Following up from my post two weeks ago on the power of Christian women, here is an example from commenter Carlotta. Carlotta shared this story back in March of 2016:
What about women with unbelieving spouses? I was one. I read my Bible and prayed and lived my faith. Took 18 years and he is saved. I would even ask him questions. I showed him in the Bible that I had to ask him and asked him to please help me. He did. It wasn’t until I stopped listening to all women preachers, going to Bible studies and just followed Yahweh that he even took me serious. Masculine men are not interested in watching their wives follow other people. Yahweh knows what he is about. I lived my faith, I took my questions to him and put him in charge. He took it seriously and it became a match between him and the Holy one instead of him and me or him and my Teacher.
Some would no doubt differ with her understanding of 1 Corinthians 14:35 applying to a non believing husband (ESV):
If there is anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.
But none could deny the beauty and awesome power of her obedience to 1 Pet 3:1-6 (ESV):
3 Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, 2 when they see your respectful and pure conduct. 3 Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— 4 but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. 5 For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, 6 as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.
However, following the instructions of Scripture is terribly unsatisfying from the modern Christian perspective. Wives winning their husbands over via submission lacks feminist moxie. Moreover, it doesn’t fit the modern conservative Christian model either. In the conservative model the desired process is to declare oneself the only real man in the room and invite Christian wives to order their husbands to attend the latest iteration of Christian Man Up Academy, where the real men can teach the clueless bastards everything they need to know.
See Also:
Carlotta sounds like a diamond in the Western dirt.
Off topic, but predictable:
“Why are men willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a robot that obeys their smallest command?” the feminists asked rhetorically. “A female robot cannot say no to something that the man wants, if she is not programmed to do so”, the feminists complained.
For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.
Let the meltdown commence!
He is either God or he’s not. There is no other God according to the Bible. The Bible says to serve God and keep his commandments because this is the whole duty of man, not just saved men, so all men are expected to accept Christ and are obligated to get saved and raise their families for the Lord.
While you can argue that a lost man can’t answer the questions because of ignorance, that’s the point. He’s expected to be able to teach his family. He still has the responsiblity. When Carlotta came to him with her questions (which the Bible says she is to do without stating any exception) it puts the pressure on him to be able to answer her. He sees that he is lacking and it’s up to him to fix.
This really is a beautiful story. God’s amazing.
Well said by Carlotta.
By Scripture saying that the woman is subject to the man “in everything”
it means that the man is never subject to the woman in anything.
Yet, women of the church go around many times a day trying to make men subject to their opinions, their supposed insight, their desired way, etc.
This is why the first thing the woman of God must do is to shut the damnation up.
One commenter said “it puts the pressure on him to be able to answer her” regarding the wife asking him about scripture. I have never observed it that way in life. I’ve observed it as the man is RELEASED by her now submitting to Scripture, and to him. Any man that I have seen that appears to remotely be a man of God is just waiting for his wife to shut the fuck up so that he can lead.
Once again if certain passages from St. Paul are to be ignored, what else can Christians ignore?
Beautiful story. Good for Carlotta and her husband.
Good story, good outcome. Too bad it won’t get any play in Nathan’s world.
Women will preacher shop and counselor shop until they find one who will command her husband to do as she says. Which is completely contrary to God’s design.
How do we best give those false teachers consequences?
The context of that statement was a lost man who is still expected to lead his family for the Lord even if he doesn’t acknowledge him. Being lost does not remove our obligation to God.
@ Sharkly
We need not seek to punish those who enable and encourage contemptible behavior. The Lord will pay them their dues, as He does for us all. Our charge is to endure, to keep the faith alive in these dark times.
A more pertinent question then is how do we best go about enduring these trials?
18 years to convert her husband is more than moxie
Beautiful story from Carlotta!
I haven’t seen her here in a year or so. Is she still around?
