The dominant religion of our age is feminism, and feminism means placing your faith in self esteem. More specifically, feminism means placing your faith in women’s self esteem. The fundamental premise of feminism is that if it weren’t for men tricking women into thinking they are different, women would either be just like men, or better than men, at everything. This is why feminists consistently focus on make believe over real achievements. In the religion of feminism make believe creates women’s self esteem, and self esteem will create real achievements.
Faith in self esteem is why Wonder Woman was of such out-sized importance to feminists. It is why they didn’t just cheer during the action scenes, but sobbed, uncontrollably. It wasn’t just that the movie scratched the feminist fantasy itch; it was their deep and abiding faith that believing in the fantasy would make the feminist dream come to pass. As Emma Grey explained at Huffington Post in ‘Wonder Woman’ And The Power Of Watching A Woman Save The World:
I cried within the first five minutes of “Wonder Woman.” And then about 10 minutes later. And then another 15 minutes after that. In fact, I found myself choking up on and off throughout the entire 2+ hour film ― not because the movie was sad, but because I had never seen anything quite like it. Just the visual of seeing an army of ripped, powerful women charging down to protect each other and their world was enough to bring me to tears.
These were tears of empowerment, of seeing, and feeling, a great shift in history. Grey and her fellow feminists were crying because they finally understood what it felt like to be a man:
Since “Wonder Woman” opened at the end of last week, my social media feeds have been filled with women talking about how meaningful ― sometimes shockingly so ― watching the movie was for them.
She offered the following tweet as an example of the sentiment:
But Wonder Woman wasn’t the only movie this summer aiming to transform nature by boosting the self esteem of women. Ashley Stoney at Romper explains in Forget ‘Wonder Woman’: This ‘Cars 3’ Heroine Is The Feminist Hero Of The Summer. (Spoiler Warning)
Cruz has her own aspirations of being a racer, but she couldn’t, because she was always told she wasn’t good enough or fast enough, a criticism that will ring true to any moms who work in male-dominated fields. She’s plagued with self-doubt, but by the end of the movie, after the two have reconciled, and Lightning ends up entering Cruz, now his protégé, into the race during the final lap, much to the frustration of his peers. Of course, Cruz wins, a triumphant victory against the loud male cars who told her she was not good enough to compete with them.
Ultimately, the message of Cars 3 is an eminently valuable one: you don’t need a man to teach you things that you can learn yourself, because self-esteem comes from within. It’s a noble attempt to make girls realize their worth, and as parents, it’s our job to reinforce and further shape that notion.
As I wrote in the beginning, feminism is the dominant faith of our age. This may seem like an overstatement to some, but this is true. Very often feminism is dressed up as something else entirely. Very often feminism masquerades as the previously dominant religion of our society, Christianity. Notice how similar the overt feminism in the quotes above is to the covert feminism-masquerading-as-Christianity in the preface to Wendy Griffith’s You Are a Prize to be Won!: Don’t Settle for Less Than God’s Best:
There are many reasons why we as women cannot properly gauge our worth. Whether we’ve been raised by parents or a parent who simply didn’t know how to nurture and raise an emotionally healthy child, whether we have allowed society, men or a man in our past (or present) to define who we are instead of what God says about us, or whether we have endured cheating, physical abuse or emotional abuse at the hands of a man we thought would always protect us, there are numerous reasons why women enter relationships with the wrong men. The bottom line is we begin to believe the lie that we’re really not worth that much, and we end up being attracted to men who can never truly love us the way we long and deserve to be loved.
Men and society have conspired to keep women down, but if we can only teach women their worth, God’s will can finally be achieved. Have faith in self worth, for Self Worth is a Christian woman’s source of power:
Do you know your incredible value? Do you know what you are truly worth? The way you answer this question–or, more importantly, what you truly believe is the answer to it–has the power to change everything in your life. Everything! The way we perceive ourselves, whether as royalty or peasants, as worthy of love or unworthy, will dictate not only how we treat ourselves but how others treat us. It will influence everything from how much favor we receive at work, to how our boyfriends and husbands treat us, to whether we fulfill our God-given destinies.
Do you want to know how to be a Christian wife? Focus on your Self Worth and it will transform your marriage into God’s design! Griffith explains that the battle for women’s self esteem is nothing less than a supreme battle between good and evil, between Feminism/Christianity and the Patriarchy/Satan:
Many of us have not seen ourselves as God sees us. The enemy of our souls has painted a bleak picture of who we are (not worthy of love, not talented, not beautiful, too young, too old, too fat, too skinny, not smart enough, etc.), and unfortunately, we have believed the lies and not lived up to our potential.
On the cover of the book TD Jakes reminds us of the same truth taught by Cars 3. Women’s greatness comes from self esteem, and self esteem comes from within the woman herself:
Wendy Griffith reminds us that every woman has within herself the seeds of greatness.
Related: Something in common.
Ah yes….. The ‘Think System’ popularized by Professor Harold Hill in The Music Man. A con man to be sure, but in order to have a happy ending, the think system ended up working its miracle.
And ever since, you don’t have to do the work to accomplish anything. Just think it into existence.
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Start with “man was made for the glory of God and woman for the glory of man”, and all this falls apart.
Now show me the pastor who will even SPEAK this, much less lead with it.
(Then follow it up with directions for a woman to submit to her HUSBAND only, ((not the pastor, her friends, etc))
I could just as easily have said that the dominant religion of our age is anti-racism. They are both subcategories of our dominant religion, left-liberalism.
Cars 3? Really. That’s not the impression of the plot I got from the trailer. Wise old car vs arrogant young car. Can little boys have anything that doesn’t get subverted? I was going to take my son to the theater to see it. If that’s the plot I doubt he’ll even watch it on Netflix.
Is Disney trying to ruin their franchises? Here’s a clue homocorp, little boys like fast racecars, strong monster trucks, and powerful dinosaurs, and don’t care for feminist uber alles coming of age stories. Little girls don’t buy cars 3 lunchboxes.
