Taking things too far.

What is so striking about the modern Christian rationalization of the feminist life script is how much further Christians take it than secular feminists.  This seems to be an artifact of claiming that the results of feminism and the sexual revolution are actually God’s will.  For example, Christian women have adopted the same “never settle” mantra in their twenties that secular women have, but Christian women claim God is telling them to never settle.  Wendy Griffith literally wrote the book on this, but you can see her making the same claim in this video:

Griffith:  If we don’t know that, again we’ll settle for much less. You know it breaks God’s heart when we settle. And that’s the other thing that the Lord taught me through the heartbreak was God hates compromise! He hates it when we settle, because He’s a good daddy, he wants to give his daughters – and his sons – His very best. And He’ll let us settle if we ignore all the red flags and if we keep going He’ll say ok but He desperately doesn’t want us to settle. He want’s us to hold out for His best.

More recently Griffith described God’s direct instruction to her to follow the feminist life script.  Unlike secular feminists who focus on marrying by their mid thirties (late thirties at worst), Griffith has taken this into her 50s.

Now, God had told me in my late thirties … I had a very clear word from the Lord that I would have to wait for my husband. And I was having a great time. I didn’t even want to get married then because I was traveling all over the world, and doing exciting stories for CBN, and my TV career was taking off. But when I turned 40, I remember driving down the road and screaming. And it wasn’t necessarily a good scream. It was sort of like, “Okay, God, where is he?” But it wasn’t time. I was rushing it. Little did I know, you know, that I would be, you know, well into my fifties.

Griffith then explains that God has finally provided the man He told her to wait for:

But, I’m telling you, Joel 2, Doug, God restores the years. I wouldn’t trade anything. You know, Bill, my boyfriend now, is 5 years older than me. Well, he’s 4-1/2 and, I don’t know, it’s perfect.

That was a year ago, making them 54 and 59 now!*  Contrast that with the secular feminist warning to young women not to ride the carousel too long, and to settle in their thirties, when the settling is good.  Also keep in mind that Griffith isn’t claiming God had a fairly unique life script in mind for her by having her delay marriage until (it would appear) her late 50s.  Griffith is selling “God hates it when you settle” to Christian women across the board.

Christian women have also adopted the same empowerment message that goes along with the feminist life script.  The more empowered a Christian woman is in her “season of singleness”, the better her Christian marriage will ultimately be!  See never married Wendy Griffith (now 54) and never married Mandy Hale (now 40) discussing how to be successful in marriage at the 700 Club:

Hale:  As long as you’re in this moment, as a single woman, loving yourself, thriving where you are at, deciding to live as big and bold and brave of a life as you can, regardless of whether you are flying solo or not.

Griffith: Now, how is being happily single a precursor to being happily taken?

Hale: I think it’s all about realizing that your self worth and your value is really based on what’s inside you and not in who is standing beside you. And I think, I’ve heard quotes that talk about, your married life can only be as successful as your single life. And so I think you really just work on as a single person becoming all the things you hope to attract in another person, you can’t go wrong.

Griffith: And Mandy I love what you said, you said “Stop looking for a hero and become your own hero.” How do you do that?

You can see the exchange between Griffith and Hale here:

You also see all of the same kind of vacuous social media messages aimed at women, but these are presented as Christian, if not God’s will.

As a sign of just how far Christian women are taking this, note that the last tweet by Hale points to an article she wrote for the AARP:  Party Of One: Learning To Be Alone And To Like It

*Correction:  I originally had the ages of Wendy and Bill as 55 and 60, instead of 54 and 59.

This entry was posted in Aging Feminists, CBN, Death of courtship, Finding a Spouse, Having it all, Mandy Hale, Too traditional to be traditional, Wendy Griffith, You can't make this stuff up. Bookmark the permalink.

181 Responses to Taking things too far.

  1. #strongchristianwoman #foreveralone

  2. Frank K says:

    That was a year ago, making them 55 and 60 now!

    Why would any man want to marry at the age of 60? I can understand being 60 and married to a woman for 30+ years, but starting from scratch when you’re 60? Here is my wild guess. This dude is either divorced or a maybe a widower, and he just isn’t used to living alone. Some guys are like that.

    Of course, she will never have children. Even adoption makes no sense given their advanced age (they’re almost old enough to start collecting Social Security). They would be in their 70’s when the kid was in high school. It is possible that one or both of them might be dead by then.

  3. Christopher Conrad Nystrom says:

    “…Bill, my boyfriend now, is 5 years older than me.” – So she is still not married?!?!

  4. Charles B says:

    When women are alone it’s because they are just so strong and empowered that we command are intimidated by it and they are equally happy if not more so than women who got married younger.

    But when a man is single is because hes an unattractive loser who is selfishly indulging in things that only he likes.

    Man I hate this crap.

  5. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    When I was in my 20s, I thought it was ridiculous to call 20s adults “boyfriend” and “girlfriend.” How much more so to call people in their 50s and 60s “girlfriend and boyfriend.”

  6. Charles B says:

    >but if you don’t enjoy your own company, how can you expect anyone else to?

    Not even getting into whether or not this is an accurate predictor for getting married and having a happy married life on top of that.

    What biblical basis is there for this? If you are a Christian then you must acknowledge that God-created woman literally to be a help to man and to procreate. There is no reason to believe that Women even could be or would be likely to be happier living single and unproductive lives. The only way it makes sense to read Saint Paul’s exhortation not to be married is for those who do not feel the desire to. But if you do then you ought to be getting after it ASAP because otherwise you will fall into sin. So women who desire to be married but do nothing to make it happen cannot possibly be living biblical lives.

  7. drifter says:

    Notice the importance both women place on loving yourself. My Bible says we’re to die to self.
    And I chuckled when Hale said that she couldn’t find any material on being single and happy (or whatever). She said she looked for books, videos, etc. But I don’t recall her mentioning that she looked in the Bible. Maybe I missed it.

  8. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    I see that Mandy Hale’s book is subtitled “Love, Life, and a Dash of Sass.”

    A dash of sass? Doesn’t sassy mean to be rude, sarcastic, pushy, and foul-mouthed?

  9. Nathan Bruno says:

    It was a blessing when God let me settle for a Chevrolet. I had aspirations to a Mercedes; I thought about a Cadillac; and, being from an Oldsmobile family, I had reason to expect certain minimums in life. Yet, God allowed me to settle for a Chevrolet, and it’s the only previous car I have any fond memories of!

  10. drifter says:

    A prize to be won? Enjoy Frank Barone’s take on that…

  11. thedeti says:

    The elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about is that most never married Christian women in their 30s and 40s have had premarital sex with very attractive men. A significant number of them are alpha widows.

    Most of these women are in the same boat as their secular counterparts. The men available to them aren’t attractive to them and aren’t good enough for them. They’ve already had very satisfying sexual and dating experiences with much more attractive men. And so none of the men available to them measure up. They are rejecting men left and right, or men are ‘prejecting” themselves – they know they have no chance with most women so they won’t even try.

  12. Novaseeker says:

    “Fall in love with yourself.”

    Utterly demonic. Love yourself, yes, because that involves taking care of yourself, being disciplined, avoiding self-harm and self-sabotage and so on. But “falling in love” with yourself is narcissistic at the very least. It is so far removed from anything Christian that it’s hard to understand how Hale cannot see that … then again, she’s clearly already head over heels in love with herself. Yet she wonders why men don’t like this. Hmmm.

    And to deti’s point, if you look at pics of Hale in her 30s I think it’s pretty clear that she is an alpha widow. No doubt some attractive guys would still love a turn with her, but marrying someone with that personality is a non-starter for all but a thirsty type, and that’s not someone she would find attractive so … single.

  13. It has to be said – this MGTOW path is making more and more sense by the hour for alll men, young and old.

    What do you imagine these women are doing while they are “holding out for God”?

    I am going to hang onto my lottery ticket for as long as possible. God said I can redeem it whenever.

    First of all, no they won’t hang onto the ticket forever. They will either lose it entirely or settle.
    In their minds, they are already settling no matter what you do, and who you are as a man.
    And they are settling very hard.
    You know what’s next, right?
    Why can’t you Christian men stop sinning and appreciate her noble sacrifice to you as a lesser man?


  14. Zarathustra says:

    What strikes me about Griffith, et al, is that they never define “settling”. If a guy possesses 99/100 of the attributes a woman desires is that settling? What about 78/100, 35/100 etc… The fact is no matter whether we are in the market for a house, a car, a job or a wife, we seldom get EVERYTHING we are looking for. Part of being an adult is knowing that magic range where we get most of what we want, or at least an acceptable level of what we want, while not selling ourselves short.

  15. Anon says:

    What is so striking about the modern Christian rationalization of the feminist life script is how much further Christians take it than secular feminists.

    This is why people are actually harder on cuckservatives than on average secular Democrats.

    Cuckservatives from the reddest of red states are the ones who invented or strengthened the absolute worst laws, such as VAWA and the Child Support Regime. A tradcon cuckservative is the one who will get very zealous about coercing men into marriage, whereas the average secular Democrat is more likely to say that if a man does not want to marry, that is up to him.

  16. Anon says:


    A significant number of them are alpha widows.

    I would contend that almost ALL of the ones that were ever even moderately attractive are alpha widows.

  17. texinole says:

    “[Hale]: …you really just work on as a single person becoming all the things you hope to attract in another person, you can’t go wrong.”

    One must only rework the order of this sentence to identify why she is still single and what she can effectively do about it:

    “…you really just work on as a single person becoming all the things another person is attracted to, you can’t go wrong.”

  18. vfm7916 says:

    Is it so surprising to see churchian women violate the First Commandment?

    It’s been the prime sin of every woman who occupied the center of her universe since Eve wanted to be as God. Why would she settle for Adam when she could marry up?

    It’s certainly not rational, but hey, what else are hamsters for?

  19. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    Imagine how the average man would respond if he were able to spend his 20s banging 8s to 10s and then had to settle for a 4-6 in his 30s. That is why we are now at a point where the alphas need to be brought to heel with the threat of state violence if they don’t stop plowing through the female population.

  20. texinole says:

    Imagine how the average man would respond if he were able to spend his 20s banging 8s to 10s and then had to settle for a 4-6 in his 30s.

    I see what you’re getting at, but given biological reality, that *IS* what lots of men go through: sexual adventurism with young, fun, fit, and energetic women followed by sifting through embittered, joyless, hellions driven crazier than normal by biological imperatives to find one to spend the rest of your life cohabiting. I exaggerate, but only just.

  21. thedeti says:


    I can’t say how many are alpha widows, or how many had premarital sex. I’d love to know the histories of the women Dalrock has written about. Griffith, Hitchings, Hale, Anderson, and so many other never-married Christian women advising women on how to find mates.

