Instapundit ran a post yesterday about the controversy the director of the latest movie in the Terminator series is trying to generate around the fact that the movie features a standard issue kickass female lead. As I write this there are 243 replies to the post, and not one reader stated that he didn’t like female action heroes. This is truly striking because movies are after all a matter of taste. But preferring male action heroes is one preference that is presently unthinkable.
As with the response to women’s soccer, the focus of the discussion was on assuring anyone reading that modern movie viewers are totally sex blind when it comes to action heroes. We love action hero gender bending, so long as the acting and story are good.
Several top rated comments featured animated gifs to prove how much everyone loves movies with kickass gals. In one, Old Jester featured an animated gif of Sigorney Weaver powering up her exo-suit from Aliens:
No, we just want the strong women to have a story worthy of them…
In another much loved comment, the same reader featured an animated gif of Sarah Conner doing pull-ups:
Oh, yeah… us SciFi Geeks hate the strong womenz… that must be it… Linda Hamilton is a badass and we all know it.
Another reader was aroused by such a badass display:
Wait. Where were we in this discussion again? Oh, I’m a misogynistic SOB because I hated the latest Ghostbusters remake.
That there are large numbers of men, especially conservative men, who are enthralled by the kickass gal trope isn’t surprising. But it is striking that when it comes to a matter of taste, not one of the 200+ comments stated that the reader doesn’t enjoy a bit of heroic gender bending. Some of this has to be due to the Overton window in our feminist age, which would be telling enough. But I suspect that very few Insapundit readers make it a point of skipping action movies with female leads but were too afraid of internet disapproval to express their cinematic preference. The idea of not being sex blind when it comes to action heroes in our current age is simply unthinkable. Moreover, this is so natural to us that we can’t imagine an age when this wasn’t the case.
Related: How much girlpower is too much?
My understanding is that terminators, are robots.
Surely this makes any discussion of gender, odd at best.
Do people have a gender preference for robot death machines, should they
Not surprising, but still repulsive and disappointing.
The modern guy’s love of kickass girls is a somewhat new development. It means something, but I don’t know what.
There are a few precedents. For example, the classical age had stories about and statues of Amazon warrior-women. But history is about magnitudes (almost nothing is new), and the magnitude of our arousal by kick-ass girls is amazing .. and imo strange.
Past kick-ass warriors were often wet dream fantasies in body and dress. See the rush of female superheroes in 1970s comic books. And Linda Carter’s Wonder Woman.
But films and TV now go far to portray female heroes in asexual dress, usually with boyish figures – and with speech and behavior formerly considered masculine (eg, Captain Marvel, the many women tough cops on TV). Lots of scenes of sweaty muscular women at work (Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, and the various Sarah Connors).
We are changing in ways that we don’t see clearly and certainly don’t understand. I doubt we are changing for the better.
Dude, I don’t know what Tweet you were looking at, but that one was the DEFINITION of RATIO!
I’m dying for your commentary on this season of the Bachelorette. I’m sure that’s not your regular viewing, and the anti-Christian set-up is nauseating, but it’s rich fodder.
Keep up the good work!
I’m not so sure.
I’m reminded of Thai ladyboys (which I will not link or search for, on university wi-fi). Some of them…look…hot. Of course knowing what you’re looking at changes everything, but regardless.
Can’t you make a case that what guys think is awesome is “badassness,” the same way we’re attracted to curves? And Ripley of Alien is badass, no mistake. What men hate is “fake” badassness, that’s so beyond the pale that we can’t suspend our disbelief—120-lb waifs throwing 200-lb men, etc.
Am I the problem? Enlighten me.
Conservatives like good characters, not a Mary Sue like Rey, but a “strong” woman like Princess Leia, who is all to human. Even “kick ass” girls like Wonder Woman pass muster if the motivations and character is well written and acted. We don’t care if the lead is female or not, we in the Fandom Menace do not want the female lead strong “because feminism” which makes them one dimensional and frankly boring.
Ed Driscoll is one of the reasons I stopped reading Instapundit. Glenn Reynolds is brilliant. The rest of his blog is boring sameoldsameold.
I love nothing more than shelling out $10+ at the movies for the privilege of seeing reality played out so accurately when a tiny woman takes on and handily defeats a number of well muscled and highly trained men. I use these movies as learning opportunities with my sons to show them that they need to treat all women with the utmost respect less they get their asses handed to them by a seemingly small and helpless girl. My daughters on the other hand have learned that no matter how small they are, with the right kind of jumpy, spinny moves, they can take down any sized guy without any problems whatsoever. Take that Patriarchy!!
Thou shalt appease and lose. Not much individuality. Better to be slaughtered as a herd. All the commenters have the Spirit of the Holy Ghost upon them and the Good Shepard guiding them to ultimate victory. Those wonderful consumers of the status quo are my betters and my heroes.
Finn said: “Do people have a gender preference for robot death machines, should they”
(1) A realist knows it’s actually a woman.