Griffith’s statement about women not being able to gauge their worth is right on, but not the way she means it. Obviously, feminism is a meta shit test that we’ve failed, but what if Griffith is actually being humble and using her female wiles to make it look like she’s empowering women, but actually shivving them right in the ego?? Femception???
Priest: “This is the gospel of our lord, Whitney Houston”
People: “Thanks be to her”
‘cause we all know that learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.
Yeah, its a lot of new age, personal power nonsense. Not a whole lot different from horoscopes, tarot cards, oujia boards, wicca, etc. These things are a curse on modern society, but it does seem that women are more succeptible to these things than men. neo-paganism, new age, feminism. they are all branches on the same tree.
‘The enemy of our souls has painted a bleak picture of who we are (not worthy of love, not talented, not beautiful, too young, too old, too fat, too skinny, not smart enough, etc.), and unfortunately, we have believed the lies and not lived up to our potential.’
Not really…it was more like…
‘Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” “You surely will not die! “For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”
The enemy of their souls tries to get the woman to think she is a god. And feminism is doing that in spades.
‘‘cause we all know that learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.’
It’s probably the only commandment of feminism. Problem is if you are the only person loving yourself…who else is going to do it?
I prefer the love God, your neighbor, then yourself route. It’s the correct order.
I just read today a sermon preached in the year 1856 by John Henry Newman, about the religions of the world, and the whole of it sounded very much like Dalrock’s analysis of feminism’s cult of self esteem. Below is a snippet…
“And such, I say, is the religion of the natural man in every age and place;—often very beautiful on the surface, but worthless in God’s sight (…) because it is based on self-sufficiency, and results in self-satisfaction. (…) it is rejected by the heart-searching God, because all such persons walk by their own light, not by the True Light of men, because self is their supreme teacher, and because they pace round and round in the small circle of their own thoughts and of their own judgments, careless to know what God says to them, and fearless of being condemned by Him, if only they stand approved in their own sight.”
Feminism is the dominant denomination in a lot of the Western world. It’s all versions of Utopian Socialism, the Enlightenment’s Anti-Christian religion.
Self esteem is merely self respect without the work of actually accomplishing anything.
Ummm, bring it?
Does anyone have a link to that article where the MRA dude talks about punching a woman in the face as hard as he can during her black belt testing?
[D: He isn’t an MRA, and it was a green belt, but Vox Day wrote about something similar in Beating Down a Woman back in 2003.]
This is Disney’s MO now, everything is being taken over by girls. Star Wars = 2 girl movies, Cars = taken over by girl, Finding Nemo (the original is a great father/son movie) has a sequel replaced by a girl. They seem hell bent on eliminating men altogether.
Cars 3 & its franchise has been lost then……one more franchise to follow in the steps of Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
I remember seeing Cars and Cars 2 with my son, then first one in particular was great.
Clearly the recent amping up of feminism has gone all ‘Spinal Tap’ (“These volume controls all go to 11”).
Congratulations feminism, you are now “One louder”. I didn’t think it possible for that group of ‘cats in a sack’ to make any more noise.
Beauty And The Beast, Moana, The BFG, Zootopia, Inside Out, Frozen, Maleficent, Brave, Tangled….
We get it. Girls are awesome.
My 6 year old son asks if the movie has a boy hero now. He’s figured it out.
Man, the hatred that White Marxists have for their own race is astounding.
@Dalrock, that’s the one. It’s amazing how memory embellishes the details.
Pride is a sin. We should endeavor to avoid D E G E N E R A C Y
It’s no wonder white women are so obscenely confident all the time. They can just say anything because they saw it in cinema and regardless of reality and think it’s true. It’s just like Sex and the City all over again.
The dominant religion of our age is feminism, and feminism means placing your faith in self esteem
Also faith in the tax dollars to finance this one does place
Also faith in special rules to prop up women we have
The great thing about Wonder Woman is that it was the first female action lead. It was very important. Women had never seen a woman be the leader and take on men.
The other day I was reading – on the BBC actually – a little something about Ralph Vaughan Williams who if you didn’t know, became, I suppose, the second most eminent composer in England in the first half of the Twentieth Century. Aged twenty-eight he had spent a few months in Berlin studying under Max Bruch. VW (as he is usually referred to) said – according the BBC – that Bruch encouraged him and that he VW had never received much if anything previously by way of encouragement.
That struck a chord with me as I would say at least speaking for myself that throughout my life and more importantly when young that not only was I never encouraged but was usually put-down and belittled both by parents and teachers and of course also by my peers. This, I suspect, is the way it is for most men. Men triumph in spite of the odds and then only some.
One gains the impression that women imagine that all men are feted with a fast track to success. VW by-the-way aged twenty-eight was already a very good composer if not quite at the point where his music is instantly recognisable and was clearly not ‘supremely confident’ – where do women like meg s.s. dream their nonsense up from.
The ONLY way feminist womynz ever compete with “equally” with men….
A 9th grade boy said he is a girl and competed in the girls’ state track meet, easily winning first place, former champion girls deeply upset over “unfair” race. LOLZ!
The 9th grade boy/girl won 1st in the girls with a time that would not even have qualified to compete in the finals on the boys’ side. Yes, that’s right… he/she/it was not fast enough to compete against boys so xir called itself a girl and won first place. This is the truth of women forced to compete against men.
And no, I do not feel a bit sorry for the girls who can no longer have a trophy of their own. I am well into middle age, and for my entire life I have had to listen to girls and womynz blabber on about how they can do anything men can do, and do it better. They have sown the wind, and now the whirlwind is coming. Any man can identify as a “woman” and compete against them. Any high school boy can identify as a “girl” and wrestle against them, run track against them, play basketball against them, etc. Let them bleed. They have assured us they are our equals or betters in every way. They have insisted on preferential treatment in every area of life, from early education to employment to government transfer payments to family law courts.
