Somewhere in Texas, on a Dalrock family road trip, my wife and children were having breakfast at the motel breakfast bar while I caught a few extra minutes of sleep. An elderly couple asked a family with three girls what the girls wanted to do when they grew up. All three girls indicated that they planned on joining the military. My son offered helpfully (as little boys are wont to do):
The military is for chicks.
The mother of the girls retorted back:
That’s right, the military is for chicks!
But the girls’ father wasn’t sure what to say. According to my wife, for about 10 seconds he frowned and looked very much like he was going to say something, but ultimately remained silent.
Who knows what the father considered saying but ultimately held back on. He was in a tough spot, as he would have had to correct both his wife as well as my son (who was talking out of turn). But even under different circumstances this would have been very difficult for a conservative man supporting women in the military. My son and the man’s wife both spoke the ugly truth about the feminist enterprise, a truth conservatives need to deny. The fundamental goal is to mark the military as a feminine space, to make it impossible for men to associate the military with manly pride. But how can a man take pride in his daughters invading a male space once other men’s daughters have already made it a place for women? Such a father needs other men’s sons to still believe that the military is a male space, so his daughters can prove them wrong. Otherwise, what is the point?
See Also:
I retired well before I had planned due to this very concept. It is/was BAD. REMFspace and FOBITtry was totally owned by women in my experience. All manosphere concepts apply…leading by consensus, delighting in changing her mind to try and watch her troops chase their tails, sex safari, etc. Lesbians especially are fast tracked whether competent or not. PC thinking requires such.
Again, every time there’s even the slightest whiff of deployment to some craphole, suddenly everyone is pregnant and has “female problems.” “Women in combat” will mean they get promoted even faster for malingering and not doing any actual infantry work. YMMnotV.
Exhibit A:
I worked with a SF soldier who served during Vietnam. He was awarded two Bronze Stars, one Silver Star, and a Purple Heart. I showed these to my son, who was seven at the time, during a visit. He asked, “Mr. X, what did you get these for?” Mr. X replied, “They don’t give ’em out for typing boy.”
Welcome back, Dalrock!
As a retired 20-year Navy veteran who wouldn’t recommend service in what passes for today’s U.S. “armed forces” to the sons of his worst enemy, I must join those of the “enjoy the decline/let it burn” persuasion in hoping that the full feminization and perversion is complete within five years. Furthermore, it is my fervent hope that the PTB ruling over the dystopian hellhole that was once a proud and prosperous republic be arrogant and stupid enough to declare war on a nation that takes its military seriously as a defense force and is prepared to use it accordingly. To that end, I encourage ALL American women of military service age to enlist, preferably in infantry units and other frontline combat units. Indeed, I will advocate very vocally for conscription of women into such units, as much as that clashes with my libertarian belief in non-coercion. The end to this nonsense cannot come soon enough and I see this as the only way to bring it about.
I encourage ALL American women of military service age to enlist, preferably in infantry units and other frontline combat units
Everybody will be pregnant by go time. El Alamein will stand as is.
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Your son is clever.
You taught your boy well Dalrock. I’m amazed at this use of reverse psychology!
When I went in 1976, we danced the flight decks for Mom, Apple Pie and Chevrolet. Well, these days, 80% of the time Mom is a slut who divorced your Dad, Apple Pie comes out of a wax paper wrapper and Chevrolet is a bent shit can from China. The decline is on. Who defends this?
Perhaps its a good way of increasing birthrates? Odd, isn’t, that wimmenz want kids when they can get out of military combat, but not when married to a good husband and have a boring and pointless cubicle HR job.
I meant to write that the women who have boring jobs don’t want kids because it interferes with their careers.
What a great, short, and informative conversation. Awesome that the woman was clueless.
Bet you wish you had opted for breakfast instead of sleeping in!!
They want kids to get out of their promise to be a faux-man during battle, and if they aren’t military, then they refuse sex and kids to a faithful husband so they can be a faux-husband (that is, as divorce-insurance, which cons also support).
So the trad-cons want women to be unfaithful women who treat mothering and being a supportive wife with contempt and to be placed on a pedestal. They think that’s a winning message to single men?
“Such a father needs other men’s sons to still believe that the military is a male space, so his daughters can prove them wrong. Otherwise, what is the point?”