(2) Realism ain’t got nothing to do with the causes of decline. It is the instinctive and emotional but subconscious herd-narrative messages that mean everything to most everyone. It is a peculiarity of emasculated white men to be rational on ideas outside their herd identity narrative, either side of the Hegelian dialectic. Engineers, doctors, etc. so easily controlled and used. And still you keep insisting on reason as the end all and be all to prove your side. Ha, ha, ha.
I’ll skip. If it’s a female lead I’ve pretty much not seen it. Have missed all the marvel stuff after Deadpool and Guardians Vol.1.
The thing about Aliens and the original Terminator stuff is that the female leads did not want to deal with killer aliens and robots. They were ordinary women at the time, though with jobs.
Does anyone else find zealots of any cause make for boring characters? You have seen them, with all their motivations spelled out in party approved slogans.
Groupthink is powerful.
Alien is now nearly 40 years in the past, and part of the shock value of that story was the captain of the cargo vessel was one of the first humans to be killed by the monster. It was an upending of standard story lines that I’m sure was extremely effective — in 1980. Perhaps the scriptwriter wanted to make the character Ripley into “everyman-woman” or some such. Of course, Ripley was made to look rather androgynous…
Terminator came out within a year or so of Alien, I won’t bother with precision of dates. Linda Hamilton’s character was a more typical female role and in fact is one of two critical roles in that story. She becomes as “kickass” as an ordinary woman can be, and a little bit more, but in the end she’s using machines made by men and it takes the entire story for her to become barely self motivated and confident enough to play that part.
(In my universe there is no sequel to Terminator because the first story i self contained, and the time machine was destroyed.)
But that’s also when 2nd wave feminism was really flooding the social spaces, with the message that women-are-men-with-boobs and women ought to be able to do anything a man can do. So the character of Ripley must become more kickass and yet tender towards a child, while the Linda Hamilton must become much, much more kickass because Ahnold wants / needs more screen time as the big T.
What we have here, is propaganda to communicate. Because the repeated failures of women to live up to the 2nd wave feminist aspirations is frustrating to all feminists, therefore the “OUGHT” has to be screeched ever louder, lest anyone notice the disconnect between what “ought to be true’ and what’s actually right in front of us.
It’s like someone driving a vehicle to a destination, navigating by phone map. If there’s a glitch in the application, and they wind up looking at some empty field on a rural road when the phone says “Hotel right here”, there’s a moment of cognitive dissonance. There ought to be a hotel, but looking through the windshield all there IS out there is a lot of hay.
On top of this, the groupthink above. Nobody wants to be the first to “stop clapping”, as the old story about Stalin explains. We have not reached Peak Feminism, that’s obvious.
I bet they watch more Male led action movies, but would never publicly confess it.
Also Google image search the new Terminator chick and Dylan roof side by side. You’re welcome for the laughs.
Another leftard film I won’t be watching. And Jesus didn’t tell the single “mother” and her feminist “pastor” to do this:
Speaking of which, behold Anna!
I could buy a story in which a beautiful woman uses her feminine wiles to lure men to their deaths (like that’s never happened before), but one where a 110 lb waif walks into a restaurant, assassinates her mark in full view of his body guards, and then beats a room full of trained killers into submission? Seriously? If a chick that size hit a 200 lb man, it would be irritating, but not much more.
Does anyone else find zealots of any cause make for boring characters?
Depends on the character and the story. Most modern stories are cartoons or comic books, most modern characters are cardboard cutouts. Because that’s what fits the propaganda narrative being pushed in most “entertainment”.
The only girl power I want to see is in the kitchen.
@Oscar, yeah, that’s the sort of nonsense that is patently ridiculous. And people seem to think it’s some how possible. At least Alita was a magic future technology cyborg, that gets you a pass.
a 110 lb waif walks into a restaurant, assassinates her mark in full view of his body guards, and then beats a room full of trained killers into submission?
It ought to be true, so you better not the first one to stop clapping, if you know what’s good for you…
Seeing a man do that would be highly unlikely, so seeing a woman do it is even more unlikely.
@ Anonymous Reader
Ah… but if I never clap at all, then I can never be the first to stop clapping, can I?
But, seriously, a movie like I described (about a beautiful femme fatale using her feminine wiles to lure male marks to their deaths) could be a really good story. Just as there have been many real life heroines in history, there have also been many real life villainesses. They just weren’t like male heroes or villains.
I really wish writers would stop writing characters that are essentially men with boobs.
Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor are problematic for feminists because they are “kick-ass gals” precisely because a maternal instinct drove them to push themselves to their limits to fight. Ripley was a bad-ass because she effectively adopted Newt. Connor’s entire story line revolves around her being an unwed mother who has to sacrifice everything all day, everyday to keep her son alive so he can be the future savior of mankind. Neither of them are crazy awesome badass fighters.
In a sense, the Connors are a secular bastardization of the Mary/Jesus relationship. As I said, highly problematic to the blue hair freak show.