The more second tier male athletes who decide to declare as girls to win trophies the better. They have voted for it for over fifty years, give them what they voted for good and hard.
All of the psychobabble pseudo-christian framework that has been constructed over decades and across generations of women is spreading laterally but will never be a framework that can support upward growth, nor even an abutment to bridge a way to the truth. Because, each generation discovers and repeats the same nonsense with perhaps some extra breathlessness thrown in for emphasis. Women’s conferences have been delivering women from low self esteem as long as I can remember, even far longer still than that.
Search the titles of the annual woman’s conferences at a hundred mega churches. Search these over time, see the same mosquito being slapped over and over again, from the front, from the back, open palm, using a rolled magazine, having someone else slap it, So forth. But the growth is still not upward, just outward, because they keep building the same faux foundation next to the other which is next to the other and spreading it wider and wider.
It doesn’t matter though because it spreads via women and empathy craving and men with Lift chasing. It is the perfect growth media for the Evangelical Christian pathogen.
Additionally, the “conservative” movement is all aghast that this young boy/girl/whatchamacallit is beating gurlz. I wonder why they are concerned, as they themselves have gone in whole hog for “grrrrl power”. Womynz and gurlz assure us they are equal to men in every way, including physical prowess facing danger. They have annihilated the future of our nation to pursue this prideful false dream. Do NOT protect them from the results. If they are telling the truth they have nothing to fear, if they will never learn if you bail them out. No more separate sports. Female athletes must compete with male, everyone in one big pool. Come and get this big horde of 1,000 brawny white men. Show us your strength. Also, mandatory boxing, wrestling, and judo for all high school students. Why not?
One gains the impression that women imagine that all men are feted with a fast track to success.
Noticed this I have
Wonder its origins I do
“Women had never seen a woman be the leader and take on men.”
Deborah, from the Book of Judges
Abigail, who did some very quick thinking, basically threw herself on King David’s mercy and in doing so, led him not to massacre her soon to be dead husband’s family and servants
Golda Meir
Margaret Thatcher
That’s just off the top of my head. It’s like history began 5 years ago. Are our memories really that short?
‘It’s like history began 5 years ago. Are our memories really that short?’
They probably forgot about Joan of Arc too.
Elizabeth I
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And next week we’ll have another article bemoaning the lack of educated men not willing to commit and marry the wonda womaah of the week. Delusions of grandeur. I hope their delusions rip absolutely everything from them. They deserve nothing.
I’m still reeling from yesterday’s comment that women are the pearl of great price. What an idolatrous abomination! Do they think they are the Alpha and Omega, and King of Kings as well?
There is only ONE whose name is I AM, and He tolerates no rivals. All mankind (including women) will bow the knee to Christ and be saved, or continue in their idolatry and be damned.
Beauty And The Beast, Moana, The BFG, Zootopia, Inside Out, Frozen, Maleficent, Brave, Tangled
Sorry, Tangled doesn’t belong on that list. It is the cad hero of the story who does most of the bravery, and literally the sacrifice. Rapunzel cringes in hiding, getting lucky w/ a frying pan now and again. And that’s not a criticism of the movie, that’s exactly why I’m defending it. Throw Tangled on to your list and you lose one of the last enjoyable movies where men and women assume reasonable roles.
Any high school boy can identify as a “girl” and wrestle against them, run track against them, play basketball against them, etc.
Exactly, and I think it’s the way back for men. Self-identify as a lesbian and a young man can
-Compete and dominate in sport of xis choosing
– Get accepted into competitive colleges (the ones xis ancestors established and funded) b/c he helps them meet their quota (college is happy too! win/win)
– Even get college sports scholarships
All while dressing, showering and bunking with many females. (Who will be labeled as homophobes if they denounce his lears!)
This has Heartiste S***Lord written all over it.
That’s just off the top of my head. It’s like history began 5 years ago. Are our memories really that short?
Ah, yes, but the fantasy here is a bit different and is rather specific to one of the main insecurities of the female sex — male physical superiority. The fantasy of WW is not that she is an empowered woman, the fantasy is that she bests men physically, even strong men. It’s the fantasy of there being such a superpowerful woman that the male physical advantage is completely negated and wiped out — bested, once and for all. That’s why women were crying. It gets at one of the core insecurities of the female sex — their physical inferiority to us, and hence their physical vulnerability to us. WW turns the tables on that entirely and explicitly — hence the reaction, which is almost visceral because it arises from the fundamental, primal, “ur” insecurity of their sex.
When did all this start? Gnostics? Sophists? Astarte? The Apple?
Please be careful describing Deborah and Abigail as “leaders”. They are both used regularly to defend “Christian Feminism” and women in “leadership positions.” Abigail was nowhere near a leader, just a quick thinking woman who ended up marrying David. Deborah is a bit more of an example, but she was a prophetess and a judge. She did NOT fight men or LEAD men into battle.
Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging* Israel at that time. 5 She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites went up to her to have their disputes decided. 6 She sent for Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali and said to him, “The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you: ‘Go, take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead them up to Mount Tabor.
*most translations have changed this to “leading” with a footnote that says “traditionally, Judging”. More feminism translation creeping in.
Might as well call Jael a leader because she lured Sisera into her tent by offering him comfort, then drove a tent peg through his head while he SLEPT.
Crackers asked, “When did all this start?”
Answer 1: Eve in the garden. However, it has followed a number of iterations.
Answer 2: Current iteration: Gramscian damage:
Self-worth is not self-esteem – self-worth is basic and necessary for self-esteem. S-E is based more in one’s interactions with the world, for which S-W is a necessity.
Please note, this applies to all of us, not just women, and it is not just about achievement or social status. It’s about knowing that you matter to others – just as self-worth means you matter, period.
