Vaginas of the world, unite!

On Friday Alyssa Milano called for a sex strike to protest abortion laws in Georgia.  The response has been mixed.  Sirena Bergman, a scold at the Independent, objected to such a patriarchal proposal:

Women still struggle to advocate for their own autonomy, consent and pleasure when it comes to sex with men. They’re still constantly judged on their sexual appeal to men. The idea that all women’s power lies in their sexuality is one of the most pervasive evils of a patriarchal society – and this is exactly what Milano is reinforcing.

Bergman proposed instead the forced sterilization of offending “sperm havers”:

On the other end of the spectrum, the Daily Wire responded with a hilarious satirical piece: Men Forced To Make Love To Wives As Alyssa Milano Goes On Sex Strike [Satire]

Finally it occurred to me that Alyssa Milano’s sex strike didn’t actually affect me since she’s some Hollywood actress I’ve never met and I wasn’t having sex with her anyway, so I just went home to my wife, who’s always been very nice to me and makes an absolutely spectacular meat loaf and is pretty good at sex too.”

Many feminists, however, flocked to join Milano’s sex strike, though a feminist sex strike is sort of like a Hollywood writer’s strike since most of the people going on strike haven’t been working all that much anyway.

As this post goes to press I have not been able to confirm rumors that Pastor Doug Wilson is writing a detailed piece explaining that since neither Milano nor Bergman are medical doctors, it would take at least a thousand years before they could understand that abortion is wrong.

Update:  In Pastor Wilson’s defense, 1,000 years may not be long enough to explain the issue to Bergman:

Related:  Sex Cartel!

This entry was posted in Abortion, Pastor Doug Wilson, Satire, Sirena Bergman, Social Justice Warriors, Ugly Feminists. Bookmark the permalink.

72 Responses to Vaginas of the world, unite!

  1. vfm7916 says:

    So, “Sperm-havers” is the term they’re going to use to gloss over trans?

    So much clown world. Honk it up!

  2. Randy M says:

    I think the tweet is referencing the notion that women who have sex with men that they both agree to call women might still get pregnant.
    You can pretty much never get any real information from any progressive statement containing men or women, though it’s debatable how much that differs from their statements more generally.

  3. rocko says:

    I actually don’t mind the “mandatory” vasectomies, so long as sexual drive is not affected. In fact, either it may give the playboys of this world an extra libido boost, or it may make them into monks and help them focus on their hobbies. Just shows that for someone who claims men love to objectify women, the average feminist has no leverage to offer other than bobs and vagene.

    And she might have meant “castration”. But for one, try to castrate the male population, and the reaction will be unpleasant. And of course, if the male population gets castrated, no more single moms, ergo no sense in keeping the welfare state liberals love so much.

  4. Novaseeker says:

    This is just the oldest spat within contemporary feminism — between the cute feminists and the not cute ones — about women wielding sex appeal as power (something which implies that, ahem, it actually *is* power).

    It was never the pretty ones complaining about women being considered in respect of their sexual power, it was the less attractive ones, because this appraisal generally left them behind. Sure, some of the pretty ones got on that bandwagon as a way to really needle men even more effectively — that is, denigrate men for evaluating women on the basis of sex appeal while using one’s own sex appeal to the hilt for advantage — but the idea of denying sex to men in order to manipulate them into doing what they want is so deeply ingrained in women who are attractive enough to do it (since they have been doing it since they were 15 to pretty much all men around them) that no feminist ideology can contain it.

    This caused the rift between the pro-sex and anti-sex feminists back in the 1970s and 1980s — something that the pro-sex feminist crowd lost, for the most part, but not in an ultimate way. There has always remained a large amount of feminists who are not that attractive, and are deeply uncomfortable with pro-sex feminism which encourages women to use their sexual allure as real power — because they do not share in that power, and cannot wield it. All we are seeing in this latest spat is one type of feminist (the Bergman type) taking umbrage at the other type of feminist (the Milano type) admitting that female sexual allure is power and seeking to deploy it as such. Same old, same old.

  5. feeriker says:

    On the other end of the spectrum, the Daily Wire responded with a hilarious satirical piece: Men Forced To Make Love To Wives As Alyssa Milano Goes On Sex Strike [Satire]

    Yeah, that’s satire, alright; most wives have already been on a sex strike, for years, if not decades.

  6. Damn Crackers says:

    “Women who do not have sex with men may also need abortions.”