The modern guy’s love of kickass girls is a somewhat new development. It means something, but I don’t know what.
It’s just the testosterone-fueled libido of these guys finding an outlet that matches their current situation.
Men have generally high libidos due to testosterone. If they do not have an adequate sexual outlet, they tend to eroticize their situation and find it arousing and so on — it’s called “adjusting to the situation”. Thus in an era where most non-alpha men are at the absolute mercy of their wives when it comes to sex, we have a huge rise in the cuckold fetish going on, as has been widely documented in the MSM. And, for quite a few men who are getting out-educated, out-earned, out-sexed, and out-accomplished by peer-age women, eroticizing women who are more powerful and effective and successful than they are is a similar thing — it takes their current situation and eroticizes it, in order to provide a channel for their (unsatisfied) libido that relates to their current reality.
I really wish writers would stop writing characters that are essentially men with boobs.
A fundamental premise of feminism isn’t going away anytime soon, because we are nowhere near Peak Feminism.
I can’t even bring myself to go see the new Toy Story flick. Something in the pit of my stomach tells me that it’s going to feel like a lecture.
And then there’s Star Wars. I can only imagine how dull and boring the next installment will be. And on a related note, Disney just opened a billion dollar, Star Wars themed addition to Disneyland … and no one is going. Part of the problem might be because a 1 day ticket to the not so Magic Kingdom is now a whopping $150. It also doesn’t help that the headliner ride is unfinished and there is no opening date for it.
You might well be correct on tradcons not wishing to upset the kickass gurl apple cart, but in the particular cases of the Aliens and Terminator 2 ladies I’m not sure I agree.
Namely because in both cases:
(1) The women never did something too physically unbelievable. I guess you could argue Hamilton shrugging off multiple injuries in the final scene, but adrenaline is a helluva drug. Ripley was working “on the docks” with the exosuits and never strayed outside her competencies. She had to be trained how to use the rifle, etc, and IMO never looked comfortable with it.
(2) Both characters were vulnerable, scared, and confused in their previous movies, which makes them relatable going into the sequels. Sarah Conner going butch wasn’t a hamfisted feminist go-gurl, but rather an understandable response to knowing the world would end, and that she was uniquely responsible for saving it. Ripley’s character didn’t fundamentally change, except for being understandably depressed from surviving the prior events only to miss out on her child’s life.
(3) More importantly, both characters were driven exclusively by maternal instinct to protect their children. When Hamilton’s character descends into murderous rage it is portrayed negatively, with her delinquent son acting as the voice of reason and humanity. Ripley is only “badass” in the movie’s final act, and she is believably scared and nervous, but determined to save the child. Moreover she doesn’t suddenly become a space marine, more a pissed off dock worker with a gun.
TLDR; both characters were believably female, and the plots supported their actions.
Fantasy films aka women doing stuff men do are my least favorite films.
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I will never go see a movie with a female kickass lead, I prefer females to be feminine.
Zoom out to a wider view and something curious can be seen by looking at release dates.
Alien was made by Ridley Scott in 1979.
The sequel Aliens was directed by James Cameron in 1986.
Terminator was directed by James Cameron in 1984.
Terminator II was made in 1991.
Star Wars was made in 1977.
A boy of 12 who saw Star Wars when it first came out is how old today?
Get in a time machine and go back to 1980. Was anyone making movies based on franchies from 30 or more years earlier? William Powell’s portrayal of a rich man detective in the Thin man was hugely popular in the 1930’s and 1940’s
but nobody was extending that by making Son of the Thin Man. Or any other movie franchise from the 1940’s – 1950’s.
Details: who was making John Wayne / Randolph Scott style westerns in 1975? Nobody. That whole genre had faded by then. Yet here we are with “$tar War$ Episode XXVII” and “Terminator 7”. The only reason we don’t have “Aliens Again” is Sigourney Weaver got sick of the franchise years ago.
Personally, I prefer her acting in Galaxy Quest…
Obviously there’s a lot of money involved, but also a huge amount of sentimentality. Boomersand GenX who saw these movies at an impressionable age, like in their 20’s and early 30’s, will still pay good money to see something sorta kinda similar even now. Add to that a lot of functionally illiterate and historically ignorant script writers, plus the fact that many movies have to show well in Asia now to make money, and we get re-re-re-re-retreaded stuff.
This makes them perfect vehicles for propaganda of the “kickass GirlllPOWER” sort.
I wonder how many women daydream, even for fun, about being Supergirl kicking ass, versus trannies rocking five o’clock shadows doing the same.
Women mostly seem to acknowledge, if haughtily, that these characters largely exist not because they’re interesting, but to prove some point – at least how they’re presented now. But I bet you a lot of testicles have ended up in specimen jars on a shelf in part because some guy named Frank, now Crystal, fantasized about being Xena: Warrior Princess.