Ha! So true.
A while back there was some slut who maybe had been through West Point who has a site dedicated to revealing how sex-addled the female military member is.
Everything about their existence and how they relate to everything is about sex. They are sex crazed like guys deployed with the Stripper Army and the deprived men can smell it on them. Hence the shrill and constant haranguing about sexual assault and “keep your hands off each other” because the women in uniform are fucking everything they can get their legs around and you can’t blame the other guys trying to get some knob in edgewise.
Anyone with current experience in the modern Gynfantry able to confirm or deny?
I bet his response would have been, “Don’t be a wise-ass son, or my chicks will beat your ass.”
Spelling is hard.
This is funny as heck. With a mere five words, your boy encapsulated everything wrong with today’s culture in regards to women. We need kids that “talk out of turn.” These kinds of kids end up being our truth-tellers. Call this story “The Emperor’s New Military.”
Is that article about Bronze Stars a satire? I can’t tell.
>”She fought through long days and expended every ounce of her expertise to develop the financial processes for the command,” Air Force Capt. Anthony George, who nominated Haynes for a command award, said in the story.
That’s hilarious!
Military commentary aside the father’s options were address a child of another parent who broke civilized conversation or remain silent and appear either weak or constrained. Protocol and decorum says he took the correct (for the time) option.
There’s a scene in True Grit, clipped here,
Odd, isn’t, that wimmenz want kids when they can get out of military combat, but not when married to a good husband and have a boring and pointless cubicle HR job.
This. Option B isn’t chosen as there’s usually no agenda to need bargaining chips. Until, of course, frivorce is being planned.
because the women in uniform are fucking everything they can get their legs around
My last deployment they were doing it in bunkers, showers, porta johns, you name it. Two of them had syphilis and spread it to 50+ men. They were not charging for their services.
I bet the father of the girls is deeply sad that he has no sons, and proxies off his daughters as worthy substitutes, full of fighting spirit. Three butch daughters has *got* to be worth at least one son. He has too much respeck for his wife to contradict her, the mother of his 3
sonsdaughters. And one could hope for at least one being a transgender, then he could die a happy man.As usual in military affairs, Martin van Creveld has explored this terrain and reported back to us.
Martin van Creveld: Our armies become pussycats
It’s a summary of his book: “Pussycats: Why the Rest Keeps Beating the West.”
@Burner Prime
It’s really too bad if this is the mindset, because it is so needless. The way to get sons is not to warp one’s daughters. Just interest them in domestic industry and child-rearing from a young age, and before you know it, you will have sons-in-law who owe you everything because you rescued them from perhaps decades of dating empowered chicks.
@Swanny River
Ha. That would be perfect, especially if my son were a few years older. It keeps frame and is funny to boot.
@Mr. Woot
I can’t wait for the next session of Congress when they take up this gross injustice of inequality and pass a law mandating women sign up for the draft.
The newest arena is the football field. It’s starting to become more widespread…and your typical DODO father (or men in general) will say ‘she could probably kick your son’s ass on the field’.
Got out of the Navy in 2016 after six years, four of them on a CVN out of Norfolk VA. Some general observations:
1. Crew of my ship was about 20% female at any given time. This was not at all evenly distributed – some departments like Admin, Media (yes, a CVN has its own media department), Medical & Supply are 50%+. As a general rule, the easier the job was, the more women in that department; the more female a department, the more dysfunctional it was. Similar demographics apply when breaking down by ethnicity. (Reactor, where I worked, was “overwhelmingly white and male” as the news would put it.)
2. As others have mentioned, scheduled deployments meant that the women all mysteriously got pregnant. Almost all feign surprise and claim this was unplanned, despite there being no repercussions for the honest few that outright admit to doing it intentionally. Big Navy is willfully blind to the issue; they push an endless variety of free birth control and force everyone (male and female) to sit through endless family planning classes, and wonder why it doesn’t seem to help. Getting knocked up means immediate rotation to a non-physical duty shore billet for the term of the pregnancy plus five months. My department had a female E-8 (Senior Chief) who got her first Sea Service Deployment Ribbon (SSDR – awarded to the ship’s crew after a deployment greater than 90 consecutive days) at the same time I did. I can only guess how many deployments she’d had to skip out on to manage that – normal rotation for sailors is five years at a seagoing command, then three years ashore. A sailor that leaves the command on short notice creates considerable hardship for their shipmates, who have to pick up the slack until a replacement arrives and can be qualified to do the job that was vacated.
