Drudge has been headlining the unfolding scandal surrounding General Petraeus, and there are so many manosphere related angles it is fascinating. Rollo has accurately described Patraeus as beta, but for women it should also raise the question of how much alpha they really want. See also W.F. Price’s post Petraeus Homewrecker, Career-Killer Strong, Independent Woman.
For those who haven’t been following the news, here is my rough understanding of the story based on the articles I’ve read. As is always the case, it is likely that the press has gotten parts of this wrong and/or there is more yet to break.
Gen. Petraeus, CIA Director and mastermind of the surge in Iraq has allegedly been having an affair with his biographer, married mother of two Paula Broadwell. The alleged affair was discovered after Mrs. Broadwell apparently suspected Mrs. Jill Kelley (another married mother close to the General) of being the kind of hussy who would steal another woman’s man. According to the Daily Beast, Mrs. Broadwell sent Mrs. Kelley catty anonymous emails with statements like:
You parade around the base … You need to take it down a notch
Mrs. Kelley according to the Daily Mail then contacted one of her beta orbiters who works for the FBI, and he agreed to white knight on her behalf and have this minor catfight elevated into a federal matter. Once the FBI started investigating the catty emails they found exchanges between Petraeus and Broadwell which ultimately lead to Petraeus resigning his post as head of the CIA. Along the way, the hussygate investigation has lead to an investigation into whether General John Allen, the current commander of NATO troops in Afghanistan was having an affair with Mrs. Kelley.
Surprisingly, it doesn’t end there. According to the New York Post, both Generals Allen and Petraeus white knighted on behalf of Mrs. Kelley’s twin sister Natalie Khawam in a custody battle:
The generals’ letters to the court — written in the past two months — supported a motion to overturn a ruling made nearly a year earlier by a judge who resoundingly denied custody to Khawam, because of serious reservations about her honesty and mental stability, court records show.
Great summary Dalrock, cheers.
Congratulations feminism , the feminized Beta mindset is now an issue of national security.
Meanwhile, the Benghazi scandal gets pushed further out of our attention.
OT, but I just read in my local paper of the second female politician in hot water over impaired driving. And I’ve been told we should defer to their leadership abilities?
I once had a female roommate who was having an affair with a married Navy recruiter. She was devastated when she found out he was “cheating” on her. That may have been one of my first real exposures to just how irrational women can be.
Back to the NY Post article: “The father, Grayson Wolfe, was unable to see the child for more than a year, according to court documents. The judge overseeing the case cited Khawam with “outrageous conduct,” “bad faith litigation tactics,” and “illogical thinking,” awarding full custody to the father and socking the mom with $350,000 in legal fees in 2011.
The judge gave Wolfe sole custody of the couple’s son after finding that Khawam, a lawyer, repeatedly lied under oath and filed bogus domestic-violence and child-abuse claims against her husband after their one-year marriage began crumbling in 2009”
So we have a woman here who is according to a FAMILY COURT JUDGE guilty of numerous criminal offenses and possibly severely mentally impaired. She is guilty of breaking up her own family and, in direct violation of court orders, refusing her husband to see his own son FOR OVER A YEAR. Any man who did this would be rotting in federal prison for kidnapping (notice that she took the child across state lines in defiance of custody orders). Instead, these two generals suit up as white knights for her…. Because they get such good poontang from her sister. He is indeed General Betrayus, mangina of the year, ass-sucking king of all betas, who cannot be bothered to do his duty towards the men under his command because he’s too busy with the twat under his desk. Treason all around.
Wow… Thanks for the summary, I didn’t realize it all started over a catfight. Hi-larious.
I had originally thought Petraeus was alpha, uberalpha. Not so, evidently.
According to these news reports, Petraeus has the affair with Mrs. Broadwell. She breaks it off with him. What’s beta is his allegedly barraging her with over a thousand emails after she says she doesn’t want to see him anymore. What is he doing while he is supposed to be doing his job? Apparently, he was writing her sappy notes like a lovesick seventh grader and waxing nostalgic about sexing her under his desk.
I just find it an odd coincidence that this story broke so close FOLLOWING the election. Granted, the story had to come to light sometime–and the days immediately following the election is as good as any. But one can read the investigation took place over a very long period of time. There was ample opportunity for the administration to choose exactly when to release the story–and it chose to do so at a very self-serving time.
Compare and contrast Monicagate with Hussygate:
Alpha does the power pickup. BJ gets some BJs. BJ lies to cover it up and ultimately gets away with it, painting his persecutors as witch hunting “nuts and sluts”. His erstwhile paramour STILL pines for him, more than 15 years after the fact. Monica, the ultimate alpha widow.
Beta-traeus, married to faithful, capable and sturdy but homely wife, reaches pinnacle of professional career. Meets high flying ambitious biographer, herself married to a beta. She gets what she needs from Betatraeus (unfettered access so she can write the bio book) and SHE pumps and dumps HIM. Betatraeus assumes role of mawkish, lovesick schoolboy, writing more than a thousand emails to the ambitious, pretty married woman. Betatraeus watches storied, distinguished career crash and burn, and unwittingly causes questions to be raised about at least one other highly placed military and intelligence official.
All caused by the power of the poon and failing to manage same.
Don’t forget, these are “honorable” men.
(insert rolling eyes here.)
@Cail Corishev
I have had similar experiences. I knew a woman who cheated on her boyfriend with a friend of mine 3 AM the morning of Valentine’s Day – completely wasted, no less.
After she went out for dinner with her boyfriend that night, she came over to a mutual friend’s apartment to complain about how inconsiderate her boyfriend was all night. She got blank stares from all the men (who knew she had cheated the same day) and sympathy from the women (He’s always been a jerk!)
So, adultery means you lose your job again? When did this happen? Can we re-impeach Clinton, just for fun?
From the many military biographies and histories I’ve heard of and read, a high percentage of top ranking military men in history had “companions” when away from home for long stretches. This is nothing new. Same with a number of the US Presidents. For example, the press corps would look the other way when FDR’s train car was diverted to a side-track for a little R&R in (as I recall – could be remembering wrong) Kansas. It was only until Clinton came into office that a big hoop-de-doo was made of presidential peccadilloes. Just thinking out loud here… no big point to make.
Same as real life in the sticks – you only find out what Mr Amorous is doing when two of his broads find out about each other.
It’s not unheard of for a female biographer to fuck her subject. She probably figures he will be more candid. If he is married, the publicity will guarantee sales. The relationship always ends when the book is finished.
The look that says it all: Petraeus’s mistress caught gazing adoringly at CIA boss she called ‘Peaches’ as he arrived at hearing with his WIFE
Check out the first picture and decide whether Peaches Petraeus is alpha.
Can someone explain to me what a “Social Liason to the Air Force Base” actually does?
Contrast the alpha with beta.
Alpha: cheats on wife and kinda sorta (but not really) feels a little guilty about it, because he only got BJs. Does his best not to get caught. When caught, first he lies (“I never had sexual relations with THAT WOMAN”). When that doesn’t work he obfuscates (says it wasn’t sex, “depends on what the meaning of “is” is.”). Then he works to manipulate behind the scenes (the talking points memo, the hiding gifts, the alleged subornation of perjury). All the while he and his surrogates demonize and marginalize their opponents (It’s just about sex; differences between public and private character; it’s between him and his wife; you are all sick, perverted, and twisted for making a big deal out of this; “even presidents have private lives”; appealing to people’s prurient interest; who cares about this when we have real problems to attend to).
Beta: cheats on wife and feels REALLY guilty about it. Doesn’t do nearly anything to avoid getting caught. Uses a public email system (gmail) that any dorko can use. It somehow slips the sex-besotted mind of the nation’s top intelligence official that this isn’t exactly a secure way to communicate with a clandestine paramour. These are communications he is not supposed to be having, and he’s having them in a way which (1) creates a permanent record; and (2) can very easily be intercepted. He’s writing at least one graphic, explicit email to a married woman. Given that she is his biographer, they are both public figures. When she breaks up with him he goes full on omega, barraging her with over a thousand emails (doing what else but either (1) pining over her and probably pledging undying love for her; or (2) begging and pleading with her not to reveal their secret).
Gary Hart says hi.
There’s no such position, apparently. There are “Liaison” positions, but it seems to be a self titled position of “command officer’s wife”.
Is it wrong to point out that Petraeus has a PhD from Princeton?
On the “powerful men used to be able to get away with this” deal, it’s still true to an extent. However, the whole “personal is political” change in the 80s means it’s considered newsworthy now. Minus the fact that Newsweek spiked the original Monica story for 3 months. Though it was really more of a story because of the pending Court Trial for sexual harassment. Which puts a different view on the matter.
Dalrock: Don’t forget that two Senator’s are involved here:
You have your facts mixed-up a bit because the media had them mixed up.
1. It’s unclear who broke it off with whom, or if it was even broken off.
2. Broadwell sent “back-off” messages to Kelley, who she suspected of trying to seduce Petraeus.
3. Gen. Allen was the one who sent thousands of “inappropriate messages” to Kelley, but they don’t seem to be sexual in nature, nor hardly related to the fact that Patreaus’ peter invaded the well of that Broadwell broad. America’s highest decorated space marine: stuck in orbit.
If you say so. Since when are fat gub’mint careerists with bad hair and no style given such praise? Is Game only for men?
Yesterday was a celebration of the soldiers who fought and died for the culture you now live under. Think long and hard about the west, america, anglo culture, what it what, what it is, and what it shall be. Think about whether you, YOU, as a savage, misogynist, privileged rapist-male would pick up a gun and charge to defend it. Think about the men who would be giving you your orders to charge, fight and die to defend the “girls back home”.
A white knight who will intervene with the power of the state against a man who won rightful custody of his children from an unfit mother.
An adulterer who would gladly stick in dick in your wife if he had the opportunity to.
Then think long and hard about whether you should bother celebrating anymore.
I’m so glad the FBI can apparently dig into people’s private lives without any particular legal rationale.
“Hussy stealing another woman’s man gets upset at other hussy who would steal another woman’s man — full story at 7.”
If you say so. Since when are fat gub’mint careerists with bad hair and no style given such praise? Is Game only for men?
It was a political marriage. She was the daughter of the Superintendent when Petraeus was at West Point. He married “up” in terms of military politics — he didn’t marry her for her looks. Of course, that came home to roost, didn’t it, but such is life when you marry people for even somewhat ulterior reasons as compared with actual baseline desire (i.e., interesting to note that Mrs. Broadwell looks nothing at all like Mrs. Petraeus, even the younger version: http://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=1982&dat=19740708&id=GkJHAAAAIBAJ&sjid=yjMNAAAAIBAJ&pg=887,1117605 )
Too funny
“Hussygate” and “Beta-traeus” – you guys are a riot.
There’s a lot more to it than just a military man having an affair. The timing of it being revealed is the first clue. Don’t forget, we’re not talking about a soldier down at the local base; this is the head of the CIA.
Can someone explain to me what a “Social Liason to the Air Force Base” actually does?
Camp follow.
@ Carnivore I completely agree. This never would have been brought to light if somebody more powerful than Petraeus didn’t want it to happen. All the Game related stuff takes a backseat to the backdoor dealings and subterfuge.
CIA director brought down by a cat fight. China and Russia are really scared of us now.
@ John Galt
God i cant wait for hyperinflation and these womyns to get what they deserve.
Ybm at 6:37
This whole this is just astonishing.
I think deti had it about right – the women pumped and dumped the men, both literally and figuratively.
What to do about the white knights? They really are the linchpin that holds the whole fem-state together.
White knights have two major predators ..