You guys are all way too smart for Hollywood, especially the action/comic book genres. Just saying. We met as well eavesdrop on a middle school dance and then break down all the mistakes/problems/ill-formed thoughts. Don’t give this corrosive group of ‘people’ a single dime. That’s my advice.
Come with me if you want to get trolled
The older I get the less modern movies impress me. That doesn’t mean there aren’t good ones being made, it just means I’ve lost the motivation to see 10 bad movies to find a good one. It’s much easier to just see movies from the past that have survived and stayed popular over the years.
For the same reason, my wife and I watch older TV shows like Columbo. A bit less blatant feminism because the cultural audience was a bit different when they were made.
My suspension of disbelief can’t take seeing Angelina Jolie kicking the crap out of six Green Berets.
I came across this on the film festival circuit recently. A short sci-fi film called Violet Rain. Here is the trailer:
Seems to be about a kickass female android or something.
Also, the Terminator TV series had both a kickass Sarah Connor (Lena Headey) and a kickass terminator robot (Summer Glau).
It’s raining kickass women.
It’s raining kickass women.
Something something “always double down” something.
Clarice Starling kills Buffalo Bill at the end of “Silence of the lambs” by firing wildly into the darkness in a total panic. I could totally see my wife doing that.
Throughout the movie she never once comes across as “kick ass.”
Throughout the movie she never once comes across as “kick ass.”
“Silence of the lambs” was made in 1991, 28 years ago. Many screenwriters were not born yet.
Cultural change continues to accelerate.
I wonder what a Woke Current Year version of that story would look like?
We all know the answer to that. Starlings raison d’etre would be to show how retarded and weak all the men at the FBI academy are.
Not quite 30 years earlier, but the first James Bond movie had been out for 18 years in 1980.
That’s the only one that comes to mind, though.
In one short segment, Harris yells, “Hide your kids, hide your wife, and lock your f***in’ doors because we got the key to the motherf***in’ city, and I’m comin’ for all y’all bitches.”
Kick ass movie chicks? Already nearly passe’.
Real life, kick ass females of the future are on hand now. Right now. I know soccer player church girls (both RCC and Protestant before anyone asks) that greatly admire and hope to emulate these classy heroines. Heroes. Whatever. Bipedal hominid life forms.
@Lost Patrol
Kickass gals are real, though
Maybe a movie studio should hire her…
Starlings raison d’etre would be to show how retarded and weak all the men at the FBI academy are.
There’d have to be a scene where she rejects her 9x19mm pistol and demands a 10mm…
Because Game is fake!
Kickass gals are real, though
Meth is a heck of a drug.
I haven’t watched Terminator 2 in years, but as I recall, Sarah Connor wasn’t all that kick-ass, even in T-2. She’s pretty much a screw-up, constantly getting captured, getting the wrong people killed, alienating her son (John), and having to be rescued by the T 800 and John.
It’s a lot like Mad Max Fury Road, where Furiosa is supposed to be this iconic feminist heroine, but in reality, she’s a complete screw-up who constantly needs Max to rescue her and the people her screw-ups put at risk.
@ Lost Patrol
Feminism turns women into lame caricatures of men.
Speaking of which, Ace of Spades writes about Terminator: Dark Fate.
He/she/it is kind of scary, but in a “what disease is that skeletal creature carrying?” kind of way.
Starlings raison d’etre would be to show how retarded and weak all the men at the FBI academy are.
I recently discovered a BBC radio anthology drama series called The Man in Black. I listened to an episode called “Project Purple.”
It was about a brilliant female scientist. Britain’s domestic spy service (unnamed, but perhaps MI5) asks her to come to their secret lab. She’s immediately snarky and sarcastic to the MI5 operative, but agrees to come along.
She goes to the lab, and starts mouthing off to all the male scientists, expressing shock at how stupid one scientist is. Throughout the play, she insults and mouths off to all the male intelligence officers and scientists. But because she’s the most brilliant expert in her field, and desperately needed, and is always threatening to walk off, everyone puts up with her abuse.
I suppose she was the writer’s notion of how Strong, Independent, Woman Scientists are in real life. I stopped listening halfway through the play, because she was so annoying. The play was directed by a woman.
You can listen to it here, if you have the stomach for it:
Novaseeker nails it. May I paraphrase what he says as obtaining an erotic thrill through humiliation. The rise of Homosexuality comes I think in large part from the same need to sexualise. What then of Blaxploitation movies big in the seventies, not that i have ever seen one.