3. Almost all women who join the Navy are single, especially enlisted. The ship is treated like a dating service. Having a “Boat Boo” is officially forbidden but there’s really no way to prevent it. Endless drama ensues. Shortly before I reported on board, a prostitution ring was broken up on the ship where female sailors had organized a system of cash payments for sex. Almost all enlisted females will marry someone they work with, at which point one of the two is transferred to another command. Adultery involving married female sailors when underway – officers and enlisted – is unbelievably common. Fraternization is a constant problem, particularly among junior enlisted females and senior enlisted males.
4. Navy physical standards for men are not particularly stringent but they’re much more lax for women. Vast majority of female sailors are overweight. Almost all physically strenuous work mysteriously falls on male sailors. Senior enlisted leadership is primarily responsible for making sure the ladies don’t have to do anything involving picking stuff up or putting it down; officers pretend not to notice.
War is hell.
The problem is that just as we’ve seen every other step along the way, the rules will always be different in effect, even if they appear the same on paper. It isn’t just what women can do to avoid difficult or dangerous duty once in the military. It is also what women can do to avoid being accepted into the military in the first place. Draft uninterested women all you like; they’ll just fail to meet the physical standards and happily wash out. Make the standards easier, and they’ll try harder (and succeed) to wash out. And no one will hold this against the women, since we all know that women aren’t like men.
Prompt Critical says:
October 1, 2018 at 1:59 pm
Thank you for the update (I’ve been retired for almost 20 years). Nothing you describe surprises me in the least, but it does make me eternally grateful that I got out when I did. May the decline continue, full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes!
Probably the pill- screw with the hormones, and you get aggressive wlmen
The United States Army of Fish Speakers.
Lisa Simpson once ran into the same problem:
Take out the one thing they can do that men can’t do…and suddenly they think they should be invading every male space.
@Prompt Critical
The Patriarchy and its cursed STEM skills.
@Damn Crackers
Nice. Don’t forget what the Fish Speakers became when they came back.
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Prompt Critical: The ship is treated like a dating service. Having a “Boat Boo” is officially forbidden but there’s really no way to prevent it. Endless drama ensues. Shortly before I reported on board, a prostitution ring was broken up on the ship where female sailors had organized a system of cash payments for sex. …
The female response to this (and similar problems in other fields) is always: Why are you blaming the women? If men can’t keep their pants on, men are the problem. Maybe the solution is to snip off their balls!
At which point the women in the audience (e.g. Oprah, Ellen, etc.) hoot and cheer.
New law in California requires that, for every publicly traded company, at least one board member be a woman:
Some 165 California-based publicly traded companies without any female directors will have to find one or more by the end of 2019 under a bill signed by Governor Jerry Brown.
The push to get more women in the boardroom doesn’t stop there. The law requires a company with five directors to have at least two female members by 2021. If a board has six or more directors, three will have to be women — a threshold many of the state’s giants including Facebook Inc. and Tesla Inc. don’t currently meet.
Among the all-male boards, though, most are much smaller. Many are in the technology and biotechnology industries.
That will be simple, Redpill Latecomer: companies will work around this, reduce their number of board members or move abroad!
The CEO’s wife will be the token female board member.
Mr. Woot
Nope, you are both wrong.
As reported, the father’s options were in fact constrained by the pants his wife was wearing…
Welcome back, Dalrock.
As a dad whose son is now 22, has his own career and a life narrative, make sure your son has a smart-alec response to feminism, a swagger, and is 49% mongrel, 49% saint, with God holding the controlling share. In that way, the mongrel will protect the saint and the saint will control the mongrel. Both aspects have to be present in a young man’s character now for him to negotiate life.
As for the military, sigh. The Israeli Army has found that even in light duty, female soldiers get injured to the point of incapacitation. The Australian Army has failed to recruit any women for front line service, despite dropping ALL standards. Daniel Amneus has detailed how, during the ”Axe Tree Incident” in Korea (1976), women in the Army totally destroyed the mobilization process of the Armed Forces, since the showed up to base camps wit the children ”because they couldn’t get a baby sitter”
Okay, get ready for pictures of women coming back from war zones missing limbs due to IEDs. Oh, and the Free World is going to get it’s arse kicked on the world’s battlefields.