Predator number one: Themselves
Predator number two: Women hate white knights
White knights are gifted at digging their own holes
Women hate white knighting beta chumps, white knights literally go through life getting stabbed in the back by one woman after another ,,,
Its only a matter of time, before women demand a Female President, & the white knights protecting the feminists today, start to get payback by the same feminists they protected …
Just pump & dump the feminists of today, while they point the finger of blame at the white knights, over & over again …
Women have literally triggered the root of their own destruction, theyve let the marxists & social engineers into society
Once the women have finished with the white knights, the marxists will turn on the women
A marxist society is gender-neutral
It hates women as much as it hates men ….
Is it too late to give generals official mistresses like the Romans did?
Might solve some of these issues.
We of all people need to be able to understand in the manosphere an alpha is a guy that women want to have sex with. And generally that is all they are good for. Tiger woods was up until these two jackasses was the biggest beta chump ever and was / is a good training aid when the subject comes up in conversation. Just being really good at anything and even the best in the world doesn’t make the man an alpha male.
And besides everything else these women were not all that fine anyway. That FBI agent was one step below a white knigt he was a straight up mangina. What the hell is up with these guy hovering around and sniffing at married pussy anyway.
Thanks for this summary. I don’t pay too much attention to popular media and didn’t get all the details.
Call it a personal hangup, but I don’t take men who schtup married women seriously. I realize that a lot of PUA types read this and I’m surely at odds with many of them; but, so be it. A man with options doesn’t need to be groveling around for scraps at the bedside of a married couple. Petraeus has status, but I don’t consider these conquests to be “alpha” by any stretch of the imagination. There are millions of women (many far more attractive than his bangs) who would have sex with him on a dime, simply for bragging rights in the hen-circle.
sunshinemary says:
November 13, 2012 at 8:11 pm
Lets be clear here. The only victims here are Hollister Petraeus, David Broadwell, Scott Kelley, and the unknown ex-husband of the Kelley sister. As far as I’m concerned everyone else involved in this garbage can go straight to hell.
I get a little tired of the manosphere’s antics sometimes, and this is one of those times. How can anyone look at Hollister Petraeus and not feel immense sadness. This is a woman who has fought for things the manosphere pretends it cares about: She fought in favour of a moratorium on debt for troops when stationed far from home, and protection for soliders whose wives abandon them while they are dying in a desert hellhole.
And I watch the manosphere spit on this woman because shes old and probably doesn’t suck his dick anymore. 38 1/2 years. The manosphere pretends it cares about traditional values, here is your traditional values staring you assholes right in the fucking face:
I didn’t lose 3 great uncles in the quattro giornate to nazi execution squads to watch a scum-bag ‘hero’ like Petraeus get defended by men just because he carries a cock in his pants and has medals on his jacket. The very men who are tearing the fabric of this society apart from their positions of leadership, political influence, and above all, giving ammunition for women to attack men.
White Knights for a scumbag draped in an American Flag.
“How can anyone look at Hollister Petraeus and not feel immense sadness.”
Because for 26 yrs white women have been calling me a rapist and an abusive patriarchial bastard. I have no compassion for them when bad things happen to them. Thats how. Hate bounces, bitches!!
*two exclamation points for emphasis, but no caps, im not screaming*
Sad commentary about modern western culture and the fuel it feeds fire up to the radical Muslims. When they point their fingers at us and use terms as sex obsessed, degenerate, without morals, THEY ARE ACTUALLY TELLING THE TRUTH. There is no denying it.
Joshua says:
November 13, 2012 at 9:51 pm
Then direct your fury into direct action against those responsible. Unfocused rage is easily manipulated, focused anger gives you agency.
Given the choice between condemning a war criminal responsible for the militarization of intra-national organizations within the united states and the escalation of illegal drone assassinations to levels inconceivable to even Lockheed-Martin in the 2000s or his wife of 38 1/2 years who protected lives instead of ending them, I know where my energy is focused on.
ybm makes really good points here.
Holly Petraeus has been by all accounts an upright, good woman. There is no evidence that she cheated or is a nagging bitch. Really her only crime is that of a sixty something year old woman looking like a sixty something year old woman.
You can tell from Petraeus’ demeanor and pictures from his west point days that Petraeus is a beta male in terms of having raw masculine energy. I doubt he was attractive to the hot woman of his day. Also, Holly was a girl next door cute girl. She wasn’t some fat skank from the local bar. She married young and didn’t ride any kind of cock carsoeul.
What Petraeus did is the male equivalent of riding the cock carsoeul for women. He made a committment to a young woman who exchanged her prime years with a dopey guy with big ears for the security when her looks would eventually fade. It’s not just about getting some strange from some manjawed feminazi either. Because of being made public, he humiliated his wife .
Now if this was some modern day slut who fucked 20 guys before she married him, I wouldn’t care one bit, but Holly seemed to have done right by Petraeus.
Proverbs 2 I think would apply to this situation:
16 Wisdom will save you also from the adulterous woman,
from the wayward woman with her seductive words,
17 who has left the partner of her youth
and ignored the covenant she made before God.[a]
18 Surely her house leads down to death
and her paths to the spirits of the dead.
19 None who go to her return
or attain the paths of life.
That’s pretty much Hussygate old school style.
The one thing that I think about is how many guys can resist getting ass when it’s being thrown at them. I don’t think any of us have been the position where women simply throw themselves at you with doing no work what so ever. That must take Herculian willpower to resist.
Dear YBM:
If what you’re saying is true, and I have no reason to doubt it, then I’ll join you in supporting (at least morally) Mrs. Petraeus.
It’s fine to withhold the benefit of the doubt from white women, especially those in the boomer generation, for their faults and misgivings, but it makes sense to defend the exceptions. There are some, too. I know one woman in the town I live in now, who occasionally crusades outside the family court with a cardboard sign. I stopped my car, parked, and went over to shake her hand.
If we fall into the trap of hating our friends, simply based on the sex-organs they’re sporting, then we’re really no different than the loonies over at radfem hub.
This quote from Market Ticker is a smidgen long but pretty funny.
I don’t know if the guy was alpha, beta, or omega, but he was lousy at his job.
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FuriousFerret says:
November 13, 2012 at 10:25 pm
This doesn’t even take into account that Hollister’s dad was this guy:
And was the superintendent at West Point when Petraeus was attending it.
This woman is pretty much the woman the manosphere bitches and complains about not existing anymore, the ones we say you have to go to Russia or the Phillipines to find in our generation.
And they spit at her and call her ugly and old.
You know what man I am done with the manosphere. American white men truly get the women they deserve!
I don’t know why you defended these assholes for so long. Watching these idiots vote in droves for Romney killed whatever empathy I had for them. I have figured them for a bunch of blood thirsty, war mongering sociopaths and idiots who prefer to go without health insurance and look out for the interest of billionaires just so can feel like the big man by sticking it to the minorities and poor people. The way they are picking on poor Holly while defending that mass murderer just goes to show you how far they have degenerated.
F**k em!
When Benghazi gets in the news, suddenly its: “Look, a man had sex!” Who cares.
I could be wrong, maybe they are covering up those who haven’t gotten their electicity back on in NYC and NJ.
Or, it wasn’t him. We are, after all, talking about spies, and the spies that spy on them.
We’re also talking about an administration that has repeatedly lied about what it knew concerning the deaths of multiple Americans in an embassy. The administration that is seriously considering putting the actual liar in as Secretary of State. The administration that is working hard to cover up a gun-walking program that killed Americans and innocent Mexicans. The administration that is considering Senator Kerry for Secretary of Defense–another man who knew Jill Kelley and interfered on her sister’s behalf in a custody battle. The administration that put a spook (Panetta) in charge of the military, and a general (Patreaus) in charge of the spooks. The administration that released a layered PDF of a birth certificate, instead of a photocopy; which is either a forgery, or is meant to resemble a forgery to rile up the political divides. The administration that purposefully destroys wealth by destroying functioning cars, instead of reselling, or even giving, them to the poor. The administration that denounces Wall Street, but uses its boardrooms as its financial bullpen. Need a high-level bureaucrat in the Treasury? Call one up from Goldman Sachs! The administration that assassinated an untried American citizen. The administration that suddenly found Bin Laden at a convenient time, in an allies’ land, assassinated him, and then made a circus of the whole affair–including made-up warroom stories, and doctored pictures? The administration that mere days later lost a helicopter unwisely and irregularly overloaded with SEALs, to unguided rocket fire. The administration that has nearly every major news outlet openly rooting for the administration’s success at over-hauling America. The administration that lied and begged and wheedled and bribed every congressman it could to pass healthcare reform. The administration that simply dropped an open-and-shut case of voter intimidation caught on video(!) because the perps were Black Panthers. The administration that rose up from, defended, and re-established the organization formerly known as ACORN after they were caught–on video–advising on child sexual slavery.
Whatever we’re seeing today won’t be true a month from now.
I think you are wrong in that Holly is everything the manosphere says they want. The ‘sphere is actually quite upfront in that women should remain as sexually attractive as they possibly can throughout their life. Holly broke the number one rule, which is don’t get fat or become sexually unattractive.
You can’t call the ‘sphere hypocrites either because remaing sexually viable is proclaimed out loud and with approval.
I mean the very concept of marriage is frowned upon by a lot of people much less getting married and then the woman blowing up into a land whale.
I for one am all aboard with that women should remain sexually attractive as they reasonable can through marriage up to certain point. However there are limits here. When you enter your golden years, I think you should get a pass here. Being sixty something and being ugly is a totally different animal than a woman getting married at 125 and blowing up to 210 within a couple of years.
Also you have to take into account for sickness and other considerations. I think the thing that really rubs people the wrong way is the intent of getting out of shape. I mean for a woman to just let her self go right after marriage is telling her husband, well I got what I wanted and now it’s time to let myself experience all the gluttony that I avoided simply the snag that ring. It’s like a huge pimp slap in the face. But if the natural progession of aging makes a woman out of shape and she’s not actively behaving like a pig, that’s simply the nature of the beast here. That’s marriage.
Holly Petraeus has been by all accounts an upright, good woman. There is no evidence that she cheated or is a nagging bitch. Really her only crime is that of a sixty something year old woman looking like a sixty something year old woman.
She let herself go. She is gray, fat, and frumpily dressed. That is crime enough.
Women dump men, and cheat on them, for failing to make them feel haaappy all the time. These men no longer inspire the gina tingle. The male equivalent of this is to cheat on women, or dump them, for failing to look good. These women no longer inspire erections.
Nas says:
November 13, 2012 at 11:37 pm
I am largely finished with the manosphere except for the occasional comment here, and at Blackpill. I’ve transitioned into a new identity posting on mostly Italian-language blogs, I even have one (which I won’t associate with this ID as I use my real name on it) that is decidedly NOT about game, MRA, manosphere BS.
What can I say, Holly looks alarmingly like my beloved mother, and I miss her terribly. I guess there is a mangina in all of us it just takes a certain event to bring it out. It reminds me of the 98th rule of acquisition.
My father might be content to live out his final days smoking and drinking because his property (me) didn’t turn into the little Gordon Gecko clone he tried to make me into. But I have no taste for watching the innocent suffer for profits and bombs the way he does. If I could trust he would not put my 102 year old nonna and my disabled little sister into nursing homes I would leave the anglosphere. But I cannot.
Agreed. However, I think a closer fit than the carousel is the male form of divorce theft.
Hats off to you. Yeah, we argued before, but IMO you’re right on the money here, and I’m glad somebody else in the ‘sphere isn’t buying into all the rah-rah right-wing militarism nonsense. Dunno if you still think I’m trollin you or not, but as far as I’m concerned you’re all right.
P.S: My condolences for your mother. She sounds like she was a decent woman, not that common these days.
I told Blackpill once that it is emotionally satisfying to vent on the internet, but it is an addictive drug. I’ve posted too many things to remember which particular incident of me spewing compost at my monitor you are referring to, but feel safe in knowing that there was no satisfaction gained from it for me, and it was likely the result of a night of heavy drinking.
‘and it was likely the result of a night of heavy drinking.’
Dude you belong in the manosphere. LOL.
