It’s a matter of morality.

World Net Daily has a hilarious article about a man in Argentina who took advantage of the new transgender law to identify as a woman in order to retire five years earlier.  The funny part is he is being judged for doing this.  He isn’t being judged for being confused about his sexual identity.  He is being judged for not being confused about his sexual identity.

“The law is very good and protects the transgender people,” said Enzo. “That there are people who do not have ethics does not mean that the law is wrong, it means that people are wrong. It’s a moral flaw and Sergia is one of those people. He is taking advantage of the law. Just by listening to him speak, to refer to himself, one realizes that what he says is a lie.

“It is not just a macho issue, it is fraudulent and it is a theft of rights. He is demonstrating that if he can do it, anyone can do it. This is a totally selfish and harmful act, very low. It saddens me to be familiar with a person capable of doing anything to get what he wants.

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73 Responses to It’s a matter of morality.

  1. Cheque d'Out says:

    Play stupid games (by making stupid laws), win stupid prizes.

    I salute the guy for revealing idiocy of the law.

    It’s okay though, the nation’s women will all realise the injustice of the different retirement ages and will insist that they have to work longer to match the men…probably. Any day now…I guess.

  2. Damn Crackers says:

    That is why on any form I identify as a female disabled Native American.

  3. squid_hunt says:

    @Damn Crackers

    I always just refuse to disclose.


    Women get to retire 5 years earlier; men get to die 7 years earlier. Seems fair to me, Enzo.

  5. Pingback: It’s a matter of morality. | @the_arv

  6. Kevin says:

    The next “man”, xe will do it right.

  7. Darth Curmudgeon says:

    When everyone working in the government offices is fully converged, they will simply stop granting this regardless of what the law actually says. If the guy sues it will be thrown out of court. Everyone knows these rules exist only to safeguard the fully metastasized egos of modern wamens, to get them as much free stuff as possible. Pointing out the flaming insanity of their gender BS by taking advantage of it will not be tolerated. One or two will slip by here and there, but for the most part this will not have a lasting effect (except for Lazarovich).

  8. Major Styles says:

    He called himself “Sergia” and not “Sergio”


  9. Gunner Q says:

    What I see is the government rewarding men to lie about their sexuality. This is what happens when society abandons the concept of “God created us male & female”. He obviously is abusing the system but the problem will be identified as the man and not the man’s rejection of gender.

    I see the criticisms so far concern whether he’s honest about rejecting his own biology. Sweet irony!

  10. Darth Curmudgeon says:

    @ Gunner Q
    In effect he’s being rewarded to claim he’s a woman, but I wouldn’t say that’s the goal. The goal is to buy women’s votes by stripping men of their resources and giving it to women. At least that’s the government’s goals. Satan however has no use for money.

  11. Damn Crackers says:

    OT- But maybe this is what Jesus was talking about when he said anyone who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

  12. Gage says:

    He was just playing by the rules they created.

    Slightly related, I keep waiting for the day that a male basketball player, not quite good enough for the NBA, decides to identify as a woman to play in the WNBA. Or heck, any better than average male athlete in any sport who wants to play but cant compete at the professional level with other men. According to the rules we are forced to recognize, it would be hard for any woman to complain about the results.

  13. Casey says:

    @ Gage

    It isn’t hard for women to complain about ANYTHING.

    In fact, that is their go-to response for EVERYTHING.

  14. DrTorch says:

    Slightly related, I keep waiting for the day that a male basketball player, not quite good enough for the NBA, decides to identify as a woman to play in the WNBA.

    I’d love to see young men start self-identifying as male lesbians, and go to college on various athletic and academic scholarships.

  15. Ugh! This guy, thinking he can just overturn convention because it suits him!

  16. Gage, that is going to happen eventually. The clock is ticking on women’s sports; in our lifetimes, I predict it will go extinct.