    What the hell is she talking about? Parthenogenesis? The Virgin Mary?

    Her account must be a parody. OT, the “wife up dem sluts” mentality has existed a long time in the Church.

    “Most clergy advocated reforming prostitutes, perhaps even the conversion of the women into nuns. They could even marry if they were able to find husbands; in 1198, Pope Innocent III stated marrying a prostitute as a means to reform her “a work of charity.””

  7. Anonymous Reader says:

    This ‘sex strike’ is of course just another iteration of a play written long ago by a dead, white male.
    Note how the play ends. is 46 years old. Aylssa, meet wall. Wall, meet Alyssa.

    Question: What if some women went “on strike” sexually and no man cared? Daily Wire has one answer but others exist. supports this recreation of Lysistrata, she is 73, so not in any danger from sperm-bearers.

    Sirena writes that women who do not have sex with men may need abortions. Yeah, I can see that if I squint my eyes through The Glasses. Sure, one would expect sperm donors to be screened well enough, but Sirena and other deeply feral women like her have an amazing hatred of beta men…

  8. swiftfoxmark2 says:

    Alyssa Milano is merely a puppet in all this. She has a movie coming out this summer (the new Spiderman movie) and so her handlers (or agents) are pushing her to do this in order to get publicity.

    After all, even negative publicity is still publicity.

  9. Anonymous Reader says:

    Randy M
    I think the tweet is referencing the notion that women who have sex with men that they both agree to call women might still get pregnant.

    Oh, duh. Occam’s razor cuts again. One need not be a cisheteronormative patriarchaly oppressor to get a girl pregnant, of course.

    Rabbit trail: the trans world is heavily involved in magical thinking of the “words affect reality because magic” sort. Take that far enough and when the Hale-Bopp comet returns, well…

  10. Anonymous Reader says:

    This is just the oldest spat within contemporary feminism — between the cute feminists and the not cute ones — about women wielding sex appeal as power (something which implies that, ahem, it actually *is* power).

    It’s really just an extension of high school angst, at least in US terms:
    “Come the Revolution, all women will be cute and sexy except for those cute blondes, who will be ugly and plain”.

    Sometimes I wonder just how much of US politics is subconscious score-settling by old teenagers.

  11. Chad Olson says:

    Every stereotype of the ugly feminist incorporated into one twitter feed? Done and done. Or should I say, “Snark and snark”?

    She wears her problem glasses at night, so she can, so she can, keep the patriarchy on blast 24-7.

  12. feministhater says:

    Sirena Bergman sounds like a typical satirist. Proposing absurd solutions to problems in order to get people angry with her. There seem to be plenty of these sorts of twatter accounts pretending to be someone else in order to poke fun at the insane nature of the left.

  13. vfm7916 says:

    Keep in mind as well the resistance things like Vasagel get. Women use children as a lever for power, and there’s nothing like child support to assist hypergamy. That’s why a “sex-strike” or these calls for mandatory vasectomies and such will not happen. If every young man had Vasagel or the equivalent, female power over reproduction would vanish. The contractual schadenfreude that would follow for any woman trying to convince a man to knock her up would be amazingly humorous and satisfying. It would likely drive massive law changes, probably in men’s favor. It would certainly decimate family courts!
    I’d also say that mandatory Vasagel would drive those women who wanted families more than feminism to get married young to high MMV men and stay with them. I’ve been quietly polling my wife for her perceptions of her homeschool group over time. The changes in political and cultural views she’s related demonstrate, for my perception, that there’s a countertrend against feminism that’s building, especially in the last two years as the Cognitive Dissonance between things that do “empower women”, such as having children and being a full time mom and homeschooler, and the Globohomo agenda glorifying soul destroying random sex, awarding more victim points to those other than straight white women, the slips in Virginia over abortion, the Covington kids, etc. Women do process these things and their brains have a harder and harder time overcoming the CogDis. That hamster does spin out of the cage, and will do so at a younger and younger age. More women will want to get and stay married, younger, as they look at the wrinkled wallsmacked hags that are being held up as their role models.

    This will take years, so don’t look for it, but have hope. Get out there and plant trees and kids.

  14. white says:


    What’s sickening is that when the dust settles, both camps will somehow agree that men must suffer more. Legislation will follow.

  15. Nick Mgtow says:

    Sex strike? The alphas, PUAs and Johns will keep having it as women can’t resist those types. The poor henpecked husbands and beta schmucks are gonna starve, if it makes any difference to them. But the first are gonna be fine.

