She’s teaching her daughters to play patriarchy chicken.

Anna Lee Beyer at HuffPost writes in How I Am Teaching My Small Daughters To Play Patriarchy Chicken:

Imagine me, a grown woman, with a jumping 5-year-old on one hand and a rogue 2-year-old pulling on the other. We are broad. We take up space. And now we hold that space, especially in the face of anyone who chugs toward us expecting to have the path cleared for them. So far only one person has run into us, bumping into my daughter’s child-sized shopping cart in the produce section.

My daughter said, “Watch out!” And I jumped to correct her tone, embarrassed that she seemed rude. Then I noticed that the other shopper was annoyed, not about to offer an apology, and I thought, “Why are we the rude ones in this scenario?”

Just like the woman who fights the patriarchy by farting in public, this kind of childish power game is a physical manifestation of the ugly feminist mindset.

Now when we are out shopping, taking a walk or engaging in any other family activity, I focus on the children and on our objective. I don’t look around to see how we can make ourselves more convenient for everyone else.

What harm am I going to do? Contribute to a new stereotype that mothers and small daughters are self-focused instead of submissive? OK, sounds great. Raise women who feel entitled to prioritize their own goals? Cool.

And ironically it relies on her unshakable faith in the good will of men she doesn’t know, of the very men she tells herself are evil.

Unfortunately, we know that simply standing in a man’s way can be dangerous.

Like Riley, I know I am exercising the privilege of a white woman in my upper middle class neighborhood where I can be inconvenient without worrying that it puts my children in danger.

One interesting aspect of the article is that while she calls this “Patriarchy Chicken”, borrowing the phrase from another ugly feminist, she describes her habit of intentionally getting in the way of strangers in gender neutral terms.  She is especially careful not to reveal the sex of the person her daughter ran into with the shopping cart, which makes me suspect it was a woman, not a man.

See Also: The perfect response to Patriarchy Chicken.

This entry was posted in Anna Lee Beyer, HuffPost, Patriarchy Chicken, Ugly Feminists. Bookmark the permalink.

40 Responses to She’s teaching her daughters to play patriarchy chicken.

  1. Steve says:

    Rod Dreher (of the american conservative) picked up “Where are the Good Christian Men” article.
    It tracked almost completely with much of what you’ve written.

  2. cshort says:

    AKA – How I’m teaching my children to be self-entitled brats.

    I don’t look around to see how we can make ourselves more convenient for everyone else.

    Isn’t this a non-trivial part of the purpose of civilization?

  3. NA9791 says:

    Basic human decency is a tool of the patriarchy.

  4. John Marcucci says:

    That’s the asymmetrical beauty of radical feminism, if you can call such a grotesque disposition beautiful: its self-condemning. All you have to do is let them talk without interrupting, give them a platform, and let nature take its course. No need for a counter-argument or a rebuttal.

  5. Heidi says:

    Is what’s good for the goose good for the gander? Ie, what should we teach our small boys?

  6. I know I am exercising the privilege of a white woman in my upper middle class neighborhood where I can be inconvenient without worrying that it puts my children in danger.

    We are living in comparatively the most abundant, automated, safest and secure era in the history of humankind and the world, and this woman – and millions in North America just like – just can’t get her cup of feminine indignation completely filled anymore. That fact, in and of itself, deserves its own serving of righteous indignation.

    Honestly, what would women do without social media (Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat), morning talkshows like GMA and The View?

    She is also a textbook example of why men are not helping or being of service to women anymore.
    We don’t need VAWA, Duluth Model, TimesUp, MeToo and YesMeanYes to arrive at that deductive decision. Her attitude alone is sufficient.

  7. Christopher Conrad Nystrom says:

    “If we bump into someone, we say “excuse me”” – If you really do not feel that the behavior is wrong, then this is a lie.

  8. Christopher Conrad Nystrom says:

    “Unfortunately, we know that simply standing in a man’s way can be dangerous.’ – So you are teaching your children a behavior that you consider dangerous? What is wrong with this picture?

  9. vandicus says:

    I don’t blame third wolders for behaving like they do, they were brought up like that. This woman on the other hand is going out of her way to treat people poorly. In a petty way but that’s her goal nonetheless.

  10. goFigure says:

    I agree with this analysis:
    She is especially careful not to reveal the sex of the person her daughter ran into with the shopping cart, which makes me suspect it was a woman, not a man.

    She is planning on training her girls to be just as rude and obnoxious as the woman they met at the store.

    She is specifically teacher her girls to be rude to other women. Thus this statement: “Unfortunately, we know that simply standing in a man’s way can be dangerous.”

    She is just looking for someone to show “stick it to”. In this case other women will do nicely for her.

  11. feeriker says:

    Training little girls to grow up to be entitled, nasty, selfish, feminist twats? Sure. It’s what American women do nowadays, almost without exception.