If these issues were set free from all the judging and labeling, liberal this or Christian that or feminist t’other, we would enjoy a much clearer, saner view. Sadly it seems we’re not in the right time or place…
Serious question: What is a judge if not an authority figure? Not necessarily a leader, per se, but if Paul says “I do not permit a woman to teach, or to have authority over a man”, and Deborah was a judge over Israel, then what? Is there something I am missing about the judges appointed over Israel? Not asking to argue, but if someone confronts me with Deborah as being a “leader of men” or an authority, I would like to understand.
“The fantasy of WW is not that she is an empowered woman, the fantasy is that she bests men physically, even strong men. It’s the fantasy of there being such a superpowerful woman that the male physical advantage is completely negated and wiped out — bested, once and for all. That’s why women were crying.”
Some years ago, my daughter (a teen at the time) was studying martial arts (she got bored with it and never looked back). I recall very vividly one of her friends asking her, wide eyed: “Can you beat up a guy?” My daughter laughed and said “No”
Your mothers entered into sexual relationship in order to concieve a child.
Childbirth, the strongest sexual arousal, according to voices from the other side.
Then, they told you that they did all that in order to have YOU. Out of 100 million sperm, she was very confident and knew it is going to be you.
Red Pill has many shades.
All the watching of wonder women on earth will never compete with sticky fingers that cradle your face and a whisper of “I love you Mama, you are so pretty!” They can not compare to work roughed hands crossing over you in the night when you hear a noise, but he is there….and you are safe. The truth (They will rise up and call her blessed if she obeys and serves Yahweh, she will be saved in child bearing) traded for a phantom lie. Working out your own salvation with fear and trembling and pulling those from the fire I can because by His grace go I because this world’s lie is a STRONG delusion no one can defend from.
Then Paul does not permit Deborah to teach or have authority over a man.
If God chooses to make the occasional exception by using a woman is a prophetess, this does not change the wisdom of the general policy.
Every “season of singleness” girl thinks she’s at least an 8. What is the solution when there are no honest MMV calculators for women? The old, wise women of the church have failed the youth.
Listen to the out-of-touch boundless women try and rate each other out of 10.
[audio src="" /]
SnapperTrx @ 2:49 pm:
“Serious question: What is a judge if not an authority figure? Not necessarily a leader, per se, but if Paul says “I do not permit a woman to teach, or to have authority over a man”, and Deborah was a judge over Israel, then what? Is there something I am missing about the judges appointed over Israel? Not asking to argue, but if someone confronts me with Deborah as being a “leader of men” or an authority, I would like to understand.”
What is a judge? 1 Samuel 12:11. “Then the Lord sent Jerub-Baal, Barak, Jephthah and Samuel, and he delivered you from the hands of your enemies all around you, so that you lived in safety.” If you mean the person who had authority over Israel at the time, it was Jabin king of Canaan per Judges 4:2.
Deborah was Lappidoth’s wife. Any authority she held would actually have been held by him. There were no “kitchen bitches” back then. (The only female leader of Israel who ruled over her husband was Jezebel… throw that in their faces for a counterattack.)
Her only recorded example of so-called leadership was telling Barak what God wanted him to do. (To lead the men.) The only way to construe that as an act of leadership was if Deborah was lying about her words being from God. After all, if it wasn’t her decision then she was just a mailman. Does the mailman exercise authority over you when he delivers a jury summons?
If a man were to start acting as if the fantasies on the screen were well and true, and lived as if he was one of the characters (Conan, the Terminator, etc.), he would be hopelessly derided and probably end up committed against his will.
Women do the same, basing their own self-worth on fictional character (not even well-written ones) and it’s lauded as the Great Leap Forward. Is there a greater example of the madness gripping our society?
Pretty sure it was on this blog that a guy commented he had been teaching a bible class or some such and gave an assignment for each gender to come up with sins they struggled with. Men had several; porn, lust, greed, etc.., but the only sin women could come up with that they struggled with was “lack of self-esteem”. Seems like and a lot of Wendys and Mandys were there that night.
[D: Welcome. I think you are talking about this.]
There is some value to be gained in believing in your worth. But that is limited to when you find your value by being “in Christ.” It is not intrinsic value in your corruptible body, or fallen soul. It is in a new spirit that is created when you are “born” into Christ. That spirit – joined with the Holy Spirit – has supreme value; so supreme that we are compelled through Scripture to bring our bodies into submission, and renew our minds, wills and emotions (souls) to be in conformance with the new reality of the spirit within us.
None of that translates well into the Self-Esteem movement, which is Satanic in nature. It is the same as Lucifer trying to elevate himself above God, and is what got him and a third of the angels tossed from Heaven. I believe in Christ-esteem. That is, Christ in me, the hope of glory. If you interpret Scriptures that apply to a renewed spirit as applying also to the soul and the body, then you get your Christianity all mixed up. You confuse the esteem the Bible gives to the new spirit created by the new birth in Christ as applying to your earthly shell and corrupted mind. If your mind was not corrupted, why then the exhortation to renew our minds in Romans 12?
The value I have is completely linked to Christ. Without him, I am nothing, as Jesus explicitly states in John 15. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.”
SnapperTX –
The New Covenant is far superior to the Old Covenant. Though female leadership goes against the general universal principle of patriarchy, perhaps God may have occasionally tolerated it under the old and incomplete system.
The New Testament however, explicitly prohibits it now for the Christian church.
At least that is the sort of argument people often bring up regarding slavery and polygamy (even though the NT never directly prohibits them like it does female leadership).
Although in regards to Deborah she never actually led the army contrary to what feminists thought.She mended disputes as a mother in israel and delivered the commands of God that’s it. She came for moral support and to encourage Barak to confront Israel’s enemies and win.
Getting life advice from idiotic superhero movies reminds me of that line in a Steely Dan song “I just read the Daily News and swear by every word.” I have no more to say. As always, I’m going to annoy people with another “inspirational quote” pertaining to the topic. I can’t stop posting these things!!