  16. John James R says:

    Uh oh, a sex strike! Us men will have to capitulate right away because we are all so addicted to our nightly, three hour romps with our lean, long-haired, doe-eyed beauties. Skinny arms, large, extraordinary breasts, long legs, and so fit! Every man comes home to that kind of woman in the USA and to be denied that sexual heaven will certainly set us straight. Oh they’ve got us on lock down now. 200 million American men will no longer go home to the heavenly embrace of their beautiful, magical American bombshell wives and girlfriends. They totter around on heels and those skinny, mesmerizing legs and their high pitched voices and girly-girl giggles. How can such waifish, cat-like creatures wield so much power over us? We’re about to find out. If you’re like most men, you have come to expect that nightly, sweaty hours long romp with your super-fit, centerfold caliber wife. So much power in their 115 pound frames and swelling curves and flowing hair. The beauty and sexual ecstasy that we ALL get is not to be taken for granted. Mmm…women. Such beauties. Always. When they decide to wield that sexual power, then you must capitulate. It’s just too awesome.

  17. The formation of a Pussy & Blowjob Union, not to create a price floor for services rendered, but as an Italian mob-like political ultimatum such as “you better fall in line on our side or else this will happen to you!” seems fraught with difficulty.

    First of all, how in the world can this union stop the incessant picket line crossers, women who are going to have sex with their boyfriends, husbands and Chad acquaintances anyway?

    Second, this sex strike is going falls right into the hands of the body-controlling, abstinence-preaching Christians in Georgia and Alabama anyway.

    Third, who is Milano punishing when she says “join me!”?? That would be just her husband. Unless at the sour age of 46 she is still blowing and screwing actors, tv producers and writers on the side.

    Fourth, it leaves the impression that women are ONLY having sex with their boyfriends, husbands and Chad’s for transactional purposes. Like they can boycott a clothing line for not being feminist enough or environmentally aware enough. Truth is, at least some women, married and single, do decide to engage in sexual congress with men for other reasons (attraction, validation, genuine desire) than just marking off a compliance/obligation checkbox on her “mental load” to-do list (e.g. Fuck my husband. Check!)

  18. Lastly, I now that sexless marriages are now pervasive, and now a poorly kept secret.
    But even the most ardent of feminist wives out there already know that sex strikes do not work.
    They tend to backfire.

  19. locustsplease says:

    All this does is get some pub some kid searches online for criticism and finds mgtow realises hes not alone and saves his life.

  20. Liz says:

    “Come the Revolution, all women will be cute and sexy except for those cute blondes, who will be ugly and plain”.
    And all will someday share Ashley Judd’s plastic surgeon, apparently…
    transforming into creepy voluntarily.
    The future is here!

  21. American says:

    In the early 1990s, I remember a publication interviewed Alyssa where she questioned why it was wrong for open lesbian sex acts not to be shown on television. She’s always been amoral… and immoral. She’s always on the wrong side of all that’s right and holy.

  22. I once had a girlfriend who (while crying over something she did that was pretty stupid) admitted to me that the only negotiating power she felt she had with someone who was as organized as I was, was to withhold sex from me until she got what she wanted. She told me that her mother told her that was really the only real power a woman had in this male dominated world. I was pretty young at the time and I wasn’t really focused on a snappy response. I think I just let it go.

  23. Peter James says:

    OK. Bloated Narwhal is on a “sex strike”. Guess my liaison in 2025 is off, not so bad. 2X a decade is about normal in America.

    She hit 385 last year and smells like a chum bucket. Ahhh, marriage.

  24. Pingback: Vaginas of the world, unite! | Reaction Times

  25. Big20s says:

    At Milano’s age, it’s more of a lockout than a “strike”.

  26. Opus says:

    As Georgia gets a mention I would like to put in a word in defence of Ben Shapiro. Last week he in LA was interviewed in London by Andrew Neil on the BBC. The general view is that Shapiro was outclassed and made to look awful which is why Shapiro removed the mic and left the studio. I take a somewhat different view. Andrew Neil who’s nickname is Brillo Pad (his hair) and is famous for dating ‘Asian Birds’ forty years his junior = in Asia – instead of interviewing Shapiro about Shapiro’s new book attacked Shapiro with ad-hominems – as if he, Shapiro, is responsible for Georgia’s legislation. After Shapiro walked, a panel of six left wing pro-abortionists joined in the television version of a victory dance. Had I been Shapiro I too would have walked. I have never heard Neil interview anyone in any way other than one of bias and insult. A lot of American commentators seemed to be impressed by Neil by reason of his British accent. All I ever hear with Neil is a Glaswegian yob.