I always thought the only reason women got into the Israeli Army was so they could pose in bikinis with guns.
The fundamental goal is to mark the military as a feminine space, to make it impossible for men to associate the military with manly pride. But how can a man take pride in his daughters invading a male space once other men’s daughters have already made it a place for women? Such a father needs other men’s sons to still believe that the military is a male space, so his daughters can prove them wrong. Otherwise, what is the point?
Historians of the future will chronical how a late-stage Democracy invariably burns through all of its wealth (no matter how much it once had) in increasingly futile fights against nature itself.
American soldiers don’t defend America. They’re cannon fodder for corporate globalists and foreign interests. Israel heavily pushed for the Iraq War, much like Netanyahu is currently trying to get us to attack Syria and Iran.
So many American soldiers come back maimed, blinded, crippled, and none of it to defend the United States. It’s treasonous the way our soldiers’ patriotism and sacrifice are misused and abused.
earl says:
October 1, 2018 at 6:47 pm
The Israeli Army has found that even in light duty, female soldiers get injured to the point of incapacitation.
I always thought the only reason women got into the Israeli Army was so they could pose in bikinis with guns.
..and aren’t Israeli feminists vicious about the truth behind it:
Masculinized women in contemporary culture and subversion of the masculine:
The pathology of masculinizing women is quite a problem that people don’t complain as much about.
Why is that?
The way to get sons is having a large family, then its adoption, and lastly as you say sons-in-law.
If a family is small there is definitely a lesser chance of having a biological son.
Yeah that’s just what we need…more women in the corporate boardrooms and the like. What are they going to do when they hear facts that are uncomfortable? Say they aren’t true by emoting them away?
The Australian Army has failed to recruit any women for front line service, despite dropping ALL standards.
None of this stops US cuckservative faggots from insisting that women only join the military because cowardly men refuse to, and women take up the hard work of defending ‘their’ country.
Nothing could be further from the truth. In addition to women never putting themselves in harm, they are extremely quick to outright switch sides when their own one is losing. A blue pill person would be puzzled that Muslim immigraton to the US rose dramatically after 9/11, and now you can’t even say that out of so many types of people to choose from, we can afford to exclude the one or two that are problematic. To not draw the connection between this and female suffrage is to be catastrophically blue-pill.
earl says:
October 1, 2018 at 8:51 pm
”Yeah that’s just what we need…more women in the corporate boardrooms and the like. What are they going to do when they hear facts that are uncomfortable? Say they aren’t true by emoting them away”?
That’s EXACTLY what they do. I have a sample size of 1, but it took me a long time to ”train” her to hear and act on, uncomfortable, salient truths. In the process I came close to losing my reputation, succumbing to her version of #metoo, smears, character assassination – you name it.This while my wife was also being a bitch.
I’m willing to entertain the well-used idiom, ”Not all women are like that” , but could someone using the NAWALT defense please tell me /us, what percentage of women are, so we can avoid them?
I expect to hear crickets chirping.
I did about ten years as a U.S. Marine and got out a few years ago. Interesting to note that, in my experience, female Marines were always referred to as that basic sexual designation: female. Their femininity (such as it was) was entirely stripped away and they became like some sort of grotesque, faux boy-man. There were several times when, as an enlisted leader, I would be giving a talk and feeling completely in my element looking at the faces of the young men I was responsible for leading, when I would be suddenly shocked back into my surreal surroundings on looking at one of the females. They were terribly out of place. They couldn’t PT for shit. They fell out of runs. They cried. They were constantly injured, in every way imaginable. The other commenters are entirely correct when referring to their rapacious sexual drives. STD-carrying barracks whores were common.
My most memorable event was when a female Marine, with another female in tow ostensibly for moral support, approached one of my fellow platoon sergeants in the office the day before a scheduled field exercise. She stated, in the open where I and the other platoon sergeants could hear that she was beginning her period, suffering bad menstrual cramps, and requested to be taken off the field exercise. Even after years of enduring female bullshit, this experience was beyond anything I had ever seen, and I attempted to suppress laughter and watched what this platoon sergeant, who was senior to me, did. Can you take a wild guess?