  17. Anon says:

    World Net Daily has a hilarious article about a man in Argentina who took advantage of the new transgender law

    Note the speed at which these laws have spread even outside of first-world countries. Argentina is a middle-income country, which has far less surplus wealth that can be wasted on these costly campaigns to fight against nature.

    Nonetheless, they have laws like this.

  18. Scott says:

    I’m surprised male soldiers haven’t tried this yet to get a higher score on the male-handicapped PT test.

  19. thedeti says:

    This is what happens when we let feelings and emotions dictate morality. It is now “good” and “right” to identify however you wish, binary or nonbinary, cis or not, because that’s being “true to yourself”. “Being true to yourself” is now one of the highest moral goods one can attain.

    But you’re only being “true to yourself” as long as you really feel it in your heart. Sergio/a isn’t being true to himself; he’s taking advantage of the law. He’s complying with the letter of the law, but not its spirit.

    And because he’s not being true to himself, he isn’t entitled to the privileges all other “trans” people get. Under current political correctness/thought police guidelines, we are all required to refer to people by their preferred pronouns. Note that everything about Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner has been completely retconned to “she”, even when “she” had a penis and won the decathlon at the ’76 Olympics and was considered to be the world’s best all around athlete at the time. “She” won the decathlon. “She”.

    Sergia doesn’t get that “privilege” from the people in the article. Though he identifies as a woman (albeit for the sole purpose of obtaining government benefits), everyone still calls him “he” and other male pronouns.

    You get trans people “privileges” only if you are trans for the right reasons. And the only “right” reason is that you’re being “true to yourself”.

  20. DougK says:

    What happened to the “I’m born this way” argument? Wasn’t that what they used to say to Christians who called homosexuality and transgenderism sins? So now they are free to choose whatever identification they want.

    So I guess in the nature vs nurture vs free will debate, they have now told Christians that they were right all along and this really is a free will choice. But of course Christians are wrong to believe it is an immoral choice. That means they are still bigots, homophobes and transphobes.

  21. Gunner Q says:

    Darth Curmudgeon @ 11:31 am:
    “In effect he’s being rewarded to claim he’s a woman, but I wouldn’t say that’s the goal. The goal is to buy women’s votes by stripping men of their resources and giving it to women.”

    If the government’s goal was benefits to women then they would say this man is a MAN and therefore ineligible, in order to reserve the benefits for women exclusively. They aren’t, at least not yet. They’re saying he’s… insufficiently honestly dishonest about being male.

    All they have to do is put a skin scraping under a microscope and look, an XY chromosome pairing! No women-only benefits for you! But that option is apparently off the table.

    At the same time, the guy isn’t gaming the system by lying about his gender; he’s joining it. The system offered him a reward for denying that male & female are distinct and he accepted it.

    This is a war of religion, not of politics. The goal is rejection of Christ’s design for human sexuality.These bureaucrats would rather reign in Venezuela than serve in Heaven. There’s no rational explanation for this and therefore, no purely rational solution.

  22. thedeti says:

    This is black knighting.

  23. Paul says:

    @DougK: What happened to the “I’m born this way” argument?

    It resurfaces now and then, although it has been refuted by science. There is no such thing as “gay gene”, as proven by studies in identical twins.

  24. Oscar says:

    OT: Is the Pope Catholic?

    “They are not punished, those who repent obtain the forgiveness of God and enter the rank of souls who contemplate him, but those who do not repent and cannot therefore be forgiven disappear. There is no hell, there is the disappearance of sinful souls.” ~ Pope Francis

    Not this one!

  25. Darwinian Arminian says:

    Fantastic. The best part of this story comes midway through when the writer points out that some are now accusing Sergia (heh) of faking to be a transgendered person:

    Lazarovich is disputing reports than his gender switch is not sincere, calling newspaper reports lies, and asserting his right to privacy.

    “The motivations are mine and I do not have to explain anything to anyone,” he told one newspaper.