I have always found so many American movies absurdly violent. You know: someone in a bar says something which another cowboy does not like and within seconds the entire bar are involved in a fist fight and without any damage other than a minor lip-cut to the hero. Struck me in hindsight as a bit gaaaaay. British movies are not like that. One character (probably played by Dirk Bogarde) says to another ‘I really would be obliged if you would desist from that’. In the next scene our hero is having a cup of tea and saying that frankly he would rather be in Tunbridge Wells. If you say Bond is violent then I would point out that something like my invented scenario turns up in Bond movie OHMSS as well as A Passage to India. This never happens in American movies firstly because you have no tea and secondly because all American towns tend to look pretty much the same and the oldest building is circa 1960 – and you do not have a surfeit of retired colonels, suffragette spinsters and other odd characters property rich but cash poor.
all American towns tend to look pretty much the same and the oldest building is circa 1960
Huh? Many American cities have old buildings. New York City, Boston, Philadelphia are full of old buildings, some going back to before the Revolution. Seattle, Portland, Pasadena have many Craftsman homes, some a century old. Los Angeles, Pasadena, Miami are famous for their 1930s art deco style architecture. Some buildings in Santa Fe (and Boston, NYC, etc.) are from the 1600s.
@Red Pill Latecomer
… but…. but. … 1600 … is, new.
(no offence intended).
@ Opus
I was looking at that Anna trailer. My problem is not that Anna is a badass chick as much as her opposition are made to look like idiots who can’t stop a 110lb woman.
At least with Uma Thurman’s bride on Kill Bill I can actually give her a pass because Tarantino clearly meant Kill Bill to be a satire (and a pretty good one at that) of overexagerated action movie fluff.
I hate the Amazon myth. I refuse to watch films with female action heroines. Call me antisocial.
There is pretty clear evidence that Sunshine Mary’s hypothesis from a few years back that when women try to approximate male behavior, they do a really poor job. The excessive bravado and cockyness, while not the only error, is the worst part.
There can be a number of reasons for this, I suppose. But I think its obvious that somewhere back in history the idea caught on that the confidence that comes from navigating the rocky course from boyhood to manhood ultimately just means you have to shit on everyone around you to get your way.
We men know better. Even the most talented, best (at whatever) man in the room, the military unit, the team, etc is sophisticated enough to know that the mission can not be accomplished by one person. If not, he will find himself shunned by the group.
Look at the way the astronauts (the old school ones from the 60s-70s) used to talk about the nerds in the short sleeve button down shirts in the control room. This is of course just one example. If those guys climbed out of their capsule and on to the deck of the aircraft carrier and started mouthing off about they did it with no reference to the immense amount of behind the scenes scienc-y stuff that was required to get them to space, they would not last long. This is an essential part of manhood. You can be the alpha. You can be the quarter back. You can even get all the chicks for it. But you are just a straight up a$$hole if you can’t at least show some deference to the people whose shoulders you are standing on.
But you can’t really fake that. You could try, I guess, but until you have been in a situation where teamwork truly broke down for one reason or another, you just don’t get it.
If some guys comes in to your area and starts behaving like that character you shared, he will be cordoned off, and eventually the team will figure out to accomplish the mission with him.
The kickass girl caricature is a cartoon. Her goals and reason for existing have nothing to do with a larger mission, a greater good. She only exists to show us how it takes a woman to be real man.
I mentioned the Clarice Starling character because she was demure, sweet when necessary, inquisitive, and was also a cop. But she did “cop” like a woman. The only scene that even comes close to approximating a girl power one is when she tells her boss Jack Crawford she was kind of bummed out about the way he handled the autopsy. One of the last movies I have ever seen with a character like that.
Scott: Look at the way the astronauts (the old school ones from the 60s-70s) used to talk about the nerds in the short sleeve button down shirts in the control room.
There’s a 1990 sci-fi film, Moon 44, about a group of criminal thugs who are recruited to fly dangerous missions. To help them, the government recruits video gamer nerd boys, who sit at the controls at moonbase, directing the thugs in flight. One thug per space fighter is paired off with one nerd boy back on moonbase.
Initially, the thugs pick on the nerd boys, until the nerd boys threaten to slack off and leave the thugs to their own devices. Eventually, they work as a team and defeat the enemy. (Aliens or some human enemy, I don’t remember.)
There was one token woman in the film. I think she was just an officer on moonbase.
Been many years since I saw Moon 44. YouTube has both the trailer and the film:
A mediocre film, but no kickass women.
Miller realizes he’s made a lackluster film and is trying to stir up publicity. Simple as that.
“I wonder what a Woke Current Year version of that story would look like?”
Well, Bill was a pseudo-tranny, so he’d probably be the hero of the story.
I can’t even bring myself to go see the new Toy Story flick. Something in the pit of my stomach tells me that it’s going to feel like a lecture.
I can’t stomach watching any of Hollyweird’s output today. It’s 99.99999 percent artistic excrement, no matter what the genre. The product of an incestuous community of talentless left-wing SJW perverts who value vapid, failed dogma over truth or beauty. One version of Hell that I can easily conceive of is an eternity of being forced to watch an endless stream of this cinematic shite.
This is why I’m a TCM junkie (to the extent that I watch any TV at all, which is extremely rare nowadays. Go to the movies? Feggeddaboutit. Hasn’t happened in at least a decade). God help me at the point when, after a passage of years, today’s garbage is considered “classic.”