Of course he told her she didn’t have to go. And I understood immediately why he did so—he was married with kids to raise, and even though he was an experienced, respected Marine, a single substantiated Equal Opportunity (EO) complaint could effectively end or cripple his career. So in this way, a tall, imposing (he was a big guy), experienced Marine Gunnery Sergeant was reduced to enabling the malingering of one of his Marines in a way that would have never occurred had she been male.
To me, this experience is a microcosm of the effect of the entry of females on the combat power of the U.S. Marines. Can’t hack it and female? No problem. Can’t hack it and male? You’re pathetic and you suck. Every male Marine noticed the unfairness of it all, and the effect on morale was real and sizeable.
Some teenage male feminists protest Brett Kavanaugh by walking out of their high school class:
Check out the photos of these young male feminists: the Gammas of tomorrow.
I was never in the military but it seems to me that in real combat having women in the mix would put their male compatriots in significant harm’s way. What with the natural male instinct to protect women and the need to pick up the slack for all the things the women find they are suddenly unable to do in the heat of combat.
Saw this at the gym. She’s fat, slow, but getting cut like a fat slow boy would be just won’t do.
“Be all that you can be! Get an ugly wife, and a messed up life, in the Army!”
– Damon Wayans/Anton the bum.
Let’s count here…
1) “Because she’s a girl, she has been told she can no longer play on this team,” said attorney Mark Eiglarsh. “She’s been playing on this team for two years, and she kicks butt.”
2) “That this is a freak of nature, that she shouldn’t be playing, not with her boy,” said Violet’s father Orlando Mendez.
3) “The bottom line is she’s a superstar and was told she didn’t have to try out,” Eiglarsh said.
If it wasn’t for cucks and white knights feminism would collapse overnight.
JRob, I hate lawyers!
Anyone with current experience in the modern Gynfantry able to confirm or deny?
I was not infantry. But here is what I recall from my two most recent deployments. (2011 and 2014).
Upon arrival in theater, there is a sorting process that goes on, not exactly out in the open, but its pretty obvious. It does not matter if you are married, single, whatever.
Within the first, I would guess, two weeks, you receive signals of intention from the girls who are interested in having a one year (or however long your deployment is scheduled to be) temporary arrangement. If you have not paired up within that two weeks, you have made it clear that you are not going to take part in the year long mission that happens to break out during the bang-fest.
Everyone knows who is f&$#ing whom. It is not a secret. You can pull them aside and say “hey man, I thought you were married. What the f&%$ are you doing?” This will only brand you as totally NOT DOWN with the party and you will spend the rest of your deployment eating at the Kandahar Burger King by yourself. I didn’t really mind, because I still had my marriage intact.
Back home, the wives are getting pregnant, getting abortions or claiming they were raped (because of the inconvenient timing of the pregnancies). Mychael was a civilian nurse working at an on-post clinic while I was downrange and could tell some stories. She also got regularly hit on, even by officers in my chain of command when they found she was home alone while I was deployed.
On her last pregnancy, the physician ordered a bunch of routine tests on Mychael and when she got them back couldn’t believe the results. She was astounded that this was a totally uncomplicated (read: clean) pregnancy, save for the age. Sad.
The suicide rate climbs and continues to be correlated with infidelity, break ups, frivorce, etc and everyone keeps willfully and ignorantly pretending that what is needed are MORE mental health professionals and other attempts to attack the symptom, not the cause.
If we shove online suicide prevention trainings down their throats, maybe THEN they will stop killing themselves!
People are f&%$ing animals. They will have sex in dirty, dusty conexes, behind latrines, INSIDE latrines, whatever. Huge portions of the military have a way bigger share of STDs then the general population. All the while, nobody ever thinks to ask, “maybe its the mixing of the two in this environment that is the issue.”
You could (1)Go to “church” where the chaplain is basically a less dynamic version of Matt chandler in uniform who preaches:
A. Complimentariansm messages while awkwardly trying to relate the message back to the army’s official position “against” sexual harassment and assault. You’ve got to protect your sisters because they are brothers too!
B.An even more strained message trying to contextualize meaning into what the f$&@ we are doing here at all.
Who are you preaching to, buddy? I guarantee you not one man sitting in these pews is having any kind of sex with anyone, ever. Probably not even their wives when they get home.