  27. vfm7916 says:


    Neil was incredibly nice to him. He could have destroyed Shapiro in a second by asking him about Judeo-Christianity, and if he accepted that Jesus was the Son of God, the Father.

  28. Dalrock,

    What Alyssa is doing is in support of the Patriarchy!

    Although Milano may not realize it, her attempt at progressive activism was actually the opposite of feminist. Let me be clear: Calling for women to go on a “sex strike” isn’t “woke” or cool, it is sexist and harmful. Why? Because it promotes the antiquated narrative that women have sex only as a concession or gift to men, not because they enjoy sex for its own sake. This is not feminist; it’s patriarchal.

    So, well, yeah….

  29. Opus says:

    I see that Bergman has a virtue-signalling rainbow, a symbol stolen from the Jews I would say.

    I never judge women on their sexual power, but more on their ability at say Chess or Tennis or all-in Sumo-wrestling or even helming a super-hero movie. Women might get a larger score were they judged on their sexual attractiveness or as we used to say Femininity though I realise that progressive women regard the word Feminine as an insult and yearn for that golden age when women ran Carthage and peace spontaneously broke out across the Mediterranean. Hannibal Barca was a Carthaginian – never understood how that could be.

  30. Otto says:

    “She has a movie coming out this summer (the new Spiderman movie) and so her handlers (or agents) are pushing her to do this in order to get publicity. …After all, even negative publicity is still publicity.”

    Ummm, no. Not all publicity is good publicity.

    Captain Marvel pulled decent numbers, despite the SJW backlash before the movie, because it was the second-to-last episode in the Avengers series. Too many people had invested time (and were worried they wouldn’t understand Endgame) unless they watched it.

    A fresh Spiderman movie will be very passable (at least in the theaters) by fans.

  31. Anon says:

    I hope Sirena Bergman is another Titania McGrath

  32. Frank K says:

    A fresh Spiderman movie will be very passable (at least in the theaters) by fans.

    I just looked it up on IMDB and didn’t Milano’s name anywhere on the page.

    That said, there is enough wrong about the new version of Spidey. For one thing, MJ isn’t the redhead fans have come to expect. Instead she’s a moody chick of mixed race and with a resting bitch face that would send Doc Oct running for cover. I think we can forget about her calling Peter “tiger”.

  33. feministhater says:

    I hope Sirena Bergman is another Titania McGrath

    I have my suspicions too.

  34. Novaseeker,

    This caused the rift between the pro-sex and anti-sex feminists back in the 1970s and 1980s — something that the pro-sex feminist crowd lost, for the most part, but not in an ultimate way. There has always remained a large amount of feminists who are not that attractive, and are deeply uncomfortable with pro-sex feminism which encourages women to use their sexual allure as real power — because they do not share in that power, and cannot wield it.

    Ann Coulter said something similar to this during the Harvey Weinstein mess a couple years ago. Everyone was asking, why did so many feminist writers and reporters rush to defend Weinstein and all his shenanigans over the three decades he kept those shenanigans going? Well Ann had a theory that has not yet been disproven.

    In her interview, Tina Brown explained exactly how Weinstein controlled reporters: “If there was any stirring of a negative story, Harvey would offer them a book contract, a development deal, a consultancy, and they used to succumb. Journalists are often short of money, and they were also very star-struck with the world that Harvey offered, which was movies and Hollywood.”

    So what DID the bitter gossip girls get? Did Mara Siegler, Jamie Schram, Danika Fears or Maria Wiesner end up with phony “consultancies,” “book contracts” or “movie options” with Weinstein’s companies? (Paging the IRS!)

    The only other explanation is that the Weinstein-compliant scandal sheets illustrate the oldest primal urge, one even more basic than the compulsion that drove Weinstein: Ugly girls taking their revenge on pretty girls.

    It has been more than 20 years since she Embraced the Vampire, but if Alyssa Milano didn’t age as well as she has (the way Jennifer Aniston and Britney Spears have aged) then no one would give a fuck about her announcing an sex-strike.

  35. Swanny River says:

    OT: meanwhile, while Alyssa is getting the attention, getting it mostly right this weekend is Owen Strachan at Patheos.
    Anyone read his article?