    I can’t speculate about this. What I can say is that most women, married or single, Christian or nonChristian, don’t make it to 30 without having had sex with someone. Most unmarried Christian women have had sex, by choice.

  22. thedeti says:

    And most women have premarital sex because they can, because there are no real lasting consequences for it, and because it is very, very hard to get through your 20s without having sex.

    Women have sex drives too. Women want to have sex with attractive men. Women very, very much enjoy sex with attractive men. And they don’t have to be married to do it.

  23. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    And yet we know by simply looking out the window and observing reality that most men aren’t alphas and aren’t getting laid like tile by hot and nubile 8s-10s on a regular basis.

    I used to work with a woman who was a 6 on a good day and she used to make comments “like he thought he had a chance with me.” That, right there, is proof of how insidiously toxic it is to allow alphas and wannabe alphas to run around uncontrolled.

    When America “was great” we didn’t tolerate any of this stuff.

  24. texinole says:

    I was not clear on the similarity I was trying to draw. I don’t mean that most sexually active men are banging 8’s in their youth etc. I mean that the women they ARE bedding in their youth are relative 8’s and 10’s compared to those same women aged another 10-20 years. And it’s not just their fading looks that drop their score, but the bitterness that comes from it.

  25. Dalrock says:

    @Il Deplorevolissimo

    Imagine how the average man would respond if he were able to spend his 20s banging 8s to 10s and then had to settle for a 4-6 in his 30s. That is why we are now at a point where the alphas need to be brought to heel with the threat of state violence if they don’t stop plowing through the female population.

    This is why we are trapped on the island.

  26. thedeti says:

    Il Deplore:

    Doing away with players never solves the problem. You will always have players and sluts.

    The way you solve this is with both male AND female self-control and with societal controls disincentivizing premarital sex and incentivizing marriage.

    There are no consequences for women having premarital sex. Men pay those consequences, and society pays. But women don’t. And society has been completely reengineered to allow women to have extramarital and premarital sex not only with impunity, but with encouragement.

    The way you get a handle on this is you disincentivize women from this.

  27. thedeti says:

    No matter how many players we get rid of, women will always find the few players there are, and have sex with them. Even if there are no players, women will find the most attractive single men, and have sex with them. If there are no single men, women will find attractive married men, and have sex with them.

    Doing away with players won’t solve the problem. It can’t be done anyway, and even if you did, women would still have premarital sex with any and all available attractive men.

  28. Frank K says:

    I can’t say how many are alpha widows, or how many had premarital sex.

    I suspect that most have. You rarely read about one of them saying that they’re still virgins and have saved themselves for marriage. They do blather about how they had “relationships” in their 20’s that led to nowhere. That to me sounds like an Alpha Widow. Sleeping and maybe even cohabitating with Alphas, but they never can reel him in and suddenly they’re in their 30’s and realize that they will never have children.

    It’s very sobering when you ponder that women who consider themselves to be Christians and conservatives, who write articles and blog about “traditional values” and are looked up to by many as role models of Christian holiness have N counts comparable to that slick guy you knew from school, work, etc. who was known as the dude who easily scored with women.

    It definitely explains why as time runs out for them that they can’t bring themselves to take initiative with men, after all, they are accustomed to having men plead for their attention. If they need a favor, like a household or car repair, there is a line of beta orbiters ready to do their bidding. But best of all, the hawt guys show interest too, just don’t take too long to spread your legs for him or he’ll quickly move on without even a goodbye. Of course, he’ll move on after he tires of you.

  29. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    Threatening to shame a player is like threatening to wax a Ferrari on the premise that it’ll make it less desirable.

  30. Randy M says:

    “Fall in love with yourself.”
    Yup, that about sums up the law and the prophets, doesn’t it?

  31. Il Deplorevolissimo says:


    Doing away with players never solves the problem. You will always have players and sluts.

    I don’t think you can eliminate players, but you can certainly disincentivize them. For example, I think any man who has more than one child out of wedlock is an excellent candidate for a full castration even if he’s filthy rich. Make a fucking eunuch out of him.

  32. Anon says:

    Il Deploro,

    That is why we are now at a point where the alphas need to be brought to heel with the threat of state violence if they don’t stop plowing through the female population.

    Again, you are blaming men, not women. That is just the blue-pill cuckservative position.

    Part of the reason there is so much single motherhood in America is that cuckservative passed laws to incentivize this, since they are 100% convinced that out-of-wedlock pregnancies only happen because of bad men.

    Don’t be a cuckservative.

  33. Anon says:

    Il Deploro,

    What about sperm donors? They don’t even meet the mother, and are usually not the ‘players’ you describe.

    One sperm donor can be the father of 20, 50, or 70 babies without even knowing who the mothers are.

    What is your ‘solution’ then?

  34. Anon says:

    It is amazing to see a cartoonish cuckservative like Il Deploro in full cry :

    i) He thinks that there are no existing disincentives for men to impregnate women. He has zero awareness that the CS laws, income imputation, and prison prospects for inability to pay already exist. The cuckservative then becomes desperate to believe that no laws to disincentivize men exist at all, nor is single motherhood subsidized or incentivized in any way.

    ii) When a cuckservative becomes louder and more cartoonish, he is deep in denial mode, since slut shaming is the last thing they would ever want to do. Castration is merely an appetizer for what the cuckservative eventually intends to suggest.

    iii) At a time like this, a cuckservative can be induced to declare that there should be an 80% income tax on men and 0% on women. This is when the cuckservative has fully out-lefted the leftist.

    iv) When his cartoonish posturing fails to earn him the romantic interest of women (let alone attractive women), the meltdown is complete. Repeat the process starting at Step 1.

  35. thedeti says:

    What works is hard monogamy. (God, I and others have said this so many times.)

    For men: You aren’t supposed to have sex outside marriage. You probably will a few times, but we’ll forgive it and in the long run it’s probably OK. You find a woman who wants you, preferably someone who hasn’t had sex with anyone before you, or maybe with one other guy. You make sure she’s attracted to you and wants sex with you. You marry her, and you have lots and lots of sex with her.

    If you choose to be a lifelong bachelor, there won’t be many women you can have sex with, and you’ll have to do without. You can make that choice if you want, but that is the consequence.

    For women: If you want happiness and contentment, use what God gave you, leverage it to the hilt. Use your youth, beauty, and fertility to get the best man you can as early as you can. Marry him and have lots and lots of sex with him.

    If you have sex outside marriage you’ll devalue yourself and attractive men will want you for sex, never for marriage. They won’t even really care about you. If you wait too long, the attractive men won’t be around anymore and you’ll have to settle for men you don’ t like, can’t respect and can’t be attracted to. You can make these choices if you want, but those are the consequences.

  36. vandicus says:

    There’s actually a blog post on this very site about the get the alphas mentality.


    Fundamentally this is a math problem. For every alpha you eliminate, you reduce out of wedlock pregnancies by approximately 0. For every slut you eliminate, you reduce out of wedlock pregnancies by perhaps 3.

    Furthermore, it is an alpha characteristic to take stupid risks and disregard authority. The women will also cover for their alphas(it is the female preference to punish betas for any problems arising from alphas).

  37. Anon says:


    When I was in my 20s, I thought it was ridiculous to call 20s adults “boyfriend” and “girlfriend.” How much more so to call people in their 50s and 60s “girlfriend and boyfriend.”

    Of course. The terminology alone proves that until recently, people got married by age 22 or so.

    That is why ‘manfriend’ and ‘ladyfriend’ are strange-sounding words. There was no appropriate term to describe unmarried people older than 20 or 22, since there were very few of them anyway. Few adults over age 25 were unmarried by choice. Few among those had active romantic lives, as there were too few others like them.

  38. Pingback: Taking things too far. | Reaction Times

  39. Daniel says:

    The Biblical element that almost everyone completely ignores is the role of her father. God’s way involves the young woman remaining in her father’s home and under his authority. Her father is involved in the search for a suitable husband. Betrothal is a contract between the groom and the father-in-law.

    But we’ve completely cut him out of our whole conception of the process. Now we only think of independent young women and their search to find their soul mate. How wise will they be without guidance? How caste will they be living on their own?

    Whatever marriage model we build on the shifting sand of female independence will fail.

  40. John James R says:

    Imagine if this type of woman was then thoroughly shamed (by all institutions, not just church) into ‘womaning up’ and marrying low-earning, short incel males. Basically she would be expected to marry males who have, if not zero, then near zero sexual market value. She would be burdened with unfair levels of taxation to support the incel males’ lifestyles of gluttony, video gaming, and porn. She would also be blamed for any problems that incel males run into following any kind of indulgence or mistake that they stumble into.

    That’s the gender inverted scenario of what men are going through right now.

  41. Tom Lemke says:


    Karl Denninger did a great write up on exactly your point recently. His archives seem to be locked down at the moment, but I’ll post the link in the hopes that it’s temporary.


  42. Joe says:

    A few weeks ago, my daughter was at our house. She brought 4 friends. They are all in their mid 20’s. All are very attractive. None have boyfriends. We and my wife were just eating and playing games and laughing. The subject turned to guys for a brief moment. I told them “look, you have to do something. You have to show interest in guys. Don’t show no interest, won’t be no interest”.
    I then told them “guys like girls who wear dresses and wear bright colors and look pretty and feminine”.
    Apparently that was news to them.
    One said, “but we wear brown and other earth tones so we sort of blend in. I thought that’s the modest thing to do”.
    I told them “yeah. You’ll blend in. And the girls wearing bright pretty colors will stand out”.
    They took that in for a moment. Then one said “I’m going to have to start wearing brighter colors”. The others chimed in and agreed.
    True story.

  43. Il Deplorevolissimo says:


    Nothing I have said puts the blame squarely on men. Nothing I have said is mutually exclusive to the need to change those laws, slut shame, etc.

    You’re a libertarian and like most libertarians, you don’t have the integrity to admit that the state needs to abolish large swaths of “individual freedom” here.

    In fact, I’ll go a step further and say that I think married men should have a legal right to meet any serious attempt to seduce their wife with lethal force against the player.

  44. Lexet Blog says:

    The last label I would ever give to anyone associated with either CBN or TBN is the title of “Christian.”

  45. emery says:

    Il Deploro dumb.

    Women will endure the hatred and shunning of their entire nation to sleep with a sufficiently alpha dangerous man. (Some) Women in WWII were breaking into POW camps to bang hot Nazi studs, who had just recently been murdering their brothers and fathers.
    Stories of women who got hit and spat on for banging hot nazis. Everyone said no but her ‘gina said yes yes yes!