I’d rather (2) take a nap until May.
But wait, can’t do that because I have an ethical obligation to my patients.
99% of whom are 19 year old girls who are totally ill equipped psychologically to be any where near a battlefield.
The other 1% are men who received a dear John letter and are at very high risk for killing themselves in the next 18 months.
Keeping the world safe for democracy hooah!!!!
“Yeah that’s just what we need…more women in the corporate boardrooms and the like.”
California is forcing it:
How long until those corporations get #metoo’d into the ground?
The military is for chicks.
He Knows.
More and more the young men are receiving and understanding this message.
The military is for chicks now – right up until they get punched in the face. This can be literal or figurative but the result seldom varies. Let’s call it something like ‘loss of combat effectiveness’. If all parties represented are there specifically for a fight, then almost any man can bring almost any woman to this point quick, fast, and in a hurry.
99% of whom are 19 year old girls who are totally ill equipped psychologically to be any where near a battlefield.
But they must be present in order to preserve feminist myths. Those myths are more important than reality, and for sure more important than the health, well-being or actual life of any 19 year old girl in a camo suit.
We should bear this in mind when exposed to rants from feminists. They do not care who gets hurt, mentally deranged or flat out killed by their absurd fantasies. The fantasy matters, people do not.
The other 1% are men who received a dear John letter and are at very high risk for killing themselves in the next 18 months.
Ton hasn’t been around the interwebs lately, but a few years back when he had just returned from downrange he could have confirmed this all too well.
The Twitter follow-on comments really show how bad it is on Twitter today.
Bunch of idiots.
I am a civilizationist and I am ready to see it all burn.
I had thoughts the suicide rate from veterans was higher because of infidelity rather than PTSD.
I mean what’s often cause of a lot of suicide for men when they haven’t gone to war? A coworker I know has been harbouring such thoughts after his wife divorced him and went openly promiscuous.
“The suicide rate climbs and continues to be correlated with infidelity, break ups, frivorce, etc and everyone keeps willfully and ignorantly pretending that what is needed are MORE mental health professionals and other attempts to attack the symptom, not the cause.
If we shove online suicide prevention trainings down their throats, maybe THEN they will stop killing themselves!”
If anybody is curious what a Converged suicide hotline looks like:
I mean what’s often cause of a lot of suicide for men when they haven’t gone to war? A coworker I know has been harbouring such thoughts after his wife divorced him and went openly promiscuous.
Earl, please spend as much time with that man as you can. If he’s a churchgoing man, encourage him to keep that up. Not to get into theology weeds, but if she’s screwing around he should be able to legitimately remarry in just about any church…but not this year, and not next year either.
You don’t have to give him advice, just listen and once in a while point out some facts. If there are children, he needs to stay alive for them, even if she’s gone the parental alienation route. If there are no children then he needs to take care of himself. If he’s in the dark revenge mindset, point out that “living well is best revenge” because she’ll almost certainly flame out in a few years.
Frivorced men go through a process just like Kubler-Ross’s dying process. In fact, it’s arguably the same thing, given how married men tend to define their “self”. Read the Wiki article and keep in mind that he may be in Despair this month but that could change to Anger or Bargaining.
Point him here, or maybe to Rollo’s, if you think that’s wise.
PS: No reconciliation with her, ever. No matter what she says. No matter what she does. She’s seriously damaged goods now. He would be setting himself up for more pain by any association with her now.
The Twitter follow-on comments really show how bad it is on Twitter today.
Bunch of idiots.
Social media has chosen sides in the cultural conflict. I predict Twitter will become a fully converged SJW echo chamber in the next year. Google was obviously tampering with search results and autocomplete in 2016, we can expect more this year. Facebook has been deliberately choosing what is “news” since 2016, I’m told it is more obvious than ever. No idea where Instagram and Snapchat are.
Social media is increasingly just the same stuff as ABC / CBS / NBC / PBS / CNN / MSNBC.
That’s been my focal point to him is his kid.
I don’t know if it was the pain of the moment but he’s certainly not doing the marriage route again…he was already planning on doing stuff I’ve heard MGTOW guys saying.
‘President Donald Trump said Tuesday that the confirmation process for his nominee to the Supreme Court was a “scary time” for men in America.