    Leftists have a long of history of mocking religion, which is one of the reasons a story like this is so enjoyable: It puts them in exactly the same position of the believers that they used to love insulting. The trans activist who says to a man, “Prove to me that you actually think you’re a woman inside!” has the same dilemma as the cleric who says to a prospective convert “How do I know that you really believe the church’s teachings in your heart?” It comes down to a question of faith (which the “scientific” left has always claimed to despise), and unless you figure out a way to read their minds you are never going to know for sure if they’re actually lying to you.

    So let me give a salute to Mr. Lazarovich: First for demonstrating that at this point the SJW cause really has become a religion of its own, and secondly for showing us all a great way to use the believers’ new faith against them.

  26. Anon says:

    It is amazing how ‘pro-science’ leftists are extremely ignorant about basic science.

    If your chromosomes are XX or XY, then that cannot change under any present technology. Period. Denial of this is no better than flat-earth beliefs.

    Despite living in the Bay Area for a very long time, I must point out that I have only seen two transgender people. I obviously never go where I know they might congregate, so I am talking about mainstream locations (retail store, conference, office, etc.).

    One was an engineer at a conference, who appeared to be over 50.
    The other is a tall, slender kid who is a cashier at a local grocery store. Very friendly and polite to all customers. But a tranny, who wants to be a female despite being 6’3″.

    Both were M-to-F aspirants.

  27. rocko says:


    I believe female sports will go extinct, and not just because trannies are threatening to take over. It’s simple, not that many people care about them, even hardcore feminists. They only care every four years whenever the US women’s soccer team or the gymnastics teams participate for the Olympics, and then to spout some crap about gender pay gaps. Which actually happened this year with the women’s U.S. hockey team. Otherwise, only hardcore fans care.

    Consider women’s soccer. How many leagues have been kickstarted only to flop and fail? Or women’s basketball? Compare it to MLS. Even if its numbers are still dwarfed by the big American leagues, it has made headway, mostly because people would rather see men rather than women play. Which is partly why the Lingerie Football League exists.

  28. JB Harshaw says:

    It saddens me to be familiar with a person capable of doing anything to get what he wants.

    So… either he doesn’t isn’t “familiar” with any women, or he’s continually “saddened” — either that, or he has his head up his arse (and enjoys kissing-up-to others’ arses, particularly “transgender females” ones).

    Something tells me it’s the latter.

  29. JB Harshaw says:


    Note the speed at which these laws have spread even outside of first-world countries. Argentina is a middle-income country, which has far less surplus wealth that can be wasted on these costly campaigns to fight against nature.

    Nonetheless, they have laws like this.

    What this reveals is that those nations’ legislatures are not in any wise “democratic” or representative; but that their elections are corrupt & controlled (and/or their urban populations highly susceptible to “trendy” propaganda), and the actions & laws are dictated to them from the globalist entities pulling the strings (via IMF, etc).

  30. Anon says:

    JB Harshaw,

    and the actions & laws are dictated to them from the globalist entities pulling the strings (via IMF, etc).

    Coming back to single motherhood (which is the high-volume problem), it is going to be catastrophic for developing countries, as subsidizing single motherhood is extremely expensive, and these countries don’t have the wealth to do that (no one does, but the US can keep the illusion going for quite a while).

    So single-motherhood propaganda vs. a lack of resources to subsidize it, leading to many women making terrible decision that have immediate consequences (unlike in the US).

  31. Cane Caldo says:


    Despite living in the Bay Area for a very long time, I must point out that I have only seen two transgender people.

    Recalibrate your sensors to detect women who dress like men. If a woman is wearing basketball shorts, a tee shirt, and sneakers: She’s dressed like a man. That’s like a third of Oakland.

    I’ve spent months in SF. There are a lot of crossdressers and transsexuals.

    One day, here in a small Texas town, I saw 3 trannies within 30 minutes. I checked my watch when I saw the third one and calculated. One lesbian dressed like a man and two men in drag and/or “transition”.