The origin of modernity and all its ills trace back to nominalism.
As per above:
“Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was judging* Israel at that time. 5 She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites went up to her to have their disputes decided. 6 She sent for Barak son of Abinoam from Kedesh in Naphtali and said to him, “The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you: ‘Go, take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead them up to Mount Tabor.”
Here we see that it says SHE “held court” and “the Israelites went up to her to have their disputes decided”. To me this says that she was made an authority, albeit a different authority than Jabin. Now, of course God can make any exception to His rules he wants, but if she was set as an authority by God then what’s to prevent others from claiming God has made an exception for another woman?
I’ll have to spend some time reading to fully understand, I think, but thanks for the info.
One can win by guile and cunning what cannot be won by strength.
Judges 5:7 gives us a clue to the role of Deborah.
But if caught Strength will beat the shit out of Cunning and Guile.
“You Are a Prize to be Won!”
the booby prize.
The acme of excellence is winning without coming to blows at all. I doubt guile will allow a situation to become contest of strength otherwise its not guile.
How did Sun Tzu win against the far stronger enemy back in his day? By a heavy dose of guile.
One day she discovered that having uncommitted sex with men who left causes her emotional heartbreak so she has to use internet motivations to cover it up.
When I hear the question “Do you know what you are worth?” the first question that comes to my mind is “to who?”. To a prospective husband, a woman worshipping in the “Church of Self Esteem” is worth very little.
This is like a teenage boy saying, “no wonder women have such bodacious racks!”
Not all or even most men are obscenely confident all the time, but the ones who manage it are the ones who instinctively capture your attention. The perversion being that they’re supposed to emulate those men. No wonder so many women are unhappy.
Bart @ 5:47 pm:
“Though female leadership goes against the general universal principle of patriarchy, perhaps God may have occasionally tolerated it under the old and incomplete system.”
God never once put a woman in authority over a man. Not one single time. OT and NT agree on this.
SnapperTrx @ 5:54 pm:
“Here we see that it says SHE “held court” and “the Israelites went up to her to have their disputes decided”. To me this says that she was made an authority, albeit a different authority than Jabin.”
Yes, she was made an authority by an Israel so badly behaved that God was actively punishing them with a foreign warlord. God’s choice of authority was Barak.
The Deborah story raises another point for me, that I’d like clearer minds to respond: is it an inconsistency for empowered women to say Paul didn’t want women to be silent but was voicing a cultural exception while pointing to Deborah as proof that female authority is acceptable? Why would Kassian say that I am making a logical error and am not making a valid comparison?
That’s why women were crying. It gets at one of the core insecurities of the female sex — their physical inferiority to us, and hence their physical vulnerability to us.
I had not been able to reconcile women’s identifying with the powerful WW, who is crushing her male opponents, with the crying about it. I suppose I would have expected cheers instead, but what you’ve written clears it up a bit. Probably also a significant driving force with the hard core feminists that actively hate men.
Even though Dalrock rightly said that his intro sentence might be discounted by some, I think it is one the most important sentences he has written. Its punch is more powerful than all of the truthful specific points he has made about church cultural leaders. I think it is a devastating sentence that ideally would make churchians instantly confess their cowardice. It makes a clear implication what side they are helping by being enablers.
All this striving for “self worth” is a symptom of scaled-up mass society: relentless atomization and consumerism and rootlessness, where we don’t have a firm place in a community with family and neighbors.
Telling yourself you have worth is delusional–we get it from others as part of healthy social relations. These women demanding it from others is a sign they stand in a howling desert, all alone. Yes, women feel being alone more keenly, and end up shrieking.
I am just making a guess, but I don’t think telling women they are shrieking because they are standing alone in a howling desert will win them over like WW is doing. Anyhow, your formulation is just as artistic as movie but full of truth, and I love it.
Brave is the word she is looking for. Bravery is continuing forward when you are scared, when you have doubts, when your confidence is shaken. That’s what men do and that is what is expected of them.: to exude and air of confidence and continue on, even when they feel otherwise.
Also men, at least the older ones, were brought up to understand that failure is a normal part of life. It’s one of the great lessons of competitive sports. You pick yourself up and try harder next time.
Of course, “everybody gets a trophy; no winners or losers” has destroyed that lesson for young men today. Instead, they have learned to fear losing, because they haven’t experienced it. They’ve only been told how awful it is, so they avoid competition. They look at others with awe and say to themselves “I could never do that; what if I failed?”
Given that most men drool over women I wonder who is it that brings down women’s self worth?
If Peterson is correct and men compete in a dominance hierarchy (being sexually dimorphic and women being the prize) could it be that women compete in a status hierarchy?
If so then who is bringing down their self esteem? Alpha Fucks and other women competing for the same pool of men. After all the God of biology hates it when they ‘settle’.
They simply can’t abide by the fact that their looks will only get them so far.
Maybe, just maybe, if they wish hard enough and love themselves enough God will provide them with Julian Grey or the next best thing, popularity in the virtual world.
Soon the convergence will be complete; feminism and “Christianity” will essentially be the same thing and no differentiation will exist. Feminists will explicitly and overtly begin dictating to the Church new tenets of Christian faith to embrace, and the weak-willed men remaining in the pews will comply. The churches will then die off because they have nothing to keep them standing, and whatever is left of the true faith will be confined to unofficial gatherings and online forums.
When a building has become too dilapidated and restoration is not feasible, few options remain – either let it crumble, or demolish it and then rebuild.
Nothing I read on the internet fills me with more despair for our society, and my children and grandchildren’s place in it, than the articles, writings, and books you base your article on. (See how I tried really hard not to actually blame YOUR articles for my despair? It really wouldn’t be fair. You’re just the messenger!).
Perceptive analysis by Novaseeker concerning womens’ strong emotional reaction to WW.