“It’s a very scary time for young men in America when you can be guilty of something that you may not be guilty of,” Trump said. “This is a very difficult time.”’
source: Breitbart
Donald doesn’t have much idea just how scary. Not really. But it’s an improvement on Barack Hussein and the shame-a-thon, yes?
Second Battle of Falluja is for chicks.
Antietam is for chicks.
Schlacht im Hürtgenwald is for chicks.
Guadalcanal is for chicks.
Iwo Jima is for chicks.
Pusan Perimeter is for chicks.
Gettysburg is for chicks.
I’m just imagining what kind of substitution processing might have been going through that old man’s brain at that moment.
Does not fucking compute. Hence man shakes his head.
When one considers the number of young men who lost their lives, KIA or MIA, in such horrific bloody battles, in blistering heat and frozen temperatures – forever gone, it is an insult that anyone, but especially ANY woman – especially mothers – who could would harbor such flippant attitudes toward military service, duty, war and sacrifice.
The whole culture is for chicks. Even the POTUS acknowledges this, albeit by omission. Yesterday:
“It is a very scary time for young men in America, where you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of,” Trump said. “This is a very, very — this is a very difficult time. What’s happening here has much more to do than even the appointment of a Supreme Court justice.”
I can’t find the actual quote of the following part, as it doesn’t make good leftist copy, so I’ll paraphrase. He said to wymnz, Think of your fathers. Think of your sons.
Think of your husbands? Where’s that? Even he knows women give two shits about any husband.
@ Scott & Earl,
Back in 2002, I was in college & ROTC when news stories were published about wife-murder-suicide cases at Fort Bragg, NC (home of the Army’s Special Operations Command & the 82nd Airborne Division). Here’s a sample.
Note the title – “Rash of Wife Killings at Ft. Bragg Leaves the Base Wondering Why”.
Having served as an enlisted man before college, I assure you, no one with more than a year’s experience in the military wondered why those Sergeants murdered their wives, then committed suicide.
In time, the obvious truth came out. The wives cheated on their husbands while they were deployed, the husbands found out, and they responded by murdering their wives, then committing suicide. Every serviceman and wife of a serviceman knows the pattern, either because they’ve heard about it, or they know someone who followed it. Yet, no one dares officially recognize it.
And so, the pattern perpetuates itself.
I think we discussed such in an earlier thread. Here’s an oldie/goodie:
Well we can’t have women as anything other than pure goddessess of unlimited virtue who just can’t sin. Things like adultery would shatter that notion.
Meant to post this one.
When one considers the number of young men who lost their lives, KIA or MIA, in such horrific bloody battles, in blistering heat and frozen temperatures – forever gone, it is an insult that anyone, but especially ANY woman – especially mothers – who could would harbor such flippant attitudes toward military service, duty, war and sacrifice.
Given those attitudes, I’m now at the point of believing that what most American women deserve is to experience a re-enactment on American soil of “the Great Prussian Rape Campaign” conducted by the Red Army in eastern Germany and Berlin, April-May 1945. Since they don’t need no stinkin’ men to defend them, let them take a crack at it themselves.
If women had to storm the beaches of Normandy, we would all be speaking German or Japanese now. 🙄
IF (big “IF”) women were FORCED to go into combat with the “pregnancy cop-out scam”), they would stop RUINING the readiness of our military. Once they start coming back with limbs chopped off and in caskets, they would stop joining the military and turning it into a SJW brothel.
The only thing women do in the US military today is cost money, reduce morale (by creating drama, high-school-lifestyle in base housing, lawsuits, etc), and by making it a less effective fighting machine (reducing physical requirements, etc). We see this in fire departments and police depts as well. Women join for job pay and benefits and ruin its effectiveness. -_-
Our powerful military has become an “easy jobs” program for women, many who run a side business as “comfort base women” for cash. It is ridiculous. Take a lesson from the Romans, they turned their fierce barracks into playgrounds for women and kids, and in time, their military became worthless and their almost-millennia long empire collapsed.
The last place women should be in, is the military, especially in the front lines.
@ ChristianCool
Speaking of physical standards, the Army’s new physical fitness test standards are out, and they’re age neutral, and gender neutral. Unfortunately, they’re pretty weak.
The standards are separated by MOS (Military Operation Specialty). “Combat” MOSs are classified “heavy”, while others are classified “significant” and “moderate”.