It wasn’t until I stopped listening to all women preachers, going to Bible studies and just followed Yahweh that he even took me serious. Masculine men are not interested in watching their wives follow other people.
It’s Carlotta who should be taking the place of heretics Beth Moore and Sheilah Gregoire as a teacher of women as to their proper biblical roles and responsibilities. Sadly, most “Christian” woman want their ears tickled and their own (unbiblical and unChristian) desires validated. Carlotta, based on her previous posts here, is the LAST woman on earth who would do that.
That is a great story at multiple levels! A woman who obeyed God. A woman whose husband was won without a word through her submission to both the Word and to him.
Good girl. Now that’s more like it. Her type is very rare these days.
Very timely
Just today Mychael called me to ask about a book that was recommended to her to read with her girlfriends written by a very social-justice minded woman who was a Episcopalian priest with her husband before they converted.
She kind of recognized the name and was concerned. I told her absolutely not so she had her friends chose something else.
That is beautiful. Unlike gospel story du jour this rings true. I like to believe that nebuchadnezzar was saved, but it’s unnecessary to see the duty even the fallen have to the king of kings.
True acts of faith always look like fucking insanity to the fallen. This is why the first church of churchianity says that the first thing you do when god is calling you to do something is talk to the elders, so they can convince you otherwise. Would hate for the parishioners to quit the job and not have anything to tithe anymore.
Amen. This would never have even occurred to me. This is why the Catholics felt the word in the hands of the rabble was dangerous. Reading the bible and obeying its instruction! How novel!
The churchian leaders hearing this story. I can just imagine. “Well that’s all fine and everything but it might not be the best thing for everything we should be careful” is God not capable of protecting his people? Is he not the good shepherd? Yes pray! Ask him. But when you get an answer throw away all doubt and move boldly forward, knowing that you cannot be stopped! You can’t put a foot wrong! Amen amen amen. Thank you for sharing this.
Pingback: A real life example of the power of a Christian wife. | Reaction Times
@Ras al Ghul
FYI, I’m not sure why your comments keep coming into moderation. I double checked the moderation list and neither your email address nor your IP is in my list. I’m guessing wordpress doesn’t like your email address. I don’t have any issue with it, but if you want to change to something else feel free.
I have finally accepted that I will have to marry an ex slut christian between 25-29 years of age. I don’t care anymore. I tried not to be a whoremonger, but can only hold out for so long. The young women at my bible college did not want to marry several years ago, so this is the post college mad max dating landscape.
Carlotta had no business marrying a non-Christian.
Where the unability to say no to women brings us!
Took 18 years and he is saved.
So, for eighteen years she polluted the church with her non-Christian husband. And the children; did they reach mid to late teens as unbelievers; are they still unbelievers?
The truth is that Carlotta despised the God given character of the Christian men in the churches she visited looking for Mr. Wallet or Mr Badboy.
No problem, the men who have no hope of winning can now compete as “women” and take home the gold!
We keep telling women that they’re identical to men…
Frank K, that’s hilarious, because now, feminists are allying with conservative to fight some inclusive laws.
Well done Carlotta, and thanks for the find, Dalrock.
Regarding 1 Peter 3: The female / cuckservative hysteria around the verse and what it tells women to do always prevents the first word of the verse from being analysed.
the word ”likewise” in the verse is the author telling women to behave like their men in the church who ”submit to earthly authorities… and slave masters…”
So, yes, that ”likewise” tells us that the word ”submission” needs to be brought back from the cuck cold where it has been for a long time.
Carlotta had no business marrying a non-Christian.
Gene, she herself might not have been a Christian either when she married him. Would you have preferred that she had divorced him and denied him the possibility of seeing the light and being saved, courtesy of the love and perseverance of the one closest to him? Would you have preferred that she created a bitter, broken victim of the churchian divorce mill (as most “Christian” women today would do to a non-believing husband)?
I’ll assume that you’re new to the Christian manosphere. Otherwise you’d know better than to make that statement.