  36. adam says:

    feminism in its original state. Bored, wealthy woman becomes “activist”

  37. Novaseeker says:

    It has been more than 20 years since she Embraced the Vampire, but if Alyssa Milano didn’t age as well as she has (the way Jennifer Aniston and Britney Spears have aged) then no one would give a fuck about her announcing an sex-strike.

    Yes, precisely. Alyssa may be an extremely tiresome radical feminist, but she’s an extremely tiresome radical feminist who cares a whole lot about how she *looks*, because looking how she does at her age is no easy task — it requires a lot of work (genes, money and trainers help, but you don’t keep tone like she has without quite a bit of effort). The reason? She likes being one of the pretty girls pretty much as much as she likes being a radical feminist witch, because her looks have always given her power. For her, pouring effort into her looks is very feminist, because it *empowers* her vis-a-vis men — she’s quite happy to bite the men that feed that power, of course, because she’s a psychotic feminist witch, but she still wants that power enough to spend a crapton of time to maintain it.

  38. Scott says:


    Take care.

  39. Nick Mgtow says:

    Novaseeker says:

    […] She likes being one of the pretty girls pretty much as much as she likes being a radical feminist witch, because her looks have always given her power. For her, pouring effort into her looks is very feminist, because it *empowers* her vis-a-vis men — […] she still wants that power enough to spend a crapton of time to maintain it.

  40. Anon says:

    Ugh. She was attractive until just three years ago, but I guess Trump made her no longer work to hold back the wall :

    Age 46.

  41. Karli says:

    Please no! We don’t need any more Democrat incels. Just keep them away from the guns!

  42. Spike says:

    A sex strike, Alyssa Milano? Feminists have had a sex cartel for 40+ years. They binge pre-marriage and then gone on strike AFTER marriage to their husbands. We have known this now for about the same number of years. Nothing new being asked for there. Nice try though.

    Also, if Alyssa Milano gets her sex strike, it’s okay for her since she’s Z-grade (I do recall once watching “Embrace of the Vampire”) But how are Hollywood actresses going to land those A-list roles without the casting couch?

    As for Sirena Bergman, can she explain how all these Immaculate Conceptions requiring abortion came to be, because I as a biologist certainly don’t understand how.

    “What have you done with your dash?” a famous evangelist once asked, referring to the dash between 2 dates on every gravestone. Dalrock’s family might say, “He tried turning back the feminist tide in the church”. My family will say “he tried curing incurable diseases”. Others here will leave great legacies. Ms Milano and Ms Bergman will leave behind, “She stood for up-to-birth-date abortion and unfettered killing of unborn children”. Way to go, ladies.

  43. Eponymous says:

    Per reading about this on Imgur earlier today, the “women who don’t have sex with men who might need abortions” is referring to lesbian rape victims

  44. Proudly Unaffiliated says:

    Yet another incident in support of the globohomo agenda. Hmm…at least this one was sort of loony/funny.

  45. Jonadab-the-Rechabite says:

    Alyssa Milano cannot withhold sex from me, I’m married and my has already beat her to it.

  46. Dan says:

    An aging bitter formerly desired hag desperately seeking relevance.

  47. Alyssa Milano is on this almost satanic, abortion-on-demand cause. She has been that way for several years now. It almost like the Devil has not only stolen her soul, he has invaded her body and is animating it. She sat right behind Judge Kavanaugh in his ridiculous Senate inquiry. I thought Clarence Thomas had it bad… heh.

    I think Alyssa might actually be dangerous at this point. And when I say dangerous, I mean physically dangerous (to herself or others.) There is something very broken about her. Who knows what she is capable of doing. I certainly hope someone (anyone in a position of authority) can step-in and try and address her but I fear no one will until it is far too late.

  48. info says:

    ”What’s sickening is that when the dust settles, both camps will somehow agree that men must suffer more. Legislation will follow.”

    Don’t be surprised if all sperm donors lose their anonymity and have to pay child support.

  49. feeriker says:

    innocentbystanderboston says:
    May 14, 2019 at 12:55 am

    It would be perfectly logical for Milano to be under the sway of Satan, if not actually demonically possessed. After all, the roles she was famous for “back in the day” all had occult themes (“Charmed,” “Embrace of the Vampire,” “Fear”). There appears to be a very clear pattern here.

  50. feeriker says:

    Don’t be surprised if all sperm donors lose their anonymity and have to pay child support.