    More on attraction from https://therationalmale.com/2011/09/23/wait-for-it/
    “A woman who wants to fuck you will find a way to fuck you. She will fly across the country, crawl under barbwire, climb in through your second story bedroom window, fuck the shit out of you and wait patiently inside your closet if your wife comes home early from work – women who want to fuck will find a way to fuck.”

    The only thing you said that I can identify as an argument is this:
    “I used to work with a woman who was a 6 on a good day and she used to make comments “like he thought he had a chance with me.” That, right there, is proof of how insidiously toxic it is to allow alphas and wannabe alphas to run around uncontrolled.”
    Why won’t you ascribe any agency to her? Are you afraid to raise a disciplinary hand against a woman? Are PUA skills so seductive and effective that you feel you have to kill them all because no woman can hold her virtue against them? How about hot guys, are they supposed to castrate themselves because you can’t compete against them? Do you seriously think if Alex Turner (Arctic Monkeys) didn’t bang a particular 18yr old backstage she’d be open to marry you personally?

  46. Lost Patrol says:

    “Stop looking for a hero and become your own hero.”

    And live happily ever after, like Superman in his Fortress. Of. Solitude.

    What do you imagine these women are doing while they are “holding out for God”?

    Discussed in recent threads and seen again here, the subject not to be broached in church culture – what were these good looking women doing in their free time during the critical 22 years (Hale)/37 years (Griffith)?

    Not having any sex, that’s for sure, because religious ladies. At least I’m pretty sure that’s the assumption I’m supposed to make.

    The church girls watching their videos and reading their how-to guides must know how much is being left unsaid, but the message is just too good to pass up. Live it up bigly, boldly, and bravely (for God) right now!

  47. vfm7916 says:

    @Il Deplor

    Daughters too?

  48. emery says:

    “In fact, I’ll go a step further and say that I think married men should have a legal right to meet any serious attempt to seduce their wife with lethal force against the player.”

    How about lethal force against the cheating wife? What is your opinion on that one.

  49. feministhater says:

    Wow. I wish them well on their search. You cannot fix this level of delusion though. Best to leave them well alone.

  50. texinole says:

    “You’re a libertarian and like most libertarians, you don’t have the integrity to admit that the state needs to abolish large swaths of “individual freedom” here.”

    Thanks for that. Been a tough week and needed a good chuckle.

  51. thedeti says:

    I don’t think you can eliminate players, but you can certainly disincentivize them. For example, I think any man who has more than one child out of wedlock is an excellent candidate for a full castration even if he’s filthy rich. Make a fucking eunuch out of him.

    Sure, you can disincentivize players by doing all kinds of things. We’ve already tried doing that, kind of, by going to the child support model of family formation. If you father a kid, you now become Mr. Wage Slave and have your paychecks garnished for child support. So taking a player’s money is one way to do it. But players will just get vasectomies, or not work, or not pay. Women will still sleep with them.

    And even if that player is put out of commission, three more will arise to take his place. A regular Hydra, my friend. Women will do anything to sleep with attractive men. Attractive men will sleep with lots of women, because they can. And a man who finds out he can get women to sleep with him for little consequence or cost, will do so.

    We had heart balm statutes and causes of action: Seduction and alienation of affections. Adultery and fornication used to be crimes. They deterred only some people. People still fornicated and still cheated on their spouses. The only difference was it was done on the downlow, mostly, and if you got caught there were real consequences for women. Now there are no consequences for women. The very worst things that happen are she either marries a beta schlub who supports her and she then divorces for cash and prizes; or she stays single and works while having sex with a string of men of ever-decreasing attractiveness. Either way, she’s taken care of. She gets a man’s money either way.

  52. “Date Yourself,” she said. Yup, and you’ll be REALLY dating yourself when the first guy to show you good manners gets smacked with ’90s cliches about how men are all such boors.

    Good luck with your cats, lady.

  53. Guys, God did tell them not to marry, to save guys from these crazy chicks.

  54. We keep returning to the wholesale reluctance of men to see the problem for what it is and solve the problem.
    Women are not the problem. Feminism isn’t the problem. Women were not “brainwashed by feminism” either.
    We are the problem….Men are the problem.

    You want women to behave and act differently?
    You want them to stop screwing alpha males and becoming unmarriagable alpha widows and unfit mothers?
    Then it is men that must change.
    It is men who must behave differently.
    Women will then follow suit.

    Every Christian man bristles at this truth, because they know, but do not agree with, or do not like what this means that they must do.
    Just like children, women need to be disciplined, controlled and subdued.
    For their own good.
    Yes, they want and demand and cry about all of the rights, power and authority they thing they deserve, while they reject and avoid all responsibility and accountability and will instead blame others for their mistakes and inadequacies as much as they can.

    With no discipline, control and consequences, then you are giving them license to destroy everything, including themselves. And that is exactly what women today are doing between 18 and 30 right now. They are defiling themselves with rosters of men who care nothing for them. They then cannot form loving bonds with anyone else. Not even her own children sired by a lesser man (her future husband).

    “Woman is a violent and uncontrolled animal, and it is useless to let go the reins and then expect her not to kick over the traces. You must keep her on a tight rein…. Women want total freedom or rather — to call things by their names — total licence. If you allow them to achieve complete equality with men, do you think they will be easier to live with? Not at all. Once they have achieved equality, they will be your masters.” – Cato the Elder (234 BC – 149 BC)

  55. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    Women will endure the hatred and shunning of their entire nation to sleep with a sufficiently alpha dangerous man.

    And would you have a problem if the British had convicted those women of treason and put them up before a firing squad? I wouldn’t.

    Why won’t you ascribe any agency to her?

    It’s clear you missed the point. A few generations ago, she’d probably be a lot more humble because she’d have never hooked up with a sexy alpha bad boy. There are a lot of 5s and 6s who think they’re hot stuff because they got lucky.

    How about lethal force against the cheating wife? What is your opinion on that one.

    I am not advocating a man having the right to hunt down a player to simply take his life, but rather that if he confronts the player and he won’t stop pursuing his wife it should be considered an act of sexual violence for which the husband is justified in using force to stop. In a lot of cases that will mean shooting the SOB dead.

    And if a man or woman catches their spouse in bed with another person, I generally have no problem with letting them off the hook if they do something “in the heat of passion.”

  56. Frank K says:

    The women will also cover for their alphas

    Yup. Cops say that they get called by neighbors over a potential DV. They show up, and the little lady, complete with a black eye, sends them away.

    A Beta raises his voice and he’s escorted out of his home, handcuffed and spends the night in jail, and is told to not go back to his home until some judge tells him that he can.

  57. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    I think some of you fail to realize that even when slut-shaming was widely practiced, there were plenty of bad boys who tried to slay pussy and sleep with married women. If you want a return to a conservative, sensible, patriarchal society, you have to be prepared to impose social and legal restraints on such men. Fathers need to be able to protect their daughters from them by force and married men in particular need to be largely unrestrained in dealing with men who don’t respect their vows.

    This should be obvious. Bad boys are tempting even to good women the same way that femme fatales are hot to good men. Even people who intend to honor their vows can be tempted by a seductive person to stray, and that’s where society needs to step in and say “we fully back the other spouse in defending their marriage.”

    Also, if normal deltas and betas could confidently beat and kill a player who pursues their spouse it would make them more alpha in the eyes of their wife. There is simply no down side to this.

  58. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    You want women to behave and act differently? Then it is men that must change. It is men who must behave differently. … Just like children, women need to be disciplined, controlled and subdued.

    Ah, yes. The old MAN UP! advice.

    But as others have noted, it’s hard to MAN UP! when the police and courts will punish any man who attempts to reign in a woman.

  59. 7817 says:

    @Il Deplorevolissimo

    This is the archetypal Gilligan statement right here:

    For example, I think any man who has more than one child out of wedlock is an excellent candidate for a full castration even if he’s filthy rich. Make a fucking eunuch out of him.

    No one who is jealous of alphas can fix this problem.

  60. vfm7916 says:

    It is interesting to see the wish for application of force here.

    Physical discipline is for children, and only for defiance of parental authority.

    Women and wives, while acting like children, are not. Headship is an art of persuasion. So is Game. Game, even in its dread form, is not physical violence. Discussions in the line of spanking down to violence against a daughter’s suitors or someone hitting on a wife is the yearnings of a gamma male that never got beyond 14 in their ability to lead by will and persuasion. That’s why they’re gammas.

    Espousing violence against a cad hitting on your mate or badboy seducing your daughter is simply churchian virtue signaling. It’s a component of the purity ring movement or “God will provide me a man”, or the Christianized Feminism that begat the Cucked fathers endemic to churchians these days.

    Game and Headship rely on one thing: Integrity and keeping your word. If you speak to a daughter about the consequences of getting banged by a badboy and tell her she’s not getting a dime of support or attention thereafer, you better keep your word, and have your wife keep your word as well. Same goes with her. If your wife wants to have a lover that’s not you, then you aren’t married from the moment the desire is in her heart. Nuke the site from orbit, make the rubble bounce, and yeah, it sucks.

    That’s some cold truth right there that does not feel good at all to say. Having your integrity is cold comfort when you’re demolished by the state, and you’ll have to weigh how much it means to you compared to living a cucked reality.

    Again, Game in its forms is about understanding male and female psychology and biology. It’s a tool in your toolkit that’s used to deal with adults in civilized society. The moment America is in WROL, you do what you want. Until then, lead by the force of your will and the arts of persuasion.

  61. Il Deplorevolissimo says:


    This is the archetypal Gilligan statement right here:

    I’m not a Gilligan because the “double standard” doesn’t bother me. In fact, I think putting more emphasis on slut-shaming is important. Unlike most of you, I just happen to also think that the state needs to make a few examples out of some amoral alphas to encourage better behavior from them.

    And you would do well to note that I’m not advocating “shaming” them which is what a Gilligan does; I am advocating direct legal consequences for notorious bad boys.

    No one who is jealous of alphas can fix this problem.

    You don’t have to be jealous of alphas to recognize the fact that they can often be the source of serious societal problems. Married deltas also have reason to be afraid of unrestrained alphas for the same reason that plain jane wives have a rational reason to be afraid of unrestrained hot women. How you restrain them is a matter of judgment and in both cases they need to be restrained.

    @Red Pill Latecomer

    But as others have noted, it’s hard to MAN UP! when the police and courts will punish any man who attempts to reign in a woman.

    Well, men do need to change. Men need to give up on the so-called Enlightenment and its commitment to radical individual freedom. Men need to submit to authority and demand submission to their natural authority. If a lot more ordinary men would do that, you’d see a lot of positive change, and you’d find that the change would bring in a lot of the enforcers of the current social order.