Haha, its cool man. And I agree with you about the ‘manosphere,’ I havent been posting much either. A lot of them seem like they’ve just lost it completely. Have you checked out the comments on heartiste recently? They’re talking about a “fourth reich” and rounding up all the jews. It’s combo of completely crazy and pretty unhealthy.
hurp says:
November 14, 2012 at 1:23 am
A couple of us on a private blog are having a “post the dumbest things you’ve said on the internet” competition. A trip down memory lane so to speak.
I assume you are referring to this particular garbage? Where a guy expresses his opinion that white men should convert to Islam because hitler said it was a good idea to do so? Merely because Romney lost the election?
Yeah, that’s one of them, but I was thinking of this one too (can’t even quote it for language):
Its like these guys arent even pretending to be sane anymore.
@hurp, ybm
Get a room already.
I really don’t hink the manosphere is that stupid on this . for me personally didn’t want to play the good guy and talk about the guys wife at all. it is to me about some chump asshole messing with another mans wife while married himself. And like you said the woman was with the guy for 38 years. A women her age is not going to be a fucking babe and wouldn’t expect her to be.
This Nas guy is just some european socialist and has no clue what american freedom looks and lives like. he sounds like the same jackass that is changing this nation in to little tribal groups fighting over who gets their far share of nothing. So voting again that is now right wing war mongering. I remember as a boy riding in the back of a pick up truck. To me that statement means a lot and has a lot of meaning to it that is gone forever.
As far as I can tell, the common consensus in the Manosphere and among non-Western average men is that men of high social status should be able to have one or more mistresses, as long as they a) keep it discreet b) don’t get emotionally involved c) don’t divert a substantial part of their resources to the mistress from their families. This whole story would get thrown in the “business as usual” bin in, say, Russia or Italy.
It was obviously wrong on the general’s part to get involved with a married woman, but it’s pretty obvious that the blame should primarily fall on Broadwell, hot him. In the general’s defense it should be pointed out that he apparently didn’t father any bastards with her and didn’t spend the family treasures on her. The correct approach would’ve been for Petraeus to keep a single woman as a mistress and avoid beta behavior like sending her e-mails, and for his wife to realize that they are no longer on the same level in the SMP, swallow her pride and put up with it if she knows about it.
One thing nobody mentioned is that Petraeus got the shittiest imaginable job among all American generals: to salvage what’s possible from the disasters in Iraq and Afghanistan by applying standard counterinsurgency methods, thus allowing the government to save face while extracting the troops from two regions that are bound to become utter shitholes again. That’s pure beta – cleaning up after idiots (like Paul Bremer) who made themselves rich in the process of utterly screwing things up. The real alphas among American generals are to be found in the Navy and the Air Force: commanding shiny and expensive toys that won’t ever have to deployed in situations that are even remotely risky, proudly wearing their uniforms while never having to fire a shot or dirty their hands, cuckolding married men while they’re serving abroad in the armed forces or performing shitty cubicle work. They never get within 500 miles of dirty, ragged insurgents armed with AKs and RPGs. It’s always the Army and the Marines that are left to hold the bag in crappy situations that the government got them into.
“Holly Petraeus has been by all accounts an upright, good woman. There is no evidence that she cheated or is a nagging bitch. Really her only crime is that of a sixty something year old woman looking like a sixty something year old woman.
You can tell from Petraeus’ demeanor and pictures from his west point days that Petraeus is a beta male in terms of having raw masculine energy. I doubt he was attractive to the hot woman of his day. Also, Holly was a girl next door cute girl. She wasn’t some fat skank from the local bar. She married young and didn’t ride any kind of cock carsoeul.”
I completely agree. As I’ve said elsewhere, she was good to him and raised his children. He should have been faithful to her, no longer attractive or not.
as we say in my country, “Dunia Imelipuka” ,ie,the world has burst ……. I saw the Petraeus story covered full page in one of our local papers and I think the world hasn’t changed much. Sex scandals/ affairs are the kiss of death to a career and reputation .
While one lady in America was busy attacking her rival mistress, across the pond, another woman was divorcing her hubby for not acting out scenes from that literary “masterpiece ” 50 shades of Grey……….
“I completely agree. As I’ve said elsewhere, she was good to him and raised his children. He should have been faithful to her, no longer attractive or not.”
I agree with this. However, when talking about the elite, I usually consider affairs “business as usual”. Not that all the higher-ups have them, but they are fairly commonplace. Clinton had his share of sluts. Hillary had her lesbian liason. Obama has Kal Penn. It certainly isn’t moral by any means, and Holly never deserved any of this. However that’s one of the unfortunate risks you take by being married to somebody high profile like him. And of course the risk Petraeus takes with his high profile position, is that if he pisses off the wrong people everything gifted him will come crashing down.
I completely agree. As I’ve said elsewhere, she was good to him and raised his children. He should have been faithful to her, no longer attractive or not.
Bingo that is how it should be.
“However that’s one of the unfortunate risks you take by being married to somebody high profile like him.”
He wasn’t high profile when they got married. He was at the start of his army career. No way of knowing he would be a 4 Star General one day.
I think Holly was perfectly aware, or at least she later realized, that theirs is a political marriage, as Brendan pointed out above, one based on not the idea of everlasting mutual attraction but career and business interests. Her husband was bound to stray at one point.
She’s 60, right? I don’t think we can really judge without a peek into their bedroom. A woman is bound to lose the bloom with age, but if she’s still sexing her husband up properly, he’s not going to complain much. On the other hand, if she’s running to the gym and hair parlor every day and looks 10 years younger than she is, but they’re sleeping in separate rooms, he’s likely to stray if he gets offers.
Not that he’s excused for straying either way. As the anti-game folks often remind us, a wife has an obligation to submit to her husband whether he games her and gives her tingles or not, and he likewise has an obligation to be faithful to her whether she stays sexy and sexual or not. But in both cases, they can make each other’s vows easier to keep.
A lot of guys take the red pill and feel overwhelmed, and have the reaction: “It sounds like I have to be super-alpha at all times or she’ll leave. I don’t think I can maintain that 24/7. One day I’ll cry at the end of a movie and she’ll get disgusted and walk out.” Of course, that’s not really the case. You don’t have to be perfectly alpha at all times; you just have to stay above some threshold. (The hotter and/or crazier the woman, the higher the threshold, but it’s never 100%.) Likewise, it’s not reasonable or true to say that a woman has to be as fit and lively and well-dressed and made-up as possible at all times to stay attractive to her man. She just has to stay more attractive than the alternatives, after subtracting something for the risk of being caught and his sense of fidelity (if he has one).
Of course, that explains why younger, attractive women probably shouldn’t be working in offices with older, powerful men any more than necessary, but that’s getting into a different topic.
@ ybm November 13, 2012 at 9:21 pm
Got to admit, you’re right. The Manosphere goes crazy about marital desertion when the wife is still young and hot, but it expects a man to take a mistress when his wife is old and fat – even if he is well past his own prime of alphahood.
The weird thing is, the mainstream of opinion tends to support the wife in _both_ situations. The divorce courts will reward the wife in both situations. We need to have some give and take here. Neither sex deserves to have everything the way they want.
The Director of the CIA uses Gmail?
Who needs Wiki-Leaks when the undersexed chumps we entrust our national security to are using gmail accounts to correspond with their illicit lovers?
Julian Asange is trapped in the Ecuadorian consulate in London thinking “What the fuck am I here for again?”
Oh, and you can add one more average frustrated chump to that list:
No kidding. What’s the point of being M if you don’t have Q set you up with some sort of high-tech super-encrypted communications device hidden in earrings or something that you can give to your conquests to notify them when you’ll be picking them up at an undisclosed location for an afternoon game of hide the sausage?
We’re being ruled by idiots — boring, unimaginative idiots — which is even sadder than being ruled by evil geniuses.
There’s a lot of full-frontal racism and anti-semitism coming out in the androsphere since the election. Yeah, Obama is corrupt and a liar. But he’s my corrupt and my liar, that is, he does it so I don’t have to and I get to go to Heaven, so fuck all y’all. Politics is, after all, the management of evil.
Petraeus looks like Robert Morse or Bucky Beaver from the old Ipana ads.. His mistresses look like trannies. The whole affair is a sordid mess. The Clintons’ fingerprints are all over Libya and Benghazi. They hate Obama exponentially more than they hate the Bushes.
Collectively, the androsphere has all the discernment of Inspector Gadget.
Annnnd,..the plot thickens:
General John Allen, another 4-Star Beta, is basically sexting Jill Kelley:
As I stated earlier, societal feminization, the proliferation of the beta mindset as the normative and white knightery has now been raised to the level of being a national security issue. How many soldiers died in Afghanistan while these “Leaders of Men®” we’re logging on to Adult Friend Finder or playing LDR flirt games over Skype with their married mistresses? This is what a femocracy looks like.
“This is a woman who has fought for things the manosphere pretends it cares about: She fought in favour of a moratorium on debt for troops when stationed far from home, and protection for soliders whose wives abandon them while they are dying in a desert hellhole.
And I watch the manosphere spit on this woman because shes old and probably doesn’t suck his dick anymore. 38 1/2 years. The manosphere pretends it cares about traditional values, here is your traditional values staring you assholes right in the fucking face:
I love the genuinely righteous indignation in a woman.
So rare these days.
It was a glorious post,you shoulda left it up.
The lesbians have divided the sexes into opposing sides.
Perhaps it’s best to formulate solidarity among women in pursuit of male empowerment rather than appeal to the de-mil zone.
It’s in your best interest,your men disenfrachised legally cannot be of help to you.
Upset that the ‘sphere’ lost a cog?
Much worse when it’s sitting in the living room castrated past caring.
Anyway,I did enjoy the tone so very much,now just to focus all that power in the right direction..
ybm says:
November 13, 2012 at 9:21 pm
I don’t always agree with you, ybm, yet this time your spot on. These men are worthless.
Whatever. Do an image search for her pictures. This is a woman who hasn’t cared about whether she was physically or sexually pleasing to her husband for at least 20 years.
She bore him two kids (Mailed it in, really. Only two, and they weren’t homeschooled.) and didn’t have an affair, and now she has a license to get fat, and not care about how she looks on his arm? Look at those pictures again. Those are taken at publicized events. Yes, that’s what she looks like dressed up. Now imagine it at home in sweats; talking about She looks like the warden from an East German women’s prison; bad, boring, shortish, hair; dreary clothes; no makeup… How proud Patreaus must have been to have her at his at those galas and ceremonies…
Her problem isn’t that she got old. Her problem is a slut came along and she had left her husband defenseless. The man is a beta, as has been roundly agreed. His wife should have known better, and almost certainly did. She took him for granted, and now it has embarassed her.
By the way: Kelley’s sister Natalie Khawam–who embroiled four national figures in treachery against her ex-husband–had met and befriended all those folks and their wives. Don’t for a second think that Holly Patreaus didn’t nod approvingly over her husband’s shoulder as he penned that letter of recommendation for Natalie, to strip the one man who actually won custody of his kids over false domestic-abuse and child-abuse charges.
Where THE FUCK am I again? I thought this was the man-osphere.
I had the fortunate or unfortunate case of being in both the segregated (by sex) military and and unsegregated version. Essentially a lot of Army training battalions integrated at some point in my military life. I can tell you one undeniable fact about women in the military…there is a double standard and it lowered the quality of the training by a very large degree.
My battle buddy at one training experience was a female. She tried her best but I humped her ruck and mine for the better part of a summer and it sucked. A man would have been thrown out but her deficiencies were considered part of the training exercise in overcoming adversity. The adversity was she had no damn business being there.
Yes I know that the top % of females can best a certain much lower percentage of men but in a long term physical environment, think infantry type training, the body breaks down and men just simply have more genetic reserves on balance to endure.
I don’t want women to have less I think that ignoring basic human genetic design when applying it to certain occupations is stupid.