I appreciate it.
Dalrock, you might like this one:
To add to what feeriker said: Even if she had married him rebelliously, her turning and submitting to him won him for the Kingdom. Her repentance from the “enlightened woman” model would be just as big a story as his conversion.
And of course, the Bible forbids a Christian woman from divorcing her unbelieving husband if he doesn’t want her to go.
1 Corinthians 14:35
Paul of Tarsus was a profoundly wise man.
Nathan could read Carlotta’s story a thousand times and still have no idea what she’s talking about.
Nathan could read Carlotta’s story a thousand times and still have no idea what she’s talking about.
Show of hands:
Who here would be surprised if Nathan (or any other churchian with a platform) were to launch a hysterical campaign against Carlotta for “being a doormat” (even though she did exactly what Scripture told her to do), but at the same time would either be silent about or enthusiastically supportive of a rebellious frivorcee in the mold of Jenny Erickson who doesn’t even know such Scripture exists (her years of “playing Christian” notwithstanding)?
Feeriker, read her words more carefully: Took 18 years
It is more logical to deduce from her statement that she was a Christian when she married her favorite heathen. That is eighteen years of damage to the church she along with her heathen husband attended:
1) She encouraged other single church ladies to date and marry heathen males;
2) That made the aware single Christian men pissed and the unaware wondering why the women refused to date them;
3) If the husband provided a middle class life-style, chances are the pair rose in status and responsibilities in her church and participated in decisions affecting the activities of the church; he may even have become an elder; in all likelihood be one in several heathen affecting church decisions;
4) Christian males begin to leave or fall away; In anger and desperation, begin to date heathen women; at least they try if their God-given character doesn’t turn off the heathen females first;
5) Carlota’s children grow up in religious limbo; at best they adopt the religious mask, not really Christians;
7) If she had daughters, they having had their characters formed by a heathen father, will be attracted to heathen boys, not Christians;
8) If she has sons, they will seek out Christian girls just like their mother; but girls just like their mother prefer heathen; this all leads to angry incel Christian males who might be married in their thirties after the “good Christian” girls have run through their heathen boyfriends or maybe even marriages to heathen;
9) And if you understand the sex act with a virgin is the biblical marriage act, you will realize that the Christian male when he marries the ex-virgin, is committing adultery:
The praised heaped upon Carlota is misplaced and is an embarrassment to aware Christian men.
And Feeriker, I am not a newcomer to Christian mens’ rights movement by any means.
After watching the video over at academy of Christian MEN should be taught by someone who can do at least a dozen pushups.
18 years is the bare minimum it seems for a good story. Look at Lori Alexander. She was a rebellious shrew for 23 years or something before she transformed into the stellar wife she is today. They all have to have a story of woe of how they once were but now through the magic of Christ they are changed. Meanwhile husbands have suffered for decades and they get a pass on that. Strangely, women who take that long to figure it out are to be applauded. I will get more excited when I start to see women figure these things out from the beginning. The best a man can get these days is to marry and hope in 20 years God will change her heart. Doesn’t sound like anything to celebrate to me.
Mike – “I have finally accepted that I will have to marry an ex slut christian between 25-29 years of age”
Check out her relationship with her father – if she loves him, respects him (important), cares about his approval. If he’s a Christian too that’s even better.
I know a couple of ex-carousellers who’ve made decent wives and mothers. AWALT may be true, but it exists on a spectrum. With luck she should be too busy with the kids to think about straying for the first 10-15 years.
Mike… you will care when she eventually divorces you.
Don’t marry a slut, once a slut, always a slut. If you give in, you will be in for a life of hurt, the likes of which will make your troubles now seem like Heaven.
Know this. She will have absolute control. You will be denied sex often, probably 90% of the time. Your urges will still haunt you all the days of your life, she will not help you relieve them. She will burden you with far more grief than you can ever imagine. Your life will be over.