    We can only hope that this behavior repels a sufficient number of men that the opportunity to become a mother who breeds entitled, nasty, selfish, feminist twats becomes so limited that the population of such dwindles to insignificance.

  12. DrPinWV says:

    The author says, “We are broad. We take up space. And now we hold that space…” When a man takes up space, it’s called “manspreading.” When a feminist and her children join forces to take up space, it’s a “cool” way to be “self-focused instead of submissive.”

  13. Anonymous Reader says:

    Imagine me, a grown woman,

    I find that very hard to believe…

  14. Anonymous Reader says:


    “It’s different when I/We do it”… every spoiled brat, ever.

  15. Swanny River says:

    The world takes Titus 2 more seriously than the church, but for training in feralness instead.

  16. Swanny River says:

    Feeriker, you can hope that, but they are just as likely to become teachers or profs and wildly multiply themselves among DODO’s kids.

  17. Damn Crackers says:

    Is this her daughter the Wall St. statue?

  18. vfm7916 says:

    So Constrainedlocus and Vandicus touch on the real gem of death in this story.

    It’s not patriarchy this woman is training her daughter to resist. It’s reality. In any non-white/western country this will result in assault or possibly death. Yes, white women are in the safest place on the planet. They have no danger sense, in general, since danger has mostly been eliminated. We know that patriarchy has done so, for its own purposes, but the protective effect lessens every day. Danger, and experience of actual suffering, is the only teacher that a woman will respect.

    While I see the patriarch protections declining in SJW diversity territory, I see it holding its ground or strengthening in localities that remain traditionally American. I actually have been developing a mental checklist for evaluating unfamiliar women: the presence of 2+ white children, and/or feminine dress and grooming allows a default offer of patriarchal assistance and default civilized courtesy. Battletoads or non-feminine behavior/dress/grooming does not, and merits no attention nor solicitude.

  19. And ironically it relies on her unshakable faith in the good will of men she doesn’t know, of the very men she tells herself are evil.

    The epitome of feminism at times seems to be “push men as far as they can be pushed, and no further”. The “and no further” part is unspoken, but important.

    Her entire game is predicated on the assumption that the people she’s doing this with can be pushed around, so she can encourage her daughter to push people around. It is *not* to confront people who will push back, because otherwise her daughter is going to see mom stammering and backing away in fear when someone bellows “Get out of the way you fat slags” at her.

    There’s a word for the male version of this – guys who push and nag and go as far as they can in being a pain in the ass, but are conscious to back away from real confrontation.

    Isn’t it “bitches”?

  20. Darwinian Arminian says:

    Just like the woman who fights the patriarchy by farting in public, this kind of childish power game is a physical manifestation of the ugly feminist mindset . . .

    . . . And ironically it relies on her unshakable faith in the good will of men she doesn’t know, of the very men she tells herself are evil.

    There’s something else that’s going on when women play this game: They really do seem to believe that by being rude, selfish, or bitchy in general that they’re ultimately making the world a better place. Why? Because their choosing to be awful will force the men around them to bend even further to the will of the female. Not a bad approach if you think that all the evil in the world comes from patriarchy and male domination, but for some reason it never seems to occur to them that the world can also be made worse by their own bad behavior.

    Liker Rollo Tomassi’s feminine imperative, this isn’t something that’s limited to unpleasant feminists. In the end, all women engage in it, or will at least wrestle with the temptation. Seeing Dalrock’s post here reminded me of a twitter thread that I saw the other day from a “conservative” female evangelical church leader who recounted her own experience in playing “patriarchy chicken.” She had apparently taken a recent flight in which the stewardess had come to her section at the front of the plane before takeoff and requested that someone volunteer to move to the back in order to balance out the weight of the aircraft. So did she choose to display her personal sense of Christian charity by offering to move herself? Nope. She stayed put and kept her convenient seating because she noticed that everyone else in her section was male — and giving up her seat would have robbed these men of an opportunity to practice the kinds of sacrifice and deference that our society desperately needs to demand of them.

    You can read the whole thing here:

    Though if that doesn’t work, it can also be read in a thread reader app:

    It’s awfully generous of this woman to stay comfortable so that the men around her will have to live up to their responsibility to, in her words, “do the hard thing” and take a worse seat. Still, one might ask: Do the gender roles she claims to support ever impose any burdens on her other than a duty to insist that men serve her and make her feel good? Or is that too much to ask for in a world where the likes of Matt Chandler inform us that women’s greatest sin is their sense of perfectionism?

  21. Pingback: Ugly feminists are large and in charge. | Dalrock

  22. Pingback: She’s teaching her daughters to play patriarchy chicken. | Reaction Times

  23. theShield220 says:

    “Raise women who feel entitled…?”
    I just stopped with “entitled”.

  24. Hans Tholstrup says:

    The odd thing – if you have ever shopped at a supermarket! – is that men are generally more aware of other people approaching them, eg from behind, and will ease out of the way – while generally women are unaware and dawdle smack bang in the center of the aisle, in other shoppers’ way. The woman in the article is unaware she already blithely blocks others…

  25. John Miller says:

    @Hans Thostrup, 4:52 PM:
    Two thumbs WAY, WAY UP!!!