“The administration that purposefully destroys wealth by destroying functioning cars, instead of reselling, or even giving, them to the poor.”
That particular piece of corporate welfare hurt the poor man badly.
The price of a used beater tripled or more.
I see more folks walking very long distances.
My dad,for the first time,cannot afford a decent truck.
He once bought a brand new volkswagon,then a rambler,for discretionary funds of one year.
The days of a chicken in every pot and a care in every garage is gone.
Heck,even the house and garage are gone.
Ah well,at least the CEO’s of the auto Co’s made a few million more each..
That guy would sell his mother for the right price.
One thing that I find amusing is the quality of women that are bringing down these uber powerful men.
Have you seen these women? They certainly aren’t Helen of Troy. I mean if you’re going to crash and burn because of banging mistresses and you’re an extremely high value man you should be have first class ass.
Lewinisky, Broadwell, Khawan sisters, is this really the cream of the crop for high ranking men? Would Alexander the Great even acknowledge women like these existence? Men with tight game at a nightclub get way better women on average than the most powerful men in the country. So in terms of sleeping with beautiful women, game plus gym is ten times better than say running a country or leading an army with all the power that comes with it.
“Would Alexander the Great even acknowledge women like these existence?”
Well, no. Alexander the Great probably wouldn’t. Not unless they were wearing fabulous shoes.
Ferret…. AMEN
Dal, I think one side of this investigation that deserves note is that 90% of the reporting I’m seeing of it is being done by women anchors, news-reporters, talking-heads, etc. If you want to see the feminine imperative writ large on a social scale pay attention to the gender context this story is being cast in. It’s like male reporters have all recused themselves from covering the scandal, because only women have the associative credibility to cover infidelity of this scale.
Make no mistake: it’s the men above the reporting pool who are deciding the females should be the ones reporting on this.
It’s the same phenomenon as fathers raising feminists daughters, but editors and producers instead.
You guys got trolled by ybm … lmao
This is essentially what anti-gamers like ybm do all the time
Divert any REAL criticism of women onto men
Attack men for figuring out how women really work
FYI The main reason this guy cheated was PRECISELY the womans fault, staying attractive & sexual is a VITAL PART of a marriage contract
Patreuses wife is a sexless over the hill hag, bordering on bag lady, & thats putting it mildly
Most of you also overlooked patreus is the head of the CIA, making him a war criminal, putting him in the exact same league as george bush & tony blair
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‘The main reason this guy cheated was PRECISELY the womans fault, staying attractive & sexual is a VITAL PART of a marriage contract’
How the hell do you stay attractive at 65? Most people men or women are physically out of the attractive bodies game at that age besides the rare workout warriors who even then aren’t really that great.
The reason that men can still be attractive in their sixties is that guys can maintain their social dominance, power and status well into old age. Women simply don’t have that option.
On Mrs. Patraeus:
Her appearance doesn’t excuse his cheating. What her appearance does is advertise to the world that he has no control over his own woman. He needed to nip her slovenliness in the bud the first time she ran out to the store in polar fleece exercise pants. He didn’t, and now he’s photographed at public events with a wife dressed in navy polyester pants that look like they belong on a female city bus driver. If he doesn’t like looking at her in comfy clothes, he should have insisted that she dress appropriately years ago. I’m sure her night attire is an old over-sized t-shirt and period-stained granny panties. A woman who dresses this badly is communicating disrespect, and he has not insisted that she respect him with her physical appearance.
If it’s her fault that he cheated because of her appearance, then it’s ,his fault she looks so bad in the first place because he let her get away with it.
SSM makes an excellent point.
Like this:
A 60-year-old woman will never look like a 25 year-old woman, but after 30+ years of marriage she shouldn’t have to.
I don’t disagree. At the same time: her submission could have brought out the leadership in him that would have allowed her to act and dress feminine. In other words: its a picture of a couple who have never been there for each other; never truly married. So all this talk about poor Holly strikes me as very misplaced, emotive, and downright feminist.
What troubles me is that, for the beta-inclined man (as almost all men are) it may be that the only way to get a feminist woman (as almost all women are) to really hear his complaint is to take another wife; even if just for a day.
We’ve seen this before.
If that’s true (and the big Game dogs say it is), then Patreaus’ cheating was her wake-up call. Then we must say the tragedy is that he didn’t do it decades ago, and give her a chance to correct when she was young. I hope it’s not true, but I’m unsure.
One more thing: I don’t agree that Holly is “ugly”. I don’t think you’ll find me talking about women hitting the wall, because I’ve seen many attractive older women. Who knows if Holly Patreaus is ugly? It’s under all the polyester and fat.
Ssm has it right.
I’m not going to excuse adultery. But the signs were there that his lack of presence in the household had eroded his authority. He put his work before his marriage.
You can say I’m blaming the man, but what i’m saying is tgat he let his alpha down at home. Wifey let herself go because he cared more about his work. That’s the lesson to draw from this. Had he put his marriage first (note, I am not suggesting he put his wife first, rather the oath he made to God first) and kept the homefire burning, his career would’ve suffered. His marriage? Likely not.
If you sign up for a LTR, put in the work or it will deteriorate. If you want to remain single, bust ass in your career, and have lots of women, that route is also available.
Good discussion Cane, SSM, and Elspeth.
One thing I would add is that Gen P. seems to have a taste for strong independent women. This is at least how his attraction to Broadwell is framed in the media. While the media’s eye is suspect here, it does seem noteworthy that he allegedly chose to cheat with Mrs. Broadwell and not a more traditional feminine/submissive woman. I mention this because the most legitimate criticism I can see of his wife is that she looks like a slightly less butch version of Janet Reno. Aging and even gaining weight are to some degree inevitable, but the English bulldog look would seem purely optional. In her defense, Mr. P seems to at least think this is what he wants, so it is arguable that Mrs. P is being the woman both of them think he wants. The analogy which comes to mind is the wife who betatizes her husband and then complains that he isn’t attractive any more. We do of course pummel the beta schlub to try to knock some sense into him*, but the wife in that situation isn’t justified in cheating and/or committing divorce theft and either way is complaining about getting what she thought she wanted.
*Mentu’s mother advising her married daughter to “Take care of that man or some other woman will” strikes me as a lost piece of good advice. This strikes me as a case of a missing fear which is causing great damage. Part of what game explains is that women need to feel a degree of this fear/drama to feel content. However, I think we need to be careful not to give moral cover for either men or women violating their marriage vows.
Great. But what about Benghazi.
So now, we start to come to it. Politicians have been using hypergamy (which they don’t actually understand) as a means to generate a majority vote from women who consider themselves as victims (of whatever male offense they can dream up today). They used this power to turn the government into the ultimate beta provider for women. They then use this same power to make masculinity virtually illegal in the United States.
Now, the collective hamsterbation of an entire nation is being brought to bear against them. Now the government gets to experience something that only the Manosphere can teach, women are NEVER happy, and can NEVER BE HAPPY when hypergamy is unrestrained. The federal government will fall the the largest feral hamster in the history of mankind.
And to the “General”, learn to use Google.
“How the hell do you stay attractive at 65?”
By not letting herself go & looking like a bag lady
A woman who’s fat & dresses like a slob, ie. patreus’s slob of a wife, its not a matter of if, but when the guy who has to put up with her decrepit state snaps …
You just have to look good for your age, to stay attractive to a man in your old age
Take your marriage vows seriously, by staying in shape for your husband
Also readers of dalrock should already know all this if the person is in positions of fame or power
ALL women have an age limit anyway, if a man is in a position of power & she hits 60+, your man is entitled to younger & hotter models, due to his biology alone
Women become biologically irrelevant for mating after 45+
Men stay biologically relevant upto 70+
Personally I think its absurd a man should be tied down to one woman for 50+ years, if his biology allows him to reproduce well into his 70’s
The only time a man should be tied down is if he intends to have a large family, to provide stability to a growing traditional family
Marriage & families are going to be stamped out anyway, enjoy them while you can
You know what man I am done with the manosphere. American white men truly get the women they deserve!
I don’t know why you defended these assholes for so long. Watching these idiots vote in droves for Romney killed whatever empathy I had for them. I have figured them for a bunch of blood thirsty, war mongering sociopaths and idiots who prefer to go without health insurance and look out for the interest of billionaires just so can feel like the big man by sticking it to the minorities and poor people. The way they are picking on poor Holly while defending that mass murderer just goes to show you how far they have degenerated.
F**k em!
And you can take your progressive piece of shit pussy punk ass and go die in a consuming fire, motherfucker. Your progressive party is literally destroying the entirety of Western civilization with a look of mad glee and joy on its face. Sure, conservatives are also an unfortunately bad alternative, but there’s a difference between the bus driver, and the enabler. In supporting the bus driver, you are clearly one dumb motherfucker who has a suicide pact with himself.
Fuck. You.
How do we judge someone else’s character? Is there really some level of character and integrity to expect from everyone? Just curious. I know that when I found out my ex had moved on and was no longer working on our marriage, but was sleeping with a couple other men, I still stayed true to my vows until after I filed the papers. Does that make me better than someone else? I don’t think so, it just makes me congruent to my own values.
I don’t know what the point I’m trying to make. I do expect people to hold themselves accountable to the vows and commitments they make, but how many of us are? Again, I don’t know.
As far as his wife getting old and unattractive. I was at the coffee shop this morning and the woman behind me I would guess was in her mid to late fifties, and had a body that would years aside be the envy of a lot of twenty year old women. And, the truth is, despite her short spiky grey hair and wrinkled face, she wasn’t unattractive for an older woman. The only real problem with attractive older women is that there are so few of them.
I remember a blogger (Rollo? Roosh?) who equated training a puppy to training your woman. Coarse, reductionist, but with a rock of truth inside.
Provide guidance. If in a LTR, provide guidance or expect the relationship to deteriorate to the path of least resistance.
Regarding attractiveness, it is possible. There’s a woman in my section, age 58, who is – well – bangable.
Her attraction is physical, sure. She’s still in shape and objectively pretty. More important, though, is her feminine vibe. It is unmistakeable. It is warm, demure, inviting. Attractive.
How foes a 60+ woman remain attractive? Cultivate and internalize the feminine. Appear feminine. For men, cultivate and appear masculine. Love goggles will be in place. Men can and will look past a lot. However, a masculinized woman isn’t the partner for a LTR.
@Cail Corishev
“Of course, that explains why younger, attractive women probably shouldn’t be working in offices with older, powerful men any more than necessary, but that’s getting into a different topic.”
I think that it’s a pretty much an agreed upon fact now that men should exhibit extreme self-control at all times and that they are personally and solely responsible for all sexual misadventures.
After all, if all men did not have self-control of mythical proportions, how could they possible resist throttling the attractive, intelligent, educated women who work as administrative assistant at the office when yet another detailed discussion about the exact specifics of horoscopes plays out in the lunch room?
From one gossip sheet I can’t be bothered to link

“[While] visiting her parents for the weekend […] a friend of her mother’s asked if she’d like to go to the football game with a cadet she knew. But when he turned out to be busy, the woman called the cadet office in search of an escort. The assignment fell to David Petraeus.”
So he was pretty much awarded a date with the boss’s daughter by lottery, and pursued his good fortune ..
“Holly was appalled to discover she was going on a blind date. When they sat in the student section, the other cadets–recognizing the boss’s daughter–hooted, cheered and gave thumbs-up.”