A shit sandwich! Mmhhh! Bite down and chew on that shit! Enjoy it because that’s all you’ll be getting and only once her pussy holds zero value, will she become your ‘wife’. Yay!
It seems a lot of commenters are presuming Carlotta was a Christian when she married a non-believer. It would be interesting to hear the answer to that, but it should not be presumed.
That being said, I’ve seen a couple of cases of Christian woman married to an unbeliever or an alcoholic who always tearfully mention their burden in prayer request time. And then after twenty years her husband becomes a believer – and she immediately divorces him.
“And then after twenty years her husband becomes a believer – and she immediately divorces him.”
I think in both of those cases, the woman was using her unbelieving husband as some kind of deal with God. Her self-imposed suffering justified her for some other sin in her life. When he converted, and no longer was useful for that purpose, she dumped him.
People often fail to get the whole picture in cases like this. One part is proper – submission, but the rest is not. But most will focus on all the other stuff instead of what should be the focus.
Note that those 18 years were unlikely to have been “nice” for her in any manner, even though that point is not drilled home.
“Some kind of deal with God”
Penance for sin is a novel notion. She was using him to sweetly suffer in prayer time and glory in the back pats and attagirls. She wanted to be a martyr!
The last thing anyone should engage in is public prayer time, certainly not who’s the biggest martyr festivals.
As for krongberg, you are a pharisee.
I’ve seen a couple of cases of Christian woman married to an unbeliever or an alcoholic who always tearfully mention their burden in prayer request time. And then after twenty years her husband becomes a believer – and she immediately divorces him.
Women realize that once unbelieving husbands see the Light and are saved, they no longer have any leverage over them. They also realize, even if only on a subconscious level, that they now have to actually submit to their husbands (“Hey, I was a believer long before he was! I have spiritual seniority! How dare I should have to submit to this spiritual infant!”). OH, THE HORROR! Best to come up with some pseudo-scriptural excuse to blow it all up.
The last thing anyone should engage in is public prayer time, certainly not who’s the biggest martyr festivals.
Sounds like just about every “prayer service” I’ve ever attended. And don’t forget the “gossip-disguised-as-prayer” angle.
As for krongberg, you are a pharisee.
Or just a (not very skillful) troll.
@feministhater- “If you give in, you will be in for a life of hurt, the likes of which will make your troubles now seem like Heaven.
Know this. She will have absolute control. You will be denied sex often, probably 90% of the time. Your urges will still haunt you all the days of your life, she will not help you relieve them. She will burden you with far more grief than you can ever imagine. Your life will be over.“
This is true. I can vouch for this from experience.
“I know a couple of ex-carousellers who’ve made decent wives and mothers. AWALT may be true, but it exists on a spectrum.”
Well, based on the number of partners curve vs chance of divorce curve, it bottoms out at 10%. So even a woman with 100 partners has a 10% chance of not divorcing her chump. Maybe that 10% represents the real conversions, who knows.
Any man who signs up for those odds is either an idiot or a saint. There’s a reason they say “great Hosea”.
That being said, I’ve seen a couple of cases of Christian woman married to an unbeliever or an alcoholic who always tearfully mention their burden in prayer request time.
I attended one fundamentalist church in the early eighties.where there was a noisily weeping had woman who had married a heathen male who left her; she sat there in the front row wailing; even through sermons. Th e preacher should have told her to be quiet; if she persisted; he should have given a sermon on not marrying heathen; but that would have alienated half the female congregation.
Feeriker: you do not even know what a pharisee is. Being able to reason out the consequences of observed behavior makes no one a pharisee. It is called wisdom.
In his “Confessions,” Augustine praised his mother’s submission to his father even though he was a difficult man. Gone are those days. Women will try everything but submission. I think most Christian women need to be taught this by their husbands, contra the Complimentarians’ assertion that you can just lead by example or prevent her disobedience by taking care of her. Consider how God responds to our disobedience: chastisement. Consider how Christ rebukes his Bride in the opening chapters of Revelation. Women really cannot be happy unless they are submissive because submitting to their husbands in all things as Peter says is submitting to God.