  32. seventiesjason says:

    Only saw trannies in SF early in the morning while walking home from the TL to my condo in Pacific Heights. Usually in the “gultch” area of Gough / Octvia / Van Ness; or on the dirtier ends of Sutter / Post / Pine / Bush around Van Ness and Fillmore / Japantown.

    I would see crossdressing at all nite parties in that warehouse area past SOMA before Portreo Hill.

  33. Pingback: It’s a matter of morality. | Reaction Times

  34. American says:

    I don’t think he’s confused at all. I think he knows that he is a male and exactly what he is doing, which is retiring five years early with a full pension. It’s called stealing but now it’s legal in Argentina if you are a male pretending that you are a female.

  35. Paul says:

    @American: It’s called stealing but now it’s legal in Argentina if you are a male pretending that you are a female.

    It’s legal stealing if you’re an Argentinian woman.

  36. American says:

    @Paul: great point!

  37. Anon says:

    The transgender issue aside, why do women get to retire 5 years earlier in the first place?

  38. BillyS says:

    I thought all these foreign places were great places to go to get away from the rot in America?


  39. Mountain Man says:

    A game technique talked about in the manosphere (particularly for passing shit-tests) is Agree & Amplify. Isn’t this just Agree & Amplify in the political sphere? Identifying as a masculine-presenting transgendered lesbian in order to access the benefits that come with female privilege powerfully highlights that female privilege exists, and shows that the feminist idea of female oppression is a lie.

    I haven’t done it yet, but have fantasized about having some fun with Agree & Amplify at a pussy-hat women’s march, or a slut walk, or a campus protest. Now I know some might do this simply as parody or as trolling, but if you do it with the express purpose of pointing out the idiocy of the feminist/SJW talking points, wouldn’t that elevate it to a higher, and perhaps more effective plane? I’m curious what you guys think of this idea.

    Also, what is the down side of identifying as a masculine-presenting transgendered lesbian? What is the difference between a man and a masculine-presenting transgendered lesbian? Both look and act like men, and both are sexually attracted to women. You don’t need to change anything about yourself except your label. If thousands of men did this today, the feminists would lose their minds (even more than they already have), because it would point out their hypocrisy and lies.

    These are just a couple of ideas which have been floating around my head, but I haven’t thought out the full implications. What do you think? I’m open to feedback.

  40. Mountain Man says:

    A few more thoughts:

    The #metoo movement has highlighted the dangers of hiring women in any type of business. At any time, and for any reason, they can accuse any man of sexual harassment or sexual assault. In our current world, the accusation is the verdict. No proof is needed. The man is fired and has his life and career destroyed. But if you refuse to hire women, then you open yourself up to a gender discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t having a good portion of the men in your company identify as a masculine-presenting transgendered lesbian get around gender-based hiring quotas?

    And what if a masculine-presenting transgendered lesbian applies for grants and loans available only to female-run small businesses? What if a college-aged masculine-presenting transgendered lesbian applied for female-only scholarships? What if that college-aged masculine-presenting transgendered lesbian engaged in drunk sex with a college girl and accused her of rape because he couldn’t give consent? And an up thread comment pointed out the impact of transgenders on women’s sports.

    Like most of you, I do not believe in the currently popular ideas about transgenderism. But couldn’t this transgender mania be a blessing in disguise? Couldn’t thousand or hundreds of thousands of masculine-presenting transgendered lesbians reduce the entire temple of feminism to rubble?

  41. Luke says:

    rocko says:
    March 29, 2018 at 3:10 pm

    “Consider women’s soccer. How many leagues have been kickstarted only to flop and fail? Or women’s basketball? Compare it to MLS. Even if its numbers are still dwarfed by the big American leagues, it has made headway, mostly because people would rather see men rather than women play. Which is partly why the Lingerie Football League exists.”