    They’ve already taken the first step in that direction:

  51. Paul says:

    Women who do not have sex with men may also need abortions.

    Is she referring to women having first artificial insemination, then having a “need” for an abortion?

    If so she MUST be satirical, right?

  52. TheOtherScott says:

    More fake news. I’m sure the incidence of FA has been overestimated in their survey.

    There is nothing more effective than rhetoric in combatting a social ill.. MORE PLEASE!

  53. info says:

    Oh no.

  54. Opus says:

    I had never previously heard of Alyssa Milano nor for that matter Sirena (how appropriately christened!) Bergman and i would like to say, as Americans have some very unpronounceable surnames and usually with an indecent lack of vowels, that Bergman is not an English surname. She is not one of us. She is also from her Avatar pug ugly. We laugh at these harridans but they really do mean us harm and although the two above are in the more bat-guano crazy category far too many women and especially those in arts and the media show and proudly similar albeit so far lesser characteristics of Androphobia. Ultimately their proposals are forms of Genocide.

    On the subject of the casting couch one distinguished fruity English Thespian whose name I temporarily forget but who is very well known* and regarded said at the time #Metoo broke that when he was a young aspiring actor in the 60s a theatre manager (and every English Town larger than a village has a Repertory theatre – Rep, as it is known and the rest all do AmDram) took him aside and showed him the publicity head-shots of a large number of equally aspiring female actresses sent by the actresses to the theatre manager. On each or at least most of these photographs was inscribed the letters DRR. The Manager explained that the acronym stood for the words ‘Directors Rights Respected’, that is to say these women would turn tricks for the Director of the play or show should that be his wish as a quid-pro-quo for a part. He was thus entirely un-phased and un-surprised by the #Metoo revelations.

    *Simon Callow, I think (but doesn’t he bat for the opposition?)

  55. Opus says:

    As I was saying Americans can have some very strange – by my lights – surnames (which being American does not mark them out as foreigners) and so I was saddened to read of the death of Doris Kappelhoff. Brilliant Dancer, Wonderful Singer (I bought one of her singles – the one written by her son) and great Actress as well as being a Professional Virgin. We will not see her like again. I wonder what she thought of the casting couch but with that amount of talent I am sure she did not need it.

  56. JRob says:

    Is it unity of only real vj’s or can volunteer vj’s play too?

    Rumblings from the radical left seem to point to an upcoming fight to protect feminism’s rung on the “I’m more special than you” cultural ladder from the transgendered upstarts

    Jennifer Chavez of WoLF was featured on Washington Watch, belated on about the unfairness of the Equality Act to the poor, oppressed wimminz. Very entertaining, start at 38:00 if interested.

  57. Bruce says:

    Seem to remember 15 years ago or so she was whining because someone hacked her personal computer and stole nude photos she had on it.

  58. JRob says:

    “belated” should read “bleated”

  59. Scott says:

    One might file the Alyssa Milano story under the heading “pining for the feminism of yesteryear.”

    Recall, she was one of the stars of the hit 80s sitcom “Who’s the boss?”

    The premise was single dad, and injured MLB player (Tony Danza) forced to retire moves his kids to the suburbs of vermont to go back to college and be a live in housekeeper for high powered ad executive and divorcee (JUdith Light). The mom of the divorcee (Cathryn Helmond) was an oversexed maneater who brought in a trail of men week after a week so we could all see how cool she was compared to her stuffy, conservative daughter. We never learn the circumstnaces under which either of them became single moms.

    Everyone is supposed to want Light and the Danza to get together (which I think happens at the end) because “sexual tension.”

    Tony Danza was soooooo dreamy with his shirt off and such a gentleman because he wasn’t too macho to take orders from a woman and live under her roof! The sitcom era was filled with shows containing these weird premises. No wonder everyone from my generations is so f$&#ed up.

  60. Novaseeker says:

    Is she referring to women having first artificial insemination, then having a “need” for an abortion?

    If so she MUST be satirical, right?

    No, she’s being snarky in another way, though. She’s talking about (1) lesbians (“women who do not have sex with men” — i.e., voluntarily) who are raped and (2) women who are having sex with “trans women” (i.e., male to female transsexuals, but remember “trans women are women!!!!!!!”).

    It’s snark upon snark — so snarky that if you aren’t woke enough, you miss it.