”If she had daughters, they having had their characters formed by a heathen father, will be attracted to heathen boys”
What? Do you really know how female attraction really works. It remains the same regardless as in preferring the more masculine man over the more effete man.Women with effete fathers aren’t suddenly attracted to effete men.
The Chad. Regardless of his Christianity or not.
Another positive article:
Semi – OT:
Note that it is 1) just a forum post, and 2) a repost, so zero vapors about copyright lawsuits should be in order.
Wish: Granted
“Re: Heh at WRSA, and the federal ruling that a draft of only men is unconstitutional, we saw this shrill bleat that such manifest fairness is unfair go unanswered:
It is interesting to read the comments on this subject. It seems most commenters would enjoy seeing their young women getting drafted into combat, getting killed or mutilated, and many call women by vile profanities. Only a few men like you hold the line in your own lives and resist the temptation to bitterness and self destruction.
It seems that few WRSA readers have the foresight to see that the enemy has already set up residence in your head and wrecked any future you could have had in a decent, moral society if you take joy in the thought of having your own women forced into combat, killed or mutilated.
Hey, hold my beer:
Dear Lori,
1) Shells that landed inside your perimeter can be assumed to be aimed fire. Welcome to combat. It’s a bitch like that.
2) “Their” young women? Ha! “Your body, your choice.” Wait, what?
People told you for fifty years that if feminazis wanted to push for military service equality, you’d get it, good and hard. Welcome to the party, pal. The federal courts just punched your equality ticket. Enjoy combat. I hear it’s a peach. Bummer you can’t change biology, huh?
That rustling sound is your chickens coming home to roost.
3) “and many call women by vile profanities”.
Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of the caterwauling about toxic masculinity, rape culture, and 57 other flavors of anti-man feminist horseshit polluting the culture for 50+ years.
Men built the culture and the civilization, and even gave the Sisterhood the very equality they’re now enjoying, and all the Sisterhood has done with each expansion of that equality is squat and shit harder on men in general, and in specific.
Imagine a sentence that begins with the word “Go”, and ends with “yourself”, and see if you can cleverly supply the missing four-letter verb that belongs between the imperative and the object in that sentence.
Some of us aren’t holding the line, we’re holding our sides while you get your equality, good and hard, just like you bitched, whined, moaned, and pussy-hatted for. Wasn’t you? Go bitch at three generations of bull dykes in congress, et al, whom you let do your talking, and voting. Now you’ll get to enjoy feeling like men do when the military draft makes them Fate’s bitch. Legend has it your gender has some experience with that, so all y’all should take to this like a duck to water. Pisser about how heavy the packs are, huh?
4) “bitterness and self-destruction”.
Really? You mean after watching generations aborted in their millions, women en masse making sport of degrading, deriding, and ridiculing men as a gender, for decades, we’re not already seeing the root of that bitterness that lead to civilizational self-destruction? On what planet? Maybe you’ve noticed the growth industry of importing women from foreign lands as yet uninfected by the American Harpy Disease as brides here, who have still some wee notion of the eternal sense of division of roles by gender, courtesy of biology, and who’re not afraid to be mothers, while resisting the asinine fairytale notion that you can “have it all”, instead preferring marriages that endure, and motherhood in a two-parent traditional family, while resisting the perennially failing idea that you can skip those things, and have an endless parade of penises, and a career, and then squeak out a child as an artificially inseminated career woman, with Government as the Baby Daddy, because Gloria Steinem lied it into truth.
5) “It seems that few WRSA readers blah blah blah”…
No, sweetheart, the enemy has been sitting in residence in our institutions. Perhaps you’ve been asleep for fifty years. Men have not.