And from another
“They married within two months. “I admired his intelligence and thought he was great. I had no way of predicting how far he would go,” Holly said”
Small and physically immature for his age all the way through high school, he got up every morning early to deliver the newspaper. He diligently tended to his lessons in school. His old friends remember a boy who kept meticulous notebooks, and who followed instructions …
At a time when more rebellious teenagers started growing their hair long and dressing with defiant informality, Petraeus was always clean-cut and well groomed. He was not cool. He showed little interest in girls, who remember him as “cute,” in the way girls in the 60s meant the word”
All credit to the guy, he beat himself up from what to me looks like a hopeless dweeb into a first-class athlete and honors grad by sheer hard work and keeping his nose clean (or brown, to all you anarchists), and married into the aristocracy, as upwardly mobile children of immigrants try to do. Good job, if not a life I’d have chosen for myself, and she sounds like a sound woman, I guess she and likely he were virgins until marriage? (Hey, I was at uni in ’74, and the long-past Summer of Love was simply an annoying, exotic Lie, for both sexes, I can tell you. I reckon I lost my virginity after that pair did, and not for want of trying or good looks!).
But him, alpha? “I admired his intelligence” .. “cute” .. lol wut? Git offa my lawn.
And there’s no vaccine for The Dumb. Gmail? Thou jesteth shirley? (or was that the other star-spangled technocrat? I despair, I’d expect better from .. a plasterer, or a tractorman, even one as old as me).
That was Full of Grace, Seasoned with Salt. It’s a fantastic post.
hmm… holly petraeus looks like a woman that was never really super attractive. She married a dorky looking beta military man, stuck by him and then when he got the chance to step out her, he did so. She aged… normally. None of us know how she was in the marriage and it is not right to make a judgment of her because her husband cheated on her.
I call BS on this entire affair (no pun intended).
My theory: David knew that the State Department would try to throw him under the bus and use him as a sacrificial lamb/fall guy to cover the mishandling of the entire Libya affair. Before Benghazi, Libya was Obama & Hillary’s “Crown jewels” of foreign-policy, and honest facts about the events would make them both look bad.
Until Obama won re-election, he was enthusiastic about getting to testify before the Senate because if Romney won election he would get to cover his skin by throwing Hillary Clinton (who is prepping for a 2016 Presidential run) under the bus. But with Romney losing, David would be forced back into a positon to be made into the administration’s fall-guy. Not wanting this, he used the affair which he had been conducting as a sort of escape-plan. He knew the media would turn it all into Real Housewives of Langley Falls/West Point. By resigning and giving the reason he did, the media has managed to turn attention away from Benghazi and put him into a position where he cannot be used as the fall-guy for Obama & Hillary’s foreign-policy blunders.
No, but they’re easy pickings. Didn’t Lewinsky flash her thong at Clinton the first time they met? If a woman basically crawls onto your lap and whispers in your ear that she wants to service you, how hot does she have to be before you think, “Eh, why not? I won’t be able to see her under the desk anyway.”
When these guys fall for them and beg them to stay, that’s another story, but that’s how you can tell they have no game aside from their titles.
Yep, that post is right. The Dog Whisperer is like alpha training for men, but told through the metaphor of dog training so it won’t get thrown off the air. Almost everything he says applies: show calm and assertive energy, never back down, show no fear, only show affection when she’s calm and submissive. Even the daily walk — maybe you shouldn’t do a 45-minute power walk every day, but if you took your wife for a stroll every day, with her arm tucked through yours while you lead and choose the path, can you imagine how that would frame things over time?
This whole thing is incredible. I don’t really care if these guys are alpha or not, but I will say that they are all disgusting people. The men have betrayed their families and their countries, in my mind, and the women are status-chasing entitled princesses. Broadwell has got to be certifiably crazy and Jill Kelly has bankrupted her family, morally and financially, just like her sister. I’m sure Feminism is very proud of how empowered these women have shown themselves to be.
I still can’t believe that Petraeus and Allen both wrote letters on behalf of Kelley’s sister who had custody removed from her. Did they think about how bad of a mom she must have been to lose custody? And yet, these guys agree to use their power and positions to try and sway the court. Did they even know what the judge has said in his ruling? Probably not, and these are the men who are leading our military? Men need to stop letting sex drive them to stupidity like this. It is more than unseemly, it is awkwardly disgusting.
Looking like a bag lady at any age isnt aging normally, its the exact opposite, its abnormal
FYI for those who didnt get my post, i was approaching the affair from a game perspective
Yes even at 60+ you need to age gracefully, without turning into an out of shape decrepit hag …
There are no innocents in an affair, especially not married to somebody like the head of the CIA
Anyway that LGR post at unmasking feminism on the dog whisperer is a classic, the kind of post Dalrock would never post …. he routinely posts warnings about links to roissy, university of man & other gaming sites … ridiculous
So wheres the warning for HUS, routine crass language & hundreds of times worse then any gaming site … lol
Anyway this whole patreus, benghazi crap is a none issue, 4 soldiers got killed … how many civilians died this year in iraq due to the forces the soldiers belong to?
Enjoy your circus …
O/T, but:
“Her problem isn’t that she got old. Her problem is a slut came along and she had left her husband defenseless. The man is a beta, as has been roundly agreed. His wife should have known better, and almost certainly did. She took him for granted, and now it has embarassed her.”
Brilliantly said Cane Caldo, a woman who doesnt know how to keep her husband, doesnt deserve him
It is possible for a woman to remain feminine and look attractive for her age long after her best years have passed. Those are the women who understand the importance of keeping themselves looking as good as they can for as long as they can, who continue the diet and exercise regimen even when they’re past 60 or 70. I see them at social dances and dance classes I go to; maybe they’re not getting many dates out of them since their respective SMV’s are no match for the younger women present, but most men present still enjoy dancing with them and I think that is because there is such a shortage of femininity out there.
Holly Petraeus looked OK as a young woman, but it’s clear she didn’t try to maintain as much of that as possible. Perhaps that’s because her husband didn’t have the alpha hand to condition her choices in self-maintenance, I don’t know. As a fellow of a certain age, there exist 60 year old women I’d consider bangable, but Holly is definitely not one of them. As I get older I’m gonna regret there are so few of them.
i don’t care if she looks like a Mack truck (and she doesn’t) it isn’t causative for her husband to cheat on her. He married her as a frumpy young woman and now she is a frumpy old woman. It doesn’t appear that she let herself run down; she was always frumpy. She doesn’t appear to be wildly overweight — just matronly with an awful haircut. But for all we know she might be a demon in the sack. It is flatly wrong that her looks should come into the equation on a Christian blog whilst we’re discussing that her husband violated his vows to God and to her by committing adultery. That is screwed up thinking.
“Anyway this whole patreus, benghazi crap is a none issue, 4 soldiers got killed … how many civilians died this year in iraq due to the forces the soldiers belong to?”
Libya was “supposed” to be the new succesful model of “anti-imperial” American foreign policy under Oh Great Leader Obama, unlike the Old Evil Ways Of The Evil George W Bush.
I remember hearing some leftie on MSNBC saying that when the rebels won, how the Obama Doctrine was oh-so-wonderful-and-the-arab-world-will-love-us-for-it.
I find it interesting that Holly Petraeus’s appearance is considered a strike against her as far as keeping her marriage vows. It was something I had not considered. I need to think over my automatic assumptions.
There is another aspect that has not been brought up here, though – her work as an officer’s, then a general’s wife. The old saw that behind every successful man is a woman is a true one in the military. The officer’s wives don’t get paid, but they do a lot of behind the scenes stuff. A supportive wife is essential to becoming a general: it’s just one of the requirements, but it isn’t an elective. From running the various relief organizations to keeping tabs on the young officer’s wives, it can be a full time plus job. Holly Petraeus would have had a thorough understanding of what is required from her mother. Did she do it? Yes, otherwise Petraeus would have stopped at colonel or earlier.
I’m only a retired enlisted, but I’ve seen plenty of officer’s wives doing their part (or not). One of the best officers I ever served under retired as a colonel because his wife could not do what was required to be a general’s wife. Not would not, but simply could not – she tried, but wasn’t able to handle the young feminist wives. Perhaps Holly Petraeus’s appearance helps there – she definitely reminds me of a stern school teacher or mother superior.
“…a woman who doesnt know how to keep her husband, doesnt deserve him”
I supposed that this statement begs the questions:
If a man who doesn’t have a playboy history is receiving fun, regular sex at home (even from a sixy year old woman), is there any possibility of him cheating?
If a sixty year old woman is as attractive as a sixty year old woman can be (without surgery) and she isn’t being a bitch, but rather a submissive, supportive wife, how many men would stray?
What do you think?
“So in terms of sleeping with beautiful women, game plus gym is ten times better than say running a country or leading an army with all the power that comes with it.”
JFK begs to differ.
That said, much better to be a drug addled rock star than a five star general (if he’s a “rock star” in military circles).
@22to28, I think it depends on the man. My impression is that for most men, integrity to their vows is important and in the situation you describe, they would not stray. The further from the situation as you describe it, the more likely any given man is to find a way to rationalize breaking his vow.
Or, as I put it to a friend of mine. I wasn’t going to divorce my ex because of her depression and the effects of the drugs, but I’ll be damned if I’m ever going to be involved with a woman on anti-depressants in the future.
Women go to seed much sooner than men and especially after menopause. That’s a brutal fact of life.
Concubinage is accepted in other cultures as an outlet for the man while he maintains the public face of his marriage. As I posited on “The Spearhead”, in a sane culture the man who has proved himself worthy of running the intelligence agency would be provided a concubine and an executive apartment so he can do his job.
And I have not encountered much pining for traditional women in the “manosphere” so much as seething rage at the bias in instigating divorce (well documented on this web site) and the dividing up of the spoils.
As for the military, it continues a long tradition of chivalric attitudes while now pushing military women forward as equals or betters of men. Many men devoted to a career in uniform personally operate under quaint rules that get them shafted severely by predatory romantic or careerist women.
The point is ALL women need to be kept in line, even if she’s supportive & submissive, he will get shit tested & challenged
The womans role in marriage is to make it worth his while, keeping her in line & putting up with her solipisism & irrational & illogical behaviour
An LTR or marriage isnt about sex or relationship, its about putting up with shit, & how well each partner is besotted with the other to overlook her crap … ie how powerful are the love goggles …
At 65 if a woman STILL HASNT LEARNED how to be feminine & look decent for her husband, ie aged gracefully, its inevitable he’s going to cheat
EVERY woman has to master the foundations, the basics to keep her man
The first & foremost, she has to know how to seduce her man, in order to keep him
How do you think patreus or clinton cheated? They were seduced …
While I love submissive supportive women, they are a turn off if they dont know how to be rough & ready whores for their man
Yes even at the age of 65, a woman has to be able to satisfy a man, especially if he’s rich or famous
Obviously a mans desirability goes up as he gets richer & more sucessful, as he gets older
If a woman at the age of 65 doesnt know how to expertly service her man, & age gracefully, she can expect to loose him to somebody who does, with the added bonus of a younger model
By the age of 65, a woman should be an expert in sexually servicing her husband & pleasing his every whim & nook & cranny
That is how you keep a man besotted & in love with a successful man at the age of 65+
ie Jada Pinkett = will smith
Of course he needs to know how to train her how to do so …
Addendum …
There seems to be a myth, men & women dont copulate in their old age, but most older couples ive observed, still makeout, hold hands etc
The fact is sex, dating, making out, become Habitual rituals they perform with clockwork accuracy as they age
How well a couple performs those rituals determines the success rate of their relationship
As a couple ages in their old age, their mating habits become what keeps them together
If their mating habits, they perform ritually isnt satisfactory or exhilarating enough, the rituals they perform will not be enough to keep them together
Once the 5 year period of Being In Love wears off for a woman, its the routines & habits & sex which triggers oxcytocin etc to continously bond the couple together
@Uncle Elmer
Yes, concubinage should be an important part of every marriage
Hard working men, deserve concubines to keep them satisfied
What man wouldnt mind a hot young chick & a devoted wife to come home to?
I would think that keeping in shape in her marriage is akin to a guy bringing home money to support his family.
I guess that a woman letting herself go after she married for a while is like a middle aged guy waking up one day and saying ” You know what, I don’t like this whole work things that I have to go to all the time. I’m going to sit at home and watch movies and then go play some golf. I don’t really care what you want wife, I’m not going to take care of you because I don’t feel like putting in the effort.”
