroy me. You can fuck right off.

    You give men only one choice to be so called ‘real’ men. You are a tradcon. You believe a man cannot be a man without being married and having children. You play right into the hands of feminists because you never allow a man to say ‘no’. Not when it counts anyway. If men have to marry and have children to find their worth as men than women can do anything they want because there will never be consequences.

    MGTOW is a consequence of feminism and the insane legal and family court system. It is right, proper and just. It does not need your approval, nor sanction.

    Take your shame and shove it.

  112. BillyS says:


    @BillyS – You have my compassion, bruh. The only bit I wonder about is if you didn’t control her enough. Ignore what she said, and try to remember what she did. Maybe she was throwing her toe over the line to see what you would do? I don’t know, but it might be worth trying to remember.

    I didn’t control her enough? That was her whole point – I controlled her all the time in her world. (I dared to expect a wife, not a roommate who may or may not do what she said she would do.)

    Do you really think a man can control a woman now?


    I didn’t do everything perfectly, but I attempted to lead. The core problem was that she never wanted to follow anyone, let alone me. So she felt controlled anytime I led, since it was coercion in her view, not leading. The truth is irrelevant.

    A woman who doesn’t want to follow and will not build a marriage is impossible to lead in today’s world. Nothing in the world or churches today holds such women accountable to even live up to the voluntary commitments they make.

    Her unhappiness had built during the entire marriage, but too much of the messaging was that it was my fault that it existed, completely ignoring any role she played in that unhappiness.


    As @thedeti notes, being nice to women, following all the church teachings, does not, and has not worked.

    Then why do you claim that a lot of women are really not feminists in their hearts?

  113. DrTorch says:

    I came across the latest issue of Guideposts earlier this week. It bills itself as a Christian publication, and pushes feel good stories, in lieu of the gospel.

    It markets itself to women, so it’s filled w/ stories of feminists who aren’t mean to their husbands so they must be great examples of Christianity.

    The most profound was an MD who left her husband behind in the US so she could go on an adventure serving in Antarctica. Of course he wrote the story as his courageous triumph over (his unfounded) bitterness that his wife left him, and how he managed to find a way to get to Antarctica to be with her on her THIRD tour, like a well heeled dog.

  114. Anonymous Reader says:

    The truth is women do not love men.

    They do not love men as men want them to. That’s different from “do not love men”.
    Men are the true romantics. Women love more opportunistically.

    They really do hate us, for a litany of reasons, starting with envy.

    Women envy men, no question. They want to be “where the guys are”, in many ways. Women do not understand men, they do not have to do so until advanced age when they can’t learn anyway.

    Women also project. They project quite a lot. This has many implications, when they project their own vices and bad behaviors onto men.

  115. Novaseeker says:

    The truth is women do not love men.

    Eh, overstated. Women do love men, but not like men love women. They love differently, it is more conditional and it has more to do with what we do than with who we are. But you know that, I think, or at least you’ve seen it explained elsewhere — no need to rehash it completely here I think.


    Before no fault divorce and full bore second wave feminism, 1950s style “treat em nice open the door for ’em and defer to them treat them like a princess” game got you a wife who was, at least, not a bitch most of the time, and who was a mostly rational actor.

    Yes. Beta game worked then, which is what those country conservatives were talking about (although it is anachronistic in the extreme to talk about it now!). There was always alpha game, too (see “the Fonz” … local versions of him, less comical ones, existed everywhere and had success with women in the 50s and 60s pre sex-rev-68-revolution). But as you point out the entire social order subsidized and supported beta game, too. That changed beginning circa 1965. The changes were slower then because it was a slower era than now, and it took a generation or so for the key drivers to work through the system. By the late 1980s and early 1990s, that had happened, and we had a large group of educated, independently earning women, together with a collapsing industrial economy and a burgeoning service economy and health sector … and the rest is history that most of us are well familiar with, having lived through it personally. The subsidized beta game ended around 1970 technically, but it took another 15-20 years for it to work through the generations in terms of women growing up with post-second-wave life scripts.

  116. Anonymous Reader says:

    Beta game worked then, which is what those country conservatives were talking about (although it is anachronistic in the extreme to talk about it now!).

    It’s llke a time capsule from 1970, transmitted by wormhole to the current year.

    It’s a handy video to have around, to realize just how clueless many men over 40 really are.

    I wonder if they would make a ‘dating advice’ vid?

    “Welp. Just be yerself! Yep! That’s what yuh gotta do, and open doors and take yer hat off and stand up and tug yer forelock and call her ‘m’Lady and take yer coat off for her to walk on and lay down in front of her door so she can wipe her feet and buy her stuff and maybe you, too, can get to raise your wife’s child”.

    Something like that.

  117. Joe Ego says:

    Then casually say “We should teach young men to watch how their girls treat brothers and fathers, because that’s how they will treat you”. The last time I did this to a “mom”, her jaw dropped, she literally stood there open mouthed, and then got flustered blurting out that her daughter was rather mean to her brother.