They’re tired of being accused of rape every time some drunken bimbo has buyer’s remorse the morning after. Or makes a story up out of whole cloth for a shot at a payday.
They’re tired of having no say about an abortion, but being saddled with full support for any baby delivered.
They’re tired of being saddled with paternity in a marriage despite that fact that up to 30% of all births within wedlock (itself a vanishing fraction of total births) are actually bastards sired by sluts catting around on the sly.
They’re tired of women yammering for equality, then treating husbands and fathers as disposable, after garnishing their paychecks for anywhere from 18 years to life.
So how about some more actual equality:
A baby isn’t your body. So from now on, no abortion unless the baby consents to it as well.
Good luck with that one.
Child support is 50/50. Women will be henceforth required to submit child support payments to the state in escrow. Women who fail to pony up the same amount as the father will be declared unfit, lose custody, and be imprisoned. Welcome to Deadbeat Mom status. Sauce for the gander.
No spousal support. You want spousal support, stay married. Divorce is henceforth a declaration of a desire by the filing party to be self-sufficient, entirely on their own hook. Alimony is hereby reset to $0, in perpetuity, in all cases. Each party departs the relationship with what they came into it with, and 50% of all joint assets produced during the union. And nothing more going forward. Now you’re equal. You don’t get to marry and divorce your way to an endless monkey-branching half of every man’s paycheck as your lifetime pension plan if you don’t honor the “until death do us part” section of the oath.
False and unsubstantiated accusations of rape, battery, or sexual harassment will be mandatorily prosecuted, with non-negotiable sentencing of the guilty equal to the highest sentence allowed for a man convicted of the same crime. Plus civil damages and loser pays lawyer fees. Due process is a thing again.
Three false accusations of same will constitute Three Strikes, and lifetime incarceration.
Aw…too soon?
6) “wrecked any future you could have had in a decent, moral society…”
Stop, you’re killing me, and my sides hurt from laughing.
Look at teen pregnancy, the number of abortions, divorce, out-of-wedlock births, shacking up, marital infidelity, and every social pathology traceable incontrovertibly to single parenthood (read single motherhood), and tell we where is that decent, moral society you’ve fantasized. Maybe among the Amish, or back in 1950. No one’s seen it hereabouts for decades.
7) “if you take joy in the thought of having your own women forced into combat, killed and mutilated”.
Apparently you’ve missed those same men, in droves, warning you that’s exactly what you were going get if the Sisterhood kept pushing this anti-biological codswallop contrary to reality forever that women are physically equal to men, and missed as well exactly the commenters you deride (hard to break old habits?) tell you until their tongues had calluses that 99% of women don’t even belong in the military in the first place, and never have, let alone within a country mile of combat duties, because there isn’t 1 in a literal 1,000,000 women who could even pass the physical.
And that it’s going to get women and men killed and maimed when it’s tried, and on top of that, cost us a battle, a campaign, perhaps even a war.
But the Womyn Of The 21st Century are immune to such facts, logic, and millennia-long biological realities, and aren’t having any of it, because the Sisterhood has pink-pilled them into oblivion chasing exactly this nonsensical fairytale nightmare.
If all we had to do was draft the lot of you, and kill and maim you in the literal millions to finally eradicate the error, I’d happily see an entire generation of lunatic women dismembered and slaughtered, just to see the pitiful few croaking and bloody survivors come crawling back to common sense, and let us try again societally in 20 years with generations yet unborn and untainted by the poisonous nonsense of retard feminism.
It would be a bargain for everyone but yourselves if the inevitable bloodbath only looked like WWI trench warfare, and wiped you out to the last lip-quivering Wannabe Combat Barbie.
And since that appears to be the only way 99% of you will ever wrap your empty, ungrateful heads around reality, the day cannot come soon enough.”
Pic of what happens to a would-be Mary Sue in combat: (warning: NSFW due to violent image)