But let’s get this straight Petraeus is a nerd general. The Norv Tuner of the military. The reason he has the job is because he is good at the X and Os not because he is a manly alpha type. Can you imagine Patton being done in by some chick biographer? Holly P. is pretty much what you would expect a guy like Gen P. to get.
“I would think that keeping in shape in her marriage is akin to a guy bringing home money to support his family.”
Exactly. However, I think the equivalent to a woman letting herself go after marriage would be like the husband doctor deciding he didn’t like the stress of his practice, quitting his six figure job, and becoming a groundskeeper at the low five figures.
Not a valid reason for the wife to leave him, but you can be damn sure a lot of wives would. The difference is, society wouldn’t blame her.
“I would think that keeping in shape in her marriage is akin to a guy bringing home money to support his family.”
Completely agree. Men and women might by equal, but they sure as hell aren’t the same. Functionally, they both bring different things to marriage. Men could care less whether or not a woman comes with a degree, but they may be very delighted by the enthusiasm with which she spreads her legs.
I am going to go out on a limb and provide a little clarity in the way I believe that married women think, since I’ve had plenty of experience listening to the hens in my extended family and heavily feminized workplace for years. In doing so I’m going to speak in broad generalities with caveats for those women who “aren’t like that” and etc. If this is out of order for a Christian blog, I’ll encourage Dalrock to delete it.
Mr. Petraeus’ did spit in his wife’s face, but it was not by cheating per se. Women of Mrs. Petraeus’ social class, generation and position are surely aware that their husbands have opportunities. People of her class and age were born in a topos where there were set rules about such things, however, and Mr. Petraeus did break the rules quite handily, and he was irredeemably disrespectful in doing so.
If a man of this generation is to step out for some extra marital fun, it is an unwritten rule that:
1. his dalliance is better looking than his wife by a significant margin, unmarried and totally available for fun and games.
2. his dalliance is not led on with ideas of romance or fairy tale stories of leaving his wife and shacking up with the ho.
3. he exercises discretion, not embarrassing his wife and family publicly.
While it can be argued that the general (boy, how that title sours in this context) did bang a couple of women who were marginally better looking than Mrs. Petraeus, they were not the sort of hot numbers that his wife could write off with “oh he couldn’t help himself”. You guys who are talking about these dried-out, middle-aged hags as though they were hot chicks of 22 are being far too generous. Petraeus’ biographer is a hatchet-faced crone who I wouldn’t fuck blindfolded. I’m not trying to be rude here, just shooting straight.
In the old days, a wise woman would let her husband have an *occasional* one night stand or short-term fling, This gave her leverage in negotiations later, and it also reminded her husband just how good he had it at home. Being realistic, most men love their wives, and despite any dalliances they might have on the side, they are happy to have someone dependable keeping the house clean and the social calendar organized.
Petraeus, therefore, erred not in banging some younger flesh, but in apparently falling head over heels in love with a minimally attractive, over-the-hill married chick with a husband and children of her own. It remains to be seen how forgiving his wife is. Personally, I don’t give a fuck about David Petraeus; and, if his wife takes him to the cleaners in the man-hating divorce courts, I won’t shed any tears. People like him are the minority, used as justification for a system which regularly treats good men as though they were similar pieces of shit. Petraeus is not someone that any man should look up to, furthermore. I would never want to work with, socialize with, or have anything to do with someone so unbalanced, and I can’t fathom why people are trying to excuse his poor judgement.
Ultimately, Petraeus is not just a failure as a husband, but he’s also no great shakes at being a man.
As always, this is just my opinion. Take it or leave it.
MackPUA says:
November 14, 2012 at 8:05 pm
That comment you posted is something I would say to my daughter when she is 14 as an amendment to the sex ed class the damn schools will give the kids.
MackPUA says:
November 14, 2012 at 10:48 am
Pfft. How much money did you donate to Brian Banks? Fathers for Justice? Male Domestic Violence programs? Don’t throw stones in a glass house friend. I’ve told you before that I couldn’t care less about the internet and game, my work is done in the real world.
You and the now defunct-game blogs all around this sphere can stay as marginalized as you like, because the rest of us have left you behind.
TFH says:
November 14, 2012 at 9:33 pm
that’s not entirely true about the difference between American international taxation and EU taxation. Property or non-regular income like capital gains isn’t taxed anywhere close to the same way as regular income that you would get on a slip is reported.
Canadians and Americans dodge taxes by putting everything into a familial trust.
would it make you feel better if they just didn’t put in theeffort to earn the wealth to be taxed in the first place. why not just lift weights learn some tight game and put in for a government disability check. That productive citizen shit doesn’t seem to be something you approve of
I have a friendly acquaintance – a married man – who is an officer in the British Army. He white-knights so mercilessly, that behind his back we have nick-named him ‘Marshmellow Man’. Set him some Taliban or Bosnian to deal with and in he goes; yet as soon as some aging bint so much as looks at him, he turns to putty – and they walk all over him. From Alpha to Omega in seconds.
TFH says:
November 14, 2012 at 9:37 pm
“It is virtually a miracle that Obama has not had an affair (or has not been exposed yet).”
That’s because the rumor is he’s a flamer who could give Monica technique pointers!
@ Opus
Is anyone able to explain to him what he’s doing? White knights are the biggest problem; feminists can do nothing without them. What can be done about these men, I wonder?
Odds are it’s preferential treatment and pedestalization to the extreme.
I don’t think we should do anything about white knights. The information is out there, unless you are computer illiterate, old as balls or living under a rock, there is no excuse anymore to not find the truth, so I really have no sympathy for them. The thing is, feminists hate white knights. It doesn’t matter if they need them (in fact, their reliance on men* to do things for them probably infuriates them more) to do things for them, or they need them for protection. So just sit back and let feminists of both genders cannibalize each other in their frenzy. If a feminist hates a white knight, that just solves 2 problems for me. The white knight is too busy apologizing to curry favour and the feminist has a man to hate on, both have something to do with their friday night and it doesn’t involve me!
I also don’t think it’s possible stop all white knights. Men are designed to respond to women, women are designed/evolved/whatever to get these sorts of reactions from men, hence the high pitched voices, daintier features, etc, etc. There will always be a certain chunk of the population that are natural white knights, just like how a certain chunk of the population are natural alphas.
Wasn’t there a dust up a while back when a famous white knight (man boobz? not sure) caught a huge amount of flack for offending internet-feminists? It didn’t matter that he was spearheading the cause, that he was a champion of equal* rights, etc, etc. They tore right into him.
*I am using the term loosely.
“I’ve told you before that I couldn’t care less about the internet and game, my work is done in the real world.”
And yet, you keep on commenting…
“You and the now defunct-game blogs all around this sphere can stay as marginalized as you like, because the rest of us have left you behind.”
On and on and on…
Not for nothing, but I’d speculate that Paula Broadwell’s (now estranged) husband will play the dutiful beta and take her back in spite of all this shit. A guy who’s wife is off for years at a time following around a 4 star general and wearing dresses like this:
to galas without him, while he tends to the children is the very definition of abject beta-ness. What’s even more ironic is that he’ll probably be clueless of his now Alpha Widow wife will despise him even more for wanting to work it out with her. Poor Paula doesn’t realize that she’s surrounded by beta chumps whom she thought were Alpha, but really just put on a good show. For his part Petraeus is a textbook example of what I described in Dreamgirls and Children with Dynamite:
Only in the General’s case it wasn’t newfound PUA Game that got him his “dreamgirl”, it was his conferred, contextual Alpha status.
Full-Fledged Fiasco says:
November 15, 2012 at 11:57 am
I’m sorry your delicate little alpha sensibilities are so offended by words. Tissue?
greyghost says:
November 15, 2012 at 5:14 am
Or it could be because I have a degree in commerce and worked at KPMG so I figured it was worth giving some info on? Fucking idiot.
If you watch this Jon Stewart interview, Paula’s husband is in the audience when Stewart endearingly pokes fun at her for having the ‘integrity’ to dispel rumors that Petraeus might run for president.
Watch it again, watch her posture, her expressions, listen to the words she uses, even her inflections. Here is a woman who at the time is banging Petraeus, her cuckold husband and the audience are applauding her for her integrity, and she smiles and mugs for the camera, does a cutesy push up contest and all the while, on some level of consciousness, she knows the only reason for her celebrity is because she’s currently fucking a 4 star general.
If you ever wanted a better illustration of hypergamy in action you wont find it. In light of her affair and everything that’s come to Petraeus’ resignation it’s just incredible to watch her composure when you know what she knows in her own head. She is a shining example of how deftly an attractive woman can keep her secrets.
You want to know why the cardinal rule of Game is ‘never believe what a woman says, only believe what she does’? Bookmark this video and it will be graphically obvious to you anytime you think differently.
Only a woman can cognitively distance herself from reality in so perfected a fashion that she can go on a national stage, with her husband in the audience, and accept a joking compliment about her integrity while concurrently in an adulterous affair.
Bravo, Mrs. Broadwell. Bravo! You are a credit to your gender’s fluid and flawless duplicity.
>>I don’t think any of us have been the position where women simply throw themselves at you with doing no work what so ever. That must take Herculian willpower to resist.
I have written that in my small mountain village in Mexico, a very sexy, cute 22 year old married woman has been throwing herself at me for more than 2 years. She is tricky and subtle, so it took me several months before I realized that, for example, rubbing her boobs against my back while serving table was more than a coincidence. Then, with experience, it became totally obvious, and she was doing many other things.
IT DOES TAKE HERCULEAN WILLPOWER TO RESIST. After three months of it, it started seeming like a really good idea. It still does. Do y’all have any idea what a cute 22 year old looks like to a healthy 70 year old man?
In fact, she has done me a favor. She has taught me I am not a saint. I fully realize if she ever came into my house alone, in three minutes we would be naked in the bedroom. Once she gets inside the house, all resistance is gone. I know it, and she probably knows it as well.
The solution is not so much willpower as it is avoiding completely the opportunity to commit adultery. No woman comes into my house alone, ever, when my wife is not here. Not her, not any woman. Or girl for that matter. I do not go into a woman’s house alone. Don’t go to strip clubs or slutty bars. Don’t take other women to lunch alone. Etc.
Because if a reasonably attractive woman really wants you, and you are alone with her, it is only a matter of time until she gets you. As I am not a saint, neither are any of you.
>>This is essentially what anti-gamers like ybm do all the time
>>Divert any REAL criticism of women onto men
>>Attack men for figuring out how women really work
I agree, except I think the term is not anti-gamer, but white knight.
>>Aging and even gaining weight are to some degree inevitable,
Aging, maybe, maybe not. But, gaining weight is a different matter. That is a common myth, caused by total incompetence on the part of doctors. The first medical paper explaining that good health comes from a low carb diet was written, not 2004, but 1804. Yet, the blood-letters are still preaching low fat; high carb.
My 70 year old wife weighs 112 pounds. She does look old, of course but, ahem, when she is flat on her back, the sags go away and she does not look dramatically worse than 37 years ago. If she were fat, that would be a different matter. Blechhh!
I have in the past been mocked and ridiculed on men’s boards, not by a lot of men, but there are always a few, for saying I enjoy sex with my 70 year old wife.
It is not easy. Women are not as firm as they age, and sometimes they do hurt and you have to be gentle. But, if they want, they can try harder and still get the job done. Yes, a wife does get points when she makes a special effort to make up for her age.
The general demonstrates my viewpoint by the negative. I am not faithful to my wife because she deserves it. Few women deserve a faithful husband. (Sorry, but that is my opinion.) I am faithful to my wife because I deserve it! I do not want a life of lies; of deceit; of sneaking around; of jealousies; of contagious diseased; and all else that is connected with adultery. My life is better because I am faithful.