Keep in mind that a lot of what Hollywood cranked out over the years was produced on a studio lot in LA. Newer stuff is now shot in Canada or Georgia (as in Atlanta not Tbilisi) to cut costs. What you see in older American movies or TV shows bears little resemblance to real world USA.
The kickass girl caricature is a cartoon.
Just a subset of the larger set of “women’s cartoon idea of man”. Women’s brains and limbic systems are wired up differently than men, therefore they cannot really react as men do. This leads to confusion: women all too often believe that “perpetually angry jerk” is the default mode for male job supervisors.
It’s not just the kickass girls on the movie screen, it’s the girls who want to pretend to be guys in the workplace – until the going gets tough, then it’s “Don’t Hit Me, I’m A Girl!!” time.
I can’t stomach watching any of Hollyweird’s output today. It’s 99.99999 percent artistic excrement, no matter what the genre.
The good thing is, there is no need to watch any of their recent output. The cumulative volume of older films and TV shows is enough that a normal person is unlikely to deplete it.
Some of the dumber proles have the need to see something ‘because it is new’, which of course is illogical. There is no reason to see something new unless they have already seen everything that may be of interest to them from the start all the way through 2018 in chronological order.
But the fact that proles are dumb keeps Hollywood going. The live-action remakes of all of Disney’s old animated films is proof of this. The live-action remakes are inferior to the older classic in all ways (even before accounting for SJW-ness), yet makes money (and is closest thing to a 100% sure thing that has ever existed in the movie business). A large part of this is because younger dummies don’t even know about the older films.
In fact, the “kickass girl” isn’t even a cartoon, it’s pure fantasy. We can all find the vids out there of women in the military getting pummeled with a pugil stick, or attempting to go a few rounds in the ring with a desk jockey. Upper body strength, testosterone, blah, etc.
It goes a lot deeper into the brain, though. “War brides” exist, and have existed for all of human history. Anecdotally, when I lived near a military base I met some, including a grandmother who was originally German, whose first husband was killed on the Russian front in WW II and who married an American during the post-war occupation. She was thoroughly loyal to her man and the US. I’m sure women in East Germany who married Soviets were the same. Ditto Japanese and Korean “war brides” in the US as well as in China. This is just mid-20th century, it is the same through history all around the world. It is unusual for a conquering army to kill the women, although the Mongols did in some cases.
DNA studies continue to provide evidence supporting “war brides”. The humans who built Stonehenge in England were all but wiped out by subsequent invaders. Some of the maternal DNA lingers. A study in Spain of prehistoric grave sites shows that about 4,000 years ago the pre-existing male DNA vanished across the Iberian peninsula, while maternal (mtDNA) lingers in the population to this day. Various explanations have been offered up for this, ranging from unknown disease that kills men but not women, to errors in the science, and so forth. Because the simple explanation doesn’t fit in with modern “noble savage” myths.
The simplest one is: invaders from across the mountains killed off all the men in an area, took the women they wanted, probably castrated the young male survivors and kept them as slaves. Then a few years later their younger brothers and sons moved on and did the same thing in another area. After about 100 or so years, Iberia had a different male genotype. This is probably an extreme example, but the DNA studies keep piling up.
Men have to “become” fit to reproduce, in the extreme case by killing other men. Women just “are” fit to reproduce once they are fertile. They don’t have to be willing, just fertile. A kickass woman in the paleolithic would not be likely to bear children. Therefore her genes would die with her. She would have no descendants in the current year.
Fantasist Robert E. Howard was a schlock writer, but his fictional picture of ancient times is more accurate than the pretty lies anthropologists have been telling since Margaret Mead wrote her South Seas fanfic.
Men on average are descended from tribal fighters who took their spear, knife and axe to go stand with other men to fight invaders, or go invade other tribal areas to kidnap women.
Women are descended from girls who spread their legs for the winners, willingly or otherwise.
The winners of either tribe.
Women are not “men with boobs”…no matter how much feminists double and triple down on their fantasy.
On the subject of DNA testing, there are surely a lot of surprises out there still waiting for us, even in places like Montana and Wyoming.
But the fact that proles are dumb keeps Hollywood going.
Not just Hollywood. Dumb proles (or “Marching Morons,” as C.M. Kornbluth so aptly labeled them) are what keep all of our dysfunctional and toxic institutions afloat (Churchianity, Inc. is a prime example). This would be fine if the damage was limited to only the speedbumps-with-pulses who depend on these institutions. Unfortunately, the destruction resulting from this blind addiction is biting all of us.
Yes, kicka** women. Lovely. We need more of those.
IRL, I just had a work encounter with a room full of them. Women are good clerks, inept leaders. But good clerks are considered kicka**, and leaders are considered patriarchal bullies, thus enabling toxic women to batter men verbally because their little hamster clerical brains are incapable of understanding a different perspective.
Lone “Kicka** Women” don’t take out rooms full of men. Rooms full of women swarm individual men, who aren’t allowed fight back, lest these “kicka**” (self-styled) snowflakes take their victims to HR.