    It doesn’t exist anymore, at least not by that name. It’s now the “Legends” Football League.

  42. Hazelshade says:

    I’ve got a male friend who is an elementary school teacher. Some girls identified as boys for some game the teachers put together. There was some protest but the girls continued to do it, and get away with it. Then a boy identified as a girl. Wouldn’t you know all the teachers were triggered and they put a stop to that immediately. It was different when the boy did it because apparently he “knew better.”

    My friend should have let the boy keep identifying as a girl. It would have been the best way to end the madness for everyone. Agree and amplify.

  43. Scott says:

    In the parking lot at our on post hospital are several blue phones with a blue light above them which are essentially there for someone walking across the parking lot who gets scared.

    If you pick up the phone, security is dispatched to come escort you to you car or into the building.

    I’ve often wondered what would happen if I picked up the phone.

  44. Luke says:

    One more collection of evidence that women should not be the primary determinants WRT who they have sex with, any more than they should vote or affect theology:

    Crazed girls flood Parkland school shooter Nikolas Cruz with fan mail

    “Mass murderer Nikolas Cruz is getting stacks of fan mail and love letters sent to the Broward County jail, along with hundreds of dollars in contributions to his commissary account.

    Teenage girls, women and even older men are writing to the Parkland school shooter and sending photographs — some suggestive — tucked inside cute greeting cards and attached to notebook paper with offers of friendship and encouragement. Groupies also are joining Facebook communities to talk about how to help the killer.

    The South Florida Sun Sentinel obtained copies of some of the letters showing that Cruz, who had few friends in the outside world, is now being showered with attention…

    Cruz murdered 17 students and staff and injured 17 others with an AR-15 rifle at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14.

    A teenager wrote on March 15: “I’m 18-years-old. I’m a senior in high school. When I saw your picture on the television, something attracted me to you.”

    The letter was mailed from Texas and tucked inside an envelope covered with hand-drawn hearts and happy faces. “Your eyes are beautiful and the freckles on your face make you so handsome.” She goes on to describe herself as white with big, brown eyes. “I’m really skinny and have 34C sized breasts.” She ends the letter with three preschool-rated jokes about gummy bears and peanut butter.

    A woman from Chicago enclosed nine suggestive photos, including a shot of cleavage, another in a skimpy bikini eating a Popsicle and a tight shot of her backside as she bent over.

  45. PokeSalad says:

    This is what happens when we let feelings and emotions dictate morality.

    Well, when supposedly ‘respected’ Christian authorities like Wilson explicitly teach that the unerring spiritual barometer of a home is the wife’s emotional state of the moment, who could be surprised?

  46. Lost Patrol says:

    I’ve often wondered what would happen if I picked up the phone.

    You’re an actual man that self identifies as, and is known to be, an actual man. Your only possible fate if you pick up the blue phone…

  47. JDG says:

    If a woman is wearing basketball shorts, a tee shirt, and sneakers: She’s dressed like a man. That’s like a third of Oakland.
    police uniform
    military uniform
    firefighter uniform

  48. rocko says:

    Lol good point.

  49. Anon says:

    Cane Caldo,

    Recalibrate your sensors to detect women who dress like men. If a woman is wearing basketball shorts, a tee shirt, and sneakers: She’s dressed like a man. That’s like a third of Oakland.

    Well, that is different. I am talking about someone who actually underwent a medical procedure that they were told would change their gender.

    That said, I am not in SF (and go there less and less now that certain crimes are outright decriminalized), but in the Valley. There are plenty of blue-haired fatties here, but relatively few transvestites or flamboyant gays (the high percentage of East Asians, South Asians, and Muslims might be a reason for this) in the grocery store or in offices.

  50. American says:

    It’s easy to be a biological female if you’re a male. All you have to do is click your ruby slippers together and repeat “there’s no place like home” until you magically become one. Every leftardist know this.