“Even though Dalrock rightly said that his intro sentence might be discounted by some, I think it is one the most important sentences he has written.”
Agree. Outside of Scripture itself, one of the most important sentences anybody has written.
from Glen Beck’s site —
“This weekend at a G-20 Summit session in Hamburg, Germany, President Trump had daughter Ivanka sit in for him while he attended another meeting. Typically cabinet members take this role, but the session concerned one of Ivanka Trump’s projects, the World Bank finance initiative for women entrepreneurs.”
There you have it. If America can’t overcome its reliance upon luciferian Enlightenment principles (such as the false equality that underpins modern feminism) then all the money and MAGA in the universe won’t save it from God’s hand . . . despite the assurances of some ‘Christian’ demagogue populists that Only The Wall Matters. At his recent Poland speech, the president emphasized ‘female empowerment’ as central to his reform agenda. American men just cannot clear this hurdle; it’s intentionally become too expensive in too many ways. Even the most politically powerful man on Earth can’t stand up to his daughter and say ‘no’, even when for her own good — no more than other dads in the U.S.
Doesn’t bode well for the nation’s continued existence. Blessed are its truth-tellers tho.
@The Question
Have faith. The true church will always exist in meatspace as a faithful remnant. Remember that our King sits on his Throne and never has he lost control one bit.
God is always faithful to those faithful to him. May our everlasting King guide us in this time refining us like fire and preparing us for Glory.
Hmm. Reminds me of someone who was going to “take a thousand nazi scalps”…didn’t work out that way. The problem with this GRRRL Power, “I can be as strong as a MAN!” bit is that it works up until they run into an ACTUAL man. Then it’s, “But….but I’M A GIRL!!!”
As always, the Logic is not SJWs strength:
– “the power comes from withing”
– “parents should pump up their girls’ self-esteem”
It’s one way or the other, you idiots.
BTW, ROK has covered Cars 3 recently:
Never Trumper Beck is not a good one to follow ray. Expecting perfection out of any human, including Trump, is stupid.
Don’t waste time on the dialectic with those like Kassian. Rhetoric is the only thing that can work with those who don’t really want to know the truth.
Yes, that was the story. I wonder how many guys swallowed their first red pill during those encounters.
We’ve been told/indoctrinated for the last 30-40 years how important self-esteem is, yet we inherently know deep down that self-esteem should be based on something and not just conjured out of thin air. If women no longer perform the useful and needed functions of being wives and mothers, and instead choose useless lives of cubicle slavery where nothing is ever truly accomplished, where does the basis for self-esteem come from? This “daughters of the king” garbage seems made to order for the situation.
One thing I think is overlooked in the story of Deborah. She was called a judge, but her job was as a prophetess: to speak God’s word but not to go into battle. However, the men pleaded with her to accompany them to the battle (a little like the next story of Gideon, where they used the Ark of the Covenant the same way). Deborah agreed, but pronounced a judgment against Barak and his men for their cowardice – credit and glory for the victory would go to a woman (Jael).
And Jael did not win in battle like a man, with a weapon. She won by subterfuge, convincing Sisera he was safe, lulling him to sleep, then crushing his head by driving in a tent stake.
This was a judgment, because crushing the of the enemy’s head is the job of a man – the son of a woman. We learn that from Genesis 3:15.
BTW, I mis-wrote about Gideon. The taking of the Ark into battle was in the time after the judges, just before King David. Sorry – if only there was an edit function.
Priest: “This is the gospel of our lord, Whitney Houston”
People: “Thanks be to her”
‘cause we all know that learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all.
“Houston, you had a problem.”
OT a bit, but solid words from Doug Wilson and C. S, Lewis:
OT: ..and another prominent evangelical pastor jumps the gay shark:
If women no longer perform the useful and needed functions of being wives and mothers, and instead choose useless lives of cubicle slavery where nothing is ever truly accomplished, where does the basis for self-esteem come from?
“We wanna be able to live as miserably as men do!”
24-karat stupidity, even for women.
…solid words from Doug Wilson and C. S, Lewis:
“Solid words” from Doug Wilson? That would certainly be a first …
That’s a good way of putting it.
‘The evangelical church is crammed with men without chests, who must absolutely learn that they must come to the point of rebellion. And the evangelical church is also crammed with unsubmissive women, who must repent of that, seeking to learn what it is to glory in womanhood. Men can’t make women submissive, and shouldn’t try. But this reality doesn’t make submission somehow optional. There is nothing optional about it—and it is no trifle.’
That Doug Wilson link was interesting. It was my first time reading his site. The only good comment came from Bdash who comments here. Wilson seems to have intellectual understanding, but I don’t see that he has a chest either, no fight in him from what I can tell.
@ Mike
Mike said: “Every “season of singleness” girl thinks she’s at least an 8. What is the solution when there are no honest MMV calculators for women? The old, wise women of the church have failed the youth.”
I don’t think the calculators are the problem. The population the sample is drawn from is the problem.
Similar to dress sizes……….the average woman has gotten larger in the past 3 generations. However, the number of both the dress size and the woman’s SMV and MMV remains the same.
Any Bell Curve has a left and right ‘tail’ and a bulk curve in the middle.
As long as most women get fatter, bitchier, and unpleasant company………..they will remain a 5 compared alongside their peers.
It’s only when you compare both dress sizes and women from the 1950s with dress sizes and women from 2010s do you see the stark change.
Marilyn Monroe is often proffered by ‘fat feminists’ of today as being a size 10. That is undoubtedly true……Marilyn Monroe was a size 10 for the dresses of the 1950s and 60s.
Marilyn undoubtedly would be a size 5 or less given todays size 10 ‘ponchos’
Similarly if you transported todays poor sample of women back to the 1950s, they would all be 1s or 2s.
Pardon the pun………(but I can’t resist). The problem is not the MMV calculator, but rather the sample SIZE.