  62. Once again, Christian culture adopts a secular trend and makes it Christian Kosher. That feminist filibustering for an “equal partner” looks good, lets slap a Jesus fish logo on it and twist some scripture to justify it.

  63. Il Deplorevolissimo says:


    Espousing violence against a cad hitting on your mate or badboy seducing your daughter is simply churchian virtue signaling.

    What do you think a Roman patrician would do if the Roman equivalent of a PUA tried to bang his wife? He’d have his slaves nail him to a cross in his estate’s courtyard.

    When it comes to wives, it’s even more about society recognizing the right of the husband to protect his rights than it is about protecting women.

  64. vandicus says:

    You are either suffering from an inordinate bloodlust which you ought confess to your priest, or are churchian virtue signalling. Either way, work on the loving your enemy bit(and these people don’t even bear you in particular ill will the way you do them). We are all sinners and it does us no good to obsess and indulge in violent fantasies so that we might feel superior to our fellows.

  65. Jim says:

    Physical discipline is for children, and only for defiance of parental authority.

    Women and wives, while acting like children, are not.

    Act like a child get treated like a child.

  66. Il Deplorevolissimo says:


    You are either suffering from an inordinate bloodlust which you ought confess to your priest, or are churchian virtue signalling. Either way, work on the loving your enemy bit

    Adultery is one of the only sins for which the death penalty was mandated in the Torah, yet most Christians treat it as a thing no worse than porn consumption in many cases. Contrary to your assertions, a man fully committed to seducing your wife truly has to hate you and desire harm to be done to your family which is why I phrased the husband’s rights in terms of him having a right of self-defense and defense of his household. For most of the history of Christendom and its pagan predecessors, what I said would be considered almost milquetoast and not radical.

  67. Spike says:

    I like that part where she talks about ignoring red flags. As we well know on this site and others, women WILL ignore red flags when it suits them to.
    Bad boy biker? Is rich through drug dealing? Billionaire with dangerous fetish like the guy in FSOG? Good looking, but has no job and no skills? Her love will conquer all! -Except when it doesn’t, which is often.
    Many a father has been driven insane by his daughter making stupid choices, based on emotions and buttressed by Mills & Boon bodice-ripping romance novels along with Disney movies. It’s funny when men can always tell that a man is a useless no hoper, but women always say, “You can never tell…” and “You can’t choose who you fall in love with…” when men clearly can and do.

  68. emery says:

    “What do you think a Roman patrician would do if the Roman equivalent of a PUA tried to bang his wife? He’d have his slaves nail him to a cross in his estate’s courtyard.”

    You overly romanticize the nobility. Particularly in late era rome they’d be in open orgies or they would accept the browbeating from their wife. The power and wealth to kill don’t ennoble anyone. Look at how Rasputin thrived as the modern era Jafar around the Czar’s wife and child. And I’m sure we can both agree that those without power and wealth are rarely free to kill women and hot men.

  69. vandicus says:

    “Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: Neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers: Nor the effeminate nor liers with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor railers nor extortioners shall possess the kingdom of God. And such some of you were. But you are washed: but you are sanctified: but you are justified: in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God.”

    Consider that this passage means that among the early Christians were those who had done these things. The parable of the unforgiving servant also seems relevant here. Are you suggesting they ought simply have been killed? Similarly the Apostle Paul was actively persecuting Christians.

    “But I say to you, that whosoever shall look on a woman to lust after her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart. ”

    The grudge is likely on the part of the wife if any.

    Moreover we are not Pharisees. If you wish to live by the Law, I remind you that you must live by the whole Law and will be judged by the Law.

  70. Il Deplorevolissimo says:


    Are you suggesting they ought simply have been killed?

    I’m not suggesting any individual course of action, but a societal standard. I personally think a man should slow to anger and violence, but at some point a man must be willing to forcefully protect his household from sinners hell-bent on bring grave sin into his house. If they are given a chance to turn away, then whatever happens is on them.

  71. I spent several years in my late 20’s and early 30’s going to different churches with a main goal of finding a wife. Most women seemed unimpressed by the majority of single men who were in church. And the many of Christian women I went on dates with from dating apps were perpetually single. Even years after I met them.

  72. cynthia says:

    “Fall in love with yourself”

    Good lord, that’s borderline Satanic.

    Remember Alastair Crowley’s quote: do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Feminism is definitely close to that concept. It’s sad that supposedly Christian women can’t distinguish between the devil’s whispers and God.

  73. vfm7916 says:

    @Il Deplore

    Roman patrician is a stupid example. Slavery and chattel property no longer exist along with a list of barbarities longer than my arm. Your position is built on sand.

    While I agree that Enlightenment free speech and other liberalisms have been disastrous, falling back on Talmudic legalisms and an associated rules based religion is just as disastrous, as Jesus pointed out with his Gospel.


    You’d never lay a hand on a woman.

  74. Hank Flanders says:

    On her twitter account, Hale insinuates negative things about Trump and apparently admires Rachel Held Evans and Michelle Obama. What else do you need to know?

  75. locustsplease says:

    I have to confess i am terrified of strong women. Im scared of having them in my home, having to listen to them in person, them being on my bank account, rasing children with one, having to solve a problem with one, terrified!!

    I divorced one and know just how tough they are. She would complain how its 70 degrees in the office like a freaking nazi death camp! Meanwhile me 105 100% humidity all day. 12hrs. Afternoon spraying myself with garden hose to save my life. I have to take my soaked clothes off sit infront of fan to dry before shower. She looks at me like i came home from the bar and puked on floor.

    I have to say that griffith is extremely attractive for her age. I am so glad i know she is a harlot. It shows me how i easily could get lured by some pretty face and nice tits. Even while she spews the voice of satan. God conicidentally always wants exactly what modern feminists want wow

  76. Il Deplorevolissimo says:


    While I agree that Enlightenment free speech and other liberalisms have been disastrous, falling back on Talmudic legalisms and an associated rules based religion is just as disastrous, as Jesus pointed out with his Gospel.

    I’m basing my argument on both the Bible and the Natural Law. I have no more use for the Talmud than I do for the Satanic Bible.

  77. 7817 says:

    I am advocating direct legal consequences for notorious bad boys.

    This has been done, Gilligan. Read the article Dalrock and others linked to you.

    What do you think child support is, if not direct legal consequences?

    Your position is not countercultural by any measure. Everyone wants to punish the Alphas: the feminists, the church, the conservatives, even the women who sleep with them like to see alpha’s taken down a peg.

    Your attitude towards them is so completely commonplace that it is boring to continue to address it. The only thing significant is that you have demonstrated your failure to understand the problem openly on a manosphere blog and think you’ve found the solution to the problem.

  78. jbesuden says:

    God demands only the very best. No Samaritans, no prostitutes for today’s Jesus!

  79. Dalrock says:

    Il Deplorevolissimo, a bit of off topic discussion is ok, but this is a hijack. I see you have a blog. Why not write a post and comment back with a link?

  80. 7817 says:

    On topic:

    Church people are interesting in that they take things somewhat seriously. Many of the unchurched people around me may talk about things the way the world does, but when it comes to behaviour, most of them are smart enough not to completely swallow the lie. For instance, a larger percentage of them don’t get married, as it is clearly a raw deal for the man. Some of them still openly mock sluts, though they would take advantage if given the opportunity. I know an old guy who appears to have gone mgtow after his divorce years ago. He has hobbies and helps out his now grown kids. He’s not a sucker.

    Church folks however are naive. Something about the culture of nice makes them actually believe the garbage culture tells them. Look at these women Dalrock cites. They don’t even have enough smarts to mouth the platitudes but then live in the most advantageous way for themselves, like the unchurched often do. Instead they bought into it hook line and sinker.

  81. Il Deplorevolissimo says:


    Il Deplorevolissimo, a bit of off topic discussion is ok, but this is a hijack. I see you have a blog. Why not write a post and comment back with a link

    It certainly wasn’t intended to be, but I agree it’s gone off course. I might do that, but frankly I’m a little burned out trying to explain to these guys that I’m serious when I say I see it as a matter of ordinary men being allowed to fight back against predatory alphas, not defending “m’lady’s honor.” Unless I post a link, consider the matter closed for my part.

  82. Kid Charlemagne says:

    Whenever someone says men should marry a strong, independent woman I always want to answer, “You first!”

  83. But as others have noted, it’s hard to MAN UP! when the police and courts will punish any man who attempts to reign in a woman.

    I hear what you are saying.

    The truth is not pleasant. Both Christian and secular men will have to take their unearned rights away. By force.

    Or not. And then simply stand there and watch while our Muslim friends do it anyway. By greater, and less nice, force.

    The decision is ours. For the moment anyway. Until it suddenly isn’t anymore.

    By then our hand-wringing and fretting over how women “feel” about it will be the least of our concerns.

  84. feeriker says:

    Not OT:

    Lori Alexander has just released a book and book/study guide on biblical womanhood:


    Truly one of the most desperately needed publications of the 21st Century western world.

    Anyone wanna bet that she’ll draw more hatred from “the Church” for this than if she were to have published something on the orderof 50SOG?

  85. JRob says:

    Another hammer, meet nail post.
    My sons and I volunteered at the community kitchen at a local church. All the volunteers were men and their sons. Every now and then an octogenarian lady will help.

    @150 showed for the free meal. Most were tatted fatitude females with husky Doral voices. They actually look down their noses at us. They eat, act rude, and leave. They trash the place. Some Vietnam vets and a severely retarded boy are the only diners who stay to help clean up.

    None of God’s non-settling daughters will deign to work in any kitchen. They are worse than non-church princesses in my opinion.

  86. Il Deplorevolissimo says:


    Church folks however are naive. Something about the culture of nice makes them actually believe the garbage culture tells them. Look at these women Dalrock cites. They don’t even have enough smarts to mouth the platitudes but then live in the most advantageous way for themselves, like the unchurched often do. Instead they bought into it hook line and sinker.

    MPAI and women tend to clustered toward average IQ and be underrepresented on the outlying distributions of IQ. Now take that and figure that in their teens and 20s, the world actually seems to work the way they’re told it does. Then suddenly it doesn’t. They’re no longer “hot.” Suddenly the tolerated mediocrity in male dominated professions isn’t tolerated nearly as much.

  87. mike says:


    I always appreciate your perspective relating to the attraction issues modern women, including evangelical princesses, will have when it comes time to marry their beta at 30. But I do agree that the alpha cads are the problem as well. True, the women choose to sleep with them, and use tinder to pick their alpha for the weekend. It’s sad that the shotgun father has become such a meme. Modern laws have rendered every beta dad with total impotency when it comes to policing his daughter’s suitors. Texas has laws – crimes of passion – which do allow you, the husband, to kill a man you caught in an affair with your wife. The key element, though, is catching in the act, and not premeditation. Too bad fathers can’t have the same rules when it comes to their daughters.