  51. Oscar says:

    OT: Florida school shooter finally getting attention from the ladies.

    “The suspect in the Florida high school shooting that killed 17 is getting letters of support in jail including fan mail and pictures of scantily-clad women in addition to hundreds of dollars in contributions to his commissary account.

    Teenage girls, women, and men are sending letters and photographs of themselves and Facebook groups have been started to discuss how to help Nikolas Cruz, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports.”

    Way to go, ladies! You just inspired the next school shooter!

  52. American says:

    “But couldn’t this transgender mania be a blessing in disguise?”

    ^No. There are many reasons for this. Most importantly, transgenderism involves an “exchange” of God’s moral purposes for unnatural immoral purposes eventually resulting in severe consequences for the individuals involved and their societies.

  53. Mountain Man says:


    I think you misunderstood my point. I’m not advocating in favor of ttransgenderism. I’m merely noticing, or wondering, if it could be used to debunk the lies of feminism. Two of the foundational tenets of feminism are that:
    1. There is no difference between men and women
    2. Gender is a social construct

    If we take those to their logical extension, there is no reason a man cannot self-identify as a woman for purposes of accessing female benefits. If this were to happen on a wide scale, the outcry from feminists would clearly show that they don’t really believe those two things. Or, that they only believe them when they benefit women, but don’t believe them when they benefit men.

    I’m not saying men should BE transgender, just that if they LABELED as trangender, without changing anything else about themselves, it would serve to undermine feminist dogma.

    Of course, that argument depends upon logic, and we all know that logic is a tool of the patriarchy. /sarc

  54. Sharkly says:

    Clearly Nikolas Cruz is more virtuous than all of us put together. Just look at all the fan mail from women getting the tingles over the little bad boy.

  55. Anon says:

    Related :

    Stefan Molyneaux cites studies that indicate women are ~50% less informed than men about important topics that enable informed voting.

    I think that is being generous. On the topic of economics, women are 99% less informed than men.

  56. Cane Caldo says:




    Good point.

  57. Was his name Corporal Klinger?

  58. Paul says:

    @Mountain Man:Couldn’t thousand or hundreds of thousands of masculine-presenting transgendered lesbians reduce the entire temple of feminism to rubble?

    Maybe it helps for some to clarify that transgender is not the same as transsexual. As a Christian there is the aspect of lying involved, so I would advice to be very careful in this. There is nothing wrong with clever wordplay though, but it would be a fine line to walk. And usually there is some sort of long-term backlash involved. You need to think about it.

    What of course is good to observe is how WELL the action of Sergio resonates with a lot of people. He has with his actions caused so much publicity, that it is actually affecting public opinion. And public opinion matters in case of a democracy. So I would certainly be FOR clever actions that expose these inconsistent political monstrosities to the public.

  59. American says:

    Q: What happens when you destroy God’s patriarchal family model and replace it with a leftardist ratchet welfare/child support model?


  60. Dave says:

    I fear for America. I fear for the world. If America falls to the leftists, the whole world goes down with it. Britain has already fallen. With it, the rest of Europe. America is the only country which other countries of the world look up to, when it comes to morality. And the coming of Obama has put an embarrassing dent on that image.

    Though we are getting close, the country hasn’t fallen to these leftist tyrants yet.
    Despite the rampant leftism in academia, in government offices, in the media, in Hollywood, and on Wall Street, and—as we are quickly learning—in the CIA, the FBI and the DOJ, there is still a thread of conservatism, which holds the country together.
    It is my hope that this thread would grow into something bigger, and beat back the threat of leftism in America and the world.

  61. Dota says:

    I fear for America. I fear for the world. If America falls to the leftists, the whole world goes down with it.

    Not necessarily. Empires rise and fall. Time to turn the page. The world will move on and somebody (China?) will take America’s place. What concerns me most is that if the west declines, scientific progress will stagnate. Whites are the only people who are innovative in a paradigm shifting sort of way. Economically the world will be fine, scientifically, humanity will be worse off. I have nothing but respect for Asians but I am skeptical of their ability to explore space and cure deadly diseases.