Swanny River @ July 12, 2017 at 7:33 pm:
“is it an inconsistency for empowered women to say Paul didn’t want women to be silent but was voicing a cultural exception while pointing to Deborah as proof that female authority is acceptable?”
She’s thinking that Paul wrote letters to specific people while Judges was written as a history book for everybody. Never mind that Judges says Barak was punished for depending on “leader Deborah”.
“Why would Kassian say that I am making a logical error and am not making a valid comparison?”
Because Kassian is so bad at logic that right seems wrong. Because Kassian thinks God isn’t real and Paul was making up stuff that can be safely ignored. And because Kassian talks to fight, not to understand.
@fee: ‘“Solid words” from Doug Wilson? That would certainly be a first …’
Doug in general is solid, and not subject to most of the Evangelical mainstream crapola. Read the referenced article and get back to me, please.
I admit that there was some laughter here when Doug wondered where the men were to marry the single women in his church. From what I know about that church over the years, those single women are almost certainly either virgins or very repentant low N women, not present or former carousel riders.
But I think he overlooks the womens’ expectations for a man who meets everything on their list, just like the two in Dal’s last post. I wonder how many men who would pursue those women have been shut down by the women themselves or other women in the church. It’s not so much a matter of “man up” as it is being willing to run the gantlet and likely be marginalized for failure. After all, a man not good enough for the woman he went after would likely not be considered acceptable for any woman after that. “One and done”, then find another church.
Ah, Marylin….patron saint of feminists everywhere….who died alone, in a haze of drugs, after a near-lifetime of being a plaything/whore for prominent men. Good, strong role model.
RE: Doug Wilson, he rates a few features right here at Dalrock for anyone’s reference. Just search.
‘Ah, Marylin….patron saint of feminists everywhere….who died alone, in a haze of drugs, after a near-lifetime of being a plaything/whore for prominent men. Good, strong role model.’
If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve my best.
Earl & Poke Salad:
Off Topic, now that you guys are talking about it…
Have you gents seen David Lynch’s neo-noir movie Mulholland Drive? It’s a near perfect deconstruction of the female celebrity avatar (of which Norma Jean was a near perfect example). As such, it ought to be discussed directly sometime in this sphere.
Ah, Marilyn. wonderful poster of her on the wall of my new favorite bbq joint. She’s all dolled up and doing a USO show for our boys in uniform.
The average weight of American women in 2010 is significantly higher than that of women in 1960, when the average American woman weighed 140.2 pounds — an increase of 26 pounds.
American women, on average, weigh 42 lbs more than S. Korean women, while being only 2 inches taller.
Who wanted to bet they’ve gotten lighter since 2010?
Another interesting fact about Marilyn Monroe: she almost certainly had Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Sometimes it seems like feminism is trying to make BPD behavior mainstream female behavior.
@ Emperor Constantine
E.C. said: “Sometimes it seems like feminism is trying to make BPD behavior mainstream female behavior.”
Two things:
1) It only feels like that sometimes?
2) I think they have succeeded in spades. Mission Accomplished as it were.
@ Kentucky Headhunter
From the article:
“The average height and weight of women varies around the world, but in the United States in 2010, the average adult female height was 63.8 inches (approximately 5 feet 4 inches) and 166.2 pounds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This number is higher than in the past and corresponds to a body mass index (BMI) that is classified as overweight.”
Well, given our penchant for ridding society of any bad feelings by moving the goals posts of measurement………..I predict the BMI index will soon undergo a revamping.
The same liars who say 166 lb women are a size 6 will lie some more and push the BMI index to the right to ‘normalize’ their obesity. There……job done (pat self of back).
Kentucky Headhunter said:
“Who wanted to bet they’ve gotten lighter since 2010?”
I would not take that bet.
BillyS — “Never Trumper Beck is not a good one to follow ray. Expecting perfection out of any human, including Trump, is stupid.”
Nobody said anything about ‘following him’. From what evidence do you reach that conclusion? I don’t even read Beck’s web-page; I found the quote elsewhere. Beck’s a chubby semi-feminist with lots of neo-con assumptions. I used ONE quote from his site, to make a larger point about Ivanka/Jared and their feminist/globalist agenda. That does not constitute disciplehood.
Also, who said anything about expecting ‘perfection’? Other than you? Trump made a huge error in allowing the two to have state-sanctioned power, and I pointed it out, using a current example. Moving from that to my expectation of perfection (in ANY human being lol) is pretty silly.
Modern feminism is a construct of post-Enlightenment atheism and the hermeneutics of suspicion. Even so-called “Christian feminism” is riddled to the core with it.
Modern feminism views orthodox Christian theology as epiphenomenal, a non-desirable product of forces and interests set against women. They view the orthodox Christian understanding of God as either myth or maligned (depending on the feminist).
Us genuine Christian interpreters of Paul, who align with the correct traditional orthodox Christian worldview, need to be aware of the actual history of the enlightenment (see Dr. Rodney Stark to learn more) and its effect on feminist ideology.
Such an awareness should have at least two effects. On the one hand, it acts as a safeguard against allowing the agenda in Pauline interpretation to shift unwittingly in a secularizing direction, away from the evangelical imperatives of every community of faith for which the letters of Paul are part of the canon of Scripture and a constant source of inspiration.
And on the other hand, it acts as a safeguard against allowing atheism and the hermeneutics of suspicion (which John W. Bowker called “licensed insanities”) to pervert the truth of Paul’s testimony.
-American M.Div.
To those referencing Deborah: Feminism views all patriarchy as evil and responsible for the woes of women. But the Bible presents patriarchy positively. God is the Father. In laws given by God to Israel, fathers give their daughters in marriage. Land is inherited by men (except in the case where a man dies without sons, but women have to marry in their fathers clan to pass lands down to sons again), who use the wealth to care for the women in the households. The Bible tells wives to submit to their husbands. Lamentations also presents women ruling over the people in a negative light, lamenting over it.