And they’re cranking them out at a quick clip too. Seems like there is a new one every few months. Their Aladdin remake bombed and now they’re showing previews for a live action Mulan.
The executives at Disney have to be worried. Sure, they’re making money, but the cracks are showing in the foundation. The mega bomb that many are talking about is the new Star Wars area in Disneyland, the so called Galaxy’s Edge. It’s based of of the current trilogy, instead of the original one, which was their first mistake. I guess all those “The Force Is Female” T Shirts haven’t been selling well. I saw a video of the opening ceremony and they had George Lucas, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Billy Dee Williams present. Williams seemed to be the only one who wanted to be there. Lucas, who walked away with billions after selling out to Disney, had a “what was I thinking? Look what they’ve done to my baby.” look on his face. Ford seemed utterly bored and Hamill looked like he was trying to be excited, but failed.
And they’re cranking them out at a quick clip too. Seems like there is a new one every few months. Their Aladdin remake bombed and now they’re showing previews for a live action Mulan.
I am delighted that at least some are bombing. I was dismayed that some did well, and I thought “No…….the public cannot be this stupid”. The original animated versions were great films in most cases, and free of modern SJWism.
But even though people who were born 30+ years after Snow White and Pinnochio still know about those films, somehow there are consumers who don’t know about 1990s-era Disney animated films.
Rather than a live remake that is exactly the same (but with SJWism), a far better business tactic would be to just add 30 minutes of new animation to each for an extended version, and release it. That is not nearly as cringeworthy.
Frank K,
Their Aladdin remake bombed
Alas, it did NOT bomb. It has grossed $1B on a $183M production budget.
It was panned critically (to no one’s surprise), but financially it is a pretty huge success.
Historical depiction of Anonymous Reader’s ancestors (color added).
Have not Disney movies always been female-centric. usually with Tom-boy Hayley Mills. I used to get dragged along to stuff like Summer Magic and Mary Poppins when frankly I would have preferred watching Kirk Douglas beating up Nazis. Is there not also a trend going way-back in American movies of kick-ass females. I grew up as this (and the other well known clip) was always on children’s television and from which I learned just how butch American women were. I am surprised my Mother allowed me to watch it but for me every day is a good day to watch Miss Kappelhoff.
Doris Day goes back to the 1950s.
But even in the 1930s, Hollywood gave us Strong, Independent Women such as Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, and Joan Crawford.
And 1940s Film Noir is still celebrated for its strong Femme Fatales. They are considered strong because they used their sex to beat men, by lying to men, and even killing men, without remorse.
Kind of like Delilah did to Samson.
Nothing is more cucky then slobbering over oneself in regards to: “Strong women”. A fetish for making women men.
Like some kind of tranny fetish.
“art deco style architecture.”
When American buildings were at their best. And not the abominations that passes for what is built now.
Alas, it did NOT bomb. It has grossed $1B on a $183M production budget.
It was panned critically (to no one’s surprise), but financially it is a pretty huge success.
Interesting, as I don’t know a single person who went to see it (whereas it seems that everyone went to see the latest Avenger’s flick). I also recall seeing headlines saying that it was bombing. Perhaps it did better outside the US. But yeah, this seems to be Disney’s new formula.
I was suckered into watching “Mary Poppins Returns” on pay per view. It wasn’t very good and I doubt I will ever watch it again.
One Disney movie that did show some creativity (IMO) was Christopher Robin. But those seem to be the exception these days.
One thing the Conan images remind me of is that even the largest fat positive women always tend to see themselves (and make their avatars and such) more like the ones in the pictures rather than their truly fat selves.
They are all for acceptance as they are, but even they don’t like how they look.
Rejoice: I have just learned that in the next Bond movie 007 will according to the Mail be played by a woman. Expect a lot of kick-ass. After a few years this will seem entirely normal. Everyone is a feminist now and regard female equality as entirely normal for there is nothing a woman cannot do and just as well as any man. By way of example:
I was talking to my friend who for one reason or another wished to avoid an invite to a party. He mentioned the inviter’s good looking daughter who it must be said has a figure to die for. He enthused over her progress and informed me that this woman who ten years ago was a seventeen year old typist is now a qualified lawyer. That figure of hers clearly never hurt her prospects and although I do not know that she used the casting couch, she certainly worked her way through a number of young men in the carnal way on her way to professional respectability. I observed that women should not be in law and my friend as I could tell from his voice (for we were on the phone) had just heard what to him was a form of heresy. Clearly I was knuckle-dragging misgynist. He could not see why a woman should not just as much as any man be a lawyer and this even though he frequently informs me how much he dislikes all the fem-centric stuff he endures on his radio. Had I had more time and the opportunity to recollect my thoughts I would have pointed out that had he been alive one hundred years earlier and had their been separate polls of both men and women as to whether women should be allowed to become lawyers, overwhelming, opposition to the idea would have come from both men and women. He would not know that until 1919 it was impossible and illegal for a woman to qualify in England as a lawyer and then as usual Parliament completely ignoring the wishes of the people changed the law. There had been one woman – just one – who had been actively seeking a change in the law and of course the Judges in the Appeal Court in the case she brought although unable to concede to her request fell over backwards for her. A few years later the first batch of half-a-dozen newly minted female lawyers joined the profession. Having achieved the breakthrough the rest of the female population until well into the seventies showed little interest in emulating their earlier sisters. I once worked with a woman who had worked for one of that early batch of female lawyers. This was the story she told: that her female boss had been the only child of a (male) lawyer. She thus took over her father’s South London practice and did very well. She of course never married or reproduced and as late as 1995 was still – though by now ninety years of age – working. By that time she needed the assistance of her Secretary to do her hair in the morning. Then her brain began to go and her Secretary and others were covering for her. Eventually she was persuaded to go into hospital. She, of course, never came out.