Cheers to the Army for including the deadlift (the king of all lifts), but jeers for making it a trap bar* deadlift, which is a lot easier than a barbell deadlift, and for making it so light. The minimum deadlift for a “heavy” MOS is barely 180 lb. I could barbell deadlift 305 lb in high school, and I was a 148 lb cross country runner.
Anyway, because the standards are gender neutral, male Soldiers will easily outperform their female counterparts. Let’s see how long that lasts.
*This is a trap bar deadlift.

Thing is, American and Western women don’t have to experience anything themselves.
They don’t even need much of an imagination either.
All they would have to do is simple STFU and listen to or interview a small handful of Bosnian Muslim women survivors, who are now in their late 40s, and who were rounded up as young as 8 years old by guerilla soldiers, brought to a shelled-out hotel in Kalinovik, gang-raped night and day for months, and then forced with violence to serve as prostitutes for the platoon. Some of the women who refused to comply were beaten to death, or had their throats sliced in front of the other women and their children and left to bleed out, or were gunned down by AK-47s public execution style. Some were beheaded by axes or hung.
And they still don’t know how many women were actually killed, or even where their remains are.
This is 1993 – Just 25 years ago. In the middle of modern day Europe.
War is for chicks.
@ constrainedlocus
If only those young Bosnian women/girls had watched Patty Jenkins’ Wonder Woman go over the top in WWI, they would’ve easily overcome their captors.
So….yeah. Question: Are we breast feeding infants or preparing for war?
Permanent lactation rooms. Did you read that part? It’s that just really nice?
Thing is, American and Western women don’t have to experience anything themselves.
They don’t even need much of an imagination either.
All they would have to do is simple STFU and listen to or interview a small handful of Bosnian Muslim women survivors …
Wouldn’t make any difference. Being American AND women (i.e., being even more clueless, selfish, and solipsistic than women elsewhere on the planet), their reactions and attitudes would be along the lines of “sucks to be them” and “of course that’ll NEVER happen to us here.”
No, the only possible way to get their attention is through an “exceptionalism-busting” experience, letting them spend some humbling time in the shoes of women from “unexceptional” parts of the world where snowflakes are very few and far between.
“feeriker says:
October 1, 2018 at 2:35 pm
Prompt Critical says:
October 1, 2018 at 1:59 pm
Thank you for the update (I’ve been retired for almost 20 years). Nothing you describe surprises me in the least, but it does make me eternally grateful that I got out when I did. May the decline continue, full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes!”
I feel the same way (served for twenty years and took my retirement over fifteen years ago).
Today’s women are worse than weak sissified cowardly men — big mouths all full of their “grrrrl power” up until the time they’ll take a punch from some grunt on the other side who doesn’t give a damn about being PC and won’t pull his punches. Then they’ll howl about the “unfairness” of it all.
Feminism WOULD fall apart like the House of Cards that it is, if it wasn’t for the damned spineless socons and white knights that support it. I just hope that I can live long enough to see it burn and witness the humbling of the femiNazis and their supporters (may they all go to He** where they belong).
Maybe the boy has been reading military dot com:
Meanwhile, the service has institutionalized training on the phenomenon of unconscious bias, with courses now offered at Marine Corps boot camp and all schoolhouses, including commanders’ courses, Walters said.
Always send a woman to command your forces in “a deeply patriarchal country.”
A boy at that age saying that the military for chicks is by default saying “The military is not for men.”
Some of the commenters alluded to this fact but it seems odd to me that this feminist mother and her daughters didn’t pick up on the implication. I suspect that the father did but obviously after consideration opted not to say anything about it. Maybe he has been secretly red pilled.
Random drug testing helped identify and clean out druggies in the 1970s-era US military. In the 21st century, random semen checks of the females would go a long way toward identifying the “STD-carrying barracks whores” and expelling them.
As for crying, if there is no crying in baseball then there certainly should be no crying in the Marines. Remember, females can turn on their waterworks at will but a man can’t will himself to sweat.
I say draft them like the males and line these females up in infantry formation, rifles in hand, and march them into battle. Treat them exactly like the men no special privileges or consideration whatsoever. Tag and bag them along with the rest when they get their heads blown off. Eventually they’ll start to figure it out.