  62. bdash77 says:

    strong patriarchy and order always innovates faster than the wimpy feminised nations the west is evolving into….
    it has nothing to do with race, the west had a good run for 400 years, now the power shifts back.

    and its all the wests fault, the decided modelling their families on the africans was smart…

  63. Paul says:

    @Dota: Whites are the only people who are innovative in a paradigm shifting sort of way.

    This is provably wrong. The Israelis are very innovative. So are the Koreans. And the Japanese.

    Read Rodney Stark’s “How the West won…” to understand that Christianity has been the driving force behind Western Civilization. Something even the Chinese now recognize. Do not think the Chinese will stop, they are VERY aggressively encapsulating Western corporate multinationals by forcing them to transfer knowledge and production to China. In 5-10 years time they will significantly rise, if they can concur quality control, they will dominate in 10-20 years. And multinationals are probably the most treacherous entities on this planet; they do NOT have any intrinsic loyalty to any nation or value whatsoever. Most of them are only there to serve Mammon.

  64. Lovekraft says:

    re: the latest outrage over Pope Francis and his supposed hell comments.

    Look, before we start appearing like reactionary busybodies, understand that this whole ‘revelation’ was made by an avowed atheist that likely pressured and threatened via social media mob action for an audience. Anyone thinking such a person should be trusted without scrutiny has not been paying attention to how smearing works.

    What I have read is this is that interviewers INTERPRETATION’ and NOT official Vatican statement.

  65. Opus says:

    I cannot find myself in sympathy with the many predictions of doom and gloom from above commenters. Today is Good Friday: it is as it has for days now been raining cats and dogs and with no sign of let-up; the Beast from the East has returned. Beaster is thus the fault of the Russians.

  66. anon says:

    “I’m surprised male soldiers haven’t tried this yet to get a higher score on the male-handicapped PT test.”

    You haven’t heard, Scott? They’re kicking the transgenders out!
    (though persons without a history of gender dysphoria who are otherwise qualified may serve as their biological sex) Starts on page 32. It’s a recommendation…but it’s coming.

  67. BillyS says:

    Perhaps Paul, but Japan was going to take it all over only a few years ago. Stuff happens.

  68. American says:

    @Paul: The first thing I learned while obtaining my MBA was that for profit corporations exist for one reason, “to increase shareholder wealth.” That is the reason for their existence and any “feel good” propaganda they disseminate is done ultimately to accomplish this. Profit is intrinsically the motivation and nature of the thing.

  69. Dota says:

    This is provably wrong. The Israelis are very innovative. So are the Koreans. And the Japanese.

    I didn’t say that they weren’t innovative. I said that whites are innovative on a whole other level. Asians are innovative by adding utility to existing technologies, ie adding features to cellphones and game consoles. Whites are innovative at envisioning new theories and technologies. Real innovation is migrating from flat artwork to geometric perspective, something which other civilizations failed to do. Real innovation is progressing from squares to cubes, something which other civilizations also failed to do. Epistemology was discovered by the greeks (Xenophanes). That’s the sort of powerful abstract thinking towards which whites are genetically predisposed. I’m not saying that whites are a master race, I believe all races are equal in the eyes of God. I am however saying that disenfranchising the white man is doing humanity a disservice.

  70. Paul says:

    @American: shareholders value is the curse for many a corporation. The real problem is that NOT everything is economically valued, and shareholders feed on hidden costs to suppliers, employees, societies, customers, or the environment. For instance “price up, cost down”, the value wedge, effectively gives customers less value for money. Typically this is done by hiding increasing cost for customers, e.g. products that break down sooner.

    Note that other forms of corporations are possible, and usually those are long term stable business, typically family businesses. They can operate profitable for hundreds of years.

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