  26. Anonymous Reader says:

    I cannot find any comments on that page, however if HuffPost does not “do comments” it is no surprise.

    @Hans Tholstrup
    Hypothesis: situational awareness is associated with spatial visualization.

  27. Tam the Bam says:

    “In any non-white/western country this will result in assault or possibly death. Yes, white women are in the safest place on the planet.”
    In That London, or even moderately-sized UK cities, this sort of nonsense would often as not result in a well-deserved twatting (hearty slap, not the other thing). The class-formerly-known-as-“working” don’t tolerate elite dominance displays with much patience.
    In the celtic holdout zones it might even qualify for a slashed jaw (obv. not for the weans), and nobody would be amazed. America must be a formidably “safe” society. Well done lads.

  28. Lost Patrol says:

    Ugly feminist of the month program ( may have been overwhelmed after one month. The system is completely swamped with entries for May and it’s only the 14th.

    The featured ugly feminists from OP and comments in the last two posts alone provide more solid candidates than the selection committee can process.

    If solicited for your vote in an attempt to unravel this mess remember, true ugliness comes from the inside. Don’t vote for one just because you think she looks like a sea cow, give due credit to the black-hearted.

  29. American says:

    I admit, I do always yield the right of way and hold doors when children are involved. But if a mean dyke wants to play the bull in public while soloing, I’ll matador.

  30. Anonymous Reader says:


    Holdthedor vs. matador, eh?

    Decisions, decisions…

  31. Cane Caldo says:

    Like Riley, I know I am exercising the privilege of a white woman in my upper middle class neighborhood where I can be inconvenient without worrying that it puts my children in danger.

    I used to fly a lot. Almost half a million miles have passed through my AA rewards program, and tens or hundreds of thousands more on other airlines. In some ways, this is very much an Internet-sized shit-test of American white civilization. I believe this because of 9/11.

    Before 9/11, when the flight reached the jetway, some people used to jump up and genuinely run from the back of the plane down the aisle to the front. This irritated me to the Nth degree. I remember once I yelled “STOP!” at some college-aged boys and they immediately halted next to my seat and looked sheepish; though I was no more than four years their senior at the time. Once a women who was 30-35 years old did this and I (only 23 or 24) yelled at her, “Where are you going?” She stopped immediately, right next to my seat, and nonchalantly looked around as if that was where she had meant to go and now she was merely taking in the sights above the heads of the rest of us passengers.

    After 9/11, all that running down the aisle nonsense stopped because if you ran ran down the aisle it meant you wanted the rest of us to choke your ass out before you blew up the plane.

  32. Spike says:

    It’s all fine, up until she tries it on a migrant who comes from a culture that doesn’t share her delicate sensitivities

  33. Trust says:

    @: “Like Riley, I know I am exercising the privilege of a white woman in my upper middle class neighborhood where I can be inconvenient without worrying that it puts my children in danger.”

    IOW, to protest oppression against women, she causes trouble for men who she knows won’t oppress her. The ones who would oppress her, she’ll probably try to win them over with sex.

  34. feeriker says:

    It’s all fine, up until she tries it on a migrant who comes from a culture that doesn’t share her delicate sensitivities

    Ain’t it amazing how consistently they ALL refrain from playing their silly, nasty little feminist games with sepia-skinned vibrants? Gosh, why might THAT be? /sarc

  35. Mandy says:

    I wonder what planet this happens on because I am never treated with more deference from strangers than when I am with small children apart from when I am visibly pregnant. In fact I was just telling someone if you want strangers to smile at you and be eager to help you, just bring a small child where ever you go.

  36. wilandmari says:

    Amateurs!!! This gal is taking patriarchy chicken to a ho-nuva-level.

  37. Ubrino U says:

    Dostoevsky wrote about this in Notes From the Underground. It seems Underground Man, during his daily walk in St. Petersburg has an issue with the same (male) person every day, who forced Underground Man to move and would not ever give way. This caused Underground Man a lot of concern and resulted in a game similar to ‘chicken.’

    I reread this after reading about Patriarchy’s Chicken and found the passage quite interesting when juxtaposed with Patriarchy Chicken!

  38. American says:

    @wildandmari: The recklessness of the state raised she-boon. They call us racists for moving away from their violence, their thieving, their reckless disregard, their drug dealing and drug use, their vandalism, their degeneration of our schools, their misusing government to transfer our money into their pockets, etc… They can screech whatever names they want at the exhaust coming from my uhaul moving van because I won’t live in the middle of that.

  39. Anchorman says:

    I also suspect she only plays the game in safe, white neighborhoods.

  40. wilandmari says:

    My comment should be removed. I didn’t realize when I posted it that the man died. This is not a laughing matter.

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