    Any alpha suitor can now, and has for the last 30 years, laugh in every father’s face. Dads have no power, and even if they did, they would have another thorne in the side when it comes to enforcement – a wife who is living vicariously through her daughter’s escapades, and would fully encourage the degeneracy of alpha taste-testing by the evangelical princess.

    The true winners of the season of singleness are the cads who got to sample all the women, without damaging their own emotional psyche or their marriage market value.

  88. Hank Flanders says:

    Now, I see why Mandy Hale said she was missing Rachel Held Evans’s posts. Evans is dead.

  89. Jay Fink says:

    I like a lot of the ideas Il Deplorevolissimo has. I have long wished that we lived in a culture that severly punishes husbands who cheat. If chearing husbands were given the death penalty there would be somebody for everybody…no more loneliness.

  90. Scott says:

    When I was in my 20s, I thought it was ridiculous to call 20s adults “boyfriend” and “girlfriend.” How much more so to call people in their 50s and 60s “girlfriend and boyfriend.”

    Yep. On my second time around as a single guy I was in my early 30s and it sounded really weird to use those terms.

  91. Anon says:


    Your attitude towards them is so completely commonplace that it is boring to continue to address it. The only thing significant is that you have demonstrated your failure to understand the problem openly on a manosphere blog and think you’ve found the solution to the problem.

    Indeed. In fact, to merely call Il Deploro a Gilligan is to let him off way too lightly.

    1) He has zero awareness of, or even curiosity regarding, the massively punitive laws that already exist to punish any man who impregnates a women, whether outside of marriage or within a marriage that later ended. Everything from CS laws, imputation of income, imprisonment for inability to pay, seizure of passports and drivers licenses, etc. has already existed for 20+ years. When a cuckservative extremist like Il Deploro deliberately goes out of his way to pretend that none of this even exists, he reaches ionospheric heights of dishonesty and cowardice.

    2) Il Deploro seems unable to grasp that one man can impregnate 25 women. Note how he avoided my above point about sperm donors with extreme and conspicuous cowardice.

    3) He thinks being a ‘libertarian’ is a bad thing, when in fact the only way that the extreme power imbalance in favor of women might (theoretically) be reversed is a massive shrinkage in the size and scope of government. 70-80% of all government spending is a transfer from men to women, as any remotely red-pill man already knows. Instead, Il Deploro, as a leftist cuckservative, wants…..more government!.

    It is hard to create a more perfect caricature of a cartoonish, buffoonish, whiteknighty cuckservative than what Il Deploro appears to be sincere about.

  92. info says:

    @Il Deplorevolissimo

    Already in scripture is this:
    NIV 22:16-17
    16“If a man seduces a virgin who is not pledged to be married and sleeps with her, he must pay the bride-price, and she shall be his wife. 17If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, he must still pay the bride-price for virgins.

  93. Emperor Constantine says:

    @Il Deplorevolissimo

    WRT mid to low SMV women having access to sex.

    It’s far worse that you think.

    A single mommy I know dumped her hubby at age 34. She was fat, not pretty, not feminine, not smart, few redeeming qualities.

    She could ORDER dick up on Twitter any day of the week. Multiple times a day if she wanted.

    That’s how real the thirst is.

    Meanwhile her young son languishes and his mental health suffers.

    WTF are we thinking, tolerating this despicable behavior by these vile women?

  94. Anon says:

    WTF are we thinking, tolerating this despicable behavior by these vile women?

    Cuckservatives don’t think. Their only ‘solution’ to this is to punish and disincentivize more. Essential to their recommendations is a narrative that zero laws to punish men and pass the costs of female misbehavior onto men already exist.

    ‘The beating will continue until morale improves’.

    One can get a lot of political energy and capital by marketing a tax policy of ‘80% income tax on men, 0% on women, plus take away mens’ drivers licenses and passports’ to cuckservatives as a platform for ‘traditional conservative family values’.

  95. info says:

    Judgment begins at the house of God. Divine wrath is evident by this.

  96. info says:

    “What is so striking about the modern Christian rationalization of the feminist life script is how much further Christians take it than secular feminists. ”

    That claiming to be wise they became fools. As God gave them over to foolishness one of the many signs of wrath.
    (2 Thessalonians 2:11 KJV) (Romans 1:22 KJV)

  97. Robert What? says:

    Do women have to bring anything to the table to deserve that great man? Or do they just have to “be”?

  98. Dave2 says:

    Punishing alpha chads worked in the old days because it was done by fathers, brothers, and husbands of the defiled woman. Women naturally look down on the man being flogged and look up to the men doing the flogging.

    Not to be confused with the present tradcuck system, where the state punishes disobedient husbands, empowering women, emasculating men, and ensuring that bad boys who aren’t afraid of prison get all the young hotties.

  99. Anubis says:

    Usually just a lurker, but these posts of late have been really on point. anyway, just one comment:

    If we had enforced punishments for men who cheat or even just attempt to pick up unavailable women, how do you prove it, and confirm that it’s not just a made up accusation? Leave room for “she said” and she will be tempted to get rid of the men around her she doesn’t like. There seems to be a huge reluctance to find out and acknowledge just how often women make false accusations. From what I’ve seen first hand, it’s surprisingly often when there is little to zero chance of repercussions for lying and/or the upside is high, and culturally we seem to hold women to lower standards of honesty and self-control.

  100. American says:

    Deceived, disordered old spinsters masquerading as marriage experts. Christendom should be rebuking them for what they are doing, not encouraging them.

  101. American says:

    @Rollo Tomassi (May 30, 2019 at 5:55 pm): I’d say you hit the nail right on its head.

  102. American says:

    As for Gilligan, I built a seaworthy vessel to make it to the mainland and when that cuck came over to try and stop me, I held him underwater until he stopped kicking. Then I forced Ginger onto my vessel and set sail. There are times in this life when one must free the alpha within.

  103. RichardP says:

    Re. the solution proposed by Il Deplorevolissimo:

    The general consensus seems to be that 80% of the women want the top 20% of the men.

    So – lets shoot and kill the top 20% of men.

    What does that leave us with.

    The nature of women. Eighty percent of them will still want the top 20% of the men that are left.

    There will always be a top 20% of the men left, until you kill all men. And women will always want the top 20% of the men remaining, for as long as any men reman.

    Shooting the top 20% of men doesn’t solve the problem. Shooting the women might, but you would have to shoot 80% of them. But probably, the 80% of the women left would stlil be chasing the to 20% of the men left.

    To me, that is a much more understandable reason for why the violent approach won’t solve the problem.

  104. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    It is hard to create a more perfect caricature of a cartoonish, buffoonish, whiteknighty cuckservative than what Il Deploro appears to be sincere about.

    Meanwhile you are such a blithering idiot that you cannot grasp that I am firmly aware of all the laws that are used to royally screw men over, and you continue to goal shift to “pregnancy” in order to avoid the issues I raised. Probably because you are at heart one of those scumbags who wouldn’t think twice about sleeping with a married woman if you could because “hey, not my problem if she’s up for it.”

    3) He thinks being a ‘libertarian’ is a bad thing, when in fact the only way that the extreme power imbalance in favor of women might (theoretically) be reversed is a massive shrinkage in the size and scope of government. 70-80% of all government spending is a transfer from men to women, as any remotely red-pill man already knows. Instead, Il Deploro, as a leftist cuckservative, wants…..more government!.

    And libertarians also support literally almost every social change that lead to the situation we’re in. Sure, they don’t support the welfare state… they just support every other aspect of the situation. If you really think government spending is the heart of the problem, you’re a fool. Most women aren’t living off of government money. You are literally just making shit up at this point as anyone can look at the budget and realize there is no way in Hell that 70-80% of the budget goes to women since that would mean only women get SS and Medicare.

  105. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    Re. the solution proposed by Il Deplorevolissimo:

    The general consensus seems to be that 80% of the women want the top 20% of the men.

    So – lets shoot and kill the top 20% of men.

    Going to bet the reason why your wife got fed up with you is that she was tired of having to hide the bleach when you’re around.

  106. feministhater says:

    Well guys, you have to hand it to them. Wendy lasted till 54 and eventually found her man. Whether they get married is still in the air but the truth is these women all eventually find some willing simp. In the end, they will keep putting off marriage because they all see their sisters eventually getting married. Why not? They get to have ample, mouth watering sex with the best whilst young and then when age betrays them, a simp to pay for them.

    There is no way to stop this because men are simps and will gladly lick the remnants of other men off their old wife’s pussy if it means getting a lick and a pat on the head. Till men start saying ‘no’ and meaning it, this will continue. More power to these ladies, they fully deserve it.

  107. Asher Jacobson says:

    It breaks God’s heart when we settle – Jezebel 1:1

    On a more serious note, how does she square this with god saying be fruitful and multiply and that children are an inheritance from him?

    On a less serious note, who names their cat Bill?

  108. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    Whether they get married is still in the air but the truth is these women all eventually find some willing simp.

    We don’t even know that he’s a simp. For all we know he could be a normal guy who already had kids, got divorced and now has a girlfriend who looks pretty damn good for his age and who can’t get surprise pregnant to force him to marry her.

  109. Lost Patrol says:

    The link in the OP to a podcast with Doug Addison (don’t know who that is) and Wendy really should be perused in its entirety. You can skim it quickly while wearing your glasses to see many key words and phrases that confirm what you were thinking. Wendy’s program must be extremely appealing to many women. Center of attention, fun and adventure on your timeline, all sanctioned by God with Him bringing you the man you always wanted just before the clock runs out. All boxes checked.

    Doug the interviewer is a character in his own right, who more than once mentions the prophetic visions brought to him by angels and so forth.

    Quotes from Wendy:

    So,I feel really blessed that I’ve had 3 decades doing what I wanted to do since I was a little girl,which was TV.

    It was in 1998 the Lord said, “Send a tape to CBN.”

    But I obeyed the Holy Spirit.

    I was hiking in Peru

    And I always wanted a rugged guy.

    Then my other friend, Stacy, had been divorced for 15 years, maybe longer. A beautiful lady, my age, ended up marrying a guy 20 years younger,and they are incredibly happy.

    I’m kind of picky, you know.And so,but God told me, “Just keep waiting.”

    I didn’t even want to get married then because I was traveling all over the world,

    But I know God. He cares about the things we care about.

    because God had told me,

    You know, God is going to give you the desires of your heart. Don’t settle.

    Well, it’s interesting because I love to hear God speak.

    Then, of course, you had that word about the end time brides,and I think I’m right there.