One doesn’t hold to feminist concepts of “injustice” without wrongly accusing creator God of “injustice” for the system of government and religious structure that He instituted in the past under the old covenant and a church structure He instituted in the present under the new covenant.
The account of Barak (plus Deborah and Jael) in the book of Judges records the careers of twelve judges in all: Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Barak, Gideon, Tola, Jair, Jephthah, Ibzan, Elon, Abdon and Samson with Barak mentioned in Hebrews 11 without Deborah.
Certainly Deborah and Jael both play very significant roles in the Barak episode, and Deborah is even said to have ‘led’ (lit. ‘judged’) Israel (4:4–5), but in terms of the overall design of the book her ministry must be seen as essentially an account of Barak’s career.
There is one female judge in the whole Old Testament, one evil queen who was actually de facto head of state (Athalia), and queen Esther (probably not head of state). Almost exclusively, leadership was male with Isaiah lamenting when women ruled the people and children oppressed them.
Using Deborah to defend female authority over men in the New Testament church fails in the manner that defending animal sacrifice or polygamy would. Furthermore, the fact she was the only female judge is evidence this was a deviation from the norm under God’s rule. While Deborah’s authority was clearly given to her by God, this should not be extrapolated to women usurping authority over men (1 Timothy 2:12) where authority to men has been given by God.
The pastorals give serious attention to the respective roles and authority of men and women and seek to put in place a gendered church order in keeping with scriptural norms (and the period’s wider cultural patterns) which may reasonably be seen both to protect the church against disintegration from powerful centrifugal forces (examples are many including Gnosticism, liberal feminism, post-modern relativism, homosexual revisionism, etc…) and to maintain a credible witness to gospel truth in the society at large rooted in a stable historical normative morality.
-American M.Div.
One other queen who was more or less co-ruler with her husband was Jezebel. Of course, she later became a dog’s dinner, and her name is a by-word for rebellion against God in Revelation.
‘Feminism views all patriarchy as evil and responsible for the woes of women. But the Bible presents patriarchy positively.’
And that’s why I say feminism is a tool of Satan. Sure we can see and discuss quite a bit of the temporal destruction caused by it…however we don’t see the spiritual darkness and bankrupcy lurking behind it.
That’s a pretty tiny boat!
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That’s a pretty tiny boat!
It is like a Tardis
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Hmm says:
July 13, 2017 at 11:36 am
“I admit that there was some laughter here when Doug wondered where the men were to marry the single women in his church. From what I know about that church over the years, those single women are almost certainly either virgins or very repentant low N women, not present or former carousel riders.”
Only if those women (the virgins) are under 16, or (if repentant) they’ve hit the Wall hard at 30+ (from VERY high “N”s, drinking/smoking/drugs, popping out a thugspawn or two, other unproductive hard living, etc.) If the first, they’ll be most likely ruined before they’re genuinely available for marriage til they’re in the second category, and then what man in his right mind would want them then?
i actually got into an online debate about feminism today, it did not go well.
some of your choices i can see it but inside out , zootopia and tangled i dont see it.
well in rapunzels defense she was kidnap and told almost every single negativity thing about the world, so yeah her worldview would have her cringing and hiding.
wonder woman can beat men on a physical level but she didn’t let that go to her head or let that damage her femininity at all, unlike the feminist that went to watch the film
SapphireYagami says:
July 13, 2017 at 10:28 pm
“i actually got into an online debate about feminism today, it did not go well.”
A good place to start WRT rhetorically dismembering feminism is first asking people if they support equality between the sexes. When they say yes, you then say you’re glad to hear that they support legally requiring women to be 50% of underground coal miners, lumberjacks, prison inmates, homeless people, drilling rig roughnecks, garbagemen, deckhands on small fishing boats in Arctic waters during winter, employees who get killed on the job, military combat dead during war, to pay 50% of alimony and child support, to only get 50% of Social Security & life insurance payouts, etc.
So that car in Cars 3 was told she was not fast enough so only by believing in herself she was as good or better than any men. By that logic, if I really want to and believe in myself, I can whoop Usain Bolt’s ass in the 100m dash.
I believe you’ve got it.
A feminist world is one that is in a state of suspended reality.
Women aren’t fat, they’re curvy-licious.
Men aren’t stronger than women – women are stronger than men.
Being pleasant company is no way to land a husband – being a overt bitch is the way to impress a man.
Cooking and cleaning are passé – what men want is a CEO woman who takes care of business (well, company business…………..the household can fall into disarray for all feminists care)
“The dominant religion of our age is feminism, and feminism means placing your faith in self esteem.”
So that the end result is, women can worship THEMSELVES; I can’t really say that I’m surprised.
Zootopia suffers from the “Just believe in yourself” crap that dominates films these days. A female bunny makes a better cop than most just because she believed it.
Granted, it isn’t full on feminism, but girl centric movies seem to use this tactic the most.
Tangled probably shouldn’t have made the list as self esteem driven, but it does toe the feminist line that men are savages until they are tamed by a woman.
Get the popcorn …
Apologies if this has already been covered here.
The self-esteem movement was a fraud created in 1986 by John Vasconcellos, a member of the California State Assembly. The University of California researched his ideas, and issued some upbeat messages that were highly publicized; although their later full report was much more negative, few people bothered to read it. A member of the research “task force” who was interviewed recently said the university got involved in the first place only because Vasconcellos was in charge of its budget!
It was one man’s obsession, which appeared to be endorsed by university research but was not. It became a multi-million dollar industry because it was the kind of message people wanted to hear.
Feminists are the most anti-woman group going. Be a man with a vagina and then you’ll be happy. Forsake all of your natural born instincts to nurture and mother and become cold, calculated and guarded. Hate men who have done nothing to you for no reason other than they have a penis. Feminism is a joke…and a bad one at that.
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