@Sunshine Mary
You ask me what we can do about my friend ‘Marshmellow Man’. I tried, believe me , but he goes into denial, and says things like ‘you can’t say that about a woman’ – even when it is clear to all and sundry that she is: I almost felt like hitting him – and I have got to say that my opinion of him fell by about 70% and has never really recovered. This is a guy who if he had some game would have cleaned up – tall, good looking, and as I say, in the military, and all that goes with that, but the women think of him as ‘Uncle ******’. He is devoted to The Queen; it seems to go with the territory – remember the whole point of being a soldier is to defend the country for the sake of the women, and thus seeing the female sex other than through rose-tinted spectacles would rather destroy the point of what he does.
When recently out in Afghanistan he found himself sharing a tent with (and only with) a female Army Captain – these tents had been designed for the war which never happened [in Norway against the Soviets] so they were unbearably hot. ‘She’s a good egg’, he says, ‘unlike all those other Dorises’ [female soldiers] so even when they must have been stripping off to keep cool – nothing. Even when it is on a plate for him he fails to see what is being offered.
Few women deserve a faithful husband. (Sorry, but that is my opinion.) I am faithful to my wife because I deserve it! I do not want a life of lies; of deceit; of sneaking around; of jealousies; of contagious diseased; and all else that is connected with adultery. My life is better because I am faithful.
You know, that is quite hard to hear. But I like it anyway. I respect that. Your wife is a lucky woman.
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Continue focusing on this while operation “Detonate the Economy” continues.
It’s not like it matters at this point anyway. Time for America to go BOOM!
is it just my browser configuration of has the video rollo linked above been removed??
Few women today deserve any husband, period. You can’t wife a ho.
This just gets better and better.
Or it could be because I have a degree in commerce and worked at KPMG so I figured it was worth giving some info on? Fucking idiot.
I’ll take that has I should quit my job and live off Obaba’s kindness and then I’ll be smart like you. I hope you decise to stay the MRM needs an educated man such as yourself to help us dumb asses ovoid being marginalized.
Few women deserve a faithful husband.
The cheating is the least of Petraeus’ crimes, as pathetic as it is. Even if he were a perfect husband, father and military general, this:
is reason enough for me to hate the man.
Grayson Wolfe got custody of his children in an American court, because it was proven that his ex-wife, Natalie Khawam, was an unfit parent. Petraeus and John Allen meddled in the relationship of this man with his children, used their position to have the ruling reversed, and put those children in danger. In the article it says that this bitch beat her kids so badly after this pathetic white knighting, that they ended up in hospital.
Think about this. Here are two establishment assholes, pillars of the system, who are victimizing little kids, taking them away from the father that loves them, all so that these same two white-knight losers can impress some over-the-hill, aging, dried-out, wall-hitting snatch.
“Men” like this are the reason I lost contact with my own father for years. A lot of men on this board have had their own children kidnapped. Sure, the cheating is dishonorable, but I think it can be seen as a symptom of a deeper problem in unmanly characters like this, who live to serve women rather than living to serve themselves, their state, or as is often the case on the dalrock blog, the almighty or higher power. As GBFM would remind me, at least Judas got some silver for betraying his brother. All Petraeus got was maybe a dismissive “thank you” from the object of his affection. Who is the lesser, therefore?
I’ve wondered about the cause of white knightitude myself, because I don’t know why I was one. I grew up in a traditional family: my dad went out and did the paying work while my mom kept the house and garden and took care of us. We didn’t have TV for several years, when I was about 7-13. I’ve written before about how my mom got mad once when I called a Kardashian-type on the news a “lady,” and she made it clear that just being a woman doesn’t make you a lady. I’m sure I was influenced by modernist ideas at school and in books and so on, but I should have been less than most people.
And yet I was a white knight extraordinaire as far back as I can remember. One year in grade school, it was the birthday of the girl I’d had a crush on since first grade, and a bunch of kids grabbed her on the playground so I could kiss her. I refused, being all noble about it. Of course, now I realize it was probably her idea. I could relate a bunch of stories like that, leading up until I stumbled over a clue in my 30s.
So I lean toward thinking it’s just an innate part of one’s personality that we have to learn to control. When life was harder and men were busy fighting or killing food, and women appreciated the protection a man offered, it probably didn’t hurt for a man to have some white knighting instincts. He didn’t have the time or resources to overdo it. Now, when those instincts are usually placed in the service of desires rather than need, and strongindependent women don’t appreciate them, they hurt more than help.
@8oxer: that was what sealed it for me. The judge had completely admonished the character of both twin sisters, and yet Petraeus and Allen still wrote letters. Do these men just use their influence at a whim? Some semi-pretty lady smiles at them and invites them to a party, and they offer their power to her? What the fuck is wrong with our leaders?
I share your basic sentiment about their abuse of their positions of power to impress these women, but I don’t see in the article where it says the mother subsequently received custody and put the kids in the hospital. The article you link says the disposition isn’t clear, and the hospital claim seems to be her falsely accusing the father of abuse. Is there another link?
BTW, as the excellent article you linked to above at 20committee.com points out, the incredibly poor judgment of Gens Petraeus and Allen in associating with these women is now on full display. Based on the tempo with which new feats of nuttiness keep dripping out, we are in for a long string of amazing stories about these two women and the generals and other profoundly foolish men in positions of power who enabled them.
Hi Dalrock:
Thanks again for breaking this story. You ask:
I don’t see in the article where it says the mother subsequently received custody and put the kids in the hospital.
Buried down in the third to last paragraph, the Huffington Post reports that:
One case included a visit to Children’s National Medical Center in December 2011 – a month after the judge granted custody to Wolfe – to treat alleged bruises to the child’s nose and finger, hospital records show.
I’ll apologize and retract my accusation against Natalie. You’re right, the different names for all these people threw me, and it’s clearly a he said/she said dog and pony show (like many divorces end up to be). I’ll be more careful if I comment in the future.
Best, Boxer
We are to rule over ourselves, and not be ignorant of how we present ourselves, especially to our beloved and our masters. In many places scriptures refer to the goodness–the necessity!–to dress for the occasion, and to dress out of respect for others. That is not vanity, but righteousness.
In your world, a wife does not have to present herself to her husband as comely and available because husbands are burdened with the “Christian duty” to think rightly about the state of her soul, like good little gnostics. You would have a husband not consider her appearance, and so deprive him of the most tell-tale sign of rebellion in a wife: her lack of concern for his affections.
In precisely such a manner are a wife’s morals and imperatives promoted over her husband’s, desire lost on both sides, marital roles corrupted, and affairs contemplated. People who think like you are responsible for the rise in Christian divorce by setting extra-biblical, even heretical, expectations of husbands.
Matter matters.
Thanks for the link to XX Committee. Made my night.
Assume that I’ve been in a cave in Tibet, but can anyone shed light on what’s become of University of Man? Max
[D: Profs Mentu and Ashur pulled the plug a few weeks back.]
Cane that’s a great response to tbc. I didn’t read this thread, and can’t due to time, but just scrolling and finding your summation argument on that one aspect was good enough.
I was traveling this week with 2 older male colleagues who are white knighted and one man stood in moral disdain for any man who could ” do that to a woman”. because of lets call it organizational protocol, I could not respond unrestrained. But as predicted his was 100% aimed at the General.
Yep….I said, true that, he did mess up and commit adultery and that is just never good, its always wrong, etc etc.
Then I started setting up scenarios in my mind where a similar analogous thing could happen with gender roles reversed and how predictably the empathy spigot would be cranked open wide for the poor damsel who lay down for another man because mean ole husband just was , well, mean, and not there much and did give to her emotionally, and whatever else.
Generals wife is comely, homely, and one of the poster gals for a liberal woman. I saw dozens of them this week in the tunnels under downtown Houston running self importantly from coffee shop to cubicle and I described then…if this were possible, as appearing to wear less than zero makeup….anyway, I’m off on a tangent.
This is nothing more than the end game of yet another area where women are empowered to run amok, among men, and then capitalize on mens shortcomings after the fact. Poor dear.
As to my tangent, I need to find time to blog about the stupid signs in all the corporate conference rooms i was in, in various petrochemical/refining companies this week, Shell, Lyondell Basell, Chevron Phillips, Huntsman…..maybe you younger guys stuck in corporate big company jobs are used to having signs saying “did you feel hear today?”…”if not, anonymously fill this form and turn it in to HR” (this was in Shells Conf. room)….in another there was a huge sign with “template for a dialogue that includes disagreement”
“Start by saying ……..’I feel _______________’ and if you cannot describe your feeling choose from this list
“Could we agree that_____________?”
it went on….
Its Romper Room feminized genteel bullshit and I bethca the good General’s wife loves crap like that in her job.
In that Daily Show video Rollo posted, also watch her body language as her husband walks up. I was watching with the sound off, which probably helped — and of course so does hindsight — but it sure looks like the body language of a woman who’s thinking, “I can’t stand this guy anymore.” And yet she let him come on the show and play out a farce with her.
“sunshinemary says:
November 15, 2012 at 8:49 am
White knights are the biggest problem; feminists can do nothing without them. What can be done about these men, I wonder?
Both feminists and the white knights they depend on can only exist in a society that has a high level of wealth and therefore leisure.
If things were to revert to conditions close to mere subsistence, or below it, the ability of anyone to ignore objective reality would be severely constrained.
This is not to say harsh conditions bring out the better part of human nature, it doesn’t, people will be what they are at their core regardless of outside conditions. Our opportunity to ignore certain behaviors ill-suited to survival would be constrained. You can’t argue with death after all.
Any woman that doesn’t bust her ass to do what she can to lessen the burdens subsistance agriculture places on her man would be without that man eventually. And then she would slowly starve. That’s a pretty heavy motivational weight, assuming she could see that far into the future.
As has been said in this thread, a man that is working sunup to sundown everyday just to survive doesn’t have the leisure to cater to any woman no matter how much he may otherwise want to. He can’t afford it.
@CaneCaldo -“In your world, a wife does not have to present herself to her husband as comely and available because husbands are burdened with the “Christian duty” to think rightly about the state of her soul, like good little gnostics. You would have a husband not consider her appearance, and so deprive him of the most tell-tale sign of rebellion in a wife: her lack of concern for his affections.”
No you pompous ass… in my world the vows of marriage do not include the phrase ‘keeping only unto him/her until such time as she stops dressing well and looks frumpy’. And despite your psuedo-erudition I doubt seriously you have any real gnosis yourself; just a penchant for intellectual narcissistic self masturbation masquerading as wisdom. You are the one who presumes to judge and condemn the state of the soul another man’s wife based on your self-evidently cursory assessment of her demeanor in the absence of any other evidence, whilst excusing the man himself who has admitted openly his dishonorable behavior. That you would do this betrays your status as a true child of your father adam who grasped for himself the right to determine the good and evil without reference to God and his holy law.
In other words, go suck an egg, you arrogant prick.
allow me to add, my ire for the woman would be no less, and indeed would be quite a bit more for anyone who would use the same argument in defence of an adulterous woman – who would defend her behavior with reference to her husband’s failures, real or perceived. If she had committed adultery on him there would be oodles of people leaping to her defence with reasons aplenty to justify her betrayal and they would be wrong wrong wrong.
I refuse to hold women and men to different standards of behavior , and whatever mitigating circumstances there may have been or may be in the situation with the general and his wife, we do not know. We know he cheated. We know she is frumpy. Her frumpiness does not excuse or in any way validate his cheating.
Natalie’s kitchen bitch: “Baarp! Baarp! Baarp!” What the ..? Is that the “Dive! Dive! Dive!” klaxon again? I’ve been hearing it right through this lurid fiasco.
*prettyboy aryan lawyer type from near DC
*political footsoldier for unnamed congress bods, handling law stuff.
*“.. represented clients engaged in Homeland Security, Telecommunications & Intellectual Property matters” etc.