  110. info says:

    @Lost Patrol

    Sounds like a Boyfriend false Jesus. Divine butler.

  111. feministhater says:

    The link in the OP to a podcast with Doug Addison (don’t know who that is) and Wendy really should be perused in its entirety. You can skim it quickly while wearing your glasses to see many key words and phrases that confirm what you were thinking. Wendy’s program must be extremely appealing to many women. Center of attention, fun and adventure on your timeline, all sanctioned by God with Him bringing you the man you always wanted just before the clock runs out. All boxes checked.

    And it all worked out for them, so who is laughing? It seems Wendy was right, God gave her everything and then some, even Deplorevolissmo doesn’t think she married a simp but a perfectly normal guy. She wins, you lose. Each and every time.

  112. feeriker says:

    Do women have to bring anything to the table to deserve that great man? Or do they just have to “be”?

    As we’ve discussed here frequently, and as I reminded everyone upthread, today’s women, collectively, are, to put it most politely, entitled and narcissistic twats who believe that vagina, in addition to absolving them of any agency, also absolves them of needing to take any initiative in anything. “Mah wimminzhood” in their minds, justifies anything and everything be handed to them on demand.

    Deceived, disordered old spinsters masquerading as marriage experts. Christendom should be rebuking them for what they are doing, not encouraging them.

    True Christendom would and does rebuke them. The fact that we don’t hear true Christendom’s harsh words of rebuke tells us something about the strength of its presence relative to the fake kind (a.k.a. churchianity).

  113. Il Deplorevolissimo says:


    I don’t think she wins. I think he wins, and she gets to feel like she’s not a cat lady who cannot keep a man. And if she divorces him, well, she’s going to likely find out good and hard that she doesn’t qualify for alimony in most states she has no dependents and kept a high-paying career (plus their relationship is not even that old).

    Unless he’s rich and lives in a state like CA, I think he’s getting very much the better end of the deal.

  114. thedeti says:

    Off topic, at Hitchings’ new blog:


    It’s really quite funny to once again see a couple of middle aged never married women (one of whom is a former consecrated religious order member) holding forth on marriage, what marriage is, how to get married, and what it takes to be married.

  115. feministhater says:

    I don’t think she wins.

    You don’t think so? You don’t think that she wins because she spent her entire life single, living it up and making a fortune expounding the benefits of such and then landing the man, right at the end, just like she said? Is that so? She doesn’t need alimony, she is exceedingly wealthy because she sold the truth that women can extend and pretend right till the end and still get what they want because men will accept it.

    It really all depends if they get married or not. It depends on his status. If he’s low status, he wins. If he is high status and they get married, she wins.

  116. Anyone else notice that the quoted Psalm 46 doesn’t say what is in the quotations? “Be still and know that I am God” is but “Cease striving, let go” is not anywhere in that psalm. The charitable interpretation of that is that Mandy Hale saw it misquoted somewhere else and trusted that source too much.

  117. rpranger says:

    She has no children, and WILL have no children. She lost, extinguishing a line that goes all the way back to a mythic past. You can’t lose more than that.
    Only exception are those who made themselves eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven, but that’s another can of worms.

  118. Clemsnman says:

    Reducing the problem for society is actually fairly simple, though the wailing and gnashing of feminist teeth would be epic if you tried to bring it back. It’s having girls live with Daddy until he approves of a husband. And, a job market without special laws for women so that the vast majority of women need a husband if they want to have a house and stuff and any kind of comfortable life.

  119. Il Deplorevolissimo says:


    Either way, he holds the power in the relationship. She cannot frivorce him for cash and prizes, and he can abandon her if she cuts off the sex without his blessing.

  120. Dalrock says:

    @Il Deplorevolissimo

    @Whether they get married is still in the air but the truth is these women all eventually find some willing simp.

    We don’t even know that he’s a simp. For all we know he could be a normal guy who already had kids, got divorced and now has a girlfriend who looks pretty damn good for his age and who can’t get surprise pregnant to force him to marry her.

    Just a wild guess, but based on her description in the podcast he sounds a lot like a man she did a story on for CBN. He sounds like a very cool dude. https://www.pungoprairie.com/about

  121. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    You don’t think that she wins because she spent her entire life single, living it up and making a fortune expounding the benefits of such and then landing the man, right at the end, just like she said?

    For all we know, Wendy is settling hard. She might feel no attraction to this man. She says he’s her perfect man, but that could just be face-saving. Really, what else can she say?

    Wendy built a career on advising women to wait, and publicly claiming that God had the perfect man for her, if she’d only wait. So she waited well past the age of 50.

    Wendy had long since become a joke. People (like us) were publicly predicting that she’d never marry, but many others must have thought or whispered it. And Wendy knew it. How that must have shamed her. How the pressure must of mounted. She had to come up with some guy — any plausible guy — and declare him her perfect man.

    I don’t know who this man is. Maybe he’s a handsome billionaire. But I’m predicting Wendy settled hard. I’m also guessing there were many men in her past that she’d rather have married, and much sooner.

  122. Charles B says:

    I think you all are talking past each other WRT force and its use on women and alphas.

    First, there is no social order that exists without force. Voluntaryism alone cannot sustain any society.

    Second, there is a difference in punitive measures assessed against assets after harm, and force used *before* harm occurs, which is what we used to have to some extent and Il Delploro I assume intends. Modernists and those bathed in it fundamentally assume that force can only be used after harm is done, and that it is always unjust when exercised to prevent it.

    And you further undermine your case when you point out that the structure of current punishment is designed to have the most effect on betas who get frivolously divorced. Correct, it is working as intended. Previously, power was exercised in the other direction.

  123. feministhater says:

    Doesn’t look like she settled much at all. The guy isn’t some handsome, alpha billionaire, but he seems like the out door, adventure type that knows how to live a good life. If she ends up marrying him, she wins.

  124. Charles B says:

    @Dalrock, check this gem from the newest blog she quoted:
    >It’s your salvation: that you find Him, have a relationship with Him, and eventually get home to Him. How you get there is largely up to you – it’s choose-your-own-adventure, using your free will. God is omnipotent, so He writes the story around your choices, both good and bad.


    Maybe I’m reading this wrong, but this smells like rationalizing *any* choice made no matter how clearly against natural law or divine revelation because God will give you the right outcome you’re supposed to have anyway. I seriously doubt that’s true for me. It’s more likely that had I followed his will more devoutly, I would have a better current state morally and in terms of consequences of sin. I might be making the best of bad choices, but that doesn’t mean they were equally good, or that I shouldn’t have made better ones, or that I haven’t fallen short of what he willed for me.

  125. Dalrock says:

    Again I have no idea if this is the same Bill, but if it is him he would qualify as “alpha” if not from a notch count perspective, then simply in the way that he relates to women and vice versa. Check out the pictures of him with young attractive women here: https://www.pungoprairie.com/catering

    The body language is very clear.

  126. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    I think your summary of my position is about right, Charles.

    My point is rather simple. A man ought to have legal rights over his wife and furthermore should have legal authority to uphold his rights. For people who like to talk about cucks and churchians a lot, many of the folks here sound like them by downplaying what adultery entails and how evil it is. You won’t find any cucks arguing for real, especially severe, consequences for adultery.

  127. feministhater says:

    Either way, he holds the power in the relationship. She cannot frivorce him for cash and prizes, and he can abandon her if she cuts off the sex without his blessing.

    You think that is the only power a woman can hold over you? It’s just one of the big ones. She can still hold great power over him, especially because of her wealth and fame. He is THE ONE, sent from God no less. He can’t leave her without causing himself social damage and possible financial too. You have to remember, he lives in her world, not the other way around. He was sent for her, not her for him, she was the great pearl to be won after all. He has to win her, all the time, everyday once they get married, unless he wants to be known as man who broke God’s promise to his chosen daughter.

  128. Novaseeker says:

    Why would people be surprised if that is whom she is marrying? She’s very attractive for her age, and she’s wealthy. Women like that don’t marry men they don’t *want* to marry. It’s not like she needs a BB or that she wants kids.

    Most women in her age range, of course, (1) don’t look anything like her and (2) have not even close to her amount of money lying around, so it’s useless as advice for women, but in terms of an outcome for her it isn’t surprising.

  129. feministhater says:

    Most women in her age range, of course, (1) don’t look anything like her and (2) have not even close to her amount of money lying around, so it’s useless as advice for women, but in terms of an outcome for her it isn’t surprising.

    She makes her money off of selling this advice to the rest of women, who lap up every word. Now she can possibly follow through, making the case for the rest of women to do so regardless of the reality of their circumstances. After all, God made this happen and God does that for every women. Have faith!

  130. Heidi says:

    You know, even if Bill really is an awesome, desirable man who marries Wendy, she’s still missing out on something she can never have–several decades of companionship with her husband, especially when they’re both young. A “happy ending” for Wendy cannot take away these lost years, and so she has no grounds to congratulate herself on her pickiness, or to urge others to follow her example.

  131. farmlegend says:

    ” If you want a return to a conservative, sensible, patriarchal society, you have to be prepared to impose social and legal restraints on such men. ”
    You can do that all you want. It will fail, epically.
    1. The remaining alphas, that don’t play along, will pick up the slack. It takes very few men to service a large number of women.
    2. The remaining alphas that don’t play along will become even MORE attractive to women. Rule breaking is a turn-on to women. A hot man that breaks rules with impunity is chick crack, big time.

  132. feministhater says:

    You know, even if Bill really is an awesome, desirable man who marries Wendy, she’s still missing out on something she can never have–several decades of companionship with her husband, especially when they’re both young. A “happy ending” for Wendy cannot take away these lost years, and so she has no grounds to congratulate herself on her pickiness, or to urge others to follow her example.

    All of this is irrelevant. Women do not want to give their future husbands the best years of their lives, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation if they did. They do not want to spend boring decades with boring hubby. Their happy ending is to spend their youthful years with the best men, having fun, being fucked raw and traveling all over the world and living the life. All of which Wendy has probably done. Then, after they’ve had their fun, they want to settle down with the best of the rest and play successful housewife, which Wendy will probably get to do once her and Bill get married.

    I call that a win. Well played Wendy!

  133. Charles B says:

    Seriously, you all will get a laugh or get pissed at the comments over there. The woman Anna Hitchins quotes appears to be making the case that obedience to God’s will in spite of not perfectly agreeing with it is *more wrong* than violating clear and obvious commands if you have *the right intent* or some such.

    Amazing hamster spinning.

  134. thedeti says:

    So if Bill from PungoPrairie is Wendy Griffith’s main man now, this confirms The Red Pill in every way imaginable. Just the latest example.