  61. purge187 says:

    “On Friday Alyssa Milano called for a sex strike to protest abortion laws in Georgia.”

    So that means we’ll have to abstain from sex with women like her?

    Yeah, not the biggest sacrifice I’ve had to make.

  62. feministhater says:

    Yeah, I didn’t really want to put my sperm haver into her fronthole anyway. Please do go on with your sex strike Alyssa, you have my full support!

  63. Frank K says:

    Don’t be surprised if all sperm donors lose their anonymity and have to pay child support.

    It eludes me how any rational man would engage in such an activity. One would have to be a narcissist to do so. Oh well, I guess it’s going to get harder for lesbians to become impregnated.

  64. Dalrymple says:

    We’re angry with you, so for a brief time we won’t allow you to use us like sluts.

    Now that’s power.

  65. Pingback: Ugly feminists are large and in charge. | Dalrock

  66. Red Pill Christianity says:

    Not in the future – now! It is not ‘a matter of time’ until sperm donors are unmasked and sue for child support. It is already happening! Women use a series of legal maneuvours and excuses for why they need the identity of the sperm donor, but it is often “I need to know the identity of sperm donor so we can do DNA test and see if there are any genetic defects” or simply “sperm donor acted like a father” to child he often never even met.

    Under many State laws, men can be forced to pay child support for children which are definitely not biologically theirs and most of the time, the sperm-donor’s name is not even on birth certificate.

    But in reality male victims of Statutory-rape have been paying child support for years, even back in 1996:

    We also know that when “acting like a father”, the courts have forced men to pay child support.

    Who cares about good intentions on part of the man or if this ruins his life? As long as he pays, it s all good in the neighborhood!

    Sperm-donor fool gets trapped with child support for decades one way or another. Why do males do this in first place? For $50 bucks per donation? Now gonna pay 1/3 of his income per child he ‘fathered’ for up to 26 years. Have fun!

  67. Red Pill Christianity says:

    In America the system is so bad young male kids that father a child after being Statutorily-raped by older female teachers have to pay child support, often going back to day child was born plus interest despite being a male victim of crime. The court standard is ‘best interest of child’ the male is irrelevant if his life is destroyed.

    Imagine being 13 or 14 and hooking-up with a female teacher who is like 25 or 30. You are a stupid kid, desperate for female attention and some relief and this is awesome, so it seems. You are both discovered, she vanishes, and suddenly, years later, you are now 18 and receive a nice little summons to court. You are hit with a fortune in child support costs. Your life is pre-ruined before you even have a chance. And if you are “lucky” the court will not order you pay in-arrears, which is going back to day of child’s birth until present, with interest.

    Most Americans do not understand how the Family Court system works at all. The judge is a demigod of sorts, all-powerful and makes laws based on her/his decisions on the spot, with virtually no oversight, no appeals, and no regard for legislative-given powers and constraints. The unfairness is palpable.

    Also judges have become so political and so filled with activism they often dismiss contracts outright. That is why Prenuptial Agreements (contracts) are often dismissed by family court judges and why sperm-donor contracts protecting male from child support are tossed out by judges as well. Contracts today are only enforced if you’re a big Corp enforcing these typical one-sided credit cards, apartment lease from a big-corp management company, or one-sided mortgage contracts. The rest of contracts are basically lists of suggestions, and that is especially true of marriage contracts known as Prenuptial Agreements.

    Family laws are whatever that one specific judge says these laws are on any given day. This is how family courts operate and they rule on all matters of marriage, divorce and child support.

    They are rigged against men. Until men get this reality in their thick skulls and stop whining and not play that the marriage/child game, men will continue to always lose. And this is coming from non-MGTOW male here.

    “Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding…” Proverbs 3:13

  68. Tam the Bam says:

    Women that don’t have sex with men also need abortions?
    Oh, I thought she was reminiscing over her previous romantic encounters, such as this.
    “In 2017, a human-pig chimera was reported to have been created, the chimera was also reported to have 0.001% human cells, with the balance being pig.[18][19][20]”
    I mean, Science and all that. Seems quite a reasonable, if somewhat socially awkward position for your average Darwinian, don’t it?

  69. Jon Patch says:

    Is this the same broad who had her tiddies hanging out at the Kavanaugh / Ballsy-Fraud hearing?

  70. Pingback: They’re too traditional to stay married. | Dalrock

  71. Max Wilson says:

    Here’s another satirical take “THE GREAT FEMINIST JOKE ATTACK” –

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