Who would even think of marrying a female lawyer Opus, at least who that thinks even a bit?
If it’s a woman, it’s not James Bond.
Characters have characteristics. If you change too many of their characteristics, they cease being that character. They become something else, with the same name.
I’m a traditionalist. James Bond is a half-Scottish and half-Swiss, Britisher. He is white. He has a scar on his left cheek, and a “dark coma of black hair” falling across his forehead (as described by Fleming).
I can accept Roger Moore and Daniel Craig, though Craig especially should have dyed his hair black.
I cannot accept an American Bond (as in the 1950s adaptation of Casino Royale), or a black Bond, or a woman Bond.
And Bond (especially the literary Bond) should stay in the Cold War. I don’t read those modern Bond books which are set after 1970. I don’t watch those 1930s Sherlock Holmes films. Holmes belongs in Victorian London, not driving around in cars.
I cannot say that I am really a fan of Bond – I am embarrassed to say and usually get laughed at for this that I much preferred the men from UNCLE. Bond came out of post WW2- decline of Empire Britain. When he introduces himself by his surname, that is exactly how even when I was schoolboy people talked on meeting for the first time. I imagine, though I do not know, that shaken not stirred is similarly fifties fashion – certainly it fits the drinking of shorts then popular amongst the middle class. Now it seems a bit prissy. Most men drink beer. Smoking as Bond did was for men obligatory. I always imagine a period Bond – from the 1950s – with Bond being whisked away to our various odd bits of Empire meeting with the local business men – i.e. villains, agents Soviet and American and getting involved with their women and other prostitutes as one does when away from home. In the pre-pill days success with women was a much more remarkable feat. That is at least how to me the books read. Bond is not a super-hero but he is capable, a Lt Cdr in the R.N, fluent I recall in Japanese and so a bit of a linguist. and attractive to women. Why Americans should find him of such interest defeats me for the unspoken subtext of Bond is that Great Britain is still a great power, the military equal of America and Russia and thus Bond’s success matters to the free world. His adventures are extreme versions of life for operatives of the Ministry of Defence. The reality was of course pretty mundane. Malcolm Muggeridge (St Mug) in the 1940s was one, and seems to have spent most of his time either swimming or hanging out in bars. Many were double agents – Kim Philby, Burgess, Maclane, Blunt. I have an acquaintance who used to drive trucks to the Soviet Union and the Middle East. He was, so he said, approached to just report back to MI5 on what ever it was that he might see as he drove behind the Iron Curtain. He turned down the assignment, so he said.
Bond was fluent in French and German.
I once read an article dismissing Bond as pulp fiction for male adolescents. The article said that male adolescence, raging hormones and all, is the ideal time to read Bond. A confident he-man, sophisticated, world savvy, Bond easily navigates the adult world, defeats bullies, and beds beautiful women. It’s what every insecure adolescent boy yearns to be.
I read the entire series when I was 13. It resonated with me for the above reasons. But doubly so because Bond was anti-Communist, as was I.
I began rereading it, for nostalgia, after turning 40.
I can see why some people would regard Fleming’s Bond as dated. Some passages are not only sexist by modern standards, but also racist and homophobic. Not as much as Dennis Wheatley’s novels, though.
We not only worship the woman, we go out of our way to worship the woman.
I didn’t bother to watch it, but the trailer for Vox’s movie project appears to feature a female lead.
“Another reader was aroused by such a badass display: *Drool*…”
Fair ’nuff. But even James Cameron got tired of being with her and her B/S. She was perfect for the role, however, she wasn’t acting, she’s a psycho, she was fit for the role. But that was a very, very different time. The chubby-tubby softies they cast these days, Superwoman the Recent, it’s completely ridiculous. We see what happens to women in the wild, bad men slaughter them. They can play make-believe all they want, but I ain’t buying it. Remember: Ghostbusters II, Feminist-Fatty Edition. Whatever pulls the money, I guess.
Hello all. Been busy, stopped in to read for a bit. Hope all’s well in this little space. A little common sense is good therapy.