    Wendy Griffith, a devout, good, Godfearing, bible knowing woman who loves the Lord, is dating (and could marry) a man who presents as alpha and poses as a senior citizen version of Dan Bilzerian. Lives the good life. Flirts with hot women, even almost feeling one of them up in one of the photos on his website. Clearly portrays the message:

    “I can attract these women. I can have sex with these women. I have had sex with some of these women or women like them.

    And women are attracted to men who can attract women. Even Christian women. Even never married 54 year old Christian network on-air broadcasters.

    Bill doesn’t portray the image of a god fearing, nice, kind, devout, churchgoing, lifting up holy hands, simpy, khaki-wearing Dennis Rainey type. Nope. He’s a bad ass, terbacky-chawing, BBQ-cooking, outdoorsy ladies man.

    TRP confirmed:

    1) Betas aren’t sexually attractive.

    2) ALphas ARE sexually attractive.

    3) Devout, good, Godfearing, bible knowing women are attracted to alphas and are not attracted to betas.

    4) Posing in photos with hot women portrays attractiveness.

    5) Christian women are attracted to the same things all other women are.

    6) Be attractive, don’t be unattractive.

    7) Rules of attraction apply to everyone, men and women, Christian or nonChristian.

    8) Christian women select for “hot” and “alpha” and “sexually attractive” and “interesting” and “fun”. They do this as much as all other women do.

    8) Kindness, niceness, devoutness, fidelity, loyalty, and going to church are NOT sexually attractive traits in men, no matter how much people say they are, no matter how much Anna Hitchings makes the claim. Let’s say that again, for the Anna Hitchingses in the back:

    Kindness, niceness, devoutness, fidelity, loyalty, and church attendance do not attract women. If that were the case, women would have been married by 23 to the choir boys, altar boys, and simps sitting with their parents in the fourth pew from the front.

    Men, make no mistake about this: If you are beta, if you are not alpha, you lose. You get NOTHING. You want to attract women, you must increase your alpha traits and you must downplay your beta. Nothing less will suffice. Kind, nice, devout, industrious, loyal, and faithful just do not cut it at all anymore, not with any women.

  135. feministhater says:

    Do you guys not see? Wendy has the possibility to prove that if you just wait long enough, God will provide you with his best. Even at the age of 54, just keep waiting. However, you need not wait like a meek Church girl, you can live it up and have fun, you can travel, focus on your career, go from country to country, you don’t even need to look for it. It will just happen, on God’s time. All those ‘mistakes’ made whilst waiting, don’t worry about it, all apart of God’s divine plan for you, his precious princess.

    Most women will see this and rationalise that if they just wait long enough, they too will get their Prince Charming. There is literally no downside. Perhaps if they reach the age of 60, then again, perhaps not, that hamster will keep turning.

  136. Charles B says:


    Possibly, if that’s the only thing you do. But neither deploro or I advocate that. We are arguing that restricting women alone will also fail to have the intended effect, for exactly the same reason you quote, that alphas will try anyway and women can’t resist that (generally).

    So to succeed, you’d have to restore authority and therefore power/status to husbands (which many here have long bemoaned the loss of for exactly that reason) and fathers, punish women for thottery or the attempt, *and* put restrictions on alphas/devalue them.

    Three legged stool man, restraining women alone is likely a slightly larger impact than giving status to husbands, and likely significantly larger impact than preventing alpha predations, but far from sufficient.

  137. feministhater says:

    Wendy Griffith, a devout, good, Godfearing, bible knowing woman who loves the Lord, is dating (and could marry) a man who presents as alpha and poses as a senior citizen version of Dan Bilzerian. Lives the good life. Flirts with hot women, even almost feeling one of them up in one of the photos on his website. Clearly portrays the message:

    And the cherry on top. She gets to tame him. Her Godly womanhood tames him and turns him into a God fearing, Christian husband. Wow! What an ending! Someone should write a romance novel.

  138. jg1 says:

    Apart from adoption, I think the saddest thing is given her age, Wendy Griffith will never be the mother of her biological children. Even if she adopts, by the time her kids turn 18, she will be into her 70’s. I hope the poor sucker who married doesn’t end up holding the bag when she gets bored of him and frivorces the guy.
    As mentioned in the comments, more and more christian parents are taking the “you go girl” route with their daughters. I know of one parent who is proud of his 6-figure earner electrical engineer daughter who is 29yrs old and still single. I am acquainted with the another cuckservative dad who is proud of his daughter entering engineering school to pursue a degree in Aerospace Engineering. I was tempted to tell him that to make sure his daughter prioritize family over career rather than establish a career settle at 30…I might very well tell him that nevertheless…

  139. feministhater says:

    Just to inform but he is a Christian and was married for twenty years previously, which ended because… well you all know the reason why, don’t you?

  140. feministhater says:

    I might very well tell him that nevertheless…

    Oh please don’t. I do love a good rant by thirty plus year old women bemoaning their lack of marriage options. I really do. Please, please don’t.

  141. feministhater says:

    Yep, exactly where I got the info from. Thanks OFM.

  142. Red Pill Latecomer says:

    More Blue Pill white knighting from Dennis Prager:

    Prager says that God is depicted as male for practical reasons. Men (not women) cause the most violence in the world, and so men need a male rule-giver to civilize them. Women don’t need this, because they are more peaceful.

    Also, women benefit from depicting God as male, because a male God is more likely to incentivize men to treat women decently.

  143. feministhater says:

    Ah yes, Dennis is back with more pandering to the wimmenz. It’s sure to work this time, Dennis.

  144. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    He is THE ONE, sent from God no less. He can’t leave her without causing himself social damage and possible financial too. You have to remember, he lives in her world, not the other way around. He was sent for her, not her for him, she was the great pearl to be won after all. He has to win her, all the time, everyday once they get married, unless he wants to be known as man who broke God’s promise to his chosen daughter.

    Please tell me this is a bad attempt at sarcasm and not your honest reading of his position.

  145. MikeJJ says:

    Her social media shows she married ANOTHER man named Bill, close to her age, earlier this year.

  146. Pingback: Worth the Wait? | Dalrock

  147. vandicus says:

    @Charles B

    Il D wasn’t talking about punishing women but “correcting” them while crucifying and castrating alphas. When he talked about killing an alpha for adultery, he did not mention killing the treacherous wife as well. This is a Churchian position, cartoonish violence plus no punishment of women, preferring to punish men(which we already do, but this is self defeating because women will redirect that punishment). Further he wished to castrate men for fornication rather than force them to marry the daughter(despite his appeals to the Old Testament Law).

    If Il D didn’t mean to put that forth he can clarify, but it’s what he came off as. Defend and protect wimminz, our wives and daughters. The women are involved and active participants. You can’t protect someone from themselves.

    Also in theorizing about law one should have an appropriate understanding of a culture and how to control people in it. Fantasizing about government power if only it were used the way you wanted is not only immature it reflects a lack of understanding about how maintaining power and authority works.

    The functioning model is fairly simple. An adulterous or fornicating woman is ruined and despised by society. She enjoys neither wealth nor status. Women are recruitable to this task because they love feeling morally superior. It must be done incrementally though, on account that most women today have lead debauched lies.

    To the degree that alphas can be controlled it will only be through controlling women. If they don’t want to have sex with pariahs(which they might be ok with) then they have to behave or be treated likewise as unmarriageable. This is likely to have little effect however, similar to corporal punishments. Tautologically, people with poor impulse control and who disregard authority are not easily controlled by threats of punishment.

  148. Dalrock says:


    Her social media shows she married ANOTHER man named Bill, close to her age, earlier this year.

    I haven’t seen the social media post you are referring to, but I did find a CBN video that confirms that she recently married (new post up). I’m assuming she married the same Bill she mentioned in the podcast. I have no idea if it is the same Bill I wondered about upthread, and since they are married and she seems to want to not broadcast her husband’s full name, I’ll refrain from further speculation on who “Bill” really is.

  149. Dalrock says:

    One more observation on the Pungo Prairie guy we were discussing upthread. His philosophy is alpha as well:

    10. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about girls. They are not “made of sugar, and spice, and everything nice”.

    But if you leave ’em out of your recipe for livin’…That’s gonna be one borin’ dish!

  150. c matt says:

    I had a very clear word from the Lord that I would have to wait for my husband. . . . Griffith then explains that God has finally provided the man He told her to wait for.

    Maybe God had her wait so long because He did not want her to reproduce?

  151. thedeti says:

    She didn’t marry Bill Dixon from Pungo Prairie. The guy in the social media pics doesn’t look like him. Can’t find a last name for him.

    I think this is her husband


  152. thedeti says:

    He’s not Mr. Bad Ass Dan Bilzerian Sr., from what I can see. He’s probably a divorced guy. Cannot find any real info on him.

  153. feministhater says:

    His name is Bill Griffith.

  154. Anon says:

    Il Deploro said :

    If you really think government spending is the heart of the problem, you’re a fool. Most women aren’t living off of government money. You are literally just making shit up at this point as anyone can look at the budget and realize there is no way in Hell that 70-80% of the budget goes to women since that would mean only women get SS and Medicare.

    How preposterously clueless can this cluckservative be?

    Of course government spending is tilted to the tune of taxing men and spending on women. Even people who are not red-pill know this.

    Women pay far, FAR less than half of all income tax, but are by far the majority recipients of SS, Medicare, Federal jobs, and everything else.

    There is doubling down, and there is full-blown cluckservative leftism.

  155. thedeti says:

    Remember Jacqueline Halbig von Schleppenbach? She caused something of a stir in these parts about 4 or 5 years ago when she, at 44, married one Greg Schleppenbach, 49. First marriage for both. Touted as proof that you can find love, even late.

    Mrs. von Schleppenbach has weighed in with her own opinions on what you do when you’re in your 40s and unmarried.


    What struck me is pretty much the same euphemistic passages we often see from older women, including older Christian women, when discussing their youthful efforts. I’ll leave it here, and you can draw your own conclusions as to what she’s talking about. Note in particular the italicized statements.

    One of the questions I hear the most is: What did you do to remain hopeful? To be honest, I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and struggled nearly every step of the way. I focused on things I loved doing and made the most of my freedom to travel, earned my master’s degree at night, and trained for a couple of marathons.

    Additionally, and not nearly as glamorous, I exhausted every single bad possibility for a life partner – mostly because I was not truly listening to my heart. If I had taken a serious look at some of the men I was preoccupied with, I would have had to acknowledge that they were bad for me, but I had formed unhealthy attachments that were difficult to break and I was afraid nothing else would work out.