    Holeeee… Yeah, definitely making use of that on my boys. And the corollary on my daughters as well. Thank you.

  118. Anonymous Reader says:

    @Joe Ego

    Happy to be of service.
    “Watch what they do, never mind what they say” is a good tool in lots of areas of life.

  119. Liz says:

    It’s great she got her husband a beer and felt the need to post about it on twitter.

  120. feeriker says:

    It’s great she got her husband a beer and felt the need to post about it on twitter.

    Considering that nowadays women regard any activity of a domestic or serving nature, no matter how innocuous or simple, to be either 1) degrading and disgusting, or 2) onerously difficult, she probably felt justified in posting it to Twitter as some kind of Presidential Award-worthy event.

  121. Westray says:


    “Every feeling is now sacred. Every desire is valid. No decision is wrong.”

    Very well-stated.

    “I took the grocery money and got drunk at the titty bar,then slept with her sister.”
    That is the alpha answer.

    Except that her sister is obese.

    Also, a hearty lol @ “50% minimum but greater with the right selection choices,” as a statement of odds in modern marriage. LOL for real.

  122. Dudebro says:

    Great polls Dalrock. Keep em coming.

  123. JRob says:

    I nominate Wade Burleson for the next round of competition.
    I’m a conservative, Bible-believing Christ-follower who believes that homosexual behavior in the bedroom is sinful but that gender equality in the boardroom is sacred…

    I have been the pastor of the church I lead for over 27 years. When I came to Emmanuel in 1992, it was a traditional, patriarchal church where males only were in roles of leadership and females only were in roles of service. Leadership at the church was based on position and authority rather than service and humility. Only males could be in “a position of authority.”

    Gifted females were restricted in their roles. They couldn’t teach (with other males present), serve in leadership roles (if other males were present), or provide direction to God’s people unless “in submission” to the male leaders present in the room.

    I’ve often scratched my head how followers of Jesus speak so boldly against homosexual behavior in the bedroom but then practice homosexual behavior in the boardroom.


    *Love* the re/misdirection here.

  124. JRob says:

    Johnathan Catherman appeared on FotF’s broadcast today to hawk his book, “Manual to Manhood.”
    FotF’s ad copy:
    “Jonathan Catherman, author of The Manual to Manhood, explains why today’s parents need to be more intentional about teaching their sons basic life skills they’ll need as they become men.”

    He talks of chivalry and establishes his wife’s feminist bonafides. He follows with his doormat credentials with an unknown female store clerk dealing with his child’s tantrum. Just two examples cherry picked from many.

    …My wife did the same thing. When we were dating in high school, I opened a door for her and she looked at me. I think – and I’d opened many doors for her, but this time she crossed her arms and gave me the head bob and the hip way out and she goes, “I can open my own door, thank you very much.” I’m thinkin’, “Where did that come from?” And it really was this context of she appreciated the chivalry; at the same time, she’s perfectly capable.

    Jonathan: Everybody’s watchin’ us and this woman who owned the candy store, she corrected me because I said to my son, “You’re embarrassing. Get up. Look; everybody’s watching you. You’re embarrassing yourself.” Translated, “You’re really embarrassing me.”

    Jim: Right.

    Jonathan: “You’re in trouble; get up; we’re goin’ home. You’re gonna be in timeout.” And she said, “Stop right now.”

    Jim: Wow.

    Jonathan: And she turned me around and she said, “Put him right back down where you got him.” So down he went again, back into the temper tantrum and she flipped the script. She went back down. She got down onto his level and said, “Reed, will you repeat after me?” And in a series of repeats, he went from layin’ on the floor, throwin’ a temper tantrum to sitting up, standing up, to marching around her candy store, pumping his fists in the air saying, “I’m strong; I am brave and I’m of great courage.”

    Jim: Huh.

    Jonathan: And I looked at her and I said, “How did you do that? What are you, the child whisperer?” And she got her finger in my face and said, “No, you have to speak it so, Jonathan. You gave him no other options. You told him he was embarrassing, in trouble, going home to be in timeout. What else did you say to him?” I said, “I didn’t say anything.” She goes, “Every day you need to tell him to be strong, to be brave and to be of great courage.”

  125. Anonymous Reader says:

    “I am special, I am special, Look at me, Look at me”. The California “self esteem” movement worked out so very well, it’s got to succeed in a churchgoing context.

    Focus on the Family Failure….

  126. feeriker says:

    JRob says:
    April 7, 2019 at 12:33 pm

    Wade Burleson made the mistake of dropping by here a couple of years ago in a half-hearted attempt to defend his complementarian manginics. Like all such who venture here with the intent of dropping sarcasm bombs while avoiding having to defend their positions, he didn’t fare too well and hasn’t been seen or heard from since.

  127. BillyS says:

    They celebrate someone else telling you how to raise your children. It definitely wasn’t that bad when I listened a decade or two ago.

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