*“.. served as Manager of the Private Sector Development Office of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Baghdad”
*“Director of Broader Middle East Initiatives and Iraqi Reconstruction and Special Assistant to the Chief Operating Officer at the Export-Import Bank of the United States. He was appointed to the bank by President Bush” (yeh ok Dubya rubberstamped s/o else’s list while watching the game and guzzling pretzels, fair enough).
* recently starts OwnCo, dabbling and deal-brokering in just about anything.
I mean apart from the lack of a buzzcut, he even looks like The Quiet American (uk paperback version lol).
has led.
@tbc … ok I get it, you’re telling us that your wife has no obligation to keep herself looking good for you. Good luck with that one.
To be clear, I’m not excusing the cheating. But … fidelity in a marriage is a two-way street, the obligations flow in both directions as you have stated. But part of the obligation that you are refusing to acknowledge is to keep yourself attractive to your partner, that’s mate guarding. By keeping yourself attractive to your partner, you are helping your partner to be less subject to temptation in her life. And in turn, your partner keeping herself attractive to you helps you remove yourself from temptation. No one is an island; it’s a team effort. For men, this is frame. For women, this is looks. No other way to spin that.
@Random Angeleno — I am NOT saying that at ALL! No no no again. a thousand times no. My point, my only point is that just as we don’t excuse bad behavior in women because of the man’s failure to ‘game’ her properly, neither do we excuse bad behavior in men.
How often do we hear women justify their frivorces because they aren’t ‘haaaaaaapy’ and how often do we condemn them (rightfully) for divorcing for frivolous reasons? Should a man maintain his obligations to his wife and the wife to her husband? Sure. Does failure to do so mean a free pass for bad behaviour? No. Besides in this case, we can’t really know that her frumpiness had anything to do with his straying. By all appearances, she was frumpy from the beginning, so for him to expect her to sex up her look at 60 is a bit much.
Realistically it is difficult to pick a side when both groups are fucking retarded. Did Gen David fuck up? Yup. Is it all his fault? Nope.
You see, going from this

to this
is more then just age, it is a dereliction of ones devotion. I even tried to use a flattering picture of current Holly because you can still see the beaming feminine girl inside of her trying to shine through.
Did Holly deserve this for her transgressions?
Well as William Munny from Unforgiven, or Snoop from The Wire said, “Deserve ain’t got nothing to do with it.”
I’m with tbc. If a woman feels ‘neglected’, cheating is not an acceptable solution. She should work within the marriage so that she doesn’t feel this way. I mean, that kind of thing happens in a marriage, and it’s why the commitment to each other that marriage represents is so important.
Similarly with men, if they feel like their wife isn’t giving them what they need, they need to work it out within the marriage. Cheating just isn’t justifiable for men or for women.
Holly Petraeus is not much to look at, but she could definitely try harder. Lengthen, color, and style her hair. Learn to apply makeup. Dress better, for God’s sake. Lose a few pounds on top of all these things, and you have a woman that a 60-year-old guy probably wouldn’t mind banging.
@ Cane Caldo,
About Rollo’s video that you comment on, I can see what you mean about the body language of Broadwell when her husband joins her on the stage. She immediately clams up and doesn’t even look at him when he touches her lightly on the shoulder.
But he is a nice-looking chap, and definitely (presumably) more virile than 60 year old Petraeus who has had chemotherapy for prostate cancer. (If she is his biographer she would know this of course!)
Why would a woman leave her more virile-looking husband in search of sex with someone who might well be impotent? Is it just the ILLUSION of power of Petraeus? I heard she dumped Petraeus in the end – perhaps she correctly guessed that the illusion of power was just that – an illusion.
And he was begging her to come back.
So now I understand when people say he is ‘beta’.
She now probably feels contempt for him because the illusion she had in her mind is shattered, and now her husband might seem ever more alpha than Petraeus.
If he really wants to save his marriage, perhaps her husband could capitalise on this new ‘status’ in her eyes?
If he wants to save his marriage, that is…
You are correct on technical. I have no interest in excusing the man. I do have some interest in doing what should be done all the time…..holding those involved accountable. Reflexively reminding men of their peccadilloes is the norm. No resistance to be found in that action. Meanwhile i will risk telling about her book having only seen the cover because Ive read that damned book so many times before.
Its not just that she is frumpy, and seeing that as the charge is again picking whats left of over picked low hanging fruit to throw at men.
“Petraeus and Allen ‘asked’ Jill Kelley to wade into diplomatic row over Hulk Hogan sex tape husband’s threat to deep fry a Koran”
This headline looks like it was created by stringing together random phrases. Unfortunately, it’s real.
Watched the talk show “Katie” with special guest Dr.Phil were they talked about the scandal and how powerful men cheat.
– Dr.Phil says that power is an afrodisiac and historically woman do respond to it.
He’s surprised that the public keeps acting surprised at the pattern.
– Katie doesn’t understand how someone in a powerful position can throw it all away cause of what’s going on below the waist (crowd laughs).
– Dr.Phil ask are we really less safe because of the scandal, wondering if there was “pillow talk” that went beyond security clearance.
– Both judge weather a man who cheats is truthworthy in other areas.
– Katie ask if they cheat because of a constant need for validation and Phil response that she maybe over simplifing it because not every person in power is the same.
– Dr.Phil thinks people who get into positions of leadership have different standards for themselves, make up their own rules and become desensitized to the risk involved.
– Katie thiink people who go for these positions are natural born risk-takers.
– Dr. Phil thinks that the “taboo” aspect of it is an afrodisiac, the thrill, excitement and risk of it. that when the cheating partners begin a real realtionship that the fun is gone (crowd laughs).
Next they talk to a woman who had an affair with a powerful married man, she wrote an article about her affair on the Huffington Post.
– Woman says the affair wasn’t planned and it swept her off her feet as they first met with her looking for professional advice from him.
– Woman says during a business meeting she could tell that he was interested in her.
– She’s speculated as to why the husband cheated with her.
– She doesn’t put any blame on his wife but says that he felt unattended to at home, thinks since he he’s older that he was looking for a “cheap thrill”.
– Says that they had sex in public places and to “balance the power” says that she never took him to her place putting up a boundary.
– She says that her scene of being “self-protective” was not in play during the affair.
– Dr. Phil ask if she felt anything “funny” about being wiht another woman’s man, she says that she felt shame and that she’d get physical sick and vomit after very interaction.
– Dr. Phil mentioned that she getting alot of attention right now for the affair, so she’s getting rewarding for it, she responed that it’s another moral dilemma that she’s facing.
– Woman says that she wrote an apology to the man and his family at the end of her article
She feels for the married man since the affair was made public but says that “he made his bed” as Dr. Phil retorts that “you made it with him” she just laughs it off.
Next they talk to the founder of Ashley Madison
– Founder says that cheating is the human condition and that he’s rather see it happen between like minded adults then a unsuspecting victim.
– Dr.Phil says he (in his own words) thinks it’s all BULLSH*T, and that if the founder shouldn’t justify what he’s doing.
(the founder is nervous getting shitted on by Dr.Phil as the crowd clapped, but the cheating woman earlier got responses from Katie, Phil and the crowd as if she was a victim)
– Founder says the busiest day of the year is after Mother’s day with any advertising on their part.
– Founder thinks the site is a marriage saver and explains why as Katie, Dr.Phil and the crowd laugh.
– Founder goes on to explain the findings & numbers of people who cheat, why they cheat and who men are cheating with.
tbc obviously doesnt know what a marriage vow is & a womans obligations to her husband
If a woman doesnt keep her take her obligations to her husband seriously, ie dressing like a bag lady,unfuckable, essentially a trainwreck, he has every right to find someone who knows how to respect & treat him properly
Frumpy women, who let themselves go like patreus’s are usually low i.q & have no self respect, or standards
He has every right to look else
The company of a woman with no standards or self respect, is a massive disruptive effect on a mans life
It is a mans perogative, the right of every man to look elsewhere, if a woman disrespects her husband & turns into a middle aged, menopausal trainwreck
@Anon 70
“I am faithful to my wife because I deserve it!”
Brilliantly put anon, if a man is expected to lead the family, be the breadwinner, & be dominant & aggressive towards his families safety, he has every right to expect his whims be met, no matter how archaic or out of the ordinary
It is a marital duty for every woman, to know how her husbands every whims, & be ready to cater to them at any second
THAT is what sets apart a REAL WOMAN from a mistress or a bit on the side
meant to say …
THAT is what sets apart a REAL WOMAN from a mistress or a bit on the side, her enthusiasm for her man
Part of the reason a big deal is being made about this is because marriage and sex form a bond, and when that bond is torn apart by infidelity, the pain is, for many, is easily the greatest they will ever endure. That someone in such a high position of responsibility could consciously inflict such pain is what I suspect many are reacting to. Many find that very scary and dismaying, and for good reason: Infidelity could happen to them, and they are looking for our leaders to help them out by setting the proper example. That is at least partly why the name “Betray Us” comes so easily to the lips of many.
Another reason Petraeus is being held to a higher standard is because he is one of the leading and most prominent representatives the military culture (even though he was retired and head of CIA at the time of the affair, that cachet remains). The attraction of the military culture, is, for many, that you are part of a sacred band or “tribe” of others who will give their lives for you, no questions asked, and will never break that covenant for personal convenience, ever — personal preferences do not enter in the equation — and will unhesitatingly follow the rules designed to preserve that sacred bond. It is impressive how soldiers with legs blown off, or who have endured some other similarly egregious injury, upon coming out of anesthesia in the hospital will say that they immediately want to get back to their platoon. It is that kind of deep sacred “tribal” feel and bonding I am talking about. For Petraeus, as an exemplar of that culture, to cheat on his wife undermines that which so many consider to be the most important thing in the world — following through on one’s word, and being deeply loyal. This is what Petraeus violated. He is seen as having betrayed that sacred covenant for personal convenience. He is seen as letting down untold numbers of his fellow human beings. This is, in part, why the backlash against his actions is so strong.
I agree about the reasons for holding him to a higher standard. i shudder however when i sense just another man and his proclivities being taken down. He does something that at once is kinda sorta understandable (not meaning acceptable, not suggesting empathy, for those unable to separate things) and damaging to men….again…..score TWO for team woman. In these objections here the target is team woman who suck up the benefits of victim-hood like donuts in coffee
C’mon, the first thing you think when you see his wife is damn she let herself go. I find her “look” as a personal insult, and I am not married to that broad. I don’t know any woman who would go out in public looking that bad.
If Petraeus’s wife was not keeping herself up, and Petraeus had spoken to her about it repeatedly, and she hadn’t changed, the “shit together” approach would have been for Petraeus to divorce her first, then get another woman. That would be running a “tight ship.” As it turned out, Petraeus took lazy, undisciplined approach, and it is biting him in the ass.
@Anonymous age 70
I know we have quarreled but I wanted to say that truer words have never been said.
Anonymous age 70 — i really your posts. thanks )
… left a word out, anon age 70: “I really LIKE your posts”
Man, I hate being right all the time.
God, that is disgusting (that link about Broadwell being warmly welcomed). She inflicted maximum pain on her husband, and she’s getting welcomed? Sick stuff, folks! I could see a respectful cool and civilized reception, the same way that a death row inmate gets to choose his final dinner, but — no! — a warm welcome doesn’t cut it, at all. She committed assault with a potentially deadly emotional weapon (higher risk of suicide by the hubby) . Period. That guy is probably maimed psychologically. Logically, she should be arrested for assault.
Now why would a beta stray, and then desperately try to re-woo the mistress?!?
The answer is staring us in the face, his wife obviously didn’t feel that it was important to sex him on a regular basis but it was certainly important enough to her to get a bigger stick to beat him with and destroy the rest of his career, when she detected him straying due her incompetence.
I really feel sorry for this broad’s husband and kids. Not so much her.
The drama continues…
Former Petraeus Paramour ‘Very Grateful’ for Husband’s Support
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