    It was a long, arduous, and sometimes agonizing journey that led me to my own personal surrender — and happiness. I realized that what I was doing wasn’t good for my soul and I was tired enough of the frustration and poor decisions to finally surrender this great quest of mine. My spiritual director guided me to pray every day, Lord, help me to be open to the love that you have to send me, today. This prayer convinced me that only God could provide the loving acceptance and peace that my heart craved. It was this true surrender of my heart that caused me to become aware of just how blessed I was by the magnanimous gifts of grace, friends, family, and God’s perfect provision, that surrounded me already. I had finally arrived at a peace — a long and hard-fought peace. I could relate to the words of St. Augustine: “My heart was restless until it found rest in you, O God.”

    Again: Draw your own conclusions as to how she “exhausted every single bad possibility for a life partner” and what she means by “unhealthy attachments” and the meaning of “what I was doing wasn’t good for my soul” and what “poor decisions” she was making.

  156. feministhater says:

    Brookelyda2013 – Taken from the picture linked by Deti.

    I am so happy for you. I read your book, You are a Prize to be Won after a terrible heartache, and it changed my mindset totally about marriage. I am waiting on God’s best and nothing less, I know God has a plan. When I saw that you are engaged my spirit leaped for you. God spoke at that moment and said, “I did it for Wendy, and I will do it for you!” Congratulations!!!!

    This is what it will do. It doesn’t matter the reality, women will look at Wendy and think it will happen to them too. In fact, they will go so far, just like this chick, and think that God spoke to them directly telling them that he will do if for them as well.

    Good luck gentlemen, but there really isn’t any antidote to this. Not until men say ‘no’ and stop being like Bill and marrying women 40 years after their prime.

  157. feministhater says:

    I remember that Deti. Tore into the ladies that were touting this a ‘success’ story. What a fucking laugh that was! Don’t worry Deti, she was merely making ‘mistakes’ with those men, it didn’t mean anything, truly it didn’t, she just got too attached to their…. personalities… I’m sure she was utterly exhausted after her extensive search to find her life partner among all those bad men. She was helpless though, she had no choice but to do it.

  158. feministhater says:

    Please tell me this is a bad attempt at sarcasm and not your honest reading of his position.

    Lol, that is my completely ‘wink wink’ honest reading of his position. She, truly, is a pearl of great price! God saves his best for last. Someone needs to marry those 55 year old pearls and pay that price. Get on your knees! Be a Bill and save those damsels!

  159. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    Get on your knees! Be a Bill and save those damsels!

    At the end of the day, she’s hot for his age, has money and he can dump her if she stops being fun and hot and not worry about the family law courts doing more than yawning. I am not seeing the downside for him. I think you’d be horrified to find out how much harder she’ll work to keep him happy and around than most women her age do for their spouses because of how she’s built her life.

  160. feministhater says:

    I am not seeing the downside for him. I think you’d be horrified to find out how much harder she’ll work to keep him happy and around than most women her age do for their spouses because of how she’s built her life.

    In my eyes, there is no point in marrying a woman who is over 25 years of age. Certainly not one who no longer can have children. It’s a waste of time. I don’t know what possesses men to marry women at such an advanced age.

    She must give some fantastic granny sex.

  161. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    Maybe he’s a Christian alpha. They exist. From his perspective, he gets to bang a ~35-42ish looking woman guilt and consequence free. Some men actually think that banging women outside of marriage is an invitation to hell fire.

  162. American says:

    @cmatt: She’s a self-absorbed barren dead womb misleading young Christian women into her err while making false theological assertions to cover up what she’s done. If may not even hold together. Wendy, the so-called “marriage expert” that teaches women God doesn’t want them to marry until their wombs are dead. Sure, and I’m a giraffe.

  163. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    In my eyes, there is no point in marrying a woman who is over 25 years of age.

    And I guess Trump was a beta boy loser for marrying Melania when she was 35.

  164. feministhater says:

    And I guess Trump was a beta boy loser for marrying Melania when she was 35.

    Only if you think my own opinion determines what is a loser and what is not. The important part was the ‘in my eyes’. I wouldn’t have married Melania but I’m not Trump. Nor am I 70 odd years old.

    There is a world of difference between Melania and Wendy. One was still young enough to have a child, the other is as barren as the Antartic.

  165. Frank K says:

    I call that a win. Well played Wendy!

    Except no kids. Of course, it’s possible she never wanted them in the first place. Had she, she could have let herself get knocked up by a Chad years ago. I’m sure it wouldn’t have affected her “career”

  166. Il Deplorevolissimo says:

    There is a world of difference between Melania and Wendy. One was still young enough to have a child, the other is as barren as the Antartic.

    And for all you know he has kids who’ve already graduated college (easily), grandkids and now just wants to spend his retirement banging a woman who looks 19 years younger than his age. If he’s a Christian man, he has to marry her to do that. In reality, he’ll just have a girlfriend in terms of costs and benefits for the rest of his life.

  167. Pingback: You Death-Cult White Apes Can’t Handle the Truth | ‘Reality’ Doug

  168. Novaseeker says:

    ~35-42ish looking woman


    She in no way shape or form looks 35. She is well maintained for her age, but she doesn’t look 35 or 42. She could pass for late 40s. I’d say she probably looks 5-7 years younger than she actually is, and definitely much better than almost all 55yo women, but no way she looks 35-42.

  169. TheTraveler says:


    St. Paul was a Zealot, a culture so over the top we still use the name (small z) for obsessively-passionate people.

    As such, Paul often seems uncharitable about normal human weakness, and often seems needlessly harsh, almost insulting. His seeming lack of joy, indeed lack of room for, anything his life but the Divine borders on the Gnostic.

    Taken at face value, Paul’s message is that salvation is so onerous as to be virtually impossible, even with divine assistance. He speaks the truth, but best to temper his more harshly dogmatic pronouncements with mercy, or life becomes a cold tundra of religious self-immolation.

  170. Oscar says:

    @ feministhater

    Someone needs to marry those 55 year old pearls and pay that price. Get on your knees! Be a Bill and save those damsels!

    I don’t think that word means what they think it means.

    damsel noun
    dam·​sel | \ ˈdam-zəl \
    Definition of damsel
    : a young woman:
    a archaic : a young unmarried woman of noble birth
    b : GIRL

  171. Eduardo the Magnificent says:

    She waited 50 years just to take a selfie that paints her and her squeeze as Every Boomer Couple Ever? Even Pyrrhus would have to admit he lost.

  172. info says:

    Prager says that God is depicted as male for practical reasons. Men (not women) cause the most violence in the world, and so men need a male rule-giver to civilize them. Women don’t need this, because they are more peaceful.

    Lol no. Man is the image and glory of God and woman is the glory of man.

    Therefore the Human male resembles God more than the woman comparatively. Hence in the relationship man is Christ and woman is the church.

    This is the ultimate basis for male headship. The divine origin of Patriarchy.

  173. Pingback: Are you special enough for women like Wendy? – Adam Piggott

  174. I remember when I was blown away by the Red Pill theory a few years ago, but when I see so many obvious Boomers in this thread, including the progenitor himself, Rollo Tomassi, who won’t even respond to my emails challenging his theory…of course since he made his name off this brand and won’t budge an iota…I am reminded of why something like Black Pill lookism theory exists as the ridiculous alternative.

    I figured out recently that Red Pill is just a snapshot (a poor daguerreotype) of the Current Year rather than the gestalt of ‘female nature,’ but Mr. Red Pill himself is not going to accept his silly ‘alpha fux, beta bux’ as faulty.

    There is zero evidence that the average woman suddenly starts ‘dating’ some random bourgeois beta at age 30 and then marries him. The average woman does not even marry anymore. The average age of marriage is 28 for women TODAY, but it wasn’t YESTERDAY, therefore it certainly won’t be TOMORROW. Women married at 22 as recently as the 1980s. Are you really naive to think that the Current Year average magically stops? Lol how convenient (and ‘Blue Pill’), but the stats just don’t add up.

    The Red Pill really comes across as amateurism because it picks and chooses certain variables and naively assumes ceteris paribus to make all of this corny puzzle pieces fit nicely. Naturally, you can see the other alchemy anachronism (PUA) trying to finesse its way out of obsolescence through this paper tiger.

  175. Dave says:

    That is why we are now at a point where the alphas need to be brought to heel with the threat of state violence if they don’t stop plowing through the female population.

    It is not the Alphas that must be brought to heel; it is the women that need better upbringing. The Alphas have always been in the world from time immemorial; “liberated” feminist women are a relatively new group.
    You’d be surprised that many of these women actively seek out the Alphas and “Alpha wannabes” that would pound them silly, and not the other way round. Tiger Woods is probably not an Alpha in the typical sense, but he never lacked a bevy of pretty and not so pretty women who would grace his bed.

    theDeti said it best:

    No matter how many players we get rid of, women will always find the few players there are, and have sex with them. Even if there are no players, women will find the most attractive single men, and have sex with them. If there are no single men, women will find attractive married men, and have sex with them.
    Doing away with players won’t solve the problem. It can’t be done anyway, and even if you did, women would still have premarital sex with any and all available attractive men.

    I don’t think you can eliminate players, but you can certainly disincentivize them. For example, I think any man who has more than one child out of wedlock is an excellent candidate for a full castration even if he’s filthy rich. Make a fucking eunuch out of him.

    Looks like you forgot that there are doctors and pharmacies all around us. Unless the man who is forced to become a eunuch is also barred from visiting a doctor’s office, or of filling a prescription, he was easily chemically reverse whatever he lost by castration.
    In the first place, forced castration is impossible.

    Methinks we should assume that the current generation of women have been lost to feminism. The future hope lies in the unborn and those under 5.

  176. Mandy Hall is providing a valuable service to society. Fourth Generation feminism – the quest for superiority – leads to women going their own way (WGTOW). A late but inevitable reaction to that is men going their own way (MGTOW). She helps women of generation Z prepare for the single life their beliefs make likely (now that men are understanding Girl’s Game (wedding, divorce, money & independence) – of which men’s Game is a pale imitation.

    Women pop stars are also helping prepare women for a life of loneliness (and cats).


    This is one of the big stories of our time, and most disturbing – and so ignored by almost everybody.

  177. CK says:

    “It will happen on God’s will.”
    “It will happen on God’s timing.”

    The two most abused phrases in Christian cultures these days.

  178. locustsplease says:

    For Wendy you have to wonder after 55 years is her vagina actually welded shut? I bet the honeymoon was electric 55 years of stuck in her own ways shes probably irritated by everything he does. The ultimate irony of being her age is she knows hes not an alpha male by just the fact that hes considering her. Shes been rejected by men her own age for decades.

    I see it in the eyes of women my own age im almost 40 tall but not some total stud. They know theres no chance theres way too many young attractive women interested to bother.

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